malaga questions for__migration

Questions about migrations in Europe

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Page 1: Malaga questions for__migration

Questions about migrations in


Page 2: Malaga questions for__migration

What was the biggest minority in Poland during 17 th century?

a) Tartarsb) Jewsc) Cossacks d) Muslims

Page 3: Malaga questions for__migration

What is the name of the oldest synagouge in Cracow?

a) Remuhb) Kupac) Tempeld) Old synagouge

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What was the biggest center of foreigners after Middle Ages in Poland?

a) Warsawb) Poznańc) Cracowd) Gdańsk

Page 5: Malaga questions for__migration

Where did the Estonians emigrate on the 19th century? What was the reason?

a) To Finland for workb) To Russia looking for a landc) To the West to escape from the wars

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What is “Talendid koju”?

a) A project to bring back Estonian workersb) An Estonian company dealing with migration in Estoniac) An Estonian community in Canada

Page 7: Malaga questions for__migration

Where are the biggest Estonian communities in the world?

a) In France, Germany and Belgiumb) In Latvia, Lithuania and Polandc) In Finland, Sweden and Russia

Page 8: Malaga questions for__migration

What is the biggest religion after christianity in Sweden?

a) Islam b) Judaism c) Hinduism

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What is most common in Sweden?

a) Being a Christian b) Being a muslim c) Being an atheist

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It lives around 9 millions people in Sweden today. How many people are members in the Swedish church?

a) around 2 millionsb) around 8,5 millionsc) around 6,5 millions

Page 11: Malaga questions for__migration

How do immigrants influence Malaga?

a) They build their own cemeteries b) They build their own temples (churches, mosques,ecc.)

c) They teach their own language in schools

Page 12: Malaga questions for__migration

Which are the reasons immigrants come to Málaga?

a) They come to learn a new language (Spanish)b) To buy houses and then sell themc) They come because of the weather, theculture, other people comes looking for ajob and retired people come to live here

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Which is the most abundant population in Málaga?

a) British peopleb) Moroccan peoplec) Chinese people

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Which nationality of immigrants is the dominant one in Italy?

a) Chineseb) Romanian c) Albanian

Page 15: Malaga questions for__migration

Why is Rome a perfect example of peaceful coexistence?

a) Because it’s beautifulb) Because the people are happy therec) Because it hosts the three most important religions with the Great Mosque, the oldest Jewish community in Europe and St. Peter’s Basilica

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To what extent are gypsies in Italy concerned about their future?

a) Very much concerned, especially for their children

b) Not concerned at all because they don’t live but just survive

c) They are only concerned about the present

Page 17: Malaga questions for__migration

What’s the percentage of foreign people in Paris ?

a) Less than 10%b) Between 10-20%c) More than 30%

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What kinds of food can we eat a lot in Paris?

a) Couscous, Kebab, Chinese and Japaneseb) Fish&Chips, Tortilla and Burger Kingc) French traditional food

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What were the main reasons of the immigration in France ?

a) French girls were beautiful b) French demography was in deficitc) They wanted to learn how to make cheese

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Who was the ruler when the first relationship between Germans and Turkish began and when was that ?

a) Adolf Hitler, in 1900b) Bismark, in 1877c) Friedrich the II, in 1761

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Why are Turkish people coming to Germany?

a) Germany have a big economic boom and they need host workersb) German people like kebab c) Turkey was in poverty

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What was the percentage of Huegenots in Berlin at the beginning of 18 th century

a) 1 %b) 75 %c) 20 %