longhorn catholic 2-2 september 2006

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  • 8/14/2019 Longhorn Catholic 2-2 September 2006



    Vol. 2, Iss. 2 September 2006University Catholic Center

    Mass ScheduleSunday Mass

    9AM 11:30AM, 5PM & 8PM

    Daily Mass

    Mon, Wed, Fri: 12:05PMTues, Thurs: 12:30PM

    Ministry TeamDirector

    Fr. Dave Farnum, CSPxt. 14, [email protected]

    Associate Directors

    Fr. Ed Koharchik, CSP

    xt. 12, [email protected]

    Michelle Goodwint. 18, [email protected]

    Pastoral Staff

    Fr. Bob Scott, [email protected]

    Deacon John De La Garza, [email protected]

    Director of Development

    Amber Fogartyxt. 20, [email protected]

    Business Administrator

    Tom Johnson

    ext. 11, [email protected]


    Beth Borent. 10, [email protected]

    Administrative Assistant

    Brandon [email protected]

    Phone: 512.476.7351

    In late June, 43 students from around the United Sta

    met in Bapchule, Arizona, a small town within t

    Gila River Indian Community for Camp Bapchu

    This camp, a week-long 7-hour a day Vacati

    Bible School (VBS) for grades Pre-K - sixth and

    week-long 24-hour a day retreat for junior high a

    high school students, exists because of a uniq

    partnership between the University Catholic Cen

    and the University of Notre Dame. The youth

    Native Americans from the Akimel Oodham tri

    known as the Pimasface constant hardships a

    the increasing threat of gang violence and recruitment, abusive family situations, a growi

    Satanic movement and more. But, for one week each summer, they are able to celebrate th

    Catholic faith with college men and women from UT, Notre Dame, Texas A&M, Gonzag

    Creighton, Arizona State, and others.

    Drew Lee, who recently converted to Catholicism through the UCCs RCIA program, attend

    Camp Bapchule for the rst time this summer. Drew felt the contribution he was making

    the lives of the youth. After hearing how hard everything is for them, I didnt know ho

    well Id be able to connect, he said, but with a little love and attention from us, they rea

    came alive.

    The youth on the Native American reservation are not the only ones who benet. The stude

    who attended left Arizona with an experience they would never forget. Dan Tapetillo, a sen

    at the University of Notre Dame, who rst attended Camp Bapchule in 2005, served again t

    summer as the Director of Fun. He was in charge of the physical education component

    the VBS and the evening staff softball games. Dan says he now feels a great connection to

    kids, adding I didnt know what I was getting myself into the rst year I went. It sounded co

    enough to go, but after

    interacting with the

    kids, I couldnt stay

    away. Im committed

    to keep trying to let

    these young people

    know that theyre

    loved, not only by

    God, but by us.

    The concept for

    Camp Bapchule rst

    started as a mission

    CAMP BAPCHULEA Heavenly Partnership Between UT & Notre Dame

    Camp Bapchule2006 Sfaff

  • 8/14/2019 Longhorn Catholic 2-2 September 2006


    Longhorn Catholic

    University Catholic Center September 2006

    A M E S S A G Efrom the Director...

    This was the theme of the recent University Catholic Center

    staff retreat. Our entire staff gathered at Cedarbrakethe

    Diocese of Austin retreat and renewal centerto introduce

    new staff to veterans, form a common vision for the next school

    year, and plan, plan, plan. The very presence of nine staff members

    speaks volumes for the abundance of gifts in service to the

    Catholic students, faculty, and staff at The University of Texas.

    The abundance principle is simple. If you go about the Lords

    work with passion and persistence, then God will provide theresources required for that holy work. In pursuing Jesus mission,

    there is no room for stinginess and scarcity. Look what Jesus did

    with a few jars of water at the wedding feast at Cana, or with a

    few loaves and shes in the midst of 5,000 hungry people.

    The UCC campus ministry program offers a real and relevant

    faith experience to a young adult population immersed in a highly

    secular academic environment. How can one approach this with

    scarcity thinking? Gods love for us is too big for that.

