macro and micro economics

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  • 7/31/2019 Macro and Micro Economics


    Assignment No:-1

    Subject:-Managerial Economics

    Topic: -

    Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

    Submitted by:-

    Badhe suraj - 13

    Badjate Ankur -14

    Dhanawate Sheetal - 30

    Patil Megha - 61

  • 7/31/2019 Macro and Micro Economics


    Managerial Economics:-

    Economics is the study of men as they live, behave, move and thinking ordinary business

    of life. Economics as a social science studies human behavior as a relationship between

    numerous wants and scares means having alternative uses.

    According to Prof. Spencer Siegelman, Managerial economics deals with integration of

    economic theory with business practice for the purpose of facilitating decision making and

    forward planning.

    According to Prof. Joel Dean, The purpose of Managerial Economics is to show how

    economic analysis can be used in formulating business policies.

    According to Prof. Hague, Managerial economics is concerned with using logic of

    economics, mathematics and statistics to provide effective ways of thinking about business

    decision problems.

    Classification of Economics:-


    Microeconomics Macroeconomics

    Microeconomics and macroeconomics are the two major branches of modern economic

    theory. The terms macroeconomics and microeconomics were originated by Ragnar Frisch in

    1933.The worlds macro and micro are derived from the Greek world Micros and Makros which

    mean small and large respectively.

  • 7/31/2019 Macro and Micro Economics


    Meaning of Microeconomics:-

    Microeconomics is the branch of economics which is concerned with the analysis of

    behavior of the individual economic units or variables such as individual consumer or a

    producer. It is the study of particular firms, households, individual prices wages, incomes,

    particular commodities. Essentially, microeconomics is the study of particular economic

    organisms and their interactions and particular economic quantities and their determination.

    Microeconomics basically deals with individual decision making and the problem of

    resource allocation, it examines, in particular, as to how individual consumers and producers

    behave and how their behaviors interact.

    Microeconomics theory is often called price theory or value theory because it is

    primarily concern with determination of relative prices of different goods. The subject matter of

    Microeconomics fundamentally covers the following areas:

    1) Theory of value i.e.product pricing and factor pricing.

    2) Theory of economic welfare.

    The subject matter and the Scope of microeconomics.

    Microeconomics is basically concerned with market behavior and allocation of resources. The

    subjectmatter of microeconomics is thus, confined to the following major fields:

    Pricing Distribution Welfare


    A major part of microeconomic theory is confined to the price theory. Microeconomics

    assumes the total quantity of recourse available in the economic society as given and seeks to

    explain how these shall be allocated to the production of particular goods for the satisfaction of

    chosen wants. In a free market economy, the allocation of recourses is based on the relative

    prices and profibility of different goods. As such, to explain the allocation of recourses,

    microeconomics seeks to explain the pricing phenomenon.

    Price theory explains how the price of a particular commodity is determined in the

    commodity market. For in depth analysis of price determination it contains:

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    Theory of demand of the analysis of consumer behavior. Theory of production and cost or the analysis of producer behavior. Theory of product pricing or price determination under different market structures.


    Distribution is an equally important branch of microeconomics. The theory of distribution

    basically deals with the factor pricing. It seeks to explain how rewards of the individual factors

    of production such as land, labour, capital and enterprise are determined for their productive

    contribution. In other words, it is concerned with the phenomenon of rent, wages, interest and

    profits, as the respective rewards of these four categories of factors viz. land, labour, capital and


    Since demand and supply of each these factors are characteristically different, there are

    separate theories to explain rent, wages interest and profits. Thus, distribution field includes

    general theory of distribution, theories of rent, theories of wages, theories of interest and theories

    of profits.


    Welfare economic is an important branch of microeconomics as it seeks to explain how

    efficient is the allocation of recourses so determined. It seeks to explain under what conditions

    the efficiency in production, efficiency in distribution and overall economic efficiency, i.e. theefficiency in the direction of production are attainable.

    The theory of economic welfare explains how an individual consumer maximizes his

    satisfaction when production efficiency is achieved by allocation of resources or reallocation of

    resources in a such a way as to maximize output from a limited set of input.

    Along with individual economic welfare ,welfare economics is also confined to the social

    welfare .social welfare is based on overall economic efficiency of the system .when maximum

    individual wants are satisfied at the best possible or optimum level by the production patterns

    through efficient allocation of recourses ,overall economic efficiency or pareto optimality

    condition is reached .conditions of overall economic efficiency ,i.e. Pareto optimality conditions

    ,are of great help in raising the standard of living of the population and maximization of social

    welfare. The subject matter and the scope of microeconomics may be thus pinpointed as in

    chart given below:

  • 7/31/2019 Macro and Micro Economics



    Pricing Distribution Welfare

    (Theory of value) (Factor Pricing) (Welfare Economics)

    Theory Theory Theory General Theories

    of of of Theory of of

    Demand Production Pricing Distribution

    Rent Wages Interest Profits


    Microeconomics has great theoretical and practical significance.

