malaysia icop on iaq by ir hj anuar mohd mokhtar

Malaysian ICOP on Indoor Air Quality Ir Hj Anuar Mohd. Mokhtar DOSH Malaysia

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Page 1: Malaysia ICOP On IAQ by Ir Hj Anuar Mohd Mokhtar

Malaysian ICOP on Indoor Air


Ir Hj Anuar Mohd. Mokhtar

DOSH Malaysia

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� Introduction

� Indoor air quality (IAQ) issues in Malaysia

� Background to ICOP


� Benefits of adopting ICOP� Benefits of adopting ICOP

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� Increased concern regarding indoor air quality

� More time spent indoors-up to 90%?

� New building more insulated

� Levels of certain pollutants significantly higher than outdoor

� VOCs, pesticides, by products of combustion

� Widespread use of synthetic materials and chemicals� Widespread use of synthetic materials and chemicals

� Toxicological data on most of them are limited

� Good IAQ is not solely about comfort but also about prevention of building related diseases and diseases from environmental tobacco smoke

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IAQ refers to •The air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates



SYNDROMESYNDROMEILLNESSESILLNESSES especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants


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� A phenomenon that occur when more than 20% of the occupants of a building complain about air quality or have definite symptoms (ILO Encyclopaedia)

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� Less often, but often more serious & are accompanied by very definite clinical signs & clear laboratory findings� Hypersensitivity

� Hypersensitivity pneumonitis,

Humidifier fever, � Humidifier fever,

� Asthma, Rhinitis,

� Dermatitis

� Infections� Legionnaire’s disease and Pontiac fever

� Tuberculosis (TB),

� Common cold

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Legionnaires’ Disease & Pontiac Fever

� Diseases of the respiratory system

� Result of an infection of legionella bacteria hence disease is described as legionellosis

� Legionnaires’ disease is the more severe form of infection which includes pneumoniawhich includes pneumonia

� Pontiac fever is a milder illness, causing flu-like symptoms without pneumonia

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� Lung cancer

� Radon*

� Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)

� Mesothelioma

� Asbestos

*Radon is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, naturally occurring, radioactive noble gas. It is considered to be a health hazard because it is radioactive.Radon is produced by radioactive decay of uranium that is present in rocks, soils, brick and concrete. It is reportedly the second most frequent cause of lung cancer, after cigarette smoking.

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Results of studies by US NIOSH in 1990 Results of studies by US NIOSH in 1990 (more than 500 buildings investigated)(more than 500 buildings investigated)

Inadequate ventilation 52%

Indoor contaminant sources 16%


Indoor contaminant sources 16%

Outdoor contamination 10%

Microorganisms 5%

Contamination from fabrics/

building materials


Unknown sources 13%

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� Mouldy building/offices

� High humidity

� Pipe burst/leakage

� Flooding

� Smoking indoors

� Cold offices

� Low temperatures

� Chemical emissions

� Off-gassing from building materials

Split unit air-conditioners� Offices

� Restaurants

� Designated areas

� Split unit air-conditioners

� Fresh air lacking


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� Concerns for exposure to secondhand smoke led to a COP on indoor air quality in 2005

� Compliance with the 2005 COP on Indoor Air Quality is voluntary

� However, Industry code of practice (ICOP) is a legal instrument provided for under a legal instrument provided for under Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994

� OSHA-general duty of an employer and also building owner to ensure the safety and without risk to health of employees and anyone at a place of work

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� Section15:� Employer shall ensure, as far as practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work for all his employees (including contractors and his employees)

� Section 17:� Employer shall ensure that he and other persons, not his employees, are not exposed to risks to their safety and healthEmployer shall ensure that he and other persons, not his employees, are not exposed to risks to their safety and health

� Section 18� Occupier (a person who has the management of control of the place of work) of non-domestic premises shall take such measures that are practicable to ensure premises are safe and without risk to health to persons using the premises and any plant or substance in the premises or provided for use there

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� The COP need to be reviewed

� 5 years elapsed

� Limitations of COP

� Limitation of the COP

� Does not apply to workplace using split air-conditioning systemsplit air-conditioning system

