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Cornell University


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at the Sign of the Phoenix



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Edinburgh : T. and A. Constable, Printers to His Majesty

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INTRODUCTIONAM at my farm ; and, since my last mis-

' fortunes, have not been in Florence

' twenty days. I spent September in

' snaring thrushes ; but at the end of

' the month, even this rather tiresome

' sport failed me. I rise with the sun,

' and go into a wood of mine that is

being cut, where I remain two hours inspecting the work The Life of

of the previous day and conversing with the woodputters, ^ ^^

who have always some trouble on hand amongst them-

selves or with their neighbours. When I leave the wood,

I go to a spring, and thence to the place which I use

for snaring birds, with a book under my arm—Dante or

Petrarch, or one of the minor poets, like Tibullus or Ovid.

I read the story of their passions, and let their loves remind

me of my own, which is a pleasant pastime for a while.

Next I take the road, enter the inn door, talk with the

passers-by, inquire the news of the neighbourhood, listen

to a variety of matters, and make note of the different

tastes and humours of men.

'This brings me to dinner-time, when I join my family

and eat the poor produce of my farm. After dinner I go

back to the inn, where I generally find the host and a

b ix

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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- ' butcher, a miller, and a pair of bakers. With these com-

DUCTION . panions I play the fool all day at cards or backgammon :

' a thousand squabbles, a thousand insults and abusive

' dialogues take place, while we haggle over a farthing,

' and shout loud enough to be heard from San Casciano.


' But when evening falls I go home and enter my writing-

' room. On the threshold I put off my country habits,


; ' filthy with mud and mire, and array myself in royal

{ ' courtly garments. Thus worthily attired, I make my

I ' entrance into the ancient courts of the men of old, where

; (

' they receive me with love, and where I feed upon that


' food which only is my own and for which I was born. I


' feel no shame in conversing with them and asking them

!' the reason of their actions.

' They, moved by their humanity, make answer. For four

' hours' space I feel no annoyance, forget all care ; poverty

' cannot frighten, nor death appal me. I am carried away' to their society. And since Dante says " that there is no' science unless we retain what we have learned" I have

' set down what I have gained from their discourse, and' composed a treatise, De Principatibiis, in which I enter

' as deeply as I can into the science of the subject, with

' reasonings on the nature of principality, its several species,

' and how they are acquired, how maintained, how lost. If

' you ever liked any of my scribblings, this ought to suit

' your taste. To a prince, and especially to a new prince,

' it ought to prove acceptable. Therefore I am dedicating' it to the Magnificence of Giuliano.'

Niccolo Such is the account that Niccolo Machiavelli rendersMachiavelli yf himself when after imprisonment, torture, and disgrace.

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MACHIAVELLIat the age of forty-four, he first turned to serious writing. INTRO-For the first twenty-six or indeed twenty-nine of those AUCTION

years we have not one line from his pen or one word

of vaguest information about him. Throughout all his

works written for publication, there is little news about

himself. Montaigne could properly write, ' Ainsi, lecteur, je

' suis moy-mesme la matiere de mon livre.' But the matter

of Machiavelli was far other :' lo ho espresso quanto io so,

' e quanto io ho imparato per una lunga pratica e continua

' lezione delle cose del mondo.'

Machiavelli was born on the 3rd of May 1469. The The Man

period of his life almost exactly coincides with that of

Cardinal Wolsey. He came of the old and noble Tuscan

stock of Montespertoli, who were men of their hands in the

eleventh century. He carried their coat, but the property

had been wasted and divided. His forefathers had held

office of high distinction, but had fallen away as the new

wealth of the bankers and traders increased in Florence.

He himself inherited a small property in San Casciano and

its neighbourhood, which assured him a sufficient, if some-

what lean, independence. Of his education we know little

enough. He was well acquainted with Latin, and knew,

perhaps, Greek enough to serve his turn. 'Rather not

' without letters than lettered,' Varchi describes him. That

he was not loaded down with learned reading proved

probably a great advantage. The coming of the French,

and the expulsion of the Medici, the proclamation of the

Republic (1494), and later the burning of Savonarola

convulsed Florence and threw open many public offices. It

has been suggested, but without much foundation, that

some clerical work was found for Machiavelli in 1494 or

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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- even earlier. It is certain that on July 14, 1498, he was

DUCTION appointed Chancellor and Secretary to the Dieci di Liberta

e Pace, an office which he held till the close of his political

life at fall of the Republic in 1512.

Official Life The functions of his Council were extremely varied, and

in the hands of their Secretary became yet more diversified.

They represented in some sense the Ministry for Home,

Military, and especially for Foreign Aifairs. It is impos-

sible to give any full account of Machiavelli's official duties.

He wrote many thousands of despatches and official letters,

which are still preserved. He was on constant errands

of State through the Florentine dominions. But his

diplomatic missions and what he learned by them makethe main interest of his office. His first adventure of

importance was to the Court of Caterina Sforza, the Ladyof Forli, in which matter that astute Countess entirely

bested the teacher of all diplomatists to be. In 1500 he

smelt powder at the siege at Pisa, and was sent to France

to allay the irritations of Louis xii. Many similar andlesser missions follow. The results are in no case of great

importance, but the opportunities to the Secretary of learn-

ing men and things, intrigue and policy, the Court and thegutter were invaluable. At the camp of Caesar Borgia, in

1502, he found in his host that fantastic hero whom he"-A, incarnated in The Prince, and he was practically an eye-

witness of the amazing masterpiece, the Massacre ofSinigaglia. The next year he is sent to Rome with awatching brief at the election of Julius n., and in 1506 is

again sent to negotiate with the Pope. An embassy to theEmperor Maximilian, a second mission to the French Kingat Blois, in which he persuades Louis xii. to postpone the

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MACHIAVELLIthreatened General Council of the Church (1511), and INTRO-constant expeditions to report upon and set in order


unrestful towns and provinces did not fulfil his activity.

His pen was never idle. Reports, despatches, elaborate

monographs on France, Germany, or wherever he mightbe, and personal letters innumerable, and even yet unpub-

lished, ceased not night nor day. Detail, wit, character-

drawing, satire, sorrow, bitterness, all take their turn.

But this was only a fraction of his work. By duty and

by expediency he was bound to follow closely the internal

politics of Florence where his enemies and rivals abounded.

And in all these years he was pushing forward and carrying

through with unceasing and unspeakable vigour the great

military dream of his life, the foundation of a National

Militia and the extinction of Mercenary Companies. But

the fabric he had fancied and thought to have built proved

unsubstantial. The spoilt half-mutinous levies whom he

had spent years in odious and unwilling training failed him

at the crowning moment in strength and spirit : and the

fall of the Republic implied the fall of Machiavelli and the His Defeat

close of his official life. He struggled hard to save himself,

but the wealthy classes were against him, perhaps afraid of

him, and on them the Medici relied. For a year he was

forbidden to leave Florentine territory, and for a while was

excluded from the Palazzo. Later his name was found in

a list of Anti-Medicean conspirators. He was arrested and

decorously tortured with six turns of the rack, and then

liberated for want of evidence.

For perhaps a year after his release the Secretary engaged After his Fall

in a series of tortuous intrigues to gain the favour of the

Medici. Many of the stories may be exaggerated, but none


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- make pleasant reading, and nothing proved successful. His

position was miserable. Temporarily crippled by torture,

out of favour with the Government, shunned by his friends,

in deep poverty, burdened with debt and with a wife and

four children, his material circumstances were ill enough.

But, worse still, he was idle. He had deserved well of the

Republic, and had never despaired of it, and this was his

reward. He seemed to himself a broken man. He had no

great natural dignity, no great moral strength. He pro-

foundly loved and admired Dante, but he could not for one

moment imitate him. He sought satisfaction in sensuality

of life and writing, but found no comfort. Great things

were stirring in the world and he had neither part nor lot

in them. By great good fortune he began a correspondence

with his friend Francesco Vettori, the Medicean Ambassador

at Rome, to whom he appeals for his good offices ;' And if

' nothing can be done, I must live as I came into the world,

' for I was born poor and learnt to want before learning to

' enjoy.'' Before long these two diplomats had co-opted

themselves into a kind of Secret Cabinet of Europe. It is

a strange but profoundly interesting correspondence, bothpolitically and personally. Nothing is too great or too

small, too glorious or too mean for their pens. Amidfoolish anecdotes and rather sordid love affairs the politics

of Europe, and especially of Italy, are dissected and dis-

cussed. Leo X. had now plunged into political intrigue.

Ferdinand of Spain was in difficulty. France had allied

herself with Venice. The Swiss are the Ancient Romans,and may conquer Italy. Then back again, or ratherconstant throughout, the love intrigues and the 'likely' wench hard-by who may help to pass our time.' But


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MACHIAVELLIthrough it all there is an ache at Machiavelli's heart, and INTRO-

on a sudden he will break down, crying, DUCTION

Pero se alcuna volta io rido e cauto

Facciol, perche nou ho se nou quest' unaVia da sfogare il mio angoscioso pianto.

Vettori promised much, but nothing came of it. By 1515

the correspondence died away, and the Ex-Secretary found

for himself at last the true pathway through his vale of


The remainder of Machiavelli's life is bounded by his The true Life

books. He settled at his villa at San Casciano, where

he spent his day as he describes in the letter quoted at

the beginning of this essay. In 1518 he began to attend

the meetings of the Literary Club in the Orti Oricellarii,

and made new and remarkable friends. ' Era amato gran-

' damente da loro . . . e della sua conversazione si dilet-

' tavano maravigliosamente, tenendo in prezzo grandissimo

' tutte Topere sue,' which shows the personal authority

he exercised. Occasionally he was employed by Florentine

merchants to negotiate for them at Venice, Genoa, Lucca,

and other places. In 1519 Cardinal Medici deigned to

consult him as to the Government, and commissioned him

to write the History of Florence. But in the main he

wrote his books and lived the daily life we know. In 1525

he went to Rome to present his History to Clement vii.,

and was sent on to Guicciardini. In 1526 he was busy

once more with military matters and the fortification

of Florence. On the 22nd of June 1527 he died at

Florence immediately after the establishment of the

second Republic. He had lived as a practising Christian,


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- and so died, surrounded by his wife and family. WildDUCTION

legends grew about his death, but have no foundation.

A peasant clod in San Casciano could not have made a

simpler end. He was buried in the family Chapel in Santa

Croce, and a monument was there at last erected with the

epitaph by Doctor Ferroni—'Tanto nomini nullum par

' elogium.' The first edition of his complete works was

published in 1782, and was dedicated to Lord Cowper.

His What manner of man was Machiavelli at home and in

Character^^^ market-place ? It is hard to say. There are doubtful

busts, the best, perhaps, that engraved in the 'Testina'

edition of 1550, so-called on account of the portrait. ' Of

' middle height, slender figure, with sparkling eyes, dark

' hair, rather a small head, a slightly aquiline nose, a

' tightly closed mouth : all about him bore the impress of

' a very acute observer and thinker, but not that of one

' able to wield much influence over others.' Such is a

reconstruction of him by one best able to make one. ' In

' his conversation,' says Varchi, ' Machiavelli was pleasant,

' serviceable to his friends, a friend of virtuous men, and,

' in a word, worthy to have received from Nature either

' less genius or a better mind.' If not much above the

moral standard of the day he was certainly not below it.

His habits were loose and his language lucid and licentious.

But there is no bad or even unkind act charged against

him. To his honesty and good faith he very fairly claims

that his poverty bears witness. He was a kind, if uncertain

husband and a devoted father. His letters to his children

are charming. Here is one written soon before his deathto his Uttle son Guido.—' Guido, my darling son, I received' a letter of thine and was delighted with it, particularly


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MACHIAVELLI' because you tell me of your full recovery, the best news INTRO-' I could have. If God grants life to us both I expect to


' make a good man of you, only you must do your fair

' share yourself.' Guido is to stick to his books and

music, and if the family mule is too fractious, ' Unbridle

' him, take off the halter and turn him loose at Monte-' pulciano. The farm is large, the mule is small, so no' harm can come of it. Tell your mother, with my love,

' not to be nervous. I shall surely be home before any' trouble comes. Give a kiss to Baccina, Piero, and Totto


' I wish I knew his eyes were getting well. Be happy and' spend as little as you may. Christ have you in his

' keeping.'—^There is nothing exquisite or divinely delicate

in this letter, but there are many such, and they were not

written by a bad man, any more than the answers they

evoke were addressed to one. There is little more save of a

like character that is known of Machiavelli the man. But

to judge him and his work we must have some knowledge of

the world in which he was to move and have his being.

At the beginning of the sixteenth century Italy was State of

rotten to the core. In the close competition of great "^^^

wickedness the Vicar of Christ easily carried off the palm,

and the Court of Alexander vi. was probably the wickedest

meeting-place of men that has ever existed upon earth.

No virtue. Christian or Pagan, was there to be found;

little art that was not sensuous or sensual. It seemed as

if Bacchus and Venus and Priapus had come to their

own again, and yet Rome had not ceased to call herself


C'Owing to the evil ensample of the Papal Court,' writes

c xvii

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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- Machiavelli, ' Italy has lost all piety and all religion


DUCTION < whence follow infinite troubles and disorders; for as

' religion implies all good, so its absence implies the

' contrary. To the Church and priests of Rome we owe

' another even greater disaster which is the cause of her

' ruin. I mean that the Church has maintained, and still

1^' maintainsfltaly divided"' The Papacy is too weak to

unite and rille, but strong enough to prevent others doing

so, and is always ready to call jnithe foreigner to crush all

Italians to the foreigner's profi^jand Guicciardini, a high

Papal officer, commenting on this, adds, ' It would be im-

' possible to speak so ill of the Roman Court, but that more

' abuse should not be merited, seeing it is an infamy, and

' example of all the shames and scandals of the world.' The

lesser clergy, the monks, the nuns followed, with anxious

fidelity, the footsteps of their shepherds. There was hardly

a tonsure in Italy which covered more than thoughts and

hopes of lust and avarice. Religion and morals which

God had joined together, were set by man a thousand

leagues asunder. Yet religion still sat upon the alabaster

throne of Peter, and in the filthy straw of the meanest

Calabrian confessional. And still deeper remained a blind

Superstition devoted superstition. Vitellozzo Vitelli, as Machiavelli

tells us, while being strangled by Csesar Borgia's assassin,

implored his murderer to procure for him the absolution of

that murderer's father. Gianpaolo Baglioni, who reigned

by parricide and lived in incest, was severely blamed by the

Florentines for not killing Pope Julius ii. when the latter

was his guest at Perugia. And when Gabrino Fondatothe tyrant of Cremona, was on the scaffold, his only regret

was that when he had taken his guests, the Pope andxviii

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MACHIAVELLIEmperor, to the top of the Cremona tower, four hundred INTRO-

feet high, his nerve failed him and he did not push them AUCTION

both over. Upon this anarchy of religion, morals, and

conduct breathed suddenly the inspiring breath of Pagan The Pagan

antiquity which seemed to the Italian mind to find itsI'lfluence

finest climax in tyrannicide. There is no better instance

than in the plot of the Pazzi at Florence. Francesco Pazzi

and Bernardo Bandini decided to kill Lorenzo and Giuliano

de' Medici in the cathedral at the moment of the elevation

of the Host. They naturally tooic the priest into their

confidence. They escorted Giuliano to the Duomo, laugh-

ing, and talking, and playfully embraced him—to discover

if he wore armour under his clothes. Then they killed him

at the moment appointed.

Nor were there any hills from which salvation might

be looked for. Philosophy, poetry, science, expressed

themselves in terms of materialism. Faith and hope

are ever the last survivors in the life of a man or of a

nation. But in Italy these brave comforters were at their

latest breath. It is perhaps unfair to accept in full

the judgment of Northern travellers. The conditions,

training, needs of England and Germany were different.

In these countries courage was a necessity, and good faith

a paying policy. Subtlety could do little against a '

two-handed sword in the hands of an angry or partially

intoxicated giant. Climate played its part as well as

culture, and the crude pleasures and vices of the North

seemed fully as loathsome to the refined Italian as did

the tortuous policy and the elaborate infamies of the

South to their rough invaders. Alone, perhaps, among

the nations of Europe the Italians had never understood


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- or practised chivalry, save in such select and exotic

DUCTIONscijoois as the Casa Gioiosa under Vittorino da Feltre

at Mantua. The oath of Arthur's knights would have

seemed to them mere superfluity of silliness. Onore con-

noted credit, reputation, and prowess. Fir^i^, which may

Iberoughly translated as mental ability combined with per-^

sonal daring, set the standard and ruled opinion. ' Honour

'in the North was subjective: Onore in Italy objective.'

Individual liberty, indeed, was granted in full to all, at

the individual's risk. The love of beauty curbed grossness

and added distinction. Fraud became an art and force a

science. There is liberty for all, but for the great ones

there is licence. And when the day of trial comes, it is

the Churchmen and the Princes who can save neither

themselves nor man, nor thing that is theirs. To such

a world was Machiavelli born. To whom should he turn ?

To the People.? To the Church.? To the Princes and

Despots ? But hear him :

' There shall never be found any good mason, which will

' beleeve to be able to make a faire image of a peece of

' marble ill hewed, but verye well of a rude peece. Our' Italian Princes beleeved, before they tasted the blowes of' the outlandish warre, that it should suffice a Prince to' know by writinges, how to make a subtell aunswere, to* write a goodly letter, to shewe in sayinges, and in woordes,' witte and promptenesse, to know how to canvas a fraude' to decke themselves with precious stones and gold, tosleepe and to eate with greater glory then other: To

' kepe many lascivious persons about them, to governe' themselves with their subjects, covetously and proudely


' To roote in idlenes, to give the degrees of the exercise ofXX

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MACHIAVELLI' warre, for good will, to dispise if any should have shewed INTRO-

' them any laudable waie, minding that their wordes should

' bee aunswers of oracles : nor the sely wretches were not

' aware that they prepared themselves to be a pray to

' whome so ever should assaulte them. Hereby grew then

' in the thousand fowre hundred and nintie and fowre yere,

' the great feares, the sodaine flightes and the marveilous

' losses : and so three most mighty states which were in

' Italie, have bene dievers times sacked and destroyed. But' that which is worse, is where those that remaine, continue

' in the very same errour, and liev in the verie same

' disorder and consider not, that those who in olde time

' would keepe their states, caused to be done these thinges,

' which of me hath beene reasoned, and that their studies

' were, to prepare the body to diseases, and the minde not to

' feare perills. Whereby grewe that Caesar, Alexander, and

' all those men and excellent Princes in olde time, were the

' formost amongst the fighters, going armed on foote : and

' if they lost their state, they would loose their life, so that

' they lievd and died vertuously.'

Such was the clay that waited the moulding of the

potter's hand. 'Posterity, that high court of appeal,

' which is never tired of eulogising its own justice and

^ ' discernment,' has recorded harsh sentence on the Floren-

tine. It is better to-day to let him speak for himself.

The slender volume of The Prince has probably produced The Prince

wider discussion, more bitter controversy, more varied in-

terpretations and a deeper influence than any book save

H^y Writ. Kings and statesmen, philosophers and theo-

,,,-»,.,j6gians5 monarchists and republicans have all and always—-"i


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- used or abused it for their purposes. Written in 1513, theDUCTION

gj.g^ ygg^j. jj£ Machiavelli's disgrace, concurrently with part

of the Discorsi, which contain the germs of it, the book

represents the fulness of its author's thought and experi-

ence. It was not till after Machiavelli''s death, that it

was published in 1532, by order of Clement vii. Mean-

while, however, in manuscript it had been widely read and

favourably received.

Its purpose The mere motive of its creatign and dedication has been

the theme of many volumes. |_Machiavelli was poor, was

idle, was out of favour, and therefore, though a Republican,

wrote a devilish hand-book of tyranny to strengthen the

Medici and recover his position?]k Machiavelli, a loyal

Republican, wrote a primer of such fiendish principles as

might lure the Medici to their ruin. t_Machiavelli''s one

idea was to ruin the rich : Machiavelli's one idea was to

oppress the poor: he was a Protestant, a Jesuit, an

Atheist : a Royalist and a Republican.^} And the book pub-

lished by one Pope's express authority was utterly con-

demned and forbidden, with all its author's works, by the

express command of another (1559). But before facing

the whirlwind of savage controversy which raged andrages still about The Prince, it may be well to consider

shortly the book itself—consider it as a new book andwithout prejudice. The purpose of its composition is

almost certainly to be found in the plain fact that

Machiavelli, a politician and a man of letters, wished

to write a book upon the subject which had been his

special study and lay nearest to his business and bosom.To ensure prominence for such a book, to engage attention

and incidentally perhaps to obtain political employmentxxii

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MACHIAVELLIfor himself, he dedicated it to Lorenzo de' Medici, the INTRO-existing and accepted Chief of the State. But far and


above such lighter motives stood the fact that he saw in

Lorenzo the only man who might conceivably bring to

being the vast dream of patriotism which the writer had

imagined. The subject he proposed to himself was largely,

though not wholly, conditioned by the time and place

in which he lived. He wrote for his countrymen and

he wrote for his own generation. He had heard with

his ears and seen with his eyes the alternate rending

anarchy and moaning paralysis of Italy. He had seen

what Agricola had long before been spared the sight of.

And what he saw, he saw not through a glass darkly

or distorted, but in the whitest, driest light, without

flinching and face to face. 'We are much beholden,'

writes Bacon, 'to Machiavelli and others that wrote what

' rnen do, and not what they: ought _to_iiQ,'_ He did not'

despair of Italy, he did not despair even of Italian unity.

But he despaired of what he saw around him, and he

was willing at almost any price to end it. He recognised,

despite the nominal example of Venice, that a Republican

system was impossible, and that the small Principalities and

Free Cities were corrupt beyond hope of healing. A strong

•central unifying government was imperative, and at that

day such government could only be vested in a single

man. For it must ever be closely remembered, as will

be pointed out again, that throughout the book the

Prince is what would now be called the Government.

And then he saw with faithful prophecy, in the splendid

peroration of his hope, a hope deferred for near four

hundred years, he saw beyond the painful paths of blood


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- and tyranny, a vision of deliverance and union. For at

DUCTION least it is plain that in all things Machiavelli was a

passionate patriot, and Jmo la patria mia piit. deW anima

is found in one of the last of many thousand letters that

jiis untiring pen had written.

y^\\e purpose, then, of The Prince is to lay down rules,

within the possibilities of the time, for the making of a

man who shall create, increase, and maintain a strong

and stable government. This is done in the main by

a plain presentation of facts, a presentation condensed

and critical but based on men and things as they actually

were. The ethical side is wholly omitted: the social

and economical almost entirely. The aspect is purely

political, with the underlying thought, it may be sup-

posed, that under the postulated government, all else

\_will prosperJThe Book Machiavelli opens by discussing the various forms

of governments, which he divides into Republics and

Principalities. Of the latter some may be hereditary

and some acquired. Of hereditary states he says little

and quotes but one, the Duchy of Ferrara. He then

turns to his true subject, the acquisition and preserva-

New States tion of States wholly new or new in part. States such

as he saw himself on every side around him. Havinggained possession of a new State, he says, you must first

extirpate the family of your predecessor. You should

then either reside or plant colonies, but not trust to

garrisons. 'Colonies are not costly to the Prince are' more faithful and cause less offence to the subiect' States :L^ose whom they may injure being poor and' scattered, are prevented from doing mischief. For it


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MACHIAVELLI' should be observed that men ought either to be caressed INTRO-'^or^rampled out, seeing that small injuries may be


'jivenged, whereas great ones destroy the possibility of

* retaliation : and so the damage that has to be inflicted

• ought to be such that it need involve no fear of reprisals.'"!

There is perhaps in all Machiavelli no better example oT'nisJVIethod

his lucid scientific method than this passage. There 4^-^

neither excuse nor hypocrisy. It is merely a matter of

business calculation, f Mankind is the raw material, the

State is the finished work.^ Further you are to conciliate

your neighbours who are weak and abase the strong,

and you must not let the stranger within your gates.

Above all look before as well as after and think not to

leave it to time, godere li berwfici del tempo, but, as did

the Romans, strike and strike at once. For illustration

he criticises, in a final and damning analysis, the career

of Louis XII. in Italy. There was no canon of statecraft

so absolute that the King did not ignore it, and in in-

evitable Nemesis, there was no ultimate disaster so crown-

ing as not to be achieved.

After observing that a feudal monarchy is much less Conquests

easy of conquest than a despotism, since in the one case

you must vanquish many lesser lordships while in the

other you merely replace slaves by slaves, Machiavelli

considers the best method of subjugating Free Cities.

Here again is eminent the terrible composure and the

exact truth of his politics. A conquered Free City you

may of course rule in person, or you may construct an ,

oligarchy to govern for you, but the only safe way is i^:/

destroys it utterly, since 'that name of Liberty, those '//

' ancient usages of Freedom,' are things ' which no length

d xxv

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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- ' of years and no benefits can extinguish in the nation's

DUCTION ijjjjjjjj^ things which no pains or forethought can uproot

' unless the citizens be utterly destroyed.'

Hitherto the discussion has ranged round the material

politics of the matter, the acquisition of material power.

Machiavelli now turns to the heart of his matter, the

proper character and conduct of a new Prince in a new

Principality and the ways by which he shall deal most

fortunately with friend and foe. For fortune it is, as well

as ability, which go to the making of the man and the

maintenance of his power.

Caesar Borgia In the manner of the day Moses, Cyrus, Romulus, and

Theseus are led across the stage in illustration. The

common attribute of all such fortunate masters of men was

force of arms, while the mission of an unarmed prophet^

such as Savonarola was foredoomed to failure. In such

politics Machiavelli is positive and ruthless : force is and

must be the remedy and the last appeal, a principle which

indeed no later generation has in practice set at naught.

But in the hard dry eyes of the Florentine Secretary stood,

above all others, one shining figure, a figure to all other

eyes, from then till now, wrapped in mysterious and mias-

matic cloud. In the pages of common history he was a

tyrant, he was vicious beyond compare, he was cruel beyond

the Inquisition, he was false beyond the Father of Lies, hewas the Antichrist of Rome and he was a failure : buthe was the hero of Niccolo Machiavelli, who, indeed

found in Caesar Borgia the fine flower of Italian politics

in the Age of the Despots. Son of the Pop^ a Prince of

the Church, a Duke of France, a ma|MHHf events aborn soldier, diplomatist, and more than half a states-


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MACHIAVELLIman, Caesar seemed indeed the darling of gods and men INTRO-

whom original fortune had crowned with inborn ability.AUCTION

Machiavelli knew him as well as it was possible to know

a soul so tortuous and secret, and he had been present

at the most critical and terrible moments of Caesar's life.

That in despite of a life which the world calls infamous,

in despite of the howling execrations of all Christendom,

in despite of ultimate and entire failures, Machiavelli could /^still write years after, 'I know not what lessons I coul^"' teach a new Prince more useful than the example of his

' actions,' exhibits the ineffaceable impressions that Caesar

Borgia had made upon the most subtle and observant mind

of modern history.

Caesar was the acknowledged son of Pope Alexander by Caesar's

his acknowledged mistress Vannozza dei Cattani. Bomin 1472, he was an^rchbishop and a Cardinal at sixteen,

and the murderer of his elder brother at an age when

modem youths are at college. ! He played his part to the

full in the unspeakable scandals of the Vatican, but already

'he spoke little and people feared him.' Ere long the

splendours of the Papacy seemed too remote and uncertain

for his fierce ambition, and, indeed, through his father,

he already wielded both the temporal and the spiritual

arms of Peter. To the subtlety of the Italian his Spanish

blood had lent a certain stem resolution, and as with

Julius and Sulla the lust for sloth and sensuality were

quickened by the lust for sway. He unfrocked himself

with pleasure. He commenced politician, soldier, and

despot. And for the five years preceding Alexander^

death he may almost be looked upon as a power ni_

Europe. .Invested Duke of Romagna, that hot-bed of


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- petty tyranny and tumult, he repressed disorder throughDUCTION

jjjg governor Messer Ramiro with a relentless hand. When

order reigned, Machiayelli tells us he_ walked out one

morning into the market-place at Cesena and saw the

body of Ramiro, who had borne the odium of reform,

lying in two pieces with his head on a lance, and a

bloody axe by his side. Caesar reaped^jfeg^harvest of

Ramiro's severity, and the people recognising his ^ene;;:_

volence and justice were 'astounded and satisfied.'

But the gaze of the Borgia was not bounded by the

strait limits of a mere Italian Duchy. Whether indeed

there mingled with personal ambition an ideal of a united

Italy, swept clean of the barbarians, it is hard to say,

though Machiavelli would have us believe it. What is

certain is that he desired the supreme dominion in Italy

for himself, and to win it spared neither force nor fraud

nor the help of the very barbarians themselves. With a

decree of divorce and a Cardinal's hat he gained the

support of France, the French Duchy of Valentiiiois, andthe sister of the King of Navarre to wife. By largesse of

bribery and hollow promises he brought to his side the

great families of Rome, his natural enemies, and the great

Condottieri with their men-at-arms. When by their aid

he had established and extended his government he mis-

trusted their good faith. With an infinity of fascination

and cunning, without haste and without rest, he lured

these leaders, almost more cunning than himself to visit

him as friends in his fortress of Sinigaglia. 'I doubt if

' they will be alive to-morrow morning,' wrote Machiavelliwho was on the spot. He was right. Cajsar caused themto be strangled the same night, while his father dealt


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MACHIAVELLIequal measure to their colleagues and adherents in Rome. INTRO-

Thenceforth, distrusting mercenaries, he found and dis-

ciplined, out of a mere rabble, a devoted army of his own,

and having unobtrusively but completely extirpated the

whole families of those whose thrones he had usurped, not

only the present but the future seemed assured to him.

He had fulfilled the first of Machiavelli's four conditions.

He rapidly achieved the remaining three. He,_bought th^

JRpman noblesj'so as t^)^ be_j,ble jtp^ put a bridle in the new

' Pope's mouth.' He bought or poisoned or packed or

terrorised the "existing College of Cardinals and selected

new Princes of the Church who should accept a Pontiff'

of his choosingf He was eflectively strong enough to resist

the first onset upon him at his father's death. Five years

had been enough for so great an undertaking. One thing

alone he had not and indeed could not have foreseen. ' He' told me himself on the day on which (Pope) Julius was

' created, that he had foreseen and provided for everything

' else that could happen on his father's death, but had

' never anticipated that^ ^^^? ^i^ father died, he too,

'^hould have been at death's door.' Even so the fanre

and splendour of his name for a while maintained his

authority against his unnumbered enemies. But soon the

great betrayer was betrayed. 'It is well to cheat those

' who have been masters of treachery,' he had said himself

in his hours of brief authority. His wheel had turned full

cycle. Within three years his fate, like that of Charles xii.,

was destined to a foreign strand, a petty fortress, and a

dubious hand. Given over to Spain he passed three years

obscurely. 'He was struck down in a fight at Viana in

' Navarre (1507) after a furious resistance : he was stripped


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- « of his fine armour by men who did not know his nameDUCTION

. ^^ quality and his body was left naked on the bare

< ground, bloody and riddled with wounds. He was only

' thirty-one.' And so the star of Machiavelli's hopes and

dreams was quenched for a season in the clouds from which

it came.

The Lesson It seems worth while to sketch the strange tem-

pestuous career of Caesar Borgia because in the remaining

chapters of The Prince and elsewhere in his writings, it

is the thought and memory of Valentinois, transmuted

doubtless and idealised by the lapse of years, that largely

inform and inspire the perfect Prince of Machiavelli. But

it must not be supposed that in life or in mind they were

intimate or even sympathetic. Machia^velli criticises his

hero liberally and even harshly. But for the work he

wanted done he had found no better craftsman and no

better example to follow for those that might come after.

Morals and religion did not touch the purpose of his

arguments except as affecting policy. In policy virtues

may be admitted as useful agents and in the chapter

following that on Caesar, entitled, curiously enough, 'Of' those who by their crimes come to be Princes,' he

lays down that ' to slaughter fellow citizens, to betray

' friends, to be devoid of honour, pity and religion cannot' be counted as merits, for these are means which may lead

' to power but which confer no glory.' Cruelty he wouldemploy without hesitation but with the greatest care

both in degree and in kind. It should be immediate andcomplete and leave no possibility of counter-revenge. Forit is never forgotten by the living, and ' he deceives himself' who believes that, with the great, recent benefits cause old


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MACHIAVELLI' wrongs to be forgotten.' On the other hand 'Benefits INTRO-' should be conferred little by little so that they may be DU9TI,0N.

' more fully relished.' The cruelty proper to a Prince""•


(Government, for as ever they are identical) aims only at

authority. Now authority must spring from love or fear.

It were best to combine both motives to obedience but you

cannot. The Prince must remember' that men are fickle,

and love at their own pleasure, and that men are fearful

and. fear at the pleasure of the Prince. Let him therefore

depend on what is of himself, not on that which is of

others. ' Yet_if he win not love he may escape hate, and

' so it will be if he does not meddle with the property or

' women-folk of his subjects,' When he must punish let

him kill. ' For men will sooner forget the death of their

J_^.tlipr than thp Inss nf their esl^e.' And moreover vou

cannot always go on killing, but a Prince who has once set

himself to plundering will never stop. This is the more

needful because the only secure foundation of his rule lies

in his trust of the people and in their support. Andindeed again and again you shall find no more thorough

,democrat than this teacher of tyrants. 'The people own' better broader qualities, fidelities and passions than any' Prince and have better cause to show for them.' ' As for

' prudence and stability,J say that a people is more stable,

' more prudent, and of better judgment than a Prince.' [If

the people go wrong it is almost certainly the crime or

negligence of the Prince which drives or leads them astray.

' Better far than any number of fortresses is not to be' hated by your people.' The support of the people and

a national militia make the essential strength of the Prince

and of the State. \


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Conduct of

the Prince

MACHIAVELLIINTRO- The chapters on military organisation may be more con-

DUCTIONyeniently considered in conjunction with The Art of War.

It is enough at present to point out two or three observa-

tions of Machiavelli which touch politics from the military

side. To his generation they were entirely novel, though

mere commonplace to-day. National strength means

national stability and national greatness ; and this can

be achieved, and can only be achieved, by a national

homy: The Condottiere system, born of sloth and liixi^y,

has proved its rottenness. Your hired general is either

a tyrant or a traitor, a bully or a coward. ' In a word

' the armour of others is too wide or too strait for us


' it falls off us, or it weighs us down.' And in a fine

illustration he compares auxiliary troops to the armour of

Saul which David refused, preferring to fight Goliath

with his sling and stone.

Having assured the external security of the State,

Machiavelli turns once more to the qualities and conduct

of the Prince. So closely packed are these concluding

chapters that it is almost impossible to compress them

further. The author at the outset states his purpose


' Since it is my object to write what shall be useful to

' whosoever understands it, it seems to me better to follow

' the practical truth of things rather than an imaginary' view of them. For many Republics and Princedoms have' been imagined that were never seen or known to exist

' in reality. _And the manner in which we live and., in' which we ought to live, are things so wide asunder that' he who suits the one to betake himself to the other is

' more likely to destroy than to save himself.' Nothingthat Machiavelli wrote is more sincere, analytic, positive


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MACHIAVELLIand ruthless. He operates unflinchingly on an assured / INTRO-

diagnosis. The hand never an instant falterfe, the knife'

is never blunt. He deals with what is, and not^ with what,

ought.,to be- Should the Prince be all-virtuous, all-liberal,j

all-humane ? Should his word be his bond for ever ?

Should true religion be the master-passion of his lifep

Machiavelli considers. The first duty of the Prince (or*

GoYemment) is to maintain the existence, stability, and

prosperity of the State. Now if all the world were perfect

so should the Prince be perfect too. But such are not

the conditions of human life. An idealising Prince must

fall before a practising world. A Prince must learn in

^elf-defence how^ to_ be Jbad, Jbut_J^je_Cs§,?LJ?5KgJ*''5 ^^

JiBlJSt—bfi-a. great judge of occasion. And what evil he

does must be deliberate, appropriate, and calculated, and

done, not selfishly, but for the good of the State of which

he is trustee. _^Tbere is the power of Law and the power

of Force. The first is proper to men, the second to beasts.

And that is why Achilles was brought up by Cheiron the

Centaur that he might learn to use both natures. Aruler must be half lion and half fox, a fox to discern the

toils, a lion to drive oflF the wolves. Merciful, faithful,

humane, religious, just, these he may be and above all

should seerp, to ^be, nor should any word escape his lips

to give the lie to his professions : and in fact he should

not leave these qualities but when he must. He should^

if possible, practise goodness, but under necessity should

know how to pursue evil. He should keep faith until

occasion alter, or reason of state compel him to break

his pledge. Above all he should profess and observe

religion, ' because men in general judge rather by the eye

e xxxiii

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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- ---<Hhan by the hand, and every one can see but few can

DUCTION , touch.' But none the less, must he learn (as did William

the Silent, Elizabeth of England, and Henry of Navarre)

how to subordinate creed to policy when urgent need is

upon him. In a word, he must realise and face his own

position, 'and the facts of mankind and of the world. Jf^not veracious to his conscience, he must be. veracious to

jacts. fHe must not be bad for badness' sake! but seeing

things as they are, must deal as he can to protect and

preserve the trust committed to his care. Fortune is still

a fickle jade, but at least the half our will is free, and if

we are bold we may master her yet. For Fortune is a

woman who, to be kept under, must be beaten and roughly

handled, and we see that she is more ready to be mastered

by those who treat her so, than by those who are shy in

their wooing. And always, like a woman, she gives her

favours to the young, because they are less scrupulous and

fiercer and more audaciously command her to their will.

The Appeal And so at the last the sometime Secretary of the

Florentine Republic turns to the new Master of the

Florentines in splendid exhortation. He points to no

easy path. He proposes no mean ambition. He has said

already tha^' double will that Prince's glory be, who has_' founded a new realm and fortified it and adorned it with^' good laws, good arms, good friends, and good examplesTI

But there is more and better to be done. The great

misery of men has ever made the great leaders of men.But was Israel in Egypt, were the Persians, the Atheniansever more enslaved, down-trodden, disunited, beaten de-

spoiled, mangled, overrun and desolate than is our Italy

J;o-day ? The barbarians must be hounded out, and Italy


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MACHIAVELLIbe free and one^ Now is the accepted time. All Italy is INTRO-

waiting and only seeks the man. To you the darling ofAUCTION

Fortune and the Church this splendid task is given, to

you and to the army of Italy and of Italians only. ArmItaly and lead her. To you, the deliverer, what gates

would be closed, what obedience refused ! What jealousies

opposed, what homage denied. Love, courage, and fixed

fidelity await you, and under your standards shall the voice

of Petrarch be fulfilled :

Virtu contro al furore

Prendera I'arme e fia il combatter corto :

Che I'antico valore

Negl' Italici cor non e aucor morto.

Such is The Prince of Machiavelli. The vision of its

breathless exhortation seemed then as but a landscape to

a blind man's eye. But the passing of three hundred and

fifty years of the misery he wept for brought at the last,

almost in perfect exactness, the fulfilment of that impossible

prophecy. >

There is no great book in the world of smaller compass The Attack

than The Prmce of Machiavelli. There is no book more

lucidly, directly, and plainly written. There is no book

that has aroused more vehement, venomous, and even

truculent controversy from the moment of its publication

until to-day. And it is asserted with great probability

that The Prmce has had a more direct action upon real

life than any other book in the world, and a larger share

in breaking the chains and lighting the dark places of

the Middle Ages. It is a truism to say that Machiavellism'

existed before Machiavelli. The politics of Gian Galeazzo


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- Viscoliti, of Louis xi. of France, of Ferdinand of Spain,

DUCTIONjjf the Papacy, of Venice, might have been dictated by

the author of The Prince. But MachiaveUi was the first

to observe, to compare, to diagnose, to analyse, 3.nd

to formulate their principles of government. ,,The firstJo_

establish, not a divorce,]rBut rather a judijcial separation^,

between the morals of a man and the morals of a g9xeia:u_

mentrj It is around the purpose and possible results of

such a separation in politics, ethics, and religion that the

storm has raged most fiercely. To follow the path of that'

storm through near four centuries many volumes would

be needed, and it will be more convenient to deal with

the more general questions in summing up the influence

of MachiaveUi as a whole. But the main lines and varying

fortunes of the long campaign may be indicated. During

the period of its manuscript circulation and for a few years

after its publication The Prince was treated with favour or

at worst with indifference, and the first mutterings were

merely personal to the author. He was a scurvy knave and

turncoat with neither bowels nor conscience, almost negli-

gible. But still men read him, and a change in conditions

brought a change in front. He had in The Prince, above all

The Church in the Discord, accused the Church of having ruined Italy__

and debauched the world. In view of the writer's growing

popularity, of the Reformation and the Pagan Renaissance,

such charges could no longer be lightly set aside. TheChurchmen opened the main attack. Amongst the leaders

was Cardinal Pole, to whom the practical precepts of The' Prince had been recommended in lieu of the dreams of

Plato, by Thomas Cromwell, the malleiis moiiachorum oi

Henry viii. The Catholic attack was pvu-ely tbeoLogical but_xxxvi

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MACHIAVELLIbefore long the Jesuits joined in the cry. Machiavelli was INTRO-

bumt in effigy at Ingoldstadt. He was mbdolus diaboU-I*UCTION

carvm cogUatumumJuber, and irrisor et aiheos to boot. ThePope himself gave commissions to unite against him, and

his brooks were placed on the Index, together, it must be

admittedt with those of Boccaccio^ Erasmus, and Savona-

rgla^^ so, tjbe. ggmpanj w^ goodly. But meanwhile, and

perhaps in consequence, editions and translations of The

Prince multiplied apace. The great figures of the world

were absorbed by it. Charles v., his son, and his courtiers The

studied the book. Catherine de Medici brought it to Politicians

France. A copy of The Prince was found on the murdered

bodies of Henry in. and Henry iv. Richelieu praised it.

Sextus V. analysed it in his own handwriting. It was read

at the English Court ; Bacon was steeped in it, and quotes

or alludes to it constantly. Hobbes and Harrington

studied it.

But now another change. So then, cried Innocent

Gentillet, the Huguenot, the book is a primer of

despotism and Rome, and a grammar for bigots and

tyrants. It doubtless is answerable for the Massacre of

St. Bartholomew. The man is a chien impwr. And in

answer to this new huntsman the whole Protestant pack

crashed in pursuit. Within fifty years of his death The

Prince and Machiavelli himself had become a legend and

a myth, a haunting, discomforting ghost that would not be

laid. Machiavellism had grown to be a case of conscience

both to Catholic and Protestant, to Theologian, Moralist,

and Philosopher. In Spain the author, damned in France

for his despotism and popery, was as freshly and freely

damned for his civil and religious toleration. In England

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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- to the Cavaliers he was an Atheist, to the Roundheads aDUCTION

jggyj^ Christina of Sweden annotated him with enthu-

siasm. Frederick the Great published his Anti-Machiavel

brimming with indignation, though it is impossible not to

wonder what would have become of Prussia had not the

Prussian king so closely followed in practice the precepts of

the Florentine, above all perhaps, as Voltaire observed, in the

publication of the Anti-Machiavel itself. No doubt in the

eighteenth century, when monarchy was so firmlv^stablished^

as not to need Machiavelli, kings and statesmen sought to

clear kingship of the supposed stain he had besmirched

them with. But their reading was as little as their mis-

undersfeinding was great, and the Florentine Secretary

remained the mysterious necromancer. It was left for

Rousseau to describe the book of this 'hqnnete hpmine^

' et bon citoyen' as 'le livre des Republicains,'„and_fBr__

Napoleon Napoleon, the grea,test of the author's followers if not dis-

ciples, to draw inspiration and suggestion from his,_Flpren-

tine forerunner and to justify the murder of the Dued'Enghien by a quotation from The Prince. ' Mais apres

' tout,' he said, ' un homme d'Etat est-il fait pour etre

' sensible ? N'est-ce pas un personnage—completement ex-

' centrique, toujours seul d'un cote, avec le monde de I'autre ?'

and again 'Jugez done s'il doit s'amuser a menager cer-

' taines convenances de sentiments si importantes pour le

' commun des hommes ? Peut-il considerer les liens du' sang, les affections, les puerils menagements de la societe ?

' Et dans la situation ou il se trouve, que d'actions separees

' de I'ensemble et qu'on blame, quoiqu'elles doivent con-' tribuer au grand ceuvre que tout le monde n'apercoit pas ?

'. . . Malheureux que vous etes ! vous retiendrez vos Closes


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MACHIAVELLI' parce que vous craindrez que le mouvement de cette INTRO-' grande machine ne fasse sur vous I'effet de Gulliver, qui,


' lorsqu'il depla^ait sa jambe, ^crasait les Lilliputiens. Ex-' hortez-vous, devancez le temps, agrandissez votre imagina-

' tion, regardez de loin, et vous verrez que ces grands

' personnages que vous croyez violents, cruels, que sais-je ?

' ne sont que des politiques. lis se connaissent, se jugent

' mieux que vous, et, quand ils sont reellement habiles, ils

' savent se rendre maitres de leurs passions car ils vont

' jusqu'a en calculer les effets.' Even in his carriage at

Waterloo was found a French translation of The Prince

profusely annotated.

But from the first the defence was neither idle nor weak. The Defence

The assault was on the morals of the man : the fortress

held for the ideas of the thinker. He does not treat of

morals, therefore he is immoral, cried the plaintiff. Has

he spoken truth or falsehood ? Is his word the truth and

will his truth prevail ? was the rejoinder. In Germany and

Italy especially and in France and England in less degree,

philosophers and critics have argued and written without

stint and without cease. As history has grown wider and

more scientific so has the preponderance of opinion leaned

to the Florentine's favour.

It would be impossible to recapitulate the arguments or

even to indicate the varying points of view. And indeed

the main hindrance in forming a just idea of The Prince is

the constant treatment of a single side of the book and

the preconceived intent of the critic. Bacon has already

been mentioned. Among later names are Hobbes, Spinoza,

Leibnitz. Herder gives qualified approval, while Fichte

frankly throws down the glove as The Prince''s champion.


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- 'Da man weiss dass politische Machtfragen nie, amDUCTION

' wenigsten in einem verderbten Volke,, mit den Mitteln

' der Moral zu losen sind, so ist es unverstandig das Buch

' von Fiirsten zu verschreien. Macchiavelli hatte einen

' Herrscher zu schildern, keinen Klosterbruder.' The last

sentence may at least be accepted as a last word by

practical politicians. Ranke and Macaulay, and a host

of competent Germans and Italians have lent their thought

and pens to solve the riddle in the Florentine's favour.

And lastly, the course of political events in Europe have

seemed to many the final justification of the teaching of

The Prince. The leaders of the B-isorgimento thought that

they found in letters, ' writ with a stiletto,' not only the

inspirations of patriotism and the aspirations to unity,

but a sure and trusted guide to the achievement. Germanyrecognised in the author a schoolmaster to lead them to

unification, and a military instructor to teach them of an

Armed People. Half Europe snatched at the principle of

Nationality. For in The Prince, Machiavelli not only

begat ideas but fertilised the ideas of others, and whatever

the future estimation of the book may be, it stands, read

or unread, as a most potent, if not as the dominant, factor

in European politics for four hundred years.

The Discorsi The Discorsi, printed in Rome by Blado, 1537, are notincluded in the present edition, as the first English transla-

tion did not appear until 1680, when almost the entire

works of Machiavelli were published by an anonymoustranslator in London. But some account and considera-

tion of their contents is imperative to any review of theFlorentine's political thoughts. 3uch Discorsi and Relazioni


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MACHIAVELLIwere not uncommon at the time. The stronger and INTRO-younger minds of the Renaissance wearied of discussing in


the lovely gardens of the Rucellai the ideas of Plato or the

allegories of Plotinus. The politics of Aristotle had just

been intelligibly translated by Leonardo Bruni (1492). Andto-day the young ears and eyes of Florence were alert for

an impulse to action. They saw glimpses, in reopened

fields of history, of quarries long grown over where the ore

of positive politics lay hid. The men who came to-day to

the Orti Oricellarii were men versed in public affairs, men

of letters, historians, poets, living greatly in a great age,

with Raphael, Michael Angelo, Ariosto, Leonardo going up

and down amongst them. Machiavelli was now in fair

favour with the Medici, and is described by Strozzi as

una persona per sorgere (a rising man). He was welcomed

into the group with enthusiasm, and there read and dis-

cussed the Discorsi. Nominally mere considerations upon

the First Decade of Livy, they rapidly encircled all that

was known and thought of policy and state-craft, old and


Written concurrently with The Prince, though completed Their Plan

later, the Discorsi contain almost the whole of the

thoughts and intents of the more famous book, but with

a slightly different application. '_2^^^ ^?i?*£l tra,?.^.s the

' progress of an ambitious man, the Discorsi the progress

' of an ambitious people,' is an apt if inadequate criticism.

Machiavelli was not the first Italian who thought and wrote

upon the problems of his time. But he was the first who

discussed grave questions in modem language. He was the

first modern political writer who wrote of men and not of

man, for the Prince himself is a collective individuality.

/ • xli

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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- ' This must be regarded as a general rule,' is ever in

DUCTION]\(iachiavelli's mouth, while Guicciardini finds no value in a

general rule, but only in ' long experience and worthy dis-

' cretion.' The one treated of policy, the other of politics.

Guicciardini considered specifically by what methods to

control and arrange an existing Government.[^Machiavelli

sought to create a science, which should show how to _establish, maintain, and hinder the decline of states gene;;^^

rally conceivedTT Even Cavour counted the former as a

more practical guide in affairs. But Machiavelli was the

theorist of humanity in politics, not the observer only. He

distinguished the two orders of research. And, during

the Italian Renaissance such distinction was supremely

necessary. With a crumbled theology, a pagan Pope, amid

the wreck of laws and the confusion of social order, il sua

particolare and virtii, individuality and ability (energy,

political genius, prowess, vital force: virtii, is impossible

to translate, and only does not mean virtue), were the

dominating and unrelenting factors of life. Niccolo _Machiavelli, unlike Montesquieu, agreed with .Martia_^

Luther that man was ba^7 It was for both the Witten-

berger and the Florentine, in their very separate ways, to

found the school and wield the scourge. In the naked and

unashamed candour of the time Guicciardini could say that

he loathed the Papacy and all its works. ' For all that,' he

adds, 'the preferments I have enjoyed, have forced me for

' my private ends to set my heart upon papal greatness. "%

' Were it not for this consideration, I should love Martin' Luther as my second self.' In the Discorsi, Machiavelli

bitterly arraigns the Church as having ' deprived Italians.

' of religion and liberty.' He utterly condemns Savonarola •

xlii —-^

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MACHIAVELLIyet he could love and learn from Dante, and might almost INTRO-have said with Pym,(]jrhe greatest liberty of the Kingdom DUCTI^N

' is Religion. Thereby we are freed from spiritual evils,

' and no impositions are so grievous as those that are laid

' upon the soul._j

The Florentine postulates religion as an essential Religion

element in a strong and stable State. Perhaps, with

Gibbon, he deemed it useful to the Magistrate. But his

science is impersonal. He will not^ tolerate a Church that

poaches on his apolitical pr^erves^ Good dogma makes bad

politics. It must not tamper with liberty or security.

And most cerbdnly^jyitlUJlmteailLJ^^

either have^transfOTmed^jM_^

thatj the ,Me^|^,sWU.aahfildUt.4bP^aS^^ With such a

temperament. Machiavelli must ever keep touch with

sanity, fit was not for him as for Aristotle to imagine

what an ideal State should be, but rather to inquire what

States actually were and what they might actually become.

He seeks first and foremostj' the use that may be derived

' from history in politics ' ; not from its incidents but from

its general principlesj His darling model of a State, is_ to

be found whereJDante found it, in Jhe. Roman Republic.

The memoigugtnd even the substance of Dante occur again

and again. LBut Dante's inspiration was spiritua,l : Machia-

velli's frankly pag^, and with the latter Fortune takes

the place of GodjDante did not love the Papacy, but

Machiavelli, pointing out how even in ancient Rome

religion was politic or utilitarian, leads up to his famous

attack upon the Roman Church, to which he attributes

all the shame and losses, political, social, moral, national,

that Italy has suffered at her hands. And now for the


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- first time the necessity for Italian Unity is kid plainly

..^^*vn, and the Church and its temporal power denounced

as the central obstacles. Jn religion itself the Secretaxy_

saw much merit. £But when it is an absolute question

' of the welfare of our country, then justice or injustice,

' mercy or cruelty, praise or ignominy, must be set aside,

' and we must seek alone whatever course may preserve

' the existence and liberty of the state.^ Throughout the

Discorsi, Machiavelli in a looser and more expansive form,

suggests, discusses, or re-affirms the ideas of The Prince.

There is the same absence of j udgment on the moral value

of individual conduct ; the same keen decision of its

Democracy practical effect as a political act. f^But here more than

in The Prince, he deals with the action and conduct of

the peoplej With his passion for personal and con-

temporary incarnation he finds in the Swiss of his day

the Romans of Republican Rome, and reiterates the com-

parison in detail. Feudalism, mercenaries, political associa-

tions embodied in Arts and Guilds, the Temporal powerof the Church, all these are put away, and in their stead

rhe announces the new and daring gospel that for organic

unity subjects must be treated as equals and not as

i'i%i?rs.'^ ' Trust the people' is a maxim he repeats andenforces again and again. And he does not shrink from,

but rather urges the corollary, ' Arm the people.' Indeedit were no audacious paradox to state the ideal ofMachiavelli, though he nominally preferred a Republic, as

aJUmitedMomrchy, ruling over a Nation in Arms. Nodoubt he sought, as was natural enough in his day toconstruct the State from without rather than to gurde~and encourage its evolutioii from within. It seemed to'^


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MACHIAVELLIhim that, in such an ocean of corruption, Force was a INTRO-

remedy and Fraud rm sluttish handmaid. ' Vice n'est-ce pas,'AUCTION

writes Montaigne, of such violent acts of Government, ' car

' il a quitte sa raison a une plus universelle et puissante

' raison.' Even so the Prince and the people, could only

.JbS4US±ified ,by_results. But the public life is of larger value

than the private, and sometimes one man must be crucified

for a thousand. Despite all prejudice and make-belief,

such a rule and practice has obtained from the Assemblies

of Athens to the Parliaments of the twentieth century.

But Machiavelli first candidly imparted it to the unwilling

consciences and brains of men, and it is he who has been

the chosen scape-goat to carry the sins of the people. His

earnestness makes him belie his own precept to keep the

name and take away the thing. In this, as in a thousand

instances, he was not too darkly hidden ; he was too plain.

' Machiavelli,' says one who studied the Florentine as hardly

another had done, 'Machiavelli hat gesiindigt, aber noch

' mehr ist gegen ihn gesiindigt worden.' /Liberty is good,

but Unity isjts only sure foundation.^ It is the way to the

Unity of Government and People that the thoughts both

of The Prince and the Discorsi lead, though the incidents

be so nakedly presented as to shock the timorous and vex

the prurient, the puritan, and the evil thinker.QThe people

must obey thie State and fight and _ die for its salvati^ng.

but their love, and the best way to gain it is by ' not

' interruptingffie subject in the quiet enjoyment of jWs

' estatCj^vJEven so bland and gentle a spirit as the poet

Gray cannot but comment, ' I rejoice when I see Machia-

' velli defended or illustrated, who to me appears one


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- ' of the wisest men that any nation in any age hathDUCTION .produced;

The Art of Throughout both The Prince and the Discord are con-

^^^'"stant allusions to, and often long discussions on, military

affairs. LThe Army profoundly interested Machiavelli both

as a primary Condition of national existence and stability, \

and also, as he pondered upon the contrast between ancient

Rome and the Florence that he lived in, as a subject fascin-

ating in itself. His Art of War was probably published in

1520. Before that date the Florentine Secretary had had

some personal touch both with the theory and practice of

war. As a responsible official in the camp before Pisa he

had seen both siege work and fighting. Having lost faith

in mercenary forces he made immense attempts to form

a National Militia, and was appointed Chancellor of the

Nove della Milizia. In Switzerland and the Tyrol he had• studied army questions. He planned with Pietro Navarro

the defence of Florence and Prato against Charles v. AtVerona and Mantua in 1509, he closely studied the famous

siege of Padua. [R-om birth to death war and battles raged

all about himland he had personal knowledge of the great

captains of the Age. Moreover, he saw in Italy troops of

every country, of every quality, in every stage of discipline,

in every manner of formation. His love of ancient Romeled him naturally to the study of Livy and Vegetius, and

from them with regard to formations, to the relative values

of infantry and cavalry and other points of tactics, he drew or

deduced majiiy^conclusiMis which hold good to-day. Indeed

a German staff officer has written that in reading the

Florentine you think you are listening to a modern theorist


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MACHIAVELLIof war. Bat for the theorist of those days a lion stopd in ~ INTRO-

the path. The art of war was not excepted fronvthe quickI^UCTION

and thorough transformation that all earthly and spiritual

things were undergoing. Gunpowder, long invented, was

being applied. Armour, that, since the beginning, had saved

both man and horse, had now lost the half of its virtue.

The walls of fortresses, impregnable for a thousand years,

became as matchwood ramparts. The mounted man-at-

arms was found with wonder to be no match for the

lightly-armoured but nimble foot-man. The Swiss weK!_

seen tqjhold thOT_jiwn_wijb^^ .kpightbood— .,-

of Austria and Burgundy. The Free Companies lost in

value and prestige what they added to their corruption

and treachery. All these things grew clear to Machiavelli.

But his almost fatal misfortune was that he observed and

wrote in the mid-moment of the transition. He had no

faith in fire-arms, and as regards the portable fire-arms of

those days he was right. After the artillery work at

Ravenna, Novara, and Marignano it is argued that he

should have known better. But he was present at no

great battles, and pike, spear, and sword had been the

stable weapons of four thousand years. These were in-

deed too simple to be largely modified, and the future

of mechanisms and explosives no prophet uninspired

could foresee. And indeed the armament and formation

of men were not the main intent of Machiavelli's thought.

His care in detail, especially in fortifications, of which

he made a special study, in encampments, in plans, in

calculations, is immense. Nothing is so trivial as to be

left inexact.

But he centred his observation and imagination on


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- the origin, character, and discipline of an army in being.

DUCTIONjjg pictures the horror, waste, and failure of a mer-

TheNewcenary system, and lays down therfatal error in It^_

^-^'^ of separating civil from military life, converting the

latter into a trade. In such a way the soldier grows

to a beast, and the citizen to a cowardTj All this

must be changed. The basic idea of this astounding

Organisation Secretary is to form a National Army, furnished by_con^

scription and informed by the spirit of the New Modelof,

Cromwell. All able-bodied men between the ages of

seventeen and forty should be drilled on stated days

and be kept in constant readiness. Once or twice a

year each battalion must be mobilised and manoeuvred

as in time of war. The discipline must be constant and

severe. The men must be not only robust and well-

trained, but, above all, virtuous, modest, and disposed to

any sacrifice for the public good. So imbued should they

be with duty and lofty devotion to their country that

though they may rightly deceive the enemy, reward the

enemy's deserters and employ spies, yet ' an apple tree

' laden with fruit might stand untouched in the midst of

' their encampment' The infantry should far exceed the

cavalry, 'since it is by infantry that battles are won.'

Secrecy, mobility, and familiarity with the country are to

be objects of special care, and positions should be chosen

from which advance is safer than retreat. In war this

army must be led by one single leader, and, when peace

shines again, they must go back contented to their grateful

fellow-countrymen and their wonted ways of living. Theconception and foundation of such a scheme, at such atime, by such a man is indeed astounding. He broke with


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MACHIAVELLIthe past and with all contemporary organisations. He INTRO-

forecast the future of military Europe, though his own

Italy was the last to win her redemption through his plans.

' Taken all in all,' says a German military writer, ' we may' recognise Machiavelli in his inspired knowledge of the

' principles of universal military discipline as a true

' prophet, and as one of the weightiest thinkers in the

' field of military construction and constitution. He' penetrated the essence of military technique with a pre-

' cision wholly alien Fo his period, and it is, so to say, a

' new psychological proof of the relationship between*

' the art of war and the art of statecraft, that the founder

' of Modern Politics is also the first of modern Military

' Clg^sics.'

But woe to the Florentine Secretary with his thoughts

born centuries before their time. As in The Prince, so

in the Art of War, he closes with a passionate appeal of

great sorrow and the smallest ray of hope. Where shall

I hope to find the things that I have told of.? Whatis Italy to-day ? What are the Italians ? Enervated,

impotent, vile. Wherefore, ' I lament mee of nature, the

' which either ought not to have made mee a knower of

' this, or it ought to have given mee power, to have bene

' able to have executed it : For now beeing olde, I cannot

' hope to have any occasion, to be able so to doo : In con-

' sideration whereof, I have bene liberall with you who' beeing grave young men, may (when the thinges said of

' me shall please you) at due times, in favoure of your

' Princes, helpe them and counsider them. Wherin I would

' have you not to be afraied, or mistrustfull, because this

' Province seemes to bee altogether given to raise up againe

g xlix

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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- ' the things deade, as is seene by the perfection that Poesie,

DUCTION^ painting, and writing, is now brought unto : Albeit, as

' much as is looked for of mee, beeing strooken in yeeres,

' I do mistrust. Where surely, if Fortune had heretofore

' graunted mee so much state, as suffiseth for a like enter-

' prise, I would not have doubted, but in most short time,

' to have shewed to the world, how much the auncient

' orders availe : and without peradventure, either I would

' have increased it with glory, or lost it without shame.'

The History In 1520 Machiavelli was an ageing and disappointedoj orence

jji^n. He was not popular with any party, but the Medici

were willing to use him in minor matters if only to secure

his adherence. He was commissioned by Giulio de Medici

to write a history of Florence with an annual allowance

of 100 florins. In 1525 he completed his task and dedicated

the book to its begetter. Pope Clement vir.

In the History, as in much of his other work, Machiavelli

enriches the science of humanity with a new department.

' He was the first to contemplate the life of a nation in

' its continuity, to trace the operation of political forces

' through successive generations, to contrast the action of

' individuals with the evolution of causes over which they

' had but little control, and to bring the salient features

' of the national biography into relief by the suppression

' of comparatively unimportant details.' He found noexamples to follow, for Villani with all his merits was

of a different order. Diarists and chroniclers there were

in plenty, and works of the learned men led by Aretino

written in Latin and mainly rhetorical. The great workof Guicciardini was not published till years after the


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MACHIAVELLISecretary's death. Machiavelli broke away from the INTRO-

Chronicle or any other existing form. He deliberately,,-^ii£_^

applied philosophy to the sequence of facts. He organised

civil and political history. He originally intended to begin

his work at the year 1234, the year of the return of Cosimo

il Vecchio from exile and of the consolidation of Medicean

power on the ground that the earlier periods had been

covered by Aretino and Bracciolini. But he speedily

recognised that they told of nothing but external wars and

business while the heart of the history of Florence was

left unbared. The work was to do again in very different

manner, and in that manner he did it. Throughout he

maintains and insistently insinuates his unfailing explana-

tion of the miseries of Italy ; the necessity of unity and the

evils of the Papacy which prevents it. In this book dedi-

cated to a Pope he scants nothing of his hatred of the Holy

See. For ever he is still seeking the one strong man in a

blatant land with almost absolute power to punish, pull

down, and reconstruct on an abiding foundation, for to his

clear eyes it is ever the events that are born of the man,

and not the man of the events. He was the first to observe

that the Ghibellines were not only the Imperial party

but the party of the aristocrats and influential men, whereas

the Guelphs were the party not only of the Church but of

the people, and he traces the slow but increasing struggle

to the triumph of democracy in the Ordinamenti di Giustizia

(1293). But the triumph was not final. The Florentines

were 'unable to preserve liberty and could not tolerate

' slavery.' So the fighting, banishments, bloodshed,

cruelty, injustice, began once more. The nobles were in

origin Germanic, he points out, the people Latin ; so that


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- a racial bitterness gave accent to their hate. But yet, heDDCTION

g^jjg impartially, when the crushed nobility were forced

to change their names and no longer dared be heard,

' Florence was not only stripped of arms but likewise of

' all generosity.' It would be impossible to follow the

History in detail. The second, seventh and eighth books

are perhaps the most powerful and dramatic. Outside

affairs and lesser events are lightly touched. But no

stories in the world have been told with more intensity

than those of the conspiracies in the seventh and eighth

books, and none have given a more intimate and accurate

perception of the modes of thought and feeling at the time.

The History ends with the death of Lorenzo de Medici in

1492. Enough has been said of its breadth of scope

and originality of method. The spirit of clear flaming

patriotism, of undying hope that will not in the darkest

day despair, the plangent appeal to Italy for its own great

sake to rouse and live, all these are found pre-eminently

in the History as they are found wherever Machiavelli

speaks from the heart of his heart. Of the style a foreigner

may not speak. But those who are proper judges maintain

that in simplicity and lucidity, vigour, and power, soft-

ness, elevation, and eloquence, the style of Machiavelli is

' divine,' and remains, as that of Dante among the poets,

unchallenged and insuperable among all writers of Italian


Other Works Though Machiavelli must always stand as a political

thinker, an historian, and a military theorist it wouldleave an insufficient idea of his mental activities werethere no short notice of his other literary works. With


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MACHIAVELLIhis passion for incarnating his theories in a single person- INTRO-

ality, he wrote the Life of Castrucdo Castracani, a politico-

military romance. His hero was a soldier of fortune born

at Lucca in 1281, and, playing with a free hand, Machia-

velli weaves a life of adventure and romance in which

his constant ideas of war and politics run through and

across an almost imaginary tapestry. He seems to have

intended to illustrate and to popularise his ideals and to

attain by a story the many whom his discourses could not

reach. In verse Machiavelli was fluent, pungent, and

prosaic. The unfinished Golden Ass is merely made of

paragraphs of the Discorsi twined into rhymes. And the

others are little better. Countless pamphlets, essays,

and descriptions may be searched without total waste

by the very curious and the very leisurely. The many

despatches and multitudinous private letters tell the story

both of his life and his mind. But the short but famous

Novella di Belfagor Arcidiavolo is excellent in wit, satire,

and invention. As a playwright he wrote, among many

lesser efibrts, one supreme comedy, Mandragola, which

Macaulay declares to be better than the best of Goldoni's

plays, and only less excellent than the very best of

Moliere's. Italian critics call it the finest play in Italian.

The plot is not for nursery reading, but there are tears and

laughter and pity and anger to furnish forth a copious

autlifor, and it has been not ill observed that Mandragola \»

the comedy of a society of which The Prince is the tragedy.

It has been said of the Italians of the Renaissance that The End

with so much of unfairness in their policy, there was an

extraordinary degree of fairness in their intellects. They


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MACHIAVELLIINTRO- were as direct in thought as they were tortuous in action,

DUCTIONg^jjjj could see no wickedness in deceiving a man whom

they intended to destroy. To such a charge—if charge

it be—Machiavelli would have willingly owned himself

answerable. He observed, in order to know, and he wished

to use his knowledge for the advancement of good. To

him the means were indifferent, provided only that they

were always apt and moderate in accordance with necessity.

A surgeon has no room for sentiment : in such an operator

pity were a crime. It is his to examine, to probe, to

diagnose, flinching at no ulcer, sparing neither to himself

or to his patient; And if he may not act, he is to lay

down very clearly the reasons which led to his conclusions

and to state the mode by which life itself may be saved,

cost what amputation and agony it may. This was

Machiavelli's business, and he applied his eye, his brains,

and his knife with a relentless persistence, which, only

because it was so faithful, was not' called heroic. And we

know that he suffered in the doing of it and that his heart

was sore for his patient. But there was no other way.

His record is clear and shining. He has been accused of

no treachery, of no evil action. His patriotism for Italy

as a fatherland, a dream undreamt by any other, never

glowed more brightly than when Italy lay low in shame,

and ruin, and despair. His faith never faltered, his spirit

never shrank. And the Italy that he saw, through dark

bursts of storm, broken and sinking, we see to-day riding

in the sunny haven where he would have her to be.



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1560Menfs. Itdij.

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ELIZABETH, by the Grace of God, Queneof Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande,

defender of the faithe, and of the Churche

of Englande, and Irelande, on yearth

next under God, the supreme


LTHOUGH eommonlie every man,

moste worthie and renoumed

Soveraine, seketh specially to

commend and extoUe the thing,

whereunto he feleth hymself

naturally bent and inclined, yet

al soche parciallitie and private affection laid

aside, it is to bee thought (that for the defence,

maintenaunce, and advauncemente of a Kyng-

dome, or Common weale, or for the good and

due observacion of peace, and administracion of

Justice in the same) no one thinge to be more

profitable, necessarie, or more honourable, then

the knowledge of service in warre, and dedes of

armes; bicause consideryng the ambicion of the

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THE ARTE OF WARREEPISTLE worlde, it is impossible for any realme or dominion,

long to continue free in quietnesse and savegarde,

where th'e defence of the sweard is not alwaies

in a readinesse. For like as the Grekes, beyng

occupied aboute triflyng matters, takyng pleasure

in resityng of Comedies, and soche other vain

thinges, altogether neclecting Marciall feates,

gave occasion to Philip kyng of Macedonia, father

to Alexander the Great, to oppresse and to bring

theim in servitude, under his subjeccion, even so

undoubtedly, libertie will not be kepte, but menshall be troden under foote, and brought to moste

horrible miserie and calamitie, if thei givyng

theim selves to pastymes and pleasure, forssake

the juste regarde of their owne defence, and

savegarde of their countrie, whiche in temporall

regimente, chiefly consisteth in warlike skilful-

nesse. And therefore the aunciente Capitaines

and mightie Conquerours, so longe as thei florished,

did devise with moste greate diligence, all maner

of waies, to bryng their men to the perfect know-

ledge of what so ever thing appertained to the

warre : as manifestly appereth by the warlike

games, whiche in old time the Princes of Grecia

ordained, upon the mount Olimpus, and also

by thorders and exercises, that the aunciente


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLRomaines used in sundrie places, and specially epistle

in Campo Martio, and in their wonderful sump-

tuous Theaters, whiche chiefly thei builded to

that purpose. Whereby thei not onely madetheir Souldiours so experte, that thei obtained

with a fewe, in faightyng againste a greate houge

multitude of enemies, soche marveilous victories,

as in many credible Histories are mencioned, but

also by the same meanes, their unarmed and

rascalle people that followed their Campes, gotte

soche understandyng in the feates of warre, that

thei in the daie of battaile, beeyng lefte destitute

of succour, were able without any other help, to

set themselves in good order, for their defence

againste the enemie, that would seke to hurte

theim, and in soche daungerous times, have doen

their countrie so good service, that verie often

by their helpe, the adversaries have been put to

flight, and fieldes moste happely wone. So that

thantiquitie estemed nothing more happie in a

common weale, then to have in the same manymen skilfull in warlike affaires : by meanes whereof,

their Empire continually inlarged, and moste won-

derfully and triumphantly prospered. For so

longe as men for their valiauntnesse, were then

rewarded and had in estimacion, glad was he that


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THE ARTE OF WARREEPISTLE could finde occasion tp venter, yea, and spende

TORIE ^^^ ^^^' ^^ benefite his countrie : as by the manly

actes that Marcus Curcius, Oracius Codes, and

Gains Mucins did for the savegarde of Rome,

and also by other innumerable like examples,

dpopth plainly appeare. But when through long

and continuall peace, thei began to bee altogether

given tp pleasure and delicatenesse, little regard-

yng Marciall feates, nor soche as were expert in

the practise thereof : Their dominions and estates,

did not so moche before increase and prospere,

as then by soche meanes and oversight, thei

sodainly fell into decaie and utter ruine. For

soche truly is the nature and condicion, bothe

of peace and warre, that where in governemente,

there is not had equalle consideracion of thembothe, the one in fine, doeth woorke and induce,

tlie others oblivion and utter abholicion. Wher-fore, sith the necessitie of the science of warres is

so greate, and also the necessarie use thereof so

manifeste, that even Ladie Peace hpr self, doeth

in maner from thens crave her chief defence andpreservacion, and the worthinesse moreover, and

honour of the same so greate, that as by prose wpsee, the perfecte glorie therof, cannot easely fin^p

roote, but in the hartes of moste noble couragious

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLand manlike persoilages, I thoughi most excellerlte

Princfes, I could not either to the Specialle gratfe-

fiyng of your highnesse, the universal! delight of

all studious gentlemen, or the common utilitie

of the publike wealth, imploie my labours more

profitablie in accomplishyng of my duetie and

good will, then in settyng foorthe some thing,

that might induce to the augmentyhg and increase

of the knowledge thereof : inespeciaUy thexample

of your highnes most politike governemente over

us, givyng plaine testimonie of the wonderful!

prudente desire that is in you, to have your

people instructed in this kinde of Service, as

well for the better defence of your highnesse,

theim selves, and their countrie, as also to dis-

courage thereby, and to be able to resist the

malingnitie of the enemie, who otherwise would

seeke peradventure, to invade this noble realme

0* kyngdome.

When therfore about x. yeres paste, in the

Emperours warres against the Mores and certain

Turkes beyng in Barberie, at the siege and

winnyng of Calibbia, Monesterio and Africa, I

had as well for my further instruction in those

fiflfaires, as also the better to acquainte me with

the Italian tongue, reduced into Englishe, the



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THE ARTE OF WARREEPISTLE booke called The arte of Warre, of the famous

and excellente Nicholas Machiavell, whiche in

times paste he beyng a counsailour, and Secretarie

of the noble Citee of Florence, not without his

greate laude and praise did write : and havyng

lately againe, somwhat perused the same, the

whiche in soche continuall broiles and unquiet-

nesse, was by me translated, I determined with myself, by publishyng thereof, to bestowe as greate

a gift (sins greater I was not able) emongeste

my countrie men, not experte in the Italian

tongue, as in like woorkes I had seen before me, the

Frenchemen, Duchemen, Spaniardes, and other

forreine nacions, moste lovyngly to have bestowed

emongeste theirs : The rather undoubtedly, that

as by private readyng of the same booke, I then

felt my self in that knowledge marvellously

holpen and increased, so by communicatyng the

same to many, our Enghshemen findyng out

the orderyng and disposyng of exploictes of

warre therein contained, the aide and direction

of these plaine and briefe preceptes, mightno lesse in knowledge of warres become in-

comperable, then in prowes also and exercise

of the same, altogether invincible: which mytranslacion moste gracious Soveraine, together

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwith soche other thynges, as by me hath been epistle

gathered, and thought good to adde thereunto,

I have presumed to dedicate unto youre highnes


not otiely bicause the whole charge and furniture

of warlike counsailes and preparacions, being

determined by the arbitremente of Governours

and Princes, the treatise also of hke effecte should

in like maner as of right, depende upon the pro-

tection of a moste worthie and noble Patronesse,

but also that the discourse it self, and the woorke

of a forrein aucthour, under the passeport and

safeconduite of your highnes moste noble name,

might by speciall aucthoritie of the same, winne

emongest your Majesties subjectes, moche better

credite and estimacion. And if mooste mightie

Queen, in this kind of Philosophic (if I male so

terme it) grave and sage counsailes, learned and

wittie preceptes, or politike and prudente admoni-

cionSj ought not to be accompted the least and

basest tewels of weale publike. Then dare I

boldely affirme, that of many straungers, whiche

from forrein countries, have here tofore in this

your Majesties realme arrived, there is none in

comparison to bee preferred, before this worthie

Florentine and Italian, who havyng frely with-

out any gaine of exchaunge (as after someB 9

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THE ARTE OF WARREEPISTLE acquaintaunce and familiaritie will better appeare)

brought with hym moste riche, rare and plentiful!

Treasure, shall deserve I trust of all good Eng-

lishe hartes, most lovingly and frendly to be

intertained, embraced and cherished. Whose

newe Englishe apparell, how so ever it shall

seme by me, after a grosse fasion, more fitlie

appoincted to the Campe, then in nice termes

attired to the Carpet, and in course clothyng

rather putte foorthe to battaile, then in any brave

shewe prepared to the bankette, neverthelesse

my good will I truste, shall of your grace be

taken in good parte, havyng fashioned the phraise

of my rude stile, even accordyng to the purpose

of my travaile, whiche was rather to profite the

desirous manne of warre, then to delight the

eares of the fine Rethorician, or daintie curious

scholemanne : Moste humblie besechyng your

highnes, so to accept my labour herein, as the

first fruictes of a poore souldiours studie, whoto the uttermoste of his smalle power, in

the service of your moste gracious majestic,

and of his countrie, will at al tymes, accord-

yng to his bounden duetie and allegeaunce,

promptUe yeld hym self to any labour, travaile,

or daunger, what so ever shal happen. Praiyng10

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLin the mean season the almightie God, to epistle


give your highnes in longe prosperous raigne,^^^ICA-

perfect health, desired tranquilitie, and against

all your enemies, luckie and joifuU victorie.

Your humble subject and dailie oratour,

Peter Whitehorne.


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THE PROHEMEOF NICHOLAS MACHIAVELL,Citezein and Secretarie of Florence,

upon his booke of the Arte of W^rre, unto

Laurence Philippe Strozze, one ofthe

nobilitie of Florence,

HERE have Laurence, many helde, and doholde this opinion, that there is no manerof thing, whiche lesse agreeth the one withthe other, nor that is so much unlike, as

the civil life to the Souldiours. Wherbyit is often seen, that if any determin in

thexercise of that kinde of service to

prevaile, that incontinent he doeth notonly chaunge in apparel, but also in custome and maner, in

voice, and from the facion of all civil use, he doeth alter


For that he thinketh not meete to clothe with civell apparell

him, who wil be redie, and promt to all kinde of violence,

nor the civell customes, and usages maie that man have,

the whiche judgeth bothe those customes to be eiFeminate,

and those usages not to be agreable to his profession : Norit semes not convenient for him to use the civill gesture andordinarie wordes, who with fasing and blasphemies, will makeafraied other menne : the whiche causeth in this time, suche

opinion to be moste true. But if thei should consider

thauncient orders, there should nothing be founde moreunited, more confirmable, and that of necessitie ought to

love so much the one the other, as these : for as muche as

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE all the artes that are ordeined in a common weale, in regarde

PROHEME or respecte of common profite of menne, all the orders madein the same, to live with feare of the Lawe, and of God,should be vaine, if by force of armes their defence wer not

prepared, which well ordeined, doe maintain those also

whiche be not well ordeined. And likewise to the contrarie,

the good orders, without the souldiours help, no lesse or

otherwise doe disorder, then the habitacion of a sumptuous

and roiall palais, although it wer decte with gold andprecious stones, when without being covered, should not

have wherewith to defende it from the raine. And if in

what so ever other orders of Cities and Kyngdomes, there

hath been used al diligence for to maintain men faithfull,

peaceable, and full of the feare of God, in the service of

warre, it was doubled : for in what man ought the countrie

to seke greater faith, then in him, who must promise to die

for the same ? In whom ought there to bee more love of

peace, then in him, whiche onely by the warre male be

hurte ? In whome ought there to bee more feare of God,then in him, which every dale committyng himself to

infinite perilles, hath moste neede of his helpe? Thisnecessitie considered we], bothe of them that gave thelawes to Empires, and of those that to the exercise ofservice wer apoincted, made that the life of Souldiours, ofother menne was praised, and with all studie folowed andimitated. But the orders of service of war, beyng altogethercorrupted, and a greate waie from the auncient manersaltered, there hath growen these sinisterous opinions, whichmaketh men to hate the warlike service, and to flie the con-versacion of those that dooe exercise it. Albeit I judgeingby the same, that I have seen and redde, that it is not athyng impossible, to bryng it again to the auncient maners,and to give it some facion of the vertue passed, I havedetermined to the entente not to passe this my idell time,without doyng some thyng, to write that whiche I doeunderstande, to the satisfaction of those, who of auncienteactes, are lovers of the science of warre. And althoughit be a bold thing to intreate of the same matter, wher of


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLotherwise I have made no profession, notwithstanding I THEbeleve it is no errour, to occupie with wordes a degree, the PROHEMEwhiche many with greater presumpcion with their deedes

have occupied: for as muche as the errours that I maiehappen to make by writing, may be without harme to anyman corrected : but those the whiche of them be made in

doyng, cannot be knowen without the ruine of Empires.

