lotus japonicus as a model system - inia

A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4 Chapter 1.1 LOTUS JAPONICUS AS A MODEL SYSTEM Eloísa Pajuelo 1 and Jens Stougaard 2* 1 Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Pharmacy. University of Sevilla, Prof. García González s/n, 41012-Sevilla, SPAIN; 2 Laboratory of Gene Expression, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Aarhus, Gustav Wieds Vej 10, 8000-Aarhus C, DENMARK; *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] Phone: +45 8942 5011 Fax: +45 8620 1222 Keywords: Model legume, Lotus, symbiosis, ecotype, microsynteny Lotus japonicus was proposed as a model legume twelve years ago, because of a number of characteristics making this system very amenable for legume research. These characteristics include small plant, large and abundant flowers, easy hand pollination, high seed production, short generation time, easy cultivation, amenable to plant transformation and regeneration from tissue culture. At present, a set of genetic resources and tools has rapidly become available, including ecotypes, mutant lines, genetic maps, RIL lines, transformation procedures, EST sequences, and a whole genome-sequencing project. In these twelve years, research on L. japonicus has greatly contributed to the understanding of both symbiotic processes, i.e. with Rhizobium and mycorrhiza, making possible the cloning of several key genes involved in both symbioses. Now Lotus is regarded as one of the most useful plants for legume study and researchers who have interests in nodulation and other aspects of legume biology use it worldwide. In this introductory chapter we deal with the most general aspects and possibilities of the biology of L. japonicus, plant growth conditions, culture media, nitrogen supply and symbiotic partners; plant tissue culture; genetic transformation and regeneration of transgenic plants, contribution to the understanding of symbiotic processes and the role of this model plant for other research topics and exploiting microsynteny. INTRODUCTION The family Leguminosae (Fabaceae), which is the third largest Angiosperm family, contains a number of important crop plants and woody trees, producing protein, carbohydrates, and oil for human consumption and animal fodder. Legumes are ‘pioneer’ plants that are able to grow in nutrient-poor soils by virtue of their ability to establish symbioses with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia bacteria, and with nutrient scavenging soil fungi, which provide the plants with phosphorous and other essential 3

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Page 1: Lotus japonicus as a model system - INIA

A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

Chapter 1.1


Eloísa Pajuelo1 and Jens Stougaard2* 1Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Pharmacy. University of Sevilla, Prof. García González s/n, 41012-Sevilla, SPAIN; 2Laboratory of Gene Expression, Department of Molecular Biology, University of Aarhus, Gustav Wieds Vej 10, 8000-Aarhus C, DENMARK; *Corresponding author.

Email: [email protected]: +45 8942 5011 Fax: +45 8620 1222

Keywords: Model legume, Lotus, symbiosis, ecotype, microsynteny

Lotus japonicus was proposed as a model legume twelve years ago, because of a number of characteristics making this system very amenable for legume research. These characteristics include small plant, large and abundant flowers, easy hand pollination, high seed production, short generation time, easy cultivation, amenable to plant transformation and regeneration from tissue culture. At present, a set of genetic resources and tools has rapidly become available, including ecotypes, mutant lines, genetic maps, RIL lines, transformation procedures, EST sequences, and a whole genome-sequencing project. In these twelve years, research on L. japonicus has greatly contributed to the understanding of both symbiotic processes, i.e. with Rhizobium and mycorrhiza, making possible the cloning of several key genes involved in both symbioses. Now Lotus is regarded as one of the most useful plants for legume study and researchers who have interests in nodulation and other aspects of legume biology use it worldwide. In this introductory chapter we deal with the most general aspects and possibilities of the biology of L. japonicus, plant growth conditions, culture media, nitrogen supply and symbiotic partners; plant tissue culture; genetic transformation and regeneration of transgenic plants, contribution to the understanding of symbiotic processes and the role of this model plant for other research topics and exploiting microsynteny.


The family Leguminosae (Fabaceae), which is the third largest Angiosperm family, contains a number of important crop plants and woody trees, producing protein, carbohydrates, and oil for human consumption and animal fodder. Legumes are ‘pioneer’ plants that are able to grow in nutrient-poor soils by virtue of their ability to establish symbioses with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia bacteria, and with nutrient scavenging soil fungi, which provide the plants with phosphorous and other essential


Page 2: Lotus japonicus as a model system - INIA

A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

nutrients. These natural features favoured the adoption of legumes in ancient agriculture, and make them an important part of sustainable agricultural systems to this day. Among the plant families, symbiotic interaction with rhizobia is unique to legumes. The only known exception is Parasponia andersonii belonging to the elm family. Another symbiosis providing nitrogen to host plants is between gram-positive bacteria Frankia and several woody plant species forming actinorhizal symbiosis. Phylogenetic analysis based on DNA sequencing of the rbcL genes places all plants involved in rhizobial or actinorhizal symbiosis in the same clade (Rosid I), thus indicating that predisposition for nodulation evolved only once (Soltis et al, 1995, Doyle, 1998). However, different morphology and biochemistry of several types of nodules, indicate multiple origins of nodulation, perhaps even within the legume family (Doyle, 1998; Doyle and Luckow, 2003). The symbiotic interaction of legume plants with mycorrhizal fungi, though it is not exclusive to this family, is also an important interaction, which provides phosphorus and other nutrients to the plant. Obtaining sufficient nutrients from the soil is a common problem facing land plants, and 80% to 90% of all land plants are assisted in nutrient mining through association with symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Both rhizobial and mycorrhizal symbiosis have been investigated previously, but modern molecular tools have only recently become available to study the genetics and genomics of root symbiosis. Increasing our knowledge of the biology and genetics of the legumes may improve this important agricultural resource as well as complement Arabidopsis, which does not develop rhizobial symbiosis or fungal symbiosis leading to vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza.


