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LORD LAWSON OF BEAMISH ACADEMY ‘A SUCCESSFUL, VIBRANT AND EXCITING PLACE TO LEARN’ R e s p e c tfu l R espo n sib l e R e aso ning Resilient Re fective Resourceful Respectful Responsible Reasoning Resilie nt R e f ective R e so u rc ef ul R e s p e c tfu l R e spo R e s p e c tfu l R espo n sib l e R e aso ning Resilient Re fective Resourceful Respectful Responsible Reasoning Resilie nt R e f ective R e so u rc ef ul R e s p e c tfu l R e sp R e s p e c tfu l R espo n sib l e R e aso ning Resilient Re fective Resourceful Respectful Responsible Reasoning Resilie nt R e f ective R e so u rc ef ul R e s p e c tfu l R e sp R e s p e c tfu l R espo n sib l e R e aso ning Resilient Re fective Resourceful Respectful Responsible Reasoning Resilie nt R e f ective R e so u rc ef ul R e s p e c tfu l R e s p e c tfu l R espo n sib l e R e aso ning Resilient Re fective Resourceful Respectful Responsible Reasoning Resilie nt R e f ective R e so u rc ef ul R e s p e c tfu l R e fu l R espo n sib l e R e aso ning Resilient Re fective Resourceful Respectful Responsible Reasoning Resilie nt R e f ective R e so u rc ef ul R e s p e c tfu l R espo n sib l e R e aso ning Resilient Re fective Resourceful Respectful Resp u rc ef ul R e s p e c tfu l ib l e R e aso ning Resilient Re fective Resourceful R e s p e c tfu l W e l c o m e t o o ur p r o s p e c t u s 2 0 1 6 ing Resilient Re fec e c tfu l

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Post on 08-May-2018




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• Welcome to our prospectus 2016 •

• Respectful • Responsible • Reasoning • Resilient • Ref ective • Resourceful • Respectful • Responsible • Reasoning • Resilient • Ref ective • Resourceful • Respectfu

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A Safe and Secure Environment In addition to these many successes, our highest priority will always be to maintain a safe and secure environment for students. Students are admitted to a House Block system, which has been widely praised for the quality of its care, where younger students can be guided and helped by older students and House staff. We are strongly anti-bullying and use new technology to track students from lesson to lesson so we always know where they are.

A New Building for 21st Century LearningOur new Academy opened in September 2007, with external facilities and landscaping completed in 2008. The academy has been completely redesigned and rebuilt with specialist accommodation of the highest quality providing the best possible

environment for learning in the 21st Century. Last year saw the building of a new £1 million extension which will house our Independent Learning Centre for Sixth form students as well as creating additional space for subject use. We have invested in new technology and have installed a world beating “Virtual Learning Environment” to support student learning.

A Partnership with Parents and StudentsA strong partnership between home and academy is at the centre of everything we do. We will consult students and parents about all major initiatives and keep regular contact to ensure that students are happy and achieve well. All parents are able to contact their son/daughter’s teachers via email and our team of Student Welfare and Family Liaison Officers and Heads of House ensure there is always someone to speak to if you have any concerns.

I am delighted to introduce you to our prospectus for students joining us in September 2016. Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy is a vibrant and happy academy of which staff and students are justifiably proud.

The academy’s most recent Ofsted report (2013) concluded that the academy was securely “good” and that students “have very good relationships with staff and with each other”. The same report stated that “The percentage of students gaining five GCSE at grades A* to C is well above the national average and has been for a number of years” and that “Students’ achievement is outstanding in many subjects”

We pride ourselves on putting young people at the heart of the organisation and on offering a broad and balanced curriculum with a determination to see every child

fourish and reach their full potential. Many of our students are involved in top-level

performance in sport, music, drama and the arts, several of them at a national or even international level.

Thank you for your interest in Lord

Lawson of Beamish Academy and

I am very much looking forward

to working with you.

Best wishes

Mark Lovatt Principal

Dear Parent... Welcome to Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy

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Welcome to Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy

Each other and our Dreams- our academy motto

Personalising LearningThis means knowing students well, establishing a safe and supportive environment for all students, and being fexible enough to respond to the individual needs and aspirations of the young people who choose to attend Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy.