Therefore Laurence you ought to consider the qualitie of

this my laboure, and with your judgement to give it

that blame, or that praise, as shall seeme unto you it

hath deserved. The whiche I sende unto you, as well

to shewe my selfe gratefuU, although my habilitie reche

not to the benefites, which I have received of you, as

also for that beyng the custome to honour with like

workes them who for nobilitie, riches, wisedome, andliberalitie doe shine : I knowe you for riches, and

nobilitie, not to have many peeres, for wisedomefewe, and for liberalitie none.


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AVhy a good man ought not to exersise warfare as his

arte,. ...... 33

Deedes of armes ought to be used privatly in time of

peace for exersise, and in time of warre for neces-

setie and renoume, . . . . -36The strength of an armie is the footemen, . . 38

The Romaines renued their Legions and had men in the

flower of their age, . . . .38Whether men of armes ought to be kept, . . 40

What is requisete for the preparyng of an armie, . 42

Out of what contrie souldiers ought to be chosen, . 43

Souldiers ought to bee chosen, by thaucthoritie of the

Prince, of suche men as be his oune subjectes, . 44

The difference of ages, that is to be taken in the

chosinge of souldiours for the restoring of an olde

^ power and for the making of a newe, . . 44

C 17

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE The weapons or power that is prepared, of the naturall

subjectes, of a common weale bringeth profit and

not hurte, ...... 47

What cause letted the Venetians^ that they made not a

Monarchi of the worlde, . . . .48How an armie maye bee prepared in the countrie, where

were no exersise of warre, . . . .49The custome that the Romaines used, in the chosyng of

their souldiours, . . . . .51The greater number of men is best, . -53Whether the multitude of armed men ar occation of

confusion and of dissorder, . . . -55How to prohibite, that the Capitaines make no discension, 57


What armour the antiquetie used, . . .61The occation of the boldenes of the duchemen, . . 64

Whiche maner of armyng menne is better either the

Duche or Romaine fasion, . . . .64Diverse examples of late dayes, . . . .66An example of Tigran, . . . . .69Whether the footemen or the horsemen ought to bee

estemed moste, . . . . .70The cause whie the Romaines were overcome of the

parthians, . . . . . .71What order, or what vertue maketh, that footemen

overcum horsemen, . . . .7118

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLHowe the antiquitie exersised their men to learne them

to handle their weapons, ....What the antiquitie estemed moste happie in a common

weale, ......The maner, of maintainyng the order, .

What a legion is, of Grekes called a Falange, and of

Frenchemen Catterva, ....The devision of a legion, and the divers names of orders.

The order of batellraye, and the manner of appoincting

the battels,......How to order, CCCC.L. men to doo some severall feate,

The fation of a battaile that the Suisers make like a

crosse, ...... 90

What carriages the Capitaines ought to have, and the

number of carriages requisite to every band of men, 91

Diverse effectes caused of diverse soundes, . . 93

Whereof cometh the utilitie, and the dissorder of the

armies that are now a daies, . . .93The manner of arminge men, . . .97The number of carriages that men of armes and lighte

horsemen ought to have, . . .98


The greatest dissorder that is used now a dayes in the

orderinge of an armie, . . . .102How the Romaines devided their armie in Hastati,

Principi and Triarii, . . . . .10219


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THE The manner that the Romaines used to order them

selves agayne in the overthrow, . . .103The custom of the Greekes, . • • -103A maine battaile of Suissers, . . .104How manie legions of Romaine Citesens was in an ordi-

narie armie, . . . . • • 105

The manner how to pitche a fielde to faighte a battaile, 106

Ofwhat number of faighting men an armie oughte to be, no

The description of a battaile that is a faighting, . in

An exsample of Ventidio faighting against the Parthians, 114

An example of Epaminondas, . . . .115How the Artillerie is unproffitable, . . .116How that a maine battaile of Suissers cannot ocupie

more then fower pikes, . . . .120How the battailes when thei cum to be eight or ten,

maye be receyved in the verie same space, that

received the fyve, . . . . .123The armes that the Standarde of all tharmie ought to

have, . . . . . .125Divers examples of the antiquetie, . . .126


Whether the fronte of the armie ought to bee made large, 132

To how many thinges respecte ought to be had, in the

ordringe of an armie, . . . -133An example of Scipio, . . . . .134


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In what place a Capitain maie order his armie with THErp A TIT Xf

savegarde not to be elene overthrowen, . • I3S^^"'^^

Aniball and Scipio praised for the orderynge of their

armies, . . . . . . 135

Cartes used of the Asiaticans, . . . -137Diverse examples of the antiquitie, . . -137The prudence which the Capitaine ought to use, in the

accidence that chaunse in faightinge, . . 138

What a Capitaine ought to doo, that is the conqueror,

or that is conquered, . .• .140

A Capitaine ought not to faighte the battaile, but with

advauntage, excepte he be constrained, . . 142

How to avoide the faightinge of the fielde, . . 144 v

Advertismentes that the Capitaine ought to have, . 146

Speakyng to souldiers helpeth muche to make them to

be curagious and bolde, . . . .146Whether all the armie ought to bee spoken unto, or

onely to the heddes thereof, . . 147


The manner how to leade an armie gowinge thorough

suspected places, or to incounter the enemie, . 152

An example of Aniball, . . . . .156Wether any thing oughte to bee commaunded with the

voise or with the trompet, . . . .159The occations why the warres made now a dayes, doo

impoverish the conquerors as well as the conquered, 162


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THE - Credite ought not to be given to thinges which stand

TABLE nothinge with reason, . . • .164The armie ought not to knowe what the Capitaine pur-

poseth to doo, . . • • -165

Diverse examples, . . . .167


The maner how to incampe an armie, . . .175How brode the spaces and the wayes ought to be within

the campe, ...... 182

What waye ought to be used when it is requiset to

incampe nere the enemie, . . . .184How the watche and warde ought to be apoincted in

the campe, and what punishmente they ought to

have that doo not their dutie, . . .186How the Romaines prohibited women to be in their

armies and idell games to be used, . . . 188

How to incampe accordinge to the nomber of men, and

what nomber of menne maie suffise againste, what

so ever enemie that wer, .... 191

How to doo to be assured, of the fideletie of those that

are had in suspition, . . . .193What a Capitaine ought to doo beinge beseged of his

enemies, . . . . . .194Example of CoriUano and others, . . .195It is requiset chiefly for a Capitain to kepe his souldiers

punished and payed, . . . .197

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLOfaguries, ......Moste excellent advertismentes and poUicies,

The occation of the overthrowe of the Frenchmen at

Garigliano, . . . . . .202


197 THE

.98 v"^^^^


Cities are strong, either by nature or by industrie, . 205

The maner of fortificacion, .... 205

Bulwarkes ought not to be made oute of a towne

distante from the same, .... 207

Example of Genoa, . . . . .208Of the Countes Catherin, .... 208

The fation of percuUesies used in Almaine, . . 210

Howe the battehnentes of waUes were made at the first,

and how thei are made now adaies,


. .210The provisions that is mete to bee made, for the defence

of a towne, . . .• . .212

Divers pollicies, for the beseginge and defendinge of a

toune or fortres, . . . . .214Secrete conveing of letters, . . . .219The defence againste a breache,


. . .219Generall rules of warre, . . . . .222 V'


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D 25

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THE FIRST BOOKEORASMUCH as I beleve that after death,

al men maie be praised without charge,

al occasion and suspecte of flatterie

beyng taken awaie, I shal not doubte to

praise our Cosimo Ruchellay, whose namewas never remembred of me withoutteares, havyng knowen in him those

condicions, the whiche in a good frende

or in a citezien, might of his freendes, or of his countrie, bedesired : for that I doe not knowe what thyng was so muchehis, not excepting any thing (saving his soule) which for his

frendes willingly of him should not have been spent : I

knowe not what enterprise should have made him afraide,

where the same should have ben knowen to have been for

the benefite of his countrie. And I doe painly confesse, notto have mette emongest so many men, as I have knowen,and practised withal, a man, whose minde was more inflamed

then his, unto great and magnificent thynges. Nor helamented not with his frendes of any thyng at his death,

but because he was borne to die a yong manne within his

owne house, before he had gotten honour, and accordynge

to his desire, holpen any manne : for that he knewe, that

of him coulde not be spoken other, savyng that there should

be dead a good freende. Yet it resteth not for this, that

we, and what so ever other that as we did know him, are

not able to testifie (seeyng his woorkes doe not appere) of

his lawdable qualities. True it is, that fortune was not for

al this, so muche his enemie, that it left not some brief


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE record of the readinesse of his witte, as doeth declare

FIRSTE certains of his writinges, and settyng foorthe of amorousBOOKE verses, wherin (although he were not in love) yet for that

he would not consume time in vain, til unto profounder

studies fortune should have brought him, in his youthful!

age he exercised himselfe. Whereby moste plainly maie be

comprehended, with how moche felicitie he did describe his

conceiptes, and how moche for Poetrie he shoidd have benestemed, if the same for the ende therof, had of him benexercised. Fortune having therfore deprived us from the

use of so great a frende, me thinketh there can bee founde

no other remedie, then as muche as is possible, to seke to

enjoye the memorie of the same, and to repeate suche

thynges as hath been of him either wittely saied, or wisely

disputed. And for as much as there is nothyng of himmore freshe, then the reasonyng, the whiche in his last daies

Signior Fabricio Collonna, in his orchard had with him,where largely of the same gentilman were disputed matters

of warre, bothe wittely and prudently, for the moste parte

of Cosimo demaunded, I thought good, for that I was pre-

sent there with certain other of our frendes, to bring it to

memorie, so that reading the same, the frendes of Cosimo,whiche thether came, might renewe in their mindes, the

remembraunce of his vertue : and the other part beyng sorie

for their absence, might partly learne hereby many thyngesprofitable, not onely to the life of Souldiours, but also

to civil mennes lives, which gravely of a moste wise manwas disputed. Therfore I saie, that Fabricio Collonnaretournyng out of Lombardie, where longe time greatly to

his glorie, he had served in the warres the catholike kyng,he determined, passyng by Florence, to rest himself certain

daies in the same citee, to visite the Dukes excellencie, andto see certaine gentilmen, whiche in times paste he had beenacquainted withal. For whiche cause, unto Cosimo it wasthought beste to bid him into his orchard, not so muche touse his liberalitee, as to have occasion to talke with him atleasure, and of him to understande and to learne divers

thinges, accordyng as of suche a man maie bee hoped for,

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLsemyng to have accasion to spende a dale in reasonyng THEof suche matters, which to his minde should best satisfie FIRSTEhim. Then Fabricio came, accordyng to his desire, and was BOOKEreceived of Cosimo together, with certain of his trustie

frendes, emongest whome wer Zanoby Buondelmonti, Bap-tiste Palla, and Luigi AUamanni, all young men loved

of him, and of the very same studies moste ardente, whosegood qualities, for as muche as every dale, and at every

houre thei dooe praise them selves, we will omit. Fabritio

was then accordjmg to the time and place honoured, of all

those honours, that thei could possible devise : But the

bankettyng pleasures beyng passed, and the tabel taken up,

and al preparacion of feastinges consumed, the which are

sone at an ende in sight of greate men, who to honorablestudies have their mindes set, the dale beyng longe, and the

heate muche, Cosimo judged for to content better his desire,

that it wer well doen, takyng occasion to avoide the heate,

to bring him into the moste secret, and shadowest place

of his garden. Where thei beyng come, and caused to sit,

some upon herbes, some in the coldest places, other uponlitle seates which there' was ordeined, under the shadow of

moste high trees, Fabritio praiseth the place, to be delect- How Seniour

able, and particularly consideryng the trees, and not Fabncio

knowyng some of them, he did stande musinge in his ntw'^ntSminde, whereof Cosimo beeyng a ware saied, you have not ^en beeingperadventure ben acquainted with some of these sortes together in a

of trees : But doe not marvell at it, for as muche as there gardein,

bee some, that were more estemed of the antiquitie, then entered into

thei are commonly now a dales : and he tolde him the names matters ofof them, and how Barnardo his graundfather did travaile in warre.

suche kinde of plantyng : Fabritio replied, I thought it shuld

be thesame you sale, and this place, and this studie, mademe to remember certaine Princes of the Kyngdome of Naples,

whiche of these auncient tillage and shadow doe delight.

And staiyng upon this talke, and somewhat standyng in

a studdie, saied moreover, if I thought I should not offende,

I woud tell my opinion, but I beleeve I shall not, common-yng with friendes, and to dispute of thynges, and not to

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE condemne them. How much better thei should have doen

FIRSTE (be it spoken without displeasure to any man) to haveBOOKE sought to been like the antiquitie in thinges strong, and

sharpe, not in the delicate and softe : and in those that thei

did in the Sunne, not in the shadowe : and to take the true

and perfecte maners of the antiquitie : not those that are

false and corrupted : for that when these studies pleased myRomaines, my countrie fell into ruin. Unto which Cosimo

answered. But to avoide the tediousnesse to repeate so

many times he saied, and the other answered, there shall be

onely noted the names of those that speakes, without

rehersing other.

Then Cosimo saied, you have opened the waie of a

reasoning, which I have desired, and I praie you that youwill speake withoute respecte, for that that I without

respecte will aske you, and if I demaundyng, or repliyng

shall excuse, or accuse any, it shal not be to excuse, or

accuse, but to understande of you the truth.

Fabritio. And I shall be very well contented to tell youthat, whiche I understand of al the same that you shall aske

me, the whiche if it shall be true, or no, I wil report me to

your judgemente : and I will be glad that you aske me, for

that I am to learne, as well of you in askyng me, as you of

me in aunswerynge you : for as muche as many times a wise

demaunder, maketh one to consider many thynges, and to

knowe many other, whiche without havyng been demaunded,he should never have knowen.

Cosimo. I will retourne to thesame, that you said first, that

my graundfather and those your Princes, should have doenmore wisely, to have resembled the antiquitie in hard thinges,

then in the delicate, and I will excuse my parte, for that, the

other I shall leave to excuse for you. I doe not beleve that

in his tyme was any manne, that so moche detested the livyngin ease, as he did, and that so moche was a lover of the samehardenesse of life, whiche you praise : notwithstandyng heknewe not how to bee able in persone, nor in those of his

sonnes to use it, beeyng borne in so corrupte a worlde,where one that would digresse from the common use, should


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbee infamed and disdained of every man : consideryng that THEif one in the hottest day of Summer being naked, should FIRSTEwallowe hymself upon the Sande, or in Winter in the moste BOOKEcoldest monethes upon the snowe, as Diogenes did, heshould be taken as a foole. If one, (as the Spartans werewonte to doe) should nourishe his children in a village,

makyng them to slepe in the open aire, to go with heddeand feete naked, to washe them selves in the colde water for

to harden them, to be able to abide moche paine, and for to

make theim to love lesse life, and to feare lesse death, he

should be scorned, and soner taken as a wilde beast, then as

a manne. If there wer seen also one, to nourishe himself

with peason and beanes, and to despise gold, as Fabritio

doeth, he should bee praised of fewe, and followed of none


so that he being afraied of this present maner of livyng, he

left thauncient facions, and thesame, that he could with

lest admiracion imitate in the antiquitie, he did.

Fabkitio. You have excused it in this parte moostestrongly : and surely you saie the truthe : but I did notspeake so moche of this harde maner of livyng, as of other

maners more humaine, and whiche have with the life nowa dales greater conformitie. The whiche I doe not beleve,

that it hath been difficulte to bryng to passe unto one, whofe nombred emongest Princes of a citee : for the provyngwhereof, I will never seke other, then thexample of the

Komaines. Whose lives, if thei wer well considred, andthorders of thesame common weale, there should therin be

seen many thinges, not impossible to induce into a comin-altie, so that it had in her any good thing.

CosiMO. What thynges are those, that you would induce

like unto the antiquitie.

• Fabricio. To honour, and to reward vertue, not to

despise povertie, to esteme the maners and orders of war-

fare, to constrain the citezeins to love one an other, to live

without sectes, to esteme lesse the private, than the publike,

and other like thinges, that easily might bee with this time

accompanied : the which maners ar not difficult to bring to

passe, when a man should wel consider them, and entre


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE therin by due meanes: for asmoche as in thesame, the

FIRSTE truth so moche appereth, that every common wit, maie

BOOKE easely perceive it : which thing, who that ordeineth, doth

plant trees, under the shadewe wherof, thei abide morehappie, and more pleasantly, then under these shadowes of

this goodly gardeine.

CosiMO. I will not speake any thyng againste thesame that

you have saied, but I will leave it to bee judged of these,

whom easely can judge, and I will tourne my communicacion

to you, that is an accusar of theim, the whiche in grave, and

greate doynges, are not followers of the antiquitie, think-

yng by this waie more easely to be in my entent satisfied.

Therfore, I would knowe of you whereof it groweth, that

of the one side you condempne those, that in their doynges

resemble not the antiquitie? Of the other, in the warre,

whiche is your art, wherin you are judged excellent, it is

not seen, that you have indevoured your self, to br3mg the

same to any soche ende, or any thyng at all resembled

therein the auncient maners.

Fabeicio. You are happened upon the poincte, where

I loked: for that my talke deserved no other question:

nor I desired other : and albeit that I could save my self

with an easie excuse, not withstandyng for my more con-

tentacion, and yours, seyng that^the season beareth it, I

will enter in moche longer reasoning. Those men, whiche

will enterprise any thyng, ought firste with all diligence to

prepare theim selves, to be ready and apte when occasion

serveth, to accomplishe that, which thei have determined to

worke: and for that when the preparacions are madecraftely, thei are not knowen, there cannot be accused anyman of any negligence, if firste it be not disclosed bythoccasion : in the which working not, is after seen, either

that there is not prepared so moche as suffiseth, or that

there hath not been of any part therof thought upon. Andfor as moche as to me there is not come any occasion to beable, to shewe the preparacions made of me, to reduce the

servise of warre into his auncient orders, if I have notreduced it, I cannot be of you, nor of other blamed: I


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbeleve this excuse shuld suffise for answere to your accuse- THEment. FIRSTE

CosiMO. It should suffice, when I wer certain, that thoccasion BOOKEwer not come.

Fabkicio. But for that I know, that you maie doubt whetherthis occasion hath been cum, or no, I will largely (when youwith pacience wiU heare me) discourse what preparacions are

necessary first to make, what occasion muste growe, whatdifficultie doeth let, that the preparacions help not, and whythoccasion cannot come, and how these things at ones, whichseme contrary endes, is most difficill, and most easie to do.

CosiMO. You cannot do bothe to me, and unto these other,

a thing more thankful! then this. And if to you it shall notbe tedious to speake, unto us it shal never be grevous to

heare : but for asmoch as this reasonyng ought to be long,

I will with your license take helpe of these my frendes : andthei, and I praie you of one thyng, that is, that you will notbee greved, if some tyme with some question of importaunce,we interrupte you.

Fabkicio. I am moste well contented, that you Cosimowith these other younge men here, doe aske me : for that I

beleve, that youthfulnes, will make you lovers of warlike

thinges, and more easie to beleve thesame, that of me shalbe

saied. These other, by reason of havyng nowe their heddewhite, and for havyng upon their backes their bloude con-

geled, parte of theim are wonte to bee enemies of warre,

parte uncorrectable, as those, whom beleve, that tymes, andnot the naughtie maners, constraine men to live thus: so

that safely aske you all of me, and without respecte : the

whiche I desire, as well, for that it maie be unto me a little

ease, as also for that I shall have pleasure, npt to leave in

your mynde any doubt. I will begin at your woordes, whereyou saied imto me, that in the warre, that is my arte, I hadnot indevoured to bryng it to any aunciente ende : where-

upon I sale, as this beyug an arte, whereby men of no manerof age can live honestly, it cannot bee used for an arte, butof a common weale : or of a kyngdome : and the one andthe other of these, when thei bee well ordeined, will never

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Why a goodman oughtnever to usethe exercise

of armes, as

his art.

THE ARTE OF WARREconsente to any their Citezeins, or Subjectes, to use it for

any arte, nor never any good manne doeth exercise it for his

particulare arte : for as moche as good he shall never bee

judged, whom maketh an excersise thereof, where purposing

alwaies to gaine thereby, it is requisite for hym to be raven-

yng, deceiptfuU, violente, and to have many qualities, the

whiche of necessitie maketh hym not good : nor those mennecannot, whiche use it for an arte, as well the greate as the

leaste, bee made otherwise: for that this arte doeth not

nourishe them in peace. Wherfore thei ar constrained,

either to thinke that there is no peace, or so moche to

prevaile in the tyme of warre, that in peace thei male bee

able to kepe them selves : and neither of these two

thoughtes happeneth in a good man : for that in mindyngto bee able to finde himself at all tymes, dooe growerobberies, violence, slaughters, whiche soche souldiours makeas well to the frendes, as to the enemies : and in mindyngnot to have peace, there groweth deceiptes, whiche the

capitaines use to those, whiche hire them, to the entent the

warre male continue, and yet though the peace come often,

it happeneth that the capitaines beyng deprived of their

stipendes, and of their licencious livyng, thei erecte an

ansigne of adventures, and without any pitie thei put to

sacke a province. Have not you in memorie of your affaires,

how that beyng many Souldiours in Italie without wages,

bicause the warre was ended, thei assembled together manycompanies, and went taxyng the tounes, and sackyng the

countrie, without beyng able to make any remedie ? Haveyou not red, that the Carthagenes souldiours, the first warre

beyng ended which thei had with the Romaines, under

Matho, and Spendio, twoo capitaines, rebelliously con-

stituted of theim, made more perillous warre to the

Carthaginens, then thesame whiche thei had ended with the

Romaines .'' In the time of our fathers, Frances Sforza, to

the entente to bee able to live honourably in the time of

peace, not only beguiled the Millenars, whose souldiour hewas, but he toke from them their libertie and became their

Prince. Like unto him hath been all the other souldiours34

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLof Italic, whiche have used warfare, for their particulars THEarte, and albeeit thei have not through their malignitie FIRSTEbecomen Dukes of Milein, so moche the more thei deserve BOOKEto bee blamed : for that although thei have not gotten so

moch as he, thei have all (if their lives wer seen) sought tobring the like thynges to passe. Sforza father of Fraunces,constrained Quene Jone, to caste her self into the armesof the king of Aragon, havyng in a sodain forsaken her, andin the middest of her enemies, lefte her disarmed, onely to

satisfie his ambicion, either in taxyng her, or in takyng fromher the Kyngdome. Braccio with the verie same industrie,

sought to possesse the kyngdome of Naples, and if he hadnot been overthrowen and slaine at Aquila, he had broughtit to passe. Like disorders growe not of other, then of soche

men as hath been, that use the exercise of warfare, for their

proper arte. Have not you a Proverbe, whiche fortefieth A Proverbe

my reasons, whiche saieth, that warre maketh Theves, and of wane and

Eeace hangeth theim up ? For as moche as those, whiche P^^''^-

nowe not how to live of other exercise, and in the samefinding not enie man to sustayne theym, and havyng not so

moche power, to knowe how to reduce theim selves together,

to make an open rebellion, they are constrayned of necessetie

to Robbe in the highe waies, and Justice is enforced to

extinguishe theim.

CosiMo. You have made me to esteme this arte of war-

fare almoste as nothyng, and I have supposed it the mosteexcellentes, and moste honourableste that hath been used


so that if you declare me it not better, I cannot remainesatisfied: For that when it is thesame, that you sale, I

knowe not, whereof groweth the glorie of Cesar, of Pompei,of Scipio, of Marcello, and of so many Romaine Capitaines,

whiche by fame are celebrated as Goddes.Fabricio. I have not yet made an ende of disputyng al

thesame, that I purposed to propounde : whiche were twoothynges, the one, that a good manne could not use this

exercise for his arte : the other, that a common weale or

a kingdome well governed, did never permitte, that their

Subjectes or Citezeins should use it for an arte. Aboute the


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE firste, I have spoken as moche as hath comen into my

FIRSTS mynde: there remaineth in me to speake of the seconde,

BOOKE where I woU come to aunswere to this your laste question,

and I saie that Pompey and Cesar, and almoste all those

Capitaines, whiche were at Rpme, after the laste Cartha-

genens warre, gotte fame as valiaunt men, not as good, andthose whiche lived before them, gotte glorie as valiaunte andgood menne : the whiche grewe, for that these tooke not the

exercise of warre for their arte : and those whiche I namedfirste, as their arte did use it. And so longe as the commonweale lived unspotted, never any noble Citezein would pre-

sume, by the meane of soche exercise, to availe thereby in

peace, breakyng the lawes, spoilyng the Provinces, usurp-

yng, and plaiyng the Tyraunte in the countrie, and in every

maner prevailyng : nor any of how lowe degree so ever thei

were, would goe aboute to violate the Religion, confederat-

yng theim selves with private men, not to feare the Senate,

or to followe any tirannicall insolence, for to bee able to

live with the arte of warre in all tymes. But those whiche

were Capitaines, contented with triumphe, with desire did

tourne to their private life, and those whiche were membres,

would be more willyng to laie awaie their weapons, then to

take them, and every manne tourned to his science, wherebythei gotte their livyng : Nor there was never any, that wouldhope with praie, and with this arte, to be able to finde

theim selves. Of this there male be made concernyng Cite-

zeins, moste evidente conjecture, by the ensample of R«goIoAttillio, who beyng Capitain of the Romaine armies in

Affrica, and havyng as it wer overcome the Carthegenens,

he required of the Senate, licence to retourne home, to kepe

his possessions, and told them, that thei were marde of his

housbandmen. Whereby it is more clere then the Sunns,

that if thesame manne had used the warre as his arte, andby meanes thereof, had purposed to have made it profitable

unto him, havyng in praie so many Provinces, he would nothave asked license, to returne to kepe his feldes : for as

moche as every daie he might otherwise, have gotten mochemore, then the value of al those possessions : but bicause


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthese good men, and soche as use not the warre for their THEarte, will not take of thesame any thing then labour, PIRSTEperilles, and glorie, when thei are sufficiently glorious, thei BOOKEdesire to returne home, and to live of their owne science.

Concernyng menne of lowe degree, and common souldiours,

to prove that thei kepte the verie same order, it doethappeare that every one willingly absented theim selves fromsoche exercise, and when thei served not in the warre, thei

would have desired to serve, and when thei did serve, thei

would have desired leave not to have served : whiche is wel

knowen through many insamples, and inespecially seeyng

how emonge the firste privileges, whiche the Romaine people

gave to their Citezeins was, that thei should not be con-

strained against their willes, to serve in the warres. There-fore, Rome so long as it was well governed, whiche wasuntill the commyng of Graccus, it had not any Souldiour

that would take this exercise for an arte, and therefore it

had fewe naughtie, and those few wer severely punished.

Then a citee well governed, ought to desire, that this studie

of warre, be used in tyme of peace for exercise, and in the

time of warre, for necessitie and for glorie : and to suffer

onely the common weale to use it for an arte, as Rome did,

and what so ever Citezein, that hath in soche exercise other

ende, is not good, and what so ever citee is governed other-

wise, is not well ordeined.

CosiMO. I remain contented enough and satisfied of the-

same, whiche hetherto you have told, and this conclusion

pleaseth me verie wel whiche you have made, and as mucheas is loked for touching a common welth, I beleve that it is

true, but concerning Kinges, I can not tell nowe, for that I

woulde beleve that a Kinge would have about him, whomeparticularly should take suche exercise for his arte.

Fabritio. a kingdome well ordred ought moste of all

to avoide the like kinde of men, for only thei, are the

destruction of their king, and all together ministers of

tiranny, and alledge me not to the contrarie anie presente

kingdome, for that I woU denie you all those to be king-

domes well ordered, bicause the kingdomes whiche have


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE good orders, give not their absolute Empire unto their

FIRSTE king, saving in the armies, for as much as in this place only,

BOOKE a quicke deliberation is necessarie, and for this cause a

principall power ought to be made. In the other affaires,

he ought not to doe any thing without councell, and those

are to be feared, which councell him, leaste he have some

aboute him which in time of peace desireth to have warre,

bicause they are not able without the same to live, but in

this, I wilbe a Httle more large : neither to seke a kingdome

altogether good, but like unto those whiche be nowe a dales,

where also of a king those ought to be feared, whiche take

the warre for theire art, for that the strength of armies

without any doubte are the foote menne : so that if a king

take not order in suche wise, that his men in time of peace

may be content to returne home, and to live of their ownetrades, it will follow of necessitie, that he ruinate : for that

there is not found more perilous men, then those, whiche

make the warre as their arte : bicause in such case, a king

is inforsed either alwaies to make warre, or to paie themalwaies, or else to bee in perill, that they take not from himhis kingdome. To make warre alwaies, it is not possible


to paie them alwaies it can not be : see that of necessitie, he

runneth in peril to lese the state. The Romaines (as I have

saide) so long as they were wise and good, would never

permitte, that their Citizeins should take this exercise for

their arte, although they were able to nurtishe them therin

alwaies, for that that alwaies they made warre : but to

avoide thesame hurte, whiche this continuall exercise mightdoe them, seyng the time did not varie, they changed the

men, and from time to time toke such order with their

legions, that in xv. yeres alwaies, they renewed them : andso thei had their men in the floure of their age, that is fromxviij. to xxxiij. yeres, in which time the legges, the handes,

and the yes answere the one the other, nor thei tarried nottill there strengthe should decaie, and there naghtinesincrease, as it did after in the corrupted times. For as

muche as Octavian first, and after Tiberius, minding moretheir own proper power, then the publicke profite, began to

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLunarme the Romaine people, to be able easely to comraaunde THEthem, and to kepe continually those same armies on the FIRSTEfrontries of the Empire : and bicause also they judged those, BOOKEnot sufficient to kepe brideled the people and RomaineSenate, they ordeined an armie called Pretoriano, which laie

harde by the walles of Rome, and was as a rocke on the

backe of the same Citie. And for as much as then thei

began frely to permitte, that suche men as were apoincted

in suche exercises, should use the service of warre for their

arte, streight waie the insolence of theim grewe, that they

became fearful unto the Senate, and hurtefuU to the

Emperour, whereby ensued suche harme, that manie were

slaine thorough there insolensie: for that they gave, andtoke awaie the Empire, to whome they thought good. Andsome while it hapned, that in one self time there were manieEmperours, created of divers armies, of whiche thinges pro-

ceded first the devision of the Empire, and at laste the ruine

of the same. Therefore kinges ought, if thei wil live safely,

to have there souldiours made of men, who when it is timeto make warre, willingly for his love will go to the same,

and when the peace cometh after, more wilUngly will returne

home. Whiche alwaies wilbe, when thei shalbe men that

know how to live of other arte then this : and so theyought to desire, peace beyng come, that there Prince dootoume to goveme their people, the gentilmen to the tendingof there possessions, and the common souldiours to their

particular arte, and everie one of these, to make warre to

have peace, and not to seke to trouble the peace, to havewarre.

CosiMO. Truely this reasonyng of yours, I thinke to bee well

considered, notwithstanding beyng almost contrarie to that,

whiche till nowe I have thought, my minde as yet doeth notreste purged of aU doubte, for as muche as I see manieLordes and gentelmen, to finde them selves in time of peace,

thorough the studies of warre, as your matches bee, whohave provision of there princes, and of the cominaltie. I

see also, almost al the gentelmen of armes, remaine withtheir provision, I see manie souldiours lie in gai'ison of Cities


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE and fortresses, so that my thinkes, that there is place in time

FIRSTB of peace, for everie one.

BOOKE Fabritio. I doe not beleve that you beleve this, that in

time of peace everie man may have place, bicause, put

case that there coulde not be brought other reason, the

small number, that all they make, whiche remaine in the

places alledged of you, would answer you. What pro-

porcion have the souldiours, whiche are requiset to bee

in the warre with those, whiche in the peace are occu-

pied ? For as much as the fortreses, and the cities that be

warded in time of peace, in the warre are warded muche

more, unto whome are joyned the souldiours, whiche kepe

in the fielde, whiche are a great number, all whiche in the

peace be putte awaie. And concerning the garde of states,

whiche are a small number. Pope July, and you have shewed

to everie man, how muche are to be feared those, who will

not learne to exercise any other art, then the warre, and

you have for there insolence, deprived them from your

garde, and have placed therin Swisers, as men borne and

brought up under lawes, and chosen of the cominaltie,

according to the true election : so that sale no more, that in

peace is place for everie man. Concerning men at armes,

thei al remaining in peace with their wages, makethithis

resolution to seme more difficulte : notwithstandyng whoconsidereth well all, shall finde the answere easie, bicause

this manner of keping men of armes, is a corrupted mannerand not good, the occasion is, for that they be men, whomake thereof an arte, and of them their should grow every

dale a thousande inconveniencies in the states, where thei

should be, if thei were accompanied of sufficient company :

but beyng fewe, and not able by them selves to make anarmie, they cannot often doe suche grevous hurtes, neverthe-

lesse they have done oftentimes : as I have said of Frances,

and of Sforza his father, and of Braccio of Perugia : so that

this use of keping men of armes, I doe not alowe, for it is

a corrupte maner, and it may make great inconveniencies.

CosiMo. Woulde you live without them ? or keping them,how would you kepe them ?


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLFabritio. By waie of ordinaunce, not like to those of the THE

king of Fraunce : for as muche as they be perilous, and PIRSTEinsolent like unto ours, but I would kepe them like unto BOOKEthose of the auncient Romaines, whom created their chivalry

of their own subjectes, and in peace time, thei sente themhome unto their houses, to live of their owne trades, as morelargely before this reasoning ende, I shal dispute. So thatif now this part of an armie, can live in such exercise, as welwhen it is peace, it groweth of the corrupt order. Concern-ing the provisions, which are reserved to me, and to other

capitaines, I sale unto you, that this likewise is an order

moste corrupted : for as much as a wise common weale,

ought not to give such stipendes to any, but rather thei

ought to use for Capitaines in the warre, their Citezeins,

and in time of peace to will, that thei returne to their

occupations. Likewise also, a wise king either ought notto give to suche, or giving any, the occasion ought to beeither for rewarde of some worthy dede, or else for the desire

to kepe suche a kinde of man, as well in peace as in warre.

And bicause you alledged me, I will make ensample uponmy self, and saie that I never used the warre as an arte, for

as muche as my arte, is to goveme my subjectes, and to

defende them, and to be able to defende them, to love peace,

and to know how to make warre, and my kinge not so

muche to rewarde and esteeme me, for my knowledge in thewarre, as for the knowledge that I have to councel him in

peace. Then a king ought not to desire to have about him, A kinge that

any that is not of this condicion if he be wise, and prudently hath about

minde to goveme : for that, that if he shal have about him^rrtTmuc?

either to muche lovers of peace, or to much lovers of warre, ipygrs ofthey shall make him to* erre. I cannot in this my firste warre, or to

reasoning, and according to my purpose saie more, and when much lovers

this suflBseth you not, it is mete, you seke of them that may "^ peace shal

satisfie you better. You maie now verie well understand, gy"g^ "" "

how difficulte it is to bringe in use the auncient maners in

the presente warres, and what preparations are mete for

a wise man to make, and what occasions ought to be lokedfor, to be able to execute it. But by and by, you shall

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE know these things better, if this reasoning make you not

FIRSTE werie, conferring what so ever partes of the auncient orders

BOOKE hath ben, to the maners nowe presente.

CosiMO. If we desired at the first to here your reason of

these thinges, truly thesame whiche hetherto you have

spoken, hath doubled our desire : wherefore we thanke you

for that we have hard, and the rest, we crave of you to here.

Fabkitio. Seyng that it is so your pleasure, I will begin

to intreate of this matter from the beginning, to the intent

it maye be better understode, being able by thesame meane,

more largely to declare it. The ende of him that wil makewarre, is to be able to fight with every enemy in the fielde,

and to be able to overcum an armie. To purpose to doe

this, it is convenient to ordeine an boost. To ordein an

boost, their must be found menne, armed, ordered, and as

well in the small, as in the great orders exercised, to knowehowe to kepe araie, and to incampe, so that after bringing

them unto the enemie, either standing or marching, they

male know how to behave themselves valiantly. In this

thing consisteth all the Industrie of the warre on the lande,

whiche is the most necessarie, and the most honorablest, for

he that can wel order a fielde against the enemie, the other

faultes that he should make in the affaires of warre, wilbe

borne with : but he that lacketh this knowledge, althoughthat in other particulars he be verie good, he shal never bring

a warre to honor : for as muche as a fielde that thou winnest,

doeth cancell all other thy evill actes : so like wise lesing it,

all thinges well done of thee before, remaine vaine. Ther-fore, beyng necessarie first to finde the menne, it is requiset

to come to the choise of them. They whiche unto the wan'ehave given rule, will that the menne be chosen out of

temperate countries, to the intente they may have hardines,

and prudence, for as muche as the bote countrey, bredesprudente men and not hardy, the colde, hardy, and notprudente. This rule is good to be geven, to one that wereprince of all the world, bicause it is lawfull for him to choosemen out of those places, whiche he shall thinke beste. Butminding to give a rule, that every one may use, it is mete to


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLdeclare, that everie common weale, and every kingdoms, THEought to choose their souldiours out of their owne countrie, FIRSTEwhether it be hote, colde, or temperate : for that it is scene BOOKEby olde ensamples, how that in every countrie with exercise, Oute of what

their is made good souldiours : bicause where nature lacketh, Countrie is

the industry supplieth, the which in this case is worthe « ®*ij° "^^f

J.1- i J i 1 • ii • ii 1isouldiours to

more, then nature, and taking them in other places, you make a goodshal not have of the choise, for choise is as much to saie, as election.

the best of a province, and to have power to chuse thosethat will not, as well as those that wil serve. Wherfore,you muste take your choise in those places, that are subjecte

unto you, for that you cannot take whome you liste, in thecountries that are not yours, but you muste take suche as

will goe with you.

CosiMO. Yet there maie bee of those, that will come, takenand lefte, and therefore, thei maie be called chosen.

Fabricio. You saie the truthe in a certaine maner, but con-

sider the faultes, whiche soche a chosen manne hath in him-selfe, for that also many times it hapneth, that he is not achosen manne. For those that are not thy subjectes, andwhiche willyngly doe serve, are not of the beste, but rather

of the worste of a Province, for as moche as if any besclanderous, idell, unruly, without Religion, fugetive fromthe rule of their fathers, blasphemours, Dise plaiers, in

every condicion evill brought up, bee those, whiche will

serve, whose customes cannot be more contrarie, to a true

and good servise : Albeit, when there bee offered unto you,so many of soche men, as come to above the nomber, that

you have appoincted, you maie chuse them : but the matterbeyng naught, the choise is not possible to be good : also,

many times it chaunceth, that thei be not so many, as will

make up the nomber, whereof you have nede, so that beyngconstrained to take them al, it commeth to passe, that thei

cannot then bee called chosen men, but hired Souldiours.

With this disorder the armies of Italie,are made now a dales,

and in other places, except in Almaine, bicause there thei

doe not hire any by commaundemente of the Prince, butaccording to the will of them, that are disposed to serve.

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE Then consider now, what maners of those aunciente armies,

FIRSTE maie bee brought into an armie of men, put together byBOOKE like waies.

Cosmo. What waie oughf to bee used then?

Fabritio. Thesame waie that I saied, to chuse them of

their owne subjectes, and with the aucthoritie of the Prince.

Cosmo. In the chosen, shall there bee likewise brought in

any auncient facion ?

Fabricio. You know well enough that ye : when he that

should commaunde theim, were their Prince, or ordinarie

lorde, whether he were made chief, or as a Citezein, and for

thesame tyme Capitaine, beyng a common weale, otherwise

it is harde to make any thyng good.

CosiMO. Why ?

Fabricio. I will tell you a nane: For this time I wiU

that this suflBse you, that it cannot be wrought well by

other waie.

CosiMo. Having then to make this choyse of men in their

owne countries, whether judge you that it be better to take

them oute of the citie, or out of the countrie ?

Whether it be Fabritio. Those that have written of such matters, doebetter to take all agree, that it is best to chuse them out of themenneouteof

gQmj^.j,jg^ being men accustomed to no ease, nurished in

ofthecountrie labours, used to stonde in the sunne, to flie the shadow,

to serve. knowing how to occupy the spade, to make a diche,

to carrie a burden, and to bee without any deceite,

and without malisiousnes. But in this parte my opinion

should be, that beyng two sortes of souldiours, on foote,

and on horsebacke, that those on foote, should be chosen

out of the countrie, and those on horseback, oute of the


CosiMO. Of what age would you choose them ?

Of what age Fabricio. I would take them, when I had to make a neweSouldiours armie, from xvii. to xl. yeres : when it were made alredy,

choLV"^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^° restore them, of xvii. alwaies.

CosiMo. I doe not understonde well this distinction.

Fabricio. I shall tell you : when I should ordaine anhooste to make warre, where were no hooste alredy, it


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLshould be necessarie to chuse all those men, which were THEmost fitte and apte for the warre, so that they were FIRSTE

of servisable age, that I might bee able to instructe BOOKEtheim, as by me shalbe declared : but when I wouldmake my choise of menne in places, where a powre werealredy prepared, for suppliyng of thesame, I would take

them of xvii. yeres: for as much as the other of moreage, be alredy chosen and apoincted.

CosiMO. Then woulde you prepare a power like to those

whiche is in our countrie ?

Fabricio. Ye truly, it is so that I would arme them,Captaine them, exercise and order them in a maner, whiche

I cannot tell, if you have ordred them so.

CosiMO. Then do you praise the keping of order ?

Fabritio. Wherefore would you that I should dispraise it ?

CosiMo. Bicause many wise menne have alwaies blamed it.

Fabricio. You speake against all reason, to sale that awise man blameth order, he maie bee well thought wise,

and be nothyng so.

CosiMO. The naughtie profe, which it hath alwaies, makethus to have soche opinion thereof.

Fabricio. Take hede it be not your fault, and not the

kepyng of order, the whiche you shall knowe, before this

reasonyng be ended.

CosiMO. You shall doe a thyng moste thankfuU, yet I

will saie concernyng thesame, that thei accuse it, to the

entente you maie the better justifie it. Thei saie thus,

either it is unprofitable, and we trustyng on the same, shall

make us to lese our state, or it shall be verteous, and by the-

same meane, he that governeth may easely deprive us thereof.

Thei alledge the Romaines, who by meane of their ownepowers, loste their libertie. Thei alledge the Venicians,

and the Frenche king, whiche Venicians, bicause thei will

not be constrained, to obeie one of their owne Citezeins, use

the power of straungers : and the Frenche kyng hath dis-

armed his people, to be able more easely to commaundethem, but thei whiche like not the ordinaunces, feare mochemore the unprofitablenesse, that thei suppose maie insue


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By whatmeanes soul-

diours beemade boldeand experte.

THE ARTE OF WARREthereby, then any thyng els: the one cause whiche thei

allege is, bicause thei are unexperte : The other, for that

thei have to serve par force : for asmoche as thei sale, that the

aged bee not so dissiplinable, nor apte to learne the feate

of armes, and that by force, is doen never any thyng good.

Fabeicio. All these reasons that you have rehearsed, be of

men, whiche knoweth the thyng full little, as I shall plainly

declare. And firste, concernyng the unprofitablenesse, I tell

you, that there is no service used in any countrie moreprofitable, then the service by the Subjectes of thesame,

nor thesame service cannot bee prepared, but in this

maner : and for that this nedeth not to be disputed of, I will

not lese moche tyme : bicause al thensamples of auncient

histores, make for my purpose, and for that thei alledge the

lacke of experience, and to use constraint : I sale how it is

true, that the lacke of experience, causeth lacke of courage,

and constrainte, maketh evill contentacion : but courage,

and experience thei are made to gette, with the maner of

arrayng theim, exercisyng, aiid orderyng theim, as in pro-

ceadyng of this reasonyng, you shall lieare. But concernyngconstrainte, you ought to understande, that the menne,whicheare conducted to warfare, by commaundement of their Prince,

thei ought to come, neither altogether forced, nor altogether

willyngly, for as moche as to moche willyngnesse, wouldmake thinconveniencies, where I told afore, that he should

not be a chosen manne, and those would be fewe that wouldgo : and so to moche constraint, will bring forth naughtie

efFectes. Therefore, a meane ought to be taken, where is

not all constrainte, nor all willingnesse : but beyng drawenof a respecte, that thei have towardes their Prince, wherethei feare more the displeasure of thesame, then the presente

paine : and alwaies it shall happen to be a constrainte, in

maner mingled with willingnesse, that there cannot growesoche evil contentacion, that it make evill effectes. YetI sale not for all this, that it cannot bee overcome, for thatfull many tymes, were overcome the Romaine armies, andthe armie of Aniball was overcome, so that it is seen, thatan armie cannot be ordained so sure, that it cannot be over-


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthrowen. Therefore, these your wise men, ought not to THEmeasure this unprofitablenesse, for havyng loste ones, but FIRSTE

to beleve, that like as thei lese, so thei maie winne, and BOOKEremeadie the occasion of the losse : and when thei shall

seke this, thei shall finde, that it hath not been throughfaulte of the waie, but of the order, whiche had not his per-

feccion, and as I have saied, thei ought to provide, not with

blamyng the order, but with redressing it, the whiche howit ought to be doen, you shall understand e, from poinct

to poinct. Concernyng the doubte, leste soche ordinaunces,

take not from thee thy state, by meane of one, whiche is

made hedde therof, I answere, that the armure on the

backes of citezeins, or subjectes, given by the disposicion of

order and lawe, did never harme, but rather alwaies it doeth

good, and mainteineth the citee, moche lenger in suretie,

through helpe of this armure, then without. Rome con-

tinued free CCCC. yeres, and was armed. Sparta viii.C.

Many other citees have been disarmed, and have remainedfree, lesse then xl. For as moche as citees have nede of

defence, and when thei have no defence of their owne, thei

hire straungers, and the straunges defence, shall hurte

moche soner the common weale, then their owne: bicause

thei be moche easier to be corrupted, and a citezein that

becommeth mightie, maie moche soner usurpe, and moreeasely bryng his purpose to passe, where the people beedisarmed, that he seketh to oppresse : besides this, a citee

ought to feare a greate deale more, twoo enemies then one. A Citee that

Thesame citee that useth straungers power, feareth at one «seth the

instant the straunger, whiche it hireth, and the Citezein :gtrauaffers

and whether this feare ought to be, remember thesame, feareth at onewhiche I rehearsed a little a fore of Frances Sforza. That instaunte the

citee, whiche useth her own proper power, feareth no man, straungers,

other then onely her owne Citezein. But for all the reasons ^,.1+1, a^j thethat maie bee saied, this shall serve me, that never any citezens ofordeined any common weale, or Kyngdome, that would not thesame.

thinke, that thei theim selves, that inhabite thesame, shouldwith their sweardes defende it.

And if the Venicians had been so wise in this, as in all


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE their other orders, thei should have made a new Monarchie in

FIRSTE the world, whom so moche the more deserve blame, havyngBOOKE been armed of their first giver of lawes : for havyng no

dominion on the lande, thei wer armed on the sea,, where

thei made their warre vertuously, and with weapons in their

handes, increased their countrie. But when thei weire driven,

to make warre on the lande, to defende Vicenza, where thei

ought to have sent one of their citezens, to have fought on

the lande, thei hired for their capitain, the Marques of

Mantua: this was thesame foolishe acte, whiche cut of

their legges, from climyng into heaven, and from enlargyng

their dominion: and if thei did it, bicause thei beleved,

that as thei knewe, how to make warre on the Sea, so thei

mistrusted theim selves, to make it on the lande, it was a

raistruste not wise : for as moche as more easely, a capitain

of the sea, whiche is used to fight with the windes, with the

water, and with men, shall become a Capitaine of the lande,

where he shall fight with men onely, then a capitaine of

the lande, to become a capitain of the sea. The Romainesknowyng how to fight on the lande, and on the sea, commyngto warre, with the Carthaginens, whiche were mightie on the

sea, hired not Grekes, or Spaniardes, accustomed to the sea,

but thei committed thesame care, to their Citezeins, whiche

thei sent on the land, and thei overcame. If thei did it,

for that one of their citezeins should not become a tiraunt,

it was a feare smally considered : for that besides thesame

reasons, whiche to this purpose, a little afore I have re-

hearsed, if a Citezein with the powers on the sea, was never

made a tiraunt in a citee standyng in the sea, so moche the

lesse he should have been able to accomplishe this with the

powers of the lande: whereby thei ought to se that the

weapons in the handes of their Citezeins, could not maketirantes : but the naughtie orders of the governement, whichemaketh tirannie in a citee, and thei havyng good governe-

ment, thei nede not to feare their owne weapons : thei toke

therefore an unwise waie, the whiche hath been occasion, to

take from them moche glorie, and moche felicitie. Con-

cernyng the erroure, whiche the kyng of Fraunce committeth48

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLnot kepyng instructed his people in the warre, the whiche THEthose your wise men alledge for ensample, there is no man, FIRSTE(his particulare passions laied a side) that doeth not judge BOOKEthis fault, to be in thesame kyngdome, and this negligence

onely to make hym weake. But I have made to greate adigression, and peradventure am come out of my purpose,

albeit, I have doen it to aunswere you, and to shewe you,

that in no countrie, there can bee made sure foundacion, for

defence in other powers but of their owne subjectes : andtheir own power, cannot be prepared otherwise, then bywaie of an ordinaunce, nor by other waie, to induce the

facion of an armie in any place, nor by other meane to

ordein an instruction of warfare. If you have red the

orders, whiche those first kynges made in Rome, and in-

especially Servio Tullo, you shall finde that the orders of

the Classi is no other, then an ordinaunce, to bee able at asodaine, to bryng together an armie, for defence of thesamecitee. But let us retourne to our choise, I saie againe, that

havyng to renewe an olde order, I would take them of xvii.

havyng to make a newe armie, I would take them of all

ages, betwene xvii. and xl. to be able to warre straight waie.

CosiMO. Would you make any difference, of what science

you would chuse them ?

Fabritio. The aucthours, which have written of the arte

of warre, make difference, for that thei will not, that there

bee taken Foulers, Fishers, Cookes, baudes, nor none that

use any science of voluptuousnesse. But thei will, that there Of whatbee taken Plowmen, Ferrars, Smithes, Carpenters, Buchars, science sol-

Hunters, and soche like : but I would make little difference, ^lours ought

through conjecture of the science, concernyng the goodnesse "^ "'

of the man, notwithstandyng, in as moche as to be able with

more profite to use theim, I would make difference, and for

this cause, the countrie men, which are used to till the

grounde, are more profitable then any other. Next to

whom be Smithes, Carpentars, Ferrars, Masons, wherof it

is profitable to have enough: for that their occupacions,

serve well in many thynges : beyng a thyng verie good to

have a souldiour, of whom male be had double servise.

G 49

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE CosiMo. Wherby doe thei knowe those, that be, or are

FIRSTE not sufficient to serve.

BOOKE Fabhitio. I will speake of the maner of chusing a newordinaunce, to make an armie after, for that, parte of this

matter, doeth come also to be reasoned of, in the election,

which should be made for the replenishing, or restoring

of an old ordinaunce. I sale therfore, that the good-

nesse of one, whiche thou muste chuse for a Souldiour, is

knowen either by experience, thorough meane of some of his

worthy doynges, or by conjecture. The proofe of vertue,

cannot be founde in men whiche are chosen of newe, andwhiche never afore have ben chosen, and of these are

founde either fewe or none, in the ordinaunce that of neweis ordeined. It is necessarie therefore, lackyng this ex-

perience, to runne to the conjecture, whiche is taken bythe yeres, by the occupacion, and by the personage: of

those two first, hath been reasoned, there remaineth to

speake of the thirde. And therefore, I sale how some havewilled, that the souldiour bee greate, emongest whom wasPirrus. Some other have chosen theim onely, by the lusti-

nesse of the body, as Cesar did : whiche lustinesse of bodie

and mynde, is conjectured by the composicion of the

members, and of the grace of the countenaunce : andHovve to chose therefore, these that write sale, that thei would have thea souldiour. iygg lively and cherefull, the necke full of sinowes, the

breaste large, the armes full of muscuUes, the fingers long,

little beallie, the flankes rounde, the legges and feete drie


whiche partes are wont alwayes to make a manne nimbleand strong, whiche are twoo thynges, that in a souldiour

are sought above al other. Regarde ought to bee had aboveall thynges, to his customes, and that in hym bee honestie,

and shame : otherwise, there shall bee chosen an instrumenteof mischief, and a beginnyng of corrupcion : for that lette

no manne beleve that in the dishoneste educacion, andfilthy minde, there male take any vertue, whiche is in anyparte laudable. And I thinke it not superfluous, but ratherI beleve it to bee necessarie, to the entente you male thebetter understande, the importaunce of this chosen, to tell


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLyou the maner, that the Romaine Consuls, in the beginnyng THEof their rule, observed in the chosing of their Romain FIRSTElegions: in the whiche choise of men, bicause thesame BOOKElegions were mingled with old souldiours and newe, con-sideryng the continuall warre thei kepte, thei might in

their choise precede, with the experince of the old, and withthe conjecture of the newe : and this ought to be noted,

that these men be chosen, either to serve incontinently, or

to exercise theim incontinently, and after to serve whennede should require. But my intencion is to shew you,

how an armie male be prepared in the countrie, where there

is no warlike discipline: in which countrie, chosen mencannot be had, to use them straight waie, but there, wherethe custome is to levie armies, and by meane of the Prince,

thei maie then weU bee had, as the Romaines observed, andas is observed at this daie emong the Suisers : bicause in

these chosen, though there be many newe menne, there bealso so many of the other olde Souldiours, accustomed to

serve in the warlike orders, where the newe mingled together

with the olde, make a bodie united and good, notwith-

standing, that themperours after, beginning the staciones

of ordinarie Souldiours, had appoincted over the newesouldiours, whiche were called tironi, a maister to exercise

theim, as appeareth in the life of Massimo the Emperour.The whiche thyng, while Rome was free, not onely in thearmies, but in the citee was ordeined : and the exercises ofwarre, beyng accustomed in thesame, where the yong mendid exercise, there grewe, that beyng chosen after to goeinto warre, thei were so used in the fained exercise of war-fare, that thei could easely worke in the true : but those

Emperours havyng after put doune these exercises, thei werconstrained to use the waies, that I have shewed you.Therefore, comyng to the maner of the chosen Romain, I

saie that after the Romain ConsuUes (to whom was appoinctedthe charge of the warre) had taken the rule, myndyng toordeine their armies, for that it was the custome, that either

of them should have twoo Legions of Romaine menne, whichewas the strength of their armies, thei created xxiiii.


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE Tribunes of warre, and thei appoincted sixe for every

FIRSTE Legion, whom did thesame office, whiche those doe now aBOOKE daies, that we call Conestables : thei made after to come

together, all the Remain men apte to beare weapons, and

thei put the Tribunes of every Legion, seperate the one

from the other. Afterwarde, by lot thei drewe the Tribes,

of whiche thei had firste to make the chosen, and of the-

same Tribe thei chose fower of the best, of whiche was

chosen one of the Tribunes, of the first Legion, and of the

other three was chosen, one of the Tribunes of the second

Legion, of the other two there was chosen one of the

Tribunes of the third, and the same last fell to the fowerth

Legion. After these iiij, thei chose other fower, of which,

first one was chosen of the Tribunes of the seconde Legion,

the seconde of those of the thirde, the thirde of those of the

fowerth, the fowerth remained to the first. After, thei

chose other fower, the first chose the thirde, the second

the fowerth, the thirde the fiveth, the fowerth remained to

the seconde : and thus thei varied successively, this manerof chosyng, so that the election came to be equall, and the

Legions wer gathered together : and as afore we saied, this

choise might bee made to use straighte waie, for that thei

made them of men, of whom a good parte were experiensed

in the verie warfare in deede, and all in the fained exercised,

and thei might make this choise by conjecture, and by ex-

perience. But where a power must be ordeined of newe,

and for this to chuse them out of hande, this chosen cannot

be made, saving by conjecture, whiche is taken by consideryng

their ages and their likelinesse.

CosiMO. I beleve all to be true, as moche as of you hathbeen spoken : but before that you precede to other reasonyng,

I woll aske of you one thing, which you have made me to

remember : saiyng that the chosen, that is to be made wheremen were not used to warre, ought to be made by conjecture


for asmoche as I have heard some men, in many places dis-

praise our ordinaunce, and in especially concernyng the

nomber, for that many saie, that there ought to bee taken

lesse nomber, whereof is gotten this profite, that thei shall


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbe better and better chosen, and men sha] not be so moche THEdiseased, so that there maie bee given them some rewarde, FIRSTS

whereby thei maie bee more contented, and better bee com- BOOKEmaunded, whereof 1 would understande in this parte youropinion, and whether you love better the greate nomber,then the little, and what waie you would take to chuse

theim in the one, and in the other nomber.

Fabricio. Without doubte it is better, and more necessary,

the great nomber, then the little: but to speake moreplainly, where there cannot be ordeined a great nomber of

men, there cannot be ordeined a perfect ordinaunce : and I

will easely confute all the reasons of them propounded.

I sale therefore firste, that the lesse nomber where is manypeople, as is for ensample Tuscane, maketh not that youhave better, nor that the chosen be more excellent, for that

myndyng in chosing the menne, to judge them by experience,

there shall be founde in thesame countrie moste fewe, whomexperience should make provable, bothe for that fewe hathbeen in warre, as also for that of those, mooste fewe have

made triaU, whereby thei might deserve to bee chosen before

the other : so that he whiche ought in like places to chuse,

it is mete he leave a parte the experience, and take themby conjecture. Then being brought likewise into soche

necessitie, I would understande, if there come before metwentie young men of good stature, with what rule I oughtto take, or to leave any : where without doubte, I beleve

that every man will confesse, how it is lesse errour to takethem al, to arme theim and exercise theim, beyng not able

to knowe, whiche of theim is beste, and to reserve to makeafter more certaine chosen, when in practisyng theim withexercise, there shall be knowen those of moste spirite, andof moste life : which considered, the chusing in this case afewe, to have them better, is altogether naught.

Concernyng diseasing lesse the countrie, and men, I sale

that the ordinaunce, either evill or little that it bee, causeth

not any disease, for that this order doeth not take mennefrom any of their businesse, it bindeth them not, that thei

cannot go to doe any of their affaires : for that it bindeth

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE them onely in the idell daies, to assemble together, to

FIRSTE exercise them, the whiche thyng doeth not hurt, neither to

BOOKE the countrie, nor to the men, but rather to yong men, it

shall bryng delite : For that where vilie on the holy daies,

thei stande idell in tipplyng houses, thei will go for pleasure

to those exercises, for that the handlyng of weapons, as it is

a goodly spectacle, so unto yong men it is pleasaunt. Con-

cernyng to bee able to paie the lesse nomber, and for this

to kepe theim more obediente, and more contented, I

answere, how there cannot be made an ordinaunce of so

fewe, whiche maie be in maner continually paied, where

thesame paiment of theirs maie satisfie them. As for en-

sample, if there were ordeined a power of v. thousande men,

for to paie them after soche sorte, that it might be thought

sufficient, to content them, it shal bee convenient to give

theim at least, ten thousaunde crounes the moneth: first,

this nomber of men are not able to make an armie, this paie

is intoUerable to a state, and of the other side, it is not

sufficiente to kepe men contented, and bounde to be able to

serve at al times : so that in doyng this, there shall be spent

moche, and a small power kept, whiche shall not be suffi-

cient to defend thee, or to doe any enterprise of thine. If

thou shouldest give theim more, or shouldest take more, so

moche more impossibilitie it should be, for thee to paie

theim : if thou shouldest give them lesse, or should take

lesse, so moche the lesse contentacion should be in them, or

so moche the lesse profite thei shal bring thee. Therfore,

those that reason of makyng an ordinaunce, and whilest

thei tary at home to paie them, thei reason of a thing either

impossible, or unprofitable, but it is necessarie to paie them,

when thei are taken up to be led to the warre : albeit,

though soche order should somewhat disease those, in time

of peace, that are appoincted in thesame, which I se not

how, there is for recompence all those benefites, whiche

a power brynges, that is ordeined in a countrie : for that

without thesame, there is nothyng sure. I conclude, that

he that will have the little nomber, to be able to paie them,

or for any of the other causes alledged of you, doeth not


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLunderstande, for that also it maketh for my opinion, that THEevery nomber shall deminishe in thy handes, through infinite FIRSTBimpedimentes, whiche men have : so that the little nomber BOOKEshall tourne to nothing : again havyng thordinaunce greate,

thou maiest at thy pleasure use fewe of many, besides this,

it must serve thee in deede, and in reputacion, and alwaies

the great nomber shall give thee moste reputacion. Moreover, makyng the ordinaunce to kepe menne exercised, if

thou appoincte a fewe nomber of men in many countries,

the handes of men bee so farre a sonder, the one from the

other, that thou canst not without their moste grevous

losse, gather them together to exercise them, and withoutthis exercise, the ordinaunce is unprofitable, as hereafter

shall be declared.

CosiMO. It suffiseth upon this my demaunde, that whiche

you have saied : but I desire now, that you declare me another doubt. Thei sale, that soche a multitude of armedmen, will make confusion, discension and disorder in the

countrie where thei are.

Fabeitio. This is an other vaine opinion, the cause wherof,

I shall tell you : soche as are ordeined to serve in the warres,

male cause disorder in twoo maners, either betwene themselves, or against other, whiche thinges moste easely male bewithstode, where the order of it self, should not withstande

it: for that concemyng the discorde emong theim selves,

this order taketh it waie, and doeth not nourishe it, for that

in orderyng them, you give them armour and capitaines. If

the countrie where you ordein them, bee so unapte for thewarre, that there are not armours emong the men of the-

same, and that thei bee so united, that thei have no heddes,

this order maketh theim moche fearser against the straunger,

but it maketh them not any thyng the more disunited, for

that men well ordered, feare the lawe beyng armed, as well

as unarmed, nor thei can never alter, if the capitaines, whichyou give them, cause not the alteracion, and the waie to

make this, shall be tolde now : but if the countrie where youordein them, be warlike and disunited, this order onely shal


be occasion to unite them : bicause this order giveth them55

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soche incon-veniences as


maie cause.

The occasion

of civill

warre emongtheRomaines.

THE ARTE OF WARREarmours profitable for the warre, and heddes, extinguishers

of discencion : where their owne armours bee unprofitable

for the warres, and their heddes nourishers of discorde.

For that so sone as any in thesame countrie is offended, he

resorteth by and by to his capitain to make complaint, whofor to maintain his reputacion, comforteth hym to revenge-

ment not to peace. To the contrary doeth the publike hed,

so that by this meanes, thoccasion of discorde is taken awaie,

and the occasion of union is prepared, and the provinces

united and effeminated, gette u^ilitie, and maintain union


the disunited and discencious, doe agree, and thesame their

fearsnesse, which is wont disordinately to worke, is tourned

into publike utilitie. To minde to have them, to doe no

hurt against other, it ought to bee considered, that thei

cannot dooe this, except by meane of the heddes, whiche

governe them. To will that the heddes make no disorder,

it is necessarie to have care, that thei get not over them to

much auctoritie. And you must consid er that this auctoritie,

is gotten either by nature, or by accidente : and as to nature,

it behoveth to provide, that he which is boren in one place,

be not apoincted to the men billed in the same, but be madehedde of those places, where he hath not any naturall aquaint-

ance : and as to the accident, the thing ought to be ordeined in

suche maner, that every yere the heddes maie be changed fromgovernement to goverment : for as muche as the continual!

auctoritie over one sorte of menne, breedeth among them so

muche union, that it maie turne easely to the prejudice ofthe

Prince : whiche permutations howe profitable they be to

those who have used theim, and hurtefull to them that

have not observed theim, it is well knowen by the kingdomsof the Assirians, and by the Empire of the Romaines : whereis scene, that the same kingdome indured a M. yeres withouttumulte, and without any Civill warre : whiche procedednot of other, then of the permutations, whiche from place

to place everie yere thesame Capitaines made, unto whomewere apoincted the charge of the Armies. Nor for anyother occasion in the Romaine Empire, after the bloud of

Cesar was extinguished, there grewe so many civill warres,


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbetwene the Capitaines of the hostes, and so many con- THEspiracles of the forsaied capitaines against the Emperours, FIRSTEbut onely for kepyng continually still those capitaines alwayes BOOKEin one governement. And if in some of those firste Em-perours, and of those after, whom helde the Empire withreputacion, as Adriane, Marcus, Severus, and soche like,

there had been so moche foresight, that thei had broughtthis custome of chaungyng the capitaines in thesame Empire,without doubte it should have made theim more quiete, andmore durable: For that the Capitaines should have hadlesse occasion to make tumultes, the Emperours lesse

cause to feare, and the senate in the lackes of the suc-

cessions, should have had in the election of the Emperour,more aucthoritie, and by consequence should have beenbetter : but the naughtie custome, either for ignoraunce, or

through the little diligence of menne, neither for the wicked,

nor good ensamples, can be taken awaie.

CosiMO. I cannot tell, if with my questionyng, I haveas it were led you out of your order, bicause from the

chusyng of men, we be entred into an other matter, andif I had not been a little before excused, I should thinke to

deserve some reprehension.

Fabkitio. Let not this disquiete you, for that all this

reasonyng was necessary, myndyng to reason of the or-

dinaunce, the which beyng blamed of many, it was requsite

to excuse it, willyng to have this first parte of chusyng mento be alowed. But now before I discend to the other partes,

I will reason of the choise of men on horsebacke. Of the The nomber

antiquitie, these were made of the moste richeste, havyng of ^orsemen,

regard bothe to the yeres, and to the qualitie of the Romainesman, and thei chose CCC. for a Legion, so that the chose for aRomain horse, in every ConsuUes armie, passed not the Legion, and

nomber of vi. C. f°f * Con-

Cosmo. Would you make an ordinaunce of hors, to^*''®^ *™'^"

exercise them at home, and to use their service when nederequires ?

Fabricio. It is most necessary, and it cannot be doenotherwise, minding to have the power, that it be the owneH 57

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The choosingand orderingof horsemen,that is to beobserved at

this present.

THE ARTE OF WARREproper, and not to purpose to take of those, which makethereof an arte.

CosiMO. Howe would you chuse them ?

Fabritio. I would imitate the Romanes, I woulde take of

the richest, I would give them heades or chiefe Capitaynes,

in the same maner, as nowe a dayes to other is given, andI would arme them and exercise them.

CosiMo. To these should it be well to give some pro-

vision ?

Fabritio. Yea marie, but so much onely as is necessarye

to keepe the horse, for as muche as bringing to thy sub-

jectes expences, they might justly complayne of thee, there-

fore it shoulde be necessarye, to paye them their charges oftheir horse.

CosiMO. What nomber woulde you make .'' and how wouldeyou arme them ?

Fabritio. You passe into an other matter. I will tell

you in convenient place, whiche shalbe when I havetolde you, howe foote men oughte to be armed,

and howe a power of men is prepared, for

a day of battaile.


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THE SECOND BOOKEBELEEVE that it is necessarye, men being

founde, to arme them, and minding to

doo this, I suppose that it is a needefull

thing to examine, what armoure the anti-

quitie used, and of the same to chose the

best. The Romanes devided their foote

men in heavie and lighte armed : Thosethat were light armed, they called by the

name of Veliti : Under this name were understoode all those

that threwe with Slinges, shot with Crossebowes, cast Dartes,

and they used the most parte of them for their defence, to Howe the

weare on their heade a Murion, with a Targaet on their Romaines

arme : they fought out of the orders, and farre of from the^"^""i Jigrs^and

heavie armed, which did weare a head peece, that came ^hat weaponsdowne to their shoulders, a Corselet, which with the tases thei used,

came downe to the knees, and they had the legges andarmes, covered with greaves, and vambraces, with a targaet

on the left arme, a yarde and a halfe long, and three quarters

of a yarde brode, whiche had a hoope of Iron upon it, to bee

able to sustaine a blowe, and an other under, to the intente,

that it being driven to the earth, it should not breake : for

to offende, they had girte on their left flanke a swoorde, the

length of a yearde and a naile, on their righte side, a Dagger


they had a darte in every one of their handes, the whichthey called Pilo, and in the beginning of the fight, they

threwe those at the enemie. This was the ordering, andimportaunce of the armours of the Romanes, by the which


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How theGrekes did

arme them-selves, andwhat weaponsthey usedagainste their


THE ARTE OF WARREthey possessed all the world. And although some of these

auncient writers gave them, besides the foresayde weapons,

a staffe in their hande like unto a Partasen, I cannot tell

howe a heavy stafFe, may of him that holdeth a Targaet

bee occupied : for that to handle it with both hands, the

Targaet should bee an impediment, and to occupye the

same with one hande, there can be done no good therwith,

by reason of the weightynesse therof : besides this, to faight

in the strong, and in the orders with such long kinde ofweapon, it is unprofitable, except in the first front, where

they have space enough, to thrust out all the stafFe, which

in the orders within, cannot be done, for that the nature of

the battaile (as in the order of the same, I shall tell you) is

continually to throng together, which although it be an

inconvenience, yet in so doing they feare lesse, then to

stande wide, where the perill is most evident, so that all the

weapons, which passe in length a yarde and a halfe, in the

throng, be unprofitable : for that, if a man have the

Partasen, and will occupye it with both handes, put case

that the Targaet let him not, he can not hurte with the

same an enemie, whom is upon him, if he take it with one

hande, to the intent to occupie also the Targaet, being not

able to take it, but in the middest, there remayneth so

much of the stalFe behinde, that those which are behinde

him, shall let him to welde it. And whether it were true,

either that the Romanes had not this Partasen, or that

having it, did litle good withall, reade all the battailes, in

the historye therof, celebrated of Titus Livius, and youshall see in the same, most seldome times made mencion of

Partasens, but rather alwaies he saieth, that the Dartes

being throwen, they layed their hands on their sweardes.

Therfore I will leave this stafFe, and observe, concerning the

Romanes, the swoorde for to hurte, and for defence the

Targaet, with the other armours aforegaide.

The Greekes dyd not arme them selves so heavyly, for

their defence, as the Romanes dyd : but for to offend the

enemies, they grounded more on their staves, then on their

swoordes, and in especiallye the Fallangye of Macedonia,


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwhich used staves, that they called Sarisse, seven yardes and THEa halfe long, with the which they opened the rankes of their SECO>fDenemies, and they keept the orders in their Fallangy. And BOOKEalthough some writers sale, that they had also the Targaet,I can not tell (by the reasons aforesayde) howe the Sarisse

and they coulde stande together. Besides this, in thebattaile that Paulus Emilius made, with Persa king of Mace-donia, I do not remember, that there is made any mentionof Targaettes, but-only of the Sarisse, and of the difficultie

that the Romane armie had, to overcome them : so that

I conjecture, that a Macedonicall Fallange, was no other

wise, then is now a dayes a battaile of Suizzers, the whichein their Pikes have all their force, and all their power. The A brave and a

Romanes did garnish (besides the armours) the footemen terrible thing

with feathers ; the whiche thinges makes the fight of an ^°.

armie to the friendes goodly, to the enemies terrible. Thearmour of the horsemen, in the same first Romane antiquitie, Howe the

was a rounde Targaet, and they had their head armed, and Romanes

the rest unarmed : They had a swoorde and a staffe, with ^q™ gmen inan Iron head onely before, long and small : whereby it olde time,

happened, that they were not able to staye the Targaet,

and the staffe in the incountring broke, and they throughbeing unarmed, were subjecte to hurtes : after, in processe

of time, they armed them as the footemen, albeit they usedthe Targaette muche shorter, square, and the staffe morestiffe, and with twoo heades, to the entente, that breaking

one of the heades, they mighte prevaile with the other.

With these armours as well on foote, as on horsebacke, the

Romanes conquered all the worlde, and it is to be beleeved,

by the fraict thereof, whiche is seene, that they were thebeste appointed armies, that ever were : and Titus Liviusin his history, doeth testifie verye often, where comming to

comparison with the enemies armies, he saieth : But the

Romanes, by vertue, by the kinde of their armours, andpractise in the service of warre, were superiours : and ther-

fore I have more particularly reasoned of the armoursof conquerours, then of the conquered. But nowe meethinkes good, to reason onelye of the manner of arming

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE men at this presente. Footemen have for their defence,

SECOND a breast plate, and for to ofFende, a launce, sixe yardes andBOOKE three quarters long, which is called a pike, with a swoorde

The maner of on their side, rather rounde at the poinct, then sharpe.arming men This is the ordinarie arming of footemen nowe a dayes, fornowe a aies.

^j^^^ {ewe there be, which have their legges armed, and their

armes, the heade none, and those fewe, beare insteede of

a Pike, a Halberde, the stafFe whereof as you know, is twooyardes and a quarter long, and it hath the Iron made like

an axe. Betweene them, they have Harkebutters, the whichwith the violence of the fire, do the same office, which in

The invention olde time the slingers did, and the Crosseboweshoters.of Pikes. This maner of arming, was found out by the Dutchemen,

inespeciallye of Suizzers, whom being poore, and desirous to

live free, they were, and be constrayned to fight, with the

ambition of the Princes of Almaine, who being riche, wereable to keepe horse, the which the same people could not dofor povertye. Wherby it grewe, that being on foote, mind-ing to defende them selves from the enemies, that were onhorsebacke, it behooveth them to seeke of the aunciente

orders, and to finde weapons, whiche from the furie of

horses, should defende them : This necessitie hath madeeither to be maintayned, or to bee founde of them theaunciente orders, without whiche, as everye prudente manaffirmeth, the footemen is altogether unprofitable. There-fore, they tooke for their weapon the Pike, a moste profit-

able weapon, not only to withstande horses, but to overcomethem : and the Dutchemen have by vertue of these weapons,and of these orders, taken such boldnesse, that xv. or xx.

thousande of them, will assault the greatest nomber of

horse that maye be : and of this, there hath beene experi-

ence enough within this xxv. yeres. And the insamplesof their vertue hath bene so mightie, grounded upon theseweapons, and these orders, that sence King Charles passedinto Italie, everye nation hath imitated them : so that theSpanish armies, are become into most great reputation.

CosiMO. Which maner of arming, do you praise moste,either these Dutchemens, or the auncient Romanes ?


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLFabritio. The Romane without doubte, and I will tell THE

you the commoditie, and the discommoditie of the one, SECONDand the other. The Dutche footemen, are able to with- BOOKEstande, and overcome the horses : they bee moste speedie to Whether the

marche, and to be set in araye, being not laden with Romanes

armours : of the other part, they be subjecte to all blowes, P^ne"- in arm-

both farre of, and at hande : because they be unarmed, they betterThen^

bee unprofitable unto the battaile on the lande, and to the arming of

everye fighte, where is strong resistaunce. But the men, that is

Romanes withstoode, and overcame the horses, as well as ^^?^ nowe a

the Dutchemen, they were safe from blowes at hande, and ^'**"

farre of, being covered with armours : they were also better

able to charge, and better able to sustaine charges, havingTargaettes : they might more aptly in the preace fight withthe swoorde, then these with the Pike, and though theDutchemen have likewise swoordes, yet being withoutTargaets, they become in suche case unprofitable : TheRomanes might safelye assault townes, having their bodiescleane covered with armour, and being better able to cover

themselves with their Targaettes. So that they had noother incommoditie, then the waightynesse of their armours,and the pain to cary them : the whiche thinges thei over-

came, with accustomyng the body to diseases, and withhardenyng it, to bee able to indure labour. And youknowe, how that in thinges accustomed, men sufler no grief.

And you have to understand this, that the footemen malebe constrained, to faight with footemen, and with horse,

and alwaies those be unprofitable, whiche cannot either

sustain the horses, or beyng able to sustain them, have not-

withstandyng neede to feare the footemen, whiche be better

armed, and better ordeined then thei. Now if you consider

the Duchemen, and the Romaines, you shall finde in the

Duchemen activitie (as we have said) to overcome the

horses, but greate dissavauntage, when thei faighte withmenne, ordeined as thei them selves are, and armed as the

Romaines were : so that there shall be this advauntage moreof the one, then of thother, that the Romaines could over-

come the men, and the horses, the Duchemen onely the horses.

I 65

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE CosiMO. I would desire, that you would come to some

SECOND more particulare insample, whereby wee male better under-

BOOKE stande.

Fabricio, I saie thus, that you shall finde in many places

of our histories, the Romain footemen to have overcome

innumerable horses, and you shall never finde, that thei

have been overcome of men on foote, for default that thei

have had in their armour, or thorowe the vantage that the

enemie hath had in the armours : For that if the maner of

their armyng, should have had defaulte, it had been neces-

sarie, that there should folowe, the one of these twoo

thynges, either that findyng soche, as should arme theim

better then thei, thei should not have gone still forwardes,

with their conquestes, or that thei should have taken the

straungers maners, and should have left their owne, and for

that it folowed not in the one thing, nor in the other, there

groweth that ther maie be easely conjectured, that the

maner of their armyng, was better then thesame of any

other. It is not yet thus happened to the Duchemen, for

that naughtie profe, hath ben seen made them, when soever

thei have chaunsed to faight with men on foote prepared,

and as obstinate as thei, the whiche is growen of the

vauntage, whiche thesame have incountred in thenemies

armours. Philip Vicecounte of Milaine, being assaulted of

xviii. thousande Suizzers, sent against theim the CounteCarminvola, whiche then was his capitaine. He with sixe

thousande horse, and a fewe footemen, went to mete with

them, and incounteryng theim, he was repulsed with his

moste greate losse : wherby Carminvola as a prudente man,footemen with [^uewe straight waie the puisaunce of the enemies weapons,

what great ^""^ ^°^ moche against the horses thei prevailed, and the

advauntage debilitie of the horses, againste those on foote so appoincted


the armed and gatheryng his men together again, he went to finde thehave, againste gujzzers, and so sone as he was nere them, he made his men

e unarme. ^^ ^j-mes, to a light from their horse, and in thesame maner

Carminvola" ^^^S^^^yng with them he slue theim all, excepte three thou-

against the sande : the whiche seyng them selves to consume, without

Duchemen. havjmg reamedy,castyng theirweapons to the grounde, yelded.


An ensamplewhicheproveth that

horsemenwith staves,

cannot pre-

vaile against

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLCosiMO. Whereof cometh so moche disavauntage ? THEFabricio. I have a little afore tolde you, but seyng that SECOND

you have not understoode it, I will rehearse it againe. BOOKEThe Duchemen (as a little before I saied unto you) as it

were unarmed, to defende themselves, have to offende, thePike and the swearde : thei come with these weapons, andwith their orders to finde the enemies, whom if thei bee well

armed, to defende theim selves, as were the menne of armesof Carminvola, whiche made theim a lighte on foote, thei

come with the sweard, and in their orders to find them, andhave no other difficultie, then to come nere to the Suizzers,

so that thei maie reche them with the sweard, for tliat so

sone as thei have gotten unto them, thei faight safely : for

asmoche as the Duch man, cannot strike thenemie with the

Pike, whom is upon him, for the length of the stafFe, where-fore it is conveniente for hym, to put the hande to thesweard, the whiche to hym is unprofitable, he beyngunarmed, and havyng against hym an enemie, that is all

armed. Whereby he that considereth the vantage, and the

disavantage of the one, and of the other, shall see, how the

unarmed, shall have no maner of remeady, and the over-

commyng of the firste faight, and to passe the firste poinctes

of the Pikes, is not moche difficulte, he that faighteth beyngwell armed : for that the battailes go (as you shall better The battailes

understande, when I have shewed you, how thei are set when thei are

together) and incounteryng the one the other, of necessitiejpg'^irJng


thei thrust together, after soche sorte, that thei take the together,

one thother by the bosome, and though by the Pikes somebee slaine, or overthrowen, those that remain on their feete,

be so many, that thei suffice to obtaine the victorie. Hereofit grewe, that Carminvola overcame them, with so greate

slaughter of the Suizzers, and with little losse of his.

CosiMO. Consider that those of Carminvola, were men of

armes, whom although thei wer on foote, thei were covered

all with stele, and therefore thei wer able to make the

profe thei did: so that me thinkes, that a power oughtto be armed as thei, mindyng to make the verie sameprofe.


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How to armemen, andwhat weaponsto appoinctetheim, after

the Romainemaner, andDuche facion.

