madhya pradesh cricket association - eoi for gwalior...1...


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Page 1: Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association - EOI for Gwalior...1 Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya


Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association

Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya Pradesh, India) Email : [email protected] / [email protected]












Page 2: Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association - EOI for Gwalior...1 Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association Holkar Stadium, Race Course Road, Indore (Madhya


1. Letter of Invitation To, ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Subject: Short listing of Project Management Consultants / Architectural firms for Design competition and pre-qualification process for preparation of masterplan, architectural designing, project management consultation for construction of INTERNATIONAL CRICKET STADIUM and allied facilities for Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association (MPCA) at Gwalior (MP) Dear Consultant, As you have downloaded this document from the official website of Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association, Indore, (MPCA) assuming your interest and willingness to be a part of the process as referred vide subject mentioned above, you are invited to submit Expression of Interest (EOI) for Short listing of Project Management firms / Architectural firms (on the basis of Pre Screening Criteria & Technical Proposal) for Design competition and pre-qualification process for preparation of masterplan, architectural designing, project management consultation for construction of INTERNATIONAL CRICKET STADIUM and allied facilities for Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association (MPCA) at Gwalior (MP) MPCA (a registered society and affiliated to the BCCI) is planning to procure services from reputed Architectural firms, having relevant experience in Architectural Design, allied architectural services and Project Management Consultation for the proposed construction of Cricket Stadium of Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association at Gwalior (MP). Structural design, and design of all other relevant services required to erect the structure with Preparation of Block estimates at various stages, preparation of tender documents and all other works specified in `Scope of Work’. The proposal will be in three parts -

i. Pre Screening Proposal ii. Technical Proposal iii. Financial Proposal

The proposals for (1) Design competition and pre-qualification process for preparation of masterplan, architectural designing etc, and (2) Project Management Consultation can be submitted together or separately by firms having relevant expertise & experience in either / both fields. Each proposal must be submitted in the prescribed formats only. Only those firms that fulfill the Pre Screening criteria & Technical Qualification criteria will be considered for evaluation of financial offer for subsequent evaluation for Empanelment. The award of work will be based on Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) as per procedure decided by MPCA. The Consultants shall furnish proof by way of copies of work order, completion certificate from client and balance sheet or audited financial statements including Profit & Loss Account etc. in their submission to establish Bidder’s conformance to Pre Screening criteria. A complete set of EOI document can be downloaded from the website from 22nd

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December 2012 To 31st December 2012 by any interested / eligible Architect / firm. Desirous applicants should keep a track of any corrigendum / addendum that is being subsequently uploaded on the website till 31st December 2012.

2. Request for Expression of Interest: Architectural Competition MPCA has acquired about 30 acres of land near village Sankarpur, Gwalior (MP). MPCA intends to develop a Contemporary Cricket Stadium with a seating capacity of around 50 Thousand spectators on the said land.

MPCA, through its Hon. Secretary, now invites Interested Architects/Architectural Firms who fulfill the eligibility criteria laid down by the Council of Architecture (India) for their respective professional practice in India, to indicate their interest in providing the required services which will include architectural and site landscape design, interior design, structural and services design, and project management consultation firms during construction and defects liability periods.

Interested Architects/Architectural Firms / Project Management Consultation must provide the following information indicating relevant information that they are qualified to perform the mentioned services:-

(a) Details of the Architects/Architectural Firm/ Project Management Consultation, capability statements, and audited and/or certified financial statement for the last three years, (FY 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12) as per the EOI Submission Brief

(b) Conceptual Designs for the Stadium and allied facilities as per the EOI Design Brief.

Selection of consultant will be done in accordance with the Guidelines for Selection and appointment of consultants, using a quality and cost based selection procedure (QCBS).

Appropriate number of Architects/Architectural Firms / Project Management Consultation will be shortlisted by MPCA, based on the quality of conceptual designs, relevant capabilities and eligibility.

Each shortlisted Firm will receive an award of Rupees Fifty Thousand and will be required to submit detailed proposals for final competitive selection. This award amount would be a part of the total professional fee payable to the Architect / Firm that is finally selected to execute the assignment.

Expression of interest should be delivered at the following address latest by 17:00 hours on 7th January 2013 at the Office of the Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association at the address mentioned above.

3. Architectural Design and Project Management Disclaimer: The information in this “Brief for Preparation and Submission of Expression of Interest” has been provided to assist the architects/architectural firms in preparing their respective non-binding Expression of Interest (EOI); and it is clarified that:

a) This document does not constitute an invitation to offer or an offer of the assignment for provision of any service to MPCA whatsoever;

b) This document does not constitute any contract or agreement of any kind whatsoever;

c) This document does not, and does not purport to contain all the information that interested architects/architectural firms / Project Management Consultants and their associates and advisors would desire or require in reaching decisions as to submission of the EOI. Interested architects// Project Management Consultants

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should form their own view as to what information is relevant to such decisions and make their own independent investigations in relation to any additional information they require.

d) Neither the information in this document nor any other written or oral information in relation to the assignment or otherwise is intended to form the basis of or the inducement for any investment activity or any decision to enter into any contract or arrangement in relation to the assignment and should not be relied on as such.