Professionalising TeachingThis means a well planned curriculum designed to develop Knowledge, Skills, and Qualities, and to offer students a broad range of learning experiences which will help to prepare them to become lifelong learners and independent thinkers. It also means putting the best teachers in front of students and a commitment to continuous professional development as a means for teachers to explore and share best practice.

Intelligent AccountabilityThis means having high expectations for our students, holding students and ourselves accountable for the progress they are making, and reporting progress to parents at regular intervals throughout the year.

Innovation and CollaborationThe academy is committed to scanning the horizon for new and best practice in education and to working with other “outstanding” organisations in the region and across the country.

Community and CultureWe are an academy at the heart of its community and responsive to its needs while also recognising that our students are increasingly part of a global community. Our culture is one of high aspiration and mutual respect and is characterised by our “5 Rs +1”

A Rapidly Changing WorldWe believe in preparing students for the challenges of a rapidly changing world. This means not only developing and securing important subject knowledge but also the skills and attributes learners need to carry on learning long after they have left academy. To thrive in an increasingly global community, students need to be Respectful, Resourceful, Responsible, Reasoning, Refective and Resilient. Our “5 Rs +1” form the basis of our rewards and behaviour system and are the qualities that all Lord Lawson students aspire to demonstrate. In this way we fulfill the aspirations of the academy motto “Each other and our Dreams” which summarises how we work together as a community to help and support each other and to realise the dreams of the 1600 young people in our care.

The following core principles are at the heart of our Academy. They are summarised below and explored in more detail throughout the prospectus.

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Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 2015


Our offer to young people

Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 20164

Over and above our normal curriculum, our commitment to high quality teaching, personalised learning and support, and as well as our usual trips and activities...

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Our offer to young people | Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 2016 5

...all of our students will also have the opportunity to:

1 Take part in an extensive enrichment program and to try out things they may never have thought of before – this is part of a cultural passport which will last into adult life. This will take place for all year 7/8/9 students on Wednesday afternoons.

2 Make extensive use of new technology through our Virtual Learning environment which provides access to Google Docs and to a range of educational software including “I am Learning” and “GCSE pod”

3 Take part in extended cross curricular projects and work with “experts” other than teachers through our Creativity week (usually at the end of June) which includes an exhibition of student learning.

4 Take part in a residential experience designed to introduce our 5 Rs+1 in year 7. This is also an opportunity for new students to get to know each other at the beginning of term.

5 Take part in a week long work experience in year 10 (linked to employability skills)

6 Leave the Academy with a digital record of achievement in the form of a “digital” badge/s – the first of these will be an “employability” badge endorsed by Komatsu. We are also looking at offering a Citizenship badge and a Leadership badge in due course. This will be available to students starting at the Academy in September as year 7 students.

7 Take part in regular 1:1 progress interviews with their tutors to make sure they are on track for success. These will be recorded in student planners. Parents will also receive reports on student progress four times per year and will have regular opportunities to talk to subject staff and tutors.

8 Receive regular reports and rewards based around our student Attitude to learning - the biggest single determinant of student success both at academy and in the future. (Based around our 5 Rs+1). These are the learning behaviours associated with highly successful learners.

9 Take part in structured “wellbeing days” four times each year designed to deliver life skills and to compliment PSHE. (Personal Social and Health Education)

10 Be well known and supported to do their best through a dedicated pastoral and student support team with a full time “Student Welfare and Family Liaison Manager” in each of our 4 House blocks.

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Innovation and Collaboration


– this means knowing students well, establishing a safe and supportive environment for all students, and being fexible enough to respond to the individual needs and aspirations of the young people who choose to attend Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy.

Personalising Learning

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TransitionLinked PrimariesIn order to provide curriculum continuity between key stages and to enable year 6 students to feel confident about their move, we provide a wide range of liaison activities to achieve seamless transition.

We work in collaboration with our linked Primary schools to ensure curriculum continuity using both staff exchanges.

Year 6 students are also given the opportunity to participate in workshops throughout the year in many departments. Each year 6 student is invited to attend Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy for a three day transition experience in

July when they will enjoy lessons, be introduced to their Head of House, tutor and meet new friends.

