louisville daily journal.nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7zkh0dw62j/data/0005.pdf · fflijesale dealers in hvm,...

VOLUME XXXI MAY 2. 1861. NUMBER 137. JOURNAL rBLlfTZD AUD PCBL1R1IKD BY PRKNTICB, KUNDEStMON, fc ONRORNK, I0UBMAL OHKl BUILDISG, GEEM STSEET, BETWEEN THIRD KOCKTIL rBwmtrfiOHBDnUr, delivered la the my.... CIO Ci Dtly, by m ill, in advance 8W Conn try dai y g (ki 6 Weekly, tn adraoc, single cpy i (K) In elnhs of flee or over 1 60 Remittance by mail in registered letters at oor 4TR8 OF ADVffHTIHlNO TN THS LOUISVILLE JOURNAL FOR REGULAR A ! V EUT1SERS. e qare,chani?0HM" wenVy, re' annum 40 00 UJ Jflmp ti ae,.k ik.ir annum hit (Ml do do TtliniM 4i do lOU 00 men Maitlon.il squire, f the shore pHc. AdvertLserannte piii.Usliod at intervals 1 for first n ion and rfucent' ior each culn.-jue- one. Announcing candidaLa, per wi.-- for each name. Yearly puy '.uarteilj, all other in ad- vance. Real eetatn and etemboit advertisements, sheriffs' nd commissioners' mKs, pntut medicine, theatrical, treni, or similar advertising not published year. Advertteeiueots f.r charitable institutions, firo compa-fsnie- ward, and other puohc uuetuigs, aud such like, naif price. Editorial notices and commnnlcfitlous. Inserted In ed- itorial col iinms and intended to promote private inter- est, 30 eeat. per line; tn- - ;e only inserted at tue discre-o- n of the editors. No communications will rv inserted unless accoia-- n d by the real nme of the author. Steamboat advertitnenU cents for the fir- -t hiser-o- o and 13H cents tor each continuance; each change considered a new advertisement. Advertisement-- 1 averted only in the Evening Bulletin 1U be chart-e- U ilf the above phew. !f inserted in Pail? Journal and continued, alter riist insertion, lu tlie Even-P- i Bulletin, the above price-- . Advertisements kept on the inside o the Journal are Parked an estr i price. Aivf.RTisiN Katrs In Weekly Journal. Each suuare Dtlinesor less), first insertion ach continuance fiO Written notic must be given to take cut and stop of yrariy advert if pre iwioie the year ex- pire, otherwise we sdvill cimre till done. No contract of yeaily dvetij"ueiitJ! will b dlpcon nued without previous notice ton, nor will eny Lharge made for le than oue year at the yearly rfttft. MEDICAL R A A Kit I X f"N O&gf Gow Lost, How Restored. Jmt Pubtishea, in a Seated Envelop, ON THE NATURE, TKEATMfciM'. ANP RAtMCAL IRK OFSPKkMATORKHtKA.o Snniiual WeaVmss, Bexual Debility, Nwvoue:iHM, ind Iuviluurry Eiuie-rlon- inducing Iuipot;ncy and Mental and Physical in- capacity. BT ROB. J. CULVEKWELL, M. D. Author of tlie 'iireu The world renowned author, in this admirable Lw-'ir- c. early provei from hi own experience tiidt I he awtul coneeiiieucee of o niiv be removed witiiout inedh ino and without danceroua nperatioup. Infininifiit , riiw.'e,or cordinl, out a ino.Je of cure at once certain and etfc-t-i- by which evry mittmvi, no matter wliit htr condU lion mav be, may cure himslt M vtilj, pniwfrlv, and This Lecture will prove a boou to thousands and thousands. Sent under peal to any adrire, pout on the re- ceipt of two postage , b- - addretne Dr. J. C. KLINE, M. ., 17Bo,ery, New York, Pout Box 4.m6. a6dly f-'t- -'i t - Z- -' ti x& f. . . m Clncianatl Venereal Hospital, Established In the yen r IMO, FOR THE CURKOF PRIVATE DISEASES. 4cd under the control of two of the most eminent Phy- - eifisn In the word. DR. R. BONAPARTE, from London and Pans and for the pant ti'U vears of the Ciwinnall Venereal Hospital, and Ir. E. H. Reyiiolda, late of New Verk. This i the only otnee in the city where a cure of private disease can be obtained wlth-xi- be use of mercury or change of (norrh-e- cured n to 4 hour?. Gleet nm-- in tn 10 days. Stricturoa rnr. d in 1 to 3 wet'ks. N'fcninrnl mi.viona stopped In I to ft days. Seminal wtMknes cured in S to 8 weeks, Syphillie in its primiry itueee cured in 3 dAvs. Scord-ar- y symptoms cired in 1 to 9 we'ka. Skin diwaaes cured in I to 3 weeks. Iinptitenry vior restored In 1 to 4 weeks. Ail of a private nature treated with mparalleled nucees, unle or female. Dr. B naparte'e prtat work on private diwaset, the private cnlde to Iiea'.tli, is beneficial to sll, male and fe- male: the oid and youiig should read this book. It will those who grope in d&rkusaa. Price 2& cents, ent by mail. Dr. Bonaparte's ('tlehrat.'-- Prevntive never has nor never will fall married lad-- too f"-b'- to bear chil- dren, except at tlw hazard of if", Iioiild be in possespioo his invention. Price reduced o . Dr. Bonaparte"? Fron.--h Patent Mle Safe! It Is pr-ertl-y safe; and never fail tt eire r ti?lartiou. It in the Only safe and sure UKniiirt pregnancy and disease. The price ot the Erenrh patent Male Safe Is pi the slugUi one, 4 pur hal Mozeu, jjti per dosen. Sent by mail. fcMndame Loiers Female Monthly Pills are a safe and reliable remedy lor iqipprostdonB and all female dis- eases. Ladiwe should not uo them duriutf pregnancy, e they will produce cilecirriase. Priee ijl per box rtra fine sent to any address by mil. Drs. B. & K. are the nii'.u to consult, they are onanes-toDabl-y acknowledged to he Tii.M'.hampion and and king 31 venereal diaaee, and tlie only Doctors who receive Monthly Report from the old world; they have been from an early ate of youth to witness the va- rious diseases which atilict mankind, and to wat-- the proareas, thronjrli a long carepr of al study, in very sphere of life, from the huoihle abode of poverty to the mansions of the wealthy, and having aecertJiined beyond a doubt the vast oi humanity, thy to select the generative system as their par- ticular study, and to their whole attention to the alleviation ol the diseases of t!..se important functions. 'o letters will be answered uniew they contain a remit laace or a postage etaiBp. OalL, er address Dim. B0NAPARTl?ttEYNOLD8, Ho. 183 Sycamore street, bt. Fifth and SUth, eat ride, Cincinnati, O. Ofpep hour, A. M. to ! P. M. OR lordiv Change of Firm. rt1 SHANKS & U. lim e W. A. GATL-- l BWAITU with their umi, and purchsmid the stand of SMITH A OMKK, on eoufh side of Market street, below Floyd, where they will conduct the WHOLE- SALE and RFTAIL LROf KitY and PRODUCE busl-n- Connrted with their hoiwe they have a good WAGON-YAR- with ample accommodations for horses, wagons, and other veV:iclr, and would be gJad to see their old lrieiuls. T. 8UANK?, 1. T. HOKD. 18, lK0.-- dtf W. A. GAIMIRAITH. 10.000 BAGS SHBLLSD CORN, I HAVE on hauJ aud to arrive H',o 0 bajts prime shelled Corn, in new reeewud guuniee, which U ior tale at lowest cdh ratus, SAM'L M. PARKER, At Weller St Parker'e, eat fide tiixth st. IJtl dtf hetwe"" Mahi and MarkA CANNON, SCflHTlXXiX., & COM ffliJesale Dealers in hvm, Variety i fancy Geoda, navw BEMovrn to No. 33 south lu ot Inln, J floors from Seventh street. OUR stork of Goods being too large for the season, have conclude to take iu payment for Gods th n. tee of all the Banks in the dltfeieut States ttiat ere D good standiiig the let of thle mouth except ihe rotee the Banks of Illinois lately thrown out by the bankers at Chicago. Our stock of CD RISTMAS TOYS Is jMite complete. P37 dtf CANNON, SHERP.fLL, a CO. Oo BBLS SPIRITS TURPENTINE iust received per OO steamer John Raiue and for Mile by a TYLER & MARTIN. HARVEST KEOS-- 'ft dzeu oak Uarvext Keps, I alt! fiill assortment of Demijohna, all sixes; Just received and for p1 hv OKR3N R.VWSON, - 83? Main st., betweu Thud and Fourth. o AK WELL Bl n Oak Well P.ock-tot- s varitui kind, jiitit received and - ?ale low by ORKIN KAWSON. aan BRANDY A. Seignytte Braudyt 10 H pipes Cognac do; Ssi juplpes RochtUe s lturs Otard, Diiptiy, Co. Brand v; 5 bhls N. Y. do; In store and for sale by a3f MARSHALL IHLRPRT :0. rfOCOA-NUT- 4,0U0 fresh Cocoa-Su- t iu store and for sale by si V. D. O AFT NO A PO. COUNTRY HZROHANTS Will Dnd a we!i-a- Kfoefc Of HATS, C A r S, and STRAW GOOD- - at No. 4', Main etree', which can be pmchw-- low- er than goods have ever before been sold In this d arket by cah purchaaers or by prompt-payin- g customers on ehort time, al F RATHER A PMTTII. Delmouico Champagne. I J 't lecetved 35 Cas- - it the above eel brat-- Champaaue Wine, which 1 shall sell In quantities to euit purclias'-r.a- . aia ,1. P. THOMPSON. 7 Fourth st. C11AMPAGNK SS boxes assorted (uuarta, pinta, aud and for sale low by m12 WM. GAY. JUGAR 5f25 hhds fair to tftrlctly prime in store and fnr aie hv- - (a1! II W. fOOl). MACKEREL 30U whole and bhls Noa. I, 2, and store and for sale by m14 ANIVW HfCHANAN A CO OFKEK 859 bags prime Rio received per Magenta and for sale by mi H. D. NWCOMR PRO. tJ a- - 0 hhde fair to prime Susar; 10 hhds White Retiued do; In store aud for sale bv n97 ANDREW Bt'CTTANAN CO. ICE 80 casks recriverf per inaiihoar and for sale bj R n37 ALLEN. MOORE. D ADEN. CORN 8W bagf prime in store and tor na1 Y? CAS'I'LEMAV. MI RHELI b 0. SC;aR3 i!6u bbla Crushed, Powdered, REFINED Sugars in itnre and for ale by IOLDEN R1RI P, MAPLE MoLAStjErt, AND IT W 1 i.rn uiui'D ; i.a 1. n fnf l A i'OEs bhl Northern Pottitoes, hue 1O juat received and for ea'e by roSl TAIT. ANDERSON. A CO., 140 Fonrth RIO OOFFEE 1W ban strictl prime Eastern Rio received thia dav per miillxi.tt tnd for wile by ANDREW BUCHANAN A Cf)., A IViroer aid Wihinpnn t. PEACHES AND APPi ES-A tew ot DRftD Dried Peachi and Apples hint received at the Wooden Ware and Broom 3for and tor sale at ORR1N KAWSON, tnH fiSH Main ft., between Third and Fourth. ROPY I AM l f, a new remedy for Uheumatiem, r prepared and sold by TUGS. B. JENKINS & CO., Chentl-- and Dniggiett, m!M Comer of Third and W;ilnuT. s. RAIN BAGS 6,000 aeamless Bats 2 and 3.! f Fort Pitt brand) received per -- te:iirboat Maiiuora and for sale by J0. F. HOWARD CJ Agent for M mitlucti- - rers, ml? Main. betA-ef-- Tldrd ani th -- t. W UN DRIES O jVH) bushels Black Seed Oats a.K) bble Northern Potatoes; sacks do do; so bushels Himgariaa Gra:e Seefl; loo do BhieG:ss do; ISO do choice A piles; 41) flrkn Butter; a bhls roll do-I- bbls sweet Cider; US bales Hop-"- 6uu bble Flour; for isle br TAIT. ANDERSON. & CO. M ' Sew Books. Latest Publications of the day, at THE ILAP.K70, nlO Mozai t Hall. Cedar Chests. CEDAR CHESTS lu store and for sale at rednctd 17 prices to el ewe the coueigian i;t Ly OKKIN HAWSOV. mid Main street, betweaii Tufrd and Fonrtr. IAVA C'OFFfcii 100 mati ae old arrmug and ior sale by a?? RAWnv. TOnr. A CO. LI he's chilled iron Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES with his celebrated combination K k on them. In store and for sale at tne niaimtactuier's prices by W. M BI.LKNAP CO. Pocket Diaries friven Away- - I it E a Ihrcf of Put-ai- DMrW-- lur in J HlikhJ will" gvv to tun- - nuiiaJi p. iimivI'O miscall for them at CLAUSE'S. H. JDliLLa LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, IIURSDAY, LOUISVILLE MEDICAL. TheEarly Physical Degeneracy AMERICAN PEOPLE, JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. STONE, Phytieimn to th Trot l.ung- - mnd Hy Institute A Treatise on the Causes of Early Physical De- cline of American People; the Cause of Nerv- ous Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus. M"Thls worn Is of a high moral tone, written in chaste yet thrilling language, and appeals directly to the moral roucioiinefs of all, Parento and Gdab-ihan- b especially, detailing scientific and reliable aida and treatment for cure. It will be sent by mail on receipt of ricoS-cen- t tami8 l"r-P- rents and Guardians! fail not to send and obtAin this book. Mf.n1 fall not to send and get this book, f3rLiiirftl you, too, should at once secure a copy of this book. A Word of 3lomn Conscientious Advice to tho who will Reflect. A elas of maladies prevail to a fearful extent in v dooming at lea-- luu.mm youth of both sexes an- nually to an early grave. Those dieeaoe- - are very im- perfectly understood. Their external nianit'ectatlons or symptoms are Nervous D hility. Relaxation, and Ex- haustion: Marasmus or wasting and consumption of the tiefiiett of the whole body: shortm ot breatliing or hur- ried breathing on ascending a hill or a flfcht of stairs great palpitation of the Heart; Asthma, Bronchitis, and sore Throat; shaking of the Hand;' and Limbs; aversion to society and to tmsine-- s or study; dim ham ot E Iosp of Memory: dizziness of the Head: Neuralgic Pains In various parts of the body; Pains in the Kark or Limbs; Lumbago, Dytpepla, or Indigestion: Irregulari- ty of Hie Bowels: deraneed sections of the Kidneys and other glands of the body, aa Leucourhu-- or Fleur Aibua, likewise Epiltpsy, Hysteria, and Nervous Spasnifl. Now, In ninety-nin- e case out of every one hundred all thr above-name- d disorder, and a hoet of others not nimed, as Consumption of the Lunga, and the most and wily f'rm of Consumption of the Spinal A'erw. known as Taben Dovwi. and Tabe mitienreri-c- a, have their umt and origin io diseases of Pvlvic Uface-r- Hence the waut of succees on the part of old school practice in treating symptoms only. Dr. Andrew Stone, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hv eienic Institution, is now engaged In treating this class of modern maladies witb the most astonishing suc- cess. The treatment adopted by the Institution is new; it la haawl nnon scientific orinciples, with newdifcov- - ered remedies, without minerals or potaoDs. The lacili-tie- s ot cure are such that patients can be cured at their iu any part of the country, from accurate de- scription of their case, by letter, and have the medicines snt them by mail or express. Printed interrogatories will be forward' d on application. HPCnnsumpti iu. Catarrh, and diseases of the Throat cured as well at the ktmts of patwits as at the Institu- tion by sending the Cold Medicated Inkalmg Balam?e Vapory with inhaler, and ample directions tor their use, and direct correspt ndence. applying for intrrrooaforw or MMct tuuft enclose rrturu staropi tovifrt attention. IWThe atteuding physician will be found at the In-- s itution for consultation, from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. of each d ly. Sundays in the forenoon. Address DR. ANDREW 8TONR, Physician to the Troy Lang and Hygienic Institution and Physician for diseases of the Heart, Throat, and Lungs, W Fifth street, Troy, N. Y. to rum A LB 3. MRS. DOCTRESS STONE, TlIV, MATROTt OF TDK iNBTtTUTION, Who Is throughly read and posted in the pathology of the many afflictive and prostrating maladies of more modern origin, will devote exclusive attention to tbis cla of diseases peculiar to her sex. IWThe Ascending Medicated Douche, a most Impo- rtant preventive tor itfmai.fis, sent bp express for 5. Females can consult Mrs. Doc trees Htoue cvnTulenlly by Ltter or personal lv. Address MRS. N. O. STONE. M. D., Matron to the Institution, oct7deodly Trot, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS. GEORGE T. SHAW DICK PORTER, "ROUND THE CORNER' it nnT 'bbh v 11 illlU llUUlill'H.lilll Comer Sixth Street and Court Place, OPPOSITE THE CITY COURT ROOMS, Louisville, Ky- - SHAW & rOHTEH, Proprietor. at all hours of the dav and night. Our MEALS with Fish, Meat?, Poultry, Game, and Oysten, tne be't in he market. In our Saloon are to be found imported Wines, Liuuors, aud Cigais of the Choicest Brands. Sole agent? in Kentucky for J. .1. RaodaV celebrated Chicago and MUwaukie X, XX, aud XXX Pale Cream and 8tock Ales; wholesale, iu barrels and half barrels, or by the hot tie. Call GROUND THE CORNER." n12 hrtftitf Conrenieuce for my Customers. for H"nry Bevrodt's Upholsterer ORDERS betaken with the greatet attention at Mr. J. G. Mather's Carpet Store, No. 81K Main s et, adjoining the Bank of Loni.-vill- HENRY BEYRODT, Upholsterer, Fifth street, between Jefferson and Green, no17 dnm Louisville. Kv. Brandies fc Crawford, GRAIN DIALERS, AVK removed to the new Warehouse on the sonth-we- II cornei o Main and First streets. We will par th highest market price for all kinds of Grain, delivered at onr store or at any good shipping point on the O o river. 128 dtf BRANDEI8 & CRAWFORD. POWDER O F ALL qualities constantly on hand and frn tale oy DAVIS A SPEED, Agents for the Manufacturers. Louisville, Sept. a, 15. Mpscbs. Davis ft Spud, Agents of Oriental Powder Co., Louisville: Qenia We have been using your Blasting Powder and we take pleasure lu stating that we find it equal if not superior to any Powder that ws have ever used. ARTHUR CAMPBELL, Superintendent for Smith A 3my per. I eordiallv concur in the above and cheerfully recom- mend it to the public J. D. SMITH. I consider the above Powder superior to any we have ever been able to obtain. H. EOS KIT. We take pleasure in recommeuding your Indian Orien- tal Rifle Powder as euual if not superior to any we have ever ust-d- , it being very cleanly and strong. This we assert altar s thorough, trial. Respectfully yours, GEORGE W. WOMACK, J. FRY LAWRENCE, 6. P. BROWDLR, H A. KNEASTER, ZACHARY L. TAYLOR. neTfltf A BURNS. On the European Plau, CITY OF NEW YORK. Single Rooms 50 cents per Day. Citv Hall Square, wrier of Frankfort st, OPPOSITE CITY HALL. Meals as they may be ordered in the spacious Refecto- ry. There is a Ba. ber's Shop, and attached to the Hotel. N. B. llfwnrs of Runners and Hack men, who aay we are full, ny dly R. FRENCH, Proprietor. DRUGS, CHE1MTCALS, &c O I a:n now NEW GOODS, just pnr chased, and would most respectfully ask a call H from all thne wishing to purchase frt-s- Drugs, (Ui Chemicals. and Spice. I have also in store a very large and complete stock of Virginia, Missouri, and Kentucky Manufactured Tobacco, aud will offer Inducements to those wUhing to purcbaee for cash or prompt dealers on time. m4 EDWARH WILDER. Mi Main st. nRIED FRUIT A choice article peeled and unpeeled Dried Apples, and i reach and GermaD Pnines in store and for sale by mrt W. ft H. BUHKHARDT. 417 Markets. C" HEESE A full supply (uat received of Hamburg, Western Reserve Nutmeg, English Dairy, and Cheese. ni6 W. A H. BI KKHARDT. 417 Market st. VKW FISH-N- os. 1, 3, and S Mackerel In whole and ll half bbls aud kits- No. 1 Baln.no in bhls and kits; No 1 White Fish in half bbls- - a superior article Codfish in drums; and No. 1 scaled Herring; in store and for Bm6b7 W. M. BURKHARDT, 417 Market st TV O. SUGAR 600 hhds fair to choice in store and 11. for sale by ALLEN. MOORK, A ft A DEN, 1 Farmers and Mechanics9 B TOOLS. V Plows, Rakes, Hoes, Forks, Shovels, Spades, Axes, Hatchets, Hammers, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Candlesticks, Walters, Chairs, Hamcs. I looks, Hinges, Butt, Screws, Locks, Bolts, Latches, Ketch. Capers, Ac, wholesale and retail hy A. McBRIDE, mart No. 231 Thirst.. Lui-vill- Kv. R IO COFFEE ill bags good fair to prime arriving and for sale by 13 KAWSON, TODD, & CO. ST. JAMES SUGAR-HOUS- MOLASSES 75 bhls James Sugar-Hous- e Molasses In store and far sale by a 13 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. TO BROOlVT-IttAKEB- S. Kfl nfWI GOOD BROOM HANDLES, well seasoned JHjUUU Lfttw lbs beet qualitv Broo Cord; 25 lbs best quality Sewing Twhine; Sot) lbs Iwst quality colored dewing Twine: fci) ths best 'tuality plated Wire-So- bdls Cut Tacks, Bro'-- Needles, Ac.: Just received at the Wooden Ware and Broom 8tore, li8 Main street, between Third and Fourth. Louisville, and for sale by Lfl wlAd) ORRIN RAWSON. CORN eacks mined shelled Corn; 4l5 do White do do: In new renewed sunnies; receiving per Jeffereonvills Railroad and for sale hv AND'W BUCHANAN A CO., m16 Corner Second and Washington sts. A PPLES 75 bbls Apples inst received and for sale by I m AND'W BUCHANAN A CO, TOVKRING'S SUGAR? bbls Loveriup's Crushed, and Granulated 6ugara received pur steamer Eunice aud for sale by 4 ANIVW BUCHANAN A CO MOLASSES 75 bbls St. James SUGAR-HOUS- Molasses in store and for sale by 4 ANTHV BUCHANAN CO SUGAR 45 hhds on consignment and for sale IlKIME (al J. SMITH SPEED. Main st. A stock of the best always on hand at (EMENT J. A. PENTON'S. It4 F.HiOh.t. CORN MEAL I am daily receiving supplies cf fresh aud superior quality. , A. A. PEMTON. pj4Pmn'.hst, PICKt.ES AND CATCHUPS-Eugli- eh CHOICE Pickles, Catchup, Sauces, Preserves, Oils, Gelatine, Chocolate, Cocoa, tc, iust rnceivd and for sale bv M HIBBITT A SON. ICE 1ft caks rice received ad for sale bp R a 3 RAWSON, TODD, A CO. SUNDRIES fc3 iiO bsgs Cotton Yarn, assorted uaiubers; h0 bales No. 1 Batting; riu do Extra do; 75 do No. 2 do; 6u bags wb'te CaipetChsin; 25 do coioTtd flo do; L'U do Cindle-Wick- : oj do Wmpplog do; for sale b R3 GAttDNVR CO. HUGH FERGUSON. DAVID FERGUSON. II. FEEGUS0N & SON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers io PAMII.'Y' FLOUR, Filth street, one door north of Market, LOUISVILLE, KY. BRANDS OF FAMILY FLOUR constantly on hand. tVFlour delivered to any part of the city free of j charge. nSdBiu S t.l: vi prune Kly vilut iu iim sale by MARSHALL H ALBERT At CO. LOUISVILLE DAILY JOURNAL. MEDICAL. 