Neither MPCA nor their employees or advisors shall be liable to any interested party or any entity under any law including the law of contract, or, the principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, expenses or damage which may arise, or be incurred, or suffered, in connection with this document, or any matter that may be deemed to form part of this document, or any other information supplied by or on behalf of MPCA or their employees or advisors or otherwise arising in any way from the selection process mentioned herein.

e) MPCA is not bound to accept any or all the Expressions of Interest they receive.

MPCA reserves the right to reject any or all Expressions of Interest they receive without assigning any reason. No architects// Project Management Consultants who submit an EOI shall have any cause of action or claim against MPCA or its officers, employees, advisors, agents, successors or assignees for rejection of their Expression of Interest.

f) While this document has been prepared in good faith, neither MPCA nor any of their respective officers or employees or advisors or agents make any representation or warranty or shall have any responsibility or liability whatsoever in respect of any statements or omissions in this document. Any liability is accordingly expressly disclaimed by MPCA or any of their respective officers, employees, advisors or agents, whether negligent or otherwise.

g) The documents submitted as EOI will become the property of MPCA and if used in future, it will be done with the appropriate acknowledgement of the concerned architect/architectural firm etc.

4. Scope of Services The detailed and comprehensive scope of services will be separately communicated to the shortlisted architects/ Project Management Consultants (as shortlisted based on evaluation process adopted by MPCA).

Meanwhile, the general scope of services for the full assignment is listed below:

i) Detailed masterplanning, architectural design and site development and landscaping including all relevant structural design, design of all electrical, mechanical, plumbing, HAVC, sanitation and other relevant services, and design of all relevant “Green building elements”;

ii) Design of all interiors including all furnishing and fittings, and all special purpose interiors as per the requirement of MPCA;

iii) Preparation of technical specifications and bills of quantities for all building works (which includes civil works; electrical, mechanical, plumbing, HVAC services) so as to enable MPCA to prepare acceptable tender/bid documents;

iv) Preparation of technical specifications and bills of quantities for all site development and landscape works (which includes civil works; electrical, mechanical and plumbing services) so as to enable MPCA to prepare acceptable tender/bid documents;

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v) Preparation of technical specifications and bills of quantities for all equipment to be installed inside and outside the building (which includes electrical, mechanical, HVAC, “green” services equipment and the like) so as to enable MPCA to prepare acceptable tender/bid documents;

vi) Preparation of technical specifications and bills of quantities for all interior works (which includes all fittings and furnishing, acoustic services, special purpose interiors and the like as per the requirement of MPCA) so as to enable MPCA to prepare acceptable tender/ bid documents;

vii) Provide comprehensive supervision during construction and defects liability periods (including provision of working drawings and instructions to all the contractors; full-time supervision, quality assurance and coordination of works, installation or supplies; verification of all bills from contractors, and recommendation to MPCA for payments against the bills from contractors).

viii) Completion of services including obtaining necessary statutory approval for the Structure and the campus; preparation of as-built drawings, issuance of completion / occupancy certificates from all regulatory authorities; and preparation of a completion report.

MPCA shall have the liberty to postpone or not to execute any work and consultant shall not be entitled to any compensation for non execution of the work except the fees which are payable to the consultant up to the stage of services then in progress. MPCA may, at any stage, to reduce, change or expand the scope. Any such increase or decrease in the scope of work would lead to upward or downward revision (as the case may be) of the fees payable as decided by MPCA.

5. Stadium Design Requirements i. . Design Objectives

The masterplan, Stadium and allied facilities should be able to respond to the aims and functions of MPCA. The masterplan, Stadium and allied facilities should have a vibrant character of built and open spaces that encourages the requirements of promotion and development of cricket and cricketers, and also provide contemporary facilities and conveniences to the players and the spectators during any International / National cricket match.

The masterplan, Stadium and allied facilities should be a contemporary/futuristic work of architecture that would resonate with the global cricketing development; but at the same time should be appropriate to the local/regional context;

The masterplan, Stadium and allied facilities should have the highest standards as an environmentally responsive structure, should be respectful to the ambience and built heritage of the campus.

ii. Estimated Cost

The estimated cost of the entire stadium premises (including all services, all elements of “green building”, site development and landscaping, all roads, high masts as per the requirement of the game at International level, furnishing, fittings and interior treatments, all inclusive) shall be around 80 – 100 crores as per the construction standards appropriately required for similar development.

Actual cost of the Stadium including all aspects will depend on the selected design; but is expected to be in close range of the above estimate.

iii. Design Principles and Standards

[A] The Stadium structure should be designed to be a Platinum LEED Certified Building (or building complex).

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[B] The Stadium should have innovative designs, processes and operational aspects for energy efficiency and cost effectiveness.

[C] The building design and construction strategies should be such so as to complete the construction, and simultaneous completion of the furnishing and interior works within 30 months from the start.

[D] The applicable design principles and standards are listed below:

(i) Functional and spatial legibility, usability, efficiency and aesthetics of various components of the design.

(ii) Adherence to National Building Code, relevant IS Codes, Local building bye laws and development regulations of FSI, ground coverage, with a maximum structure height of 30m with all necessary measures of disaster management and any other controls as applicable .

(iii) Response to local climatic conditions in building and site planning ensuring .maximum natural lighting and ventilation; solar passive designs; minimization of energy requirements for air-conditioning, heating, lighting, services, ventilation; using fittings and materials to save energy; and maximum generation (and use) of solar energy as part of the essential services in the structures.

(iv) Ensuring minimum land disturbance within the site and its surrounding (including during construction), efficient storm water drainage, adequate segregation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

(v) Protection and creative use of all existing vegetation to the fullest

(vi) Incorporation of all applicable national operation safety norms and standards including full compliance to the occupational safety requirements of public stadiums of similar nature.

(vii) Incorporates the principles of universal design to maximize accessibility for all people

(viii) Healthy indoor environmental quality, wherever applicable, that provides a comfortable indoor environment (light/ temperature/ ventilation) that supports the productivity and well-being of the occupants

(ix) High water efficiency of the building and the services including economy of distribution, usage and discharge of water; maximum conservation and reuse of water; incorporation of waste water treatment techniques, rain water harvesting, water efficient landscaping

(x) Efficient and proper disposal of waste (including solid, liquid wastes), preventing contamination of soil, water and air of the site and its surroundings

(xi) Efficient use of building materials and appropriate building technologies to satisfy the aims of high levels of energy efficiency, use of durable and renewable materials to reduce life-cycle costs, limiting direct and indirect environmental impacts, use of building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured locally.

iv. Special Design Requirements

The Stadium is to host various International / National cricket events and should be designed to the highest levels of occupational safety, including the standards mentioned below:

i) The protective measures should include a rational layout and separation of areas, efficient systems for ventilation and plumbing, adherence to the norms and rules of safety.

ii) Design should incorporate a system for transporting, receiving, storing, and accounting and the prediction of possible accidents and the development of contingency plans to deal with such accidents.

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iii) Designs should include facilities for management (handling, storage and transport) of wastes .

iv) Designs should include facilities to be provided for the rapid and effective decontamination of the respective rooms and spaces.

v) Facilities should be ergonomically adapted to specific research activities making them healthy, highly flexible, and efficient places of work.

v. Planned Schedule of Construction

The proposed schedule is envisioned to speed up construction of the stadium and the interior works, so as to complete the stadium in all aspects within a period of 2 ½ years from the start of the contruction activity.

The following is the tentative/expected schedule of execution of the work:

a. Inviting Expression of Interests – December 2012

b. Submission of the Expressions of Interests – January 2012

c. Short-listing of architects/firms on basis of design competition – January 2013

d. Invitation to the shortlisted firm to submit Detailed Proposals – February 2013

e. Submission of Detailed Proposals – February 2013

f. Selection of the Best Proposal, Negotiations etc – March 2013

h. Award of assignment – March 2013

i. Detailed BOQ and Specifications for Civil Works – Upto May 2013

j. Publication of Bid Documents for Civil Works Contractors – June 2013

k. Submission of Bid by Civil Works Contractors – June 2013

l. Selection of Civil Works Contractor – July 2013

m. Award of Civil Works (All Construction Drawings needed) – August 2013

n. Civil Works (including all services) to be completed – August 2015

o. Detailed BOQ and Specifications for Interior Works, erection of high mast etc – upto March 2014

p. Publication of Bid Documents for contractors for Interior Works, erection of high mast etc – May 2014

q. Submission of Bid by Contractor for Interior Works, erection of high mast etc – June 2014

r. Selection Contractors for Interior Works, erection of high mast etc – August 2014

s. Award of above Interior Works – September 2014

t. Erection of high mast (including installation of all equipment) to be completed – January 2015

u. All Interior Works (including installation of all equipment) to be completed – August 2015

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The submission requirements for this EOI should include strategies for fast construction and completion of all the works. Alternative, innovative strategies to adhere to the above estimated schedule (and strategies to complete the works faster than proposed/estimated above) will be appreciated.

vi. Space Requirements and Area Program

Spaces to be designed are

i. Cricket ground as per international dimensions of playfield. ii. Dressing rooms, including appropriate sized kitchen and dining area within, for teams, match

officials, anti-doping requirements, anti-corruption requirements etc. iii. Stadium seating : 50 thousand people with public and staff conveniences, appropriate roofing with

structural and space provision for enhancing the capacity to 60-65 thousand spectator in future. iv. Practice ground (full) and practice facility, including Indoor training centre, v. Residential rooms, common kitchen/dining etc vi. Media centre with kitchen & dining area within. vii. TV broadcasting control rooms with kitchen & dining area within. viii. Health centre ix. Office x. Meeting rooms, conference/convention facilities, xi. storage rooms and databank, service spaces, circulation spaces including emergency egress,

safety provisions, and all utility areas.

vii. Location

The Stadium and its allied structures shall be housed within the sprawling campus in an area approx 30 acres located at village Sankarpur, near Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh). Land location layout can be provided if requested.

