major test wordlist c-d(bangla meaning+mnemonic+example)

Major Test 1500 Wordlist(C-D) 1. Counterfeit-------fake; false, -------- ননন------count re fake.. counterfeit ---------A counterfeit bill was reported to the Kearney Police Department Thursday 2. Covert-----------hidden; undercover---------নননন,নননননননননন নননন ননননননন নননননন----- --- Covert sounds like "covered [covert = cover + t or covered + t] and something which is covered can be considered a secret. ------------ They will rely on their covert capabilities and relationships. 3. Cower-------recoil (নননননননন নননন) in fear or servility; shrink away from------নননননন নননন, নননননননন নননন নননন------A coward cowers from fear while the bold and the brave do not. ------------- The dog was cowering in a corner. 4. Credible-------believable------- নননননননননননন , ননননননননন--------incredible=unbelievable....n credible =believable ------------- We've received credible information about the group's location. 5. Creditable---------praiseworthy--------ননননননননন 6. Credulous---------gullible; ready to believe anything--------- ননননন ননননননন ননন নননন ননন--------- gives 'credit' to everything one hears or reads – credulous --------- He is credulous on the one hand and intensely loyal on the other. 7. Crepuscular---------active at dawn and dusk------ ননননননননননন--------CREPUSCULAR=CREEP+UP+SOLAR. CREPUSCULAR SOLAR rays CREEP, slowly, over the horizon at DUSK. -------- The crepuscular lighting sometimes makes it difficult to read the menu. 1 By Saifur Rahman

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1By Saifur Major Test 1500 Wordlist(C-D) 1.Counterfeit-------fake; false, -------- ------count re fake.. counterfeit ---------A counterfeit bill was reported to the Kearney Police Department Thursday 2.Covert-----------hidden; undercover---------, ----- --- Covert sounds like "covered [covert = cover + t or covered + t] and something which is covered can be considered a secret. ------------ They will rely on their covert capabilities and relationships. 3.Cower-------recoil ( ) in fear or servility; shrink away from------ , ------A coward cowers from fear while the bold and the brave do not. ------------- The dog was cowering in a corner. 4.Credible-------believable------- , --------incredible=unbelievable....n credible =believable ------------- We've received credible information about the group's location. 5.Creditable---------praiseworthy-------- 6.Credulous---------gullible; ready to believe anything--------- --------- gives 'credit' to everything one hears or reads credulous --------- He is credulous on the one hand and intensely loyal on the other. 7.Crepuscular---------active at dawn and dusk------ --------CREPUSCULAR=CREEP+UP+SOLAR. CREPUSCULAR SOLAR rays CREEP, slowly, over the horizon at DUSK. -------- The crepuscular lighting sometimes makes it difficult to read the menu. 8.Cringe---------recoil; flinch; shy away------ ------ SYRINGE...the child Cringed at the sight of the doctor holding a syringe. Cringed with laughter -------- Many major commercial sites cringe when security researchers find a hole. 9.Cryptic--------puzzling; enigmatic----- , ---- Crypt means Secret . . . So Cryptic means something secret . . .Puzzle ----- Sometimes, unfortunately, departmental reviews and faculty mentoring are crypticor unhelpfully positive. 10. Curtail---------cut short---- , ------ curTAIL. Can be read as cur + TAIL or cutting the tail of an animal, ie reducing it. So curTAIL is to shorten or to reduce. ---------- School activities are being curtailed due to a lack of funds 11. Cynical-------believing that people act only out of selfish motives------ , ----- Sainik(cynic) .. never BELIEVE pakistani sainiks. they ll hit u from back. ------- The cynical, irritated me feels she knows the answer to these questions. 2By Saifur 12. Cacophony------discordant loud noises----- ----- cacophony sounds like echo(re-sound)+ phone. if we get echos while we r talking it is so noisy and harsh to hear --------- Some worry that such changes will invite a cacophonyof contentious discussion. 13. Cajole---------coax, persuade------ ---- Ajay Devagn CAJOLEd (persuaded) Kajol to marry him (by flattery). ---------- The two older siblings do everything they can to cajoleher14. Caldron--------huge cooking pot------- ------- c=cook,al=all,dron=drum,cook all in a drum, because dron sounds like a drum,boil all things in a vesssel,for cooking u also boil ------------ Everyone's spirit symbol is there and there is a huge statue of lady justice along with a caldron. 15. Callow----------immature------------ Callow = Cal + low; caliber is low. (madness) as well as cal-low= YOUTH N IMMATURE PPL DO THAT! ------ I'm a bit more vehement and vociferous than when I was a callowyouth of around 25 16. Candid--------frank; honest------ , ---- candidates in a interview are recommended to be straight forward, outspoken and honest in an interview for best result -------- She gave us her candid opinion on the matter. 17. Candor----------frankness; openness------ ,---- Candor (Can + Do + or + not) tell me the truth can u do this or shud i go to sm1 else ?? -------- He was a pioneer of openness and a lifelong model of candor. 18. Cantankerous---------bad-tempered; quarrelsome------ , ---- cantankerous (can+tanker) imagine that instead of going by a car, if you have to go by a can tanker, it can make you angry or ill-tempered. ---------- He could be cantankerous and rude, yet hated to be embarrassed. 19. Capacious-------spacious------- , ----- Capacious -- relate it to Capacity -- An ability to hold. ---We want to convert you from your own narrow views to our more capacious perspective. 20. Capitulate---------surrender; give in to------ ----- CAPtain it's too late, we will have to surrender.. ---------- He has seemingly no escape, and must fight or capitulate. 21. Carping--------constant criticism------- ---------If you will ping with your car horn, people will shout at you...they will complain... carping... -------- Critics from both sides are already carping about this. 22. Cartographer----------person who makes maps------ ---- graph- kind of map, grapher- map maker.. It does not take a cartographer to notice that the online travel map has shifted significantly. 