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The Scheme and Syllabus forUr dr+-L{i g h er-Examinarion_-.-

The name of the examination shall be Urdu Fligher Erarn-inah.-n

The Urdu Higher Examination shall have 6 papers

. Each paper will be for 100 marks

' The duration of examination of each paper will be 3 hours.

. All papers except paper I should be answered in Urdu language, and paperI should be rvritten either in mothertongue or in English

. The canttidates n'ho secured {0 marks out of 100 in each paper will be

dedEr'p.d as ped-- ILoe rb hrre Fassed anl surert dr agr€g:ate F*rcentage oi 5t] nrarks

d fuc it fu &st apgeerare N. he pi"rcnt m Fi.rst ci:ss. aEregate

p!@gs dil EEts &'L,l ature hrt tE.:* ol :- *re irt appe-rr:nce r*-ll:

tG daced Lr Seccrri dass. atd orhers r.1L- trat-e =*uss.*j

lt-lU tra rlarr,; :nTffidas"

. Tlre .:andi.lates anprearh-q for thi-s e\ar-Lir-atrt-n shouid hare s;udie; Lrdul-s a paper in SSLC,/equiavlant or HSE,, equit'alant eran'Linaticrn.

. The minimum age for submitting application for appearing for theexamination wiil be 77 years.

. No compartrnental appearance is permitted for the first appearance. Howevercandiates (who have not secured pass minimum marks) are permitted toreappear in the failed papers.


I. Foundations of Education : Philosophical; Sociological andPsr chological

II Language & I-anguage learning (Urclu)

III. Urdu Prose

ry. Urdu Poetri'

V. Functional Urdtr

VI. Fliston- of Urdu languaee & Literatur'e





r l',a ,"





Time - Marks

Paper II

Paper III

Paper [V

PaperV 3

Paper VI 3


Question Pattern

. Out o{ 12 Questions only ten to be answered

Each question carries 3 marks = 3 x 10 :30

. O.ut of 72 Questions only ten to be answered

EaEh question carries 5 marks=Sx 10=50 l'

. Out of 4 Questions only two to be answered : '],A x 2 = 20

-I*otal (30+50+20) = 100



Unit IEducation : Meaning, Definition - Aims and functions. Factors influencing

education. Philosophical, Sociological and Psychological

Unit IIPhilosophy of education and its interrelationship with Eclucation - EducationalThinkers:- Plato, Rousseau, Den'ev, \Iahathma Gandhi, Tagore and Iqbal.

Unit IIISocilogv oi education and its Lrterrelationship lr.ith eclucalion - Agencies ofeducation, Culhrre, Socialisalion and Etiucation, Social change.

Unit IV

Educafion il prlg anel post intlepentlerrt India

. Constifuticrn;rl proi'i.sions c,f eclucation-Articles related to education - Right toEclucation .\ct 2009.

. Inclian Eriucation Commissior-r 196{ - 66, National Poliq, on Educati on'19E6,

NCF 2005.












^itvThe teacher: Role of t ional ethics-^t'

professional development of teachers-

Unit VI

I Psycholo gy of education - Approaches: Behaviourism Cognitivism,


Unit VII

Eclucational Technoiogy - meaning, trends, multimedia Education including IT,

Ir{icro Teaching.

Child Development:

Stages of develoPment

D. ' ,{spects of development 'r.

Unit VIII- Leaarning r

Factors infl uencing learning

Learning and acquisition

Co Operative, collaborative and social learning.

Unit IX

Developin g lntelligence, Personality and Creativity

Lrtelligence : Nlultiple intelligence, Emotional and Social intelligence

Persona-lit\' : Factorsinfluencing Personality development

Acljustrnent and mala djustment

CreativiW: Coru.ergent thinking ancl divergent thinking

Unit X

Guidance and Counselling

lmportance of guidance and counselling.

Curriculum - clefenitiot-t - construction.