THE ARTE OF WARREFabricio. If you should remember, how I tolde you the

Romaines were armed, you would not thynke so: for as

moche as a manne, that hath the hedde covered with Iron,

the breaste defended of a Corselet, and of a Targaet, the

armes and the legges armed, is moche more apt to defende

hymself from the Pike, and to enter emong them, then

a man of armes on foote. I wil give you a little of a late

ensample. There wer come out of Cicelie, into the kyng-

dome of Naples, a power of Spaniardes, for to go to finde

Consalvo, who was besieged in Barlet, of the Frenchemen :

there made against theim Mounsier de Vhigni, with his

menne of armes, and with aboute fower thousande Duche-

men on foote : The Duchemen incountered with their Pikes

lowe, and thei opened the power of the Spaniardes : but

those beyng holp, by meane of their bucklers and of the

agiletie of their bodies, mingled togethers with the Duche-

men, so that thei might reche them with the swearde,

whereby happened the death, almoste of all theim, and the

victorie to the Spaniardes. Every man knoweth, how manyDuchemen were slaine in the battaile of Ravenna, the

whiche happened by the verie same occasion : for that the

Spanishe souldiours, got them within a swerdes length of

the Duche souldiours, and thei had destroied them all, if

of the Frenche horsemen, the Duchemen on foote, had not

been succored: notwithstandyng, the Spaniardes close

together, brought themselves into a safe place. I conclude

therefore, that a good power ought not onely to be able, to

withstande the horses, but also not to have fear of menne'

on foote, the which (as I have many tymes saied) procedeth

of the armours, and of the order.

CosiMO. Tell therefore, how you would arme them ?

Fabricio. I would take of the Romaine armours, and of

the Duchemennes weapons, and I would that the onehaulfe, should bee appoincted like the Romaines, and the

other haulfe like the Duchemen : for that if in sixe

thousande footemen (as I shall tell you a little hereafter)

I should have thre thousande men with Targaettes, after

the Romain raaner, and two thousande Pikes, and a thou-


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLsand Harkebutters, after the Duche facion, thei should THEsuffice me : for that I would place the Pikes, either in the SECONDfronte of the battaile, or where I should feare moste the BOOKEhorses, and those with the Targaetes and. sweardes, shall

serve me to make a backe to the Pikes, and to winne the-

battaile, as I shall shewe you : so that I beleeve, that

a power thus ordayned, should overcome at this daye, anyother power.

CosiMo. This which hath beene saide, sufficeth concerning

footemen, but concerning horsemen, wee desire to under-

stand, which you thinke more stronger armed, either ours,

or the antiquitie.

Fabritio. I beleeve that in these dales, having respect to

the Saddelles bolstered, and to the stiroppes not used of the

antiquitie, they stande more stronglye on horsebacke, then

in the olde time : I thinke also they arme them more sure


so that at this daye, a bande of men of armes, paysing very

muche, commeth to be with more difficultie withstoode, then

were the horsemen of old time : notwithstanding for aU this,

I judge, that there ought not to be made more accompt of

horses, then in olde time was made, for that (as afore is

sayde) manye times in our dayes, they have with the foote-

men receyved shame and shall receyve alwayes, where they

incounter, with a power of footemen armed, and ordered,

as above hath bene declared. Tigrane king of Armenia, had The victorie

againste the armie of the Romanes, wherof was Capitayne °^ LucuUo,

LucuUo, CL. thousande horsemen, amongest the whiche,^^J.^^. jjjjjg.

were many armed, like unto our men of armes, which they of Armenia,called Catafratti, and of the other parte, the Romanes were

about sixe thousande, with xxv. thousand footemen : so that

Tigrane seeing the armie of the enemies, saide: these be

horses enough for an imbassage : notwithstanding, incoun-

tering together, he was overthrowen : and he that writeth

of the same fighte, disprayseth those Catafratti, declaring

them to be unprofitable ; for that hee sayeth, because they

had their faces covered, they had muche a doe to see, andto offende the enemie, and they falling, being laden with

armour, coulde not rise up again, nor welde themselves in


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE any maner to prevaile. I say therefore, that those people

SECOND or kingdomes, whiche shall esteeme more the power of horses,BOOKE then the power of footemen be alwaies weake, and subjecte

to all mine, as by Italie hath been scene in our time, the

whiche hath beene taken,, ruinated, and over run withstraungers, through not other fault, then for having takenlitle care, of the service on foote, and being brought the

souldiours therof, all on horsebacke. Yet there ought toFor what bee had horses, but for seconde, and not for firste founda-purpose hors-

j-jon of an armie : for that to make a discovery, to over run,

requisite ^^^ ^"^ destroy the enemies countrie, and to keepe troubled

and disquieted, the armie of the same, and in their armoursalwayes, to let them of their victuals, they are necessary,

and most profitable : but concerning for the daye of battaile,

and for the fighte in the fielde, whiche is the importaunceof the warre, and the ende, for which the armies are

ordeined, they are more meeter to follow the enemie beingdiscomfited then to do any other thing which in the sameis to be done, and they bee in comparison, to the footemenmuch inferiour.

CosiMO. There is happened unto mee twoo doubtes, theone, where I knowe, that the Parthians dyd not use in thewarre, other then horses, and yet they devided the worldewith the Romanes : the other is, that I woulde that youshould shewe, howe the horsemen can be withstoode offootemen, and wherof groweth the strength of these, andthe debilitie of those ?

Fabritio. Either I have tolde you, or I minded to tell

you, howe that my reasoning of the affaires of warre, oughtnot to passe the boundes of Europe : when thus it is, I amnot bounde unto you, to make accompte of the same, whichis used in Asia, yet I muste saye unto you thus, that thewarring of the Parthians, was altogether contrarye, to thesame of the Romanes : for as muche as the Parthians,warred all on horsebacke, and in the fight, they proceededconfusedlye, and scattered, and it was a maner of fighte

unstable, and full of uncertaintie. The Romanes were (it

maye be sayde) almoste al on foote, and thei fought close


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLtogether and sure, and thei overcame diversly, the one the THEother, accorduig to the largenesse, or straightnesse of the SECONDsituacion : for that in this the Romaines were superiours, in BOOKEthesame the Parthians, whom might make greate proofe,

with thesame maner of warryng, consideryng the region,

whiche thei had to defende, the which was moste large


for as moche as it hath the sea coaste, distant a thousande

miles, the rivers thone from thother, twoo or three dales

journey, the tounes in like maner and the inhabitauntes

fewe : so that a Romaine armie heavie and slowe, by meanes

of their armoures, and their orders, could not over run it,

without their grevous hurt (those that defended it, being

on horsebacke mooste expedite) so that thei were to dale

in one place, and to morowe distaunt fiftie miles. Hereof

it grewe, that the Parthians might prevaile with their

chivalrie onely, bothe to the ruine of the armie of Crassus,

and to the perill of thesame, of Marcus Antonius : but I

(as I have told you) doe not intende in this my reasonyng,

to speake of the warfare out of Europe, therfore I will stand

upon thesame, whiche in times past, the Romaines ordained,

and the Grekes, and as the Duchemen doe now adaies. Butlet us se to the other question of yours, where you desire

to understande, what order, or what naturall vertue makes,that the footemen overcome the horsmen. And I sale untoyou first that the horses cannot go, as the footmen in every

place : Thei are slower then the footemen to obeie, when The reason

it is requisite to alter the order : for as moche, as if it "^^y footmen

be nedefuU, either goyng forward, to tume backwarde, or ^^^ ^^* ^°

toumyng backwarde, to go forwarde, or to move themselves horsemen,standing stil, or goyng to stand still, without doubt, the

horsemen cannot dooe it so redilie as the footemen : the

horsemen cannot, being of some violence, disordained, re-

turne in their orders, but with difficultie, although thesameviolence cease, the whiche the footemen dooe moste easely

and quickly. Besides this, it happeneth many tymes, that ahardie manne shall be upon a vile horse, and a coward upona good, whereby it foloweth, that this evill matchyng of

stomackes, makes disorder. Nor no man doeth marvell, that


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE a bande of footemenne, susteineth all violence of horses


SECOND for that a horse is a beaste, that hath sence, and knowethBOOKE the perilles, and with an ill will, will enter in them : and

if you consider, what force maketh theim go forwarde, and

what holdeth them baCkwarde, you shall se without doubt,

thesame to be greater, whiche kepeth them backe, then that

whiche maketh them go forwardes : For that the spurre

maketh theim go forwarde, and of the other side, either the

swearde, or the Pike, kepeth theim backe : so that it hath

been seen by the olde, and by the late experience, a bande

of footemen to bee moste safe, ye, invinsible for horses.

And if you should argue to this, that the heate, with

whiche thei come, maketh theim more furious to incounter,

who that would withstande them, and lesse to regard the

Pike, then the spurre : I sale, that if the horse so disposed,

begin to see, that he must run upon the poincte of the

Pike, either of himself, he wil refrain the course so that

so sone as he shall feele himself pricked, he will stande still

atones, or beeyng come to theim, he will tourne on the

right, or on the lefte hande. Whereof if you wil makeexperience, prove to run a horse against a walle : you shall

finde fewe, with what so ever furie he come withall, will

strike against it. Cesar havyng in Fraunce, to faighte with

the Suizzers, a lighted, and made every manne a light on

foote, and to avoide from the araies, the horses, as a thyng

more meete to flie, then to faight. But notwithstandyng

these naturall impedimentes, whiche horses have, thesame

How footmen Capitaine, whiche leadeth the footemen, ought to chusemaie save waies, whiche have for horse, the moste impedimentes that

fr m h^r e-™^^^ ^^^' ^^^ seldome tymes it happeneth, but that a manne

men. maie save hymself, by the qualitie of the countrie : for that

if thou marche on the hilles, the situacion doeth save thee

from thesame furie, whereof you doubt, that thei go withall

in the plain, fewe plaines be, whiche through the tillage,

or by meanes of the woddes, doe not assure thee : for that

every hillocke, every bancke, although it be but small,

taketh awaie thesame heate, and every culture where bee

Vines, and other trees, lettes the horses : and if thou come72

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLto battaile, the very same lettes happeneth, that chaunceth in THEmarchyng: for as moche as every little impedemente, that the SECONDhorse hath, abateth his furie. One thyng notwithstandyng, BOOKEI will not forgette to tell you, how the Romaines estemedso moche their orders, and trusted so moche to their weapons,that if thei shuld have had, to chuse either so rough aplace to save theim selves from horses, where thei should

not have been able, to raunge their orders, or a place wherethei should have nede, to feare more of horses, but benable to deffende their battaile, alwaies thei toke this, andleft that: but bicause it is tyme, to passe to the armie,

having armed these souldiours, accordyng to the aunciente

and newe use, let us see what exercises the Romaines caused

theim make, before the menne were brought to the battaile.

Although thei be well chosen, and better armed, thei oughtwith moste greate studie be exercised, for that withoutthis exercise, there was never any souldiour good : these

exercises ought to be devided into three partes, the one, for The exercise

to harden the bodie, and to make it apte to take paines, of Souldiours,

and to bee more swifter and more readier, the other, to '^} j"-f

teach them, how to handell their weapons, the third, for thre partes.

to learne them to kepe the orders in the armie, as well in

marchyng, as in faightyng, and in the incampyng : Thewhiche be three principall actes, that an armie doeth : for

asmoche, as if an armie marche, incampe, and faight with

order, and expertly, the Capitaine leseth not his honoure,

although the battaile should have no good ende. Therfore,

all thauncient common weales, provided these exercises in

maner, by custome, and by lawe, that there should not beleft behinde any part thereof. Thei exercised then their What exer-

youth, for to make them swift, in runnyng, to make theim cises the

readie, in leapyng, for to make them strong, in throwyng ^0°^^^"^

the barre, or in wrestlyng: and these three qualities, be as weales used to

it were necessarie in souldiours. For that swiftnesse, maketh exercise their

theim apte to possesse places, before the enemie, and to come youth in, and

to them unloked for, and at unwares to pursue them, when ^l^at com-

thei are discomfaicted : the readinesse, maketh theim apte sued avoide a biowe, to leape over a diche, to winne a

K 73

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How theautiquitie,

learned their

yong sol-

diours, to

handell their


THE ARTE OF WARREbanke : strength, maketh them the better able to beare their

armours, to incounter the enemie, to withstande a violence.

And above all, to make the bodie the more apte to take

paines, thai used to beare greate burthens, the whiche

custome is necessarie : for that in difficulte expedicions, it

is requisite many tymes, that the souldiour beside his

armours, beare vitualles for many dales, and if he were

not accustomed to this labour, he could not dooe it : and

without this, there can neither bee avoided a peril], nor a

victorie gotten with fame. Concernyng to learne how to

handell the weapons, thai exercised theim, in this maner:

thei would have the yong menne, to put on armour, whiche

should waie twise as moche, as their field armour, and

in stede of a swearde, thei gave them a cudgell leaded,

whiche in comparison of a verie swearde in deeda, was moste

heavie ; thei made for every one of them, a poste to be set

up in the ground, which should be in height twoo yardes

and a quarter, and in soche maner, and so strong, that

the blowes should not slur nor hurle it doune, against the

whiche poste, the yong man with a targaet, and with the

cudgell, as against an enemie did exercise, and some whiles

he stroke, as though he would hurte the hedde, or the face,

somewhile he retired backe, an other while he made fore-

warde : and thei had in this exercise, this advertisment,

to make theim apt to cover theim selves, and to hurte

the enemie : and havyng the counterfaight armours moste

heavy, their ordinarie armours saraed after unto them more

lighter. The Romaines, would that their souldiours should

hurte with the pricke, and not with the cutte, as well

bicause the pricka is more mortalle, and hath lesse defence,

as also to thantent, that ha that should hurt, might lye

the lesse open, and be more apt to redouble it, then with

cuttes. Dooe not marvaile that these auncient men, should

thinke on these small thynges, for that where the incounter-

yng of men is reasoned of, you shall perceive, that every

little vauntage, is of greate importaunce : and I rememberyou thesama, whiche the writers of this declare, rather then

I to teache you. The antiquitie estemed nothing more


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLhappie, in a common weale, then to be in thesame, many THEmen exercised in armes : bicause not the shining of precious SECONDstones and of golde, maketh that the enemies submit them- BOOKEselves unto thee, but onely the fear of the weapons : after- Whatwarde, the errours whiche are made in other thynges, maie thantiquitie

sometymes be corrected, but those whiche are dooen in theestemedmoste

warre, the paine straight waie commyng on, cannot be commoiT^

amended. Besides that, the knowlege to faight, maketh weale.

men more bold, bicause no man feareth to doe that thing,

which he thinketh to have learned to dooe. The antiquitie

would therefore, that their Citezeins should exercise them-selves, in all marcial feates, and thei made them to throweagainst thesame poste, dartes moche hevier then the ordi-

narie : the whiche exercise, besides the makyng men expert

in throwyng, maketh also the arme more nimble, and mochestronger. Thei taught them also to shote in the long bowe,

to whorle with the sling: and to all these thynges, thei Mouster

appoincted maisters, in soche maner, that after when thei Maisters, for

were chosen for to go to the warre, thei were now with mynde thexercisyng

and disposicion, souldiours. Nor there remained them to unexperte.^"learn other, then to go in the orders, and to maintain themselves in those, either marchyng, or faightyng : The whichemoste easely thei learned, mingeling themselves with those,

whiche had long tyme served, whereby thei knewe how to

stande in the orders.

CosiMO. What exercises would you cause theim to makeat this present ?

Fabricio. a good many of those, whiche have been de- The exercises

clared, as runnyng, and wrestlyng, makyng theim to leape, tliat souldiers

makyng theim to labour in armours, moche heavier then p"gnttomake

the ordinarie, making them shoote with Crosse bowes, andlonge bowes, whereunto I would joyne the harkabus, anewe instrument (as you know) verie necessarie, and to these

exercises I would use, al the youth of my state, but withgreater Industrie, and more sollicitatenesse thesame parte,

whiche I should have alreadie appoincted to serve, andalwaies in the idell daies, thei should bee exercised. I

would also that thei should learne to swimme, the whiche


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The exercise

of swimmyng.

Tiber, is ariver runnyngthroughRomethe waterwher of will

never cor-


Thexerciseof vautyng,and the com-moditie


An order that

is taken in

certain coun-tries, concern-

ing exercises

of warre.

THE ARTE OF WARREis a thyng verie profitable : for that there be not alwaies,

bridges over rivers, boates be not alwaies readie : so that

thy army not knowyng howe to swime, remaineth de-

prived of many commodities : and many occasions to woorkevs-ell, is taken awaie. The Romaines for none other cause

had ordained, that the yong men should exercise themselves in Campus Martius, then onely, for that havyngTiber at hande, thei might, beyng weried with the exercise

on lande, refreshe theim selves in the water, and partly in

swimmyng, to exercise them selves. I would make also, as

the antiquitie, those whiche should serve on horsebacke to

exercise, the whiche is moste necessarie, for that besides to

know how to ride, thei muste knowe how on horsebacke,

thei male prevaile of them selves. And for this thei hadordeined horses of wood, upon the which thei practised, to

leape by armed, and unarmed, without any helpe, and onevery hande : the whiche made, that atones, and at a beckof a capitain, the horsmen were on foote, and likewise at

a token, thei mounted on horsebacke. And soche exercises,

bothe on foote and on horsebacke, as thei were then easie

to bee doen, so now thei should not be difficult to thesamecommon weale, or to thesame prince, whiche would cause

them to be put in practise of their yong men. As by ex-

perience is seen, in certaine citees of the Weste countrie,where is kepte a live like maners with this order. Theidevide all their inhabiters into divers partes : and everyparte thei name of the kinde of those weapons, that thei

use in the warre. And for that thei use Pikes, Halbardes,Bowes, and Harkebuses, thei call them Pike menne, Hal-berders, Harkebutters, and Archars : Therefore, it is metefor all the inhabiters to declare, in what orders thei will beappoincted in. And for that all men, either for age, orfor other impedimentes, be not fitte for the warre, everyorder maketh a choise of men, and thei call them the sworen,whom in idell dales, be bounde to exercise themselves in

those weapons, wherof thei be named : and every mannehath his place appoincted hym of the cominaltie, where socheexercise ought to be made : and those whiche be of the-


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLsame order, but not of the sworen, are contributaries with THEtheir money, to thesame expenses, whiche in soche exercises SECONDbe necessarie : therfore thesame that thei doe, we maie doe. BOOKEBut our smal prudence dooeth not sufFre us, to take anygood waie. Of these exercises there grewe, that the anti-quitie had good souldiours, and that now those of the Weste,bee better men then ours : for as moche as the antiquitieexercised them, either at home (as those common weales doe)or in the armies, as those Emperours did, for thoccasionsaforesaied: but we, at home will not exercise theim, inCampe we cannot, bicause thei are not our subjectes, andfor that we are not able to binde them to other exercises

then thei them selves liste to doe: the whiche occacionbath made, that firste the armies bee neclected, and after,

the orders, and that the kyngdomes, and the common weales,

in especially Italians, live in soche debilitie. But let ustourne to our order, and folowyng this matter of exercises,

I sale, how it suffiseth not to make good armies, for havynghardened the men, made them strong, swift, and handsome, What know-

where it is nedefull also, that thei learne to stande in the ]^.S^ ^ Sovl-

orders, to obeie to signes, to soundes, and to the voice of to°have"the capitain : to knowe, standyng, to retire them selves,

goyng forwardes, bothe faightyng, and marchyng to main-tain those: bicause without this knowlege, withal serious

diligence observed, and practised, there was never armiegood : and without doubt, the fierce and disordered menne,bee moche more weaker, then the fearfull that are ordered,for that thorder driveth awaie from men feare, the disorder

abateth fiercenesse. And to the entente you maie the betterperceive that, whiche here folowyng shalbe declared, youhave to understande, how every nation, in the orderyng oftheir men to the warre, have made in their hoste, or in

their armie, a principall member, the whiche though thei

have varied with the name, thei have little varied withthe nomber of the menne : for that thei all have made it,

betwene sixe and viii. M. men. This nomber of men wascalled of the Romaines, a Legion, of Grekes a Fallange, ofFrenchemen Caterva : this verie same in our tyme of the


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE Suizzers, whom onely of the auncient warfare, kepe some

SECOND shadowe, is called in their tongue that, whiche in ours

BOOKE signifieth the maine battaile. True it is, that every one

of them, hath after devided it, accordyng to their purposes.

Therefore me thinkes beste, that wee grounde our talke,

upon this name moste knowen, and after, according to the

aunciente, and to the orders now adaies, the beste that is

possible to ordaine it: and bicause the Romaines devided

ACohorteisa their Legion, whiche was made betwene five and sixebandeofmen. thousande men, in ten Cohortes, I will that /wee devide"^Of what our maine battaile, into ten battailes, and that we make


''>i"+'w^*h'^?^it of sixe thousande menne on foote, and we will give to

Amours'and every battaile, CCCCl. men, of whiche shall be, CCCC.j

weapons, a armed with heavie armour, and L. with light armour : themaine battaile heavie armed, shall be, CCC. Targettes with sweardes, and""gilt t° bee, shalbe called Target men : and C. with Pikes, whiche shalbe



^^^^^^ ordinarie Pikes : the light armed shalbe, L. men;

appoinctyng armed with Harkabuses, Crosse bowes, and Partisans, andof thesame. smal Targaettes, and these by an aunciente name, were called

Veliti are ordinarie Veliti : all the ten battailes therefore, comes tolight armed have three thousande Targaet men, a thousande ordinariemen. Pikes, CCCC. ordinarie Veliti, all whiche make the nomber i

of fower thousande and five hundred men. And we saied, -^

that we would make the maine battaile of sixe thousande;

therefore there must be added an other thousande, five

hundred men, of the whiche I will appoinct a thousandewith Pikes, whom I will call extraordinarie Pikes, and five

hundred light armed, whom I will call extraordinarie Veliti


and thus my menne should come (as a little before I have

saied) to bee made halfe of Targaetes, and halfe of Pikes

and other weapons. I would appoincte to everie battaile, or

Thecapitaines bande of men, a Conestable, fower Centurions, and fouretiethat ar ap- peticapitaines, and moreover a hedde to the ordinarie Veliti,

every band"of^^*'^ ^^^ peticapitaines: I would give to the thousande

men. extraordinarie Pikes, three Conestabelles, ten Centurions,

and a hundred peticapitaines: to thextraordinarie Veliti,

two Conestabelles, v. Centurions, and 1. peticapitaines : I

would then apoinct a generall hed, over all the main78

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbattaile: I would that every Conestable should have an THE

r^Ansigne, and a Drum. Thus there should be made a SECOND• maine battaile of ten battailes, of three thousande Targaet BOOKE1 men, of a thousande ordinarie Pikes, of a thousande extra-


ordinarie, of five hundred ordinarie Veliti, of five hundred

Iextraordinarie, so there should come to bee sixe thousande

men, emongeste the whiche there should bee M.D. peticapi-

taines, and moreover, xv. Conestables, with xv. Drummes,

\ and XV. Ansignes, Iv. Centurions, x. heddes of the ordinarie

Veliti, and a Capitaine over all the maine battaile, with his

Ansigne and Drume ; and I have of purpose repeated this

order the oftener, to the intent, that after when I shall shewe

you, the maners of orderyng the battailes, and tharmies, youshould not be confounded : I sale therefore, how that, that

king, or that common weale, whiche intendeth to ordeine

their subjectes to armes, ought to appoincte theim with

these armoures and weapons, and with these partes, andto make in their countrie so many maine battailes, as it

were able: and when thei should have ordained them,according to the forsaid distribucion, minding to exercise

them in the orders, it should suffice to exercise every battaile

by it self: and although the nomber of the men, of every

one of them, cannot by it self, make the facion of a juste

armie, notwithstandyng, every man male learne to dooe the-

same, whiche particularly appertaineth unto hym : for that Twoo orders

in the armies, twoo orders is observed, the one, thesame ""served mthat the men ought to doe in every battaile, and the other

that, whiche the battaile ought to doe after, when it is

with the other in an armie. And those men, whiche doe

wel the first, mooste easely male observe the seconde : Butwithout knowyng thesame, thei can never come to the

knowlege of the seconde. Then (as I have saied) every

one of these battailes, male by them selves, learne to kepethe orders of the araies, in every qualitie of movyng, andof place, and after learne to put them selves togethers, to

understande the soundes, by meanes wherof in the faight

thei are comraaunded, to learne to know by that, as the

Gallies by the whissell. what ought to be doen, either to


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE stande still, or to tourne forward, or to tourne backwarde,

SECOND or whiche waie to tourne the weapons, and the face : soBOOKE that knowyng how to kepe well the araie, after soche sorte,

that neither place nor movyng male disorder them, under-

standyng well the commaundementes of their heddes, bymeanes of the sounde, and knowyng quickly, how to re-

tourne into their place, these battailes maie after easly

(as I have said) beyng brought many together, learne to

do that, whiche all the body together, with the other

battailes in a juste armie, is bounde to dooe. And bicause

soche universall practise, is also not to bee estemed a little,

ones or twise a yere, when there is peace, all the mainbattaile maie be brought together, to give it the facion

of an whole armie, some dales exercisyng theim, as thoughthei should faight a fielde, settyng the fronte, and thesides with their succours in their places. And bicause acapitaine ordeineth his hoste to the fielde, either for coumpteof the enemie he seeth, or for that, of whiche without seynghe doubteth, he ought to exercise his armie in the onemaner, and in the other, and to instructe theim in soche

How a captain sorte, that thei maie knowe how to marche, and to faight,mu8te in- when nede should require, the wyng to his souldiours, how

souldiours *^®' should governe theim selves, when thei should happenhow thei to be assaulted of this, or of that side : and where he oughtought to to instructe theim how to faight againste the enemie, whomgoverne them- thei should see : he must shewe them also, how the faight

battaile"* * i* begun, and where thei ought to retire : being overthrowen,

who hath to succeade in their places, to what signes, to

what soundes, to what voices, thei ought to obeie, and to

practise them in soche wise in the battaile, and with fained

assaultes, that thei may desire the veriethyng in deede.

For that an armie is not made coragious, bicause in thesamebe hardie menne, but by reason the orders thereof bee well

appoincted : For as moche as if I be one of the first

faighters, and do knowe, beyng overcome, where I maieretire, and who hath to succeade in my place, I shall alwaies

faight with boldnes, seing my succour at hand. If I shall

be one of the seconde faighters, the first being driven backe,80

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLand overthrowen, I shall not bee afraied, for that I shall THEhave presuposed that I male bee, and I shall have desire to SECONDbe thesame, whiche male give the victory to my maister, BOOKEand not to bee any of the other. These exercises bee mostenecessarie, where an armie is made of newe, and where theold armie is,thei bee also necessarie: for that it is also seen,

how the Romaines knew from their infancie, thorder oftheir armies, notwithstandyng, those capitaines before thei

should come to thenemie, continually did exercise them in

those. And Josephus in his historic saieth, that the con-

tinuall exercises of the Romaine armies, made that all

thesame multitude, whiche folowe the campe for gain, wasin the dale of battaile profitable: bicause thei all knewe,how to stande in the orders, and to faight kepyng the same :

but in the armies of newe men, whether thou have puttetheim together, to faight straight waie, or that thou makea power to faight, when neede requires, without these exer-

cises, as well of the battailes severally by themselves, as

of all the armie, is made nothing: wherefore the orders

beyng necessarie, it is conveniente with double Industrie

and laboure, to shewe them unto soche as knoweth themnot, and for to teache it, many excellent capitaines havetravailed, without any respecte.

CosiMO. My thinkes that this reasoning, hath sumwhattransported you : for asmoche, as havyng not yet declared

the waies, with the whiche the battailes bee exercised,

you have reasoned of the whole armie, and of the dale

of battaile.

Fabeicio. You sale truth, but surely thoccasion hathbeen the affection, whiche I beare to these orders, and the

grief that I feele, seyng thei be not put in use : notwithstand-

ing, doubt not but that I will tourne to the purpose : as I

have saied, the chief importaunce that is in thexercise of The chief im-

the battailes, is to knowe how to kepe well the arraies : and portance in

bicause I tolde you that one of these battailes, ought to beey^g o^^anjes

made of fower hundred men heavie armed, I wil staie my „£ men.self upon this nomber. Thei ought then to be brought

into Ixxx. rankes, and five to a ranke: afterward goyngL 81

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE fast, or softly, to knit them together, and to lose them


SECOND the whiche how it is dooen, maie bee shewed better with

BOOKE deedes, then with wordes. Which nedeth not gretly to be

taught, for that every manne, whom is practised in servise

of warre, knoweth how this order procedeth, whiche is good

for no other, then to use the souldiours to keepe the raie :

but let us come to putte together one of these battailes, I

Three princi- sale, that there is given them three facions principally, thepall facions for firste, and the moste profitablest is, to make al massive, andthorderyng ^^ gj^^ j|. ^j^g facion of two squares, the second is, to make

batta1le'ra^.° ^* square with the front horned, the thirde is, to make it

J,* with a voide space in the middest : the maner to put men

how to brynff together in the first facion, maie be of twoo sortes, thone

a bande of is to double the rankes, that is, to make the seconde rankemen into enter into the first, the iiii. into the third, the sixt intobattaile raie

^j^^ g^j. ^^^^^ g^ foorth, so that where there was Ixxx. rankes,alter a square ,, . i j.i • u i i j. i

facion. "^^ *" ^ ranke, thei maie become xl. rankes, x. to a ranke.

Afterward cause theim to double ones more in thesame

maner, settyng the one ranke into an other, and so there

shall remain twentie rankes, twentie men to a ranke : this

maketh twoo squares aboute, for as moche as albeit that

there bee as many men the one waie, as in the other, not-

withstandyng to wardes the hedde, thei joine together, that

the one side toucheth the other : but by the other waie,

thei be distant the one from the other, at least a yarde

and a haulfe, after soche sorte, that the square is mochelonger, from the backe to the fronte, then from the one

side to thother : and bicause we have at this presente, to

speake often of the partes afore, of behind e, and of the

sides of these battailes, and of all the armie together, knoweyou, that when I sale either hedde or fronte, I meane the

parte afore, when I shall sale backe, the part behind, whenI shall sale flankes, the partes on the sides. The fiftie

ordinarie veliti of the battaile, muste not mingle with the

other rankes, but so sone as the battaile is facioned, thei

shalbe set a long by the flankes therof. The other waie

to set together the battaile is this, and bicause it is better

then the firste, I will set it before your ives juste, how it


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLought to bee ordeined. I beleve that you remember of THEwhat nomber of menne, of what heddes it is made, and of SECONDwhat armours thei are armed: then the facion, that this BOOKEbattaile ought to have, is (as I have saied) of twentie rankes, The better

twentie men to a ranke, five rankes of Pikes in the front, and ^^ie for the

fiftene rankes of Targaettes on the backe, twoo Centurions ordringof a

standyng in the fronte, twoo behinde on the backe, who shall in^lttaik^"execute the office of those, whiche the antiquitie called raie, after the

Tergiductori. The Conestable with the Ansigne, and with first facion.

the Drumme, shall stande in thesame space, that is be-

twene the five rankes of the Pikes, and the fiftene of theTargaettes. Of the Peticapitaines, there shall stande oneupon every side of the ranckes, so that every one, maie haveon his side his men, those peticapitaines, whiche shalbe onthe left hande, to have their men on the right hand, thosePeticapitaines, whiche shall be on the right hand, to havetheir menne on the left hande : The fiftie Veliti, mustestande a long the flankes, and on the backe of the battaile.

To mynde now, that this battaile maie be set together in

this facion, the men goyng ordinarily, it is convenient to

order them thus. Make the men to be brought into Ixxx.

rankes, five to a ranke, as a little afore we have said, leavyngthe Veliti either at the hedde, or at the taile, so that thei

stande out of this order : and it ought to be ordeined, thatevery Centurion have behinde his back twentie rankes, andto bee nexte behinde every Centurion, five rankes of Pikes,

and the reste Targaettes. The Conestable shall standewith the Drum, and the Ansigne, in thesame space, whicheis betwene the Pikes, and the Targaettes of the seconde

Centurion, and to occupie the places of three Targaettemen. Of the Peticapitaines, twentie shall stand on thesides of the rankes, of the first Centurion, on the lefte

hande, and twentie shall stande on the sides of the rankes,

of the last Centurion on the right hande. And you musteunderstande, that the Peticapitaine, whiche hath to leade

the Pikes, ought to have a Pike, and those that leade theTargaettes, ought to have like weapons. Then the rankes

beyng brought into this order, and mindyng in marchyng.

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE to bryng them into battaile, for to make the hedde, the

SECOND first Centurion must be caused to stande still, with theBOOKE firste twentie rankes, and the seconde to proceade marchyng,

and tournyng on the right hand, he must go a long thesides of the twentie rankes that stande still, till he cometo bee even with the other Centurion, where he mustalso stande still, and the thirde Centurion to precede

marchyng, likewise tournyng on the right hand, and a

long the sides of the rankes that stande still, must go so

farre, that he be even with the other twoo Centurions, andhe also standyng still, the other Centurion must folowe

with his rankes, likewise tournyng on the right hande, alonge the sides of the rankes that stande still, so farre

that he come to the bed of the other, and then to stand

still, and straight waie twoo Centurions onely, shall departfrom the front, and go to the backe of the battaile, the

whiche cometh to bee made in thesame maner, and with

thesame order juste, as a little afore I have shewed you.

The Veliti muste stande a long, by the flankes of thesame,

accordyng as is disposed in the first waie, whiche waie is

called redoublyng by right line, this is called redoublyngby flanke : the first waie is more easie, this is with better

order, and commeth better to passe, and you male better

correcte it, after your owne maner, for that in redoublyngby righte line, you muste bee ruled by the nomber, bicausefive maketh ten, ten twentie, twentie fourtie, so that withredoublyng by right line, you cannot make a hedde of fiftene,

nor of five and twentie, nor of thirtie, nor of five and thirtie,

but you must go where thesame nomber will leade you.And yet it happei.eth every dale in particulare affaires, thatit is convenient to make the forwarde with sixe hundred, or

eight hundred men, so that to redouble by right line, shoulddisorder you : therefore this liketh me better : that difficultie

that is, ought moste with practise, and with exercise to beemade easie. Therefore I sale unto you, how it importethmore then any thyng, to have the souldiours to know howto set themselves in araie quickly, and it is necessarie to

keepe theim in this battaile, to exercise theim therin, and

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLto make them to go apace, either forward or backward, to

passe through difficulte places, without troublyng thorder


for asmoche as the souldiours, whiche can doe this well, be

expert souldiours, and although thei have never seen enemies

in the face, thei male be called old souldiours, and contrari-

wise, those whiche cannot keepe these orders, though thei

have been in a thousande warres, thei ought alwaies to be

reputed new souldiours. This is, concernyng setting themtogether, when thei are marching in small rankes: buti

beyng set, and after beyng broken by some accident or

chaunce, whiche groweth either of the situacion, or of the

enemie, to make that in a sodaine, thei male come into

order againe, this is the importaunce and the difficultie,

and where is nedefuU moche exercise, and moche practise,

and wherin the antiquitie bestowed moche studie. There-

fore, it is necessarie to doe twoo thynges, firste to have this

battaile full of countersignes, the other, to keepe alwaies

this order, that those same men maie stand alwaies in the

ranke, which thei were firste placed in : as for insample, if

one have begon to stande in the seconde, that he stande

after alwaie in that, and not onely in that self same rancke,

but in that self same place: for the observyng whereof

(as I have saied) bee necessarie many countersignes. In

especially it is requisite, that the Ansigne bee after soche

sorte countersigned, that companyng with the other battailes,

it maie be knowen from theim, accordyng as the Conestable,

and the Centurions have plumes of fethers in their heddes

differente, and easie to be knowen, and that whiche im-

porteth moste, is to ordaine that the peticapitaines bee

knowen. Whereunto the antiquitie had so moche care,

that thei would have nothing els written in their heddepeces, but the nomber that thei were named by, callyng

them firste, seconde, thirde, and fourthe xc. And yet thei

were not contented with this, but made every souldiour to

have written in his Targaet, the nomber of the ranke, andthe nomber of the place, in whiche ranke he was appoincted.

Then the menne being countersigned thus, and used to

stande betwene these limites, it is an easie thyng, thei



How to exer-

cise men, andto take socheorder, wherbya hand ofmenthat werebywhatsoeverchance dis-

ordred mayestraighte wai

be broughtinto orderagaine.

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What adver-

tisementought to beeused in tourn-ing about awhole bandeof menne,after sochesorte, as

though itwerebut one bodie.

THE ARTE OF WARREbeyng disordered, to sett theim all againe quickly into

order: considering, that the Ansigne standyng still, the

Centurions, and the Peticapitaines maie gesse their places

by the iye, and beyng brought the left of the left, the right

of the right, with their accustomed distance, the souldiours

led by their rule, and by the differences of the cognisances,

maie be quickly in their proper places, no otherwise, then as

if the boordes of a tunne should bee taken a sunder, whiche

beyng first marked, moste easely maie bee set together

again, where thesame beyng not countersigned, were im-

possible to bryng into order any more. These thjmges,

with diligence and with exercise, are quickely taught, andquickly learned, and beyng learned, with difficultie are for-

gotten : for that the newe raenne, be led of the olde, andwith tyme, a Province with these exercises, may becomethroughly practised in the war. It is also necessarie to

teache theim, to tourne theim selves all at ones, and whenneede requires, to make of the flankes, and of the backe,

the fronte, and of the front, flankes, or backe, whiche is

moste easie : bicause it suffiseth that every manne doe tourne

his bodie, towardes thesame parte that he is commaunded,and where thei tourne their faces, there the fronte commethto bee. True it is, that when thei tourne to any of the

flanckes, the orders tourne out of their proporcion: for

that from the breast to the backe, there is little diflference,

and from the one flancke to the other, there is verie mochedistance, the whiche is al contrarie to the ordinarie order

of the battaile: therefore it is convenient, that practise,

and discrecion, doe place them as thei ought to be : butthis is small disorder, for that moste easely by themselves,

thei maie remedie it. But that whiche importeth more, andwhere is requisite more practise, is when a battaile wouldtourne all at ones, as though it were a whole bodie, here is

meeteto have greate practise, and greate discrecion: bicause

mindyng to tourne, as for insample on the left hande, the

left corner must stande still, and those that be next to

hym that standeth still, muste marche so softly, that thei

that bee in the right corner, nede not to runne : otherwise


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLall thing should be confounded. But bicause it happeneth THEalwaies, when an armie marcheth from place to place, that SECONDthe battailes, whiche are not placed in the front, shall be BOOKEdriven to faight not by hedde, but either by flancke, or bybacke, so that a battaile muste in a sodaine make of flancke,

or of backe, hedde: and mindyng that like battailes in

soche cace, male have their proporcion, as above is de-

clared, it is necessarie, that thei have the Pikes on thesameflancke, that ought to be hedde, and the Peticapitaines,

Centurions, and Conestables, to resorte accordyngly to their

places. Therefore to mynde to dooe this, in plasyng themtogether, you must ordeine the fower skore rankes, of five in

a ranke, thus : Set all the Pikes in the first twentie rankes. How to order

and place the Peticapitaines thereof, five in the first places, ^ ^^^^ "f

and five in the last : the other three score rankes, whiche ""^i?"® ^ft*""

come after, bee all of Targaettes, whiche come to bee three tij^t thei maieCenturies. Therefore, the first and the laste ranke of every make their

Centurion, would be Peticapitaines, the Conestable with the front againste

Ansigne, and with the Drumme, muste stande in the middest^'if-^f^'fl

"^of the first Centurie of Targaettes, and the Centurions in the theUist

*° ^

hed of every Centurie. The bande thus ordained, when youwould have the Pikes to come on the left flancke, you mustredouble Centurie by Centurie, on the right flancke : if youwould have them to come on the right flancke, you mustredouble theim on the lefte. And so this battaile tournethwith the Pikes upon a flancke, and the Conestable in the

middeste : the whiche facion it hath marchyng : but theenemie commyng, and the tyme that it would make offlancke hedde, it nedeth not but to make every man to

tourne his face, towardes thesame flancke, where the Pikes How a band

be, and then the battaile tourneth with the rankes, and ofmenoughte

with the heddes in thesame maner, as is aforesaied : for *", ordered,

that every man is in his place, excepte the Centurions, and marchyngthe Centurions straight waie, and without difficultie, place thei should

themselves : But when thei in marchyng, should bee driven bee con-

to faight on the backe, it is convenient to ordein the rankes strained to

after soch sorte, that settyng theim in battaile, the Pikes ^a'^es?"maie come behinde, and to doe this, there is to bee kepte


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE no other order, then where in orderyng the battaile, by

SECOND the ordinarie, every Centurie hath five rankes of PikesBOOKE before, to cause that thei maie have them behind, and

in all the other partes to observe thorder, whiche I de-

clared firste.

CosiMO. You have tolde (if I dooe well rememberme) that this maner of exercise, is to bee able to bryngthese battailes together into an armie, and that this

practise, serveth to be able to order theim selves in the

same : But if it should happen, that these CCCCL. men,should have to doe an acte seperate, how would you order

them ?

Fabricio. He that leadeth them, ought then to judge,

where he will place the Pikes, and there to put them, the

whiche doeth not repugne in any part to the order abovewritten : for that also, though thesame bee the maner, that is

observed to faighte a fielde, together with thother battailes,

notwithstandyng it is a rule, whiche serveth to all those

waies, wherein a band of menne should happen to haveto doe : but in shewyng you the other twoo waies of mepropounded, of ordering the battailes, I shal also satisfie

you more to your question : for that either thei are neverused, or thei are used when a battaile is a lone, and not in

companie of other, and to come to the waie of ordering

Howa battaile them, with twoo homes, I sale, that thou oughteste to orderis made with the Ixxx. rankes, five to a ranke, in this maner. Place intwoo homes,

^j^g middest, one Centurion, and after hym xxv. rankes,

whiche muste bee with twoo Pikes on the lefte hande, andwith three Targaettes on the right, and after the first

five, there must be put in the twentie folowyng, twentiePeticapitaines, all betwene the pikes, and the Targaettes,excepte those whiche beare the Pike, whom maie stand withthe Pikes : after these xxv. rankes thus ordered, there is

to be placed an other Centurion, and behinde hym fiftene

rankes of Targaettes : after these, the Conestable betwenethe Drum and the Ansigne, who also must have after him,other fiftene rankes of Targaettes : after this, the thirdeCenturion must be placed, and behinde hym, xxv. rankes,


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLin every one of whiche, ought to bee three Targaettes on THEthe lefte flancke, and twoo Pikes on the right, and after SECONDthe five first rankes, there must be xx. Peticapitaines placed BOOKEbetwene the Pikes, and the Targaettes : after these rankes,

the fowerth Centurion must folowe. Intendyng therefore,

of these rankes thus ordered, to make a battaile with twoohomes, the first Centurion must stand still, with the xxv.

rankes whiche be behinde him, after the second Centurionmuste move, with the fiftene rankes of Targaettes, that beebehinde hym, and to tourne on the right hande, and up bythe right flancke of the xxv. rankes, to go so farre, that hearrive to the xv. ranke, and there to stande still : after, theConestable muste move, with the fiftene rankes of Tar-gaettes, whiche be behinde hym, and tournyng likewise onthe right hande, up by the right flancke of the fiftene

rankes, that wer firste moved, muste marche so farre, that

he come to their heddes, and there to stand stil : after,

the thirde Centurion muste move with the xxv. rankes,

and with the fowerth Centurion, whiche was behinde, andturnyng up straight, must go a long by the right flanck ofthe fiftene last rankes of the Targaettes, and not to standestill when he is at the heddes of them, but to followe

marchyng so farre, that the laste ranke of the xxv. maiecome to be even with the rankes behinde. And this dooen,the Centurion, whiche was hedde of the firste fiftene rankesof Targaettes, must go awaie from thens where he stoode,

and go to the backe in the lefte corner : and thus a battaile

shall be made of xxv. rankes, after twentie men to a rank,

with two homes, upon every side of the front, one horn,

and every one, shall have ten rankes, five to a ranke, andthere shall remain a space betwene the twoo homes, as

moche as containeth ten men, whiche tourne their sides, theone to thother. Betwene the two homes, the capitain shall

stande, and on every poinct of a home, a Centurion : Thereshall bee also behinde, on every corner, a Centurion : there

shal be twoo rankes of Pikes, and xx. Peticapitaines onevery flancke. These twoo homes, serve to kepe betwenetheim the artillerie, when this battaile should have anyM 89

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE withit, and the cariages : The Veliti muste stande a long

SECOND the flankes, under the Pikes. But mindyng to bring this

BOOKE horned battaile, with a voide space in the middeste, there

The orderyng ought no other to bee doen, then of fiftene rankes, ofof a battaile twentie to a ranke, to take eight rankes, and to place them

sDace^in*the*"^ poinctes of the twoo homes, whiche then of homes,

middeste. become backe of the voide space. In this place, the cariages

are kept, the capitain standeth, and the Ansigne, but never

the Artillerie, the whiche is placed either in the front, or

a long the flankes. These be the waies, that a battaile

male use when it is constrained to passe alone through sus-

pected places : notwithstandyng, the massive battaile with-

out homes, and without any soche voide place is better,

yet purposyng to assure the disarmed, the same hornedbattaile is necessarie. The Suizzers make also many facions

of battailes, emong which, thei make one like unto a crosse


bicause in the spaces that is betwen the armes therof,

thei kepe safe their Harkebuters from the daunger of the

enemies : but bicause soche battailes be good to faight bytheim selves, and my intente is to shew, how many battailes

united, do faight with thenemie, I wil not labour further

in describing them.

CosiMO. My thinkes I have verie well comprehended the

waie, that ought to be kept to exercise the men in these

battailes : But (if I remember me well) you have saied,

how that besides the tenne battailes, you joyne to the mainebattaile, a thousande extraordinarie Pikes, and five hundredextraordinarie Veliti: will you not appoincte these to be

exercised ?

Fabbitio. I would have theim to bee exercised, and that

with moste great diligence : and the Pikes I would exercise,

at leaste Ansigne after Ansigne, in the orders of the bat-

tailes, as the other : For as moche as these should doe meTo what pur- more servise, then the ordinarie battailes, in all particulare

pose the Pikes affaires : as to make guides, to get booties, and to doe likeapd Velite ex- thynges : but the Veliti, I would exercise at home, without

must seTve.^bringing them together, for that their ofiice being to faight

a sonder, it is not mete, that thei should companie with


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLother, in the common exercises : for that it shall suffice, to THEexercise them well in the particular exercises. Thei ought SECONDthen (as I firste tolde you, nor now me thynkes no labour BOOKEto rehearse it againe) to cause their men to exercise themselves in these battailes, whereby thei maie knowe how tokeepe the raie, to knowe their places, to tourne quickly,

when either enemie, or situacion troubleth them : for that,

when thei knowe how to do this, the place is after easely

learned, which a battaile hath to kepe, and what is the office

thereof in the armie: and when a Prince, or a commonweale, will take the paine, and will use their diligence in

these orders, and in these exercisyng, it shall alwaies happen,that in their countrie, there shall bee good souldiours, andthei to be superiours to their neighbours, and shalbe those,

whiche shall give, and not receive the lawes of other men :

but (as I have saied) the disorder wherein thei live, makeththat thei neclecte, and doe not esteme these thynges, andtherefore our armies be not good: and yet though therewere either hed, or member naturally vertuous, thei cannotshewe it.

CosiMo. What carriages would you, that every one ofthese battailes should have ?

Fabritio. Firste, I would that neither Centurion, nor Peti- Neither Cen-capitain, should be suffered to ride : and if the Conestable turion nor

would nedes ride, I would that he should have a Mule, and Peticapitaine,

not a horse: I would allowe hym twoo carriages, and one to j.jjg°° °

every Centurion, and twoo to every three Peticapitaines, What car-

for that so many wee lodge in a lodgyng, as in the place riages the

therof we shall. tell you: So that every battaile will come Capitaines

to have xxxvi. carriages, the whiche I would should carrie ^^^ ^°^^.j^

of necessitie the tentes, the vesselles to seeth meate, axes, nomber ofbarres of Iron, sufficient to make the lodgynges, and then carrages re-

if thei can carry any other thyng, thei maie dooe it at quisite to

their pleasure.'

ITZnuf^CosiMO. I beleve that the heddes of you, ordeined in every

one of these battailes, be necessarie : albeit, I would doubt,

lest that so many commaunders, should confounde all.

Fabritio. That should bee, when it were not referred to


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Withoutmany capi-

taines, anarmie cannotbe governed.

To what pur-

pose Ansigneiought to

THE ARTE OF WARREone man, but referryng it, thei cause order, ye and with-

out theim, it is impossible to governe an armie : for that a

wall, whiche on every parte enclineth, requireth rather to

have many proppes, and thicke, although not so strong,

then fewe, though thei were strong : bicause the vertue of

one a lone, doeth not x'emedie the ruine a farre of. Andtherefore in tharmies, and emong every ten men, it is con-

venient that there bee one, of more life, of more harte, or

at leaste wise of more aucthoritie, who with stomacke, with

wordes, and with example, male kepe them constants, anddisposed to faight, and these thynges of me declared, bee

necessarie in an armie, as the Heddes, the Ansignes, andthe Drummes, is seen that wee have theim all in our armies,

but none doeth his office. First to mynde that the Peti-

capitaines doe thesame, for whiche thei are ordeined, it is

necessarie (as I have said) that there bee a difference, be-

twene every one of them and their men, and that thei lodge

together, doyng their duties, standyng in thorder with them :

for that thei placed in their places, bee a rule and a temper-aunce, to maintaine the raies straight and steddie, and it is

impossible that thei disorder, or disorderyng, dooe not reduce

themselves quickly into their places. But we now adaies,

doe not use them to other purpose, then to give theimmore wages, then to other menne, and to cause that thei

dooe some particulare feate : The very same happeneth of

the Ansigne bearers, for that thei are kept rather to makea faire muster, then for any other warlike use : but the

antiquitie used theim for guides, and to bryng theim selves

againe into order : for that every man, so sone as the

Ansigne stoode still, knewe the place, that he kept nere

to his Ansigne, wherunto he retourned alwaies : thei knewealso, how that the same movyng, or standyng, thei shouldstale, or move : therfore it is necessarie in an armie, thatthere be many bodies, and every bande of menne to havehis Ansigne, and his guide: wherfore havyng this, it is

mete that thei have stomackes inough, and by consequencelife enough. Then the menne ought to marche, accordyngto the Ansigne : and the Ansigne to move, accordyng to the

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLDrumme, the whiche Drumme well ordered, commaundeth THEto the armie, the whiche goyng with paces, that answereth SECONDthe tyme of thesame, will come to kepe easilie thorders : BOOKEfor whiche cause the antiquitie had Shalmes, Flutes, and For what

soundes perfectly tymed : For as moche as like as he that purpose

daunseth, proceadeth with the tyme of the Musick, and Drummes

goyng with thesame doeth not erre, even so an armie °s|^^ *° ^^

obeiyng, in movyng it self to thesame sounde, doeth notdisorder : and therefore, thei varied the sounde, accordyng

as thei would varie the mocion, and accordyng as thei wouldinflame, or quiete, or stale the mindes of men : and like as

the soundes were divers, so diversly thei named them : the

sounde Dorico, ingendered constancie, the sounde Frigio, The propertie

furie : whereby thei sale, that Alexander beyng at the ^^^} soundes

Table, and one soundyng the sounde Frigio, it kendled "^ ^^t"^"-

so moche his minde, that he laied hande on his weapons. ; mensAll these maners should be necessarie to finde again : and myndes.

when this should bee difficulte, at least there would notbe left behind those that teache the Souldiour to obeie,

the whiche every man maie varie, and ordeine after his ownefacion, so that with practise, he accustome the eares of his

souldiours to knowe it: But now adaies of this sounde,there is no other fruicte taken for the moste part, thento make a rumour.

CosiMO. I would desire to understande of you, if ever withyour self you have discourced, whereof groweth so mochevilenesse, and so moche disorder, and so moche necligence

in these dales of this exercise ? A t hi h'Fabeicio. With a good will I will tell you thesame, that course of the

I thinke. You knowe how that of the excellente men of aucthour,

warre, there hath been named many in Europe, fewe in declaryng

Aflric, and lesse in Asia: this grewe, for that these twoo ^^^^^"^

laste partes of the worlde, have had not paste one kyng- moch^virenesdome, or twoo, and fewe common weales, but Europe onely, disorder andhath had many kyngdomes, and infinite common weales, necligence in

where menne became excellent, and did shewe their vertue, ^^^^^ daies,

accordyng as thei were sette a woorke, and brought before the e^T^°^their Prince, or common weale, or king that he be: it of warre


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE followeth therefore, that where be many dominions, there

SECOND rise many valiaunt menne, and where be fewe, fewe. InBOOKE Asia is founde Ninus, Cirus, Artasercses, Mithridates : and

verie fewe other, that to these maie be compared. In

Africk, is named (lettyng stande thesame auncient Egipt)

Massinissa, Jugurta, and those Capitaines, whiche of the

Carthaginens common weale were nourished, whom also in

respecte to those of Europe, are moste fewe : bicause in

Europe, be excellente men without nomber, and so manymore should be, if together with those should bee namedthe other, that be through the malignitie of time extincte


for that the worlde hath been moste vertuous, where hathbeen moste states, whiche have favoured vertue of necessitie,

or for other humaine passion. There rose therfore in Asia,

fewe excellente menne : bicause thesame Province, was all

under one kyngdome, in the whiche for the greatnesse

thereof, thesame standing for the moste parte of tymeidell, there could not growe men in doynges excellent. ToAfricke there happened the verie same, yet there werenourished more then in Asia, by reason of the Cartha-

ginens common weale: for that in common weales, there

growe more excellent men, then in kingdomes, bicause in

common weales for the mest part, vertue is honoured, in

Kyngdomes it is helde backe: wherby groweth, that in thone,

vertuous men are nourished, in the other thei are extincte.

Therefore he that shall consider the partes of Europe, shall

finde it to have been full of common weales, and of prince-

domes, the whiche for feare, that the one had of the other,

thei wer constrained to kepe lively the warlike orders, andto honor them, whiche in those moste prevailed : for that

in Grece, besides the kyngdome of the Macedonians, there

were many common weales, and in every one of theim, were

bred moste excellente men. In Italie, were^the Romaines,the Sannites, the Toscanes, the Gallie Cisalpini. Fraunce,and Almainie, wer ful of common weales and prince-

domes. Spaine likewise : and although in comparison of

the Romaines, there are named fewe other, it groweththrough the malignitie of the writers, whom folowe fortune,


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLand to theim for the moste parte it suffised, to honour THEthe conquerours : but it standeth not with reason, that be- SECONDtwene the Sannites, and the Toscanes, whom fought CL. BOOKEyeres with the Romaine people, before thei wer overcome,

there should not growe exceadyng many excellente menne.And so likewise in Fraunce, and in Spaine : but that vertue,

whiche the writers did not celebrate in particuler menne,thei celebrated generally in the people, where thei exalte

to the starres, the obstinatenesse that was in them, to de-

fende their libertie. Beyng then true, that where bee mostedominions, there riseth moste valiaunt menne, it foloweth

of necessitie, that extinguishyng those, vertue is extincte

straighte waie, the occasion decaiyng, whiche maketh mennevertuous. Therefore, the Romaine Empire beyng after in-

creased, and havyng extinguished all the common weales,

and Princedomes of Europe, and of Afrike, and for the

moste part those of Asia, it lefte not any waie to vertue,

excepte Rome: whereby grewe, that vertuous menne beganto be as fewe in Europe, as in Asia: the whiche vertue,

came after to the laste caste : For as moche, as all thevertue beyng reduced to Roome, so sone as thesame wascorrupted, almoste all the worlde came to bee corrupted :

and the Scithian people, were able to come to spoile the-

same Empire, the whiche had extinguished the vertue of

other, and knewe not howe to maintaine their owne : andafter, although through the inundacion of those barberousnacions, thesame Empire was devided into many partes, this

vertue is not renued : The one cause is, for that it greveth The causes

theim moche, to take againe the orders when thei are marde, ^^^y t^^

the other, bicause the maner of livyng now adaies, having *''°*"®°

^respect to the Christian religion, commaundeth not thesame neclected.necessitie to menne, to defende themselves, whiche in olde

tyme was : for that then, the menne overcome in warre,

either were killed, or remained perpetuall slaves, wherethei led their lives moste miserably : The tounes overcome,

either were rased, or the inhabiters thereof driven out, their

goodes taken awaie, sent dispersed through the worlde : so

that the vanquished in warre, suffered all extreme miserie :


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE of this feare, men beyng made afraied, thei wer driven to

SECOND kepe lively the warlike exercises, and thei honoured soche

BOOKE as were excellente in theim : But nowe adaies, this feare for

the moste part is not regarded : of those that are overcom,

fewe bee killed, none is kepte longe in prison : for that with

facelitie, thei are sette at libertie : the citees also, whichea thousande tymes have rebelled, are not destroied, the

men wherof, are let a lone with their goodes, so that the

greateste hurte that is feared, is but a taske : in so moche,

that men will not submit them selves to the orders of warre,

and to abide alwaies under those, to avoide the perilles

whereof thei are little afraied : again these Provinces of

Europe, be under a verie fewe heddes, in respecte as it hathbeen in times past : for that al Fraunce, obeieth one kyng,

al Spain, an other : Italic is in fewe partes, so that the weakecitees, are defended with leanyng to hyui that overcometh,

and the strong states, for the causes aforesaied, feare nosoche extreme ruine.

CosiMO. Yet ther hath ben seen many tounes that have

ben sacked within this xxv. yeres, and lost their dominions,

whose insample, ought to teache other how to live, and to

take again some of those old orders.

Fabricio. You sale true: but if you note what tounes

have gone to sacke, you shall not finde that thei have beenthe heddes of states, but of the members ; as was seen

sacked Tortona, and not Milaine : Capua, and notNapelles,

Brescia, and not Venice, Ravenna, and not Roome : the

whiche insamples maketh those that governe, not to chaungetheir purposes, but rather maketh them to stande more in

their opinion, to be able to redeme again all thynges with

taskes, and for this, thei will not submit theim selves to the

troubles of thexercises of warre, semyng unto them partly

not necessarie, partly, an intrinsicate matter, whiche thei

understande not : Those other, whiche bee subjectes to

them, whom soche insamples ought to make afraied, haveno power to remedie it : and those Princes, that have ones

loste their estates, are no more able, and those which as

yet kept them, know not, nor wil not. Bicause thei will


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwithout any disease rain by fortune, and not by their vertue : THEfor that in the worlde beyng but little vertue, thei see for- SECONDtune governeth all thynges. And thei will have it to rule BOOKEtheim, not thei to rule it. And to prove this that I havediscoursed to bee true, consider Almaine, in the whiche,

bicause there is many Princedomes, and common weales,

there is moche vertue, and all thesame, whiche in the present

service of warre is good, dependeth of the insamples of those

people : who beyng all gellious of their states, fearing servi-

tude, the which in other places is not feared, thei all main-

taine theim selves Lordes, and honourable : this that I have

saied, shall suffice to shewe the occacions of the presente

utilitie, accordyng to my opinion : I cannot tell, whetherit seeme thesame unto you, or whether there be growen in

you any doubtyng.

CosiMO. None, but rather I understande all verie well


onely I desire, tournyng to our principall matter, to under-

stande of you, how you would ordein the horses with these

battailes, and how many, and how thei should be governed,

and how armed.

Fabritio. You thinke peraventure, that I have left it

behinde: whereat doe not marvell, for that I purpose for

twoo causes, to speake therof little, the one is, for that the

strengthe, and the importaunce of an armie, is the foote-

men, the other is, bicause this part of service of warre, is

lesse corrupted, then thesame of footemen. For that thoughit be not stronger then the old, yet it male compare with

thesame, nevertheles ther hath been spoken a little afore, of

the maner of exercisyng them. And concernyng tharmyng The armyng

them, I would arme them as thei doe at this present, as wel of horsemen,

the light horsemen, as the menne of armes : but the light The weapons

horsemen, I would that thei should be all Crossebowe ^^^ 1'?^*

shuters, with some Harkebutters emong them : the whicheg^oui^^^ave.

though in the other affaires of warre, thei bee little pro-

fitable, thei be for this most profitable, to make afraied the

countrie menne, and to drive them from a passage, that were

kept of them : bicause a Harkebutter, shall feare themmore, then twentie other armed. But commyng to the

N 97

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE nomber, I saie, that having taken in hand, to imitate the

SECOND service of warre of the Romaines, I would not ordein moreBOOKE then three hundred horse, profitable for every maine battaile.

The nombre of whiche I would that there were CL. men of armes, andof horsmen qj^ light horsmen, and I would give to every one of these

a maine*°^ partes, a hedde, making after emong them fiftene peticapi-

battaile of taines for a bande, givyng to every one of them a Trompet,sixe thousand and a standarde : I would that every ten menne of armes,'"®°- should have five carriages, and every ten light horsemenThenombre of twoo, the whiche as those of the footemen, should carrieMrrages that ^^^ tentes, the vesselles, and the axes, and the stakes, and

andlighthors- ^^^ '"^^^ °^ their other harneis. Nor beleve not but that it

men ought to is disorder, where the mennej of armes have to their service

have. fower horse, bicause soche a thyng is a corrupt use : for

that the men of armes in Almaine, are seen to bee withtheir horse alone, every twentie of theim, havyng onely acarte, that carrieth after them their necessary thynges.

The Romaine horsemen, were likewise a lone: true it is,

that the Triary lodged nere them, whiche wer bound to

minister helpe unto theim, in the kepyng of their horses


the whiche male easely be imitated of us, as in the dis-

tributyng of the lodgynges, I shall shewe you. Thesamethen that the Romaines did, and that whiche the Duchmendoe now a dales, we male doe also, ye, not doyng it, weerre. These horses ordained and appoincted together witha main battaile, male sometymes be put together, when the

battailes bee assembled, and to cause that betwene theimbee made some sight of assault, the whiche should be moreto make them acquainted together, then for any othernecessitie. But now of this part, there hath been spokensufficiently, wherefore let us facion the armie, to be able

to come into the field against the enemie, and hope towinne it : whiche thyng is the ende, for whiche the

exercise of warre is ordeined, and so mochestudie therein bestowed.


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EING that we chaunge reasonyng, I will

that the demaunder be chaunged : bicause

I would not be thought presumptuous,the which I have alwaies blamed in other :

therfore, I resigne the Dictatorship, andgive this aucthoritie to hym that will

have it, of these my other frendes.

Zanobi. We would be moste glad, that

you should precede, but seyng that you will not, yet tell at

leaste, whiche of us shall succede in your place.

CosiMo. I will give this charge to signor Fabricio.

Fabeitio. I am content to take it, and I will that wefolowe the Venecian custome, that is, that the youngestespeake firste : bicause this beyng an exercise for yong men,I perswade my self, that yong menne, bee moste apt to

reason thereof, as thei be moste readie to execute it.

CosiMo. Then it falleth to you Luigi : and as I havepleasure of soche a successour, so you shal satisfie your self

of soche a demaunder : therefore I praie you, let us tourne

to the matter, and let us lese no more tyme.Fabritio. I am certain, that to mynde to shewe wel,

how an armie is prepared, to faight a fielde, it should benecessarie to declare, how the Grekes, and the Romainesordeined the bandes of their armies : Notwithstandyng, youyour selves, beeyng able to rede, and to consider these

thynges, by meanes of the auncient writers. I will passe


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE over many particulars : and I will onely bryng in those

THIRDE thynges, whiche I thinke necessarie to imitate, mindyngBOOKE at this tyme, to give to our exercise of warre, some parte

of perfection : The whiche shall make, that in one instante,

I shall shewe you, how an armie is prepared to the field,

and how it doeth incounter in the verie faight, and how it

The greateste male be exercised in the fained. The greatest disorder,

disorder that that thei make, whiche ordeine an armie to the fielde, is

IS used °o^^jjj giving them onely one fronte, and to binde them to one

inff^of a fielde!brunt, and to one fortune : the whiche groweth, of havyng

loste the waie, that the antiquitie used to receive one bande

within an other : bicause without this waie, thei can neither

succour the formoste, nor defende them, nor succede in the

faight in their steede : the whiche of the Romaines, was

Theorderhow moste excellently Well observed. Therefore, purposyng to

a Remain shewe this waie, I sale, how that the Romaines devided intoLegion was

jjj partes every Legion, in Hastati, Prencipi, and Triarii,

feilht^'^**of which, the Hastati wer placed in the first front, or for-

ward of the armie, with thorders thicke and sure, behinde

whom wer the Prencipi, but placed with their orders morethinne : after these, thei set the Triarii, and with so mochethinnes of orders, that thei might, if nede wer, receive

betwene them the Prencipi, and the Hastati. Thei had

besides these, the Slingers, and Crosbowshoters, and the

other lighte armed, the whiche stoode not in these orders,

but thei placed them in the bed of tharmie, betwene the

horses and the other bandes of footemen : therefore these

light armed, began the faight, if thei overcame (whiche

happened seldom times) thei folowed the victorie : if thei

were repulced, thei retired by the flanckes of the armie, or

by the spaces ordained for soche purposes, and thei brought

them selves emong the unarmed : after the departure of

whom, the Hastati incountered with the enemie, the whiche

if thei saw themselves to be overcome, thei retired by a

little and little, by the rarenesse of thorders betwene the

Prencipi, and together with those, thei renued the faight


if these also wer repulced, thei retired al in the rarenesse

of the orders of the Triarii, and al together on a heape,


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbegan againe the faight : and then, if thei were overcome, THEthere was no more remeady, bicause there remained no THIRDEmore waies to renue them again. The horses stoode on BOOKEthe corners of the armie, to the likenes of twoo winges

to a bodie, and somewhiles thei fought with the enemies

horses, an other while, thei rescued the fotmen, according

as nede required. This waie of renuyng theim selves three

tymes, is almoste impossible to overcome : for that, fortune

muste three tymes forsake thee, and the enemie to have so

moche strengthe, that three tymes he maie overcome thee.

The Grekes,had not in their Falangi, this maner of renuyngthem selves, and although in those wer many heddes, andmany orders, notwithstandyng, thei made one bodie, or els

one hedde i the maner that thei kepte in rescuyng the one The manerthe other was, not to retire the one order within the other, that the

as the Romaines, but to enter the one manne into the place f^"^^^®?"^®^

of the other : the which thei did in this maner. Their 'paianS whenFalange brought into rankes, and admit, that thei put in a thei foughtranke fiftie menne, commyng after with their hedde againste against their

the enemie, of all the rankes the foremoste sixe, mighte faight :enemies.

Bicause their Launces, the whiche thei called Sarisse, wereso long, that the sixt ranke, passed with the hedde of their

Launces, out of the first ranke : then in faightyng, if anyof the first, either through death, or through woundes fell,

straight waie there entered into his place, thesame man,that was behinde in the second ranke, and in the place

that remained voide of the seconde, thesame man entred,

whiche was behind hym in the thirde, and thus successively,

in a sodaine the rankes behinde, restored the faultes of those

afore, so that the rankes alwaies remained whole, and noplace of the faighters was voide, except the laste rankes,

the whiche came to consume, havyng not menne behindetheir backes, whom might restore theim : So that the hurte

that the first rankes sufi'ered, consumed the laste, and the

firste remained alwaies whole: and thus these Falangi bytheir order, might soner be consumed, then broken, for

that the grosse bodie, made it more immovable. TheRomaines used at the beginnyng the Falangi, and did set


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE in order their Legions like unto them: after, this order

THIRDE pleased them not, and thei devided the Legions into manyBOOKE bodies, that is, in bandes and companies: Bicause thei

judged (as a little afore I saied) that thesame bodie, should

have neede of many capitaines, and that it should be madeof sunderie partes, so that every one by it self, might be

Theorderthat governed. The maine battailes of the Suizzers, use at thisthe Suizzers present, all the maners of the Falangi, as well in ordryng

main'battaiies '* grosse, and whole, as in rescuyng the one the other : and

when thei in pitchyng the field, thei set the main battailes, thone to

faight. the sides of the other : and though thei set them the one

behinde the other, thei have no waie, that the firste retiryng

it self, male bee received of the seconde, but thei use this

order, to the entent to bee able to succour the one thother,

where thei put a maine battaile before, and an other behinde

thesame on the right hande : so that if the first have nede

of helpe, that then the other male make forewarde, and

succour it : the third main battaile, thei put behind these,

but distant from them, a Harkebus shot : this thei doe, for

that thesaid two main battailes being repulced, this maie

make forwarde, and have space for theim selves, and for the

repulced, and thesame that marcheth forward, to avoide

the justling of the one the other : for asmoche as a grosse

multitude, cannot bee received as a little bodie : and there-

fore, the little bodies beyng destincte, whiche were in a

Romaine Legion, might be placed in soche wise, that thei

might receive betwene theim, and rescue the one the other.

And to prove this order of the Suizzers not to be so good,

as the auncient Romaines, many insamples of the RomainLegions doe declare, when thei fought with the Grekes

Falangi, where alwaies thei were consumed of theim : for

that the kinde of their weapons (as I have said afore) and

this waie of renuyng themselves, could do more, then the

massivenesse of the Falangi. Havyng therefore, with these

insamples to ordaine an armie, I have thought good, partly

to retaine the maner of armyng and the orders of the GrekesFalangi, and partely of the Romain Legions : and therfore

I have saied, that I would have in a main battaile, twoo104

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthousande pikes, whiche be the weapons of the Macedonicall THEFalangi, and three thousande Targaettes with sweardes, THIRDEwhiche be the Romain weapons : I have devided the main BOOKEbattaile, into x. battailes, as the Romaines their Legion into Howe to ap-

ten Cohortes : I have ordeined the Veliti, that is the light poincteamain

armed, to begin the faight, as the Romaines used : and likebattaile with

as the weapons beyng mingled, doe participate of thone and w™ponst° ndof the other nacion, so the orders also doe participate : I to order the-

have ordained, that every battaile shall have v. rankes of same after the

Pikes in the fronte, and the rest of Targaettes, to bee able G^eke and

with the front, to withstande the horses, and to enter easely^ane^r.*^

into the battaile of the enemies on foot, having in the firste

fronte, or vawarde. Pikes, as well as the enemie, the whiche

shall suffice me to withstande them, the Targaettes after to

overcome theim. And if you note the vertue of this order,

you shal se al these weapons, to doe fully their office, for

that the Pikes, bee profitable against the horses, and whenthei come against the footemenne, thei dooe their office well,

before the faight throng together, bicause so sone as thei

presse together, thei become unprofitable : wherefore, theSuizzers to avoide this inconvenience, put after everye three

rankes of Pikes, a ranke of Halberdes, the whiche they doto make roome to the Pikes, which is not yet so much as

suffiseth. Then putting our Pikes afore, and the Targaettesbehinde, they come to withstande the horses, and in the

beginning of the fight, they open the rayes, and molest thefootemen : But when the fight is thrust together, and that

they become unprofitable, the Targaettes and swoords suc-

ceede, which may in every narowe place be handled.

Ldigi. Wee looke nowe with desire to understande, howeyou would ordeyne the armie to fighte the fielde, with these

weapons, and with these order.

Fabritio. And I will not nowe shewe you other, then

this : you have to understande, how that in an ordinarye

Romane armie, which they call a Consull armie, there were The nomber

no more, then twoo Legions of Romane Citezens which were °^ ™.®° ^^^^

sixe hundred horse, and about aleven thousande footemen : Counsullesthey had besides as many more footemen and horsemen, armie

O 105

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How theRomainesplaced their

Legions in

the field.

THE ARTE OF WARREwhiche were sente them from their friendes and confiderates,

whome they divided into twoo partes, and called the one,

the right home and the other the left home : nor they neverpermitted, that these aiding footemen, should passe thenomber of the footemen of their Legions, they were well

contented, that the nomber of those horse shoulde be morethen theirs : with this armie, which was of xxii. thousandfootemen, and about twoo thousande good horse, a Consulexecuted all affaires, and went to all enterprises : yet

when it was needefull to set against a greater force, twooConsulles joyned together with twoo armies. You oughtalso to note in especially, that in all the three principall

actes, which an armie doth that is, to march, to incampe,and to fight, the Romanes used to put their Legions in

the middeste, for that they woulde, that the same power,wherein they most trusted, shoulde bee moste united, as in

the reasoning of these three actes, shall be shewed you


those aiding footemen, through the practise they had withthe Legion Souldiours, were as profitable as they, becausethey were instructed, according as the souldiours of the

Legions were, and therefore, in like maner in pitchingthe field, they pitched. Then he that knoweth how theRomaines disposed a Legion in their armie, to fight a field,

knoweth how they disposed all : therefor, having tolde youhow they devided a Legion into three bandes, and how the

one bande received the other, I have then told you, how al

tharmie in a fielde, was ordained. Wherefore, I mindingto ordain a field like unto the Romaines, as they had twooLegions, I will take ii. main batailes, and these being dis-

posed, the disposicion of all an armie shalbe understodetherby : bycause in joyning more men, there is no other to

be doen, then to ingrosse the orders : I thinke I neede notto rehearse how many men a maine battaile hath, and howeit hath ten battailes, and what heades bee in a battaile,

and what weapons they have, and which be the ordinarie

Pikes and Veliti, and which the extraordinarie for that alitle a fore I told you it destinctly, and I willed you to kepeit in memorie as a necessarie thing to purpose, to under-


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLstande all the other orders: and therfore I will come to THEthe demonstracion of the order without repeating it any THIRDEmore: Me thinkes good, that the ten battailes of one BOOKEmain battaile be set on the left flanke, and the tenne How to order

other, of the other main battaile, on the right: these anarmieinthe

that are placed on the left flanke, be ordeined in thisa^battliWc^

maner, there is put five battailes the one to the side of cording t^o tllie

the other in the fronte, after suche sorte, that betweene the minde of the

one and the other, there remaine a space of three yardes, authour.

whiche come to occupie for largenesse Cvi. yardes, of

ground, and for length thirtie : behinde these five battailes,

I would put three other distante by right line from thefirste, thirtie yardes : twoo of the whiche, should comebehinde by right line, to the uttermoste of the five, and theother should kepe the space in the middeste, and so these

three, shall come to occupie for bredth and length, as

moche space, as the five doeth. But where the five havebetwene the one, and the other, a distaunce of three yardes,

these shall have a distance of xxv. yardes. After these, I

would place the twoo last battailes, in like maner behindethe three by right line, and distaunte from those three,

thirtie yardes, and I would place eche of theim, behinde theuttermoste part of the three, so that the space, whicheshould remain betwen the one and the other, should beIxviii. yardes : then al these battailes thus ordered, will takein bredth Cvi. yardes, and in length CL. Thextraordinarie How the

Pikes, I would defi^ende a long the flanckes of these extraordinary

battailes, on the left side, distante from them fiftene yardes, ^^^l^ f^ ^^jje

makyng Cxliij . rankes, seven to a ranke, after soche set battaile.

sorte, that thei male impale with their length, all the

left sixe of the tenne battailes in.thesame wise, declared of

me to be ordained : and there shall remain fourtie rankes to

keepe the carriages, and the unarmed, whiche ought to

remaine in the taile of the armie, distributyng the Peti-

capitaines, and the Centurions, in their places : and of the

three Conestables, I would place one in the hedde, the other

in the middeste, the third in the laste ranke, the whiche

should execute the office of a Tergiductore, whom the


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE aiitiquitie so called hym, that was appoincted to the backe

THIRDE of the armie. But retournyng to the hedde of the armie,

BOOKE I saie how that I would place nere to the extraordinarie

The place pikes, the Veliti extraordinarie, whiche you knowe to be five

where thex- hundred, and I would give them a space of xxx. yardes : ontraordinarie

|.|^g g- jg ^f l-j^g^g likewise on the left hande, I would place

harke'butters the menne of armes, and I would thei should have a space

and the men' of a Cxii. yardes : after these, the light horsemen, to whomof armes and I would appoinct as moche ground to stande in, as thehghte hors- menne of armes have : the ordinarie veliti, I would leave

to^stande about their owne battailes, who should stand in those

when the field spaces, whiche I appoincte betwene thone battaile andis pitched, thother : whom should be as their ministers, if sometyme Iand goeth to thought not good to place them under the extraordinarie

b tt f*

Pikes : in dooyng or not doyng whereof, I would proceade,

rp, ,. .. accordyng as should tourne best to my purpose. The

archars and" generall hedde of all the maine battaile, I would place in

harkebutters thesame space, that were betwene the first and the secondeare placed order of the battailes, or els in the hedde, and in thesameaboute their space, that is betwene the laste battaile of the firste five,

talles^ ^^^ the extraordinarie Pikes, accordyng as beste should serve

„, ', my purpose, with thirtie or fourtie chosen men about hym,

where the that knewe by prudence, how to execute a commission, and

generall by force, to withstande a violence, and thei to be also

hedde of a betwen the Drumme and the Ansigne : this is thorder, withmamebattaile

^jjg whiche I would dispose a maine battaile, whiche should

when thesame ^^^ the disposyng of halfe the armie, and it should take in

power of men breadth three hundred fourscore and twoo yardes, and in

is appoincted length as moche as above is saied, not accomptyng theto faight. space, that thesame parte of the extraordinarie Pikes will

What menne take, whiche muste make a defence for the unarmed, whiche

^^tt^^^^f^^^'' ^^^ aboute Ixxv. yardes

:the other maine battaile, I

maine battaile ""^ould dispose on the righte side, after the same maneroughte to juste, as I have disposed that on the lefte, leavynghave aboute Ijetwene the one main battaile, and thother, a space of xxii.hym. yardes : in the hedde of whiche space, I would set some little

carriages of artillerie, behynde the whiche, should stande

the generall capitaine of all the armie, and should have108

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLabout hym with the Trumpet, and with the Capitaine THEstanderde, twoo hundred menne at least, chosen to be on THIRDEfoote the moste parte, emongest whiche there should be tenne BOOKEor more, mete to execute all commaundementes, and should The place

bee in soche wise a horsebacke, and armed, that thei mighte wher a general

bee on horsebacke, and on foote, accordyng as neede should thearmiemustrequire. The artillerie of the armie, suifiseth ten Cannons, stand whenfor the winning of Townes, whose shotte shoulde not passe the battaile

fiftie pounde : the whiche in the fielde should serve mee is ready to be

more for defence of the campe, then for to fight the^hf^J'nomber

battaile : The other artillerie, should bee rather of ten, ofchosen menthen of fifteene pounde the shotte : this I would place afore oughte to be

on the front of all the armie, if sometime the countrie aboute hym.

should not stande in such wise, that I mighte place it by How many

the flancke in a sure place, where it mighte not of the canons is re-

enemie be in daunger : this fashion of an armie thus ordered, 1"^'®."^

°d ofmay in fighting, use the order of the Falangi, and the order what sise theyof the Romane Legions : for that in the fronte, bee Pikes, ought to bee.

all the men bee set in the rankes, after such sorte, that in- Where the

countering with the enemie, and withstanding him, maye artillerie

after the use of the Falangi, restore the firste ranckes, with o^ight to be

those behinde: on the other parte, if they be charged sotiiaimie'is^'^

sore, that they be constrayned to breake the orders, and to reedie to fight,

retire themselves, they maye enter into the voide places ofj^^^ armie that

the seconde battailes, which they have behinde them, and were ordered

unite their selves with them, and making a new force, with- as above is

stande the enemie, and overcome him: and when this dedared,maie

sufficeth not, they may in the verie same maner, retire them JJ^etheGh-ekesselves the seconde time, and the third fight : so that in maner, andthis order, concerning to fight, there is to renue them the Romane

selves, both according to the Greeke maner, and according fashion,

to the Romane: concerning the strength of the armie,

there cannot be ordayned a more stronger : for as much, as

the one and the other home therof, is exceedingly well

repfenished, both with heades, and weapons, nor there re-

mayneth weake, other then the part behinde of the unarmed,and the same also, hath the flanckes impaled with the

extraordinarie Pikes : nor the enemie can not of anye parte


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To whatpurpose thespaces thatbe betweneevery bandeof men doserve.