3By Saifur 23. Castigate-----------scold strongly------- , -----CASTigate....I hate politicians who divide people on the basis of cast(castigate) ---------The way to prevent the spread of disease is to educate, not castigateor criminalize. 24. Catharsis-----purging of pent-up emotions------------- CATHA sounds like KATHA(a religious story in hindi)KATHA leads to the purging(means release) of emotional tensions. --------- The catharsis of anger can act against interests for reconciliation. 25. Caucus--------------type of private political meeting------- ------ discussions of politicians are heard as 'cau-cau' as they discuss like crows.. --------- A caucus is a meeting of supporters or members of a political party or movement. 26. Caustic----------burning------- ,------- caustic soda is very common and its "harmful " for health if taken in large quantity....therefore caustic means harmful or burning. Since its a soda its somehow related with chemistry as well.. --------- What you have stated is a caustic and insulting lie. 27. Cavalcade-----------procession of vehicles-------- ---------caval(ry) (horses) + parade = parade on horses. --------- The relatively brief cavalcade begins in an antic humor. 28. Celerity----------speed------- , ---- Relate to: Accelerate = Ac (celerity) = which means speed up something or doing something rapidly. -------- The findings support the swiftness or celerity element of deterrence theory. 29. Censorious-----------disapproving; critical------- ----- overly seriOUS abt CENSORing---harshly critical or disapproving ------- I was surprised by the censorious tone of the book review. 30. Censure----blame---------Try to link the meaning of this word with the censor board which always criticizes every inch of the film and also disapproves of some of the parts. --------- He invites excess, whether of praise or of censure. 31. Cerebral-----------intellectual------ ------ cereBRAINal ---Let's say that a particular cerebral nucleus was found, existing only in conscious creatures. 32. Certitude---------certainty----------- certain in attitude ---------- Such certitude has always given me great peace and a feeling of security 33. Charlatan---------trickster who claims knowledge he doesn't have-------, , ----- you hit CHAR LATEIN (in Hindi language) (4 kicks) to the person who misguides you as he himself doesn't know anything ------- For every self-promoting charlatan, there's a true public servant. 34. Chary---------------wary of; cautious about; reluctant to give--- , ----- CHARY sounds similar to WARY, meaning CAUTIOUS. --------- Americans have traditionally been chary about intellectual-property rights. 4By Saifur 35. Chastises-----------punishes----- ---- chastise = chest ice... The kid was punished or criticized severely by his mother for playing with ice on chest -------- It's not your responsibility or right to chastise her 36. Chicanery----------trickery---- ---- chicanery sounds like shikari who uses means of deception to trick animals into his traps. ----------- Politics has always been lousy with blather ( - ) and chicanery. 37. Chimerical--------changeable; unstable------, ------ It has "miracle" in it-> Miracle is imaginative. ----------- In the past two weeks, it has looked as chimerical as ever. 38. Choleric----------easily angered------------ cholera is a disease. When you are sick you get irritated and bad-tempered, you are choleric. So choleric -------- He also is known to be choleric. 39. Chronicler-----------person who records historical information-------- ------- He is the chronicler of a period in time when the world is extraordinarily sad. 40. Circuitous-----------indirect--------- ,----- circuit-ous -> like circuit; ---------- Their words were obtuse and the presentations circuitous. 41. Circumlocution--------using too many words; long-windedness------ ------- circumlocution -> circle + locution (loqui means to speak), speaking vaguely so as to avoid the topic. ------ I'm trying to avoid circumlocutions in my writing. 42. Circumscribe----limit------, ----circumscribe -> circle + scribe(a writer of manuscripts); so circumscribe means a person writing around the same lines or topic. ----------- I do not believe that regulators will be able to circumscribe them easily or at all. 43. Circumspect-------cautious; considering all sides------- ---- circum(means circumstance)...spect(means to inspect) a kind of person who inspects circumstances before speaking, and such people are generally considered as prudent -----Of course, in this situation, you need to be very circumspect about claiming interactions. 44. Circumvent--------avoid------ -------- They tend to circumvent their responsibilities 45. Clairvoyant-------- foreseeing the future, psychic; mystic------- ---- =clair(clear)+voyant(voyage) who foretells that voyage is clear to travel is a clairvoyant --------- To make such a confident prediction you would have to be clairvoyant. 46. Clamor----------shout; scream------ --------- CLAIM+MORE: So when you claim for more or demand more there is a loud noise or complain --------- Their clamordies away with the noise of the market. 5By Saifur 47. Clandestine--------secret; covert; stealthy------- , ------ clandestine--break it like clan + destine--What our DESTINy has in store for us remains a big secret to everyone. ---------- They've spent billions and billions over the decades, in their clandestine effort. 48. Clemency---------mercy------ , --- cle+me+mercy give me some mercy...u got mercy from the person from whom u expect punishment ---------- There were no arguments in support of clemencymade at this hearing. 49. Clich--------overused expression; something unoriginal------------- represents camera...cliche means a remark that is overused....these days we make overuse of camera to take photos everytime to upload them on social networking site like facebook ------ Sure, it sounds a bit clich, but that doesn't mean it's easy. 50. Clientele-------customers------------- CLIENTELE - a number of clients or customers. --------- The restaurant generally attracts an older clientele. 51. Coalesce---------come together; merge----- ------ coalesce: coa+LACE: lace is used to tie things together or mix things together -------- Eventually the party will have to coalesce around one candidate. 