lowell nussbaum postcard and photograph … nussbaum postcard and photograph collection p2 this...

\ Lowell Nussbaum postcard and photograph collection P2 This finding aid was produced using the Archivists' Toolkit October 12, 2013 Describing Archives: A Content Standard Indiana State Library Rare Books and Manuscripts 140 North Senate Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 317-232-3671

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Lowell Nussbaum postcard and photograph collection P2

This finding aid was produced using the Archivists' Toolkit

October 12, 2013

Describing Archives: A Content Standard

Indiana State Library Rare Books and Manuscripts

140 North Senate Avenue

Indianapolis, Indiana 46204


\.owe\! N11s.sbnum postcard <1nd photogruph collection P2

Summary Information

Repository Indiana State Librmy

Title Lowell Nussbaum postcard and photograph collection

Date circa 1910-1930s

Extent 2.5 Cubic feet

Language English

Graphic materials [Box] 1-5

Preferred Citation

Lowell Nussbaum postcard and photograph collection, Rare Books and Manuscripts, Indiana State Librmy


Lowell Nussb•mm postcard :md photogntph collection 1'2

Legal title, copyright, and literary rights reside with Rare Books and Manuscripts, Indiana State Libraty, Indianapolis, IN. All requests to publish or quote Jimn manuscripts must be submitted to Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Custodial History

This collection was received by Rare Books and Manuscripts as a donation.


No fmiher additions are expected.

Processing Information

Collection processing completed by the Indiana Division from 1971-1972. BAD finding aid created 2013/10/12 by Bethany Fiechter.

- Pagl' S -

j i



Page 2

l. Birdseye v181~ :fJ•om 11omun<mt Place (1 912)

2. B:irdaeyc vim1 look.Lnf, vmst from monmnent, (1906)

J. Birdseye vie\'/ looking ;:est. fro111 !!,omunont

11• HeridiHn Street. loc.king north 1 Nal'ion Club and

Central Union 1'elephone Building

5, Hcridian Street looking north from 30th Street

6. \'lashington Street (1909)

· ? , 1•/ashington Street 1 looking east fl'Om ~!m•idian Street


!l. East vlashington Street ..:_ east from Hcridian Street


9. Birdseye vie\'/ looking south from top of Monument

), State l~fe Building (190?)

2, State Li.fe Building

J, Birdseye vim·/ looking north on Heridian Street

4. Birdseye vie11 looking east on Harket Street (1906)

5, Birdseye view ,:Looking east from t·!onument (1910)

6, Vier/ r1est frorit Honument top (1909)

? , Pennsylvania Street north from l·lashington Street


Page 11


1. Indin11Dpolis - northcaet. from vinrluct

2, Washington Stroot looking east from Illinois c)treet

J, 1'/ashington Gtreet looking east

1;. 1-larket Street and viev1 from Circle (1912)

5. \•lashington Street --- east from Neridian at nJght.

6, Vie11 looking 1·:est from 'f1'action Bridge 1 showing industries

7, Birdseye v:Levl looking east froin J.!onument

8. \•lashington Street east fl'om !lJjnois Street (1909)

9. 1'/ashington Street east from Illinois

ROLL 8 '

1. Illinois and l'lashington Streets (1918)

2. \•lashington Street

1'/ashington Street - looking east from Illinois

J,, 1'/ashington Street - looking east from l~eridian

5, 1'/ashington Street - east from Heridian

6. ~lashing ton Street east from Illinois

7. \'lashington Street look.tng east

8. Ylashing~on Street looking v1est from Pennsylvania

l'fashington Street at night


~lashington Street looking east from Illinois (1905)

2, \•lashington Street

~lashington Street 1 Honument and Capitol from COUl't House

1,. JX:lav1are Street looking nol'th sh01'1ing First Congregational

and First Presbyterian Churches,

5. !-leridian and 111th 1 looking North


n t! IJ [·.·.·.;·;. _q

l ' :J .-~



j: l' L

[ t



6. Night viO\·J SoldJEn·n and SaiJ.o)•s i\lonument

'(, Bane of Soldi.et" s HomlllJfmL (1916)

!l, Soldiers and Sailol's Honumont

. 9. Army and Navy Nonument

l. Birdseye v:Le1·1 1 looking north from t·!onwnent. (1916)

2, Soldiers and Sailors Honument (1915)

3. Birdseye vie\~ of Soldiers and Sailors Honwnent.

h· Birdseye vie1·1 of Soldiers and Sailors f.!onwnont. (1915)