'NIark distribution

UnitltoV = 50marks




Unit VI to X : 50 lvlarks

-* ---Totai- : a00Ma=kr---

Reference Books

Unit II



. 1. Vidvabhyasathinte lv{anahsastra adithara (Dr. T.K. Premakumari)

2. Education in the en-rerging lndian society (Dr. Sivarajan.K)

3. Vidvabhl,asa Manashastram (Dr. C.N. Balakrishnan Nambiar)

4. Vidhyabhyasathinte thathvika Samoohika aclithara (Chandrababu)

5. Education in India (Dr. T.K. Mohammed)

6. Advanced Educational Psychology (S.K. Mar-rgal)


Part-I . rr

Unit 1- Lungorjb,

Definition - Language systems - Language skills - Urdu curriculum in Kerala(Std I to VII| - Learner centered, Discourse oriented, Activity based and Productoriented education

- Language Learning:

- Behaviourism, Congnitivism, Constructivism

- Traditional, Direct, Communicative, Strucfural, fnteractive.



Learning lvfaterials.

Unit III - Planning- Year plzur, Unit plan, Dailv plan, Presentation, Editing,Class management

Summaive & formative Evaluation

Evaluation : CCE, TE, Tools of evaluation and recording

Part II Analvsis of HB & TB Std V to VIII (Urdu)

Part I

Part II


- 50 marks

- 50 marks

- 10Lj marks


U nou H tcHrn ExannrNanor,l

grEtosef, syfh1us

Prescribed Textbooks

I. NAYA ADABI NISAB. Ed. By Azeemul Haq ]unaidi & Ather Parvez

Pub. by. Educational Book llouse Aligarh.


1. Jawahar Lal Nehru - Ek Yadqar Wasiyath

2. Mir Aman Dehlavi - Hatim Ki Sakhargath

3. Sir Syed Ahamad Khan - GuzaraHuaZarnana

4. Mirza Farhatulla Beg - Ek kahani

f Patras Bukhari

6. Imttyaz AhTaj/Qudsia Zatdi

II. Urdu NASR. Ed. by. Prof. Surayya Husain

Pub. by Educational Book House Aligarh


- Marhoom Ki Ygdmen

- Talash

- Ghatib Ki Shakhsiyath

- Sri Syed Marhoom Aur Urdu Literature

7. Altaf Husain Hali

8. Shibli Numani

9. Sajjad Hyder Yalderum - Baghdad Ka Safar

10. Munshi Premchand - Qatil Ki Ma

r - lll Urdu Prose


Question Pattern

Paper III Urdu Prose


Tota1 Mark

Question No. 1to L6 (16)

. Short Ansrn et Questions 8 (Five should be Answered)

' Anrtotation B (Fi'r,e should be Answered)

Question No. 17 to 26 (10)

. Paragraph questions. Answer in not less than 20 sentences

. Weightage should be given to all discourses Afsana/Kahani,Drama, Safarnama, Sawanih

' Eight Should be answered

Question Ng. 27 to 31 (5) k

. Essay questions. Answer.should not be less than 40 sentences

. Weightage should be given to all discourses. I

Afsana/ Kahani, Mazameen, Drama, S#arnama, Sawanih

. Only tlrree sh.ould be arsl"ered







Unuulltcuen Exann I ruRl o ru

Proyosef, syffabus

Paper - lV Urdu Poetry

The following Nazms are prescribed

. Mele ki Sair - Nazeer Akbar Abadi

. Watan - Farz Ahamed Faiz

. Noujawanon Se - Brij Narayan Chakbast

. Marsiya-e-Dehli - Altaf Hussain Hali

. Husn Aur Mazdoori - Josh Maleeh Abadi

r, . Ek Arzoo - Dr Allama Iqbal

. Guftag;u - Sardar Ja'fari

- . Chand aur tharon ka ban - Makhdoom Mohiyuddin

. Kerala - Sayed Mohd Sarwar

. Yahee hai Kya Woh Hintiustan - Sayed Mohd. Sarwar

. The following Ghazals are prescribed

. Ab Judai Na Kar Khuda Soon Dar .....................Wa1i Aruangabadi

. Dil hi to hai na sang wo khishth ........Ghalib

. Hasti Ap*i Hubab ki see hai ............................N'{eer Taqi mir

. Asar uskoZaraNaheen Hota ............Hakeem Momin Khan Momin

. Thamasha-e- Dair -o- Haram Dekhthe hain ..............Dagh Dahlavi

. Us Shouq Ko Ruswa Na Kiva, Na Karengay .............Hasrat Mohani

. Duniva ke sitam vad Na Apani hi lVafa Yaad..........Jigar lvluradabadi

. Sar men Soucia bhi Nahin Dil men Tamama bhi Nahin.... Firaaq Gorakhpuri

. The follolr.ing Rubaavivath are prescribecl.

