main match sponsor belle evans sass #76517 · the 2016 sass nh cowboy action shooting championship....


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Main Match Sponsor

Belle Evans SASS #76517

“Happy Trails to You”


Welcome to the 18th anniversary of the “THE FRACAS AT PEMI GULCH” and

the 2016 SASS NH Cowboy Action Shooting Championship. This match is

presented by the Single Action Shooting Society, Belle Evans SASS #56517, the

Pemi-Valley Peacemakers and hosted by the Pemigewasset Valley Fish & Game


The Peacemakers have been involved in cowboy action shooting since its

inception in 1997, hosting the first (unofficial) New Hampshire State

Championship in 2000.

As always, it is our goal to present a fun and challenging shooting experience

to all competitors and create an atmosphere where friends, families, shooters

and non-shooters alike can have an enjoyable time.

This year’s state championship returns to Holderness after a four year absence.

The White Mountain Regulators have graciously hosted the State

Championship during this intervening time, as the Peacemakers recovered

from a rather rough, but interesting transition in leadership. A dedicated group

of cowpokes have breathed new life into the Pemi club and we now feel that we

are ready, once again, to host a state championship.

The Peacemakers have pulled together what we feel is the “Best of the Pemi”,

for our ten-stage Fracas at Pemi Gulch match. The Match Director has

combed the Pemi archives and selected past scenarios worthy of a state-level

championship match.

This is a SASS sponsored and sanctioned cowboy action shooting match.

Shooters MUST be a SASS member in order to compete. This not a match for

new shooters and as such, we encourage new shooters to watch this match as

a spectator and come to one of our club matches to learn “the game”. The Pemi

Valley Peacemakers follow SASS Conventions, and the rules set forth the SASS


So, here’s the opportunity to put your finely honed skills to the test. But, most

of all, to simply do your best and have FUN.

Awards places will be determined by how many entrants there are in each


# of Shooters Per Category # of Plaques

1-2 1

3-5 2

6-10 3

10-15 5

16-20 6

21-25 8

26 and above 10

Overall Match Top Gun Male/Female

Men’s/Ladies New Hampshire State Champions

All Young Guns will receive a plaque.




Registrations are being accepted up to the day of the event, but you’ll have to

choose and shoot in a category established as of June 30, 2016.

ATTIRE: Please keep in mind that you are attending a cowboy shoot, and you

should plan your attire for the weekend accordingly. All registered shooters will

be required to wear appropriate Old West period clothing of ALL events. This

includes side matches, the main match, and awards ceremony. Shooters not in

costume will be included in any award photos.

Schedule of Events

Thursday July 7

8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Match set-up

Friday July 8

8:00 am to 4 pm

Shooters package pickup at the Main Clubhouse

Side Event Day

9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Wild Bunch Mini-Match

Stages 1,2 & 3

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

3 Stage Warm-up Match

Stages 4, 5 & 6

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Speed Events: Rifle, Pistol & Shotgun

50 & 100 yard Covered Ranges

2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Pocket Pistol & Derringer

Stage 7

1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Plainsman Mini Match

Stages 1,2, & 3

RO Walkthrough immediately after side events @ 4:00 pm

5:00 pm

All ranges are closed, all guns put away

Note: No alcoholic beverages may be consumed on club property until all ranges are shut down

and guns have been put away for the day.

Schedule of Events

Saturday July 9

7:30 am to 9 am

Shooters package pickup at the Main Clubhouse

9:00 am

Mandatory Shooters Meeting at Main Clubhouse

9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Main Match 6 Stages

All ranges are closed, all guns put away

6:00 pm

Saturday Night BBQ Dinner

At the Main Clubhouse

6:00 pm

Territorial Governor’s Meeting in the Main Clubhouse (downstairs)

Sunday July 10

7:45 am

Cowboy Church, Main Clubhouse

8:30 am to 12:00 pm

Main Match 4 Stages

1:00 pm

Awards Ceremony, Main Clubhouse

Western outfits REQUIRED to receive awards at the ceremony.

Check the Bulletin Board at the Main Clubhouse for Updates!

Note: No alcoholic beverages may be consumed on club property until all ranges are shut down

and guns have been put away for the day.

Match Procedures

All competitors are responsible for knowing and understanding SASS rules, Shooters

Handbook Version 21.6, February 2016 Edition.

This is a cold range, firearms may only be loaded at the loading tables and firing line.

Only registered shooters are allowed to wear firearms or shoot.

All competitors must wear their shooter’s badge during the NH State Championship.

