lpo funharmonics - 8nov09

FUNharmonics Our Family Concerts at Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall This performance will be sign interpreted by Angie Newman. Presented by the London Philharmonic Orchestra in association with Southbank Centre. Sunday 8 November 2009 | 11.30am-12.30pm THE SEA with the LONDON PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA DAVID ANGUS conductor CHRIS JARVIS presenter 48654 LPO 8 November 09 Fun Harmonics.qxp:48654 LPO 8 November 09 Fun Harmonics 29/10/09 15:17 Page 1

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Programme for the London Philharmonic Orchestra' s FUNharmonics family concert, 8 November 2009.


FUNharmonicsOur Family Concerts at Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall

This performance willbe sign interpreted byAngie Newman.

Presented by theLondon Philharmonic Orchestra inassociation with Southbank Centre.

Sunday 8 November 2009 | 11.30am-12.30pm

THE SEAwith the


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2 | London Philharmonic Orchestra

• The London PhilharmonicOrchestra’s first concert was inOctober 1932. Do you know howold it is now?

• The Orchestra is world famousand travels all over the globe. Thisseason the Orchestra is visitingGermany, Australia, France, China,The Canaries and America.

• The Orchestra’s London home isthe Royal Festival Hall and it playsover 40 concerts here every year.

• The Orchestra also loves theseaside and gives regular concertsin Brighton and Eastbourne.

• The Orchestra spends everysummer playing operas at afamous opera house in the Englishcountryside called Glyndebourne.

• The Orchestra is a very friendlyand international group. Memberscome from as far away as Brazil,South Africa, Latvia, Russia, Chinaand South Korea.

Meet the London Philharmonic Orchestra

What was your first musicalexperience?I sang in a church choir when I was4, because my father wasthe organist.

What instruments do youplay?I started playing the pianowhen I was 3, then violin,clarinet, trombone andhorn. However I gave eachof them up after a fewterms, apart from thepiano.

How did you become a conductor?I started as a music teacher and dida lot of conducting with my pupils. I

only started to train seriously whenI was about 30.

What countries has yourjob taken you to?All over Europe,particularly Belgium andItaly, and I often go toDenmark to workbecause mymother isDanish and I like to visitmy family. I also work inAmerica quite a lot now,and I have a job thereevery summer.

What’s your favourite food?Fish, cheese, avocado, aubergine,artichoke, risotto.

Meet the conductor – David Angus

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London Philharmonic Orchestra | 3

Sir WilliamWalton (1902-1983)Overture, Portsmouth Point

The British composer Sir WilliamWalton wasinspired to write his Overture, Portsmouth Point bythe painting shown below of Portsmouth harbourin 1811 by Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827).


Can you find ...

A one-legged violin player?

A flag?

A man with a telescope?

A man smoking a pipe?

Howmany pieces of clothingare on the washing line?

Howmany barrels can you see?

Howmany dogs can you see?






Did you know?Walton said thathe composed thispiece while he wasriding on a No. 22London bus!

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Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)The Sea and Sinbad’s Ship from ‘Scheherazade’

This piece is based on an ancient story aboutScheherazade, the wife of a cruel Sultan. Everynight Scheherazade told the Sultan excitingstories, but she always stopped in themiddle of a story, so that the Sultan wouldhave to wait until the next evening to hearthe story’s ending. Scheherazade told theSultan one thousand and one stories! The Seaand Sinbad’s Ship is just one of them.

Listen for the big and menacing theme of theSultan and a magical and beautiful violin solo

that sounds like Scheherazade telling her stories. You will also hear therolling waves of the open sea as the ship sets off taking Sinbad on his manyadventures.

Dario Marianelli (born 1963)TheWhale’s Tale

Last term, composer Dario Marianelli andstoryteller Sally Pomme Clayton workedwith Year 3 pupils fromVictory PrimarySchool in Southwark to create the storythat you will hear today, inspired by the sea.

The children shared their ideas about plots and characters and explored therelationship between music and storytelling, before Sally took away

all the wonderful ideas from the children and crafted theminto a complete story called The Whale’s Tale. Dario thenwrote beautiful sea music to complete the story. Thecolourful artwork accompanying today’s performance wascreated by Year 6 fromVictory Primary School, with thehelp of Young Visions artists Licy and Phillippa Clayden.

Thanks to Southwark EIS for supporting this project.

Find outmore aboutDario onpage 7.

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London Philharmonic Orchestra | 5

Sir HenryWood (1869-1944)(arr. Geo. L. Zalva)Fantasia on British Sea Songs:The Saucy ArethusaTom BowlingJack’s the Lad

This Fantasia on British Sea Songs was inspiredby the traditional songs that sailors used tosing when they were sailing on the ocean. Thepiece has been played at the famous LastNight of the Proms ever since Sir HenryWood(in the picture) conducted the first PromsConcerts at the Royal Albert Hall in 1895.

Listen out for the euphoniummelody inThe Saucy Arethusa, the sad cello solo inTom Bowling and the violin taking the leadin the jaunty hornpipe, Jack’s the Lad. Jo


Amazing Sea Facts

• The sea covers about 3/4 of the earth’s surface.

• The deepest point in the ocean is 11 kilometres beneath thesurface. That’s the height of 115 Big Bens standing one on top ofthe another!

• Canada has 56,453 miles of coastline. That’s longer than any othercountry!

• The blue whale is the largest animal in the sea. Its heart is the sizeof a small car!

• Giant kelp, the fastest growing plant in the ocean, can grow up to60 centimetres a day.

• A sperm whale can hold its breath for over an hour!