    It Explains Price Determination and Allocation of Resources. It provides anunderstanding of the working of market mechanism in capitalist/free enterprise economy.

    It has Direct Relevance in Business Decision-making. The knowledge of price theoryhas its own significance in practical business decision making. It is useful to a

    businessman in determining the price policy. It guides him in attainment of maximum

    productivity through optimum allocation of his given resources. It teaches him in analysis

    of the costs of production and estimation of the demand for his product.

    It serves as a Guide for Business/Production Planning. Tools of microeconomics areuseful in preparing the expansion of business. It is also helpful in investment decision

    taking by the firm.

    It serves as a basis for prediction. Microeconomics theory is useful to make conditionalpredictions. Demand forecasting, for instance, rests on microeconomic principles of

    demand. It Teaches the Art of Economizing. Microeconomic principles deal with economizing

    of scares resources and show how to use them efficiently so as to gain maximum out of

    minimum. Microeconomic law, like the law of substitution, shows how a consumer can

    maximize his satisfaction by equating the ratios of marginal utilities to prices of different

    goods which he buys. Likewise, there is optimum utilization of the factors of production

    when their marginal products become unequal.

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    It is useful in Determination of Economic Policies of the Government. For instance,in determining a tax policy the government can know the effect and incidence of

    particular tax through micro-economic tools and then judge its rationality and

    desirability. It also provides the principle for determining the price policy for the public

    enterprise. Similarly, the nature of price control administered prices, and such other

    policy issues can be determined on the basis of relevant micro-economic analysis.

    It serves as the Basis for WelfareEconomics. Microeconomics examines the subjectivesatisfaction that individuals drive from consuming goods and services and from enjoying

    leisure. It also suggests how to eliminate wastages and have optimization of resources so

    as to fetch maximum social welfare which is the underlying goal of welfare economics.

    It Explains the Phenomena of International Trade. Microeconomics theories explainmany aspects of international trades such as emergence, nature and gains of international

    trade. Determination of exchange rate, impact of tariffs on prices etc.

    Limitations Of microeconomics:-

    Despite being a significant major branch of economic science and its immense usefulness

    in explaining economic behavior of the individual economic units, microeconomics has inherent

    limitations as follows:

    Concept Marginalism:-Microeconomics theories are based on the principle of marginalism.Marginal changes are

    assumed in the relevant phenomena. A marginal change refers to the addition of just a

    single unit more. Thus, these are concepts like marginal utility, marginal cost, marginalproduct, marginal revenue, etc.It thus refer to a bit change in the total variation. The

    theories thus imply equilibrium conditions in terms of margin, such as a consumer

    equating marginal utility with price for the maximization of total satisfaction, a producer

    equating marginal cost with marginal revenue for maximization of profits, etc.In practice,

    however,it is very difficult to realize this marginal approach.

    Unrealistic Assumption of full Employment and other simplification:-The entire microeconomics is based on the assumption of full employment even in

    a short-term analysis, which is unrealistic. By assuming full microeconomics theories

    have over simplified the conditions of reality.

    Pure capitalist model:-Microeconomics theories assume laissez faire policy and pure capitalism in there

    behaviurristic models today there is no pure capitalism,, so most of micro economic

    theories have no significant relevance to practice.

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    Incomplete expiation and misleading generalization.Micro-economic studies specific economic units separately from the rest of whole

    economy. It thus explains only a part and not the whole of working of an economic

    system. Microeconomics thus doesnt furnish a complete explanation of the whole

    phenenomenon. Again application of deductive method in generalization from particular

    behavior is often misleading. What is true for and individual may not be true for the

    entire system.

    In fact, the classical economy had made the same mistake in stating that when each

    individual saves every one of them, would become wealthy so the society tends to be, reach

    and wealthy. Here they failed to realize the paradox of thrift caused by deficiency of

    aggregate demand and consequently falling level of income. To recapulite in a nutshell,

    microeconomics certain inheritance limitations

    Most of the micro economics theories are abstract. Most of the micro economics theories are static based on ceteri paribusi.e. assuming

    other things being equal.

    Microeconomics unrealistically assume laissez faire policy and pure capitalism Micro economic study only part and not the whole economic thus it cannot explain the

    functioning of the economy at large

    By assuming the independence of wants and production system micro economics hasfailed to consider dependent effects on economic welfare

    Microeconomics misleads when one tries to generalize from the individual behavior ofaggregate ,simply by generalizing from character and behavior of the individual

    components Microeconomic in dealing with macroeconomic system unrealistically assumes full


    Meaning of Macroeconomics

    Macro means large or aggregate (total). It is a branch of economics which deals with

    the aggregate behavior of the economy as a whole. Macroeconomics is essentially an aggregate

    economics. It makes a study of the economic system in general. It looks at the total size, shape

    and functioning of the economy as whole, rather than working of articulation or dimensions of

    the individual parts.