Any non-shotgun round over a berm is an automatic match disqualification.

It is the shooter’s responsibility to stage/restage firearms safety. A precariously

staged/restaged firearm that falls is NOT a prop failure.

Malfunctioning firearms brought to the unloading table should be pointed in a safe

direction and remain untouched until the owner completes his/her stage. He/she will

request help if needed.

Pistols start loaded with a maximum of five rounds, hammer fully on an empty chamber.

Rifles start loaded with action closed hammer fully down on an empty chamber.

Shotguns start with action open and chamber’s empty.

Dry firing of firearms is not allowed at the loading tables.

Unloading tables are designated “SAFE” areas.

Side match and main match are considered separate events.

Upon the command of “Cease Fire” all shooting must stop immediately and all firearms

made safe.


Stage Conventions or standard range behaviors are a list of practices every shooter is expected to

know and follow on every stage. These stage defaults should be followed in all SASS Matches

unless otherwise directed in stage descriptions.

1. All knockdown shotgun targets may be reengaged until down.

2. All knockdown targets (shotgun, rifle, or revolver) must go down to count. Any knockdown

target still standing once the shooter has engaged the next sequence of the stage will be counted as

a miss.

3. All staged guns shall have their barrels pointed safely down range. All long guns initially staged

on a horizontal flat surface shall be staged lying flat where at least the rear of the trigger guard is on

the staging area. All handguns initially staged on a horizontal flat surface must be staged with the

entire handgun lying flat on the staging surface.

4. Staged shotguns will be open and empty.

5. Shooters may not start a stage with ammunition in hand.

6. Long guns will be discarded open and empty with their barrels pointed safely down range. If the

action of a long gun closes after being opened and emptied, the shooter will, at the conclusion of

the stage, show it to be clear to the TO or spotter. Appropriate additional penalties will be applied

if it is not clear. No one other than the competitor may handle the gun in question.

7. Revolvers are returned to leather after the shooting string.

8. Revolvers are drawn and used in accordance with the shooter’s category.

9. If no starting position is given the shooter shall stand upright with revolvers holstered, hands at

the side not touching any firearm.

10. Cowboy port arms is defined as standing upright with the butt of the long gun at or below the

waist of the shooter, the muzzle at or above the shoulder, and the long gun held with both hands.

11. Interpersonal conflicts WILL NOT be tolerated.

Failure to observe Match Procedures will result in a minimum 10 second procedural penalty or

higher in the case of SASS defined rules.

All competitors and spectators must wear eye and ear protection when in shooting areas.


If the shooter’s gun jams, ammo failure or other equipment failure results BEFORE the first

round is sent downrange.

If there is a range failure that prevents the shooter from continuing the course of fire or prevents a

score from being recorded. This may be a timer malfunction, a prop malfunction (except as noted

below) or a RO intervention halting or impeding the shooters progress unnecessarily.


If a prop fails but does not prevent the shooter from continuing the course of fire.

If a target breaks or fails while a shooter is on the clock. In such a case, the shooter should

discharge the round where the target was originally located and the hit will be scored.

Challenge, Appeal and Protest Procedure

Match/Posse Officials are the ONLY ones who may judge a shooter. These judging responsibilities

range from watching for misses and hits, correct target order engagement, appropriate completion

of stage instructions, safety violations, legal or illegal equipment, appropriate ammunition,

appropriate dress, and category specific requirements, such as to adequately produce smoke by the

black powder category participants. The shooter is the ONLY person who may question a call

made by any of the Posse Officials on the line. If a shooter feels unfairly judged by the assigned

Posse Officials on any stage, it is important to follow this recommended process and observe an

appropriate chain of command.

If there is a question, the shooter should approach the assigned Chief Range Officer (the timer

operator) upon completion of the stage after all firearms have been made safe. The use of recoded

audio, video or still photography cannot be used to challenge the call of the Posse or Match

Officials. Any further challenge must be taken to the Range Master for assistance in the resolution.

Any further challenge must be initiated by filing a $50.00 protest fee and completing an


Director. An OFFICIAL PROTEST should only be filed as a last resort AFTER discussions with

the appropriate chain of command.

The Match Director will appoint a jury to make the FINAL decision. At the NH SASS

Championship, the jury will consist of a least three experienced SASS competitors, Territorial

Governors, if possible.



All competitors and spectators must wear eye and ear protection when in shooting areas.

The Fracas at Pemi Gulch The SASS New Hampshire State Championship


1. “Them Slim’s Just Got Slimmer”

Sponsored by Cowboy Custom Gunworks Scenario taken from Pemi’s first match on June 22, 1997.