. Gulshan men Phiroon Ke Saire Safua Dekhon.......... Il{eer Anees

. ' Ghaflat ki Hasi se Ah bharna Achha....... Akbar Allababadi

. K),a thum se bathaven Umr-e- Far-ri K1'a thee......... Jagath lt,[ohanlal Rarnran

. Jo Karthe hain Kuch Zaban se Kahthe hain Kam Altaf Hussain Hali


Books prescribed

1. Urdu Shairee

2. Naya Adbai Nisab

(Nazam Part)

3. Naway-e-Sarwar

- Edited by Prof. Manzar Abas Naqvi PubliEdl.Book Horse, Aligarh Edition ?00q--- *- --:

- Edited by Azeemul Haq ]unaidi and Athar Parvez

Published by Educational Book House Edition2A09

- by S.M. Sarwar. Malappuram



Question Pattern

Paper IV Urdu Poetry

Time : 3 Hour

Total Marks : 100

1. Short Answer Questions (Question No. 1 to L3)

Answer any ten of the following

Weightage should be given to all the poetic forms included in the syllabus

Short Essay Questions (Question No. 14 to 23)

Any Eight of the following 8x5:4(Weightage should be given to Gazal, Rubayee and Masnavi only

AnsH,er any three of tfe fotlowing. Each in not less than thirty linds


Questiors should be asked on the surunary of poems and the conh.ibution r

the poets.

a. Two out of three (Summary of the poem)

b. One out of two (contribution of the poets)

Total 28 questions and Total 100 marks



1 x 10.: l,(


Question 1 - 13

Ansr,r.er arry ten of the following

8 Questions fiom gt'afiunar

5 Questions from Tashbeeh - isthiare

Radeef - Khafiya, Muh avira, Zarbul, Amsal, rozfi:rayrah,

Questions 14 -23

Answer trty eight of the following

6 Questions from grammar '*

3 Questions from Thashbeeh - ishthiara

Radeef - qafia, Mahavira, zarbul Amsa1, Rozmarrah Talme

Questi on 24 - 26

Answer any three of the following

Question No. 24 General essay should be in not less than thishould be given)

Question No. 25

Translation from Malayalarrl/ English to Urdu

Question No. 26

Letter n riting (Choice should be given)


PrEtosef, syffaQus


I. KALIMA - Ism, Harf

- Aqsame Ism and Fel, Ismefail, Isme maJool

- Hureef Ki qismen

- Sifath, Us Ki qismain

Tharkeebe sarf, Tharkeebe Nahv

Sabiqe aur Lahiqet'

Thazleer -o- thanees !'

- Jandar aur bejan

- Vahid aur jama

Mutharadif aur Mutha zad alf.az

II. Thashbeeh aur Isthiara

Radeef and quafiya

Muhav ira th, Z arbal Amsal

Rozmarrah, Thalmeehath

III. Khuthooth Naveesi

- Usool -o-adab


(Thijarathi, Karobari, Sarkari etc)

IV. Tarjuma

- Urdu se l\Ialavaiam/English

- lr.Ialavalam/English se Urciu

V. General Essays


- t2-

unpu frrcrren ExanarNarroru-PRoposED syLLABUS pApER

Hrsrony oF Unpu LaNcuaGE AND LrrEnarunr

1. Urdu Zuban-o-Adab Ki Mukthasar Thareekh2. Asnaf-e-Shairy: Ghazal - Qaseeda - Masnavi - Marsiya - Rubayi3. Urdu Shairi Ke Dabisthan: Delhi - Luckrrow

4. Deccan me Urdu Shairy: Muhammad Quli Quthubsha, lVali5. Ahacl e Meer-o-Sauda: Meer thaqi meer, Mirza Sauda, IvIeer Dard Meer


6. Nazeer Akbar Abadi7. Urdu - Shairv Ka Ahad-e-Zarreen: Ibrahin-r Zatq- Mirza Ghalib - Moon-rin -

Khan Momin, Bahadu Shah Zafar

8. Meer Anees, Mirza Dabeer

9. Urdu Sharry me Naye Rujhanath - Mod Husain Moulana Azad- Hali - AkbarIlahabadi: Brij Narayanan Ghakbasth - Allama Iqbal

10. Jadeed Ghazah: Faani Badayuni - Hasrath Mohani11. Shoara-e -Ahad - e-|adeqd: |igar Morada bodi -]osh Maleehabacli, Firaq

