love others as christ loves us! -

Love Others As Christ Loves Us! November 7, 2021 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time “‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury” (Mark 12: 43)

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Love Others As Christ Loves Us!

N o v e m b e r 7 , 2 0 2 1 - 3 2 n d S u n d a y i n O r d i n a r y T i m e

“‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than

all those who are contributing to the treasury” (Mark 12: 43)

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Mass Schedule


The church is OPEN for in-person masses. Seating is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

WeekendSat |5 PM

Sun |9 AM, 11:30 AM* & 7:15 PM*

WeekdayTues to Fri | 12:15 PM*

*Live streamed via our Facebook page and website.

• The sacrament of reconciliation is avail-able by appointment only.

• For more information about booking baptisms, weddings, marriage prepara-tion, or other inquiries, please contact us.

Parish Office HoursMon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

LocationPastoral Centre440 King St. East, Hamilton, ON L8N 1C6Administrative Centre20 Emerald St. South, Hamilton, ON L8N 2V2

Contact infoPhone: (905) 522-9828Email: [email protected]

Like or Follow usFacebook: @StPatsHamiltonInstagram: @stpatshamilton

O N T H E C O V E R : P h o t o g r a p h b y S i o r a P h o t o g r a p h y

Parish Leadership TeamFr. Tony O'Dell, OMI ([email protected])Sherri Ramirez | De Mazenod Door Outreach CoordinatorChristina Crawford | Music DirectorJC Asuncion| EA to Fr. Tony, Youth Ministry, RCIA

Pastoral TeamSr. Andrea Kowalczyk| Liturgy WorkshopsArthur Kara| Facilities OperatorBr. Dan Dionne, OMI | Music MinistryDiana Quildon | Volunteer CoordinatorDiane Downey| De Mazenod Door Outreach - Administrative AssistantEvelyn VanFleet| Assistant Facilities OperatorIan Ford | Director of Technology Katharine Bennett| De Mazenod Door OutreachLeon Blais| De Mazenod Door OutreachHansel Fernandez| De Mazenod Door OutreachLouella Lacerna| Office AssistantRita Kara| Office AdministratorLynne Pollard| Sacristan

Oblate Vocation OfficeFr. Jarek Pachocki, OMIVocation [email protected]

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One of the most debilitating things, no matter where we are, is fear. Some people deal with fear by deny-ing it exists, others are paralyzed by it. Growing up, we learn many of our life lessons because fear has guided us in many of our decisions. Finally, we come to respect our fear out of a sense of self preserva-tion. It is perfectly normal to fear what we know will harm us or to be cautious because we do not know if a thing might cause us pain. In the end, moving forward past our fears; small or large, takes an act of courage to understand what it really is.

The good news is that most of the time we can shed light on it to understand it and not what we imagine it to be. Since we are called “children of the Light”, let us choose to learn about what we know very little or nothing about in order to find our source of cour-age. If we play with fire, we will be burned; but if we grow in knowledge and wisdom, there is no reason to be afraid. We can master it by respecting it and applying prudence. If a child is in danger a parent will rapidly do extraordinary things to protect. Some-where between wisdom and courage we will find the strength to do much more without being so fearful. Here we begin to understand the commitment of the heroes we have admired in our lives.

In our church, we learn about the men and women that Jesus knew. That story has never ended because the living word/the Holy Spirit continues to live on. So many stories continue to experience the modern day wisdom that comes from God. This is good news for us because the inspiration it gives us allows us to share our faith we know. You see, the more we know and love God, the more we will want to serve Him in big or small ways. Jesus’ apostles knew this and since then, down through the ages, we now also know. The Church can deliver hope and knowledge to the world - she can heal the world. Although the church build-ing has walls, which can be a real barrier for some in

sharing Christ with others, we must go beyond those walls. We must not fear.

Take time to grow in your faith, be patient, learn how deep the love of God can be planted in your soul, listen to God’s call in your life and, most importantly, trust that God lives everywhere, even in the places where our fears and doubts exist. All this will eventu-ally be replaced with real knowledge and a love that gives back and lives in us and through us.

By Br. Dan Dionne, OMI

BEYOND THE WALLSW h a t H a p p e n s H e r e D o e s n ' t S t a y H e r e


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Friday BBQ

Ways to Help

Most Wanted Items

Volunteer: Call the office or email Diana (our Volunteer Coordinator) at [email protected]

Donate: To support this program, go to our website: and click GIVE

Thank You To Our Sponsors!

We thank everyone for their prayers, time, talents and treasures!