52. Coddle------------pamper; fuss over; indulge----- ---- Coddle - sounds like cuddle - cuddling is pampering kids, showing excessive love, indulge in excess of cuddling that is mollycoddle, which will spoil kids. -------- But dads are programmed to challenge their kids, not coddle them. 53. Coercion---------force--------------U must hav read COERCIVE forces in physics... -------- What this means is that people would want this without government coercion. 54. Cogent----------lucid; well argued-------- cogent - gent - a gentle person is always the right person to convince others. ---------- We have learned to ask such cogent questions because the news media does not. 55. Cogitate--------think over something; ponder------- ------ Agitate the mind = cogitates. ------ They cogitate in secret and meet in public halls to seek light from each other. 56. Collage-------picture made from fragments of other pictures----- collage -- college, it is a place where different mentalities/cultures of different individuals mix together.. --------- Have them share their photos in a slide show, a collage, or a display. 57. Collate-----------arrange in order------ ------- corelate = for corelating, we first arrange it in order and then make critical comparisons. ---------- Medical research requires the ability to track and collate information about particular individuals. 6By Saifur 58. Colloquial----local and informal (used of language)--- ---colloquial - can be read as Coll - local so we use local language(informal) language in our college -------- There is no colloquialdesignation that guarantees quality. 59. Collusion---------- secret agreement, plotting and planning---- --------- people who involve in collusion, try to create an Illusion that everything is fine 60. Commandeer-----------take possession of---- ----- come and give me your deer....i.e.take sth by force ------ Hackers and adversaries have shown how it is possible to commandeer drone systems 61. Complacent-----self-satisfied; smug---------- complacent = completely satisfied.----------- Perhaps they made investors too complacent toward risk. 62. Compliant------------easy to control; submissive------, -------- one who never complains and obeys everything is compliant! ---------- The software is compliant with the latest standards. 63. Concatenate--------------link together----- Split "concatenate" as come-cat-and-eat. All happens one after another as a chain work. --------- Concatenates these six amino acid sequence together into one output sequence. 64. Concatenation-------linking into chains-------- ----- Otherwise, the String concatenation will always be done. 65. Conciliate---to bring together; end a dispute--- , --------Small favors conciliate, but great gifts make enemies. 66. Concise------------stated in few words----- , ----- con(KAM MEANS LESS)) + cise(SIZE).......SO anything which is LESS in SIZE. -------- Make your writing concise to take up less space on the page. 67. Condescend--------talk down to----- ------ It has the word descend in it ,it implies descending to a lower position -------- They did not even condescend to talk to congress. 68. Condone-------------tacitly support; overlook------ , ----- Forget abt con (whom) has done it take the enjoy. -------- No faith or culture should condone the outrages against them. 69. Condoning-----------overlooking; disregarding; ignoring 70. Conflagration---------big fire------ ----- flagration sounds like flare which means fire, so big fire ---------- The woods were set on fire by the bursting shells and the conflagration raged. 71. Confound-----------confuse---- --- CONfusion FOUND == CONFOUND ------ The objective of the abstract should not be to confound, but to reveal, to be understood. 7By Saifur 72. Congeal--------to solidify----- ---- con + geal..geal...gelatinous..means to coagulate --------- Sometimes a collection of lesser actions congealinto larger consequences. 73. Congenital----------present from birth----- , ----- con + genital = genes. Inherited through the genes. -------- The operated children had congenital kidney abnormalities. 74. Connoisseur-----------person with refined taste and good judgment------ ---- Connoisseur is always SURE as he is an expert or a good judge -------- As yourself a great connoisseur of frogs, you can start a promotional campaign. 75. Consecrate------------dedicate----- ------ Consecrate = Con + Secrate (sounds like SACRED).SACRED is "holy". It refers to holiness when one dedicates his life to "god". ------ Let the presence of your own heroic dead consecrate this monument. 76. Consensus---------general agreement----- ------ Census is the count of all people... consensus is a general agreement b/w all people. :-) ----- Tell students they may not all agree, but they must come to a general consensus77. Conspicuous--------easily seen; prominent----------- Con(can)+ s(see) + the + pic(picture) --> can see the clear picture of the situation. So conspicuous means which can be easily seen. ----------- There were a number of conspicuous changes to the building.78. Consummate------------complete; total; supremely good------- , ------ if you want to consume your mate(wife), you have to be complete 'a complete man- raymonds :P' ------- The ideal candidate will be a consummatefund-raiser and friend-raiser. 79. Contemporary-----------living or happening at the same time-------- ----- 'con' means with and 'temporary' is something which exists only in the present. So contemporary is 'with or belonging to the present' ---------Several contemporary sculptors recently have taken up the challenge of creating impossible art. 80. Contrite-------sorry------------- SPLIT AS cont (COUNT) - rite (RIGHT). COUNT THE CASH RIGHT, ELSE YOU WILL REGRET IT. -------- She may, in fact, get away with a warning if she seems contrite and/or genuinely confused. 81. Contrition-----------sorrow and repentance----- , ----- In truth, this was not an act of contrition but an act of containment. 82. Contumacious-----------stubborn----,---- contu(contrary to,stubbornly disobedient) + macious (malicious) ------ We review for clear error any factual findings underlying the contumacious behavior. 