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Maschinen KriegerZ b V 3 0 0 0

Page 2: MaK-SF3DII Rules Eng v1-1 Printable

Maschinen KriegerC O N T E N T S

[1.0] Introduction..............❸ [2.0] GameContents.........❸ 2.1 MapBoards

2.2 GamePieces

2.3 ReferenceSheets

[3.0] AbouttheGame........❸ 3.1 GameProgression

3.2 GameScale

[4.0] Sequenceof Play.......❺ [5.0] Attacking...................❺ 5.1 Procedure

5.2 DirectAttack

5.3 OffensiveAttack

5.4 DefensiveAttack

5.5 IndirectAttack

[6.0] Lineof Sight.............❽ 6.1 Lineof Sight

6.2 Elevation

[7.0] Movement.................❾ 7.1 Procedure

7.2 MovementRestrictions

7.3 Carrying

[8.0] Stacking.....................❿ 8.1 StackPoints

8.2 StackingLimit

[9.0] CloseQuarters

Combat......................⓫ 9.1 Procedure

9.2 DefensiveAttacksfor...

9.3 Continuing...

9.4 PinnedUnitsin...

9.5 UnarmedCombat

[10.0] AeronauticalUnits....⓭ 10.1 Procedure

10.2 Air-to-AirCombat

10.3 Breakthrough

10.4 Air-to-GroundCombat

10.5 SpottingforIndirect

10.6 Landing

[11.0] Weapons....................⓮ 11.1 Typesof Weapons

11.2 UsageLimitsof...

11.3 PFReloading

11.4 Equipment

[12.0] MiscellaneousRules..⓯ 12.1 InitialDeploymentand


12.2 Airdrop

12.3 DefensivePositions

[13.0] VehicleUnits.............⓰ 13.1 TransportingWith...

13.2 OverrunAttack

[14.0] InfantrySquads.........⓰ 14.1 InfantryMovement

14.2 InfantryCombat

14.3 InfantryMorale

14.4 SpecialInfantryUnits

[15.0] Concealment.............⓲ [16.0] UnmannedUnits.......⓲ 16.1 Controlof...

16.2 CollectingIntelligence

[17.0] Artillery.....................⓲ 17.1 InitialOrder

17.2 ResolvingArtilleryFire

[18.0] Pilots..........................⓳ 18.1 PilotUnit

18.2 Escaping(Optional)

18.3 PilotCreation(Optional)

[19.0] SpecialRules.............⓴ 19.1 LandMines

19.2 SmokeScreen

19.3 NightCombat

19.4 Fire

19.5 SpecialUnits

Japanese Edition Credits

Original Story: Kow YokoyamaDesign: Koji HayashinaOriginal Game System Design: Yasunori SekiyamaIllustration: Kow YokoyamaArtwork: Rieko Tsuiki, Fumitoshi WatanabeTypesetting: Design TactProduction: Sanyusha Inc.Assistance: Hirokazu Tsubaki, Jun YamashitaProduction Editing: Akio KuritaPlaytesting: Masao Ishii, Wataru Horiba, Hirohisa

Tabata, Hirohisa Yajima, Takashi Hosaka

English Edition Credits, v1.1

Translation: Henry Jerng, Michael Duggan, Rob Brunskill, Systran, Google, Excite

Layout and Editing: Rob BrunskillAdditional Support: Kevin ShopePlay testing: Rob Brunskill, Michael Duggan,

Sam Link, Terrence Rideau, AJ Sutton

Original rules copyright 1985 Hobby Japan Co, Ltd.

Maschinen Krieger copyright Kow YokoyamaThis edition copyright 2005 Rob Brunskill

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This rulebook is a translationof therulebookthatcamewiththeS.F.3.DII:OperationFasereigame.Inturn,thatworkwasanexpansionforapriorgame,S.F.3.DOriginal.Both games were a part of a fiction now known as Maschinen Krieger,orMa.K.forshort.

Beginners might find this game difficult to master at first. Experienced gamers will find many familiar concepts, as well as a fewnewones to learn.Forall levelsof play the presentation of the rulesmight contribute to their difficulty since it will be done in the sameorderastheoriginalJapaneserules.

To get started with the game,after reading through the rulebookand grasping the general outline/synopsis, it’s a good idea to startwith the basic scenarios (such asscenario1).

Players who own the Englishreleaseof eithergamemightalreadybe familiar with the rules providedbyTwentiethCenturyImports.Thisrulesetattemptstobemoreaccuratetotheoriginalmaterial,andshouldbeusedinplaceof thoserules.

〔2.0〕Game Contents

TheS.F.3.Dgamesetincludes:•JapaneseRuleBook 1•MapBoards(1~4) 4•ReferenceCard 1•ScenarioCards 5 (Scenarios1~10)•AirCommitmentCards 2•GamePieces 480•Dice 2•PlasticTray 1

The S.F.3.D II game setincludes:•JapaneseRuleBook 1•MapBoards(5~7) 3•ReferenceCards 2

•ScenarioBook 1 (Scenarios11~22)•GamePieces 480•Dice 2•PlasticTray 1

The TCI editions also includeEnglish rulebooks and referencecards.

This game manual providestranslations for the S.F.3.D IIrulebook,referencecards,andall22scenarios.

[2.1] Map Boards

The maps are marked with anumber from 1 to 7. They can beplaced inanycombination tomeetthe requirements of the scenarioplayed.

The six-sided shapes printedon the maps are ‘hexes’. Allmeasurement is counted in hexesand a unit’s location and localtopographyaregivenbywhat is inthehex.

[2.2] Game Pieces

The processed, stampedcardboard tokens are the gamepieces. They are “Units”, whichsignify weapons in the game,and “Markers”, which indicateconditionsinthegame.

The meanings of symbols andnumericalvalueson the tokensareillustratedonthenextpage.

Units can be classified into the following three types. Unit typeis important for stack restrictions[Section8.0].

Type I ......... AFS type, NeuSpotter, Krachen Vogel.

Type II ........ All ground units other than those listed for Type I.

Type III ....... Flying units.

[2.3] Reference Sheets

Reference charts have beenprovidedtosmoothgameplay.Thefull contents for each scenario areincludedonthescenario’sreferencesheet.

〔3.0〕About the Game

[3.1] Game Progression

The game is designed for twoplayers,butwitha littlework, fourpeoplecanplay.Ma.K.isalsosuitedforsoloplay.

Therearea totalof twenty-twoscenariosavailablebetweenS.F.3.Dand S.F.3.D II. Each scenarioestablishes the circumstances of the battle, indicating militaryforces, troop set-up, and winningconditions. While most games willbegin by selecting a scenario forplay, it ispossible tocreateoriginalscenarios,usingexistingscenariosasreference.

The game proceeds inpunctuationsof time,called“turns”.The game ends when the numberof turns set forth in the scenarioare completed. After the last turn,victory isawarded.If awinor lossbecomes clear during the game,a player may abandon the game,causingittoend.

[3.2] Game Scale

The game takes place on mapboards divided into “hexes”. Eachhexisabout80to100metersacross,and each turn is about 1 minutelong. Most tokens represent oneunit,whetheritisaheavyvehicleormobile suit. For an infantry squad,one token represents one division,about6to10people.

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−Example−○ Ground Unit ○ Ground Unit (Infantry)

○ Air Unit ○ Pilot Unit

Front Back Front Back



Movement Type

ID Number

Attack Ability

Weapon Type





ID Number

Movementin Hexes

Name • Class

Attack Modifier • Defense Modifier • Dog-Fight Modifier (same order on back)

■ MarkersFront Back Front Back Front Back



Armament Disabled


Ammunition Depot




Defensive Position (-1) Defensive

Position (-2)


Morale Broken


Smoke Screen (2) Light

Smoke (1)

Doll House Rocket

Bomb (10)

Bomb (8)

Missile (12)

Missile (8)





NeuSpotterAnalytical Memory Unit

Game Turn

○ Supplemental


Mr. Eddie Amzel

Attack Ability


Weapon Type





Movement Type

ID Number

Attack Ability

Weapon Type



Vehicle Units Green Buffalo Sph 69 Doll House Pzkw 182 Ravin Makel Seduce Kraftwagen Truck

Infantry Units Inf.SQ ..... Infantry Squad AAR.SQ .. Anti-AFS Rifle

Squad Eng.SQ ... Engineer Squad

(Mercenary Soldiers)

Pnr.SQ .... Engineer Squad (Strahl Troops)

Plt.HQ ..... Platoon Command Cpn.HQ .. Company Command

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Figure 1 Determining Range

〔4.0〕Sequence of Play

Each scenario uses a fixed number of turns. The game endswhen that number of turns havebeencompleted.Everyturnconsistsof fourphasesandmustproceedinthefollowingorder.1. Air Commitment Phase

Each player secretly dividesthe aerial power in hand into “AirCombat”dutyor“GroundSupport”duty.Aftertheassignmentshavebeenrevealed, proceed with dogfighting and,if possible,breakthrough.2. First Player’s Phase

The first player tests the morale of infantryunitsandthenproceedsto attack and move units. Theplayermayproceedwithwithair-to-ground,ground-to-ground,orclosequarters attacks, move, or do anycombinationof theseactions.Undercertain conditions the first player mightreceivedefensiveattacksfromthesecondplayer.Whilethedecisionof whichunitswillattackandwhichwillmoveisuptotheplayer,asingleunitcannotmoveandattackinthesame phase, with the exception of closequarterscombat.3. Second Player’s Phase

This is the same as the first player’sphase,butthesecondplayeris now moving and attacking, andreceiveing defensive attacks fromthe first player.4. End of Turn Phase

Move the turn marker oneframeontheturnrecordchartandproceedtothenextturn.Whentheturn specified by the scenario ends, thegamewillend.

Throughouttheserules theterm“Phase Player” is used to referto the player whose phase it is.Their opponent is the “Anti-PhasePlayer”.

There isno seperationof playeractionsduringtheEndof TurnandAirCommitmentPhases.


For convenience, “attack” referstoallkindsof attacks,includingclosequarters, with the only exceptionbeing dog-fighting. There are two kinds of attacks, Direct Attack,whichoccurswhentheattackerhasdirectlineof sighttothetarget,andIndirectAttack,whichusesspotters,sotheattackerdoesnothavetohaveaviewof thetarget.

Makingattacksarenotrequiredandareup to thediscretionof thecontrollingplayer.

