man of la mancha

Swati Sachdeva ENG4U Ms. Mason 4 th November 2013 Idea of Idealism in Man of La Mancha Idealism and realism are always much debated ideologies for life. There are any arguments about these two ideologies but most of the times it is believed that one is not better than other as everything comes with pros and cons. The play Man of La Mancha is based on the same idea of realism and idealism where characters like Don Quixote, who lived his entire life in illusions or Don Miguel Cervantes who strongly believes that one should live the life as he wants it instead of living it as it or Aldonza who lives her entire life as a realist but at last gives up her realist view towards life and accepts idealism. The play is based on the concept that if a person has to make choice then he/she should choose to live like an idealist with an illusion that gives them hope rather than reality that leads to despair.

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Swati SachdevaENG4UMs. Mason4th November 2013Idea of Idealism in Man of La Mancha Idealism and realism are always much debated ideologies for life. There are any arguments about these two ideologies but most of the times it is believed that one is not better than other as everything comes with pros and cons. The play Man of La Mancha is based on the same idea of realism and idealism where characters like Don Quixote, who lived his entire life in illusions or Don Miguel Cervantes who strongly believes that one should live the life as he wants it instead of living it as it or Aldonza who lives her entire life as a realist but at last gives up her realist view towards life and accepts idealism. The play is based on the concept that if a person has to make choice then he/she should choose to live like an idealist with an illusion that gives them hope rather than reality that leads to despair. The play Man of La Mancha argues about realism and idealism throughout its plot and considers both advantages and disadvantages of these two philosophies of life. This argument rises in the conversation between Duke and Cervantes. Cervantes says, to be too practical is madnesstoo much sanity may be madness (Wasserman 61). Cervantes statement explains that being a realist or to be practical with life is not always the best option as one needs to keep both advantages and disadvantages of it in mind. On the other hand, realist Duke thinks that both Cervantes and Don Quixote are lunatic and insane. Duke alleges: you both turn back on your life A man must come in terms with life as it is (60) Cervantes talks to Duke and tells him that the maddest of all is to live the life as it is (61). Cervantes mentions that he as seen people who lived the life as it is and yet they died despairing with no glory or great last words. The conversation concludes with Cervantes arguing why should he live the life as it is when he is able to see his life as it should be which gives him hope for better life and spirit to turn it into reality. Idealism through illusions in the play leads to hopes for living and someones hope can inspire another to transform his/her life from realism to idealism which could only be done by illusions. This is the case in Aldonza life. Aldonza who is primarily living as realist says, Nobody touches my heart. He is man isnt he? Alright, he wants what every other man wants (38). Aldonza lives like a realist who takes the life as it is and moves on with it therefore she confesses to the muleteers that she does not like the life she lives but thats how the life is and she will live it like it is. S. Aldonza asks Quixote: once just once would you look at me as I really am? (50). Dulcinea is Quixote imagination of a perfect woman but Aldonza never likes him calling her with this name. The reason is again being a realist, she do not believe that imagining herself as sweet lady will make her life any better. After the muleteers rapes her she feels that there is no hope for her in life she is living and therefore she tries to look at herself as Quixote does. She tells Quixote, you are my lord, Don Quixote my name is Dulcinea (78). Aldonza who always argued to Don Quixote that he should see her as she is in reality rather than calling her sweet lady, fair virgin or Dulcinea. But when she tried Quixote way of looking at her, she herself saw the perfect women in self and declares herself Dulcinea. Aldonza transformation is strong evidence that idealism brings hopes and happiness into lives. Another and the most important character who lives like an idealist is Don Quixote. Quixote sees life as it should be because it gives give hope to make world a better place with his noble ideals. He tells Sancho, like beauty my friend, `tis in the eyes of beholder (13). Don Quixote looks at his idealist world through imagination or illusions and always stay optimist about life. This is why an ordinary inn looks like a castle to him. Furthermore, Don Quixotes idealism is not just for self. While singing the impossible dream, he explains to Aldonza that the Quest is about to fight for the right without question or pausethat my heart will lie peaceful and calm when Im laid to my hear/ and the world will be better for his (50). Although he is optimist about life, his ideals are completely selfless and he is finding hopes for everyone. Padre finds it easier to accept Quixotes world because he is man of God, therefore, he must accept many things on faith such as believing that there is God which can never be proven. He says, and yet how lovely life would seem/ If every man could weave a dream/ To keep him from despair (46). He insists that if a madman is able to keep himself away from despairing then it is acceptable to have a dream to follow than to live life held up in realism. When Quixote face meets Knight of the Mirrors and confronts reality, it actually leads him to his death. Quixote tells Antonia that why should a man get well when he is dying? Its such a waste of good health (75). This quotation clearly shows that Quixote is being practical with his life and has adopted realism. The first time Quixote talked as a realist and few minutes later he dies. In reality Quixote is dead but his idealism and dreams are still alive. Prisoners singing the impossible dream are the evidence that they have adapted Quixote way of looking at life and they are willing to reach the unreachable star. In conclusion, the play conveys the idea that it is healthy to live in illusions and being an idealist that allows someone to bring hopes of living and happiness into life rather than being a hopeless or discouraging realist. When Cervantes and Duke talks about idealism and realism, Cervantes claims that realism provides a person with nothing but sorrow whereas living as an idealist brings optimism in life and spirit to make everything perfect. Aldonza transformation from realist to idealist is another instance where the play delivers the message of importance of idealism in life. Don Quixotes entire life is also portrayed as an example of how idealism brings hopes of living and extreme joy. In the play Man of La Mancha idealism is surely seen as more important than realism.

Work CitedLeigh, Mitch, Joe Darion, and Dale Wasserman.Man of La Mancha:. New York: Random House, 1966. Print.