magical performance tuning with gomez

Are you ready for more Website visitors? Best Practices to realistically load test your applications beyond the firewall Hari Ramachandran, Project Manager, Cognizant Colin Mason - Product Manager, Gomez

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Are you ready for more Website visitors?Best Practices to realistically load test your applications beyond the firewall

Hari Ramachandran, Project Manager, CognizantColin Mason - Product Manager, Gomez

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Cognizant Testing Services

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Need for Positive User Experience

Internet users has increased from 360 Million in 2000 to 1.8 billion in 2009.

Around Twenty Five per cent of the world’s population now use the Internet. North America (74%) has the highest penetration.

Internet users has increased from 360 Million in 2000 to 1.8 billion in 2009.

Around Twenty Five per cent of the world’s population now use the Internet. North America (74%) has the highest penetration.

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User Expectations Not Met at Peak Times Impact

the Business67% of online consumers expect consistently good experiences at peak times regardless of website traffic, but their expectations are not met

Poor web experiences at peak times impacts revenue, brand & loyalty•78% of consumers have gone to a competitor site due to poor

performance at peak times• After a poor experience

•42% have discussed it with family, friends, peers or online•47% left with a less positive perception of the company•88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site

Total Sample (N=1538)

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Many of the industry’s largest merchants suffered site slowdowns or other problems in 2009

Non Functional Requirement’s are not properly defined and tested

Web server/App Server/Middleware/Database server are not properly configured

Database is not properly tuned

Application is not designed to scale for huge volumes

Infrastructure is not properly sized

3rd party components or services components didn’t scale under load

Non Functional Requirement’s are not properly defined and tested

Web server/App Server/Middleware/Database server are not properly configured

Database is not properly tuned

Application is not designed to scale for huge volumes

Infrastructure is not properly sized

3rd party components or services components didn’t scale under load

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•Make informed business decisions about capacity, third-party components & services, or future expansions plans•Verify response-time and end-user experience under load•Find problems and bottlenecks before real end-users are impacted

•Make informed business decisions about capacity, third-party components & services, or future expansions plans•Verify response-time and end-user experience under load•Find problems and bottlenecks before real end-users are impacted

•Mitigate risk when launching promotions, rolling-out new applications or features, upgrading or virtualizing infrastructure, or anticipating seasonal spikes in web traffic

•Mitigate risk when launching promotions, rolling-out new applications or features, upgrading or virtualizing infrastructure, or anticipating seasonal spikes in web traffic

Protect online revenue when it matters most, at peak times Ensure performance and availability of key transactions

across geographies, for expected user load and beyond

Protect online revenue when it matters most, at peak times Ensure performance and availability of key transactions

across geographies, for expected user load and beyond

Why Performance Testing is Critical?

Ensure success of critical Web-based business initiatives

Validate speed, scalability and stability

Deploy applications, new features & infrastructure with confidence

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The Challenge of Delivering Web Applications

The Web Application Delivery Chain


Local ISP

Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks

3rd Party/Cloud Services

Browsers and devices UsersUsers


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers


Load Balancers

Mobile Components


Response time should be less than 2 seconds

Application should be available 24*7

Application should support X concurrent users

Infrastructure should be shared

CDNs, external 3rd party components & services outside the firewall should also meet SLAs

Response time should be less than 2 seconds

Application should be available 24*7

Application should support X concurrent users

Infrastructure should be shared

CDNs, external 3rd party components & services outside the firewall should also meet SLAs

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Performance Testing – Maturity Levels

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When to Performance Test in Development Lifecycle

Requirement Analysis

• Gather the Non Functional requirements – Involve all stakeholders• Convert the business requirements into measurable performance


• Early Performance Testing/ Component Level Performance Testing• Application Profiling


• Architectural Benchmarking• Software benchmarking• Hardware benchmarking

Integration & Testing

• Pre Production Performance Testing – Load Testing, Stress Testing, Spike Testing, Endurance Testing, Volume Testing, Real End User Testing