33 XX. XX V. Xj Ij'fel Loiiisville MEDICAL INFIRMARY, CONDUCTED ON TUE PLAN OF TUB HOSPITAL DE3 VENERIEN8, PARIS, rr 4rtJffJ-OVHEK- tnose amicrea with any tonu ot Private Dijeaae can receive s pronint treatment witiiout nsit or !W t X rtfirMiiii, vie oj imii,i, uuiiviiii, Oh-a- , Bt rk'turef. Ulcers, Tnmorii, (.Oncers, flec'ndarv, and Syphilis, the Kid-iit- e, etc. hv this system it is ovfd that theveneri.il complaint s an entirely undr the control of medicine as in a conn, on cid or simple lover: and, while ineulflHeiit persons at e dail sending away their p;iti ut-i- n hoieleyneeif, aud giving them up only from their own incompetency, complete ind nor annt cures are constantly being effected at this Infimiarv. YOUNG MEN, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. H. devotes much of b time tt the treatment nf those caees caused by a wcret habit which ruins both body and mind, unfitting the unfortunate individual for either btisine-- s or societv. Th aad effect cf these earlv habits, or theexcesnof riper years, are to weaken and debilitate the constitution, deatrov the physical and nifutil powers, diminish and enfeeble the natural feel- ing", and exhaust the vital energies of manhood; the oi lite are marred, the object of man iae flnasures existence Itself rendered a term of uuceas-i- n misery and regret. Such persons, eepcially thone cnntomplating marriage, should lone no time in making immediate application, as Ih H-- , by his new treatment, la enabled to Insure a speedy and permanent aire. DR. HALL'S AMERICAN PERIODICAL PILLS. N article of medicine intended for the exclusive use of females has ever vet been introduced thaf has given such universal satisfaction as the American Periodical Pills. They can be relied on in all cases of Menstrual Obstruc- tions, Irregularities, 4c, as a sure and sale remedy. Price, per mail, 1 aud one postage stomp. Patient living at a distance can be cured at hom by sending k description of their disease aud inclosing a stamp Medicine sent to anv address, fi"omce No. llri Jetfersnii street, between First and Second. Office open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. dj4dtf L. HALL, M. P. This it really a Good Medicine, war- ranted to Cure. CIO Bifl Island, Bedford, Va., Nor. 1, 164. Msssbs. Dovx A Co. Gentlemen: I used shoot of a bottle of yonr Turf Oil upon the back of my horse, the worst back I almost ever saw, entirely raw, a place nearly as larse as my hand, and this single appli- cation (I only applied it once) cured It up entirely and permanently. I really was surprised at the quickness of itg curative proporties, and I think it more prompt and emcacious than anything of the kind I ever saw, and I have sold thousands of bottles of other preparations for similar parroees. Respectfully, P BONDURANT. SrrsRv oorrjTTY, Vs., .Tannsrv, 1W. Gsirn.riiRN: My old man, Billy, about 7u vears of age while hewing sills with a broadaxe, split the calf of the leg open down to the bone, about S or 4 inches long, cut- ting an artery. It bled profusely for two days, and con- tinued to bleed until cold aud stiff. I had to give him hot brandy. I could not sew it up, but just sabirated a Fiece of linen with your Turf Oil and laid it on the cut. not expect him, on account of his ace, ever to be able to work again. I continued to dress tlie wound two or three week with the Turf Oil. In six weeks the cut was entirely well, and he was at work again. Very respoetfullv, W. CLAIBOttNK JONES. Messrs. Dovx A Co., Richmond, Va. TOT lalsbf CARY A TALBOT. r!.)WARD WILDER, W. SPRINGER A BRO-- , TH08- - SCORCH, GEO. W. HART, And all Druggists and Cooutry Merchants in the State. mayl7 dly GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, ESTABLISHED 150. For the Cure of all Private Diseases, A SXBBXGAXs ni2?0&T. Ccntatntno THIRTY Jlns Plate and Kngravino the Anatcmiv and Phjmvlccv 0 the Sexual Or pons, tn a state of Health and Disease. PRICE ONLY TEN CENTS. tVSeui free of postage to all farts of the UnJoa.j ON A NEW METHOD of treat- ing Syphilis. Gonorrhea. Stric- ture, Uleet, ftaual Debility, Female Diseases, and all affections of tlie reproductive sys- tem of both sexes, the infirmities - f youth and mati-nt- arising from the secret tollies of both sexes, with a full treatise on r 'In r ffl 'itfi' WEAKNESS, IU deplorable con- - Hv '''f' Ml ')' f"juence9 upin the mind aud V.J!VC body, pointing out the author's NHas$s pl(lu cf treatment, the only ra- tional and successful mode of cure, as shown by the re- port of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sect to any ad drew in a sealed wrapr-r-- on the receipt of TEN CENTS or FIF- TEEN COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR. Those afflicted with any of the aliove diseases before placing tbem-elve- under the treament ol any one, should firs.t read this invaluable book. The A imioR continues to extend hiB profet-iona- to that "peculiar" department of Uwease, to which be devotes hie undivided attention. Theee wishing to consult him with regard to Syphilitic Gonor- rhea, Seminal Weakness, bexnal Debility, Female Complaints, and all of tee various ailments of the gen- erative organs upon which his work treats, aud for the cure of which hie skill has acquired him the highest reputation, will find him at the DWpeinary from 9 to 1 mominps, S to b afternoons, nud 1 'o U eveniuse. The author may be consulted, either personally or by letter, on all the disease of which hi work treat, and medicines sent to all pans of the country with complete instructions for secured from danger or coriositv. Secresi' inviclAhle. DR. DEWEEs' FEMALE MONTHLY REGULATOR, a safrt and certain remedy for Ob3Tmctiou9. Irregulari- ties, Ac, and i? the only relinhle "preventive ot Price 1 per box. aud may ie sent hy mail. Uthce Fifth street, betwe-- n Market and .JVnerscn. Ail lettvTS frocks or Mwiicint ehiiild be addressed to UK. GALEN'S DlSPKNbAttk, rtv94 ArMrrrf --tr. I nilvill. KV, gTf laving bees established in Louis-- F v 1 " e fr the la-- ibyeare. and v f 'g had alerge practice in the treat-w'- 1 ? nient of the following diseases: Scrofula, Cancer. Piles Sore , S: phi lis. Fistula, and to remove the horrible consequences of Onanism, or ha? given him proof to sustain any state- ment of te highest character-enc- h men as Dr. W. L, Breckinridge, Judges J. R, Undejw-ood,- Loving, John-so- Capt. W. S. D. Mtgawao. rrrv.l I had FistJila and was cured by Dr. Price, without the knife or ligature, io venteudays. JOSEPH Y0UCE. nABnn, no., kt. I had s negro man with Fistula, and he was cured by Dr. Price In three weeks. WM. BAKD. OOLCONDA, tLL.l I had Fistula for fifteen yenis, with six openings, and was cured by Dr. Price in three weeks . RILEY WILLIAMS. Iam a healthy f nd hs.rfv man, having been cured from the honid effects of Onanism. A. CITIZEN. Office ou Market, between Sixth and Seventh Address, enclosing a postage fctamp, Louisville, Ky. ,.i,i.i UZt. LA CKOII'S PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON TUE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OFMARKIAGE. tbu Pages and 180 Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs. TWENTY-FIV- CENTS.l KVSent free of postage to ail parts of the Union. ON the innnnities of youth and maturity, the se- cret foWies of both sexes of all ages, CAUflng debility, nervous- ness, depression of spirits, palpi-ta- t ion of the heart, suicidal im- aginations, IT; involuntary blush- - mY'S "''Jrtfi ;,ni ovieerive memory, inniges--J- AC'Ttoti, and Iftssitude, Air"., compris- - Xoi'f'.V 7ii pacejt and illustrated y'vi,''J'ith upwards of onohundrt and eugraviugH. It is a tr.i th-- lul adviser to the married and those coutemn!atin nianif.ee. who entertain secret doubts of their physical condition, and who are conscious of having hazarded the heiith, happinees, and privileges to which every human being la entitled. With Confeseions of a Boarding School Miss, a College Student, and a Young Married Lady, full of romance aud thrilling interest. Young men who aie troubled with weakneaa, general- ly caused by a bad h;thit iu youth, the etlerti of which are dizziness, pains, forge,tfulnes, sometimes a ringing In the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the back and lower extremities, confusion of ideas, low of memory, with melancnoly, may be cured by the author's N.EW PARIS AND LONDON TREATMENT. We have for t he greater part of the pn."t year, devoted our time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPI- TALS, availing ourselves of the knowledge and re- searches of the mopt skilled Physicians and Surgeons in EuroiH-an- on the Continent men ss tJl VIALE, LEMHRE. RICOHD, BKECHETEAU, ACTON, and CURLINGS, of the French and English hospitals. Our tour extended through France. Italy. Germany, Hol- land, England, Ireland, S otland, and Wales, visiting in our route the principal buspitals in Paris, Loudon, Rome. Venice, Vienna, Dffsden, Berlin, A'c Ac. Wc have been amplv repaid hy the additional knowledge we have acquired in the treatment of various dt?eates to which we have directed our attention. Those who place themselves under onr cre will now hae the full benefit of the many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIES which we are enahled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest assured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECRECY, and attention belug paid to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore as a Physician in our PECULIAR department oi profoe-sion- practice. with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canada?, by patients communicating their symteme by letter. Business correspondence strictly couridetitial. RT)r. L.'s Ortice Is still located as e.tahlished: under the name of DR. LA CROIX. I'o Insure safety to all letters simply address "THIi LA CROIX MEDH;AL I NiSTlTL" 1 E." s4 dAwtf No. 31 Maiden Lane. Albauy, N. Y. SEIGrHIED KEHWALD, No. 31 1 Fourth Mt., bet. IHarltet Rod JelferMD, MANUFACTURER AND JOBBER OF EVERY Fine Diamond Mount, inns and all the new styles ol Fine Uairork Ornaments executed in the moet superior style, of the best material. All work warranted. Fiices reatonablo. Old gold takeu inexchange. iuneS dly WESTERN HOTEL, 'LATE VACARO HOUSE, SOriH SIDE MARKET, BET. FOURTH k FIFTH, JACOB FRIEND & CO., Fropr's. w E would respectfully inform the public that since the above house has iijut d from the hand of Mm. Vacaro it has beeu entirely refitted in elegant style, and Is now open for the reception of giiCet. Located in the central and business part of the citv. it has rare advan- tage tor the traveling public. Ihe proprietor will spare no pains to ruarfe. their guets teel comfortable ana satiehud in every respect. Their larder will always be supplied with the best the market and eeasouB alford, and the Bar will be stocked with only the best of Wines, Liquors, Cigars. Ac, fWe reeiwttully solicit the patronage of the old patrons and of ine public In geueraf. mo dtf JACvB FRIEND A CO. MEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY.! Messrs. GARRETT A NICKERSON have pur :baed the GALLERY co Maia street, betweei ifcond and Third. lojiavilit, Kv,, formerly occu tiled by Mr. G. T. Shsw, in which they have gone b icousideral.leexper.se in vefittine. The Gallery uow eerttinly the very finr,t iu the W. W e to liimish all st;iea of plctbres kuown h the art Photograpbe In oil, water colors, aud in 'dia luk. Sut ii faction given to ail. Give us a call. C. Alfb& Gabkktt. Geo. II. Nicksksow. HThia Oa'Jery is clcsed ou S'anday. maylO Priuie new FLjh iu whole and M bbls MACKERUL alto No. 1 Salmon in bbU aud kits, lu store and for sale by )( W. A H. RTTRKH ARTYT. 417 Market st. I.LOUK Rnpbville Mills Double Extra Flour; 4" btils KllU'l.trtOVIl " ' jU btiis Vi ill iHGiorfc1 In cl ! nv.l AND'W MCIIANAN & (i.. Coiuti St.ivjQl and arhiutou tit. W. H. STOKES, fS UCCESSOB TQ R. W. B. 8TOR KS, IMPORTER AND DEALER 1 1ST COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, Saddlery Warehouse, No. 485 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth, IjoviiBVillo, K.y. wtwild find It to their interest to examine my stock before making their par) .hIMJ,d o"e r dScs will be attended to as if made in pern. sHdeowAwf MKSCELLANEOUS. I0 YOU WANT WIHSKEK5! DO VOIT WANT WIIISKEKf DO YOU WANT A I?It STACHE! DO YOIT WANT A MUSTACHE! BELLIISTGIIAM'S CELEBRATED For the Whiskers and Hair. The subscribers taUe pleasure in announcing to the citizens of the United States that they hav obtained the Agency for and are now euablnd to offer to the American public the above justly celebrated and d article. THE STMITLATIXG 0XGIEXT Is prepared by Ds. C. P. Bfr.UKflH m. sn eminent nhv siclan of Lsudon, aud is warranted to bring out a thick set of WHISKERS OR A MUSTACHE In from three to six weeks. This article Is the only one of the kind us d by the French, aud in Londen and Pari it is iu universal use. It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting as if by mapie upon the root, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, it will aire baldness, and cau e to spring up in place of the bald spots a fine gmwth of uew hair. Ap- plied according to directions. It wilt turn bed or towy hair park, aud restore ?rav hair to it orin'sl color, leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The "OnontNT Dan indispensable article in every gentleman's toilet, aud after one week's ue they would not for any conside- ration be without lt- - The subcenhers are the only Aleuts for the article In the United States, to whom all orders must be Price One Dollar a box. For sale by all Druggists snd Dealers; or a box of the "Onguent" (warranted to have the desired effect) will be sent to any who desire it, by mail (direct) securely packed on receipt of price and podtage, 1 - Apply to or address HORACE L. H KG EM AN A CO., DstmoiBTB, Arc, firadfinilstprttis 24 William street, New York. TRAVELERS ! When you go to NEW YORK, drive direct to the SMITHSONIAN HOUSE, BROADWAY, CORNER OF HOUSTON STREET. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Good CONDUCTED prompt attendance, and moderate charge. Single ro ins 5o cents, TA cents, and per dv. Double rooms and parlors il bt) to 8. Meal as ordered This Hotel haa all the appointments of the beet , a inO't central location, and 1 heated throughout by steam. ml u:m SAMUEL B MEAD, Proprietor. OLIUSTEAD& 0'COXXOR (Successors to Joe. Robb), DEALERS IN PITTSBima AND fUTTONA CAN 1MB C COAL, And Sole Agents foi the Pomoroy Ooa-1- . for any of the above Coals respectfully soli ORDERS promptly tilled at the lowest market prices. Contantly on band a larce supplrof the "PEYT0NA CANNEL" and "PEACOCK" POME ROY COALS, which ior kitchen, parlor, or chamber use have no sua perior. Offices No. 304 Third street, between Market and Jef- ferson, at Robb's old stand; and at No. 8u4, southwest corner Brook and Market streets. )e3 dtf HINZEN.ROSEN&CO. run" -- ran iiimtiiEis. Market Street, North side, between Sixth and SeTenth, LOUISVILLE, KY. IWAlways on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS at reasonable prices. srp'ix dly SPECIAL NOTICE. MY CUSTOMERS ARK HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT THEIR ACCOUNTS DUE ON THE FIRST OF ARE READY, AND I WILL BE VERY MUCH OBLIGED IF THEY WILL CALL AND PAY UP ON THAT DAY. o. ixx. raccitAw. NOTICE LICORICE. PRoPhlET-'lt- OF THE AOC BRAND OF THE havin entirely d their works and introduced new machinery ior the of producing Licoiice. of vasGv superior quality to what ii:is lien tofoir h;no man.iiaetuied, are now able to ofier for the inspection '1' the trl ram pies of tiieir uew iak wbirh cannot fall to h much 8'ltiiii'"d. Saciplca may be at ihe omce of JAS. C. McANDRVW. ft4 dSm 4 Pine .trt-ft- . New York. SHALT HOPS For Sale. Cash paid for Karley AT TKK REXTCCRY MALT HOUSE, SOUTH 8IIB MARKET STREET, Between Sixth and Seveth. an29 dtf JOHN KNGEUN CO. YARD, GILLJIORB, & CO., Jayne's Marble Building, Nos. 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne St., Have opened their SPRING IMPORTATION of SILK 'Mi MIT HY HE. Dress Goods in great variety, WRITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, Ac,, Ac, Which they will sell at the lowest Eastern price. CAU, AND SEK. f!9 dSm ZKTurvsr GOODS BLACK AND FANCY BROADCLOTHS, FANCY AND SILK MIXED CASSIMKHL'S, BILK AND MARSEILLES VESTING 8, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, And a most complete assortment of every article to Men's Wear, to which we call the attention of cmh and prompt buyers. J. YON BORRIEM & CO., ni3n C'oth House, No. 434 Main rt. 8. S. MARK. G. F. DOWNS, WE ate now in receipt of large portion of oiu- - Spring supply ol FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS, embracing Fome few new thing' lu DRESS GO"DS and LAt es. Parasols and sun shapes, organ-dies- . LAWNS and JACONETS. HOSIERY, GLOVES and UNDERWEAR, al MARK A DOWNS, 41 Main st. J. H. SCHROEDER & SON, NO. !15 WALL STREET. ON HAND ONE OF THE FTNF8T AND HAVE lots of WINES aud LIQUORS lu the counting iu part of, viz: ViKi hbls Bourbon aud Rye Whisky; lo'i packages Frandy; haketf Champagne, assorted brands; 2il boxwH i'larct, do do; &o do White Wine. do do; 6 do Hungarian Wine, o:o do; loi) do Sparkling and Stiil Catawba; 23 ciw its Port, Madeira, aud Sherry, 6 pipe- - Holland i.in; 6 puncheons Jamaica Rum; Sft bbli- - P ach and Apple itiandy; 100,'ti"J fine Havana Clear?; 60 box-- Vi'einla Tobacco; 10 gross Flavin Card: lMJ caes Sp'ce and Stoughton Bitters: 100 do Maraphino, Abynthe, and 'urecoa: 60 do Blackberrrt Stritwberry, A Gingar Brandy. al SUGAR 30 bbls Baltimore B Soft Crueh REFINED and for sale bv RAWSfiN. TODD. CO. CORMIILL M AGAZINEfor at March, edited t Thick GUNTER S BOOKSTORE, a jAb Thinl st., Wtween Market an 1 Jefiereon. BALI'.D OATS, HAY, AND STRAW A full supply bent uualtty at a5 I. A. PENTON'g 1 4 Fn.irth st. k)A lft G.uUG laoiuered, fcr sale by al WALLACE, LITHGOW, A CO. AND 25 bbls Scouring Baud, which every boiue-- keepers houM uee, for nale by al W. A H. Bl'KK'H A RDT. 417 Market CORN LouOsackf prime white he'led in nw resewtd Also I.J'.aj pactcn of ear corn for sale by a I. A HEVTON. mKnnrth.l IIO COFFEE '00 bags strictly prime Rio received XV by the Magenta aud tor sale by cooo M"iy. UG A- R- So biila Baltimeis A Crumbed 8 ; lit do oo A Cofle & do do A Powdered do; Jart received and for sale by CARDNEB 4 CO. New Books! New Booksl HARRY HARSitN. b? Johu T. Irviug. Price 1 J5 A ITOKXLY, by John T. Irving. " U5 RuSA SOMER VILLU. or a Hut baud's Mystery, by G W. N. Reync:d. Price 5'. THE FIRST FALSE STEP, or the Path to Crime, by G. W. Al. Reynolds. Price At F. MAUDEVS Rookftre, m4 Third st. T AIINS- - It 20 boxes M. R. and Layer RaMos; J0 do do do do do; m do do do du dor rtrO iv.-- et(!6f DUli- and lof fl low to losr Dl:ii-:i- l t A.Y1 lloSY Z A NoNE S iN. Iii2 Filth ftrer t, Matu. MISCELLANEOUS. Large Amount of Cotton Ma- chinery for Sale. I OFFER for sale, now lying at the Cotton Factory, Bonhat bor, Kentuckv, large quantity of Machine- ry for the Manufacturing of Coarse Cotton Good. Most or all of tbis Machinery is iu a very good state of preservation, and e nib races the late?t inventions. It va manulVtur-'- by ' Jinks," of Hrideeburg, Pa , and the moct vkilllul nianulacturers of New England. Ii eddition to the Machinery is a valuable Steam Knglue of sufficient power to drive 3,(u0 spindles The whole will be sold together at a great bargain eithtr for cash or Wf negotiable paper. Mr. J. F. Argyle, on t e premises, will how this Ma- chinery to any one wirhing to see it and confer with him as to the terms of sale. a!7 dim ALFX. B. BAH RET. TO BUSINESS MEN! An excellent chance for reliable business men to secure a profitahte manufacturing business, requiring but a small capital in its establishment and prosecution. I1 HE manufacture consist in the application of a pe- culiar completion or naniel to common red bricks and a variety of othor buildiug material, ornamental architectural fiuUhiugs, ccillugs, tiles tor floors aud for rooting. This enamel may be tinted of any color, from the purest wh:te to the deepest black, with all the colors aud snaies Derwepn. n uuyarisnj iucwucih lowuimu iamlid a hardness and durability almost incredible. and a beauty surptuoing that of the rarest and most cosilvof the variegated marbles, and, unlike them, is teriorate, costing but a fractional part of the price of 0t?:y..T.