[5.1] How to Attack

[5.1.1] Attack Procedure1. The attack is announced. The

phase player decides which unitis attacking and which unit isthe target (refer to [14.21] forthe exception). Check that theattackingunitcansee the targetforDirectAttacks,orthespotter,forIndirectAttacks(consult[6.0]forrulesonLineof Sight).

2.Measurethedistancebetweentheattackingunitandtargetinhexes.When measuring the distance,the hex the attacking unit is inis not counted (consult fig. 1). If the distance is longer than theattacking unit’s shooting range,theattackdoesnottakeplace.

3. Add all target modifiers to the

attackingunit’sattackability (becareful that some modifiers are givenasnegative).Next,subtractthe target unit’s defense fromthe adjusted attack ability. Thefinal value is the “Attack Target”. Whenthetargetisbelowzero,theattack becomes ineffective, butin thecaseof lasersormachineguns,theattackrollmuststillbemadetodetermineif theweaponis expended. For weaponsthat have a limited amount of ammunition,consideroneroundto have been fired.

OncetheattackTargetisknown,theattackingplayerrollstwodiceand add the values. If this sumisequaltoorlessthantheattackTarget,theattackingunithitsthetarget.If theproductexceedstheattackTarget, theattackingunitmisses.

Special Note: The first SF3D game rulesstatethatthetwodicerolledshould be multiplied together.Thesecondgameclearlychangesthisresolutionsystemtothemoretraditionaladdition.

4. If the attacking unit hits, thetarget unit’s player checks theeffectof theattack.Rolltwodiceand add the results. Comparethe sum with the target unit’sendurancelevel,usingthearmorEndurancetable.

[5.1.2] Attack ResultsTheattackresultsobtainedfrom


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Basic AttackOffensive Attack

Defensive Attack


Figure 2Figure 2

Figure 2Figure 3Attacking With Multiple Units

Defensive Attacks and MovementFigure 4Figure 4

With the movement of the PKA as shown, the AFS can make 3 seperate Defensive Attacks.

Figure 4Figure 5

Simultaneous Attacks The AFS and SAFS can make a Simultaneous Attack against the PKA. If the AFS attacks first and the PKA is eliminated, the SAFS is still considered to have attacked, and an attack roll should be made to check for the weapon’s usage limit. If the PKA survives both attacks, it can make a Defensive Attack against either the AFS or the SAFS. If the AFS and SAFS attack seperately, the PKA can immediately make a Defensive Attack against each attacker, if it survives the attack.

Simultaneous Attacks

Seperate Attacks

A single Defensive Attack may only be made

Defensive Attack may be made against both units

Ranged AttackExamples

The PKA can make a Defensive Attack against the AFS, but not the SAFS because it is 4 hexes away. The AFS and SAFS may not make a Simultaneous Attack because they are not in the same hex.

An AFS uses its laser (attack ability of 8) to attack a PKA (defense rating of 2).Calculate the Attack Target

(Attack Ability) − (Defense) 8 − 2 = 6

Range: 2 hexes +1 Terrain: Laser fire through

forrest −2 Total of the above 6 + 1 − 2 = 5Die Rolls (using addition) result is 2 + 3 = 5, hit result is 1 + 5 = 6, missDie Rolls (if using multiplication) result is 2 × 3 = 6, miss result is 1 × 5 = 5, hit

of thefollowingthreetypes:D (Destroyed): Thetargetunit


A (Armament Disabled):Thetarget unit’s weapon is destroyed.Place an “Arm. Disabled” markerontheunit.Thisunitcannotshootfor the rest of the game. (For anexample,consult[14.47]).Theunitcanstillparticipateinclosequarterscombat.

M (Immobilized): Place the“Immobilized”markerontopof thetargetunit.Theunitcannolongermove. Flying units are destroyed,althoughtheHornissehastheabilitytolandwithin5hexes.

— (No Effect)* If the attack roll result is a 1 (aone on each die), the result is a“D” without consulting the armorendurancechart.–Example–

AP.K.A.isattackedbyanA.F.S.andishit.TheplayercontrollingtheP.K.A. rolls two dice and the sumof thedice is3.Using theP.K.A.’sarmorenduranceof “B”,consultingthe armor endurance chart showsthattheunitisdestroyed(D).[5.1.3] Modifiers

The attack Target is calculatedby subtracting the target unit’sdefense ability from the attackingunit’s attack strength. Additionalmodifiers are added depending on the situation (range, terrain, etc.).These modifiers are indicated in the Terrain Effects and Attack Modifiers charts,andexplainedbelow.1. Terrain

Attack modifiers are based on the terrainthatthetargetunitisin,andtheweaponthattheattackingunitisusing. The terrain of the attackingunithasnoeffect.

Aslongassomeformof terrainisinthesamehexasthetargetunit,it will gain some form of benefit. However, if the hex is a partialbuildinghex(referto[7.17]),aTypeIIunitwillnotgainadjustmentsforthebuilding.

If the attack crosses a ridgeline,the attack modifier for the ridgeline is added to other terrain modifiers. Consequently, if an attacking unitfires at a target unit in a forest beyondaridgeline,withalaser,theterrain modifier will be (–2) + (–2) =-4.2. Range

If the range is short, the attacktargetisusuallybetter.Atlongrangethe attack target is worse. Becausethe modifier changes depending ontheweapon,consultthe“Rangeadjusted Attack Ability” chart, apartof the“AttackAbility”chart.3. Indirect Attack

If theattackisindirect,auniformmodifier of –3 is applied.4. Target’s Damage

If thetargetunit is immobilized(M), there is a modifier of +2.

For strafing runs by air units, there is no range modifier applied.

All modifiers are cumulative.—Example—

Anattackerismakinganindirectattack with a rocket, with a range

of 9 hexes, against a target in theforest. The base attack target is 9(attack ability – defense ability), the modifier for terrain is (–1) and theadjustmentforindirectattackis(–3). The total modifier is (–4), and the final attack target becomes 5. (9 – 4 = 5)[5.1.4] Attacks cannot be madeagainstahex,fromoutsidethathex,if itcontainsunitsontheattacker’sside.

[5.2] Direct Attack

Whenmakingadirectattack,theattacking unit must be able to seethe target. For direct attacks, thereis offensive attack, close quarterscombat(bothinitiatedbythephaseplayer),andthedefensiveattackthatismadebytheanti-phaseplayer.

[5.3] Offensive Attack

Offensive attacks are made bythephaseplayer’sunits.Aunitthatmakes an offensive attack cannot

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Basic AttackOffensive Attack

Defensive Attack


Figure 2Figure 2

Figure 2Figure 3Attacking With Multiple Units

Defensive Attacks and MovementFigure 4Figure 4

With the movement of the PKA as shown, the AFS can make 3 seperate Defensive Attacks.

Figure 4Figure 5

Simultaneous Attacks The AFS and SAFS can make a Simultaneous Attack against the PKA. If the AFS attacks first and the PKA is eliminated, the SAFS is still considered to have attacked, and an attack roll should be made to check for the weapon’s usage limit. If the PKA survives both attacks, it can make a Defensive Attack against either the AFS or the SAFS. If the AFS and SAFS attack seperately, the PKA can immediately make a Defensive Attack against each attacker, if it survives the attack.

Simultaneous Attacks

Seperate Attacks

A single Defensive Attack may only be made

Defensive Attack may be made against both units

Ranged AttackExamples

The PKA can make a Defensive Attack against the AFS, but not the SAFS because it is 4 hexes away. The AFS and SAFS may not make a Simultaneous Attack because they are not in the same hex.

An AFS uses its laser (attack ability of 8) to attack a PKA (defense rating of 2).Calculate the Attack Target

(Attack Ability) − (Defense) 8 − 2 = 6

Range: 2 hexes +1 Terrain: Laser fire through

forrest −2 Total of the above 6 + 1 − 2 = 5Die Rolls (using addition) result is 2 + 3 = 5, hit result is 1 + 5 = 6, missDie Rolls (if using multiplication) result is 2 × 3 = 6, miss result is 1 × 5 = 5, hit

moveinthesamephase.(Exceptions:see [13.2], Overrun; and [14.2.2],InfantryCharge).[5.3.1]Eachunitcanonlymakeasingle offensive attack in a phase.(Defensive attacks can be made asmanytimesasnecessary.)[5.3.2] Multiple units may attacka single target. Attacks are settledindividuallybetweeneachattackingunitandthetargetunit.(Exception:see[14.2.1],StackedInfantry)[5.3.3] If the units are stacked,multiple units can attack the sametarget at the same time. Whenthe attack is declared, it mustbe announced that it will be a“SimultaneousAttack”.StackedunitsdonothavetomakeaSimultaneousAttack, they can attack separately,butitchangesthewaytheattackingunits receive defensive attacks (see[5.4.1] and [5.4.2]). SimultaneousAttacksarestillresolvedindividuallybetweeneachattackingunitandthetargetunit.


[5.3.4] Attacks that have beenannounced must be executed.Even if the final attack target is below zero, or the target unit isdestroyed with the very first attack of a simultaneous attack, even if the attack had no effect, once it isexecuted,theattackingplayermustcheck forammunitionexpenditure,energyusage,andaccidents.

[5.4] Defensive Attack

Whencertainconditionsaremetduring the phase player’s turn, theanti-phaseplayer canmakeattackswith the appropriate units. Theseconditionsare:1. If the target unit remains alive

after receiving an attack fromwithin3hexes.

2.If aunit is stackedwitha targetunitthatreceivedanattackfromwithin3hexes.

3. The phase player’s unit enteredahexadjacenttotheanti-phaseplayer’sunit,andchallengedtheanti-phaseplayer’sunit toclose-

quarterscombat.A unit that has fulfilled any of the

aboveconditionscanproceedwithadefensiveattack.[5.4.1] With conditions 1 and 2,for each attacking unit firing alone, notpartof aSimultaneousAttack,each unit capable of making adefensive attack may do so againsttheattackingunit.[5.4.2] Withconditions1and2,if theattacksarepartof asimultaneousattack,eachunitcapableof makingadefensiveattackmaydosoagainstoneunitof theattackingstack,afteralltheattacksof theattackingunitshavebeenresolved.[5.4.3]Withcondition3,whenthephase player moves a unit into anadjacenthex, theanti-phaseplayermayattack.Thismayleadtoclose-quarterscombat,describedlater.[5.4.4] A defensive attack canproceed any time any of the threeconditionsaremet.Itispossibleforasingleunittomakemanydefensiveattacksinasinglephase,andaunitmay make offensive and defensive

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attacksinthesameturn.(Onlyoneoffensiveattackisallowed.)[5.4.5] Adefensiveattackisadirectattack only. A defensive attackmaynotbepartof a simultaneousattack.

[5.5] Indirect Attack

Some weapons may be fired at units thatarenotdirectlyvisible tothe attacking unit. These weaponsinclude Doll House heavy rocketshells,theSphinx’srocketshell,andthe TOS anti-tank rocket shell. InordertomakeanIndirectAttack,athirdunitmusthave a viewof thetarget,thisunitiscalleda“spotter”.[5.5.1]Aspottingunit isanything,including all ground units andstrafing flying units, as long as the intended spotting unit hasnot been used more than half of its movement points and has notmade any offensive attacks. Onceithasbeendesignatedasa spotter,itmaynotmovemorethanhalf of its movement points or make anyoffensiveattacksinthecurrentturn.Flying units used to survey cannotattackgroundunits.[5.5.2] Indirect attacks affect thetargethexandthesixadjacenthexes.Unlikedirectattack,thetargetisnota single unit. All units within theeffect of the attack are hit. Somelargemissiles andartillery cannonswillcauseeffectsinhexesuptotwohexes away from the target hex.EffectrangeisnotedontheArtilleryCapabilityChart.[5.5.3] Todetermineif anindirectattack hits, make a single die rollagainst theattack target, regardlessof thenumberof unitsthatwillbeaffected.Determinetheattackresultsfor each unit using its individualendurance.Unitsoutsidethetargethex get a +1 to the endurance roll.[5.5.4] An indirect attack cannotbe targeted at a hex that containsa friendlyunit. If theattackeffectsadjacent hexes, and one of thoseunits contains a friendly unit, the


〔6.0〕Line of Sight

When making a direct attack,orusingaspottingunitforindirectattack,thetargetmustbevisible.

[6.1] Line of Sight

[6.1.1]Inordertoviewthetarget,theattacker’sunitmusthaveadirectlineof sighttothetargetunit.Theline of sight is a straight line fromanypartof thehextheviewingunitisintoanypartof thetarget’shex.If thislinecanbedrawnacrosstheterrain without being obstructed,theviewingunithaslineof sighttothetargetunit,allowingittoattackorspot.[6.1.2] The line of sight will notpass through the following terrain,however the terrain of the hex of theviewingunitandthetargetunitdonotobstructthelineof sight.


hill,hexeswithsmokemarkers,andhexes with fire markers.

Theseterrainsblocklineof sightwithoutregardtoelevationlevel,asdescribedin[6.2].[6.1.3]Ridgelinesandwallsobstructthe sight line, with the followingexceptions.1. When the target is a Type I

unit.If thelineof sightcrossesaridge

orwall,andaTypeI targetunit isinaheximmediatelyadjacenttotheridgeorwall,thereisalineof sight.There isno lineof sight toType Itargetsbeyondthishex.(Figure6)2. When the target is a Type II

unit.When the target is a Type II

unit, lineof sight continues to twohexespast theridgeorwall.Thereisnolineof sighttothethirdhexorbeyond.(Figure7)[6.1.4]Thereisnolimittothelengthof the lineof sight,butattacksarestilllimitedbytheweapon’srange.[6.1.5] Adjacentunits always havelineof sight.

Ridge Lines, Unit Types, and Line of SightFigure 6Figure 6

Figure 7Figure 7

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[6.1.6] Units, whether friend orfoe,donotobstructlineof sightorattacks.

[6.2] Elevation

[6.2.1] All terrain symbols have aheight. Consult the terrain effectschartfortheheightof eachtypeof terrain.[6.2.2] If the line of sight passesthroughahexwithaheightlevelof 1,thatlineof sightisobstructed.If thehexof theviewingunitandthetarget unit are both height level 1,thelineof sightisnotobstructedintheabovementionedcase.[6.2.3] Special: When the hex of theviewingunit,targetunitorbothunitshasaheightof 1, the lineof sightisnotblockedbyridgelinesorwalls.

Thereisanexceptionif theridgeorwallisonahexsideof theviewingortargetunit’shex.Inthiscaseusetherulesfrom[6.1.3].


Thephaseplayermaymoveunitsusingthefollowingrules.Theseunitsmay also be subject to defensiveattacksfromtheanti-phaseplayer.

[7.1] Procedure

[7.1.1] Units move from theircurrenthextoanadjacenthex,oneatatime.Aunitcannotskiphexes.[7.1.2] The movement capabilityof a unit is printed on the front,lower left corner of its token. Thenumberisthenumberof movementallowance the unit has, and theletterdenotesitsformof movement.The movement allowance is themaximum number of “movementpoints”aunitmayspendinasinglephase. The unit may spend anyamountuptothisvalue(Figure9).[7.1.3]Themovementcosttomoveinto a hex is determined by theterrainandmovementform.Thisisshown in theTerrainEffectschart.If aunitdoesnothavethenumberof pointslefttomeetthecostof theterrain, the unit cannot enter thehex.[7.1.4] If a hex contains severalterrains, factor in all terrains thatinfluence the unit entering the hex. If thehexpartlycontainswater,andtheunitcannottraverseit,thenthewatercanbeignored,althoughtheunitmaynotpass throughanyhexside that isblockedby that terrain.Becauseridgesandwallsoccuralonghexsides,andnotinthehexes,they

are not included in this regulation(see[7.1.5]).[7.1.5]OntheTerrainEffectsChart,a (+) is attached to the mobility of ridges andwalls. If aunit enters ahex by passing through a ridge orwall, the appropriate movementcost must be added to the cost of hex being entered. If a hover (H)typeunitentersadesertbypassingaridge,thecostwillbe5movementpoints(3toenterthedesert,and2topasstheridge).[7.1.6] The movement cost forroads and trails on the TerrainEffectsChartisusedwhentheunitis continuing movement along aroad or trail from one hex to thenext. Only the cost of the road ortrail applies and the surroundingterrain is ignored. If a hex with aroad or trail is entered from a hexthatdoesnotcontainaroadortrail,the movement cost of the hex isbased on the surrounding terrain,andtheroadortrailisignored.[7.1.7] There are two kinds of hexes with buildings. One is thecomplete building hex, which isentirely covered with buildings,andthepartialbuildinghex,whichare only partially covered withbuildings. When moving throughhexeswithpartialbuildings,TypeIunitsareconsideredtobeamongthebuildings,asthoughtheunitwereinacompletebuildinghex.If theunitisaTypeII,itisoutsidethebuilding,inthesurroundingterrain.

WhenaTypeIunitisinapartialbuilding hex, it benefits from the building attack modifiers from the Terrain Effects Chart, and aType II unit does not (see [5.1.3],Modifiers).[7.1.8]WandCtypeunitscannotenterariverorwaterhex.[7.1.9] As long as a unit has notexceeded its movement points, itmay continue to move. Unusedmovementpointsarelostattheendof the turn, theyarenotheldoverto the next turn, nor can they besharedwithotherunits.




Movement Procedure

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[7.2] Movement Restrictions

[7.2.1] A unit which made anoffensive attack cannot move inthesamephase,andaunitthathasmoved cannot make an offensiveattack, except for close quarterscombat (Exceptions:see[14.0]and[19.0]).[7.2.2] The unit may not spendmore movement points than itsprintedvalueinasinglephase.[7.2.3] A unit is free to movethrough friendly hexes withoutpenalty regardless of the stackingregulations(explainedlater).

To enter a hex occupied by anenemy unit, close-quarters combatmust take place. When enteringa hex containing an enemy, themovingunitmuststopregardlessof whatmovementallowanceremains,andmaynotbemovedagaininthatphase.[7.2.4] When entering a hexadjacent to an enemy duringmovement,theanti-phaseplayerhasanopportunitytomakeadefensiveattack. The phase player does nothavetoaskif theanti-phaseplayerintends to make defensive attacksevery time the moving unit entersan adjacent hex, but the phaseplayer must clearly show the routetheunitismoving,andinterruptthemovement if the anti-phase playerannouncesadefensiveattack.Oncethe attack is resolved, movementmayresume,if possible.[7.2.5] The phase player maymoveunitsindividuallyorinstacks(see[8.0,Stacking).Onceaunitorstack has completed its movement,itcannotbemovedfurther,andthenextunitorstackmaybemoved.[7.2.6] When units are movingtogether as a stack, the movementof all units is limited to the lowestmovementpoint valueof theunitsinthestack.

[7.3] CarryingA Type I unit that is not

immobilized can transport anotherTypeIunitthatisimmobilized.[7.3.1] Units must be stacked inorder tocarry (see [8.0],Stacking).Declare that carrying is takingplace and theunitswill thenmovetogether, with the carried unit atthebottomof thestack.Todropacarriedunit,simplydeclarethatitisno longer carried.Bothpickingupand dropping another unit costs 1movementpoint.[7.3.2] Units are under the usualrestrictionsforstackingwhenaunitis being carried, and both unitsinvolvedarestilltargetedseparately.[7.3.3] If the carrying unit isdestroyedordamaged,theunitbeingcarried is immediately dropped inthecurrenthex.


When two or more units are ina single hex it is called “stacking”.There is a limit on the number of units each army can stack in onehex.Thisiscalledthe“stacklimit”.

[8.1] Stack Points

Thestacklimitisbasedonstackpoints.Eachunithas a stackpointvalue based on its type, as shownbelow.

TypeI,includingJerry,Oskar,Goblin,Gladiator,Kafer .................. 1StackPoint

TypeII,includingInfantry .................. 2StackPoints

Type III, when strafing .................. 1StackPoint

[8.2] Stacking LimitWhen a phase ends, or during

closequarters combat, thenumberof stackingpointsinahexmustnotexceed4stackpoints(Figure9).[8.2.1] While the stacking limitmust be applied at the end of thephase or in close-quarters combat.At any other time, such as duringmovement, it does not matter howmanyunitsarestacked.[8.2.2] In close-quarters combat,the stacking limit is separate foreachside.[8.2.3]EventhoughtheNeuSpotteris 1 stack point, two NeuSpottersmaynotbeinthesamehex,unlessaccompaniedbyaTypeIIunit.