� Only cover 5 chemical pollutants

� Does not include temperature, air flow and humidity

� Does not address bacteria or mould issues

� Too dependent on assessors

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Gazette of ICOP IAQ 2010

� Approved by Y.B. Minister on 30thAugust 2010

� Gazetted under subsection 37(4) OSHAOSHA

� P.U. (B) 29/2011

� Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality terbatal

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� Application of ICOP

� Dealing with complaints

� Investigating IAQ Problems

� Control of IAQ

� Information, instruction and training� Information, instruction and training

� Recordkeeping

� Appendices

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Domestic buildings

Any area/part of building where

chemicals hazardous to

health are used for analytical,

research or

Applies to all buildings or any

part of building or totally enclosed

Any area or any part of the building which is constructed, used or intended to be used for domestic or industrial purposes

research or preservation


Removal and disposal of

asbestos containing


totally enclosed areas served by MVAC includingair-cooled split

unit where persons work


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� Complaints Procedure

Establish a procedure to deal

The Building Owner or Building

Management shall

Ensure that an

investigation is

� Appendix 2 - sample of IAQ Complaint Form


procedure to deal with complaint

from employer and occupants related

to signs and symptoms

perceived to be due to IAQ

investigation is

conducted to

ascertain the

cause, upon

receipt of


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Procedures for receiving and dealing with complaints

Description of the process or processes for response to a complaint

Regular reviews of complaints by the occupant

Complaint procedures shall include:

Regular reviews of complaints by the occupant

Identification of individuals responsible for administering the complaint process

Procedures for communicating any remedial action to the complainant; and

Follow-up procedures to ensure that the remedial action recommended


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Renovations are

made that involve

significant changes to

the ventilation

system e.g.

room without supply

or return air

Occupancy in the

space exceeds the


number of

occupancy in the

original design

Investigation of IAQ Problem:Duty to investigate whenever..

Building Owner or Building Management



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IAQ Complaints & IAQ Complaints & Investigation Process Investigation Process

(Appendix 3)(Appendix 3)

Conduct walkthrough inspection

Receive indoor air quality complaints


Communicate to building owner or building management

Notify complainant

Is there an obvious solution


Conduct IAQ assessment

Present Assessment Report to occupier and/or building owner

Record keeping


Rectify problem or implement the

recommended solution

Follow-up to make sure the problem does not


Notify complainant an obvious solutionfor the complaints


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Walkthrough Inspection

� Provides basic information on factors affecting IAQ

� Walkthrough activities-

� Collect information about history of building and

ventilation system;

� Collect previous record of IAQ complaints;

� Notify building occupants of the upcoming


� Notify building occupants of the upcoming


� Identify key individuals for access to relevant

information as well as relevant locations within the

building; and

� Identify potential contaminants and their sources.

� To facilitate the walk through inspection, a

Checklist is provided in Appendix.

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Assessment of IAQ By IAQ Assessor

� Carried out during normal business activity and must consider:-� sources of indoor air contaminants;

� an occupant’s exposure to ETS;

� an occupant’s exposure to air contaminants, either from indoor or outdoor sources;


indoor or outdoor sources;

� prescribed activities*;

� adequacy of mechanical ventilation at the place of work; and

� necessary actions to be taken to improve the IAQ.

* Any activity that could pose health hazard to the occupants, e.g. painting and cleaning carpets

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Assessment of IAQ By IAQ Assessor

�Assessment to include:-

� Measurement of specific physical parameters listed inTable 1;

� Measurement of indoor air contaminants listed inTable 2;

� Walkthrough inspection

� Symptom survey


� Sample questionnaire provided in Appendix.

� IAQ assessor shall present and submit the assessmentreport to the building owner or building managementwithin 1 month upon completion of the assessment.

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Table 1:

Acceptable Range for Specific Physical Parameters

Parameter Acceptable range

(a) Air temperature

(b) Relative humidity

23 – 26 oC

40-70% (b) Relative humidity

(c) Air movement


0.15 – 0.50 m/s


•Reference MS 1525 : 2001 •Code of practice on energy efficiency and renewable energy for non-residential buildings

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Table 2: List of Indoor Air Contaminants and


Indoor Air ContaminantsAcceptable Limits

ppm mg/m3 cfu/m3

Chemical contaminants*1.Carbon monoxide2.Formaldehyde3.Ozone 4.Respirable particulates5.Total volatile organic compounds(TVOC)





-----5.Total volatile organic compounds(TVOC) 3 - -

Biological contaminants1.Total bacterial counts2.Total fungal counts




Ventilation performance indicator1.Carbon dioxide C1000**

- -


*Limits are eight-hour time-weighted average airborne concentrations

•mg/m3 is milligrams per cubic meter of air at 25° Celsius and one atmosphere pressure

•ppm is parts of vapour or gas per million parts of contaminated air by volume

•cfu/m3 is colony forming units per cubic meter

**C is the ceiling limit that shall not be exceeded at any time.

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� Combustion product

� Automobile exhaust, smoking, unvented combustion appliances

� Asphyxiant

� The standard is set to provide a margin of safety for people with margin of safety for people with cardiovascular disease

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� It is a VOC, � used in bonding/laminating agents, adhesives, paper & textile products, and in foam insulation

� Also used in cosmetics & toiletries as preservative

� New buildings, re-carpeting, ETS� Levels exceeding 1-3ppm cause mucous membrane irritation� Suspected carcinogen� Suspected carcinogen� Level set for comfortable environment

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� Colourless gas

� Produced in ambient air during photochemical oxidation of combustion products such as nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbon

� Ozone concentration set at 0.05ppm to prevent symptoms such as dryness of upper respiratory tract and symptoms such as dryness of upper respiratory tract and throat and nose irritation

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� Less than 10 micron in diameter

� Sources are ETS, aerosols from air fresheners or cleaning material

� Other sources

� dirt from carpets or

� dirt carried in from outdoor

� Outdoor sources such as from haze

� Levels set as for outdoor air

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� Human bioeffluents, personal care products, cleaning materials, paints, lacquer, varnishes, pesticides, pressed wood products, and insulation

� Accumulation of VOCs play a major role in SBS

� Some VOC such as benzene is carcinogenic

� Level to prevent discomfort� Level to prevent discomfort

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� Product of combustion

� Human respiration & ETS

� It is an asphyxiant

� At concentrations (>30,000ppm) may cause headache, loss of judgment, dizziness, drowsiness, and rapid breathing

Level set to indicate adequacy of ventilation rates or indicative � Level set to indicate adequacy of ventilation rates or indicative of inadequate mixing.

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� Fungi that grow on dead organic matter and reproduce through tiny spores, invisible to naked eye, and float through outdoor and indoor air.

� Mould may begin growing indoors when mould spores land on surfaces that are wet.

� Mould growth can lead to a variety of health issues, such as � Mould growth can lead to a variety of health issues, such as causing allergic reactions, irritations, and in some cases, toxic actions.

� Allergic responses include hay fever-type symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, and skin rash (dermatitis).

� Standard set for humidity and temperature is for comfort and to prevent mould growth

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� Microscopic organisms found in indoor environments typically come from human sources (skin and respiration) or from the outdoors.

� Bacteria found in the air in buildings are saprobes (grow on dead organic

Legionella Pneumophilasaprobes (grow on dead organic matter) and the primary concern is about bacteria colonies that may grow in damp areas.

Legionella Pneumophila

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Microbial contamination

�BO/BM to regularly inspect:� ductwork,

� dehumidifiers,

� cooling coils,

� filters,

� internal building surfaces, and


� internal building surfaces, and

� any other MVAC system components.

� Inspect every 6 month where it is likely that standing water will unintentionally accumulate and which could reasonably cause microbial growth; and take action to� promptly remove the water; and

� make necessary repairs to prevent further accumulation.

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Duty To Control Exposure

� BO/BM shall:

� maintain working environment conforming to acceptablerange specified in Table 1.

� Where assessment indicates that IAQ is unacceptable,BO/BM shall initiate to implement any of the controlmeasures within 1 month after receiving report.


� For any air conditioning system including air-cooled split unit,BO/BM or employer shall ensure the provision for adequatefresh air ventilation such as:-

� the use of Demand ControlVentilation (DCV);

� extractor; or

� by other suitable means.


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Inspection & Maintenance of MVAC

� Maintenance schedule for MVAC system as per manufacturer's recommendations to ensure that the equipment operate efficiently.

� If not specified, follow these frequencies and activities:

At all time

• Ensure filters perform

At least every month

• Clean the water

At least every 6 months

• Inspect the building


• Ensure filters perform properly and do not become clogged.

• Regularly check cooling coils, condensate pipes & water trays for sign of sludge, algae, rust, blockage & leak.

• Clean the water trays to ensure that no contaminants build up.

• Inspect the building and its MVAC system.

• Clean components of air-handling units such as fans and dampers.

• Clean coils and condensate pipes

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� MVAC system to be checked and adjusted to ensure correctair flow, temperature and humidity.

• After1st year of operation and at least every 2 years

• After any renovations or changes in floor layout that mightaffect air distribution.

� Use of non-chemical water treatment for cooling tower-


� Use of non-chemical water treatment for cooling tower-recommended

� If biocides are used, the dosing shall carried out as permanufacturer recommendation.