With close to 18,000 different species belonging to the subfamilies Mimosoideae, Caesalpinioideae and Papilionoideae the legume family is a large and diverse plant family that includes several species of agricultural interest. The importance of the family from applied, botanical, and basic scientific perspectives merits a focused effort on a model legume. The poor ability of Arabidopsis to enter into symbiotic interaction with mycorrhiza and the inability to form nitrogen fixing root nodules in symbiosis with Rhizobium or it allies has been a further incentive to develop a model legume. A clear illustration of the need for "family specific" model plants is the relatively low levels of microsynteny between Arabidopsis and L. japonicus suggesting that the structure of legume genomes might be quite different from Arabidopsis. Recent bioinformatic based studies of genome evolution supports this view and indicates that legumes may not have undergone one of the genome duplication events inferred for Arabidopsis. Genomic research on models such as Lotus japonicus, should allow a fundamental understanding of the nodulation process and identification of genes involved in nodule formation and mycorrhizal symbiosis. Together with soybean, bean, cowpea, and Sesbania, L. japonicus belongs to legumes forming determinate nodules. Cortical cell divisions leading to the formation of the determinate nodule primordium initiate in the outer cortex. A meristem starts dividing to form the nodule primordium, and afterwards the meristematic activity ceases. Nodule size then increases via cell expansion.


Page 3: Lotus japonicus as a model system - INIA

A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

Molecular characterisation of legume symbiotic genes and comparative genome analysis toward plants forming only mycorrhiza and plants like Arabidopsis with only limited capacity for symbiosis would contribute to the description of the molecular evolution of endosymbiosis. Many cultivated legumes are either tetraploid, self-incompatible, or have a pod morphology making access to the seeds difficult, such as spiral pods in Medicago. L. japonicus is diploid, self-fertile, develops straight seedpods with two valves and seeds are arranged along a simple linear axis. Mature seedpods break along the rim, making seed harvest very easy. Seeds have no dormancy period and in the Lotus model, pod morphology is similar to the morphology of the most important grain legumes like soybean, pea, and cowpea making it a prime model for comparative studies of seed development. L. japonicus (Regel) Larsen was first recognized at the ancient capital of Japan, Kyoto, centuries ago. The natural habitat for L. japonicus is in East- and Central-Asia including the region around Japan, Korea, China, and stretching into Afghanistan. In the 1950s, Professor Isao Hirayoshi (Kyoto University) collected L. japonicus plants growing on a riverbank in Gifu. Professor William F. Grant (McGill University, Montreal) collected its progeny as the accession B-129. In 1992, Kurt Handberg and Jens Stougaard of University of Aarhus (Denmark) obtained B-129 and established Lotus as a valuable tool for modern legume research. Many ecotypes of Lotus can be found growing in its natural habitat. Researchers in Japan have taken advantage of this and dozens of accessions have recently been collected (www.beansbase.agr.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/). Resources for investigating genotypic variability contributing to actual and potential traits of agronomic importance, such as seed yield, plant height, cold tolerance, and disease resistance is thus available for identification by mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs). In this context the possibility of obtaining fertile F1 plants and segregating F2 populations after crossing L. japonicus to diploid relatives like L. filicaulis, L. frondosus, L. schoelleri, L. burttii and others (Grant et al, 1962, Sz-Borsas et al, 1972, Sandal et al. 2002) is an additional source of biodiversity.


A number of L. japonicus ecotypes have been collected. This material is a rich source of biological (phenotypical) and genetic variability. At present, 75 L. japonicus ecotype lines from different areas of Japan can be requested on the L. japonicus seed center at Miyazaki University Japan web site, http://www.beansbase.agr.miyazaki-u.ac.jp. The ecotype Miyakojima (MG-20) found on the island of the same name, has been used as a crossing partner with Gifu in order to establish populations for map-based cloning, since it has the highest degree of polymorphisms, about 6%, among other 15 ecotypes tested (Kawaguchi, 2000). Miyakojima displays several traits that distinguish it from other Japanese accessions: low concentrations of anthocyanin in the stem and petals, few trichomes, a more upright habit, broad leaflets and petals, and large black seeds. The first two traits, which are controlled by single recessive genes, serve as useful markers for following mutant crosses. The Kazusa DNA Research Institute is currently sequencing the MG-20 genome.


Page 4: Lotus japonicus as a model system - INIA

A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

Morphological description of plant developmental stages

L. japonicus is a small prostrate perennial that flowers profusely. Flowers are yellow and relatively big, generally two per peduncle. It is self-fertile with a straight, cylindrical, and dehiscent pod containing up to 20 seeds. L. japonicus grows relatively slowly during the first weeks after germination. The primary plant is small, allowing high-density germination, mutant plant screening on agar plates, nodulation tests, selection of transformants on selective conditions, etc. However, the mature plant has a bushy growth with many branches up to 30 cm long and many leaves, which makes it very useful for biochemical, chemical and physiological studies, since abundant material can be harvested. The mature plant exhibits abundant indeterminate flowering, with large yellow flowers, which are usually arranged in pairs and less frequently one or three flowers per peduncle. Mature flowers on the ecotype Gifu are about 8-12 mm in length. Under greenhouse conditions, L. japonicus has a generation time of approximately 3 months. Fertilisation and seed set occur without manipulation of the flowers. Pod formation in fertilised flowers occurs within 3-4 days. Mature seedpods are about 3 cm in length and contain up to 20 seeds. Mature seed weight is around 1.0 -1.2 mg. Because L. japonicus is a perennial plant, new branches and flowers continue to develop after removing the old branches.