Figure 7Figure 9

1 point

1 point

2 point

Stack4 points

Stacking Limit

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[8.2.4]Stackinglimitsareaconcernfor flying units making strafing attacks. The stack limit for flying units is considered separately fromthestack limitof thegroundunits.Therefore, it is acceptable to haveflying units stacked to 4 points and groundunitsstackedto4points.[8.2.5]Non-unitmarkersandpilotmarkersarenotcountedinthestacklimit.These typesof countersmayeven be placed in hexes that arealreadystackedtothelimit.

〔9.0〕Close Quarters Combat

Allattacksbetweengroundunitsinthesamehexare“closequarterscombat”. The attacks involvedconsist of lasers or small arms ontankssuchastheNutRocker,orevenunarmed attacks used by armoredfighting suits.

[9.1] Procedures

A unit that has moved can engageinclosequarterscombatinthesamephase (see [7.2.1]). The phasingplayer’sunitmuststackinthesamehexastheanti-phaseplayer’sunit,atwhich point close quarters combatbegins.Theprocedureisasfollows.1.Thephaseplayeradvancesaunit

intoahexadjacenttoanenemy,and states intent to enter theenemy hex and engage in closequarters combat. (A unit mayonlyenteranenemyhex if it isgoingtoengageinclosequarterscombat).

2. The anti-phase player proceedswith defensive attacks usinganyunits in the targethex.Thedefensiveattacksmaytargetanyunitthatwillbeinvolvedinclosequarterscombat.

The anti-phase player maychoose to move into the phase

player’s current hex to engagein close quarters combat. Oncethis isdecided, thephaseplayermoves into the targethex if theunits involved are not alreadyin the same hex as the enemyunit.Thedefensive attacks thenproceedinthesamehex.

3. After the defensive attack, thephaseplayer’sunitsthatremainedalivewillproceedtoattack.Thephaseplayerdecideswhichunitsare attackingwhich targets, andmayhavemultipleunitstargetingasingleenemyunit.

[9.1.1] When a unit enters anadjacent hex, it is possible fordefensiveattackstobemadeevenif thereisnointenttoengageinclosequarterscombat.[9.1.2]Thephaseplayercanmoveotherunitsintothehexwhereclosequarters combat is occurring. Thissituationisthesameasparticipatinginanongoingclosequarterscombat,describedin[9.3.3].

Figure 10Figure 10

The AFS enters hex and the player announces the intent to engage in close quarters combat before moving into hex . If there is no intent to engage in close quarters combat, a defensive attack can be made by the PKA as normal (see Figure 4). If there is intent to engage in close quarters combat, the PKA may make a defensive attack against the AFS when it is in either hex or hex . If the AFS becomes immobilized in hex , its movement ends, and the 'Immobilized' marker is placed. If it is immobilized in hex it can still attack the PKA.

Examples of Defensive Attacks in Close Quarters Combat

The PKA may make a defensive attack against either the AFS or SAFS when they are in either hex or hex .

The PKA and Gustav can make defensive attacks against the AFS. It is possible to have one attack when the AFS is in hex , and the other attack when the AFS is in hex . But all attacks to be made while the AFS is in hex must be resolved before any attacks against the AFS in hex .

Each PKA and Gustav can make a defensive attack, one at a time, against the AFS or SAFS.

Figure 10Figure 11

Figure 12Figure 12

Figure 12Figure 13

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[9.2] Defensive Attacks in Close Quarters Combat

Defensive attacks against closequarterscombatproceedsinanyof thefollowingsituations.1.Whenanenemyisinanadjacent


hex.A unit that engages in case 1

cannotattackincase2.[9.2.1] Defensive attacks for closequarters combat is completelydiscretionary. If, for example, astackwastargetedforclosequarterscombat,itispossibleforoneportionof the stack to attack the adjacenthex,foranotherportiontoattackinthesamehex,andfortheremainingportiontonotattack.[9.2.2]Aftertheoffensiveunitshavemadetheirattack,unitsnotattackedin close quarters combat may notmakedefensiveattacks.[9.2.3]Defensiveattacksmaynotbemadeintoahexcontainingfriendlyunits.[9.2.4] Selection of targets andresolution of defensive attacks areconductedonaunit-by-unitbasis.Inotherwords,adefensiveattackmaybe declared after seeing the resultsof another unit’s attack. However,the natural flow of time may not be

breached;inparticular,if adefensivefire is resolved against a unit that has movedintothesamehex,adefensiveattackmaynotbedeclaredagainstunitsintheadjacenthex.[9.2.5]Resultsof defensiveattacksareappliedimmediately.If aunitisimmobilized in an adjacent hex, itdoesnotmoveintothetargethex.If aunit isdestroyed in thesamehexby defensive fire, it does not get to attack.

[9.3] Continuing Close Quarters Combat

Afterboth sideshaveconductedattacks inclosequarterscombat, if undestroyed units from both sidesremaininthesamehexattheendof thephase,thisiscalleda“continuingclosequarterscombat”.[9.3.1] If a continuing closequarterscombatexistsatthestartof aplayer’sphase,thephasingplayerchoosesfromamongthefollowing:1.Conductclosecombatasis.2.Conduct close combat by

moving in additional units asreinforcements.

3.Retreat(moveoutof thehex).4.Leaveitasis(donothing).[9.3.2] If close quarters combatis continued, the phasing playerchooses a target for each of hisunits, and then resolves all attacksinorder.Afterthat,thenon-phasing

player declares and resolves his fire in the same way. This combat isresolvedsimultaneously;thephasingplayer’scombatresultsdonotaffectthe resolution of attacks by thenon-phasing player. Phasing unitsthatconductclosecombatmaynotperformanyotheractionthis turn.Non-phasingunitsmaybepinnedasindicatedin[9.4].[9.3.3] Additional units mayenter the close quarters combat byfollowing the normal procedure of moving to an adjacent hex, wheredefensive attacks may be declared.Such defensive attacks are limitedto unpinned units that can fire into theadjacenthex.Unitsthatsurvivethesedefensiveattacksmoveintotheclose quarters combat hex. Same-hexdefensiveattacksareprohibited,and the close quarters combat isresolved as in [9.3.2]. Units thatmade defensive attacks at theapproaching units may participatein the close quarters combat thisphaseasnormal.[9.3.4] In the case of retreat,defensiveattacksmaybeconductedagainstunitsoncetheyhavemovedintoanadjacenthex.If oneormoreof thephasingplayer’sunitsremainin the close quarters combat hex,only unpinned units may conductdefensive attacks. Units may movedirectly from an enemy-occupiedhex to another enemy-occupied

Figure 14Figure 14

Either the PKA or Gustav is pinned by the AFS (the phasing player decides), so only the unpinned unit may make a defensive attack against the SAFS. When the AFS initially engaged in close quarters combat, would have been able to make defensive attacks, if neither were pinned at the time.

Pinned Units in Close Quarters Combat

The SAFS may enter close quarters combat without taking any defensive attacks from the PKA or Gustav. In the case of Figure 14, with 3 units in the hex, the SAFS could be the target for defensive attacks, even when moving through adjacent hexes (see Figure 4), but in Figure 15, no defensive attacks are possible.

Figure 10Figure 15

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hex.[9.3.5] If the phasing playerchooses to do nothing, there is nopenalty, and defensive fire may not beconducted.

[9.4] Pinned Units in Close Quarters Combat

Each unit in close quarterscombat exerts some influence over opposingunitsinthesamehex.[9.4.1] One anti-phasing unit ispinned for each phasing unit inthe same hex. For example, if thephasingplayerhas2unitsinahex,and the anti-phasing player has 4unitsinthesamehex,2of theanti-phasing player’s units are pinned,andtheother2areunpinned.[9.4.2] Phasing units that areimmobilized or unable to fire do not counttowardsdeterminingtheanti-phasingplayer’spinnedunits.[9.4.3] Units are not pinnedspecifically, only the number of units pinned is important. Thephasing player decides which unitsareunpinned.[9.4.4] Pinned units may notconduct attacks into other hexes,including defensive attacks againstanadjacenthex.

[9.5] Unarmed Combat

All Type 1 units may perform“unarmed”combatinclosequarterscombat. All unarmed combatis performed after resolution of attacks fromopposingunits,exceptfor opposing unarmed combat.All unarmed combat is resolvedsimultaneously.

The to-hit range of unarmedattacks is always an unmodified 4, regardlessof defensivestrength.

〔10.0〕Aeronautical unit

The Falke, PK40, Salamander,andseveralotherunitsinthegame

are aeronautical units. In addition,whenjoinedwithaPK41,thePKA,Gustav, or Konrad also becomeaeronauticalunits.

Aeronautical units can engagein air-to-air (dog-fighting) or air-to-ground (air support) combat.Unitsassigned to air combat are fighting for air superiority and to supportunits assigned to ground combat.Units assigned to ground combatcanattackanenemygroundunit,orprovidesupportforindirectattacks.

[10.1] Procedure

[10.1.1]Duringtheairwarphase,bothplayersassigntheiraeronauticalunits to “Air Combat Mission” or“Ground Combat Mission”. Theassigned unit should be placed inthe appropriate space on the aircommitmentcard.Oncebothplayersare finished assigning their units, the assignments are compared. aircombat missions are resolved withtheappropriatelyassignedunits,andthen breakthrough is conducted,dependingontheresults.Note:Theaircommitmentcardsareprovided in both Japanese games,andattheendof thisrulebook.[10.1.2] A player’s units assignedto ground combat missions resolvetheir mission during that player’sphase. There are three types of groundcombatmissions.1.Air-to-groundattack2.Spotforindirectattacks3.Land(Hornisseonly)

Anaeronauticalunitassignedtogroundcombatcanonlydooneof theaboveactions.[10.1.3] An aeronautical unit thathas completed itsduty ismoved tothe“Used”spaceonthedutychart.

If an aeronautical unit hassurvived,itcanbeusedagainonthenextturn.

[10.1.4] A player may withdrawanaeronauticalunitthatisdeemedas unnecessary during the air warphase.However,theunitmaynotbe

withdrawn before the first turn or a turninwhichtheunitisdeployed.