6. Fees for the Services

The selection of the architect/architectural firm / project management consultants will be based on the quality of the design, relevant capabilities and eligibility of the firms and the professional fees quoted.

Award at the Expression of Interest Stage – Design Competition:

Appropriate number of firms as decided by MPCA shall be shortlisted and such firms will be awarded a sum of Rupees FIFTY THOUSAND each. The amount will be disbursed to the shortlisted architects/ Project Management Consultants upon submission of their conceptual designs under the ‘Design Competition’ and respective detailed proposals.

Financial Proposal from the shortlisted architects/firms:

The selected architect/ architectural firm will be requested to submit separately

(i) a detailed technical proposal; and

(ii) a detailed financial proposal.

Financial proposal will be opened only if the technical proposal is acceptable. The architect/architectural firm / project management consultants will be required to justify their financial proposal during negotiations;

Please note that in no case the financial proposal shall exceed the ceiling amount calculated based on the applicable fee rate for architectural design and supervision charges for similar development.

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Deliverables The Consultant shall prepare and submit as and when required by MPCA, the following: S No Description Deliverables 1 Masterplan, Design Brief & Site Evaluation report etc Report / Drawings 5 hard copies &

1 soft copy 2 Conceptual Design Report / Drawings 5 hard copies &

1 soft copy 3 Model as per masterplan and significant structures 1 each 4 Schematic Design Report / Drawings 5 hard copies &

1 soft copy 5 Working drawings + Construction detail drawings Report / Drawings 5 hard

copies & 1 soft copy 6 As built drawings Report / Drawings 5 hard

copies & 1 soft copy PROCEDURE FOR REVIEW OF PROGRESS AND REPORTS: Consultant shall make presentation to Contracting Authority for approval on deliverables mentioned above and any other submission which require policy decision and approval. Contracting Authority will communicate decisions/approvals to the consultants in writing. Payment Terms (for Reference Only) The tentative payment terms are as under which shall be revised as per requirement and shall be shown in the work order.

Stage Description of services

% of total fees as agreed

Payment conditions

1 Awarding the contract for architectural services 5% This shall be payable on the Stage I Estimate as

per CPWD norms.

2 Submission of conceptual drawing and Estimate Next 10% This shall be payable on the Stage I Estimate as

per CPWD norms.

3 Submission of schematic Drawings and Estimate for Technical Sanction Next 10%

This shall be payable on latest available estimated cost of the project submitted for the technical sanction.

4 Submission of tender drawings and Documents sufficient for issuing the tender with all working drawings

Next 10% This shall be payable on latest available estimated cost of the project submitted for the technical sanction.

5 Awarding the contract for civil construction Next 15%

This shall be payable on latest available estimated cost of the project as per the sanctioned BOQ for civil construction work.

6 On submission of detail working drawing and specifications sufficient to commence work.

Next 10% This shall be payable on actual project cost as per BOQ.

7 On submission of detail structural drawings and working drawings of services etc.

Next 10% This shall be payable on actual project cost as per BOQ.

8 During construction of work as per the Next 10% This shall be payable as per progress of work at

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progress at site. site & contractor Bill.

9 During construction of work as per the progress at site. Next 10% This shall be payable as per progress of work at

site & contractor Bill.

10 On completion of work Next 10% This shall be payable on 100% completion of work.

NOTE: Bank Guarantees shall not be required for any of payments released by the Contracting Authority.

7. Selection Process The selection will be based on “Quality and Cost Based Selection Procedures”.

Under this procedure, appropriate number of firms as decided by MPCA shall be shortlisted based on the Expressions of Interests received from all eligible applicants. The short listing will be based on recommendations of an evaluation committee.

All shortlisted firms will be invited (along with a standard “request for proposal” which includes the detailed terms of reference, formats for submission of technical and financial proposals, and standard contract documents) to submit detailed technical and financial proposals.

Technical and financial proposals will be submitted in separate envelopes.

Technical proposals will be opened and evaluated first (by evaluation committee).

For the architect/architectural firm / project management consultants ranked number one from the technical evaluation, the financial proposal will be opened.

The selection of the consultant will be based on the merit system decided by MPCA. However in this process the decision of MPCA will be final and binding to all without any reason to be clarified. Any kind of objection from any of the Consultant in this subject shall not be entertained by MPCA. The ranking of the offers after the composite evaluation of technical and financial proposal shall be as per the QCBS evaluation patter.

Both financial and technical proposal could be negotiated.

On successful completion of negotiations, the contract will be signed. If negotiation with this firm fails, the architect/ architectural firm ranked second in the QCBS evaluation will be invited to negotiate;.