THE ARTE OF WARREassaulte it, where he shall not finde it well appointed, andthe hinder parte can not be assaulted : Because there can

not bee an enemie, that hath so much puissaunce, whomeequallye maye assault thee on everye side : for that hee

having so great a power, thou oughtest not then to matchethy selfe in the fielde with him : but when he were three

times more then thou, and as well appointed as thou, hee

doth weaken him selfe in assaulting thee in divers places,

one part that thou breakest, will cause all the reste go to

naughte : concerning horses, although he chaunce to have

more then thine, thou needest not feare : for that the orders

of the Pikes, which impale thee, defende thee from all

violence of them, although thy horses were repulced. Theheades besides this, be disposed in such place, that they

may easyly commaunde, and obeye : the spaces that bee

between the one battaile, and the other, and betweene the

one order, and the other, not onely serve to be able to re-

ceyve the one the other, but also to give place to the

messengers, whiche should go and come by order of the

Capitayne. And as I tolde you firste, howe the Romaneshad for an armie, aboute foure and twentie thousande men,even so this oughte to bee : and as the other souldiours tooke

ensample of the Legions, for the maner of fighting, and the

fashion of the armie, so those souldiours, whiche youshoulde joyne to oure twoo mayne battailes, oughte to take

the forme and order of them : whereof having put you anensample, it is an easye matter to imitate it, for that in-

creasing, either twoo other mayne battailes unto the armie,

or as many other souldiours, as they bee, there is no other

to bee done, then to double the orders, and where was puttenne battailes on the lefte parte, to put twentie, either

ingrossing, or distending the orders, according as the place,

or the enemie shoulde compell thee.

LuiGi. Surelye sir I imagine in suche wise of this armie,

that mee thinkes I nowe see it, and I burne with a desire to

see it incounter, and I woulde for nothing in the worlde,

that you shoulde become Fabius Maximus intendyng to

kepe the enemie at a bale, and to deferre the daie of battaile:


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbicause I would saie worse of you, then the Romain people THEsaied of hym. THIRDE

Fabbitio. Doubt not : Doe you not heare the artillerie ? BOOKEOurs have alredie shotte, but little hurte the enemie : The descrip-

and thextraordinarie Veliti, issuyng out of their places <^^on of a bat-

together with the light horsemen, moste speadely, and withf^j'^t'^n*

'^ ^

moste merveilous furie, and greateste crie that male be, thei*'^ ^°^"

assaulte the enemie : whose artillerie hath discharged ones,

and hath passed over the heddes of our footemen, without

doyng them any hurt, and bicause it cannot shoote the

seconde tyme, the Veliti, and our horsemen, have nowegotten it, and the enemies for to defende it, are come fore

warde, so that neither our ordinaunce, nor thenemies, can

any more doe their office. Se with how moche vertue,

strengthe and agilitie our men faighteth, and with howmoche knowledge through the exercise, whiche hath madethem to abide, and by the confidence, that thei have in the

armie, the whiche, see, how with the pace therof, and with

the men of armes on the sides, it marcheth in good order, -

to give the charge on the adversarie: See our artillerie,

whiche to give theim place, and to leave them the space

free, is retired by thesame space, from whens the Veliti

issued: See how the capitaine incourageth them, sheweththem the victorie certain : See how the Veliti and light

horsemen bee inlarged, and retourned on the flanckes of

tharmie, to seke and view, if thei male by the flanck, doe

any injurie to the adversaries : behold how the armies beaffronted. Se with how moche valiauntnesse thei havewithstode the violence of thenemies, and with how mochesilence, and how the capitain commaundeth the menne of

armes, that thei sustain, and not charge, and that thei

breake not from the order of the footemen : see how our

light horsemen be gone, to give the charge on a band of

the enemies Harkebutters, whiche would have hurt our menby flancke, and how the enemies horse have succoured them,so that tourned betwene the one and the other horse, thei

cannot shoote, but are faine to retire behinde their ownebattaile : see with what furie our Pikes doe also affront, and


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE how the footemen be now so nere together the one to

THIRDE the other, that the Pikes can no more be occupied : so thatBOOKE according to the knowlege learned of us, our pikes do

retire a little and a little betwen the targaettes. Se howin this while a great bande of men of armes of the enemies,

have charged our men of armes on the lefte side, and howours, accordyng to knowlege, bee retired under the extra-

ordinarie Pikes, and with the help of those, giving again a

freshe charge, have repulced the adversaries, and slain a

good part of them : in so moche, that thordinarie pikes of

the first battailes, be hidden betwene the raies of the

Targaettes, thei havyng lefte the faight to the Targaet men:whom you male see, with how moche vertue, securitie, andleasure, thei kill the enemie : see you not how moche byfaightyng, the orders be thrust together ? That thei can

scarse welde their sweardes ? Behold with how moche furie

the enemies move : bicause beyng armed with the pike, andwith the swerd unprofitable (the one for beyng to long, the

other for findyng thenemie to well armed) in part thei fall

hurt or dedde, in parte thei flie. See, thei flie on the

righte corner, thei flie also on the lefte : behold, the victorie

is ours. Have not we wonne a field moste happely ? Butwith more happinesse it should bee wonne, if it were

graunted me to put it in acte. And see, how there nedednot the helpe of the seconde, nor of the third order, for ourfirst fronte hath sufliced to overcome theim : in this part, I

have no other to sale unto you, then to resolve if any doubtbe growen you.

LuiGi. You have with so moche furie wonne this fielde,

that I so moche mervaile and am so astonied, that I beleve

that I am not able to expresse, if any doubt remain in mymynde : yet trustyng in your prudence, I will be so bolde

to tell thesame that I understande. Tell me firste, whymade you not your ordinaunce to shoote more then ones ?

, And why straighte waie you made them to retire into

concernhig-tharmie, nor after made no mension of them ? Me thought

theshotyngof also, that you leveled the artillerie of the enemie high, andordinaunce. appoincted it after your own devise : the whiche might very


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwell bee, yet when it should happen, as I beleve it chaunseth THEoften, that thei strike the rankes, what reamedie have you ? THIRDEAnd seyng that I have begun of the artillerie, I will finishe BOOKEall this question, to the intente I nede not to reason therof

any more. I have heard many dispraise the armours, andthe orders of the aunciente armies, arguyng, how now adales, thei can doe little, but rather should bee altogether

unprofitable, havyng respecte to the furie of the artillerie :

bicause, this breaketh the orders, and passeth the armoursin' soche wise, that it semeth unto them a foohshenesse to

make an order, whiche cannot bee kepte, and to take pain to

beare a harneis, that cannot defende a man.Fabricio. This question of yours (bicause it hath many

heddes) hath neede of a long aunswere. It is true, that I An aunswere

made not thartillery to shoote more than ones, and also of ^9 the ques-

thesame ones, I stoode in doubte : the occasion was, forde^lunded^"^*

asmoche as it importeth more, for one to take hede not to concernynffbe striken, then it importeth to strike the enemie. You the shoting of

have to understande, that to purpose that a pece of ordinaunce.

ordinaunce hurte you not, it is necessarie either to standewhere it cannot reche you, or to get behinde a wall, or

behinde a banke : other thing there is not that can witholdeit : and it is nedefull also, that the one and the other bemoste strong. Those capitaines whiche come to faight afield, cannot stand behind a wal, or behind bankes, norwhere thei male not be reached : therfore it is mete for them,seyng thei cannot finde a waie to defende them, to finde

some mean, by the whiche thei male be least hurte: northei cannot finde any other waie, then to prevente it

quickly : the waie to prevent it, is to go to finde it out of

hande, and hastely, not at leasure and in a heape : for that

through spede, the blowe is not suffered to bee redoubled,

and by the thinnesse, lesse nomber of menne male be hurt.

This, a bande of menne ordered, cannot dooe ; bicause if the-

same marche hastely, it goweth out of order: if it goscattered, the enemie shall have no paine to breake it, for

that it breaketh by it self: and therfore, I ordered the

armie after soche sorte, that it might dooe the one thyngP 113

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The best

remedie to

avoide thehurte that theenemie in thefielde maiedoe with his


A policie

against bowesand dartes.

Nothyngcausethgreater con-

fusion in anarmie, thanto hindermennesfightes.

THE ARTE OF WARREand the other : for as moche as havyng set in the corners

thereof, a thousande Veliti, I appoincted that after that our

ordinaunce had shotte, thei should issue out together with

the light horsemen, to get the enemies artillerie: andtlierfore, I made not my ordinance to shoote again, to the

intente, to give no tyme to the enemie to shoote : Bicause

space could not be given to me, and taken from other men,

and for thesame occasion, where I made my ordinaunce not

to shoote the seconde tyme, was for that I would not have

suffered the enemie to have shot at al, if I had could : seyng

that to mynde that the enemies artillerie be unprofitable,

there is no other remedie, but to assaulte it spedely : for as

moche as if the enemies forsake it, thou takeste it, if thei

will defende it, it is requisite that thei leave it behind, so

that being possessed of enemies, and of frendes, it cannot

shoote. I would beleve, that with out insamples these

reasons should suffice you, yet beyng able to shewe olde en-

samples, to prove my saiynges true, I will. Ventidio

commyng to faight a field with the Parthians, whose

strength for the moste part, consisted in bowes and arrowes,

he suffered theim almoste to come harde to his campe, before

he drewe out his armie, the whiche onely he did, to be able

quickly to prevent them : and not to give them space to

shoote. Cesar when he was in Praunce, maketh mencion,

that in faighting a battaile with the enemies, he was with so

moche furie assaulted of them, that his menne had no time

to whorle their Dartes, accordyng to the custorae of the

Romaines: wherfore it is seen, that to intende, that a

thyng that shooteth farre of, beyng in the field, doe not

hurte thee, there is no other remedy, then with as mocheceleritie as maie bee, to prevente it. An other cause movedme to precede, without shotyng the ordinaunce, whereatperadventure you will laugh : yet I j udge not that it is to be

dispraised. Ther is nothyng that causeth greater confusion

in an armie, then to hinder mennes fightes : whereby manymoste puisaunte armies have been broken, by meanes their

fighte hath been letted, either with duste, or with the

Sunne : yet there is nothyng, that more letteth the sight


_ J

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthen the smoke that the artillerie maketh in shotyng: THEtherfore, I would thinke that it wer more wisedome, to THIRDEsuffer the enemie to blinde hymself, then to purpose (thou BOOKEbeyng blind) to go to finds hym: for this cause, either I Nothing more

would not shote, or (for that this should not be proved, Windeth the

considering the reputacion that the artillerie hath) I would P^^^* °^"l«''1 . . ° . 1 r J.1- J.1 J 1 . . ,

in an armie,place it on the corners oi the armie, so that shootyng, it then theshould not with the smoke thereof, blinde the front of smoke of

thesame, whiche is the importaunce of my men. And to ordinaunce.

prove that it is a profitable thyng, to let the sight of A policie to

the enemie, there maie be brought for insample Epami- t'ouWe the

nondas, whom to blind the enemies armie, whiche came enemies sight.

to faight with hym, he caused his light horsemen, to

run before the fronte of the enemies, to raise up the duste,

and to lette their sight, whereby he gotte the victorie.

And where it semeth unto you, that I have guided the

shot of the artillerie, after my owne devise, making it to The shotte of

passe over the heddes of my men, I answer you, that most greate ordi-

often tymes, and without comparison, the greate ordinaunce °aimce in the

misse the footemen, moche soner than hitte theim : for moche to beethat the footemen are so lowe, and those so difficult to feared of

shoote; that every little that thou raisest theim, thei passe fotemenne.

over the heddes of men : and if thei be leveled never so

little to lowe, thei strike in the yearth, and the blowe

Cometh not to theim : also the unevenesse of the groundesaveth them, for that every little hillocke, or high place

that is, betwene the men and thordinance, letteth the shot

therof. And concernyng horsmen, and in especially men of„,'gnng^(,f

armes, bicause thei ought to stand more close together, then armes stand

the light horsemen, and for that thei are moche higher, maie closer to-

the better be stroken, thei maie, untill the artillerie have gether then

shotte, be kepte in the taile of the armie. True it is, that ^^^ \^ll'the Harkebutters doe moche more hurt, and the field peces, ought to re-

then the greate ordinance, for the whiche, the greatest mainebehinde

remedy is, to come to hande strokes quickly : and if in the the armie till

firste assaulte, there be slaine some, alwaies there shall bee the enemies

slaine : but a good capitaine, and a good armie, ought not jj^ve doento make a coumpte of a hurte, that is particulare, but of a shootyng.


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE generall, and to imitate the Suizzers, whom never eschue to

THIRDS faight, beyng made afraied of the artillerie : but rather

BOOKE punishe with death those, whiche for feare thereof, either

should go out of the ranke, or should make with his body

any signe of feare. I made them (so sone as thei had

shotte) to bee retired into the armie, that thei might leave

the waie free for the battaile : I made no more mencion of

theim, as of a thyng unprofitable, the faight beyng begun.

You have also saied, that consideryng the violence of this

instrument, many judge the armours, and the auncient

orders to be to no purpose, and it semeth by this your

talke, that men now a daies, have founde orders and armours,

whiche are able to defend them agafhst the artillerie : if

you knowe this, I would bee glad that you would teache it

me : for that hetherto, I never sawe any, nor I beleve that

there can any be founde : so that I would understande of

soche men, for what cause the souldiours on foote in these

daies, weare the breastplate, or the corselet of Steele, and

thei on horsebacke go all armed : bicause seyng that thei

blame the aunciente armyng of men as unprofitable, con-

sidryng the artillery, thei ought to despise also this? I

would understande moreover, for what occasion the Suizzers,

like unto the auncient orders, make a battaile close together

of sixe,-or eight thousande menne, and for what occasion all

other have imitated theim, this order bearyng the verie

same perill, concernyng the artillerie, that those other

should beare, whiche should imitate the antiquitie. I beleve

thei should not knowe what to answere : but if you should

aske soche Souldiours, as had some judgement, thei would

aunswere first, that thei go armed, for that though thesame

armoure defende theim not from the artillerie : it defendeth

them from crossebowes, from Pikes, from sweardes, from

stones, and from all other hurt, that commeth from the

enemies, thei would answere also, that thei went close

together, like the Suizzers, to be able more easely to over-

throw the footemen, to be able to withstand better the

horse and to give more diflicultie to the enemie to breake

them : so that it is seen, that the souldiours have to feare


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLmany other thynges besides the ordinance : from which THEthynges, with the armours, and with the orders, thei' THIRDEare defended : whereof foloweth, that the better that an BOOKEarmie is armed, and the closer that it hath the orders, andstronger, so moche the surer it is: so that he that is of

thesame opinion, that you saie, it behoveth either that hebee of smalle wisedome, or that in this thyng, he hathstudied verie little : for as moche as if -we see, that so little

a parte of the aunciente maner of armyng, whiche is used

now a dales, that is the pike, and so little a parte of those

orders, as are the maine battailes of the Suizzers, dooe us so

moche good, and cause our armies to bee so strong, whyought not we to beleve,that the other armours, and thother

orders whiche are lefte, be profitable? Seyng that if wehave no regard to the artiUerie, in puttyng our selves close

together, as the Suizzers, what other orders male make us

more to feare thesame ? For as moche as no order can cause

us so moche to feare thesame, as those, whiche bryng mentogether. Besides this, if the artillerie of the enemiesshould not make me afraied, in besiegyng a Toune, where it

hurteth me with more safegarde, beyng defended of a wall,

I beyng not able to prevente it, but onely with tyme, withmy artillerie to lette it, after soche sorte that it male doublethe blowe as it liste, why should I feare thesame in thefield, where I maie quickly prevent it ? So that I conclude The artillerie

thus, that the artillerie, according to my opinion, doeth not '^^i" let, why-

let, that the aunciente maners cannot be used, and to sheweorJprs'of war-

the auncient vertue : and if I had not talked alreadie with f^r ought notyou of this instrument, I would of thesame, declare unto to be used in

you more at length : but I will remit my self to that, these dales,

whiche then I saied.

LuiGi. Wee maie now understande verie well, how mocheyou have aboute the artillerie discoursed : and in conclu-

sion, my thinkes you have shewed, that the preventyng it

quickly, is the greatest remedie, that maie be had for the-

same, beyng in the fielde, and havyng an armie againste

you. Upon the whiche there groweth in me a doubte


bicause me thinkes, that the enemie might plat;e his



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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE ordinaunce in soche wise, in his armie, that it should hurt

THIRDE you, and should be after soche sort garded of the footemen,BOOKE that it could not be prevented. You have (if you remember

your self well) in the orderyng of your armie to faight, madedistaunces of three yardes, betwene the one battaile and the

other, makyng those distaunces fiftene, whiche is from the

battailes, to thextraordinarie pikes : if thenemie, shuld order

his armie like unto yours, and should putte the artillerie agood waie within those spaces, I beleve that from thens, it

should hurte you with their moste greate safegard : bicause

menne can not enter into the force of their enemies to

prevent it.

Fabkicio. You doubt moste prudently, and I will devise

with my self, either to resolve you the doubte, or shewe youthe remedie : I have tolde you, that continually these

battailes, either through goyng, or thorowe faightyng, are

movyng, and alwaies naturally, thai come to drawe harde

together, so that if you make the distaunces of a small

breadth, where you set the artillerie, in a little tyme thei

be shootte up, after soche sort, that the artillerie cannot

any more shoote : if you make theim large, to avoide this

perill, you incurre into a greater, where you through those

distances, not onely give commoditie to the enemie, to

take from you the artillerie, but to breake you : but youhave to understande, that it is impossible to keepe the

artillerie betwene the bandes, and in especially those whiche

go on carriages : For that the artillerie goeth one waie,

and shooteth an other waie : So that havyng to go and to

shoote, it is necessary, before thei shote, that thei tourne,

and for to tourne theim, thei will have so moche space, that

fiftie cartes of artillerie, would disorder any armie : therfore,

it is mete to kepe them out of the bandes, where thei maybe overcome in the maner, as a little afore we have shewed


but admit thei might be kept, and that there might be

found a waie betwen bothe, and of soche condicion, that the

presyng together, of men should not hindfer the artillerie,

and were not so open that it should give waie to the enemie,

I saie, that it is remedied moste easely, with makyng dis-


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLtances in thy armie against it, whiche maie give free passage THEto the shot of those, and so the violence thereof shall come THIRDEto be vain, the which maie be doen moste easely : for BOOKEasmoche, as the enemie mindyng to have his artillerie stand

safe, it behoveth that he put them behinde, in the furthest

part of the distances, so that the shot of the same, he pur-

posyng that thei hurt not his owne men, ought to passe byright line, and by that very same alwaies : and therefore with

givyng theim place, easely thei maie bee avoided : for that A generall

this is a generall rule, that to those thynges, whiche cannot ^^^^ againste

be withstoode, there must bee given waie, as the antiquitie^^

t°beemade to the Eliphantes, and to the carres full of hookes. I withstoode.

beleve, ye, I am more then certaine, that it semeth untoyou, that I have ordered and wonne a battaile after my ownmaner : notwithstanding, I answeer unto you this, when so

moche as I have saied hetherto, should not suffice, that it

should be impossible, that an armie thus ordered, andarmed, should not overcome at the first incounter, any other

armie that should bee ordained, as thei order the armies

now adaies, whom most often tymes, make not but onefront, havyng no targaettes, and are in soche wise unarmed,that thei cannot defende themselves from the enemie at

hand, and thei order theim after soche sorte, that if thei set

their battailes by flanck, the one to the other, thei makethe armie thinne : if thei put the one behind the other,

havyng no waie to receive the one the other, thei doe it

confusedly, and apt to be easly troubled : and althoughthei give three names to their armies, and devide theminto thre companies, vaward, battaile, and rereward, not-

withstandyng it serveth to no other purpose, then to

marche, and to distinguis the lodgynges : but in the dale

of battaile, thei binde them all to the first brunte, and to

the first fortune.

LniGi. I have noted also in the faightyng of your fielde,

how your horsemen were repulced of the enemies horsemen :

for whiche cause thei retired to the extraordinarie Pikes


whereby grewe, that with the aide of theim, thei withstode,

and drave the enemies backe ? I beleve that the Pikes maie119

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE withstande the horses, as you saie, but in a grosse and

THIRDE thicke maine battaile, as the Suizzers make: but you inBOOKE your army, have for the hedde five rankes of Pikes, and for

the flancke seven, so that I cannot tell how thei maie bee

able to withstande them.Fabritio. Yet I have told you, how sixe rankes of pikes wer

occupied at ones, in the Macedonicall Falangi, albeit youAbattailehow ought to understande, that a maine battaile of Suizzers, if

greate so ever [^ were made of a thousande rankes, it cannot occupie more

itones occu°* *^^" fower, or at the most five :

bicause the Pikes be sixe

above v. yardes and three quarters longe, one yarde and halfe aV rankes of quarter, is occupied of the handes, wherefore to the firste

Pikes. ranke, there remaineth free five yardes and a half, and a

halfe quarter of Pike : the seconde ranke besides that,

whiche is occupied with the hande, consumeth a yarde andhalf a quarter in the space, whiche remaineth betwene the

one ranke and thother : so that there is not left of pike

profitable, more then fower yardes and a halfe : to the

thirde ranke, by this verie same reason, there remaineth

three yardes and a quarter and a halfe : to the fowerth,

twoo yardes and a quarter : to the fift one yard and halfe a

quarter: the other rankes, for to hurte, be unprofitable,

but thei serve to restore these firste rankes, as we have

declared, and to bee a fortificacion to those v. Then if

five of their rankes can withstande the horse, why cannot five

of ours withstande theim ? to the whiche also there lacketh

not rankes behinde, that doeth sustain and make them the

very same stale, although thei have no pikes as the other.

And when the rankes of thextraordinarie pikes, which are

placed on the flanckes, should seme unto you thinne, thei

maie bee brought into a quadrante, and put on the flancke

nere the twoo battailes, whiche I set in the laste companie of

the armie : From the whiche place, thei maie easely alto-

gether succour the fronte, and the backe of the armie, and

minister helpe to the horses, accordyng as nede shall '


LuiGi. Would you alwaies use this forme of order, whenyou would pitche a fielde,


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLFabeitio. No in no wise : for that you ought to varie the THE

facion of the armie, according to the qualitie of the situa- THIRDEcion, and the condicion and quantitie of the enemie, as BOOKBbefore this reasonyng dooe ende, shall bee shewed certaine

insamples : but this forme is given unto you, not so mocheas moste strongeste of all, where in deede it is verie strong,

as to the intente that thereby you maie take a rule, and anorder to learne to knowe the waies to ordeine the other


for as moche, as every science hath his generalitie, upon thewhiche a good part of it is grounded. One thing onely I An advertis-

advise you, that you never order an armie, after soche sorte, ™®ii* """i-

that those that faight afore, cannot bee sucoured of theim, '^^"^J^S the

whiche be set behind : bicause he that committeth this gelde.errour, maketh the greateste parte of his armie to bee un-profitable, and if it incounter any strength, it cannotovercome.

LuiGi. There is growen in me, upon this parte a doubte.

I have seen that in the placyng of the battailes, you makethe fronte of five on a side, the middeste of three, and the

last partes of twoo, and I beleve, that it were better to

ordain them contrariwise : for that I thinke, that an armieshould with more difficultie bee broken, when he that shouldcharge upon it, the more that he should entre into the-

same, so moche the stronger he should finde it : and theorder devised of you, me thinkes maketh, that the more it is

entered into, so moche the weaker it is founde.

rABRicio. If you should remember how to the Triarii,

whom were the thirde order of the Romain Legions, there

were not assigned more then sixe hundred men, you woulddoubt lesse, havyng understode how thei were placed in thelaste companie : For that you should see, how I moved ofthis insample, have placed in the last companie twoo bat-

tailes, whiche are nine hundred men, so that I come rather

(folowyng the insample of the Romaine people) to erre, for

havyng taken to many, then to fewe : and although this

insample should suffice, I will tell you the reason, the whichis this. The first fronte of the armie, is made perfectly

whole and thicke, bicause it must withstande the brunt of

Q 121

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How the front

of the armieought to beemade.

How themiddell partof the armieought to beordered.

The orderyngof the hinderpart oftharmy.

THE ARTE OF WARREthe enemies, and it hath not to receive in it any of their

felowes : and for this, it is fitte that it bee full of menne


bicause a fewe menne, should make it weake, either for

thinnesse, or for lacke of sufficiente nomber : but the seconde

companie, for as moche as it must first receive their frendes,

to sustain the enemie, it is mete that it have greate spaces,

and for this it behoveth, that it be of lesse nomber then the

first : for that if it wer of greater nomber, or equall, it should

bee conveniente, either not to leave the distaunces, the

whiche should be disorder, or leavyng theim, to passe the

boundes of those afore, the whiche should make the facion of

the armie unperfecte : and it is not true that you sale, that

the enemie, the more that he entereth into the maine bat-

taile, so moche the weaker he findeth it: for that the

enemie, can never faight with the seconde order, except the

first be joined with thesame : so that he cometh to finde the

middest of the maine battaile more stronger, and not moreweaker, havyng to faight with the first, and with the seconde

order altogether: the verie same happeneth, when the

enemie should come to the thirde companie : for that there,

not with twoo battailes, whiche is founde freshe, but with

all the maine battaile he must faight : and for that this last

part hath to receive moste men, the spaces therof is requi-

site to be greatest, and that whiche receiveth them, to bethe leste nomber.

LuiGi. It pleaseth me thesame that you have told : butanswere me also this : if the five first battailes doe retire

betwene the three seconde battailes, and after the eight

betwene the twoo thirde, it semeth not possible, that the

eight beyng brought together, and then the tenne to-

gether, male bee received when thei bee eight, or whenthei be tenne in the verie same space, whiche received

the five.

Fabkicio. The first thyng that I aunswere is, that it is

not the verie same space : For that the five have fowerspaces in the middeste, whiche retiryng betwene the thre,

or betwene the twoo, thei occupie : then there remaineththesame space, that is betwene the one maine battaile andm

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthe other, and thesame that is, betwene the battailes, and THEthe extraordinarie Pikes, al the whiche spaces makes large- THIRDEnesse : besides this, it is to bee considered, that the battaiJes BOOKEkepe other maner of spaces, when thei bee in the orders

without beyng altered, then when thei be altered : for that

in the alteracion : either thei throng together, or thei

inlarge the orders : thei inlarge theim, when thei feare so

moche, that thei fall to fliyng, thei thrust them together,

when thei feare in soche wise, that thei seke to save themselves, not with runnyng a waie, but with defence : So that

in this case, thei should come to be destingueshed, and notto be inlarged. Moreover, the five rankes of the Pikes, that The retire of

are before, so sone as thei have begun the faighte, thei the Pikes, to

ought betwene their battailes to retire, into the taile of P^*^® ^^^ ^^^'

the armie, for to give place to the Targaet men, that thei ^ "male faighte : and thei goyng into the taile of the armie,

maie dooe soche service as the capitain should judge, were

good to occupie theim aboute, where in the forward, the

faight beyng mingled, thei should otherwise bee altogether

unprofitable. And for this the spaces ordained, come to

bee for the remnaunte of the menne, wide inough to receive

them : yet when these spaces should not suffice, the flankes

on the sides be men, and not walles, whom givyngplace, and inlargyng them selves, maie make the space to

containe so moche, that it maie bee sufficient to receive


LuiGi. The rankes of the extraordinarie Pikes, whicheyou place on the flanckes of the armie, when the first bat-

tailes retire into the second, will you have them to stande

still, and remain with twoo homes to the armie .'' Or will How the

you that thei also retire together, with the battailes ? The pjkes that are

whiche when thei should do, I see not how thei can, havyng§an°^es oV


no battailes behinde with distaunces that maie receive tj^ armiethem. ought to

Faeritio. If the enemie overcome theim not, when he governe them

inforceth the battailes to retire, thei maie stande still int^g^^esTofthe

their order, and hurte the enemie on the flanck, after that armieisdriventhe firste battailes were retired : but if he should also over- to retire,


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE come theim, as semeth reason, beyng so puisaunte, that he

THIRDE is able to repulce the other, thei also ought to retire:

BOOKE whiche thei male dooe excellently well, although thei have

not behinde, any to receive them : bicause from the middest,

thei male redouble by right line, entring the one ranke into

the other, in the maner whereof wee reasoned, when it was

spoken of the order of redoublyng : True it is, that to

mynde redoublyng to retire backe, it behoveth to take an

other waie, then thesame that I shewed you : for that I

told you, that the second ranke, ought to enter into the

first, the fowerth into the thirde, and so foorth: in this

case, thei ought not to begin before, but behinde, so that

redoublyng the rankes, thei maie come to retire backewarde,

not to tourne forward : but to aunswere to all thesame, that

upon this foughten field by me shewed, might of you bee

replied. I saie unto you again, that I have ordained you

this arraie, and shewed this foughten field for two causes,

thone, for to declare unto you how it is ordered, the other

to shewe you how it is exercised : thorder, I beleve you

understande moste well : and concernyng the exersice, I

Thexercise of saie unto you, that thei ought to be put together in this

the army in forme, as often times as maie be : for as moche as the heddesgenera .

learne therby, to kepe their battailes in these orders : for

that to particulare souldiours, it appertaineth to keepe well

the orders of every battaile, to the heddes of the battailes,

it appertaineth to keepe theim well in every order of the

armie, and that thei knowe how to obeie, at the commaunde-ment of the generall capitain : therefore, it is conveniente

that thei knowe, how to joyne the one battaile with thother,

The nomber that thei maie knowe how to take their place atones : andthajt is mete

f^j. ^jjjg cause it is mete that thansigne of every battaile,

intheAnsiene bave written in some evident part, the nomber therof : as

of every band well for to be able to commaunde them, as also for that the

of men. capitain, and the souldiours by thesame nomber, maie more

easely knowe theim againe : also the maine battailes, ought

to be nombred, and to have the nomber in their principall

Ansigne : Therefore it is requisite, to knowe of what nomberthe maine battaile shall be, that is placed on the left, or on


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthe right home, of what nombers the battailes bee, that are THEset in the fronte, and in the middeste, and so foorthe of the THIRDEother. The antiquitie would also, that these nombers BOOKEshould bee steppes to degrees, of honors of the armies : as

for insample, the first degree, is the Peticapitain, the The degrees

seconde, the hedde of fiftie ordinarie Veliti, the thirde, the of honours in

Centurion, the fowerth, the hedde of the first battaile, the^hfch^'soche

fifte, of the second, the sixt, of the thirde, and so forthe, a man oughteven to the tenth battaUe, the whiche must be honoured in to rise by, as

the seconde place, nexte the generall capitaine of a maine should bee

battaile : nor any ought to come to thesame hedde, if first, "^^^^ ^ S™e-

he have not risen up by all these degrees. And bicause ^^ "^^^ *'"'

besides these heddes, there be the three Conestables of the

extraordinarie Pikes, and twoo of the extraordinarie Veliti,

I would that thei should be in the same degree of the

Conestable of the first battaile : nor I would not care, that

there were sixe men of like degree, to thintent, that every

one of them might strive, who should doe beste, for to bepromised to be hedde of the seconde battaile. Then every

one of these heddes, knowyng in what place his battaile

ought to be sette in, of necessitie it must folowe, that at

a sounde of the Trompette, so sone as the hedde stan-

darde shall bee erected, all the armie shall be in their

places : and this is the first exercise, whereunto an armieought to bee accustomed, that is to set theim quickly

together: and to doe this, it is requisite every daie, anddivers times in one daie, to set them in order, and to

disorder them.

LuiGi. What armes would you that thansignes of all the

armie, should have beside the nomber .''

Fabritio. The standard e of the generall Capitaine oughte The armes

to have the armes of the Prince of the armie, all the other, that oughte to

maie have the verie same armes, and to varie with the fieldes, "^^ ™ *j

or to varie with the armes, as should seme beste to the g^^^ -^^ ^.j^g

Lorde of the armie : Bicause this importeth little, so that ansignes of

the effect growe, that thei be knowen the one from the an armie.

other. But let us passe to the other exercise : the which

is to make them to move, and with a convenient pace to


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE marche, and to se, that marchyng thei kepe the orders.

THIRDE The third exercise is, that thei learne to handle themselves

BOOKE in thesame maner, whiche thei ought after to handle theim-

The second selves in the dale of battaile, to cause the artillerie to

andthirde shoote, and to bee dravren out of the waie, to make theexercise of an extraordinarie Veliti to issue out, after a likenes of anarmie.

assault, to retire theim : To make that the firste battailes,

as though thei wer sore charged, retire into the spaces of

the second : and after, all into the thirde, and from thens

every one to retourne to his place : and in soche wise to use

theim in this exercise, that to every manne, all thyng maie

be knowen, and familiar : the which with practise, and with

familiaritie, is brought to passe moste quickly. TheThe fowerth fowerth exercise is, that thei learne to knowe by meaneexercise of an of the sounde, and of the Ansigne, the commaundementearmie.

^^ their capitaine : for as moche as that, whiche shall be to

them pronounced by voice, thei without other commaunde-mente, maie understande : and bicause the importaunce of

this commaundement, ought to growe of the sounde, I shall

tell you what soundes the antiquitie used. Of the Lacede-The soundes monians, accordyng as Tucidido affirmeth, in their armiesof theinstru- ^ere used Flutes: for that thei judged, that this armonie,

musicke" th t^^^ moste mete to make their armie to procede with gravetie,

the antiquitie ^^^ ^ith furie : the Carthaginens beyng moved by thisverie

used in their same reason, in the first assaulte, used the violone. Aliattearmies. kyng of the Lidians, used in the warre the violone, and the

Flutes : but Alexander Magnus, and the Romaines, used

homes, and Trumpettes, as thei, that thought by vertue of

soche instrumentes, to bee able to incourage more the

myndes of Souldiours, and make theim to faight the morelustely : but as we have in armyng the armie, taken of the

Greke maner, and of the Romaine, so in distributjng

the soundes, we will keepe the customes of the one, and

of the other nacion : therefore, nere the generall capitain, I

would make the Trompettes to stand, as a sounde not

onely apt to inflame the armie, but apte to bee heard in all

the whole tumoult more, then any other sounde : all the

other soundes, whiche should bee aboute the Conestables, and


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthe heddes of maine battailes I would, that thei should bee THEsmalle Drummes, and Flutes, sounded not as thei sounde THIRDEtheim now, but as thei use to sounde theim at feastes. The BOOKEcapitaine then with the Trompet, should shewe when thei What is signi-

must stande still, and go forward, or tourne backward, when fied by the

the artillerie must shoote, when the extraordinarie Veliti ^""^^^ °^^^^

must move, and with the varietie or distinccion of soche'^°"^^

soundes, to shewe unto the armie all those mocions, whichegenerally male bee shewed, the whiche Trompettes, should

bee after followed of the Drummes, and in this exercise,

bicause it importeth moche, it behoveth moche to exercise

the armie. Concemyng the horsemen, there would be used

likewise Trompettes, but of a lesse sounde, and of a divers

voice from those of the Capitaine. This is as moche as is

come into my remembraunce, aboute the order of the armie,

and of the exercise of thesame.

LuiGi. I praie you let it not be grevous unto you to

declare unto me an other thyng, that is, for what cause youmade the light horsmen, and the extraordinarie Veliti, to

goe with cries, rumours, and furie, when thei gave the

charge ? And after in the incountering of the rest of tharmie, \you shewed, that the thing folowed with a moste greate

scilence? And for that I understande not the occasion

of this varietie, I would desire that you would declare

it unto me.

Fabritio. The opinion of auncient capitaines, hath beendivers about the commyng to handes, whether thei oughtwith rumour to go a pace, or with scilence to go faire andsoftely : this laste waie, serveth to kepe the order more The cries,

sure, and to understande better the commaundementes of the and rumours,

Capitaine : the firste, serveth to incourage more the mindes ^"^'' '^^^ ^^^^

of men: and for that I beleve, that respecte ought to bee i/tiyenunrohad to the one, and to the other of these twoo thynges, the enemiesI made the one goe with rumour, and thother with scilence : andthesilence

nor me thinkes not in any wise, that the continuall rumours ^^^ ought to

bee to purpose : bicause thei lette the commaundementes, the l^gn^+Vje

whiche is a thyng moste pernicious : nor it standeth not with faight is onesreason, that the Romaines used, except at the firste assaulte begunne,


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE to make rumour : for that in their histories, is seen many

THIRDS tymes to have happened, that through the wordes, and com-BOOKE fortinges of the capitain the souldiours that ranne awaie, were

made to stande to it, and in sundrie wise by his com-maundemente, to have varied the orders, the whiche

should not have followed, if the rumoures hadbeen louder then his voyce.


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ENG that under my governement, a field

hath been wonne so honourably, I supposethat it is good, that I tempt not fortuneany more, knowyng how variable, andunstable she is: and therefore, I desire

to give up my governement, and thatZanobi do execute now this office ofdemaundyng, mindyng to followe the

order, whiche concerneth the youngeste: and I knowe hewill not refuse this honoure, or as we would sale, this

labour, as well for to doe me pleasure, as also for beyngnaturally of more stomach than I : nor it shall not makehym afraied, to have to enter into these travailes, where hemaie bee as well overcome, as able to conquere.

Zanobi. I am readie to do what soever shall please you to

appoincte me, although that I desire more willingly to heare :

for as moche as hetherto, your questions have satisfied memore, then those should have pleased me, whiche in harken-yng to your reasonyng, hath chaunced to come into myremembraunce. But sir, I beleve that it is good, that youlese no tyme, and that you have pacience, if with these ourCeremonies we trouble you.

Fabricio. You doe me rather pleasure, for that this

variacion of demaunders, maketh me to knowe the sundrie

wittes, and sunderie appetites of yours : But remaineththere any thyng, whiche seemeth unto you good, to beejoyned to the matter, that alreadie hath been reasoned of?


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To deffende

moche the

fronte of anarmie, is mostperillous.

What is beste

for a capi-

taiue to dooe,where his

power is,

moche lesse


A generalrule.

THE ARTE OF WARREZanobi. Twoo thinges I desire, before you passe to an

other parte : the one is, to have you to shewe, if in orderyng

armies, there needeth to bee used any other facion : the

other, what respectes a capitaine ought to have, before

he conducte his men to tlie faight, and in thesame any

accidente risyng or growyng, what reamedie maie be had.

Fabricio. I will inforce my self to satisfie you, I will not

answere now distinctly to your questions : for that whileste

I shall aunswere to one, many tymes it will come to passe,

that I muste aunswere to an other. I have tolde you, how I

have shewed you a facion of an armie, to the intent, that

accordyng to thesame, there maie bee given all those

facions, that the enemie, and the situacion requireth : For

as moche as in this case, bothe accordyng to the power

thereof, and accordyng to the enemie, it proceadeth : but

note this, that there is not a more perillous facion, then

to deffende moche the front of tharmie, if then thou have

not a most puisant, and moste great hoste : otherwise, thou

oughtest to make it rather grosse, and of small largenesse,

then of moche largenes and thin : for when thou hast fewe

men in comparison to thenemie, thou oughtest to seke other

remedies, as is to ordain thine army in soche a place, wher

thou maiest be fortefied, either through rivers, or by meanes

of fennes, after soch sort, that thou canst not bee compassed

aboute, or to inclose thy self on the flanckes with diches, as

Cesar did in Fraunce. You have to take in this cace, this

genera] 1 rule, to inlarge your self, or to draw in your self

with the front, according to your nomber, and thesame

of the enemie. For thenemies being of lesse nomber, thou

oughtest to seke large places, havyng in especially thy menwell instructed : to the intent thou maiest, not onely com-

passe aboute the enemie, but to deffende thy orders : for

that in places rough and difficulte, beyng not able to

prevaile of thy orders, thou commeste not to have any

advauntage, hereby grewe, that the Romaines almoste

alwaies, sought the openfieldes, and advoided the straightes.

To the contrarie, as I have said, thou oughtest to doe, if

thou hast fewe menne, or ill instructed : for that then thou


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLoughteste to seeke places, either where the little nomber THEmale be saved, and where the small experience dooe not FOWERTHhurte thee: Thou oughtest also to chuse the higher BOOKEgrounde, to be able more easely to infest them : not- The higher

withstandyng, this advertisment ought to be had, not to grounde

ordaine thy armie, where the enemie maie spie what thou ^V'S^^ *" ^^

doest, and in place nere to the rootes of the same, where the

enemies armie maie come : For that in this case, havyng An advertis-

respecte unto the artillerie, the higher place shall gette thee ment not to

disadvauntage : Bicause that alwaies and commodiously, place an armie

thou mightest of the enemies artillerie bee hurte, without enemie maiebeyng able to make any remedy, and thou couldest not se what the

commodiously hurte thesame, beyng hindered by thine same doeth.

owne men. Also, he that prepareth an armie to faight a Respectes for

battaile, ought to have respecte, bothe to the Sunne, and to the Sonne and

the Winde, that the one and the other, doe not hurte the ^i"^^-

fronte, for that the one and the other, will let thee the

sight, the one with the beames, and the other with the

duste : and moreover, the Winde hindereth the weapons,

whiche are stroken at the enemie, and maketh their blowes

more feable : and concerning the Sunne, it sufficeth not to

have care, that at the firste it shine not in the face, but it

is requisite to consider, that increasyng the daie, it hurte

thee not : and for this, it should bee requsite in order-

yng the men, to have it all on the backe, to the entente it

should have to passe moche tyme, to come to lye on the

fronte. This waie was observed of Aniball at Canne, andof Mario against the Cimbrians. If thou happen to bemoche inferiour of horses, ordaine thine armie emongesteVines, and trees, and like impedimentes, as in our tinie the

Spaniardes did, when thei overthrewe the Frenchmenne at

Cirignuola. And it hath been seen many times, with all The variyng

one Souldiours, variyng onely the order, and the place, that of order and

thei have become of losers victorers : as it happened to the P^**'®"J*'®

Carthageners, whom havyng been overcome of Marcusf-f^nauered

Regolus divers tymes, were after by the counsaill of San- to becometippo, a Lacedemonian, victorious : whom made them to go victorius.

doune into the plaine, where by vertue of the horses, and of


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A policie in

the orderingof men andpitchyug ofa fielde.

THE ARTE OF WARREEliphantes, thei were able to overcome the Romaines. It

semes unto me, accordyng to the auncient insamples, that

almoste all the excellente Capitaines, when thei have

knowen, that the enemie hath made strong one side of his

battaile, thei have not set against it, the moste strongest

parte, but the moste weakest, and thother moste strongest,

thei have set against the most weakest : after in the begin-

ning the faighte, thei have commaunded to their strongest

parte, that onely thei sustaine the enemie, and not to

preace upon hym, and to the weaker, that thei suiFer themselves to be overcome, and to retire into the hindermostebandes of the armie. This breadeth twoo greate disorders

to the enemie : the firste, that he findeth his strongest

parte compassed about, the second is, that semyng untohim to have the victorie, seldome tymes it happeneth, that

thei disorder not theim selves, whereof groweth his sodain

losse. Cornelius Scipio beyng in Spain, againste Asdruball

of Carthage, and understanding how to Asdruball it was

knowen, that he in the orderyng the armie, placed his

Legions in the middest, the whiche was the strongest parte

of his armie, and for this how Asdruball with like order

ought to precede : after when he came to faighte the

battaile, he chaunged order, and put his Legions on the

homes of the armie, and in the middest, placed all his

weakeste men : then commyng to the handes, in a sodain

those men placed in the middeste, he made to marche softly,

and the homes of the armie, with celeritie to make forwarde,

so that onely the homes of bothe the armies fought, andthe bandes in the middest, through beyng distaunt the one

from the other, joyned not together, and thus the strongest

parte of Scipio, came to faight with the weakest of Asdru-

ball, and overcame hym. The whiche waie was then pro-

fitable, but now havyng respect to the artillerie, it cannot be

used : bicause the same space, whiche should remain in the

middest, betwene the one armie and the other, should give

tyme to thesame to shoote : The whiche is moste pernicious,

as above is saied : Therefore it is requisite to laie this waie

aside, and to use, as a little afore we saied, makyng all the


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLarmie to incounter, and the weakest parte to give place. THEWhen a capitaine perceiveth, that he hath a greater armie FOWBRTHthen his enemie, mindyng to compasse hym aboute, before BOOKEhe be aware, let hym ordaine his fronte equall, to thesame How to com-

of his adversaries, after, so sone as the faight is begun, let P*^^® about

hym make the fronte by a little and little to retire, and the ^^^g"^""'®^

flanckes to deffende, and alwaies it shall happen, that theenemie shal find hyniself, before he be aware compassedabout. When a capitain will faight, as it wer sure not to How a capi-

be broken, let hym ordaine his armie in place, where he tainemaie

hath refuge nere, and safe, either betwene Fennes, or betwene ^*'^"*?f"*

hilles, or by some strong citee : for that in this case, he gurg not to becannot bee followed of the enemie, where the enemie male overcome.

be pursued of him : this poincte was used of Aniball, whenfortune began to become his adversarie, and that he doubtedof the valiauntnesse of Marcus Marcello. Some to trouble How to

the orders of the enemie, have commaunded those that were trouble the

light armed, to begin the faight, and that beyng begunne, g^g^j^g" ^

to retire betwene the orders : and when the armies wereafter buckled together, and that the fronte of either of themwere occupied in faightyng, thei have made theim to issue

out by the flanckes of the battaile, and thesame havetroubled and broken. If any perceive hymself to bee What a capi-

inferiour of horse, he maie besides the waies that are alredie taine oughte

shewed, place behinde his horsemen a battaile of Pikes, and ?° ?*'°? ^^^°

in faightyng take order, that thei give waie to the Pikes, many hors-and he shall remain alwaies superiour. Many have accus- men as the

tomed to use certain fotemenne lighte armed, to faighte enemie.

emong horsemen, the whiche hath been to the chivalrie A greats aide

moste greate helpe. Of all those, which have prepared for horsemen,

armies to the field, be moste praised Aniball and Scipio,

when thei fought in Africk : and for that Aniball had his The policies

armie made of Carthaginers, and of straungers of divers used betwene

nacions, he placed in the first fronte thereof Ixxx. Ele- ^^^^^""^

phantes, after he placed the straungers, behinde whom hesette his Carthaginers, in the hindermoste place, he puttethe Italians, in whom he trusted little: the whiche thing

he ordained so, for that the straungers havyng before


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE theim the enemie, and behinde beyng inclosed of his men,

FOWERTH could not flie : so that being constrained to faight theiBOOKE should overcome, or wearie the Romaines, supposyng after

with his freshe and valiaunte men, to be then able easely

to overcome the Romaines, beeyng wearied. Against this

order, Scipio set the Astati, the Prencipi, and the Triarii,

in the accustomed maner, to bee able to receive the one the

other, and to rescue the one the other : he made the fronte

of the armie, full of voide spaces, and bicause it should not

be perceived but rather should seme united, he filled themful of veliti, to whom he commaunded, that so sone as the

Eliphantes came, thei should avoide, and by the ordinarie

spaces, should enter betwene the Legins, and leave open

the waie to the Eliphauntes, and so it came to passe, that

it made vaine the violence of theim, so that commyng to

handes, he was superiour.

Zanobi. You have made me to remember, in alledging

me this battaile, how Scipio in faighting, made not the

Astati to retire into thorders of the Prencipi, but he

devided theim, and made theim to retire in the homes of

the armie, to thintent thei might give place to the Prencipi,

when he would force forwarde : therfore I would you should

tell me, what occasion moved hym, not to observe the

accustomed order.

Fabritio. I will tell you. Aniball had putte all the

strengthe of his armie, in the seconde bande : wherefore

Scipio for to set againste thesame like strengthe, gathered

the Prencipi and the Triarii together : So that the dis-

taunces of the Prencipi, beyng occupied of the Triarii,

there was no place to bee able to receive the Astati : andtherefore he made the Astati to devide, and to go in the

homes of the armie, and he drewe them not betwene the

Prencipi. But note, that this waie of openyng the first

bande, for to give place to the seconde, cannot bee used,

but when a man is superiour to his enemie : for that then

there is commoditie to bee able to dooe it, as Scipio was

able : but beyng under, and repulced, it cannot be doen,

but with thy manifest ruine : and therefore it is convenient


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLto have behinde, orders that male receive thee, but let THEus tourne to our reasonyng. The auncient Asiaticans, FOWERTHemongest other thynges devised of them to hurt the enemies, BOOKEused Carres. The whiche had on the sides certaine hookes, Cartes full of

so that not onely thei served to open with their violence hookes made

the bandes, but also to kill with the hookes the adversaries :*° destroiethe

against the violence of those, in thre maners thei provided,

either thei sustained theim with the thickenesse of the raies, The remedy

or thei received theim betwene the bandes, as the Eliphantes that was used

were received, or els thei made with arte some strong againstCartes

resistence: As Silla a Romaine made againste Archelaus,

whom had many of these cartes, whiche thei called hooked,who for to sustaine theim, drave many stakes into the

grounde, behinde his first bandes of menj whereby the cartes

beyng stopped, lost their violence. And the newe maner The straunge

that Silla used against hym in orderyng the armie, is to maner that

bee noted : for that he put the Veliti, and the horse,^^^j^^r"^®'^}^^

behinde, and all the heavie armed afore, leavyng many arnfy againstdistaunces to be able to sende before those behinde, when Archelaus.

necessite required: whereby the fight beyng begun, with

the helpe of the horsemen, to the whiche he gave the waie,

he got the victorie. To intende to trouble in the faight How to

the enemies armie, it is conveniente to make some thyng to trouble in the

growe, that maie make theim afraied, either with showyng f^ighte the

of newe helpe that commeth, or with showyng thynges, enemieswhiche maie represente a terrour unto theim : after soche

sorte, that the enemies begiled of that sight, maie be afraied,

and being made afraied, thei maie easely bee overcome : the

whiche waies Minutio Rufo used, and Accilio Glabrione

ConsuUs of Rome. Caius Sulpitius also set a greate many A policie of

of sackes upon Mules, and other beastes unprofitable for the t^aius Sulpi-

warre, but in soche wise ordained, that thei semed men of ^j" enemies^

armes, and he commaunded, that thei should appere upon afraied.

a hill, while he were a faightyng with the Frenchemen,whereby grewe his victorie. The verie same did Marius, A policie of

when he foughte against the Duchemen. Then the fained Marms

assaultes availyng moche, whilest the faight continueth, itjfuch^gnne

is conveniente, that the very assaultes in deede, dooe helpe

S 137

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A policie of

greate im-portaunce,while a bat-

taile is afaightyng.

Hovr horse-

men maie beedisordered.

How theturke gavethe Sophie anoverthrowe.

How theSpaniardesovercame thearmie of


How to traine

the enemie, to

his destruc-


THE ARTE OF WARREmoche : inespecially if at unwares in the middest of the

faight, the enemie might bee assaulted behinde, or on the

side : the whiche hardely maie be doen, if the countrie

helpe thee not : for that when it is open, parte of thy mencannot bee hid, as is mete to bee doen in like enterprises


but in woddie or hille places, and for this apt for ambusshes,

parte of thy men maie be well hidden, to be able in a

sodain, and contrary to thenemies opinion to assaut him,

whiche thyng alwaies shall be occasion to give thee the

victorie. It hath been sometyme of greate importaunce,

whilest the faighte continueth, to sowe voices, whiche doe

pronounce the capitaine of thenemies to be dedde, or to

have overcome on the other side of the armie : the whiche

many times to them that have used it, hath given the

victorie. The chivalrie of the enemies maie bee easely

troubled, either with sightes, or with rumours, not used : as

Creso did, whom put Camelles againste the horses of the

adversaries, and Pirrus sette againste the Romaine horsemenEliphantes, the sighte of whiche troubled and disordered

them. In our time, the Turke discomfited the Sophi in

Persia, and the Soldane in Surria with no other, then with

the noise of Harkabuses, the whiche in soche wise, with

their straunge rumours, disturbed the horses of those, that

the Turke mighte easely overcome them : The Spaniardes

to overcome the armie of Amilcare, put in the firste fronte

Cartes full of towe drawen of oxen, and comming to handes,

thei kindeled fire to thesame, wherfore the oxen to flie

from the fire, thrust into the armie of Amilcar, and openedit. Thei are wonte (as we have saied) to begile the enemiein the faight, drawyng him into their ambusshes, where the

Countrie is commodious for the same purpose, but whereit were open and large, many have used to make diches,

and after have covered them lightly with bowes and yearth,

and lefte certain spaces whole, to be able betwene those

to retire : after, so sone as the faight hath been begunne,retiryng by those, and the enemie folowing them, hathfallen in the pittes. If in the faight there happen thee,

any accident that maie feare thy souldiours, it is a moste138

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLprudente thyng, to knowe how to desemble it, and to per- THEvert it to good, as TuUo Hostilio did, and Lucius Silla : FOWERTHwhom seyng while thei fought, how a parte of his men BOOKEwer gone to the enemies side, and how tnesame thing had A policie of

verie moche made afraied his men, he made straighte waie Tullo Hostilio

throughout all the armie to be understoode, how all thing |°,^Lucius

Sroceded, accordyng to his order : the whiche not onely semblyne ofid not trouble the armie, but it increased in them so moche a mischaunce.

stomack, that he remained victorious. It happened also to

Silla, that havyng sente certaine souldiours to doe somebusinesse, and thei beyng slain he saied, to the intent his

armie should not be made afraied thereby, that he had with

crafte sent theim into the handes of the enemies, for that

he had found them nothyng faithfuU. Sertorius faightyng Sertorius slue

a battaile in Spaine, slue one, whom signified unto hym the a man for

death of one of his capitaines, for feare that tellyng the very telling him of

same to other, he should make theim afraied. It is a moste ^ ^/^ °^

difficult thyng, an armie beyng now moved to flie, to stale capitaines.

it, and make it to faight. And you have to make this

distinceion: either that it is all moved, and then to beimpossible to tourne it, or there is moved a parte thereof,

and then there is some remedie. Many Romain capitaines,

with making afore those whiche fled, have caused them to Howecertaine

stale, making them ashamed of running awaie, as Lucius captaineshave

Silla did, where alredy parte of his Legions beyng tourned ^^^^yfi^}^^!.to flight, driven awaie by the men of Mithridates, he made ijgg^ runningafore them with a swearde in his hande criyng : if any aske awaie.

you, where you left your capitaine, sale, we have left hym in

Boecia, where he faighteth. Attillius a consuU set againste Attillius con-

those that ran awaie, them that ranne not awaie, and made strained his

them to understande, that if thei would not tourne, thei ^^^jg ^^should be slaine of their frendes, and of their enemies, tourne again

Philip of Macedonia understanding how his men feared the and to faight.

Scithian Souldiours, placed behinde his armie, certaine of his How Philip

moste trustie horsemen, and gave commission to theim, that ^"^? °^ Mace-

thei should kill whom so ever fledde : wherfore, his menj^jg j„g^*

mindyng rather to die faightyng, then fliyng, overcame, afraied to

Many Romaines, not so moche to stale a flight, as for to run awaie.


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ought with all

celeritie to

bee folowed.

What a capi-

taine oughtto dooe, whenhe shouldchaunce to

receive anoverthrowe.

How Martiusovercame thearmie of theCarthaginers.

THE ARTE OF WARREgive occasion to their men, to make greater force, have

whileste thei have foughte, taken an Ansigne out of their

owne mennes handes, and throwen it emongeste the enemies,

and appoincted rewardes to hym that could get it again. I

doe not beleve that it is out of purpose, to joyne to this

reasonyng those thynges, which e chaunce after the faight, in

especially beyng brief thinges, and not to be left behinde,

and to this reasonyng conformable inough. Therefore I

saie, how the fielde is loste, or els wonne : when it is wonne,

the victoria ought with all celeritie to be folowed, and in

this case to imitate Cesar, and not Aniball, whom staiyng

after that he had discomfited the Romaines at Canne, loste

the Empire of Rome : The other never rested after the

victorie, but folowed the enemie beyng broken, with greater

violence and furie, then when he assalted hym whole : but

when a capitaine dooeth leese, he ought to see, if of the

losse there male growe any utilite unto hym, inespecially if

there remain any residue of tharmie. The commoditie

male growe of the small advertisment of the enemie, whommoste often times after the victorie, becometh negligent,

and giveth thee occasion to oppresse hym, as Marcius a

Romaine oppressed the armie of the Carthaginers, whomhaving slain the twoo Scipions, and broken their armie, not

estemyng thesame remnaunt of menne, whiche with Marcius

remained a live, were of hym assaulted and overthrowen


for that it is seen, that there is no thing so moche to bee

brought to passe, as thesame, whiche the enemie thinketh,

that thou canst not attempte : bicause for the moste parte,

men bee hurte moste, where thei doubt leaste : therefore a

capitain ought when he cannot doe this, to devise at least

with diligence, that the losse bee lesse hurtfuU, to dooe

this, it is necessarie for thee to use meanes, that the enemie

maie not easely folowe thee, or to give him occasion to

make delaie : in the first case, some after thei have been

sure to lese, have taken order with their heddes, that in

divers partes, and by divers waies thei should flie, havyngappoincted wher thei should after assemble together: the

which made, that thenemie (fearing to devide the armie)


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwas faine to let go safe either all, or the greatest part of THEthem. In the seconde case, many have cast before the FOWERTHenemie, their dearest thinges, to the entent that he tariyng BOOKEabout the spoile, might give them more laisure to flie.

Titus Dimius used no small policie to hide the losse, whiche A policie of

he had received in the faight, for asmoche as havyng fought ^^^"^ Dimius

untill night, with great losse of his menne, he made in the T^hichehehadnight to be buried, the greatest part of them, wherefore in received in a

the mornyng, the enemies seyng so many slaine of theirs, faight.

and so fewe of the Romaines, belevyng that thei had the

disavauntage, ran awaie. I trust I have thus confusedly, as

I saied, satisfied in good part your demaunde : in dedeabout the facions of the armies, there resteth me to tell

you, how some tyme, by some Capitaines, it hath been used

to make theim with the fronte, like unto a wedge, judgyngto bee able by soche meane, more eaSely to open the enemies

armie. Against this facion, thei have used to make a

facion like unto a paire of sheres, to be able betwene the-

same voide place, to receive that wedge, and to compasse it

about, and to faight with it on every side : whereupon I A general

will that you take this generall rule, that the greatest '''^^®-

remedie that is used againste a devise of the enemie, is to

dooe willingly thesame, whiche he hath devised that thoushalt dooe perforce : bicause that doyng it willingly, thoudoest it with order, and with thy advauntage, and his dis-

advauntage, if thou shouldest doe it beyng inforced, it

should be thy undoyng : For the provjmg whereof, I care

not to reherse unto you, certain thynges alredy tolde. Theadversary maketh the wedge to open thy bandes : if thougowest with them open, thou disorderest hym, and he dis-

ordereth not thee. Aniball set the Elephantes in the fronte Aniball.

of his armie, to open with theim the armie of Scipio. Scipio.

Scipio went with it open, and it was the occasion of his

victorie, and of the ruine of hym. Asdruball placed his Asdruball.

strongest men in the middest of the fronte of his armie, to

overthrowe Scipios menne: Scipio commaunded, that bythem selves thei should retire and he broke theim : So that

like devises when thei are foreseen, bee the causes of the


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE victorie of him, against whom thei be prepared. There

FOWERTH remaineth me also, if I remember my self well, to tell youBOOKE what respectes a Capitaine ought to have, before he leade

A Capitaine his men to faight : upon whiche I have to tell you firste,

ought not to how a capitaine ought never to faight a battaile, except he

advant"^have advauntage, or be constrained. The vantage groweth

excepts he be •'f ^^^ situacion, of the order, of havyng more, or better

constrained, menne : the necessitie groweth when thou seest how that

not faightyng, thou muste in any wise lese, as should bee for

lackyng of money, and for this, thy armie to bee ready all

maner of waies to resolve, where famishemente is ready to

assaulte thee, where the enemie looketh to bee ingrosed

with newe men : in these cases, thou oughtest alwaies to

faight, although with thy disadvauntage : for that it is mochebetter to attempte fortune, where she male favour thee,

then not attemptyng, to see thy certaine ruine : and it is as

grevous a faulte in this case, in a capitain not to faight, as

to have had occasion to overcome, and not to have either

knowen it through ignoraunce, or lefte it through vilenesse.How adyaun- The advauntages some tymes the enemie giveth thee, and

takenTf thsome tymes thy prudence : Many in passyng Rivers have

enemies. '^^^" broken of their enemie, that hath been aware thereof,

whom hath taried, till the one halfe hath been of the one

side, and the other halfe on the other, and then hathassaulted them : as Cesar did to the Suizzers, where he

destroied the fowerth parte of theim, through beyng halfe

over a river. Some tyme thy enemie is founde wearie, for

havyng folowed thee to undescritely, so that findyng thy self

freshe and lustie, thou oughtest not to let passe soche anoccasion : besides this, if the enemie offer unto thee in the

mornyng betymes to faight, thou maiest a good while

deferre to issue out of thy lodgyng, and when he hathstoode long in armour, and that he hath loste that samefirste heate, with the whiche he came, thou maiest thenfaight with him. This waie Scipio and Metellus used in

Spaine : the one against Asdruball, the other against

Sertorius. If the enemie be deminished of power, either

for havyng devided the armie, as the Scipions in Spain, or


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NICHOLAS MAGHIAVELLfor some other occasion, thou oughteste to prove chaunce. THEThe greateste parte of prudent capitaines, rather receive FOWERTHthe violence of the enemies, then go with violence to assalte BOOKEthem : for that the furie is easely withstoode of sure and Furie with-

steddie menne, and the furie beyng sustained, converteth stode, con-

lightly into vilenesse : Thus Fabius did againste the San- v?i*6*l^ "**<>

nites, and against the Galles, and was victorious and his

felowe Decius remained slain. Some fearing the power of

their enemies, have begun the faight a little before night,

to the intent that their men chaunsyng to bee overcome,

might then by the helpe of the darkenesse thereof, save

theim selves. Some havyng knowen, how the enemies armie

beyng taken of certaine supersticion, not to faight in soche

a tyme, have chosen thesame tyme to faighte, and over-

come: The whiche Cesar observed in Fraunce, againste

Ariouistus, and Vespasian in Surrie, againste the Jewes.

The greatest and moste importaunte advertismente, that a What manercapitaine ought to have, is to have aboute hym faithfull of "pen a

menne, that are wise and moste expert in the warre, with "^P'^^'"®,

whom he must continually consulte and reason of his men, about himand of those of the enemies, whiche is the greater nomber, continually,

whiche is beste armed, or beste on horsebacke, or best exer- to consult

cised, whiche be moste apte to suffer necessitie, in whom he ^ith^ll-

trusteth moste, either in the footemen, or in the horsemen :

after thei ought to consider the place where thei be, andwhether it be more to the purpose for thenemie, then for

him : which of theim hath victualles moste commodious


whether it be good to deferre the battaile, or to faight it


what good might bee given hym, or taken awaie by tyme :

for that many tymes, souldiours seyng the warre to be

delaied, are greved, and beyng wearie, in the pain and in _, ,.

the tediousnesse therof, wil forsake thee. It importeth gj^^g ^f ^jjg

above all thyng, to knowe the capitain of the enemies, and capitain of

whom he hath aboute hym, whether he be rashe, or politike, the enemies,

whether he be fearfull, or hardie : to see how thou maiest ^?^°^ *^?^®.

truste upon the aidyng souldiours. And above all thyngj^ j^ moste

thou oughtest to take hede, not to conducte the armie to requisite to

faight when it feareth, or when in any wise it mistrusteth bee knowen.


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE of the victorie : for that the greatest signe to lose, is when

FOWERTH thei beleve not to be able to winne : and therfore in this

BOOKE case, thou oughtest to avoide the faightyng of the fielde,

A timerous either with doyng as Fabius Maximus, whom incampyng inarmy is not to strong places, gave no courage to Aniball, to goe to finde

t" ferht"*^^ ^y""' °^ ^'^^^ ^^°^ shouldest thinke, that the enemie also

. , in strong places, would come to finde thee, to departe out

the feiffhtynff°^ *^^ fielde, and to devide the menne into thy tonnes, to

of a fielde. thentent that tediousnesse of winnyng them, male wearie

hym.Zanobi. Cannot the faightyng of the battaile be other-

wise avoided, then in devidyng the armie in sunderie partes,

and placyng the men in tounes ?

Fabbitio. I beleve that ones alreadie, with some of you I

have reasoned, how that he, that is in the field, cannot

avoide to faight the battaile, when he hath an enemie,

which will faight with hym in any wise, and he hath not,

but one remedie, and that is, to place him self with his

armie distant fiftie miles at leaste, from his adversaria,

to be able betymes to avoide him, when he should go to

Fabius finde hym. For Fabius Maximus never avoided to faight

Maximus. the battaile with Aniball, but he would have it with his

advauntage : and Aniball did not presume to bee able to

overcome hym, goyng to finde hym in the places where he

incamped : where if he had presupposed, to have been able

to have overcome, it had been conveniente for Fabius, to

have fought the battaile with hym, or to have avoided.Philip king of Philip Kyng of Macedonia, thesame that was father toMacedonia, Perse, commyng to warre with the Romaines, pitched his

the Romaines *^^™P^ upon a verie high hill, to the entent not to faight

XT Q- with theim : but the Romaines wente to find hym on the-

toriffe avoided same hill, and discomfaited hym. Cingentorige capitain of

the faightyng the Frenche menne, for that he would not faight the field

of the fielde with Cesar, whom contrarie to his opinion, had passed awith Cesar

river, got awaie many miles with his men. The VeneciansThe ignor- {jj Q^^J. tyme, if thei would not have come to have fought

Ventcians ^^**^ *^^ Frenche kyng, thei ought not to have taried till

the Frenche armie, had passed the River Addus, but to have


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLgotten from them as Cingentorige, where thei havyng THEtaried, knewe not how to take in the passyng of the men, FOWERTHthe occasion to faight the battaile, nor to avoide it : For BOOKEthat the Frenche men beyng nere unto them, as the Vene-

cians went out of their Campe, assaulted theim, and dis-

comfited theim : so it is, that the battaile cannot bee avoided,

when the enemie in any wise will faight, nor let no manalledge Fabius, for that so moche in thesame case, he did

ilie the daie of battaile, as Aniball. It happeneth manytymes, that thy souldiours be willyng to faight, and thouknoweste by the nomber, and by the situacion, or for someother occasion to have disadvauntage, and desirest to makethem chaunge from this desire: it happeneth also, that

necessitie, or occasion, constraineth thee to faight, and that

thy souldiours are evill to be trusted, and smally disposed

to faight : where it is necessarie in thone case, to make What is to be

theim afraied, and in the other to incourage theim : In the doenwhersol-

firste case, when perswacions suffiseth not, there is no better oi<>"fs desire

waie, then to give in praie, a part of them unto thenemie, trary^o theirto thintent those that have, and those that have not fought, capitaines

maie beleve thee : and it may very wel be doen with art, minde.

thesame which to Fabius Maximus hapned by chaunce.

Tharmie of Fabius (as you knowe) desired to faight withAniballs armie : the very same desire had the master of his

horses : to Fabius it semed not good, to attempte the faight


so that through soche contrary opinions, he was fain to

devide the armie : Fabius kept his men in the campe, theother fought, and commyng into great perill, had been over-

throwen, if Fabius had not rescued him: by the whicheinsample the maister of the horse, together with all the

armie, knewe how it was a wise waie to obeie Fabius. Con- How to in-

cernyng to incourage theim to faight, it should be well courage

doen, to make them to disdain the enemies, shewyng how ^"^ ^^^^'

thei speake slaunderous woordes of them, to declare to have

intelligence with them, and to have corrupted part of them,to incampe in place, where thei maie see the enemies, andmake some light skirmishe with them, for that the thyngthat is dailie seen, with more facilitie is despised : to sheweT 145

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THE ARTE OF WARRE"' THE theim to bee unworthie, and with an oracion for the pur-

FOWERTH pose, to reprehends them of their cowardnesse, and for to

BOOKE make them ashamed, to tell theim that you will faight

An advertis- alone, when thei will not beare you companie. And youment to make ought above all thyng to have this advertismente, mindyngthe soldiour ^^ m^ke the Souldiour obstinate to faight, not to permitte,

atelytofaTght. ^^^ ^^^^ ™^^^ ®^°*^ ^"'"^ ^^^ °^ ^^^^^ substaunce, or to leave

it in any place, till the warre bee ended, that thei maie

understande, that although fliyng save their life, yet it

saveth not theim their goodes, the love whereof, is wonts

no lesse then thesame, to make men obstinate in defence.

Zanobi. You have tolde, how the souldiours maie be

tourned to faight, with speakyng to theim : doe you means

by this, that all the armie must bee spoken unto, or to the

heddes thereof?

Fabeicio. To perswade, or to diswade a thyng unto fewe,

is verie easie, for that if woordes suffise not, you maie then

use aucthoritie and force : but the difficultie is, to remove

from a multitude an evill opinion, and that whiche is con-

trary either to the common profite, or to thy opinion, where

cannot be used but woordes, the whiche is meete that thei

be heard of every man, mindyng to perswade them all.

It is requisite Wherfore, it was requisite that the excellente Capitainss

CaDitaines°o^^""^ oratours : for that without knowyng how to spsake

bee good to al the army, with difficultie maie be wrought any good

orators. thing : the whiche altogether in this our tyme is laied aside.

Alexander Rede the life of Alexander Magnus, and you shall see howMagnus used many tymes it was necessarie for hym to perswade, and toopenly to speake publikly to his armie: otherwise he should never

armil^^ ^^ have brought theim, beyng become riche, and full of

spoils, through the desertes of Arabia, and into India with

so moche his disease, and trouble : for that infinite tymes

there growe thynges, wherby an armie ruinateth, when the

capitain either knoweth not, or useth not to speake unto

The effect- thesame, for that this speakyng taketh awaie feare, in-

eousnes of courageth the mindes, increaseth the obstinatenes to faight,spe mg.

discoversth the decsiptes, promiseth rewardes, sheweth the

perilles, and the waie to avoide theim, reprehendeth, praieth,


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthreateneth, filleth full of hope, praise, shame, and doeth THEall those thynges, by the whiche the humaine passions are FOWERTHextincte, or kendled: wherefore, that prince, or common BOOKEweale, whiche should appoincte to make a newe power, Souldiours

and cause reputacion to their armie, ought to accustome "ught to be

the Souldiours thereof, to heare the capitain to speake,t*"'^^*°'"fjf

and the capitain to know how to speake unto them. In Capitainekepyng desposed the souldiours in old tyme, to faight for speake.

their countrie, the religion availed moche, and the othes How in olde

whiche thei gave them, when thei led theim to warfare: timesouldiers

for as moche as in al their faultes, thei threatned them not ^^^^f t>f

onely with those punishementes, whiche might be feared of faites.

men, but with those whiche of God might be looked for : Enterprises

the whiche thyng mingled with the other Religious maners, maie the

made many tymes easie to the auncient capitaines all enter- easelier be

prises, and will doe alwaies, where religion shall be feared, "™"&^* *"

and observed. Sertorius prevailed, by declaryng that he meanes ofspake with a Stagge, the whiche in Goddes parte, promised religion.

h3nm the victorie. Silla saied, he spoke with an Image, Sertorius.

whiche he had taken out of the Temple of Apollo. Many A policie of

have tolde how God hath appered unto them in their slepe, Silla.^

whom hath admonished them to faight. In our fathers pJ"*!'"^!?^time, Charles the seventh kyng of Fraunce, in the warre seventh kinewhiche he made againste the Englishemen, saied, he coun- of Frauncesailed with a maide, sent from God, who was called every against the

where the Damosell of Fraunce, the which was occacion of Englishmen,

his victorie. There maie be also used meanes, that maie Howsouldiers

make thy men to esteme little the enemie, as Agesilao ato^esteme"^


Spartaine used, whom shewed to his souldiours, certain little their

Persians naked, to the intent that seyng their delicate enemies.

members, thei should not have cause to feare them. Some The surestwai

have constrained their men to faight through necessitie,^io"r^ moste

takyng awaie from them all hope of savyng theim selves, obstinat tosavyng in overcommyng. The whiche is the strongest, and faight.

the beste provision that is made, to purpose to make the By what

souldiour obstinate to faight : whiche obstinatenesse is in- meanes ob-

creased by the confidence, and love of the Capitaine, or ofIg^^^g^^glg

the countrie. Confidence is caused through the armour, increased


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE the order, the late victorie, and the opinion of the Capi-

FOWERTH taine. The love of the countrie, is caused of nature : thatBOOKE of the Capitain, through vertue, more then by any other

benefite : the necessities male be many, but that is

strongest, whiche constraineth thee ; either to

overcome, or to dye.


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HAVE shewed you, how an armi, is

ordained to faight a fields with an other

armie, which is seen pitched against it,

and have declared unto you, howe the

same is overcome, and after many cir-

cumstaunces, I have likewise shewed you,

what divers chaunces, maie happen aboutthesame, so that me thinkes tyme to

shewe you now, how an armie is ordered, againste thesameenemie, whiche otherwise is not seen, but continually feared,

that he assaulte thee : this happeneth when an armiemaircheth through the enemies countrie, or through sus-

pected places. Firste, you must understande, how a Romainearmie, sent alwaies ordinarely afore, certaine bandes of

horsemen, as spies of the waie : after followed the right

home, after this, came all the carriages, whiche to thesameapperteined, after this, came a Legion, after it, the carriages

therof, after that, an other legion, and next to it, their

carriages, after whiche, came the left home, with the

carriages thereof at their backe, and in the laste part,

folowed the remnaunte of the chivalrie : this was in effecte

the maner, with whiche ordinarily thei marched : and if it

happened that the armie were assaulted in the waie on the

fronte, or on the backe, thei made straight waie all the

carriages to bee drawen, either on the right, or on the lefte

side, accordyng as chaunsed, or as thei could beste, havyng151

How theRomainesmarched withtheir armies.

How theRomainesordered their

armie when it

happened to

be assaulted

on the waie.

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How the mainbattailes

ought tomarche.

The orderyngof an armieafter sochesorte^ that it

maie marchesafelie

through theenemiescountrie andbe alwaies in

a redines to


THE ARTE OF WARRErespecte to the situacion: and all the men together free

from their impedimentes, made hedde on that parte/where

the enemie came. If thei were assaulted on the flancke,

thei drue the carriages towardes thesame parte that was

safe, and of the other, thei made hedde. This waie beyngwell and prudently governed, I have thought meete to

imitate, sending afore the light horsemen, as exploratours

of the Countrie: Then havyng fower maine battailes, I

would make them to marche in araie, and every one with

their carriages folowyng theim. And for that there be

twoo sortes of carriages, that is partainyng to particulare

souldiours, and partainyng to the publike use of all the

Campe, I would devide the publike Carriages into fower

partes, and to every maine battaile, I would appoinct his

parte, deviding also the artillerie into fower partes, and all

the unarmed, so that every nomber of armed menne, should

equally have their impedimentes. But bicause it happenethsome times, that thei marche through the countrie, not

onely suspected, but so daungerous, that thou fearest every

bower to be assaulted, thou art constrained for to go moresure, to chaunge the forme of marchyng, and to goe in

soche wise prepared, that neither the countrie menne, nor

any 3,rmie, maie hurte thee, findyng thee in any parte

unprovided. In soche case, the aunciente capitaines were

wont, to marche with the armie quadrante, whiche so thei

called this forme, not for that it was "altogether quadrante,

but for that it was apte to faight of fower partes, and thei

saied, that thei wente prepared, bothe for the waie, and for

the faight : from whiche waie, I will not digresse, and I

will ordaine my twoo maine battailes, whiche I have taken

for to make an armie of, to this effect. Mindyng therefore,

to marche safely through the enemies Countrie, and to bee

able to aunswere hym on every side, when at unwares the

armie might chaunce to be assaulted, and intendyng there-

fore, accordyng to the antiquitie, to bryng thesame into a

square, I would devise to make a quadrant, that the rome

therof should be of space on every part Clix. yardes, in this

maner. First I would put the flanckes, distant the one


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLilanck from the other, Clix. yardes, and I would place five THEbattailes for a ilancke, in a raie in length, and distant the FIVETHone from the other, twoo yardes and a quarter : the whiche BOOKEshall occupie with their spaces, every battaile occupiyngthirtie yardes, Clix. yardes. Then betwen the hedde andthe taile of these two flanckes, I would place the other

tenne battailes, in every parte five, orderyng them after

soche sorte, that fower should joyne to the hedde of theright flanck, and fower to the taile of the lefte flancke,

leaving betwene every one of them, a distance of thre

yardes: one should after joyne to the hedde of the lefte

flancke, and one to the taile of the right flancke : and for

that the space that is betwene the one flancke and the other,

is Clix. yardes, and these battailes whiche are set the oneto the side of the other by breadth, and not by length, will

come to occupie with the distaunces one hundred yardes

and a halfe yarde, there shall come betwene theim fowerbattailes, placed in the fronte on the right flancke, and the

one placed in thesame on the lefte, to remaine a space of

fiftie and eighte yardes and a halfe, and the verie samespace will come to remaine in the battailes, placed in the

hinder parte : nor there shall bee no difierence, saving that

the one space shall come on the parte behind towardesthe right home, and thother shall come on the parte afore. The place in

towardes the lefte home. In the space of the Iviii. yardes the armie

and a halfe before, I would place all the ordinarie Veliti, in ^^^^ ^^^

thesame behinde, the extraordinarie, which wil come to be g ^kT tta thousande for a space, and mindyng to have the space ^j.^ ^p.that ought to be within the armie, to be every waie Clix. poincted.

yardes, it is mete that the five battailes, whiche are placedin the hedde, and those whiche are placed in the taile,

occupie not any parte of the space, whiche the flanckes

keepe: and therefore it shall be convenient, that the five

battailes behinde, doe touche with the fronte, the taile of

their flanckes, and those afore, with the taile to touchethe hedde, after soche sorte, that upon every corner of the

same armie, there male remaine a space, to receive an other

battaile : a;nd for that there bee fower spaces, I would take

U 163

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The place in

the arniie

wher thextra-


Pikes are


The place in

the armiewherthe gene-rail uapitain

must be.

Where theartilleriemust

be placed.

The light

horsmennemust besente before

todiscoverthecountrie andthe menneof armes to

come behindtharmy.

A generall

rule concern-

yng horse.

THE ARTE OF WARREfower bandes of the extraordinarie Pikes, and in every

corner I would place one, and the twoo Ansignes of the

foresaied Pikes, whiche shall remain overplus, I would sette

in the middest of the rome of this armie, in a square

battaile, on the hedde whereof, should stande the generall

capitaine, with his menne about him. And for that these

battailes ordeined thus, marche all one waie, but faight not

all one waie, in puttyng them together, those sides oughtto be ordained to faight, whiche are not defended of thothea:

battailes. And therfore it ought to be considered, that the

five battailes that be in the front, have all their other

partes defended, excepte the fronte : and therfore these

ought to bee put together in good order^ and with the

Pikes afore. The five battailes whiche are behinde, have

all their sides defended, except the parte behinde, and there-

fore those ought to bee put together in soche wise, that the

Pikes come behind, as in the place therof we shall shewe.

The five battailes that bee in the right flancke, have all

their sides defended, except the right flancke. The five

that be on the left flanck, have all their partes defended,

excepte the lefte flancke: and therefore in orderyng the

battailes, thei ought to bee made, that the Pikes maietourne on thesame flanck, that lieth open: and the Peti-

capitaines to stand on the hedde, and on the taile, so that

nedyng to faight, all the armour and weapons maie be in

their due places, the waie to doe this, is declared where

we reasoned of the maner of orderyng the battailes. Theartillerie I would devide, and one parte I would place with-

out, on the lefte flancke, and the other on the right. Thelight horsemen, I would sende afore to discover the countrie.