[10.2] Air Combat Mission

In the air war phase, theaeronautical units assigned to aircombatengageinbattle.Dependingon the outcome, breakthrough isconducted.[10.2.1] To begin air combat,total the dog-fight rating of the aeronautical units for each side.Compare the dog-fight rating of each side to get the ratio. Theside with the higher rating is theaggressor (if the powers are equal,theattackingplayer,asassignedbythe scenario, is theaggressor).Rollone die and compare the result totheappropriateratiocolumnintheDog-Fight Resolution Chart. Thevalues given are the rating pointsthateachsideloses.Eachsidelosesanumber of points as close to thevalue as possible, without goingover.-Example-

If the Mercenary Troops onlyhave the Falke remaining (dog-fight ratingof 4),andreceivealossof 3points,nounitsareaffected.

If the Strahl Troops have threePK40’s (dog-fight rating of 2) and two Hornisse (dog-fight rating of 3),andreceivea lossof 3points,asingleHornisseislost.If thelossis4points,twoPK40’sarelostinstead.[10.2.2] Units which are lost inair-to-air combat do not make adurabilitycheck.Theunitsdamagedareautomaticallydestroyed(D).

[10.3] Breakthrough

If there are no opposing unitsassigned toaircombatmissions,orif one side has a number of unitsequal to double that of the enemyafter the dog-fight, it is possible to conduct breakthrough. A numberof units equal to the difference inthe number of units on each side

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If theStrahlTroopsassignsixunitsto air combat, and the MercenaryTroops assign three units, then theStrahl have reached the requirednumberforbreakthrough,andthreeunits (6 – 3 = 3) may breakthrough.[10.3.1] Breakthrough is resolvedin the same way as a dog-fight, but the dog-fight rating of the defensive sideis0.[10.3.2]Damagefrombreakthroughisappliedimmediately.

[10.4] Air-to-Ground Combat

[10.4.1] Procedure 1.Thephaseplayerplacesground

combataeronauticalunitsontheboard. The maximum numberof units that canbeplaced inahexisfour(thisdoesnotincludeground units). The attackingunitsmaybeplacedallatonceorindividually.Individualunitsmaybeplacedandresolvedbeforethenextunitisplaced,anddoesnotcount against the stack limit forthat hex. In other words, if allunits attack individually, theymayallattackasinglehex.

2. Allunitsof theanti-phaseplayerin the target hex can make ananti-aircraft attack against theaeronauticalunits(thecontrollingplayer decides which units fire on which aeronautical units, eachunit can only fire once, and only on a single aeronautical unit).After deciding which units willmakeananti-aircraftattack, theattacksareresolved.Anti-aircraftattacks are resolved in the samemanner as direct fire.

3.If anyaeronauticalunitssurvivethe anti-aircraft attacks, theyresolve their attacks on units inthe target hex (similar to anti-aircraft attack). After declaringwhich units are attacking whichtargets,allattacksareresolved.

4. Once its attack is complete, theaeronauticalunitisplacedinthe“Used”spaceonthedutychart.Theaboveprocedureisfollowed

for each unit involved with air-to-groundcombat.[10.4.2] Attacks against groundunits are modified by terrain. There is no modifier for range. [10.4.3] Anti-aircraft attacks arenot modified by terrain or range.[10.4.4] Ground attacks areresolvedduringaplayer’sphase.(Allattacksoractions involvingaircraftaredone‘inturn’,asusual).[10.4.5] With each air-to-groundattackitispossibleforunitstomakeananti-aircraftattack.Asindicatedby [10.4.1], eachunit in the targethexgetsananti-aircraftattackwitheachair-to-groundattack.[10.4.6] In both the air-to-groundand anti-aircraft attacks, the rulesforammunitionlimitsapply.

[10.5] Spot for Indirect Attacks

A single aeronautical unitassigned to ground combat mayprovidesupportforasingleindirectattack, as a spotter. Simply declarethat the unit is providing support,and after the indirect attack isresolved,movetheaeronauticalunittothe“Used”space.

[10.6] Landing

ThePKA(aswellastheGustavandKonrad)canjoinwithaPK41to become a “Hornisse”. Whenenteringascenarioasreinforcement,the Hornisee is in flight. It may land whenassignedtoagroundcombatmission. When stacked in flight, they canlandinadjacenthexes.[10.6.1]TheHornisse (PK41)canlandinanyhexitcanenter.Whenit lands, it immediately separates.After landing, there are two unitsstackedinthehex.


[10.6.2]Inthephasingplayer’sturn,if the PK41 and PKA are stackedat the beginning of the turn, theymayunitandlaunch,althoughthisisoptional.ThelaunchingHornisseisplacedinthe“Used”spaceof thedutychart.

APKAthatboardsaPK41maynotmoveorattackinthatturn.[10.6.3]If thelandinghexcontainsan enemy unit, an anti-aircraftattack can be made. The landingunit is considered to have class‘C’ durability, and a result of M(immobilized) or A (armamentdisabled),destroysthelandingunit.The result is applied to both thePK41andthePKA.

A surviving Hornisse lands andseparates. The PKA cannot attackduring the current phase, but thefollowing phase starts with theunits in a state of continuing closequarterscombat.[10.6.4] A PKA and PK41 in thesame hex as an enemy may uniteand takeoff. The enemy units mayconduct anti-aircraft attacks, as in[10.6.3].[10.6.5] When the Hornisse landsthetwounitsseparate immediately.Thiseffectsthestackrestrictionsof thelandinghex.


[11.1] Types of Weapons

[11.1.1] Each unit’s weapon typeis printed on the back of its token– along with attack power and range (see [3.2] for reference). The typesareasfollows:



[11.1.2] The listed weapon of the Gustav and Konrad is L (thelaser),but inaddition it carries the

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PanzerFaust.WhentheGustavandKonrad use the PanzerFaust, theattack values are the same as thePKA.Namely,attackpower10andrange4.[11.1.3]TheGoblinislistedwithL(thelaser),butitalsocarriesrockets.Use the Goblin rocket token forreference (see [3.2]). The token isstackedwiththeGoblintoken,andonly shows the attack power andrange of the rocket, but not thequantity. The quantity is indicatedbyaseparatetoken.

The rocket quantity tokens arenumberedfrom“1”to“4”.

[11.2] Usage Limits for Weapons

[11.2.1] If a laser weapon is fired andtheattackrollresultsinanatural(5and6,or6and6),thepowertothe laser is depleted. The currentshot is still resolved, but the lasercannotbeusedtomakeanyfurtherattacks.Thereisnowaytorechargethelaserduringthegame.[11.2.2] If a machine gun is fired and the attack roll results in anatural (6and6), themachinegunbreaks down. The current shotis still resolved as normal, but nofurther attacks can be made withthis weapon. The machine guncannotberepaired.[11.2.3] If the laser or machinegun breaks down, place an “Arm.Disabled” token to indicate that itcannotuseitsweapon.[11.2.4]ForrocketsandPanzerFaust(PF),thenumberof shotseachunitcarriesisgivenbelow.

RocketDollHouse........ 4roundsSphinx.............. 5roundsOscar................ 2roundsGoblin............... 2roundsGladiator........... 3rounds

PanzerFaustPKA.................. 2roundsGustav............... 2roundsKonrad.............. 2roundsKrachenVogel.. 6rounds

A unit with rockets can only fire onetimeduringaphase.TwoPDFrounds can be fired in a single phase (only in the case of defensive fire and anti-aircraft fire).[11.2.5]Placearocketcounttokento indicate the number of roundsfired. For example if a unit has fired 3 rounds, place the “3” token with the unit. Once the maximumnumberof roundshasbeenreachedfor rockets and PF, the numericcounter is removed,and the“Arm.Disabled” is placed on the unit.Until rounds are added, the rocketorPFcannotbeused(see[11.3]).

[11.3] Supplement of PF

[11.3.1] For units that use the PF(exceptfortheKrachenVogel),itispossibletoreloaduptothestartingnumber of rounds when in thesame hex as the Depot (the ammodump).

The unit may be supplied themomentitenterstheDepothex,aslongasanenemyunit isnotinthesamehex.Aslongasanenemyunitisinthehex,supplyisnotpossible.[11.3.2] There is no limit to thenumber of times a unit may besuppliedatanyoneDepot.[11.3.3] If a player’s unit isunopposedinthehexof aDepotof theenemy,theunitmaydestroytheDepotasitsaction.Oncetheplayerresolvestheaction,theDepottokenis removed. Inorder todestroy thedepot, (1) one movement point isspent,and(2)theunitattackswithinthehex,andmustbeabletodoso.

[11.4] Equipment

For aeronautical units, it ispossible to carry equipment otherthan the standard armament. Thescenario indicates the equipmentcarried.[11.4.1]Theadditionalequipmentincludes three types of bomb,missile, and laser. The appropriatemarker (see [3.2]) is placed under

theunittoshowthatitisequipped.[11.4.2]Thebombandmissilecanonlybeusedwhentheaeronauticalunitisassignedtoagroundsupportmission. When attacking the unitcan use either its equipment or itsregular attack. Once the piece of equipment is used, the marker isremoved.

The laser can be used for airsupportorgroundsupportmissions.The lasercanbeusedanynumberof times,butthenormalrulesapplyfortheenergylimit(see[11.2.3]).[11.4.3]Whenusingthelaserforair-to-groundattacks,theattackpoweron the laser token is used. Whenusingthelaserinair-to-aircombat,use the dogfight power of the unit, and add (+1) for the marker.

〔12.0〕Miscellaneous Rules

[12.1] Initial Deployment and Reinforcement

Several scenarios includereinforcementsforeitherside.Also,some units begin the first turn on themapwithoutenteringfromanyparticular direction. This is initialdeployment. Units arrive at thebeginningof theturn(groundunitswill move onto the board duringthe controlling player’s phase).Aeronauticalunitsmaybeassignedtoamissionontheturntheyarrive.

Ground units enter the mapboardaccording to the instructionsinthescenario,andhavetheirusualmovement. Units may not arrivethroughahexoccupiedbyanenemyunit.

The entering unit must be abletoenter the terrainof thehex it isarriving in, and spends movementpointstoenterthathex.If theunitarrives in a hex with a road thatextends off of the map, it spendsmovementpointsasif ithadmovedalongtheroad.