    As students of the UT class of 2010 arrive on campus, they will

    be welcomed to their new spiritual home-away-from-home: a

    place where they will learn the fundamentals of their faith; a place

    where they will make lifelong friends; a place where they will be

    welcomed with the grace and peace of Christ; a place where they

    will truly experience Christs love in abundancethe University

    Catholic Center.

    From scarcityto abundancetrip for a parish in the Archdiocese

    of Galveston-Houston. The parish

    decided to end their involvement with

    the youth of that area, so Vanessa

    Gonzalez, now an alumna of NotreDame, and Brandon Kraft, a studen

    at UT, decided to create a similar

    experience for college students to the

    same community in 2005. Fr. Daves

    response was amazing, Brandon said

    I walked into his ofce and pitched

    the idea of the UCC taking a leading

    role in continuing this incredible

    outreach opportunity. With no

    hesitation, he said we should run with

    it. The VBS program would not have

    continued if not for the UCC and its

    unique partnership with Notre Dame

    Fr. Dave even traveled to Arizona in

    2005 and 2006 to join us. Fr. Ed also

    went with us in 2006 and already has

    his calendar clear for 2007.

    Many UCC students feel blessed

    to be involved with this exciting

    program. Brandon concluded, From

    our experience with the youth to their

    parents crying tears of joy over wha

    weve been able to do, I know the

    difference were making in the lives of

    these youth. It has changed my life. Im

    overjoyed that my fellow Longhorns

    are able to have the same experience

    and will for years to come.

    If you are interested in supporting future Camp

    Bapchules, or any other mission opportunities the

    UCC offers, contact Amber Fogarty, 512.476.735

    x20 or [email protected].

    Fr. Dave Farnum, CSP Camp Bapchule, cont.

  • 8/14/2019 Longhorn Catholic 2-2 September 2006


    Longhorn Catholic

    University Catholic Center September 2006

    Greetings from the UniversityCatholic Center! It is with great joythat I update you on the UCCs fund

    development and alumni relationsefforts. I was hired in mid-Aprilto build relationships with UCC

    alumni, parents, faculty, and staff, aswell as others who are passionateabout the Catholic Center and itsmission. My primary responsibility is

    to generate support of time, talent,and treasure so that the UCCsministry will thrive and grow in theyears to come. Ultimately, the UCC

    staff and I hope to build a culture ofphilanthropyan understanding ofstewardship as a way of life.

    Frederick Buechner once said thatvocation is the place where ourdeep gladness meets the needs of

    the world. I embrace this ideaand feel blessed to be called tosuch an awesome vocation. TheUniversity Catholic Center has

    been, and continues to be, a light

    Stewardship Corner...offering gifts of time, talent & treasure

    on The University of Texas campus.While the UT tower emanates withburnt orange Longhorn pride, the

    University Catholic Center shineswith the light of Christ.

    The goal of our developmentefforts is to allow the UCC tocontinue and expand this ministrywith a special focus on providing

    opportunities for Catholic UTstudents to strengthen their faith,develop their gifts, and grow intopassionate, faithful Catholic leaders.

    The UCC complements andintegrates the outstanding secularuniversity education with a deeper

    appreciation of Catholicism.

    As you can see, its an exciting timeat the University Catholic Center. I

    look forward to seeing what Godhas in store for this ministry. Surely,the best is yet to come!

    Amber Fogarty

    UCC Director of Development

    Welcome WeekWelcome, welcome, welcome! The fall semester

    ofcially got underway on August 28th, and theUniversity Catholic Center is buzzing with activity.

    Our annual Welcome Week festivities and our

    Welcome Retreat were very successful, and we would

    like to thank all who made these events possible,

    especially our student leaders and benefactors. We are

    so thankful for all the gifts God has bestowed on the


    Longhorn AwakeningLonghorn Awakening #41 will take place October 13-

    15, 2006! Please keep the retreatants and staff in your

    prayers. Are you a Longhorn Awakening alumni?