Of the menne of armes, I would place part behinde, on the

right home, and parte on the lefte, distante about thirtie

yardes from the battailes : and concerning horse, you have

to take this for a general rule in every condicion, where

you ordaine an armie, that alwaies thei ought to he put,

either behinde, or on the flanckes of thesame: he that

putteth them afore, over against the armie, it behoveth

hym to doe one of these twoo thinges, either that he put


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthem so moche afore, that beyng repulced, thei maie have THEso moche space, that maie give them tyme, to be able to go FIVETHa side from thy footemen, and not to runne upon them, or BOOKEto order them in soche wise, with so many spaces, that thehorses by those maie enter betwene them, without disorder-

yng them. Nor let no man esteme little this remembraunce,for as moche as many capitaines, whom havyng taken nohede thereof, have been ruinated, and by themselves havebeen disordered, and broken. The carriages and the un- Wheithearmed menne are placed, in the rome that remaineth within carriages and

the armie, and in soche sorte equally devided, that thei maie *^® unarmed

give the waie easely, to whom so ever would go, either fromthe one corner to the other, or from the one hedde, to theother of the armie. These battailes without the artillerie

and the horse, occupie every waie from the utter side, twoohundred and eleven yardes and a halfe of space : and bicause

this quadrante is made of twoo main battailes, it is con-

venient to distinguishe, what part thone maine battaile

maketh, and what the other: and for that the main battailes

are called by the nomber, and every of theim hath (as youknowe) tenne battailes, and a generall bed, I would cause

that the first main battaile, should set the first v. battailes

therof in the front, the other five, in the left fianck, andthe capitain of the same should stande in the left comerof the front. The seconde maine battaile, should then putthe firste five battailes therof, in the right fianck, and theother five in the taile, and the hedde capitain of thesame,should stande in the right corner, whom should come to

dooe the office of the Tergiductor. The armie ordained in

this maner, ought to be made to move, and in the marchyng,to observe all this order, and witliout doubte, it is sure fromall the tumultes of the countrie men. Nor the capitain

ought not to make other provision, to the tumultuarieassaultes, then to give sometyme Commission to somehorse, or Ansigne of Veliti, that thei set themselves in

order: nor it shall never happen that these tumultuouspeople, will come to finde thee at the drawyng of theswerd, or pikes poincte : for that men out of order, have


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE feare of those that be in araie : and alwaies it shall bee seen,

FIVETH that with cries and rumours, thei will make a greate assaulte,

BOOKE without otherwise commyng nere unto thee, like unto bark-

ing curres aboute a Mastie. Aniball when he came to the

hurte of the Romaines into Italic, he passed through all

Fraunce, and alwaies of the Frenche tumultes, he tookeThe waie small regarde. Mindyng to marche, it is conveniente tomust be made

jjg^^g plainers and labourers afore, whom male make thee

the arirde ^^^ ^^^^ plaine, whiche shall bee garded of those horsemen,

shall marche that are sent afore to viewe the countrie : an armie in this

in order. order maie marche tenne mile the dale, and shall have tymeHow many inough to incampe, and suppe before Sunne goyng doune,miles a day an for that ordinarely, an armie maie marche twentie mile : ifarmie maie

j^ happen that thou be assaulted, of an armie set in order,

taile raie to this assaulte cannot growe sodainly : for that an armie in

bee able to in- order, commeth with his pace, so that thou maiest havecampe before tyme inough, to set thy self in order to faight the field, andsunne set. reduce thy menne quickly into thesame facion, or like to

thesame facion of an armie, which afore is shewed thee.The orderyng Por that if thou be assaulted, on the parte afore, thou

"hen it'i?^^'"^^cdeste not but to cause, that the artillerie that be on

assaulted on ^^he flanckes, and the horse that be behinde, to come before,

the vawarde. and place theimselves in those places, and with those dis-

taunces, as afore is declared. The thousande Veliti that

bee before, must go out of their place, and be devided into

CCCCC. for a parte, and go into their place, betwene the

horse and the homes of tharmy : then in the voide place

that thei shal leave, the twoo Ansignes of the extraordinarie

Pikes muste entre, whiche I did set in the middest of the

quadrante of the armie. The thousande Veliti, whiche I

placed behinde, must departe from thesame place, anddevide them selves in the flanckes of the battailes, to the

fortificacion of those : and by the open place that thei shal

leave, all the carriages and unarmed menne must go out,

and place themselves on the backe of the battaile. Thenthe rome in the middeste beyng voided, and every man gone

to his place : the five battailes, whiche I placed behinde on

the armie, must make forward in the voide place, that is


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbetwene the one and the other flanck, and marche towardes THEthe battailes, that stand in the hedde, and three of theim, FIVETHmuste stande within thirtie yardes of those, with equall dis- BOOKEtances, betwene the one and the other, and the other twooshal remain behinde, distaunte other thirtie yardes : thewhiche facion maie bee ordained in a sodaine, and commethalmoste to bee like, unto the firste disposicion, whiche of

tharmy afore we shewed. And though it come straighter

in the fronte, it commeth grosser in the flanckes, whichegiveth it no lesse strength : but bicause the five battailes,

that be in the taile, have the Pikes on the hinder parte, for

the occasion that before we have declared, it is necessarie

to make theim to come on the parte afore, mindyng to havetheim to make a backe to the front of tharmie : and therfore

it behoveth either to make them to tourne battaile after

battaile, as a whole body, or to make them quickly to enter

betwen thorders of targettes, and conduct them afore, the

whiche waie is more spedy, and of lesse disorder, then to

make them to turn al together : and so thou oughtest to doeof all those, whiche remain behind in every condicion of The orderyng

assault, as I shal shewe you. If it appere that thenemie of tliarmie

come on the part behinde, the first thyng that ought to+j.enem"e

bee dooen, is to cause that every man tourne his face where commes to

his backe stode, and straight waie tharmie cometh to have assaulte it

made of taile, bed, and of hed taile : then al those waies behinde.

ought to be kept, in orderyng thesame fronte, as I tolde

afore. K the enemie come to incounter the right flancke, How the

the face of thy armie ought to bee made to tourne towardes ^™i61?

thesame side: after, make all those thynges in fortificacionit is assaulted

of thesame hedde, whiche above is saied, so that the horse- of any of themen, the Veliti, and the artillerie, maie be in places con- sides,

formable to the hed thereof: onely you have this difference,

that in variyng the hed of those, which are transposed,

some have to go more, and some lesse. In deede makynghedde of the right flancke, the Veliti ought to enter in

the spaces, that bee betwene the home of the armie, andthose horse, whiche were nerest to the lefte flancke, in

whose place ought to enter, the twoo Ansignes of the


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE extraordinarie Pikes, placed in the middest : But firste the

FIVETH carriages and the unarmed, shall goe out by the openBOOKE place, avoidyng the rome in the middest, and retiryng

themselves behinde the lefte flancke, whiche shall come to

bee then the taile of the armie : the other Veliti that were

placed in the taile, accordyng to the principall orderytig

of the armie, in this case, shall not move : Bicause the sameplace should not remaine open, whiche of taile shall cometo be flancke : all other thyng ought to bee dooen, as in

orderyng of the firste hedde is saied : this that is told

about the makyng bed of the right flanck, must be under^

stode to be told, havyng nede to make it of the left flanck


for that the very same order ought to bee observed. If

What is to be the enemie should come grose, and in order to assaultedoen when thee on twoo sides, those twoo sides, whiche he commeth to

assaulted on^^^^^^^6 thee on, ought to bee made stronge with the other

twoo sides. twoo sides, that are not assaulted, doublyng the orders in

eche of theim, and devidyng for bothe partes the artillerie,

the Veliti, and the horse. If he come on three or on fower

sides, it is necessarie that either thou or he lacke prudence


for that if thou shalt bee wise, thou wilte never putte thy

self in place, that the enemie on three or fower sides, with

a greate nomber of men, and in order, maie assault thee:

for that mindyng, safely to hurte thee, it is requisit, that

he be so great, that on every side, he maie assault thee,

with as many men, as thou haste almoste in al thy army


and if thou be so unwise, that thou put thy self in the

daunger and force of an enemie, whom hath three tymesmore menne ordained then thou, if thou catche hurte, thou

canste blame no man but thy self: if it happen not throughthy faulte, but throughe some mischaunce, the hurt shall

be without the shame, and it shal chaunce unto thee, as

unto the Scipions in Spaine, and to Asdruball in Italic:

but if the enemie have not many more men then thou, and

intende for to disorder thee, to assaulte thee on divers

sides, it shal be his foolishnesse, and thy good fortune:

for as moche as to doe so, it is convenient, that he becomeso thinne in soche wise, that then easely thou maiste over-


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthrow one bande, and withstande an other, and in short THEtime ruinate him : this maner of ordering an armie against FIVETHan enemie, whiche is not seen, but whiche is feared, is a BOOKSnecessarie and a profitable thing, to accustome thy souldiours,

to put themselves together, and to march with soche order,

and in marchyng, to order theimselves to faight, accordyng

to the first hedde, and after to retourne in the forme, that

thei marched in, then to make hedde of the taile, after, of

the flanckes, from these, to retourne into the first facion


the whiche exercises and uses bee necessaxie, mindyng to

have an armie, throughly instructed and practised : in

whiche thyng the Princes and the capitaines, ought to

take paine. Nor the discipline of warre is no other, then

to knowe how to commaunde, and to execute these thynges.

Nor an instructed armie is no other, then an armie that is

wel practised in these orders : nor it cannot be possible,

that who so ever in this time, should use like disciplin shall

ever bee broken. And if this quadrante forme whiche I

have shewed you, is somewhat difiiculte, soche dilficultnesse

is necessarie, takyng it for an exercise: for as moche as

knowyng well, how to set theim selves in order, and to

maintaine theim selves in the same, thei shall knowe after

more easely, how to stand in those, whiche should nothave so moche difiicultie.

Zanobi. I beleve as you saie, that these orders bee verie

necessarie, and I for my parte, knowe not what to adde or

take from it : true it is, that I desire to know of you twoothynges, the one, if when you will make of the taile, or of

the flancke hedde, and would make them to tourne, whetherthis be commaunded by the voice, or with the sounde:thother, whether those that you sende afore, to make plain

the waie, for the armie to marche, ought to be of the veriej,


same souldiours of your battailes, or other vile menne ap- mentes ofpoincted, to like exercise. Capitaines

Fabbitio. Your firste question importeth moche : for that being not wel

many tymes the commaundementes of Capitaines, beyng not "nderstoode,

well understoode, or evill interpreted, have disordered their destruccionarmie : therfore the voices, with the whiche thei commaunde of an armie.


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Respect that

is to be had in

commaunde-mentes madewith thesounde of theTrompet.

In cora-

maundmentesmade with thevoice, what^;

respect is to

be had.

Of Pianars.

THE ARTE OF WARREin perilles, ought to bee cleare, and nete. And if thou com-

maunde with the sounde, it is convenient to make, that

betwene the one waie and the other, there be so mochedifference, that the one cannot be chaunged for the other


and if thou commaundest with the voice, thou oughteste to

take heede, that thou flie the general voices, and to use the

particulares, and of the particulars, to flie those, whiche

male be interpreted sinisterly. Many tymes the saiyng

backe, backe, hath made to ruinate an armie; therfore

this voice ought not to be used, but in steede therof to

use, retire you. If you will make theim to tourne, for to

chaunge the hedde, either to flanck, or to backe, use never

to sale tourne you, but sale to the lefte, to the right, to

the backe, to the front : thus all the other voices ought to

be simple, and nete, as thrust on, march, stande stronge,

forwarde, retourne you : and all those thynges, whiche maie

bee dooen with the voice, thei doe, the other is dooen with

the sounde. Concernyng those menne, that must make the

waies plaine for the armie to marche, whiche is your seconde

question, I would cause my owne souldiours to dooe this

office, as well bicause in the aunciente warfare thei did so,

as also for that there should be in the armie, lesser nomberof unarmed men, and lesse impedimentes : and I would

choose out of every battaile, thesame nomber that should

nede, and I would make theim to take the instrumentes,

meete to plaine the grounde withall, and their weapons to

leave with those rankes, that should bee nereste them, whoshould Carrie them, and the enemie commyng, thei shall

have no other to doe, then to take them again, and to

retourne into their araie.

Zanobi. Who shall carrie thinstrumentes to make the

waie plaine withall ?

Fabricio. The Cartes that are appoincted to carrie the

like instrumentes.

Zanobi. I doubte whether you should ever brynge these

our souldiours, to labour with Shovell or Mattocke, after

soche sorte.

Fabbitio. All these thynges shall bee reasoned in the

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLplace thereof, but now I will let alone this parte, and reason THEof the maner of the victualing of the armie : for that me FIVETHthinketh, havyng so moche traivailed theim, it is tyme to BOOKErefreshe them, and to comfort them with meate. You haveto understande, that a Prince ought to ordaine his armie,

as expedite as is possible, and take from thesame all thosethynges, whiche maie cause any trouble or burthen unto it,

and make unto hym any enterprise difficulte. Emongestthose thynges that causeth moste difficultie, is to be con-strained to keepe the armie provided of wine, and bakedbread. The antiquitie cared not for Wine, for that lackyngit, thei dranke water, mingeled with a little vinegre, to give

it a taste : For whiche cause, among the municions ofvictualles for the hoste, vineger was one, and not wine.

Thei baked not the breade in Ovens, as thei use for Citees,

but thei provided the Meale, and of thesame, every Souldiourafter his owne maner, satisfied hym self, havyng for con-

dimente Larde and Baken, the whiche made the breadesaverie, that thei made, and maintained theim strong, so The victualles

that the provision of victualles for the armie, was Meale, that thanti-

Vineger, Larde, and Bacon, and for the horses Barley, quitiemade

Thei had ordinarely heardes of greate beastes and small, fo"the°^° '

whiche folowed the armie, the whiche havyng no nede to armies,

bee carried, caused not moche impedimente. Of this orderthere grewe, that an armie in old time, marched somtymesmany dales through solitarie places, and difficulte, withoutsufFeryng disease of victualles : for that thei lived of thyngs,whiche easely thei might convey after them. To the con-trarie it happeneth in the armies, that are now a daies,

whiche mindyng not to lacke wine, and to eate baked breadein thesame maner, as when thei are at home, whereof beyngnot able to make provision long, thei remaine often tymesfamished, or though thei be provided, it is dooen withdisease, and with moste greate coste: therfore I wouldreduce my armie to this maner of living : and I would notthat thei should eate other bread, then that, which by them-selves thei should bake. Concernyng wine, I would notprohibite the drinkyng thereof, nor yet the commyng of it

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE into the armie, but I would not use indevour, nor any

FIVETH labour for to have it, and in the other provisions, I wouldBOOKE governe my self altogether, like unto the antiquitie : the

whiche thing, if you consider well, you shall see how mochedifficultie is taken awaie, and how moche trouble and

disease, an armie and a capitaine is avoided of, and howmoche commoditie shall bee given, to what so ever enter-

prise is to bee dooen.

Zanobi. We have overcome thenemie in the field, marched

afterward upon his countrie, reason would, that spoiles be

made, tounes sacked, prisoners taken, therefore I would knowe,how the antiquitie in these thynges, governed them selves.

Fabritio. Beholde, I will satisfie you. I beleve you have

considered, for that once alredie with some of you I have

reasoned, howe these present warres, impoverishe as well

those lordes that overcome, as those that leese : for that if

the one leese his estate, the other leeseth his money, and his

movables : the whiche in olde time was not, for that the

The occasions conquerour of the warre, waxed ritche. This groweth of

why the keepyng no compte in these dales of the spoiles, as in oldewarres made ^y^g ^g[ (jj^^ jjut l;liei leave it to the discreacion of the

doe impover- souldiours. This manner maketh twoo moste great dis-

ishe the con- orders : the one, that whiche I have tolde : the other that

querors as the souldiour becometh more covetous to spoyle, and lesse

well as the observeth the orders : and manie times it hath been seen,conquere

. \iq-^q ^hg covetousnesse of the praye, hath made those to

Theorderthat leese, whome were victorious. Therefore the Romainesthe Romaines ^jjjche were princes of armies, provided to the one and to

inff\'he°po™e ^^^ other of these inconvenienses, ordainyng that all the

and the spoyle should apertaine to the publicke, and that the

booties that publicke after should bestowe it, as shoulde be thoughttheir soul- good: and therfore thei had in tharmie the questours,lours gotte. ^i^om were as we would say, the chamberlaines, to whose

charge all the spoyle and booties were committed : whereof

the consuU was served to geve the ordinarie pay to the

souldiours, to succour the wounded, and the sicke, and for

the other businesse of the armie. The consull might well,

and he used it often, to graunte a spoyle to soldiours : but


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthis grauntyng, made no disorder : for that the armie beyng THEbroken, all the pray was put in the middest, and distributed FIVETHbyhedde, accordyngtothequaliteeof everieman: the which BOOKEmaner thei constituted, to thintente, that the soldiours

should attend to overcome, and not to robbe : and theRomaine Legions overcame the enemies, and folowed themnot, for that thei never departed from their orders : onely

there folowed them, the horsemenne with those that werelight armed, and if there were any other souldiours thenthose of the legions, they likewyse pursued the chase.

Where if the spoyle shoulde have ben his that gotte it,

it had not ben possible nor reasonable, to have kepte the

legions steddie, and to withstonde manie perils; herebygrewe therefore, that the common weale inritched, andevery ConsuU carried with his triumphe into the treasurie,

muche treasure, whiche all was of booties and spoiles. Another thing the antiquetie did upon good consideration. An order that

that of the wages, whiche they gave to every souldiour, the the antiquitie

thirde parte they woulde shoulde be laied up nexte to him, *°°^n^^rti"

whome carried the ansigne of their bande, whiche never soldiours

gave it them againe, before the warre was ended : this wages.

thei did, beyng moved of twoo reasons, the first was to

thintente, that the souldiour should thrive by his wages,

because the greatest parte of them beyng yonge men, andcarelesse, the more thei have, so muche the more withoutneede thei spende, the other cause was, for that knowyng,that their movabelles were nexte to the ansigne, thei should

be constrained to have more care thereof, and with moreobstinatenesse to defende it : and this made them stronge

and to holde together: all which thynges is necessarie to

observe, purposinge to reduce the exercise of armes untothe intier perfection therof.

Zanobi. I beleeve that it is not possible, that to an armiethat marcheth from place to place, there fal not perrilous

accidentes, where the industerie of the capitaine is neede-

full, and the worthinesse of the souldiours, mindyng to

avoyde them. Therefore I woulde be glad, that youremembring any, would shew them,


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Howe am-busshes haveben per-


THE ARTE OF WARREFabritio. I shall contente you with a good will, beyng

inespetially necessarie, intendyng to make of this exercise

a perfecte science. The Capitaines ought above all other

thynges, whileste thei marche with an armie, to take heedemai mcurre ^f ambusshes, wherein they incurre daunger twoo waies,

ambusshes"^ either marchynge thou entrest into them, or thoroughe

twoo maner crafte of the enemie thou arte trained in before thou arte

of wayes. aware. In the first case, mindyng to avoide suche perill,

Howtoavoide it is necessarie to sende afore double warde, whome maythe perill of discover the countrey, and so muche the more dilligence

ought to be used, the more that the countrey is apte for

ambusshes, as be the woddie or hilly countries, for that

alwaies thei be layd either in a wodde, or behind a hille


and as the ambusshe not forseene, doeth ruin thee, so for-

seyng the same, it cannot hurte thee. Manie tymes birdes

or muche duste have discovered the enemie: for that alwaye's

where the enemie cometh to finde thee, he shall make great

duste, whiche shall signifie unto thee his comyng : so often

tymes a Capitaine seyng in the places where he ought to

passe, Doves to rise, or other of those birdes that flie in

flockes, and to tourne aboute and not to light, hath knowenby the same the ambusshe of the enemies to be there, andsendynge before his men, and sertainely understandyng it,

hath saved him selfe and hurte his enemie. Concernyngthe seconde case, to be trained in, (which these our mencal to be drawen to the shot) thou ought to take heede, notstraight way to beleve those thinges, which are nothyngreasonable, that thei be as they seeme : as shoulde be, if

the enemie should set afore thee a praie, thou oughtest to

beleeve that in the same is the hooke, and that therin is

hid the deceipte. If many enemies be driven away by a

fewe of thine, if a fewe enemies assaults manie of thine,

if the enemies make a sodeine flight, and not standyngewith reason, alwaies thou oughtest in suche cases to feare

deceipte, and oughtest never to beleeve that the enemieknoweth not how to doe his businesse, but rather intendyngthat he may begile thee the lesse, and mindyng to stand in

lesse peril, the weaker that he is, and the lesse craftier that


Howe theCapitaine ofthe enemiesought to beesteemed.

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthe enemie is, so muche the more thou oughtest to esteeme THEhim : and thou muste in this case use twoo sundrie poinctes, FIVETHfor that thou oughtest to feare him in thy minde and with BOOKEthe order, but with wordes, and with other outewarde de-

monstracion, to seeme to dispyse him : because this laste

way, maketh that thi souldiours hope the more to havethe victorie : the other maketh thee more warie, and lesse

apte to be begyled. And thou hast to understand, that Where menwhen men marche thoroughe the enemies countrey, they ar te in greatest

in muche more, and greater perils, then in fayghtyng the P^"l'-

fielde : and therefore the Capitaine in marchyng, ought to

use double diligence : and the first thyng that he ought to The descrip-

doo, is to get described, and payncted oute all the countrie, tioi^ °^ ^^^

thorough the which he must marche, so that he maye know •""'°*''^y

the places, the number, the distances, the waies, the hilles, g^yj^„ mustethe rivers, the fennes, and all the quallites of them : and marche, is

to cause this to bee knowen, it is convenient to have with most re-

him diversly, and in sundrie maners such men, as know the ^"'®.^*'. ^

places, and to aske them with diligence, and to se whetherj,g^^g

their talke agree, and accordyng to the agreyng therof, to

note : he oughte also to sende afore the horsemen, and withthem prudente heddes, not so muche to discover the enemie,

as to viewe the countrey, to se whether it agree with the

description, and with the knowledge that they have of thesame. Also the guydes that are sente, ought to be keptewith hope of rewarde, and feare of paine. And above all

thynges it ought to be provided, that the armie knowe A most profit-

not to what businesse he leadeth them: for that there is able thyng it

nothyng in the warre more profitable, then to keepe secret ^^^"gt^"^^^"

the thynges that is to be dooen : and to thintente a suddeine gecreteln all

assaulte dooe not trouble thy soldiours, thou oughteste to his affaires,

see them to stande reddie with their weapons, because thethynges that ar provided for, offend lesse. Manie for to

avoyde the confusion of marchyng, have placed under the

standerde, the carriages, and the unarmed, and have com-maunded them to folow the same, to the intente that in

marchyng needyng to staye, or to retire, they might dooeit more easely, which thyng as profitable, I alowe very


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An advertis-

ment oon-cernyng themarchyng ofan armie.

The marchingof an armieought to beruled by thestroke of theDrumme.

The condicionof the enemieought to beconsidered.

Annone ofCarthage.

THE ARTE OF WARREmuche. Also in marchyng, advertismente ought to be

had, that the one parte of the armie goe not a sunder from

the other, or that thoroughe some goyng fast, and some

softe, the armie become not slender : the whiche thynges, be

occation of dissorder : therfore the heddes muste be placed

in suche wise, that they may raaintaine the pace even,

causing to goe softe those that goe to fast, and to haste

forward the other that goe to sloe, the whiche pace can not

bee better ruled, then by the stroke of the drumme. Thewaies ought to be caused to be inlarged, so that alwaies at

least a bande of iiii. hundred men may marche in order

of battaile. The custome and the qualitie of the enemie

ought to be considered, and whether that he wil assaulte

thee either in the mornyng, or at none or in the evenynge,

and whether he be more puisante with fotemen or horse-

men, and accordyng as thou understandest, to ordeine and

to provide for thy self. But let us come to some particular

accidente. It hapneth sometime, that thou gettyng from

the enemie, because thou judgest thy selfe inferiour, and

therfore mindynge not to faight with him, and he comyngat thy backe, thou arivest at the banke of a river, passyng

over the which, asketh time, so that the enemie is redie

to overtake thee and to fayght with thee. Some, which

chaunsing to bee in suche perill, have inclosed their armie

on the hinder parte with a diche, and fillyng the same full

of towe, and firyng it, have then passed with the armie

without beyng able to be letted of the enemie, he beyng bythe same fire that was betwene them held backe.

Zanobi. I am harde of beliefe, that this fyre coulde stay

theim, in especially because I remember that I have harde,

howe Annone of Carthage, beyng besieged of enemies, in-

closed him selfe on the same parte, with wodde, which he

did set on fire where he purposed to make eruption. Wher-fore the enemies beyng not intentive on the same parte to

looke to him, he made his armie to passe over the same

flame, causing every man to holde his Target before his

face for to defend them from the fire, and smoke.Fabricio. You saye well : but consider you howe I have


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLsaied, and howe Annone did : for as muche as I saied that THEthey made a diche, and filled it with towe, so that he, that FIVETHwoulde passe over the same, should be constrained to con- BOOKEtende with the diche and with fire : Annone made the fire,

without the diche, and because he intended to passe over it,

he made it not great, for that otherwise without the diche, it

shoulde have letted him. Dooe you not knowe, that Nabide Nabide a

a Spartan beyng besieged in Sparta of the Romaines, set spartayne.

fire on parte of his towne to let the way to the Romaines,who alredie wer entred in? And by meane of the sameflame not onely hindered their way, but drave themcute : but let us turne to our matter. Quintus Luttatius Quintus Lut-

a Romaine, havyng at his backe the Cimbri, and commyng tatius poUecie

to a river, to thentente the enemie should give him time to *" P^^^®°^^^

passe over, semed to geve time to them to faight withhim : and therfore he fained that he would lodge there,

and caused trenches to be made, and certaine pavilions to

be erected, and sent certayne horsemen into the countrie for

forredge : so that the Cimbrise beleevyng, that he incamped,they also incamped, and devided them selves into sundrie

partes, to provide for victuals, wherof Luttatius being aware,

passed the river they beyng not able to let him. Some for How to passe

to passe a river havynge no bridge, have devided it, and one a ryver

parte they have turned behynde their backes, and the other ^'*^°"* *

then becomynge shalower, with ease they have passed it: ^'

when the rivers be swift, purposyng to have their footemento passe safely, they place their strongest horses on thehigher side, that thei may sustain the water, and an other

parte be lowe that may succour the men, if any of the river

in passyng should be overcome with the water : They passe

also rivers, that be verie deepe, with bridges, with botes,

and with barrelles : and therfore it is good to have in a redi- j^ polecie ofnesse in an armie wherewith to be able to make all these Cesar to passe

thynges. It fortimeth sometime that in passyng a river, the a river, where

enemie standynge agaynst thee on the other banke, doeth let jj'^*°^'"'th

thee : to minde to overcome this difiicultie, I know not a othe^sidebetter insample to folow, then the same of Cesar, whome therof sought

havynge his armie on the banke of a river in Fraunce, and to lette hym.


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How to knowthe Foordesof a river.

Howe to

escape outeof a straight

where thesameisbesette

with enemies.

THE ARTE OF WARREhis passage beynge letted of Vergintorige a Frenche man, the

whiche on the other side of the river had his men, marchedmany daies a longe the river, and the like did the enemie


wherfore Cesar incamping in a woddie place, apte to hide

men, he tooke out of every legion three cohortes, and madethem to tarie in the same place, commaundynge theim that so

soone as he was departed, they shoulde caste over a bridge,

and should fortefie it, and he with his other menne folowed

on the waye : wherfore Vergintorige seyng the number of

the legions, thinkyng that there was not left anie parte of

theim behinde, folowed also his way : but Cesar when he

supposed that the bridge was made, tourned backewarde,

and findynge all thinges in order, passed the river without


Zanobi. Have ye any rule to know the foordes ?

Fabrii'io. Yea, we have : alwaies the river, in that parte,

whiche is betwene the water, that is stilleste, and the water

that runneth fastest, there is least depth and it is a place

more meete to be looked on, then any other where. For

that alwaies in thesame place, the river is moste shallowest.

The whiche thyng, bicause it hath been proved many tymes,

is moste true.

Zanobi. If it chaunce that the River hath marde the

Foorde, so that the horses sincke, what reamedy have you ?

Fabricio. The remedie is to make hardels of roddes

whiche must be placed in the bottome of the river, and so

to passe upon those : but let us folowe our reasonyng. If

it happen that a capitain be led with his armie, betwen two

hilles, and that he have not but twoo waies to save hymself,

either that before, or that behinde, and those beyng beset

of thenemies, he hath for remidie to doe the same, which

some have doen heretofore : that which have made on their

hinder parte a greate trenche, difficult to passe over, and

semed to the enemie, to mynde to kepe him of, for to be

able with al his power, without neding to feare behinde, to

make force that waie, whiche before remaineth open. Thewhiche the enemies belevyng, have made theim selves

stronge, towardes the open parte, and have forsaken the



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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLinclosed, and he then castyng a bridge of woode over the THETrenche, for soche an effect prepared, bothe on thesame FIVETHparte, with out any impedimente hath passed, and also BOOKEdelivered hymself out of the handes of the enemie. Lucius Howe Lutius

Minutus a Consul of Rome, was in Liguria with an armie, Minutius

and was of the enemies indosed, betwene certaine hilles, ^^"^P^" *"i*

whereby he could not go out: therefore he sente certaine wherinhewassouldiours of Numidia on horsebacke, whiche he had in his inclosed of

armie (whom were evill armed, and upon little leane horses) his enemies,

towardes the places that were kepte of the enemies, whom at

the first sight made the enemies, to order theim selves to-

gether, to defende the passage : but after that thei sawe

those men ill apoincted, and accordyng to their facion evill

horsed, regardyng theim little, enlarged the orders of their

warde, wherof so sone as the Numidians wer a ware, givyngthe spurres to their horses, and runnyng violently upontheim, passed before thei could provide any remedy, whombeyng passed, destroied and spoiled the countrie after soche

sorte, that thei constrained the enemies, to leave the passage

free to the armie of Lucius. Some capitaine, whiche hath Howe some

perceived hymself to be assaulted of a greate multitude of Capitaynes

enemies, hath drawen together his men, and hath given to . ^J® ^"j ^"l^.

the enemie commoditie, to compasse hym all about, and be compassedthen on thesame part, whiche he hath perceived to be moste aboute of

weake, hath made force, and by thesame waie, hath caused their enemies,

to make waie, and saved hymself.

Marcus Antonius retiryng before the armie of the A polecie of

Parthians, perceived how the enemies every daie before Marcus

Sunne risyng, when he removed, assaulted him, and all the ° onms.

waie troubled hym : in so moch, that he determined not to

departe the nexte daie, before None : so that the Parthians

beleving, that he would not remove that daie, retourned to

their tentes. Whereby Marcus Antonius might then all

the reste of the daie, marche without any disquietnesse.

This self same man for to avoide the arrowes of the A defence for

Parthians, commaunded his men, that when the Parthians ^^^ shotte of

came towardes them, thei should knele, and that the second

ranke of the battailes, should cover with their Targaettes,

Y 169

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE the heddes of the firste, the thirde, the secoiide, the fowerth,

FIVETH the third, and so successively, that all the armie came, to beBOOKE as it were under a pentehouse, and defended from the

shotte of the enemies. This is as moche as is comeinto my remembraunce, to tell you, which maie happen

unto an armie marchyng: therefore, if you re-

member not any thyng els, I will passe to

an other parte.


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BELEVE that it is good, seyng the reason-

yng must be chaunged, that Baptiste take

his office, and I to resigne myne, and weeshall come in this case, to imitate the goodCapitaines (accordyng as I have nowehere understoode of the gentilman) whoplace the beste souldiours, before and be-

hinde the armie, semyng unto theim neces-

sarie to have before, soche as maie lustely beginne the faight,

and soche as behinde maie lustely sustaine it. Now seyngCosimus began this reasonyng prudently, Baptiste prudentlyshall ende it. As for Luigi and I, have in this middesteintertained it, and as every one of us hath taken his partwillingly, so I beleve not, that Baptiste wil refuse it.

Baptiste. I have let my self been governed hetherto, so

I minde to doe still. Therfofe be contente sir, to folowe

your reasonyng, and if we interrupte you with this practise

of ours, have us excused,

Fabritio. You dooe me, as all readie I have saied, amoste greate pleasure ; for this your interrupting me,taketh not awaie my fantasie, but rather refresheth me.But mindyng to followe our matter I saie, how that it is

now tyme, that we lodge this our armie, for that you knoweevery thyng desireth reste and saftie, bicause to reste, andnot to reste safely, is no perfeete reste : I doubte moche,whether it hath not been desired of you, that I should firste


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How theGrekesincamped.

Howe theRomainesincamped.

THE ARTE OF WARREhave lodged them, after made theim to marche, and laste

of all to faight, and we have doen the contrary : whereuntonecessitie hath brought us, for that intendyng to shews,

how an armie in going, is reduced from the forme of march-

ing, to thesame maner of faightyng, it was necessarie to

have firste shewed, how thai ordered it to faight. Buttournyng to our matter, I sale, that minding to have the

Campe sure, it is requisite that it be strong, and in goodorder : the industrie of the Capitaine, maketh it in order,

the situacion, or the arte, maketh it stronge. The Grekes

sought strong situacions, nor thei would never place theim

selves, where had not been either cave, or bancke of a river,

or multitude of trees, or other naturall fortificacion, that

might defende theim : but the Romaines not so moche in-

camped safe through the situacion, as through arte, nor

thei would never incampe in place, where thei should not

have been able to have raunged all their bandes of menne,

accordyng to their discipline. Hereby grewe, that the

Romaines might kepe alwaies one forme of incamping, for

that thei would, that the situacion should bee ruled bythem, not thei by the situacion : the which the Grekes

could not observe, for that beyng ruled by the situacion,

and variyng the situacion and forme, it was conveniente,

that also thei should varie the maner of incampyng, and

the facion of their lodgynges. Therefore the Romaines,

where the situacion lacked strength thei supplied thesame

with arte, and with industrie. And for that I in this mydeclaracion, have willed to imitate the Romaines, I will not

departe from the maner of their incamping, yet not observ-

yng altogether their order, but takyng thesame parte, whiche

semeth unto me, to be mete for this present tyme. I have

told you many tymes, how the Romaines had in their con-

sull armies, twoo Legions of Romaine men, whiche were

aboute a leven thousande footemen, and sixe hundred horse-

men, and moreover thei had an other leven thousande foote-

men, sente from their frendes in their aide : nor in their

armie thei had never more souldiers that were straungers,

then Romaines, excepte horsemenne, whom thei cared not,


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthough thei were more in nomber then theirs : and in all THEtheir doynges, thei did place their Legions in the middeste, SIXTHEand the aiders, on the sides : the whiche maner, thei observed BOOKEalso in incampyng, as by your self you male rede, in those

aucthoures, that write of their actes : and therefore I pur-

pose not to shewe you distinctly how thei incamped, but to

tell you onely with what order, I at this presente wouldincampe my armie, whereby you shall then knowe, whatparte I have taken out of the Romaine maners. Youknowe, that in stede of twoo Romaine Legions, I have taken

twoo maine battailes of footemen, of sixe thousande foote-

men, and three hundred horsemen, profitable for a mainebattaile, and into what battailes, into what weapons, into

what names I have devided theim : you knowe howe in order-

yng tharmie to marche, and to faight, I have not mademencion of other men, but onely have shewed, how that

doublyng the men, thei neded not but to double the orders


but mindyng at this presente, to shew you the maner of

incampyng, me thinketh good not to stande onely with twoomaine battailes, but to bryng together a j uste armie, made like

unto the Romaines, of twoo maine battailes, and of as manymo aidyng men : the whiche I make, to the intent that the

forme ofthe incampyng, male be the more perfect, by lodgynga perfecte armie : whiche thyng in the other demonstracions,

hath not semed unto me so necessarie. Purposing then, to The maner of

incampe a juste armie, of xxiiii. thousande footemen, and of theincamping

twoo thousande good horsemenne, beeyng devided into fower " ^° armie.

maine battailes, twoo of our owne menne, and twoo of

straungers, I would take this waie. The situacion beyngfounde, where I would incampe, I would erecte the hedstandarde, and aboute it, I would marke out a quadrant,whiche should have every side distante from it xxxvii.

yardes and a half, of whiche every one of them should lye,

towardes one of the fower regions of heaven, as Easte,

Weste, Southe, and Northe : betwene the whiche space, I

would that the capitaines lodgyng should be appoincted. The lodging

And bicause I beleve that it is wisedom, to devide the armed for the ge^e-

from the unarmed, seyng that so, for the moste parte the '*'^ capitame.


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE Romaines did, I would therefore seperate the menne, that

SIXTHE were cumbered with any thing, from the uncombered. I

BOOKE would lodge all, or the greatest parte of the armed, on the

side towardes the Easte, and the unarmed, and the cum-bred, on the Weste side, makyng Easte the hedde, and

Weste the backe of the Campe, and Southe, and Northe,

should be the flanckes : and for to distinguishe the lodgynges

of the armed, I would take this waie. I would drawe a

line from the hedde standarde, and lead it towardes the

Easte, the space of CCCCC.x. yardes and a half : I would

after, make two other lines, that should place in the mid-

deste the same, and should bee as longe as that, but

distante eche of theim from it a leven yardes and a quarter


in the ende whereof, I would have the Easte gate, and the

space that is betwene the twoo uttermoste lines, should makea waie, that should go from the gate, to the capitaines

lodging, whiche shall come to be xxii. yardes and a halfe

broad, and CCCClxxii. yardes and a halfe longe, for the

xxxvii. yardes and a halfe, the lodgyng of the Capitaine will

take up : and this shall bee called the Capitaine waie. Thenthere shall be made an other waie, from the Southe gate, to

the Northe gate, and shall passe by the hedde of the capitaiae

waie, and leave the Capitaines lodgyng towardes theaste,

whiche waie shalbe ix.C.xxxvii. yardes and a halfe long (for

the length therof wilbe as moche as the breadth of all the

lodgynges) and shall likewise be xxii. yardes and a half

broad, and shalbe called the crosse waie. Then so sone as

the Capitaines lodgyng, were appoincted out, and these twoo

waies, there shall bee begun to be appoincted out, the lodg-

inges of our own two main battailes, one of the whiche, I

would lodge on the right hand of the capitaines waie, and

the other, on the lefte : and therefore passing over the

space, that the breadth of the crosse waie taketh, I would

place xxxii. lodgynges, on the lefte side of the capitain waie,

and xxxii. on the right side, leavyng betwene the xvi. and

the xvii. lodgyng, a space of xxii. yardes and a halfe, the

whiche should serve for a waie overthwart, whiche should

runne overthwarte, throughout all the lodgynges of the


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLmaine battailes, as in the distributyng of them shall bee THEseen. SIXTHBOf these twoo orders of lodgynges in the beginnyng of BOOKE

the head, whiche shall come to joygne to the crosse waye, I The lodgings

would lodge the Capitaine of the men of armes, in the xv. ^°^ t^^ men

lodgynges, which on everie side foloweth next, their men of °j'+T*^'

armes, where eche main battaile, havyng a CI. men of armes, will come to ten men of armes for a lodgyng. The spaces

of the Capitaines lodgynges, should be in bredth xxx. andin length vii. yardes and a halfe. And note that when so Note, which

ever I sai bredeth, it signifieth the space of the middest is breadth and

from Southe to Northe, and saiyng length, that whiche iswhichelength

from weste to Easte. Those of the men of armes, shoulde xi. yardes and a quarter in length, and xxii. yardes anda halfe in bredeth. In the other xv. lodgynges, that on everie

syde should folowe, the whiche should have their beginnyng The lodgings

on the other side of the overthwarte way, and whiche shall fo"" ^^^ lighte

have the very same space, that those of the men of armes j^+j"^°'

had, I woulde lodge the light horsemen : wherof beynge a capitain.

hundred and fiftie, it will come to x. horsemen for a lodg-

yng, and in the xvi. that remaineth, I woulde lodge their

Capitaine, gevynge him the verie same space, that is gevento the Capitain of the men of armes : and thus the lodginges

of the horsemen of two maine battailes, will come to place

in the middest the Capitaine way, and geve rule to thelodginges of the footemen, as I shall declare. You havenoted how I have lodged the CCC. horsemen of everie mainbattaile with their Capitaines, in xxxii. lodgynges placedon the Captaine waie, havynge begun from the crosse waie,

and how from the xvi. to the xvii. there remaineth a spaceof xxii. yardes and a halfe, to make awaie overthwarte.

Mindyng therefore to lodge the xx. battailes, which thetwoo ordinarie maine battailes have, I woulde place the The lodgings

lodgyng of everie twoo battailes, behinde the lodgynges of ^o' the foote-

the horsemen, everie one of whiche, should have in length '"^^ °^ ^^°°.

xi. yardes and a quarter, and in bredeth xxii. yardes and a battailes.™^"^half, as those of the horsemens, and shoulde bee joigned onthe hinder parte, that thei shoulde touche the one the other.

Z 177

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The lodgingsfor the cone-stables.

The noraberof footemenappoincted to


THE ARTE OF WARREAnd in every first lodgyng on everie side which cometh to

lie on the crosse waie, I woulde lodge the Counstable of a

battaile, whiche should come to stand even with the lodgyng

of the Capitayne of the men of armes, and this lodgyng

shall have onely of space for bredeth xv. yardes, and for

length vii. yardes and a halfe. In the other xv. lodgynges,

that on everie side foUoweth after these, even unto the over-

thwarte way, I would lodge on everie part a battaile of

foote men, whiche beyng iiii. hundred and fiftie, there will

come to a lodgyng xxx. the other xv. lodgynges, I woulde

place continually on every side on those of the light horse

men, with the verie same spaces, where I woulde lodge on

everie part, an other battaile of fote men, and in the lasts

lodgyng, I would place on every parte the Conestable of the

battaile, whiche will come to joigne with the same of the

Capitaine of the lighte horsemen, with the space of vii.

yardes and a halfe for length, and xv. for bredeth : and so

these two firste orders of lodgynges, shal be halfe of horse-

men, and halfe of footemen. And for that I woulde (as in

the place therof I have tolde you) these horse menne shoulde

be all profitable, and for this havynge no servauntes whiche

in kepyng the horses, or in other necessarie thynges might

helpe them, I woulde that these footemen, who lodge behynde

the horse, should bee bounde to helpe to provide, and to

keepe theim for their maisters : and for this to bee exempted

from the other doynges of the Campe. The whiche maner,

was observed of the Romaines. Then leavyng after these

lodgynges on everie parte, a space of xxii. yardes and a

halfe, whiche shoulde make awaye, that shoulde be called the

one, the firste waye on the righte hande, and the other the

firste waie on the lefte hand, I woulde pitche on everie side an

other order of xxxii. double lodgynges, whiche should tourne

their hinder partes the one againste the other with the verie

same spaces, as those that I have tolde you of, and devided

after the sixtenth in the verie same maner for to make the

overthwarte waie, where I would lodge on every side iiii.

battailes of footemen, with their constables in bothe endes.

Then leavyng on every side an other space of xxii. yardes


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLand a halfe, that shoulde make a waie, whiche shoulde be THEcalled of the one side, the seconde waie on the right hande, SIXTHEand on the other syde, the seconde way on the lefte hande, BOOKEI would place an other order on everie side of xxxii. doublelodgynges, with the verie same distance and devisions, whereI would lodge on everie side, other iiii. battailes with their

Constables : and thus the horesemenne and the bandes of

the twoo ordinarie maine battailes, should come to belodged in three orders of lodgynges, on the one side of thecapitaine waie, and in three other orders of lodgynges on the

other side of the Capitaine waie. The twoo aidyng mainebattels (for that I cause them to be made of the verie samenation) I woulde lodge them on everie parte of these twooordinarie maine battailes, with the very same orders of

double lodgynges, pitchyng first one order of lodgynges,

where should lodge halfe the horsemen, and half the foote

men, distance xxii. yardes and a halfe from the other, for

to make a way whiche should be called the one, the thirde

waie on the right hande, and the other the thirde waie onthe lefte hande. And after, I woulde make on everie side,

twoo other orders of lodgynges, in the verie same manerdestinguesshed and ordeined, as those were of the ordinarie

maine battelles, which shall make twoo other wayes, andthey all should be called of the numbre, and of the hande,where thei should be placed : in suche wyse, that all this

side of the armie, shoulde come to be lodged in xii. orders of

double lodgjniges, and in xiii. waies, reckenynge captaine

waie, and crosse waie : I would there should remayne a space

from the lodgynges to the Trenche of Ixxv. yardes roundeaboute : and if you recken al these spaces, you shall see that

from the middest of the Capitaines lodgyng to the easte

gate, there is Dx. yardes. Now there remaineth twoo spaces,

whereof one is from the Capitaines lodgyng to the Southegate, the other is from thense to the Northe gate : whichecome to be (either of them measurynge them from the poincte

in the middest) CCCC.lxxvi. yardes. Then takyng out of

everie one of these spaces xxxvii. yardes and a halfe, whichethe Capitaynes lodgynge occupieth, and xxxiiii. yardes everie


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE waie for a market place, and xxii. yardes and a halfe for a

SIXTHE way that devides everie one of the saied spaces in the mid-BOOKE dest, and Ixxv. yardes, that is lefte on everie part betweene

the lodgynges and the Trenche, there remaineth on every

side a space for lodginges of CCC. yardes broade, and Ixxv.

yardes longe, measurynge the length with the space that the

Captaines lodgynge taketh up. Devidynge then in the mid-

dest the saied lengths, there woulde be made on every hande

of the Capitaine xl. lodgynges xxxvii. yardes and a halfe

longe, and xv. broade, whiche will come to be in all Ixxx.

The lodg- lodgynges, wherin shall be lodged the heddes of the maineynges for the battailes, the Treasurers, the Marshalles of the fielde, andchiefe Capi-

g^^j those that shoulde have office in the armie, leavyng some

maine bat- voide for straungers that shoulde happen to come, and for

tayles and for those that shall serve for good will of the Capitaine. Onthetreasurers, the parte behinde the Capitaines lodgynge, I would have amarshals and ^g^y from Southe to Northe xxiii. yardes large, and shouldes raungers. ^^ called the hed way, whiche shall come to be placed a

longe by the Ixxx. lodgynges aforesayd : for that this waie,

and the crosseway, shall come to place in the middest be-

tweene them bothe the Capitaines lodgynge, and the Ixxx.

lodgynges that be on the sides therof. • From this hed

waie, and from over agaynst the captaines lodgyng, I

would make an other waie, which shoulde goe from thens

to the weste gate, lykewyse broade xxii. yardes and a halfe,

and should aunswer in situation and in length to the Cap-

taine way, and should be called the market waie. These

twoo waies beynge made, I woulde ordeine the market place,

where the market shall bee kepte, whiche I woulde place on

the head of the market way over against the capitaines

lodgynge, and joigned to the head way, and I woulde have

it to be quadrante, and woulde assigne Ixxxx. yardes and

three quarters to a square : and on the right hande and

lefte hande, of the saied market place, I would make two

orders of lodginges, where everie order shal have eight

double lodginges, which shall take up in length, ix. yardes,

and in bredeth xxii. yardes and a halfe, so that there shall

come to be on every hande of the market place, xvi. lodg-


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLynges that shall place the same in the middest which shall THEbe in ai xxxii. wherin I woulde lodge those horsemen, SIXTHEwhich shoulde remaine to the aidyng mayne battailes : and BOOKEwhen these should not suffise, I woulde assigns theim some Lodginges for

of those lodginges that placeth between them the Capitaines the horsemen,

lodgynge, and in especially those, that lie towardes the "^ ^^^ extra-

Trenche. There resteth now to lodge the Pikes, and extra- mayne bat-ordinari Veliti, that everie main battaile hath, which you tailes.

know accordynge to our order, how everie one hath besides fhe lodg-

the X. battailes M. extraordinarie Pikes, and five hundreth ynges for

Veliti : so that the twoo cheefe maine battailes, have two the extra-

thousande extraordinarie Pikes, and a thousande extra-o'^'linane

ordinarie Veliti, and the ayders as many as those, so that Veliti.

yet there remaineth to be lodged, vi. M. menne, whome I

woulde lodge all on the weste side, and a longe the Trenche.

Then from the ende of the hed waye, towardes Northe, leav-

yng the space of Ixxv. yardes from them to the trenche, I

woulde place an order of v. double lodgynges, whiche in all

shoulde take up Ivi. yardes in lengthe, and xxx. in bredeth :

so that the bredeth devided, there will come to everie

lodgyng xi. yardes and a quarter for lengthe, and for

bredeth twoo and twentie yardes and a half. And because

there shall be x. lodgynges, I will lodge three hundred men,apoinctyng to every lodging xxx. men : leavyng then a space

of three and twentie yardes and a quarter, I woulde place in

like wise, and with like spaces an other order of five double

lodgynges, and againe an other, till there were five orders of

five double lodgynges : which wil come to be fiftie lodg-

ynges placed by right line on the Northe side, every one of

them distante from the Trenche Ixxv. yardes, which will

lodge fifteene hundred men. Tournyng after on the lefte

hande towardes the weste gate, I woulde pitche in all thesame tracte, whiche were from them to the saied gate, five

other orders of double lodgynges, with the verie samespaces, and with the verie same maner: true it is, that

from the one order to the other, there shall not be morethen a xi. yardes and a quarter of space : wherin shall belodged also fifteene hundred men : and thus from the


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE Northe gate to the weste, as the Trenche turneth, in a

SIXTHB hundred lodginges devided in x. rewes of five double lodg-

BOOKE ynges in a rowe, there will be lodged all the Pikes and ex-

traordinarie Veliti of the cheefe maine battayles. And so

from the west gate to the Southe, as the Trenche toumetheven in the verie same maner, in other ten rewes of ten

lodgynges in a rewe, there shall be lodged the pikes, andextraordinarie Veliti of the aidyng mayne battailes. Their

headdes or their counstables may take those lodgynges,

that shal seeme unto them moste commodious, on the parteHow the towardes the trenche. The Artillerie, I woulde disposeArtillerie throughoute all the Campe, a longe the banke of the

inlhe Campe. Trenche : and in all the other space that shoulde remaine' towardes weste, I woulde lodge all the unarmed, and place

Lodgynges all the impedimentes of the Campe. And it is to be under-for the un- stoode, that under this name of impedimentes (as you know)

and the'olaces^^^ antiquitee mente all the same trayne, and all those

that are thynges, which are necessarie for an armie, besides the

apoincted souldiours : as are Carpenters, Smithes, Masons, Ingeners,,for the im- Bombardiers, althoughe that those might be counted in the

theram *^e^

"^ numbre of the armed, herdemen with their herdes of motonsand beeves whiche for victuallyng of the armie, are requiset


and moreover maisters of all sciences, together with publicke

carriages of the publicke munition, whiche pertaine as well

to victuallyng, as to armynge. Nor I would not distin-

guishe these lodginges perticularly, only I would marke out

the waies which should not be occupied of them : then the

other spaces, that betweene the waies shall remaine, whiche

shall be fower, I woulde appoincte theim generally for all the

saied impedimentes, that is one for the herdemen, the other

for artificers and craftes men, the thirde for publicke car-

riages of victuals, the fowerth for the municion of armurand weapons. The waies whiche I woulde shoulde be lefte

without ocupiyng them, shal be the market waie, the head

waye, and more over a waie that shoulde be called the middewaye, whiche should goe from Northe to Southe, and should

passe thoroughe the middest of the market waie, whiche-

from the weste parte, shoulde serve for the same purpose


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthat the overthwarte way doeth on the ast parte. And THEbesides this, a waye whiche shall goe aboute on the hinder SIXTHEparte, alonge the lodgynges of the Pikes and extraordinarie BOOKEVeliti, and all these wayes shall be twoo and tweentie

yardes and a halfe broade. And the Artilerie, I wouldeplace a longe the Trenche of the Campe, rounde aboute

the same.

Baptiste. I confesse that I understand not, nor I beleeve

that also to saye so, is any shame unto me, this beyng notmy exercise : notwithstandyng, this order pleaseth memuche : onely I woulde that you shoulde declare me these

doubtes : The one, whie you make the waie, and the spaces

aboute so large. The other, that troubleth me more, is

these spaces, whiche you apoincte oute for the lodgynges,

howe they ought to be used.

Fabbitio. You must note, that I make all the waies, xxii.

yardes and a halfe broade, to the intente that thorowethem, male go a battaile of men in araie, where if youremember wel, I tolde you how every bande of menne,taketh in breadth betwene xviii. and xxii. yardes of space

to marche or stande in. Nowe where the space that is be-

twene the trenche, and the lodgynges, is Ixxv. yardes broade,

thesame is moste necessarie, to the intent thei maie there

order the battailes, and the artillerie, bothe to conducte bythesame the praies, and to have space to retire theim selves

with newe trenches, and newe fortificacion if neede were


The lodginges also, stande better so farre from the diches,

beyng the more out of daunger of fires, and other thynges,

whiche the enemie, might throwe to hurte them. Concern-yng the seconde demaunde, my intent is not that every

space, of me marked out, bee covered with a pavilion onely,

but to be used, as tourneth commodious to soch as lodge

there, either with more or with lesse Tentes, so that thei gonot out of the boundes of thesame. And for to marke outthese lodginges, there ought to bee moste cunnyng menne,and moste excellente Architectours, whom, so sone as theCapitaine hath chosen the place, maie knowe how to give it

the facion, and to distribute it, distinguishyng the waies,


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The Campeought to beall waies ofone facion.

THE ARTE OF WARREdevidyng the lodgynges with Coardes and staves, in soche

practised wise, that straight waie, thei maie bee ordained,

and devided : and to minde that there growe no confusion,

it is conveniente to tourne the Campe, alwaies one waie, to the

intente that every manne maie knowe in what waie, in whatspace he hath to finde his lodgyng : and this ought to be

observed in every tyme, in every place, and after soche maner,

that it seme a movyng Citee, the whiche where so ever it

goweth, carrieth with it the verie same waies, the verie samehabitacions, and the verie same aspectes, that it had at the

firste : The whiche thing thei cannot observe, whom sekyng

strong situacions, must chaunge forme, accordyng to the

variacion of the grounde : but the Romaines in the plaine,

made stronge the place where thei incamped with trenches,

and with Rampires, bicause thei made a space about the

campe, and before thesame a ditche, ordinary broad fower

yardes and a halfe, and depe aboute twoo yardes and a

quarter, the which spaces, thei increased, according as thei

intended to tarie in a place, and accordyng as thei feared

the enemie. I for my parte at this presente, would not

make the listes, if I intende not to Winter in a place : yet

I would make the Tranche and the bancke no lesse, then

the foresaied, but greater, accordyng to necessitie. Also,

consideryng the artellerie, I would intrench upon every

corner of the Campe, a halfe circle of ground, from whens

the artillerie might flancke, whom so ever should seke to

come over the Trenche. In this practise in knowyng howto ordain a campe, the souldiours ought also to be exercised,

and to make with them the officers expert, that are ap-

poincted to marke it out, and the Souldiours readie to

knowe their places : nor nothyng therein is difficulte, as in

the place thereof shall bee declared : wherefore, I will goe

forewarde at this tyme to the warde of the campe, bicause

without distribucion of the watche, all the other pain that

hath been taken, should be vain.

Baptiste. Before you passe to the watche, I desire that

you would declare unto me, when one would pitche his

campe nere the enemie, what waie is used : for that I knowe


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLnot, how a man male have tyme, to be able to ordaine it THEwithout perill. SIXTHE

Fabricio. You shall understande this, that no Capitaine BOOKEwill lye nere the enemie, except he, that is desposed to

faight the fielde, when so ever his adversaiie will : andwhen a capitaine is so disposed, there is no perill, butordinarie : for that the twoo partes of the armie, stande

alwaies in a redinesse, to faight the battaile, and thother

maketh the lodginges. The Romaines in this case, gavethis order of fortifiyng the Campe, unto the Triarii : andthe Prencipi, and the Astati, stoode in armes. This thei

did, for as moche as the Triarii, beyng the last to faight,

might have time inough, if the enemie came, to leave

the woorke, and to take their weapons, and to get theminto their places. Therfore, accordyng unto the Romainesmaner, you ought to cause the Campe to be made of those

battaiies, whiche you will set in the hinder parte of the

armie, in the place of the Triarii. But let us tourne to

reason of the watche.

I thinke I have not founde, emongest the antiquitie, that Theantiquitie

for to warde the campe in the night, thei have kepte watche "^^'^ '^^

without the Trenche, distaunte as thei use now a daies,^•'**"*^^®-

whom thei call Scoutes : the whiche I beleve thei did,

thinkyng that the armie might easely bee deceived, throughthe difficultie, that is in seeyng them againe, for that thei

might bee either corrupted, or oppressed of the enemie : Sothat to truste either in parte, or altogether on them, thei

judged it perillous. And therefore, all the strength of the

watche, was with in the trenche, whiche thei did withall

diligence kepe, and with moste greate order, punished withdeath, whom so ever observed not thesame order : the

whiche how it was of them ordained, I will tell you no other

wise, leaste I should bee tedious unto you, beyng able byyour self to see it, if as yet you have not seen it : I shall

onely briefly tell that, whiche shall make for my purpose, I The watche

wold cause to stand ordinarely every night, the thirde parte and warde of

of the armie armed, and of thesame, the fowerth parte ^ ^'"^

alwaies on foote, whom I would make to bee destributed,

AA 185

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ought to beusedjtoknowewho lieth outeof the Campe,and who theybe that

Cometh of


The justice

that ought to

be in a campe.

The fauts

that theantiquitie

punisshedwith Death.

THE ARTE OF WARREthroughout all the banckes, and throughout all the places

of the armie, with double warde, placed in every quadrante

of thesame : Of whiche, parte should stande still, parte con-

tinually should go from the one corner of the Campe, to the

other: and this order, I would observe also in the daie,

when I should have the enemie nere.

Concernyng the givyng of the watche worde, and renu-

yng thesame every evening, and to doe the other thynges,

whiche in like watches is used, bicause thei are thynges well

inough knowen, I will speake no further of them : onely I

shall remember one thyng, for that it is of greate impor-

taunce, and whiche causeth great saulfgarde observyng it,

and not observyng it, moche harme : The whiche is, that

there be observed greate diligence, to knowe at night, wholodgeth not in the Campe, and who commeth a newe : andthis is an easie thing to see who lodgeth, with thesameorder that wee have appoincted : for as moche as every

lodgyng havyng the determined nomber of menne, it is an

easie matter to see, if thei lacke, or if there be more menne


and when thei come to be absente without lisence, to

punishe them as Fugetives, and if there bee more, to under-

stande what thei be, what they make there, and of their

other condicions. This diligence maketh that the enemie

cannot but with diflicultie, practise with thy capitaines,

and have knowlege of thy counsailes : which thing if of

the R^maines, had not been diligently observed, Claudius

Nero could not, havyng Aniball nere hym, depart from his

Campe, whiche he had in Lucania, and to go and to retourne

from Marca, without Aniball should have firste heard thereof

some thyng. But it suffiseth not to make these orders

good, excepte thei bee caused to bee observed, with a greate

severtie : for that there is nothyng that would have moreobservacion, then is requisite in an armie : therefore the

lawes for the maintenaunce of thesame, ought to be sharpe

and harde, and the executour therof moste harde. TheRomaines punished with death him that lacked in the

watch, he that forsoke the place that was given hym to

faight in, he that caried any thynge, hidde out of the


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLCampe, if any manne should saie, that he had doen some THEworthy thing in the faight, and had not doen it, if any had SIXTHEfought without the commaundemente of the Capitaine, if BOOKEany had for feare, caste awaie his weapons: and when it

happened, that a Cohorte, or a whole Legion, had com-mitted like fault, bicause thei would not put to death all,

thei yet tooke al their names, and did put them in a bagge,

and then by lotte, thei dr'ue oute the tenthe parte, and so

those were put to death : the whiche punishemente, was in

soche wise made, that though every man did not feele

it, every man notwithstandyng feared it : and bicause

where be greate punishementes, there ought to be also

rewardes, mindyng to have menne at one instant, to feare Where greate

and to hope, thei had appoincted rewardes to every worthie punishe-

acte : as he that faighting, saved the life of one of his^ere^oughte

Citezeins, to hym that firste leapte upon the walle of the likewise to

enemies Toune, to hym that entered firste into the Campe bee great

of the enemies, to hym that had in faightyng hurte, or rewardes.

slaine the enemie, he that had stroken him from his horse :

and so every vertuous act, was of the Consulles knowen andrewarded, and openly of every manne praised : and soche as

obtained giftes, for any of these thynges, besides the glorie

and fame, whiche thei got emongest the souldiours, after

when thei returned into their countrie, with solemne pompe,and with greate demonstracion emong their frendes andkinsfolkes, thei shewed them. Therefore it was no marveile. It was no

though thesame people gotte so moche dominion, having marvel that

so moche observacion in punishemente, and rewarde towardes ?Komames

theim, whom either for their well doyng, or for their ill migjitie

doyng, should deserve either praise or blame : Of whiche Princes,

thynges it were convenient, to observe the greater parte.

Nor I thinke not good to kepe secrete, one maner of punish-

mente of theim observed, whiche was, that so sone as the

offendour, was before the Tribune, or Consulle convicted,

he was of the same lightely stroken with a rodde : after the

whiche strikyng, it was lawfull for the offendour to flie, andto all the Souldiours to kill hym : so that straight waie,

every man threwe at hym either stones, or dartes, or with


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A meane to

punishe andexecuteJustice,

without rais-

ing tumultes.


Souldiourssworentokepethe discipline

of warre.

Women andidell games,were notsuffered bythe antiquitie,

to bee in their

THE ARTE OF WARREother weapons, stroke hym in soche wise, that he went but

little waie a live, and moste fewe escaped, and to those that

so escaped, it was not lawfull for them to retourne home,

but with so many incommodities, and soche greate shameand ignomie, that it should have ben moche better for himto have died. This maner is seen to be almoste observed

of the Suizzers, who make the condempned to be put

to death openly, of thother souldiours, the whiche is well

considered, and excellently dooen : for that intendyng, that

one be not a defendour of an evill doer, the greateste

reamedie that is founde, is to make hym punisher of the-

same : bicause otherwise, with other respecte he favoureth

hym : where when he hymself is made execucioner, with

other desire, he desireth his punishemente, then when the

execucion commeth to an other. Therefore mindyng, not

to have one favored in his faulte of the people, a greate

remedie it is, to make that the people, male have hym to

judge. For the greater proofe of this, thinsample of Manlius

Capitolinus might be brought, who being accused of the

Scenate, was defended of the people, so longe as thei were

not Judge, but becommyng arbitratours in his cause, thei

condempned hym to death. This is then a waie to punishe,

without raisyng tumulteis, and to make justise to be kepte:

and for as moche as to bridell armed menne, neither the

feare of the Lawes, nor of menne suffise not, the antiquitie

joined thereunto the aucthoritie of God : and therefore with

moste greate Ceremonies, thei made their souldiours to

sweare, to kepe the discipline of warre, so that doyng con-

trariewise, thei should not onely have to feare the Lawes,

and menne, but God : and thei used all diligence, to fill

them with Religion.

Baptiste. Did the Romaines permitte, that women might

bee in their armies, or that there might be used these idell

plaies, whiche thei use now a dales.

Fabritio. Thei prohibited the one and thother, and this

prohibicion was not moche difficulte : For that there were

so many exercises, in the whiche thei kept every dale the

souldiours, some whiles particularely, somewhiles generally


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLoccupied, that thei had no time to thinke, either on Venus, THEor on plaies, nor on any other thyng, whiche sedicious and SIXTHBunpromtable souldiours doe. BOOKE

Baptiste. I am herein satisfied, but tell me, when the

armie had to remove, what order kepte thei ?

Fabricio. The chief Trumpet sounded three tymes, at the Ordre in the

firste sound, thei toke up the Tentes, and made the paekes, removing the

at the seconde, thei laded the carriage, at the thirde, thei goundes^of aremoved in thesame maner aforsaied, with the impedi- Trumpet,mentes after every parte of armed men, placyng the Legions

in the middeste: and therefore you ought to cause after

thesame sorte, an extraordinarie maine battaile to remove :

and after that, the particulare impedimentes therof, andwith those, the fowerth part of the' publike impedimentes,

which should bee all those, that were lodged in one of those

partes, whiche a little afore we declared : and therfore it

is conveniente, to have every one of them, appointed to a

maine battaile, to the entente that the armie removyng,every one might knowe his place in marchyng: and thus

every maine battaile ought to goe awaie, with their owneimpedimentes, and with the fowerth parte of the publike

impedimentes, foUowyng after in soche maner, as wee shewedthat the Romaines marched.

Baptiste. In pitchyng the Campe, had thei other re-

spectes, then those you have tolde ?

Fabricio. I tell you again, that the Romaines when thei

encamped, would be able to kepe the accustomed fashion oftheir maner, the whiche to observe, thei had no other

respecte ; but concemyng for other consideracions, thei hadtwoo principall, the one, to incampe theim selves in a whole- Respectes to

some place, the other, to place themselves, where thenemie be had for in-

could not besiege theim, nor take from them the waie to the campyng.

water, or victualles. Then for to avoide infirmitie, thei did

flie from places Fennie, or subjecte to hurtfull windes


whiche thei knewe not so well, by the qualitie of the situa-

cion, as by the face of the inhabitours : for when thei sawe How to choose

theim evill coloured, or swollen, or full of other infeccion, fplace to

thei would not lodge there : concemyng thother respecte 'i^a^pe-


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Howtoavoidediseases fromthe armie.

The wonder-full com-moditie of


The provision

of victualles

that oughtalwaies to beeinareadinessein an armie.

THE ARTE OF WARREto provide not to be besieged, it is requisite to consider the

nature of the place, where the friendes lye, and wherethenemies, and of this to make a conjecture, if thou maiestbe besieged or no : and therefore it is meete, that the

Capitaine be moste experte, in the knowlege of situacions

of countries, and have aboute him divers men, that havethe verie same expertenes. Thei avoide also diseases, andfamishment, with causyng the armie to kepe no misrule, for

that to purpose to maintain it in health, it is nedefull to

provide, that the souldiours male slepe under tentes, that

thei male lodge where bee Trees, that make shadowe, wherewoodde is for to dresse their meate, that thei go not in the

heate, and therefore thei muste bee drawen out of the

campe, before dale in Summer, and in Winter, to take hede,

that thei marche not in the Snowe, and in the Froste,

without havyng comoditie to make fire, and not to lack

necessarie aparel, nor to drink naughtie water : those that

fall sicke by chaunce, make them to bee cured of Phisicions


bicause a capitain hath no reamedie, when he hath to faight

with sicknesse, and with an enemie : but nothing is so

profitable, to maintaine the armie in health, as is the exer-

cise : and therfore the antiquitie every daie, made them to

exercise : wherby is seen how muche exercise availeth : for

that in the Campe, it kepeth thee in health, and in the

faight victorious. Concernyng famishemente, it is neces-

sarie to see, that the enemie hinder thee not ofthy victualles,

but to provide where thou maieste have it, and to see that

thesame whiche thou haste, bee not loste : and therefore it is

requisite, that thou have alwaies in provision with the armie,

sufficiente victuall for a monethe, and then removyng into

some strong place, thou muste take order with thy nexte

frendes, that daily thei male provide for thee, and above al

thinges bestowe the victual with diligence, givyng every

daie to every manne, a reasonable measure, and observe

after soche sorte this poincte, that it disorder thee not:

bicause all other thyng in the warre, male with tyme be

overcome, this onely with tyme overcometh thee : nor there

shall never any enemie of thyne, who maie overcome thee


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwith famishemente, that will seeke to overcome thee with THEiron. For that though the victory be not so honourable, SIXTHEyet it is more sure and more certaine : Then, thesame armie BOOKEcannot avoide famishemente, that is not an observer of

justice, whiche licenciously consumeth what it liste : bicause

the one disorder, maketh that the victualls commeth notunto you, the other, that soche victuall as commeth, is un-

profitably consumed : therefore thantiquitie ordained, that

thei should spende thesame, whiche thei gave, and in thesametyme when thei appoincted : for that no souldiour did eate,

but when the Capitaine did eate : The whiche how moche it

is observed of the armies nowe adaies, every manne knoweth,

and worthely thei can not bee called menne of good order

and sober, as the antiquitie, but lasivious and drunkardes.

Baptists. You saied in the beginnyng of orderynge the

Campe, that you woulde not stande onely uppon twoo mainebattailes, but woulde take fower, for to shewe how a juste

armie incamped: therfore I would you shoulde tell metwoo thynges, the one, when I shoulde have more or lesse

men, howe I ought to incampe them, the other, whatnumbre of souldiours should suffice you to faight against

what so ever enemie that were.

Fabeitio. To the first question I answer you, that if the Howeto lodge

armie be more or lesse, then fower or sixe thousande soul- in the Campe

diours, the orders of lodeynges, may bee taken awaie or '"'"'® o"" 1®^^^

• J m i? J -ii; J.I.- menne, thenjomed, so many as suthseth : and with this way a man may

^j^g ordinarie.goe in more, and in lesse, into infinite : Notwithstandyngethe Romaines, when thei joigned together twoo consuUarmies, thei made twoo campes, and thei tourned the partes

of the unarmed, thone against thother. Concernyng the

second question, I say unto you, that the Romaines ordinary

armie, was about xxiiii. M. souldiours : but when thei were

driven to faight against the greatest power that might be,

the moste that thei put together, wer 1. M. With this

number, thei did set against two hundred thousand Frenche-

men, whome assaulted them after the first warre, that thei

had with the Carthageners. With this verie same numbre,thei fought againste Anniball. And you muste note, that


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The nombreof men that

an armyought to bemade of, to

bee able to

faighte with

the puisantest



Howe to causemen to dosoche a thingas shold beeprofitable for

thee, andhurtfull to

them selves.

THE ARTE OF WARREthe Romaines, and the Grekes, have made warre with fewe,

fortefiyng themselves thorough order, and thorough arte


the west, and the easte, have made it with multitude : Butthe one of these nacions, doeth serve with naturall furie : as

doe the men of the west partes, the other through the great

obedience whiche those men have to their kyng. But in

Grece, and in Italy, beyng no naturall furie, nor the naturall

reverence towardes their king, it hath been necessary for

them to learne the discipline of warre, the whiche is of so

muche force, that it hath made that a fewe, hath been able

to overcome the furie, and the naturall obstinatenesse of

manie. Therefore I sale, that mindyng to imitate the

Romaines, and the Grekes, the number of 1. M. souldiers,

ought not to bee passed, but rather to take lesse : because

manie make confucion, nor suffer not the discipline to be

observed, and the orders learned, and Pirrus used to saie,

that with XV. thousande men he woulde assaile the worlde


but let us pas to an other parte. We have made this our

armie to winne a field and shewed the travailes, that in the

same fight may happen : we have made it to marche, and

declared of what impedimentes in marchyng it may be dis-

turbed : and finally we have lodged it : where not only it

ought to take a littell reste of the labours passed, but also

to thinke howe the warre ought to be ended : for that in

the lodgynges, is handeled many thynges, inespecially thy

enemies as yet remainyng in the fielde, and in suspected

townes, of whome it is good to be assured, and those that

be enemies to overcome them : therfore it is necessarie to

come to this demonstracion, and to passe this difficultie with

the same glorie, as hitherto we have warred. Therfore

comynge to particular matters, I saie that if it shoulde

happen, that thou wouldest have manie men, or many

people to dooe a thyng, whiche were to thee profittable, and

to theim greate hurte, as should be to breake downe the

wall of their citie, or to sende into exile many of them, it is

necessarie for thee, either to beguile them in such wise that

everie one beleeve not that it toucheth him : so that succour-

yng not the one the other, thei may finde them selves al to


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbe oppressed without remedie, or els unto all to commaunde THEthe same, whiche they ought to dooe in one selfe daie, to the SIXTHEintente that every man belevyng to be alone, to whome the BOOKEcommaundement is made, male thinke to obey and not to re-

medie it : and so withoute tumulte thy commaundement to beofeverie man executed. Ifthou shouldest suspecte thefidelitie

of anie people, and woulde assure thee, and overcome them at Howe to over-

unawares, for to colour thy intente more easelie, thou canst come menne

not doe better, then to counsel with them of some purpose "* unbares.

of thine, desiryng their aide, and to seeme to intende to

make an other enterprise, and to have thy minde farre fromthinkyng on them : the whiche will make, that thei shall

not think on their owne defence, beleevyng not that thoupurposest to hurte them, and thei shal geve thee commoditie,

to be able easely to satisfie thy desire. When thou shouldest How to

perceive, that there were in thine armie some, that used to tournetocom-

advertise thy enemie of thy devises, thou canst not doe ™oditiethe

better, myndynge to take commoditie by their traiterous goche as usemindes, then to commen with them of those thynges, that to advertise

thou wilte not doe, and those that thou wilt doe, to kepe thy enemie of

secret, and to say to doubte of thynges, that thou doubtest ^^^ procead-

not, and those of whiche thou doubtest, to hide : the which ^^S^^'

shall make thenemie to take some enterprise in hand,beleving to know thy devises, where by easly thou maiest

beguile and opresse hym. if thou shouldest intende (as How to order

Claudius Nero did) to deminishe thy armie, sendynge helpe the campe,

to some freende, and that the enemie shoulde not bee aware ''"^t the

therof, it is necessarie not to deminishe the lodgynges, but m,^ perceiveto maintayne the signes, and the orders whole, makyng the whether the

verie same fires, and the verye same wardes throughout all same bee

the campe, as wer wont to be afore. Lykewise if with thy deminished,

armie there should joigne new men, and wouldest that the

enemie shoulde not know that thou werte ingrosed, it is

necessarie not to increase the lodgynges : Because keepyngsecrete doynges and devises, hath alwaies been moste pro-

fitable. Wherfore Metellus beyng with an armie in

Hispayne, to one, who asked him what he would doe the

nexte daie, answered, that if his sherte knew therof, heBB 193

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A saiyng ofMetellus.


How to under-stand thesecretes ofthyenemie.

A policie ofMarius, to

understandehowehemighttruste theFrenchmen.

What someCapitaines

have doenwhen their

countrie havebeen invadedof enemies.

To make theenemie necli-

gente in his


THE ARTE OF WARREwould bourne it. Marcus Craussus, unto one, whome asked

him, when the armie shoulde remove, saied beleevest thou

to be alone not to here the trumpet.? If thou shouldest

desire to understande the secretes of thy enemie, and to

know his orders, some have used to sende embassadours, andwith theim in servauntes aparel, moste expertest men in

warre : whom havynge taken occasion to se the enemies

armie, and to consider his strengthe and weakenesse, it hath

geven them oportunitie to overcome him. Some have sente

into exile one of their familiars, and by meanes of the same,

hath knowen the devises of his adversarie. Also like

secrettes are understoode of the enemies when for this efFecte

there were taken any prisoners. Marius whiche in the warre

that he made with the Cimbrie, for to know the faieth of

those Frenchmen, who then inhabited Lombardie, and were

in leage with the Romaine people, sent them letters open,

and sealed : and in the open he wrote, that they shoulde

not open the sealed, but at a certaine time, and before the

same time demaundyng them againe, and finding themopened, knew thereby that their faithe was not to be trusted.

Some Capitaines, being invaded, have not desired to goe to

meete the enemie, but have gone to assaulte his countrey,

and constrained him to retorne to defende his owne home:The whiche manie times hath come wel to passe, for that

those soldiours beginnyng to fil them selves with booties,

and confidence to overcome, shall sone make the enemies

souldiours to wexe afraide, when they supposynge theira

selves conquerours, shal understand to become losers : So that

to him that hath made this diversion, manie times it hath

proved well. But onely it may be doen by him, whichehath his countrey stronger then that of the enemies, because

when it were otherwise, he should goe to leese. It hath

been often a profitable thyng to a capitaine, that hath been

besieged in his lodgynges by the enemie, to move an intreatie

of agreemente, and to make truse with him for certaine

dales : the which is wonte to make the enemies more necli-

gente in all doynges : so that avaylynge thee of their necli-

gence, thou maiest easely have occacion to get thee cute of


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLtheir handes. By this way Silla delivered him selfe twise THEfrom the enemies: and with this verie same deceipte, SIXTHEAsdruball in Hispayne got oute of the force of Claudious BOOKENero, whome had besieged him. It helpeth also to deliver Silla.

a man out of the daunger of the enemie, to do some thyng Asdruball.

beside the forsaied, that may keepe him at a baye : this is

dooen in two maners, either to assaulte him with parte of

thy power, so that he beyng attentive to the same faight,

may geve commoditie to the reste of thy men to bee able tosave theim selves, or to cause to rise some newe accidente,

which for the strayngenesse of the thynge, maie make himto marvell, and for this occasion to stande doubtefuU, and The policie

still : as you knowe howe Anniball dyd, who beynge inclosed o^ Aniball,

of Fabius Maximus, tied in the nighte small Bavens kindeled ^^^^^^7 he

beetweene the homes of manie Oxen, so that Fabius of the dangerastonied at the strangenesse of the same sight, thought not of Fabius

to lette him at all the passage. A Capitayne oughte Maximus.

amonge all other of his aflFaires, with al subtiltie to devise A Capitayne

to devide the force of the enemie, either with makyng him ™uste devise

to suspecte his owne menne, in whome he trusteth, or to +1°^/° devide

give him occasion, that he maye seperate his menne, andijjs enemies,

therby to be come more weake. The fyrste way is dooenwith keepyng saulfe the thynges of some of those whiche he How to cause

hath aboute him, as to save in the warre their menne and the enemie

their possessions, renderynge theim their children, or other „"„gg+ v-

their necessaries withoute raunsome. You know that Anni- most trustyball havynge burned all the fieldes aboute Rome, he made men.

onely to bee reserved saulfe those of Fabius Maximus. You Aniball.

know how Coriolanus comyng with an armie to Rome, Coriolanus.

preserved the possessions of the nobilitie, and those of the

comminaltie he bourned, and sacked. Metellus havinge an Metellus

armie againste Jugurte, all the oratours, whiche of Jugurte against

were sente him, were required of him, that they woulde geve "^"'' ^'

him Jugurte prisoner, and after to the verie same menwrityng letters of the verie same matter, wrought in suche

wise, that in shorte tyme Jugurte havyng in suspecte all his

counsellours, in diverse maners put them to death. Anni-ball beynge fled to Antiochus, the Romaine oratours prac-


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A pi-actis of

the Romayneoratours, to

bryng Aniball

out of Creditwith Antio-


Howe to

cause the

enemie to

devide his


Howe TitusDidius staied

his enemiesthatwer goingto incounter alegion of menthat werecommyng in

his ayde.

Howe somehave causedthe enemieto devide his


A policie to

winne theenemiescountriebefore he beaware.

THE ARTE OF WARREtised with him so familiarly, that Antiochus beyng in

suspecte of him, trusted not anie more after to his counselles.

Concernyng to devide the enemies men, there is no morecertainer waie, then to cause their countrie to be assaulted,

to the intents that being constrained to goe to defende the

same, they maie forsake the warre. This way Fabius used

havynge agaynst his armie the power of the Frenchemen, of

the Tuscans, Umbries and Sannites. Titus Didius havyng

a few men in respecte to those of the enemies, and lookynge

for a legion from Rome, and the enemies purposinge to goe

to incounter it, to the intente that they should not goe,

caused to bee noised through all his armie, that he intended

the nexte daie to faighte the field with the enemies : after

he used means, that certaine of the prisoners, that he had

taken afore, had occasion to runne awaie. Who declaryng

the order that the Consull had taken to faighte the nexte

daie, by reason wherof the enemies be)Tig afraide to demin-

ishe their owne strength, went not to incounter the same

legion, and by this way thei wer conducted safe. Thewhich means serveth not to devide the force of the enemies,

but to augments a mans owne. Some have used to devide

the enemies force, by lettyng him to enter into their

countrie, and in profe have let him take manie townes, to

the intente that puttynge in the same garrisons, he mightthereby deminishe his power, and by this waie havynge

made him weake, have assaulted and overcomen him. Someother mindyng to goe into one province, have made as

though they woulde have invaded an other, and used so

much diligence, that sodenly entryng into the same, where

it was not doubted that they woulde enter, they have first

wonne it, before the ennemie coulde have time to succour it


for that thy enemie beynge not sure, whether thou pur-

posest to tourne backe, to the place fyrste of thee threatned,

is -constrained not to forsake the one place, to succour the

other, and so many times he defendeth neither the one nor

the other. It importeth besides the sayde thynges to a

Capitaine, if there growe sedicion or discorde amonge the

souldiours, to knowe with arte howe to extynguishe it : The196

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbeste waie is to chastise the headdes of the faultes, but it THEmuste be doen in such wise, that thou maiest first have SIXTHEoppressed them, before they be able to be aware : The way BOOKEis, if they be distante from thee, not onely to call the Howe to re-

offenders, but together with theim all the other, to the formesedicion

entente that not beleevynge, that it is for any cause to'^^^ discorde.

punishe them, they become not contumelius, but geve com-moditie to the execution of the punishemente : when thei

be present, thou oughtest to make thy selfe stronge with

those that be not in faulte, and by meane of their helpe to

punishe the other. When there hapneth discorde amongethem, the beste waye is, to bryng them to the perill, the

feare whereof is wonte alwaies to make them agree. But The benefitte

that, which above all other thynge kepeth the armie in that the repu-

unitee, is the reputacion of the Capitaine, the whiche onely ^ '''?° ." "^^

groweth of his vertue : because neither bloud, nor authoritie causethgave it ever without vertue. And the chiefe thyng, whiche which is only

of a Capitain is looked for to be doen, is, to keepe his gotten by

souldiours punisshed, and paied : for that when so ever the '^^'^*"®-

paie lacketh, it is conveniente that the punisshement lacke : The chiefe

because thou canst not correcte a souldiour, that robbeth, if thyng that a

thou doest not paie him, nor the same mindynge to live,ou^ht^n^doe

cannot abstaine from robbynge : but if thou palest him andpunisshest him not, he beecometh in everie condicion When paie

insolente: For that thou becomest of small estimacion, wanteth,

where thou chaunsest not to bee able to maintaine thefs"'''fl^'"u'^*

dignitie of thy degree, and not mainetainyng it, there executed,foloweth of necessitee tumulte, and discorde, whiche is the

jy^ incon-ruine of an armie. Olde Capitaines had a troubell, of the venience ofwhich the presente be almoste free, whiche was to interprete not punissh-

to their purpose the sinister auguries : because if there fell ynge.

a thunderbolte in an armie, if the sunne were darkened or

the Moone, if there came an erthequake, if the Capitaine

either in gettyng up, or in lightynge of his horse fell, it wasof the souldiours interpreted sinisterously : And it ingendred

in them so moche feare, that comynge to faight the fielde,

easely they should have lost it : and therefore the aunciente

Capitaines so sone as a lyke accidente grewe, either they


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Cesar chauns-ynge to fall,

made thesame to besupposed to

signifi goodlucke.


taketh awayfantasticall


In what cases

a Capitaineought not to

faight withhis enemie if

he may other-

wyse choose.