2. “Coffeeville”

Sponsored by Back River Trades Scenario used at the 2011 SASS NH State championship.

3. “Ya Gotta Save the Cows”

Sponsored by Ironhorse Pete SASS #

4. “Get Out, Now”

Sponsored by Klassic Laser Works Scenario used at the 2015 “Fracas”.

5. “Gunfight at the Cabin”

Sponsored by Klassic Laser Works Scenario used at a local Pemi match May 5, 2013.

6. “I Gotta Help the Marshal”

Sponsored by Splinter Bill SASS# Scenario used at the 2013 “Fracas”.

7. “Rebel’s Raid at the Freight House” Scenario used at the 2015 “Fracas”.

8. “Things Ain’t Too Pretty” Scenario used at the 2014 “Fracas”.

9. “Time to Dance” Scenario used at the 2014 “Fracas”.

10. “You Have No Idea How Little I Care”

Stage No. 1 2016 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Them Slim’s Just Got Slimmer

10 Pistol, 8 Rifle, 6 Shotgun


This scenario is from the Peacemakers first cowboy action shooting match June 22, 1997. It was

part of a “Pony Express Challenge”, a match set up and shot the same way by registered cowboy

action shooting clubs across the country. The only difference here is a prop and two extra

shotgun targets.


You’re sitting in the local saloon having a drink. Then, from outside, you hear someone yelling

your name and saying something about their little brother. So you get up to look and see what all

the ruckus is about! There they stood, Slippery and the whole “Slim family”, except for that lo-

down cheatin’ Slim named “Dorado”. They want your hide because you shot their little brother

Dorado, who had cheated you on a coat you bought from him. “Darn thing smelled like ‘fish’

when it got wet.” So you round up your trusty rifle and scattergun, step outside and start

eliminating Slim’s. Now the Slim family ain’t got no branches left!

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with 8 rounds, staged on table in doorway.

Shotgun, empty, staged on the table in doorway, at least 6 rounds on person.

Action: Shooter starts standing in the doorway, hands on pistols. When ready say, “Hey you

Slim’s, here I am! At the signal, engage the left pistol target with 5 rounds, then the right pistol

target with 5 rounds. Holster empty pistols. Grab the rifle, and engage the rifle targets, double

tapping each left to right and repeat. Make the rifle safe and retrieve the shotgun. Engage the

three left targets, then the three right targets. After being cleared by the RO, proceed to the

unloading table.

10 pistol

8 rifle

6 shotgun

• 10 pistol

• 8 rifle

• 6 shotgun

Shooting Order

Stage No. 2 2016 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Coffeeville 10 Pistol, 10 Rifle, 4 Shotgun

History This scenario was used at the 2011 SASS NH State Championship match. Minor changes have

been made to the original sequences to make the scenario more contemporary. There is no story

line in the original scenario, so one was borrowed from 2000 VT Great Nor’easter.

Scenario You plan on robbing this bank while your brothers rob the other one. The town folks have other

ideas. See if you can get out of town.

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with 10 rounds, held in hand.

Shotgun, empty, staged at the far left or far right window, at least 4 rounds on person.

Action Shooter starts standing beside the horse, rifle in hand. When ready say, “We have to get outta

here.” At the signal, move to one of the center windows and engage the rifle targets with 5 rounds

each. Move to whichever window has the shotgun, make the rifle safe, retrieve the shotgun and

engage the shotgun targets in front of that window. Move to the window on the other end that also

has a table and engage the 2 shotgun targets. Make the shotgun safe, on the table. Move to the

nearest door and engage the target with all five rounds from the first pistol. Holster and move to

the remaining door and engage the target with all 5 rounds from the second pistol. Holster. After

being cleared by the RO, retrieve long-guns and proceed to the unloading table.

10 rifle

2 shotgun



10 rifle 5 pistol

5 pistol

2 shotgun

• 10 rifle

• 2 shotgun

• 2 shotgun

• 5 pistol

• 5 Pistol

Shooting Order

Stage No. 3 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

“Ya Gotta Save the Cows”

10 Pistol, 10 Rifle, 4 Shotgun


You’ve been put in charge of guarding the boss’s cattle. Suddenly, you notice a nasty looking

bunch of desperados trying to sneak up on you. You must chase them off before they can steal the

cattle. You’re well-heeled and more than good enough to scatter this lot.

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with 10 rounds, staged on the right side of the outhouse.