Gorakhpuri1,2. Tharqipasand Thahrreek: Asararul Haq Majaz- Ir{aqdoom Mohiuddin -Falz

Ahmed Faiz - Sardar Jalri - Ahamad Nadeem Kasmi - Sahir Ludhivanvi13. Hissa-e-Nasr: urdu Nasr Ka Agaz - Fort \\'illiam College - \leer -{n-rman

DehIvi'14. urdu Nasr Ka .A,had - e - zarueen: sir syedAhmed Khan - r{uhammad

Hussain Azad - Moulana Hali, Nazeer Ahammad - Shibli Naumani15. Urdu Novel Ka Irthiqa - Nazeer Ahamad - Iv{irza Hadi Ruswa - Krishnan


16. \4ukhthasar Afsana: Premchand- Sadat Hasan Manto Rajcntler Singh Becli-

Ismath Chughthai Qurrathil ain Hr.dar

Khaka: Ahanr Khaka Nigar-N'laulavi Abdul Hnq - Rasheed Ahaniad SiclhiqiInshair a: \luiranrmetl Hussain Azacl - Khaja Hassan -\izan'ri - Farhath ullaB.g - Rasheetl Al'rmad Siclhuqui

Thanqeed: trloulana Hali - Shibli \loulana Azaci - Kaleemadheen .\hamad- Ilrtliishall Hussai-rr





Book for reference:

1. Thareekh-e- Adab - e - Urdu - Prof. Nooul Hassan Nqvi - published by EBH


2. Makhtasar Thareekh-e- Adab - e- Urdu Dr.Fjaz Hussan - Published by EBH

Aligharh3. Urdu Adab Ki Thareekh - Azeem UI Haq Janaidi Published EBH Aligharh

Pattern of Question Paper

Time 3 Hrs 100 Marks

I. Short answer questions (Question No. 1 to 13)

Answer any Ten of the following (10 x 3 : 30 marks)

II Short Essay Questions (Question No. 14 to 23)

Answer a1y eight of the following (Not less than 20 sentences) (8 " 5 : 40

marks) q \nI Essay Questions (Question No. 24 to 28)

Ansr,r'er 1lI three of the following in not less than 40 sentences (3 x 10: 30


Total23 Questions Total 100 Marks

The Scheme and Syllabus forArabic Teacher's Examination

The name of the examination shall be Arabic Teacher's Examination

The Arabic Teacher's Examination shall have 6 papers

Each paper will be for 100 marks

The duration of examination of each paper will be 3 hours

A1l papers except paper first should be answered in Arabic language, and

paper first should be written either in the mothertongue or in English

The candidates who secured 40 marks out of 100 in each paper will be

decleared as passed.

Those who have passed and secured an agregate percentage of 60 marks

and above in th& first appearance shall be placed in First class, a!:egate

percentage of 50 marks and above but below 60 in the first appearance willbe placed in Sesond class, and others who have passed will be p-laced in

Third class.

. The candidates appearing for this examination should have studied Arabic

as a paper in SSlC/equiavlant or F{SE/equivalant examinations.

. The minimum age for submitting application for appearing the examination

will be 17 yearc.

. No compartmental appearance is permitted for the first appearance.

However candiates (who have not secured pass marks in any papers) are

permitted to reappear in the failed paPers.


I Foundations of Education: Philosophical; Sociological and


II. Language & Language learning

m. Classical and lr'Iodern Prose

[V. Classical ancl Modern poetrv

** ),if): I nit h n i 7 an- ltt n i ioe n ku ttt

V. Applied grammar Rhetorics prosodl, and functional ArabicVL -ffiqlqry-f Arabs,-Arabic l

Time - Marks

Paper I 3 Hrs 100 marks

Paper II 3 100

Paper III Z 100

Paper fV 3 100

Paper V 3 100

Paper VI 3 100

Total G00

Question Pattern

. '* Out of 12 Questions only ten to be answerecl ,r,

Each question carries 3 marks = 3 x L0 :30

Each question carries 5 marks=Sx 10:50

Out of 4 Questions only two to be answered : 10 x 2: )0

Total (30+59126) = 100



Education : I\'Ieaning, Definition - Aims and functions. Factors influenci.geducation. Philosophical, Sociological ancl psychological system ofeducation.