-.bi,frtal,.o- rt.d,o ,tifc pieces, tuonumeuts. and au sodless varleti of other ar-- icies oi Biap(e use i uo procfiw ui nnnymg mo enamel Is simple, whl'e the articles eDanelcd w) I com- mand a ready sale, sff rdlng large protis. Retionsible D' rtles may procure (or msnutactunng under Th paent for any city or urominent town In the L nited Btat-- by applylDg to the snbci iber. A small tariff on th articles inauiitactirred will be required for the use of the invention. Clrn. la giving full particulars will be forwarded to all . The Mirerior in-- and beauty of this enameled building msterisl to anything in use ha- the unqualified Indoij-einn- t of msuy of the mot tui incut at'd scientific men ot this and other cities. For particulars, address JOHNSON A-- PRATT,. General Ag'ta for Enameled Building Material, ASAl 6T.. NEW VOhK. WANTHD-AGK- TH TOMKM. MAC'KIE and JEWELRY at prices d less than cau b purchased elsewhere. Ca'l on or address (stamp enclosed) J. L. BAILEY, No. Court strt. Bntnn. M. mr"!i AUX 3 COITLEU11S, U 8. B. de CRETY....(E. RAHY, Agent), -- rern etree-t- , adjoining the Joarntil O01p -- 5Pf3r Hfts In store and for sale In quantities p- - tKJto suit purchasers a fine a"rtment of t2 WINES and LIQUORS, such as HOKOKAI X. BOCKfJONK. Of; A( 1. Bordeaux; Pomard: Bordeaux; Ie M''doc: Frontignau; Lunel Bt. Estephe. Yoloey. Rau-d- e vie-de Languedoc. Moselle, Vin de Tokay, Armagnac, and Cordials. nar4 J1 V BOOTS IHTD SHOES REDUCED PRICES! THE subscriber having a large stock of Indies' and Winter ltoota. Shoe, and Gaiterf on hand, all of his own manufacture, offers at greatly reduced prices for cafh. Gent'f In want f fine Calf Winter Boots can be ac- commodated at the very low price of $7 per pair, for cash only. Also, s lot of Men's and Boys Kip and thick Boots at cost for cash. D. MARSHALL, dfi dtf Main, below Third afreet. ELUS HOW, jr., and S.n.RGPER'S H7 A T 33 TXT T , THE MOST RECENT IMPROVED ShuttleSewingMachine FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. PRK'TT $75. Warranted tho Best in the market; Fine finished, stroug and durable: wheel feed of great Dower: exceedinclr jiinnle In construction: not a wire about it: all its part" are most admirably and ingenious- - ly ansnged; cannot possibly get out of order, because everything in permanently adjusted; noue so easily un- derstood and operated, and sews the most beautiful stitch ever beheld, precisely alike on both aides. Tal lors and all who have seen it pronounce it the best Ma- chine ever sent to this vicinitv. All are cordially in- vited to examine it. T. JOHNSTON, Aeeut, n3S dlv 812 Fourth street. To Millers, Produce Merchants, and Grain Dealers. T!HF subscriber offers his services to the Produce Deal- - m. erstn Louisville lor purchasing all kinds of Oram and ('smntrr -. Halnr hd Inn i,riPn .t the busineea,he feels assured that he can give satisfaction to all who may employ him. He will act as agent for the purpose of buying Grain and Produce In the counties of Franklin, Woodford, Scott, Favette, and adjoining counties. ttf- - Refers to Gov. C. S. Morehead and Colonel A. G. Hodges, Frankfort; Drs. W. S. Gano and P. R. Camp- bell, Georgetown. Address WILLIS HODGES, jyft'dtf Oporg'Tyi. Kv. CHARLES FARRE (Late Mai Butaine A Co.), DFI Ix i xx oi , Purveyor? to the Court" of France, Spain, and Primis, also to the celebrated WelUugtuu Club, London. UTLLRRY, CABINET, IMPERIAL, AND VIN AN- - ? GLA13, in ciuarte, pint, and M pir.ta, for ale .1. H. SCHROEDER A SON. 2M Wall st J. G. JACK, K. w Louisville, Ky. New Orleans, JACK & BROTHER, Wholesale Grocers, PROVISION i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 518 north side Main st., between Third and Fourth, 1,Q ISVM LE, KY. WUGAR, COFFEE, AND MOLASSES k? 50 hhds prime N. O. Sugar; 100 baes prime Rio lwi bi'ls Crushed, Powdered aud Granulated Sugar; UK) do I'lautaliou Molasses; 125 V bbls do do; 2 ibbls Go'den Slrnp: Sn liVgailon kegs Golden Simp; Iu store aud for sale hv JACK A BROTHKR, 518 Main st. MANCFACTlRED Miwuri Tottacco; iK"! do O. Kills do do; 60 do Spinney do do: h0 do Va. and Ky. do, various brands; In store and for sale by I JACK A BROTHER, 518 Mala st JEANS AND LINSEYS 1"0 bales Negro Jeans and (best brands) in stori- - and for sale by JACK A R ROT HER, Ms Main st. I7ANAWHA 8ALT-3,P- 00 bbls Kanawha Salt best s V qualtity. In Btorn and for sale bv JACK A BROTHER, 618 Main st SUNDRIES ' chests Gunpowder Tea; Id do do B ark do; So dozen Shaker Bro'in : '6 do fnncv wire tlfd do; 1(H) do Fainted buckaU; 2ft neets do Tube Tfi dozen Xlnc fw) coils Cotton Rope, all Ilps; 2i do Hmp do, oo: lis boxes Star Candles; 4i do Star, b; 75 do Ro"in Sr.ap; 9 do Palm de; SO do German Soap: 6" bags Cotton Yarn, all numbers; 20 do Carpet Chain; li'O bales Itatting: ' do (.laodle-Wlc- " do Wrapping Twins; IS haw Spice; Ya do Teppert liW mats Cinnamon; 8 racs Madras and Manilla Indigo; 2 casks Madder; 10 bbls Alum; S do Sulphur; SO caks Newcaptle Soda 1 caw Nutmeg?: 300,0'0 G. D. and 8. H. Caw 76 gross Matches; I T.i do Mason's large and small Plcklng; 3o boxes a'sorted (;andy; 40 bble Cider Vinegar; kepg Nails, assorted numbers; On hand and for sale by m 7ne JAi K A BROTHER, fflMalnst. GERHART & CANNON Are GREAT BARGAINS in LACES, EM- BROIDERIES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, HOSIERY, snd their entire variety of FANCY GOODS. Cash and prompt time purchasers wilt do well to call and supply thrmpelves. Superior Inducements wilt be of- fered. Our JAPANESE HOOP SKIRTS are superior to anything ever brought to this msrket '324 Fourth street, a" OPPOSITE MOZART HALL. New -- Arrival of MILLINERY GOODS! 1HAVB JUST of RECEIVED BY EXPRESS ENGLISH STRAW BONNETS, MISSES' BOLLEVARD HATS. BEAU Til UL F LOWERS, RIBBONS, BC., Ac. lam determined to sell cheap for cash, and purchasers will hod it to their advantage to give me a call. MRS. 1TZ. J. BRYANT, a!5 314 Fourth st., bet Market and Jefferson. NAiz.8! nails:: nails::: JUST received per steamer Lmder Lt-- kes now In store and for saie at th" manufactu- rers' pnows 6,uiHi ktg.s Including the following kinds: Common sizes, from 3 to find; Fencing Nails, B, 8, and U'd; Tobacco NaiU, M: Flooring Brads, rt, g, and lOd; Latbin Nails. 3d, 6ne blurd: Wrought and Horiie-gfio- Nails. Wrought and Cut Spikes. ilrt W. R BFLTTNAP CO- - LOUISIANA MONE7 WANTED A ITL'lir J j.n i I lI - nntM wanttid at wr for Susar.Cotfee.aiMi MoUsees at iu arket ran. a!7 AND'W BUCHANAN A CO CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES Cab;, Gigs, and C halter T5 WIUow Catw, plain and brotiztd; Also Wheels and Gearing eparaieiy: Just received at tlie WiXKien Ware aud Broom Store aud for sale low by ORHIN RAWSON, ale as Main trt. between Third and Fonrth. LIHH I 60 bble White Fifch. So Hhble Trout: Just received per rallrsad and for sale by alt OA RDNKR A CO. W1NK-- 30 csks Port Wine K do Madeira Wlae; 0 do Sherry do- ll V lre 3 p.i r M ilnfn Wine; Iu store and for ml by mal'j J. MONKS. LOUISVILLE JOURNAL How to Gcard AGalvst tiir Heat. As the heat of a Soot hem sun is one of the hardships our boys tv ill have to encounter, permit an old soldier to state in what way the trench army in Algiers guard themselves during the day when on the march or standing sentry: Take a yard of thin, white flannel, fold It together once, and sew up one end; a ribbon or tape may be inserted to draw it around the neck. This thrown over the cap or shako, and falling behind, completely shields the head and shoulders from the ravs of the sun. Woolen is preferable to linen or cot- ton, Is eqnally light, costs less than the former, and is easier washed and kept clean. The Distress op Nations. The Iat London Review contains an article on the "Distress of Nations." India is the scene of a desolating famine, after having gone through a ewlating rebellion. Austria is on the verge of bank- ruptcy, and about to lose Hangary and Yenetia. Italy is preparing for war. So is France. Prussia W about lo contend with Demnatk. Turkey totters to iU base. Bosnia is in arms, and Iiotue in its last agonies. To this we may add our own dreadful catastrophe of civil war. OFFICIAL. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. MoNiur Ktexivj. April ,, 1MT1. I'rcsent Thos. 8hanks, 1'reaident, and all the members except AMcimea TrtibuO ar..i Lrecai The reading of the journal of the previous t MBSon. was, OD motion, dispensed With, Alderman I ettit, from Committee on l'ub- - li Works, naked .0 be dieohaiged from lb. further OODSlderatlon of the olaiui 0 AugUBt Coleman, which was granted Alderman Jefferson, from Committee on Fire Department, to whom was referred the communication of D. C. 8ione, presented a resolution directing the Mayor to contract with the owners of the Todd warehouse for the storage of the engines, and hog", and have the same removed from the FireLstreet armory, whioh was adopted. Aldermau J tier sou, from same, presented a resolution direotiDg the Mayor to have the engines, hose, &otremov(d from the First street armory to Todd's warehouse, and have the 6aid engine?, &c, properly cleaned, which was adopted. Alderman Jeflerson, from same, presented a resolution directing the Mayor and Com- mittee on Defense to have the liopeengine-houe- e properly repaired for an armory, which was adopted. Alderman Downing, from Committee on Elections and Bonds, presented the resig nations of Dr. J. J. Speed and Alexander Duval, which were received and filed. Alderman Uoone, from Committee on Revision, atked to be discharged from the further consideration of the communication of H. Dent and others, the same having been referred to a Special Committee of both boards, which was granted. A resolution was presented from tho Common Council raising a joint session on this evening, at HV o'clock, to receive a message from the Mayor and elect a Market-mast- lor Boone Market-hous- e, which was adopted A resolution wis presented from the Common CVuticil ordering an election on Saturday, May lib, 101, for a Uailroad Tax Collector for toe Western District, which wa adopted. A resolution was presented from the Common Council raising a Special Commit- - tee on Charter Amendments, which was referred to Committee on Bevision. Alderman Jefferson, from Committee on GaB and Water, reported ihe claim of the Oas Company for the quarter ending April 1st, 1SGI, which was received and ordered to be tent to the Bjard of Common Council and filed. A resolution was presented from the Common Counoil allowing the use of Boone Market-hou- se one night in each week to the Cominental Military Company for drill, which was adopted. JOINT SK&ilON. Pursuant to resolution both Boards met in joint session. Tbe certificate of Samuel Matlack, a JnMi-- a flf the Peftfifl r.f Ietlrflnn COJUly, office had been administered to J. M. Delph, Mayor, which was ordered to be fi'ed. Messrs. JeHerson aud Barbee were then appointed a coin initio to wait upon the Mayor for any message he might be pleased to present; subsequently Col C- - D Penne-bake- r presented a message from bis Honor, the Mayor, whioh was read and ordered to be filed. J. M. Winter was eleoted Market-mast- er for Boone Market-hous- e. When, on motion, the joint session arose. HKf A RATE EtTOV. Alderman Osborne presented Die petition of Joseph Kubn, asking the refunding to hrni of $V), money overpaid on account of tavern iic;nse. Referred to Commuted on trict. Alderman Osborne presented two claims in lavor of Kate Eichorn, lor room rent at elections, amounting to $6 each. Referred to Committee on Eleotions. Alderman Ounkle prebented an ordinance to recurb and repave the sidewalks on north side of Main street from Cabel to Webster. Referred io Cooimitteeon Streets, EiMern Dietiict. The bonds of II. Stuck.ey, Auditor; Geo. Stealy, Engineer; W. G. Ueasor, City At-- j torney; J. M. Vaughan, C. B. C C, and A. M Stout, Assistant City Attorney, were returned approved by the Board of Common Council and ordered to be filed Alderman Jefferson presented an ordi- -. nauce to recurb and repave the sidewalks on the eaft side of Brook street, from Jeffer-- j son street northward to F. N Frederick's line, which was read once, rule suspended, and nassed by the following vote : Ayes Mr. President 8hanks aud Messrs. Downing, Ounkle, Osborne, Jefferson, PeOit, OauH and Boone 8. Nays None. Alderman Oeborne, from the Committee on Streets of the Eastern District, reported an ordinance to pave and curb sidewalks on west side of Jackson, from Market street 201 feet to Main street, amended to "repave and recurb," which was read once, rule suspended and passed by the following vote. yiz : Yeas Mr. President Shanks, Downing, Qunkle, Jefferson, PeUit, Gault and Boone Nays None. Alderman Osborne, from same committee, reported an ordinance to repave and recurb the sidewalks on west side of Shelby street, from Main to Market streets, which was read once, rule suspended, and passed hy the following vote, viz : Yeas Mr. President Shanks, Downing, Ounkle, Oeborne, Jefferson, I'ettit, (Jault and Boone 8. Nays None. Alderman Jefferson preeented an ordi- nance to recurb and repave the sidewalks on the north side of Market street, from Brook to Floyd Blreets. Referred to Com- mittee on Streets of Eastern District. Alderman Boone preeented a resolution allowing the Boone Ouards the use of Boone Market-hou- se one night ia eaoh week for drill, which was adopted. A resolution from the Common Council was presented proposing a joint session of the second meeting in May, to elect the following city officers, viz : One Superintendent of the Hospital. Three Consulting Surgeons to same. Three Attending Surgeons to same. Three Attending Physicians to same. Three Consulting Physicians to same. Two Resident Graduates to same. Three Trustees to same. One Chief of the Fire Department, which was amended to it elude three Trustees of the Alins-hou- aud adopted. A resolution from thir Board, authorizing the sale of a portion of (he city farm to Michael Carey, was returned from the Com- mon Council wiih an ordinance as a substi- tute tbeifeor, which was referred to the Special Committee. President Shanks asked and obtained leave to introduce an ordinance by it e title, it: "An ordinance to raiee to improve the street of the oity of Louis- ville." A resolution was presented from the Common Council authorizing the Mayor to borrow $10,000 to repair and improve streets and other public works, beUg in- troduced as a relief measure to give em- ployment to the destitute, and raising a committee of dibbursemeut thereon, which was adopted. Alderman Osborne presented a resolution authorizing the Mayor to advertise for sale and sell all or a part of the hand erginen, hone and hose carriages now in Hope En- - gine-hOU- Se, - WDiCD. was adopted The report of the Wharl-mast- er for the year ending April 2'2d, 1861, wa presented from the Comoion Council. Received and hied. The report of tlie Street Inspector of the Western District from the llth to the 24th of April was presented and referred to the Committee on trees of the Western District. A resolution was presented to adjourn, in accordance with a resolution adopted at the previous session, to Thuredy evening, May j! i, at half-pa- st peven o'clock, which was adopted. When, f,n (iinlio-i- , ll.e iMard ntj.itiriid VV. K. WOiUHLil-,- Ink. R. it. lies DR. RADWAY'S REMEDIES. THE TRUE MEANS TO PRESERVE AND RECOVER HEALTH. LET THE SICK READ AND REFLECT. RADYVAYM READY REI.IKK. RADW A Yt KFGl LATIXJ PIKI.S. KAIIWAVH It ENOVATI.Nd! RESOLVENT. 8KCURF. HKALTn TO ALL, AND ARE BLESS1SD A3 PROVIDRNTI AL SPECIFICS BY THE CHURCH. The Cnthnlje Priest in Smtth Amrrira, UU Urate the Archhihf,patGutfo. l, n. , of j nny of Kouadur have bn rv red bv theft' infollihle rnne-dt- and have given them to the ct, who have been ikeunite cured. "MAGNA FST VERITAS ET PRVALIBIT " Radwav's Ready Re. lift. The Minute Mdlrine. mmmm Radwav's Ready Re- lief Preveuts Sick- ness. Rrtdwa's Bfadr Re- lief Stopa Pain lu a Minute. Rad way's Readv Re- lief in a Pleasant Beverage. Rsdway's Readv cures Paiiid in the Bowels. mmmmm Radwav's cures Readv Toothache Re- lief ""f w t . J In an intint. Mi Rndwav's "eady Re- lief Prevent Sud- den attacks of Sick- ness. Radw&i's Rpady Re- lief Cures Rsdwav's Renova-tingRf!- vent cures nil Skin Radwav's cures Humors in the Blood. Rjtdwav Renora-tinKRes- vent cures Svphilic Impurities Fever dortis, Ulcers. Radwav's 17.. DyspeiMla, cures Radway s Renova ting Resolvent cures Bronchitis, Weak Longs, Bad Coughe,Joclpient Consumption. RADWAY'S REGlfLATIVG PILLS, THE PUREST AND BEST PURGATIVR PILL IN THK WORLD. Radway Regulating Pills warranted to operate Id six hours. Radway's Regulating Pills are a Vegetable Substitute for ( :alomel. Blue Pill, Ouinine, Ac. Radwav's Regulating Pills should be used by Females in delicate health, Radway's Regulating Pills cure all Female Complaints. Had way's Regulating Pills, Quiets Nervousness and produces Steep, Sleep, Sleep! Radway's Keculatintt Pil's, One Pill every day wil I cure Indigestion! THE SIGNAL OF WOE, HEADACHE. HEADACHE, In all it? varieties, cored IN FROM FIVE MINUTES SIX HOURS. BY RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. SICK HEADACHE, MENTAL HEADACHE, NERVOUS HEADACHE, MALARIOUS HEADACHE, BILIOUS HEADACHE, CONGESTIVE HEADACHR, CATARRH HUADACHii, HEADACHE FROM FEVERS, HEADACHE FROM TEETHING, HEADACHE FROM SUDDEN COLDS, AND HEADACHK whether as a premonitory symptom of threatened disease, or as a concomitant of a disease in trenched within the system, is instantaneously relieved by RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, and CURED IN SIX HOURS, BV RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS.' There Is scarcely a disease, aliment, or maladv that seizes upon the human system but that one of its chief and pnmarv symutoros if HEADACHE. The slightest deraneetuent or t!ie Stomach, Liver, Heart, Shin, Bow elp, Kidnevs, or ladder or a dUturbauce of the circu lation of the blood or interference with the pempira-tio- u results in pain, to a greater or less degree of sever- ity, io the HEAD. HEADACHE I" not of itself a dUease, hut it Is a certain sign that foreign and unhealthy humors exist within the pystem, and that diseate is brewing within the body. Hendarhe, tbeiefore, should never be neglected: it is a warning of approaching woe, a signal to the sufferer to fortifv hie system to resM and repel the threatened dineaae. Head- ache if not oiilv a positive sign of threatened disease, it ip likewise a concomitant of all the mt-- t violent, infectious, epidemic, and fatal diseases that alllict man- kind. Io the malarious, contacious. and infection YELLOW,TVPHUS. TYPHOID. SCARLET, SHIP FEVER in LUNG FEVER, PNEUMONIA, MEASLES, SMALL PO- X- IN FEVER AGUE. Chagres Fever, Marsh Fever in all Remittent and Intermittent Fevers in Bilious, Nervous, and Rheu- matic Fevers in Innuenea, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds, in Diptheria, iu lntiammatlons. Congestions, and Convulsions, HEADACHE, HEADACHE, HEADACHE, weighs dewn the brain with pain, and transforms the maddened brain to hideous insanity. In ail these dis- tressing forms of Headache, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, and RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS, are quick aud positive curatives. In all cajes o( Symptom! hetic Headache, as disordered stoma.li, sudden cold, excessive indulgence, close ap- plication, Ac , RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will re- store the autferer to peaceful tranquillity in a few min- utes, and RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS will, In six hours, purge from the system all offending humors, and restore a healthy equalization to the circu- lation. Let those who are at present suffering w th Headache make the experiment. Iu from five mi nut s to six hours you will be free from pain, and will enjoy a re- freshing sleep. Dou't wait, but try it at ouce. EMINENT AND"LTiSTINGUISHED Statesmen, Lawyers, Clergymen, Physicians, Military and Naval officers. Merchant--- , and others endo.se the superior erhcacy of Dr. RADWAY'S VEUEDIEo. READ THE RECORD. Hon. J. J. Middleton, of Suth Carolina. Guu. Jose Vilamilt, of the Army of Ecuador, 8. A. Dr Frederick B. Page, of Col. P. Mouey, " " Hon. ,lohn A. Qultmm, of R. Sutherland llurke, Ki of Mhwi?. Rinckwell A Flvd, Merchants, Mfi"dptrt. Dr. rlos. W. Stewart, Living-to- Li. Wiley M. S'.uiren, I'sq., II ai i i'Oi.bui nh, L. Iaac Huddh-stoo- , Ei., Huddlm-toa- , La. Cul. Jilm R. Stauioia, CUrkdvilit, Ga. Col. Wm. Kilfco, Dablonega. Ga. Isaac Pitts, Esij., Draytua, Ga. Ir. J. S. lriiig, Lafayette, Va. Dr. Juo. Fink, N. C. Dr S. H Ltituer, Mount Vernon, O. Dr S. D. Hopkms. Fmcaetle, Vs. Gen. Shields, U. S. A. Col. Lyons, Hth Reg. N. Y. S. M. Dr. E. W. Earle, Abbeville, S. C. 8. J. Ashton, Esi , Jacksonville. Fla. Col. D. Richard sou, Galveston, Texas, Lieut. Gov. Dickson, Texas and thousand of other ditinfnitehed gentlemen have used RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. R DWAVS REGULATING PILLS, RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT, and have cured themnelve and others with tuese reme- dies, alter allother medicines failed. Every one of the above named gentlemen will v m:h for thee remedies, an being the only medicines that restored them and their friends and those to whom they recommended theiu, to health. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. THE MINUTE MEDICINE. Instantaneous ease i given hy R&dway'B Ready Relief In all cases of acute pain, internal or external. It stops in a moment the maddening atcouy of rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, burns, tcalda, cuts, and bnii-es- , when applied outwardly. Torture, that if continued would cause death, is arrected by a single done of it, in five minutes. It -- uapeuds disease, giving time for the action of the other lemedles. All complaints canned hy unhealthy air, such as small-po- scarlet fever, measles, fever aud ague, yellow fever, cholera, dyseuterr, pneumo- nia &c..are prevented by its occasional use. When the nervous sv."tem is pa rah zed or convulsed, it p:oduces a rapid reaction, immediately relieving , convul- sions, hysterics, &c. For the debilitated it is the beet possible stomachic infinitely better than alcohol in anv lonu. Have it on hand always, tor it mav be required at any moueut, and do drmt will supply tt place. WM. SYDNEY MYERS, ESQ., Havana, Cuba. Havana, Cuha, Jan. 3, l6. Mesnrs. RanwAV A Co., (;entlen en : I have been a suf- ferer from A cxtte. Chronic Rheitwatiftmjm the lat twen- ty veetraof my lfe; m sufferings during that period, neither tongue uor pen can express. I have spent a lit- tle fortune on Dottonj t ill, without deriving any sub- stantial benerit. Receutlv I had one of my frequent attacks. I was very ill for a week, and had uot slept an hour at any one time. A Span sh f. lend to whom I r lat.'d my suffering, told me he had a remedy which would give me relief, and he kindly presented me with a bottle of "Rai'way'b Rrait Although skeptical of deriviu any advantage from its ue--, I that night anlied it freely on going to bed, and. to my great amawuient. felt relieved and tlei't toitndly. The next night, 1 again applied the Ready Reliet, and awoke m the monw'ik?. fret from pain, having only ued aboU half the bottle.. Heartily do I retnm you my humble acknowledgments for your Invaluable medicine, which may well be called a "hlewdug to man." " Thanking you from my soul for your wonderful remedy, I have the houor to subscribe myself. Yours, Respectfully, W. SYDNEY MYERS. Great (hires of Fever and Ague, Typhoid Fever, Billions Fever, Scarlet Fever, Yellow Fever, Small Pox, Measles, Croup. Sore Thnvit, Asthma, And Bad Cough, Whooping iWigha, Innuenea, Dmrrtta, Cholora Morbus, Fits Dysentery, Rheumatism, Rheumatism, Gout, Gout, Lumbago, Lumbago. All Puinri, All Aches, And Infirmities, CURED! CURED! CUREDf By RADWAY'S READY REL'EF snd RADWaY'S REGULATING PlLLS! OTHER GREAT CURES ARE DAILY EFFECTED WITH MARVELLOUS RAPIDITY. By RADWAY'S RENOVATING RESOLVENT. Humors of all kinds. Sores, Ulcen. Skin Eruptions, Salt Rheum, IVtteia, pimples, Blot hes,Tuinnra, Scrofula, Byphilis, Fever, ftoren. White Swellings, Nodes, Erysipelas. Sore Heads, Sore Eyes, (Jore Mouths, Cankers, Canwrs, Severe Chronic Complain ts,;oufc. Rheumatism. Dyp'psia, Dropsy, Bronchitis, Ulcers iu the Th'oat, Lunga, Ac. UNHEALTHY CITIES, SICKLY CLIMATES. Dr. Wambirie, of (.'urcoa, writ to the siiecial agent of Dr. Radwav as follows; This is one of the most placee in the world medicines of knowu value that will cure diea-e-s of the same character in other places have no effect upon the sick here. Radway's Relief, Regulating Pills and Ren ivatine Reso- lvent prove happy exceptions, for io every re where these miraculous nedicines are administered, tliev cure the sick. I have cured the most terrible casee of yel- low fever, fever and ague, ti phoid fever, congestion of the liver, billions tever, by the use of the Ready Relif and Radway's Pills. With the Ready Relief and Regulating Pills, Dysen tery w harmless. Cholera hficomes a aud the niotit violeut Small Pox chnngts to a mild form of the Variol'-id- The frightful Asthma is speedily reduced to eay, unchecked breathing. lu bites of snakes, and stine of insects, a single application of the Ready Relief neutralizes the pijison, aud soothes the lrrita'ed Hesh. I have cured several caee of palpitation of the heart, rush of blood to the head, and tits of various kinds, by a lew doaeu of Radway's Regulating Pilla. RADWAY'S RE0VATLG RESOL- - VET Will regenerate dilapidated humanity, cleanse, enrich, and purity the blood, cure every ki. id of humors, aud Insure to all a clear skin and fair complexion. FOR SORE EYES, ULCERS, AND HUMORS. Th& Walking bkchtton covered with Sore and Running Cl'eru. Before the Introduction of Radway's Renovating Rs-- solvtnit oo the coatt of 6cn.tb America, the streets of Callao. Valparaiso, BueiiJi? Ares. Rio. and other popu- lous eltius, wwre thronttd with poor aod , worn-o- remusnts of humanity, covered from head to foot with frightful More and ulcere, dischartiing filthy and corrupt humors The use of Radway's Renovating Re- solvent has purified, cleansed, and healed the tier 'n every cae. No more crippled aud dirabkj ivpri no more foul aod n bodies re to be ween in the public streets; lor in Renovating Reeolvent, aided in the TPOre severe capes by the Ready Keli"f and Retfulatinif Pills, the nio-- t rep.iNive leir, covered ith uiniiiifcsortvi and ulcers, becomes eound. clean, and healthy. Radway's Remedies are sold by Lrug-it-t- s, Merchants, and Stirekeepcm everywhere. Price of Rulwa's Ready Relief-- ?a cents, 6" cents, and per Is.ttle. Radway's Reeulating Pill-- - 26 cents per box icnutf with viiul. SO pills iu each box. ' Riiovating It. w.lveiit 1 per bot'le. KAOrt A V t c si j.W.u rt iet W. w K. VlLIi'-i- t, AKnt, L...ilville. Auil! dlstieod&wlamly I i For Soeitlieni HIbM SECESSION PAPER and ENVELOPS, Stars& Strifes- - HARDEE'S CAVALRY TACTICS; CAMP AND M KCH; BON TON for M.iy; PARTC N'S LIFE OF JACKSON: PARTO YB LIFE OU 11 LRU; ELSIE VERNON: SAY AND SEAL; SECESSION PA PER and US' VI' LOPS, assorted colors, eight and fctiipi.; THE MAN WITH FIVE WIVES; For sale lit a. VT. ROBSTITSOSTB, Fourth st., between ILiiu and Market, near Ma'n. a ht 13 O- - SECOND IMUOKTATION. Sew and Bf autlful Styles of Spring and Summer IJre&s toods. GREAT INDUOrMKNI'S TO BfJYFRS - T.ARGK LO-- S FROM a I TION SALES OF NEW YoiUk TO MEET COMPETITION. RICH PllIVTED ORGANDIES: BROCH E WOKSThi oRLN.iOINF.S AND ENGLISH BERK'. POPLIN'S AND POPLIV'TTTEp-TRAVELIN- DRESS GOtrS in varUp : PLAIN OR'LNDt' S ANi PLC 'A !.!--- ENUlm-- BKREGKS A No Mt7..HCOUES- BLACK WuR-T- liKK.NM't.VS; ALL COLORS CKi E MF REGIS at Si tN; BOYS' AND MEN S Vv EA Ik LA E MNri AND GOODS MAHtKOLS AND M'N T'MBRLLL.VSi DOMST.C Slo'-K- . lar.fe. GLOVES AND HOSIERY; As low as houses cot or ol herwi. IVXAItTZN & CIIUIVIBAUGH. S27 jib ot;i tuurth et., net. Market ami Ji Herson. CARPETS, Curtains, Linens, mCT, STAPLE, AND D8SESTIC X3FL"3r GOODS, With a general assorlm' nt of ' Houe Furchhia Goods, All of the be.-- t grades, will be sold at very low pi Ires by C. DUVALL & CO., tiJl MAIN STREET. Our stock of Hoods In sll the various deprtmentA a large and of recent purchase, sud wfl ie t Id at prices to ult the times. C. Dl VALL CO , '7 hA- - Orii' It" rtf ITnt.ieVf STBAW GOOIsS. We have now open and ready fir Inspection the mor-- elegant of Straw Ooods eve" bronchi tothed'v, to which we Invite the attention of the tuJie'. ALEX. CRAIG'S, av h (Vrnir M in A v wh t. WHETHER A t HILO Ml ALL LOOK Si''ke "a trif ti t" or "a lov" iu lis cos tume in no small e upnn its bean covering. Tne hat, in iU shine. Its set. its style of trimmiug, must be apprfpiiae to the ae lea tunw. siza and figure of tlw cuild cr It nlll be a Mem Ish rather thn au ornament, tttid, eitertl"lr. U". be- lief that ia onr new and fresh of Straw Goods will be found be oiuM'g had coveiirg for all "mother's pete" ai d fathei's d irlings," we hop- - to we a large representation ol thee '"little people," under the maL-ma- eco.t, at 27 Kb M.FX. cpATO'S New Books New Books. HISTORY OF 1. THE UNITED NKiHLKLANDS, bv NOTES ON SCRIPTURE, hv .Twl Jcn. fcj ho. THE BIBLE AND THE CLASSICS, by Bis op Meade. ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN METHODIST PUU PI T bv W. It. Spra -, D. D. a. MA :A CLAY'S UlSioRlf OF L.tOLAND. Vol. b. 4Ke. WORKMEN AND THEIR DIFFICULTIES, by Mrs Ravlev. ti r. SOLDiERS' AN!) SAILORS' TEXT BOoK, by R-- v. J. K. Macduff. D. D GODEVS LAD i 'S BOOK f .rMav. Just received by A. DAVIDSON, a17 i b W Thir-- t.. neur Mirkpt. GREAT REDUCTION! Eiigra"inssf Lithographs, Gilt Frames, Lookins-GIasse- sf Walking Canes. A flue Assortment, ajid CHEAPER THAN EVER. No. ':t7 iIiirkrt st., between pond nod Thlrrt, nud . W. corner Jlarkei unit t'i emn At II USD A KNOFEL'S alb-- l Bk-t-i-- Just Ileceived. at tho Claoap Laco Store 309 FOURTH ST. (OLD NO. !), LARGE awHirtment of A Embroidered Jaconet Bftnds: Do do Insertion; Do do Plain Linen Coll vr? and S. t: Valeactennwe Editings and Inres; Also a few Iace Cnllfti? .Mid Seta tuew ety!es; At my uiju-.i- low prices for . A lot ot Fi euch Embroidered Linen Bands will be sold at lfcss than eott. CHAS. F. RAUCHFUS3 Cheap Lace Store, f14ir, KINK HATS PRATHU.R MlllS PRt- - MU M II A TS, are the leading lia's Sn of t'le staKm, aud can oni 1k hil nt No ido Mi'Q street, where thty are iinnuiactured. aiS GOAL! COALI COAL! COA.L1 Of the best quality aud at the lowest prices, for sale bj CRITTENDEN A OA NTT, West side of Third ptnwt. H. GREVB W. BUHRLAGR. J. E8CUMA N GREVE, BUHRLAGE, & CO., WIIOLESArLl PARL0E FUBNTTUBF Alan tilac turera AUD DEALEHe IU Cabinet-Maker- s' Elaterials, Groen street, between Clay and Shelby streets, I.OUIHVILLK, KY. tM1 JOHN 11. bOWB has rwov. . t Sis old stand. No. 613 Ore I jyjrT MrfS33jJ-'trefct-- i fi''t du.ir trom r oi?rtl "lj?'23-- w here he is prepared to attoiit allkmdaui House, Si en, and Fancy Painriug, Gla.iii Grauiing, Marbling, Ac, in the very best nanmr, snort notice and at pneej to suit the tiws. Mixed Paiutrf, of all colorj and varieiies, Ac. ke QOnsuintly ou baud and (or sale. G'Axiuv done to order. ilSIAbtf 3pI. om xialisiux ITAIN STREET. A8 returned from the East with the latest styles J JEWELKY. Call before it is sold at unprecedented low prices. GOLD WATCHES CHRAPER THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED. CLOCKS. Oouftantly on hand tho largest assortment In the ctkf. The Finest Spectacles In the world, and no nnrpnox, always ou hand of au; focus desired. Remember eat istaction is warranted u every case. J. R. KSTKRLKB has charge of the Watch Mkirs Department. "hi USEFUL AS WELL AS ORNAMENTAL ( brlstmas and Sew fear's Tresent? WM. KENDKICK'S, S3a Third st., between Main and Market. My stock of WAT HUS, JfcWELRV, X OIL, r ii bjii PIRATED WARB Was nvr more complete tl.an at present, and is offeree on as tair terms as c;n be irocurod io the city. Call ana see main ye.w iiiiiMjU. ui loiiioc" "Walker's ICxchange, THIRD ST., BLT. MAIN & MARKET. PHOG XjESO-B- , First of tlie Season. received a fine lot of FROG LEGS, SPRING JUST SNIPE, PLOVER, BLUE-WIN- and MALLARD DixKS, POTOMAC SHAD, bALMON. BASS, &c. Parties and families tuppied with everj thing In oui line at the tiiorteet notic-- . JOHN CAWKIV CO., albtb Tlurd st bti-w- Mam aud iMarket. N B. To- received a Ui? shipment of T,ONnoN DOCK BRANDY, OLD OTARD, tme MADRRAS and pffVRRTr. GREEN SEA TURTLE St. Charles Eest vt. FIFTH ST., BETWEEN MAIN AND MARKET. LOT OF FINK FAT GREEN SKA TURTLFB A U.- reo'ivcl and will be eerved at i..v Restaurant In SOUP and SI EAK at all hour- - of the day. eFaniUle can be supplied with the above at short WiTbUC' C. U. RCEFER, Proprietor. N. B sperb Ll"NCH. coniii-ttn- of Turtle Ponj and Steak and othni- luiurttM tiallv t li .A ukK. O C. R-- N. IU-- f IU of MVH.il AIL ai.t POR'l R ut fec- - Ued. C. C It. AUCTION SALEf. s, a. fftrtsT. B. Cr. ttmry Ss. Co, 4 I'CTTONEI'Kl AND tjo V in IKrtiON MERCHANTS i' Ci.;-- r of Mni-- i and vi't ir. liiicvilln. Ky. 9 e"i,ili aa'ani oa .xJd to us to iy im )'it;c We are at ail tiroes ready to atend to sal of R..al P'tfttt, MivxnuiV or O vtthie's Sn'.;, f Furniture, ic. on jrms sellern, iy"3 t Y the Sf.i'U cf nrji y... Timothy Crttgg, t! t t firm 'jt P.-- t;, w:u didaolvf d on t Mi it a y cf . i :::r. r. e fc lutueet re- ;, o - jtr-- to Mi. Franc V. iniL-p- 't. 11 t y t yay aiiiT bo carried M lntli.3Panjr.tr! Wili, 3k Cu. tl. ,1. PETPJIS, h. J. WWBrt. Tb bi stMTf tha litrt 5oi vd ba ftlljd b ' v aiTiviog pa B. J. rrT?VS, 11. J. r. ik. BTj8.es piano'fobtes coitNr:: or sit.-- and main sTwr-a- , LOLTb VILLI:, KEN'i'LcX Y. Alw.:.."! O'l b:.;vl a rrrp!ft tt'v.h 0 Ploi.rt . lr. AiruriT , r.f r.ri,,- - h K rj J i:eie, jd h. r,i d; bools J J fc .1 - me iiivit"! to t':uuioe our They wii! lii ;i in loie', fcv.uh. and d .raLiiity to sn? niirt-- , am! j 1' J.' :r cv:t)t. c'h.'ajut i3 iMh 1ON 1U.M BJN A'ON.t f r V. - ',- - r vi,.. t. GUN'ILR'S Ih.'OKS'I'O! E. GOLD FOE PAPER. BEST AND CHEAPEST CXiristmas CrlftjB. VOGT & KLINK. Blannfacturors, - 221 Third Respectfully offer for Inspection and saio a large aud splendid aeortmtnt of J- - '33 W S3 XX "S of sererior wrtrknimRhlp and fashionable stylsB, Dia- mond, Coral, Gaibum-ln- , Pearl, Ac. article really good, tine, snd beautiful -- and everything b(lonrin)t to imr lii.e,, ot Europiau iuipoit, New York fabrics, and our own mnke. Having, been in?trurt-- by comnynor to(;ivOPR OUT aitd at any rat rather than retmu Kooda, aud, bard times, defron to LET No CASH CUSTOMER GO on the score of prices, we invite our iriends and tire pubbc to fjill ana XKinine our sbck, and riat assured tiiat their waatJ and wiehes will and halt be eraticed. at VvJGT A KLINE'S, -- o. 3C4 Third street. lIUUSTilIAS AEW YKMVS iilFTSJ FLETUI1FR & BK!SNKTTf MAIN STREET, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH, INVITB attention to their Iarre and elecar.t assort Good, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, it prices lower thin ever before off red, conaiating in part of KLWAST GOLD WA TCHES. f ot I Kind on and Geneva manufacture, of the rlne-t- quality movement-- , and most beautiful tyle of cwx; Diamond, Opal, and Peari ttSi Kintre of our own matiuf jcture and the moat exuuite designs, Jh U KLRi in eeu and half seta, of Coral, Carbuncle, Gs.rnet-Pear- l, Amethj eU Cameo, 4c, c set in line yn Id and of the richest designs, Gold, Vert, Fob, and Guard Chains; Gold Chatelaine, Keys, Locusts, Thimbles, Card Cftie. Necklaces, Armlets, Brawjlels, 31eeve But- tons and Studs, Ac. XSIhVFK-WARK- . Soup Tureens, Pitchera, .Sc-ry- , Fri-s- Pie. and t Knives; lr Crssm Sets, Flower Vtwea, 2c . ol tiie latest stvlea. Silver-piat'- d Ware of every dcecripilou and ol the bet ijuality, at very low price-- FLETCHER BWNNKTT, dli&b Main st... her. Fourth aud Firth. ANW N"VKL BV THE AUTHOR OF "ADAM Mn on Ihe M"s-- ' Xc, er't'tl d 1lAS WAKNEK," bv Geert$t Kliot," bOtf coo of the latest publih-.d- , icrsale at GUNTICH'S BOOKSTORB, V bvS 't hird wt. SmFT FELT HATS bi-- t receivfd bv expre 7 th" t'niert niid ne st d a- - rtment of bolt Felt Uatscvtjr brought t 'h - cy rtt FKA1UER & SMITH'S. s13 i.h 4i Main t. OUR MAT An iincires-io- n yf prevails wirh umi.y cf our retail customers that a3 ww oiske "ill a fnr!!oii4bie Hat. AM wirh Hill Uvor iw by locking at th strictlv fash ionable Hat we a'e pn d,n lug t'u ' ?prli.r at 3 and f4-- hey ai Otitial to auj Uati rus.-l- lu America at th same once. PRA 1'UER A SMITH, alMb Vain st. 0. B. XacGlLI. WHOLHaALE AND RETAIL DEAL1-- IN AND IMPOUTF.R OF CIE4ES. TOBACCO. SSEf?. FiFB. M No. 8u7 Greea street, betwoou Third aud Fourth it'OLKlKi BUILDINGS). rrvA Uree assortment of the beTt brands of CIG APS and TOB VCCO kfpt constantly on hand. ntblv 1,000 Igents Jl'aiifcdZ! TO 8ULL TICKETS IN THE Library Association Company's SIXTH GREAT DISTRIBUTION, TO BE DRAWN AT PAD U CAU, KY., JVCy X, 1Q61. OXTIiarSAD PHIZES is sioxeti Tickets Limited to 5, C00. SINGLE TICKETS $2, OR SIX TICKETS FOR 1. Terms to Aficuts v,ry Liberal. IV For Tickets, Scheme, or Aeencics, addrc'f or ap- ply to BY i It (V tii,K.MK,T. a dtf No. 80o street. Louisville. Ky. insolation. C1 A. BLACK A LO. Iihv Him div f lsolved prt-- . ner-bl- p by mutual consent. All pers n- - indebtd to said firm ae rcriuested to cull and settle, and ail per-o- n ho have dauoi against t1 e et me wi 1 pn ent them for settlement to VV. C. D Whip,', win is alns auttiorf.ed to seLllA W. C. D WTIlfS, April H C. A. BLAC. Tfi-fi- . W. C. D. WniPR will x V i SjS coutliliie the a uerf-T- i ire at rue oi l sranl eoruer of Filth and Grueu HARDTIMES! Dmgs.Medicinesancy Goods. PHISICIASS PEESCMliSSCOMPOUMID AT PRICES TO SUIT T5U GUIS IS. Capital Urug Storof OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. DISSOLUTION of the Union, tnlk of civil war. end Abe l,n v e combined soroewh't tost-fe- mv finance, and desire this year to pit up l.(V Pr.'sciiptions. 1 ish further tn sell VUX0,oiki glsfsei aud SnDA WA TU.R, made in mv Glas Fountains. 1 should be plea-e- d if my d will e litu dozen "Ktsu Me Quick" Perfume Sachets, ma 'e nt my establishment and warrant-- d to last. The ib!ic will be sxtifHed with mv slock of Ferfume-rj- ', Sn.ijw. Flavoring Extracts, Impoi-te- Havana Clirarj, .lamnic:! Gincer, Blackb. rrv Wine, and in truth every article in my liue, and I bind myself to furnish all the good which may b culled a d pmd for at low rates. O. H. BTRATTAN. ApoMiecarv. mae (Hf dTviito i t Jetferson street, bet ween Third and Fourth street, Uwrur-.TF- anp nr Befcn leave tn amonnce to the ladies of Louisville and vicinity that he has ut. re- ceived his stock of Soring Goods, consist- ing of the richest ao1 latest styles of Drep f Ti linnnnifs, He'man and Shetland Wools, Canvas, 1 henille Patterns, Nee. die3. Puie Hose, Filling and Embroidery Silks. Gold aud Silver Lares, Braids, Cord Hnd Tassel, and Combs Har Puis, Fan, a da great variety dT Frciirh Fancy Articles. fill tVT FriiiKHS, Buttons, Cords, Tassl,e., mndn to order at the shortest notice and on Hi most reasonable tenoj. 5src nuiitry Merchants supplied a a lib- eral discount aphldl" Sun tSay Clothes. AND BUY A MCE SUIT OF SUNDAY CO CLOiHES at J. II. ARMSTRONG'S, On Main dt,, opposite the National. ELEGANT SPRING SUITS, SUPER DRESS SUITS, HANDSOME VESTS. SUPERFINE PAN18; Also ererr vnHetr nt CRAVATS, TIR9, SHIRTS HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, Arc; Just op ved and fur eale cuep for each at S7 ARMSTRONG'S. bg! tou Tnn eourn: 7 NAT LOPS and NOTE PAPER embeLUbed with jd Flag of Southern k) Price oi Euvelo p tw Note Paper, t t ' per ren t F. M ADDENDS Bsok'tore, 1.37 JI Third et. ifSamplei pent by mall on receipt of 10 cents lo CARPETS HOUSE FURNISHINGS. GREATER rNr)UOMl'NTS FOR CASH THAN FV-E- BEFORE OFI'KR1, 0 IN T'tIS CITY AT EITHER AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE IIITE3 C$3 BMATiTi from their new and spUuidid stock imported exprewly Main st.. Sd door west Bar.kot IuievtBe V"tw.-e- Vhi.- 'd fnrh fm .C A. R P E T S ! .At Costfor Cash. MAP SII ALL & DICKINSON, Uo.217 3Poixx-tl- x street, BETWEEN MAIN ASi) MAKKLT BT3. Are now c Serin g ttelr eutire stock cf CARPETS. CURTAIV3, FLOOR OIL-C- 1 OTH8. RUGS AND VATS,. WHITE ano CjrzrK MATTTNG, SH DF.d AND TRIMMINGS, TABLE AND PIANO CoVEKS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, NAPKINS. WJNE CLOTHE, ST MR PODS, And onr entire stock, AT COgT FOR CASH ONLY. Ferrous iu want oi GREAT BARGAINS should fell e L . SON TON fcr May -d t - I. m ADnrvS Riokrore.. .7 ib- -i J nua

