logs wanted x steel -...

;-'h :x. MoroncADT ioews ••x MBMklA LOGSWANTED EASSWOOD YELLOW BiRcaa Delivered Our Mill The Mayes Co. FUaSCHMANNS, N. T. PHONE 161 ^ sh d pt X to PS^ OiM Bwen R mm u o H m i, MORi TiNDER • No need to risk cosdy iogredieots • • • no need to ditappotoi your fiunfly In the treat you promised! For here is yo«r secret oC ddii* cioits b<memsdt cskedMMTs light as sfesdier every time^ DOid>teHicdf^ DsWs ghret dooble protection. Bttter rises in your mixing bowl then again in your oren» • • • A BAKING POWDiR C t* !^ In Your Time of Need ! Unobtrusive, consider- ate service . . . the careful attention to many ggwH but so Im- portant details . . . these are Just a few of the bask: prindpies of our creed. In your • tfmg of need call os at any hour« day or n ii^ 3 Minutt Fletion k f p f I )! By ___ CHABIiOTTE McGABTHT M rs. MOYER walked slowly, feeling as dismal as the driz- zly day. This was her wedding an- niversary and she knew, with no possible doubt, that her husband had forgotten about it. Even the head of her fox fur had an almost human expression of weary disil- lusion as the cold rain dribbled over its nose. All very well to remind herself that she should be thankful to have such a good husband. Never had he opened his own considerable pay envelope these last ten years. Nor had he stayed away a single evening, nor complained about the way she man- aged her household. But tomorrow the girls'would call up to find out about her present, and what could she tell them? Afterwards, Mrs. Moyer could never remember just how she got the idea, but she foimd herself In the florist's. **One dozen of your best roses, please.'* Her own voice surprised her, but she gave her own address calmly, and told the girl that she did not widi to enclose a card. Years ago, when money bad been very scarce and flowers an almost un- tbougbt of luxury, ber busband bad sent ber, on tbeir anniversary, a dozen perfect roses, Tbere bad been no card enclosed—^ need of one, O VER the dinner table that night, she chatted about the trivial happenings of the day. dear! ^'fhat biU at Taylors, and I forgot all about it. This is the fourth, isn't it?” “It's the fourth, all right” His voice was cheerful. “Old Murdodt came around for ttie rent today, and he never misses the exact date.” **I thought you had forgotten the date, but now I can only believe it just doesn't mean anything to you.*’ She tried to keep the tears out of her voice, saying the very thing she had made up her mind that wild horses couldn’t drag out of her, but having started she had no intention of backing ^w n now. Fve heard other wcmm saying that their *husbands sometimes forgot, but I never dreamed that . . The doorbell pealed an intemq^ tion. **A box tor you . . . looks like flowers.*’ She didn't look ajt him as iheteaMed w ^ tibe wmktm Ite ISM the fnigadiit to hide h ^ face, f^gtdos!^ Her flngers trembled, as she pre- tended to search among the rustUng paper for a card. “But who could have sent them?” D<m*t you remember a certain fellow ^ o sent you roses 80 years ago? You didn't need a card then.” She almost dropped the flowers. Of all the brazen . . . but surely he wouldn't dare pretend . . .? But he evidently would. “You thought rd forgotten, didn't you? I haven't asked in years just how > GALU-OlRa T H E A T R E Margaretville Two showings e a ^ nig^t in the week; the first starting at 7 o*€^ockf the second at 9 o’dodc or very soon thereafter. Matinee on Saturdays at 2:30. Frlday-Satorday March 10-11 The LadyTakes a Saflor"* Jane Wyman - Dennis Morgan —plus— "Hie Walking Hills’* Randolph Soott - Ella Katnes Sunday Monday Tuesday March 1^18-14 ^Ambush” (Color by Technicolor) Robert Taylor - Ariene Dakl John Hodlak Wednesday Thursday Blarch 15-16 ^Thehna Jordon” Bartwra Stanwyck Wendell Cory —plus— ‘««d light” Gemge Rail - Virginia Mayo Friday-Satiirday Bfaitdi 17-18 *"Daiciiig is die Dark’’ (In Color)' Wmiam Fowen - M«rk Stovms —plus— Ida liopino - Ola— Word L 36 43 44 44 56 62 70 Bowling at Maigaretville Organlcatl<m Team standings: Masons Tuttles -------- Bussys Inn Between Todds ------ ---------- ----- 55 V ic to ry ---------------------44 Legion — ------------------- 38 Modem Cleaners — — 30 High team triples: Bussys, 2495; Inn Between, 2400. High team singles: Bussys, 888 ; Tuttles, 852. 