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[12.2] Airdrop

InsomescenariostheNutrockerandotherunits aredeployedusingan airdrop. During that player’sphase the air dropped unit maybeplacedinanyhexitcanoccupyusing normal movement. If placedinahexoccupiedbyenemyforces,the dropping unit receives anti-aircraft fire. This anti-aircraft fire is resolved as a normal groundattack (although the dropped unitcannot return fire). The dropped unit has a durability rating of ‘C’for the attack, and a result of ‘M’(Immobilized) results indestructionof thedroppedunit.Aftertheanti-aircraft fire is resolved, a dropped unitwhichisnotdestroyedisplacedinthehexwiththeenemyunits,andcannot attack or move during thecurrent phase. The opposing unitsin the hex are considered to be incontinuing close quarters combatonthenextphase.

[12.3] Defensive Position

Some scenarios indicate the useof defensivepositions.Eachmarkerrepresentsa suitable shield, trench,or similar defensive emplacement.Theratingonthemarkercombineswith the attack modifier of the terrain in thehex. Inorder to takeadvantageof thepositionmarker,aunit’smarkermustbeplacedunderthe marker. Entrance and exit toa defensive position is carried outduring movement. No movementpointsmustbespent,butadefensiveposition already occupied byopposingunitscannotbeentered.If thepositionmarkerisempty,eitherside can enter. Defensive positionscannotbemovedorremovedduringthegame.

〔13.0〕Vehicle units

Units classified as vehicles

have additional abilities, such astransport and overrun attack. Thisisinadditiontotheregularrulesforagroundunit.

[13.1] Transporting With a Vehicle Unit

[13.1.1] Trucks and hover tanksof both forces have the ability totransportTypeIunits,infantryunits,and pilot units. This lets infantryunitsbemovedaroundmorequickly,andrelocationof TypeIunits thathave been immobilized, to a safeplace.[13.1.2]Thetransportrulesareasfollows.Theunitsbeingtransportedare stacked under the vehicle unit,toindicatethattheyareloaded.Thevehicle unit may not move on theturnthatisloads.Onthenextturn,the vehicle may move its regularallowance. When a unit unloadsfrom the vehicle unit, it mustspend half of its movement points(engaging in closequarters combatispossible).[13.1.3] When fired upon, the vehicleandtheunitsitistransportingare treated as a single target. Theattackisresolvedusingthevehicle’sstatistics, and if the vehicle isdestroyed, the units it transportsaredestroyedaswell.If theresultisimmobilizedorarmamentdisabled,onlythevehicleisaffected.[13.1.4] Units being transportedmay fire. However, they cannot fire andunloadinthesamephase.[13.1.5] Each vehicle unit has atransport capacity of two stackpoints. Exception: The Sph69-pTroopTransportcancarry6pointsof Type I units only (no infantry),andtheGreenBuffalocancarry10stackpoints.

[13.2] Overrun attack

Avehicleunit cannotengage inclosequarterscombat.If itisinvolvedwith close quarters combat, it canonlyreceiveattacks.If thevehicleis

still armed it can make an overrunattack,evenif itistransportingunitsatthetime(thisisavariationof closequarterscombat).[13.2.1] If an overrun attack ismade, defensive fire is resolved with the same procedure as closequarterscombat,asthevehicleunitapproaches the hex of the enemyunit(See[9.1]).Afterthevehicleunitfinishes its attack, it passes through the hex side opposite the side itentered. If units in the target hexhavesurvived,theydonotmakeanyadditionaldefensiveattacksbecauseof thismovement.[13.2.2] The vehicle unit does nothave to spend any extra movementpoints to make an overrun attack,howeveritmustbeabletomoveintothehexoppositeof itsapproach.If the unit still has movement pointsremaining,itmaycontinuetomoveand even make additional overrunattacks.[13.2.3] Units being transportedmay make attacks during theoverrun attack, however any unitsthatparticipateintheoverrunattackmay not unload in that phase, ormakeanyotherattacks.

〔14.0〕Infantry Squads

Tokensmarkedwiththesilhouetteof soldiers,or‘Inf.’,areInfantryunits.This unit represents approximatelyfour to ten soldiers and any firearms carriedbythem.Theunitbehavesasatypicalgroundunitexceptforthefollowingspecialrules.

[14.1] Infantry Movement

An Infantry unit can move onehexperturn.AnInfantryunitcannotmake any additional movementwhen loading or unloading from avehicle.

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[14.2] Infantry Combat

All Infantry units have a specific attack power and range, just likeother units. The following specialrulesapplyforInfantrycombat.[14.2.1] Stacked Infantry unitsmay add their attack power for asingleattack.Thisisanexceptionto[5.1.1].[14.2.2] If approaching to engagein close quarters combat, theinfantry unit can move two hexes.This is an infantry charge. Theinfantry’s movement value remainsinhexesanddoesnotbecome twomovement points. For instance, if theinfantryunitwaschargingalongaroadhex,itcanstillonlymovetwohexes,andnotfour(2MPat1/2MPper road hex = 4 hexes). Theinfantry’s movement is unaffectedbythemovementcostof theterrainitmovesthrough.[14.2.3] Defensive attacks againsta charging infantry unit are at a -1 to hit, in addition to any othermodifiers.[14.2.4] Some infantry units areequipped with the machine gun(MG). There is no single machinegun in the unit; all members of the squad are equipped with thisweapon.Therefore,if theinfantry’sto-hitrollisanatural(6and6),theweapondoesnotbreakdown.

[14.3] Infantry Morale

When an infantry’s durabilityrollresultsinanM(immobilized)orA (armament destroyed), the unit’smorale is broken. Place a ‘MoraleBroken’ token with the affectedunit’stoken.[14.3.1] An infantry unit withbroken morale behaves in thefollowingways.1. It cannot attack. If engaged in

close quarters combat or anoverrunattack,theunitcanonlyreceiveattacks.


units. If this movement wouldprovoke defensive fire, then the unitcannotmove.

3. The unit cannot spot. In anyscenario in which the unit must“be able to recognize” a target,the unit cannot satisfy thiscondition.

4.Anyspecialabilities the infantryare trying to use automaticallyfail.

[14.3.2]Aunitwithbrokenmoralemay attempt to recover at thebeginning of the troop phase onthenextturn.Tocheckforrecovery,roll onedie.Ona result of one tofour, the unit’s morale is recoveredand the ‘Broken Morale’ token isremoved. On a result of five or six, the unit’s morale continues to bebroken. The following modifiers applytothisroll.1.Thebrokenunit is stackedwith

another unit with unbrokenmoraleorisotherwisecapableof makingattacks.-1

2. When located in a forest orbuilding hex, -2. When inside adefensiveposition,-1

3.Anenemyunitcapableof makingattacks is within 3 hexes, +1

4. The unit’s morale was brokenwhenitreceivedadditionaldirector indirect attacks (show this byflipping over the ‘Morale Broken’ token), +1All of these modifiers are


[14.4] Special Infantry Units

The Engineer Squad and Anti-AFS Rifle Squad are two special infantry units. Other than thefollowing special rules, all standardrulesfortheseunitsapply.[14.4.1] There are three specialabilitiesof anEngineerSquadunit.

The first is land mine detection. WhenanEngineerSquadisenteringa suspected minefield hex of an enemy thephasingplayer rollsonedie. On a result of one to five, the

minefield is discovered before the unit enters the hex. If a minefield isdiscovered,theplayermaycancelthe unit’s movement, and chose tomove to a different hex. (For rulesonlandmines,see[19.1])[14.4.2] An Engineer Squad mayalso attempt to cause a fire in a block or building hex. The targethexmustbeadjacenttotheunit.Aunit attempting to start a fire cannot moveormakeanyotherattacksonthat turn. At the end of the troopphase, the player rolls two dice toresolve the attempt. If the result isfive or less, the attempt is successful, and a fire token is placed in the targethex.

When Engineering Squads arestacked and targeting the samehex, roll the dice only once. Theresultreceivesa-2correction(evenif it is a stack of 3 or more). ForeachadditionalEngineeringSquadbeyond the first two, there is a -1 correctiontotheresult(Note:If themodifier is received, none of the assistingunitscanmoveorattackinthatturn).

Seesection[19.4] for theeffectsof fire.[14.4.3] If, on an enemy turn anEngineering Squad is fired upon, butdoesnottakedamage(-),itmaymakeanarsonattemptinsteadof itsdefensive attack (see [14.42]). Theattempt is made with only a singlesquad, so no assistance modifiers canbeapplied.[14.4.4] The Anti-AFS Rifle Squad was commonly used when theAFS was not available in sufficient quantity. The squad has beenspecifically trained to fight AFS type units. The rifle carried by the squad is short ranged, but is powerfulenoughtodeliverakillingblowtoanAFS. An Anti-AFS Squad consistsof four soldiers, their equipment,and a single Anti-AFS rifle. Because theweaponisof type‘L’(laser),if anaturalresultof (5and6,or6and6), the power source of the laser rifle isdrained.Theunitcannotmakean

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Useof thisruleisuptotheplayersto agree upon. This is an optionalrule to be used when required bythescenario,orif agreedtobybothplayers.[15.4.1] The concealment tokenof aplayer’scolor (printedwithanarrow) is used to conceal or stackwith their units to confuse theenemy.Toconcealaunitorstack’stype, place a concealment markeroverit.Thistokenisremovedonceanenemyunithas lineof sightontheconcealedunit.[15.4.2] Each player is limited tousing a number of concealmenttokens included in the game set,and the tokens of their own color.Concealmenttokensmaybemovedbetweenunits.[15.4.3] The player may alsoconcealtheactualsizeof astack.Allconcealmentmarkersinastackareimmediately removed once in lineof sightof anenemyunit.

〔16.0〕Combat With Unmanned Units

Unmanned weapons have animportant place in 29th centurycombat,andcannotbeignored.

[16.1] Control of Unmanned Units

With several scenarios, acommand unit or manned versionof a unit (such as the Nutrocker)may appear. While manned theseunits have an increased movementand range for defensive fire (see the unmannedweaponreferencechart).In addition, such a unit can onlyspot when manned. If there is no

command unit an unmanned unitcannot make indirect attacks, orspotforartillery.[16.1.1] A manned version of anormallyunmannedunitismarkedwith a (PC) in the scenario. Inseveral scenarios there are caseswhere the (PC) designation is on aunitotherthananunmannedunit.Insuchacasethisunitisguidingtheunmanned unit, and the rules for[16.1]apply.

