make#120,000 with this secret

7/31/2019 Make#120,000 With This Secret 1/19 THE EASIEST WAY TO EARN #120,000/MONTH  ONLINE. ( Newest Discovery) Step-by-step Guide Compiled by Mr. Fiverr

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(Newest Discovery)

Step-by-step Guide Compiled

by Mr. Fiverr

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I recently came across a female student of University of Ilorin. She sent a mail to me to

appreciate me for my good job and how she had learnt a lot from me… 

But, this isn’t the koko. The koko is that she claimed to be making at least #120,000 averagefrom an online business she recently discovered and she said, the thing she love about the

online business is that, it doesn’t take more than 2 hours of her time per week and this makes

here at least #120,000 at the end of each month.

I was wowww! Does she means 8 hours work in a month and I will make at least #120,000? If 

you know me pretty well, you will understand that I am not easily impressed. As such, I

request that she fix a time to meet me in my office and display what she does to me and

then, I will make my informed judgment to whether this is feasible or not.

I never expected that she would turn up on the fixed date. Why? I have had some fake people

trying to fake you by telling you stories like this but when an appointment is fixed, they

disappear into thin air. She actually came and she explained in details and I must say, I was

blown off my seat with the simplicity of what she showed me.

A half-brain 12 years old can do this and make @ least #80,000 in a month. Trust me.

As an information marketer, if I discovered this personally, I would sell it for nothing less than

#5,000 coz, it’s damn simple to do and achieve result. But, this lady seems to be a spirikoko or

do I say “born again”. She wants this to be communicated with thousands of Nigerians for


She had believe in me that I will help her get It across to up to 20,000 Nigerians who are

 jobless or who are underemployed. I promised here that I will do just that. That’s the reasonwhy, I have documented her strategy in here and I am distributing this for FREE.

If you are reading this, what a lucky person you are. Enjoy!

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Hi there. I want to make this as concise as possible while I maintain the potency of this newly

discovered easy money making online biz. Just before I unleash the riffle, let me first introduce

myself. I am Gbolagade Adetunji (aka Mr. Fiverr) of Wish to know

me better; you can google search my name.

That’s me displaying part of my May 2012 earnings from my online business.

That’s $1,210 (#191,00+) on display in my Office.

Do not be so ignorant and gullible to assume that making money online is synonymous to

YAHOO YAHOO. We have genuine and legal ways of making money online

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I must say here that this is one of the easiest method I have ever come across in online money

making. Perfect for an Internet newbie to make some fast and cool cash without investing so


This concept is simple. But, before we get started, we need our means of getting paid from this



Liberty Reserve (shortened as LR) is an online payment processor that can be used in buying

and selling. In this short step-by-step report, LR will be our means of making money from our

business. Once the money is made into our LR account, we can then go and get websites like , and sell our LR to them. In essence,

what I mean is this… if you make $200 from this business and the money has been paid intoyour LR account, all you need to do is just google search “buy/sell LIBERTY RESERVE in Nigeria”.

A good number of websites like that

buys LIBERTY RESERVE from people will shoot up.

You just contact them and tell them that you have LR for sale and you will have to transfer your

LR from your account to their own LR account. If this is done, they will give you the raw cash

equivalent to the dollar amount you transfer to them.


Getting started, we need a liberty reserve account. You will have to go to and you will land on the image as shown below. You will have to click 

on “create account” as highlighted in red below. 

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After clicking on create account, you will land on the page as shown below and you will need to

fill the form as shown in the example below.

1 and 2 are your First name and Surname respectively.

3 is account name. Just put your name there in full.

4 is where you will put your email address.

5 is security question, choose just anyone that you are okay with and 6, is the answer to the

security question you chose in 5 above.

Here is the continuation of the above form. At 7, put just anything that you want there.

In 8 below, leave it as it is. Do not touch anything there.

At 9, you will have to enter the numbers that are shown into the provided box.

10, you have to click on AGREE button to continue.

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After clicking on AGREE above, you will be shown a next page which is an important page.

You have to save this page or find a paper and pen, write out the PASSWORD, LOGIN PIN,

MASTER KEY, SECURITY QUESTION AND ANSWER. Keep it in a safe place. It’s your details to access the account.

Immediately you have the above information, you will read there that your ACOUNT NUMBERhas been sent to the email address you submitted while registering.

Just below, I just loged into the email address I used when registering and gbam! Right inside

there, as highlighted below, I saw a mail from liberty reserve. I have to click this.

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Just then, I saw the account number right in my box. You can see in the example below. That’s

the account number, you have to add it to where you kept the other details you got earlier ad

keep them all together.

The next step is for you to and you will have to input all

details as shown below. Remember those records I asked you to keep safe? Yes, we need them

now. Pull them out now.

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Number one over there is the account number which we got inside our email box afterregistering.

Input all requested information above and click on NEXT.

This is just a page to confirm the welcome message that you wrote earlier when you were

registering. Click to mark the box to confirm that it’s your welcome message and click on


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You will be on the page as shown above and all you need to do is to click on LOGIN PIN ashighlighted above. Remember asked you to keep some information the other time? Yes, LOGIN

PIN is also in there. Now, we have to consult that document we kept.