8By Saifur 83. Contusion-----------a bruise---- ------- Con+ tuition = going to tuitions in the childhood was hidden pain. -------- They gave him a knee contusion on the game's first play. 84. Conundrum--------a puzzle----------- CONUNDRUM: KAUN(who) UNDUR(indside); so whos inside...if sme one asks u this,ur puzzled since its difficult to guess ---------- Astronomers have proposed two solutions to this conundrum . 85. Conventional-------------usual; customary; common----- ------ Conventionalmicroscopes use lenses to magnify whatever is in the line of sight. 86. Corpulent-----------fat----- ------ cor+pulent one who is capable of pulling a car i.e. a large fat man------- The frogs are dull skinned then, but soon become corpulent and bright. 87. Corrugated--------------highly folded---- , ------- Corrugated = Co + Rugged .. Rugged = not smooth or wrinkled... (eg. Rugged look).. io ------- It is also likely to raise prices of corrugated products. 88. Cardinal-------1. High ranking church official; 2. major, important----------- 'cardinal' also means pertaining to the 'heart' and the heart is the 'most important' part of our body. It is responsible for the working of our body --------- It's the cardinal rule for any action-sports enthusiast. 89. Caret--------------punctuation mark signifying omission-------- Caret sounds like correct . caret is used to correct something --------- I hope she gets a 24 caret Gold Card 90. Contiguous------------adjacent; touching; abutting [contiguity (n)]----- ,--- rhymes with continuous.. to be continuous you gotta be contiguous -- Most units have private outdoor space either contiguousto the apartment or on the roof. 91. Culpability-------- guilt [culpable = blameworthy]----- ---- But the culpabilityof family members is not always so clear cut. 92. Chronic------------- long lasting (often used for diseases in which case the opposite is acute)----- , ----- initial part sound as crown !! crown + ic .. A king rules the nation for long time, hence his crown last for long long lasting --------- Chronicpower outages and electrical fluctuations have been the norm. 93. Canonical---------orthodox [canon (n) = set of accepted works]----- ----canonical--look at the word canon+ical-....something that resembles or like the biblical canon. ----------- Same goes for many of the more canonical works that have been listed. 9By Saifur 94. Commensurate------------equal in significance------- ----- SPLIT AS COMMON - ENSURED -RATE. WHICH MEANS, OUR RATE WILL BE EQUAL TO THE CHEAPEST PRODUCT! -------- Starting salary is commensurate with educational qualifications and experience. 95. Coerce-------------force [coercion (n); coercing (a)]------- --- sounds like course--- we have to FORCED by teachers to complete our COURSE --------There are almost an infinite number of ways to coercesomeone into some kind of confession. 96. Caricature-----------ridicule (v); cartoon intended to ridicule (n)---- ----- Jim Carry is famous for his facial caricatures because he shows all kinds of distorted faces. -------- The real animals are far more complex than the caricature. 97. Colander-------------bowl with holes used to drain vegetables etc.---------- colander- ol(hole) ander(under) ie hole in bottom..wr bottom of an utensil..!! -------- Drain cooked greens in a large strainer or colander . 98. Cumbersome------bulky; difficult to carry [encumber = to burden]----- , ---- (Come-bear-some) come bear some heavy things that are hard to manage ------- The application process is cumbersome and time-consuming. 99. Cadge--------- get by begging---- ------- cadge....sounds like cage....some1 in d cage begging to get out!!!!!! -------- He knew we would be able to cadge a bit of food, or free drinks. 100.Centrifuge--------- device to separate substances by spinning them at high speed------- sounds like refugees are separated ---------- From there they strapped me into a centrifuge and spun me around.1.Cloistered-------isolated 2.Comeliness-------beauty; prettiness [comely (a)]------- come in line to see the beauty 3.Complaisance-------flexibility; willingness to please [complaisant (a)] --------- , ----- complete saint=saints yield for the will of others ----------- He is looking with complaisanceupon the achievement of years of labor. 4.Contentious--------causing argument [contention (n); contend (v)]----- , ------ Contentious- (Contender+Serious) One who takes competition too serious always fights and quarrels) ------- Getting to the vote has been a contentiousprocess for the business school. 5.Caprices---------- whimsies; fancies-----, -------- the government put a CAP on the PRICE of RICE..because it keeps changing -------- But this was the slightest and lightest of her caprices . 6.Cornucopia----------- symbol (horn filled with fruit etc.) denoting natural abundance------- ------ corn + copia copia is similar to copius meaning plentiful, cornucopia 10By Saifur thus means plenty of corn(grains/fruits). ---------- Here is a cornucopia of all things microscope-related. 7.Coterie-------clique; small group with common interests------------ coterie => sounds like ROTARY; so group that meets socially --------- Speak to the significance of your ideas beyond your coterie . 8.Corroborate----give supporting evidence [corroboration (n)]---- , ---just focus on borate part of this word -- Borate test is a confirmatory test in chemistry. --------- There is demographic information to corroborate this possibility. 9.Centurion--------- roman soldier (commander of a company of 100 soldiers)------ ------- centurion -> century -> 100; thus it means a leader of 100 soldiers. --------- RSA centurion calls for hidden artwork's recovery 10. Conniving--------- cunning; scheming [connive (v)-- , ] ------- Politicians accused him of political trickery and conniving and came up with excuse after excuse. 11. Cant------------ insincere talk----- , ---- chant ~ nice and pious words.. cant is opposite 12. Coda------------ piece of music at the end of a musical work; finale; final part of document---- ------ conclusive part of the lunch ,is done by soda(coda) by watching music on television. -------- A coda appears after the minor key section, finishing off this movement. 