A policie ofFulviuswherby he gotand spoyledhis enemiesCampe.

A policie to

disorder theenemie.

A policie to

overcome the

THE ARTE OF WARREshewed the cause of the same, and redused it to a naturall

cause, or they interpreted it to their purpose. Cesar fallyng

in Africa, in comyng of the sea saied, Africa I have taken

thee. Moreover manie have declared the cause of the ob-

scuryng of the Moone, and of earthquakes : which thing in

our time cannot happen, as well because our men be not so

supersticious, as also for that our religion taketh awayaltogether such opinions : al be it when they should chaunse,

the orders of the antiquitie ought to be imitated. Wheneither famishement, or other naturall necessitie, or humainepassion, hath broughte thy enemie to an utter desperation,

and he driven of the same, cometh to faight with thee, thou

oughtest to stande within thy campe, and as muche as lieth

in thy power, to flie the faight. So the Lacedemonians did

against the Masonians, so Cesar did against Afranio, andPetreio. Fulvius beyng Consul, against the Cimbrians,

made his horsemen manie dales continually to assaulte the

enemies, and considered how thei issued out of their campefor to folow them : wherfore he sette an ambusshe behinde

the Campe of the Cimbrians, and made them to be assaulted

of his horsmen, and the Cimbrians issuyng oute of their

campe for to follow them. Fulvio gotte it, and sacked it.

It hath ben of great utilitie to a Capitaine, havyng his

armie nere to the enemies armie, to sende his menne with

the enemies ansignes to robbe,and to burne his owne countrey,

whereby the enemies beleevynge those to bee menne, whiche

are come in their aide, have also runne to helpe to makethem the pray : and for this disorderyng them selves, hathe

therby given oportunitie to the adversary to overcome

them. This waie Alexander of Epirus used againste the

lUirans and Leptenus of Siracusa against the Carthaginers

and bothe to the one and to the other, the devise came to

passe most happely. Manie have overcome the enemie,

gevyng him occasion to eate and to drinke oute of measure,

fayning to have feared, and leaving their Campes full of

wyne and herdes of cattell, wherof the enemie beyng filled

above all naturall use, have then assaulted him, and with

his destruction overthrowen him. So Tamirus did against


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLCirus, and Tiberius Graccus agaynst the Spaniardes. Some THEhave poysoned the wine, and other thynges to feede on, for SIXTHEto be able more easely to overcome them. I saied a littel BOOKEafore how I founde not, that the antiquetie kepte in the A policie.

night Scoutes abroade, and supposed that they did it for to

avoide the hurte, whiche might growe therby : because it is

founde, that through no other meane then throughe the

watche man, whiche was set in the dale to watche the

enemie, hath been cause of the ruin of him, that set himthere : for that manie times it hath hapned, that he beyngtaken, hath been made perforce to tell theim the token,

whereby they might call his felowes, who commyng to the

token, have been slaine or taken. It helpeth to beguile the How to

enemie sometime to varie a custome of thine, whereupon he beguile the

having grounded him self, remaineth ruinated : as a Capi- ^n^n'is-

taine did once, whome usinge to cause to be made signes

to his men for comynge of the enemies in the night with

fire, and in the daie with smoke, commaunded that withoute

anie intermission, they shoulde make smoke and fire, andafter commynge upon them the enemie, they should reste,

whome beleevyng to come without beynge seen, perceivyng

no signe to be made of beyng discovered, caused (through

goeyng disordered) more easie the victorie to his adversarie. Howe Menno-

Mennonus a Rodian mindynge to drawe from stronge places "J's trained

the enemies armie, sente one under colour of a fugitive, the "'^ e^^^mies

whiche aflirmed, howe his armie was in discorde, and that stronge places

the greater parte of them wente awaie : and for to make the to bee the

thynge to be credited, he caused to make in sporte, certaine better able

tumultes amonge the lodgynges : whereby the enemie *? o^^''*''""

thynkyng thereby to be able to discomfaighte them, as-

saultynge theim, were overthrowen.

Besides thesaied thynges, regarde ought to be had not The enemie

to brynge the enemie into extreme desperacion : whereunto ought not to

Cesar had regarde, faightvng with the Duchemen, who pe broughtinTo pxtrPTifiP

opened them the waie, seyng, howe thei beyng not able to desperacion.flie, necessitie made them strong, and would rather take paine

to foUowe theim, when thei fled, then the perill to overcomethem, when thei defended them selves.


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How Lucullusconstrained

certaine menthat ran awaiefrom him to

his enemies,to fayghtwhether theywold or not.

A policie

wher byPompey gota towne.

How PubliusValerius

assured himself of atowne.A policie thatAlexanderMagnus usedto be assuredof all Tracia,

which Philip

kynge ofSpaine did

practise to beasured ofEng-land when hewentetosainctQuintens.

Examples for

Capitaines to

winne thehartes of thepeople.

THE ARTE OF WARRELucullus seyng, how certaine Macedonian horsemenne,

whiche were with hym, went to the enemies parte, straight

waie made to sounde to battaile, and commaunded, that the

other men should folowe hym : whereby the enemies beleving,

that Lucullus would begin the faight, went to incounter the

same Macedonians, with soche violence, that thei were con-

strained to defende themselves : and so thei became against

their willes, of fugetives, faighters. It importeth also to

knowe, how to be assured of a toune, when thou doubteste

of the fidelitie thereof, so sone as thou haste wonne the

fielde, or before, the whiche certain old insamples maieteache thee.

Pompei doubtyng of the Catinensians, praied them that

thei would bee contente, to receive certaine sicke menne,that he had in his armie, and sendyng under the habite of

sicke persones, most lustie menne, gotte the toune. Publius

Valerius, fearyng the fidelitie of the Epidannians, caused to

come, as who saieth, a Pardon to a churche without the

toune, and when al the people wer gone for Pardon, he

shutte the gates, receivyng after none in, but those whomhe trusted. Alexander Magnus, mindyng to goe into Asia,

and to assure himself of Thracia, toke with him all the

principall of thesame Province, givyng theim provision, andhe set over the common people of Thracia, men of lowe

degree, and so he made the Princes contented with paiyngtheim, and the people quiete, havyng no heddes that should

disquiete them : But emong all the thynges, with the whiche

the Capitaines, winne the hartes of the people, be the

insamples of chastitie and justice, as was thesame of Scipio

in Spaine, when he rendered that yong woman, moste faire of

personage to her father, and to her housebande : the whiche

made him more, then with force of armes to winne Spain.

Cesar having caused that woodde to bee paied for, whichehe had occupied for to make the Listes, about his armie in

Fraunce, got so moche a name of justice, that he madeeasier the conquest of thesame province. I cannot tell

what remaineth me, to speake more upon these accidentes,

for that concerning this matter, there is not lefte any parte,


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthat hath not been of us disputed. Onely there lacketh to THEtell, of the maner of winnyng, and defendyng a toune : the SIXTHEwhiche I am readie to doe willingly, if you be not now wearie. BOOKE

Baptiste. Your humanitie is so moche, that it maketh us

to foUowe our desires, without beyng afraied to be reputedpresumptuous, seyng that you liberally offer thesame,whiche we should have been ashamed, to have asked you


Therefore, we saie unto you onely this, that to us you can-

not dooe a greater, nor a more gratefuller benefite, then to

finishe this reasonyng. But before that you passe to thatother matter, declare us a doubte, whether it bee better to

continewe the warre, as well in the Winter, as thei use nowadaies, or to make it onely in the Sommer, and to goe homein the Winter, as the antiquitie did.

Fabritio. See, that if the prudence of the demaunderwere not, there had remained behinde a speciall part, thatdeserveth consideracion. I answere you againe, that the

antiquitie did all thynges better, and with more prudencethen wee : and if wee in other things commit some erroure,

in the affaires of warre, wee commit all errour. There is Warre ought

nothing more undiscrete, or more perrillous to a Capitayne, i^"* to. ^^

then to make warre in the Winter, and muche more perrill '"?°® i°

beareth he, that maketh it, then he that abideth it : the

reason is this. All the Industrie that is used in the disci-

pline of warre, is used for to bee prepared to fighte a fielde

with thy enemie, because this is the ende, whereunto aCapitayne oughte to goo or endevour him selfe : For thatthe foughten field, geveth thee the warre wonne or loste


then he that knoweth best how to order it, and he that hathhis army beste instructed, hath moste advauntage in this,

and maye beste hope to overcome. On the other side, Rough situa-

there is nothing more enemie to the orders, and then the ciops, colde

rough situacions, or the colde watery time : for that the t^g^^^e*rough situacions, suffereth thee not to deffende thy bandes, enemies to

according to thee discipline : the coulde and watery times, the order of

suffereth thee not to keepe thy men together, nor thou canst warre.

not bring them in good order to the enemy : but it is con-

venient for thee to lodge them a sunder of necessitie, andCC 201

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE without order, being constrayned to obeye to Castells, to

SIXTHE Boroughes, and to the Villages, that maye receyve thee, inBOOKE maner that all thy laboure of thee, used to instructe the

army is vaine. Nor marvayle you not though now a dales,

they warre in the Winter, because the armies being without

discipline, know not the hurt that it dooth them, in lodging

not together, for that it is no griefe to them not to be able

to keepe those orders, and to observe that discipline, which

they have not : yet they oughte to see howe much harme,

the Camping in the Winter hath caused, and to remember,An over- how the Frenchmen in the yeare of oure Lorde God, athrowe caused thousande five hundred and three, were broken at Garilianoy wm er. ^^ ^^^ Winter, and not of the Spaniardes : For as much as

I have saide, he that assaulteth, hath more disadvauntage

then he that defendeth : because the fowle weather hurteth

him not a Jittell, being in the dominion of others andminding to make warre. For that he is constrayned, either

to stande together with his men, and to sustaine the in-

commoditie of water and colde, or to avoide it to devide his

power : But he that defendeth, may chuse the place as he

listeth, and tary him with his freshe men : and he in a

sodayne may set his men in araye, and goo to find a bandof the enemies men, who cannot resiste the violence of them.

So the Frenchemen were discomfited, and so they shall

alwayes be discomfited, which will assaulte in the Winteran enemye, whoo hath in him prudence. Then he that will

that force, that orders, that discipline and vertue, in anye

condition availe him not, let him make warre in the fielde in

the winter : and because that the Romaines woulde that all

these thinges, in which they bestowed so much diligence,

should availe them, fleedde no otherwise the Winter, then

the highe Alpes, and difficulte places, and whatsoever other

thing shoulde let them, for being able to shewe their arte

and their vertue. So this sufEseth to your demaund,wherefore we wil come to intreate of the defending

and besieging of tonnes, and of their situa-

cions and edifications.


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THE SEVENTH BOOKEOU oughte to knowe, how that tounesand fortresses, maie bee strong either bynature, or by industrie ; by nature, those

bee strong, whiche bee compassed aboutewith rivers, or with Fennes, as Mantua is

and Ferrara, or whiche bee builded upona Rocke, or upon a stepe hille, as Monaco,and Sanleo : For that those that stande

upon hilles, that be not moche difficulct to goe up, be now adaies, consideryng the artillerie and the Caves, moste weake.And therfore moste often times in building, thei seke now adaies a plain, for to make it stronge with industrie. Thefirste industrie is, to make the walles crooked, and full oftournynges, and of receiptes : the whiche thyng maketh,that thenemie cannot come nere to it, bicause he maie behurte, not onely on the front, but by flancke. If the walles

be made high, thei bee to moche subjecte to the blowes of

the artillerie : if thei be made lowe, thei bee moste easie to

scale. If thou makeste the diches on the out side thereof,

for to give difficultie to the Ladders, if it happen that the

enemie fill them up (whiche a great armie maie easely dooe)

the wall remaineth taken of thenemie. Therefore pur-

posyng to provide to the one and thother foresaid incon-

veniences, I beleve (savyng alwaies better judgement) that

the walle ought to be made highe, and the Diche within,

and not without. This is the moste strongeste waie of


Tounes andFortresses

maiebestrongtwoo waies.

The place thatnow a daies is

moste soughtto fortifie in.

How a Tounewalle oughtto bee made.

The walle of a

toune oughtto bee high,

and the dichewithin, andnot without.

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE edificacion, that is made, for that it defendeth thee from

SEVENTH the artillerie, and from Ladders, and it giveth not facilitie

BOOKE to the enemie, to fill up the diche : Then the walle ought to

Thethickenes be high, of that heighth as shall bee thought beste, and nothat a Toune ^eggg thick, then two yardes and a quarter, for to make it

b^eo^fTndthe""'"'^ difficult to ruinate. Moreover it ought to have the

distaunces be- toures placed, with distances of CI. yardes betwen thone

twene everie and thother : the diche within, ought to be at leaste twooflaacker, and and twentie yardes and a halfe broad, and nine depe, and

b dth d^^ ^^^ yearth that is digged out, for to make the diche,

deapth the muste be throwen towardes the Citee, and kepte up of a

dich ought walle, that muste be raised from the bottome of the diche,

to bee. and goe so high over the toune, that a man male bee covered

behinde thesame, the whiche thing shal make the depth of

the diche the greater. In the bottome of the diche, within

every hundred and 1. yardes, there would be a slaughter

house, which with the ordinaunce, male hurte whom so

How the ever should goe doune into thesame : the greate artillerie

ordinaunce is that defende the citee, are planted behinde the walle, that



fshutteth the diche, bicause for to defende the utter walle,

a toune being high, there cannot bee occupied commodiously, other

then smalle or meane peeses. If the enemie come to scale,

the heigth of the firste walle moste easely defendeth thee


if he come with ordinaunce, it is convenient for hym to

batter the utter walle : but it beyng battered, for that the

The nature of nature of the batterie is, to make the walle to fall, towardesthe batterie. the parte battered, the ruine of the walle commeth, finding

no diche that receiveth and hideth it, to redouble the pro-

funditie of thesame diche : after soche sorte, that to passe

any further, it is not possible, findyng a ruine that with

holdeth thee, a diche that letteth thee, and the enemies

ordinaunce, that from the walle of the diche, moste safely

killeth thee. Onely there is this remedie, to fill the diche : the

whiche is moste difficulte to dooe, as well bicause the capacitie

thereof is greate, as also for the difficultie, that is in com-

myng nere it, the walle beeyng strong and concaved, betwene

the whiche, by the reasons aforesaied, with difficultie maie

be entered, havyng after to goe up a breache through a


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLruin, whiche giveth thee moste greate difficultie, so that I THEsuppose a citee thus builded, to be altogether invinsible. SEVENTH

Baptiste. When there should bee made besides the diche BOOKBwithin, a diche also without, should it not bee stronger ?

Fabkicio. It should be without doubt, but mindyng to

make one diche onely, myne opinion is, that it standeth

better within then without.

Baptiste. Would you, that water should bee in the diches,

or would you have them drie ?

Fabeicio. The opinion of men herein bee divers, bicause

the diches full of water, saveth thee from mines under

grounde, the Diches without water, maketh more difficulte

the fillyng of them : but I havyng considered aU, would A drie diche

make them without water, for that thei bee more sure : For is moste

diches with water, have been seen in the Winter to bee s"'^^*^'

frosen, and to make easie the winnyng of a citee, as it hap-pened to Mirandola, when Pope Julie besieged it : and for

to save me from mines, I would make it so deepe, that hethat would digge lower, should finde water.

The Fortresses also, I would builde concernyng the diches

and the walles in like maner, to the intent thei should

have the like difficultie to be wonne. One thyng I will An advertise-

earnestly advise hym, that defendeth a Citee : and that is, mente for the

that he make no Bulwarkes without distaunte from the^if^J^^^^^f

walle of thesame : and an other to hym that buildeth the ^ Toune orFortresse, and this is, that he make not any refuge place in Fortresse.

them, in whiche he that is within, the firste walle beyngloste, male retire : That whiche maketh me to give the firste

counsaile is, that no manne ought to make any thyng, bymeane wherof, he male be driven without remedie to lese

his iirste reputacion, the whiche losyng, causeth to be

estemed lesse his other doinges, and maketh afraied them,whom have taken upon theim his defence, and alwaies it

shall chaunce him this, whiche I sale, when there are madeBulwarkes out of the Toune, that is to bee defended. Small for-

bicause alwaies he shall leese theim, little thynges now a tresses cannot

dales, beyng not able to bee defended, when thei be subject ^^® defended,

to the furie of ordinance, in soche wise that lesyng them,207

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE thei be beginning and cause of his ruine. When Genua

SEVENTH rebelled againste king Leus of Fraunce, it made certaine

BOOKE Bulwarkes alofte on those hilles, whiche bee about it, the

whiche so sone as thei were loste, whiche was sodainly,

A toune of made also the citee to be loste. Concernyng the secondwar or For- counsaile, I affirme nothyng to be to a Fortresse moretresse, ought

pej-jjous, then to be in thesame refuge places, to be able to

them°anv^^e-" retire : Bicause the hope that menne have thereby, maketh

tiring places, that thei leese the utter warde, when it is assaulted : andthat loste, maketh to bee loste after, all the Fortresse. For

insample there is freshe in remembraunce, the losse of the

Fortresse of Furly, when Catherin the Countesse defended

Cesar Borgia, it againste Cesar Borgia, sonne to Pope Alexander the vi.

who had conducted thether the armie of the king of

Fraunee : thesame Fortresse, was al full of places, to retire

out of one into an other : for that there was firste the kepe,

from the same to the Fortresse, was a diche after soche

sorte, that thei passed over it by a draw bridge : the for-

tresse was devided into three partes, and every parte was

devided from the other with diches, and with water, and byBridges, thei passed from the one place to the other : where-

fore the Duke battered with his artillerie, one of the partes

of the fortresse, and opened part of the walle : For whiche

cause Maister Jhon Casale, whiche was appoincted to that

Warde, thought not good to defende that breache, but

abandoned it for to retire hymself into the other places : so

that the Dukes men having entered into that parte with-

out incounter, in a sodaine thei gotte it all : For that the

Dukes menne became lordes of the bridges, whiche went

Tiie causes of from one place to an other. Thei loste then this Fortresse,the losse of whiche was thought invinsible, through two defaultes, the


th \ ""^ ^^^ havyng so many retiryng places, the other, bicause

was thought every retiryng place, was not Lorde of the bridge thereof,

invincible. Therefore, the naughtie builded Fortresse, and the little

wisedome of them that defended it, caused shame to the

noble enterprise of the countesse, whoe had thought to have

abidden an armie, whiche neither the kyng of Naples, nor

the Duke of Milaine would have abidden : and although


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLhis inforcementes had no good ende, yet notwithstandyng THEhe gotte that honoure, whiche his valiauntnesse had de- SEVENTHserved: The whiche was testified of many Epigrammes, BOOKEmade in those daies in his praise. Therefore, if I shouldhave to builde a Fortresse, I would make the walles strong,

and the diches in the maner as we have reasoned, nor I

would not make therein other, then houses to inhabite, and Howe the

those I would make weake and lowe, after soche sorte that houses that

thei should not let him that should stande in the middest ofIfJ^j.^^^^'^^

the Market place, the sight of all the walle, to the intente Fortresse

that the Capitain might see with the iye, where he male ought to be

succour : and that every manne should understande, that huilded.

the walle and the diche beyng lost, the fortresse were

lost. And yet when I should make any retiryng places, I

would make the bridges devided in soche wise, that every

parte should be Lorde of the bridges of his side, ordainyng,

that thei should fall upon postes, in the middest of the


Baptiste. You have saied that littel thynges now a daies

can not bee defended, and it seemed unto me to have under-

stoode the contrarie, that the lesser that a thyng wer, the

better it might be defended.

Fabritio. You have not understoode well, because that

place cannot be now a daies called stronge, wher he that

defendeth it, hath not space to retire with new diches, andwith new fortificacions, for that the force of the ordinance

is so much, that he that trusteth uppon the warde of onewall and of one fortification only, is deceived : and because

the Bulwarkes (mindyng that they passe not their ordinarie

measure, for that then they shoulde be townes and Castels)

be not made, in suche wise that men male have space within

them to retire, thei are loste straight waie. Therefore it is

wisdom to let alone those Bulwarkes without, and to The fortifiyng

fortifie thenterance of the toune, and to kever the gates of °^ *h® ®^"

the same with turnyngs after suche sort, that men cannot Xoune.goe in nor oute of the gate by right line : and from thetournynges to the gate, to make a diche with a bridge.

Also they fortifie the gate, with a PercuUis, for to bee abell

DD 209

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Battelmentsou^ht to belarge andthicke andthe flanckers

large within.

THE ARTE OF WARREto put therin their menne, when they be issued out to

faight, and hapnyng that the enemies pursue them, to

avoide, that in the mingelynge together, they enter not in

with them: and therfore these be used, the which the

antiquitie called Cattarratte, the whiche beyng let fall,

exclude thenemies, and save the freendes, for that in suche

a case, men can do no good neither by bridges nor by a

gate, the one and the other beynge ocupied with prease of

menne.Baptists. I have seene these PercuUeses that you speake

of, made in Almayne of littell quarters of woodde after the

facion of a grate of Iron, and these percullises of ouers, be

made of plankes all massive : I woulde desire to understande

whereof groweth this difference, and which be the strongest.

Fabricio. I tell you agayne, that the manners and orders

of the warre, throughe oute all the worlde, in respecte to

those of the antiquitie, be extinguesshed, and in Italye

they bee altogether loste, for if there bee a thing somewhatstronger then the ordinarye, it groweth of the insample of

other countries. You mighte have understoode and these

other may remember, with howe muche debilitie before,

that king Charles of Fraunce in the yere of our salvation a

thousande CCCC. xciiii. had passed into Italic, they madethe batelmentes not halfe a yarde thicke, the loopes, andthe flanckers were made with a litle opening without, and

muche within, and with manye other faultes whiche not to

be tedious I will let passe : for that easely from thinne

battelments the defence is taken awaye, the flanckers

builded in the same maner, moste easylye are opened


Nowe of the Frenchemen is learned to make the battel-

ment large and thicke, and the flanckers to bee large on

the parte within, and to drawe together in the middeste

of the wall, and then agayn to waxe wider unto the utter-

most parte without : this maketh that the ordinaunce

hardlye can take away the defence. Therfore the Frenche-

men have, manye other devises like these, the whiche be-

cause they have not beene seene of our men, they have

not beene considered. Among whiche, is this kinde of

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLpercuUes made like unto a grate, the which is a greate deals THEbetter then cures: for that if you have for defence of a SEVENTHgate a massive parcuUes as oures, letting it fall, you shutte BOOKEin your menne, and you can not though the same hurte theenemie, so that hee with axes, and with fire, maye breake it

downe safely : but if it hee made like a grate, you maye, it

being let downe, through those holes and through those

open places, defende it with Pikes, with crosbowes, and withall other kinde of weapons.

Baptiste. I have scene in Italye an other use after theoutelandishe fashion, and this is, to make the carriage of

the artillery with the spokes of the wheele crooked towardesthe Axeltree. I woulde knowe why they make them so


seeming unto mee that they bee stronger when they are

made straighte as those of oure wheeles.

Fabkitio. Never beleeve that the thinges that differ fromthe oidinarie wayes, be made by chaunce : and if you shoulde

beleeve that they make them so, to shewe fayrer, you are

deceaved : because where strength is necessarie, there is

made no counte of fayrenesse : but all groweth, for thatthey be muche surer and muche stronger then ours. Thereason is this : the carte when it is laden, either goeth even,

or leaning upon the righte, or upon the lefte side : when it

goeth even, the wheeles equally sustayne the wayght, the

which being equallye devided betweene them, doth notburden much, but leaning, it commeth to have all thepaise of the cariage on the backe of that wheele upon the

which it leaneth. If the spokes of the same be straight

they wdl soone breake : for that the wheele leaning, thespokes come also to leane, and not to sustaine the paise bythe straightnesse of them, and so when the carte goeth even,

and when they are least burdened, they come to beestrongest: when the Carte goeth awrye, and that theycome to have moste paise, they bee weakest. Even the

contrarie happeneth to the crooked spokes of the FrencheCartes, for that when the carte leaning upon one side

poincteth uppon them, because they bee ordinary crooked,

they come then to bee straight, and to be able to sustayne


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Neither theditche, wall

tillage, norany kinde ofedificacion,

ought to bewithin a mileof a toune ofwarre.


THE ARTE OF WARREstrongly al the payse, where when the carte goeth even,

and that they bee crooked, they sustayne it halfe : but let

us tourne to our citie and Fortresse. The Frenchemen use

also for more safegarde of the gates of their townes, andfor to bee able in sieges more easylye to convey and set oute

men of them, besides the sayde thinges, an other devise, of

which I have not seene yet in Italye anye insample: and

this is, where they rayse on the oute side from the ende of

the drawe bridge twoo postes, and upon either of them they

joigne a beame, in suche wise that the one halfe of themcomes over the bridge, the other halfe with oute : then all

the same parte that commeth withoute, they joygne together

with small quarters of woodde, the whiche they set thicke

from one beame to an other like unto a grate, and on the

parte within, they fasten to the ende of either of the beames

a chaine : then when they will shutte the bridge on the

oute side, they slacke the chaines, and let downe all the

same parte like unto a grate, the whiche comming downe,

shuttethe the bridge, and when they will open it, they

drawe the chaines, and the same commeth to rise up,

and they maye raise it up so much that a man may passe

under it, and not a horse, and so much that there mayepasse horse and man, and shutte it againe at ones, for that

it falleth and riseth as a window of a battelment. This

devise is more sure than the Parculles, because hardely it

maye be of the enemye lette in such wise, that it fall not

downe, falling not by a righte line as the Parculles, which

easely may be underpropped. Therfore they which will

make a citie oughte to cause to be ordained all the saide

things : and moreover aboute the walle, there woulde not

bee suffered any grounde to be tilled, within a myle thereof,

nor any wall made, but shoulde be all champaine, where

should be neither ditch nor banck, neither tree nor house,

which might let the fighte, and make defence for the enemie

that incampeth.

And noote, that a Towne, whiche hathe the ditches with-

oute, with the banckes higher then the grounde, is moste

weake : for as muche as they make defence to the enemye,


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwhich assaulteth thee, and letteth him not hurte thee, THEbecause easely they may be opened, and geve place to his SEVENTHartillerye: but let us passe into the Towne. I will not BOOKEloose so muche time in shewing you howe that besides theforesayde thinges, it is requisite to have provision ofvictualles, and wherewith to fight, for that they be thinges

that everye man underdeth, and without them, all other

provision is vaine : and generally twoo thinges oughte to

be done, to provide and to take the commoditie from the The provision

enemie that he availe not by the things of thy countrey : that is meete

therfore the straw, the beastes, the graine, whiche thout^ed^nc/of

canste not receive into house, ought to be destroied. Also ^ toune.he that defendeth a Towne, oughte to provide that nothingbee done tumultuouslye and disordinatelye, and to take

suche order, that in all accidentes everye man maye knowewhat he hath to doo.

The order that oughte to be taken is thus, that the

women, the olde folkes, the children, and the impotent, bemade to keepe within doores, that the Towne maye be left

free, to yong and lustie men, whom being armed, must be

destributed for the defence of the same, appointing part of

them to the wall, parte to the gates, parte to the principall

places of the Citie, for to remedie those inconveniences,

that might growe within: an other parte must not bebound to any place, but be ready to succour all, neederequiring : and the thing beeing ordained thus, with diffi-

cultie tumulte can growe, whiche maye disorder thee. AlsoI will that you note this, in the besieging and defending of

a Citie, that nothing geveth so muche hoope to the adversarye

to be able to winne a towne, as when he knoweth that the ^, .

same is not accustomed to see the enemie : for that many coraffethe thetimes for feare onely without other experience of force, enemy most

cities have bene loste : Therefore a man oughte, when he that besiegeth

assaulteth a like Citie, to make all his ostentacions terrible. * toune.

On the other parte he that is assaulted, oughte to appoincte What he that

to the same parte, whiche the enemie fighteth againste,a^^'^^g that

strong men and suche as opinion makethe not afraide, but defendethweapons onely: for that if the first proofe turne vaine, it oughte to doo.


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mentes for a


Howe theRomainesvitaled Casa-lino besieged

of Aniball.

A policie for

the besieged.

A policie ofFabius in

besieging ofa toune.

A policie ofDionisius in

besiegynge of

a toune.

THE ARTE OF WARREincreaseth boldenesse to the besieged, and then the enemie is

constrained to overcome them within, with vertue and repu-

tacion. The instrumentes wherwith the antiquitie defended

townes, where mania : as balistes, onagris, scorpions, Arcu-

balistes, Fustibals, Slinges : and also those were manie with

which thei gave assaultes. As Arrieti, Towers, Muscuh,Plutei, Viney, Falci, testudeni, in steede of which thynges

be now a daies the ordinance, the whiche serve him that bes-

segeth, and him that defendeth : and therfore I will speake

no forther of theim : But let us retourne to our reasonyng,

and let us come to particular offences. They ought to

have care not to be taken by famine, and not to be over-

come through assaultes: concernyng famin, it hath ben

tolde, that it is requiset before the siege come, to be well

provided of vitualles. But when a towne througbe longe

sige, lacketh victuals, some times hath ben seen used cer-

taine extraordinarie waies to be provided of their friendes,

whome woulde save them : inespeciall if through the mid-

dest of the besieged Citie there runne a river, as the

Romaines vittelled their castell called Casalino besieged

of Anibal, whom being not able by the river to sende themother victual then Nuttes, wherof castyng in the samegreat quantitie, the which carried of the river, without

beyng abel to be letted, fedde longe time the Casalinians.

Some besieged, for to shew unto the enemie, that they have

graine more then inough and for to make him to dispaire,

that he cannot, by famin overcome theim, have caste

breade oute of the gates, or geven a Bullocke graine to

eate, and after have suffered the same to be taken, to the

intent that kilde and founde full of graine, might shewe

that aboundance, whiche they had not. On the other parte

excellent Capitaines have used sundrie waies to werie the


Fabius suffered them whome he besieged, to sowe their

fieldes, to the entente that thei should lacke the same corns,

whiche they sowed.

Dionisius beynge in Campe at Regio, fained to minde to

make an agreement with them, and duryng the practise


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLtherof, he caused him selfe to be provided of their victuales, THEand then when he had by this mean got from them their SEVENTHgraine, he kepte them straight and famished them. BOOKE

Alexander Magnus mindyng to winne Leucadia overcame Howe Alex-

all the Castels aboute it, and by that means drivyng into ander wanne

the same citie a great multitude of their owne countrie men,^^"<'*'^'^-

famished them.Concernynge the assaultes, there hath been tolde that The besieged

chiefely thei ought to beware of the firste bronte, with ought to take

whiche the Romaines gotte often times manie townes, «? ^ j,. *tassaultyng them sodainly, and on every side: and thei called

it, Aggredi wrbem corona. As Scipio did, when he wannenewe Carthage in Hispayne : the which brunte if of a towneit be withstoode, with difficultie after will bee overcome


and yet thoughe it should happen that the enemie were

entred into the citie, by overcomynge the wall, yet the

townes men have some remedie, so thei forsake it not : for

as much as manie armies through entring into a toune,

have ben repulced or slaine : the remedie is, that the The remedie

townes men doe keepe them selves in highe places, and that townes

from the houses, and from the towers to faight with them : ™^gQ ^^'^'

the whiche thynge, they that have entered into the citie, enemies ar

have devised to overcome in twoo manners : the one with entred into

openjmg the gates of the citie, and to make the waie for the 'l^e towne.

townes men, that thei might safely flie : the other with How to make

sendynge foorthe a proclamacion, that signifieth, that none *^^ townes

shall be hurte but the armed, and to them that caste their"^"^ ^

weapons on the grounde, pardon shall be graunted : thewhiche thynge hath made easie the victorie of manie cities.

Besides this, the Citees are easie to bee wonne, if thou How townes

come upon them unawares : whiche is dooen beyng with <"" cities

thy armie farre of, after soche sort, that it be not beleved,"" "


either that thou wilte assaulte theim, or that thou canst

dooe it, without commyng openly, bicause of the distance

of the place : wherefore, ifthou secretely and spedely assaulte

theim, almoste alwaies it shall followe, that thou shalte

gette the victorie. I reason unwillingly of the thynges

succeded in our tyme, for that to me and to mine, it



easelie wonne.

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE should be a burthen, and to reason of other, I cannot tel

SEVENTH what to saie : notwithstandyng, I cannot to this purposeBOOKE but declare, the insample of Cesar Borgia, called duke

How duke Valentine, who beyng at Nocera with his menne, underValentine got colour of goyng to besiege Camerino, tourned towardes

Urbine*° *^^ state of Urbin, and gotte a state in a daie, and with-

out any paine, the whiche an other with moche time andThe besieged cost, should scante have gotten. It is conveniente also toought to take those, that be besieged, to take heede of the deceiptes, andheeds of the ^f ^j^g policies of the enemie, and therefore the besieged,

policies^ofthe ought not to truste to any thyng, whiche thei see the

enemie. enemie dooe continually, but let theim beleve alwaies, that

it is under deceipte, and that he can to their hurte varie it.

How Domitio Domitio Calvino besiegyng a toune, used for a custome toCalvmowana compasse aboute every daie, with a good parte of his

menne, the wall of the same : whereby the Tounes menne,

belevyng that he did it for exercise, slacked the Ward:whereof Domicius beyng aware, assaulted and overcamethem.

A policie to Certaine Capitaines understandyng, that there shouldget a towne. come aide to the besieged, have apareled their Souldiours,

under the Ansigne of those, that should come, and beynglet in, have gotte the Toune.

How Simon of Simon of Athens set fire in a night on a Temple, whicheAthens wan a was out of the toune, wherefore, the tounes menne goyngtowne. to succour it, lefte the toune in praie to the enemie. Some

A policie to have slaine those, whiche from the besieged Castle, haveget a towne. gone a foragyng, and have appareled their souldiours, with

the apparell of the forragers, whom after have gotte the

toune. The aunciente Capitaines, have also used divers

waies, to destroie the Garison of the Toune, whiche thei

How Scipio have sought to take. Scipio beyng in Africa, and desiringgotte certaine to gette certaine Castles, in whiche were putte the Garrisons

Af 'ke'° °^ Carthage, he made many tymes, as though he would

assaulte theim, albeit, he fained after, not onely to abstaine,

but to goe awaie from them for feare : the whiche Aniball

belevyng to bee true, for to pursue hym with greater force,

and for to bee able more easely to oppresse him, drewe out


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLall the garrisons of theim: The whiche Scipio knowyng, THEsente Massinissa his Capitaine to overcome them. SiJVENTH

Pirrus makyng warre in Sclavonie, to the chiefs citee of BOOKEthe same countrie, where were brought many menne in Howe Pirrus

Garrison, fained to dispaire to bee able to winne it, and wanthechiefe

tourning to other places, made that the same for to sue- 9^f^°^.

cour them, emptied it self of the warde, and became easie to "^^''°'^'

bee wonne. Many have corrupted the water, and have A policie to

tourned the rivers an other waie to take Tounes. Also the get a towne.

besieged, are easely made to yelde them selves, makyng How the be-

theim afraied, with signifiyng unto them a victorie gotten, sieged are

or with new aides, whiche come in their disfavour. The old'"^'^etoyeWe.

Capitaines have sought to gette Tounes by treason, corrupt-

yng some within, but thei have used divers meanes. Sumhave sente a manne of theirs, whiche under the name of Howe to get

a fugetive, might take aucthoritie and truste with the a towne by

enemies, who after have used it to their profite. Some by treason,

this meanes, have understode the maner of the watche, andby meanes of thesame knowledge, have taken the Toune.Some with a Carte, or with Beames under some colour, haveletted the gate, that it could not bee shutte, and with this

waie, made the entrie easie to the enemie. Aniball per- A policie of

swaded one, to give him a castle of the Romaines, and that 4"^'?*^^ ^?'

he should fain to go a huntyng in the night, makyng as p£^ Castelf^though he could not goe by dale, for feare of the enemies,

and tournyng after with the Venison, should put in withhym certaine of his menne, and so killyng the watchmen,should give hym the gate. Also the besieged are beguiled, How the

with drawyng them out of the Toune, and goyng awaie besieged maie

from them, faining to flie when thei assault thee. And *'* tegiled.

many (emong whom was Anibal) have for no other intente,

let their Campe to be taken, but to have occasion to get be-

twene theim and home, and to take their Toune. Also, How Formion

thei are beguiled with fainyng to departe from them, ascllcidensians

Formion of Athens did, who havyng spoiled the countrie of

the Calcidensians, received after their ambassadours, fillyng

their Citee with faire promises, and hope of safetie, underthe which as simple menne, thei were a little after of For-

EE 217

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What the be-

sieged mustetake heede of.



The diligence

that thebesiegedought to usein their

watche andward.

An order ofAlcibiades

for the dewkeping ofwatch andwarde.

TI^E ARTE OF WARREmione oppressed. The besieged ought to beware of the

men, whiche thei have in suspecte emong them : but sometimes thei are wont, as well to assure them selves with

deserte, as with punishemente. Marcellus knoweyng howLucius Bancius a Nolane, was tourned to favour Aniball, so

moche humanitie and liberalitie, he used towardes him, that

of an enemie, he made him moste frendely. The besieged

ought to use more diligence in the warde, when the enemieis gone from theim, then when he is at hande. And thei

ought to warde those places, whiche thei thinke, that malebee hurt least : for that many tounes have been loste, whenthenemie assaulteth it on thesame part, where thei beleve

not possible to be assaulted. And this deceipt groweth of

twoo causes, either for the place being strong, and to

beleve, that it is invinsible, or through craft beyng used of

the enemie, in assaltyng theim on one side with fained

laroms, and on the other without noise, and with verie

assaltes in deede : and therefore the besieged, ought to havegreate advertisment, and above all thynges at all times,

and in especially in the night to make good watche to bee

kepte on the walles, and not onely to appoincte menne, butDogges, and soche fiearse Mastives, and lively, the whicheby their sente maie descrie the enemie, and with barkyngdiscover him : and not Dogges onely, but Geese have benseen to have saved a citee, as it happened to Roome, whenthe Frenchemen besieged the Capitoll.

Alcibiades for to see, whether the warde watched, Athensebeeyng besieged of the Spartaines, ordained that when in

the night, he should lifte up a light, all the ward shouldlift up likewise, constitutyng punishmente to hym thatobserved it not.

Isicrates of Athens killed a watchman, which slept, saiyng,

that he lefte him as he found him. Those that have beenbesieged, have used divers meanes, to sende advise to their

frendes : and mindyng not to send their message by mouth,thei have written letters in Cifers, and hidden them in

sundrie wise : the Cifers be according, as pleaseth him that

ordaineth them, the maner of hidyng them is divers. Some218

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLhave written within the scaberde of a sweard : Other have THEput the Letters in an unbaked lofe, and after have baked SEVENTHthe same, and given it for meate to hym that caried theim. BOOKECertaine have hidden them, in the secreteste place of their The secrete

bodies : other have hidden them in the collor of a Dogge, conveighyng

that is familiare with hym, whiche carrieth theim : Some "^ Letters.

have written in a letter ordinarie thinges. and after betwenethone line and thother, have also written with water, thatwetyng it or warning it after, the letters should appere.

This waie hath been moste politikely observed in our time


where some myndyng to signifie to their freendes inhabityngwithin a towne, thinges to be kept secret, and mindynge notto truste any person, have sente common matters written,

accordyng to the common use and enterlined it, as I havesaied above, and th6 same have made to be hanged on thegates of the Temples, the whiche by countersignes beyngknowen of those, unto whome they have been sente, weretaken of and redde: the whiche way is moste politique,

bicause he that carrieth them male bee beguiled, and there

shall happen hym no perill. There be moste infinite otherwaies, whiche every manne male by himself rede and finde


but with more facilitie, the besieged male bee written unto,

then the besieged to their frendes without, for that soche

letters cannot be sent, but by one, under colour of a fuge-

tive, that commeth out of a toune : the whiche is a daun-gerous and perilous thing, when thenemie is any whit

craftie : But those that sende in, he that is sente, maie undermany colours, goe into the Campe that besiegeth, and fromthens takyng conveniente occasion, maie leape into the

toune : but lette us come to speake of the present winnyngof tounes. I sale that if it happen, that thou bee besieged

in thy citee, whiche is not ordained with diches within, as a

little before we shewed, to mynde that thenemie shall not

enter through the breach of the walle, whiche the artillerie

maketh : bicause there is no remedie to lette thesame from

makyng of a breache, it is therefore necessarie for thee, The defence

whileste the ordinance battereth, to caste a diche within against a

the wall which is battered, and that it be in bredth at leaste breach.


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How theantiquitie gottounes bymuiningundergrounde.

THE ARTE OF WARREtwoo and twentie yardes and a halfe, and to throwe all the-

same that is digged towardes the toun, whiche maie make a

banke, and the diche more deper : and it is convenient for

thee, to sollicitate this worke in soche wise, that when the

walle falleth, the Diche maie be digged at least, fower or

five yardes in depth : the whiche diche is necessarie, while it

is a digging, to shutte it on every side with a slaughter

house : and when the wall is so strong, that it giyeth thee

time to make the diche, and the slaughter houses, that bat-

tered parte, commeth to be moche stronger, then the rest

of the citee: for that soche fortificacion, cometh to have

the forme, of the diches which we devised within: butwhen the walle is weake, and that it giveth thee not tyme,

to make like fortificacions, then strengthe and valiauntnesse

muste bee shewed, settyng againste the enemies armedmenne, with all thy force. This maner of fortificacion was

observed of the Pisans, when you besieged theim, and thei

might doe it, bicause thei had strong walles, whiche gave

them time, the yearth beyng softe and moste meete to raise

up banckes, and to make fortificacions : where if thei hadlacked this commoditie, thei should have loste the toune.

Therefore it shall bee alwaies prudently doen, to provide

afore hand, makyng diches within the citee, and throughout all the circuite thereof, as a little before wee devised


for that in this case, the enemie maie safely be taried for

at laisure, the fortificacions beyng redy made. The an-

tiquitie many tymes gotte tounes, with muinyng under

ground in twoo maners, either thei made a waie under

grounde secretely, whiche risse in the toune, and by thesame

entered, in whiche maner the Romaines toke the citee of

Veienti, or with the muinyng, thei overthrewe a walle, and

made it ruinate : this laste waie is now a daies moste stronge,

and maketh, that the citees placed high, be most weake,

bicause thei maie better bee under muined : and puttyng

after in a Cave of this Gunne pouder, whiche in a momentekindelyng, not onely ruinateth a wall, but it openeth the

hilles, and utterly dissolveth the strength of them.

The remedie for this, is to builde in the plain, and to

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLmake the diche that compasseth thy citee, so deepe, that THEthe enemie maie not digge lower then thesame, where he SEVENTHshall not finde water, whiche onely is enemie to the caves : BOOKEfor if thou be in a toune, which thou defendest on a high The reamedie

ground, thou canst not remedie it otherwise, then to make against Caves

within thy walles many deepe Welles, the whiche be as °^ ^^A^^-

drouners to thesame Caves, that the enemie is able to""""^y S

ordain against thee. An other remedie there is, to make acave againste it, when thou shouldeste bee aware where hemuineth, the whiche waie easely hindereth hym, but diffi-

cultly it is foreseen, beyng besieged of a craftie enemie.

He that is besieged, ought above al thinges to have care, what care

not to bee oppressed in the tyme of reste : as is after a the besieged

battaile fought, after the watche made, whiche is in the ought to have.

Momyng at breake of dale, and in the Evenyng betwendaie and night, and above al, at meale times : in whichetyme many tounes have been wonne, and armies have beenof them within ruinated : therefore it is requisite withdiligence on all partes, to stande alwaies garded, and in agood part armed. I will not lacke to tell you, how that, Whatmakethwhiche maketh a citee or a campe difficult to be defended, ^ ^'i*^^ or

is to be driven to kepe sundred all the force, that thou haste "^^^+ b

in theim, for that the enemie beyng able to assaulte thee at defended,his pleasure altogether, it is conveniente for thee on every

side, to garde every place, and so he assaulteth thee with all

his force, and thou with parte of thine defendest thee.

Also, the besieged maie bee overcome altogether, he with-

out cannot bee, but repulced : wherefore many, whom have

been besieged, either in a Campe, or iii a Toune, although

thei have been inferiour of power, have issued out with

their men at a sodaine, and have overcome the enemie.

This Marcellus of Nola did : this did Cesar in Fraunce,

where his Campe beeyng assaulted of a moste great nomberof Frenchmen, and seeyng hymself not able to defende it,

beyng constrained to devide his force into many partes,

and not to bee able standyng within the Listes, with

violence to repulce thenemie : he opened the campe onthone side, and turning towardes thesame parte with all his


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE power, made so moche violence against them, and with so

SEVENTH moche valiantnes, that he vanquisshed and overcame them.BOOKE The constancie also of the besieged, causeth many tymes

By what displeasure, and maketh afraied them that doe besiege.meanes thei Pompei beyng against Cesar, and Cesars armie beeyng inthat besiege

grease distresse through famine, there was brought of his

afraied. bredde to Pompei, whom seyng it made of grasse, com-maunded, that it should not bee shewed unto his armie, least

it shoulde make them afraide, seyng what enemies they hadHonour got against theim. Nothyng caused so muche honour to theby constancie. Romaines in the warre of Aniball, as their constancie : for

as muche as in what so ever envious, and adverse fortune

thei were troubled, they never demaunded peace, thei never

made anie signe of feare, but rather when Aniball wasaboute Rome, thei solde those fieldes, where he had pitched

his campe, dearer then ordinarie in other times shoulde have

been solde : and they stoode in so much obstinacie in their

enterprises, that for to defende Rome, thei would not raise

their campe from Capua, the whiche in the verie same time

that Roome was besieged, the Romaines did besiege.

I knowe that I have tolde you of manie thynges, the

whiche by your selfe you might have understoode, and con-

sidered, notwithstandyng I have doen it (as to dale also I

have tolde you) for to be abell to shewe you better bymeane therof, the qualitie of this armie, and also for to

satisfie those, if there be anie, whome have not had the

same commoditie to understand them as you. Nor methinkes that there resteth other to tell you, then certaine

generall rules, the whiche you shal have moste familiar,

which be these.

Generall rules The same that helpeth the enemie, hurteth thee : and the

of warre. same that helpeth thee, hurteth the enemie.

He that shall be in the warre moste vigilant to observe

the devises of the enemie, and shall take moste payne to

exercise his armie, shall incurre least perilles and maie hope

moste of the victorie.

Never conducte thy men to faight the field, if first thou

hast not confirmed their mindes and knowest them to be


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwithout feare, and to be in good order : for thou oughteste THEnever to enterprise any dangerous thyng with thy soul- SEVENTHdiours, but when thou seest, that they hope to overcome. BOOKE

It is better to conquere the enemie with faminne, thenwith yron : in the victorie of which, fortune maie doe muchmore then valiantnesse.

No purpose is better then that, whiche is hidde from theenemie untill thou have executed it.

To know in the warre how to understande occasion, andto take it, helpeth more then anie other thynge.

Nature breedeth few stronge menne, the industrie and the

exercise maketh manie.

Discipline maie doe more in warre, then furie.

When anie departe from the enemies side for to come to

serve thee, when thei be faithfull, thei shalbe unto thee

alwaies great gaines : for that the power of thadversaries

are more deminisshed with the losse of them, that runneawaie, then of those that be slaine, although that the nameof a fugetive be to new frendes suspected, to olde odius.

Better it is in pitchyng the fielde, to reserve behynde the

first front aide inoughe, then to make the fronte bigger to

disperse the souldiours.

He is difficultely overcome, whiche can know his ownepower and the same of the enemie.

The valiantenesse of the souldiours availeth more then

the multitude.

Some times the situacion helpeth more then the valiante-


New and sudden thynges, make armies afrayde.

Slowe and accustomed thinges, be littell regarded of them.

Therfore make thy armie to practise and to know with

small faightes a new enemie, before thou come to faight the

fielde with him.

He that with disorder foloweth the enemie after that he

is broken, will doe no other, then to become of a conquerour

a loser.

He that prepareth not necessarie victualles to live upon,

is overcome without yron.

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How to


Whatthyngesare thestrength ofthe warre.

THE ARTE OF WARREHe that trusteth more in horsemen then in footemen, or

more in footemen then in horsemen, must accommodate himselfe with the situacion.

When thou wilte see if in the daie there be comen anie

spie into the Campe, cause everie man to goe to his


Chaunge purpose, when thou perceivest that the enemiehath forseene it.

Consulte with many of those thinges, which thou oughtest

to dooe : the same that thou wilt after dooe, conferre with


Souldiours when thei abide at home, are mainteined withfeare and punishemente, after when thei ar led to the warre,

with hope and with rewarde.

Good Capitaines come never to faight the fielde, excepte

necessitie constraine theim, and occasion call them.Cause that thenemies know not, how thou wilte order thy

armie to faight, and in what so ever maner that thouordainest it, make that the firste bande may be received of

the seconde and of the thirde.

In the faight never occupie a battell to any other thyng,then to the same, for whiche thou haste apoincted it, if

thou wilt make no disorder.

The sodene accidentes, with diflGcultie are reamedied


those that are thought upon, with facilitie.

Men, yron, money, and bread, be the strengthe of the

warre, but of these fower, the first twoo be moste necessarie


because men and yron, finde money and breade : but breadeand money fynde not men and yron.

The unarmed riche man, is a bootie to the poore souldiour.

Accustome thy souldiours to dispise delicate livyng andlacivius aparell.

This is as muche as hapneth me generally to rememberyou, and I know that there might have ben saied manieother thynges in all this my reasonynge : as should be, howand in howe manie kinde of waies the antiquitie ordered

their bandes, how thei appareled them, and how in manieother thynges they exercised them, and to have joygned


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLhereunto manie other particulars, the whiche I have, not THEjudged necessarie to shew, as wel for that you your self SEVENTHmay se them, as also for that my intente hath not been to BOOKEshew juste how the olde servis of warre was apoincted, buthowe in these daies a servis of warre might be ordained,whiche should have more vertue then the same that is

used. Wherfore I have not thought good of the auncientthynges to reason other, then that, which I have judged to

suche introduction necessarie. I know also that I mighthave delated more upon the service on horsebacke, and after

have reasoned of the warre on the Sea : for as muche as hethat destinguissheth the servis of warre, saieth, how there

is an armie on the sea, and of the lande, on foote, and onhorsebacke. Of that on the sea, I will not presume to speake,

for that I have no knowledge therof : but I will let theGenoues, and the Venecians speake therof, whome withlike studies have heretofore doen great thinges.

Also of horses, I wil speake no other, then as afore I havesaied, this parte beynge (as I have declared) least corrupted.

Besides this, the footemen being wel ordained, which is the

puissance of the armie, good horses of necessitie will cometo be made.

Onely I counsel him that would ordayne the exercise of Provisions

armes in his owne countrey, and desireth to fill the same ^^^^ T' fin^^with good horses, that he make two provisions : the one Rgaimrfull ofis, that he destribute Mares of a good race throughe his good horse,

dominion, and accustome his menne to make choise of

coltes, as you in this countrie make of Calves and Mules


the other is, that to thentente the excepted might finde a

byer, I woulde prohibet that no man should kepe a Muleexcepte he woulde keepe a horse : so that he that woulde

kepe but one beaste to ride on, shoulde be constrained to

keepe a horse : and moreover that no man should weare

fine cloathe except he which doeth keepe a horse : this order

I under stande hath beene devised of certaine princes in

our time, whome in short space have therby, brought into

their countrey an excellente numbre of good horses. Aboutethe other thynges, as much as might be looked for con-

FF 225

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The know-ledge that a


oughte to


The auctor re-

torneth to his

first purposeand maketh alittel discorse

to make anende of his


THE ARTE OF WARREcernynge horse, I remit to as much as I have saied to daie,

and to that whiche they use. Peradventure also you wouldedesire to understand what condicions a Capitaine ought to

have : wherof I shal satisfie you moste breeflie : for that I

cannot tell how to chose anie other man then the same,

who shoulde know howe to doe all those thynges whichethis daie hath ben reasoned of by us : the which also should

not suffise, when he should not knowe howe to devise of himselfe : for that no man without invencion, was ever ex-

cellent in anie science : and if invencion causeth honour in

other thynges, in this above all, it maketh a man honorable


for everie invention is seen, although it were but simple,

to be of writers celebrated : as it is seen, where AlexanderMagnus is praised, who for to remove his Campe mostesecretely, gave not warnyng with the Trumpette, but with

a hatte upon a Launce. And was praised also for havyngtaken order that his souldiours in buckelynge with the

enemies, shoulde kneele with the lefte legge, to bee able

more strongly to withstande their violence: the' whichehavyng geven him the victorie, it got him also so muchepraise, that all the Images, whiche were erected in his

honour, stoode after the same facion. But because it is

tyme to finishe this reasonyng, I wil turne againe to myfirst purpose, and partly I shall avoide the same reproche,

wherin they use to condempne in this towne, such as

knoweth not when to make an ende.

If you remembre Cosimus you tolde me, that I beyng ofone side an exalter of the antiquitie, and a dispraiser of

those, which in waightie matters imitated them not, andof the other side, I havynge not in the affaires of war,

wherin I have taken paine, imitated them, you coulde notperceive the occasion : wherunto I answered, how that menwhich wil doo any thing, rauste firste prepare to knowe howto doe it, for to be able, after to use it, when occasion

permitteth: whether I doe know how to bryng the servis

of warre to the auncient manners or no, I will be judged byyou, whiche have hearde me upon this matter longe dispute


wherby you may know, how much time I have consumed226

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLin these studies : and also I beleeve that you maie imagen, THEhow much desire is in me to brynge it to effecte : the whiche SEVENTHwhether I have been able to have doen, or that ever occa- BOOKEsion hath been geven me, most easely you maie conjecture


yet for to make you more certaine and for my better justi-

ficacion, I will also aledge the occasions : and as much as

I have promised, I will partely performe, to shew you thedifficultie and the facelitie, whiche bee at this presente in

suche imitacions.

Therfore I sale, how that no deede that is doen now a A prince may

dales emong men, is more easie to be reduced unto the easelie brynge

aunciente maners, then the service of Warre : but by them fection the*^"^

onely that be Princes of so moche state, who can at least servis of

gather together of their owne subjectes, xv. or twentie warre.

thousande yong menne : otherwise, no thyng is more diffi-

culte, then this, to them whiche have not soche commoditie


and for that you maie the better understande this parte,

you have to knowe, howe that there bee of twoo condicions,

Capitaines to bee praised : The one are those, that with an Two sortes of

armie ordained through the naturalle discipline thereof, Capitaines

have dooen greate thynges : as were the greater parte of ''orthie to bee

the Romaine Citezeins, and suche as have ledde armies, P^^®^ •

the which have had no other paine, then to maintaine

them good, and to se them guided safely: the other are

they, whiche not onely have had to overcome the enemie,

but before they come to the same, have been constrained

to make good and well ordered their armie : who without

doubte deserve muche more praise, then those have de-

served, which with olde armies, and good, have valiantely

wrought. Of these, such wer Pelopida, and Epaminonda,Tullus Hostillius, Phillip of Macedony father of Alexander,

Cirus kyng of the Percians, Graccus a Romaine : they all

were driven first to make their armies good, and after to

faighte with them : they all coulde doe it, as well throughe

their prudence, as also for havynge subjectes whome thei

might in like exercises instruct : nor it shuld never have benotherwise possible, that anie of theim, though they hadben never so good and ful of al excellencie, should have


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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE been able in a straunge countrey, full of men corrupted,

SEVENTH not used to anie honest obedience, to have brought to passeBOOKE anie laudable worke. It suffiseth not then in Italie, to know

how to governe an army made, but first it is necessarie to

know how to make it and after to know how to commaundeit : and to do these things it is requisit they bee those princes,

whome havyng much dominion, and subjectes inoughe, male

have commoditie to doe it : of whiche I can not bee, whonever commaunded, nor cannot commaunde, but to armies

of straungers, and to men bounde to other, and not to me :

in whiche if it be possible, or no, to introduce anie of those

thynges that this dale of me hath ben reasoned, I will leave

it to your judgement.Albeit when coulde I make one of these souldiours which

now a dales practise, to weare more armur then the ordi-

narie, and besides the armur, to beare their owne meate for

two or three dales, with a mattocke : When coulde I maketheim to digge, or keepe theim every dale manie howers

armed, in fained exercises, for to bee able after in the verie

thyng in deede to prevaile? When woulde thei abstaine

from plaie, from laciviousnesse, from swearynge, from the

insolence, whiche everie dale they committe? when wouldthey be reduced into so muche dissepline, into so muchobedience and reverence, that a tree full of appels in the

middest of their Campe, shoulde be founde there and lefte

untouched ? As is redde, that in the auncient armies manietimes hapned. What thynge maye I promis them, bymeane wherof thei may have me in reverence to love, or

to feare, when the warre beyng ended, they have not anie

more to doe with me ? wher of male I make them ashamed,whiche be borne and brought up without shame? whie

shoulde thei be ruled by me who knowe me not ? By whatGod or by what sainctes may I make them to sweare ? Bythose that thei worship, or by those that they blaspheme?Who they worship I knowe not anie : but I knowe well they

blaspheme all. How shoulde I beleeve that thei will keepe

their promise to them, whome everie hower they dispise?

How can they, that dispise God, reverence men? Then228

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwhat good fashioB shoulde that be, whiche might be im-pressed in this matter? And if you should aledge untome that Suyzzers and Spaniardes bee good souldiours, I

woulde confesse unto you, how they be farre better thenthe Italians : but if you note my reasonynge, and the manerof procedyng of bothe, you shall see, howe they lacke manythynges to joygne to the perfection of the antiquetie. Andhow the Suyzzers be made good of one of their naturall

uses caused of that, whiche to dale I tolde you : those otherare made good by mean of a necessitie : for that servyngin a straunge countrie, and seemyng unto them to be con-strained either to die, or to overcome, thei perceivynge tohave no place to flie, doe become good : but it is a good-nesse in manie partes fawtie : for that in the same there is

no other good, but that they bee accustomed to tarie theenemie at the Pike and sweardes poincte : nor that, whichthei lacke, no man should be meete to teache them, and so

much the lesse, he that coulde not speake their language.

But let us turne to the Italians, who for havynge nothad wise Princes, have not taken anie good order : and for

havyng not had the same necessitie, whiche the Spaniardeshave hadde, they have not taken it of theim selves, so thatthey remaine the shame of the worlde : and the peoplebe not to blame, but onely their princes, who haveben chastised, and for their ignorance have ben justely

punisshed, leesinge moste shamefully their states, withoutshewing anie vertuous ensample. And if you will see

whether this that I say be trew : consider how maniewarres have ben in Italic since the departure of kyngCharles to this day, where the war beyng wonte to makemen warlyke and of reputacion, these the greater and fierser

that they have been, so muche the more they have madethe reputacion of the members and of the headdes therof

to bee loste. This proveth that it groweth, that the ac-

customed orders were not nor bee not good, and of the

newe orders, there is not anie whiche have knowen howto take them. Nor never beleeve that reputacion will begotten, by the Italians weapons, but by the same waie that


The Auctorexcuseth the

people of

Italie to the

greatreprocheof their

prynces for

their ignor-

ance in theaifaires of

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A discription

of the folishe-

nesse of theItalian


Cesar andAlexander,were the for-

moste in


THE ARTE OF WARREI have shewed, and by means of theim, that have great

states in Italie : for that this forme maie be impressed, in

simple rude men, of their owne, and not in malicious, ill

brought up, and straungers. Nor there shall never bee

founde anie good mason, whiche will beleeve to be able to

make a faire image of a peece of Marbell ill hewed, butverye well of a rude peece.

Our Italian Princes beleved, before thei tasted the blowes

of the outlandishe warre, that it should suffice a Prince to

knowe by writynges, how to make a subtell answere, to

write a goodly letter, to shewe in saiynges, and in woordes,

witte and promptenesse, to knowe how to canvas a fraude,

to decke theim selves with precious stones and gold, to slepe

and to eate with greater glorie then other : To keepe manylascivious persones aboute them, to governe theim selves

with their subjectes, covetuously and proudely: To rotte

in idlenesse, to give the degrees of the exercise of warre,

for good will, to despise if any should have shewed themany laudable waie, minding that their wordes should bee

aunswers of oracles : nor the sely wretches were not aware,

that thei prepared theim selves to bee a praie, to whom so

ever should assaulte theim. Hereby grewe then in the

thousande fower hundred nintie and fower yere, the greate

feares, the sodain flightes, and the marvellous losses : and so

three most mightie states which were in Italie, have beendivers times sacked and destroied. But that which is worse, is

where those that remaine, continue in the verie same erroure,

and live in the verie same disorder, and consider not, that

those, who in old time would kepe their states, caused to be

dooen these thynges, which of me hath been reasoned, andthat their studies wer, to prepare the body to diseases, andthe minde not to feare perilles. Whereby grewe that Cesar,

Alexander, and all those menne and excellente Princes in

old tyme, were the formoste emongest the faighters, goyngarmed on foote : and if thei loste their state, thei wouldloose their life, so that thei lived and died vertuously. Andif in theim, or in parte of theim, there might bee con-

dempned to muche ambicion to reason of: yet there shall


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLnever bee founde, that in theim is condempned any tender- THEnesse, or any thynge that maketh menne delicate and feable : SEVENTHthe whiche thyng, if of these Princes were redde and beleved, BOOKEit should be impossible, that thei should not change their

forme of living, and their provinces not to chaunge fortune.

And for that you in the beginnyng of this our reasonyng,

lamented your ordinaunces, I saie unto you, that if you hadordained it, as I afore have reasoned, and it had given of it

self no good experience, you might with reason have beengreved therewith : but if it bee not so ordained , and exercised


as I have saied, it male be greeved with you, who havemade a counterfaite thereof, and no perfecte figure. TheVenecians also, and the Duke of Ferare, beganne it, and TheVene-foUowed it not, the whiche hath been through their faulte, cians and the

not through their menne. And therfore I assure you, that dukeof Ferare

who so ever of those, whiche at this daie have states in reduced'the^Italic, shall enter firste into this waie, shall be firste, before warfare to the

any other, Lorde of this Province, and it shall happen to his Aunciente

state, as to the kyngdome of the Macedonians, the which maners.

commyng under Philip, who had learned the maner of

settyng armies in order of Epaminondas a Thebane, becamewith this order, and with these exercises (whileste the reste

of Grece stoode in idlenesse, and attended to risite comedes)so puisant, that he was able in few yeres to possesse it all,

and to leave soche foundacion to his sonne, that he wasable to make hymself, prince of all the world. He then He that de-

that despiseth these studies, if he be a Prince, despiseth his spiseth the

Princedome: if he bee a Citezein, his Citee. Wherefore, s*''^'^"^

• wsrrG 0.6"

I lamente me of nature, the whiche either ought not to gpiseth his

have made me a knower of this, or it ought to have given own welthe.

me power, to have been able to have executed it : For nowbeyng olde, I cannot hope to have any occasion, to bee

able so to, dooe : In consideracion whereof, I have been

liberall with you, who beeyng grave yong menne, male

(when the thynges saied of me shall please you) at due

tymes in favour of your Princes, helpe theim and counsaile

them, wherein I would have you not to bee afraied, or mis-

trustfuU, bicause this Province seemes to bee altogether given.

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THE ARTE OF WARRETHE to raise up againe the thynges dedde, as is seen by the per-

SEVENTH feccion that poesie, paintyng, and writing, is now broughtBOOKE unto : Albeit, as moche as is looked for of me, beyng

strooken in yeres, I do mistruste. Where surely, if Fortunehad heretofore graunted me so moche state, as suffiseth for

a like enterprise, I would not have doubted, but iu mosteshorte tyme, to have shewed to the worlde, how moche the

aunciente orders availe : and without peradventure,

either I would have increased it with glory, or

loste it without shame.

The ende of the seventh and laste booke of the arte of

warre, of Nicholas Machiavell, Citezein and Secretarie of

Florence, translated out of Italian into Englishe:

By Peter Whitehorne, felow of Graise Inne.

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O thentente that such as rede this bookemale without difficultie understande the

order of the battalias, or bandes of men,and of the armies, and lodgynges in the

Campe, accordynge as they in the dis-

cription of theim are apoincted, I thinke

it necessarie to shewe you the figure of

everie one of them : wherefore it is

requiset firste, to declare unto you, by what poinctes andletters, the footemen, the horsemen, and everie other par-

ticuler membre are set foorthe.


Know therfore that

(Targetmen.Pikemen.a Capitaine of ten men.Veliti ordinarie. ) which ar those men

rVeliti extraordinari pl*?*^^°°^f

"^'^^ 1»^>'-

] ri i. • cabuses or bowes.I a Centurion or cap-

[ taine of a hundred men.''a Constable or a captaine of a band of

fower hundred and fiftie men.The bed captain of a maine battel.

The general Captaine of the whole armie.

["The Trompet.J. The Drum.(The Ansigne.

The Standerde.

(Men of Armes.Light horsemen.

Artillerie or ordinance.

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLIn the first figure nexte folowyng, is discribed the forme

of an ordinarie battaile or bande of fower hundred andfiftie men, and in what maner it is redoubled by flanke.

And also how with the verie same order of Ixxx. rankes,

by chaungyng onely to the hinder parte the five rankes ofPikes which were the formost of everie Centurie, thei mayelikewise in bringyng them in battaile raie, come to beeplaced behinde : whiche may be doen, when in marchyng,the enemies should come to assaulte them at their backes :

accordynge as the orderyng therof is before declared.

Fol. 87.

In the seconde figure, is shewed how a battaile or bandeof men is ordered, whiche in marchyng should be driven to

faight on the flanke : accordyng as in the booke is declared.

Fol. 87.

In the thirde figure, is shewed how a battaile or bandeof men, is ordered with two homes, fol. 88, and after is

shewed how the same maie be made with a voide place in

the middest: accordynge as the orderyng therof, in the

booke moste plainely is declared, fol. 89.

In the fowerth figure, is shewed the forme or facion of

an armie apoincted to faight the battaile with the enemies :

and for the better understandynge thereof, the verie sameis plainlier set foorthe in the figure next unto it, wherby the

other two figures next folowyng maie the easier be under-

stoode : accordynge as in the booke is expressed. Fol. 105.

In the fifte figure, is shewed the forme of a fower square

armie : as in the booke is discribed. Fol. 152.

In the sixte figure, is shewed howe an Armie is broughtfrom a fower square facion, to the ordinarie forme, to faight

a fielde : accordyng as afore is declared. Fol. 156.

In the seventh figure, is discribed the maner of in-

camping : according as the same in the booke is declared.

Fol. 174.

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THE FIRSTEThis is themaner ofordering ofCCCC. rneuj

into Ixxx.

rankes, five

to a ranke, to

bring theminto a iiii

squarebattaile withthe Pikes onthe front,

as after



-o• u• u• u• u• u• u. u. u. u• u• u. u. u. u. u

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J J > J

J > » >

J J J >

5 5 J 5

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THE SECONDEThis is themaner ofordering of

CCCC. men,into Ixxx.

rankes, five

to a ranke, to

bring theminto a iiii

squarebattaile withthe Pikes onthe side,

as after


cu u u u u

(J u u u uC

u u u u uc

u u u u u

u u u u uc

u u u u u

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OwwwwwwwwwwOccccccccccccccc ccccc

V* • • •





This is theforesaied

Ixxz. fankesof iiii. broughtinto a fewersquarebattaile

with thePikes on theside.



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THE THYRDEThese are the )J)j}jjjj9)j))))>))j9J!jj ,,.......nombers of >95j>9>>>>>9>>>>>9))j>)9> •

••••••lankes CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Oappoincted to^^,^^^^^^^^^^^^

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II 249

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E. D.





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JAMES Duke of Lenox, Earle of March,

Baron of Setrington, Darnly, Terbanten, and

Methuen, Lord Great Chamberlain and Admiral

of Scotland, Knight of the most Noble Order

of the Garter, and one of his Majesties

most honourable Privy Counsel

in both kingdomes.

OYSONS are not all of that malig-

nant and noxious quality, that as

destructives of Nature, they are

utterly to be abhord ; but we find

many, nay most of them have

their medicinal uses. This book

carries its poyson and malice in it;yet mee thinks

the judicious peruser may honestly make use of it

in the actions of his life, with advantage. The

Lamprey, they say, hath a venemous string runs

aU along the back of it ; take that out, and it is

serv'd in for a choyce dish to dainty palates


Epictetus the Philosopher, sayes. Every thing hath253

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THE PRINCEtwo handles, as the fire brand, it may be taken up

at one end in the bare hand without hurt : the

other being laid hold on, will cleave to the very-

flesh, and the smart of it will pierce even to the

heart. Sin hath the condition of the fiery end


the touch of it is wounding with griefe unto the

soule : nay it is worse ; one sin goes not alone but

hath many consequences. Your Grace may find

the truth of this in your perusal of this Author


your judgement shall easily direct you in finding

out the good uses of him : 1 have pointed at his

chiefest errors with my best endeavors, and have

devoted them to your Graces service: which if

you shall accept and protect, I shall remain

Your Graces humble and devoted servant,

Edwakd Dacres,


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UESTIONLESS some men will blame mefor making this Author speak in ourvulgar tongue. For his Maximes andTenents are condemnd of all, as pernicious

to all Christian States, and hurtfull to all

humane Societies. Herein I sha;ll answerfor my self with the Comoedian, Placere

studeo bonis quamplurimis, et minimi multos

endeavor to give content to the most I can of


Icedere: I

those that are well disposed, and no scandal to anygrant, I find him blamed and condemned : I do no less myself. Reader, either do thou read him without a prejudicate

opinion, and out of thy own judgement taxe his errors ; or

at least, if thou canst stoop so low, make use of my pains

to help thee ; I will promise thee this reward for thy labor


if thou consider well the actions of the world, thou shalt

find him much practised by those that condemn him ; whowillingly would walk as theeves do with close lanternes in

the night, that they being undescried, and yet seeing all,

might surprise the unwary in the dark. Surely this bookwill infect no man : out of the wicked treasure of a mansown wicked heart, he drawes his malice and mischief. Fromthe same flower the Bee sucks honey, from whence the

Spider hath his poyson. And he that means well, shall

be here wamd, where the deceitfuU man learnes to set his

snares. A judge who hath often used to examine theeves,

becomes the more expert to sift out their tricks. If mis-

chief come hereupon, blame not me, nor blame myAuthor: lay the saddle on the right horse: but

Hony soit qui maly pense : let shame light onhim that hatcht the mischief.


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLI,to the Magnificent Laurence sonne -

to Peter of Medicis health.

HEY that desire to ingratiate themselves

with a Prince, commonly use to offer them-

selves to his view, with things ofthat natureas such persons take most pleasure anddelight in: whereupon we see they are

many times presented with Horses andArmes, cloth of gold, pretiou^ stones, andsuch like ornaments, worthy of their great-

ness. Having then a mind to offer up my self to your

Magnificence, with some testimony of my service to you, Ifound nothing in my whole inventory, that I think better of,

or more esteems, than the knowlege of great mens actions,

which I have learned hy a long experience of modern affairs,

and a continuMl reading of those of the ancients. Which,

now that I have with great diligence long workt it out, andthroughly sifted, I commend to your Magnificence. Andhowever I may well think this work unworthy of your view


yet such is yowr humanity, that I doubt not but it shall findacceptance, considering, that for my part I am not able to

tender a greater gift, than to present you with the means,

whereby in a very short tim£ you may be able to understand

all that, which I, in the space of many years, and with manysufferances and dangers, have made proof cmd gaind the

knowledge of. And this work I have not setforth either with

elegancy of discourse or stile, nor with any other ornamentwhereby to captivate the reader, as others use, because I wouldnot have it gain its esteemfrom elsewhere than from the truth

of the matter, and the gravity of the subject. Nor can this


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbe thought presumption, ifa man of humble amd low condition

venture to dilate amd discourse upon the governments ofPfmces ; Jbr even as they that with their pensils designe out

cowatreys, get themselves into the plains below to consider the

nature of the mountains, and other high places above ; amdagaim to consider the plains below, they get up to the tops ofthe mountains ; in like manner to vmderstand the nature of the

people, it isfit to be a Prince ; and to know well the dispositions

of Princes, sutes best with the wnderstanding of a subject.

Your Magnificence then may be pleased, to receive this small

present, with the same mind that I send it ; which ifyou shall

throughly peruse and consider, you shall perceive therein that

I exceedingly wish, that you may attain to that greatness,

which your own fortune, amd your excellent endowments

promise you: amd if yowr Magnificence from the very

point of your Highness shall sometime cast your eyes

upon these inferior places, you shall see how un-

deservedly I undergoe an extrea/m and continual

despight of Fortum^.

KK 267

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CHAP. 1.


How many sorts of Principalities there are, and how

many wayes they are attained to, . . . 263

CHAP. 2.

Of hereditary Principalities, . .•

. 264

CHAP. 3.

Of mixt Principalities, . . . .265

CHAP. 4.

Wherefore Darius his Kingdome, taken by Alexander,

rebelled not against his successors after Alexanders

death, ...... 273

CHAP. 5.

In what manner Cities and Principalities are to be

governed, which before they were conquered, lived

under their own laws, . . . .276

CHAP. 6.

Of new Principahties that are conquered by ones own

armes and valor, . . . . .277259

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Of new Principalities gotten by fortune and other mens

forces, ...... 281

CHAP. 8.

Concerning those who by wicked means have attaind to

a Principality, ..... 289

CHAP. 9.

Of the Civil Principality,


. . . .293

CHAP. 10.

In what manner the forces of all Principalities ought to

be measured, . . . .297

CHAP. 11.

Concerning Ecclesiastical Principalities,


. . 299

CHAP. 12.

How many sorts of Military discipline there be; and

touching mercenary soldiers, . . .302


Of Auxiliary Soldiers, mixt and natives,


. . 307

/ CHAP. 14.

What belongs to the Prince touching military discipline, 310

CHAP. 15.

Of those things in respect whereof men, and especially

Princes are prais'd or disprais'd, . . • 313


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PAGE TABLEOf Liberality and Miserableness, . . • S^S

CHAP. 17.

Of Cruelty and Clemency, and whether it is better to be

belov'd or feared, . . . . .318

CHAP. 18.

In what manner Princes ought to keep their word, 321

CHAP. 19.

That Princes should take a care not to incur contempt

or hatred, ...... 325

CHAP. 20.

Whether the Citadels and many other things, which

Princes make use of, are profitable or dammage-

able, •••• 335

CHAP. 21.

How a Prince ought to behave himself to gain reputation, 339

CHAP. 22.

Touching Princes Secretaries, .... 343

CHAP. 23.

That Flatterers are to be avoyded, . . . 344

CHAP. 24.

Wherefore the Princes of Italy have lost their States, . 347


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How great power Fortune hath in humane affairs, andwhat means there is to resist it, . . . 349

CHAP. 26.

An exhortation to free Italy from the Barbarions, . 353


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THE PRINCEWritten by

NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLI,Secretary and Citizen of Florence.


How many sorts of Principalities there are, andhow many wayes they are attained to.

LL States, all Dominions that have had,or now have rule over men, have beenand are, either Republiques or Princi-

palities. Principalities are either heredi-

tary, whereofthey ofthe blood ofthe Lordthereof have long time been Princes ; or

else they are new ; and those that are new,are either all new, as was the Dutchy of

Millan to Francis Sforce; or are as members adjoyned to the

hereditary State of the Prince that gains it ; as the King-dom of Naples is to the King of Spain. These Dominionsso gotten, are accustomed either to live under a Prince,

or to enjoy their liberty; and are made conquest

of, either with others forces, or ones own, either

by fortune, or by valor.

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Of Hereditary Principalities.

WILL not here discourse of Republiques,

because I have other where treated of

them at large : I will apply my self only

to a Principality, and proceed, while I

weave this web, by arguing thereupon,

how these Principallities can be governed

and maintained. I say then that in

States of inheritance, and accustomed to

the blood of their Princes, there are far fewer difficulties to

keep them, than in the new : for it suffices only not to

transgress the course his Ancestors took, and so afterward

to temporise with those accidents that can 'happen ; that if

such a Prince be but of ordinary industry^ he shall allwaies

be able to maintain himself in his State, unless by someextraordinary or excessive power he be deprived thereof;

and when he had lost it, upon the least sinister chance that

befalls the usurper, he recovers it again. We have in Italy

the Duke of Ferrara for example hereof, who was of ability

to resist the Venetians, in the year 84. and to withstand

Pope Julius in the tenth for no other reason, than because

he had of old continued in that rule ; for the natural Prince

hath fewer occasions, and less heed to give offence, where-

upon of necessity he must be more beloved ; and unless it bethat some extravagant vices of his bring him into hatred,- it is

agreeable to reason, that naturally he should be well beloved

by his own subjects : and in the antiquity and continuation

of the Dominion, the remembrances and occasions of

innovations are quite extinguished : for evermoreone change leaves a kind of breach or dent, to

fasten the building of another.


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Of mixt Principalities.

UT the difficulties consist in the new Prin-cipality ; and first, if it be not all new,but as a member, so that it may betermed altogether as mixt; and thevariations thereof proceed in the first

place from a natural difficulty, which wecommonly finde in all new Principalities


for men do willingly change their Lord,beleeving to better their condition ; and this beJiefe causes

them to take armes against him that rules over them,whereby they deceive themselves, because they find after byexperience, they have made it worse : which depends uponanother natural and ordinary necessity, forcing him alwaies to

offend those, whose Prince he newly becomes, as well by his

soldiers he is put to entertain upon them as by many other

injuries, which a new conquest draws along with it; in

such manner as thou findest all those thine enemies, whomthou hast endammaged in the seizing of that Principality,

and afterwards canst not keep them thy friends that haveseated thee in it, for not being able to satisfie theni accord-

ing to their expectations, nor put in practice strong remedies

, against them, being obliged to them. For however one bevery well provided with strong armies, yet hath he alwaies

need of the favor ofthe inhabitants in the Countrey, to enter

thereinto. For these reasons, Lewis the twelfth. King of

France, suddenly took Milan, and as soon lost it ; and the

first time Lodwick his own forces served well enough to

wrest it out of his hands ; for those people that had openedhim the gates, finding themselves deceived of their opinion,

and of that future good which they had promised themselves,

could not endure the distastes the new Prince gave them.