Colour plate 1 illustrates the main morphological characteristics of L. japonicus plants.


In order to use L. japonicus for genetic studies and map based cloning a cross-pollination method is required. The method described by Jiang and Gresshoff (1997) is generally used. Forceps are used to cut the tip of the petals and emasculate the flowers, gently removing the anthers. Pollen from the donor flower is deposited onto the stigma of the emasculated young flower, whose stigma should be slightly bent.

In Figure 1, from Jiang and Gresshoff (1997), the correct age of the flower is shown in C whereas the flowers in A and B are too young and inappropriate for fertilisation as female flower. The flower in D is too old (pollen has been released from the anther and self-pollination has already taken place). Optimal flowers for cross-pollination are 6-7 mm in length and the standard petal is still fused, they show no curvature of the style as well as complete extension of the anther filament and ripening of the pollen. The flowers used for crossing can be protected against drying out with small bags. It is important that the humidity is high during the development of the pod from the cross. L. japonicus ecotypes are generally easy to cross. L. japonicus can also be crossed to related diploid Lotus species like L. filicaulis.


Page 5: Lotus japonicus as a model system - INIA

A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

Figure 1. Developmental stages of Lotus japonicus flowers relevant to hand pollination (reproduced with permission from Jiang and Gresshoff, 1997). See colour plate 1 for this figure in colour.

As a legume model plant, L. japonicus offers a suit of advantages; high transformability, self pollinating proliferation, small genome size (ca. 450 MB), small plant size, large seed set and short life cycle (ca. three months) (Table 1). In addition to its model status, L. japonicus belongs to the Loteae and represents the genus Lotus consisting of approximately 180 distributed worldwide (Kirkbride Jr. J.H. 1999). Among the genus Lotus, one of the species of greater interest from an agricultural point of view is the tetraploid Lotus corniculatus L. (birdsfoot trefoil) 2n=24. L. uliginosus/L. pedunculatus Schkuhr (Big trefoil) (2n=12), L. tenius/L. glaber (Waldts&Kit) (Narrow-leaf birdsfoot trefoil) (2n=12 or 24) and L. subbiflorus (2n=12 or 24) are also used in agriculture (Swanson et al., 1990). All of these cultivated species are either self-incompatible or have marginal to low self-fertility. L. corniculatus (birdsfoot trefoil) is an herbaceous perennial dehiscent species native to Europe, where it is widely distributed, and has extensively colonized in North America and South America. L. corniculatus has become a successful forage crop during the past century both in Europe and America. While L. corniculatus has been reported as having diploid ecotypes (Grant 1995), it is generally known as a tetraploid species (2n = 24). The anti-bloating properties due to tannin content, ability to grow in unfertile, acid or alkaline soils, and drought/flooding tolerance are the main agricultural advantages. In addition, the species has become widely used to prevent roadside erosion.


Page 6: Lotus japonicus as a model system - INIA

A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

Growth Growth in a variety of conditions

Short generation time 3-4 months

Primary small plant, but bushy plant after secondary shoot formation, branching


Straight seed pods, indeterminate flowering

Small seeds (1.2 g per 1,000 seeds)

Propagation Self-fertile

Large and abundant flowers

High seed production Up to 20 seeds per pod, 6000 seeds per plant

Vegetative propagation from nodal sections

Easy hand pollination

Genome characteristics Small genome 450 Mbp

Diploid 2n =12

Plant tissue culture Regeneration from callus

Amenable to plant transformation with A. tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes and regeneration of transgenic plants.

Hygromycine, kanamycine and phosphinothricin selection possible

Transgene stable in subsequent generations

Symbiosis Rhizobial and mycorrhizal symbiosis

Glomus intraradices, Gigaspora margarita?

Determinate nodules

Fast growing Mesorhizobium loti

R7A, NZP2235, MAFF303099 TONO, NGR234

Tannin content Low levels of tannin accumulation No tannins in leaves

Galactomannan content in seed endosperm

Endospermic seeds

Galactomannan with a high degree of Gal substitution (Man/Gal=1.23)


Page 7: Lotus japonicus as a model system - INIA

A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

Insect interaction

Cyanogenic and nitrile glucosides content: Lotaustralin and linamarin Rhodiocyanosides A and D

Lotaustralin:linamarin ratio approx. = 10

Spider mite interaction

Emission of volatile compounds (terpenoids) to attract mites (E)-β -ocimene

Nematode interaction Root-knot and cyst nematodes

Sensitive to root-knot nematodes: M. incognita, Meloidogynes sp. Resistant to cyst-nematode: H. glycines (hypersensitive response)

Table 1. L. japonicus model plant features (taken from Handberg and Stougaard, 1992).