13. Commingle--------- mix----- ------remember as co-mingle (mingle=merge) --------The licensee shall not commingleresident funds with licensee's funds.14. Cognitive------concerned with thinking or perceiving [cognition(n)]---- ---- Root word COGN, recognize, cognitive, incognito,cognizance all means know. ------ The patients with a severe cognitive deficit, in contrast, can't restrict their search.15. Consternation-----------worry and concern------ ------ conster(sounds like monster) + nation......and a monster creates fear in every one ....due to which we donot go out so as to avoid danger. --------- Attempts to accommodate them caused consternation among the unions. 16. Condescension---------- talking down to someone [condescending (a)]-------- conDESCEND--to come down to smaller position -----Your condescensiontoward new technology and fresh ideas is tedious and overblown. 17. Caulk--------- treat with substance such as tar to make water-tight------ --- caulk sounds like cork which makes bottles watertight ------ Allow caulkto dry thoroughly before painting over it, otherwise the paint may crack as the caulking shrinks. 11By Saifur 18. Conscript--------1. Person enlisted compulsorily into the armed forces; 2. (v) to enlist compulsorily---- ----- CONSCRIPT = forced to CONSent and sign a SCRIPT (contract) to join the military. ----------Historically, rulers liked censuses, because they enable them to conscript and tax their people. 19. Chauvinist-------- someone excessively patriotic [chauvinism (n)]--- ----- show over nationalist=Chauvinist(s0-v-nist) -------- I guess you can be a selfish chauvinist and a socialist at the same time. 20. Cloture--------------closure; terminating a debate by voting-------- ------ cloture=closure of a meeting ------ The measure is simply put on hold until the next cloture vote. 21. Congruent----------matching [congruency (n)] ------, -----Salary is commensurate with education and experience and is congruent with national standards. 22. Carrion-------------dead flesh; carcasses-------- , --- car+lion imagine rotten body of a lion after a car run over it. ------- Eating carrion makes me gag, but that is exactly what meat-eaters do. 23. Curmudgeon------------grumpy person------- ---- Cur-mud-geon Car mud main gone... to driver went bad tempered... i.e. curmudgeon.. ---------- The problem, dear curmudgeon, is in ourselves and not in our stars. 24. Chorales--------------simple hymns------ ----- He thus saw an immediate need for a huge repertory of new chorales. 25. Compromised--------1. Damaged or put in doubt (esp. of reputation); 2. Reached an agreement by giving up part of a claim----- ------- The quality of education is compromisedin online learning. 26. Chantey----------- type of song sung by sailors--- ------- Do the word's "sea chantey" mean anything to you? 27. Calibrate------------ mark an accurate scale on a device---- , , --- Remember the word "Calculate" which will tell us to something to do with scale...(Assumption) -------- Two computer techs are using them to calibratethe implants. 28. Cataclysmic-----violently disruptive [cataclysm (n)] --- ---related to catastrophic ------- Most are created in the aftermath of cataclysmic political events. ---------------------************ C ************---------------------------------- 12By Saifur 29. Debility------weakness; incapacity----- ----- debility=(de--abilty(not) sounds like not physically able ------- We learn also how he was prone to illness, but conquered his debility . 30. Debunking----------exposing false claims or myths-------- ---- De(daily)+Bunk +ing: When u bunk the classes daily you show a false impression at home --------- He is posting photos with detailed debunkingsurrounding every exhibition picture. 31. Decathlon---------an athletic competition with ten events------ ----- break deca + athlon.deca means ten,ath sounds like athlets therefre an athletic competition with ten events -------- The decathlon will be held in Corcoran this year. 32. Decorum-----------dignified, correct behavior [decorous (a)]-------, ----- "decor um"; decor them to make them more proper and correct -------- Public figures have a responsibility to behave with a little decorum . 33. Decoy-------lure; trap; trick---------- Coy means shy, girls act coy to attract guys. Decoy means trap -------- The formula was a decoy, intended to mislead the rival team. 34. Deference-------respect-------, ------ if there is no DIFFERENCE between you and him, then you will respect his wishes. -------- The traditional family crumbled, along with old-fashioned notions of deference. 35. Defoliate--------cause leaves to fall off------- ----- de(without, not having) + folio( leaves)....excessive use of chemicals can destroy the greenness of leaves. ------- If allowed to become numerous they can completely defoliate plants. 36. Defunct--------------no longer in existence-------- , ------- de (means without) + funct(function) something without a functioning is considered DEAD. -------- The researchers used the defunct salmon to make a salient point. 37. Degradation---------deprivation; poverty; debasement-------, ---- de(means less) when you get less GRADS in your see humiliation from all sides. --------- Rape is not solely a sexual act, but an act of power, violation, and degradation. 38. Deleterious------------harmful----- ----- relate it to you DELETE all the spam mails because they may BE HARMFUL to your PC. ------- It is clearly having a deleterious effect on your cognition. 13By Saifur 39. Deliberate------to think over deeply------- , , -----daily + berate => if you get berated(scolded) daily, you need to think it over as to why it happens -------- His pace, like his prose, is deliberateand thoughtful. 40. Delineation----------- demarcation; explanation; definition; outlining------,----- You don't show the lines and wrinkles on the face when u draw its you delineate -------Apple used to have a clear delineationbetween their professional and consumer product lines 41. Demur---------------- hesitate; refuse----- , ------- sounds a little like Damn U R wrong!! I object! ---------- There was no reason for demur; there was no law against it. 42. Denounce----------condemn; speak out against---- , ---- Denounce - Similar to announce. Announce is for all kind of information but denounce is to criticize... ------- We denounce this privatization of justice.43. Deplete-----------use up; lessen------ , ------- If you de(remove) + from plate.. you will reduce its contents. ------- The political minefield alone is enough to deplete your emotional reservoir. 