8. Information to the Consultants: 8.1) Introduction: - a) MPCA – also referred as ‘Contracting Authority’ intends to short list architect / architectural firms / Project Management Consultants from amongst those who have submitted the complete proposal in the prescribed formats only. b) The Proposal will be the basis for contract negotiations in future and ultimately for a signed contract with the selected firm.

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c) To obtain first-hand information on the Assignment and on the local conditions, consultants are encouraged to pay a visit to the Contracting Authority before submitting the Proposals. However, this is optional. The Consultant’s representative should contact the officials named in the Data Sheet to arrange for their visit or to obtain additional information. Consultants should ensure that these officials are advised of the visit in adequate time to allow them to make appropriate arrangements. d) The Contracting Authority will not provide the inputs, assistance in obtaining licenses and permits needed to carry out the services e) Please note that (i) the costs of preparing the proposal and of negotiating the contract, including visits to the Contracting Authority, are not reimbursable as a direct cost of the Assignment; and (ii) the Contracting Authority is not bound to accept any of the Proposals submitted. f) Consultants shall provide professional, objective and impartial advice and at all times hold the Contracting Authority’s interests paramount, without any consideration for future work, and strictly avoid conflicts with other assignments or their own corporate interests. Consultants shall not be hired for any assignment that would be in conflict with their prior or current obligations to other Contracting Authorities, or that may place them in a position of not being able to carry out the assignment in the best interest of the Contracting Authority. g) Consultants should observe the highest standard of ethics during the selection and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this contract, Contracting Authority: i. defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth below as follows: i.i “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the selection process or in contract execution; and MPCA - EOI for Short listing of / Project Management Consultants . i.ii “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a selection process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Borrower, and includes collusive practices among consultants (prior to or after submission of proposals) designed to establish prices at artificial, noncompetitive levels and to deprive the Borrower of the benefits of free and open competition. ii. will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the firm recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent activities in competing for the contract in question; iii. will cancel the contract if it at any time determines that corrupt or fraudulent practices were engaged in by Consultant or its representative iv. will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract; and h) Consultants shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by the Central Government / Any State Government in accordance with the above referred clause/es i) Each Consultant submitting this proposal should have an existing establishment with key personnel in MP, preferably Gwalior (MP), since 2007.

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j) No substitute is allowed. 8.2) Clarification & Amendment to Documents a) Consultants may request a clarification pertaining to meaning / interpretation of terms & conditions mentioned in this document to the Contracting Authority. Any of such requests for clarification must be sent in writing by either/or/all modes like paper mail / cable / telex / facsimile / electronic mail to the Contracting authority’s representative as indicated in the Data Sheet. b) The Contracting Authority will respond by either/or/all modes like paper mail / cable / telex / facsimile / electronic mail to such requests and will send copies of the response (including an explanation of the query, but without identifying the source of inquiry) to all consultants who intend to submit proposals. c) Based on the queries / clarification requested on EOI document, the Contracting Authority may, modify the documents by amendment. Any amendment shall be issued in writing through addenda. Addenda shall be sent by either/or/all modes like paper mail / cable / telex / facsimile / electronic mail to all consultants and will be binding on them. 8.3) Language for Preparing the Proposals ENGLISH LANGUAGE ONLY 8.4) Submission & Receipt of EOI - Proposal a) The original proposal (Pre Screening + Technical Proposal) shall be prepared in indelible ink. It shall not contain any kind of interlineations or overwriting, except as necessary to correct errors made by the firm itself. Any such corrections must be initiated by Authorized Signatory of the Proposal. b) The Authorized Signatory of the firm initials all pages of the proposal. c) All envelopes shall be placed into an outer envelope and sealed. This outer envelope shall bear the submission address as indicated in the Data Sheet and clearly marked, “DO NOT OPEN, EXCEPT IN PRESENCE OF THE EVALUATION COMMITTEE.” d) The completed Proposal must be delivered at the submission address on or before the time and date stated in the Data Sheet. Any Proposal received after the closing time for submission of proposals shall be returned unopened. 8.5 Opening & Evaluation of EOI Proposal

1) Opening of Envelopes containing the proposal – This envelope shall be opened for further scrutiny. After completion of evaluation process the Contracting Authority shall notify those consultants whose proposals did not meet the Criteria specified in the EOI Bid document. The Contracting Authority shall simultaneously notify the qualified consultants, indicating they are empanelled for the assignment