L. japonicus is a species able to grow under a variety of conditions. Many growth systems have been developed depending on the final use of the plant, for instance, microscopical observation, biochemical analysis, genetic screening, etc. Usually, the best conditions for plant cultivation are temperatures between 18-22ºC and to avoid seedpod dehiscence, humidity around 70%. Photoperiods of 16 h light and 8 h dark are common plant growth chamber conditions. Among the inert materials used as support for plant growth are clay granules (leca), a 50% mix of perlite:vermiculite, or even vermiculite alone. L. japonicus is somewhat sensitive to over-watering. Watering from below is generally better than flooding from above and a “semidry” air-filled root support is better than a dense water soaked support. The pillow system is another system for plant growth and nodulation experiments and consists of bags filled with sand: vermiculite and submerged in plant growth solution (Szczyglowski et al., 1998). Seeds are planted in between two bags, and roots develop in between the bags. This system is also good for root and nodulation studies, since it is easy to pull out the plant without distorting roots and nodules. When grown on peat, plants can develop a bigger size, with stems up to 30 cm long and many branches and side shoots, giving a bushy appearance. This is the best condition for seed production. After a round of flowering and seed set, old branches can be removed and plants can regenerate new branches and start flowering again. Plants are sufficiently small during the first 4-6 weeks to be grown on plates under sterile conditions on plant growth medium-agar. In this case, covering the root of the plants with dark paper or keeping the lower part of the plant under the dark is recommended. These conditions are especially good for nodulation studies, since it is easy to see nodules without taken the plant out of the plate. Magenta boxes filled with vermiculite or perlite:vermiculite are also suitable. In all these closed systems, the addition of ethylene inhibitors as L-α-(2-aminoetoxivinil)glycine (AVG) has been recommended in nodulation experiments (Pacios-Bras et al., 2000).


Page 8: Lotus japonicus as a model system - INIA

A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

An alternative growth system is hydroponic culture. In this case, seeds are placed on a mesh and submerged in plant growth solution, under suitable temperature and photoperiod conditions. A similar system is aeroponic cultures, where plants are also germinated on a mesh, and plant growth solution is misted around the roots. Plants develop a big root system under these conditions, which is useful for experiments requiring a large amount of root tissue.

Plant growth solutions

Broughton & Dilworth solution (1971) often diluted one fourth and also Jensen solution have been used extensively for L. japonicus nodulation experiments, since they are N-free. Plants inoculated with compatible Rhizobium can grow well without additional nitrogen. A detailed study on nitrogen metabolism in this plant is included elsewhere in this book. For non-inoculated plants, Hornum solution has also been used (Handberg and Stougaard, 1992). Plants grow better in Hornum solution containing both ammonium and nitrate as nitrogen sources. Nitrate alone can also be used as nitrogen source, when the plant is not inoculated. Ammonium alone is not an optimal nitrogen source for Lotus, and growth in the presence of ammonium is slower. Nevertheless, it has also been used as nitrogen source in the form of ammonium succinate, which supports plant growth reasonably well. Seedlings are sensitive and may turn yellow on high nutrient concentrations. The best growth is often obtained by germination and seedling growth on water or low nutrients followed by application of nutrient solution after plants start to develop trifoliate leaves.

Frequently used culture solutions

Hornum solution (100x stock): 40 g/l NH4NO3, 30 g/l KNO3, 30 g/l MgSO4.7H2O, 10 g/l NaH2PO4.H2O, 2 g/l Fe-EDTA (9% Fe), 120 mg/l MnSO4.H2O, 120 mg/l H3BO3, 40 mg/l CuSO4.5H2O, 40 mg/l ZnSO4.7H2O and 8 mg/l Na2MoO4.2H2O. Diluted in tap water and pH adjusted to 6.8.

Broughton & Dilworth solution: CaCl2 1 mM; KH2PO4 0.5 mM; Fe-citrate 10 µM; MgSO4 0.25 mM; K2SO4 0.25 mM; MnSO4 1 µM; H3BO3 2 µM; ZnSO4 0.5 µM; CuSO4 0.4 µM; CoSO4 0.2 µM; Na2MoO4 0.2 µM.

Jensen medium: 0.1 g/l CaHPO4; 20 mg/l K2PO4; 20 mg/l MgSO4.7H2O; 20 mg/l NaCl; 10 mg/l Fe-citrate; 100 µg/l Na2MoO4.4H2O; 200 µg/l MnSO4.4H2O; 10 µg/l CuSO4.5H2O; 25 µg/l ZnSO4.7H2O; 300 µg/l H3BO3.

Nodal propagation

The perennial character of this plant enables easy vegetative propagation: individual plants can be multiplied from nodal cuttings with a rooting frequency of 90%, even in the absence of hormones. For clonal propagation of individual plants, nodal sections 2 cm long with one trifoliate leaf are firmly pressed into vermiculite watered with Hornum solution and covered with a transparent plastic bag for a few


Page 9: Lotus japonicus as a model system - INIA

A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

days. Growth stops for a few days until a small root develops and then resumes, so it can be possible to get flowers in 1.5 months. Alternatively, we have also obtained plants from nodal sections in hydroponic cultures. A 5-6 cm long branched cutting is placed on a piece of polyurethane provided with a hole, which is floating on the Hornum nutrient solution, so the section can be submerged in the solution inside a plastic tray filled with solution and covered with a transparent tap. The cuttings quickly develop roots under these conditions, and can be transferred to peat or vermiculite afterwards.