44. Deplore------------regret---- , ------- read it as when you REGRET you make DEP(deep) LOud rORE. ------ We can and do deplore the excess of militancy. 45. Depravity---------moral corruption------ ------ people are deprived of their basic amenities because of the extreme corruption existing among the goverment employees ------ Borrowing too much is a sign of depravity. 46. Deprecate---------criticize; denounce----- ------ You can think of it as the opposite of appreciate (as in devalue against value). So lack of appreciation; ie,humiliation -------- He doesn't yell or deprecatehis players. 47. Deride--------ridicule; make fun of; mock------ ------ de -ride -- riding a horse upside down.. ppl will make fun of you ( ridicule) ------- Fooling yourself into feeling better about life is easy to deride48. Derogatory---------uncomplimentary------------ de-erogat-ory = He is Arrogant... so everyone has a low opinion about him -------- When she objected, he used a derogatory term. 49. Desecrate-------to damage or pollute a holy place------ ------- pronounce it as de-sacred; i.e; spoiling its sanctity or sacredness. ------- He wonders whether the people will honor or desecrate his corpse after he dies. 14By Saifur 50. Desecration--------spoiling something holy------ -------- It was an act of cultural desecration that shocked the world. 51. Desist----------stop; discontinue; cease------ ------ DO+RESIST....have resistance to DO something...hence DESIST...imagine your mother is saying you.."DO RESIST ALCHOHOL"... --------The writer should desist from writing such biased articles. 52. Despondent-------having no hope; miserable DEreSPOND...means no response...a person who is in low spirits doesn't respond hence suffer from despondency --------She was depressed and despondentwith asense of helplessness and hopelessness prevailing. 53. Destitution---------hardship; poverty; misery----, ---- u went for desi tution because of lack of money.. ----- In fact millions of people are living in destitution or near destitution. 54. Deter---------put off; prevent------ , ----- DExTER used to PREVENT her sister from coming in his secret laboratory ------Engagement is designed to reward goodbehaviour and hedging to deterbad. 55. Deteriorate------worsen; decline----- , ------- It is truly a shame to see the situation deteriorate to this point. 56. Detrimental--------harmful-------- look at the part MENTAL...a MENTAL person can cause serious harm or injury when violent. ----- Pirated software has a detrimental effect on theeconomy as well. 57. Devoured---------greedily eaten/consumed----- , ------ Those who do not seek to live in harmony withnature risk being devoured by nature. 58. Dexterous---------skilful with hands-----, ------ Dexter, a cartoon character is someone, who is very skillful and uses his hands and minds in a very skillful manner. 59. Dichotomy--------a division into two parts------ , -------- can be think as di + cut _ ... so dichotomy is cutting into two parts -------- The dichotomybetween personal liberties and property rights is a false one. 60. Didactic----------intended to teach; instructive----- , ----- didi always acts in a way she is teaching something...''didi-act'ic ------- Some colleges and universities are already beingdidacticabout safe computing. 61. Diffident--------lacking confidence-----------, ---------The root DI- means lacking. The root FIDE- (like FIDElity) means trust. Therefore, DIFFIDENT means lacking trust or confidence ------ He became more diffident in manner, less directand challenging as he aged. 15By Saifur 62. Digress-------wander off the subject------ , -----tiger goes for hunting but in way sees a tigress...... so hi goes after the tigress.....nd deviates from his aim... :) ------ Let me digressone further moment. 63. Dike------dam; embankment-------, ---------How about a permanent dike that other neighborhoods and areas have gotten? 64. Dilatory------slow; falling behind with one's work-------, ------- Dilatory:"Daily Late",He is Daily Late to the office so his work is delayed,not completed,delayed..... ------ Tenants say landlords are dilatoryin making needed repairs. 65. Dilemma-------puzzling situation------ --------Working at home presents a different kind of dilemma . 66. Dilettante------person who dabbles in a subject without serious study----------'Dil' (Heart)+ 'e' (hey) + ttante sounds like (anti). So when you are doing any work against your heart, you don't take it seriously.-------- When we separate him from his literaryneighbours, it must be as a dilettante. 67. Diligent---------hard-working----- , ------ Diligent looks like Delighted Agent. A delighted agent is happy to do his/her job, which means he/she is a hard-working person who works carefully. --------- They are a diligent and industrious race, eagerto gain, and tenacious of their gains. 68. Diorama-------model of a scene------- sounds close to panorama ---------Tell students they will draw or make a diorama about one aspect of the expedition. 69. Dirge-------mournful song------------ DIRGE sounds like DARD(pain) filled with DARD ------- The crowd's groan was like a dirge70. Disapprobation-------disapproval----------- disapprobation=disappro(v)ation -------- Something of interest and respect would have mingled with their disapprobation . 71. Discern------to distinguish one thing from another------- , ----- concern (able to understand) discern (able to distinguish) ------ The underlying motives for the changes are so far hard to discern72. Discord-------disagreement----------- DIS(not)+ACCORD(agreement)...accord means agreement...hence discord means disagreement.... -------- These things only create discordand can only be deplored. 73. Discordance--------cacophony; harshness; jarring-------, ----- And behavior can certainly be in discordance with your natural attractions. 16By Saifur 74. Discrepancy---------something which does not match up; inconsistency----- , ---- break into dis+creep+fancy= this is creep and this is fancy what an inconsistency with this item .i.e fancy and creep are different------- It was not immediately possible to explain the discrepancy in the numbers. 