•Application Performance Monitoring•Performance Benchmarking

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Recommendations For Successful Performance Testing

Start early in the project lifecycle

Gather Application Usage Statistics - Workload Analysis, Business critical transactions, User locations , Resource utilization

Define Performance Testing objectives

Identify the right tool for Performance testing Tool

Inside the firewall – HP Loadrunner, Micro focus SilkPerformer, IBM Rational Performance Tester, Microsoft VSTS, Radview Webload, Neotys NeoLoad, OpenSTA, Jmeter

Outside the firewall – Gomez Reality Load

Have Production like environment

Scripting – Parameterization, Correlation, Error validation, Smoke Tests

Deploy Monitors to collect server side statistics

Execute Baseline tests, Plan for iterative Performance testing

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Performance Testing & Problem Diagnosis

Design Phase : Architecture Performance Benchmarking

Excessive Threads Spawned

High Virtual Memory Usage

After implementing Thread Pooling & Fix Patches From Third-Party Components

Application prototype was becnhamarked on the planned production environment Early identification of design issues and uncovered major performance risk posed by the third-party products saving huge cost and effort

Company: Real Estate and Relocation Services

• Building a new online real-estate transaction management system

• Perform End to End performance Testing

Company: Real Estate and Relocation Services

• Building a new online real-estate transaction management system

• Perform End to End performance Testing

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Performance Testing & Problem Diagnosis

Development Phase: Early Performance Testing

It is seen that the available memory goes down as the number of loaded assemblies increases

Number of loaded assemblies keeps increasing throughout the test, although the same transactions are repeatedly executed

Heap dump data showing many dynamically loaded assemblies in the heap

Memory dumps show that there are many dynamically generated XMLSerializer assemblies present in memoryCache the XMLSeraliazer objects after creation, so they are not created every time. This avoids multiple creation of assembliesWith the fix, the number of assemblies load stabilizes 5 minutes after the test, while without the fix, it grows continuously

Early identification of critical code-level performance issues resulted in significant cost and effort saving for all stakeholders

After fixing, the application code was stable and enabled increased scalability and better performance

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Performance Testing & Problem Diagnosis

Integration & Testing Phase: Pre-Production Performance Testing

Sudden drop in throughput after 70 users indicating a bottleneck.

CPU Utilization also peaks indicating the server side bottleneck

Application Server configurations where optimized for optimal settings after iterative test execution cycle. This eliminated high CPU utilization of the systems

Reduced the CPU utilization of the application server from 95% to around 20% Availability of the system was improved from 87% to around 99%

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Web applications increasingly assembled at browser level

3rd party performance from ads, videos, shopping cart vary widely under load

Content Delivery Network configuration and effectiveness impact end-user experience

Web Application Delivery In A Web 2.0 World

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Local ISP

Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks

3rd Party/Cloud Services

Browsers and devices UsersUsers


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers


Load Balancers

Mobile Components


The Web Application Delivery Chain

• Network peering problems

• Outages

• Inconsistent geo performance• Bad performance under load• Blocking content delivery• Incorrect geo-targeted content

• Configuration issues• Oversubscribed POP• Poor routing optimization• Low cache hit rate

• Network peering problems

• Bandwidth throttling

• Inconsistent connectivity

• Configuration errors

• Application design issues

• Code defects• Insufficient


• Poorly performing JavaScript

• Browser/device incompatibility

• Page size too big

• Too many objects

• Low cache hit rate

• Network resource shortage

• Faulty content transcoding

• SMS routing / latency issues

The Challenge of Ensuring Quality Web Experiences

Zone of customer expectationZone of customer expectation

Systems management

tools: “OK”…user is NOT happy

Zone of customer expectationZone of customer expectationTraditional zone of controlTraditional zone

of control

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Local ISP

Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks

3rd Party/Cloud Services

Browsers and devices Users


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers


Load Balancers

Mobile Components


Gomez Load Testing 2.0 : On-Demand Realistic Load Testing

High volume load (HTTP, Browser)