Symbiotic partners

Both “fast-growing” Mesorhizobium loti and “slow-growing” Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lotus) strains can nodulate L. japonicus. Fast-growing strains induce nodules effective in nitrogen fixation while Bradyrhizobium sp. induce only ineffective nodules. Among the fast growing M. loti strains, the following are commonly used: R7A, NZP2235, JRL501 (Niwa et al., 2001; Kawaguchi et al., 2002), MAFF 303099 (complete genome sequence NC002678) (Kaneko et al., 2000; Stracke et al, 2002), and TONO (Kawaguchi et al., 2000). The fast-growing broad host range NZP2037 induces effective nodules but the frequency of nodulation is relatively low. Many of these strains are available with reporter genes such as lacz, GFP or GUS, in order to follow the different steps of the nodulation process, as visualisation of infection and nodule colonisation. Nodules are visible 7-10 days post-inoculation, clustered along the taproot. Three weeks after inoculation, nodules are about 1 mm in diameter. If inoculation is done with a GUS-carrying strain, extensive blue coloration in the nodule interior caused by GUS expression and infection thread structures can be visualised after staining. New rounds of nodulation can occur in the younger part of the root, so nodules at different developmental stages can be found in the same plant. The broad host range Rhizobium sp. NGR 234 has also been reported to nodulate L. japonicus, (Hussain et al., 1999). Rhizobium etli (Banba et al., 2001) nodulates but nitrogen fixation efficiency is poor and nodules senesce rapidly. The major Nod-factor secreted by M. loti consists of a pentameric N-acetylglucosamine, which carries a cis-vaccenic acid and a carbamoyl group at the non-reducing end of the molecule and a 4-O-acetyl fucose at the reducing terminal residue (López-Lara et al., 1995, Niwa et al., 2001).

PLANT TISSUE CULTURE Protocols for plant tissue culture and regeneration of plants were given in Handberg and Stougaard (1992). Calli can be obtained from different plant tissues, including hypocotyls, leaves, roots, and petals cultivated on B5 medium containing 2,4-D and kinetin. However, regeneration of the plant is better when done from hypocotyl explants. Shoot induction is achieved in B5 supplemented with 0.2 mg/ l BAP and 10 mM ammonium sulphate, and then 3-4 cm long shoots are transferred to soil mixture in the greenhouse for rooting using the conditions for cuttings (see chapter from Tirichine et al Ibid).


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A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4


Plant transformation and regeneration is a prerequisite for the molecular analysis of genes involved in nodulation and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The molecular analysis of plant genes involved in nodulation has been hindered by the inability to produce high numbers of transgenic legume lines, since some legume plants are very recalcitrant to plant transformation and regeneration of stable transformants. Furthermore, efficient regeneration of transgenic plants is required for studies such as promoter/enhancer trapping and insertional mutagenesis (Thykjaer et al., 1995; Schauser et al., 1998; Martirani et al., 1999; Webb et al., 2000).

Selection Species,

Genotype DNA

Delivery Explant Marker Agent


Bird's foot trefoil (L.

corniculatus Leo)

At (LBA4404) Leaves aphIV Hyg Webb et

al. (1996)

L. japonicus Gifu

At (LBA4404,

C58C1, GV2260)

Hypocotyls nptII, hpt Kan, Hyg

Handberg and

Stougaard (1992)

Ar (9402, AR10) Seedlings nptII Kan Stiller et

al. (1997)

At (AGL1) Hypocotyls bar Phosphinothricin (PPT)

Lohar et al. (2001)

At Root hpt Hyg Lombari et al (2003)

Table 2. Summary of legume transformation systems yielding transformed plants. At = A. tumefaciens; Ar = A. rhizogenes. (Modified from Somers et al., 2003).

Table 2 summarises Lotus transformation systems. The first L. japonicus transformation-regeneration protocol was reported in 1992 by Handberg and Stougaard, along with the proposal to use this species as a model legume. Transformation of L. japonicus has been achieved by Agrobacterium-mediated hypocotyl transformation (Handberg and Stougaard, 1992; Thykjaer et al., 1995; Stiller et al., 1997). In these methods, selection for transgenics is accomplished using antibiotic-resistant selectable markers such as nptII and hptII genes. This method was further optimised and the time to produce whole plants reduced to about 4 months by Stiller et al. (1997). A collection of wild-type A. rhizogenes strains was tested for infectiveness and the most virulent strains were selected for further use. To open the possibility of searching for mutant phenotypes, a regeneration system from hairy roots cultures was developed enabling the regeneration of large numbers of transgenic plants in about 5-6 months. However, the whole regeneration process although effective is relatively expensive and time-consuming. Additionally, about 10-20% of the transgenic lines regenerated through these schemes are sterile,


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A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

probably due to somaclonally-induced abnormalities. Somaclonal variation and sterility were significantly reduced by use of the bar gene as selectable marker and selection with phosphinothricin (PPT) (Lohar et al., 2001). The bar gene encodes Phosphinothricin Acetyl Transferase that detoxifies phosphinothricin (PPT). Transgenic L. japonicus plants resistant to PPT were positive upon PCR by bar gene-specific primers and in most cases PPT resistance segregated as a single dominant allele indicating a single T-DNA insertion into the plant genome. All regenerated plants were fertile and void of visible somaclonal abnormalities. More recently a new transformation-regeneration procedure has been reported (Lombari et al., 2003) in which dedifferentiated root explants are a source of large numbers of cells susceptible to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation resulting in a tenfold increase in the number of transformants within 4 months. L. japonicus is easily transformed by A. rhizogenes and hairy roots can form nodules 3-4 weeks after emergence. Composite plants with a transgenic root system can thus be used for complementation of plant mutants and other transgene studies.