Nov 12, 2021• Our Lady of the

Assumption Parish, Catholic Women’s League

Like it or not here we are almost into mid November, heading quickly toward the cold months of Winter and the end of the 2021 calendar year. We have been so blessed with our Friday BBQ Sponsorships since its inception, but especially over the last two years in spite of the pandemic, despite social distancing and the donning of masks. We have still had families and groups come out to lend a hand and serve up our guests’ favourite meal of the week! As we look to put away the 2021 BBQ schedule, we are quickly reminded that the brand new 2022 calendar agenda coming up quickly needs to have its pages filled with sponsors!

The BBQs have been such an awesome way to me-morialize, celebrate or honour those we love or miss and are also a fabulous way for organizations and companies to come together and show us what their teamwork looks like. If you, your family or organi-zation is interested in this option to observe, serve or commemorate someone; as a way to build your team, family or group relationship; or as a way to advertise your business, please give Diane a call at 905-522-9828 or drop her an email at [email protected]. She’d be happy to help you set that up!

BBQ Sponsors(Please visit our website

and click “Give” or call the office at 905-522-9828)

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GIVING LIBERATES THE SOUL OF THE GIVERWe live in a world in which the “result” is the only thing that really matters. Prizes and certificates are given for re-sults, more so than for the effort or the manner of giving. But Jesus measures things in a different way as we can see from the story of the poor widow. For Jesus it was not the size of the offering that mattered or counted, but the generosity of the widow. In other words, it is not simply the result that counts but the effort made, and the spir-it that is revealed. What the poor widow did was a very small thing in itself and yet Jesus noticed it and praised it. It is nice to know that even a small deed of love does not escape his attention.

In the first reading we see how another poor widow was down to the last of her food. All she had left was a handful of meal in a jar and a little oil in a jug. And yet, by sharing what she had with the prophet, it never ran out. From this we can conclude that it is possible to give without losing. In fact, in some cases not giving can be a sure way of los-ing everything that we have.

Today’s readings invite us to ponder how someone who was as poor as this widow was able to perform an act of such spontaneous goodness. One needs to have been faithful over many years to the practice of generosity to have a heart like hers. It is not achieved by a few great deeds but by a lot of little ones. It is only through habitual generosity that the heart continues to remain open, and one becomes a loving person.

Saint Mother Teresa told a story how one day she was walking down the street when a beggar came up to her and said, “Mother Teresa, everybody is giving to you, I

also want to give to you. Today, for the whole day, I have only thirty cents. I want to give it to you.” Mother Teresa thought for a moment. “If I take the thirty cents, he will have nothing to eat tonight, and if I don’t take it, I will hurt his feelings. So, I put out my hands and I took the money. I have never seen such joy on anybody’s face as I saw on the face of that beggar man at the thought that he too could give to Mother Teresa.” Mother Teresa concluded that “God looks not at the size of the gift, but at the love with which it is given.”

Many are familiar with the story of a fifteen-year-old Jew-ish girl named Anne Frank. The diary she kept in captivity has been translated into many languages. A year before she died in a Nazi concentration camp she wrote in her diary: “Give of yourself. You can always give something, even if it is only kindness. No one ever became poor from giving.” It is an amazing statement coming from one so young, especially when one considers the circumstances in which she was living at the time.

From the readings and the above-mentioned stories, we can trust that when we share such things as knowledge, love, peace, with others our own supply of these quali-ties is in no way diminished. Giving brings its own reward. Thus, let us give of ourselves to others and by giving may we experience true liberation in our souls and raise up the souls of others.

When we give our consent to God by accepting our voca-tion, even a vocation that seems to be a life of scarcity like consecrated celibacy or celibate priesthood, we become intentional widows for the kingdom. The more deeply we give our consent, the more deeply we live from Divine abundance and our ministry helps to raise the soul of oth-ers to their true dignity and calling in life.

By Susai Jesu, OMIVocation Team - West

Fr. Jarek Pachocki OMIVocation Director - OMI Lacombe Canada

Phone: (905) 522-9828 Ext 305Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @jarekpachTwitter: @jarekpachocki

Facebook: /jarek.pachocki#OblateVocations

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November 7, 20211st Reading: 1 Kings 17: 10-16

2nd Reading: Hebrews 9: 24-28Gospel: Mark 12: 38-44

“The poor widow has put in more than all the rest.”



As a parish, we are stiving to share Christ and His message of love with everyone. One of the main teachings of the Church is the importance of com-munity - we would not be able to progress in our mission without you. Please consider supporting us financially through the following outlets:

1. Drop off or mail your donation envelopes to the secure mailboxes at the:• Pastoral Center: 440 King St. East, Hamilton

ON, L8N 1C6• Administration Offices: 20 Emerald St. South,

Hamilton ON, L8N 2V2

2. Canada Helps• Please visit - at the top

right hand corner of the page, you will see a tab to “Give.” Hover over it and select “Donate Now” - this will take you to the Canada Helps website.

• Choose to give to the “General” fund. This will go towards supporting the parish.