Shotgun, empty, staged on the left side of the outhouse, at least 4 rounds on person.


Shooter starts standing in the outhouse. When ready say “You ain’t getting these cows”! At the

signal, exit the outhouse, turn left, retrieve the shotgun and engage any 2 shotgun targets. Make the

shotgun safe. Move to the other side of the outhouse, retrieve the rifle and engage the 3 targets with

all 10 rounds, hitting each at least 3 times. Make the rifle safe. Move back to shotgun and engage

the remaining two shotgun targets. Make shotgun safe. Move to fence and engage the pistol targets

with a John Wayne Sweep (1-2-3-3-2-1-1-2-3-3). After being cleared by the RO, collect long guns

and proceed to the unloading table.



10 rifle

R1 R2


2 and 2





10 pistol

• 2 shotgun

• 10 rifle

• 2 shotgun

• 10 pistol

Shooting Order

Stage No. 4 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Get Out, Now!

10 Pistol, 10, Rifle, 4 Shotgun


This scenario was written for “The Fracas” held July 12, 2015.


A lawless band of desperados have taken over the Jersey Lilly saloon. The marshal and town’s

people have been powerless to do anything about it. Well, we can’t have that now, can we? We’ll

get them out.

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with 10 rounds, staged at the right window.

Shotgun, empty, staged in left window, at least 4 rounds on person.

Action Shooter begins standing at the left window, both hands on the sill. When ready say “Get out

NOW”! At the signal, retrieve the shotgun and engage the shotgun targets in any order. Make the

shotgun safe. Move to the right window, retrieve the rifle and engage targets with a Hermit Joe

Sweep (1-1-1-2-1-3-1-4-1-5). Make the rifle safe. Move to the doorway and with your pistols engage

the pistol targets with a continuous Hermit Joe Sweep. After being cleared by the RO, collect the

long guns and proceed to the unloading table.

4 shotgun

10 pistol

10 rifle












• 4 shotgun

• 10 rifle

• 10 pistol

Shooting Order

Stage No. 5 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Gunfight at the Cabin 10 Pistol, 10 Rifle, 4 Shotgun

History This scenario based loosely on the film “Connager”, was written for a Pemi match held May 5,


Scenario You’re trying to round up a small herd of stolen cattle when you find the rustlers hide-out.

There’re not prepared for you, so you move in to retake the herd.

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with 10 rounds, staged on table.

Shotgun, empty, staged in the doorway, at least 4 rounds on person.

Action Shooter begins standing at the inside doorway, hands on pistols. When ready say “That’s the life

of an outlaw, tough, ain’t it “? At the signal, engage the shotgun targets in any order. Make the

shotgun safe and move to the window. Through the window, engage the pistol targets in a

continuous San Juan Sweep (1-1-2-1-2-3-1-2-3-4). Holster pistols. Move to the hitching rail,

retrieve the rifle and engage the 4 targets in a San Juan Sweep. After being cleared by the RO,

collect long guns and proceed to the unloading table.

10 rifle

4 shotgun

10 pistol









• 4 shotgun

• 10 pistol

• 10 Rifle

Shooting Order

Stage No. 6 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

“I Gotta Help the Marshal” 10 Pistol, 10 Rifle,4 Shotgun

History This scenario was written and used at the 2013 “Fracas”.


Your walk around town has taken you past the jail, where you discover a jail break is in progress.

The town marshal seems to have his hands full, so you step in to help.

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with10 rounds, in hand.

Shotgun, empty, staged on left table, at least 4 rounds on person.

Shooter starts standing to the left of the jail, rifle in hand. When ready say “I’ll give ya a hand,

marshal”. At the signal, engage the rifle targets by sweeping twice from either end. Make the

rifle safe. Move to the left table, retrieve the shotgun and engage the four targets in any order.

Make the shotgun safe, then with your pistols engage the pistol targets sweeping twice from

either end. Pistol targets may be engaged anywhere along the firing line. After being cleared by

the RO, collect long guns and proceed to the unloading table.











10 rifle

4 shotgun

• 10 Rifle

• 4 shotgun

• 10 pistol

Shooting Order

10 pistol

Stage No. 7 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Rebel’s Raid at the Freight House

10 pistol, 10 Rifle, 4 Shotgun

History This scenario was used at the 2015 “Fracas” and modified from the Wild Bunch match held the

weekend of July 10, 2015.

Scenario You have drawn guard duty this evening at the Freight House. There’s been trouble since bandits

moved into the territory. About midnight you amble over to the house to relieve the late night

boredom. As you peer into the night from the freight house platform, you notice movement. It’s

a raid!