200 games: Osinsky, 206; L. Kelly, 205-204; F. Logwin, 203. Five hig^i triples: L. Kelly, 602; F. Logwin, 601; Osinsky, 540; S. Eignor, 533; R. Robertson, 525. Suburban Lea^^ue Team standings^: W L F & F _____ - _________ 60 36 Dry Brook ___________ 58 38 Marg. Furniture --------- 56 40 New Kingston ----- ------- 49 47 Bussys ______________ 47 49 M B C ______________ 43 53 Briggs ---------------------- 40 56 Mobilflame ------------ -— 31 65 High team triples: F & F, 2619; Dry Brook, 2407. High team singles: F & F, 892; Dry Brook, 828. 200 games: L. Fix, 209; F. San- ford, 204-203; R. Griffm, 202; H. Todd, 202. Five high triples: F. Sanford, 579; R. Felter, 537; H. Wilbur, 531; F. Logwin, 530; H. Todd, 530. Women’s Bowling L ea^e Team standings: W L Internationals ------------ 38 25 Farmall ___ _________ 34 29 Fuller’s Kandy Kids----- 33 30 Arkvilla —---------------- 33 30 Delaware M otors ------ 33 30 Miregga F a rm s --------- 31 32 Greene’s Flower Shop— 28 35 'The Happy Cooks-------- 22 41 High single games: G. 'Traver, 183; M. Pfarrer, 181,165; M. Fair- baim, 172; L. Maxim, 168. High triples: M. Pfarrer, ^7 ; F. Bellows, 449; M. Fairbaim, 440; G. Traver, 427; M. Kaperka, 425. SEAGER Arkville Chamber of Commerce Meets Arkville, March, 7. — The Ark- ville Chamber of CJommerce held its regular meeting at the Fire- men's hall last Thursday night with a large number attending despite the bad weather. 'The membership drive had 42 and the other team 30 members. Road signs were approved and will be put up as soon as the weather permits. An oyster supper fol- lowed the meeting. The ladies are planning to serve refresh- ments for the April meeting. Mrs. John Haynes, Mrs. Reg Todd and Mr. and 1 ^ . Nathan Haynes attended the last quarter- ly confer^ce in Fleischmanns Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Graham en- tertained a few friends in honor of his birthday last Saturday. John Haynes has been in the hospital the past two weeks imder observation and treatment for neuritis of the right shoulder. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Haynes spent Simday v/ith Mr. and Mrs. Smith Eignor at Big Indian. Sunday guests of Mrs. John Hajnies were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lid^e and son, Andy, of Shaver- town and Mrs. Frank Reynolds and baby of Arkville. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rabeler Sr. and son, Charles, of Bovina Center and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mauger and children of Delhi were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Todd. C ARKVILLE I School was closed Friday be- cause of heavy snowfall and drifted roads. Mrs. Grace Franks is on the sick list. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ella Fuller, is spending some time with her. Mrs. Albert Rosa entertained the Pinochle club at her home last week. Mrs. Thomas Hill, Mrs. Otis Whitney and Mrs. R. G. Hill won prizes. Mrs. Mina Finch, who has been ill with a heart attack, is much better. The Fortnightly Pinochle club met at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Holden last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Robert Jones won first prize, Mrs. Nelson Delameter second prize and Mrs. Cifftis Van Valk- enburgh third prize. j KELLY CORNERS j Mrs. Donald Neff and son, Billy, of Margaretville were Thursday guests of Mrs. Robert Hoy. Mrs. Larry Fitzgerald and three diildren of Bronx arrived Friday aftemoon for an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dellie Shultis. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Shultis and family of Himtington, L. I., spent the weekend with her relatives here. STEEL Beams - Channels - Angles Plates - Sheets -- C<Mnplete FalNricati<m — Fire Escsqpes - - Steel Sash • Gdmmis Reinfffltcmg Bars and Wire Mesh A S H L E Y WELDING MACHINE & IRON CO., INC Sterling St., Kingston, N. Y. Ph<mes Kii^;ston 1651 - 1652 ANTH O NY ANGELIDES M anufacturing Furrier e s t a b l i s h e d so TlfiABS 282 Seventh Ave., comer 26th Street New York City SAVE ON YOUR FUR COAT RUSSIAN PERSIAN LAMB COATS, Guaranteed to Wear 20 Years MUSKRAT COATS MOUTON LAMB COATS JACKETS and SCARFS CAPES at Very Reasonable Prices Insured Cold Storage for Your Coats and Suits Any Coat or Jacket Repaired and Restyled, Blended and Made to Look Like New We Can 01v« Ton an JOstliiiate Before StartiBK Work MAW. A POSTAL OAU> FOR AFPOlNTBIliNT Tdephone ALgcmquin 5-3598 SATURDAYS OPEN TO 5 P. M. MAII< T01IR COAT OB JACKET BY PABCBL POST New 1950 Hudsons... Now on Display! She lifted the fragrant blooms to hide her face. “Hiey*re gorgeous!” you feel about it, but to me it* s gtill the most important date in my life.” F o r the first time in her life, Mrs. Moyer knew that she was going to make a scene. What she was going to use for an excuse, she couldn't for her life imagine, since ^ e just could produce the florist's bin to prove that she knew he was trying to take credit for something he hadn't done . . . and dressing it up with sloppy sentiment to make matters worse. Suddenly she became aware that tiie phone was ringing shrilly. “Hello.** Her voice was surpris- ingly calm. ••Mrs, Moyef? Tbis is tbe florist call- ing, A U$dy placed an order for a dozen roses to be delivered to your af^ress, and tbe giH wbo took tbe order did not know that all our roses bad been toU. Sht MMt f fMme. ili s m^Ser of fact, we did deUver another order toere . . . tbe ones Mr, Moyw itrdered, so I hope you a r ^ t too dts- ^tppointed •.. We woM have let you tmow sooner, b u t, , , ” “Oh, you let me Imow in time . . jU«t in time.** she said dazedly and, leaving the receiver dancing from the hook, rushed into the din- ing room. Released by WNU J'eatures. Greatest Hudsons in History Only Cars with "Step-Down” Design Here now! New Hudsons for 1950! New sjkyling—exciting motoring advantages—right along with sen- mOional lower pricesl Tcrica roomlnass cu on oxompla* Hudson’s exclusive *'step-down brings you more seating and hc»d loom than in any other car! •*Step-down” design with its re - cessed &K>r permits Hudson seats to be lowered and positioned com- pletely ahead of the rear wheels, so seat cushions are up to 12 inches wider than in cars of greater out- side dimensions. In Hudson you got tho most room —of sonsotioncd lowor.prlcasi Odly iMsaa, ikt cor willi “11» Sfep-Dewa Rids, M iis yea fk m Your diok^ High-CompnMUom •«. or •ighVeyfind.f •n»i» ^ Cfcro«^K^ motor b l^ whkh minimiza war and>edoc* upkeep co«f» • T r^e^^^w fin^liyd™llc resent medioiikol sysleiii, plus parkins broke • Cfufc* • WkkhUM ond rear window • Wearibe#-Coirfmlt^Hudion'» heoler-coMlitiotted-oir iysle«, and B»re than 20 o th e r fe otuw i that belp nwke "ile|><low«" deilsiiod HudiOMleodeis la iis«Je Hudson’s low-built d e si^ which preserves full road clearance, quickly tells you that these remark- able automobiles^ have tte lowest center of gravity in any American car. T%lus you know instinctivdy that Hudsons handle more surely, hug the road more tenacbusly and are safer than any other car. Hudson brings you Amorko’s bost and sofest rMo—of sonsfrtlonol lower prIcoM There are many more thrilling ad- vantages in these great Hudsons. You’re invited to enjoy *”rhe New Step-Down Ride”—discover^ £or ourself that Hudson definitely you more car for less moneyl HUDSON N0W ...3 GREAT SMU LOWBtmCD WACB^AXm FAMOUS su m CUSTOM COMMODORl MsN^s ExclRSili SVPD-IUTIC IWEf Tbe otfy mabamMtie tn n rn ik ^ toQcb of a bottoai •* 6 , ae wct4. Adi. Oudi of ItiadBi, naoB taM t i m SOe. HERTS WHERS YOVGET M O M CAR fOR LESS MONEYI VAN VALKENBURGFTS GARAGE Main Street , Roxbury, N. Y. T . - ¥