A Summer School takes place during the summer holidays which supports the transition. Students benefit from being able to form friendships and raise their confidence.

The transition programme ensures that year 7 students are familiar with their new environment, and are confident and eager to begin their Key Stage 3 studies.

Parents are encouraged to play an active part in transition and parents meetings are held at our Primary Schools during the transition process.

We work in collaboration with our linked primary schools to enable year 6 students

to feel confident about their move to Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy.

House SystemThe academy operates a House system, which means we have four smaller family groups within the academy. The house bases, permanently staffed by our dedicated student welfare and family liaison officers, provide support for the social, emotional and behavioural aspects of academy life, and monitor the academic progress and attendance, of the students. We ensure that siblings are placed in the same House as each other to

provide the natural family support within the academy. Our Student Support Base provides further support for students and their families when required.

Students are assigned a tutor with whom they have daily contact for academic and personal support.

Additionally, students have the opportunity to voice their views through the House and Academy Councils. Students are elected to represent their peers in half termly meetings during Student Voice weeks.

Personalising Learning | Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 2016 7

Personalising Learning

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– this means a well planned curriculum designed to develop Knowledge, Skills, and Qualities, and to offer students a broad range of learning experiences which will help to prepare them to become lifelong learners and independent thinkers. It also means putting the best teachers in front of students and a commitment to continuous professional development as a means for teachers to explore and share best practice.


Professionalising Teaching

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At the heart of teaching and learning at Lord Lawson of Beamish is an internationally acclaimed model of teaching and learning which informs all of our classroom practice. All teachers receive training in this model which is based on principles gathered from over 125 case studies of effective practice in more than 20 different countries. We continue to review and adapt our classroom practice through feedback from our Quality Assurance team and in light of our own experience. This feedback is used to inform professional development for staff going forwards.

All teaching staff take part in extensive staff development every Wednesday afternoon

and during this time teachers are working together as a whole academy and/or working in small groups to design new courses and learning materials for students.

We believe in offering a “Whole” education at Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy. This means a commitment to not only developing essential knowledge and skills but also developing essential qualities (characterised by our “5 Rs +1 ” – see separate section on Culture and Community).

We have a commitment to ensure our students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. All students study our core subjects of English, Maths, PE and Science and in addition study Modern Foreign Languages, Technology, Humanities subjects, ICT, and both Visual and Performing

Arts. As students move through the academy there are increased opportunities to study a broad range of subjects as students choose their options in year 10. Please see separate section on our “sixth form” for opportunities post 16.

Personal Health and Wellbeing is taught through a comprehensive tutor programme and complimented through our “wellbeing” days which take place four times a year. This ensures that our young people develop the knowledge, understanding and skills which they will need now as students and in the future as adults contributing to their family, community and working lives.

In addition to all the above and the broad range of trips, clubs, and sporting activities on offer to our students, there is also an exciting enrichment programme for all students in years 7, 8, and 9. Enrichment takes place every Wednesday afternoon between 2.15pm and 3.15pm. Here students choose from a range of over 40 different activities under the headings of Challenge, Community, and Creativity.

These activities are designed to give students an opportunity to try things they may not have thought about and to develop skills and qualities they will need in later life.

Teaching and Learning

Our Curriculum

Professionalising Teaching | Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 2016 9

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– this means having high expectations for our students, holding students and ourselves accountable for the progress they are making, and reporting progress to parents at regular intervals throughout the year.


Intelligient Accountability

Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 201610

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We are an outstandingly successful Academy with

many achievements in recent years. Many of our students have been involved in top-level performances in sport, music, drama and the arts.

ProgressAll students are expected to make at least “good” progress in their studies during the time they spend at the academy.

Students have regular one to one interviews with tutors (at least one per half term) to assess their progress across a range of subjects. At these meeting students set learning targets which are recorded in the student planner. Any concerns in regard to progress are communicated with parents in the first instance via the tutor and/or the student welfare and family liaison officer.