[16.2] Collecting Intelligence

[16.2.1] Collecting specific intelligence with a NeuSpotteris a victory condition in severalscenarios. The Analysis MemoryUnit (AMU)ishousedinthe lowerpart of a NeuSpotter, and storesall the valuable information theNeuSpotter collects. Since theAMU could frequently survive thedestruction of the NeuSpotter, itbecame a valuable target to bothsides.[16.2.2] With any scenario afterDecember 2884, any NeuSpotterdestroyed on the battlefield drops an AMUinitshex.

TheStrahlTroopscanobtain1victorypointbycollectingadroppedAMU.Inaddition,anyvictorypointsthatwouldbereceivedforreturningthe NeuSpotter alive are rewarded(asperthescenario).[16.2.3] A Strahl Troop playerInfantry or Type I unit that entersthesamehexastheAMUandendsmovement there may collect theAMU.TheAMUshouldbestackedundertheunitthatcollectsit.Whenthecarrierunitmovesoff of themapboardwiththeAMU,collectionisasuccess(theplayerdoesnotgetanyvictorypointsforAMUunitswhicharestillontheboardwhenthegameends).[16.2.4] The Mercenary Troopplayer can prevent collection byenteringahexthatcontainsanAMUanddeclaringittobedestroyed.The

AMUtokenisremovedatonce.[16.2.5]ANeuSpotterthatcollectsadroppedAMUhas itsmovementvalue reduced by half. For allother units, there is no penalty forcollectinganAMU.


During the troopphaseof eachplayer,itispossibletomakeartilleryattacks using the artillery providedinthescenario.

Artillery attacks are made fromoutsidethemapboard,andareona much larger scale than standardindirect fire. The following rules are used to make and resolve artilleryfire.

[17.1] Initial order

[17.1.1] The units making theartillery attacks are outside theboard, and will never appear ontheboard.Unitsontheboardmustcontact them.Thiscommunicationoccurs between a command unitand the off board artillery unit.The command unit can requestattacks based on the informationfrom reconnaissance units, but thisis more difficult than observing the targetdirectly.[17.1.2] The following classes of unitscanrequestanartilleryattack.1. Command unit•Aunitdesignatedbythescenario•AllinfantryTroopHQunits•AllinfantryPlatoonHQunits2. Reconnaissance unit•NeuSpotter,Kröte,Raccoon•All aeronautical units assigned to

groundsupport3. All other units not mentioned

above.[17.1.3]Tomakeanartilleryattack,units inanyof thethreecategoriesmusthavelineof sightonthetargetunit,andcancommunicatewiththeoff board unit making the artilleryattack.Atthistime,writedowntheunitmakingtherequest,thetarget,

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andthetypeof artilleryattack.Thespottingunitmaynotmoveorattackontheturnitrequeststhestrike,andif it is destroyed before the end of the turn, the artillery attack is notpossible.[17.1.4]Theartilleryrequestcanbemadebyanyof thethreeclassesof unitslistedin[17.1.2]independently,or in combination. The five possible combinations are listed below (allothercombinationsof unitscannotrequestartilleryattacks).





e)Aunitingroup3observesandrequests.[17.1.5] The player making theartillery attack uses a copy of theArtilleryRequestSheet (at the endof thisrulebook)torecordthetypeof the request (a - e), the turn of the request, the target map boardandhexnumber,shottype,andthenumber of shots fired. It is possible tomakemultiplerequestsinaturn,butaunitcanonlyparticipateinasingleattack.[17.1.6] The artillery attack isfired at the beginning of the troop phase following the turn in whichthe request is made. However, if afriendlyunitisinthetargethex,theshotispostponeduntiltheunitisnolongerinthathex.

[17.2] Resolving Artillery Fire

[17.2.1]On the turn inwhich theartillery fire will land, all artillery fire is resolved before any units move orattack.

First, find the target number basedon therequest type (A-E)onthe Artillery Deviation Chart. Rolltwo dice. If the result is below thetarget number, the attack hits the

targethex.If theroll isoneortwomorethanthetarget,thentheattackhits an adjacent hex. Roll one dieandconsult thechart todeterminethedirection.If therollexceedsthetargetby threeormore, the attackfailscompletely.[17.2.2] With the impact hexdetermined, resolved the effect onunits using the indirect fire rules (rule[5.5.2]through[5.5.4]).[17.2.3] For statistics of possibleartilleryattacks,refertotheArtilleryEfficiency Chart.


A number of pilots from bothsides are included in the game set.Some are used in scenarios, butsomeof themdonotappearinanyprovided scenario. Players shoulddecide if they want to use thesetokens.

[18.1] Pilot Unit

[18.1.1] Between the two gamesthere is a total of 42pilotunits. Itispossibletocreateadditionalpilotsusing optional rules (see section[18.3]).Thenumericalvaluesonthepilottokenmodifytheattackpower,defense, and air war power of theunittheypilot.[18.1.2] For the numerical values,blacknumbersaddtothevalue,andwhite numbers subtract from thevalue. These modifiers affect the to-hitrollforallattacks.

Forexample, if Isao isattackingwith a power of 10, and hiscorrectionis-1,andthedefenseof thetargetis5,withacorrectionof +1, the result is (10-1) – (5+1) = 3. These modifiers are in addition to any terrain modifiers.[18.1.3]Writedownwhichpilot isassignedtowhichunit,andplacethepilot tokens to the sideof themapboard.Whenthepilot’sabilitiesareused,showwhichpilotisinvolvedinthe action.All pilots involvedmust


[18.2] Escaping (Optional Rule)

[18.2.1] If the unit the pilot is insustainsdamageinbattle,determineif thedamagehasreachedthepilot.Roll two dice, if the unit hit isDisarmed (A) or Immobilized (M),a resultof sevenormore indicatesthatthepilotwaskilled.If theunitisDestroyed(D),thepilotiskilledonarollof fourormore.If thepilotisnotkilled,placethepilot’stokenonthehex,removingtheunitthepilotwasin.[18.2.2]Pilotunitsonthemaparehandled the same as other unitsuntil the end of the game. Pilotunitscanmoveonehexlikeinfantry(unaffected by terrain costs), andtheir defense is zero. Any result of D, A, or M will kill the pilot. Theopposing player receives a numberof victorypointsforthepilot.[18.2.3] To escape, a pilot mustsurvivetotheendof thegame.Itispossibletoretreatthepilotunitoff themapboard, atwhichpoint thepilot will survive for the remainingtime. (If the player’s units orreinforcements enter from a specific location, thepilotunitmustretreatthrough the same area. Pilots canalsoescape in thedirectionof thatplayer’sartillery.Leavingtheboardany other direction, the pilot getslost and is captured, giving theirvictorypointvaluetotheenemy!)[18.2.4] A pilot may escape theboard while being transported byavehicle (see [13.1]).Apilothasastackpointvalueof zero.[18.2.5]Thevictorypointvalueof a pilot is +1 for each positive ability point, and –1 for each negative ability point.Thepilot’srankisalsoaddedto his value, with Junior WarrantOfficer as one, Second Lieutenant astwo,andLieutenantJuniorGradeasthree,eachclassincreasesbyonepoint. The Lieutenant Colonel is

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worth six points. (Additional ranksand values are provided with thescenarios)-Example-HeinrichGiger, a lieutenant juniorgrade, has ability modifiers adding up to 1 + 2 + 0 = 3. Because his rankhasavalueof 3is,combinationhistotalvalueis6victorypoints.

[18.3] Pilot Creation (Optional Rule)

Use the rules below to createnewpilots.Thisisonlyasuggestedmethod, and players should feelfree to agree on other methods of creatingpilots.[18.3.1] There are two types of pilot creation. One is recruitment.Thefollowingchartisusedtocreatea pilot with this method. Roll asingle die twice. The first determines the ground combat ability. Thesecond determines the dog-fighting modifier. The player may divide the value of the ground modifier betweenattackanddefense.

New pilot creation chart Attack, Dog- Defense Fighting 1 -1 -12 -1 03 0 04 0 05 +1 +16 +2 +2Rollonedie

[18.3.2]Theothermethodistouseanyof thepilots includedwith thegameset.Theseareveteranpilots.[18.3.3] The ability modifiers of pilots can be raised based oncombat results. For every five units destroyed, other than infantry,one ability may be raised. Use thetable from [18.3.1], rolling on theappropriatecolumnfortheabilitytoraise,andaddingonetothedieroll.Treat negative values as zero, anda roll of seven as a six. Any singleability modifier cannot exceed 4.

〔19.0〕Special Rules


[19.1] Land mines

Land mines are assigned toplayers as an attack power andnot individual units. Following therules of the scenario, the playerdistributestheseminesbyrecordingtheirassignedattackpower,hex,andmap on a piece of paper. Artillerydeployedlandminesaredeployedinthetargethex.[19.1.1]Landminescanbeassignedan attack value between five and thirteenperhex.Thisassignmentiskeptsecret,andonlyrevealedfortheappropriate hex where a minefield is discovered.[19.1.2]Theanti-phaseplayermustobserverallmovementof thephaseplayer, to see if any units enter aminefield. The phase player should verify with the anti-phase playerthat they have not entered anyminefields. If a minefield is entered, the anti-phase player declares thisimmediately and resolves the landmineattack.(seesection[14.4.1]forexception)[19.1.3] The land mine attack isresolved using the attack power of the minefield in the hex, against eachunitthathasentered.Thereareno modifiers applied for pilot ability or terrain.Foreachunithitby theattack, the standard durability testforthatunitisrolled.[19.1.4] The land mine attackis resolved when a unit enters aminefield hex and when it exits. If a unit tries to pass through twominefield hexes, four attacks will be resolved.[19.1.5]Itisimpossibletomoveorremove a minefield once it is placed. All minefields retain their attack poweruntiltheendof thegame.

[19.1.6] Artillery deployed minesfunction the same as standardmine fields, they only differ in their deployment. Follow the standardartilleryresolution.Asingleshotwillincreasetheattackpowerof asinglehex. Multiple shots can be madeat the same or different hexes. Aminefield increased in this manner cannot exceed an attack powerof twenty, and further increase isignored.[19.1.7] If an artillery deployedminefield lands in an occupied hex, theunitinthathexisnotattackedaslongasitdoesnotmove.[19.1.8] Friendly units may passthrough a minefield, but the minefield hex must be revealed to the enemy, and the appropriateattacks against the moving unitsresolved.

[19.2] Smoke screen

Thesmokescreentokenhindersvisibilityinthehexthatitisplaced.[19.2.1] The following units candeployasmokescreen.