    Macroeconomics is a study of very large economy- wide aggregate variables like national

    income, total savings, total consumption, total investment, money supply, price levels,

    unemployment, economic growth rate etc.

  • 7/31/2019 Macro and Micro Economics


    Macroeconomics covers following areas of economic studies:

    Determination of income and employment

    Theories of consumption function and investment Monetary demand and supply Money, prices and inflation Theories of business cycles and macroeconomic policy New classical economics based on rational expectations Government budget constraints ,fiscal policy and fiscal deficit Open economy macroeconomics :balance of payments ,foreign exchange rate

    ,international economic linkages

    Theories of economic growth

    Importance of macroeconomics:

    Macroeconomics has its unique importance

    It explains the working of economic system as whole It examines the aggregate behavior of the macroeconomics entities like

    firms,households,and the government

    Its knowledge is indespencebale for the policies maker for formulating macroeconomicspolices such as monetary policy, fiscal policy industrial policy ,exchange control, incomepolicy etc

    It is very useful to the planner for preparing economic plans for the countriesdevelopment

    It is helpful in international comparison It explains economic dynamism and intricate inter relationship among macro economic

    variables such as price level,income,output, and employment

    It studies facilities overall purposes of control and prediction.

    Limitation of macroeconomics

    It ignores individual behavior all together It has the tendency to excessive generalization. It is not easy to get correct and complete measures of the economic aggregate. Thus it

    lacks precision in actual practice

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    Macroeconomic predictions are not fully reliable when they are based on incompleteinformation or inaccurate measures. National income, price index no etc are only the

    rough indicators

    Often macro level policies may not produce the same results at micro levels.Difference between Micro and Macroeconomics:

    Difference in nature:

    Microeconomics is the study of the behavior of the individual units, in particular,

    consumers, firms and resource-owners (factors of production), rather than aggregates.

    Macroeconomics, on the other hand, is the study of the behavior of the economy as a whole.

    Difference in Methodology:

    Microeconomics is individualistic, whereas macroeconomics is aggregative in

    methodological approach.

    Traditional economic analysis, especially that followed by the neoclassical economists,

    was largely confined to the study of individual aspects of economic behavior activities,

    problems, experiences- and the equilibrium process of an economic activity, isolated from the

    general set-up. Again, the results of such analysis were averaged out and generalized by

    traditional economists to explain the aggregative behavior of the system as a whole. Modern

    economists, including Keynes, however, realized the inadequacy of such an analysis and argued

    that such generalization of individual behavior cannot just be a summation of individual

    activities. A communitys economic behavior has its own distinctive modes and courses. It is;

    therefore, wrong to extend micro-level aggregative working of the economy as whole.

    Obviously, as the overall microeconomic system is highly synchronized and inter

    connected in nature, no one part of the system can be considered in isolation from the others. A

    separate branch of study was needed to comprehend the aggregative economic relations.

    Macroeconomics was consequently developed to describe the typical nature of aggregate

    economic behavior as distinct from isolated individual activities. Microeconomics of course did

    refer to aggregate like market demand, market supply, industry, etc. but these were not

    considered in relation to the economy as a whole. On the other hand, macroeconomics concerns

    itself with aggregates relating to the economy as a whole. In macroeconomics, economic

    phenomena are studied in their aggregate size, shape and behavior.

    Difference in Economic Variables:

    Microeconomics is concerned with the behavior of micro variables or micro quantities

    such as individual demand, supply, particular commodity prices, wages, and individual

    industries. Macroeconomics is however concerned with the behavior of macro variables or

    macro quantities such as national income, price level, national output, total investment etc.

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    Difference in the field of interest:

    Microeconomics primarily deals with the problems of pricing and income distribution.

    Macroeconomics on the other hand, pertains to the problems of the size of national income

    economic growth and the general price level.

    Difference in the outlook and scope:

    In Microeconomics, usually, behavioral elements of units with homogenous characteristic

    are aggregated. Macro economics on the other hand, uses aggregates which relate to the entire

    economy or to a large sector of the economy and when it considers industrial output, it refers to

    the whole of output produced by the industrial sector and similarly, agricultural output for the

    entire agricultural sector. These are sub aggregates constituting the economys total output.

    Demarcation in the areas of study:

    Theory of value and theory of economic welfare are the major areas covered in micro

    economics. On the other hand, income and employment theory and monetary theory are the core

    topics of macroeconomics.