5. l·!onurnent Place

6. Honumont (1909)

'(, Vielf of Indianapolis from Circle

8; The Sailors Homunent. (1908)

9. Hotel Enelish, Hor1lunent (1905)

1. Soldiers and Sailors Monument

2. Soldiers and Sailors Honwnent (1910)

J, G0ne1·a1 George Rogers Clark Honwnent

h· Looking northHest

5. Cascade - Honument

6. \~ar group - t4onwnent

7, Federal Building

!l, ' U. S. Cow·thouse and Post Office

I l ., ~ I t ! i

ROI.L 17


__ .,:_:,

Pago 8

J., Grmtd Hotel Cafe (1908)

r ;>. J.,orra1ne Hotel

6. Imp:n·ial Hol.el

7· Engli.s~l Hotel

8. Jo.'nglish Hotel (1918)

9. Jacksonian Roof -- Sever·in Hotel

l. funison Hotel ·

2. Interior ·-· funison (1910)

:3. ?-.- 1910

4· Severin llm - Severin Hotel

5. Louis·xrv Cafe- Severin Hotel

6. Buffet - Seved11 Hotel

'/. Hotel Lincoln Dining Room

8. Hotel Lincoln

9. Hotel Ed~1ard ( 1908)

l. Fairbanks Home

2. Fairbanks Home

J, Hugh J. lolcGo11an Residence

4. Benjamin Harrison Home

5. Benjamin Harrison Home (1911)

6, Ki.n Hubbard Home (1917)

'I· 'l'uclor Hall ( 1918)

8. Frank Van Camp Home

9, L, H. Wweler Residence



Page 10

3. J,<t1·1Lon Honument. (1909)

/1• l·lm·ton 1 La1rLon 1 ll<lrl'inon Hom,mon1.H (1915)

5, Ilenjamin llan·iHon J.lonummd; ···• University Park

6, Hendricks HOJiumenL 1 fltat.e House grounds

? , Ca pit.ol Building

$, State Capitol

9. l~rst State House

1. State Capitol during funeral of Lincoln

2, State Capitol

3. Public Library

11• Public Library

5. Traction Terminal Building ( i 908)

6, Night scene - Traction Terminal Station

'{. Indiana 1'heater (1928)

8, Indiana 1'heatel'

9. Park Theater (1909)

1. HotelEnglish

2, HoteJ<~;nglish and Opera House

3. Circle 'TI1eator

4. Interior 1 Circle 1'heater

5. J, s. 1-lustard Hemorial Hall (l·!asonic Lodge) (1909)

6. Odd Fellov: Building

? • American Central Life Insurance Building



2, ll:i.ologic<tl labor<tLol'ies 1 Bli Lilly G(Jinpany

3, Indiana Trust Company lbilding 1 Vi rg:i.nia Avenue and

Pennsylvania Street (1920)

4. Indiana Trust Building

5. Indiana National Bank

6, American National Bank (1908)

7, . f.lerchants I National Dartk Building

$, The Guarantee Building (1930)

9. DePev1 Fotmtain-·Chamber of Commerce, Uni.versity Park

l, Packard dealer

2. The Neridian

3, Hwne-Nansur Building and Roof Garden

4. Indiana Bell Telephone Company Building

5. B,P,O, -Elks (1910)

6. Lemcke Building

7. Lemcke Building and Annex

$, Real Estate Row - Narket Street east from Pennsylvania


9. Lemcke Building (1908)

10. Pennsylvania Street looking north shOI'Iing nev1 Lemcke

·Building and Grand Opera House (1912)

l. K of P Building

2, K of P Building (1909)

3. Occidental Building

i ~ i [

f I.





6. Shortl'idge IU.gh flchooJ.

'{. Indiana College of Husi.c (19?.2)

8, !t.ctropo1itnn School of Husic (1910)

9. Indiana Indust.rial School for Girls

10, State Institute for tlw Doaf and !Aunb

l. Indiana Institute for the Education of the Doaf and D\unb


2, . State Deaf and !Aunb Institute (1910)

), State School for the Deaf (1911~)

4. Institute for the Blind (1908)

5, Jordan Conservatory of gusic -- South Campus Library

.. and Studios and Administration BuiJ,dings (1940)

6, Field House - Butler Univet•sity ·.