8.6) Negotiations

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a) Negotiations will be held at the address indicated in the Data Sheet. The aim is to reach to an agreement on all points and sign a contract. b) Having selected the Consultant firm on the basis of highest score through QCBS procedure, the Contracting Authority shall negotiate the contract on the basis of the Rates quoted in the Proposal with the Consultant. Special attention will be paid to getting the most the firm to offer within the available budget and to clearly defining the inputs required from the Contracting Authority to ensure satisfactory implementation of the Assignment. c) Negotiations will also include the basis of the experts named in the Proposal. Before contract negotiations, the Contracting Authority will require assurances that the experts will be actually available for this assignment. The Contracting Authority will not consider substitutions during contract negotiations unless both parties agree that undue delay in the selection process makes such substitution unavoidable or that such changes are critical to meet the objectives of the assignment. If this is not the case and if it is established that staff were offered in the proposal without confirming their availability, the firm may be disqualified d) Negotiations will also include a discussion on the Technical Proposal, Proposed Methodology (Work Plan), Bar Charts indicating activities, Terms of Reference, Staffing, reporting and any suggestions made by the Contracting Authority. The agreed work plan and final Terms of Reference will then be incorporated in the “Description of Services” and will form a part of the contract. e) The financial negotiations will include a clarification (if any) of the firm’s tax liability as per rules and norms and the manner in which it will be reflected in the contract; and will reflect the agreed technical modifications in the cost of the services. Unless there are exceptional reasons, the financial negotiations will not involve proposed unit rates. f) The negotiations will conclude with a review of the draft form of the contract. To complete negotiations the Contracting Authority and the firm will initial the agreed contract. If negotiations fail, the Contracting Authority will invite the firm whose proposal received the second highest score to negotiate a contract. 8.7) Award of Contract The contract will be awarded following the negotiations. After negotiations are completed, the Contracting Authority will promptly notify other consultants on the empanelled that they were unsuccessful. The selection of the consultant will be based on the merit system decided by MPCA. However in this process the decision of the Contracting Authority will be final and binding to all without any reason to be clarified. Any kind of objection from any of the Consultant in this subject shall not be entertained by the Contracting Authority. MPCA shall have the liberty to postpone or not to execute any work and consultant shall not be entitled to any compensation for non execution of the work except the fees which are payable to the consultant up to the stage of services then in progress. MPCA may, at any stage, to reduce, change or expand the scope. Any such increase or decrease in the scope of work would lead to upward or downward revision (as the case may be) of the fees payable as decided by MPCA. 8.8) Confidentiality

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Information relating to evaluation of proposals and recommendations concerning awards shall not be disclosed to the consultants who submitted the proposals or to other persons not officially concerned with the process, until the winning firm has been notified that it has been awarded the contract. 9. DATA SHEET:

1 Work

Empanelment of architect / architectural firms / project management forms for masterplanning, architectural designing, project management consultation for construction of INTERNATIONAL CRICKET STADIUM and allied facilities for Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association (MPCA) at Gwalior (MP)

2 Contracting Authority Hon. Secretary, MPCA

3 Address of the Contracting Authority

MPCA, Holkar Stdaium, Race Course Road, Indore 452 003 Tel : 0731 2543602 Email : [email protected] / [email protected]

4 Availability of EOI document on the official website of MPCA 22nd December ~ 31st December 2012

5 Address for bid submission MPCA, Holkar Stdaium, Race Course Road, Indore 452 003 Tel : 0731 2543602

6 Last date for submission of proposals 7th January 2013 7 Opening of proposals Within Two / Three weeks of the above date (6)

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10. Standard Forms: a) Forms for Mandatory Qualification Criteria

Form F 1 - EOI / Design Proposal Submission Letter

Form F 2 - Company firm Related Information

Form F 3 - Annual Financial Turnover of Professional Consultancy fees received by the Consultant in last 3 years

Form F 4 - Experience of similar nature of any one completed consultancy works in last 5 years,

Form F 5 - Staff employed by the Consultant

b) Forms for Technical Proposal

Form F 6 - Details of work done in last 5 years

Form F 7 - Team Composition & Task Assigned for the assignment

Form F 8 - Description of Methodology and work plan for execution of this assignment

c) Form for Financial Proposal

Form F - 9 Financial Proposal for Execution of this Assignment

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Form F - 1. EOI/ Design Proposal Submission Form

[Letter head of the Applicant / firm including full postal address, telephone nos., fax no., telex no., E mail address & website]

[ Location , Dt. __/__/____]

From: (Name & Address of Consultant)


Hon. Secretary

Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association

Holkar Stadium

Indore 452 003

Tel : 0731 2543602

Email : [email protected] / [email protected]


In reference to the Request for Expression of Interest for providing Architectural Design and Supervision Services as above, ………….[Name of Architect/Architectural Firm/Project Management Consultation firm] is pleased to submit our Expression of Interest (EOI) in two volumes: Volume 1 (Capability Statements) and Volume 2 (Conceptual Designs).

We have examined the Request for EOI and the “EOI Preparation Brief” available at the website of the MPCA, have made ourselves reasonably familiar with the site conditions and the design requirements.

[Name of the Principal Architect, year of graduating as an architect, Council of Architecture registration number] have the requisite licenses to practice as an architect in India.

We have included our credentials in Volume 1. If selected for the assignment, we propose to provide expert services of the following firms/individuals for the associated service, wherever required:

[Name of Individual / Firm] for (mention various categories of services)

We confirm that each of them have requisite professional licenses to practice in their respective professional areas; and each of them have provided formal consent to work with [Name of Architect/Architectural Firm] if selected for the assignment. Their credentials and the consent letters have been included in Volume 1.