In addition there are regular opportunities for parents to talk to academy staff about any concerns they may have. In years 7 and 8 there are scheduled Raising Achievement Days where students present their best work to both parents and tutor and there is an opportunity to talk to your son/daughter’s tutor in more depth. In Years 9, 10, and 11 there are subject teacher evening where parents can talk to subject teachers with regard to progress in particular subject areas. All parents are given access to the email addresses of their son/daughter’s teachers and

are free to contact tutors and/or subject staff at any time if they have any concerns or questions.

We are very proud of the achievements of the young people at Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy both academically and in wider fields. Our young people continue to do well academically against other students nationally and there are many examples of students excelling at both a regional and national level in a wide range of fields from sporting achievements to performance in the visual and performing arts.

Intelligent Accountability | Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 2016 11

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- the academy is committed to scanning the horizon for new and best practice in education and to working with other “outstanding” organisations in the region and across the country.


Innovation and Collaboration

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Provision and FacilitiesAll students have access to first class facilities which include dedicated laboratories, engineering workshops, several ICT suites, Dance and Drama studios, and working hair and beauty salons. Our sports facilities are second to none and include two foodlit games areas, a large and small sports hall, a fitness suite, and extensive playing fields and athletics areas. In addition we have just opened a £1 million extension to provide our

sixth form students with an independent learning centre which is exclusively for their use.

All of our students have access to a virtual learning environment which allows them to access and store their work and make use of specialist learning software such as “I am learning” and “GCSE pod”. They also have access through to google docs and many lessons and resources are available to students online. We are happy to encourage responsible use of “bring your own” handheld devices however there

are also extensive ICT facilities throughout the academy.

Collaboration As an academy we collaborate with a wide range of organisations around the region and nationally to ensure the best provision

for our students. We work closely with several local Teaching School Alliances which gives us the opportunity to work with “outstanding” schools across the region and to form partnerships with local Universities. We are also working with Komatsu, a locally based global engineering firm, to explore strengthening links between our curriculum and industry and have alreadyestablished an exciting technology

collaboration which will begin this year. At a national level we are affliated to the Specialist Schools and Academy Trust and to the national Whole Education Alliance. More recently we have begun to explore links in the local community to extend our provision to the benefit of our students.

We are able to successfully deliver courses to a very high standard due to our

outstanding purpose built facilities.

Our purpose built academy provides state of the art classrooms, laboratories,

workshops and vocational areas such as dance and drama studios that help us to deliver a wide, engaging and personalised curriculum to all our students.

Innovation and Collaboration | Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 2016 13

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Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 201514


– we are an academy at the heart of its community and responsive to its needs while also recognising that our students are increasingly part of a global community. Our culture is one of high aspiration and mutual respect and is characterised by our ‘5 Rs +1’.

Community and Culture

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Our Community and Culture

Resourceful Learners

• Are willing to learn in different ways• Show initiative• Make good use of learning materials• Ask good questions• Make good use of other people• Make good use of the teacher

Reflective Learners

• Are curious• Can describe their progress• Listen to and learn from

feedback• Get involved• Are interested in learning

Reasoning Learners

• Can explain their thinking• Consider all the evidence• Choose the best method• Take time to think things



And our (+1) is RESPECT – this is the way we think about ourselves and the way we talk to and treat other people. It’s the way we behave around our Academy.

Resilient Learners

• Stay positive• Keep going when things get difficult• Have a positive attitude• Enjoy a challenge• Stay involved• Set themselves targets

Responsible Learners

• Make responsible choices• Help others to learn• Know right from wrong• Take responsibility for your

own learning• Work well with others

Our 5 Rs +1 are all about developing successful lifelong learners and are the qualities we expect students to develop in their time at Lord Lawson.

We have extensive links with the local community and many of our students are increasingly involved in local, regional, and international projects. Our aim is to teach students that community is important and that they can make an important contribution to the communities in which they live.

We also aim to teach students that they are increasingly part of a global community and that they must have a global perspective as well as a local one.

Our community and culture within academy are characterised by our “5 Rs +1” – these are the qualities we expect students to develop in their time at the academy.

Community and Culture | Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 2016 15

Community and Culture

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We have a large and successful sixth form offering a wide range of subject choice. The vast majority of students who apply for university places end up at their University of first choice.


