lomonosov 2

Lomonosov’s Русский вариант (оригинал) Мой перевод (Рауф) Мой испр. перевод (Рауф) Выделенные ошибки и неточности Имя великого русского учёного Ломоносова в России знают все. Lomonosov is a well- known name in Russia. Lomonosov is a well- known name in Russia. Lomonosov is a well-known name in Russia. Он очень много сделал для русской и мировой науки, основал Московский университет, который носит сейчас его имя. He did a lot for russian and world science, established a Moscow University, which was named after him. He did a lot for the international scientific community; he established a University in Moscow, which was eventually named after him. He did a lot for russian and world science, established a Moscow University, which was named after him. He made did a lot for Russian russian and world science, established a Moscow University, which was named after him. He did a lot for the international scientific community; he established a University in Moscow, which was eventually named after him. Но, может быть, не все знают, что необыкновенно интересна была судьба этого человека, много таинственного и загадочного происходило в его жизни. Probably not everyone knows about his unordinary interesting life, how many mysterious things happened in his life. Probably not everyone knows about his unusual and interesting life, how many remarkable things happened in his life. Probably not everyone knows about his unordinary unusual and interesting life, how many mysterious remarkable things happened in his life. Согласно официальной версии, Михаил Ломоносов — сын рыбака, родился в рыбацкой деревне далеко на севере России, на берегу Белого моря. According to the official version, Michail Lomonosov is a fisherman’s son. He was born in fisherman village far away to the north of Russia, at the coast of White Sea. According to the official version, Michail Lomonosov was a fisherman’s son. He was born in a fishing village far away to the north of Russia, at the coast of the White Sea. According to the official version, Michail Lomonosov was is a fisherman’s son. He was born in a fisherman fishing village far away to the north of Russia, at the coast of the White Sea. Мать его умерла рано. His mother was died early. His mother died when he was still a child. His mother was died earlywhen he was still a child. С малых лет вместе с отцом Ломоносов плавал по Белому морю, ловил рыбу. From his early ages along with his father Lomonosov went out to the White Sea for fishing From the time he was young his father took him fishing on the White Sea. From the time he was young his early ages along with his father took him fishing on the White Sea. Lomonosov went out to the White Sea for fishing Может быть, он стал бы хорошим рыбаком, как хотел его отец, если бы с детства не захватила его большая страсть — книги. Probably, he would have become a good fisherman as his father wants if the great passion wasn’t seized him from the early childhood. These were books. No doubt, he would have become a good fisherman as his father wanted if a great passion hadn’t seized him in his early childhood. This passion was books. ProbablyNo doubt, he would have become a good fisherman as his father wanteds if the a great passion wasn’t hadn’t seized him from in the his early childhood. This passionese wasere books. Он рано научился читать и прочитал все книги, кото¬рые смог найти в своей деревне. He learnt reading early and he had read all the books which were available in his village. He learned to read early and read all the books which were available in his village. He learnedt reading to read early and he had read all the books which were available in his village. He learned to read early and read all the books he could find in his village. Каждую новую книгу Ломоносов чи¬тал по нескольку раз, а многие запоминал наизусть. Every new book Lomonosov read several times, some of them he learned by heart. Every new book Lomonosov read several times, some of them he learned by heart. Every new book Lomonosov read several times, s, some of them he learned by heart. Lomonosov read every new book several times, and he even memorized some of them. В девятнадцать лет Ломоносов решил уехать в Москву учиться. At the age of 19 Lomonosov decided to move to Moscow to get an education. At the age of 19, Lomonosov decided to move to Moscow to get an education. At the age of 19, Lomonosov decided to move to Moscow to get an education. Сделать это было непросто, но он, вопреки воле отца, ушёл пешком из своей деревни и с торговым обозом, на котором везли рыбу, добрался до Москвы. It was very difficult to do so. Against his father’s will he left his village by foot. Finally he got to Moscow on the fishermen’s cart. However this was not easy because his father was against it and there was no easy way for poor boy to travel to Moscow. Eventually fish merchants helped him to get to Moscow by giving him rides on their carts. It was very difficult to do so. Against his father’s will he left his village by foot. Finally he got to Moscow on the fishermen’s cart. However this was not easy because his father was against it and there was no easy way for poor boy to travel to Moscow. Eventually fish merchants helped him to get to Moscow by giving him rides on their carts. С трудом (так как он был With a great difficulty With a great difficulty, With a great difficulty, Lomonosov Отформатировано: Отступ: Слева: 0 см, Первая строка: 0 см, Поз.табуляции: 0,38 см, по левому краю Отформатировано: Шрифт: 8 пт, выделение цветом Отформатировано: Шрифт: 8 пт, выделение цветом Отформатировано: Отступ: Слева: 0 см, Первая строка: 0 см, Поз.табуляции: 0,38 см, по левому краю

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Page 1: Lomonosov 2


Русский вариант (оригинал) Мой перевод (Рауф) Мой испр. перевод (Рауф) Выделенные ошибки и неточности

Имя великого русского учёного Ломоносова в России знают все.