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Page 1: LOUISVILLE DAILY JOURNAL.nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7zkh0dw62j/data/0005.pdf · ffliJesale Dealers in hvm, Variety ifancy Geoda, navw BEMovrn to No. 33 south lu ot Inln, J floors from Seventh






rBwmtrfiOHBDnUr, delivered la the my.... CIO CiDtly, by m ill, in advance 8 WConn try dai y g (ki

6Weekly, tn adraoc, single cpy i (K)

In elnhs of flee or over 1 60Remittance by mail in registered letters at oor


e qare,chani?0HM" wenVy, re' annum 40 00UJ Jflmp ti ae,.k ik.ir annum hit (Ml

do do TtliniM 4i do lOU 00men Maitlon.il squire, f the shore pHc.AdvertLserannte piii.Usliod at intervals 1 for first n

ion and rfucent' ior each culn.-jue- one.Announcing candidaLa, per wi.-- for each name.Yearly puy '.uarteilj, all other in ad-

vance.Real eetatn and etemboit advertisements, sheriffs'

nd commissioners' mKs, pntut medicine, theatrical,treni, or similar advertising not published year.

Advertteeiueots f.r charitable institutions, firo compa-fsnie-

ward, and other puohc uuetuigs, aud such like,naif price.

Editorial notices and commnnlcfitlous. Inserted In ed-itorial col iinms and intended to promote private inter-est, 30 eeat. per line; tn- - ;e only inserted at tue discre-o- n

of the editors.No communications will rv inserted unless accoia-- n

d by the real nme of the author.Steamboat advertitnenU cents for the fir- -t hiser-o-o

and 13H cents tor each continuance; each changeconsidered a new advertisement.

Advertisement-- 1 averted only in the Evening Bulletin1U be chart-e- U ilf the above phew. !f inserted in Pail?

Journal and continued, alter riist insertion, lu tlie Even-P- iBulletin, the above price-- .

Advertisements kept on the inside o the Journal areParked an estr i price.Aivf.RTisiN Katrs In Weekly Journal. Each suuare

Dtlinesor less), first insertionach continuance fiO

Written notic must be given to take cut and stopof yrariy advert if pre iwioie the year ex-

pire, otherwise we sdvill cimre till done.No contract of yeaily dvetij"ueiitJ! will b dlpconnued without previous notice ton, nor will eny Lharge

made for le than oue year at the yearly rfttft.


O&gf Gow Lost, How Restored.Jmt Pubtishea, in a Seated Envelop,

ON THE NATURE, TKEATMfciM'. ANP RAtMCALIRK OFSPKkMATORKHtKA.o Snniiual WeaVmss,Bexual Debility, Nwvoue:iHM, ind Iuviluurry Eiuie-rlon-

inducing Iuipot;ncy and Mental and Physical in-capacity.

BT ROB. J. CULVEKWELL, M. D.Author of tlie 'iireuThe world renowned author, in this admirable Lw-'ir-

c. early provei from hi own experience tiidtI he awtul coneeiiieucee of o niiv beremoved witiiout inedh ino and without danceroua

nperatioup. Infininifiit , riiw.'e,or cordinl,out a ino.Je of cure at once certain and etfc-t-i-

by which evry mittmvi, no matter wliit htr condUlion mav be, may cure himslt M vtilj, pniwfrlv, and

This Lecture will prove a boou to thousandsand thousands.

Sent under peal to any adrire, pout on the re-ceipt of two postage , b- - addretne Dr. J. C.KLINE, M. ., 17Bo,ery, New York, Pout Box 4.m6.a6dly

f-'t--'i t - Z--' ti x&f. . . m

Clncianatl Venereal Hospital,Established In the yen r IMO,

FOR THE CURKOF PRIVATE DISEASES.4cd under the control of two of the most eminent Phy- -

eifisn In the word.DR. R. BONAPARTE, from London and Pans

and for the pant ti'U vears of the CiwinnallVenereal Hospital, and Ir. E. H. Reyiiolda, late of NewVerk. This i the only otnee in the city where a

cure of private disease can be obtained wlth-xi-

be use of mercury or change of (norrh-e- curedn to 4 hour?. Gleet nm-- in tn 10 days. Stricturoa

rnr. d in 1 to 3 wet'ks. N'fcninrnl mi.viona stopped InI to ft days. Seminal wtMknes cured in S to 8 weeks,Syphillie in its primiry itueee cured in 3 dAvs. Scord-ar- y

symptoms cired in 1 to 9 we'ka. Skin diwaaescured in I to 3 weeks. Iinptitenry vior restored In 1to 4 weeks. Ail of a private nature treated withmparalleled nucees, unle or female.

Dr. B naparte'e prtat work on private diwaset, theprivate cnlde to Iiea'.tli, is beneficial to sll, male and fe-male: the oid and youiig should read this book. It will

those who grope in d&rkusaa. Price 2& cents,ent by mail.

Dr. Bonaparte's ('tlehrat.'-- Prevntive never has nornever will fall married lad-- too f"-b'- to bear chil-dren, except at tlw hazard of if", Iioiild be in possespioo

his invention. Price reduced o .Dr. Bonaparte"? Fron.--h Patent Mle Safe! It Is pr-ertl-y

safe; and never fail tt eire r ti?lartiou. It in theOnly safe and sure UKniiirt pregnancy anddisease. The price ot the Erenrh patent Male Safe Ispi the slugUi one, 4 pur hal Mozeu, jjti per dosen. Sentby mail.

fcMndame Loiers Female Monthly Pills are a safeand reliable remedy lor iqipprostdonB and all female dis-eases. Ladiwe should not uo them duriutf pregnancy,

e they will produce cilecirriase. Priee ijl per boxrtra fine sent to any address by mil.Drs. B. & K. are the nii'.u to consult, they are onanes-toDabl-y

acknowledged to he Tii.M'.hampion and and king31 venereal diaaee, and tlie only Doctors who receiveMonthly Report from the old world; they have been

from an early ate of youth to witness the va-rious diseases which atilict mankind, and to wat-- theproareas, thronjrli a long carepr of al study, invery sphere of life, from the huoihle abode of poverty

to the mansions of the wealthy, and having aecertJiinedbeyond a doubt the vast oi humanity, thy

to select the generative system as their par-ticular study, and to their whole attention to thealleviation ol the diseases of t!..se important functions.

'o letters will be answered uniew they contain a remitlaace or a postage etaiBp.

OalL, er addressDim. B0NAPARTl?ttEYNOLD8,

Ho. 183 Sycamore street, bt. Fifth and SUth, eat ride,Cincinnati, O.

Ofpep hour, A. M. to ! P. M. OR lordivChange of Firm.

rt1 SHANKS & U. lim e W. A. GATL-- lBWAITU with their umi, and purchsmid the stand

of SMITH A OMKK, on eoufh side of Market street,below Floyd, where they will conduct the WHOLE-SALE and RFTAIL LROf KitY and PRODUCE busl-n-

Connrted with their hoiwe they have a goodWAGON-YAR- with ample accommodations forhorses, wagons, and other veV:iclr, and would be gJadto see their old lrieiuls. T. 8UANK?,

1. T. HOKD.18, lK0.-- dtf W. A. GAIMIRAITH.

10.000 BAGS SHBLLSD CORN,I HAVE on hauJ aud to arrive H',o 0 bajts prime

shelled Corn, in new reeewud guuniee, which U iortale at lowest cdh ratus,

SAM'L M. PARKER,At Weller St Parker'e, eat fide tiixth st.

IJtl dtf hetwe"" Mahi and MarkA

CANNON, SCflHTlXXiX., & COMffliJesale Dealers in hvm, Variety i fancy Geoda,

navw BEMovrn toNo. 33 south lu ot Inln, J floors from

Seventh street.OUR stork of Goods being too large for the season,

have conclude to take iu payment for Godsth n. tee of all the Banks in the dltfeieut States ttiatere D good standiiig the let of thle mouth except ihe

rotee the Banks of Illinois lately thrown out by thebankers at Chicago.

Our stock of CD RISTMAS TOYS Is jMite complete.P37 dtf CANNON, SHERP.fLL, a CO.

Oo BBLS SPIRITS TURPENTINE iust received perOO steamer John Raiue and for Mile by


HARVEST KEOS-- 'ft dzeu oak Uarvext Keps, Ialt! fiill assortment of Demijohna,

all sixes; Just received and for p1 hvOKR3N R.VWSON,

- 83? Main st., betweu Thud and Fourth.

o AK WELL Bl n Oak Well P.ock-tot- s

varitui kind, jiitit received and - ?ale low byORKIN KAWSON.


BRANDY A. Seignytte Braudyt10 H pipes Cognac do;Ssi juplpes RochtUe s

lturs Otard, Diiptiy, Co. Brand v;5 bhls N. Y. do;

In store and for sale bya3f MARSHALL IHLRPRT :0.

rfOCOA-NUT- 4,0U0 fresh Cocoa-Su- t iu store andfor sale by

si V. D. O AFT NO A PO.

COUNTRY HZROHANTSWill Dnd a we!i-a- Kfoefc Of HATS,C A rS, and STRAW GOOD- - at No. 4',Main etree', which can be pmchw-- low-

er than goods have ever before been soldIn this d arket by cah purchaaers or by prompt-payin- g

customers on ehort time,al F RATHER A PMTTII.

Delmouico Champagne.I J 't lecetved 35 Cas- - it the above eel

brat-- Champaaue Wine, which 1 shall sell Inquantities to euit purclias'-r.a- .

aia ,1. P. THOMPSON. 7 Fourth st.

C11AMPAGNK SS boxes assorted (uuarta, pinta, audand for sale low by

m12 WM. GAY.

JUGAR 5f25 hhds fair to tftrlctly prime in store andfnr aie hv- - (a1! II W. fOOl).

MACKEREL 30U whole and bhls Noa. I, 2, andstore and for sale by


OFKEK 859 bags prime Rio received per Magentaand for sale by


tJ a- - 0 hhde fair to prime Susar;10 hhds White Retiued do;

In store aud for sale bvn97 ANDREW Bt'CTTANAN CO.

ICE 80 casks recriverf per inaiihoar and for sale bjR n37 ALLEN. MOORE. D ADEN.

CORN 8W bagf prime in store and tor na1 Y?CAS'I'LEMAV. MI RHELI b 0.

SC;aR3 i!6u bbla Crushed, Powdered,REFINED Sugars in itnre and for ale by

IOLDEN R1RI P, MAPLE MoLAStjErt, AND ITW 1 i.rn uiui'D ; i.a 1. n


l A i'OEs bhl Northern Pottitoes, hue1O juat received and for ea'e byroSl TAIT. ANDERSON. A CO., 140 Fonrth

RIO OOFFEE 1W ban strictl prime Eastern Rioreceived thia dav per miillxi.tt tnd for wile by

ANDREW BUCHANAN A Cf).,A IViroer aid Wihinpnn t.

PEACHES AND APPi ES-A tew otDRftD Dried Peachi and Apples hint received atthe Wooden Ware and Broom 3for and tor sale at

ORR1N KAWSON,tnH fiSH Main ft., between Third and Fourth.

ROPY I A M l f, a new remedy for Uheumatiem,r prepared and sold byTUGS. B. JENKINS & CO.,

Chentl-- and Dniggiett,m!M Comer of Third and W;ilnuT. s.

RAIN BAGS 6,000 aeamless Bats 2 and 3.!

f Fort Pitt brand) received per --te:iirboat Maiiuoraand for sale by J0. F. HOWARD CJ

Agent for M mitlucti-- rers,ml? Main. betA-ef-- Tldrd ani th --t.

W UN DRIESO jVH) bushels Black Seed Oats

a.K) bble Northern Potatoes;sacks do do;

so bushels Himgariaa Gra:e Seefl;loo do BhieG:ss do;ISO do choice A piles;

41) flrkn Butter;a bhls roll do-I-

bbls sweet Cider;US bales Hop-"-

6uu bble Flour; for isle brTAIT. ANDERSON. & CO. M '

Sew Books.Latest Publications of the day, atTHE ILAP.K70,

nlO Mozai t Hall.

Cedar Chests.CEDAR CHESTS lu store and for sale at rednctd17 prices to el ewe the coueigian i;t Ly

OKKIN HAWSOV.mid Main street, betweaii Tufrd and Fonrtr.

IAVA C'OFFfcii 100 mati ae old arrmug and iorsale by

a?? RAWnv. TOnr. A CO.

LI he's chilled iron Fire and Burglar ProofSAFES with his celebrated combination K k on them.In store and for sale at tne niaimtactuier's prices by


Pocket Diaries friven Away- -

I it E a Ihrcf of Put-ai- DMrW-- lur inJ HlikhJ will" gvv to tun- - nuiiaJi p. iimivI'O miscallfor them at CLAUSE'S.

H. JDliLLa



TheEarly Physical Degeneracy



Phytieimn to th Trot l.ung-- mnd HyInstitute

A Treatise on the Causes of Early Physical De-

cline of American People; the Cause of Nerv-

ous Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus.M"Thls worn Is of a high moral tone, written in

chaste yet thrilling language, and appeals directly tothe moral roucioiinefs of all, Parento and Gdab-ihan- b

especially, detailing scientific and reliable aidaand treatment for cure.

It will be sent by mail on receipt of ricoS-cen- t tami8l"r-P- rents and Guardians! fail not to send and

obtAin this book.Mf.n1 fall not to send and get this book,

f3rLiiirftl you, too, should at once secure a copy ofthis book.

A Word of3lomn Conscientious Adviceto tho who will Reflect.

A elas of maladies prevail to a fearful extent in v

dooming at lea-- luu.mm youth of both sexes an-

nually to an early grave. Those dieeaoe- - are very im-

perfectly understood. Their external nianit'ectatlons orsymptoms are Nervous D hility. Relaxation, and Ex-haustion: Marasmus or wasting and consumption of thetiefiiett of the whole body: shortm ot breatliing or hur-

ried breathing on ascending a hill or a flfcht of stairsgreat palpitation of the Heart; Asthma, Bronchitis, andsore Throat; shaking of the Hand;' and Limbs; aversionto society and to tmsine-- s or study; dim ham ot E

Iosp of Memory: dizziness of the Head: NeuralgicPains In various parts of the body; Pains in the Kark orLimbs; Lumbago, Dytpepla, or Indigestion: Irregulari-ty of Hie Bowels: deraneed sections of the Kidneysand other glands of the body, aa Leucourhu-- or FleurAibua, likewise Epiltpsy, Hysteria, and NervousSpasnifl.

Now, In ninety-nin- e case out of every one hundred allthr above-name-d disorder, and a hoet of others notnimed, as Consumption of the Lunga, and the most

and wily f'rm of Consumption of the SpinalA'erw. known as Taben Dovwi. and Tabe mitienreri-c-a,

have their umt and origin io diseases of Pvlvic Uface-r-

Hence the waut of succees on the part of old schoolpractice in treating symptoms only.

Dr. Andrew Stone, Physician to the Troy Lung andHv eienic Institution, is now engaged In treating thisclass of modern maladies witb the most astonishing suc-cess. The treatment adopted by the Institution is new;it la haawl nnon scientific orinciples, with newdifcov- -

ered remedies, without minerals or potaoDs. The lacili-tie- s

ot cure are such that patients can be cured at theiriu any part of the country, from accurate de-

scription of their case, by letter, and have the medicinessnt them by mail or express. Printed interrogatorieswill be forward' d on application.

HPCnnsumpti iu. Catarrh, and diseases of the Throatcured as well at the ktmts of patwits as at the Institu-tion by sending the Cold Medicated Inkalmg Balam?eVapory with inhaler, and ample directions tor their use,and direct correspt ndence.

applying for intrrrooaforw or MMcttuuft enclose rrturu staropi tovifrt attention.

IWThe atteuding physician will be found at the In-- s

itution for consultation, from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. of eachd ly. Sundays in the forenoon.

Address DR. ANDREW 8TONR,Physician to the Troy Lang and Hygienic Institution

and Physician for diseases of the Heart, Throat, andLungs, W Fifth street, Troy, N. Y.



Who Is throughly read and posted in the pathology ofthe many afflictive and prostrating maladies of moremodern origin, will devote exclusive attention to tbiscla of diseases peculiar to her sex.

IWThe Ascending Medicated Douche, a most Impo-rtant preventive tor itfmai.fis, sent bp express for 5.

Females can consult Mrs. Doc trees Htoue cvnTulenllyby Ltter or personal lv. Address

MRS. N. O. STONE. M. D.,Matron to the Institution,

oct7deodly Trot, N. Y.



it nnT 'bbh v11 illlU llUUlill'H.lilll

Comer Sixth Street and Court Place,OPPOSITE THE CITY COURT ROOMS,

Louisville, Ky- -

SHAW & rOHTEH, Proprietor.

at all hours of the dav and night. OurMEALS with Fish, Meat?, Poultry, Game,and Oysten, tne be't in he market. In our Saloon areto be found imported Wines, Liuuors, aud Cigais of theChoicest Brands.

Sole agent? in Kentucky for J. .1. RaodaV celebratedChicago and MUwaukie X, XX, aud XXX Pale Creamand 8tock Ales; wholesale, iu barrels and half barrels,or by the hot tie.

Call GROUND THE CORNER." n12 hrtftitf

Conrenieuce for my Customers.for H"nry Bevrodt's UpholstererORDERS betaken with the greatet attention at

Mr. J. G. Mather's Carpet Store, No. 81K Main s et,adjoining the Bank of Loni.-vill-

HENRY BEYRODT, Upholsterer,Fifth street, between Jefferson and Green,

no17 dnm Louisville. Kv.

Brandies fc Crawford,GRAIN DIALERS,

AVK removed to the new Warehouse on the sonth-we-II cornei o Main and First streets.

We will par th highest market price for all kinds ofGrain, delivered at onr store or at any good shippingpoint on the O o river.


POWDERO F ALL qualities constantly on hand and frn tale oy

DAVIS A SPEED, Agents for the Manufacturers.

Louisville, Sept. a, 15.Mpscbs. Davis ft Spud, Agents of Oriental Powder

Co., Louisville:Qenia We have been using your Blasting Powder and

we take pleasure lu stating that we find it equal if notsuperior to any Powder that ws have ever used.

ARTHUR CAMPBELL,Superintendent for Smith A 3my per.

I eordiallv concur in the above and cheerfully recom-mend it to the public J. D. SMITH.

I consider the above Powder superior to any we haveever been able to obtain. H. EOS KIT.