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with 10 rounds, staged on the front window.

Shotgun, empty, staged on the front window, at least 4 rounds on person.

Action Begin standing on either of the platforms, to the right side or left side of the freight house, hands

to the sides of your face, as if you were peering into the darkness. Yell, “Wake-up, it’s a raid.”

At the signal, draw your first pistol and engage the pistol targets with an Arkansas Shuffle (1-1-

2-3-3). Holster. Move to and retrieve the rifle engaging the targets in a Double Arkansas

Shuffle (1-1-1-1-2-2-3-3-3-3). Make rifle safe, Retrieve the shotgun and engage the knockdown

shotgun targets in any order. Make shotgun safe, Move to the second platform. Engage the

remaining five pistols in an Arkansas Shuffle. After being cleared by the RO, collect the long

guns and proceed to the unloading table.






5 pistol



5 pistol

10 rifle 4 shotgun



• 5 pistol

• 10 rifle

• 4 shotgun

• 5 pistol

Shooting Order

Stage No. 8 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Things Ain’t too Pretty 10 Pistol, 10 Rifle, 4 Shotgun

History The basis for this scenario comes from the 2014 End of Trail and a shooting sequence developed

by T.A. Chance. The story line was authored by Dakota Joe SASS #3471 and incorporated to a

scenario used at the 2014 “FRACAS”.

Scenario The railroad, it seems has by-passed Pemi Gulch. The old station has burned down and it’s a sad

sight to behold. All that’s left is an old outhouse.

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with 10 rounds, in hand, standing at the right table.

Shotgun, empty, staged on left table, at least 4 rounds on person.

Action Shooter starts standing at the right table, rifle in hand. When ready say “Things ain’t as pretty

as they used to be”. At the signal, engage the rifle targets in two 1-3-1 Sweeps, from either end.

(I can’t believe this sweep doesn’t have a real name!). Make the rifle safe. Move to the barricade

and with the pistols, engage the pistol targets in two separate 1-3-1 Sweeps from either end.

Holster pistols. Move to and retrieve the shotgun and engage the shotgun targets in any order.

After being cleared by the RO, retrieve long-guns and proceed to the unloading table.



10 rifle

R1 R2


2 and 2





10 pistol

• 2 shotgun

• 10 rifle

• 2 shotgun

• 10 pistol

Shooting Order

Stage No. 9 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Time to Dance

10 Rifle, 10 Pistol, 4 Shotgun

History: This scenario used for the 2014 “Fracas”, written by Dakota Joe SASS #3471. As in

many of our smaller matches target placement is often repeated, while shooting sequences can be

quite different.

Scenario: You come across an old saloon and spy the town’s gang of hoodlums hanging around.

They’re looking for trouble and you’re going to give it to them.

Pistols 10 rounds, holstered.

Rifle 10 rounds, staged in the right window.

Shotgun, empty, staged in the left window, at least four rounds on person.

Shooter starts standing at the right window, hands on the sill. When ready say “All right boys,

let’s dance”. At the signal, retrieve the rifle and Sweep the targets from either end. Make the

rifle safe. Move to and retrieve the shotgun and engage the shotgun targets in any order. Move to

the doorway and with the pistols Sweep the pistol targets from either end. Holster pistols. After

being cleared by the RO, retrieve the long-guns and proceed to the unloading table.

4 shotgun

10 pistol

10 rifle












• 4 shotgun

• 10 rifle

• 10 pistol

Shooting Order

Stage No. 10 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

“You Have No Idea How Little I Care” 10 Pistol, 10 Rifle, 4 Shotgun


You and the boys have driven a herd of horses to the railhead only to be met by a group from a

rival ranch. While standing outside the depot, you and the other foreman have words and before

you know it, a fight breaks out. There’s a lot of shooting, but luckily no one’s killed. As you sit

back to back, exhausted, you ask him his name. He says “Rudy”.

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with10 rounds, staged at the hitching rail.

Shotgun, empty, staged at the inside doorway, at least 4 rounds on person.

Action Shooter starts standing at the hitching rail, hands at their side.

When ready say “You have no idea how little I care.”! At the signal, retrieve the rifle and

engage the targets in a Progressive Sweep (1-2-2-3-3-3-4-4-4-4). Make the rifle safe. Move to

the inside doorway, retrieve the shotgun and engage the targets in any order. Make the shotgun

safe. Move to the window and engage the targets in a continuous Regressive Sweep (4-4-4-4-3-

3-3-2-2-1). After being cleared by the RO, retrieve long-guns and proceed to the unloading table.