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The Conceptual Designs, required as per described in the “EOI Preparation Brief” available at the website of MPCA, are included in Volume 2 of this Expression of Interest.

We have not used any information that violates the spirit of anonymous evaluation in Volume 2 of this Expression of Interest. For identification, we have used the following Identification Number in each of our submissions in Volume 2:

We also confirm that none of the owners/ board members/ members of the management of [Name of Architect/Architectural Firm] , members of the team proposed for this assignment including the Principal Architect, nor any of their relatives (spouses, siblings, parents, parents-in-law, children) are employed (fully or partly including in honorary positions of MPCA,

Further, we have authorized [Name of the authorized representative, designation] to sign, submit this EOI, and represent [Name of Architect/Architectural Firm] for all matters related to the assignment that is covered by the Request for EOI.

We have furnished all information and details necessary for EOI and have no further pertinent information to supply at this EOI stage.

We hereby certify that all the statements made and all the information supplied in this Expression of Interest (and specifically in Volume 1) is true and correct.

We authorize MPCA or their authorized representatives to approach individuals, employers and firms to verify our competence, general reputation and, if required, the information included in Volume 1.

We also understand that MPCA might accept or reject all or any EOI without assigning any reason thereof.

Yours faithfully,


[Name of the Architect/Architectural Firm]

[Seal of the Architect/Architectural Firm]

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Form F - 2. Company / Firm Related Information

Applicants are requested to complete the information in this form.

1 Name of the Firm :

2 Nationality :

3 Address :

Registered Office :

Head Office :

Mobile :

Landline :

Fax :

E mail :

website :

4 Year of Incorporation / Registration :

5 Constitution

a) Individual

b) Sole Proprietorship Concern

c) Partnership Firm

d) Public Ltd. Co.

e) Private Ltd. Co.

f) NGO

6 If Partnership firm, names of the partners / If Company, name of the Director

7 If the Individual / Sole Proprietor / any partner / Director of company

a) Dismissed Government Servant YES / NO

b) Removed from approved list of contractors YES / NO

c) Demoted to a lower class of contractors YES / NO

d) Having business banned / suspended by any government in the past YES / NO

e) Convicted by a court of law YES / NO

f) Member of Parliament or any State Legislative Assembly YES / NO

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8 Name of Authorized Signatory for this assignment & Nationality

9 Place of Business :

10 Full time Technical Staff in Applicant’s employment

a) 2 senior Architects (with more than 10 yrs exp.)

b) 2 Graduate or Post Graduate Architects (with more than 5 yrs exp.)

11 Certificates

1) I / we (including all partners) certify that I / we have read the terms of condition of Expression of Interest for selection of Consultants in MPCA as amended up to date and shall abide by them.

2) I / We certify that the information given above is true to the best of our knowledge. I / We also understand that if any of the information is found wrong, I am / we are liable to debarred.

Signature(s) of applicant (S): (name & signature)

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Form F – 3 Annual Financial turnover of Professional Consultancy Fees of last three year of the Firm / Consultant

S No Year Amount (INR) 1 2009-10 2 2010-11 3 2011-12 Average Annual turnover

NOTE: Attested Copy of Audited Balance sheets and Income Tax Return (alongwith statement of income) for above mentioned years needs to be submitted along with this form.

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Form F - 4 Brief Details of Similar Projects executed in last 5 years.

• Built up area of having minimum 50,000 sqm. (type of project can be Industrial building, Corporate Building, Office Building, IT building), Scope of work should include

• Scope of work should include – a. Preparation of Architectural Design. b. Preparation of layouts / design of Structural, Electrical, Plumbing, Interior, Common Utilities, Amenities & landscaping. c. Preparation of Broad Specifications, Estimates, tender document and periodical supervision. d. supervision for quality assessment in respect of the work executed etc. e. Bill verification and recommendation for payment etc. f. any other work reasonably expected to be executed for effective execution of the entrusted professional assignment. • The bidders must submit a copy of completion certificate from client along with the necessary photographs, drawings in soft & hard formats (maximum A3 size) to demonstrate their competence and capability to handle this assignment. If required, the representative of Contracting Authority can visit the said project site. • NOTE:

a. Maximum 4 projects shall be specified in the following format starting from the highest value.

b. Amongst these projects at least one project shall be completed in last 3 years having built up area of 50,000 sqm. The same shall be highlighted.

Description Details

1 Name of Project

Type of Project

2 Detail description of work with associated facilities awarded to the Consultant

3 Total Built up Area (as per the approved drawings)

4 Project Cost (Actual)

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5 Name of Client

6 Postal address of Client

7 Whether any Sub Consultant was involved (if yes, than specify their area of participation in the project)

8 Project Start Date

9 Completion Date

10 Special feature designed in the project

Pl provide :

1) Project Completion Certificate from Client

2) Photographs & necessary drawings shall be submitted (A3 size)

3) Any other specific details

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Form F – 5 Staff Employed by the Consultant

(Brief details for staff employed by the Consultant or sub consultants / Associates with whom they have working relationship for more than 5 years)

S No Name Qualification Working experience with Consultant (since date & total no. of years

A Senior Architect Having Experience more than 10 years




B Architect Having Experience more than 5 years




NOTE: Each Consultant shall note that for the Pre Screening Criteria, grading evaluation and availability for this assignment, the persons mentioned in chronological order will be considered.