'{ •. Thomas D. Gregg School No. 15 (1913)

8, Tech City Champions (1925)

. 9, Hanue1 'l'raining High School (1910)

10, Manuel High School basketball team (1923)

1. St. Agnes Academy (1914)

2, Shortridge High School

), Bona 1hompson Library

4• School No. 41

5· Public Library Bt•anch No, 2

6, College of J.lissions (1921;)

'{. John Herron APt Institute

HOJJ, 35

ROI..L 36

ROI..L 37

Pngo 16

l. St, Vincents l!oc.pit.al

2. St. Vincontn HoBp:Li,al

3, Neuronhurst ,_; Dr. I,. B. Fletcher 1 s Sp.nitarium (1912)

11 • Joseph E:astrnan Hospital

5. Dr. Clark Robbins Sanitarium

6. \·Tornen 1s Dspm·tment 1 Indiana Central Hospital for


7• State Insane Hospital (1910)

-- 8, Y.H.C,A. Building

9. Y.W.C,A. Building

10. Indianapolis Maennerchor Halle

1. Indianapolis Co1mnbia Club

2, Colmnbia Club (1908)

3. Stock yards

4. Tabernacle Presbyterian Church

5. Holy Rosary Church (1912)

6. s.s. Peter and Paul Cathedral (1908)

7• Emrichsvllle Bridge (1914)

8. Sacred Heart Catholic Church

9. First Presbyte1•ian Church

10. _Jglg1ei'IOOd Christian Church (1913)

l. \·lashington street Methodist Church

2. Irvington l·lethodist Church

3. Sixth Presbyterian Church

. - .. -


Page J.8

10, City HospHa1

1, J, H. \·latkin•s l·:edjcol Co. (1910)

2, Progress Laundry

3, l·!, & ll. Co--operati vc Laundry

4, E. 0. Langen Co.

5, Conrad•s Cloak House

6. !link • s Cloak House

7. E. J. Gausepohl and Co.

e. Marott Dept. Store - advertisement

9. Children's Play Room, Marott Shoe Store

10. Ladies• Rest Room, 1-larott Shoe Shop (1912)

1. Payne's Busy Bee Lunch No. 1

2, Wheeler • s Ltmch Room

J, "Cafe Ed1·1ard11 1 Hotel Ed~1ard

h. Hotel Lincoln Dining Room

5, Hotel Lincoln Coffee Shop

6. Hotel Lincoln Banquet Hall

7. Travertine Room, Hotel Lincoln

e. No. 5 F .. mployoes 1 Dining Room, The National Malleable

Cast:ings Co,

9, Lieber•s Gold Medal (1915)

10. Kingan •s .... Ind:i.ana State Fail• (1912)



Page 20

3 ~ I.ooktng Nort..h on He. in C1~os1; St.l'eot, Cent,cr\rllle

!,. Govorno1' ~:or·ton' s Home, Ccntorv.Ulc (1922)

). \•1ashingt..on Streot 1 looking No"rth from lOLh Street,

Columbus (1909)

6~ Cinci1mat.i Ave. Norl.h from Fourth St, '· Co1mersville

'I. Jefferson Street 1 looking North 1 Con'rerse

8. Jefferson Stroot, looldng North, Converse

9. Indiana 1 s First State House 1 1811, Corydon

10. Governor's Mansion, Hesidenco of Governors 1'homas Posey,

Jonathon Jennings, ifilliam Hendricks, Corydon

1. Old State Capitol,. Corydon

2. General Lev; l~allaco

3. South Street 1 looking East 1 Crovm Point ( 1909)

4. Battalion Cadets, Culver l.Ulitary Academy, Culver (1908)

· 5. Scene in Lake Culver, Culver

6, George Ade's Country Home, BrMk

7. ~Iiles l:fedical Company, Elkhart ( 1914)

8. Hain Street North from High St. 1 Elkhart (1911)

9. High School, English

10. vlm. English Honument 1 English

1. i Circus Day at Franklin

2. !·lain St. looking East from Second St., Evansville

3. Evansv:llle

4• \•fest End from C(>al l·!ine Hill 1 Evansville

5. f.!ain Street, looking East, Evansville



5. Nain St.1·eet 1 lookl.ne South, Kokomo

6, l·lain SL1·cct, l(endallvHle

?. \'lest_ side Court. H01..1BC Hquare, Lafayette

8, f.!tdn Street 1 Ls.l•'ountaiu

9. !·lain Street, l.'lPorte (1911)

10, Nelson Street, looking uest from ~hird St.











