making it big

“Making it BIG” Brent Young The story begins with the main character WILLIAM sitting in his room holding the acceptance letter to his favorite college in his hand. Will’s room is decorated with numerous academic accolades including first place in the science fair trophy, A Perfect Attendance in High School, and Valedictorian of his high school. Will is a typical nerd in every sense of the term. He is short, skinny and wears glasses. He has never been to a party, has never played sports and has never kissed a girl. The only things in Will’s life other than school and his family is his two friends, MAGGIE and TRAVIS. Travis is Will’s right hand man. He is very smart like Will but he is a fat nerd. Will has been a friend with Maggie for his entire life. Maggie is attractive and extremely nice. All three of the friends will be freshmen at the same college starting in the fall. Will’s parents JANET and BRIAN are very protective of Will and they are very sad to see him go. Brian runs a very lucrative business company and Janet is a famous scientist. Will’s career already seems to be laid out for him. When the school year begins Will and Travis are roommates while Maggie begins to have many friends. Will has trouble finding new friends and is actually being bullied by some of the other students at the university. The main students who are giving Will the hardest time is the basketball team who is the best college basketball team in the nation. They continually pick on him and Will is very frustrated. Travis continually tells Will to not worry about it and just focus on his studies. One day some members of the basketball team decide to be nice to Will and invite him to a party at an abandoned warehouse where the team promises there will be a huge party. When Will, Travis and Maggie arrive at the party they notice that it was nothing but seniors Bingo night. Will becomes very angry and wishes he could be like one of the popular kids for a change. While Travis and Maggie both go back to their rooms for the night Will decides to break into the science lab. In the science lab Will uses his amazing brain to come up with a potion that he believes will change him into a new person who is different from his normal self. He hopes that the new beginning will help him

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Brent Young's Story


“Making it BIG”

Brent Young

The story begins with the main character WILLIAM sitting in

his room holding the acceptance letter to his favorite

college in his hand. Will’s room is decorated with numerous

academic accolades including first place in the science

fair trophy, A Perfect Attendance in High School, and

Valedictorian of his high school. Will is a typical nerd in

every sense of the term. He is short, skinny and wears

glasses. He has never been to a party, has never played

sports and has never kissed a girl. The only things in

Will’s life other than school and his family is his two

friends, MAGGIE and TRAVIS. Travis is Will’s right hand

man. He is very smart like Will but he is a fat nerd. Will

has been a friend with Maggie for his entire life. Maggie

is attractive and extremely nice. All three of the friends

will be freshmen at the same college starting in the fall.

Will’s parents JANET and BRIAN are very protective of Will

and they are very sad to see him go. Brian runs a very

lucrative business company and Janet is a famous scientist.

Will’s career already seems to be laid out for him.

When the school year begins Will and Travis are roommates

while Maggie begins to have many friends. Will has trouble

finding new friends and is actually being bullied by some

of the other students at the university. The main students

who are giving Will the hardest time is the basketball team

who is the best college basketball team in the nation. They

continually pick on him and Will is very frustrated. Travis

continually tells Will to not worry about it and just focus

on his studies.

One day some members of the basketball team decide to be

nice to Will and invite him to a party at an abandoned

warehouse where the team promises there will be a huge

party. When Will, Travis and Maggie arrive at the party

they notice that it was nothing but seniors Bingo night.

Will becomes very angry and wishes he could be like one of

the popular kids for a change. While Travis and Maggie both

go back to their rooms for the night Will decides to break

into the science lab. In the science lab Will uses his

amazing brain to come up with a potion that he believes

will change him into a new person who is different from his

normal self. He hopes that the new beginning will help him

to make more friends. Will takes the potion and goes to


When Will wakes up the next morning he is surprised to see

that his feet reach over his bed and that his body feels

tremendously bigger. The potion has turned Will into a 7

foot stud of a man. Will likes his new look and Travis

urges Will to try and play basketball to get back at the

team for how badly he has been treated. So Will decides to

change his name to WILLIE and only Travis and Maggie will

know that it is actually still Will. Walking around campus

the next day Willie keeps getting looks from people who

normally would never even know he existed. Good looking

girls are especially giving him some looks as well as the

head basketball coach, COACH DANIELS.

Coach Daniels walks up to Willie and asks if he has ever

played basketball and if he would like to come and join

practice for the day to see how he looks. Willie agrees to

come in but he doesn’t have any clue about basketball.

