lutheran church of our redeemer · 2021. 1. 1. · redeemer and lcoor christian preschool. think of...

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer 2001 2 nd Street NW - Watertown, South Dakota Website: Facebook: Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Sunday, January 31, 2021; 8:30am and 10:30am Prelude “Songs of Thankfulness and Praise” (arr. Herzog & Hopson) Welcome and introduction of the theme of the day. Invocation, Confession and Forgiveness Blessed be the holy Trinity, one God, whose voice is upon the waters, whose mercy is poured out upon all people, whose goodness cascades over all creation. Amen. Let us confess our sin, trusting in the abundant grace of God. Silence is kept for reflection. Holy God, you search us and know us. You are acquainted with all our ways. We confess that our hearts are burdened by sin—our own sins and the broken systems that bind us. We turn inward, failing to follow your outward way of love. We distrust those who are not like us. We exploit the earth and its resources and fail to consider generations to come. Forgive us, gracious God, for all we have done and left undone. Even before the words are on our tongues, you know them; receive them in your divine mercy. Amen. How vast is God’s grace! Through the power and promise of Christ Jesus, our sins are washed away and we are claimed as God’s own beloved. Indeed, we are forgiven. In the wake of God’s forgiveness, we are called to be the beloved community living out Christ’s justice and the Spirit’s reconciling peace. Amen. Opening Hymn (8:30) “By His Wounds” (10:30) “Rise, Shine, you People!” #665, vs 1, 5 Prayer of the Day Compassionate God, you gather the whole universe into your radiant presence and continually reveal your Son as our Savior. Bring wholeness to all that is broken and speak truth to us in our confusion, that all creation will see and know your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

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Page 1: Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer · 2021. 1. 1. · Redeemer and LCOOR Christian Preschool. Think of the impact you—along with other eligible Thrivent members—can help make by

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer 2001 2

nd Street NW - Watertown, South Dakota

Website: Facebook:

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

Sunday, January 31, 2021; 8:30am and 10:30am

Prelude “Songs of Thankfulness and Praise” (arr. Herzog & Hopson)

Welcome and introduction of the theme of the day.

Invocation, Confession and Forgiveness

Blessed be the holy Trinity, ☩ one God, whose voice is upon the waters, whose mercy is poured out upon all people, whose goodness cascades over all creation. Amen.

Let us confess our sin, trusting in the abundant grace of God.

Silence is kept for reflection.

Holy God, you search us and know us. You are acquainted with all our ways. We confess that our hearts are burdened by sin—our own sins and the broken systems that bind us. We turn inward, failing to follow your outward way of love. We distrust those who are not like us. We exploit the earth and its resources and fail to consider generations to come. Forgive us, gracious God, for all we have done and left undone. Even before the words are on our tongues, you know them; receive them in your divine mercy. Amen.

How vast is God’s grace! Through the power and promise of ☩ Christ Jesus, our sins are washed away and we are claimed as God’s own beloved. Indeed, we are forgiven. In the wake of God’s forgiveness, we are called to be the beloved community living out Christ’s justice and the Spirit’s reconciling peace. Amen.

Opening Hymn (8:30) “By His Wounds”

(10:30) “Rise, Shine, you People!” #665, vs 1, 5

Prayer of the Day Compassionate God, you gather the whole universe into your radiant presence and continually reveal your Son as our Savior. Bring wholeness to all that is broken and speak truth to us in our confusion, that all creation will see and know your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Page 2: Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer · 2021. 1. 1. · Redeemer and LCOOR Christian Preschool. Think of the impact you—along with other eligible Thrivent members—can help make by

Reading 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 1Now concerning food sacrificed to idols: we know that “all of us possess knowledge.” Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. 2Anyone who claims to know something does not yet have the necessary knowledge; 3but anyone who loves God is known by him. 4Hence, as to the eating of food offered to idols, we know that “no idol in the world really exists,” and that “there is no God but one.” 5Indeed, even though there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as in fact there are many gods and many lords—6yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist. 7It is not everyone, however, who has this knowledge. Since some have become so accustomed to idols until now, they still think of the food they eat as food offered to an idol; and their conscience, being weak, is defiled. 8“Food will not bring us close to God.” We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do. 9But take care that this liberty of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak. 10For if others see you, who possess knowledge, eating in the temple of an idol, might they not, since their conscience is weak, be encouraged to the point of eating food sacrificed to idols? 11So by your knowledge those weak believers for whom Christ died are destroyed. 12But when you thus sin against members of your family, and wound their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ. 13Therefore, if food is a cause of their falling, I will never eat meat, so that I may not cause one of them to fall.