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Form F-6. Relevant work done in last 5 years

• Built up area of having minimum 50000 sqm. (type of project can be Industrial building, Corporate Building, Office Building, IT building), Scope of work should include -

• Built up area of having minimum 50000 sqm. (Type of project can be Industrial Building, Corporate Building, Office Buildings, IT buildings, Training Institute, Schools/Colleges, Community Buildings and Public Utility Buildings etc.) • Scope of work should include – a. Preparation of Architectural Design. b. Preparation of layouts / design of Structural, Electrical, Plumbing, Interior, Common Utilities, Amenities & landscaping. c. Preparation of Broad Specifications, Estimates, tender document and periodical supervision. d. supervision for quality assessment in respect of the work executed etc. e. Bill verification and recommendation for payment etc. f. any other work reasonably expected to be executed for effective execution of the entrusted professional assignment. • The bidders must submit a copy of completion certificate from client along with the necessary photographs, drawings in soft & hard formats (maximum A3 size) to demonstrate their competence and capability to handle this assignment. If required, the representative of Contracting Authority can visit the said project site. NOTE:

a. Maximum 4 projects shall be specified in the following format starting from the highest value and same will be evaluated as mentioned in the table.

Brief Details of the Projects

Sr. No. Description Details

1 Name of Project & contracting authority

2 Detail description of work with associated facilities

awarded to the Consultant

3 Total Built up Area (must be as per the approved drawings)

4 Project Cost (Actual)

5 Name of Client

6 Postal address of Client

7 Whether any Sub Consultant was involved

(if yes, than specify their area of participation in the project)

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8 Project Start Date

9 Completion Date

10 Special feature designed in the project


1. Attested copies of the latest certificate from the employers shall be attached.

2. Necessary Photographs / Drawings shall be submitted (in A3 format only)

3. Non-disclosures of any information in the Schedule will result in disqualification of the firm.

4. Project Completion Certificate from Client

5. Any other specific details

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Form F – 7 Team Composition & Task Assigned for this assignment (if selected)

S No Name Position Task

NOTE: Consultant must have to appoint and maintain a team consisting persons as specified in data sheet and mentioned above. As per the Complexity of project, Consultant may appoint any number of persons at his discretion to fulfill this assignment. In case consultant is awarded Project 1 and wants to submit his financial bid for another Project 2, it is mandatory that team members of B category are not repeated / same of those working on Project

In absence of the same his financial proposal may not be considered.

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Form F - 8 Description of Methodology & Work Plan for Execution of this Assignment

In this form, Consultant shall detail out Methodology of Execution of work according to stages of work/ time frame etc

In absence of the same his financial proposal may not be considered.

Optional Multimedia Presentation

It is optional for the interested architects// Project Management Consultants to include an electronic multimedia presentation. This may contain a walkthrough the proposed design, highlighting the essential key elements of conceptual designs.

This presentation should not have any information or reference to Volume 1 (experience and organizational profile of the architects// Project Management Consultants , and information such as any reference to the other buildings designed/supported by this architect/architectural firm).

This should not be a presentation of more than 10 minutes duration.

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Form F - 9 Financial Proposal for Execution of this Assignment

[Letter head of the Applicant / firm including full postal address, telephone nos., fax no., telex no., E mail address & website] [ Location , Dt. __/__/____] From: (Name & Address of Consultant) To, Hon. Secretary Madhya Pradesh Cricket Association Holkar Stadium Indore 452 003 Tel : 0731 2543602 Email : [email protected] / [email protected] SUBJECT: EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR DESIGN COMPETITION AND PRE-QUALIFICATION PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF MASTERPLAN, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNING, PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRICKET STADIUM AND ALLIED FACILITIES FOR MADHYA PRADESH CRICKET ASSOCIATION (MPCA) AT GWALIOR (MP) Dear Sirs:

1. We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for [Insert title of assignment] in accordance

with your Request for Proposal dated [Insert Date] and our Technical Proposal.

2. Our Financial Proposal is

Total Financial Proposal : ________% of total estimated project cost Cost in % terms should be shown in words and figures. . The Fee should be quoted for complete work including travelling to the site and halting cost etc.

3. This amount is exclusive of the statutory taxes, which shall be identified during negotiations and shall be

added to the above amount.

4. Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations, up to expiration of the validity period of the Proposal, i.e. 90 days from the last date of submission of tender.

We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive. We remain, Yours sincerely, Authorized Signature [In full and initials]: Name and Title of Signatory: Name of Firm: Address:

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