Leavem10rth (1909)

Business sectj.on -··- Unj.on Street 1 Liberty

Third Street Bridge, Logansport (1912)

Carnegie Public Libra1'y 1 Logansport

Hadison (1907)

!l.artinsville Sanitariwn 1 Martinsville ( 1913)

Franklin Street, lookjng north, Nichigan City (1911)

Franklin Street, looking south, Hichigan City

Looking South from bridge, Hichigan City

Lincoln Higlnmy \~est from Hain St, , Hisha1·raka

Birdseye view of ~luncie, loold.ng northeast (1910)

1, \1alnut Street loold.ng south 1 l·luncie

2. Residence of G. T, \•Illite, Huncie

3, J'rom Coul't House il.ooking Nort-heast, Ht. Vernon

4, ~rom Court House looking South"rest, Nt, Ve1•non

5. Birdseye vie~·r looldng south, Ne1·rCastle (1911)

6. l.Jajn Street, North Hru1chestel'

7. N. Broad1·ray, Peru (1910)


noLL 53

ROLL 51t


1, Hodel of In~}Y2l"J~9)o.i':'. ( ciJ , \'1, H, I)

2. 1'he Largest Ganh Register in t-he vlorld (1918)

J, Indianapolis scene, ca. 191'7

Jt,. Al'ch in Indianapolis, ca, 1•/,\•/, I

5. Soldiers parading in Indianapolis, ca. v/,V/, I

6, Soldie1's p9.racling h1 Indianapolis 1 ca, V/ ,\•/, I

'(, Almas Band, Shdne Convention

8, Parading Band in Indianapolis

9· v/ar Contrilmtion•s Chest, Nonument Circle (1918)

10, u.s. Gov•t, Allied 1•/ar gxhibit, University Park •

Sept,, 1918

1. Indianapolis Star Building

2. Star Bloomer Girls Baseball Club


3, Vice-President Fairbanks & Joe Cannon at Danville, Ill.

1.,. Cour·thouse and Harket and City Hall

5, Street car Strike 1892

6. Christian Chapel, gpiscopal Church, Franklin Life Bldg,

'(, Former Home of 1/alter Q, Gresham, N.vl.corner Capit.al Ave,

and 18th Street.

8, Prince Pu Lun in Indianapolis, 190/t

l. 1'he I,iberLy Bell in Indianapolis, Nov, 1901;

2. Ox-clrm-m covered l·tagon, Indianapolis. January 1907



1J£u_~e ')(,

fl. Hot-. up sr~~..:ed\wy necne

9. Hot or Speed\'Hi.l seone (1915)

10. f.lot.o1; Speed\·:ay r,;cone

l, Notor SpeedHay scene (1911)

2, Hotor SpcedNay scene .. Pits and scoreboard (1916)

:3. Airplanes over Not or Specd;·wy ca. 1910

4. Fisher Garage (1909)

5. Notor Speed1"ay Scene (191?)

6. Vie1·1 from Tol'ler -· Hotor Speed~1ay

7 • Ove1•head Auto Bridge and Aviation F:i.eld 1 Hot or Speedl'my

8, Tom Kincaid (1909)

9, Anderson in 11 StutzH (J.915)

10. Frru1k I', F':i.then, "Armless Auto Speed King"

1. Ho~1dy l'lilcox (1915)

2. Balloon Race at Notor Speedway

), Two men in a car ( ?)

4. Line Up at Judges Stand. Hotor Speed1;ay

5, Before the Start 1 Not or Speedl'my

6, Indianapolis ~!otor SpeedNay

7, Indianapolis Hotor Speed1;ay - Aerial viel'l

S. l1otor Speed1·1ay scene - Pit area

9. Indianapoli:> f.!otor Speed\'lay scene - First lap, North turn

10. Notm• SpeedNay Pagoda



6. StndebHl;cr Ho1·ks 1 South fl~J)d

'/, Haynes Automobile Faeto:cy, 1(o1<omo

!l, llaynos Automobile FacLoi'.V 1 Kokomo

9. Apperson Automobile 1·/orlw, Kokomo

10, Apperson Automobile Factory, Kokomo

1. Haynes Automobile Plant, Kokomo

2, Apperson Bros, Auto Co., Kokomo (1913)

3, Automobile Factory, Ne~1 Castle (1'.110)

4. Haxv~ell-Bd.scol Hotor Co., Ne1q Castle, Ind. (1912)

5. Interstate Automobile Co., f.luncie ·

6, Scene in Hax1qell-Briscoll Co. Shop, Ne\'1 Castle

7. \~abash Coating Hills, \'/abash

!l, HcFarlan Buggy Co., Connersville

9. Interior, auto factory, Ne1·1 Castle (1910)

10, Automobile Ga1•age, Nmq Castle

1. Hobart ~f. Cable Co,, LaPorte

'2, Starr Piano Co., Richmond (1909)