Find infrastructure breaking pointsDefine capacity headroom

Real-world load

Find user experience breaking pointsAccurately measure response time

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Gomez Network: The World’s Most Comprehensive Performance and Testing Network

Web Performance Management and Load Testing

100+ locations


Cross-Browser Testing 500+ browser/OS combo’s5,000+ supported devices

Virtual Test Bed

Web Performance Management and Load Testing 100,000+ locations

Gomez Last Mile

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Company: Online Retailer

• Several 3rd Parties now involved in serving up key content

• Goal was to validate performance of entire application

Company: Online Retailer

• Several 3rd Parties now involved in serving up key content

• Goal was to validate performance of entire application

Load Testing 2.0 Detects 3rd-party External Errors



Local ISP

Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks

3rd Party/Cloud Services

Browsers and devices Users


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers


Load Balancers

Mobile Components


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The load increases throughout the test

The transaction rate increases and then falls off as response times climb

Errors are seen, all on a 3rd party object

Load Testing 2.0 Detects 3rd-party External Errors cont

• 3rd party hardware was insufficient for overall demands on application

• Based on SLAs 3rd party had to improve performance to get paid

• 3rd party hardware was insufficient for overall demands on application

• Based on SLAs 3rd party had to improve performance to get paid

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Company: Regional Online News Source

• Began testing for the 2008 election season

• Goal was to validate overall performance focusing in 2 key regions

Company: Regional Online News Source

• Began testing for the 2008 election season

• Goal was to validate overall performance focusing in 2 key regions

Load Testing 2.0 Uncovers Regional Response Time Discrepancies under Load - Case Study


Local ISP

Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks

3rd Party/Cloud Services

Browsers and devices Users


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers


Load Balancers

Mobile Components



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By traditional Load Test 1.0 standards the test passed

Page response times stayed under 4 seconds, outside of one brief blip

There was only 1 page error and 11 errors total out of 60000+ transactions

Increase and hold load and not exceed response times of 4 seconds and Success Rate of 99%

No Performance Issues Detected From Datacenter

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Last Mile data showing substantial number of measurements greater than 4 seconds

Performance Issues Detected When Using Real User Desktops

Key geographies for this customer are New York and Pennsylvania

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The response time never met the 4 second average goal.

Availability was Less than 99%.

Top Revenue-generating geographies wereNew York and Pennsylvania.

By Load Testing 2.0 standards the test failed.

Load Testing 2.0 Uncovers Poor Response Time for Top Revenue-Generating Regions

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Load Testing 2.0 versus Load Testing 1.0

Capability Load Test 1.0•HTTP traffic behind the firewall

Load Test 2.0•Real-Desktops Last Mile•High Volume Datacenters

Accuracy of End-User Response Time

Incomplete Most Accurate

Ability to drive large load volume

Limited- requires too much hardware

Better - SaaS model

Understand CDN Impact No Yes

Understand 3rd Party (ads, feeds, shopping carts, analytics, cloud providers..)

No Yes

Real-world load to uncover geo discrepancies

No Yes

Visibility behind the firewall Better Good

Pre-production Testing Better Used closer to deployment --to test under realistic conditions

Client-Server Testing Yes No

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Find Out How Gomez + Cognizant Can Help You

Sign Up Now For Your Free Load Test

Reality Load XF

• Test from browser to datacenter, with drill down to internal & external application components

• SaaS with no investment or maintenance costs and rapid payback

• Full browser testing across globally distributed geographies

Reality Load XF

• Test from browser to datacenter, with drill down to internal & external application components

• SaaS with no investment or maintenance costs and rapid payback

• Full browser testing across globally distributed geographies


• Testing Services to complement your Reality Load investment.• Business and technical side expertise to provide accelerated

results.• Over 500+ dedicated Performance Testing Professionals to

deliver services you need from across the globe.


• Testing Services to complement your Reality Load investment.• Business and technical side expertise to provide accelerated

results.• Over 500+ dedicated Performance Testing Professionals to

deliver services you need from across the globe.