    Send Fr. Dave an email at [email protected] to

    share your LA memories. Well publish some of these

    in future editions of theLonghorn Catholic!

    longhorns on campus

    $100,000Amount of the grant the UCC receivedfrom the Scanlan Foundation as seedmoney for its development program.


    Amount of a planned gift that nowallows the UCC to establish itsfirst-ever endowment.

    84Number of Living Faith Society Members(an EFT giving program that allows UCC

    benefactors to support the ministry) for atotal of more than $6,500 each month.

    151%Percentage of goal achieved in theDiocesan capital campaign (Our Faith~ Our Legacy). $144,000 will return to

    UCC during the next 5 years.

    $750,000Amount of the overall Our Faith ~ Our

    Legacy campaign goal that will return tothe UCC in the form of matching funds,

    beginning in 2011.

    At the UCC, we are thankful for all of the generou

    gifts of time, talent, and treasure we receive. Her

    are a few highlights of our recent successes:

  • 8/14/2019 Longhorn Catholic 2-2 September 2006


    Longhorn Catholic

    University Catholic Center September 2006

    Student Leader RetreatTwenty-two UCC student leaders gathered for a three-day retreat entitled

    Windows on Leadership, August 21-23, at Cedarbrake Renewal Center. At

    the UCC, we believe it is our responsibility to prepare Catholic leaders for bright

    futures in the Church and in the community. Thus, we are providing opportunities

    for our student leaders to discern their vocation, while preparing them for the

    challenges they will inevitably face as they strive to live morally, ethically, and

    faithfully. The retreat was designed to provide students with a Window on

    Leadership through which to see themselves and others. We, who are called by

    Baptism to serve others, offer our gifts for the common good. This retreat was

    a time to develop skills, to grow closer in friendship, and to view the gifts ofleadership through the windowpane of faith. The retreat offered sessions to help

    students sharpen their skills in communication, conict resolution, and recruiting

    and retention of members. Students were invited to see themselves as servant

    leaders who are asked not just to focus on the needs of their particular group, but

    to broaden their vision to consider the needs of the larger community. This is the

    essence of being a leader who serves and a servant who leads. The leadership

    retreat sets the tone for the academic year and is the rst step among many that

    help the UCC students become todays leaders for tomorrows Church.

    Attention UT AlumniIn 2008, the University CatholicCenter will celebrate 100 yearsof Paulist ministry at UT. We dontwant any of our alumni to miss

    this awesome event! To make surewere able to have a fantastic 100thAnniversary Celebration, werelaunching the 10,000 by 100Campaign. Our goal is to doublethe size of our database, bringingus to 10,000 names before our

    100th Anniversary. But, we needyour help! Help us reconnect withUT Catholic Alumni and Friendstoday. Spread the word about the

    10,000 by 100 Campaign. Send anemail TODAY with your completecontact information to amber@

    utcatholic.org to be added to thedatabase.

    UT /A&M Form PartnershipUnthinkable! But, your eyes wontbe deceiving you this November 24when the Catholic Centers from

    the rival schools will join as onein the celebration of the Eucharist.

    Join us two hours before game

    time* for a Mass at the UniversityCatholic Center, followed by areception for Longhorns andAggies! Burnt orange and maroon

    will unite for pre-game festivities

    and fellowship. This is a Mass youdont want to miss!

    *Game time is currently scheduledfor 11AM, so the Mass will take place

    at 9AM. If the game time changes,the Mass will be held two hours priorto kickoff.