Deployment of a smoke screencanbedoneatanytimeduringthephase player’s troop phase. Theunit that deploys the smoke screencanstillmoveorattackinthesameturn.[19.2.2] The efficiency of the smoke screenforeachunitisshownontheSmoke Screen Equipment Chart.The chart shows the number of smoke screens that canbe created,therangethescreencanbecreatedat,and thenumberof screens thatcanbedeployedinasingleturn.[19.2.3] A smoke screen deployedduringthetroopphasewilldissipateandberemovedfromtheboardtwo

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turns later, at thebeginningof theappropriateplayer’sphase.Toshowthis, place the marker numbered“2”, and at the next troop phase,turn the marker over to show the“1” side. The turn after this, themarkerwillberemoved.[19.2.4] The Pzkw182 and DollHouseusetheirinternalcombustionengines to create smoke and hidethemselves.Becauseof this,theyaremarked as having an infinite number of uses.Becauseof theclosenatureof thissmokescreen,donotusetheregularmarkers.[19.2.5] Smoke screens block lineof sight. It is possible for a unit inthe smokescreen hex to fire.[19.2.6] Smoke screens also makefiring more difficult. Laser and missile weapons have a -1 modifier to hit, and all direct fire receives a -4 modifier.

[19.3] Night combat

Because of the loss of visibilityin darkness, manned units cannotrecognize and react to targets asquickly.

Manned units fighting at night receivethedarknesspenaltylistedinthe Fire Modifiers Chart.

[19.4] Fire

There is a possibility for fire to occur in all building hexes. When(1)amissle(M)orgun(G)weapon,

orartilleryattackhitabuildinghexand a result of ‘D’ is produced,or when (2) an attempt at arson ismadebyanengineerunit,thereisapossibility of fire.[19.4.1]Wheneithercircumstance(1) or (2) occurs, check for fire ignition. For circumstance (1), rolltwodiceandif thesumof thediceare four or less, fire occurs. If the circumstance is (2), decide usingthe rules in section [14.4.2]. A fire marker is placed if a fire ignites.[19.4.2] An infantry or pilot unitthat is inside a hex where fire occurs isautomaticallyattackedduringtheenemy fire phase. Roll two dice and add the results to determine theattack power of the fire. Resolve the attack as a direct fire attack. All otherunitsinthegameareimmuneto fire.[19.4.3] Line of sight cannot beestablished through a hex whichhcontains a fire marker. A unit in the fire hex cannot establish line of sight outof thehex.[19.4.4] Any fire that begins continuestotheendof thegame.[19.4.5]If thereisaDepotmarkerinthe hex where a fire occurs, it ignites the ammunition, fuel, and othersupplies, resulting in an explosion.Removethetokenimmediately.Rollone die to determine the numberof attacks the explosion will cause.Resolve this number of attacksagainst every unit stacked with thedepot,usingtheprocessin[19.4.2].

Allunits,andnot just infantryandpilot units are susceptible to theseattacks.

[19.5] Special units

[19.5.1] A unit for Eddy Amzelis provided for the appropriatescenario. Eddy can move one hexper turn, and cannot make anyattacks, observe, or take any otheractions.[19.5.2] The Kröte Pioneer(Engineer) is an unmanned unitand has the engineer squad’s minedetectionability.See section [14.4]forreference.[19.5.3] SAFS Mk. II carries abooster backpack. When movingon the ground, its movement is(5W),andwhenusingtheboosteritsmovementis(12B).Thecontrollingplayer selects whether to use theboosterwhentheunitmoves.Whenusing the booster, movement costsand restrictions for the hexes theunit moves through are ignored,andtheunitmovesatarateof 1hexper movement point. The boosterpack may be used in two turns inanysinglescenario.Markthisusagewiththenumbertokens.

Whenusingthebooster,theunitmay not engage in close quarterscombat. While it is moving, if itmoves into the defensive attackrange of an enemy unit, that unitmaymakeananti-aircraftattack.

In the Japanese rulebook, thisspacewasusedbythegamedesignerto explain some of the differencesandreasonsforchangesintherulesbetween the first and second S.F.3.D games. The following notes areaboutthistranslationof theS.F.3.DIIrules.

Those who own the originalS.F.3.Dgames,butarenot familiarwith the line will notice the namechangetoMaschinenKrieger.This

change was due to rights issues,andthenamechangeallowedKowYokoyamatobringbackthemodelline and fictional universe. The original name is considered theproperty of Hobby Japan, and theoriginal game probably falls underthesameownership.

As briefly mentioned in Section 1.0,thisrulebookisareplacementfortheoneincludedintheTCIreleaseof S.F.3.D II. There are significant

differences between the TCI ruleset and theoriginal Japanese rules.Almost every section has at leastminordifferences.Someof themostsignificant differences are combat, stacking,andclosequarterscombat.A few rules such as concealmentandtransportingaren’tevenpresentintheTCIrules.If youarealreadyfamiliarwiththeTCIrules,itwouldbebesttodisregardthoseruleswhenreadingthroughthisnewtranslationtoavoidanyconfusion.


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The following guidelines shouldhelpinunderstandingthescenarios.a) Deploying Onto the Map

Initialplacementandentry intothemapboardiswrittenasfollows.Example:


On the first turn, enter map board ⑤ through the north edge,fromhex1801andeast.

The first number is the turn of entry, and the number in the○ isthemapnumber.

The letter in the code indicatesthe map edges using the cardinalcompass.E=East,W=West,S=South,N=North.

If theentryzone is restricted toacertainsegmentof themapedge,a hex number will be given and adirection. That hex and all hexesinthatdirectionaretheentryzone.▷=Eastof,◁=Westof,▽=Southof,△=Northof.b) Units involved

Acodeunderunitsindicatesthenumberof units touse, theuseof pilots,anddesignatedcommanders.Example 1:


12 units of that type are used.The primary commander is Pilot#1, the secondary commander isPilot#5.Pilot#11 isalsoassignedtooneof these12units.

If there the leader designationreads“Ld③”thereisnosecondarycommander. If that unit dies inbattle, the remaining units are leftwithoutacommandunit.Example 2:


Thecontrollerof anunmannedvehicleispilot#4

ItispossibletohaveacombinationsuchasPC=Ld2⑤(Anunmannedvehicle piloted by the secondarycommander,pilot#5).

PCisanabbreviationfor“Pilot-lessVehicleControl”c) Off board artillery

The type, direction, distance(giveninhexesfromthemapedge),andfrequencyisgiven.Example:TypeII…⑥W−80×5(2)Meaning:

Type II artillery, 80 hexes westof mapboard6.Tworoundscanbefired in a turn, and 5 total rounds areavailable.d)Anyinformationnotgivenintheunit deployment orders is optionalfor the player. For example if thescenario says “Deploy⑤⑥E”, theunits will enter the east edges of boards 5 and 6, but which hexesand what turn is up to the player.Inaddition,withallreinforcements,theplayerhastheoptionof delayingtheirentry.

Computing Operational Goal Points

Thevictory conditionsof manyscenarios require computing theoperation goal points (referred toasO.G.P.).Thefollowingmethodisusedtocomputethisvalue.(Items)① Thevictorypointvalueof enemy

units that have been destroyed,immobilized,ordisarmed.

② The victory point value of friendlyartilleryused

③ Additional victory pointsdesignated by the scenario(example: Object marker of scenario14)


※③isstillappliedif itisanegativenumber

Game Components Used

Scenarios No. 1 – 10 only use components found in the originalS.F.3.Dgame.

Scenarios No.17 – 21 require maps and units from both the first andsecondgame.

ScenariosNo.11and14 requireunits from the first game (AFS and PK40), but can still be played bysubstituting other tokens in theirplace.

Understanding the Scenarios

●Mercenary TroopsNo.1 Heinz Hargen, CorporalNo.2 Aile Bungard, SergeantNo.3 Gairy Noodson, PrivateNo.4 Hasse Wind, 1st LieutenantNo.5 Scerian Luta, CorporalNo.6 Antonio N. Calatiora, CorporalNo.7 Richalt Katze, 1st LieutenantNo.8 George Norman, 1st LieutenantNo.9 Schoun Fricke, SergeantNo.10 George Conan, 2nd LieutenantNo.11 Karl Mackalahmn, 2nd LieutenantNo.12 Evalit Kreiber, CorporalNo.13 Max Burkram, SergeantNo.14 Rischuer Brant, Sergeant No.15 Bally Rosky, MajorNo.16 Jaohim Munsterberg, Captain

●Strahl TroopsNo. 1 Walter Nowotony, Junior Warrant OfficerNo. 2 Dieter Nor, SergeantNo. 3 Schmitt von Siegfried, 1st LieutenantNo. 4 Heinz Godesknecht, Sergeant MajorNo. 5 Tort Gulmer, CaptainNo. 6 Bask Rashelow, 1st LieutenantNo. 7 Faldia Karneldo, 2nd LieutenantNo. 8 Gerling Berg, 2nd LieutenantNo. 9 Telly Jackson, Warrant OfficerNo. 10 Heinrich Gieger, 1st LieutenantNo. 11 Marks Wendy, 1st LieutenantNo. 12 Albrecht Weber, MajorNo. 13 Elic Jasco, CaptainNo. 14 Dick Barns, Sergeant MajorNo. 15 Adlno Schtanhaut, SergeantNo. 16 Kraus Brinkman, Lieutenant Colonel

Victory points for rank

Private, Second Class (e-1).. 1Private, First Class (e-2) ....... 1Lance Corporal ..................... 1Soldier, Skilled ...................... 1 Corporal ................................ 1Sergeant ............................... 1Master Sgt / Sgt Major .......... 1 Jr Warrant Officer / WO ........ 1 Second Lt / Ensign ............... 2First Lt / Lt Jr Grade.............. 3 Captain ................................. 4 Major / Lt Commander .......... 5 Lieutenant Colonel................ 6 Colonel ................................. 7

Pilot Names and Numbers Chart

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UsedAir Combat Mission

Ground Combat Mission

Strahl Troops

Air Commitment Card Maschinen Krieger

Maschinen Krieger

Mercenary Troops

UsedAir Combat Mission

Ground Combat Mission

Air Commitment Card

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■ Artillery Request Record SheetTurn of

RequestTarget Map

NumberTarget Hex

NumberType of Round

Number of Rounds

Result / NotesType ofRequesta b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d ea b c d e