75. Discriminate-----to make a clear distinction; see the difference------ ----- In a democracy, it is important to discriminate influence from authority. 76. Discursiveness-----long windedness; indirectness[Discursive(adj)]----------- dis(means NOT)+CURSIVE(MEANS NEAT AND CLEAR) anything which is not clear and neat, is said to be discursive.ex a discursive novel. -------- It was quite prolonged and exceedingly discursive77. Disdain--------contempt; strong dislike-----, ---- Dis+dain= not+dainty (dainty means which is tasteful) so disdain mean not pretty and tasteful.. ------ Mine is a job that some intellectuals might disdain78. Disinterested-----unbiased----- ,----- Dis-Interest...if a particular issue is not of any interest to me (dis-interest), i'll pass a biased free opinion about it.. -------- She denies that they were prompted by any disinterested considerations in coming to our rescue. 79. Disparage------criticize; belittle------ , -----dispa-rage can be read as display a rage. When you display your RAGE on your juniors you BELITTLE them in front of the others. -------They came up with all sorts of new and creative ways to disparage the president. 80. Disparity-------an inequality------, ---parity means disparity means unequal different!.. -------The question is not whether a disparity exists but why. 81. Dispassionate-------neutral; objective-----, ---- dis-passionate, without any passion usually people without passions are calm -------- At this stage of his career, he has a dispassionate view of his profession 82. Disseminating--------circulating; broadcasting; spreading (information)------ ----- dis + seminate seminate could be taken as seminar, so for a seminar people gather at a place. Hence disseminar could be understood as the scattering of people. ------ No one thought of making a fortune by disseminating his work in print. 83. Diurnal---------active in daytime---------- Nocturnal means active in the Night and Diurnal means active in Day ------- Dogs are diurnal, so they generally tend to sleep through the night, and mine do. 84. Divert----------1. Entertain; 2. Distract; 3. cause a detour----- , , ---- 17By Saifur 85. Docile---------gentle and easily lead----- , ----- DOCILE--> DOMESTIC + CHILD --> easy to control ------ We can seek to challenge and annoy, as we need not stay docileand quiet. 86. Dogmatic---------having stubbornly held opinions------- , ------ If you try to read "dogmatic" from back to front, you will get "i am god". the person who think that he is a god is arrogant and stubborn -------- She has strong convictions, yet is not dogmatic87. Dolt---------stupid person------ ------ dolt rhymes with bolt. Nut-bolt ~ what a nut he is. (stupid person) ------ I promise to give the people who believe I am dolt their say in a moment. 88. Dotard-------foolish old man------ ----Retard=loss Dotard=loss of memory due to age 89. Drawl----------speak slowly with words running together----- ----sounds like drooool....with prolonged use of vowel 'o' He speaks slowly, almost with a drawl , and it seems as if he might chuckle at any moment. 90. Drivel----nonsense---- ----The drunken driver making nonsense in public ------ Ask the hard questions regardless of the drivel you get in the news. 91. Droll---------dryly amusing----------- doll is amusing to kids!! ------ It's a kid's book, but extremely charming and droll92. Drone--------1. Monotonous noise (n); 2. to speak with no emotion (v); 3.male bee----- -, , ------ think about the hindi film was a boring piece of watch/talk. ------- The lethal drone strikes have actually been highly successful. 93. Dubious-------doubtful--------, -------- dubious - opposite of obvious..i.e) in doubt or questionable -------- When online travel agencies started rolling out Smartphone apps, I was dubious . 94. Dupe----------to fool someone----- ---- people who dope are victim of deception; they can be easily deceived ------- The confident, mellow guys think it is fun when you dupehim. 95. Dynamic---------lively; vibrant; energetic------, , ------- Ecosystems, powered by solar energy, are dynamic and ever-changing. 96. Deliberate---------1. Slow (a); 2. To think over (v); 3. on purpose (a)------ , , ------ daily + berate => if you get berated(scolded) daily, you need to think it over as to why it happens.. ------- That looks like a deliberate attempt to deceive. 18By Saifur 97. Diaphanous----transparent; thin and delicate--------Think of the clear cellophane plastic wrap, which is clear. PHANE, meaning clear, is the same root that is found in diaphanous. --------- The little light fades the immense and diaphanous shadows. 98. Damp---------- (used of vibration) reduces in extent------, ------ assume that (d)-means "decrease" (amp) means amplifier which increase the intensity. If we placed before amp it means decreasing intensity ---------- My femininity can't be trapped in dark and damp conference halls. 99. Discernment---------- judgment; perceptiveness----- ,---- discernment....u can see a word concern in this word concern generally means worry, anxiousness and taking care of ------ Historically discernmenthas been the domain of the few and that remains true today. 100.Demagogue----mob leader (who appeals to base instincts) [demagogy/demagoguery (n)]----- , --- democracy + agog-an agog man leading democracy will only try to win peoples support by using unreasonable and emotional arguments -------- Always placing blame and finding fault is called being a demagogue1.Dexterity-------skill, esp. with hands [dexterous (a)]---- ------He is a sensitive musician, but does not play with invariable dexterity . 2.Dispatch---------1. Send (v); 2. speed; celerity (n)------, ---- dispatch = [DIS]tribute + [FAST]ly -------- Thomas is a fine writer who spells out the bare facts of her life with dispatch . 3.Debacle------- disaster-----, ----- belthaving bacle if we (de)remove bucle from belt,the pant will fall.. then comes the complete disaster -------- The more people who see this, the more it may prevent a future debacle4.Disabuse-----make someone aware of an error in thinking----- --- REMEMBER AS the opposite of abuse(use harsh words or create wrong impression). ------ No one in my family could disabuse me of that belief. 