10 rifle

4 shotgun

10 pistol









• 4 shotgun

• 10 pistol

• 10 Rifle

Shooting Order

Wild Bunch Side Match

Friday July 8th 2016

This three-stage side match offers an opportunity for us Cowboy’s to shoot firearms from a

different era. Welcome to “The Fracas at Pemi Gulch” Wild Bunch Side. We will not be using a

rifle during this Side Match.

You may expect up to three magazine changes per stage and the occasional shotgun reload. All

Wild Bunch conventions will be followed regardless of the firearms you are using. The Wild

Bunch conventions are printed on the following page.

Safety in Wild Bunch shooting is paramount, so we must all be vigilant and mind where we keep

our trigger finger.

Have Fun and be SAFE.

Wild Bunch Stage Conventions


Stage Conventions, or standard range behaviors, are a list of practices every shooter is expected

to know and follow on every stage. These stage conventions should be followed in all Wild

Bunch™ Action Shooting matches unless otherwise directed in stage descriptions.

1. Knockdown targets that do not fall may not be re-engaged. All shotgun targets are Non-


2. All knockdown targets (shotgun, rifle, or pistol) must go down to count. Any knockdown

target still standing once the shooter has engaged the next sequence of the stage will be counted

as a miss.

3. All staged guns shall have their barrels pointed safely down range. All long guns initially

staged on a horizontal flat surface shall be staged lying flat where at least the rear of the trigger

guard is on the staging area. All handguns initially staged on a horizontal flat surface must be

staged with the entire handgun lying flat on the staging surface.

4. Shooters may not start a stage with ammunition in hand.

5. After the shooting string, long guns are made safe with muzzle down range, action open, and

containing no live ammunition.

6. Pistols are discarded open and empty with muzzle down range. They are never re-holstered

until cleared at the end of the stage by the RO.

7. Pistols are shown clear on the firing line at the end of the stage prior to holstering.

8. Safe gun handling is the shooter’s responsibility. The 170-degree safety rule is in effect.

9. If no starting position is given, the shooter shall stand fully erect with pistol holstered, hands at

the side not touching any firearm.

10. Cowboy port arms is defined as standing fully erect with the butt of the long gun at or below

the waist of the shooter, the muzzle at or above the shoulder, and the long gun held with both

hands. It is not recommended that stages start with the shooter in this position.

11. Only the shooter may handle his firearms from the loading table to the unloading table.

12. Interpersonal Conflicts WILL NOT be tolerated.


Stage No. 1 2016 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Wild Bunch Side Match

Just Trying to Have a Drink

20 Pistol, 6 Shotgun


You’re sitting in the local saloon having a drink. Then, from outside, you hear someone yelling

your name and saying something about their little brother. So you get up to look and see what all

the fuss is about! There’s this guy yelling about how you shot their little brother. This isn’t going

to end well for someone

Pistols, loaded, holstered, at least 3 magazines on person or staged.

Shotgun, loaded, staged on the table in doorway.

Action: Shooter starts standing in the doorway, hands on belt. When ready say, “Hey, I’m just

trying to have a drink”! At the signal, engage the 4 targets with 5 rounds each, in any order.

Safely ground the pistol. Retrieve the shotgun. Engage the three left targets, then the three right

targets. After being cleared by the RO, proceed to the unloading table.

20 pistol

6 shotgun

• 20 pistol

• 6 shotgun

Shooting Order

Stage No. 2 2016 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Wild Bunch Side Match

Coffeeville 20 Pistol, 6 Shotgun

Scenario You plan on robbing this bank while your brothers rob the other one. The town folks have other

ideas. See if you can get out of town.

Pistols, loaded, holstered, at least 3 magazines on person.

Shotgun, loaded, staged at the far left or far right window.


Shooter starts standing beside the horse, hands on the saddle. At the signal, move to one of the

center windows and engage the targets with 5 rounds each, any order. Move to whichever

window has the shotgun, ground the pistol, retrieve the shotgun and engage the shotgun targets

in front of that window. Safely, move to the opposite window and engage the 3 shotgun targets.

After being cleared by the RO, retrieve long-guns and proceed to the unloading table.

3 shotgun



20 pistol

3 shotgun

• 20 pistol

• 3 shotgun

• 3 shotgun

Shooting Order

Stage No. 3 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Wild Bunch Side Match

“Save the Horses” 20 Pistol, 6 Shotgun


You’re guarding the troop’s horses. Suddenly, you notice a nasty looking bunch of desperados

trying to sneak up on you. You must chase them off before they can steal the horses. You’re

well-heeled and more than good enough to scatter this lot.

