lord of war

Lord of war

Upload: georgerobinsonasmedia

Post on 10-Aug-2015



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Lord of war

First scene

We see some sort of factory, we don’t know what they are making but it looks professional, as the dial in the top right is new and works. The music lyrics at the time say “there something happening here”. This references that there is something happening here and it will affect or be apart of the rest of the film. There is lightning but it is grey so it puts the mood that this is a serious film. We can see a man in some sort of uniform so we know that this factory is legal.

Second scene

We know see a bullet in a production line. At the same time the title appears, and it’s in contrast with the bullet. This could represent that the bullet is the true lord of war and not a country. We also see other bullets along the same line, this shows how easily these death machines are created. It also puts the idea that we are seeing how a bullet is made so we might see the entire life of said bullet.

Third scene

Now we have entered a different camera view. It is now a POV shot from the bullet. In this scene we see that the bullet is being inspected by a person who works at the factory. We also imagine that there are thousands of other bullets that don’t get checked because of how many there are being made. We can see that there has been a lot of care put into each bullet. The lighting also always keeps the light on the bullet as it is the main part in this sequence.

Fourth scene

Now we see whole box full of bullets and more boxes ahead, getting a lid put on them. This shows, how many bullets can be mass produced in a few minutes. We are still in the factory at the moment and we see more people wearing the same type of uniform. They don’t seem to bothered by what they are doing. We still don’t know where this bullet is going but we can assume that we are going with it.

Fifth scene

We are now at some kind of dock. We can see a ship in the background and people in military uniform. The sky is still grey suggesting that something ominous is coming as the mood has gotten darker. Seagulls can be heard in the background so everyone seems calm and in no rush, then the top is sealed back up and the box is taken on the boat.

Sixth scene

We are now in some sort of tropical country and it looks like the bullets have been stolen by pirates. We see what looks like the same boat from before which suggests that it was taken over. The same music is playing which keeps a light mood over the whole scenario. While the overall scene has now got more light the mood hasn’t changed because the topic has become more serious.

Seventh scene

We are now on a truck in a forest surrounded by other ammo boxes and two people with weapons looking over us. We imagine that these are the same pirates that took the boat and we are now going to their camp. The overall atmosphere has decreased as now we see the gravity of the situation and we are getting an idea that this is about illegal arms trading. We are still following the bullet and seeing what it sees.

Eighth scene

We are now on the ground looking back up at the soldiers. We can see what looks like a small town and hear gun fire in the distance. To the right is a militant reloading his gun. We can assume that we are going to be put inside the gun. The atmosphere becomes very tense as we don’t know what is going to happen. The names of producers are white in order to make them stand out.

Ninth scene

We are now looking out through the barrel and towards the target. We cannot see who the target is from this far. We can see two people in front of us and then it becomes blurry. The music is still playing but gunfire is drowning it out. The audience is tense as they don’t know what is going to happen.

Tenth slide

The shot had been fired and the music cut out. This is to show that this bullet cut out the song as it did end this boys life. The shot is going to kill the boy and it is all because of illegal arms dealing. The whole sequence has been named the life of a bullet from the birth to when it would be fired. This would shock the audience as they would probably would not be expecting this to happen.