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Post on 29-Aug-2019




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:x. MoroncADT ioews



Y E L L O W B iR c a a

Delivered Our Mill

T h e M a y e s C o .FUaSCHMANNS, N. T.


^ s h d p t X t o PS^

OiM Bwen Rmm

u o H m i ,


• No need to risk cosdy iogredieots • • • no need to ditappotoi your fiunfly In the treat you promised! For here is yo«r secret oC ddii* cioits b<memsdt cskedMMTs light as sfesdier every time^DOid>teHicdf DsWs ghret dooble protection. Bttter rises in your mixing bowl

then again in your oren»• • •



C t* !In Your

Time of Need !

Unobtrusive, consider­ate service . . . the careful attention to many ggwH but so Im­portant details . . . these are Just a few of the bask: prindpies of our creed. In your

• tfmg of need call os at any hour« day or n i i ^

3 MinuttFletion

k f p



Mr s . MOYER walked slowly, feeling as dismal as the driz­

zly day. This was her wedding an­niversary and she knew, with no possible doubt, that her husband had forgotten about it. Even the head of her fox fur had an almost human expression of weary disil­lusion as the cold rain dribbled over its nose.

All very well to remind herself that she should be thankful to have such a good husband. Never had he opened his own considerable pay envelope these last ten years. Nor

had he stayed aw ay a single evening, nor complained about the way she man­

aged her household. But tomorrow the girls'would call up to find out about her present, and what could she tell them?

Afterwards, Mrs. Moyer could never remember just how she got the idea, but she foimd herself In the florist's.

**One dozen of your best roses, please.'* Her own voice surprised her, but she gave her own address calmly, and told the girl that she did not widi to enclose a card.

Years ago, when money bad been very scarce and flowers an almost un- tbougbt of luxury, ber busband bad sent ber, on tbeir anniversary, a dozen perfect roses, Tbere bad been no card enclosed— need of one,

OVER the dinner table that night, she chatted about the trivial

happenings of the day.dear! ^'fhat biU at Taylors,

and I forgot all about it. This is the fourth, isn't it?”

“It's the fourth, all righ t” His voice was cheerful. “Old Murdodt came around for ttie rent today, and he never misses the exact date.”

**I thought you had forgotten the date, but now I can only believe it just doesn't mean anything to you.*’ She tried to keep the tears out of her voice, saying the very thing she had made up her mind that wild horses couldn’t drag out of her, but having started she had no intention of backing ^w n now. Fve heard other wcmm saying that their * husbands sometimes forgot, but I never dreamed that . .The doorbell pealed an intemq^ tion.

**A box tor you . . . looks like flowers.*’ She didn't look ajt him as iheteaM ed w ^ tibe wmktm

I t e IS M the fnigadiit tohide h ^ face, f^g tdos!^Her flngers trembled, as she pre­tended to search among the rustUng paper for a card. “But who couldhave sent them?”

D<m*t you remember a certain fellow ^ o sent you roses 80 years ago? You didn't need a card then.”

She almost dropped the flowers. Of all the brazen . . . but surely he wouldn't dare pretend . . .?

But he evidently would. “You thought rd forgotten, didn't you? I haven't asked in years just how




Two showings e a ^ nig^t in theweek; the first starting a t 7o*€^ockf the second a t 9 o’dodcor very soon thereafter. Matinee on Saturdays a t 2:30.

Frlday-Satorday March 10-11

The Lady Takes a Saflor"*Jane Wyman - Dennis Morgan


"Hie Walking Hills’*Randolph Soott - Ella Katnes

Sunday Monday Tuesday March 1^18-14

^ A m b u sh ”(Color by Technicolor)

Robert Taylor - Ariene Dakl John Hodlak

Wednesday ThursdayBlarch 15-16

^ T h e h n a J o r d o n ”Bartwra Stanwyck

Wendell Cory—plus—

‘« « d l i g h t ” Gemge R ail - Virginia Mayo

Friday-Satiirday Bfaitdi 17-18

*"Daiciiig is die Dark’’(In Color)'

Wmiam Fowen - M«rk Stovms—plus—

Ida liopino - Ola— Word

L364344 44


Bowling at MaigaretvilleOrganlcatl<m

Team standings:MasonsTuttles --------Bussys Inn BetweenTodds ------ ---------- ----- 55V ic to ry ---------------------44Legion —------------------- 38Modem Cleaners — — 30

High team triples: Bussys, 2495; Inn Between, 2400. High team singles: Bussys, 888; Tuttles, 852.