5.Doff---------take off (esp. of a hat)----- ------- DO + OFF or take off, remove. ----- He has pledged to doff his uniform after being re-elected president. 6.Don---------put on (esp. of clothes) ------ -------- DON used to 'PUT ON' diverse sorts of clothes to escape from the CBI or FBI. ---------- He donned his gloves and hat. 7.Daguerreotype-------forerunner of the photograph------- ------ To be sure, much of a daguerreotype's charm is in its blemished antiquity. 19By Saifur 8.Debilitating--------weakening [debilitate (v)]----- ----de'bilitate'=de vitalite; harms ur health -----Knee injuries are by far the most common and the most debilitating injuries in football. 9.Disingenuous------crafty-----, ------- This word is derived from the word "Genuine", which means true and real. Disingenuous is just the opposite of genuine. -------- The thought process you are employing is cynical and disingenuous10. Deferential---------- showing respect [deference (n); defer (v)]------------ deferential ~ d reference : when giving a reference of someone in the office you respect him ---------- We as a country and as a culture are far too deferentialto the army 11. Denigrate--------decry; criticize; belittle----- , ------- DENIGRATE=DENY+GREAT. so if you deny someone is great ,it means you BELITTLE him ------- Don't denigrate the poor, they're smarter about how to do with less then you could possibly imagine. 12. Derision----mockery [deride (v)]--------Noun form is 'deride' and in high school, if you don't have a car (de ride) that is expensive enough, other kids may mock and ridicule you -------- The comment met with immediate derisionacross the internet. 13. Dawdler-------slow person who falls behind others [dawdle (v)]-------- , ------dawdle=>doodle; Someone doodles and does the work hence is slow-------- Hurry up! There's no time to dawdle. 14. Dross----------- something worthless; impurities left after refining------ ---- close to gross....worthless ------ The dross has been burned away and what remains is the essential character.15. Dilettantism--------- dabbling esp. in the arts [dilettante (n) = person who dabbles]----- ------ Other actors take to singing with a fierce dilettantism , and it shows. 16. Disinter-------- dig up [opposite inter = bury]---- ----- inter = to bury. so disinter means opposite of bury => to dig up. ------ What Byrne does is to disinter history and carry it into the present. 17. Descry--------- to see (esp. at a distance); catch sight of------ If 10(DES) people will CRY everybody will notice them!! -------- He could just descry its blue wallsit was roofless. 18. Demur-------- object; hesitate to accept----- , ------ sounds a little like Damn U R wrong!! I object! ------- There was no reason for demur ; there was no law against it. 20By Saifur 19. Duplicity--------- cunning; deception; double dealing----------- duplicity== making two faces (duplicate) one who makes two faces is a fraud.. ------- The duplicity of the role as he played it is perfect. 20. Deign--------- condescend------- ------ Reign, which shows high dignity, is the opposite of Degin, which shows low dignity. -------- He doesn't deign to reply. 21. Decimated--------- kill or destroy a large part of (originally one tenth)------ ------- deci [means 10]mate[in ,chess mate means killing a king]so it sound like killing a king in every 10 people,so to kill a king u have to kill 10 ie make killing at huge amount. --------- Labor is now decimated and destroyed, unemployment is not an aberration. 22. Divest----------- remove; take off----- , ----- opposite to invest; di + vest; vest means an inner garment; divest is to remove it. ---- But it could take the government as long as three years to fully divest . 23. Disarm -------- 1. take away weapons; 2. win over to ones side [disarming (a)] --- ------ To persuade them to disarm , they need to be taught other ways of making a living. 24. Desultory ------- aimless; inconsistent in effort------ , ----- De-result...Obviously a haphazard or desultory approach will result to nothing. --------- It helps that he is by nature a desultory, recessive fellow. 25. Discrete---- separate; discontinuous (not to be confused with discreet - prudent; diplomatic]----- , ---- if u can remember the discrete maths ,u can see that one topic is separated from the other and subtopics also unconnected to each other. ------- The distribution of government control is continuous, not discrete26. Dally --------- waste time; flirt----- , ------- sounds like daily you waste your time right? -------- We didn't have time to dally around the submarine diorama. 27. Dissemble ----------- avoid the truth------- , -------- The word sounds like "resemble"...the person/ a thing of that type can be in disguise... --------- If asked about your relationship or seen outside the campus, don't dissemble28. Dote --------- be excessively fond of [doting (a)]------ ------ he dotes her he needs to have an antidote. ------ Sports fans who dote on statistics should get ready for a new lode. 21By Saifur 29. Diatribe------- tirade; violent denunciation; stream of criticism------ , ------ diatribe = di-tribe = two tribes fighting...criticize -------- This diatribeis so unrelentingly negative that it loses all power to persuade. 30. Dormancy ------- state of inactivity---------, ------- see the word DORMant, DORM is a dormitory a place to if you are sleeping you are inactive or lethargic.. ------- The virus may still be able to pop out of dormancy and wreak havoc. 31.Dissonance --------- discord; disagreement----- , ----- dis-sonance::DIS RESONANCE--not not in harmony -------- Too much dissonancebetween our world views, perhaps. 32. Drabness ----------- dullness------- 33.Dissident ---------- person who disagrees [dissidence (n)]------------- ASSENT = agree; DISSENT = disagree; DISSIDENT = a person who dissents/disagrees. ---------- The academy has agreed to a legal settlement with the dissident faculty member. 34.Discountenance ----------- disallow-------- ------ DISCOUNTenance....when you ask for discount in every shop and you don't get discount(you get disapproval) hence you are discountenanced..... -------- They also discountenance the use of ardent spirits and do not allow its use. ---------------------**********D*******--------------------------