Lomonosov is a well-known name in Russia.

Lomonosov is a well-known name in Russia.

Lomonosov is a well-known name in Russia.

Он очень много сделал для русской и мировой науки, основал Московский университет, который носит сейчас его имя.

He did a lot for russian and world science, established a Moscow University, which was named after him.

He did a lot for the international scientific community; he established a University in Moscow, which was eventually named after him.

He did a lot for russian and world science, established a Moscow University, which was named after him.

He made did a lot for Russian russian and world science, established a Moscow University, which was named after him.

He did a lot for the international scientific community; he established a University in Moscow, which was eventually named after him.

Но, может быть, не все знают, что необыкновенно интересна была судьба этого человека, много таинственного и загадочного происходило в его жизни.

Probably not everyone knows about his unordinary interesting life, how many mysterious things happened in his life.

Probably not everyone knows about his unusual and interesting life, how many remarkable things happened in his life.

Probably not everyone knows about his unordinary unusual and interesting life, how many mysterious remarkable things happened in his life.

Согласно официальной версии, Михаил Ломоносов — сын рыбака, родился в рыбацкой деревне далеко на севере России, на берегу Белого моря.

According to the official version, Michail Lomonosov is a fisherman’s son. He was born in fisherman village far away to the north of Russia, at the coast of White Sea.

According to the official version, Michail Lomonosov was a fisherman’s son. He was born in a fishing village far away to the north of Russia, at the coast of the White Sea.

According to the official version, Michail Lomonosov was is a fisherman’s son. He was born in a fisherman fishing village far away to the north of Russia, at the coast of the White Sea.

Мать его умерла рано. His mother was died early.

His mother died when he was still a child.

His mother was died earlywhen he was still a child.

С малых лет вместе с отцом Ломоносов плавал по Белому морю, ловил рыбу.

From his early ages along with his father Lomonosov went out to the White Sea for fishing

From the time he was young his father took him fishing on the White Sea.

From the time he was young his early ages along with his father took him fishing on the White Sea. Lomonosov went out to the White Sea for fishing

Может быть, он стал бы хорошим рыбаком, как хотел его отец, если бы с детства не захватила его большая страсть — книги.

Probably, he would have become a good fisherman as his father wants if the great passion wasn’t seized him from the early childhood. These were books.

No doubt, he would have become a good fisherman as his father wanted if a great passion hadn’t seized him in his early childhood. This passion was books.

ProbablyNo doubt, he would have become a good fisherman as his father wanteds if the a great passion wasn’t hadn’t seized him from in the his early childhood. This passionese wasere books.

Он рано научился читать и прочитал все книги, кото¬рые смог найти в своей деревне.

He learnt reading early and he had read all the books which were available in his village.

He learned to read early and read all the books which were available in his village.

He learnedt reading to read early and he had read all the books which were available in his village.

He learned to read early and read all the books he could find in his village.

Каждую новую книгу Ломоносов чи¬тал по нескольку раз, а многие запоминал наизусть.

Every new book Lomonosov read several times, some of them he learned by heart.

Every new book Lomonosov read several times, some of them he learned by heart.

Every new book Lomonosov read several times, s, some of them he learned by heart.

Lomonosov read every new book several times, and he even memorized some of them.

В девятнадцать лет Ломоносов решил уехать в Москву учиться.

At the age of 19 Lomonosov decided to move to Moscow to get an education.

At the age of 19, Lomonosov decided to move to Moscow to get an education.

At the age of 19, Lomonosov decided to move to Moscow to get an education.

Сделать это было непросто, но он, вопреки воле отца, ушёл пешком из своей деревни и с торговым обозом, на котором везли рыбу, добрался до Москвы.

It was very difficult to do so. Against his father’s will he left his village by foot. Finally he got to Moscow on the fishermen’s cart.

However this was not easy because his father was against it and there was no easy way for poor boy to travel to Moscow. Eventually fish merchants helped him to get to Moscow by giving him rides on their carts.

It was very difficult to do so. Against his father’s will he left his village by foot. Finally he got to Moscow on the fishermen’s cart.