Since L. japonicus was proposed as a model legume a set of genetic resources and tools have rapidly become available, including ecotypes, mutant lines, genetic maps, RIL lines, transformation procedures, EST sequences and sequence of the gene rich regions of the genome (VandenBosch and Stacey, 2003). Techniques such as plant tissue culture, nodulation assay, crossing and histology have already been established for L. japonicus research (Jiang and Gresshoff, 1993; Szczyglowski et al., 1998; Hussain et al., 1999). Now, Lotus is regarded as one of the most useful plants for legume study and researchers who have interests in nodulation and other aspects of legume biology use it worldwide. Other resources developed for use in L. japonicus like forward and reverse genetics, gene tagging, a high-density genetic linkage map, establishment of inbred populations for map-based cloning of genes, functional genomics projects for the completion of the genome sequence of L. japonicus, microarrays, proteomics, metabolomics, and exploiting microsynteny are described in individual chapters of this book. Forward genetics in Lotus has been approached in several laboratories (Schauser et al., 1998; Martirani et al., 1999; Webb et al. 2000, T. Aoki, unpublished data). T-DNA tagged lines have been obtained and the maize Activator transposon was reported to be mobile in L. japonicus and could be used as a mutagen (Thykjaer et al., 1995; Schauser et al. 1999). This has allowed the cloning of the Nin (nodule inception) nodulation gene. The molecular characterization of the nin mutation is considered a scientific milestone in the knowledge of nodulation, since it was the first plant gene for nodule formation to be cloned using molecular genetic methods. The Nin gene encodes a regulator protein that triggers the initiation of infection threads and the onset of cortical cell division (Schauser et al. 1999). The putative protein has a DNA binding /dimerization domain showing strong homology to Mid (Minus dominance) proteins from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which is involved in regulation of sexual reproduction in response to nitrogen starvation. Ljcbp1 has been isolated by promoter tagging as a transgenic line showing GUS reporter activity in roots only after infection with M. loti or after colonisation by G.


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intraradices and G. mossae. Sequencing of the tagged locus revealed an open reading frame encoding a protein with similarity to calmodulins, and this protein undergoes a mobility shift in the presence of calcium (Webb et al., 2000). A collection of mutants has been developed from the standard accession Gifu by chemical mutagenesis. Symbiotic as well as other types of mutants were isolated from these populations (Imaizumi-Anraku et al., 1997), (Schauser et al., 1998), (Wegel el al., 1998), (Szczyglowski et al., 1998), (Bonfante et al., 2000), (Senoo et al., 2000), (Kawaguchi et al., 2002), (Orea et al., 2002). In Lotus, mapping work is in progress to assign more than 100 monogenic recessive symbiotic nodulation mutations into their respective loci. For molecular characterisation of EMS mutants from these collections, a map-based cloning procedure was established and genetic linkage maps mainly based on micro satellites and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) are available. Two Lotus populations are being used in mapping studies: (a) progeny of an interspecific cross between L. japonicus ecotype Gifu and L. filicaulis, and (b) progeny of a cross of the two ecotypes Gifu and Miyakojima. (Hayashi et al. 2001; Sandal et al. 2002, Nakamura et al. 2002; Sato et al., 2001). Several BAC and YAC libraries have been constructed (Men et al., 2001; Kawaguchi et al., 2001; Asamizu et al., 2003). Reverse genetics has been accomplished using a TILLING strategy (Perry et al., 2003). Developing the Lotus genetics has already allowed the positional cloning of four genes that condition nodulation phenotypes: The Lotus SYMRK gene encodes a receptor like kinase with an LRR-domain, that plays an essential role in both AM and Rhizobium symbioses (Stracke et al. 2002). The har1 gene is involved in long-distance signalling of nodulation auto-regulation (shoot controlled auto-regulation of nodule number) and also lateral root development. Map-based cloning of the mutation indicated that the mutated gene encodes a receptor kinase with a LRR repeat, a transmembrane domain and an intracellular serine/threonine kinase domain with homology to CLAVATA1 (Krusell et al., 2002; Nishimura et al., 2002a). The earliest visible cellular change in response to Nod factors is root hair deformation 24 hours after inoculation. This is not observed in the mutants Ljnfr1 and Ljnfr5. Short-term analysis of the response indicates that there is no depolarization nor extracellular alkalinization within minutes after application of purified Nod factors. There was also no expression of genes downstream in the signalling pathway (Nin, Enod2, LjCBP1). Nfr1 and Nfr5 encode receptor kinases involved in the recognition of Nod factors in L. japonicus (Radutoiu et al., 2003; Madsen et al., 2003). Both proteins have LysM domains in the extracellular moiety, which is probably involved in the recognition of the backbone of Nod-factor, a transmembrane domain and a Ser/Thr kinase (PK) domain in the intracellular part. However, the PK domain of LjNFR5 is atypical since it lacks the activation domain. The simplest model is that NFR1 and NFR5 act together in the recognition of the Nod-factor. Besides these four genes whose cloning has been achieved by map-based cloning, molecular characterisation of three other symbiotic loci involved in Nod-factor signal perception or immediate downstream signal transduction are in a very advanced stage. In a few cases, it is possible to find the mutated gene based on phenotypic similarities. One gene, LjBzf, was identified by making use of the phenotypic