Pistols, loaded, holstered, at least 3 magazines on person.

Shotgun, loaded, in hand.


Shooter starts standing in the mine. When ready say “Stop them from getting the horses”! At

the signal, exit the mine, move to the left table, and engage any 3 shotgun targets. Make the

shotgun safe. Move to the other side of the mine, and with pistol engage the furthest set of 3

targets with two separate Nevada Sweeps. Move back to shotgun, ground the empty pistol,

retrieve shotgun and engage the remaining three shotgun targets. Make shotgun safe. Retrieve

pistol, move to fence and engage the pistol targets with two separate Nevada Sweeps. After

being cleared by the RO, collect long guns and proceed to the unloading table.





3 and 3





10 pistol

• 3 shotgun

• 10 pistol

• 3 shotgun

• 10 pistol

Shooting Order

10 pistol

Plainsman Side Match

Friday July 8th 2016

This three-stage side match offers an opportunity for us cowboys to shoot firearms from a

different era. Welcome to “The Fracas at Pemi Gulch” Plainsman Match. This match requires a

brace of percussion pistols,36 caliber and above, a single-shot rifle, without ejectors, and a

double-barrel shotgun, 20 or 12 gauge.

The Plainsman Match will follow SASS Cowboy Convention, printed elsewhere the in the


Stage No. 1 2016 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Plainsman Side Match

Just Trying to Have a Drink

10 Pistol, 5 Rifle, 6 Shotgun


You’re sitting in the local saloon having a drink. Then, from outside, you hear someone yelling

your name and saying something about their little brother. So you get up to look and see what all

the fuss is about! There’s this guy yelling about how you shot their little brother. This isn’t going

to end well for someone

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, empty, at least 5 rounds on person.

Shotgun, empty, staged on the table in doorway.

Action: Shooter starts standing in the doorway, hands on belt. When ready say, “Hey, I’m just

trying to have a drink”! At the signal, retrieve rifle and engage the 2 furthest targets alternating,

with 5 rounds. Make the rifle safe. Retrieve the shotgun. Engage the three left targets, then the

three right targets. Make the shotgun safe. Engage the 2 closest targets alternating with all ten

rounds. After being cleared by the RO, proceed to the unloading table.

5 rifle

6 shotgun

10 pistol• 5 rifle

• 6 shotgun

• 10 pistol

Shooting Order

Stage No. 2 2016 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Plainsman Side Match

Coffeeville 10 Pistol, 6 Rifle, 4 Shotgun

Scenario You plan on robbing this bank while your brothers rob the other one. The town folks have other

ideas. See if you can get out of town.

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, empty, staged at far right window.

Shotgun, empty, staged at the far left or far right window.


Shooter starts standing beside the horse, hands on the saddle. At the signal, move to one of the

center windows and engage the pistol targets with all 10 rounds. Move to and retrieve the

shotgun, and engage the shotgun targets in front of that window. Move to the opposite window

and engage the remaining 2 shotgun targets. Make the shotgun safe. Retrieve the rifle, move to

one of the center windows and engage the 2 furthest targets 3 times each. After being cleared by

the RO, retrieve long-guns and proceed to the unloading table.

2 shotgun



10 pistol

6 Rifle

2 shotgun

• 10 pistol

• 2 shotgun

• 2 shotgun

• 6 rifle

Shooting Order

Stage No. 3 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Plainsman Side Match

“Save the Horses” 10 Pistol, 6 Rifle, 4 Shotgun


You’re guarding the horses. Suddenly, you notice a nasty looking bunch of Indians trying to

sneak up on you. You must chase them off before they can steal the horses. You’re well-heeled

and more than good enough to scatter this lot.

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, empty, in hand.

Shotgun, empty, staged at the left table.


Shooter starts standing in the mine, rifle in hand. When ready say “Stop them from getting the

horses”! At the signal, step out of the mine and engage the rifle targets twice each. Move to the

shotgun, make the rifle safe. Retrieve the shotgun and engage the shotgun targets in any order.

Make the shotgun safe. Move to the fence and with pistol engage the set of 3 closer targets with

two separate Nevada Sweeps. After being cleared by the RO, collect long guns and proceed to

the unloading table.