However this was not easy because his father was against it and there was no easy way for poor boy to travel to Moscow. Eventually fish merchants helped him to get to Moscow by giving him rides on their carts.

С трудом (так как он был With a great difficulty With a great difficulty, With a great difficulty, Lomonosov

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Отформатировано: Шрифт: 8 пт,выделение цветом

Отформатировано: Шрифт: 8 пт,выделение цветом

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Page 2: Lomonosov 2

сыном простого крестьянина) Ломоносов поступил в Академию в Москве.

Lomonosov managed to be enrolled in Moscow Academy.

Lomonosov managed to enroll in the Moscow Academy.

managed to be enrolled in the Moscow Academy.

Сначала ученики смеялись над этим уже почти взрослым человеком, который пришёл учиться вместе с детьми.

First time other students laughed at him. He was a grown-up who joined children in their classes.

At first the other students laughed at him because he was so much older than they were

At first the other students laughed at him because he was so much older than they were. He was a grown-up who joined children in their classes.

Кроме того, он был беден, плохо одет и ему еле хватало денег на хлеб.

Beyond that he was poor, he had bad clothes and he hardly had enough money for food.

Additionally, he was poor, wore old clothing and hardly had enough money for food.

Beyond thatAdditionally, he was poor, he had wore bad clothesold clothing and he hardly had enough money for food.

Но скоро смеяться перестали. But soon they stopped laughing at him.

But soon they stopped laughing at him.

But soon they stopped laughing at him.

Ломоносов учился с такой страстью, добивался таких успехов, что стал первым учеником в классе.

Lomonosov studied with such a passion, that he became a first in his class.

Lomonosov studied with such a passion, that he became first in his class.

Lomonosov studied with such a passion, that he became first a first in his class.

Он за день мог понять и усвоить то, на что другим нужен был месяц.

He could learn difficult things very quickly. Others needed a month to get outside of some of the topics, Lermontov could get it done in a day.

He learned difficult things very quickly. While others needed a month to understand something done, Lermontov could understand in a day.

He could learned difficult things very quickly.. While Others others needed a month to get outside understand something doneof some of the topics, Lermontov could get understand it done in a day.

Через полгода его перевели во второй класс, а затем сразу и в третий. Он про-читал все книги, которые были в Академии, и знал уже больше многих своих учителей.

Six months later he was moved to second class, after he joined third class.

He read all the Academy’s books and he knew more that his teacher’s did.

Six months later he was moved to the second grade and shortly after that he joined the third grade.

He read all the Academy’s books and he knew more than his teachers did.

Six months later he was moved to the second classgrade, and shortly after that he joined the third classgrade.

He read all the Academy’s books and he knew more thant his teachers’s did.

Через год его отправили учиться в Киевскую академию, но и там он нашёл мало нового для себя.

A year later he was transferred to Kiev’s academy, but he found a little new for him there.

A year later he was transferred to the Kiev Academy, but he found little new for him there.

A year later he was transferred to the Kiev’s Aacademy, but he found a little new for him there.

Очень полезной стала для него учёба в Германии, где он вместе с немецкими студентами изучал разные науки: физику, математику, химию, металлургию, горное дело, медицину, иностранные языки.

Study in Germany was very useful for him. He studied sciences in Germany: physics, math, chemistry, metallurgy, mining, medicine, foreign languages.

He went to Germany to study and it was very useful for him. He studied sciences: physics, math, chemistry, metallurgy, mining, medicine and foreign languages.

He went to Germany to Study study in Germany and it was very useful for him. He studied sciences in Germany: physics, math, chemistry, metallurgy, mining, medicine and, foreign languages.

Учение шло легко. Профессора восхищались его необыкновенными способностями.

Studying was easy.

Professors were admired of ( by) his unordinary talents.

Studying was easy for him. His professors admired his unusual talents.

Studying was easy for him. His Professors professors were admired of ( by) his unordinary unusual talents.

Ломоносов вернулся в Россию с огромным запасом знаний и начал работать в Петербургской академии наук.

Lomonosov came back to Russia well educated and started his career in Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Lomonosov came back to Russia well educated and started his career in the Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Lomonosov came back to Russia well educated and started his career in the Saint-Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Ему принадлежит такое огромное количество открытий в науке и изобретений, что непонятно, как их мог сделать один человек за не очень долгую жизнь (Ломоносов прожил пятьдесят четыре года).

He was a made such a number of discoveries in science and inventions that it’s difficult to understand that one man could make them all during his not-so-long life (he died 54 years old)

He made such a number of discoveries in science and engineering that it was difficult to realize how one man could do it during his not-so-long life of 54 years.