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similarity of a mutant (Ljsym77) in this gene to the Arabidopsis hy5 mutant (Nishimura et al., 2002b). LjBzf encodes a basic leucine zipper (bZIP)-type zinc finger protein with different roles in shoot (photomorphogenic development) and roots (lateral root formation and number of nodules). Functional genomics. Comprehensive genome and gene information are being generated as a result of the genome sequencing initiative conducted at the Kazusa DNA Research Institute, Japan, and the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) sequencing programs started in several laboratories (Asamizu et al. 2000, 2004; Sato et al. 2001; Cyranoski 2001; Colebatch et al., 2002). Efforts to identify global gene expression patterns associated with nodule transport, metabolism, and maintenance were addressed via cDNA array technology and transcriptome analysis (Colebatch et al., 2002 and 2004; see also VandenBosch and Stacey, 2003). Proteomics is also a powerful tool for identifying genes involved in a plant process analysing the spectrum of proteins expressed in the cell using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and liquid chromotography followed by mass spectrometry. Proteins present in the peribacteroid space and peribacteroid membrane of Lotus nodules have been identified (Weinkoop and Saalbach, 2003). This approach led to the identification of a large number of proteins: 94 known proteins matching database and 24 ESTs of unknown identity were detected at the PBM. A receptor protein kinase different to other recently described receptor kinases involved in nodule formation, and a potential plant defence protein (HIR protein) were found. Metabolome analysis. Metabolite profiling, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry has also commenced and has revealed quantitative changes in flavonoids after mycorrhizal infection. Comparisons were made of wild-type leaf, stem, and root tissues of L. corniculatus and L. japonicus. This comparison showed that although shoot profiles are similar, the roots of these two species are different. GC-MS analysis has also been used to profile changes in metabolites in nodules compared to roots (Colebatch et al., 2004) and also to study nodulation of mutant, non-N-fixing plants and wild-type nodules containing mutant rhizobia (Udvardi, this book).


More recently L. japonicus was also used in model studies for plant-nematode interactions (Lohar and Bird, 2003). In order to complete their life cycles both root-knot and cyst nematodes must interact with their host plants and induce specialised feeding structures by redirecting plant developmental pathways. Although much attention has been paid to root penetration, migration and feeding sites, little is known about host plant factors involved in the plant-nematode parasitic interaction. Parallels have been observed with rhizobial nodule development on legumes. Surprisingly, the L. japonicus hypernodulating mutant har1, which is defective in a CLAVATA1-like receptor kinase gene, was found to be hyperinfected by M. incognita. However, another hypernodulated Lotus mutant exhibited the same level of M. incognita infection as wild-type plants. In contrast to the response to root-knot nematode, the Gifu ecotype is resistant to H. glycines, and elicits a hypersensitive response. A model legume would greatly facilitate a better


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understanding of the differences between parasitic (nematode) and mutualistic (rhizobia and mycorrhizae) symbioses (Parniske, 2000). Conditions for efficient parasitism by root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) and by soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) have been established. Thus L. japonicus is emerging as a powerful model legume for studying compatible and incompatible plant-nematode interactions. Other groups (Forslund et al., 2004) involved in the study of plant-insect interaction have introduced L. japonicus as a genetic model system to study cyanogenic glucosides, which are precursors of toxic hydrogen cyanide providing plants with an immediate chemical defence response to herbivores and pathogens that cause tissue damage (Møller and Seigler, 1999; Zagrobelny et al., 2003). L. japonicus contains the two cyanogenic glucosides, linamarin and lotaustralin, derived from Val and Ile, respectively. The glucosidase activity is high, causing rapid cyanide release upon tissue damage. The L. japonicus genome has been found to contain two CYP79 orthologs assigned as CYP79D3 and CYP79D4, which show different expression patterns at the tissue level. Metabolic engineering of cyanogenic glucoside synthesis in L. japonicus proceeds following two parallel approaches. Transgenic plants over-expressing pathway enzymes from cassava or sorghum are being analyzed for altered patterns of glucoside accumulation. L. japonicus also serves as a useful system to study indirect plant-herbivore defense mechanisms in a legume. When plants are infested by herbivores, they start emitting a specific blend of volatiles (herbivore-induced volatiles) that attract carnivorous natural enemies of herbivores thus potentially protecting the plant (Paré and Tumlinson, 1999; Kessler and Baldwin, 2001; Pichersky and Gershenzon, 2002). Low-molecular-weight terpenoids such as monoterpenes (C-10), sesquiterpenes (C-15), and homoterpenes (C-11 or C-16) are among the most common plant volatile compounds induced and emitted upon herbivory and they are formed by the activity of families of terpenoid synthases (TPS). The acyclic monoterpene hydrocarbon compound (E)-β-ocimene is one of the most common volatile chemicals released

from plants in response to herbivory. Shoots of L. japonicus (ecotype Gifu B-129) infested with spider mites released a blend of volatiles, which contributed significantly to the attraction of predator mites (Ozawa et al., 2000 ). Arimura et al., (2004) describe the identification, cloning, and functional characterization of a cDNA for (E)-β-ocimene synthase from L. japonicus ecotype Miyakojima MG-20. Increased emissions of (E)-β-ocimene as well as other volatiles from spider mite-infested L. japonicus plants seems to be associated with increased transcript levels of (E)-β-ocimene synthase, suggesting that herbivorous spider mites induce monoterpene volatile emissions by a mechanism that involves induced TPS gene expression. Proanthocyanidins (or condensed tannins) are polymerized units of flavan-3-ols arising from a poorly understood branch of the flavonoid pathway. Interest in these plant metabolites has risen dramatically in recent years because of their anti-oxidant and protein-precipitating properties and their role in improving forage quality, human health, and plant resistance. Condensed tannins are found in a range of higher plant species. Trefoil can produce condensed tannins (CT) that can be beneficial or detrimental to grazing animals, depending upon the amount produced. These secondary compounds are of particular value in forage crops because their