Philosophv of education and its interrelationship with Eclucation - Educationalthinkers:- plato, Rousseau, Deurelr, Mahathma Gantlhi, Tagore and Iqbal.Unit III

Socilog_i' of eelucation and its interrelation_qhip r,r,ith Education _ Agepcies ofeducatio., Culture, sociarisation and education, sociai change.

Unit IV


Edusa tlo,n-irlPIff !4 p o_s t In d e p end en t In d i a .

. Constitutional provisions of education-Articles related to education - Right toEducation Act2009.

. Indian Education Comrnissionl964 - 66, National Policy on Education1986,

NCF 2005.

Unit V

The teacher: Role of teacher Teaching as a profession - professional ethics-

professional development of teachers.

Unit VI

Psychology of education - Approaches: Behaviourism Cognitivism,Constructivism.

Unit VU 'rn

Educational Technology - meaning, trends, multimedia Education including IT,

Micro Teaching. _

, Child Development:

. Stages of development

. Aspects of development



. Factors influencing learning

. Learning and acquisition

. Co Operative, collaborative and social learning.

Unit lX

Developing Intelli gence, Personality and Creativitv

Intelligence : Multiple intelligence, Emotional and Social inteliigence

Personalit\, : Factorsinfluencing Personalih'development

' Adjustment and malacljustment

Creativity: Con..,ergentthinkingandclivergentthinking

Unit X

--'-Guidance trrd CounseiliryImportance of guidance and counselling.

Curriculum - defenition - construction.

N{ark distribution

UnitItoV : 50marks

Unit VI to X : 50 Marks

Total : 100 Marks

Reference Books

1. Vidyabhyasathinte Manahsastra adithara (Dr. T.K. Premakumari)

2. Education in the emerging Indian society (Dr. Sivarajan.K)

3. Vidyabhyasa Manalhastram (Dr. C.N. Balakrishnan Nambiar)

4. VidhyabhyasathintethathvikaSamoohikaadithara (Chandrababu)

5. Education in India (Dr. T.K. Mohammed)

6. Advanced Educational Psychology (S.K. Mangal)

Paper II


Part - I

Unit 1- Language:

Definition - Language systems - Language skills - Arabic curriculum in Kerala

(Std I to VIII) - Leaner centerecl, Discourse oriented, Activity based and Product

oriented education.

Unit II



- Language Learning:

- Behaviourism, Congnitivism, Constructivism

- Traditionai, Direct, Communicative, Structural, Interactive.



Learning \Iateriais.

Unit Iil - Planning, Year plan, Unit plal, Daily Lr1au, Presentation, Editing,

Class tnanagement

Summative & Formative Evaluations

Evaluation : CCE, TE, Tools of evaluation and recording

Part II Analysis of HB & TB Std I to VIII (Arabic)

Part I



- 50 marks

- 50 marks

- 100 marks


(i) Quran : Chapter 17 Al Israa, Chapter 24 Al Noor & Chapter 25 Al Furqaan

(iil Hadith: (a)Buloogul Maraam - Kithaabul |amia

?. (b) Riyaalussaaliheen (from Baabul lkhlaas'too Baabul Mubadarathi

ila- Al Khairaath.)

(iii) Kaleela wa Dimna ( The following chapters o.,ly) _

(a) AI Asadu WaI Thauru

(b) A1 Hamamathul Muthawwaqah

(i") AI Nadaraathby Musthafa Luthfi Al Manfaluthi (Chapter'Ainal Faleela'o.ly)

(u) Dam-athun wa Ibthisamah by ]ibran Khaleel Jibran (Chapter "ManahathulHaql " only)

("i) Rijalun Houla Rasool by Khalid Muhammed Khalid (Chapter "Bilalu Ibin


(vii) Biographies of Musthafa Luthfi Al Manfaluthi & Jibran Kha-leel|ibran

R4, Aslantu annntlwr Va slir fil Asil Arnbi Al Hadeetlt by Mohanmtedyotrvf


- Paper fV


(i) \{uallaqa oi Zuhat bin Abee Salma

(ii) Bar-rath Stiaadu of Kaabu bin Zuhair

(iii) "Al ilmu r.r,a tha-vleemu l{ajibun lil lr'Iuallim" trom Shoukhirlyath by Ahmed

Al Shouqi. (first 40lines on1,v)

(i") "Ai Lugathul Arabivva" bY Hafil ibrahim


' Ref:

(") "Louvath lrl Firaq" (Ilaika Rasoolu Hammee Va ishthiyaqee ....) Aboo lail

Muhammed Meeran

Life sketch of the above poets.