Gospel Mark 1:21-28 21[Jesus and his disciples] went to Capernaum; and when the sabbath came, he entered the synagogue and taught.22They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. 23Just then there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit, 24and he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God.” 25But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silent, and come out of him!” 26And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying with a loud voice, came out of him. 27They were all amazed, and they kept on asking one another, “What is this? A new teaching—with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” 28At once his fame began to spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee.

This is the Gospel of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Sermon Pastor Dan Ofstehage

Hymn of the Day (8:30|10:30) “Arise, Your Light Has Come!” #314

Page 3: Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer · 2021. 1. 1. · Redeemer and LCOOR Christian Preschool. Think of the impact you—along with other eligible Thrivent members—can help make by

Apostles’ Creed I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Offering Text to Give: 605-250-6765

Prayers of the Church Hospitalized/Ill: Debby Peterson, Duane Niles, Karla Stimson, Nettie Austin, John Stonebarger, Barry Johnson, Bev Owen, Drake Rounds, Dawn Johnson, Pam Ross, Kevin Pierce, Sharon Gugel, sister-in-law of Annette Gugel, aunt of Bev (Steve) Splinter Dorothy Gugel, sister-in-law of Annette Gugel, aunt of Bev (Steve) Splinter Lorie Bradshaw, sister of Curt (JoAnn) Rosenbaum Todd McGillivary, son of Marv & Joyce McGillivary Avery West, granddaughter of Deb Larson Josh Anderson, grandson of Terri Bruner

Death: Ron Seim, brother of Don (Janet) Seim Fred Gottsleben, father of Todd (Cami) Gottsleben

The Lord’s Prayer and Benediction

Sending Hymn (8:30) “Glorious Day”

(10:30) “Son of God, Eternal Savior” #655 vs 1, 4

Call to Service Pastor: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!

People: Thanks be to God!

Postlude “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” Copyright © 2021 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS023757. New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Serving This Morning Preaching: Pastor Dan Ofstehage; Presiding: Pastor Kent Stillson; Worship Team (8:30) ; Pianist/Organist: (10:30) AJ Sherrill; Sound & Projection: Darian Givens, Kent Anderson

Page 4: Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer · 2021. 1. 1. · Redeemer and LCOOR Christian Preschool. Think of the impact you—along with other eligible Thrivent members—can help make by

Thrivent Choice® makes a meaningful impact Choice Dollars® directions can help support the mission of Lutheran Church of Our

Redeemer and LCOOR Christian Preschool.

Think of the impact you—along with other eligible Thrivent members—can help make

by directing Choice Dollars to either of these two. The outreach funding we receive

from Thrivent Financial through this program can help us strengthen our community

and change lives.

Directing Choice Dollars is easy. Simply go to to learn

more and find program terms and conditions. Or call 800-847-4836 and say

“Thrivent Choice” after the prompt. Together, we can do even more to help

strengthen communities and change lives.

January Mission of the Month

Nicaragua Partner Ministry Missionary: Rev. Dr. Claudia Soliette López

Ortega [email protected]

Pastor Soliette is our South Dakota Synod

missionary to the ILFE. She hosts travelers from

South Dakota and assists them while they meet

church members and look at various projects.

She helps with the youth and health ministry of the church. Costs for Soliette's salary

and travel within Nicaragua, and visits to South Dakota, are not covered in the

budget of the SD Synod of the ELCA. Soliette's support relies solely on donations by

individuals and congregations. Please consider supporting Pastor Soliette in this

important work.

Page 5: Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer · 2021. 1. 1. · Redeemer and LCOOR Christian Preschool. Think of the impact you—along with other eligible Thrivent members—can help make by

Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer 2001 Second St NW ● Watertown SD

Phone: 886-2696 ● Fax: 886-3362 Email: [email protected]


Staff Pastors Kent Stillson, Senior Pastor Dan Ofstehage, Associate Pastor

Worship & Music Coordinator Robbyn Givens

Welcoming & Caring Ministries Twila Schmitt

Communications Coordinator Jodi Spilde

Business Manager Jodi Spilde

Children & Youth Ministry Director Philip Lickei

Preschool Nikki Landmark, Director/Teacher Wendy Kruger, Paraprofessional

Custodian Adam Lauseng

Janitorial Marilyn Byer and Jodi Pearson

Fruity February: We CAN do it! February is a short month – and the Salvation

Army Food Pantry often runs short on canned fruit!