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presence in the foliage of herbage legumes at levels of up to 3 to 4% dry weight is regarded as being a beneficial agronomic trait. The accumulation of tannins in shoot tissues is beneficial for grazing livestock from the perspective of the prevention of pasture bloat. High tannin concentrations have disadvantages that include inhibiting enzyme activities, inhibiting digestion of soluble carbohydrates and hemicellulose, decreasing palatability by producing an astringent reaction in the mouth and possibly degrading the gut wall of the rumen. This phenomenon mitigates against the effective use of a number of potential forage crop species that have good levels of primary productivity, often in non-optimal environments, but are of limited nutritive value because of accumulation of high levels of antinutritive secondary compounds. The nonbloating characteristic of birdsfoot trefoil, Lotus corniculatus, is attributed to the production of condensed tannins. The condensed tannin concentrations of birdsfoot trefoil were low enough to still be beneficial to protein availability without affecting palatability to grazing animals (Gebrehiwot et al., 2002). Although L. japonicus is not used in agriculture, it has also been studied for tannin accumulation. Condensed tannins were distributed throughout all the tissues of the plant although at a very low level, with the notable exception that unlike in L. corniculatus, leaf tissue was found to be free of tannins (Morris et al., 1993). Recently, the first characterization of a regulatory gene associated with leaf proanthocyanidin biosynthesis has been reported (Gruber et al., 2003.). A novel set of highly homologous basic helix-loop-helix (myc-like) genes from the forage trefoils (Lotus species) has been isolated. Expression of TAN1 correlates well with proanthocyanidin content in leaves of several forage legumes. A homologue of this gene is interrupted in a L. japonicus mutant (tan1) that accumulates leaf proanthocyanidin, opening up the possibility of genetically manipulating levels of tannin accumulation in crop and forage legumes. For plants with very high tannin content, the opposite strategy has been taken, using antisense technology, to decrease the levels of condensed tannins in crop species. Transgenic birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) plants harbouring antisense dihydroflavonol reductase sequences have been obtained with decreased levels of tannins (Colliver et al., 1994; Robbins et al., 1998). Seedpod shattering in cultivable Lotus species remains an agricultural problem. Shattering of the pod results in yield reduction and causes the high price of Lotus corniculatus seed for the farmer. Some Lotus species have been crossed to Lotus corniculatus in order to transfer desirable traits, such as pod indehiscence. Complete pod-shattering resistance has not been reported for any species in the L. corniculatus group. Such species exhibiting partial to complete resistance to pod shattering include L. conimbricensis Brot., L. edulis L., L. ornithopodioides L. and L. tetragonolobus (Tetraglonobus purpureus) Moench. Attempts to transfer the indehiscent character by hybridization between diploids and the tetraploid L. corniculatus have met with little success because of the chromosome number differences between the species (Grant, 1996). Three genes have been identified which control shatter in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana: FUL, SHP1, and SHP2. Two SHP homologous genes have been identified in the model legume L. japonicus that are expressed in pod walls. A FUL-like gene was also identified in L. japonicus, but it shared less similarity to its Arabidopsis counterpart (Bilyeu and Beuselink, 2001). Success in producing indehiscent L. japonicus can be rapidly


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applied to the closely related crop species L. corniculatus, and has broad implications for other dehiscent species.


The effort to identify and characterize genes and their functions in model species is proving to be particularly valuable. By focusing on relatively few species as models, the conservation of gene function in plants can be examined and those similarities and differences exploited for agronomic benefit in crops. Knowledge of the syntony (that is, the existence of chromosomal regions from different species containing orthologous genes more or less in the same order) between model legumes and economically important legumes would help us to clone genes more easily from the latter, for which little genetic information is available. In addition, syntenic relationships will help us to understand how legume crops evolved. The existence of a wide region of macrosyntony between pea and L. japonicus (including SMRK, SMHT, ENOD40, CHS and PR5 in L. japonicus and PsSym19, SMHT, ENOD40 and CHS together with PsSym10 in pea) has helped the cloning of Pssym19, the orthologue of SMRK (Stracke et al., 2004) and PsSym10, the orthologue of LjNfr5. Clustering of all these genes and the existence of macrosyntony between these two legumes is very significant. A specific chapter on this subject is included in this book. The similarity between mutant phenotypes in crop and model plants can also aid the cloning of important crop genes, as was the case for the mutant sym35 from Pissum sativum (Borisov et al., 2003), whose mutation affected the orthologue gene of Nin from L. japonicus. Discovery of the whole signal cascade between macro and microsymbionts and comparison of genes with the orthologues in non-legumes, if they exist, will shed light on how older genes could have been recruited from functions that are more ancient and redirected to participate in the more recent legume-Rhizobium interaction (Szczyglowski and Amyot, 2003; Rodríguez-Llorente et al., 2004; Tangsenco et al., 2004). This would open new possibilities for engineering of non-legume plants and their interactions with endosymbionts. Since L. japonicus was proposed as a model legume a decade ago, it has contributed greatly to the description of new genes involved in the symbiotic process (Harris, 2002; Downie and Parniske, 2002; Szczyglowski and Amyot, 2003; Morris and Walker, 2003). Newly available tools and approaches will make it possible to obtain a clearer picture of the molecular evolution of symbiosis. Clearly, studies on L. japonicus are likely to prove invaluable both to understanding the basic biology of legumes and to improve leguminous crops that have large and/or polyploid genomes.


Authors want to thank M Udvardi for critical reading of the manuscript.


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A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

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A.J. Márquez (Editorial Director). 2005. Lotus japonicus Handbook. pp. 3-24. http://www.springer.com/life+sci/plant+sciences/book/978-1-4020-3734-4

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