3. Starr Piano Co., Richmond (1909)

4, King Piano Factory, Blufftoil (1908)

5, Indiana State Prison, ~!ichigan City

6, Indiana State Prison, Hain entrmice, 11ichigan City

7, Keeley Institute, Plainfield

8. Scene on Nain Sti·eet, Fot·tville

9. Hethodist Hemorial Home, l·larren (1913)



3. Nat:i.ono9l HalloHh:LB C(\Bt.:i~gB Co,

h, Scene of 1913 fl.o<d 1 Lmwcnccbm·g

5. Scene of 1913 Flood, Lal'll'<mceburg

6, Scene of 1913 Flood, 1,~\Nrenceburg

7. Broad1·my 1 Pcr~t

8. South School 1 Ne\'1 Castle, Tornado 1 !·larch ll1 191?.

9, Tomado Scene, Net·/ Caotle (1917)

10, Ne1·1 Albany 1'ornado Scene 191'1

1. Ne\'1 Albany 1'ornado Scene 1917

2, Ne1·1 Castle 1'orriado Scene 191? '

J, Second Church of Chrht Scientist, Indianapolis (1911.)

4. Central Avenue 11, E. Church

5· Cadle Tabernacle

6, Interior, Cadle Tabernacle

7, Retreat, Boy Scout Camp, Chank-Tun-Un-Gi (1946)

8. Entrance to Crovm Hill Cemetery

9. Colored ~/omens Dressing Room, National Halleable Castings Co,

10. I·Ulite Hen •s Dressing Room National Malleable Castings Co,

1. New York Sanitarium ( C'.old Cure) f.larion (191?)

2, 3rd Street, f.larion

3. Adams Street 1 looking south, !·!arion

4• Hashington Street & Library, Harion (1906)

5, County jail, Harion

6. Post Office, f.!arion

7• Y.H.C,A, Buildiug, Marion

8 •. High School, 1-!ar.ion



Pago 32

2, Steel Gl.rclo at Soldiers Home, f.!al'ion (1911)

3, Knights of Pychias !Jldg., Marion

4, gagles Home 1 l-!m·ion

5, \'lashington Street, J.larl.on (1909)

6, Tcmninal Station, Harion (1912)

'(, Interior of Library, Harton

8, Post Office, Harion

9, \'lest side of square looking south, l·larion

10, Grant County HoSJ)ital 1 !-!arion

l. Public Library, Harion

2, Third !·lard School, !-!arion

3, Jefferson Street, looking north, Converse

4, Jefferson Street, looking north, Converse

5, Presbyterian Church, Converse

6, High School, Converse

. 7, ~!issj.ssino~1a River Bridge 1 Jonesboro

8, School House, Jonesboro

9, H. E, Church, Jonesboro

10, Indiana Rubber & Insolated ~lire Co, 1 Jonesboro

1, United Glass Factory, Gas City

2. High School Building, Gas City

3. 1'hompson 1 s Residence R01·1 1 Gas City

4. 1·!. E. Church, Van Buren

5· N, E, Chur·ch, Van Buren

6, !.fain Street 1 Van Buren

HOJ,L '77



:-:J-.:.-: ,_.

1. 'fhirtieth Street Bd.dg.o 1 Hivorside Park (19?1)

2. Shelter House, B1·ookside l'm'k (1911)

3. Nilitm·y Par]( -- Suntrnor Honse ( 1911)

h· Vio\'1 of Broad Ripple Pal'\(

5; \•lhite Hivm· at lll'oad Ripple

6. Bt·oadripple Bathing Beach

7. Scene on Broad Ripple (1908)

8. \•lhite City, Breacld.pple, Park

9, North End of 11\·londerland 11

10, South E~nd of lly/onderland 11

1. Colfax Honument 1 University Park

2, DePeli Fotmtain, University Park

3. Birdseye vie1• of University Park

4. Fairvievl Park

5. Fountain at Fairvievl Park

6. Garfield Park, (1909)

7. Sunken Gardens, Garfield Park (1927)

8, Garfield Park (no \'lriting on card)

9. 11Hanm10nd 1 s Grove 11

10, Thomas Taggart Hemorial

l. Thirtieth Street and Fall Creek Bridge

2. Central Ave. B1•idge

J, N, l·lericlian St. Bridge viashed av;ay by flood

. '