(1) Aalamu amathar Va shir fil Asrii Arabi A1 Hadeeth by MohammedYousuf Kokkan.

(2) Aalamu Adabil Arabi Fil Hind by ]amaludeen Farooqi, Abdul RalLiman

Adrusseri and Abdul Rahiman Mangad.

Paper V


Al Nahvul wadhih Al lbthidaiyya (3 vols)

Al Meezal *u Ajnasu sughra :

Al Balagatltul Waliha (Ilmul Bayaan only) t"

Ilmul Arood (Defenition and 16 meters (Buhoor) with exampies)

Al slmf Feli llnrul Aroozi utal Klwn afi by N.K. Alunrcd Moulnai.

Al Arabiyya Lil Hayaath (Part I) by Nasif MusthaJa and muhyideen salih.


From Malayalam to Arabic and Arabic to Malayalam

From English to Arabic and Arabic to English

Paper VI


Part - I

(i) Pre Islamic period - Socio- cultural - political history

(ii) Prophetic period : History of the prophet and four pious caliphs

(iii) Umavyad Period : General study about *p2vyad dvnash,,- important caliphs:

Ivluawiya, Abdul lr{a1ik bin N,Iarwan, Umer Bin Abdul Aziz

(i") Abbasid Period : General sfudy about Abbasid dvnastv - important caliphs:Abu Jaafer Al mansoor, Haroon A1 Rasheed, Il4aumoon

Part II

General studv of the following topics










i) Developmetrt of Arabic Langtrage

(ii) Arabic Literature dr-rring Pre-lslau-ric perioci - stucl\' abor-rt the biographies

of Quss bin Saaida, Imrul QaJ's, Labcecl bin ltalreea

bin Thabith, K}tansa

Alabic literatr-rre during Uma_v1'ad Periocl - Biographies of Alihtl-ral, falazclaq,


Arabic Literature during Abbasicl period - Biographies of Abu Thanrmam,

Ir{uthanabbi, Ibn lv{uqaifah, Jahidh, Badeeu Zaman Al-Hamadaar-ri

(vi) Ir{odern Arabic Literatr-rre r,r'ith Biographies of Khaleel h{uthran, Thaha

Husain, Najeeb N'Iah-foodh" Nazik al h'Iaiaikah

(vii) Biographies of tl-re following famous writers of Indo-Arab literature:Zainuddin Al Makhdoom Assageer, Abul Hasan A1i Nadvi


1. A1 Fusoolu fee Seerathi Rasool by Ismailiair-r lr{ohamme,l bin Katheer.

2. Tharekul Kulafa by Hafiz Jalaludhen Al Sul,oothi.

3. Thareekul Abadil Arbi by Ahmed Hasafl Zavyathi.

4. Aalamu an-nathar Va shir fil Asri] Arabi Al Harleeth L-ry Mohanrmecl Yousuf


5. Aalamu Adabil Arabi Fil Hind by Jan-raludeen Farooqi, Abdul Rahiman

Adrusseri and Abc1ul Rahiman lv{angad.

Rei,iseir S i' i ia i-rr;r

Sanskrit Teachers' Eramination

Part - I (Faper I and Paper lt)Paper - I

Educational Psl'cholog;', Princ ip-i I es of Teaching,Child Development and Feciagog1,

a;5Jo.,;ers croco"lo'la-acmcru'la-arulcmla ol'la:m-leot(n'. Gcogic ol6,ccn.,o: r;'-oat.,,ol.&

ala,ccfuo; "lornrrr'l'lo;or

omrLS; UDle,glcCfD)tolofBuS, "-locom-,lruccrD6muAt oJom(DLCrDe,sBUa;

{33o&J3 "lOCnOnrilael

oiDo(Tu(.oJollo m]ooollaf,ao s--na"lotcnoBBuS; GcogSoJcolcn oermot;ern1

ca,,/8; rsrefruJl(ol6lTlo - c}JcOOCrulL(c)GrDo; o{J&ecm)llo6rDo; olcrd"silac(rul/.(o)6rno. aipJJ

flrdernco;,o - GID(l)Jc.Ja a;el3crl165mo;o; "-romi"lo a;el3crl'ldemoro: ffulQ)o o}elScrrldorn