We take pleasure in recommeuding your Indian Orien-tal Rifle Powder as euual if not superior to any we haveever ust-d- , it being very cleanly and strong. This weassert altar s thorough, trial. Respectfully yours,


neTfltf A BURNS.

On the European Plau,CITY OF NEW YORK.

Single Rooms 50 cents per Day.Citv Hall Square, wrier of Frankfort st,

OPPOSITE CITY HALL.Meals as they may be ordered in the spacious Refecto-

ry. There is a Ba. ber's Shop, and attachedto the Hotel.

N. B. llfwnrs of Runners and Hack men,who aay we are full,

ny dly R. FRENCH, Proprietor.

DRUGS, CHE1MTCALS, &cO I a:n now NEW GOODS, just pnr

chased, and would most respectfully ask a callH from all thne wishing to purchase frt-s- Drugs,

(Ui Chemicals. and Spice. I have alsoin store a very large and complete stock of Virginia,Missouri, and Kentucky Manufactured Tobacco, audwill offer Inducements to those wUhing to purcbaee forcash or prompt dealers on time.

m4 EDWARH WILDER. Mi Main st.

nRIED FRUIT A choice article peeled and unpeeledDried Apples, and i reach and GermaD

Pnines in store and for sale bymrt W. ft H. BUHKHARDT. 417 Markets.

C" HEESE A full supply (uat received of Hamburg,Western Reserve Nutmeg, English Dairy,

and Cheese.ni6 W. A H. BI KKHARDT. 417 Market st.

VKW FISH-N- os. 1, 3, and S Mackerel In whole andll half bbls aud kits- No. 1 Baln.no in bhls and kits;No 1 White Fish in half bbls- - a superior article Codfishin drums; and No. 1 scaled Herring; in store and forBm6b7 W. M. BURKHARDT, 417 Market stTV O. SUGAR 600 hhds fair to choice in store and11. for sale by


1 Farmers and Mechanics9

B TOOLS. VPlows, Rakes, Hoes, Forks, Shovels, Spades, Axes,Hatchets, Hammers, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ladles,Candlesticks, Walters, Chairs, Hamcs. I looks, Hinges,Butt, Screws, Locks, Bolts, Latches, Ketch. Capers,Ac, wholesale and retail hy A. McBRIDE,

mart No. 231 Thirst.. Lui-vill- Kv.

R IO COFFEE ill bags good fair to prime arrivingand for sale by


ST. JAMES SUGAR-HOUS- MOLASSES 75 bhlsJames Sugar-Hous-e Molasses In store and far sale



Kfl nfWI GOOD BROOM HANDLES, well seasonedJHjUUU Lfttw lbs beet qualitv Broo Cord;25 lbs best quality Sewing Twhine;

Sot) lbs Iwst quality colored dewing Twine:fci) ths best 'tuality plated Wire-So-

bdls Cut Tacks, Bro'-- Needles, Ac.:Just received at the Wooden Ware and Broom 8tore,li8 Main street, between Third and Fourth. Louisville,and for sale by Lfl wlAd) ORRIN RAWSON.

CORN eacks mined shelled Corn;4l5 do White do do:

In new renewed sunnies; receiving per JeffereonvillsRailroad and for sale hv

AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.,m16 Corner Second and Washington sts.

A PPLES 75 bbls Apples inst received and for sale byI m AND'W BUCHANAN A CO,

TOVKRING'S SUGAR? bbls Loveriup's Crushed,and Granulated 6ugara received pur

steamer Eunice aud for sale by4 ANIVW BUCHANAN A CO

MOLASSES 75 bbls St. JamesSUGAR-HOUS-Molasses in store and for sale by


SUGAR 45 hhds on consignment and for saleIlKIME (al J. SMITH SPEED. Main st.

A stock of the best always on hand at(EMENT J. A. PENTON'S. It4 F.HiOh.t.

CORN MEAL I am daily receiving supplies cf freshaud superior quality.

, A. A. PEMTON. pj4Pmn'.hst,

PICKt.ES AND CATCHUPS-Eugli- ehCHOICE Pickles, Catchup, Sauces, Preserves,Oils, Gelatine, Chocolate, Cocoa, tc, iust rnceivd andfor sale bv M HIBBITT A SON.

ICE 1ft caks rice received ad for sale bpR a 3 RAWSON, TODD, A CO.

SUNDRIESfc3 iiO bsgs Cotton Yarn, assorted uaiubers;

h0 bales No. 1 Batting;riu do Extra do;75 do No. 2 do;6u bags wb'te CaipetChsin;25 do coioTtd flo do;

L'U do Cindle-Wick- :oj do Wmpplog do; for sale b



II. FEEGUS0N & SON,Wholesale and Retail Dealers io

PAMII.'Y' FLOUR,Filth street, one door north of Market,


BRANDS OF FAMILY FLOUR constantly onhand.

tVFlour delivered to any part of the city free ofj charge. nSdBiu

S t.l: vi prune Kly vilut iu iimsale by



33 XX. XX V. Xj Ij'felLoiiisville



rr 4rtJffJ-OVHEK- tnose amicrea with anytonu ot Private Dijeaae can receive

s pronint treatment witiiout nsit or!W t X rtfirMiiii, vie oj imii,i, uuiiviiii,

Oh-a- , Bt rk'turef. Ulcers, Tnmorii,(.Oncers, flec'ndarv, and

Syphilis, the Kid-iit-

e, etc. hv this system it isovfd that theveneri.il complaint

s an entirely undr the control ofmedicine as in a conn, on cid orsimple lover: and, while ineulflHeiitpersons at e dail sending away theirp;iti ut-i- n hoieleyneeif, aud giving

them up only from their own incompetency, completeind nor annt cures are constantly being effected atthis Infimiarv.

YOUNG MEN, TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.Dr. H. devotes much of b time tt the treatment nfthose caees caused by a wcret habit which ruins bothbody and mind, unfitting the unfortunate individual foreither btisine-- s or societv. Th aad effect cf these earlvhabits, or theexcesnof riper years, are to weaken anddebilitate the constitution, deatrov the physical andnifutil powers, diminish and enfeeble the natural feel-ing", and exhaust the vital energies of manhood; the

oi lite are marred, the object of man iaeflnasures existence Itself rendered a term of uuceas-i- n

misery and regret. Such persons, eepcially thonecnntomplating marriage, should lone no time in makingimmediate application, as Ih H-- , by his new treatment,la enabled to Insure a speedy and permanent aire.

DR. HALL'S AMERICAN PERIODICAL PILLS.N article of medicine intended for the exclusive use offemales has ever vet been introduced thaf has given suchuniversal satisfaction as the American Periodical Pills.They can be relied on in all cases of Menstrual Obstruc-tions, Irregularities, 4c, as a sure and sale remedy.Price, per mail, 1 aud one postage stomp.

Patient living at a distance can be cured at hom bysending k description of their disease aud inclosing astamp

Medicine sent to anv address,fi"omce No. llri Jetfersnii street, between First and

Second. Office open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M.dj4dtf L. HALL, M. P.

This it really a Good Medicine, war-ranted to Cure.

CIOBifl Island, Bedford, Va., Nor. 1, 164.

Msssbs. Dovx A Co. Gentlemen: I used shootof a bottle of yonr Turf Oil upon the back of my

horse, the worst back I almost ever saw, entirely raw, aplace nearly as larse as my hand, and this single appli-cation (I only applied it once) cured It up entirely andpermanently. I really was surprised at the quickness ofitg curative proporties, and I think it more prompt andemcacious than anything of the kind I ever saw, and Ihave sold thousands of bottles of other preparations forsimilar parroees.

Respectfully, P BONDURANT.

SrrsRv oorrjTTY, Vs., .Tannsrv, 1W.Gsirn.riiRN: My old man, Billy, about 7u vears of age

while hewing sills with a broadaxe, split the calf of theleg open down to the bone, about S or 4 inches long, cut-ting an artery. It bled profusely for two days, and con-

tinued to bleed until cold aud stiff. I had to give himhot brandy. I could not sew it up, but just sabirated aFiece of linen with your Turf Oil and laid it on the cut.

not expect him, on account of his ace, ever to beable to work again. I continued to dress tlie wound twoor three week with the Turf Oil. In six weeks the cutwas entirely well, and he was at work again.

Very respoetfullv, W. CLAIBOttNK JONES.Messrs. Dovx A Co., Richmond, Va.


And all Druggists and Cooutry Merchants in the State.mayl7 dly


For the Cure of all Private Diseases,

A SXBBXGAXs ni2?0&T.Ccntatntno THIRTY Jlns Plate and Kngravino

the Anatcmiv and Phjmvlccv 0 the Sexual Orpons, tn a state of Health and Disease.


tVSeui free of postage to all farts of the UnJoa.jON A NEW METHOD of treat-ing Syphilis. Gonorrhea. Stric-ture, Uleet, ftaual Debility,

Female Diseases, and allaffections of tlie reproductive sys-tem of both sexes, the infirmities

- f youth and mati-nt- arisingfrom the secret tollies of bothsexes, with a full treatise on

r 'In r

ffl 'itfi' WEAKNESS, IU deplorable con- -

Hv '''f' Ml ')' f"juence9 upin the mind audV.J!VC body, pointing out the author'sNHas$s pl(lu cf treatment, the only ra-

tional and successful mode of cure, as shown by the re-

port of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the marriedand those contemplating marriage who entertain doubtsof their physical condition. Sect to any ad drew in asealed wrapr-r-- on the receipt of TEN CENTS or FIF-TEEN COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR.

Those afflicted with any of the aliove diseases beforeplacing tbem-elve- under the treament ol any one,should firs.t read this invaluable book.

The A imioR continues to extend hiB profet-iona-

to that "peculiar" department of Uwease, to whichbe devotes hie undivided attention. Theee wishing toconsult him with regard to Syphilitic Gonor-rhea, Seminal Weakness, bexnal Debility, FemaleComplaints, and all of tee various ailments of the gen-

erative organs upon which his work treats, aud for thecure of which hie skill has acquired him the highestreputation, will find him at the DWpeinary from 9 to 1

mominps, S to b afternoons, nud 1 'o U eveniuse.The author may be consulted, either personally or by

letter, on all the disease of which hi work treat, andmedicines sent to all pans of the country with completeinstructions for secured from danger orcoriositv. Secresi' inviclAhle.

DR. DEWEEs' FEMALE MONTHLY REGULATOR,a safrt and certain remedy for Ob3Tmctiou9. Irregulari-ties, Ac, and i? the only relinhle "preventive ot

Price 1 per box. aud may ie sent hy mail.Uthce Fifth street, betwe-- n Market and .JVnerscn.Ail lettvTS frocks or Mwiicint ehiiild be addressed

to UK. GALEN'S DlSPKNbAttk,rtv94 ArMrrrf --tr. I nilvill. KV,

gTf laving bees established in Louis-- F

v 1 " e fr the la-- ibyeare. and v

f 'g had alerge practice in the treat-w'- 1? nient of the following diseases:

Scrofula, Cancer. Piles Sore , S: phi lis. Fistula, andto remove the horrible consequences of Onanism, or

ha? given him proof to sustain any state-ment of te highest character-enc- h men as Dr. W. L,Breckinridge, Judges J. R, Undejw-ood,- Loving, John-so-

Capt. W. S. D. Mtgawao.rrrv.l

I had FistJila and was cured by Dr. Price, without theknife or ligature, io venteudays.

JOSEPH Y0UCE.nABnn, no., kt.

I had s negro man with Fistula, and he was cured byDr. Price In three weeks. WM. BAKD.

OOLCONDA, tLL.lI had Fistula for fifteen yenis, with six openings, and

was cured by Dr. Price in three weeks .

RILEY WILLIAMS.Iam a healthy f nd hs.rfv man, having been cured

from the honid effects of Onanism. A. CITIZEN.Office ou Market, between Sixth and SeventhAddress, enclosing a postage fctamp, Louisville, Ky.,.i,i.i


PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OFMARKIAGE.tbu Pages and 180 Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs.

TWENTY-FIV- CENTS.lKVSent free of postage to ail parts of the Union.

ON the innnnities of youthand maturity, the se-cret foWies of both sexes of allages, CAUflng debility, nervous-ness, depression of spirits, palpi-ta- t

ion of the heart, suicidal im-aginations,IT; involuntary blush- -

mY'S "''Jrtfi ;,ni ovieerive memory, inniges--J-

AC'Ttoti, and Iftssitude, Air"., compris- -Xoi'f'.V 7ii pacejt and illustrated

y'vi,''J'ith upwards of onohundrt andeugraviugH. It is a tr.i th--

lul adviser to the married andthose coutemn!atin nianif.ee.

who entertain secret doubts of their physical condition,and who are conscious of having hazarded the heiith,happinees, and privileges to which every human beingla entitled. With Confeseions of a Boarding School Miss,a College Student, and a Young Married Lady, full ofromance aud thrilling interest.

Young men who aie troubled with weakneaa, general-ly caused by a bad h;thit iu youth, the etlerti of whichare dizziness, pains, forge,tfulnes, sometimes a ringingIn the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the back and lowerextremities, confusion of ideas, low of memory, withmelancnoly, may be cured by the author's N.EW PARISAND LONDON TREATMENT.

We have for t he greater part of the pn."t year, devotedour time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPI-TALS, availing ourselves of the knowledge and re-searches of the mopt skilled Physicians and Surgeons inEuroiH-an- on the Continent men ss tJl VIALE,LEMHRE. RICOHD, BKECHETEAU, ACTON, andCURLINGS, of the French and English hospitals. Ourtour extended through France. Italy. Germany, Hol-land, England, Ireland, S otland, and Wales, visitingin our route the principal buspitals in Paris, Loudon,Rome. Venice, Vienna, Dffsden, Berlin, A'c Ac. Wchave been amplv repaid hy the additional knowledge wehave acquired in the treatment of various dt?eates towhich we have directed our attention. Those who placethemselves under onr cre will now hae the full benefitof the many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIESwhich we are enahled to introduce into our practice, andthe public may rest assured of the same zeal, assiduity,SECRECY, and attention belug paid to their cases,which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore asa Physician in our PECULIAR department oi profoe-sion-

practice.with full directions sent to any part of the

United States or Canada?, by patients communicatingtheir symteme by letter. Business correspondencestrictly couridetitial.

RT)r. L.'s Ortice Is still located as e.tahlished: underthe name of DR. LA CROIX.

I'o Insure safety to all letters simply address"THIi LA CROIX MEDH;AL I NiSTlTL" 1 E."

s4 dAwtf No. 31 Maiden Lane. Albauy, N. Y.


Fine Diamond Mount,inns and all the new styles ol Fine Uairork Ornamentsexecuted in the moet superior style, of the best material.All work warranted. Fiices reatonablo. Old gold takeuinexchange. iuneS dly



JACOB FRIEND & CO., Fropr's.wE would respectfully inform the public that since

the above house has iijut d from the hand of Mm.Vacaro it has beeu entirely refitted in elegant style, andIs now open for the reception of giiCet. Located in thecentral and business part of the citv. it has rare advan-tage tor the traveling public. Ihe proprietor willspare no pains to ruarfe. their guets teel comfortableana satiehud in every respect. Their larder will alwaysbe supplied with the best the market and eeasouB alford,and the Bar will be stocked with only the best of Wines,Liquors, Cigars. Ac,

fWe reeiwttully solicit the patronage of the oldpatrons and of ine public In geueraf.



:baed the GALLERY co Maia street, betweeiifcond and Third. lojiavilit, Kv,, formerly occutiled by Mr. G. T. Shsw, in which they have gone b

icousideral.leexper.se in vefittine. The Galleryuow eerttinly the very finr,t iu the W. W e

to liimish all st;iea of plctbres kuown hthe art Photograpbe In oil, water colors, aud in'dia luk. Sut ii faction given to ail. Give us a call.

C. Alfb& Gabkktt. Geo. II. Nicksksow.

HThia Oa'Jery is clcsed ou S'anday. maylO

Priuie new FLjh iu whole and M bblsMACKERUL alto No. 1 Salmon in bbU aud kits, lustore and for sale by

)( W. A H. RTTRKH ARTYT. 417 Market st.

I.LOUK Rnpbville Mills Double Extra Flour;4" btils KllU'l.trtOVIl " '

jU btiis Vi ill iHGiorfc1In cl ! nv.l

AND'W MCIIANAN & (i..Coiuti St.ivjQl and arhiutou tit.




No. 485 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth,IjoviiBVillo, K.y.wtwild find It to their interest to examine my stock before making their par)

.hIMJ,d o"e r dScs will be attended to as if made in pern. sHdeowAwf




For the Whiskers and Hair.The subscribers taUe pleasure in announcing to the

citizens of the United States that they hav obtainedthe Agency for and are now euablnd to offer to theAmerican public the above justly celebrated and d


THE STMITLATIXG 0XGIEXTIs prepared by Ds. C. P. Bfr.UKflH m. sn eminent nhvsiclan of Lsudon, aud is warranted to bring out a thickset of

WHISKERS OR A MUSTACHEIn from three to six weeks. This article Is the only oneof the kind us d by the French, aud in Londen andPari it is iu universal use.

It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulatingcompound, acting as if by mapie upon the root, causinga beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to thescalp, it will aire baldness, and cau e to spring up inplace of the bald spots a fine gmwth of uew hair. Ap-

plied according to directions. It wilt turn bed or towyhair park, aud restore ?rav hair to it orin'sl color,leaving it soft, smooth, and flexible. The "OnontNTDan indispensable article in every gentleman's toilet,aud after one week's ue they would not for any conside-ration be without lt- -

The subcenhers are the only Aleuts for the article Inthe United States, to whom all orders must be

Price One Dollar a box. For sale by all Druggistssnd Dealers; or a box of the "Onguent" (warranted tohave the desired effect) will be sent to any who desireit, by mail (direct) securely packed on receipt of priceand podtage, 1 - Apply to or address


firadfinilstprttis 24 William street, New York.

TRAVELERS !When you go to NEW YORK, drive direct to the


ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. GoodCONDUCTED prompt attendance, and moderatecharge. Single ro ins 5o cents, TA cents, and perdv. Double rooms and parlors il bt) to 8. Meal asordered This Hotel haa all the appointments of thebeet , a inO't central location, and 1 heatedthroughout by steam.

ml u:m SAMUEL B MEAD, Proprietor.

OLIUSTEAD& 0'COXXOR(Successors to Joe. Robb),


And Sole Agents foi the

Pomoroy Ooa-1- .

for any of the above Coals respectfully soliORDERS promptly tilled at the lowest marketprices.

Contantly on band a larce supplrof the "PEYT0NACANNEL" and "PEACOCK" POME ROY COALS,which ior kitchen, parlor, or chamber use have no suaperior.

Offices No. 304 Third street, between Market and Jef-ferson, at Robb's old stand; and at No. 8u4, southwestcorner Brook and Market streets. )e3 dtf


run" -- ran iiimtiiEis.Market Street,

North side, between Sixth and SeTenth,

LOUISVILLE, KY.IWAlways on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS

at reasonable prices. srp'ix dly





UP ON THAT DAY.o. ixx. raccitAw.

NOTICE LICORICE.PRoPhlET-'lt- OF THE AOC BRAND OFTHE havin entirely d their

works and introduced new machinery ior the ofproducing Licoiice. of vasGv superior quality to whatii:is lien tofoir h;no man.iiaetuied, are now able to ofierfor the inspection '1' the trl ram pies of tiieir uewiak wbirh cannot fall to h much 8'ltiiii'"d.

Saciplca may be at ihe omce ofJAS. C. McANDRVW.

ft4 dSm 4 Pine .trt-ft- . New York.


Cash paid for KarleyAT TKK


Between Sixth and Seveth.

an29 dtf JOHN KNGEUN CO.


Jayne's Marble Building,Nos. 617 Chestnut and 614 Jayne St.,

Have opened their SPRING IMPORTATION of

SILK 'Mi MIT HY HE.Dress Goods in great variety,


Which they will sell at the lowest Eastern price.

CAU, AND SEK. f!9 dSm





And a most complete assortment of every articleto Men's Wear, to which we call the attention

of cmh and prompt buyers.


ni3n C'oth House, No. 434 Main rt.

8. S. MARK. G. F. DOWNS,

WE ate now in receipt of large portion of oiu--

Spring supply ol

FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS,embracing Fome few new thing' lu DRESS GO"DS andLAt es. Parasols and sun shapes, organ-dies- .


al MARK A DOWNS, 41 Main st.


ON HAND ONE OF THE FTNF8T ANDHAVE lots of WINES aud LIQUORS lu thecounting iu part of, viz:

ViKi hbls Bourbon aud Rye Whisky;lo'i packages Frandy;

haketf Champagne, assorted brands;2il boxwH i'larct, do do;

&o do White Wine. do do;6 do Hungarian Wine, o:o do;

loi) do Sparkling and Stiil Catawba;23 ciw its Port, Madeira, aud Sherry,6 pipe- - Holland i.in;6 puncheons Jamaica Rum;

Sft bbli- - P ach and Apple itiandy;100,'ti"J fine Havana Clear?;

60 box-- Vi'einla Tobacco;10 gross Flavin Card:

lMJ caes Sp'ce and Stoughton Bitters:100 do Maraphino, Abynthe, and 'urecoa:60 do Blackberrrt Stritwberry, A Gingar Brandy.

alSUGAR 30 bbls Baltimore B Soft CruehREFINED and for sale bv



March, edited t Thick

GUNTER S BOOKSTORE,a jAb Thinl st., Wtween Market an 1 Jefiereon.

BALI'.D OATS, HAY, AND STRAW A full supplybent uualtty at

a5 I. A. PENTON'g 1 4 Fn.irth st.

k)A lftG.uUG laoiuered, fcr sale byal WALLACE, LITHGOW, A CO.

AND 25 bbls Scouring Baud, which every boiue--keepers houM uee, for nale by

al W. A H. Bl'KK'H A RDT. 417 Market

CORN LouOsackf prime white he'led in nw resewtdAlso I.J'.aj pactcn of ear corn for sale by

a I. A HEVTON. mKnnrth.l

IIO COFFEE '00 bags strictly prime Rio receivedXV by the Magenta aud tor sale by

cooo M"iy.UG A- R-

So biila Baltimeis A Crumbed 8 ;

lit do oo A Cofle& do do A Powdered do;

Jart received and for sale byCARDNEB 4 CO.