3. E-transfer• You can transfer your donation right from your

bank account to the parish. Please transfer to [email protected]

4. Pre-Authorized Giving• This is the easiest method. Your chosen dona-

tion amount will automatically be withdrawn from your account at your chosen frequency.

• To set this up, please call our office at 905-522-9828 and ask to speak with Rita or pick up a form at our Administration Office or when you are here for mass.


Oct 30-31, 2021 MASS In-Person Facebook Website

Sat, 5 PM 69 - -Sun, 9 AM 102 - -

Sun, 7:15 PM 108 50 25Sun, 11:30 AM 157 60 40

Tues, Nov 9 | 12:15 PM• Special Int: Marnellie

Hilao and Meryden Mangubat

• Special Int: Hali Carlson

Wed, Nov 10 | 12:15 PM • Special Intention• Special Int: Edyssa

Vasquez and Family

Thurs, Nov 11 | 12:15 PM For the repose of the souls of: • Joseph Costie • Erminio Tomasetti • Filomena Romano • Cornelius

Vanbroekhoven• Marie Himmen • Walter Kasimiers

Lopata• Joan Agro • Janina DiLuca • Mario Tocco• Robert Hlywka • Anita Mary Babineau • Collin Cook • Edward Arruda

Rodrigues• Evelina Biondi • Gaspare Vasapolli• Vivienne McGrath • Ronald Howarth• Margie Robichaud • Albert Joseph Finnan

• Jeanine Martin • Antonio Jacome • Erma Britton & Bianca


Fri, Nov 12 | 12:15 PM• Filippo & Costanza

Sabatino• Remedios Vergara

Sat, Nov 13 | 5:00 PM• Special Int: Lao &

Stuermer Families• Faria & Rodriguez

Family• Danilo Maranan

Sun, Nov 149:00 AM• St. Patrick Parishioners11:30 AM• Special Int: Jaunita

Parent• Faria & Rodriquez

Family• Anthony Lieu, Mary

Mau & Mary Hue• Nicola Trombetta7:15 PM • Special Int: Anna Posso• Walter Lopata• Donna Checchia

Check back next week for updated collection stats.

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IN OTHER NEWSWe did it! After surpassing the target goal of raising $500,000, a new goal of getting at least 40% parishioner participation was set. This past week, we were able to achieve that goal! Here are the latest statistics:

• Target: $500,000• Total Pledged: $665,030 (133.2% of target)• Number of pledges: 168• Parishioner Participation: 40.4%

Thank you for working with us to build our parish and its ministries! Your generosity will prove fruit-ful not only for us, but for our Diocese as well.The campaign will continue to run for some time, so pledges are welcome.



YOU HELP?The CWL has been asked again this year to provide cookies for the Coat Give-away organized by Hamilton Police Services’ Social Nav-igator Team. We will need

300 to 400 cookies - which is a lot of cookies! But many hands make light work! If you are able to help by baking cookies at home, that would be much appreciated! Please avoid nuts (in case of allergies) and note that soft cookies are preferred. Cookies may be dropped off on Saturday, November 13 between 2 pm and 4 pm. At this time, CWL members will be in the chapel bagging cookies into individual pack-ages of 2 large or 4 small. If you are unable to drop them off at that time, please email us at [email protected] and we can arrange pickup/drop off.

Pope Francis is in-viting young people throughout the world to take part in a spiri-tual pilgrimage as the Church prepares for World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon. The Dio-

cese of Hamilton Office for Evangelization and Catechesis is pleased to announce that on the Solemnity of Christ the King - November 21st 2021 - we will be celebrating the Diocesan Day of Prayer for Young People. This will take place at St. Margaret Mary Parish at 6PM, hosted in conjunction with the Hamilton Catholic Young Adult Association.

Through your attendance, we hope to cultivate new friendships and share our LOVE for the Lord with one another. The option for tuning into the ZOOM Livestream is also available.

Please register via the following link:

“Never forget that ‘anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and pro-claim that love. Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus’ (Evangelii Gaud-ium, 120).”

You can read the Holy Father’s Message for the 2021 Celebration of World Youth Day here:

“The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

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BISHOP WAYNE LOBSINGER travelled to Sacred Heart Seminary in Milwaukee this week to preach a retreat to the seminarians. The visit also gave him the opportunity to visit Hamilton Diocesan Seminarian Jonathan Reitzel who is studying there this year. Seminarian Luis Cordeiro Inacio will join Jonathan at Sacred Heart Seminary for further studies in January. We pray for safe travel for the Bishop and we look forward to hearing about the Seminary.

WE OFFER SINCERE SYMPATHY TO BISHOP GERARD BERGIE on the death of his father, Gerald, on November 2nd. A devoted son, Bishop Bergie returned from St. Catharines to Hamilton often to visit his father. Please pray for the repose of his soul. The funeral will be celebrated at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Hamilton on November 10th. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace!