True it is, that Countreys that have rebelled again the

second time, being recovered, are harder lost ; for their Lord,

taking occasion from their rebellion, is less respective of

LL 265

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THE PRINCECHAP. Ill persons, but cares only to secure himself, by punishing

Of mixt Prin- the delinquents, to clear all suspicions, and to providecipalities. for himself where he thinks he is weakest : so that if to

make France lose Milan the first time, it was enough for

Duke Lodwick to make some small stir only upon the

confines; yet afterwards, before they could make him lose

it the second time, they had need of the whole world

together against him, and that all his armies should be

wasted and driven out of Italy ; which proceeded from the

forenamed causes: however though both the first andsecond time it was taken from him. The generall causes of ,

the first we have treated of; it remains now that we see

those of the second ; and set down the remedies that he had,'

or any one else can have that should chance to be in those

termes he was, whereby he might be able to maintain himselff

better in his conquest than the King of France did. I say

therefore, that these States which by Conquest are annexedto the ancient states of their conqueror, are either of the

same province and the same language, or otherwise ; andwhen they are, it is very easy to hold them, especially whenthey are not used to live free; and to enjoy them securely,

it is enough to have extinguished, the Princes line who ruled^over them :_ For in other matters, allowing them their ancient

conditions, and there being not much difference of mannere^betwixt them, men ordinarily live quiet enough ; as we Tiave

seen that Burgundy did, Britany, Gascony, and Normandy,which so long time continued with France : for howeverthere be some difference of language between them, yet canthey easily comport one with another ; and whosoever makesthe conquest of them, meaning to hold them, must have tworegards ; the^first, thatjthe race of their former Prince be _

quite extinguished ;nQie other, that lie change' nothing,neither in their lawes nor taxes, so that in a veriL^mrt_time they become one entire body with their ancient^.

Principality.. _But when any States are gaind in a Provincedisagreeing in language, manners, and orders, here are thedifficulties, and here is there need of good fortune,"and great

industry to maintain them; and it would be one of the best


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLand livelyest remedies, for the Conqueror to goe in person CHAP. Ill

and_dwen^there ; this would make the possessfoli riereof Of mixt Prin-

nlore secure jand durable; as the Turk hath done in Greece, cipalities.

who among all the other courses taken by him for to holdthat State, had he not gone thither himself in person todwell, it had never been possible for him to have kept it


for abiding there.-he sees the disorders growing in their.^ginnings, and forthwith can remedy them7~wEereas beingnocthere" pSreienti^ they are heard of when they are grown tosome height, and then is there no help for them. Moreover,the Province is not pillaged by the officers thou sendest

thither : the subjects are much satisfied of having recourse

to the Prince near at hand, whereupon have they morereason to love him, if they mean to be good ; and intending

JtoJ35'"6therwise, to fear him : and forreih Princes will bewell aware how they invade that State; insomuch, thatmaking his abode there, he can very hardly lose it. Anotherremedy, which is also a better, is to send Colonies into oneor two places, jvhich_niay_be_as_it were the keys of that

. SttiiKT^r it is necessary either to ~dLo tliis, or to maintain

there many horse and foot. In tJhese colonies the Prince

makes no great expence, and either without his charge, or

at a very small rate, he may both send and maintain them


and gives offence only to them from whom he takes their

fields and houses, to bestow them on those new inhabitants

who are but a very small part of that State ; and those that

__he pffends, remaining dispersed and pggre^ can never hurt

hipflrj-^nd all the rest on one part, have ho offence gfvih

tEem, and therefore a small matter keeps them in quiet : on

the-o±her_sidje,.Jii£y are wary not to erre, for fear it befalTs^

not th^a^_s it did those that were dispdild. I" conclude

tKen7'^^jthose_cplonies that are hot chargeable, are the

more trusty, give the less .offence ; and they that are

^i0fendedj,_heing.jait pfior and scattered, can do but little

.Janne^-as. Lhayfi said ; for it is to be noted, that men musteither be dallyed-and_ flattered withall, or else be quite

crusht ; for they revenge themselves of small dammages ; but

^^_ereat ones they are noTaBIe ; so that when wrong is done—-—267

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THE PRINCECHAP. Ill to any man, it ought so. to be done, that it need fear no

Of mixt Prin- return of revenge again. ;/ But in lieu of Colonies, by main-cipalities. taining soldiers there, the expence is great ; for the whole

revenues of that State are to be spent in the keeping of it


so the conquest proves but a loss to him that hath got it,

and endammages hhn rather ; for it hurts that whole State

to remove the army from place to place, of which annoyance

every one hath a feeling, and so becomes enemie to thee ; as

they are enemies, I wis, who are outraged by thee in their ownhouses, whensoever they are able to do thee mischief. Everyway then is this guard unprofitable. Besides, he that is in

a different Province, (as it is said) should make himself Headand defender of his less powerfuU neighbors, and devise

alwaies to weaken those that are more mighty therein, andtake care that upon no chance there enter not any foreiner

as mighty as himself; for it will alwaies come to pass, that

they shall be brought in by those that are discontented,

either upon ambition, or fear ; as the Etolians brought the

Romans into Greece; and they were brought into every

countrey they came, by the Natives ; and the course of the

matter is, that so soqnjis a powerfull Stranger jenters_a_

countreyj_anjthose that are the less powerfull therej|_cleaye

_to_him, provoked by an envy they beare him that is moremighty than they ; so that for these of the weaker sort, he~Inay"easily gain them without any pains : for presently all

of them together very willingly make one lump with that he

hath gotten : He hath only to beware that these increase

not their strengths, nor their authorities, and so he shall

easily be able by his own forces, and their assistances, to

take down those that are mighty, and remain himself

absolute arbitre of that Countrey. And he that playes notwell this part, shall quickly lose what he hath gotten ; andwhile he holds it, shall find therein a great many troubles

and vexations. The Romans in the Provinces they seiz'd

on, observed well these points, sent colonies thither, enter-

tained the weaker sort, without augmenting any thing their

power, abated the forces of those that were mighty, andpermitted not any powerfull forreiner to gain too much


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLreputation there. And I will content my self only with the CHAP. Ill

countrey of Greece for example hereof. The Achayans and of mixt Prin-

Etolians were entertained by them, the Macedons kingdome cipalities.

was brought low, Antiochus was driven thence, nor ever didthe Achayans or Etolians deserts prevail so far for them,that they would ever promise to enlarge their State, nor theperswasions of Philip induce them ever to be his friends,

without bringing him lower; nor yet could Antiochus his

power make them ever consent that he should hold anyState in that countrey : for the Romans did in these cases

that which all judicious Princes ought to do, who are notonly to have regard unto all present mischiefs, but also to

the future, and to provide for those with all industry ; for

by taking order for those when they are afarre oflF, it is easie

to prevent them ; but by delaying till they come near handto thee, the remedy comes too late ; for this malignity is

grown incurable : and it befalls this, as the physicians say

of the hectick feaver, that in the beginning it is easily cur'd,

but hardly known ; but in the course of time, not having

been known in the beginning, nor cured, it becomes easie to

know, but hard to cure., Even so falls it out in matters of

State ; for by knowing it aloof oflF (which is given only to a

wise man to do) the mischiefs that then spring up, are

quickly helped ; but when, for not having been perceived,

they are suffered to increase, so that every one sees them,

there is then no cure for them : therefore the Romans, seeing

these inconvenients afar ofl^ alwaies prevented them, andnever sufferd them to follow; for to escape a war, be-

cause they knew that a war is not undertaken, but deferred

for anothers advantage ; therefore would they rather makea war with Philip and Antiochus in Greece, to the end it

should not afterwards be made with them in Italy, though

for that time they were able to avoid both the one and the

other, which they thought not good to do : nor did they

approve of that saying that is ordinarily in the mouthes of

the Sages of our dayes, to eryoy the ienefits of the present

time ; but that rather, to take the benefit of their valor andwisdome ; for time drives forward everything, and may bring


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THE PRINCECHAP. Ill with it as well good as evil, and evil as good. But let us

Of mixt Prin- return to France, and examine if any of the things prescribedcipalities. have been done by them : and we will speak of Lewis, and

not of Charles, as of whom by reason of the long possession,

he held in Italy we better knew the wayes he went : and youshall see he did the clean contrary to what should have beendone by him that would maintain a State of different

Language and conditions. King Lewis was brought into

Italy by the Venetians ambition, who would have gotten |br

their shares half the State of Lombardy : I will not blamehis comming, or the course he took, because he had a mindto begin to set a foot in Italy ; but having not any friends

in the country, all gates being barred against him, by reason

of King Charles his carriage there, he was constrained to

joyn friendship with those he could; and this consideration

well taken, would have proved lucky to him, when in therest of his courses he had not committed any error. TheKing then having conquered Lombardy, recovered presently

all that reputation that Charles had lost him ; Genuayeelded to him, the Florentines became friends with him ;

the Marquess of Mantua, the Duke of Ferrara, the Bentivolti,

the Lady of Furli, the Lord of Faenza, Pesaro Rimino,Camerino, and Piombino, the Luc heses, Pisans and Sieneses,

every one came and offered him friendship : then might theVenetians consider the rashness of the course they had taken,

who, only to get into their hands two Townes in Lombardy,made the King Lord of two thirds in Italy. Let any mannow consider with how small difficulty could the King havemaintained his reputation in Italy, if he had followed these

aforenamed rules, and secured and defended those his friends,

who because their number was great, and they weak andfearful, some of the Church, and others of the Venetianswere alwaies forced to hold with him, and by their meanshe might easily have been able to secure himself against

those that were mightiest : but he was no sooner got into

Milan, than he took a quite wrong course, by giving ayd to

Pope Alexander, to seize upon Romania, and perceiv'd notthat by this resolution he weakned himself, ruining his own270

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLfriends, and those had cast themselves into his bosom, making CHAP. Ill

the Church puissant, by adding to their Spiritual power, OfmixtPrin-whereby they gaind their authority, and so much temporal cipalities.

estate. And having once got out of the way, he was con-strained to go on forward ; insomuch as to stop Alexandersambition, and that he should not become Lord of all Tuscany,of force he was to come into Italy : and this sufficed him not,

to have made the Church mighty, and taken away his ownfriends ; but for the desire he had to get the Kingdome ofNaples, he divided it with the King of Spain : and wherebefore he was the sole arbitre of Italy, he brought in acompetitor, to the end that all the ambitious persons ofthat country, and all that were ill affected to him, mighthave otherwhere to make their recourse : and whereas hemight have left in that Kingdome some Vice-King of his

own, he took him from thence, to place another there, that

might afterward chace him thence. It is a thing indeed

very natural and ordinary, to desire to be of the getting

hand : and alwaies when men undertake it, if they can effect

it, they shall be prais'd for it, or at least not blam'd : butwhen they are not able, and yet will undertake it, here lies

the blame, here is the error committed. If France then wasable with her own power to assail the Kingdome of Naples,

she might well have done it ; but not being able, she should

not have divided it : and if the division she made of

Lombardy with the Venetians, deserv'd some excuse, thereby

to set one foot in Italy ; yetthis merits blame, for not beingexcused by that necessity. T Lewis then committed these five

faults ; extinguisht the feebler ones, augmented the State of

another that was already powerful in Italy, brought there-

into a very puissant forreiner, came not thither himself to

dwell there, nor planted any colonies there : which faults

while he liv'd, he could not but be the worse for ; yet all

could not have gone so ill, had he npt committed the sixt,

to take from the Venetians their State ; for if he had not

enlarg'd the Churches territories nor brought the Spaniard

into Italy, it had bin necessary to take them lower; buthaving first taken those other courses, he should never have


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THE PRINCECHAP. Ill given way to their destruction ; for while they had been

Of mixt Prin- strong, they would alwaies have kept the others off fromcipalities. venturing on the conquest of Lombardyi For the Venetians

would never have given their consen^thereto, unless they

should have been made Lords of it themselves; and the

others would never have taken it from France, to give it

them : and then they would never have dar'd to go and set

upon them both together. And if any one should say, that

King Lewis yeelded Romania to Alexander, and the King-

dome of Naples to Spain, to avoid a war ; I answer with the

reasons above alledged, that one should, never suffer,a»y

disorder to follow, for aypiding of a war ; for that war^is^

not sav'd, but put off to thy disadvantage. AndT if anyothers argue, that the King had given his word to the Pope,

to do that exploit for him, for dissolving of his marriage,

and for giving the Cardinals Cap to him of Roan ; I answer

with that which hereafter I shall say touching Princes words,

how they ought to be kept. King Lewis then lost Lombardy,for not having observ'd some of those termes which others

us'd, who have possessed themselves of countries, and desir'd

to keep them. Nor is this any strange thing, but very

ordinary and reasonable: and to this purpose I spake at

Nantes with that French Cardinal, when Valentine (for so

ordinarily was Caesar Borgia Pope Alexanders son call'd)

made himself master of Romania ; for when the Cardinal

said to me, that the Italians understood not the feats of

war ; I answered, the Frenchmen understood not matters

of State : for had they been well vers'd therein, they wouldnever have suffered the Church to ,have grown to thatgreatness. And by experience we have seen it, that the

power hereof in Italy, and that of Spain also, was caused byFrance, and their own ruine proceeded from themselves.

From whence a general rule may be taken, which never, or

very seldom faih, That he that gives the means to another to

becomepowerful, rumes himself; for that power is caus'd by"


' him either with his industry, or with his force ; and as

well the one as the other of these two is suspected

by him that is grown puissant.

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Wherefore Darius his Kingdome taken by Alex-ander, rebelled not against Alexanders Successors

after his death.

HE difficulties being consider'd, which aman hath in the maintaining ofa State newgotten, some might marvaile how it cameto pass, that Alexander the great sub-dued all Asia in a few years ; and havinghardly possessed himself ofit, died ; where-upon it seemed probable that all thatState should have rebelled; nevertheless

his Successors kept the possession of it, nor found they otherdifficulty in holding it, than what arose among themselves

through their own ambition. I^j^nswer, that all the Prin-

gigalities whereof we have memory left us, have beengoverned in two several manners ; either by a Prince, andall the rest Vassals, who as ministers by his favor and allow-

ance, do help to govern that Kingdom ; or by a Prince andby Barons, .who not by their_ Princes favor, but by the,

antiquity of blood hold that degree,^ And these kinds of

Sarons have both states of their own, and Vassals whoacknowledge them for their Lords ; and bare them a true

natural affection. Those "States that are govem'd by aPrince and by Vassals, have their Prince ruling over themwith more authority ; for in all his countrey, there is noneacknowledged for superior, but himself: and if they yeeld

obedience to any one else, it is but as to his minister andofficer, nor beare they him any particular good will. Theexamples of these two different Governments now in our

dayes, are, the Turk, and the King of France. The Turkswhole Monarchy is govem'd by one Lord, and the rest are

all his Vassals ; and dividing his whole Kingdom into divers

Sangia,cques or Governments, he sends several thither, andthose he chops and changes, as he pleases. But the KingMM 273

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WhereforeDariusrebelled notagainst Alex-anders Suc-cessors after

his death.

THE PRINCEof France is seated in the midst of a multitude of Lords,

who of old have been acknowledg'd for such by their subjects,

and being belov'd by them, enjoy their preheminencies ; nor

can the King take their States from them without danger.

He then that considers the one and the other of these twoStates, shall find difficulty in the conquest (^ theJTurksState; But when once it is subdu'd, great facility to hoH^^H^The reasons of these difficulties in taking of the TurksKingdom from him, are, because the Invader cannot becalled in by the Princes of that Kingdom, nor hope by the

rebellion of those which he hath about him, to be able to

facilitate his enterprize: which proceeds from the reasons

aforesaid ; for they being all his slaves, and oblig'd to him,

can more hardly be corrupted; and put case they were

corrupted, little profit could he get by it, they not being able

to draw after them any people, for the reasons we haveshewed : whereupon he that assails the Turk, must think to

find him united ; and must rather relie upon his own forces,

than in the others disorders : but when once he is overcomeand broken in the field, so that he cannot repair his armies,

there is nothing else to be doubted than the Royal blood,

which being once quite out, there is none else left to befeard, none of the others having any credit with the people.

And as the conqueror before the victory could not hope in

them ; so after it, ought he not to fear them. The contraryfalls out in Kingdoms governed as is that of France : for it

is easie to be enter'd by the gaining of any Baron in theKingdom; for there are alwaies some malecontents to befound, and those that are glad of innovation. Those for

the reasons alledg'd are able to open thee a way into thatState, and to further thy victory, which afterwards to makegood to thee, draws with it exceeding many difficulties, as

well with those that have ayded thee, as those thou hastsupprest. Nor is it enough for thee to root out the Princes

race : for there remaine still those Lords who quickly will

be the ring-leaders of new changes ; and in case thou art

not able to content these, nor extinguish them, thouT^sF"fhat State, whensoever the occasion is offerd. Now if thou'274

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLshalt consider what sort of government that of Darius was, CHAP. IVthou shalt find it like to the Turks dominion, and therefore WhereforeAlexander was necessitated first to defeat him utterly, Darius

and drive him out of the field ; after which victory Darius rebelled not

being dead, that State was left secure to Alexander, for the andw-fl^i**reasons we treated of before : and his successors, had thev cessors after

continued in amity, might have enjoy'd it at ease : nor ever his death,

arose there in that Kingdome other tumults, than thosethey themselves stirM up. But of the States that are

orderM and grounded as that of France, it is impossible tobecome master at such ease : and from hence grew thefrequent rebellions of Spain, France, and Greece against the

Romans, by reason of the many Principalities those States

had: whereof while the memory lasted, the Romans werealwayes doubtfuU of the possession of them; but the

memory of them being quite wip't out, by the power andcontinuance of the Empire, at length they enjoy'd it

securely ; and they also were able afterwards fighting onewith another, each 6f one them to draw after them the

greater part of those provinces, according as their authority

had gain'd them credit therein : and that because the blood

of their ancient Lords was quite spent, they acknowledged noother but tj|e Romans. By the consideration then of these

things, no man will marvaile that Alexander had so little

trouble to keep together the State of Asia ; and that others

have had such gil&t difficulties to maintain their conquest,

as P3Trhus, and many others; which proceeds not fromthe small or great valour of the conquerour, but

from th^ difference of the subject.


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CHAP. VIn what manner Cities and Principalities are to be

govern'd, which, before they were conquer'd, liv'd

under their own Laws.

HEN those States that are conquered, as it

is said, have been accustomed to live

under their own Laws, and in liberty,

there are three wayes for a man to hold

them. The first is to demolish all theii

strong jjiaces; the other, personally to go^

"andHwelT there ; the third, to suflreFthein

to live under their own Laws, drawing

from them some tribute, and creating therein an Oligarchy,

that may continue it in thy service : for that State being

created by that Prince, knowes it cannot consist without

his aid and force, who is like to doe all he can to maintain

it ; and with more facility_is a^itj_k?pt^y nieanes of_her

own Citizens, which hath been us'd before to live free, than

by any other way of keepings, _ We have for example the

Spartans and the Romans ; the Spartans held Athens andThebes, creating there an Oligarchy : yet they lost it. TheRomans to be sure of Capua, Carthage, and Numantia, dis-

mantell'd them quite, and so lost them^not : they wouldhave kept Greece as the Sparrans had held t^em, leaving

them free, and letting them enjoy their own Laws; and it

prospered not with them : so that ^ey were forc'd to

deface many Cities of that province to hold it. For in truth

there is not „a surer way to keep them under, than_bydemolishments ; and whoever becomes masteir of a lCit^u£dto live free, and dismantells it not, let hirnlbblchr^^Klifibee ruin'd byjt;. for it alwayes iii time oTfebellion takes

the name of liberty for refuge, and the ancient orders it

had ; which neither by length of time, nor for any favours

afforded them, are ever forgotten ; and for any thing thai

can be done, or order'd, unlesse the inhabitants be disunited


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLand dispersed, that name is never forgotten, nor those CHAP. Vcustomes : but presently in every chance recourse is thither In whatmade : as Pisa did after so many yeeres that she had been manner Cities

subdu'd by the Florentines. But when the Cities or the andPrinci-

Provinces are accustomed to live under a Prince, and that begovern'd."whole race is quite extirpated : on one part being us'd toobey ; on the other, not having their old Prince ; they agreenot to make one from among themselves : they know nothow to live in liberty, in such manner that they are muchslower to take armes ; and with more facility may a Princegaine them, and secure himselfe of them. But in Repub-liques there is more life in them, more violent hatred, moreearnest desire of revenge ; nor does the remembrance of »

the ancient liberty ever leave them, or suffer themto rest ; so that the safest way, is. ei^er to ruine

them, or dwell amongj^HMn,~"] /


Of new Principalities, that are conquer'd by ones

own armes and valour.

ET no man marvaile, if in the discourse I

shall make of new Principalities, bothtouching a Prince, and touching a State,

I shall alledge very famous examples : for

seeing men almost alwayes walk in the

pathes beaten by others, and proceed in

their actions by imitation; and being

that others wayes cannot bee exactly fol-

lowed, nor their vertues, whose patterne thou set'st before

thee, attain''d unto ; a wise man ought alwayes" to tread the

footsteps of the worthiest persons, and imitate those that

have been the most excellent : to the end that if his vertue

arrive not thereto, at least it may yeeld some favour thereof,

and doe as good Archers use, who thinking the place they

intend to hit, too farre distant, and knowing how farr the

strength of their bow will carry, they lay their ayme a great


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THE PRINCECHAP. VI deale higher than the mark ; not for to hit so high with their

Of new Prin- arrow, but to bee able with the help of so high an aime to

cipalities,that reach the place they shoot at. I say, that in Principalitiesare conquer'd ^hoUy jjgw, where there is a new Prince, there is more and

armeslui^ lesse difficulty in maintaining them, as the vertue of their

valour. Conquerour is greater or lesser. And because this successe,

to become a Prince of a private man, presupposes either

vertue, or fortune ; mee thinks the one and other of these

two things in part should mitigate many difficulties ; how-

ever he that hath lesse stood upon fortune, hath maintainMhimselfe the better. Moreover it somewhat facilitates the

matter in that the Prince is constrained, because he hath not

other dominions, in person to come and dwell there. Butto come to these who by their own vertues, and not byfortune, attain'd to be Princes ; the excellentest of these are

Moses, Cyrus, Romulus, Theseus, and such like ; and thoughof Moses we are not to reason, he onely executing the things

that were commanded him by God ; yet merits he well to be'* admir'd, were it only for that grace that made him worthy

to converse with God. But considering Cyrus, and the

others, who either got or founded Kingdomes, we shall find

them all admirable; and if there particular actions andLawes be throughly weigh''d, they will not appeare muchdiffering from those of Moyses, which he receiv'd from so

Sovraigne an instructer. And examining their lives andactions, it will not appeare, that they had other help of

fortune, than the occasion, which presented them with the

matter wherein they might introduce what forme they thenpleas'd ; and without that occasion, the vertue of their mind

. had been extinguished ; and without that vertue, theoccasion had been offer'd in vaine. It was then necessary

for Moses to find the people of Israel slaves in .iEgypt, andoppress'd by the ^Egyptians, to the end that they to getout of their thraldome, should bee willing to follow him.It was fit that Romulus should not be kept in Albia, butexpos'd presently after his birth, that he might becomeKing of Rome, and founder of that City. There was needthat Cyrus should find the Persians discontented with the278

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLMedes government, and the Medes delicate and efFeminate CHAP. VIthrough their long peace. Theseus could not make proof Of new Prinr

of his vertue, had not he found the Athenians dispers'd. cipalities,that

These occasions therefore made these men happy, and their ?^^ conquer'd

excellent vertue made the occasion be taken notice of, ^^ Ts^an/"whereby their countrey became enobled, and exceeding valour,

fortunate. They, who by vertuous waies, like unto these,

become Princes, attain the Principality with difficulty, buthold it with much ease; and the difficulties they find in

gaining the Principality, arise partly from the new orders

and courses they are forc'd to bring in, to lay the founda-tion of their State, and work their own security. And it is

to be considered, how there is not any thing harder to takein hand, nor doubtfuUer to succeed, nor more dangerous to


mannage, than to be the chief in bringing in new orders ; <

for this Chief finds all those his enemies, that thrive uponthe old orders ; and hath but luke warme defenders of all

those that would do well upon the new orders, which luke-

warme temper proceeds partly from fear of the opposers

who have the laws to their advantage; partly from the in-

credulity of the men who truly beleeve not a new thing,

unless there be some certain proof given them thereof.

Whereupon it arises, that whensoever they that are adver-

saries, take the occasion to assaylef, they do it factiously


and these others defend but cooly, so that their,, wholeparty altogether runs a hazzard. Therefore it is necessary,

being we intend throughly to discourse this part, to examineif these innovators stand of themselves, or if they dependupon others ; that is, if to bring their work to effect, it benecessary they should intreat, or be able to constrain ; in

the first case they allwayes succeed ill, and bring nothing to

pass ; but when they depend of themselves, and are able to

force, then seldom it is that they hazzard. Hence came it

that all the prophets that were arm'd, prevailed ; but those

that were unarm'd, were too weak: for besides what wehave alledg'd, the nature of the people is changeable, andeasie to be perswaded to a matter ; but it is hard also to

settle them in that perswasion. And therefore it behoves


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THE PRINCECHAP. VI a man to be so provided, that when they beleeve no longer,

Of new Prin- he may be able to compel them thereto by force. Moses,cipalitiesjthat Cyrus, Theseus, and Bomulus would never have been able

rVnTs^o'^wn* *** "^^"^^ ^^^^^ ^*^^ ^°^S *° ^® obey'd, had they been dis-

armes and arm'd ; as in our times it befel Eryer Jerome Savanarola,

valour. who perish'd in his new constitutions, when the multitude

began not to beleeve him ; neither had he the means to keep

them firme, that had beleev'd ; not to force beleefe in themthat had not beleev'd him. Wherefore such men as these,

in their proceedings find great difficulty, and all their

dangers are in the way, and these they must' surmount bytheir vertue ; but having once mastered them, and beginning

to be honored by all, when they have rooted those out that

envi'd their dignities, they remain powerful, secure, honor-

able, and happy. To these choice examples, I will addone of less remark ; but it shall hold some proportion with

them, and this shall suffice me for all others of this kind,

which is Hiero the Siracusan. He of a private man, becamePrince of Siracusa, nor knew he any other ayd of fortune

than the occasion : for the Siracusans being oppress'd, madechoyce of him for their Captain, whereupon he deserv'd to

be made their Prince : and he was of such vertue even in

his private fortune, that he who writes of him, sayes,

he wanted nothing of reigning, but a Kingdom ; this

man extinguish'd all the old soldiery, ordaind the new;left the old allyances, entertained new; and as he hadfriendship, and soldiers that were his own, upon that

ground he was able to build any edifice; so thathe indured much trouble in gaining, and suffered

but little in maintaining.



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Of new Principalities, gotten by fortune, andother mens forces.

HEY who by fortune only become Princesof private men, with small pains attainto it, but have mi^ch ado to maintainthemselves in it ; and find no difficulty atall in the way, because they are carried

thither with wings : but all the difficulties

arise there, after they are plac'd in them.And of such sort are those who have an

estate given them for money, by the favor of some onethat grants it them : as it befell many in Greece, in thecities of Jonia, and Hellespont ; where divers Princes weremade by Darius, as well for his own safety as his glory ; asalso them that were made Emperors; who from privatemen by corrupting the soldiers, attaind to the Empire.These subsist meerly upon the will, and fortune of thosethat have advanced them ; which are two voluble and un-steady things ; and they neither know how, nor are able tocontinue in that dignity: they know not l\ow, becauseunless it be a man of great understanding and vertue, it is

not probable that he who hath always liv'd a private life,

can know how to command : neither are they able, becausethey have not any forces that can be friendly or faithful to

them. Moreover those States that suddenly fall into amans hands, as all other things in nature that spring andgrow quickly, cannot well have taken root, nor have madetheir correspondencies so firm, but that the first storm that

takes them, ruines them ; in case these, who (as it is said)

are thus on a sudden clambred up to be Princes, are not of

that worth and vertue as to know how to prepare them-selves to maintain that which chance hath cast into their

bosoms, and can afterwards lay those foundations, whichothers have cast before they were Princes. For the one andNN 281

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Of new Prin-


gotten byfortune, andother mensforces.

THE PRINCEthe other of these wayes about the attaining to be a Prince,

by Vertue, or by Fortune, I will alledge you two exampleswhich have been in the dayes of our memory. These were

Francis Sforza, and Csesar Borgia; Francis by just meansand with a great deal of vertue, of a private man got to be

Duke of Millan ; and that which with much pains he hadgaind, he kept with small ado. On the other side Caesar

Borgia (commonly termed Duke Varentme) got his state by_Kis Fathers fortune, and with the same lost it ; however that

for his own part no pains was spar'd, nor any thing omitted,

which by a discreet and valorus man ought to have been

done, to fasten his roots in those Estates, which others

armes or fortune had bestowed on him ; for (as it was for-

merly said) he that lays not the foundations first, yet might .be

able by means of his extraordinary vertues to lay them after-

wards, however it be with the great trouble of the architect,

and danger of the edifice. If therefore we consider all the

Dukes progresses, we may perceive how great foundations

he had cast for his future power, which I j udge a matter notsuperfluous to run over; because I should not well know,what better rules I might give to a new Prince, than the

pattern of his actions; and however the courses he took,

availd him not, yet was it not his fault, but it proceededfrom an extraordinary and extream malignity of fortune.

Pope Alexander the sixt, desiring to make the Duke his son

a great man, had a great many difficulties, present andfuture : first he saw no way there was whereby he might beable to make him Lord of any State, that was not theChurches ; and if he turnd to take that from the Church,he knew that the Duke of Milan, and the Venetians wouldnever agree to it ; for Faenza and Riminum were under theVenetians protection. Moreover, he saw that the armes of

Italy, and those whereof in particular he might have beenable to make some use, were in their hands, who ought to

fear the Popes greatness ; and therefore could not any wayesrely upon them : being all in the Orsins and Colonies hands,and those of their faction. It was necessary then, that those

matters thus appointed by them should be disturbed, and282

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthe States of Italy disordered, to be able safely to master CHAP. VII

part of them, which he then found easie to do, seeing the Of new Prin-

Venetians upon three considerations had us'd the means to cipalities,

bring the French men back again into Italy : which he not p*'^'' Vonly did not withstand, but furthered, with a resolution of otjjg^ ^g^gKing Lewis his ancient marriage. The King then past into forces.

Italy with the Venetians ayd, and Alexanders consent ; norwas he sooner arrived in Milan, than the Pope had soldiers

from him for the service of Romania, which was quickly

yeelded up to him upon the reputation of the Kings forces.

The Duke then having made himself master of Romania,and beaten the Colonies, desiring to hold it, and proceed

forward, two things hindered him : the one, his ownsoldiers, which he thought were not true to him ; the other,

the French mens good wills ; that is to say, he feared that

the Princes soldiers, whereof he had served himself, wouldfail him, and not only hinder his conquest, but take fromhim what he had gotten; and that the King also wouldserve him the same turn. He had experience of the Orsini

upon an occasion, when after the taking of Faenza he

assaulted Bolonia, to which assault he saw them go very

cold. And touching the King, he discovered his mind,

when having taken the Dutchy of Urbin, he invaded

Tuscany; from which action the King made him retire;

whereupon the Duke resolved to" depend no more uponfortunej_and_other jnens armes. AnrTheT^rst thing'heHid, was7 to weaken th¥ Orsini,^nd Colonnies factions

in Rome : for he gained all their adherents that were

gentlemen, giving them large v allowances, and honoring

them according to their qualities with charges and govern-

ments; so "that in a few months the good will they

bare to the parties was quite extinguisht, and wholly

bent to the Duke. After this, he waited an occasion to

root out the Orsini, having before dispers'd those of the

family of Colonnia, which fell out well to his hand ; and he

us'd it better. For the Orsini being too late aware, that

the Dukes and the Churches greatness was their destruction,

held a Council together in a dwelling house of theirs in the


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Of new Prin-cipalitieSj

gotten byfortune, andother mensforces.

THE PRINCEcountry adjoyning to Perusia. From thence grew the

rebellion of Urbin, and the troubles of Romania, and manyother dangers befell the Duke, which he overcame all with

the help of the French : and having regained his reputation,

trusting neither France, nor any forrein forces, to the endhe might not be put to make trial of them again, he betookhimself to his sleghts ; and he knew so well to disguise his

intention, that the Orsins, by the mediation of Paul Orsine,

were reconciled to him, to whom the Duke was no waywanting in all manner of courtesies whereby to bring theminto security, giving them rich garments, money, and horses,

til their own simplicities led them all to Sinigallia, into his

hands. These heads being then pluck'd ofF, and their

partisans made his friends ; the Duke had laid very goodfoundations, to build his own greatness on, having in his

power all Romania with the Dutchy of Urbin, and gainedthe hearts of those people, by beginning to give them somerelish of their well being. And because this part is worthyto be taken notice of, and to be imitated by others, I will

not let it escape. The Duke, when he had taken Romania,finding it had been under the hands of poor Lords who hadrather pillaged their subjects, than chastis'd or amendedthem, giving them more cause of discord, than of peace andunion, so that the whole countrey was fraught with robberies,

quarrels, and other sorts of insolencies ; thought the bestway to reduce them to termes of pacification, and obedienceto a Princely power, was, to give them some good govern-ment : and th£refQre.Jhe-_set over them one^Remiro D'Orcn,a cruefniisty man, to whord he gave an absolute power.This man in a very short time setled peace and uniomi

amongst them with very great reputation. Afterwards ITie^Duke thought such excessive authority serv'd not so well tohis purpose, and doubting it would grow odious, he erecteda civil Judicature in the midst of the countrey, where oneexcellent Judge did Preside, and thither every City senttheir Advocate : and because he knew the rigors past hadbred some hatred against him, to purge the minds of thosepeople, and to gain them wholly to himself, he purposed to


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLshew, that if there was any cruelty used, it proceeded not CHAP. VII

from any order of his, but from the harsh disposition of his Of new Prin-

Officers. Whereupon laying hoJd on him,, at this occasion, cipalities,

f he caus'd hisTiead to be struck off one morning early in the gotten by

) market place at Cesena, where he was left upon a gibbet, other'meM\ with a bloody sword by his side ; the cruelty of which forces.

( spectacle for a while satisfied and amaz'd those people^ Butvto return from whence we have digressd : I say, that theDuke finding himself very strong, and in part out of doubtof the present dangers, because he was arm'd after his ownmanner,and had in some good measure suppress'd those forces,

which, because of their vicinity, were able to annoy him, hewanted nothing else to go on with his Conquest, but theconsideration of France : for he knew, that the King, whonow, though late, was advis'd of his error, would never suffer

him : and hereupon he began to seek after new allyances,

and to waver with France, when the French came towardsNaples against the Spaniards, who then besieged Gagetta


and his design was only to be out of their danger, which hadbeen effected for him, had Pope Alexander lived. And thus

were his businesses carried touching his present estate. Asfor the future, he had reason to doubt lest the new successor

to the Papacy would not be his friend, and would endeavorto take that from him that Alexander had bestowed on him


and he thought to provide for this foure waies : First byrooting out the races of all those Lords he had dispoyled,

whereby to take those occasions from the Pope. Secondly,

by gaining all the gentlemen of Rome, whereby he mightbe able with those to keep the Pope in some awe. Thirdly,

to make the Colledge of Cardinals as much at his devotion

as possibly might be. Fourthly, by making of so large Con-quests, before the Popes death, as that he might be able of

himself to withstand the first fury of his enemies. Three of

these fowre at Pope Alexanders death he had effected, andthe fourth he had neare brought to a point. For of those

Lords he had stript, he put to death as many as he could

come at, and very few escap'd him : he gaind him the

Roman Gentlemen : and in the Colledge he had made a


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Of new Prin-


gotten byfortune, andother mensforces.

THE PRINCEgreat faction. And touching his new Conquest, he had a

designe to become Lord of Tuscany. And he had possessed

himself already of Perusia, and Pombin, and taken protection

of Pisa: and so soon as he should have cast off his respect

to France (which now he meant to hold no longer) being

the French were now driven out of the Kingdome of Naples

by the Spaniards, so that each of them was forc'd to buy his

friendship at any termes; he was then to leap into Pisa.

After this Lucca and Siena were presently to fall to him,

partly for envy to the Florentines, and partly for fear. TheFlorentines had no way to escape him : all which, had it

succeeded with him, as without question it had, the very

same year that Alexander dy'd, he had made himself master

of so great forces, and such reputation, that he would have

been able to have stood upon his own bottom, without any

dependance of fortune, or resting upon others helps, but

only upon his own strength and valor. But Alexander dy'd

five years after that he had begun to draw forth his sword


and left him setled only in the State of Romania, with all

his other designes in the ayre, sick unto death, between twovery strong armies of his enemies ; and yet was there in

this Duke such a spirit and courage ; and he understood so

well, how men are to be gaind, and how to be lost, and so

firm were the grounds he had laid in a short time, that, hadhe not had those armies upon his back, or had been in

health, he would have carried through his purpose in spight

of all opposition ; and that the foundations he groundedupon were good, it appeard in that Romania held for himabove a moneth, and he remained secure in Rome, thougheven at deaths doore : and however the Baglioni, Vitelli, andOrsini came into Rome ; yet found they none would taketheir parts against him. And this he was able to haveeffected, that if he could not have made him Pope whom hewould, he could have hindred him that he would not should

be Pope. But had he been in health when Alexander dy'd,

every thing had gone easily with him ; and he told me onthat day that Julius the second was created Pope, that hehad fore-thought on all that which could happen, in case his


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLfather chanc'd to dye, and for every thing provided its CHAP. VIIremedy, this onely excepted, that he foresaw not that he OfnewPrin-himself should at the same time be brought unto deaths cipalitiesj

dore also. Having then collected all the Dukes actions, gotten by

me thinks I could not well blame him, but rather (as I have otheTmeM^here done) set him as a pattern to be followed by all those forces,

who by fortune and others armes have been exalted to anEmpire. For he being of great courage, and having lofty

designes, could not carry himself otherwise ; and the onlyobstacle of his purposes was the brevity of Alexanders life,

and his own sickness. Whoever therefore deemes it necessary

in his entrance into a new Principality, to secure himself of

his enemies, and gain him friends, to overcome either byforce, or by cunning, to mal^e himself beloved, or feared

of his people, be followed and reverenced by his soldiers,

to root out those that can, or owe thee any hurt, to changethe ancient orders with new wayes, to be severe, and yet

acceptable, magnanimous, and liberall ; to extinguish theunfaithfuU soldiery, and create new ; to maintain to himself

the armities of Kings and Princes, so that they shall either

with favor benefit thee, or be wary how to ofFend thee ; cannotfind more fresh and lively examples than the actions of this

man. He deserves to be found fault withall for the creation

of Julius the second, wherein an evil choice was made for

him : for, as it is said, not being able to make a Pope to his

mind, he could have withheld any one from being Pope ; andshould never have consented that any one of those Cardinals

should have got the Papacy, whom he had ever done harmeto ; or who having attaind the Pontificate were likely to be

afraid of him : because men ordinarily do hurt either for

fear, or hatred. Those whom he had offended, were amongothers, he who had the title of St. Peter ad Vincula, Colonna,

St. Greorge, and Ascanius; all the others that were in

possibility of the Popedome, were such as might have feard

him rather, except the Cardinal of Roan, and the Spaniards


these by reason of their allyance and obligation with him,

the other because of the power they had, having the King-

dome of France on their party ; wherefore the Duke above


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Of new Prin-cipalities,

gotten byfortune, andother mensforces.

THE PRINCEall things should have created a Spanyard Pope, and in case

he could not have done that, he should have agreed that

Roan should have been, and not St. Peter ad Vincula. Andwhoever beleeves, that with great personages new benefits

blot on the remembrance of old injuries, is much deceiv'd.

The Duke therefore in this election, was the cause of his

own ruine at last.

Till wee come to this seaventh Chapter, I find not any thing

much blame-worthy, unlesse it be on ground he layes in the

second Chapter ; whereupon hee builds most of this Fabrick, viz.

That Subjects must either be dallyed or flatterd withall, or quite

crusht. Whereby our Author advises his Prince to support

his authority with two Cardinall Vertues, Dissimulation, andCruelty. He considers not herein that the head is but a memberof the body, though the principall ; and the end of the parts is

the good of the whole. And here he goes against himselfe in

the twenty sixt Chapter of his Rep. 1. 1. where hee blamesPhilip of Macedon for such courses, terming them very cruell,

and against all Christian manner of living ; and that every manshould refuse to be a King, and desire rather to live a private

life, than to reigne so much to the ruine of mankind. The life

of Caesar Borgia, which is here given as a paterne to new Princes,

we shall find to have been nothing else but a cunning carriageof things so, that he might thereby first deceive and inveigle,

and then suppresse all those that could oppose or hinder his

ambition. For if you runne over his life, you shall seethe FatherPope Alexander the sixt and him, both imbarqued for his ad-vancement, wherein they engag'd the Papall authority, andreputation of Religion ; for faith and conscience these men neverknew, though they exacted it of others : there was never promisemade, but it was only so farre kept as servd for advantage


Liberality was made use of: Clemency and Cruelty, all alike,

as they might serve to worke with their purposes. All wassacrific'd to ambition ; no friendship could tye these men, nor anyreligion: and no marvell: for ambition made them forget bothGod and man. i But see the end of all this cunning : thoughthis Caesar Borgia contrived all his businesse so warily, that ourAuthor much commends him, and hee had attaind neerethe pitchof his hopes, and had provided for each misadventure couldbefall him its remedy ; Policy shewd it selefe short-sighted ; forhee foresaw not at the time of his Fathers death, he himselfshould bee brought unto deaths doore also. And me thinks thisExample might have given occasion to our Author to confesse,that surely there is a God that ruleth the earth. And many


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLtimes God cutts oS those cunning and mighty men in the hightof their purposes^ when they think they have neare surmountedall dangers and difficulties. 'To the intent that the living may' knowj that the most high ruleth in the Kingdome of men, and' giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest'of men.' Daniel. 4. 17.


Concerning those who by wicked meanes haveattaind to a Principality.

UT because a man becomes a Prince of aprivate man two wayes, which cannotwholly be attributed either to Fortune or

Vertue, I think not fit to let them passe

me : howbeit the one of them may bemore largely discoursed upon, where the

Republicks are treated of. These are,

when by some wicked and unlawful!

meanes a man rises to the Principality ; or when a private

person by the favour of his fellow Citizens becomes Prince

of his countrey. And speaking of the first manner, it

shall be made evident by two Examples, the one ancient,

the other modeme, without entring otherwise into thejustice or merit of this part; for I take it that these

are sufficient for any body that is forc'd to follow them.Agathocles the Sicilian, not of a private man onely, butfrom a base and abject fortune, got to be King of Siracusa.

This man borne but of a Potter, continued alwayes awicked life throughout all the degrees of this fortune


neverthelesse he accompanied his lewdnesse with such a

courage and resolution, that applying himselfe to military

affaires, by the degrees thereof he attained to bee Praetour

of Siracusa, and being setled in that degree, and having

determined that he would become Prince, and hold that byviolence and without obligation to any other, which byconsent had been granted him : and to this purpose haveing

had some private intelligence touching his designe with

00 289


Of new Prin-


gotten byfortune, andother mensforces.

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Concerningthose whoby wickedmeanes haveattaind to aPrincipality.

THE PRINCEAmilcar the Carithaginian, who was imployd with his

army in Sicily, one morining gatherd the people together

and the Senate of Syracusa, as if he had some what to

advise with them of matters belonging to the Common-wealth, and upon a signe given, caus'd his souldiers to kill

his Senatours, and the richest of the people ; who being

slaine, he usurp'd the Principality of that City without anycivill strife: and however he was twice broken by the

Carthaginians, and at last besieged, was able not onely to

defend his own City, but leaving part of his own army at

the defence thereof, with the other invaded Ailrique, and in

a short time freed Siracusa from the siege, and brought the

Carthaginians into extreme necessity, who were constraind

to accord with him, be contented with the possession of

Aifrique, and quitt Sicily to Agathocles. He then that

should consider the actions and Valour of this man, wouldnot see any, or very few things to be attributed untoFortune ; seeing that as is formerly sayd, not by any ones

favour, but by the degrees of service in warre with manysufferings and dangers, to which he had risen, he came to

the Principality ; and that hee maintaned afterwards with

so many resolute and hazardous undertakings. Yet cannotthis be term'd vertue or valour to slay his own Citizens,

betray his friends, to be without faith, without pitty,

without religion, which wayes are of force to gaine dominion,

but not glory : for if Agathocles his valour bee well weighd,

in his enturing upon, and comming off from dangers, andthe greatnesse of his courage, in supporting and mastering

of adversities, no man can see why he should be thoughtany way inferiour even to the ablest Captaines. Notwith-standing his beastly cruelty and inhumanity with innumer-able wickednesses, allow not that he should be celebrated

among the most excellent men. That cannot then beattributed to Fortune or Vertue, which without the one or

the other was attaind to by him. In our dayes, while

Alexander the sixth held the sea, Oliverotte of Fermo, whosome few yeeres before had been left young by his parents,

was brought up under the care of an uncle of his on the


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLmothers side, called John Foliani, and in the beginning of CHAP. VIIIhis youth given, by him to serve in the warres under Paulo ConcerningVitelli : to the end that being well instructed in that dis- those whocipline, he might rise to some worthy degree in the warrs. ^y kicked

Afterwards when Paulo was dead, he served under Vitellozzo ^takS to a^his brother, and in very short time, being ingenious, of a Principality,

good personage, and brave courage, he became one of theprime men among the troops he served in: but thinkingit but servile to depend upon another, he plotted by theayd of some Citizens of Fermo (who lik'd rather thethraldome of their City than the liberty of it) and by thefavour of the Vitelli, to make himselfe master of Fermo


and writ to John Foliani, that having been many yeeres

from home, he had a mind to come and see him and the

City, and in some part take notice of his own 'patrimony


and because he had not imployd himselfe but to purchase

honour, to the end his Citizens might perceive, that he hadnot vainely spent his time, he had a desire to come in goodequipage and accompanied with a hundred horse ofhis friends

and servants ; and he intreated him that he would be pleasd

so to take order, that he might be honourably received bythe inhabitants of Fermo, which turnd as well to his

honor that was his uncle, as his that was the nephew. In

this, John faild not in any olEce of courtesie due to his

nephew : and caus'd him to be well receivd by them of

Fermo, and lodged him in his own house : where having

passed some dayes, and stayd to put in order somewhat that

was necessary for his intended villany, he made a very

solemne feast, whether he invited John Foliani, and all the

prime men of Fermo : and when all their chear was ended,

and all their other entertainments, as in such feasts it

is customary, Oliverotto of purpose mov'd some grave

discourses ; speaking of the greatnesse of Pope Alexander,

and Caesar his son, and their undertakings ; where unto Johnand the others making answer, he of a sudden stood up,

saying, that those were things to be spoken of in a moresecret place, and so retired into a chamber, whether John and

all the other Citizens followd him ; nor were they sooner


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CHAP, vinConcerningthose whoby wickedmeanes haveattaind to aPrincipality.

THE PRINCEset downe there, than from some secret place therein cameforth diverse souldiers, who slew John and all the others


after which homicide Oliverotto got a horsebacke andravaged the whole towne, and besieged the supreme Magis-trate in the palace, so that for feare they were all constraind

to obey him, and to settle a government, whereof hee madehimselfe Prince; and they being all dead who, had theybeen discontented with him, could have hurt him ; hestrengthned himselfe with new civill and military orders,

so that in the space of a yeer that he held the Principality,

he was not only secure in the City of Fermo, but becamefearefuU to all his neighbours; and the conquest of himwould have prov'd difficult, as that of Agathocles, had henot let himselfe been deceivd by Cassar Borgia, when atSinigallia, as before was said, he took the Orsini andVitelli : where he also being taken a yeere after hehad committed the parricide, was strangled togetherwith Vitellozzo (whome he had had for master bothof his vertues and vices.) Some man might doubt fromwhence it should proceed, that Agathocles, and suchlike, after many treacheries and crueltyes, could possiblylive long secure in his own countrey, and defend him-selfe from his forrein enemies, and that never any of his

own Citizens conspir'd against him, seeing that by means ofcruelty, many others have never been able even in peaceabletimes to maintaine their States, much lesse in the doubtfuUtimes of warre. I beleeve that this proceeds from the well,

or ill^ using of those cruelties : they may~Bee" termd"^ellus^d (if it bee lawfuU to say well of evill) that are put~mpractice only once of necessity for securities sake,_not insisging therein afterwards ; but there is use made of them forthe subjects profit, as much as may be. But those that areill us'd, are such as though they bee but few in the begin-ning, yet they multiply rather in time, than diminish.They that take that first way, may with the help of God,and mens care, find some remedy for their State, asAgathocles did : for the others, it is impossible they shouldcontinue. Whereupon it is to be noted, that in the lavine292 ^ ^

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLhold of a State, the usurper thereof ought to runne over CHAP. VIII

and execute all his cruelties at once, that he be not forced Concerningoften to returne to them, and that he may be able, by not those who

renewing of them, to give men some security, and gaine their ^^ wicked

affections by doing them some courtesies. Hee that carries ^tahfd to^ait otherwise, either for fearefuUnesse, or upon evill advice, is Principality,

alwayes constraind to hold his sword drawne in his hand


nor ever can hee rely upon his subjects, there being nopossibility for them, because of his daily and continuall

injuries, to live in any safety: for his injuries should beedone altogether, that being seldomer tasted, they mightlesse offend ; his favours should bee bestowd by little, andlittle to the end they might keep their taste the better


and above all things a Prince must live with his subjects in

such sort, that no accident either of good or evill canmake him vary : for necessity comming upon him by reason

of adversities, thou hast not time given thee to make advan-tage of thy cruelties ; and the favours which then thou

bestowest, will little help thee, being taken as if

they came from thee perforce, and so yeeld noreturne of thanks.


Of the Civill Principality.

UT comming to the other part, when aprincipall Citizen, not by villany, or

any other insufferable violence, but bythe favour of his fellow-citizens becomesPrince of his native countrey : which wemay terme a Civill Principality ; nor to

attaine hereunto is Vertue wholly or

Fortune wholly necessary, but rather afortunate cunning : I say, this Principality is climb'd up to,

either by the peoples help, or the great mens. For, in

every City we finde these two humours differ; and they


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THE PRINCECHAP. IX spring from this, that the people desire not to be com-

Of the Civill manded nor oppressed by the great ones, and the great onesPrincipality, are desirous to command and oppresse the people : and from

these two several appetites, arise in the City one of these

three effects, either a Principality, or Liberty, or Tumult-uary licentiousnesse. The Principality is caused either bythe people, or the great ones, according as the one or other

of these factions have the occasion offerd; for the great

ones seeing themselves not able to resist the people, begin

to turne the whole reputation to one among them, andmake him Prince, whereby they may under his shadow vent

their spleenes. The people also, not being able to support

the great mens insolencies, converting the whole reputation

to one man, create him their Prince, to be protected by his

authority. He that comes to the Principality by the assist-

ance of the great ones, subsists with more difficulty, than hethat attaines to it by the peoples favour ; for he being madePrince, hath many about him, who account themselves his

equalls, and therefore cannot dispose nor command them at

his pleasure. But he that gaines the Principality by the

peoples favor, finds himselfe alone in his throne, and hathnone or very few neare him that are not very supple to

bend : besides this, the great ones cannot upon easie termes

be satisfied, or without doing of wrong to others, where as asmall matter contents the people : for the end which the

people propound to themselves, is more honest than that of

the great men, these desiring to oppresse, they only not to

be oppressed. To this may be added also, that the Prince

which is the peoples enemy, can never well secure himselfe

of them, because of their multitude ; well may hee bee sure

of the Nobles, they being but a few. The worst that aPrince can look for of the people become his enemy, is to beabandoned by them : but when the great ones once grow his

enemies, he is not only to feare their abandoning of him, buttheir making of a party against him also : for there being in

them more forecast and craft, they alwayes take time by the

forelocks whereby to save themselves, and seeke credit withhim who they hope shall get the mastery. The Prince


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLlikewise is necessitated alwayes to live with the same people, CHAP. IXbut can doe well enough without the same great men ; he Of the Civill

being able to create new ones, and destroy them again every Principality,

day, and to take from them, and give them credit as hepleases : and to cleare this part, I say, that great men oughtto be considerd two wayes principally, that is, if they takethy proceedings so much to heart, as to engage their for-

tunes wholly in thine, in case they lye not alwayes catchingat spoyle, they ought to be well honourd and esteem'd:those that bind themselves not to thy fortune, are to beconsiderd also two wayes; either they doe it for lack ofcourage, and naturall want of spirit, and then shouldst thouserve thy selfe of them, and of them especially that are menof good advice ; for if thy affaires prosper, thou dost thy selfe

honour thereby ; if crost, thou needst not feare them : butwhen they oblige not themselves to thee of purpose, andupon occasion of ambition, it is a signe they think more of

themselves than of thee : and of these the Prince ought to

beware, and account of them as his discoverd enemyes : for

alwayes in thy adversity they will give a hand too to ruine

thee. Therefore ought hee that comes to be Prince by the

5copies favour, keepe them his friends : which he may easily

oe, they desiring only to live free from oppression : but hethat becomes Prince by the great mens favour, against the

will of the people, ought above all things to gaine the

people to him, which he may easily effect, when he takes

upon him their protection: And because men when they

find good, where they look for evill, are thereby moreendered to their benefactour, therefore growes the people so

pliant in their subjection to him, as if by their favours he

had attaind his dignity. And the Prince is able to gaine

them to his side by many wayes, which because they vary

according to the subject, no certaine rule can be given

thereupon; wherefore we shall let them passe I will only

conclude, that it is necessary for a Prince to have the

people his friend ; otherwise in his adversities he hath nohelpe. Nabis Prince of the Spartans supported the siege of

all Greece, and an exceeding victorious army of the Romans,295

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THE PRINCECHAP. IX and against those defended his native countrey and State,

Of the Civill and this suffic'd him alone, that as the danger came uponPrincipality, him, he secur'd himself of a fewer ; whereas if the people

had been his enemy, this had nothing availd him. And let

no man think to overthrow this my opinion with thatcommon proverb, that He who relyes upon the people, layes

his foundation in the dirt ; for that is true where a private

Citizen grounds upon them, making his account that thepeople shall free him, when either his enemyes or the

Magistrates oppresse him : In this case he should find him-self often deceived, as it befell the Gracchyes in Rome, and in

Florence George Scali : but he being a Prince that groundsthereupon, who can command, and is a man of courage, whohath his wits about him in his adversityes, and wants notother preparations, and holds together the whole multitudeanimated with his valour and orders, shall not prove deceived

by them, and shall find he hath layd good foundations.

[These Principalityes are wont to be upon the point of

falling when they goe about to skip from the civil order to

the absolute : for these Princes either command of them-selves, or by the Magistrate ; in this last case their State is

more weak and dangerous, because they stand wholly at thewill and pleasure of these Citizens, who then are set over

the Magistrates, who especially in adverse times are able

with facility to take their State from them either by rising

up against them, or by not obeying them; and tten thePrince is not at hand in those dangers to take the absolute

authority upon him : for the Citizens and subjects that are

accustomed to receive the commands from the Magistrates,

are not like in those fractions to obey his : and in doubtfull

times he shall alwayes have greatest penury of whom hemay trust; for such a Prince cannot ground upon thatwhich he sees in peaceable times, when the Citizens haveneed of the State ; for then every one runs, and every onepromises, and every pne will venture his life for him, whenthere is no danger neare ; but in times of hazzard, when theState hath need of Citizens, there are but few of them then,

and so much the more is this experience dangerous, in that296

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLit can be but once made. Therefore a prudent Prince CHAP. IXought to devise a way whereby his Citizens alwayes and Of the Civlll

in any case and quality of time may have need Principality,

of his government, and they shall alwaies after

prove faithfull to him.

CHAP. XIn what manner the Forces of all Principalities

ought to be measured,

T is requisite in examining the quality ofthose Principalities, to have another con-sideration of them, that is, if a Princehave such dominions, that he is able incase of necessity to subsist of himself, orelse whether he hath alwaies need ofanother to defend him. And to cleer

this point the better, I judge them ableto stand of themselves, who are of power either for theirmultitudes of men, or quantity of money, to bring into thefield a compleat armie, and joyn battel with whoever comesto assail them : and so I think those alwaies to stand in

need of others help, who are not able to appear in the field

against the enemy, but are forc'd to retire within their

walls and guard them. Touching the first case, we havetreated already, and shall adde somwhat thereto as occasion

shall require. In the second case, we cannot say other,

save only to encourage such Princes to fortifie and guardtheir own Capital city, and of the countrey about, not to

hold much account ; and whoever shall have well fortified

that town, and touching other matters of governments shall

have behaved himself towards his subjects, as hath beenformerly said, and hereafter shall be, shall never be assaild

but with great regard ; for men willingly undertake notenterprises, where they see difficulty to work them through


nor can much facility be there found, where one assails him,who hath his town strong and wel guarded, and is not


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THE PRINCECHAP. X hated of his people. The cities of Germany are very free


In what they have but very little of the countrey about themmanner the belonging to them ; and they obey the Emperor, when theyForces of all please, and they stand not in fear, neither of him nor any

ouffht' to be^^other Potentate about them : for they are in such a manner

measured. fortified, that every one thinks the siege of any of themwould prove hard and tedious : for all of them have ditches

and rampires, and good store of Artillery, and alwaies havetheir publick cellars well provided with meat and drink andfiring for a yeer : besides this, whereby to feed the commonpeople, and without any loss to the publick, they havealwaies in common whereby they are able for a year to

imploy them in the labor of those trades that are the sinews

and the life of that city, and of that industry whereby thecommons ordinarily supported themselves : they hold upalso the military exercises in repute, and hereupon havethey many orders to maintain them. . A Prince then thatis master of a good strong city, and causeth not himself to

be hated, cannot be assaulted ; and in case he were, he thatshould assail him, would be fain to quit him with shame


for the affairs of the world are so various, that it is almostimpossible that an army can lie incampt before a town for

the space of a whole yeer: and if any should reply, thatthe people having their possessions abroad, in case theyshould see them a fire, would not have patience, and thetedious siege and their love to themselves would make themforget their Prince: I answer that a Prince puissant andcouragious, will easily master those difiiculties, now givinghis subjects hope, that the mischief will not be of durance


sometimes affright them with the cruelty of their enemies,and other whiles cunningly securing himself of those whomhe thinks too forward to run to the enemy. Besides this byordinary reason the enemy should burne and waste their

countrey, upon his arrival, and at those times while mensminds are yet warme, and resolute in their defence : andtherefore so much the less ought a Prince doubt : for after

some few dayes, that their courages grow coole, the dammagesare all done, and mischiefs received, and there is no help for


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLit, and then have they more occasion to cleave faster to CHAP. Xtheir Prince, thinking he is now more bound to them, their in whathouses having for his defence been fired, and their posses- manner the

sions wasted; and mens nature is as well to hold them- Forces of all

seJves_oblig'd for the kindnesses they do, as for those they oughtSb?'receive; whereupon if all be well weighed, a wise Prince measured.^shall not find much difficulty to keep sure and true tohim his Citizens hearts at the beginning and latter

end of the siege, when he hath no want of pro-vision for food and ammunition.


Concerning Ecclesiastical Principalities.

HERE remains now only that we treat of

the Ecclesiastical Principalities, aboutwhich all the difficulties are before theyare gotten : for they are attained to either

by vertue, or Fortune ; and without theone or the other they are held : for theyare maintaind by orders inveterated in

the religion, all which are so powerfuUand or such nature, that they maintain their Princes in

their dominions in what manner soever they proceed andlive. These only have an Estate and defend it not ; havesubjects and govern them not; and yet their States because

undefended, are not taken from them; nor their subjects,

though not govern'd, care not, think not, neither are able

to aliene themselves from them. These Principalities then

are only happy and secure : but they being sustained bysuperior causes, whereunto humane understanding reaches

not, I will not meddle with them: for being set up andmaintained by God, it would be the part of a presumptuousand rash man to enter into discourse of them. Yet if anyman should ask me whence it proceeds, that the Church in

temporal power hath attaind to such'greatness, seeing that

till the time of Alexander the sixt, t^e Italian Potentates,


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THE PRINCECHAP. XI and not only they who are entituled the potentates, but

Concerning every Baron and Lord though of the meanest condition.

Ecclesiastical in regard of the temporality, made but smaU. account of it


Principalities, g^u^ uo^^ a King of France trembles at the power thereof;

and it hath been able to drive him out of Italy, and ruine

the Venetians ; and however this be well known, me thinks

it is not superstitious in some part to recall it to memory.Before that Charles King of France past into Italy, this

countrey was under the rule of the Pope, Venetians, the

King of Naples, the Duke of Milan, and the Florentines,

These Potentates took two things principally to their care


the one, that no forreiner should invade Italy ; the other,

that no one of them should inlarge their State. They,against whom this care was most taken, were the Pope andthe Venetians ; and to restrain the Venetians, there neededthe union of all the rest, as it was in the defence of Ferrara


and to keep the Pope low, they served themselves of the

Barons of Rome, who being divided into two factions, the

Orsini and Colonnesi, there was alwaies occasion of offence

between them, who standing ready with their armes in

hand in the view of the Pope, held the Popedome weak andfeeble : and however sometimes there arose a couragious

Pope, as was Sextus ; yet either his fortune, or his wisdomewas not able to free him of these incommodities, and the

brevity of their lives was the cause thereof; for in ten years,

which time, one with another. Popes ordinarily liv'd, withmuch ado could they bring low one of the factions. Andif, as we may say, one had near put out the Colonnesi, there

arose another enemy to the Orsini, who made them growagain, so that there was never time quite to root them out.

This then was the cause, why the Popes temporal powerwas of small esteem in Italy ; there arose afterwards PopeAlexander the sixt, who of all the Popes that ever were,

shewed what a Pope was able to do with money and forces


and he effected, by means of his instrument, Duke Valentine,

and by the ocasion of the French mens passage, all those

things which I have formerly discoursed upon in the Dukesactions: and however his purpose was nothing at all to


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLinlarge the Church dominions, but to make the Duke great ; CHAP. XIyet what he did, turnd to the Churches advantage, which Concerningafter his death when the Duke was taken away, was the Ecclesiastical

heir of all his pains. Afterwards succeeded Pope Julius, Principalities,

and found the Church great, having all Romania, and all

the Barons of Rome being quite rooted out, and byAlexanders persecutions, all their factions worne down ; hefound also the way open for the heaping up of moneys,never practised before Alexanders time ; which things Julius

not only foUow'd, but augmented; and thought to makehimself master of Bolonia, and extinguish the Venetians,

and chase the French men out of Italy : and these designes

of his prov'd all lucky to him, and so much the more to his

praise in that he did all for the good of the Church, and in

no private regard : he kept also the factions of the Orsins

and Colonnesi, in the same State he found them: andthough there were among them some head whereby to cause

an alteration ; yet two things have held them quiet ; the

one the power of the Church, which somewhat affrights

them; the other because they have no Cardinals of their

factions, who are the primary causes of all the troubles

amongst them : nor shall these parties ever be at rest, while

they have Cardinals; because they nourish the factions

both in Rome, and abroad ; and the Barons then are forced

to undertake the defence of them: and thus from the

Prelates ambitions arise the discords and tumults amongthe Barons. And now hath Pope Leo his Holiness found

the Popedome exceeding puissant, of whom it is hoped,

that if they amplified it by armes, he by his good-

ness, and infinite other vertues, will much moreadvantage and dignifie it.


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How many sorts of Military discipline there are

and touching Mercinary soldiers.

AVING treated particularly ofthe qualities

of those Principalities, which in the be-

ginning I propounded to discourse upon,

and considered in some part the reasons

of their well and ill being, and shewd the

waies whereby many have sought to gain,

and hold them, it remains now that I speak

in general of the offences and defences,

that may chance in each of the forenamed. We have formerly

said that it is necessary for a Prince to have good founda-

tions laid ; otherwise it must needs be that he go to wrack.

The Principal foundations that all States have, as well new,

as old, or mixt, are good laws, and good armes ; and because

there cannot be good laws, where there are not good armes


and where there are good armes, there must needs be goodlaws, I will omit to discourse of the laws, and speak of armes.

I say then that the armes, wherewithall a Prince defends

his State, either are his own, or mercenary, or auxiliary, or

mixt. Those that are mercenary and auxiHar, are unprofit-

able, and dangerous, and if any one holds his State foundedupon mercenary armes, he shall never be quiet, nor secure,

because they are never well united, ambitious, and withoutdiscipline, treacherous, among their friends stour, amongtheir enemies cowardly ; they have no fear of God, nor keepany faith with men ; and so long only defer they the doingof mischief, till the enemy comes to assul thee ; and in timeof peace thou art despoyled by them, in war by thy enemies


the reason hereof is, because they have no other love, norother cause to keep them in the field, but only a smallstipend, which is not of force to make them willing tohazard their lives for thee : they are willing indeed to bethy soldiers, till thou goest to fight ; but then they fly, or


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLrun away ; which thing would cost me but small pains to CHAP. XIIperswade ; for the mine of Italy hath not had any other How manycause now a dayes, than for that it hath these many years sorts of Mili-

rely'd upon mercenary armes ; which a good while since ^^'y discipline

perhaps may have done some man some service, and among ''"®''® ^'^®'

themselves they may have been thought valiant : but so

soon as any forreln enemy appeared, they quickly shewedwhat they were. Whereupon Charles the King of France,without opposition, made himself master of all Italy : andhe that saidj that the causes thereof were our faults, said

true ; but these were not those they beleeved, but what I

have told ; and because they were the Princes faults, theyalso have suffered the punishment. I will fuller shew the

infelicity of these armes. The mercenary Captains are either

very able men, or not : if they be, thou canst not repose anytrust in them : for they will alwaies aspire unto their ownproper advancements^ either by suppressing of thee that art

their Lord, or by suppressing of some one else quite out of

thy purpose : but if the Captain be not valorous, he ordinarily

ruines thee : and in case it be answered, that whoever shall

have his armes in his hands, whether mercenary or not, will

do so : I would reply, that armes are to be imployed either

by a Prince, or Common-wealth. The Prince ought to goin person, and performe the office of a commander : the

Republick is to send forth her Citizens : and when she sends

forth one that proves not of abilities, she ought to changehim then ; and when he does prove valorous, to bridle himso by the laws, that he exceed not his commission. And byexperience we see, that Princes and Republiques of them-selves alone, make very great conquests ; but that mercenary

armes never do other than harme ; and more hardly falls a

Republick armed with her own armes under the obedience

of one of her own Citizens, than one that is armed by forrein

armes. Rome and Sparta subsisted many ages armed andfree. The Swissers are exceedingly well armed, and yet very

free. Touching mercenary armes that were of old, we have

an example of the Carthagians, who near upon were op-

press'd by their own mercenary soldiers, when the first war

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THE PRINCECHAP. XII with the Romans was finished ; however the Carthagians

How many had their own Citizens for their Captains. Philip of Macedonsorts of Mill- was made by the Thebans after Epaminondas his death,tary discipline General of their Armies; and after the victory, he tookthere are.

^^^^ ^y^^^ ^.j^^j^, n^^^^^y ^jj^ Milaneses when Duke Philip

was dead, entertaind Francis Sforza into their pay against

the Venetians, who having vanquisht their enemie at Cara-vaggio, afterwards joyned with them, where by to usurpupon the Milaneses his Masters. Sforza his father, being

in Joan the Queen of Naples pay, left her on a sudden dis-

armed ; whereupon she, to save her Kingdom, was constraind

to cast her self into the King of Arragon's bosome. Andin case the Venetians and the Florentines have formerly

augmented their State with these kind of armes, and their

own Captains, and yet none of them have ever made them-selves their Princes, but rather defended them : I answer,

that the Florentines in this case have had fortune muchtheir friend : for of valorous Captains, which they mightany way fear, some have not been victors, some have hadopposition, and others have laid the aim of their ambitionsanother way. He who overcame not, was John Aouto, ofwhose faith there could no proof be made, being he vanquisht

not ; but every one will acknowledge, that, had he vanquisht,

the Florentines were at his discretion. Sforza had alwaies

the Bracceschi for his adversaries, so that they were as aguard one upon another. Francis converted all his ambitionagainst Lombardy. Braccio against the Church, and theKingdome ofNaples. But let us come to that which followed

a while agoe. The Florentines made Paul Vitelli their

General, a throughly advis'd man, and who from a private

fortune had rose to very great reputation : had he takenPisa, no man will deny but that the Florentines must haveheld fast with him ; for had he been entertained in their

enemies pay, they had no remedy ; and they themselvesholding of him, of force were to obey him. The Venetians,

if we consider their proceedings, we shall see wrought bothwarily and gloriously, while themselves made war, whichwas before their undertakings by land, where the gentlemen


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwith their own Commons in armes behav'd themselves CHAP. XIIbravely : but when they began to fight by land, they lost How manytheir valor, and follow'd the customes of Italy ; and in the soi'ts of Mili-

beginning of their enlargement by land, because they had^ary discipline

not much territory, and yet were of great reputation, theyhad not much cause to fear their Captains ; but as theybegan to extend their bounds, which was under their Com-mander Carminiola, they had a taste of this error: forperceiving he was exceeding valorous, having under his

conduct beaten the Duke of Milan ; and knowing on theother side, how he was cold in the war, they judg'd thatthey could not make any great conquest with him ; and be-

cause they neither would, nor could cashier him, that theymight not lose what they had gotten, they were forced for

their own safeties to put him to death. Since they havehad for their General Bartholomew of Berganio, Robert of

St. Severin, the Count of Petilian, and such like : wherebythey were to fear their losses, as well as to hope for gain :

as it fell out afterwards at Vayla, where in one day they lost

that, which with so much pains they had gotten in eight

hundred years : for from these kind of armes grow slack andslow and weak gains ; but sudden and wonderfuU losses


And because I am now come with these examples into Italy,

which now these many years, have been governd by mercenaryarmes, I will search deeper into them, to the end that their

course and progress being better discoverd, they may be the

better amended. You have to understand, that so soon as

in these later times the yoak of the Italian Empire began

to be shaken off, and the Pope had gotten reputation in the

temporality, Italy was divided into several States : for manyof the great cities took armes against their Nobility ; whounder the Emperors protection had held them in oppression


and the Pope favored these, whereby he might get himself

reputation, in the temporality ; ofmany others, their Citizens

became Princes, so that hereupon Italy being come into the

Churches hands as it were, and some few Republicks, those

Priests and Citizens not accustomed to the use of armes,

began to take strangers to their pay. The first that gave

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THE PRINCECHAP. XII reputation to these soldiers was Alberick of Como in

How many Romania. From his discipline among others descendedsorts of Mill- Brachio and Sforza, who in their time were the arbitrestary discipline of Italy; after these , followed all others, who even till our

ere are.dayes have commanded the armes of Italy ; and the success

of their valor hath been, that it was overrun by Charles,

pillaged by Lewis, forc'd by Ferdinand, and disgrac'd bythe Swissers. The order which they have held, hath been,

first whereby to give reputation to their own armes to takeaway the credit of the Infantry. This they did, because

they having no State of their own, but living upon their

industry, their few foot gave them no reputation, and manythey were not able to maintain; whereupon they reduc'd

themselves to cavalery, and so with a supportable numberthey were entertained and honored : and matters werebrought to such termes, that in an army of twenty thousandsoldiers you should not find two thousand foot. They hadmoreover us'd all industry to free themselves and their

soldiers of all pains and fear, in their skirmishes, not kill-

ing, but taking one another prisoners, and without ransomefor their freedom ; they repaired not all to their tents bynight, nor made palizado or trench thereabout, nor lay

in the field in the summer: and all these things werethus contrived and agreed of among them in their

military orders, whereby (as is said) to avoid pains

and dangers, insomuch as they have broughtItaly into slavery and disgrace.


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Of Auxiliary Soldiers, mixt, and native.

HE Auxiliary forces, being the other kindof unprofitable armes, are, when anypuissant one is called in, who with his

forces comes to assist and defend thee;

such as in these later times did PopeJulius use, who having seen the evil proofof his mercenary soldiers in the enter-

prize of Ferrara, applied himself to the

Auxiliaries, and agreed with Ferdinand King of Spain, that

with his Forces he should aid him. These armes may beprofitable and advantagious for themselves; but for himthat calls them in, hurtfuU ; because in losing, thou art left

defeated ; and conquering, thou becomest their prisoner.

And however that of these examples the ancient stories are

full fraught ; yet will I not part from this of Pope Julius

the second, which is as yet fresh : whose course could not

have been more inconsiderate, for the desire he had to get

Ferrara, putting himself wholly into strangers hands : but

his good fortune caused another cause to arise, that hindred

him from receiving the fruit of his evil choice; for his

Auxiliaries being broken at Ravenna, and the Swissers

thereupon arriving, who put the Conquerors to flight be-

yond all opinion, even their own and others, he chanced

not to remain his enemies prisoner, they being put to flight,

nor prisoner to his Auxiliaries, having vanquished by other

forces than theirs. The Florentines being wholly disarmed,

brought ten thousand French to Pisa for to take it: by

which course they ran more hazzard, than in any time of

their troubles. The Emperor of Constantinople, to oppress

his neighbors, brought into Greece ten thousand Turks,

who when the war was ended, could not be got out thence,

which was the beginning of Greeces servitude under the

Infidels. He then that will in no case be able to overcome,

let him serve himself of these armes; for they are much307

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mixt, andnative.

THE PRINCECHAP, xril more dangerous than the mercenaries ; for by those thy

Of Auxiliary ruine is more suddenly executed; for they are all united,

and all bent to the obedience of another. But for the

mercenaries to hurt thee, when they have vanquished, there

is no more need of time, and greater occasion, they not

being all united in a body, and being found out and paid

by thee, wherein a third that thou mak'st their head, cannot

suddenly gaine so great authority, that he can endammagethee. In summe, in the mercenaries their sloth and lazinesse

to fight is more dangerous : in the auxiliaries their valour.

Wherefore a wise Prince hath alwayes avoyded these kind

of armes, and betaken himselfe to his owne, and desired

rather to loss with his owne, than conquer with anothers,

accounting that not a true victorie which was gotten withothers armes. I will not doubt to alleadge Cassar Bargia,

and his actions. This Duke entred into Romania with

auxiliarie armes, bringing with him all French souldiers : butafterwards not accounting those armes secure, bent himselfe

to mercenaries, judging lesse danger to be in those, andtooke in pay the Orsini and the Vitelli, which afterwards

in the proof of them, finding wavering, unfaithful, anddangerous, he extinguishd, and betook himselfe to his

owne ; and it may easily be perceiv'd what difference there

is between the one and the other of these armes, considering

the difference that was between the Dukes reputation, whenhe had the French men alone, and when he had the Orsini

and Vitelli ; but when he remaind with his own, and stoodof himselfe, we shall find it was much augmented : nor ever

was it of grate esteeme, but when every one saw, that hewholly assessed his owne armes. I thought not to haveparted from the Italian examples of late memory; but thatI must not let passe that of Hiero the Siracusan, being oneof those I formerly nam'd. This man (as I said before)

being made general of the Siracusans forces, knew presently

that mercenary souldiery was nothing for their profit in thatthey were hirelings, as our Italians are ; and finding no wayeither to hold, or cashier them made them all bee cut to

peeces, and afterwards waged warre with his owne men, and3Qa

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLnone others. I will also call to memory a figure of the old CHAP. XllI

Testament serving just to this purpose. When David Of Auxiliary

presented himselfe before Saul to goe to fight with Goliah Soldiers,

the Philistims Champion, Saul to encourage him, clad him ™'^*' ^°^

with his owne armes, which David when he had them uponhis back, refus'd, saying, he was not able to make anyproofe of himself therein, and therefore would goe meet theenemy with his own sling and sword. In summe, others

armes either fall from thy shoulders, or cumber or streighten

thee. Charls the seventh, Father of Lewis the eleventh,

having by his good fortune and valour set France at liberty

from the English, knew well this necessity of being arm'dwith his owne armes, and settled in his Kingdom e the

ordinances of men at armes, and infantry. Afterwards

King Lewis his sonne abolisht those of the infantry, andbegan to take the Swissers to pay ; which errour follow'd

by the others, is (as now indeed it appeares) the cause of

that Kingdomes dangers. For having given reputation to

the Swissers, they have renderd all their own armes con-

temptible ; for this hath wholly ruind their foot, and oblig'd

their men at armes to forrein armes : for being accustomed

to serve with the Swissers, they think they are not able to

overcome without them. From whence it comes that the

French are not of force against the Swissers, and without

them also against others they use not to adventure. There-

fore are the French armies mixt, part mercenaries, and part

natives, which armes are farre better than the simple mer-

cenaries or simple auxiliaries, and much inferiour to the

natives ; and let the said example suffice for that : for the

Kingdome of France would have been unconquerable, if

Charles his order had been augmented and maintaind : but

men in their small wisdome begin a thing, which then be-

cause it hath some favour of good, discovers not the poyson

that lurkes thereunder, as I before said of the hectick feavers.

Wherefore that Prince which perceives not mischiefes, but

as they grow up, is not truely wise ; and this is given but

to few : and if we consider the first ruine of the RomaneEmpire, we shall find it was from taking the Goths first


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mixt, andnative.

THE PRINCECHAP. XIII into their pay ; for from that beginning the forces of the

Of Auxiliary Romane Empire began to grow weak, and all the valourSoldiers, that was taken hence was given to them. I conclude then

that without having armes of their owne, no Principality

can be secure, or rather is wholly oblig'd to fortune, nothaving valour to shelter it in adversity. And it was alwayes

the opinion and saying of wise men, that nothing is so weakand unsetled, as is the reputation of power not foundedupon ones owne proper forces : which are those that are

composed of thy subjects, or Citizens, or servants ; all the

rest are mercenary or auxiliary; and the manner how to order

those well, is easie to find out, if those orders above nam'dby me, shall be but run over, and if it shall be but consider'd,

how Philip Alexander the Great his Father, and in whatmanner many Republicks and Princes have armd and

appointed themselves, to which appointments I

referre my selfe wholly.

CHAP. XIVWhat belongs to the Prince touching military


PRINCE then ought to have no other

ayme, nor other thought, nor take anything else for his proper art, but warr, andthe orders and discipline thereof: for that

is the sole arte which belongs to him that

commands, and is of so great excellency,

that not only those that are borne Princes,

it maintains so ; but many times raises

men from a private fortune to that dignity. And it is

scene by the contrary, that when Princes have given them-selves more to their delights, than to the warres, they havelost their States ; and the first cause that makes thee lose

it, is the neglect of that arte ; and the cause that makesthee gaine it, is that thou art experienced and approvd in

that arte. Francis Sforza by being a man at armes, of a


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLprivate man became Duke of Milan ; and his sons by excusing CHAP. XIVthemselves of the troubles and paines belonging to those What belongs

imployments of Princes, became private men. For among to the Prince

other mischiefes thy neglect of armes brings upon thee, itto^ipj''"^

causes thee to be contemnd, which is one of those disgraces, pisoipUne.from which a Prince ought to keepe himselfe, as hereafter

shall be sayd : for from one that is disarmd to one that is

armd there is no proportion ; and reason will not, that hewho is in armes, should willingly yeeld obedience to himthat is unfurnishd of them, and that he that is disarmdshould be in security among his armed vassalls ; for there

being disdain^ in the one, and suspicion in the other, it is

impossible these should ever well cooperate. And therefore

a Prince who is quite unexperienc'd in matter of warre,

besides the other infelicities belonging to him, as is said,

cannot be had in any esteeihe among his souldiers, nor yet

trust in them. Wherefore he ought never to neglect the ^^

practice of the arte of warre, and in time of peace should

he exercise it more than in the warre; which he may beable to doe two wayes ; the one practically, and in his

labours and recreations of his body, the other theoretically.