He was a made such a number such a number of discoveries in science and engineering and inventions that it was’s difficult to understand realize howthat one man could make do it them all during his not-so-long life of (he died 54 years. old)

Кроме того что Ломоносов был гений, удивительными были его огромное упорство и невероятное трудолюбие.

Besides this Lomonosov was a genius. His perseverance and hardworking were amazing.

Lomonosov was a genius. His perseverance and hard work were amazing.

Besides this Lomonosov was a genius. His perseverance and hard working were amazing.

Ломоносов был математиком, физиком, химиком, астрономом, историком, географом, геологом, художником и филологом.

Lomonosov was mathematician, physician, chemist, stargazer, historian, geographer, geologist, artist and scholar.

Lomonosov was a mathematician, physician, chemist, astronomist, historian, geographer, geologist, artist and linguist.

Lomonosov was a mathematician, physician, chemist, stargazerastronomist, historian, geographer, geologist, artist and scholarlinguist.

Он проводил многочисленные физические и химические опыты, рискуя

He conducted a lot of experiments in physics and chemistry. He risked his life

He conducted a lot of experiments in physics and chemistry. He risked his life

He conducted a lot of experiments in physics and chemistry. He risked his life conducting experiments with electricity.

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жизнью, изу-чал природу электричества.

conducting experiments with electricity.

conducting experiments with electricity.

Учёного, который вместе с ним ставил опасные опыты во время грозы, убило молнией, но это не остановило Ломоносова. Он продолжал начатое дело и написал замечательную работу об «электрической силе». Им были открыты очень важные законы физики.

The scientist who assisted him was killed by lightning strikes during the storm, but it has not stopped Lomonosov. He went on with his research and wrote an issue about electric force. He discovered very important physics law.

The scientist who assisted him was killed by lightning during a storm, but it didn’t stop Lomonosov’s research. He went on with his research and wrote an issue about electric forces. He discovered a very important physics law.

The scientist who assisted him was killed by lightning strikes during the a storm, but it has didn’t not stop ped Lomonosov’s research. He went on with his research and wrote an issue about electric forces. He discovered a very important physicss law.

Ломоносов изучал природу удивительного явления — северного сияния.

Lomonosov explored an amazing natural phenomenon, north lights.

Lomonosov explored an amazing natural phenomenon, northern lights.

Lomonosov explored an amazing natural phenomenon, northern lights.

Он первым начал серьёзно изучать историю России и написал книгу «Древняя Российская история».

He was first who studied deeply the Russian history and he wrote a book “Ancient Rissian history”

He was the first who studied the history of Russia extensively and wrote a book “Ancient History of Russia”

He was the first who studied deeply the Russian history of Russia extensively and he wrote a book “Ancient History of RussiaRissian history”

Много лет он мечтал создать в России университет и добился этого. Этот университет был открыт в Москве в 1755 году и стал центром подготовки русских преподавателей, учёных, специалистов.

Many years he dreamed about creating an university in Russia and finally he managed to do this. The university was founded in Moscow in 1755. It was a center where Russian teachers, scientists and specialists got or improved their education.

For many years he dreamed of creating a university in Russia and finally he managed to do this. The university was founded in Moscow in 1755. It was a center where Russian teachers, scientists and specialists got or improved their education.

For mMany years he dreamed of about creating an university in Russia and finally he managed to do this. The university was founded in Moscow in 1755. It was a center where Russian teachers, scientists and specialists got or improved their education.

Кроме того, Ломоносов был поэтом, он писал стихи и поэмы, он заложил основы русского литературного языка, создал первую научную русскую грамматику.

Also Lomonosov was a poet, he wrote poems. He described new Russian literature and science language grammatical norms and language styles.

Lomonosov was also a poet. He was the first to describe the structure of the Russian language and literature. He also systematized the language of science, grammatical norms and language styles.

Also Lomonosov was also a poet., he wrote poems. He was the first to describe the structure of the described new Russian language and literature. He also systematized the and science language of science, grammatical norms and language styles.

А ещё он создавал мозаики. Из кусочков цветного стекла, сделанного по его рецепту, он собрал более сорока больших картин.

In addition to that he created mosaics from hand-made colored glass. He collected more than 40 large paintings.

In addition to that he created mosaics from hand-made colored glass. His collections consisted of more than 40 large paintings.

In addition to that he created mosaics from hand-made colored glass. His collections consisted of e collected more than 40 large paintings.

Ломоносов был человеком увлекающимся, и многие вещи интересовали его. Но главным смыслом его жизни была, конечно, наука.

Lomonosov was fascinated with a lot of different things. But the main meaning of his life was the science.