New Books! New BookslHARRY HARSitN. b? Johu T. Irviug. Price 1 J5

A ITOKXLY, by John T. Irving. " U5

RuSA SOMER VILLU. or a Hut baud's Mystery, by GW. N. Reync:d. Price 5'.

THE FIRST FALSE STEP, or the Path to Crime, byG. W. Al. Reynolds. Price

At F. MAUDEVS Rookftre,m4 Third st.


It 20 boxes M. R. and Layer RaMos;J0 do do do do do;m do do do du dor

rtrO iv.-- et(!6f DUli- and lof fl low to losrDl:ii-:i- l t

A.Y1 lloSY Z A NoNE S iN.Iii2 Filth ftrer t, Matu.

MISCELLANEOUS.Large Amount of Cotton Ma-

chinery for Sale.I OFFER for sale, now lying at the Cotton Factory,

Bonhat bor, Kentuckv, large quantity of Machine-ry for the Manufacturing of Coarse Cotton Good.Most or all of tbis Machinery is iu a very good state ofpreservation, and e nib races the late?t inventions. Itva manulVtur-'- by ' Jinks," of Hrideeburg, Pa , andthe moct vkilllul nianulacturers of New England. Iieddition to the Machinery is a valuable Steam Knglueof sufficient power to drive 3,(u0 spindles The wholewill be sold together at a great bargain eithtr for cashor Wf negotiable paper.

Mr. J. F. Argyle, on t e premises, will how this Ma-chinery to any one wirhing to see it and confer withhim as to the terms of sale.

a!7 dim ALFX. B. BAH RET.

TO BUSINESS MEN!An excellent chance for reliable business men to secure

a profitahte manufacturing business, requiring but asmall capital in its establishment and prosecution.

I1 HE manufacture consist in the application of a pe-

culiar completion or naniel to common red bricksand a variety of othor buildiug material, ornamentalarchitectural fiuUhiugs, ccillugs, tiles tor floors aud forrooting.

This enamel may be tinted of any color, from thepurest wh:te to the deepest black, with all the colors audsnaies Derwepn. n uuyarisnj iucwucih lowuimuiamlid a hardness and durability almost incredible.and a beauty surptuoing that of the rarest and mostcosilvof the variegated marbles, and, unlike them, is

teriorate, costing but a fractional part of the price of0t?:y..T.-.bi,frtal,.o- rt.d,o ,tifcpieces, tuonumeuts. and au sodless varleti of other ar--

icies oi Biap(e use i uo procfiw ui nnnymg moenamel Is simple, whl'e the articles eDanelcd w) I com-mand a ready sale, sff rdlng large protis. RetionsibleD' rtles may procure (or msnutactunng underTh paent for any city or urominent town In the L nitedBtat-- by applylDg to the snbci iber. A small tariff onth articles inauiitactirred will be required for the use ofthe invention. Clrn. la giving full particulars will beforwarded to all .

The Mirerior in-- and beauty of this enameledbuilding msterisl to anything in use ha- the unqualifiedIndoij-einn- t of msuy of the mot tui incutat'd scientific men ot this and other cities.

For particulars, addressJOHNSON A-- PRATT,.

General Ag'ta for Enameled Building Material,ASAl 6T.. NEW VOhK.


less than cau b purchased elsewhere. Ca'l on oraddress (stamp enclosed) J. L. BAILEY, No. Courtstrt. Bntnn. M. mr"!i

AUX 3 COITLEU11S,U 8. B. de CRETY....(E. RAHY, Agent),-- rern etree-t- , adjoining the Joarntil O01p

-- 5Pf3r Hfts In store and for sale In quantitiesp- - tKJto suit purchasers a fine a"rtment oft2 WINES and LIQUORS, such as

HOKOKAI X. BOCKfJONK. Of; A( 1.Bordeaux; Pomard: Bordeaux;Ie M''doc: Frontignau; LunelBt. Estephe. Yoloey. Rau-d- e vie-de

Languedoc.Moselle, Vin de Tokay, Armagnac, and Cordials.

nar4 J1 V


REDUCED PRICES!THE subscriber having a large stock of Indies' and

Winter ltoota. Shoe, and Gaiterf on hand,all of his own manufacture, offers at greatly reducedprices for cafh.

Gent'f In want f fine Calf Winter Boots can be ac-commodated at the very low price of $7 per pair, forcash only.

Also, s lot of Men's and Boys Kip and thick Boots atcost for cash. D. MARSHALL,

dfi dtf Main, below Third afreet.

ELUS HOW, jr., and S.n.RGPER'SH7 A T 33 TXT T ,


ShuttleSewingMachineFOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. PRK'TT $75.

Warranted tho Best in the market;Fine finished, stroug and durable: wheel feed of greatDower: exceedinclr jiinnle In construction: not a wireabout it: all its part" are most admirably and ingenious- -ly ansnged; cannot possibly get out of order, becauseeverything in permanently adjusted; noue so easily un-

derstood and operated, and sews the most beautifulstitch ever beheld, precisely alike on both aides. Tallors and all who have seen it pronounce it the best Ma-

chine ever sent to this vicinitv. All are cordially in-

vited to examine it. T. JOHNSTON, Aeeut,n3S dlv 812 Fourth street.

To Millers, Produce Merchants, andGrain Dealers.

T!HF subscriber offers his services to the Produce Deal- -

m. erstn Louisville lor purchasing all kinds of Oramand ('smntrr -. Halnr hd Inn i,riPn .tthe busineea,he feels assured that he can give satisfactionto all who may employ him.

He will act as agent for the purpose of buying Grainand Produce In the counties of Franklin, Woodford,Scott, Favette, and adjoining counties.

ttf-- Refers to Gov. C. S. Morehead and Colonel A. G.Hodges, Frankfort; Drs. W. S. Gano and P. R. Camp-bell, Georgetown. Address WILLIS HODGES,

jyft'dtf Oporg'Tyi. Kv.

CHARLES FARRE(Late Mai Butaine A Co.),

DFIIx ixx oi ,Purveyor? to the Court" of France, Spain, and Primis,

also to the celebrated WelUugtuu Club, London.


? GLA13, in ciuarte, pint, and M pir.ta, for ale.1. H. SCHROEDER A SON. 2M Wall st

J. G. JACK, K. wLouisville, Ky. New Orleans,



No. 518 north side Main st., between Third and Fourth,1,Q ISVM LE, KY.

WUGAR, COFFEE, AND MOLASSESk? 50 hhds prime N. O. Sugar;

100 baes prime Riolwi bi'ls Crushed, Powdered aud Granulated Sugar;UK) do I'lautaliou Molasses;125 V bbls do do;2 ibbls Go'den Slrnp:Sn liVgailon kegs Golden Simp;

Iu store aud for sale hvJACK A BROTHKR, 518 Main st.

MANCFACTlRED Miwuri Tottacco;iK"! do O. Kills do do;

60 do Spinney do do:h0 do Va. and Ky. do, various brands;

In store and for sale by I

JACK A BROTHER, 518 Mala st

JEANS AND LINSEYS 1"0 bales Negro Jeans and(best brands) in stori- - and for sale by

JACK A R ROT HER, Ms Main st.

I7ANAWHA 8ALT-3,P- 00 bbls Kanawha Salt bestsV qualtity. In Btorn and for sale bv


' chests Gunpowder Tea;Id do do B ark do;So dozen Shaker Bro'in :

'6 do fnncv wire tlfd do;1(H) do Fainted buckaU;

2ft neets do TubeTfi dozen Xlncfw) coils Cotton Rope, all Ilps;2i do Hmp do, oo:

lis boxes Star Candles;4i do Star, b;75 do Ro"in Sr.ap;9 do Palm de;SO do German Soap:6" bags Cotton Yarn, all numbers;20 do Carpet Chain;

li'O bales Itatting:' do (.laodle-Wlc-

" do Wrapping Twins;IS haw Spice;Ya do Teppert

liW mats Cinnamon;8 racs Madras and Manilla Indigo;2 casks Madder;

10 bbls Alum;S do Sulphur;

SO caks Newcaptle Soda1 caw Nutmeg?:

300,0'0 G. D. and 8. H. Caw76 gross Matches;

I T.i do Mason's large and small Plcklng;3o boxes a'sorted (;andy;40 bble Cider Vinegar;

kepg Nails, assorted numbers;On hand and for sale by

m 7ne JAi K A BROTHER, fflMalnst.

GERHART & CANNONAre GREAT BARGAINS in LACES, EM-BROIDERIES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, HOSIERY,snd their entire variety of FANCY GOODS. Cashand prompt time purchasers wilt do well to call andsupply thrmpelves. Superior Inducements wilt be of-

fered. Our

JAPANESE HOOP SKIRTSare superior to anything ever brought to this msrket

'324 Fourth street,a" OPPOSITE MOZART HALL.

New --Arrival ofMILLINERY GOODS!





lam determined to sell cheap for cash, and purchaserswill hod it to their advantage to give me a call.

MRS. 1TZ. J. BRYANT,a!5 314 Fourth st., bet Market and Jefferson.

NAiz.8! nails:: nails:::JUST received per steamer Lmder Lt-- kes

now In store and for saie at th" manufactu-rers' pnows 6,uiHi ktg.s Including the following kinds:

Common sizes, from 3 to find;Fencing Nails, B, 8, and U'd;Tobacco NaiU, M:Flooring Brads, rt, g, and lOd;Latbin Nails. 3d, 6ne blurd:Wrought and Horiie-gfio- Nails.Wrought and Cut Spikes.

ilrt W. R BFLTTNAP CO- -


wanttid at wr for Susar.Cotfee.aiMi MoUsees atiu arket ran.


CHILDREN'S CARRIAGESCab;, Gigs, and C halter

T5 WIUow Catw, plain and brotiztd;Also Wheels and Gearing eparaieiy:

Just received at tlie WiXKien Ware aud Broom Storeaud for sale low by ORHIN RAWSON,

ale as Main trt. between Third and Fonrth.

LIHHI 60 bble White Fifch.

So Hhble Trout:Just received per rallrsad and for sale by


W1NK-- 30

csks Port WineK do Madeira Wlae;0 do Sherry do-ll V lre3 p.i r M ilnfn Wine;

Iu store and for ml by mal'j J. MONKS.

LOUISVILLE JOURNALHow to Gcard AGalvst tiir Heat. As the

heat of a Soot hem sun is one of the hardships ourboys tv ill have to encounter, permit an oldsoldier to state in what way the trench army inAlgiers guard themselves during the day whenon the march or standing sentry: Take a yard ofthin, white flannel, fold It together once, andsew up one end; a ribbon or tape may be insertedto draw it around the neck. This thrown overthe cap or shako, and falling behind, completelyshields the head and shoulders from the ravs ofthe sun. Woolen is preferable to linen or cot-

ton, Is eqnally light, costs less than the former,and is easier washed and kept clean.

The Distress op Nations. The Iat LondonReview contains an article on the "Distress ofNations." India is the scene of a desolatingfamine, after having gone through a ewlatingrebellion. Austria is on the verge of bank-ruptcy, and about to lose Hangary and Yenetia.Italy is preparing for war. So is France. PrussiaW about lo contend with Demnatk. Turkeytotters to iU base. Bosnia is in arms, and Iiotuein its last agonies. To this we may add our owndreadful catastrophe of civil war.


BOARD OF ALDERMEN.MoNiur Ktexivj. April ,, 1MT1.

I'rcsent Thos. 8hanks, 1'reaident, andall the members except AMcimea TrtibuOar..i Lrecai

The reading of the journal of the previoust

MBSon. was, OD motion, dispensed With,Alderman I ettit, from Committee on l'ub- -

li Works, naked .0 be dieohaiged from lb.further OODSlderatlon of the olaiui 0 AugUBtColeman, which was granted

Alderman Jefferson, from Committee onFire Department, to whom was referred thecommunication of D. C. 8ione, presenteda resolution directing the Mayor to contractwith the owners of the Todd warehouse forthe storage of the engines,and hog", and have the same removed fromthe FireLstreet armory, whioh was adopted.

Aldermau J tier sou, from same, presenteda resolution direotiDg the Mayor to have theengines, hose, &otremov(dfrom the First street armory to Todd'swarehouse, and have the 6aid engine?, &c,properly cleaned, which was adopted.

Alderman Jeflerson, from same, presenteda resolution directing the Mayor and Com-mittee on Defense to have the liopeengine-houe- e

properly repaired for an armory,which was adopted.

Alderman Downing, from Committee onElections and Bonds, presented the resignations of Dr. J. J. Speed and AlexanderDuval, which were received and filed.

Alderman Uoone, from Committee onRevision, atked to be discharged from thefurther consideration of the communicationof H. Dent and others, the same havingbeen referred to a Special Committee ofboth boards, which was granted.

A resolution was presented from thoCommon Council raising a joint session onthis evening, at HV o'clock, to receive amessage from the Mayor and elect a Market-mast-

lor Boone Market-hous- e, which wasadopted

A resolution wis presented from theCommon CVuticil ordering an election onSaturday, May lib, 101, for a UailroadTax Collector for toe Western District,which wa adopted.

A resolution was presented from theCommon Council raising a Special Commit- -

tee on Charter Amendments, which wasreferred to Committee on Bevision.

Alderman Jefferson, from Committee onGaB and Water, reported ihe claim of theOas Company for the quarter ending April1st, 1SGI, which was received and orderedto be tent to the Bjard of Common Counciland filed.

A resolution was presented from theCommon Counoil allowing the use of BooneMarket-hou- se one night in each week tothe Cominental Military Company for drill,which was adopted.


Pursuant to resolution both Boards metin joint session.

Tbe certificate of Samuel Matlack, aJnMi-- a flf the Peftfifl r.f Ietlrflnn COJUly,

office had been administered to J. M. Delph,Mayor, which was ordered to be fi'ed.

Messrs. JeHerson aud Barbee were thenappointed a coin initio to wait upon theMayor for any message he might be pleasedto present; subsequently Col C- - D Penne-bake- r

presented a message from bis Honor,the Mayor, whioh was read and ordered tobe filed.

J. M. Winter was eleoted Market-mast- er

for Boone Market-hous- e.

When, on motion, the joint session arose.HKf A RATE EtTOV.

Alderman Osborne presented Die petitionof Joseph Kubn, asking the refunding tohrni of $V), money overpaid on account oftavern iic;nse. Referred to Commuted on

trict.Alderman Osborne presented two claims

in lavor of Kate Eichorn, lor room rent atelections, amounting to $6 each. Referredto Committee on Eleotions.

Alderman Ounkle prebented an ordinanceto recurb and repave the sidewalks onnorth side of Main street from Cabel toWebster. Referred io Cooimitteeon Streets,EiMern Dietiict.

The bonds of II. Stuck.ey, Auditor; Geo.Stealy, Engineer; W. G. Ueasor, City At-- j

torney; J. M. Vaughan, C. B. C C, andA. M Stout, Assistant City Attorney, werereturned approved by the Board of CommonCouncil and ordered to be filed

Alderman Jefferson presented an ordi- -.

nauce to recurb and repave the sidewalkson the eaft side of Brook street, from Jeffer-- json street northward to F. N Frederick'sline, which was read once, rule suspended,and nassed by the following vote :

Ayes Mr. President 8hanks aud Messrs.Downing, Ounkle, Osborne, Jefferson,PeOit, OauH and Boone 8.

Nays None.Alderman Oeborne, from the Committee

on Streets of the Eastern District, reportedan ordinance to pave and curb sidewalks onwest side of Jackson, from Market street201 feet to Main street, amended to "repaveand recurb," which was read once, rulesuspended and passed by the following vote.yiz :

Yeas Mr. President Shanks, Downing,Qunkle, Jefferson, PeUit, Gaultand Boone

Nays None.Alderman Osborne, from same committee,

reported an ordinance to repave and recurbthe sidewalks on west side of Shelby street,from Main to Market streets, which wasread once, rule suspended, and passed hythe following vote, viz :

Yeas Mr. President Shanks, Downing,Ounkle, Oeborne, Jefferson, I'ettit, (Jaultand Boone 8.

Nays None.Alderman Jefferson preeented an ordi-

nance to recurb and repave the sidewalkson the north side of Market street, fromBrook to Floyd Blreets. Referred to Com-

mittee on Streets of Eastern District.Alderman Boone preeented a resolution

allowing the Boone Ouards the use of BooneMarket-hou- se one night ia eaoh week fordrill, which was adopted.

A resolution from the Common Councilwas presented proposing a joint session ofthe second meeting in May, to elect thefollowing city officers, viz :

One Superintendent of the Hospital.Three Consulting Surgeons to same.Three Attending Surgeons to same.Three Attending Physicians to same.Three Consulting Physicians to same.Two Resident Graduates to same.Three Trustees to same.One Chief of the Fire Department,

which was amended to it elude threeTrustees of the Alins-hou- aud adopted.

A resolution from thir Board, authorizingthe sale of a portion of (he city farm toMichael Carey, was returned from the Com-

mon Council wiih an ordinance as a substi-tute tbeifeor, which was referred to theSpecial Committee.

President Shanks asked and obtainedleave to introduce an ordinance by it e

title, it: "An ordinance to raieeto improve the street of the oity of Louis-ville."

A resolution was presented from theCommon Council authorizing the Mayor toborrow $10,000 to repair and improvestreets and other public works, beUg in-

troduced as a relief measure to give em-

ployment to the destitute, and raising acommittee of dibbursemeut thereon, whichwas adopted.

Alderman Osborne presented a resolutionauthorizing the Mayor to advertise for saleand sell all or a part of the hand erginen,hone and hose carriages now in Hope En- -

gine-hOU- Se,-

WDiCD. was adoptedThe report of the Wharl-mast- er for the

year ending April 2'2d, 1861, wa presentedfrom the Comoion Council. Received andhied.

The report of tlie Street Inspector of theWestern District from the llth to the 24thof April was presented and referred to theCommittee on trees of the WesternDistrict.

A resolution was presented to adjourn,in accordance with a resolution adopted atthe previous session, to Thuredy evening,May j! i, at half-pa- st peven o'clock, whichwas adopted.

When, f,n (iinlio-i- , ll.e iMard ntj.itiriidVV. K. WOiUHLil-,- Ink.






CHURCH.The Cnthnlje Priest in Smtth Amrrira, UU Urate

the Archhihf,patGutfo. l, n. , of j nnyof Kouadur have bn rv red bv theft' infollihle rnne-dt-and have given them to the ct, who have been


Radwav's Ready Re.lift. The MinuteMdlrine.mmmm Radwav's Ready Re-lief Preveuts Sick-ness.

Rrtdwa's Bfadr Re-

lief Stopa Pain lu aMinute.

Rad way's Readv Re-

lief in a PleasantBeverage.

Rsdway's Readvcures Paiiid in

the Bowels.

mmmmm Radwav'scures



lief""f w t . J In an intint.Mi Rndwav's "eady Re-

lief Prevent Sud-

den attacks of Sick-ness.

Radw&i's Rpady Re-

lief Cures

Rsdwav's Renova-tingRf!-

vent curesnil Skin


Humors in theBlood.

Rjtdwav Renora-tinKRes-

vent curesSvphilic ImpuritiesFever dortis, Ulcers.


17.. DyspeiMla,cures

Radway s Renovating Resolvent cures Bronchitis, Weak Longs, BadCoughe,Joclpient Consumption.


THK WORLD.Radway Regulating Pills warranted to operate Id six

hours.Radway's Regulating Pills are a Vegetable Substitute

for ( :alomel. Blue Pill, Ouinine, Ac.Radwav's Regulating Pills should be used by Females

in delicate health,Radway's Regulating Pills cure all Female Complaints.

Had way's Regulating Pills,Quiets Nervousness and produces Steep, Sleep, Sleep!

Radway's Keculatintt Pil's,One Pill every day wil I cure Indigestion!


HEADACHE, In all it? varieties, coredIN FROM FIVE MINUTES








HEADACHK whether as a premonitory symptom ofthreatened disease, or as a concomitant of a disease intrenched within the system, is instantaneously relievedby


B V RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS.'There Is scarcely a disease, aliment, or maladv that

seizes upon the human system but that one of its chiefand pnmarv symutoros if HEADACHE. The slightestderaneetuent or t!ie Stomach, Liver, Heart, Shin, Bowelp, Kidnevs, or ladder or a dUturbauce of the circulation of the blood or interference with the pempira-tio- u

results in pain, to a greater or less degree of sever-ity, io the HEAD.

HEADACHEI" not of itself a dUease, hut it Is a certain sign thatforeign and unhealthy humors exist within the pystem,and that diseate is brewing within the body. Hendarhe,tbeiefore, should never be neglected: it is a warning ofapproaching woe, a signal to the sufferer to fortifv hiesystem to resM and repel the threatened dineaae. Head-ache if not oiilv a positive sign of threatened disease,

it ip likewise a concomitant of all the mt-- t violent,infectious, epidemic, and fatal diseases that alllict man-kind. Io the malarious, contacious. and infection


IN FEVER AGUE.Chagres Fever, Marsh Fever in all Remittent and

Intermittent Fevers in Bilious, Nervous, and Rheu-matic Fevers in Innuenea, Sore Throat, SuddenColds, in Diptheria, iu lntiammatlons. Congestions,and Convulsions,

HEADACHE, HEADACHE, HEADACHE,weighs dewn the brain with pain, and transforms themaddened brain to hideous insanity. In ail these dis-tressing forms of Headache,


RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS,are quick aud positive curatives.

In all cajes o( Symptom! hetic Headache, as disorderedstoma.li, sudden cold, excessive indulgence, close ap-

plication, Ac , RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will re-

store the autferer to peaceful tranquillity in a few min-utes, and

RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLSwill, In six hours, purge from the system all offendinghumors, and restore a healthy equalization to the circu-lation.

Let those who are at present suffering w th Headachemake the experiment. Iu from five mi nut s to sixhours you will be free from pain, and will enjoy a re-freshing sleep. Dou't wait, but try it at ouce.

EMINENT AND"LTiSTINGUISHEDStatesmen, Lawyers, Clergymen, Physicians, Militaryand Naval officers. Merchant--- , and others endo.se thesuperior erhcacy of Dr. RADWAY'S VEUEDIEo.