R1 R2


4 shotgun




10 pistol

• 6 rifle

• 4 shotgun

• 10 pistol

Shooting OrderSTART

insde6 rifle


Warm-Up Stages

Stage No. 1 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Get Out, Now! 10 Pistol, 10 Rifle, 4 Shotgun

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with 10 rounds, staged at the right window.

Shotgun, empty, staged in left window, at least 4 rounds on person.

Action Shooter begins standing in the doorway, both hands on the jamb. When ready say “Get out,

NOW”! At the signal, with pistols, Sweep the targets twice, starting from either end. Holster.

Move the right window, retrieve the rifle and Sweep the targets twice, starting from either end.

Make the rifle safe. Move to and retrieve the shotgun. Engage the shotgun targets in any order.

After being cleared by the RO, collect the long guns and proceed to the unloading table.

4 shotgun

10 pistol

10 rifle












• 10 pistol

• 10 rifle

• 4 shotgun

Shooting Order

Warm-Up Stages

Stage No. 2 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

Gunfight at the Cabin 10 Pistol, 10 Rifle, 4 Shotgun

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with 10 rounds, staged on table.

Shotgun, empty, staged in the doorway, at least 4 rounds on person.

Action Shooter begins standing at the inside window, hands on pistols. When ready say “That’s the life of

an outlaw, tough, ain’t it “? At the signal, engage the pistol targets in a continuous Nevada Sweep.

Holster. Move to and retrieve the shotgun. Then engage the shotgun targets in any order. Make

the shotgun safe and move to the hitching rail, retrieve the rifle and engage the 4 targets in a

Nevada Sweep. After being cleared by the RO, collect long guns and proceed to the unloading


10 rifle

4 shotgun

10 pistol









• 10 pistol

• 4 shotgun

• 10 rifle

Shooting Order

Warm-Up Stages

Stage No. 3 NH SASS CAS Championship - July 2016

“I Gotta Help the Marshal” 10 Pistol, 10 Rifle, 2 Shotgun

Pistols, loaded, holstered.

Rifle, loaded with10 rounds, in hand.

Shotgun, empty, staged on left table, at least 4 rounds on person.

Shooter starts standing at the left table, hands on hat rim. When ready say “I’ll give ya a hand,

marshal”. At the signal, engage any two shotgun targets. Make shotgun safe and move to right table.

Retrieve rifle and engage targets in a double sweep starting from either end. Make the rifle safe.

With pistols, engage pistol targets in a continuous double tap sweep from either end. Holster

pistols. Move to, retrieve the shotgun and engage the remaining shotgun targets. After being

cleared by the RO, collect long guns and proceed to the unloading table.











10 rifle

2 and 2


• 2 shotgun

• 10 Rifle

• 10 pistol

• 4 shotgun

Shooting Order

10 pistol


To the Single Action Shooting Society for their continued support in providing.

To the Pemigewasset Fish & Game Club

for providing the Peacemakers financial support and a venue to hold this Cowboy shooting event.

To Callous Clyde SASS #4766 for providing all of the stage art used in the program.

To our Sponsors Who have stepped up to financially support the efforts of the Pemi Valley Peacemakers.

Main Match Sponsor Belle Evans SASS #76517

Stages Sponsors

Cowboy Custom Gunworks – Stage 1 Back River Trades – Stage 2 Custom Action Work Internet Sales and Cowboy Guns

Ironhorse Pete SASS # – Stage 3

Dedicated Cowboy Action Shooter

Klassic Laser Works – Stages 4 & 5

Custom Laser Engraving .. by Tazz

Gun Stock & Grips — Awards & Badges Tasmanian Kid aka: Ernie Sullivan ([email protected]) 603-714-1164

Single Rose aka: Barbara Gentili ([email protected]) 603-714-1165

WWW.KLASSICLASERWORKS.COM. “Like US” on Facebook too! Authorized Distributor of:

Redwing Screw Knives — Sure Hit Sites — Bullet Splat Jewelry

Splinter Bill SASS #91487 - Stage 6 Dedicated Cowboy Action Shooter

And, especially to our many volunteers, without

whom this event would not be possible.

Personal Score Sheet

Alias ______________________________

Stage Raw Time Miss Penalty Total











Each miss adds 5 seconds to total time.

Each procedure or minor safety penalty adds 10 seconds to total time.

(only one procedural penalty per stage)

Coaching by RO’s is encouraged in order to avoid penalties.

SPOTTERS, benefit of doubt goes to the shooter.

If you know that it’s a hit… it’s a hit.

If you know that it’s a miss… it’s a miss.

If you think it’s a hit… it’s a hit.

If you think it’s a miss…IT’S A HIT!