Lomonosov was fascinated by a lot of different things. But the main meaning of his life was science.

Lomonosov was fascinated with by a lot of different things. But the main meaning of his life was the science.

Великий русский поэт Пушкин так сказал о Ломоносове: «Он создал первый университет. Но лучше сказать, он сам был первым нашим университетом».

The great Russian poet Puschkine told about Lomonosov: “He founded the University. But it would be better to say that he was our University himself”.

The great Russian poet Puschkin wrote about Lomonosov: “He founded the University. But it would be better to say that he was our University himself”.

The great Russian poet Puschkine told wrote about Lomonosov: “He founded the University. But it would be better to say that he was our University himself”.

О необыкновенных способностях Ломоносова строили самые невероятные догадки и предположения. Долгое время в народе ходили слухи, что Ломоносов был внебрачным сыном другого необыкновенного русского человека — царя Петра I.

About his extraordinary abilities people made very different suggestions. Long time they said that Lomonosov was an illegitimate son of tsar Peter the Great, who was also very unordinary.

People had different opinions about his extraordinary abilities. For a long time they said that Lomonosov was an illegitimate son of tsar Peter the Great who was also very unusual.

About his extraordinary abilities pPeople made had very different suggestionsopinions about his extraordinary abilities. For Long a long time they said that Lomonosov was an illegitimate son of tsar Peter the Great, who was also very unordinaryunusual.

В год рождения Ломоносова Пётр I находился на севере страны, он строил флот недалеко от той деревни, где жила мать Ломоносова. Она была женщиной красивой и могла понравиться царю.

At the time when Lomonosov was born Peter the Great was at the north. Lomonosov’s mother lived there. She was beautiful and could be noticed by tsar.

At the time when Lomonosov was born, Peter the Great was in the north of Russia. Lomonosov’s mother lived there. She was beautiful and could have been noticed by the tsar.

At the time when Lomonosov was born, Peter the Great was inat the north of Russia. Lomonosov’s mother lived there. She was beautiful and could be have been noticed by the tsar.

Между Петром I и Ломоносовым легко увидеть

You can see a similarity between Peter the Great and

You can see a similarity between Peter the Great and

You can see a similarity between Peter the Great and Lomonosov. Both are had

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Отформатировано: Шрифт: 8 пт,английский (США)

Отформатировано: Шрифт: 8 пт,английский (США)

Отформатировано: Шрифт: 8 пт,английский (США)

Отформатировано: Шрифт: 8 пт,английский (США)

Отформатировано: Шрифт: 8 пт,английский (США)

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внешнее сходство: оба очень высокие, краснощёкие, круглолицые, сильные, крупные, но с маленькими ступнями и кистями рук.

Lomonosov. Both are with red cheeks, very tall and large but with small hands and feet.

Lomonosov. Both had red cheeks, were very tall and large but with small hands and feet.

with red cheeks, were very tall and large but with small hands and feet.

Много общего и в их характерах: упорство, настойчивость в достижении цели, удивительная работоспособность, упрямство, трудолюбие, широта натуры. Даже умерли они в одном и том же возрасте.

There are a lot of similar things in their tempers. Perseverance, motivated, hard-working, amazing effectiveness. Even they died at the same age.

There are a lot of similar things in their tempers. Perseverance, motivation, hard work and amazing effectiveness. They even died at the same age.

There are a lot of similar things in their tempers. Perseverance, motivationed, hard -working and, amazing effectiveness. Even tThey even died at the same age.

Был или не был Ломоносов сыном великого русского царя — мы никогда не узнаем.

Is it true or false, we will never know.

Is it true or false, we will never know.

Is it true or false, we will never know.

Документов в истории об этом нет. Есть только слухи, догадки и предположения.

No documents, only gossips and suggestions.

No documents, only rumors and opinions.

No documents, only gossips rumors and suggestionsopinions.

Но в науке и в деле народного просвещения Ломоносов был продолжателем идей Петра I.

But in science and in education Lomonosov continued Peter’s ideas.

Lomonosov continued Peter’s ideas in science and in education.

But in science and in education Lomonosov continued Peter’s ideas in science and in education.

Сам Ломоносов писал так: «Стараюсь защитить труды Петра Великого, чтобы выучились россияне, чтобы показали своё достоинство».

Lomonosov wrote: “I try to protect Peter the Great’s work, in order to Russians will more educated and will show their dignity.

Lomonosov wrote: “I try to protect Peter the Great’s work to educate Russians and reveal their dignity.”

Lomonosov wrote: “I try to protect Peter the Great’s work, in order to educate Russians will more educated and will reveal show their dignity.”