making modal dialogs accessible

Modal Dialogs How to make them accessible

Upload: vinod-tiwari

Post on 21-Jan-2018




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Modal DialogsHow to make them accessible

Vinod Tiwari

Consultant - UI & Accessibility

I am a Software Professional

with over 7 years of experience

in web design & development

and passion to develop usable &

accessible products.

Twitter - @vinodt_

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Modal dialog is a common UX design pattern and serves as a good way to deliver contextual information, notifications, important actions while saving screen real estate.

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Alternate view on Modal Dialogs

Modal dialog is a window that forces the user to interact with it before they can continue with what they were doing.

Often used when a user is forced to make an important decision or take action that needs additional information.

Example- “Save, Don’t Save, Cancel” dialog when closing a word document.

Some people argue that Modal Dialogs can be confusing for screen reader users and should be used sparingly, in turn

disappointing the UX designer who thinks it's good experience for all (visual) users and fits well into design.

Modal dialogs are popular with designers and users as they provide fast, focussed & contextual interaction avoiding

unnecessary page loads/redirection.

So let's make modal dialog accessible!

Features of accessible modal dialog

● Inform the user that button will open a modal dialog.

● Set focus on modal or first active element & provide

modal title and description (if required) to user.

● Provide easy way to dismiss modal dialog (Esc key

press) AND a close button in modal dialog.

● Keep the focus trapped inside modal dialog until user

closes the modal dialog. User should not be able to

interact with parent window when modal is open in

order to avoid confusion.

● When closed return focus to the element that

triggered opening of modal dialog.

“focus” for a screen reader is the place that is currently being read.


Following slides have (sort of) pseudocode to implement

each step but is good enough for web developers to get the


Inform user that button will open a modal dialog-

<button id=”modal”>Contact Us

<span class=”visuallyhidden”>Opens modal dialog</span>


Set focus on modal-

//jQuery code

function openModal(){

// store last focused element- to use later

var lastActive = document.activeElement;

$( “#modal” ).attr(“tabindex”,”0”);

$( “#modal” ).focus();


Describe modal dialog with ARIA attributes-

<div role="dialog" aria-labelledby="dialogTitle"


<h2 id="dialogTitle">Sign Up</h2>

<p id="dialog1Desc">All fields are mandatory.</p>



Dismiss and Close modal dialog-

1. Close when user pressed Close button in modal.

2. Close when user pressed Esc key.

$(document).keypress(function(e) {

if (e.keyCode == 27) { //27 - Esc key code

modalClose(); //function to close modal



Trap focus inside modal dialog-

This is tricky and can have multiple implementations. Few guidelines (instead

of pseudocode)-

1. Create a natural TAB order by arranging code in logical order. Avoid

using tabindex to create TAB order.

2. Listen to TAB keydown event and on the last element, redirect focus to

first element (forward focus trap).

3. Listen to SHIFT+TAB keydown event and on the first element, redirect

focus to last element (backwards focus trap).

In this way focus can escape modal dialog only when modal is closed and focus

safely returns to last active element.

Return focus to last active element-

We saved element that triggered the opening of modal dialog. We will

return focus to it in modalClose function-

function modalClose () {

//statements to close modal



Making modal dialog accessible requires some work but it significantly enhances user experience.

Totally Worth It!

Thank you!

There could be business use-case to auto-open a modal dialog like for “Newsletter Subscription”.

Please DON’T