� Records shall be kept of all maintenance.

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Control For Prescribed Activities

BO/BM/E to ensure adequate work procedures and controlare used during prescribed activities which may include-

� use of approved PPE;

� sealing of area where prescribed activities is carried out;

� displaying signage to warn about hazard associated withprescribed activities;


prescribed activities;

� safe work procedures;

� using portable exhaust system; or

� administrative control measures such as carry outprescribed activities not during working hours.

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Prevention & Control For Renovation


� BO/BM shall not use materials contain any toxic substances.

� Highly recommended to use low VOC emission materials.

� For occupied buildings undergoing partial renovation:

� spaces to be renovated should be effectively isolated fromoccupied zones;

supply air should be separated so that acceptable IAQ for


� supply air should be separated so that acceptable IAQ foroccupants is maintained.

� Any major renovation to the building where the air-conditioning system has been affected (e.g. by partitioning ofoffice space):

� rebalancing of the air distribution shall be required.

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Pest Control

� Minimise use of pesticides in non-commercial buildings.� Pesticide spraying shall be carried out:

� by licensed pest control operator and� outside normal working hours, and preferably during the


� Occupants in areas to be sprayed shall be notified inadvance.


advance.� Pesticides applied in targeted locations, with minimum

treatment of exposed surfaces.� If hydrogen cyanide is used, BO/BM to comply with

Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act 1953 (Rev.1981).� BM or other person who organises pest control

activities should have info on chemicals (SDS).

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Housekeeping & Cleaning

� Housekeeping keeps dust levels down and removes dirtwhich could otherwise become sources of contamination.

� Cleaning schedule shall be arranged with reference tooccupancy patterns and activity levels.


� Daily cleaning of surfaces and steam vacuuming of floors isadvisable for areas with high traffic or which are in constantuse during the day.

� When chemical based cleaning agents are used, SDSs on thecleaning agents should be available to the building managerand other occupants.

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Environment Tobacco Smoking (ETS)

� Tobacco smoking is prohibited in many public area asstipulated under:

� Control of Tobacco Product Regulations 2004 [P.U.(A)324/2004];

� Control of Tobacco Product Regulations (Amendment) 2008; and

� Control of Tobacco Product Regulations (Amendment) 2009;

� In all indoor areas which are not covered by the Tobacco


� In all indoor areas which are not covered by the TobaccoProduct Regulations 2004, smoking should also beprohibited as far as practicable in order to achieve goodindoor air quality standard.

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� Employer shall ensure that all employees are

informed on:

� causes of poor indoor air quality and the adverse effects to health arising from it;

� complaints procedure;


� complaints procedure;

� detrimental effects from ETS and its contribution to the overall indoor air quality;

� modification or improvement to the poor ventilation system at the work station, if any; and

� findings of the assessment.

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� Employer to give instructions but not limited to-

� prohibition of smoking except at designated area(s);

� not to tamper with MVAC system;

� not to store material/chemical or equipment inside AHU room or ducting;

ensure fresh air intake is not blocked at any time or


� ensure fresh air intake is not blocked at any time or contaminated with undesirable and hazardous elements; and

� to inform the employer of any discomfort related to indoor air quality.

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� Employees to be trained on-

� contents of ICOP;

� identification of sign and symptoms associated with the illnesses commonly associated with poor IAQ; and

� identification of poor ventilation conditions and signs of deterioration in the air-conditioned or mechanical


deterioration in the air-conditioned or mechanical ventilation system.

� Training programme to be reviewed and conducted at least once in two years.

� Training programme to be documented and kept for inspection.

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� All records shall be kept for not less than 5 years.

� Assessment report shall be kept for not less than 30 years.

� Records kept to include -

� complaint records;


� investigation reports;

� assessment reports including the results of indoor air contaminant measurement; and

� training records.

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Qualifications, experience & training as a

registered IAQ Assessor

� a registered assessor or hygiene technician I under USECHH who has attended training in IAQ assessment conducted by recognised training providers and passed examination conducted by NIOSH; or

� a person with at least a Diploma in pure or applied sciences and has 1 year experience in occupational hygiene and has


and has 1 year experience in occupational hygiene and has attended training in IAQ assessment conducted by recognised training providers and passed examination conducted by NIOSH; or

� any other person with equivalent IAQ competency as recognised by the relevant authority.

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� Appendix 1


� Appendix 2


� Appendix 3




� Appendix 3-A


� Appendix 3-B


� Appendix 4


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