long island 06

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  • 1

    Tes las Tes la CoilsJeff Behary, c /o

    The Turn Of The Century Elec trotherapy MuseumPhotos ' Jef f Behar y, 2006 ' Fran k Jon es, 2006

    h ttp ://www.electro therapymuseum.com

    The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museumwww.electrot herapymuseum.com

    627 36th StreetWest Palm Beach, FL 33407

  • 2

    Tes la Osc illators w ith Mechanical BreaksI. Stat ion ar y Contact s

    II. Rotar y Contacts

    Tes la Osc illators w ith Mercury Circuit Contro llersI. Mer cur y to Meta l Contact

    II. Mercur y to Mercur y Contact

  • 3

    Tes la Osc illator w ith detachable d isruptivedischarge coil for exper imental purposes

    I. Tesla Oscil lator For Demon strat ing Imped anceII. T esl a Osci llator For D emonstrat ing E lectr ica l Discharg es

    Tes la Osc illator For Demons tratingThe Phenomenon Of Impedance

  • 4

    Behary - Cur tis Reproduc tion : Adaptation of Tes la Coilfrom Thomas Stanley Cur tis High Frequency Apparatus

    Behary - Cur tis Reproduc tion : Adaptation of Tes la Coilfrom Thomas Stanley Cur tis High Frequency Apparatus

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    To Battery

    Tes la Coi l For Ignition Purposes : Patent 609,250

    Small Tes la Osc illator for t he Produc tion of Ozoneand for Ster ilization Purposes

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    Violet Ray Tes la Co il w ith two types of Ozone Generators

    Large osc illator w ith an additional tuned c ircuit f or produc ing currents of a definite and unchanging frequency

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    Single Pancake Co il w ith 3 separate tank c ircuits and 3dis tinc t forms of elec tr ical discharges at once

    Unusual Discharges from s ingle Pancake Coil :Both effluves and flam ing arcs s imultaneous ly ? !

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    Tes la Osc illator for the produc tion of Light And Other High Frequency Phenomenon

    Wireless Lighting and Geiss ler Tubes

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    Tes la Trans former for the produc tion of R ntgen Rays

    Crookes Tubes & R nt gen Rays

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    Vacuum Manipulation w ith Tes la Co ils

    Lichtenberg Figures In Sing le Fi lament Bu lb

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    Apparatus for produc ing currents of h igh frequenc yPatent 583,953 of June 8, 1897





    Dual Inductance Coils

    Dual Inductance Coils

    Tes la trans former w ith mercury interrupter from patent number 609,251 of Augus t 16, 1898

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    Binding posts for input power

    Thumbscrews to adjustheight of f an blade


    Paraffin Oil

    Rotating Receptacle

    Stationary Components(with exception of fan blade)

    Tes la trans former w ith a gravity control led hermetically sealed mercury interrupter Patent 609,247

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    BalancedWeight(Stationary )

    Rotating Receptacle

    Motor Winding andInductance Coil

    Slanted Base

    Paten t 609,247

    Electr ic Ci rcu i t Con trol ler

    Tes la osc illator w ith a mercury jet imp ing ing agains t an insulated toothed wheel patent 609,248

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    InsulatedToothedWheel (Rotates)

    Solid Conductor(Stationary )

    Mercury Jet


    Rotating Receptacle

    Grav ity Keeps Tube Section Stationary

    Slanted Base

    3D View

    Elec tr ic Circuit Contro llerPatent 609,249 of Augus t 16, 1898



  • 15

    Behary Pseudo-Static Tes la Co il :Bipolar Pancake Coils w ith Rotary Break

    Behary Pseudo-Static Tes la Co il :Bipolar Pancake Coils w ith Rotary Break

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    L. E. Knott Apparatus Company 1896 1920sFirst Commer cial Tes la Co i l For Labor ator y and X-Ray Use

    Thomas Bur ton KinraidePioneer of Pancake St yle X-Ray Co il s,

    Methods for Producing El ectri cal Discharges,Quenched Spar k Gap s, Po int-Plane Rect if iers,

    Speci al Interrupters and Induct ion Co il s.

  • 17

    Dr . Freder ick Finch StrongPioneer of Electrotherapeut i c Tesla Co ils,Inventor of the Glass Vacuum Electrode

    Ear le L. OvingtonEng ineer ed Tesla Co i ls for Dr. Strong,

    Traveled around the US demon strat ing con i cal co il s,Becam e the f ir st U.S. Ai r Mail Pilot ,

    Insp ired K enneth Strickfadden.

    Campbell Elec tr ic Company / Campbel l Brothers 1901 - 1930

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    Seeley Laborator ies Vulcan Coi ls ca. 1905

    Vic tor X-Ray Tes la Coils ca. 1910 1920s

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    Frank S. Betz / Betzco / A. S. Aloe Company 1910 1930s

    Mc Int osh Hogan Cab inet

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    H. G. Fischer & Thompson Plas ter Company 1910 - 1930

    H. G. Fischer Surgical Tes la Coi ls

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    Behary The Tes la Coil Of The FutureBipolar Flat Spiral Resonators us ing 10kV 23mA OB IT

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    Behary The Tes la Coil Of The FutureBipolar Flat Spiral Resonators us ing 7.2kV 120mA Pole Xfmr

    Behary 1KW Tw in Pancake Tes la Coil The K ilowatt K inraide Coi l

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    Behary Kilowatt Kinraide Co il :Flam ing Discharges

    Behary Jackson Kinraide Coil

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    Behary - Kinraide Mult ilayered Con ical Coils

    Behary - Kinraide Mult ilayered Con ical Coils

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    Behary Kinraide Co il Reproduc tion w ith 6 Quenched Gap

    Behary Kinraide Co il Reproduc tion w ith 6 Quenched Gap

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    Oil-Filled Flat Sp iral / Pancake Co ils

    Sometimes they work

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    Often they dont !

    When the flam ing discharge occurs , the condit ions are evidently such that the greates t current is made to flow

    through the c ircuit 20. May 1891

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    Flam ing Discharges : Stage 1:Purple Arcs w ith heat that can be felt several feet away

    Flam ing Discharges : Stage 2:Yellow and orange f lames am ids t the purple arcs

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    Flam ing Discharges : Stage 3:White discharges , immense heat, able to melt w ires

    Flam ing Discharges : Stage 4:Blinding White Arcs , abilit y t o melt and weld metals

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    Behary Flam ing White Arc Protot ypes

    Behary Prague Coi l : 16 Discharges at 1 kW input power

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    Behary Baby Prague Coil : 4 Discharges at 50W(Tw in 2.5 diameter Multilayered Pancake Coils)

    Prague Coi l in ac tion

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    16 and 18 Diameter Flat Spiral Tes la Coi ls

    Pancake Magnifying Transm itter

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    Pancake Magnifying Transm itter