Successful Sixth form

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Our students benefit from expert subject teaching and an experienced pastoral team. Students regularly excel in their studies and nearly all students who wish to go onto university get into their university of first choice. We are an inclusive Sixth form that provides opportunities for students to take a wide range of academic and vocational courses. We work with students to develop their independent learning skills and help prepare them for university and employment.

We aim to give students greater responsibility for their own learning and encourage students to make well informed decisions about their futures.All sixth form students benefit from advice from Connexions regarding university and vocational courses. Our team of experienced tutors assist with UCAS applications and help prepare students for work, interviews and life after Lord Lawson.

We offer taster days at universities, work experience opportunities and provide links with businesses offering jobs.

We are also proud to announce the opening of our brand new £1 million independent learning centre for sixth formers. This building is for the exclusive use of sixth form students. It contains state of the art facilities and has been designed to help prepare students for learning at University level. With the addition of this new building we can honestly say that our sixth form facilities are among the best in the region.

Successful Sixth form | Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 2016 17

We look forward to welcoming students into our sixth form – please see the academy website for more details and follow us ontwitter @llob6thform

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COLLEGE COURSE(e.g. Arts Foundation, Dance, Drama, Engineering, Science)


Across a range of subjects usually at B or above normally with a strength in the subjects you wish to study.

5 GCSEs A* - C

We will use your predicted GCSE results to guide you onto the best path way.


Across a range of subjects at C or above normally with a strength in the subjectsyou wish to study.

5 GCSEs A* - C




COLLEGE COURSE(e.g. Arts Foundation, Dance, Drama, Engineering, Science)


Normally across a range of subject areas.

5 GCSEs A* - G



Across a range of subjects usually at B or above. Plus a proven strength in the subjects you wish to study.

5 GCSEs A* - C

+ Please note there will be a requirement to study English and/or Maths if a C grade or above has not been achieved at GCSE.






Which post 16 pathway is right for you?

Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 201618

We will use your predicted GCSE results to guide you onto the best path way.


Across a range of subjects at C or above normally with a strength in the subjectsyou wish to study.

5 GCSEs A* - C




COLLEGE COURSE(e.g. Arts Foundation,Dance, Drama)


Normally across a range of subject areas.

5 GCSEs A* - G


+ Please note there will be a requirement to study English and/or Maths if a C grade or above has not been achieved at GCSE.




COLLEGE COURSE(e.g. Arts Foundation,Dance, Drama)


Across a range of subjects usually at B or above normally with a strength in the subjects you wish to study.

5 GCSEs A* - C


Across a range of subjects usually at B or above. Plus a proven strength in the subjects you wish to study.

5 GCSEs A* - C






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Jordan Weatherley - Newcastle, Computer ScienceLucy Carruthers - Royal Holloway, Drama & Theatre StudiesStephanie Wilson - Manchester, English LiteratureMatthew Purdy - Newcastle, Chemical EngineeringLucy Moss - Manchester, Maths & PhilosopyRachel Mayer - Durham, GeographyJake Nicholson - Newcastle, BiologyJordan Bright - Sheffield, MathsDaniel Spraggon - Higher Level Apprenticeship, Accountancy Katie Roberts - Newcastle, English LanguageKit Stout - Edinburgh, HistoryAlexander Logan - Warwick, Maths & StatisticsJamie McParlin - Newcastle, Biomedical ScienceMatthew Purdy - Newcastle, Chemical EngineeringBeth Newport - Southhampton,Marine Biology & OceanographyPeter Hornsby & Shannon Godden - Northumbria, Nursing

Some of our Successes

Some of our Successes | Lord Lawson of Beamish Academy | Prospectus 2016 19



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Visit usProspective parents evening for students currently in year 6 Thursday 8th October 2015

Open evening for students currently in year 5 to look around the academy Thursday 28th April 2016

Contact usLord Lawson of Beamish AcademyBirtley Lane, Birtley, Chester - le - Street, Durham, DH3 2LP

T: 0191 433 4026 F: 0191 433 4027E: [email protected] W: www.lordlawson.org.uk

Follow us@llobacademy