READ THE RECORD.Hon. J. J. Middleton, of Suth Carolina.Guu. Jose Vilamilt, of the Army of Ecuador, 8. A.Dr Frederick B. Page, ofCol. P. Mouey, " "Hon. ,lohn A. Qultmm, ofR. Sutherland llurke, Ki ofMhwi?. Rinckwell A Flvd, Merchants, Mfi"dptrt.Dr. rlos. W. Stewart, Living-to- Li.Wiley M. S'.uiren, I'sq., II ai i i'Oi.bui nh, L.Iaac Huddh-stoo- , Ei., Huddlm-toa- , La.Cul. Jilm R. Stauioia, CUrkdvilit, Ga.Col. Wm. Kilfco, Dablonega. Ga.Isaac Pitts, Esij., Draytua, Ga.Ir. J. S. lriiig, Lafayette, Va.Dr. Juo. Fink, N. C.Dr S. H Ltituer, Mount Vernon, O.Dr S. D. Hopkms. Fmcaetle, Vs.Gen. Shields, U. S. A.Col. Lyons, Hth Reg. N. Y. S. M.Dr. E. W. Earle, Abbeville, S. C.8. J. Ashton, Esi , Jacksonville. Fla.Col. D. Richard sou, Galveston, Texas,Lieut. Gov. Dickson, Texas

and thousand of other ditinfnitehed gentlemen haveused RADWAY'S READY RELIEF.


and have cured themnelve and others with tuese reme-dies, alter allother medicines failed. Every one of theabove named gentlemen will v m:h for thee remedies,an being the only medicines that restored them and theirfriends and those to whom they recommended theiu, tohealth.


Instantaneous ease i given hy R&dway'B Ready ReliefIn all cases of acute pain, internal or external. It stopsin a moment the maddening atcouy of rheumatism,neuralgia, toothache, burns, tcalda, cuts, and bnii-es- ,

when applied outwardly. Torture, that if continuedwould cause death, is arrected by a single done of it, infive minutes. It --uapeuds disease, giving time for theaction of the other lemedles. All complaints canned hyunhealthy air, such as small-po- scarlet fever, measles,fever aud ague, yellow fever, cholera, dyseuterr, pneumo-nia &c..are prevented by its occasional use. When thenervous sv."tem is pa rah zed or convulsed, it p:oduces arapid reaction, immediately relieving , convul-sions, hysterics, &c. For the debilitated it is the beetpossible stomachic infinitely better than alcohol in anvlonu. Have it on hand always, tor it mav be requiredat any moueut, and do drmt will supply tt place.

WM. SYDNEY MYERS, ESQ., Havana, Cuba.Havana, Cuha, Jan. 3, l6.

Mesnrs. RanwAV A Co., (;entlen en : I have been a suf-ferer from A cxtte. Chronic Rheitwatiftmjm the lat twen-ty veetraof my lfe; m sufferings during that period,neither tongue uor pen can express. I have spent a lit-

tle fortune on Dottonj t ill, without deriving any sub-stantial benerit. Receutlv I had one of my frequent

attacks. I was very ill for a week, and haduot slept an hour at any one time. A Span sh f. lend towhom I r lat.'d my suffering, told me he had a remedywhich would give me relief, and he kindly presented mewith a bottle of "Rai'way'b Rrait Althoughskeptical of deriviu any advantage from its ue--, I thatnight anlied it freely on going to bed, and. to my greatamawuient. felt relieved and tlei't toitndly. The nextnight, 1 again applied the Ready Reliet, and awoke mthe monw'ik?. fret from pain, having only ued aboUhalf the bottle..

Heartily do I retnm you my humble acknowledgmentsfor your Invaluable medicine, which may well be calleda "hlewdug to man." " Thanking you from mysoul for your wonderful remedy, I have the houor tosubscribe myself.

Yours, Respectfully,W. SYDNEY MYERS.

Great (hires of Fever and Ague,Typhoid Fever,

Billions Fever,Scarlet Fever,

Yellow Fever,Small Pox,

Measles, Croup.Sore Thnvit, Asthma,

And Bad Cough,Whooping iWigha, Innuenea,

Dmrrtta, Cholora Morbus,Fits

Dysentery,Rheumatism, Rheumatism,

Gout, Gout,Lumbago, Lumbago.

All Puinri, All Aches,And Infirmities,




Humors of all kinds. Sores, Ulcen. Skin Eruptions, SaltRheum, IVtteia, pimples, Blot hes,Tuinnra, Scrofula,Byphilis, Fever, ftoren. White Swellings, Nodes,Erysipelas. Sore Heads, Sore Eyes, (Jore Mouths,Cankers, Canwrs, Severe Chronic Complain ts,;oufc.Rheumatism. Dyp'psia, Dropsy, Bronchitis, Ulcersiu the Th'oat, Lunga, Ac.

UNHEALTHY CITIES, SICKLY CLIMATES.Dr. Wambirie, of (.'urcoa, writ to the siiecial agent

of Dr. Radwav as follows; This is one of the mostplacee in the world medicines of knowu value

that will cure diea-e-s of the same character in otherplaces have no effect upon the sick here. Radway's

Relief, Regulating Pills and Ren ivatine Reso-lvent prove happy exceptions, for io every re wherethese miraculous nedicines are administered, tliev curethe sick. I have cured the most terrible casee of yel-

low fever, fever and ague, ti phoid fever, congestion ofthe liver, billions tever, by the use of the Ready Relifand Radway's Pills.

With the Ready Relief and Regulating Pills, Dysentery w harmless. Cholera hficomes a aud theniotit violeut Small Pox chnngts to a mild form of theVariol'-id- The frightful Asthma is speedily reduced toeay, unchecked breathing. lu bites of snakes, andstine of insects, a single application of the Ready Reliefneutralizes the pijison, aud soothes the lrrita'ed Hesh.I have cured several caee of palpitation of the heart,rush of blood to the head, and tits of various kinds, by alew doaeu of Radway's Regulating Pilla.


Will regenerate dilapidated humanity, cleanse, enrich,and purity the blood, cure every ki. id of humors, audInsure to all a clear skin and fair complexion.


Th& Walking bkchtton covered with Sore and RunningCl'eru.

Before the Introduction of Radway's Renovating Rs--solvtnit oo the coatt of 6cn.tb America, the streets ofCallao. Valparaiso, BueiiJi? Ares. Rio. and other popu-lous eltius, wwre thronttd with poor aod , worn-o-

remusnts of humanity, covered from head to footwith frightful More and ulcere, dischartiing filthy andcorrupt humors The use of Radway's Renovating Re-

solvent has purified, cleansed, and healed the tier 'nevery cae. No more crippled aud dirabkj ivpri nomore foul aod n bodies re to be ween in thepublic streets; lor in

Renovating Reeolvent, aided in the TPOresevere capes by the Ready Keli"f and Retfulatinif Pills,the nio--t rep.iNive leir, covered ith uiniiiifcsortvi andulcers, becomes eound. clean, and healthy.Radway's Remedies are sold by Lrug-it-t- s, Merchants,

and Stirekeepcm everywhere.Price of Rulwa's Ready Relief-- ?a cents, 6" cents,

and per Is.ttle. Radway's Reeulating Pill-- - 26 centsper box icnutf with viiul. SO pills iu each box. '

Riiovating It. w.lveiit 1 per bot'le.KAOrt A V t c si j.W.u rt iet W. w

K. VlLIi'-i- t, AKnt, L...ilville.Auil! dlstieod&wlamly



For Soeitlieni HIbMSECESSION PAPER and ENVELOPS, Stars& Strifes- -


eight and fctiipi.;THE MAN WITH FIVE WIVES;

For sale lit a. VT. ROBSTITSOSTB,Fourth st., between ILiiu and Market, near Ma'n.a ht


Sew and Bf autlful Styles of Springand Summer IJre&s toods.





DRESS GOtrS in varUp :PLAIN OR'LNDt' S ANi PLC 'A !.!---




As low as houses cot or ol herwi.IVXAItTZN & CIIUIVIBAUGH.

S27 jib ot;i tuurth et., net. Market ami Ji Herson.

CARPETS,Curtains, Linens,


X3FL"3r GOODS,With a general assorlm' nt of '

Houe Furchhia Goods,All of the be.--t grades, will be sold at very low pi Ires by


Our stock of Hoods In sll the various deprtmentA alarge and of recent purchase, sud wfl ie t Id at pricesto ult the times. C. Dl VALL CO ,

'7 hA- - Orii' It" rtf ITnt.ieVf

STBAW GOOIsS.We have now open and ready fir Inspection

the mor-- elegant of Straw Ooodseve" bronchi tothed'v, to which we Invitethe attention of the tuJie'.

ALEX. CRAIG'S,av h (Vrnir M in A v wh t.

WHETHER A t HILO Ml ALL LOOKSi''ke "a trif ti t" or "a lov" iu lis cos

tume in no small e upnn its beancovering. Tne hat, in iU shine. Its set. its

style of trimmiug, must be apprfpiiae to the ae leatunw. siza and figure of tlw cuild cr It nlll be a MemIsh rather thn au ornament, tttid, eitertl"lr. U". be-

lief that ia onr new and fresh of StrawGoods will be found be oiuM'g had coveiirg for all"mother's pete" ai d fathei's d irlings," we hop- - to wea large representation ol thee '"little people," under themaL-ma- eco.t, at

27 Kb M.FX. cpATO'S

New Books New Books.HISTORY OF



NOTES ON SCRIPTURE, hv .Twl Jcn. fcj ho.THE BIBLE AND THE CLASSICS, by Bis op Meade.


MA :A CLAY'S UlSioRlf OF L.tOLAND. Vol. b.4Ke.



J. K. Macduff. D. DGODEVS LAD i 'S BOOK f .rMav.

Just received by A. DAVIDSON,a17 i b W Thir-- t.. neur Mirkpt.



Gilt Frames,Lookins-GIasse- sf

Walking Canes.A flue Assortment, ajid CHEAPER THAN EVER.

No. ':t7 iIiirkrt st., between pond nod Thlrrt,nud . W. corner Jlarkei unit t'i emn

At II USD A KNOFEL'Salb-- l Bk-t-i--

Just Ileceived. at thoClaoap Laco Store309 FOURTH ST. (OLD NO. !),

LARGE awHirtment ofA Embroidered Jaconet Bftnds:Do do Insertion;Do do

Plain Linen Coll vr? and S. t:Valeactennwe Editings and Inres;

Also a few Iace Cnllfti? .Mid Seta tuew ety!es;At my uiju-.i- low prices for .

A lot ot Fi euch Embroidered Linen Bands will be soldat lfcss than eott.

CHAS. F. RAUCHFUS3 Cheap Lace Store,f14ir,


MU M II A TS, are the leading lia'sSn of t'le staKm, aud can oni 1k hil nt No ido Mi'Q

street, where thty are iinnuiactured. aiS


COAL! COA.L1Of the best quality aud at the lowest prices, for sale bj

CRITTENDEN A OA NTT,West side of Third ptnwt.




Alan tilac tureraAUD DEALEHe IU

Cabinet-Maker- s' Elaterials,Groen street, between Clay and Shelby streets,


JOHN 11. bOWB has rwov.. t Sis old stand. No. 613 Ore IjyjrT MrfS33jJ-'trefct-- i fi''t du.ir trom r oi?rtl

"lj?'23-- w here he is prepared to attoiitallkmdaui House, Si en, and Fancy Painriug, Gla.iiiGrauiing, Marbling, Ac, in the very best nanmr,snort notice and at pneej to suit the tiws.

Mixed Paiutrf, of all colorj and varieiies, Ac. keQOnsuintly ou baud and (or sale.

G'Axiuv done to order. ilSIAbtf

3pI. om xialisiuxITAIN STREET.

A8 returned from the East with the latest stylesJJEWELKY.

Call before it is sold at unprecedented low prices.


CLOCKS.Oouftantly on hand tho largest assortment In the ctkf.

The Finest SpectaclesIn the world, and no nnrpnox, always ou hand of au;focus desired. Remember eat istaction is warranted uevery case.

J. R. KSTKRLKB has charge of the Watch MkirsDepartment. "hi


( brlstmas and Sew fear's Tresent?

WM. KENDKICK'S,S3a Third st., between Main and Market.

My stock ofWAT HUS,


Was nvr more complete tl.an at present, and is offereeon as tair terms as c;n be irocurod io the city. Callana see main ye.w iiiiiMjU. ui loiiioc"

"Walker's ICxchange,THIRD ST., BLT. MAIN & MARKET.


First of tlie Season.received a fine lot of FROG LEGS, SPRINGJUST SNIPE, PLOVER, BLUE-WIN- and


Parties and families tuppied with everj thing In ouiline at the tiiorteet notic-- .

JOHN CAWKIV CO.,albtb Tlurd st bti-w- Mam aud iMarket.N B. To- received a Ui? shipment of T,ONnoN




LOT OF FINK FAT GREEN SKA TURTLFBA U.- reo'ivcl and will be eerved at i..v RestaurantIn SOUP and SI EAK at all hour- - of the day.

eFaniUle can be supplied with the above at short

WiTbUC' C. U. RCEFER, Proprietor.

N. B sperb Ll"NCH. coniii-ttn- of Turtle Ponjand Steak and othni- luiurttM tiallv t li.A ukK. O C. R--

N. IU-- f IU of MVH.il AIL ai.t POR'l R

ut fec-- Ued. C. C It.

AUCTION SALEf.s, a. fftrtsT.

B. Cr. ttmry Ss. Co,4 I'CTTONEI'Kl A N D tjo V in IKrtiON MERCHANTS

i' Ci.;-- r of Mni-- i and vi't ir. liiicvilln. Ky.9 e"i,ili aa'ani oa .xJd to us to

iy im )'it;cWe are at ail tiroes ready to atend to sal of

R..al P'tfttt, MivxnuiV or O vtthie's Sn'.;, f

Furniture, ic. on jrms sellern, iy"3

t Y the Sf.i'U cf nrji y... Timothy Crttgg, t! tt firm 'jt P.-- t;, w:u didaolvf d on tMi it a y cf . i :::r. r. e fc

lutueet re- ;, o - jtr-- to Mi. FrancV. iniL-p-

't. 11 t y t yay aiiiT bo carried Mlntli.3Panjr.tr! Wili, 3k Cu.

tl. ,1. PETPJIS,h. J. WWBrt.

Tb bi stMTf tha litrt 5oi vd ba ftlljd b' vaiTiviog pa

B. J. rrT?VS, 11. J. r. ik. BTj8.es

piano'fobtescoitNr:: or sit.-- and main sTwr-a- ,

LOLTb VILLI:, KEN'i'LcX Y.Alw.:.."! O'l b:.;vl a rrrp!ft tt'v.h 0

Ploi.rt . lr. AiruriT , r.f r.ri,,- -

h K rj J i:eie, jd h. r,i d; boolsJ J fc .1 - me iiivit"! to t':uuioe ourThey wii! lii ;i in loie', fcv.uh. and d .raLiiityto sn? niirt-- , am! j 1' J.' :r cv:t)t. c'h.'ajut

i3 iMh

1ON 1U.M BJN A'ON.t f r V. - ',- - r vi,.. t.



CXiristmas CrlftjB.VOGT & KLINK.

Blannfacturors, - 221 ThirdRespectfully offer for Inspection and saio a large

aud splendid aeortmtnt of

J--'33 W S3 XX "Sof sererior wrtrknimRhlp and fashionable stylsB, Dia-mond, Coral, Gaibum-ln- , Pearl, Ac. article reallygood, tine, snd beautiful -- and everything b(lonrin)t toimr lii.e,, ot Europiau iuipoit, New York fabrics, andour own mnke.

Having, been in?trurt-- by comnynor to(;ivOPR OUTaitd at any rat rather than retmu Kooda, aud,

bard times, defron toLET No CASH CUSTOMER GO

on the score of prices, we invite our iriends and tirepubbc to fjill ana XKinine our sbck, and riat assuredtiiat their waatJ and wiehes will and halt be eraticed.at VvJGT A KLINE'S,

-- o. 3C4 Third street.


MAIN STREET, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH,INVITB attention to their Iarre and elecar.t assort

Good, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS,it prices lower thin ever before off red, conaiating inpart of KLWAST GOLD WA TCHES. fot I Kind on and Geneva manufacture, of therlne-t- quality movement-- , and most beautifultyle of cwx; Diamond, Opal, and Peari ttSi

Kintre of our own matiuf jcture and the moat exuuitedesigns, Jh U KLRiin eeu and half seta, of Coral, Carbuncle, Gs.rnet-Pear- l,

Amethj eU Cameo, 4c, c set in line yn Id andof the richest designs, Gold, Vert, Fob, and GuardChains; Gold Chatelaine, Keys, Locusts, Thimbles,Card Cftie. Necklaces, Armlets, Brawjlels, 31eeve But-tons and Studs, Ac.


Soup Tureens, Pitchera,.Sc-ry- , Fri-s- Pie.

and t Knives; lrCrssm Sets, Flower Vtwea, 2c . ol tiie latest stvlea.Silver-piat'- d Ware of every dcecripilou and ol the betijuality, at very low price--

FLETCHER BWNNKTT,dli&b Main st... her. Fourth aud Firth.

ANW N"VKL BV THE AUTHOR OF "ADAMMn on Ihe M"s-- ' Xc, er't'tl d 1lAS

WAKNEK," bv Geert$t Kliot," bOtf coo of the latestpublih-.d- , icrsale at


SmFT FELT HATS bi-- t receivfd bv expre7 th" t'niert niid ne st d a- - rtment of bolt

Felt Uatscvtjr brought t 'h - cy rttFKA1UER & SMITH'S.

s13 i.h 4i Main t.

OUR MAT An iincires-io- n

yf prevails wirh umi.y cf our retail customers thata3 ww oiske "ill a fnr!!oii4bie Hat. AM

wirh Hill Uvor iw by locking at th strictlv fashionable Hat we a'e pn d,n lug t'u ' ?prli.r at 3 and f4--

hey ai Otitial to auj Uati rus.-l- lu America at thsame once. PRA 1'UER A SMITH,

alMb Vain st.



CIE4ES. TOBACCO. SSEf?. FiFB. MNo. 8u7 Greea street, betwoou Third aud Fourth


rrvA Uree assortment of the beTt brands of CIG APSand TOB VCCO kfpt constantly on hand.


1,000Igents Jl'aiifcdZ!TO 8ULL TICKETS IN THE

Library Association Company'sSIXTH GREAT DISTRIBUTION,


OXTIiarSAD PHIZES is sioxetiTickets Limited to 5, C00.

SINGLE TICKETS $2, OR SIX TICKETS FOR 1.Terms to Aficuts v,ry Liberal.

IV For Tickets, Scheme, or Aeencics, addrc'f or ap-ply to BY i It (V tii,K.MK,T.

a dtf No. 80o street. Louisville. Ky.

insolation.C1 A. BLACK A LO. Iihv Him div f lsolved prt-- .

ner-bl- p by mutual consent. All pers n- - indebtdto said firm ae rcriuested to cull and settle, and ail per-o- n

ho have dauoi against t1 e et me wi 1 pn entthem for settlement to VV. C. D Whip,', win is alnsauttiorf.ed to seLllA W. C. D WTIlfS,

April H C. A. BLAC.Tfi-fi- . W. C. D. WniPR will x

V i SjS coutliliie the auerf-T- i ire at rue oi l sranleoruer of Filth and Grueu

HARDTIMES!Dmgs.Medicinesancy Goods.




DISSOLUTION of the Union, tnlk of civil war. endAbe l,n v e combined soroewh't tost-fe-

mv finance, and desire this year to pit up l.(V

Pr.'sciiptions. 1 ish further tn sell VUX0,oiki glsfseiaud SnDA WA TU.R, made in mv Glas

Fountains. 1 should be plea-e- d if my d will e

litu dozen "Ktsu Me Quick" Perfume Sachets,ma 'e nt my establishment and warrant-- d to last.

The ib!ic will be sxtifHed with mv slock of Ferfume-rj- ',Sn.ijw. Flavoring Extracts, Impoi-te- Havana Clirarj,

.lamnic:! Gincer, Blackb. rrv Wine, and in truth everyarticle in my liue, and I bind myself to furnish all thegood which may b culled a d pmd for at low rates.

O. H. BTRATTAN. ApoMiecarv.mae (Hf dTviito i t

Jetferson street, bet ween Third and Fourth street,Uwrur-.TF- anp nr

Befcn leave tn amonnce to the ladies ofLouisville and vicinity that he has ut. re-

ceived his stock of Soring Goods, consist-ing of the richest ao1 latest styles of Drep

f Ti linnnnifs, He'man and ShetlandWools, Canvas, 1 henille Patterns, Nee.die3. Puie Hose, Filling and EmbroiderySilks. Gold aud Silver Lares, Braids, CordHnd Tassel, and Combs HarPuis, Fan, a d a great variety dT

Frciirh Fancy Articles.fill tVT FriiiKHS, Buttons, Cords, Tassl,e.,mndn to order at the shortest notice and onHi most reasonable tenoj.

5src nuiitry Merchants supplied a a lib-eral discount aphldl"


J. II. ARMSTRONG'S,On Main dt,, opposite the National.






Just op ved and fur eale cuep for each atS7 ARMSTRONG'S.

bg! tou Tnn eourn:7 NAT LOPS and NOTE PAPER embeLUbed with

jd Flag of Southern k) Price oi Euvelo ptw Note Paper, t t ' per ren t

F. M ADDENDS Bsok'tore,1.37 JI Third et.ifSamplei pent by mall on receipt of 10 cents lo



IIITE3 C$3 BMATiTifrom their new and spUuidid stock imported exprewly

Main st.. Sd door west Bar.kot IuievtBeV"tw.-e- Vhi.- 'd fnrh fm

.C A. R P E T S !


Uo.217 3Poixx-tl- x street,BETWEEN MAIN ASi) MAKKLT BT3.

Are now c Serin g ttelr eutire stock cfCARPETS. CURTAIV3,





ST MR PODS,And onr entire stock, AT COgT FOR CASH ONLY.

Ferrous iu want oi GREAT BARGAINS should felle L .

SON TON fcr May -d t- I. m ADnrvS Riokrore..

.7 ib- -i J nua