200 games: Osinsky, 206; L. Kelly, 205-204; F. Logwin, 203.

Five hig^i triples: L. Kelly, 602; F. Logwin, 601; Osinsky, 540; S. Eignor, 533; R. Robertson, 525.

Suburban Lea^^ueTeam standings^: W L

F & F_____ -_________ 60 36Dry B ro o k___________ 58 38Marg. F u rn itu re --------- 56 40New K ingston------------ 49 47B ussys______________ 47 49M B C ______________ 43 53B rig g s---------------------- 40 56M obilflam e------------ -— 31 65

High team triples: F & F, 2619; Dry Brook, 2407. High team singles: F & F, 892; Dry Brook, 828.

200 games: L. Fix, 209; F. San­ford, 204-203; R. Griffm, 202; H. Todd, 202.

Five high triples: F. Sanford, 579; R. Felter, 537; H. Wilbur, 531; F. Logwin, 530; H. Todd, 530.

Women’s Bowling L ea^ eTeam standings: W L

In ternatio nals------------ 38 25Farmall ___ _________ 34 29Fuller’s Kandy Kids----- 33 30Arkvilla —---------------- 33 30Delaware M oto rs------ — 33 30Miregga F a rm s --------- 31 32Greene’s Flower Shop— 28 35'The Happy Cooks-------- 22 41

High single games: G. 'Traver, 183; M. Pfarrer, 181,165; M. Fair- baim, 172; L. Maxim, 168.

High triples: M. Pfarrer, ^ 7 ; F. Bellows, 449; M. Fairbaim , 440; G. Traver, 427; M. Kaperka, 425.


Arkville Chamber of Commerce Meets

Arkville, March, 7. — The Ark­ville Chamber of CJommerce held its regular meeting a t the Fire­men's hall last Thursday night with a large number attending despite the bad weather. 'The membership drive had 42 and the other team 30 members. Road signs were approved and will be put up as soon as the weather permits. An oyster supper fol­lowed the meeting. The ladies are planning to serve refresh­ments for the April meeting.

Mrs. John Haynes, Mrs. Reg Todd and Mr. and 1 ^ . Nathan Haynes attended the last quarter­ly confer^ce in Fleischmanns Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Graham en­tertained a few friends in honor of his birthday last Saturday.

John Haynes has been in the hospital the past two weeks imder observation and treatm ent for neuritis of the right shoulder.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Haynes spent Simday v/ith Mr. and Mrs. Smith Eignor a t Big Indian.

Sunday guests of Mrs. John Hajnies were Mr. and Mrs. Tom L id^e and son, Andy, of Shaver­town and Mrs. Frank Reynolds and baby of Arkville.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rabeler Sr. and son, Charles, of Bovina Center and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mauger and children of Delhi were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Todd.


School was closed Friday be­cause of heavy snowfall anddrifted roads.

Mrs. Grace Franks is on the sick list. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ella Fuller, is spending some timewith her.

Mrs. Albert Rosa entertained the Pinochle club at her home last week. Mrs. Thomas Hill, Mrs. Otis Whitney and Mrs. R. G. Hillwon prizes.

Mrs. Mina Finch, who has been ill with a heart attack, is much better.

The Fortnightly Pinochle club met at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Holden last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Robert Jones won first prize, Mrs. Nelson Delameter second prize and Mrs. Cifftis Van Valk­enburgh third prize.

j KELLY CORNERS jMrs. Donald Neff and son, Billy,

of M argaretville were Thursday guests of Mrs. Robert Hoy.

Mrs. Larry Fitzgerald and three diildren of Bronx arrived Friday aftemoon for an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dellie Shultis.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren Shultis and family of Himtington, L. I., spent the weekend with her relatives here.