THE DECREE OF IMPLEMENTATION of the New French Translation of the Roman Missal was published earlier this week by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. The Decree, signed by the Most Reverend Raymond Poisson, President of the CCCB, and co-signed by Father Jean Vezina, General Secretary, comes into effect on November 28, 2021. Use of the preceding French translation remains possible until March 6, 2022, the First Sunday of Lent, after which time the new French translation of the Roman Missal will become the only one approved for use in the dio-ceses of Canada. This decree affects the French-language Parishes in the Diocese of Hamilton, and whenever Mass is celebrated in French.

THE CHANCERY STAFF WILL GATHER in McNally Hall next week for a luncheon to celebrate the retirement of Lena Settimi after 32 years of dedicated service to the Diocese! Lena was the “voice” of the Diocese for many years, serving at the Reception desk. As the first contact for people phoning or visiting the Chancery, hospitality and good humour was her forte. In more recent years she served as the capable Administrative Assistant to Teresa Hartnett in the Family Ministry Office. We are grateful for her service and wish her good health, long life and much happiness in retirement.

THE WINNERS OF THE READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS, promoted annually by The Hamilton Spectator, were published yesterday. Congratulations to Art Smith and Holy Sepulchre Cemetery for receiving Diamond recognition as the best cemetery in the area. Congratulations also to Father Tony O’Dell, OMI, and St. Patrick Parish, Hamilton, for receiving Platinum recognition for Churches, and to Father Joe Durkacz and Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Hamilton, for receiving Gold recognition! Well merited indeed! Thank you for your exemplary service.

CANADIANS PAUSE ON REMEMBRANCE DAY, NOVEMBER 11th, to remember those who died in war and to pray for the victims of aggression and inhumanity throughout the world. This is a day to pray for peace, to consider what we are doing as individuals, as a community and as a nation to bring the peace of Christ into our world. This is a day when our believing community can rededicate itself by prayer and action to the ideals Jesus gives us in the Beati-tudes. We pray to the Lord.

Our Lady of the Annunciation, pray for us.

Ex corde,


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THE 2021 – 2023 SYNOD OF BISHOPS brings an invitation from Pope Francis to embark on a journey together. How can you get involved? Offer your thoughts on how we can deepen our communion in the Lord and how all members of the Church can participate more fully in its mission. Vis-it:

PARENTING TIP OF THE MONTH: Parenting Tip 134 - Our children are healthier and happier when their emotion-al, physical, intellectual and social needs are looked after. Add to this list one more essential need that requires care - a child’s spiritual well-being. A relationship with God is as essential to their welfare as water. The month of Novem-ber is the month we pray for and remember those who have already died. This is a wonderful month to pray for the deceased and help your children understand that God is always with us and when we seek his help to live as we are called, we too can share in eternity. So, pray togeth-er, attend Mass as a family, share readings from the Bi-ble, talk about the awe of God’s creation and remind your children that God is al-ways present. His love will guide them and be a source of comfort as they grow.

MARRIAGE TIP OF THE MONTH - Marriage Tip 114 - One of the sad facts of life is that many people are struggling with feelings of loneliness. When it comes to marriage, you are not meant to feel lonely, since marriage is meant to be life-giving, joyful and shared partnership. If loneli-ness in your marriage is something you are experiencing it is time to talk about it with your spouse. Take action to change the feelings: plan to share on a more intimate level the “stuff” of life; spend time together engaging in some kind of regular activity; be specific about what you need so you will not feel lonely in your marriage. Allevi-ating loneliness is vital for your mental and emotional health and it will certainly help you to recapture the true joy and meaning ofa your married relationship.

WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES – Hamilton Diocese Speaker Series - On March 19th we entered into the Amoris Laetitia Year of Family. Pope Francis, in calling this special year, reminded us that this is “a great opportunity for Catholics to renew their commitment to family min-istry.” Beginning in January of 2022, the Diocese will be organizing a speaker series with a new topic each month through until June. The presentations will be by zoom to allow for more involvement throughout the Diocese and to avoid any issues that COVID may cause for in person gatherings. We will start with a three part series on Am-oris Laetitia in January. Check the Diocesan website for more information about both the year and the Diocesan Speaker Series at

ReStart: A SEPARATION AND DIVORCE RECOVERY PROGRAM - Feeling the need for support, healing and/or hope after a sep-aration or divorce? The Diocesan ReStart Programs support your journey, providing you with tools to remain healthy. While the program has not been able to run due to COVID restrictions, we will offer-ing an evening session by zoom on Tuesday, Nov. 13th: Coping with Christmas When Divorced or Separated. To register for this event, see the dates for future courses, or for more information please contact Teresa at the Family Ministry Office - (905) 528-7988, ext. 2250.