?r toro; crilocrorroa:er5crildemo)o; GSo a;etJcn1O#coo o.ileuorruiuoau omd.,o-looJffr)olo]os oJccDo

1.,-rirdmeung;o oJ(oloocro56Bpjo; mja;uE occmd'oaop"; <sromjalcrr'lmicLs"gacrS. Child


crildcgool4 mo1etoruqj

Paper - II 100 marks

Pedago gy o{ Teaching Sanskrit,English and Malayalam

'ilrl IY oi .giru.,.r-'n,1 p.olZC sl ml-r;llu,121i5.j?-9 ,3i"'u:i(r.JUl()rT)rJrurl*lgg oulat,,-ruri

, .ir. r (TL: cn \ 151 c. Jr trl rfr l9 c" D,r,r'l,r?] i.

l'.rri ii ([)aper - lii to \,'11 lii0 ntar[.,s

ir.il:i:i - ili - Pceii-,

* ,j,lO;';;::jrql.n'l.A': - ;:tt^i[)} -t l-tr.i r,> - '1li:',ll:,1':-r'')l:J,l): t j.l )rli l6 alr3.1l;l:3,


. nn 1rtrl, tllal'i\s




Paper - IV - Prose, Champu and l)rama

6)33o 6t-)JCO'l - UOJ 6)Cn3GffUCoj GB(Oo

of, 23@)5TDc ,-lrDjl - .ail-dalmlc&35lTtLo

G3OU0)cSao - pCrolGotDo


Paper V (100 marks) (60 + 25 + 15)

Vyakarana, Alankara and Vritha

olJodro6rDo (oo ncdad) ?,

r alo€rltTulalc(ro) orco;r:1 - (TuoP6rd)c. rrurru1, rrDocffDo. eJo;, rora-ukoro6.

o ocDJffu1Gr3ffo) a,oo]a1 - 6c(o6o

Gntr=r&xoo (zs oc6ad)

o d]COjJcodUOo - EfiDco .'iro'lC"fOeo

o 15 CdrAA'&CO6gBUd - a]ClOo)Cff)Cr3o (aco1aco,2o pB3or)rd6rDojlo)


(1) gcJo3. (z) o1'r.a,o (a) pcgo,Lo 1+1 poic;"-rac, (s) a;,rdscrroro 1o;1"-trol1"-ro (z) a1"lao

(e) rrroduocn (s1 c,.4.'tao 1to; .nlcoco.i3eoouc tttl nnoorclnD)ooJo,'ruo ("rz) rrurreccotcaril

( t3 , ilc,-uJp:lo.nc ( t+ i o5.o1cra<ic ( 15 ) rTrdcrll:o-13(Lro

11r:)Y): , ttS Z;d;'j.

l. ,flE.Dl,rl]5l.Li 12i 6Y),-,1-ralr-.? i:ilDf{;,.tlrQ3arde (a,o,rlEll,Irl (5r o(ilfrl.]lti.j) (Eiot,rJii]^uilo

(Z,r 1S;rmetl1}o"T)]lrolo i8) 3'e?,)(n.ir.l1u))i1)r i9) ,.)t,fUrrJ)rJ)lpJ.iro rt0] jr tg.lrl'l iil)

2,131;di:1iT1)-r {11 , ,:it'pt rt11,.;'1,-.t-iolo (13) 1'Tr,,i,r.Lt0) (t+l afgoTt (15) al)o$nl1


Paper VI


100 lvlarks

History of Sanskrit LiteratureTranslation and Composition

A. History of Sanskrit Literature (7A klarks)

r. ocro8a"lojl 2. ol5cm-ro8

3. eoroz3cril 4. e,cgl1ecm-ro6

5. ac"ero6 6. racootl

7. erucsmra5o6 a. crccsoA

9. "lcarn]cnl 10. rec5c*1o"las4ort6

11. o'rogqelaMand 12. oeml-r'l

13. ir-o"1"-od"eroa u. "od"sicxd€xmfla1s. reo.rre;roi . ,u. tro;toaoE

1?. oilcrocoloomrod q 18. orqmrncud,eumo8

19. rEcmrod

c a, o 91 co cru o cn5 a,5 ro a, oil ali I wqora o5 co cri

r. g<;o1uoe,oco-rco56 -' ,. "A.6rod. ocgocsotdao

3. m)le3acoaorl 4. rroa,oao.tl

5. cD3oce)fiDre5railo'l 6. ocar"rcerrr'l.Ltcod

;. ,l5mj1cruLcalo,ud s, ltto1mcooco5,r(/)]ol

s. "J'l.oa. mc(DcrD5'rD"-r1ggro. oa..g1o6. "6lw3ortirgod

1r. .r'l.mr. eBoJouJ 12. erlercoo]aoa

B. Translation and Composition 30 Marks (20 + 10)

Translation (20 marks)