    Lambda Omega Alpha &Mu Epsilon ThetaOne of colleges stereotypical

    realitiesfraternities and sororities

    is a reality at the UCC. Three

    young women in 1987 and ve

    young men in 1990 decided to

    found, respectively, a sorority and

    a fraternity based on Catholic devotion to God, fellowship amongst members,

    and outreach to the community. Both organizations are now thriving, and have

    even grown to have chapters at Texas State University in San Marcos. Since

    the spring of 2003, the Lambdas have had a dinner every semester with Bishop

    Gregory Aymond of Austin, and the Mu Eps have previously hosted a PassoverDinner for the UCC community, as well

    as various other social and spiritual

    events. The men and women in these

    organizations are constantly involved

    in other activities at the UCC and are

    a stable presence in the Catholic life of


    UCC Exesministryspotlight

    For more information, email:Bryan Sakowski, [email protected]

    Dona Suing, [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Longhorn Catholic 2-2 September 2006


    Longhorn Catholic

    University Catholic Center September 2006



    Michelle Goodwin /Associate DirectorMichelle Goodwin returns to the UCC! From 1998-2003, Michelle was associate

    director of campus ministry at the UCC. Michelle has been serving in campus

    ministry for 17 years, with the last three as campus minister at the University of

    Oklahoma (OU). She is from a military family which has enabled her to travel

    extensively; her family now resides in Oklahoma. She received her B.A. in

    Education from OU and her M.Ed. in Religious Education from Boston College.

    She is thrilled to come home to the UCC.

    Amber Fogarty /Director of Development

    In April, we welcomed Amber Fogarty to the UCC staff as Director of

    Development. She has a B.A. in Communication, an MBA from St. Edwards

    University, and is currently pursuing a M.A. in Philanthropy and Developmentfrom St. Marys University of Minnesota. When shes not visiting with UCC

    alumni, parents, and friends (or writing papers for graduate school), shes

    spending time with her husband, Martin, enjoying newlywed life.

    Deacon Tom Johnson /Business Administrator

    Tom Johnson joined the staff in March as the Business Administrator. With more

    than 20 years of professional experience in management and nance combined

    with his pastoral skills as an ordained Deacon, he is a wonderful asset to the

    UCC. Tom and his wife, Susan, have 2 children and are active parishioners at St.

    Thomas More, Austin.


    Brandon Kraft

    Administrative Assistant

    Brandon is currently a Sociology

    major entering his (hopefully) nal

    year at UT. Hes been very active

    at the UCC the past few years

    Longhorn Awakenings, Lambda

    Omega Alpha President, Bapchule

    Arizona Director (2 years). Brandon

    loves checking up on any and all new

    technology, and eats trail mix with


    Amelia Perry

    Development Assistant

    Amelia is a History major who plans

    to graduate next spring. She has

    been active in Mu Epsilon Theta

    Longhorn Awakening, and the

    Bapchule, Arizona mission trip (and

    currently holds the record for being

    the only person to sustain injuries

    there). Amelia also makes the cute

    and informative stick gure signs for

    the atrium.

    Rob Johnson

    Facilities Assistant

    Rob plans to graduate in the spring

    of 2008 with a degree in Electrica

    Engineering. A native Austinite

    he has been active at the UCC in

    various organizations including

    Longhorn Awakening, STRONG

    and Compass. Rob loves camping

    backpacking, and computers

    basically, he wouldnt turn down a

    hand-held GPS if you wanted to give

    him one.

    Back row (L-R): Amelia Perry, Fr. Dave Farnum, C.S.P., Fr

    Ed Koharchik, C.S.P., Deacon John de la Garza, Deacon

    Tom Johnson; Middle row (L-R): Amber Fogarty, Michelle

    Goodwin, Beth Boren. Front: Brandon Kraft

  • 8/14/2019 Longhorn Catholic 2-2 September 2006


    LonghornCatholic2010 University Avenue

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    See whats inside!University Catholic Center Austin, Texas

    w w w . u t c a t h o l i c . o r g

    UCC Staff

    Bapchule Arizona Mission


    When I came to UT, my family lived overseas. The UCC welcomed me and became my family during

    my college years. To this day, Im thankful for its loving, supportive community and the role this

    ministry continues to play in the lives of UT students.Rachel (Reiland) Stin

    Class of 1Rachel graduated from UT in 1996 with a BA in Art History and a Business minor.

    She was a member of Mu Epsilon Theta and was very involved with Longhorn

    Awakenings, as its Coordinator her last semester. She now lives in Houston with

    her husband and son and is an attorney with Locke Liddell and Sapp.