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6 | London Philharmonic Orchestra

Hans Zimmer (born 1957)(Klaus Badelt/arr. Christopher Tin)Suite from: Pirates of theCaribbean

This exciting music comesfrom the film Pirates of theCaribbean, starring JohnnyDepp and Keira Knightley.The composer of the music,Hans Zimmer, has writtenmusic for many children’sfilms including Kung FuPanda, Madagascar andThe Lion King.

What instruments do you play?I started piano lessons at 5 and nowmymost treasuredpossession is my grandpiano. Oh how I wish Icould play better!

We love watching you onCBeebies. How did youbecome a TV presenter?I started off doingimpressions and funnyvoices for radio and TV. Ithen struck lucky with ajob as a radio presenter then on TV.

What are your hobbies?Keeping fit so that I can comfortably

carry out my second hobby which iseating. I love cycling and walking –

I hate having to driveanywhere and get verybored. The train is somuch more liberatingand means I can dothings and not wastetime. I also enjoycomedy and going tothe theatre as much aspossible.

What did you have forbreakfast this morning?Coffee, muesli with orange juice,eggs, tomatoes and toast … I washungry. OK?

Meet the presenter – Chris Jarvis

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London Philharmonic Orchestra | 7

Dario Marianelli wasborn in Pisa, Italy, andstudied piano andcomposition in Italy andLondon. He spent threeyears at the NationalFilm and TelevisionSchool, finishing in 1997.

Dario has writtenconcert music as well asmusic for films,television, animation,theatre and dance. Hehas won an Oscar, Golden Globeand Ivor Novello award for his musicfor the film Atonement and wasnominated for an Oscar for hismusic for Pride and Prejudice.

Do you come from a musical family?A family of music lovers, more thanmusicians. My parents listened toclassical music and took me and mybrother to concerts all thetime.

What was your firstmusicalexperience?I went to seeWagner’s operaDas Rheingoldwhen I was sixyears old. My Dadhad spent timetelling me the story

and playing the music athome before we went.The whole trip was quitememorable, as we tooka long train journey andstayed in a hotel inMilan.

What instruments doyou play? How old wereyou when you startedplaying?I only play the piano. Istarted taking lessons

when I was six. I also joined achurch choir and sang until I was14.

How old were you when youcomposed your first piece?I always liked to make things up atthe keyboard, but I don’t know ifthey qualify as compositions. I thinkthe first piece I actually wrote down

on paper was a set ofvariations on Happy

Birthday, when I was18, as a present fora girlfriend.

How old are youand do you havea family?I’m 46 and I havea wife, two girls, 8

and 5 years old, andtwo cats.

Meet the composer – Dario Marianelli

Weasked today’s

performers what theirfavourite sea creatures are.

David AngusmermaidChris Jarvis octopus – how useful

would it be to have all thosetentacles?

Angie Newman dolphinsDario Marianelli thewhale of course!

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8 | London Philharmonic Orchestra

Foyer EventsThings to do before and after the concertGenerously supported by The Jeniffer & Jonathan Harris Charitable Trust

Welcome to Southbank Centre

We hope you enjoy your visit. We have a Duty Manageravailable at all times. If you have any queries please ask anymember of staff for assistance.

If you wish to get in touch with us following your visit pleasecontact our Head of Customer Relations at Southbank Centre,Belvedere Road, London SE1 8XX, by phone on 020 7960 4250or by email at [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you again soon.

A few points to note for your comfort and enjoyment:

PHOTOGRAPHY is not allowed in the auditorium

RECORDING is not permitted in the auditorium without theprior consent of Southbank Centre. Southbank Centre reservesthe right to confiscate video or sound equipment and hold it insafekeeping until the performance has ended

MOBILES, PAGERS AND WATCHES should be switched offbefore the performance begins

Have a go! On strings, harp, brass and woodwind with members of the Foyle Future FirstsApprenticeship Scheme, in association with Stentor Music Company Ltd (strings) and YamahaKemble Music (Co) Ltd (brass and woodwind).

10.15-11.25am Strings (Level 2 Blue and Green Sides next to the windows)& 12.35-2.00pm Harp (Level 3 Green Side Sunley Pavilion)

Woodwind (Level 4 Green Side Bar)Brass (Level 4 Blue Side Bar)

Face Painting Create the face of your dreams before the concert (from 10.00am) and afterwards(until 2.00pm). The face painters will be in the Level 5 Bar area.

Circus Skills Join in the fun in and around the Clore Ballroom Floor before and after the concertwith ALBERT & friends instant circus, London’s premier children’s circus.

The right is reserved to substitute artists and to vary the programme ifnecessary • The London Philharmonic Orchestra is a registered charityNo. 238045 • Southbank Centre is a registered charity No. 298909.

London Philharmonic Orchestra, 89 Albert Embankment, London SE17TP www.lpo.org.uk

Activity Sheet A free activity sheet to guide children around the foyer activities is available fromthe Information Desk in the Level 2 Foyer and from Southbank Centre hosts.

The Human Orchestra – on the Clore Ballroom Floor. Become a member of our Human Orchestrausing your body and your imagination! Pretend that you’re in the London PhilharmonicOrchestra, performing sea-inspired music using body percussion, singing, drumming, clappingand shaking. No prior rehearsal necessary! Join students from the Guildhall School of Music andDrama and workshop leader Sigrun Griffiths for sea-inspired rhythmic and musical fundesigned for all the family. Parents are asked to ensure that they supervise their own children atall times.

Workshops start at 10.30am, 11.00am, 12.45pm and 1.15pm but you are welcome to come andjoin a session at any time. The workshops last approximately 20 minutes.

The London Philharmonic Orchestra is grateful to the Sir Jules Thorne Charitable Trust for its support of the signinterpreter and to the Maxwell Morrison Charitable Trust for support of the Orchestra’s work with Victory Primary School.

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