And touching the practick part, he ought besides the

keeping of his own subjects well traind up in the discipline

and exercise of armes, give himselfe much to the chase,

whereby to accustome his body to paines, and partly to

understand the manner of situations, and to know how the

mountaines arise, which way the vallyes open themselves,

and how the plaines are distended flat abroad, and to con-

ceive well the nature of the rivers, and marrish ground,

and herein to bestow very much care, which knowledge is

profitable in two kinds : first he learnes thereby to knowhis own countrey, and is the better enabled to understand

the defence thereof, and afterwards by meanes of this

knowledge and experience in these situations, easily com-

prehends any other situation, which a new he hath need to

view, for the little hillocks, vallies, plaines, rivers, and

marrish places. For example, they in Tuscany are like unto

those of other countries : so that from the knowledge of


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THE PRINCECHAP. Xiy the site of one country, it is easie to attain to know that

What belongs of others. And that Prince that wants this skill, failes ofto the Prince the principall part a Commander should be furnisht with ;

touchingfQj. ^j^jg gho^s the way how to discover the enemy, to pitch

Disciplme. ^^^ camp, to lead their armies, to order their battells, andalso to besiege a town at thy best advantage. Philopomenes

Prince of the Achayans, among other praises Writers give

him, they say, that in time of peace, he thought not uponany thing so much as the practise of warre ; and whensoeverhe was abroad in the field to disport himselfe with his

friends, would often stand still, and discourse with them,in case the enemies were upon the top of that hill, and wehere with our army, whether of us two should have the

advantage, and how might we safely goe to find them,keeping still our orders ; and if we would retire our selves,

what course should we take if they retir'd, how should wefollow them.'' and thus on the way, propounded them all

such accidents could befall in any army ; would heare their

opinions, and tell his owne, and confirme it by argument


so that by his continuall thought hereupon, when ever heled any army no chance could happen, for which he had nota remedy. But touching the exercise of the mind, a Prince

ought to read Histories, and in them consider the actions

of the worthiest men, marke how they have behav'd them-selves in the warrs, examine the occasions of their victories,

and their losses ; wherby they may be able to avoyd these,

and obtaine those; and above all, doe as formerly someexcellent man hath done, who hath taken upon him to

imitate, if any one that hath gone before him hath left his

memory glorious ; the course he took, and kept alwaies nearunto him the remembrances of his actions and worthydeeds : as it is said, that Alexander the great imitatedAchilles ; Cassar Alexander, and Scipio Cyrus. And whoeverreads the life of Cyrus, written by Xenophon, may easily

perceive afterwards in Scipio's life how much glory his

imitation gaind him, and how much Scipio did conformehimselfe in his chastity, affability, humanity, and liberality

with those things, that are written by Xenophon of Cyrus.


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLSuch like wayes ought a wise Prince to take, nor ever be CHAP. XIVidle in quiet times, but by his paines then, as it were What belongs

provide himself of store, whereof he may make some to the Prince

use in his adversity, the end that when the*°Tte°^

times change, he may be able to resist the Discipline.stormes of his hard fortune.

CHAP. XVOf those things, in respect whereof, men, and

especially Princes, are praised, or dispraised.

T now remaines that we consider what the

conditions of a Prince ought to be, andhis termes ofgovernment over his subjects,

and towards his friends. And because

I know that many have written here-

upon ; I doubt, lest I venturing also to

treat thereof, may be branded with pre-

sumption, especially seeing I am like

enough to deliver an opinion different from others. Butmy intent being to write for the advantage of him tliat

understands me, I thought it fitter to follow the effectuall

truth of the matter, than the imagination thereof ; Andmany Principalities an^'Republiques, have been in imagina-

tion, which neither have been seen nor knowne to be indeed


for there is such a distance between how men doe live, andhow men ought to live ; that he who leaves that which is

done, for that which ought to be done, learnes sooner his

ruine than his preservation ; for that man who will professe

honesty in all his actions, must needs goe to ruine among so

many that are dishonest. Whereupon it is necessary for a

Prince, desiring to preserve himselfe, to be able to make use

of that honestie, and to lay it aside againe, as need shall

require. Passing by then things that are only in imagination

belonging to a Prince, to discourse upon those that are

really true; I say that all men, whensoever mention is madeof them, and especially Princes, because they are placed

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CHAP. XVOf thosethings, in re-

spect whereof,

men, andespecially

Princes, are

praised, or


THE PRINCEaloft in the view of all, are taken notice of for some of these

qualities, which procure them either commendations or

blame : and this is that some one is held liberal, somemiserable, (miserable I say, nor covetous ; for the covetous

desire to have, though it were by rapine ; but a miserable

man is he, that too much for bears to make use of his owne)

some free givers, others extortioners ; some cruell, others

pitious ; the one a Leaguebreaker, another faithfull ; the

one effeminate and of small courage, the other fierce andcouragious; the one courteous, the other proud; the one

lascivious, the other chaste; the one of faire dealing, the

other wily and crafty ; the one hard, the other easie ; the

one grave, the other light; the one religious, the other

incredulous, and such like. I know that every one will

confesse, it were exceedingly praise worthy for a Prince to

be adorned with all these above nam'd qualities that are

good : but because this is not possible, nor doe humaneconditions admit such perfection in vertues, it is necessary

for him to be so discret, that he know how to avoid the

infamie of those vices which would thrust him out of his

State ; and if it be possible, beware of those also which are

not able to remove him thence ; but where it cannot be, let

them passe with lesse regard. And yet, let him not stand

much upon it, though he incurre the infamie of those vices,

without which he can very hardly save his State : 'for if all

be throughly considerd, some thing we shall find whichwill have the colour and very face of Vertue, and'foUowingthem, they will lead the to thy destruction ; whereas someothers that shall as much seeme vice, if we take the course

they lead us, shall discover unto us the way to our, safety

and well-being.

The second blemish in this our Authours book, I find in his

fifteenth Chapter : where he instructs his Prince to use such anambidexterity as that he may serve himselfe either of vertue,

or vice, according to his advantage, which in true pollicy is

neither good in attaining the Principality nor in securing it whenit is attaind. For Politicks, presuppose Ethiques, which will

never allow this rule : as that a man might make this small


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NICHOLAS MAGHIAVELLdifference between vertue, and vice, that he may indifferentlylay aside, or take up the one or the other, and put it in practiseas best conduceth to the end he propounds himselfe. I doubtour Authour would have blamd Davids regard to Saul, when1 Sam. 24. in the cave he cut off the lap of Sauls garment, andspared his head ; and afterwards in the 26. when he forbadAbishai to strike him as he lay sleeping. Worthy of a Princesconsideration is that saying of Abigal to David 1 Sam. 26. 30.' It shall come to passe when the Lord shall have done to my Lord' according to aU that he hath spoken concerning thee, and shall' have appointed thee Ruler over Israel, that this shall be no grief' to thee, nor offence ofheart unto my Lord, that thou hast forborne' to shed blood, etc' For surely the conscience of this evill groundwhereupon they have either built, or underpropped their tyranny,causes men, as well metus as spes in longum projicere, which sets

them a work on further mischiefe.

CHAP. XVOf thosethings, in re-

spect whereof,

men, andespecially

Princes, arepraised, ordispraised.

CHAP. XVIOf Liberality, and Miserablenesse.

EGINNING then at the first of the abovementioned qualities, I say that it wouldbe very well to be accounted liberall:

neverthelesse, liberality used in such amanner, as to make thee be accountedso, wrongs thee : for in case it be usedvertuously, and as it ought to be, it shall

never come to be taken notice of, so as

to free thee from the infamie of its contrary. And therefore

for one to hold the name of liberal among men, it wereneedfuU not to omit any sumptuous quality, insomuch that

a Prince alwayes so dispos'd, shall waste all his revenues,

and at the end shall be forc'd, if he will still maintaine that

reputation of liberality, heavily to burthen his subjects,

and become a great exactour ; and put in practise all those

things that can be done to/get mony: Which begins to

make him hatefuU to his subjects, and fall into every ones

contempt, growing necessitous: so that having with this

liberality wrong'd many, and imparted of his bounty butto a few ; he feels every first mischance, and runs a hazard


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THE PRINCECHAP. XVI of every first danger : Which he knowing, and desiring to

Of Liberality, withdraw himself from, incurs presently the disgrace of

and Miser- being termed miserable. A Prince therefore not being ableablenesse. ^q use this vertue of liberality, without his own damage, in

such a sort, that it may be taken notice of, ought, if he be

wise, not to regard the name of Miserable ; for in time he

shall alwaies be esteemed the more liberal, seeing that byhis parsimony his own revenues are sufficient for him; as

also he can defend himself against whoever makes waragainst him, and can do some exploits without grieving his

subjects : so that he comes to use his liberality to all those,

from whom he takes nothing, who are infinite in number


and his miserableness towards those to whom he gives

nothing, who are but a few. In our dayes we have not seen

any, but those who have been held miserable, do any great

matters ; but the others all quite ruin'd. Pope Julius the

second, however he serv'd himself of the name of Liberal,

to get the Papacy, yet never intended he to continue it, to

the end he might be able to make war against the King of

France : and he made so many wars without imposing anyextraordinary tax, because his long thrift supplyed his large

expences. This present King of Spain could never haveundertaken, nor gone through with so many exploits, hadhe been accounted liberal. Wherefore a Prince ought little

to regard (that he may not be driven to pillage his subjects,

that he may be able to defend himself, that he may notfall into poverty and contempt, that he be not forced to

become an extortioner) though he incurre the name of

miserable ; for this is one of those vices, which does notpluck him from his throne. And if any one should say,

Caesar by his liberality obtained the Empire, and manyothers (because they both were, and were esteemd liberal)

attaind to exceeding great dignities. I answer, either thouart already come to be a Prince, or thou art in the way to

it ; in the first case, this liberality is hurtful ; in the second,

it is necessary to be accounted so ; and Caesar was one of

those that aspired to the Principality of Rome. But if

after he had gotten it, he had survived, and not forborne


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthose expences, he would quite have ruined that Empire. CHAP. XVIAnd if any one should reply ; many have been Princes, an^ Of Liberality,

with their armies have done great exploits, who have been and Miser-

held very liberal. I answer, either the Prince spends of his ablenesse.

own and his subjects, or that which belongs to others : in

the first, he ought to be sparing ; in the second, he shouldnot omit any part of liberality. And that Prince that goesabroad with his army, and feeds upon prey, and spoyle, andtributes, and hath the disposing of that which belongs toothers, necessarily should use this liberality; otherwisewould his soldiers never follow him ; and of that which is

neither thine, nor thy subjects, thou mayest well be a free

giver, as were Cyrus, Caesar and Alexander ; for the spending

of that which is anothers, takes not away thy reputation,

but rather adds to it, only the wasting of that which is

thine own hurts thee; nor is there any thing consumesit self so much as liberality, which whilest thou usest, thoulosest the means to make use of it, and becomest poore andabject ; or to avoid this poverty, an extortioner and hateful!

person. And among all those things which a Prince oughtto beware of is, to be dispised, and odious; to one andthe other of which, liberality brings thee. Whereforethere is more discretion to hold the stile of Miserable,

which begets an infamy without hatred, than to desire

that of Liberal, whereby to incurre the necessity

of being thought an extortioner, which pro-

cures an infamy with hatred.


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Of Cruelty, and Clemency, and whether it is better

to be belov'd, or feard.

ESCENDING afterwards unto the other

fore-alledged qualities, I say, that every

Prince should desire to be held pitiful,

and not cruel. Nevertheless ought hebeware that he ill uses not this pitty.

Cffisar Borgia was accounted cruel, yet

had his cruelty redrest the 'disorders in

Romania, setled it in union, and restored

it to peace, and fidelity : which, if it be well weighed, weshall see was an act of more pitty, than that of the people

of Florence, who to avoyd the terme of cruelty, suffered

Pistoya to fall to destruction. Wherefore a Prince oughtnot to regard the infamy of cruelty, for to hold his subjects

united and faithfull: for by giving a very few proofes ofhimself the other way, he shall be held more pittiful thanthey, who through their too much pitty, suffer disorders to

follow, from whence arise murthers and rapines : for these

are wont to hurt an intire universality, whereas the execu-tions practised by a Prince, hurt only some particular.

And among all sorts of Princes, it is impossible for a newPrince to avoyd the name of cruel, because all new Statesare full of dangers : whereupon Virgil by the mouth of Didoexcuses the inhumanity of her Kingdom, saying.

Res dura et Regni novitas me talia coguntMoliri et latefines custode tenere.

My hard plight and new State force me to guardMy confines all about with watch and ward.

Nevertheless ought he to be judicious in his giving beleif

to any thing, or moving himself thereat, nor make his peopleextreamly afraid of him ; but proceed in a moderate way



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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwith wisdome, and humanity, that his too much confidence CHAP. XVII

make him not unwary, and his too much distrust intoler- Of Cruelty,

able ; from hence arises a dispute, whether it is better to andClemency,

be beloved or feard : I answer, a man would wish he might andwhether it

be the one and the other: but because hardly can theyJfelov'd or

subsist both together, it is much safer to be feard, than feard.

be loved; being that one of the two must needs fail ; for

touching men, we may say this in general, they are

unthankful, unconstant, dissemblers, they avoyd dangers,

and are covetous of gain; and whilest thou doest themgood, they are wholly thine; their blood, their fortunes,

lives and children are at thy service, as is said before, whenthe danger is remote ; but when it approaches, they revolt.

And that Prince who wholly relies upon their words,

unfurnished of all other preparations, goes to wrack : for

the friendships that are gotten with rewards, and not bythe magnificence and worth of the mind, are dearly boughtindeed ; but they will neither keep long, nor serve well in

time of need : and men do less regard to offend one that

is supported by love, than by fear. For love is held by a

certainty of obligation, which because men are mischievous,

is broken upon any occasion of their own profit. But fear

restrains with a dread of punishment which never forsakes

a man. Yet ought a Prince cause himself to be belov'd in

such a manner, that if he gains not love, he may avoid

hatred : for it may well stand together, that a man may be

feard and not hated ; which shall never fail, if he abstain

from his subjects goods, and their wives; and whensoever

he should be forc'd to proceed against any of their lives, do

it when it is to be done upon a just cause, and apparent

conviction ; but above all things forbeare to lay his hands

on other mens goods ; for men forget sooner the death of ,

their father, than the loss of their patrimony. Ij Moreover -

the occasions of taking from men their goods, do never

fail : and alwaies he that begins to live by rapine, finds

occasion to lay hold upon other mens goods : but against

mens lives, they are seldome found, and sooner fail. But ^where a Prince is abroad in the field with his army, and


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THE PRINCECHAP. XVII hath a multitude of soldiers under his government, then is

Of Cruelty, it necessary that he stands not much upon it, though he beandClemency, termed cruel : for unless he be so, he shall never have his

fs^b Tt^^*t^h'*

soldiers live in accord one with another, nor ever well dis-

belov'd or posed to any brave peice of service. Among Hannibals

feard. actions of mervail, this is reckoned for one, that having a

very huge army, gathered out of several nations, and all led

to serve in a strange countrey, there was never any dissen-

tion neither amongst themselves, nor against their General,

as well in their bad fortune as their good. Which could

not proceed from any thing else than from that barbarous

cruelty of his, which together with his exceeding manyvertues, rendred him to his soldiers both venerable andterrible ; without which, to that eiFect his other vertues hadserved him to little purpose : and some writers though notof the best advised, on one side admire these his worthyactions, and on the otherside, condemn the principal causes

thereof. And that it is true, that his other vertues would not

,have sufficed him, we may consider in Scipio, the rarest mannot only in the dayes he liv'd, but even in the memory ofman ; from whom his army rebel'd in Spain : which grewonly upon his too much clemency, which had given way to

his soldiers to become more licentious, than was well toller-

able by military discipline : for which he was reprov'd byFabius Maximus in the Senate, who termed him the corrupterof the Roman soldiery. The Locrensians having beendestroyed by a Lieutenant of Scipio's, were never reveng'd

by him, nor the insolence of that Lieutenant punisht ; all

this arising from his easie nature : so that one desiring to

; excuse him in the Senate, said, that there were many menknew better how to keep themselves from faults, than to

correct the faults of other men : which disposition of his in

time would have wrong'd Scipio's reputation and gloory,

had he therewith continu'd in his commands: but living

under the government of the Senate, this quality of his

that would have disgrac'd him not only was concealed,

but prov'd to the advancement of . his glory. I con-clude then, returning to the purpose of being feard, and


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbeloY'd ; insomuch as men love at their own pleasure, andto serve their own turne, and their fear depends upon thePrinces pleasure, every wise Prince ought to ground upon

that which is of himself, and not upon that which is

of another : only this, he ought to use his bestwits to avoid hatred, as was said.


In what manner Princes ought to keep their words.

OW commendable in a Prince it is to keephis word, and live with integrity, notmaking use of cunning and subtlety,

every one knows well : yet we see byexperience in these our dayes, that thosePrinces have effected great matters, whohave made small reckoning of keepingtheir words, and have known by their

craft to turne and wind men about, and in the end, haveovercome those who have grounded upon the truth. Youmust then know, there are two kinds of combating or fight-

ing ; the one by right of the laws, the other meerly by force.

That first way is proper to men, the other is also commonto beasts: but because the first many times sufiices not,

there is a necessity to make recourse to the second ; where-fore it behooves a Prince to know how to make good use ofthat part which belongs to a beast, as well as that which is

proper to a man. This part hath been covertly shew'd toPrinces by ancient writers ; who say that Achilles and manyothers of those ancient Princes were intrusted to Chiron the

Senator, to be brought up under his discipline : the moralof this, having for their teacher one that was half a beast

and half a man, was nothing else, but that it was needful

for a Prince to understand how to make his advantage of

the one and the other nature, because neither could subsist

without the other. A Prince then being necessitated to|

know how to make -use of that part belonging to a beast, I


CHAP. XVIIOf Cruelty,

andClemency,andwhether it

is better to bebelov'd, orfeard.

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THE PRINCECHAP. XVIII ought to serve himself of the conditions of the Fox and the

In what man- Lion; for the Lion cannot keep himself from snares, norner Princes the Fox defend himself against the Wolves. He had needought to keep t{ien be a Fox, that he may beware of the snares, and a Liontheir words.

^^^^ jjg j^^y g^^^^ ^^^ wolves. Those that stand wholly

upon the Lion, understand not well themselves. And there-

fore a wise Prince cannot, nor ought not keep his faith given,

when the observance thereof turnes to disadvantage, andthe occasions that made him promise, are past. For if menwere all good, this rule would not be allowable ; but being

they are full of mischief, and would not make it good to

thee, neither art thou tyed to keep it with them : nor shall

a Prince ever want lawfull occasions to give colour to this

breach. Very many modern examples hereof might bealledg'd, wherein might be shewed how many peaces con-

cluded, and how many promises made, have been violated

and broken by the infidelity of Princes ; and ordinarily

things have best succeeded with him that hath been nearest

the Fox in condition. But it is necessary to understandhow to set a good colour upon this disposition, and to

be able to fain and dissemble throughly; and men are so

simple, and yeeld so much to the present necessities, that

he who hath a mind to deceive, shall alwaies find anotherthat will be deceivd. I will not conceal any one of the

examples that have been of late. Alexander the sixth,

never did any thing else than deceive men, and never meantotherwise, and alwaies found whom to work upon ; yet neverwas there man would protest more effectually, nor aver anything with more solemn oaths, and observe them less thanhe ; nevertheless, his cousenages all thriv'd well with him


for he knew how to play this part cunningly. Therefore is

there no necessity for a Prince to be endued with all above'

written qualities, but it behooveth well that he seem to

be so ; or rather I will boldly say this, that having these

qualities, and alwaies regulating himself by them, they are

hurtfull ; but seeming to have them, they are advantageous ;


as to seem pittiful, faithful, mild, religious, and of integrity,


and indeed to be so; provided withall thou beest of such ai

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLcomposition, that if need require to use the contrary, thou CHAP. XVIIIcanst, and knowest how to apply thy self thereto. And it In what man-suffices to conceive this, that a Prince, and especially a new ner Princes

Prince, cannot observe all those things, for which men are *?^^* *° ^^^^

held good ; he being often forc'd, for the maintenance of*''®"' '""^'

his State, to do contrary to his faith, charity, humanity,and religion : and therefore it behooves him to have a mindso disposd, as to tume and. take the advantage of all windsand fortunes ; and as formerly I said, not forsake the good,while he can ; but to know how to make use of the evil uponnecessity. A Prince then ought to have a special care, thathe never let fall any words, but what are all season'd withthe five above written qualities, and let him seem to himthat sees and hears him, all pitty, all faith, all integrity, all

humanity, all religion ; nor is there any thing more necessary

for him to seem to have, than this last quality : for all menin general judge thereof, rather by the sight, than by thetouch ; for every man may come to the sight of him, fewcome to the touch and feeling of him ; yvery man may come to

see what thou seemest, few come to perceive and understandwhat thou art ; and those few dare not oppose the opinion

of many, who have the majesty of State to protect them :

And in all mens actions, especially those of Princes whereinthere is no judgement to appeale unto men, forbeare to give

their censures, till the events and ends of things. T^.g ^Prince therefore take the surest courses he can to maintain ^'''

his life and State : the means shall alwaies be thoughthonorable, and commended by every one; for the vulgar

is over-taken with the appearance and event of a thing: andfor the most part of people, they are but the vulgar: the

others that are but few, take place where the vulgar haveno subsisteance. A Prince there is in these dayes, whomI shall not do well to name, that preaches nothing else

but peace and faith; but had he kept the one and the

other, several times had they taken from him his state andreputation.

In the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth Chap, our Authordescends to particulars, perswading his Prince in his sixteenth to


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In what man-ner Princes

ought to keeptheir words.

ChdielmusXenoca/rus in

vit. Car.Quiuti.

THE PRINCEsuch a suppleness of disposition, as that upon occasion he canmake use either of liberality or miserableness, as need shall

require. But that of liberality is to last no longer than while heis in the way to some designe : which if he well weigh, is notreally a reward of vertue, how ere it seems ; but a bait and lure

to bring birds to the net. In the seventeenth Chap, he treats of

clemency and cruelty, neither of which are to be exercis'd by himas acts of mercy or justice ; but as they may serve to advantagehis further purposes. And lest the Prince should incline too

much to clemency, our Author allows rather the restraint byfear, than by love. The contrary to which all stories shew us.

I will say this only, cruelty may cut of the power of some, butcauses the hatred of all, and gives a will to most to take thefirst occasion offerd for revenge. In the eighteenth Chap, ourAuthor discourses how Princes ought to govern themselves in

keeping their promises made : whereof he sayes they ought to

make such small reckoning, as that rather they should know bytheir craft how to turne and wind men about, whereby to takeadvantage of all windsjnd fortunes. To this I would oppose that

in the fifteenth Psal. v. 5. He that sweareth to his neighbor, anddisappointeth him not, though it were to his own hindrance. It

was a King that writ it, and me thinks the rule he gave, shouldwell befit both King and Subject : and surely this perswadesagainst all taking of advantages. A man may reduce all thecauses offaith-breaking to three heads. One may be, because hethat promised, had no intention to keep his word ; and this is awicked and malitious way of dealing. A second may bee, becausebee that promisd, repents of his promise made ; and that is

grounded on unconstancy, and lightness in that he would not bewell resolved before he entred into covenant. The third may be,

when it so falls out, that it lyes not in his power that made thepromise to performe it. In which case a man ought to imitate

the good debter, who having not wherewithall to pay, hides nothimself, but presents his person to his creditor, willingly suffering

imprisonment. The first and second are very vitious and unworthyof a Prince : in the third, men might well be directed by theexamples of those two famous Romans, Regulus and Posthumius.I shall close this with the answer of Charles the fifth, when hewas pressed to break his word with Luther for his safe returnfrom Wormes ; Fides rerum promissarum etsi toto mundo exulet,

tamen apud imperatorem earn consistere oportet. Though truth bebanisht out of the whole world, yet should it alwaies find harbourin an Emperors breast.


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CHAP. XIXThat Princes should take a care, not to incurre

contemptjar hatred.

UT because among the qualities, whereofformerly mention is made, I have spokenof those of most importance, I will treatof the others more briefly under thesequalityes that a Prince is to beware, asin part is above-said, and that he fly

those things which cause him to be odiousor vile : and when ever he shall avoid

this, he shall fully have plaid his part, and in the otherdisgraces he shall find no danger at all. There is nothingmakes him so odious, as I said, as his extortion of his subjectsgoods, and abuse of their women, from which he ought toforbear; and so long as he wrongs not his whole people,neither in their goods, nor honors, they live content, and hehath only to strive with the Ambition of some few : whichmany waies and easily too, is restrained. To be held various,

light, effeminate, faint-hearted, unresolv'd, these make himbe contemnd and thought base, which a Prince should shunlike rocks, and take a care that in all his actions there

appear magnanimity, courage, gravity, and valor ; and that

in ail the private affairs of his subjects, he orders it so, that

his word stand irrevocable: and maintain himself in such

repute, that no man may think either to deceive or windand turn him about : that Prince that gives such an opinion

of himself, is much esteemed, and against him who is so well

esteemed, hardly are any conspiracies made by his subjects,

or by forreiners any invasion, when once notice is taken of

his worth, and how much he is reverenced by his subjects :

For a Prince ought to have two fears, the one from within,

in regard of his subjects ; the other from abroad, in regard

of his mighty neighbors ; from these he defends himself bygood armes and good friends; and alwayes he shall have


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THE PRINCECHAP. XIX good friends, if he have good armes ; and all things shall

That Princes alwaies stand sure at home, when those abroad are firme,

should take a in case some conspiracy have not disturbed them ; and how-carej not to gyer the forrein matters stand but ticklishly ; yet if he have

temot o"*"^taken such courses at home, and liv'd as we have prescribed,

hatred. ^^ shall never be able (in case he forsake not himself) to

resist all possibility, force and violence, as I said Nabis the

Spartan did : but touching his subjects, even when his aiFairs

abroad are setled, it is to be fear'd they may conspire privily ;

from which a Prince sufficiently secure himself by shunningto be hated or contemned, and keeping himself in his peoples

good opinion, which it is necessary for him to compass, as

formerly we treated at large. And one of the powerfuUest

remedies a Prince can have against conspiracies, is, not to

be hated nor dispised by the universality; for alwaies hethat conspires, beleeves the Princes death is acceptable to

the subject : but when he thinks it displeases them, he hathnot the heart to venture on such a matter ; for the difficulties

that are on the conspirators side, are infinite. By experience

it is plain, that many times plots have been laid, but fewof them have succeeded luckily ; for he that conspires, can-

not be alone, nor can he take the company of any, but of

those, who he beleeves are malecontents ; and so soon as

thou hast discovered thy self to a malecontent, thou givest

him means to work his own content : for by revealing thytreason, he may well hope for all manner of favour : so thatseeing his gain certain of one side ; and on the other, finding

only doubt and danger, either he had need be a rare friend,

or that he be an exceeding obstinate enemy to the Prince,

if he keeps his word with thee. And to reduce this matterinto short termes: I say, there is nothing but jealousie,

fear, and suspect of punishment on the conspirators part toaiFright him ; but on the Princes part, there is the majestyof the principality, the laws, the defences of his friends andthe State, which do so guard him, that to all these thingsthe peoples good wills being added, it is unpossible any oneshould be so head-strong as to conspire; for ordinarily

where a traytor is to feare before the execution of his mis-326

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLchiefe, in this case he is also to feare afterwards, having the CHAP. XIXpeople for his enemy when the fact is commited, and there- That Princes

fore for this cause, not being able to hope for any refuge, should take a

Touching this matter, many examples might be brought ;^^^^> ^°^ *"

but I will content my selfe to name one which fell out in lem "or°°'

the memory of our Fathers. Annibal Bentivolii, grand hatred.

Father of this Annibal who now lives, that was Prince in

Bolonia, being slaine by the Canneschi that conspir'd againsthim, none of his race being left, but this John, who wasthen in swadling clouts ; presently the people rose upon this

murder, and slew all the Canneschi which proceeded fromthe popular affection, which the family of the Bentivolii

held then in Bolonia : which was so great, that being there

remained not any, now Anniball was dead, that was able to

manage the State ; and having notice that in Florence there

was one borne of the Bentivolii, who till then was taken for

a Smiths sonne : the citizens of Bolonia went to Florence

for him, and gave the government of their City to him,

which was rul'd by him, untill John was of fit yeares to

governe. I conclude then, that a Prince ought to makesmall account of treasons, whiles he hath the people to

friend : but if they be his enemies and hate him, he maywell feare every thing, and every one. And well ordered

States, and discreet Princes have taken care withall diligence,

not to cause their great men to fall into desperation, and to

content the people, and so to maintaine them : for this is

one of the most important businesses belonging to a Prince.j

Among the Kingdomes that are well orderd and governd in

our dayes, is that of France, and therein are found exceeding

many good orders, whereupon the Kings liberty and security,

depends: of which the chiefe is the Parliament, and the

authority thereof: for he that founded that Kingdome,

knowing the great mens ambition and insolence; and

judgeing it necessary there should be a bridle to curbe

them ; amd on the other side knowing the hatred of the

Commonalty against the great ones, grounded upon feare,

intending to secure them, would not lay this care wholly

upon the King, but take this trouble from him, which he

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THE PRINCECHAP. XIX might have with the great men, in case he favourd the Com-That Princes monalty ; or with the Commonalty, in case he favourd the

should take a great men; and thereupon set up a third judge, which wascare, not to that, to the end it should keep under the great ones, and

te''"Tor**'*favour the meaner sort, without any imputation to the King,

hatred. I^ ^^® ^ot possible to take a better, nor wiser course thenthis ; nor a surer way to secure the King, and the Kingdome.From whence we may draw another conclusion worthie of

note, that Princes ought to cause others to take upon themthe matters of blame and imputation ; and upon themselves

to take only those of grace and favour. Here againe I con-

clude, that a Prince ought to make good esteeme of his

Nobility ; but not thereby to incur the Commons hatred


It would seeme perhaps to many, considering the life anddeath of many Romane Emperours, that they were examplescontrary to my opinion, finding that some have liv'd worthily,

and shewd many rare vertues of the minde, and yet havelost the Empire, and been put to death by their owne sub-

jects, conspiring against them. Intending then to answerthese objections, I shall discourse upon the qualities of someEmperours, declaring the occasions of their ruine, not dis-

agreeing from that which I have alledgd ; and part thereofI will bestow on the consideration of these things, whichare worthy to be noted by him that reads the actions ofthose times: and it shall suffice me to take all thoseEmperours that succeeded in the Empire from Marcus thePhilosopher to Maximinus, who were Mercus and Commodushis Sonne, Pertinax, Julian, Severus, Antonius, Caracalla

his Sonne, Macrinus, Heliogabalus, Alexander, and Maximin.And first it is to be noted, that where in the other Princi-

palities, they are to contend only with the ambition of theNobles, and the insolence of the people ; the RomaneEmperours had a third difficulty, having to support thecruelty and covetousnesse of the souldiers, which was so harda thing, that it caused the ruine of many, being hard to

satisfy the souldiers, and the people; for the people love

their quiet, and therefore affect modest Princes; and thesouldiers love a Prince of a warlike courage, that is insolent,


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLcruell, and plucking from every one : which things they CHAP. XIXwould have them exercise upon the people, whereby they That Princes

might be able to double their stipends, and satisfie their should take a

avarice and cruelty: whence it proceeds,that those Emperours P*""®'not to

who either by Nature or by Art, had not such a reputation, tempt or


as therewith they could curbe the one and the other, were hatred,

alwayes ruind : and the most of them, specially those whoas new men came to the principality, finding the difficulty

of those two different humours, applyed themselves to con-tent the souldiers, making small account of wronging thepeople, which was a course then necessary ; for the Princes

not being able to escape the hatred of every one, ought first

endeavour that they incurre not the hatred of any wholeuniversality ; and when they cannot attaine thereunto, theyare to provide with all industry, to avoyd the hatred of

those universalities that are the most mighty. And there-

fore those Emperors, who because they were but newlycaird to the Empire, had need of extraordinary favours,

more willingly stuck to the soldiers, than to the people;

which neverthelesse turnd to their advantage, or otherwise,

according as that Prince knew how to maintaine his repute

with them. From these causes aforesayd proceeded it, that

Marcus Pertinax, and Alexander, though all living modestly,

being lovers of justice, and enemies of cruelty, courteous

and bountiful!, had all from Marcus on ward, miserable

ends ; Marcus only liv'd and dy'd exceedingly honoured


for he came to the Empire by inheritance, and was not to

acknowledge it either from the soldiers, nor from the people


afterwards being accompanyed with many vertues, which

made him venerable, he held alwayes whilst he liv'd the

one and the other order within their limits, and was never

either hated, or contemnd. But Pertinax was created

Emperour against the soldiers wills, who being accustomed

to live licentiously under Commodus, could not endure that

honest course that Pertinax sought to reduce them to


Whereupon having gotten himself hatred, and to this hatred

added contempt, in that he was old, was ruind in the very

beginning of his government. Whence it ought to be


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THE PRINCECHAP. XIX observed, that hatred is gaind as well by good deeds as bad


That Princes and therefore as I formerly said, when a Prince wouldshould take a maintaine the State, he is often forced not to be good : forcare, not to when that generality, whether it be the people, or soldiers,

tempt or' "'" Nobility, whereof thou thinkst thou standst in need to

hatred. maintain thee, is corrupted, it behoves thee to follow their

humour, and content them, and then all good deeds are thyadversaries. But let us come to Alexander who was of thatgoodnesse, that among the prayses given him, had this for

one, that in fourteen yeers wherein he held the Empire, henever put any man to death, but by course of justice


neverthelesse being held effeminate, g,nd a man that suffered

himselfe to be ruled by his mother, and thereupon fallen

into contempt, the army conspird against him. Now onthe contrary discoursing upon the qualities of Commodus,Severus, Antonius, Caracalla, and Maximinus, you shall find

them exceeding cruell, and ravinous, who to satisfie their

soldiers, forbeare no kinde of injury that could be done uponthe people ; and all of them, except Severus, came to evill

ends : for in Severus, there was such extraordinary valour,

that while he held the soldiers his freinds, however the

people were much burthend by him, he might alwayesreigne happily : for his valour rendred him so admirable in

the souldiers and peoples sights; that these in a mannerstood amazd and astonishd, and those others reverencing

and honoring him. And because the actions of this manwere exceeding great, being in a new Prince, I will briefly

shew how well he knew to act the Foxes and the Lionsparts; the conditions of which two, I say, as before, are

very necessary for a Prince to imitate. Severus having hadexperience of Julian the Emp'erours sloth, perswaded his

army (whereof he was commander in Sclavonia) that theyshould doe well to goe to Rome to revenge Pertinax his

death, who was put to death by the Imperiall guard ; andunder this pretence, not making any shew that he aspird

unto the Empire, set his army in march directly towardsRome, and was sooner come into Italy, than it was knownehe had mov'd from his station. Being ariv'd at Rome, he


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLwas by the Senate chosen Emperour for feare, and Julian CHAP. XIXslaine. After this beginning, two difficulties yet remaind That Princesto Severus, before he could make himselfe Lord of the whole should take a

State ; the one in Asia, where Niger the Generall of those *'*'"^' "^"^ *"

armies had gotten the title of Emperour, the other in the te^ T*""°'

West with Albinus, who also aspird to the Empire : and haTred!"^because he thought there might be some danger to discoverhimselfe enemy to them both, he purposed to set uponNiger, and cozen Albinus, to whom he writ, that beingelected Emperour by the Senate, he would willingly com-municate it with him ; and thereupon sent him the title ofCaesar, and by resolution of the Senate, tooke him to himfor his Colleague ; which things were taken by Albinus intrue meaning. But afterwards when Severus had overcomeand slaine Niger, and pacified the affaires and in the East,being returned to Rome, he complaind in the Senate ofAlbinus, how little weighing the benefits received from him,he had sought to slay him by treason, and therefore was heforc'd to goe punish his ingratitude: afterwards he wentinto France, where he bereft him both of his State and life,

whoever then shall in particular examine his actions, shall

finde he was a very cruell Lion, and as crafty a Eox : andshall see that he was alwayes feard and reverenc'd by every

one, and by the armies not hated ; and shall nothing marvell

that he b^ing a new man, was able to hold together such agreat Empire: for his extraordinary reputation defended

him alwayes from that hatred, which the people for his

extortions might have conceiv'd against him. But Antoniushis Sonne, was also an exceeding brave man, and enduedwith most excellent qualities, which causd him to be admirdby the people, and acceptable to the souldiers, because hewas a warlike man, enduring all kind of travell and paines,

despising all delicate food, and all kinde of effeminacy,

which gaind him the love of all the armies : neverthelesse

his fiercenesse and cruelty were such, and so hideous, having

upon many particular occasions put to death a great part

of the people of Rome, and all those of Alexandria, that

he grew odious to the world, and began to be feard by those

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THE PRINCECHAP. XIX also that were neare about him ; so that he was slaine by a

That Princes Centurion in the very midst of his army. Where it is toshould take a be noted, that these Jcinde of deaths, which follow upon thecare, not to deliberation of a resolv'd and obstinate minde, cannot by a

tempt or°°"

(1Prince be avoyded : for every one that feares not to dye, is

hatred. \able to doe it ; but a Prince ought to be lesse afraid of it,

because it very seldome falls out. Only should he bewarenot to doe any extreame injury to any of those of whom heserves himself, or that he hath near about him in anyimployment of his Principality, as Antonius did : who hadreproachfully slaine a brother of that Centurion; also

threatned him every day, and neverthelesse entertaind himstill as one of the guards of his body, which was a rash

course taken, and the way to destruction, as befell him.

But let us come to Commodus for whom it was very easie

to hold the Empire, by reason it descended upon him byinheritance, being Marcus his sonne, and it had been enoughfor him to follow his fathers footsteps, and then had hecontented both the people and the soldiers : but being of acruell and savage disposition, whereby to exercise his actions

upon the people, he gave himselfe to entertaine armies, andthose in all licentiousnesse. On the other part not main-taining his dignity, but often descending upon the stages

to combate with fencers, and doing such other like basethings, little worthy of the Imperiall majesty, he becamecontemptible in the soldiers sight ; and being hated of onepart, and despisd of the other, he was conspird against, andslaine. It remaines now, that we declare Maximinus his

conditions, who was a very warlike man ; and the armiesloathing Alexanders effeminacy, whereof I spake before,

when they had slain him, chose this man Emperour, whonot long continu'd so, because two things there were thatbrought him into hatred and contempt ; the one becausehe was very base, having kept cattell in Thrace, which waswell knowne to every one, and made them to scorne him


the other, because in the beginning of his Principality havingdelayd to goe to Rome, and enter into possession of theImperiall throne, he had gaind the infamy of being thought

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLexceeding cruell, having by his Prefects in Rome, and in every CHAP. XIXplace of the Empire, exercisd many cruelties, insomuch that That Princesthe whole world being provok'd against him to contempt should take a

for the basenesse of his blood ; on the other side upon the ^^^^> ^°^ *°

hatred conceiv'd against him for feare of his crulty ; first i'^*^"7^"*"'"

Affi-ica, afterwards the Senate, with all the people of Rome haTred."'and all Italy, conspired against him,, with whom his ownarmy took part; which incamping before Aquileya, andfinding some difiiculty to take the town, being weary of his

cruelties, and because they saw he had so many enemies,fearing him the lesse, slew him. I purpose not to say anything either of Heliogabalus, Macrinus, or Julian, whobecause they were throughly base, were sudenly extinguished ;

but I will come to the conclusion of this discourse ; and I

say, that the Princes of our times have lesse of this difficulty

to satisfie the Soldiers extraordinarily in their government


for notwithstanding that there be some considerations to

be had of them, yet presently are those armies dissolved,

because none of these Princes do use to maintaine anyarmies together, which are annex'd and inveterated with the

governments of the provinces, as were the armies of theRomane Empire. And therefore if then it was necessary

rather to content the soldiers than the people, it was because

the soldiers were more powerfuU than the people : now is it

more necessary for all Princes, (except the Turk and the

Souldan) to satisfie their people than their soldiers, because

the people are more mighty than they; wherein I except

the Turk, he alwayes maintaining about his person 12000foot, and 15000 horse, upon which depends the safety andstrength of his Kingdome ; and it is necessary that laying

aside all other regard of his people, he maintaine these his

friends. The Souldans Kingdome is like hereunto, which

being wholy in the souldiers power, he must also without

respect of his people keep them his friends. And you are

to consider, that this State of the Souldans differs muchfrom all the other Principalities : For it is very like the

Papacy, which cannot be termd an hereditary Principality


nor a new Principality : for the sons of the deceasd Prince are

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THE PRINCECHAP. XIX not heires and Lords thereof, but he that is chosen receives

That Princes that dignity from those who have the authority in them,should take a And this order being of antiquity, cannot be termd a newcarej not to Principality, because therein are none of those difficulties

tempt or""" ^^^ ^^^ ^° *^^ ^^^ °°^® " ^°^ though the Prince be new, yet

hatred. ^^re the orders of that state ancient, and ordaind to receive

him, as if he were their hereditary Prince. But let us retumeto our matter ; whosoever shall consider our discourse before,

shall perceive that either hatred, or contempt have caused the

ruine of the afore-named Emperors ; and shall know also,

from it came that part of them proceeding one way, andpart a contrary ; yet in any of them the one had a happysuccess, and the others unhappy : for it was of no availe, butrather hurtful for Pertinax and Alexander, because theywere new Princes, to desire to imitate Marcus, who byinheritance came to the Principality : and in like mannerit was a wrong to Caracalla, Commodus, and Maxim us, to

imitate Severus, because none of them were endued with so

great valor as to follow his steps therein. Wherefore a newPrince in his Principality cannot well imitate Marcus his

actions ; nor yet is it necessary to follow those of Severus :

but he ought make choyce of those parts in Severus whichare necessary for the founding of a State; and to

take from Marcus those that are fit and glorious

to preserve a State which is already estab-

lished and setled.

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Whether the Citadels and many other thingswhich Princes often make use of, are profitable

or dammageable.

OME Princes, whereby they might safelykeep their State, have disarmed their sub-jects; sorae others have held the townsunder their dominion, divided into fac-tions; others have maintain'd enmitiesagainst themselves; others have appli'dthemselves to gain them, where they havesuspected at their entrance into the

government ; others have built Fortresses ; and others againhave ruined and demolished them : and however that uponall these things, a man cannot well pass a determinatesentence, unless one comes to the particulars of these States,where some such like determinations were to be taken

; yetI shall speak of them in so large a manner, as the matterof it self will bear. It was never then that a new Princewould disarme his own subjects ; but rather when he hathfound them disarm'd, he hath alwaies arm'd them. Forbeing belov'd, those armes become thine; those becomefaithful, which thou hadst in suspicion; and those whichwere faithful, are maintaind so ; and thy subjects are madethy partisans ; and because all thy subjects cannot be putin armes, when thou bestowest favors on those thou armest,with the others thou canst deal more for thy safety ; andthat difference of proceeding which they know among them,obliges them to thee ; those others excuse thee, judgeing it

necessary that they have deservd more, who have undergonemore danger, and so have greater obligation : but when thoudisarmst them, thou beginst to offend them, that thou dis-

trustest them, either for cowardise, or small faith ; and the

one or the other of those two opinions provokes their hatred

against thee ; and because thou canst not stand disarmed,


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THE PRINCECHAP. XX thou must then turn thy self to mercenary Soldiery, whereof

Whether the we have formerly spoken what it is, and when it is good


Citadels, etc., it can never be so much as to defend thee from powerfulare profitable enemies, and suspected subjects; therefore as I have said, a

^ye^'"'"*^*"nsw Prince in a new Principality hath alwaies ordaind themarmes. Of examples to this purpose, Histories are full.

But when a Prince gains a new State, which as a member headds to his ancient dominions, then it is necessary to disarmethat State, unless it be those whom thou hast discoverd to

have assisted thee in the conquest thereof; and these also

in time and upon occasions, it is necessary to render delicate

and effeminate, and so order them, that all the arms of thyState be in the hands of thy own Soldiers, who live in thyancient State near unto thee. Our ancestors and they thatwere accounted Sages, were wont to say that it was neces-

sary to hold Pistoya in factions, and Pisa with Fortresses


and for this cause maintaind some towns subject to them in

differences, whereby to hold it more easily. This, at whattime Italy was ballanc'd in a certain manner, might be well

done ; but mee thinks it cannot now a dayes be well given

for a precept ; for I do not beleeve, that divisions made cando any good ; rather it must needs be, that when the enemyapproaches them, Cities divided are presently lost ; for

alwaies the weaker part will cleave to the forrein power, andthe other not be able to subsist. The Venetians (as I think)mov'd by the aforesaid reasons, maintaind the factions of

the Guelfes and Gibellins, in their townes ; and however theynever suffered them to spill one anothers blood, yet theynourish'd these differences among them, to the end that thecitizens imployd in these quarrels, should not plot any thingagainst them : which as it prov'd, never serv'd them to anygreat purpose : for being defeated at Vayla, presently oneof those two factions took courage and seizd upon their wholeState. Therefore such like waies argue the Princes weakness ;

for in a strong principality they never will suffer such divi-

sions ; for they shew them some kind of profit in time of peace,

being they are able by means thereof more easily to mannagetheir subjects : but war comming, such like orders discover


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLtheir fallacy. Without doubt, Princes become great, when ' CHAP. XXthey overcome the difficulties and oppositions that are made Whether theagainst them ; and therefore Fortune especially when she Citadels, etc.,

hath to make any new Prince great, who hath more need toai'e profitable

gain reputation than an hereditary Prince, causes enemies to °Jj^^°"nage-

rise against him, and him to undertake against them : tdtheend he may have occasion to master them, and know thatladder, which his enemies have set him upon, whereby torise yet higher. And therefore many think, that a wisePrince when he hath the occasion, ought cunningly tonourish some enmity, that by the suppressing thereof, his

greatness may grow thereupon. Princes, especially thosethat are new, have found more faith and profit in those men,who in the beginning of their State, have been held suspected,than in those who at their entrance have been their con-fidents. Pandulphus Petrucci, Prince of Siena, governd his

State, more with them that had been suspected by him, thanwith the others. But of this matter we cannot speak atlarge, because it varies according to the subject ; I will onlysay this, that those men, who in the beginning of a Princi-

pality were once enemies, if they be of quality so that tomaintain themselves they have need of support, the Princemight alwaies with the greatest facility gain for his ; andthey are the rather forced to serve him faithfully, insomuchas they know it is more necessary for them by their deeds

to cancel that sinister opinion, which was once held of them ;

and so the Prince ever draws from these more advantage,

than from those, who serving him too supinely, neglect his

affairs. And seing the matter requires it, I will not omitto put a Prince in mind, who hath anew made himself

master of a State, by means of the inward helps he hadfrom thence that he consider well the cause that mov'd themthat favor'd him to favor him, if it be not a natural affection

towards him ; for if it be only because they were not content

with their former government, with much pains and diffi-

culties shall he be able to keep them long his friends, because

it will be impossible for him to content them. By these

examples then which are drawn out of ancient and modernUU 337

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THE PRINCECHAP. XX affaires, searching into the cause hereof, we shall find it muchWhether the more easie to gain those men for friends, who formerly wereCitadels, etc., contented with the State, and therefore were his enemies:are profitable than those, who because they were not contented therewith,

able^""™^^^"became his friends, and favor'd him in getting the masteryof it. It hath been the custome of Princes, whereby to holdtheir States more securely, to build Citadels, which mightbe bridles and curbs to those that should purpose any thing

against them, and so to have a secure retreat from the first

violences. I commend this course, because it hath been used

of old ; notwithstanding Nicholas Vitelli in our dayes hathbeen known to demolish two Citadels in the town of Castello,

the better to keep the State ; Guidubaldo Duke of Urbinbeing to return into his State, out of which he was driven

by Caesar Borgia, raz'd all the Fortresses of that Countrey,and thought he should hardlyer lose that State again withoutthem. The Bentivolii returning into Bolonia, used the like

courses. Citadels then are profitable, or not, according to

the times ; and if they advantage thee in one part, they dothee harme in another ; and this part may be argued thus.

That Prince who stands more in fear of his own people thanof strangers, ought to build Fortresses : but he that is moreafraid of strangers than of his people, should let them alone.

Against the house of Sforza, the Castle of Milan, whichFrancis Sforza built, hath and will make more war, thanany other disorder in that State : and therefore the best

Citadel that may be, is not to incurre the peoples hatred ;

for however thou boldest a Fortress, and the people hate

thee, thou canst hardly scape them ; for people, when oncethey have taken armes, never want the help of strangers at

their need to take ther parts. In our dayes we never sawthat they ever profited any Prince, unless it were the

Countess of Furli, when Count Hieronymo of Furli her

husband was slain ; for by means thereof she escap'd the

peoples rage, and attended aid from Milan, and so recovered

her State : and then such were the times that the stranger

could not assist the people : but afterwards they serv'd her

to little purpose, when Caesar Borgia assaild her, and that

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthe people which was her enemy, sided with the stranger. CHAP. XXTherefore both then, and at first, it would have been more Whether the

for her safety, not to have been odious to the people, than Citadels, etc.,

to have held the Fortresses. These things being well weigh'd are profitable

then, I will commend those that shall build up Fortresses, 3^3^""""^*'

and him also that shall not ; and I will blame him, how-soever he be, that relying upon those, shall make

small account ofbeing hated by his people.

CHAP. XXIHow a Prince ought to behave himself to gain


HERE is nothing gains a Prince such reputeas great exploits, and rare tryals of him-self in Heroick actions. We have now in

our dayes Ferdinand King of Arragon the

present King of Spain : he in a mannermay be termed a new Prince ; for from avery weak King, he is now become for

fame and glory, the first King of Christen-

dome, and if you shall wel consider his actions, you shall

find them all illustrious, and every one of them extraordi-

nary. He in the beginning of his reign assaild Granada,and that exploit was the ground of his State. At first he

made that war in security, and without suspicion he should

be any waies hindred, and therein held the Barons of

Castiglias minds busied, who thinking upon that war, never

minded any innovation ; in this while he gaind credit andauthority with them, they not being aware of it ; was able

to maintain with the Church and the peoples money all his

soldiers, and to lay a foundation for his military ordinances

with that long war, which afterwards gaind him exceeding

much honor. Besides this, to the end he might be able

hereamong to undertake greater matters, serving himself

alwaies of the colour of religion, he gave himself to a kind of


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THE PRINCECHAP. XXI religious cruelty, chasing and dispoyling those Jewes out of

How a Prince the Kingdome ; nor can this example be more admirable andought to be- rare : under the same cloke he invaded Afirick and went

to "lin T^^^^-t'^^o^g*^ ^ith *ii* exploit in Italy

:and last of all hath he

taturn assaild France, and so alwaies proceeded on forwards con-

triving of great matters, which alwaies have held his

subjects minds in peace and admiration, and busied in

attending the event, what it should be : and these his actions

have thus grown, one upon another, that they have nevergiven leisure to men so to rest, as they might ever plot anything against them. Moreover it much avails a Prince to

give extraordinary proofes of himself touching the govern-

ment within, such as those we have heard of Bernard ofMilan, whensoever occasion is given by any one, that mayeffectuate some great thing either of good or evil, in thecivil government ; and to find out some way either to rewardor punish it, whereof in the world much notice may be taken.

And above all things a Prince ought to endeavor in all his

actions to spread abroad a fame of his magnificence andworthiness. A Prince also is well esteemed, when he is atrue friend, or a true enemy ; when without any regard hediscovers himself in favor of one against another; whichcourse shall be alwaies more profit, than to stand neuter


for if two mighty ones that are thy neighbors, come to fall

out, or are of such quality, that one of them vanquishing, thouart like to be in fear of the vanquisher, or not ; in either ofthese two cases, it will ever prove more for thy profit, to

discover thy self, and make a good war of it : for in the first

case, if thou discoverest not thy selfe, thou shalt alwaies bea prey to him that overcomes, to the contentment andsatisfaction of the vanquisht ; neither shalt thou have reasonon thy side, nor any thing else to defend or receive thee.

For he that overcomes, will not have any suspected friends

that give him no assistance in his necessity: and he thatloses, receives thee not, because thou wouldest not with thyarmes in hand run the hazzard of his fortune. Antiochuspassed into Greece, thereunto induc'd by the Etolians, to

chace the Romans thence : and sent his Ambassadors to the340

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLAchayans, who were the Romans friends, to perswade them CHAP. XXIto stand neuters ; on the other side the Homans moved them How a Prince

to joyne armes with theirs: this matter came to be de- ought to de-

liberated on in the council of the Achayans, where Antiochus have himself

his Ambassador encouraged them to stand neuters, where- ^^^^lepu-

unto the Romans Ambassador answerd ; Touching the

course, that is commended to you, as best and profitablest

for your State, to wit, not to intermeddle in the war betweenus, nothing can be more against you : because, not taking

either part, you shall remain without thanks, and without

reputation a prey to the conqueror. And it will alwaies

come to pass that he who is not thy friend, will requite thy

neutrality ; and he that is thy friend, will urge thee to

discover thy self by taking arms for him : and evil advised

Princes; to avoyd the present dangers, folow often times

that way of neutrality, and most commonly go to ruine :

but when a Prince discovers himself strongly in favor of a

party ; if he to whom thou cleavest, overcomes ; however

that he be puissant, and thou remainest at his disposing, he

is oblig'd to thee, and there is a contract of friendship made


and men are never so openly dishonest, as with such a

notorious example of dishonesty to oppress thee. Besides

victories are never so prosperous, that the conqueror is like

neglect all respects, and especially of justice. But if he to

whom thou stickst, loses, thou art received by him; and,

while he is able, he aydes thee, and so thou becomest partner

of a fortune that may arise again ; the second case, when they

that enter into the lists together, are of such quality, that

thou needest not fear him that vanquisheth, so much the

more is it discretion in thee to stick to him ; for thou goest to

ruine one with his assistance, who ought to do the best he

could to save him, if he were well advised ; and he over-

comming, is left at thy discretion ; and it is unpossible but

with thy ayd he must overcome. And here it is to be noted,

that a Prince should be well aware nevej- to joyn with any

one more powerful! than himself, to offend another, unless

upon necessity, as formerly is said. For when he overcomes,

thou art left at his discretion, and Princes ought avoid as


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have himselfto gain repu-tation.

THE PRINCECHAP. XXI much as they are able, to stand at anothers discretion. TheHow a Prince Venetians took part with Prance against the Duke of Milan,ought to be- and yet could have avoided that partaking, from which pro-

ceeded their ruine. But when it cannot be avoyded, as it

befel the Florentines when the Pope and the King of Spain

went both with their armies to Lombardy, there the Prince

ought to side with them for the reasons aforesaid. Nor let

any State think they are able to make such sure parties, butrather that they are all doubtfuU ; for in the order of things

we find it alwaies, that whensoever a man seeks to avoid one

inconvenient, he incurs another. But the principal point of

judgement, is in discerning between the qualities of incon-

venients, and not taking the bad for the good. Moreover a

Prince ought to shew himself a lover of vertue, and that hehonors those that excel in every Art. Afterwards oughthe encourage his Citizens, whereby they may be enabled

quickly to exercise their faculties as well in merchandise,

and husbandry, as in any other kind of traffick, to the endthat no man forbear to adorne and cultivate his possessions

for fear that he be despoyled of them ; or any other to openthe commerce upon the danger of heavy impositions : butrather to provide rewards for those that shall set these

matters afoot, or for any one else that shall any way amplifie

his City or State. Besides he ought in the fit times of the

year entertain the people with Feasts and Maskes ; andbecause every City is devided into Companies, and arts, andTribes, he ought to take special notice of those bodies, andsome times afford them a meeting, and give them some

proof of his humanity, and magnificence; yet withall

holding firme the majestie of his State ; for this

must never fail in any case.

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CHAP. XXIITouching Princes Secretaries.

T is no small importance to a Prince, thechoyce he makes, of servants being ordi-

narily good or bad, as his wisdome is.

And the first conjecture one gives of agreat man, and of his understanding, is,

upon the sight of his followers and ser-

vants he hath about him, when theyprove able and faithful, and then may he

alwaies be reputed wise because he hath known how todiscern those that are able, and to keep them true to him.But when they are otherwise, there can be no good conjec-

ture made of him ; for the first error he commits, is in this

choyce. There was no man that had any knowledge of

Antony of Vanafro, the servant of Pandulfus Petrucci Prince

of Siena, who did not esteem Pandulfus for a very discreet

man, having him for his servant. And because there are

three kinds of understandings ; the one that is advised byit self ; the other that understands when it is informed byanother ; the third that neither is advised by it self nor bythe demonstration of another ; the first is best, the second

is good, and the last quite unprofitable. Therefore it was

of necessity, that if Pandulfus attaind not the first degree,

yet he got to the second ; for whenever any one hath the

judgement to discerne between the good and the evil, that

any one does and sayes, however that he hath not his

invention from himself, yet still comes he to take notice of

the good or evil actions of that servant; and those he

cherishes, and these he suppresses; insomuch that the

servant finding no means to deceive his master, keeps him-

self upright and honest. But how a Prince may throughly

understand his servant, here is the way that never fails. Whenthou seest the servant study more for his own advantage

than thine, and that in all his actions, he searches most^

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THE PRINCECHAP. XXII after his own profit ; this man thus qualified, shall never

Touching prove good servant, nor canst thou ever relie upon him : for" he that holds the Sterne of the State in hand, ought never

call home his cares to his own particular, but give himself

wholly over to his Princes service, nor ever put him in

minde of any thing not appertaining to him. And on the

other side the Prince to keep him good to him, ought to

take a care for his servant, honoring him, enriching, andobliging him to him, giving him part both of dignities andoffices, to the end that the many honors and much wealth./

bestowed on him, may restrain his desires from other

honors, and other wealth, and that those many charges

cause him to fear changes that may fall, knowing he/ is

not able to stand without his master. And when boththe Princes and the servants are thus disposed, tKey

may rely the one upon the other: when otherwise,

the end will ever prove hurtfull for the oneas well as for the other.


That Flatterers are to be avoyded.

WILL not omit one principle of great in-

portance, being an errour from whichPrinces with much difficulty defend them-selves, unlesse they be very discreet, andmake a very good choice ; and this is

concerning flatterers ; whereof all writings

are full : and that because men please

themselves so much in their own things,

and therein cozen themselves, that very hardly can theyescape this pestilence ; and desiring to escape it, there is

danger of falling into contempt ; for there is no other wayto be secure from flattery, but to let men know, that theydisplease thee not in telling thee truth : but when every onehath this leave, thou losest thy reverence. Therefore ought


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLa wise Prince take a third course, making choyce of some CHAP,understanding men in his State, and give only to them a XXIIIfree liberty of speaking to him the truth ; and touching That

those things only which he inquires of, and nothing else ;flatterers

but he ought to be inquisitive of every thing, and hear theirlyoy^ed!

opinions, and then afterwards advise himself after his ownmanner ; and in these deliberations, and with every one ofthem so carrie himself, that they all know, that the morefreely they shall speak, the better they shall be liked of:

and besides those, not give eare to any one ; and thus pursuethe thing resolved on, and thence continue obstinate 4n theresolution taken. He who does otherwise, either falls uponflatterers, or often changes upon the varying of opinions,

from whence proceeds it that men conceive but slightly ofhim. To this purpose I will alledge you a moderne example.Peter Lucas a servant of Maximilians the present Emperor,speaking of his Majesty, said that he never advised with anybody, nor never did any thing after his own way : which wasbecause he took a contrary course to what we have nowsaid : for the Emperor is a close man, who communicateshis secrets to none, nor takes counsel of any one ; but as

they come to be put in practise, they begin to be discovered

and known, and so contradicted by those that are nearabout him ; and he as being an easy man, is quickly wroughtfrom them. Whence it comes that what he does to day, heundoes on the morrow ; and that he never understands him-self what he would, nor what he purposes, and that there is

no grounding upon any of his resolutions. A Prince there-

fore ought alwayes to take counsel!, but at his owne pleasure,

and not at other mens ; or rather should take away any manscourage to advise him of any thing, but what he askes : buthe ought well to aske at large, and then touching the

things inquird of, be a patient hearer of the truth ; andperceiving that for some respect the truth were conceald

from him, be displeased thereat. And because some menhave thought that a Prince that gaines the opinion to bee

wise, may bee held so, not by his owne naturall indowments,

but by the good counsells he hath about him ; without

XX 345

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are to beavoyded.

THE PRINCEquestion they are deceivd ; for this is a generall rule andnever failes, that a Prince who of himselfe is not wise, can

never be well advised, unlesse he should light upon one alone,

wholly to direct and govern him, who himself were a very

wise man. In this case it is possible he may be well

governd : but this would last but little : for that governorin a short time would deprive him of his State ; but a Prince

not having any parts of nature, being advised of more thenone, shall never be able to unite these counsels : of himself

shall he never know how to unite them ; and each one of

the Counsellers, probably will follow that which is mostproperly his owne; and he shall never find the meanes to

amend or discerne these things; nor can they fall outotherwise, because men alwayes prove mischievous, unlesse

upon some necessity they be forc'd to become good : weconclude therefore, that counsells from whencesoever theyproceed, must needs take their beginning from the Princes

wisdome, and not the wisdome of the Prince from goodcounsells.

Plutarch, deadulatore et

amico discer-


In this Chapter our Authour prescribes some rules how to avoydflattery, and not to fall into contempt. The extent of these twoextreames is so large on both sides, that there is left but a verynarrow path for the right temper to walke between them both :

and happy were that Prince, who could light on so good a Piloteas to bring him to Port between those rocks and those quicksands.Where Majesty becomes familiar, unlesse endued with a super-eminent vertue, it loses all awfull regards : as the light of theSunne, because so ordinary, because so common, we should little

value, were it not that all Creatures feele themselves quicknedby the rayes thereof. On the other side, Omnis insipiens arro-gantid et plausibus capitur, Every foole is taken with his owne prideand others flatteryes : and this foole keeps company so much withall great wise men, that hardly with a candle and lantern canthey be discernd betwixt. The greatest men are more subjectto grosse and palpable flatteries ; and especially the greatest ofmen, who are Kings and Princes : for many seek the Rulersfavour. Prov. 28. 26. For there are divers meanes wherebyprivate men are instructed ; Princes have not that good hap : butthey whose instruction is of most importance, so sooue as theyhave taken the government upon them, no longer srxSer any


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLreproovers : for but few have accesse unto them^ and they whofamiliary converse with them, doe and say all for favour. Isocrat^to NicocleSj All are afraid to give him occasion of displeasure^though by telling him truth. To this purpose therefore sayesone ; a Prince excells in learning to ride the great horse, ratherthan in any other exercise, because his horse being no flatterer,

will shew him he makes no difference between him and anotherman, and unlesse he keepe his seate well, will lay him on theground. This is plaine dealing. Men are more subtile, moredouble-hearted, they have a heart and a heart neither is theirtongue their hearts true interpreter. CoUnsell in the heart ofmanis like deepe waters ; but a man of understanding will draw it out,

Prov, 20. 5. This understanding is most requisite in a Prince,inasmuch as the whole Globe is in his hand, and the inferiour

Orbes are swayed by the motion of the highest. And thereforesurely it is the honour of a King to search out such a secret


Prov. 26. 2. His counsellours are his eyes and eares ; as theyought to be dear to him, so they ought to be true to him, andmake him the true report of things without disguise. If theyprove false eyes, let him pluck them out ; he may as they useglasse eyes, take them forth without paine, and see never a whitthe worse for it. The wisdome of a Princes Counsellours is a

great argument of the Princes wisdome. And being the choyceof them imports the Princes credit and safety, our Authour will

make him amends for his other errours by his good advice in his

22 Chap, whether I referre him.



are to beavoyded.

CHAP. XXIVWherefore the Princes of Italy have lost their


HEN these things above said are well

observed, they make a new Prince seeme

as if he had been of old, and presently

render him more secure and firme in the

State, thalQ if he had already grown

ancient therein : for a new Prince is muchmore observd in his action, than a Prince

by inheritance ; and when they are known

to bee vertuous, men are much more gaind and oblig'd to

them thereby, than by the antiquity of their blood : for men"


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THE PRINCECHAP.XXIV are much more taken by things present, than by things past,

Wherefore and when in the present they find good, they content them-the Princes of selves therein, and seeke no further ; or rather they undertake

^K*'-^^^^*^"^*the defence of him to their utmost, when the Prince is not

eir a es.,ya,jjting in other matters to himself; and so shall he gaine

double glory to have given a beginning to a new Principality,

adornd, and strengthnd it with good lawes, good arms,

good friends, and good_ examples; as he shall have double

shame, that is born a Prince, and by reason of his small

discretion hath lost it. And if we shall consider those Lords,


that in Italy have lost their States in our dayes, as the Kingof Naples, the Duke of Milan, and others; first we shall

find in them a common defect, touching their armes, for the

reasons which have been above discoursd at length. After-

wards we shall see some of them, that either shall have hadthe people for their enemies ; or be it they had the people

I to friend, could never know how to assure themselves of the


great ones : for without such defects as these. States are notlost, which have so many nerves, that they are able to

maintaine an army in the feld. Philip of Macedon, not thefather of Alexander the Great, but he that was vanquishedby Titus Quintius, had not much State in regard of thegreatnesse of the Romanes dnd of Greece that assail'd him


neverthelesse in that he was a warlike man and knew howto entertaine the people, and assure himself of the Nobles,for many yeares he made the warre good against them : andthough at last some town perhaps were taken from him, yetthe Kingdome remaind in his hands still. Wherefore these

our Princes who for many yeares had continued in their

Principalities, for having afterwards lost them, let them notblame Fortune, but their own sloth; because they neverhaving thought during the time of quiet, that they couldsuifer a change (which is the common fault of men, whilefaire weather lasts, not to provide for the tempest) whenafterwards mischiefes came upon them, thought ratherupon flying from them, than upon their defence, and hop'dthat the people, weary of the vanquishers insolence, wouldrecall them : wliich course when the others faile, is good



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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLbut very ill is it to leave the other remedies for that : for CHAP. XXIVa man wou'd never go to fall, beleeving another would Whereforecome to take him up : which may either not come to the Princes of

passe, or if it does, it is not for thy security, because Italyhave lost

that defence of his is vile, and depends not upon thee ;*^®''* S***^^-

but those defences only are good, certaine, anddurable, which depend upon thy owne selfe, and

thy owne vertues.

CHAP. XXVHow great power Fortune hath in humane

affaires, and what meanes there is to resist it.

T is not unknown unto me, how that manyhave held opinion, and still hold it, thatthe affaires of the world are so governdby fortune, and by God, that men bytheir wisdome cannot amend or alter

them ; or rather that there is no remedyfor them : and hereupon they wouldthink that it were of no availe to

take much paines in any thing, but leave all to be governd

by chance. This opinion hath gain'd the more credit in

our dayes, by reason of the great alteration of things,

which we have of late seen, and do every day see, beyond

all humane conjecture: upon which, I sometimes think-

ing, am in some parte inclind to their opinion : never-

thelesse not to extinguish quite our owne free will, I

think it may be true, that Fortune is the mistrisse of one

halfe of our actions; but yet that she lets us have rule

of the other half, or little lesse. And I liken her to a

precipitous torrent, which when it rages, over-flows the

plaines, overthrowes the trees, and buildings, removes the

earth from one side, and laies it on another, every one flyes

before it, every one yeelds to the fury thereof, as unable to


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power For-tune hathin humaneaffaires.

THE PRINCECHAP. XXV withstand it ; and yet however it be thus, when the times

How great are calmer, men are able to make provision against these

excesses, with banks and fences so, that afterwards when it

swels again, it shall all passe smoothly along, within its

channel!, or else the violence thereof shall not prove so

licentious and hurtful!. In like manner befals it us with

fortune, which there shewes her power where vertue is notordeind to resist her, and thither turnes she all her forces,

where she perceives that no provisions nor resistances are

made to uphold her. And if you shall consider Italy,

which is the seat of these changes, and that which hathgiven them their motions, you shall see it to be a plaine

field, without any trench or bank ; which had it been fenc'd

with convenient vertue as was Germany, Spain or France


this inundation would never have causd these great altera-

tions it hath, or else would it not have reach'd to us : andthis shall suffice to have said, touching the opposing of

fortune in generall. But restraining my selfe more to

particulars, I say that to day we see a Prince prosper andflourish and to morrow utterly go to ruine ; not seeing that

he hath alterd any condition or quality ; which I beleeve

arises first from the causes which we have long since run over,

that is because that Prince that relies wholly upon fortune,

runnes as her wheele turnes. I beleeve also, that he proves the

fortunate man, whose manner of proceeding meets with thequality ofthe time ; and so likewise he unfortunate from whosecourse of proceeding the,times differ: for we see that men,inThe things that induce them to the end, (which every onepropounds to himselfe, as glorjr and riches) proceed therein

diversly ; some with respects, others more bold, and rashly


one with violence, and the other with cunning ; the one withpatience, th'other with its contrary; and every one byseverall wayes may attaine thereto ; we see also two veryrespective and wary men, the one come to his purpose,

and th'other not ; and in like maner two equally prosper,

taking divers course ; the one being wary the other head-strong; which proceeds from nothing else, but from thequality of the times, which agree, or not, with their pro-


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLceedings. From hence arises that which I said, that two CHAP. XXVworking diversly, produce the same effect : and two equaly How gi-eat

working, the one attains his end, the other not. Hereupon power For-

also depends the alteration of the good ; for if to one that *"'?^ ^^^^

behaves himself with warinesse and patience, times and affaires^"^affaires turne so favourably, that the carriage of his businesseprove well, he prospers ; but if the times and afiaires chance,he is ruind, because he changes not his manner of proceeding


nor is there any man so wise, that can frame himselfe here-unto ; as well because he cannot go out of the way, fromthat whereunto Nature inclines him : as also, for that onehaving alwayes prospei*d, walking such a way, cannot beperswaded to leave it ; and therefore the respective and waryman, when it is fit time for him to use violence and force,

knows not how to put it in practice, whereupon he is ruind


but if he could change his disposition with the times and theaffaires, he should not change his fortune. Pope Julius thesecond proceeded in all his actions with very great violence,

and found the times and things so conformable to that his

manner of proceeding that in all of them he had happysuccesse. Consider the first exploit he did at Bolonia, evenwhile John Bentivolio lived : the Venetians were not well

contented therewith ; the King of Spaine likewise with the

French, had treated of that enterprise; and notwith-

standing al this, he stirrd up by his own rage and fiercenesse,

personally undertook that expedition : which action of his

put in suspence and stopt Spaine and the Venetians ; those

for feare, and the others for desire to recover the Kingdomeof Naples ; and on the other part drew after him the Kingof France; for that King seeing him already in motion,

and desiring to hold him his friend, whereby to humble the

Venetians, thought he could no way deny him his souldiers,

without doing him an open injury. Julius then effected

that with his violent and heady motion, which no other

Pope with all humane wisdome could ever have done ; for

if he had expected to part from Rome with his conclusions

settled, and all his affaires ordered before hand, as any other

Pope would have done, he had never brought it to passe



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power For-

tune hathin humaneaffaires.

THE PRINCECHAP. XXV For the King of France would have devised a thousandHow great excuses, and others would have put him in as many feares.

I will let passe his other actions, for all of them were alike,

and all of them prov'd lucky to him ; and the brevity of his

life never sufferd him to feele the contrary : for had he litt

upon such times afterwards, that it had been necessary for

him to proceed with respects, there had been his utter ruine;

for he would never have left those wayes, to which he had beennaturally inclind. I conclude then, fortune varying, and mencontinuing still obstinate to their own wayes, prove happy,while these accord together : and as they disagree, prove un-

happy : and I think it true, that it is better to be heady thanwary ; because Fortune is a mistresse ; and it is necessary, to

keep her in obedience to ruffle and force her : and we see,

that she suffers her self rather to be masterd by those,

than by others that proceed coldly. And therefore, as amistresse, shee is a friend to young men, because they are

lesse respective, more rough, and command her with moreboldnesse.

I have considered the 26 Chapter, as representing me a full

view of humane policy and cunning : yet me thinks it cannotsatisfie a Christian in the causes of the good and bad successe ofthings. The life of man is like a game at Tables ; skill availesmuch I grant, but that 's not all : play thy game well, but thatwill not winne : the chance thou throwest must accord with thyplay. Examine this ; play never so surely, play never so probably,unlesse the chance thou castest, lead thee forward to advantage,all hazards are losses, and thy sure play leaves thee in the lurch.The sum of this is set down in Ecclesiastes chap. 9. v. 11. Therace is not to the swift, nor the battell to the strong : neither yetbread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, noryet favour to men of skill ; but time and chance hapeneth to themall. Our cunning Author for all his exact rules he delivere inhis books, could not fence against the despight of Fortune, as hecomplaines in his Epistle to this booke. Nor that great exampleof policy, Duke Valentine, whome our Author commends toPrinces for his crafts-master, could so ruffle or force his mistresseFortune, that he could keep her in obedience. Man cancontribute no more to his actions than vertue and wisdome : butthe successe depends upon a power above. Surely there is "the


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLfinger of god ; or as Prov. 16. v. 33. 'The lot is cast into the CHAP. XXV' lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.' It was trnot Josephs wisdome made all things thrive under his hand ; "^ ^^but because the Lord was with him ; and that which he did, the f^^x, t?,'"Lord made it to prosper. Gen. 39. Surely this is a blessing . ^®proceeding from the divine providence, which beyond humane '^'^''™*°*

capacity so cooperateth with the causes, as that their effects™*'''®®-

prove answerable, and sometimes (that we may know there is

something above the ordinary causes) the success returns withsuch a supereminency of worth, that it far exceeds the vertue ofthe ordinary causes.

CHAP. XXVIAn Exhortation to free Italy from the


AVING then weigh'd all things above dis-

cours'd, and devising with my self, whetherat this present in Italy the time mightserve to honor a new Prince, and whetherthere were matter that might minister

occasion to a wise and valorous Prince, to

introduce such a forme, that might dohonor to him, and good to the whole

generality of the people in the countrey : me thinks so

many things concurre in favor of a new Prince, that I

know not whether there were ever any time more proper for

this purpose. And if as I said, it was necessary, desiring to

see Moses his vertue, that the children of Israel should be

inthrald in .^gypt ; and to have experience of the magna-nimity of Cyrus his mind, that the Persians should beOppressed by the Medes ; and to set forth the excellency of

Theseus, that the Athenians should be dispersed ; so at this

present now we are desirous to know the valor of an Italian

spirit, it were necessary Italy should be reduced to the sametermes it is now in, and were in more slavery than the

Hebrews were; more subject than the Persians, moreYY 353

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THE PRINCECHAP. XXVI scatterd than the Athenians ; without head, without order,

An Exhorta- battered, pillaged, rent asunder, overrun, and had under-tion to free gone all kind of destruction. And however even in theseItaly from the later dayes, we have had some kind of shew of hope in somear anans.

^^^^ whereby we might have conjectur'd, that he had beenordained for the deliverance hereof, yet it prov'd afterwards,

that in the very height of all his actions he was curb'd byfortune, insomuch that this poore countrey remaining as it

were without life, attends still for him that shall heal her

wounds, give an end to all those pillagings and sackings of

/ Lombardy, to those robberies and taxations of the King-dome, and of Tuscany, and heal them of their soars, nowthis long time gangren'd. We see how she makes her

prayers to God, that he send some one to redeem her fromthese Barbarous cruelties and insolencies. We see her also

wholly ready and disposed to follow any colours, provided

there be any one take them up. Nor do we see at this

present, that she can look for other, than your Illustrious

Family, to become Cheiftain of this deliverance, which hathnow by its own vertue and Fortune been so much exalted,

and favored by God and the Church, whereof it now holds

the Principality : and this shall not be very hard for you to

do, if you shall call to mind the former actions, and lives of

those that are above named. And though those men werevery rare and admirable, yet were they men, and every oneof them began upon less occasion than this ; for neither wastheir enterprize more just than this, nor more easie; norwas God more their friend, than yours. Here is very great

justice: for that war is just, that is necessary; and those

armes are religious, when there is no hope left otherwhere,

but in them. Here is an exceeding good disposition therel i


nor can there be, where there is a good disposition, a greatdifficulty, provided that use be made of those orders, whichI propounded for aim and direction to you. Besides this,

here we see extraordinary things without example eflFected

by God; the sea was opened, a cloud guided the way,devotion poured forth the waters, and it rain'd downManna ; all these things have concurred in your greatness,

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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthe rest is left for you to do. God will not do every thing CHAP. XXVIhimself, that he may not take from us our free will, and An Exhorta-part of that glory that belongs to us. Neither is it a tiontofree

marvel, if any of the aforenamed Italians have not been Italy from the

able to compass that, which we may hope your illustriousS^'"'*"^"^*

family shall : though in so many revolutions of Italy, andso many feats of war, it may seem that the whole militaryvertue therein be quite extinguisht ; for this arises from thatthe ancient orders thereof were not good ; and there hathsince been none that hath known how to invent new ones.

Nothing can so much honor a man rising anew, as new lawsand new ordinances devised by him : these things when theyhave a good foundation given them, and contain in themtheir due greatness, gain him reverence and admiration ; andin Italy their wants not the matter wherein to introduce

any forme. Here is great vertue in the members, were it

not wanting in the heads. Consider in the single fights

that have been, and duels, how much the Italians haveexcel'd in their strength, activity and address; but whenthey come to armies, they appear not, and all proceeds fromthe weakness of the Chieftaines ; for they that understand

the managing of these matters, are not obeyed ; and every

one presumes to understand ; hitherto there having not been

any one so highly raised either by fortune or vertue, as that

others would submit unto him. From hence proceeds it,

that in so long time, and in so many battels fought for these

last past 20 years, when there hath been an army wholly

Italian, it alwaies hath had evil success ; whereof the river

Tarus first was witness, afterwards Alexandria, Capua, Genua,Vayla, Bolonia, Mestri. Your Illustrious family then being

desirous to tread the footsteps of these Worthyes whoredeem'd their countreys, must above all things as the very

foundation of the whole fabrick, be furnished with soldiers

of your own natives : because you cannot have more faithful,

true, nor better soldiers ; and though every one of them be

good, all together they will become better when they shall

find themselves entertained, commanded, and honored bytheir own Prince. Wherefore it is necessary to provide for


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THE PRINCECHAP. XXVI those armes, whereby to be able with the Italian valor to

An Exhorta- make a defence against forreiners. And however the Swisse

tion to free infantry and Spanish be accounted terrible ; yet is thereItalyfrom the defect in both of them, by which athird order might notarbarians.

^^^y oppose them, but may be confident to vanquish them :

for the Spaniards are not able to indure the Horse, and the' Swisse are to feare the foot, when they incounter with them,

as resolute in the fight as they; whereupon it hath been

seen, and upon experience shall be certain, that the

Spaniards are not able to beare up against the French

Cavalery, and the Swisses have been routed by the Spanish

Foot. And though touching this last, there hath not been

any entire experience had, yet was there some proof thereof

given in the battel of Ravenna, when the Spanish Footaffronted the Dutch battalions, which keep the same rank

the Swisses do, where the Spaniards with their nimbleness

of body, and the help of their targets entred in under their

Pikes, and there stood safe to offend them, the Dutch menhaving no remedy : and had it not been for the Cavalery

that rusht in upon them, they had quite defeated them.

There may then (the defect of the one and other of these

two infantries being discoverd) another kind of them be

anew ordained, which may be able to make resistance against

the Horse, and not fear the Foot, which shall not be a newsort of armes, but change of orders. And these are some of

those things which ordained a new, gain reputation andgreatness to a new Prince. Therefore this occasion should

not be let pass, to the end that Italy after so long a time

may see some one redeemer of hers appear. Nor can I

express with what dearness of affection he would be received

in all those countreys which have suffered by those forrein,'

scums, with what thirst of revenge, with what resolution of

fidelity, with what piety, with what tears. Would anygates be shut again him ? Any people deny him obedience ?

Any envy oppose him.? Would not every Italian fully

consent with him.? This government of the Barbarians

stinks in every ones nostrils. Let your Illustrious Familythen undertake this worthy exployt with that courage and


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NICHOLAS MACHIAVELLthose hopes wherewith such j ust actions are to be attempted ; CHAP. XXVIto the end that under your colours, this countrey may be An Exhorta-

enabled, and under the protection of your fortune that tion to free

saying of Petrarch be verifyed. BaEins

Virtu contr' alfuorePrendera Farme, efia il combatter corto ;

Ohe Vantico valore

Ne gli Italiei cor non h morto.

Vertue against fury shall advance the fight.

And it i' th' combate soon shall put to flight


For th' old Roman valor is not dead.

Nor in th' Italians brests extinguished.


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