Cn:o,Ticjr.rn)roro>-lOi crllrfn;o i.UCCaOOlO, eC.':ArOilCgffijgp adeZUA - tCOreorrrrOrfr CfrffDlgp

':iJr3J / Lt cj,ro t/D o$I] Ql o ol ro1 r r rOl zrl g :oor'"0 O5 / -J3J G'l {n 6iI3 pi o.

Composiiion (10 marks)

aal3o))1l3c0) d,.eiloooro) raaur'iao131 (Tuo(T,+&-\,(nol.tr)lol 2aJ(TJrCnJ oalq).

i.lr'i - I[I - ::':tt- () J.Il :J']i 'J? r

.,.---o:fli.r:-(,-Tt,t - ZtrJtDt)9o - po,Ji.rfi -,rgml] ;3la!,J,Ag,]o)S (l6itl'JOJcnOlACiOl 6U''TU-;O:J=

fi.i.L jlrJ:D ;r,Jr'IrnJl.-Ii)l Zl"+f,-l -r11

o',)]ml'nlm)aj'Jl.\n):C) r.Itir?lrjf nJrD r-l Ol:J'.rCro

,,,-il r i 5,1il3'..i,liTl).


cIB(l)JcoJcD oomtui]6rril cmq arm'.Lrglcoietcno

erDcs6Tr3o)cen). orooJO.JCn "-Lrolcro"lsmo

GlDo(n"l&5rol o.t''lr:5coto;oroilo6 mscoror'locr,col

oorgiloiao;cm orqufloco'laaccor mrd5iloclasld erre5accaasnealceni. rruom5aSortorrrtcr;

zo gcm5, aoaocgrororlcri s. pogl"Bild s "gcrnleur:om cn'lsods;eartodmoneorceni.

1..rc c or c crfl o, u ol cro"l s a'lrmjl cd t o o a c 6 ad 6 6rD 6oc G6o orre (,.) c 6I$.

(oo1.,-rao1 o"rp-torollGer€o" (Tuoffu"6j6)o, oalQocpo, pog1"sa" ollcsjo)6IJBUa66)"

.4ffd.crul.p.@'196.sl ogcocaeilconslg.g aolao;e-rot;o mi'lereruelo .'.rco"-t;mSalaea:p;o

Gro CllLo Lol caoerrs a'r ceni ).

Division of Marks

Written Exarnination (& x 100 : 600 marks)

Practical Examination (1 x 100 = 100 marks)

o.n0r6ini Lomnec:(,a

r. oilo3cre5sm-rroroiloog amr4cm5larrcslono ccr.oc.sl.oa. e1"rao3aco1

2. oilolcre5cm-lrrllo acnrficm5groor;" aco-rolo8 cncqDd

3. Educational Psvchologv S.S. Chouhan

4. Advanced Educational Psvchology- S. lv{angal

5. TDoenie-\octDJcolcDo ccrlc.g-I. cru"ocoorod

6. in.,o,rria5.o'rJu,J3olcnrTu5rnlotcncrflu-,,1,, CHL}{S Sarrna

z. Ilethoels of Teachins Sal-skrit Raghunath Safava

a. l eacirin, of Sanskrrt Apte

9. Gc},(iEl,:r; ,rucfrta;ltD .fL),la1]l,T)J!O1.rxro .)rso5)lc.}id ocgot*ot,izrz

rlr. Conkitution oi Kerala to S;inskrit Literature Dr. K. Kunjunni Raja, Ac1ar,ar

11. ir,r':cirl-1ct,o1,iD,r I tk lt r:raog rrul-lrl.I).\ :n"mtlrz'l

12 r,o,rD2l,D. .Tt-iltu-rl lrJrl ll_ lrr 2:a:l:5 :grrj. .-ror:ziatrz gd

n irrinralt. Terllrooks - Sanskrit. \laiavaiam SCF-RI

l: tti',lt-h