Maggie gives Will a quick run through of the game and at

practice Willie dominates due to the potion and he joins

the team.

The story of Willie begins to hit nationwide about where

this kid came from and how he is an unbelievable basketball

player. Willie begins to become very popular and he is the

new big man on campus. He gets invited to every big party

and becomes good friends with the other members of the

basketball team who used to be his enemies just a few

months ago. Even girls are flocking to Willie and he has

now had many many kisses. Just when things couldn’t get any

better, Willie starts to turn away from the things he used

to love. He never attends any classes, he has moved out of

his dorm with Travis and now lives with the basketball

team, and he also has lost contact with Maggie who has been

his best friend since birth. Willie claims that there are

way better girls than Maggie only to look good in the eyes

of his teammates.

Travis and Maggie decide to intervene now because they

believe this has gone much too far. Travis calls Will’s

parents and fills them in on everything that has happened.

Travis and Maggie have been covering for Will the entire

time during the Willie phase. Will’s parents become very

worried and decide to create a potion that will turn Will

back to his normal self. Janet gives the potion to Maggie

and Travis and tells them to use it wisely.

That night Travis and Maggie call Will and tell him to meet

up with them and that their friendship is on the line. The

three of them meet up and Maggie and Travis tell Will they

want him to take the potion that Janet gave to them. They

are Sick of Willie and they want their Will back. Maggie

goes on to tell Will that she is in love with Will, not

Willie but Will. They hand Will the potion and leave him

with the big decision. Will has to decide between the fame

and popularity while also turning his back on the people

who have always loved him. It isn’t until he receives a

voice mail from his dad Brian who tells him he loves him

and wants him to do what he wants. Brian has always been

proud of his son no matter what he does.

The next day comes and it happens to be the National

championship basketball game. Willie is there for the

pregame warm up as the entire country watches the game live

on TV. The game begins and Willie dominates from the

opening tip to the final buzzer and he is named MVP. After

the game Willie is handed the mic and he decides to let

everyone in on his secret. He drinks the potion in front of

the live cameras and after a few seconds he shrinks back

into the same nerdy Will that he was in the beginning. He

says he loved being popular and having lots of fame but in

the end he would rather have the things he loves the most

which is His true friends and his loving family. Will and

Maggie form a relationship and Will is now respected around

the country.



WILL is lying in his bed in his and TRAVIS dorm room.

After a night of long work in the science lab where he

developed the potion to make him become popular. He is

under the covers and notices his feet hang off his bed

longer than they usually do. The dorm room is dully

decorated with nothing but numerous books scattered

around the floor and the desks. The fully empty potion

bottle lies empty on the floor and Will stands up to

notice his clothes are extremely tight and that there

is something tremendously different with himself. It

takes a few steps for Will to get used to the new him.

He stands in front of the Mirror and loves what he



(happy) It worked it worked I knew it would I

knew I had the calculations right and everything

I am a genius.


(Sleepily) What… what…. What are you freaking out

about really. (puts on glasses to see whats going

on)--- (startled) Who are you?!! What are you

doing?!!! What did you do with Will?!!!


(laughing) Haha Travis Travis calm down man it’s

me, Will.


How do you know my name really?!! Get out of my

room before I call the cops or before I do

something you will regret.


(still laughing) Honestly Travis what are you

going to do that would possibly hurt me. I mean

look at me I am freaking huge.

(still looking in the mirror)


Alright Will if it is truly you then you will be

able to answer this question. What is the square

root of pi?


1.7725 would you like me to continue because I

believe I can recite it all.


(Jumping off his bed) WOW!!! Will it is really

you what is going on right now, what the fuck is

going on…… I have to be dreaming this can’t be



Travis get ahold of yourself really honestly come

on. You know how last night we were told by the

basketball team that there was a huge party at

that warehouse and that we were invited because

they were sorry about how they have been treating

us and they wanted to make it better.


Ya I believe that’s what they told you and then

you had to invite me and MAGGIE because you were

too afraid to go… that’s how I remember it.


Well either way, when we showed up at the

warehouse and it was the senior bingo night I

have never been angrier in my life.


What about the time when HANNAH BRIAN beat you in

the second grade spelling bee??


