magazine analysis

Puff used within the magazine to drag and promote the audience to the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. By having a puff related to the main images it gets the audience attention, as they would want to know more about the film. Rule of third is been used in the magazine as they use three main color within the magazine, black, yellow and blue all they colors are over the background of a beach which contrast with is making it all reflect on match the setting The main images has Johnny Depp looking directly at the camera, the reason for why this was done was so that the audience could be intrigued about him and why he’s attention is dragged in front of him, their for pulling the readers to the film. The competition of the shaping of the magazine is formed in a Z shape as it is more simple for the audience to understand The typography mostly consists of one font, but it also includes features fonts which contrasts with the colors used within the typography which creates and atmosphere of excitement and thrill because There has been some short disruption and information of the movie, they also placed information about films with similar genre, that would grab the attention of the audience of this film also on to other films as the point of the magazine is to promote The protagonist character Johnny Depp was put on the front cover of the magazine as the main image, by having him it would lead his fame to get more recognition for his movie and the other films that have been

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Magazine analysis

Puff used within the magazine to drag and promote the audience to the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. By having a puff related to the main images it gets the audience attention, as they would want to know more about the film.

Rule of third is been used in the magazine as they use three main color within the magazine, black, yellow and blue all they colors are over the background of a beach which contrast with is making it all reflect on match the setting of the film.

The competition of the shaping of the magazine is formed in a Z shape as it is more simple for the audience to understand

The main images has Johnny Depp looking directly at the camera, the reason for why this was done was so that the audience could be intrigued about him and why he’s attention is dragged in front of him, their for pulling the readers to the film.

The typography mostly consists of one font, but it also includes features fonts which contrasts with the colors used within the typography which creates and atmosphere of excitement and thrill because of all the vibrant colors used.

There has been some short disruption and information of the movie, they also placed information about films with similar genre, that would grab the attention of the audience of this film also on to other films as the point of the magazine is to promote the products.

The protagonist character Johnny Depp was put on the front cover of the magazine as the main image, by having him it would lead his fame to get more recognition for his movie and the other films that have been featured on the magazine.

Page 2: Magazine analysis

The magazine is promoting Iron man two and has an electrical effect on the masthead, which is linking to the main villain featured in the film.

To catch the reader’s attention buzz words has been placed within the magazine such as ‘unlimited’, as they are trying to promote the movie to a wider audience, they use the buzz words as a form off capturing and drawing in the audience to want to watch the film.

To show Iron Mans dominance and masculinity they covered up part of the magazines masthead, as it shows power, by showing this within three images it is as if they are trying to reach a female audience to watch the movie as mostly it is males that dominate in the sci-fi action film genre.

Under the main image they advertise the other contents of the magazine to let the audience know what else is going on in the film world it is also there to let the audience to know it isn’t just one thing that the magazine will focus on.

By having the electricity bolts on the masthead to creates a connotation of power as it crates an imagery of the powerful Greek god Zeus which makes the audience think that there would be a character in the movie with god like abilities or someone so powerful, but by having the bolts be behind Iron Man it makes us feel as if he is the strongest character within the movie.

By having the bar code on the bottom right hand corner it prevents it from taking up too much pass of the magazine and dragging the audience attention from the images and text to it.

Iron Man has been placed in the center of the magazine taking up most of its space showing the audience he is a protagonist character and is very dominant within the movie .

There has been another puff added to drag the reader to additional information provided within the magazine.

Page 3: Magazine analysis

The Title of the magazine is the most boldest part of the magazine on to of the M is the Price and date of issue of the magazine it has been placed their as they don’t want it to be blots between the dark background an text, by having it on the white part of the gradient and near the title filed in with bold red gets it to stand out as it starts to contrast with them. The reason they did this is because they want the audience to buy the magazine and see the price of it straight away.

There has been a short description of the film and its genre ‘sci-horror, this will inform the audience what the film will be like, making them wait anxiously for the film to be released.

In bold white typography the title of the movie ‘I Am Legend’, the reason why it has been written this was and composition on top of his jacket is that the white contrast with the black making the text stand out.

In the main image of Will Smith they made him hold a gun as a prop, the use of a weapon symbolizes power and masculinity, which could mean that they are trying to drag a female audience to watch the film as generally it is male audiences that are attracted and watch movies in the sci-fi horror genre. In the image Will finger is on the trigger meaning that he is expecting danger , which is larking around.

connote danger which links t the theme and genre of the film.

the typography. The color red is symbolized to A theme of red and white has been used for

By placing will smith in the center of the cover, it makes it clear to the audience that he is a protagonist of the movie. His roles importance is also showed within the images composition, because the image is in front of the magazines name it shows us his dominance within the movie.

The background has some silhouettes within it, because of this and the white light created from the backlight create a sense of good vs evil, light vs dark. As the light bounces on Will it makes him look as if he represents hope.

A sense of mystery is created from the use of fog, as it is connotation is usually mystery and something being unclear and blurry. The use of this helps he audience to know what the genre of the film could be.