S T E E LB e a m s - C h a n n e ls - A n g le s

P la t e s - S h e e t s

-- C <M nplete F alN ricati< m —

Fire Escsqpes - - Steel Sash • GdmmisReinfffltcmg Bars and Wire Mesh



Sterling St., Kingston, N. Y.Ph<mes Kii^;ston 1651 - 1652


M a n u fa c tu r in g F u r r ie re s t a b l i s h e d so TlfiABS

282 Seventh Ave., comer 26th Street New York City



JACKETS and SCARFS CAPES a t Very Reasonable Prices

Insured Cold Storage for Your Coats and Suits

Any Coat or Jacket Repaired and Restyled, Blended and Made to Look Like New

We Can 01v« Ton an JOstliiiate Before StartiBK Work


Tdephone ALgcmquin 5-3598 SATURDAYS OPEN TO 5 P. M.


New 1950 H u d so n s . . . Now on D isplay!

She lifted the fragrant blooms to hide her face. “Hiey*re gorgeous!”

you feel about it, but to me it* s gtill the most important date in my life.”

Fo r the first time in her life, Mrs.Moyer knew that she was going

to make a scene. What she was going to use for an excuse, she couldn't for her life imagine, since ^ e just could produce the florist's bin to prove that she knew he was trying to take credit for something he hadn't done . . . and dressing it up with sloppy sentiment to make matters worse.

Suddenly she became aware that tiie phone was ringing shrilly.

“Hello.** Her voice was surpris­ingly calm.

••Mrs, Moyef? Tbis is tbe florist call- ing, A U$dy placed an order for a dozen roses to be delivered to your af^ress, and tbe giH wbo took tbe order did not know that all our roses bad been toU. Sht MMt f fMme. ili s m^Ser of fact, we did deUver another order toere . . . tbe ones Mr, Moyw itrdered, so I hope you a r^ t too dts- tppointed • . . We woM have let you

tmow sooner, but, , , ”“Oh, you let me Imow in time

. . jU«t in time.** she said dazedly and, leaving the receiver dancing from the hook, rushed into the din­ing room.

Released by WNU J'eatures.

Greatest Hudsons in History Only Cars with "Step-Down” DesignH ere now! New Hudsons for 1950!

New sjkyling—exciting motoring advantages—righ t along w ith sen- mOional lower pricesl

Tcrica roomlnass cu on oxompla*Hudson’s exclusive *'step-down

brings you more seating and hc»d loom th an in any other car!

•*Step-down” design w ith its re ­cessed &K>r perm its Hudson seats to be lowered and positioned com­pletely ahead of the rear wheels, so seat cushions are up to 12 inches wider th an in cars of greater out­side dimensions.In Hudson you got tho most room —of sonsotioncd lowor.prlcasi

Odly iMsaa, ikt cor willi “11» Sfep-Dewa Rids, M iis yea fkmYour diok^ High-CompnMUom •«. or •ighVeyfind.f •n»i» ^ Cfcro«^K^ motor b l ^ whkh minimiza war and>edoc* upkeep co«f» • T r ^ e ^ ^ ^ w fin^liyd™llc resent medioiikol sysleiii, plus parkins broke • Cfufc* •WkkhUM ond rear window • Wearibe#-Coirfmlt Hudion'» heoler-coMlitiotted-oir iysle«, andB»re t h a n 20 o t h e r f e o t u w i that belp nwke "ile|><low«" deilsiiod HudiOM leodeis la iis«Je

Hudson’s low-built d e s i^ which p reserves fu ll ro ad c learan ce , quickly tells you th a t these rem ark­able automobiles^ have t t e lowest center of gravity in any American car. T%lus you know instinctivdy th a t Hudsons handle more surely, hug th e road more tenacbusly and are safer th an any other car. Hudson brings you Amorko’s bost and sofest rMo—of sonsfrtlonol lower prIcoMThere are m any more th r illing ad­vantages in these great Hudsons. You’re invited to enjoy *”rh e New Step-Down Ride” — discover^ £or ourself th a t H udson definitely

you more car for less moneyl



MsN s ExclRSili SVPD-IUTIC IWEfTbe otfy mabamMtie tnnrnik^

toQcb of a bottoai

•*6 , ae wct4.Adi. O udi of ItiadBi,

naoB taM t im SOe.


VAN VALKENBURGFTS GARAGEM ain S tre e t , R oxbury , N. Y.


. -¥