make a way intro tutorial

A High Relevancy Education Program that brings

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A brief introduction to the MAKE A WAY program for schools.


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A High Relevancy Education Program

that brings RESULTS!

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Created by Educational Success Strategist Hotep, Founder of MAKE A WAY

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MAKE A WAY is a high relevancy educational program that targets at-risk and underserved

populations of youth and adults to transform the climate and culture of poverty, excuse making

and helplessness into one of empowerment, resiliency and success!

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The MAKE A WAY program and materials are used in over 1,000 schools. We conduct staff trainings and keynotes throughout the U.S.

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How was

MAKE A WAY started?

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The Hustler’s 10 Commandments has been compared to:

Think and Grow Rich

The Art of War

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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And then the teachers started catching on…

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Fulton Library System

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Decatur, Illinois School System

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And that’s when he realized why the book was successful…



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Today, our program and materials are used in over 1000 schools and we conduct staff trainings and keynotes throughout the U.S.

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Philosophy of theMAKE A WAY


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Success is not due to WHO we are

butHOW we are.

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Success is not due to WHO we are, but because of HOW we are!

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Erin Gruwell

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Ron Clark

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SYMPTOMnot the


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Suspension/ Expulsion/ Arrest due to fighting.

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Change in behavior is impossiblewithout first changing what people


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Strategies of theMAKE A WAY


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Do they feel tired, but good? Do they feel satisfied like they put in a good day’s work and are ready to go home, relax? Almost

like one might feel after a good workout?


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Do they feel worn out, worn down and exhausted; like they have battled their way through the day? Did they look forward to the end of each class? Do they have a stack of infraction slips? Are

they ready to get home so they can “pass out”; or raid the fridge, for some alcohol because “they really need it?”


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The difference in the way you answer these questions has a lot to do with whether or not they spent the day proactively, in control

of when and how things happened in their classrooms or reacting to one and then another and another situation as

behavior problems interrupted their lessons again and again.

Proactive Reactive

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Use your differencesto MAKE a difference!


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Teacher as a BOSS

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Teacher as a COACH

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Other Models:



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Help teachers use alternative teaching models to transform their school

climate, to better engage their students, and use their differences to make a difference in their schools.

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Experiential education is a philosophy that informs many methodologies in

which educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase

knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop people's capacity to

contribute to their communities.

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Tell me and I will forget.

Show me and I may remember.

Involve me and I will understand.

~Chinese Proverb

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Strengths of theMAKE A WAY


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Students love to learn it.Teachers love to teach it.Parents love to discuss it.

Administrators love the results.

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U.S. Vice President’s brother, Frank Biden

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The MAKE A WAY program can be used for: Positive Behavior Support

Book StudyMorning Activity

After School ProgramIn-School Suspension Activities

Class meetings

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The MAKE A WAY program can be used in a variety of

settings including: Whole classroom

Small group1-on-1

Self DirectedIn-School Suspension Activities

Class meetings

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Common Core Aligned3 Part Lesson

Pacing/ Monitoring GuideR.T.I. Ready

Parent Inclusion Activities

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Thought ProvokingHigh Impact

Promote: Reading, Writing and Speaking

Encourage Discussion & DebateHonor Different Learning Styles

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Lesson 2: Activity Page

1. ACTIVITY #1: Which One? (For groups of 2-5)

Which person would you select for each statement below? Write A, B or C on the space provided. Then discuss your answers with your group members.

This person is a businessman. _______This person is a criminal. _______This person is intelligent. _______This person is a millionaire. _______This person is a high school dropout. _______This person is successful. _______This person sells drugs. _______This person is funny. _______I can trust this person. _______

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The Gallup Student Poll surveyed nearly 500,000 students in grades five through 12 from more than 1,700 public schools in 37 states in 2012. We found that nearly eight in 10 elementary students who participated in the poll are engaged with school. By middle school that falls to about six in 10 students. And by high school, only four in 10 students qualify as engaged. Our educational system sends students and our country’s future over the school cliff every year.

Student engagement with school and learning is a gold standard that every parent, teacher, and school strives to achieve. If we were doing right by our students and our future, these numbers would be the absolute opposite. For each year a student progresses in school, they should be more engaged, not less.

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The drop in student engagement for each year students are in school is our monumental, collective national failure. There are several things that might help to explain why this is happening -- ranging from our overzealous focus on standardized testing and curricula to our lack of experiential and project-based learning pathways for students -- not to mention the lack of pathways for students who will not and do not want to go on to college.

What’s more, among the many types of students whose engagement wanes during their time in the educational system are those who have high entrepreneurial talent. These are literally our economic saviors -- the future job creators for America.

GALLUP, January 7, 2013

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93% Employers strongly agree:

A candidate's demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important

than undergraduate major.

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They also want to ensure that every college graduate, no matter what their major is, achieves much higher levels of evidence-based reasoning, research skills and complex problem-solving skills [along with] ethical decision-making.”

Another important criterion for employers, is that graduates demonstrate practical experience applying what they have learned.

Want employees to demonstrate that they have the knowledge, and that they have the experience putting the knowledge to use in real-world settings.

'More Than a Major'April 10, 2013By Zack BudrykAssociation of American Colleges and Universities

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…in other words, successful programs:



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Copyright 2013 Hustle U Inc.

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MAKE A WAYprogram available: