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Off centre typewriter font suggests grittiness

Upload: coulstond

Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Off centre typewriter font suggests grittiness

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Diegetic sounds of people milling about the man selling goods. Not in a store suggests that the goods are stolen/illegal

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People moving in front of the camera funnels the viewers attention to Statham. Diagetic sounds of Statham and the crowd talking

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Camera moves around behind the crowd. This is to try and help the audience feel as if they’re in the crowd. Blank expressions on the crowd tell the audience that Statham isn’t selling much.

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Medium shot of a man moving through the crowd. Camera focus on him suggests to the audience that him and Statham are in cahoots.

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Still Diegetic sounds of crowd. Expressions form the crowd now show they are interested in buying.

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Build up of music in backround suggests that something is going to happen. Moran looks around suspiciously and then shouts to Statham about police. This confirms that they are both working together and are doing something illegal.

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As both run from police non-diegetic chase music is played to heighten excitement by the audience. The way they leap over barricade suggests they’ve done this before

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Narration tells the audience the names of both the characters. It also informs the audience that they want to “move on” suggesting to the audience that they’ve got a plan to do that.

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Music keeps playing as the same typewriter font types out the title of the movie. Font type reinforces the themes of grittiness and illegality.

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