Input the LOGIN PIN and click on login.

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And next is for us to fill our address information. See the one I did above. I am sure you

understand it all. Yes! Do not let ZIP/POSTAL CODE give you headache. Ibadan is 234002,

Lagos is 234001. To check for your town/state, just go to and enter a query

like, zip/postal code for “your city”. You will see result for your city or else, you might have to

 just use mine as in above.

And the concluding part of the page is the one above. @ ACCOUNT WILL BE USED FOR…

Choose forex/investment as in mine above.

The next is your occupation. Choose the one that best fits you.

Once you are done, click on submit and you will get a message that your account has been

successfully created.

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Afterwards, all you need to do is to go to and login to your account

using the credentials you got the other time which I asked you to keep safe.

Since we now have a liberty reserve account, it’s now time to start making money. But just

before we start, we need a starting capital of $15 only. Yes! Just $15 is all that is required and

you could be making quite over 100k monthly from this.

The $15 must be funded into your liberty reserve account. What do I mean? You must have $15

in your LR account to get started. How will you get this? You have to go to,  or any other place where they sell LR and

buy LR from tem. Normally, they sell LR for around #175/ $1 so, it means that if you need $15,

you will have to pay them 15 x 175= #2,625 only. But, LR charges around 2% on every

transaction. Therefore, it will be advisable that you buy $16 of LR. This will be 16 x 175 =

#2,800 only.

This means, to work out what I want to teach you, you must have #2,800 and use it to buy $16into your LR account. They will ask you for your LR and they will help you to transfer the

money into your LR account.

Now that there is money in your LR, the job starts here.


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Multiple10$ is the secret place we are going to. You can access it at 

It’s exactly as the image above and you will know the reason why this is the next big money

making website when you read through the home page. As in the arrow above, click on JOINNOW.

You will be taken to another page as shown above and we have to choose our means of 

registration/payment. We are paying with liberty reserve so, we have to click on the liberty

reserve logo there.

On the next page as seen above, you need to click on pay.

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We shall land directly on the LIBERTY RESERVE login page where we are to login into our LR

account and make our payment of $15 to become a member of multiple$10.

Next is to input your login details (the details that I asked you to keep safe when we wereopening LR account). You have to input the details accordingly and click on NEXT.

Just as I clicked on NEXT, it asked for VERIFICATION CODE . I have to go straight to my

emailbox to fetch the code.

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I login to my email I used in opening my LIBERTY RESERVE account and fetched the

VERIFICATION PIN as shown in the image above.

I have to input it where it was asking for the VERIFICATION CODE and click continue.

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You will land on a page like the one above, just click on SKIP.

Here comes the next page, click on the box to mark it and click on CONTINUE.

On this page, just click on LOGIN PIN.

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Input your LOGIN PIN in the space provided (you have your login pin in the details I asked you

to keep safe) and after that, click on LOGIN.

On the next page, write just anything in the memo box (you might write your name) and next,

input your Master Key (you have this in the details I asked you to keep safe ) and click 


This will show you a PREVIEW of the payment you are about to make. You just CONFIRM thepayment and you will land on the SIGN UP page.

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Once you get to the signup page, just input the details as in above. Your desired username, your

email address, your password and your LIBERTY RESERVE account number. Once you supply

this, click on SIGNUP.

PLEASE NOTE: immediately under the Liberty Reserve ID, if another box shows

ALERTPAY ID, just copy and paste your LIBERTY RESERVE account number there. Do

not bother yourself with alertpay since we are using liberty reserve.

After signing up, you will see a page like the one above, click on “click here” and you will have

to login to the member area with your username and password.

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You will need to input your email address and password to access the member area and get your

referral code/link.

Once you are signed up, you will be able to have access to the member area with your emailaddress and password. When on the member area, you will see the kind of highlighted area

above. That’s your referral id. You will need to copy this exactly as seen a bove and keep the link 

in secret place. That’s the most important thing that we need here. 

This is done, you are 90% set to start making an extra #100,000from this simple website. I will have to pause here and allow

you to go straight away and get a LIBERTY RESERVEACCOUNT, FUND IT WITH $16, REGISTER AT and get your REFERRALLINK. Once you have done this, I will send you the second partof this report which will teach you exactly what you shall bedoing to ensure you make at least $500 (#87,500) right into yourLIBERTY RESERVE account through  

After reading this, and you have fulfilled all the steps therein,kindly send a mail to [email protected] with theTITLE “completed multiple10dollars registration”

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And make your referral link the context of the mail. I shall sendthe second part of this report out to you instantly. This shows thesecret of how I make #120,000 Monthly From This alone.

Remember, I am giving you this 100% FREE and this canchange your financial status for better in the next couple of days.My candid advice is, take action now.

If you want to be generous for the job I have done here, you may

 join MULTIPLE10DOLLARS through this referral link. Signed,

G. Adetunji