Ok, maybe the second angriest time I have ever

had, but that’s beside the point. When you came

back to the room and Maggie went to her room, I

decided to break into the science lab and concoct

a potion that would guarantee me popularity

around campus.


You might be the most retarded kid I know, but I

absolutely love it. I guarantee you can play

basketball with the team and then you could get

the inside track on the team and we can slowly

build a master plan to take down the basketball

team from all time existence.


That was a little sick and twisted but I like

where you are going. I believe my point of view

is for me to become popular and someone that

everyone loves and then bring you and Maggie

along and we will rule the school.


This plan keeps getting better and better. We

need to call Maggie right now and tell her what

is going on.

Travis pulls out his cellphone and calls Maggie.

Maggie is sitting in her dorm on her Mac Book computer

listening to some music. Maggie’s dorm room is pink

and very decorative with numerous posters and pictures

on the walls. She is listening to Firework by Katy

Perry when her phone rings and she answers.


Hey Traveee whats up.


Maggie, you will not believe what is going on

right now. There is a seven foot tall man in my

dorm room and he looks like a stud.


Travis you should not be calling me you should be

calling the police, and did you really just say



No need to call the police Maggie, this stud I am

talking about happens to be Will. He is the stud.

(smiling while Will gives him a thumbs up for the



Alright I’m hanging up now.


No no no Maggie wait wait. I am not kidding, Will

took some secret potion he made and he grew to

seven feet. I don’t know how it happened but he

knew the square toot of pi so it has to be Will.


Alright I have no clue what you’re talking about.

I’m going to come over right now. This better be

worth it.


Believe me it is worth it.


Ok. Bye Travis.


Alright see you soon.

Travis and Maggie hang up the phone and the screen is

now focused back squarely on Will and Travis’ dorm

room. Will has now put on a big lab coat that is the

only piece of clothing that can fit his huge body.


So what did Maggie have to say about this new



Nothing at all, she doesn’t believe me of what

happened and honestly I still am in shock.


Ya I didn’t think it would truly work but now I

am ready to live this life.


Let’s think real quickly about this. You can’t

just start walking around campus telling everyone

that you made a potion that made you grow a foot

and a half and now you are the man. You know what

I’m saying.


Yes I have been thinking of that too. That’s why

I believe it is best that I start from scratch. I

am no longer Will, I am now WILLIE.


I like it I really do. Willie the big man on

campus, the man the myth the legend. I can see

you on the big screen. Wow this is really going

to work out in our favor I can tell.


I know I know. I am going to bring you and Maggie

all the way to the top and show the entire school

that you can be popular and nice as well.


Will, although I enjoy what you just said, you

need to have a different attitude than that. You

are Willie now. You need to be rough and have

everyone hate you but love you at the same time.


I will be. Now all I have to do is get COACH

DANIELS to notice me and invite me to join the



Believe me Coach won’t be the only one who

notices you. The entire campus will know who

Willie is by the end of today.


I am just nervous because I don’t know anything

about basketball. I have actually never made a

basket in my entire life.


Let’s just focus on getting you noticed on

campus, plus I think Maggie knows a thing or two

about basketball.

There is a knock at the dorm room dorm.


Speak of the devil.

Will goes to answer the door and when he does it is

Maggie standing on the other side of the door. Will

doesn’t say a word and instead just looks into

Maggie’s dreamy eyes. Maggie tries to say a word but

instead faints to the floor in disbelief.

Brent Young


I had a lot of fun doing this project. I didn’t

realize how interested I would actually be in doing

something like this, but when I started writing my mind

just started going bonkers. I believe that my story is a

great story. There may be some clichés involved as well as

some magic but I believe that the moral that comes out at

the end is something that makes the story great. I would

like to learn more about these kind of things such as

making the dialogue perfect and coming up with a story that

people can relate to but at the same time the audience has

to stretch their imagination. I believe this story idea has

some potential in it and I would be someone who would go

see the movie. The story is aimed on being a comedy with

some dramatic elements tied in. The development of Will in

the beginning and the transformation of Will into Willie

and the result of Willie taking over Will as well as the

ending when Will returns to his normal self is a way for

the audience to connect with the character because everyone

has that other side of them that comes out in the darkest

times. I learned a lot in doing this project also because I

now understand how difficult it is to write scripts as well

as treatments and how much thought really goes into the

creation of a story. I enjoyed this project and I look

forward to doing more.