We’ll be collecting canned fruit all month long – so

if you could pick up an extra can or two while

shopping, it would be greatly appreciated!

Ash Wednesday February 17, 2021

Worship at 6:30pm

Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes

*Pick up ashes for home worship from the church

office during business hours beginning February 8th.

Lenten Worship Services will continue on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.

THIS WEEK: Jan. 31 – Feb 7

SUNDAY January 31st

8:30am Contemporary Worship Service 9:30am Church School 9:30am Sandwich Ministry 10:30am Traditional Worship Service 11:30am Annual Meeting of the Congregation MONDAY February 1


8:00am Watertown Sandwich Ministry 11:00am Meals-On-Wheels Delivery 7:15pm Al-Anon (Assembly B)

TUESDAY February 2nd

10:00am Prayer Shawl Group 11:00am Pastor Text Study 11:00am Meals-On-Wheels Delivery 1:30pm Staff Meeting

WEDNESDAY February 3rd

8:00am Watertown Sandwich Ministry 11:00am Meals-On-Wheels Delivery 12:15pm Men’s Lunch 5:30pm Church School 6:30pm W.O.W. Worship 7:15pm 7/8 Confirmation Workshop #14 7:30pm HS Deeper

THURSDAY February 4th

11:00am Meals-On-Wheels Delivery 4:00pm HS Coffee & Conversation at Gather 5:15pm Al-Anon (Assembly B)

FRIDAY February 5th

8:00am Watertown Sandwich Ministry 11:00am Meals-On-Wheels Delivery

SATURDAY Holy Communion February 6th

5:30pm Worship

SUNDAY Holy Communion February 7th

8:30am Contemporary Worship Service 9:30am Church School 9:30am Sandwich Ministry 10:30am Traditional Worship Service

Page 6: Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer · 2021. 1. 1. · Redeemer and LCOOR Christian Preschool. Think of the impact you—along with other eligible Thrivent members—can help make by

LWR Fabric Kits Fabric Kit Instructions can be picked up at the

Welcome Center & church office or you can go to for the instruction sheet.

Filling Up Fast…

Now Enrolling for the Fall 2021

LCOOR Pre-Kindergarten 2021/22 School Year

Children age 4 by September 1st are eligible to be enrolled. You do not need to be a member of this congregation to enroll your child. Contact the office for an enrollment form or visit with Ms. Nikki & Ms. Wendy for more information.

Attendance & Offering

Sunday, January 17th

Live Stream –178

Saturday, January 23rd

- (5:30) 20

Sunday, January 24th

- (8:30) 95, (10:30) 32

Wednesday, January 27th

- (6:30) 97

Offering (1/24)

General Fund: $13,363.00; Mission of the Month: $1.50; Church School: 49.27; Other: $40.00 Simply Giving Offering (1/18 – 1/22)

General Fund: $4,128.58; Debt Reduction: $21.00 Mission of the Month: $107.00; Other: $34.49 Seeds of Hope for Nicaragua (Total Raised to Date)

Gifts from Members & Friends of LCOOR: $8,085.00

Caring Casseroles Know someone having a hard time or maybe just needing a break. Pick up a casserole from the office for them. You can deliver as is or pop it in your oven and bring to them ready to eat!

February Mission of the Month Lutherans Outdoors of South Dakota

During the course of the need to cancel summer camp and not host retreat groups, Lutherans Outdoors lost approximately 1.7 million dollars of anticipated income.

The year 2020 may not have allowed Lutherans Outdoors to share four beautiful ministry sites with you, but it has not stopped Lutherans Outdoors from continuing its mission. Lutherans Outdoors is still a vibrant, meaningful ministry that will continue to provide life-giving and faith-growing experiences for people of all ages for years to come

All Mission of the Month is intended to be above and beyond your regular giving. Clearly mark your offering Mission of the Month (LOSD).

SCRIP Available Create possibilities for

LCOOR Preschool simply by shopping with gift cards! Buy gift cards from your favorite brands to earn on your everyday purchases. It’s never been easier to fundraise. No extra money spent. No extra time wasted. Stop by the Welcome Center or church office to purchase gift cards or for more information.


While Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer welcomes

new members all year round, we “officially” receive

new members during worship twice a year. Our

next time recognizing new members will be in April

2021. If you (or someone you know) is interested in

learning more about becoming a member, please

contact Twila in the church office by calling 605-
