locations & pictures template-2

St. Andrew’s Catholic School Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio in Media Locations 1. Lizzie’s House This is one of our class members houses which is where we will be filming the majority of our trailer. Example of shot types we will be using is an over the shoulder shot to capture the transgender character. Another shot will be a long shot of the affair storyline. One Camera movement we will be using is static as they are still shots of each scene with no 1

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Page 1: Locations & pictures   template-2

St. Andrew’s Catholic School

Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio in Media


1. Lizzie’s House

The reason we have chosen to use this location to film the majority of the trailer because there are a variety of different rooms to fit each storyline/scene. Another reason is because

This is one of our class members houses which is where we will be filming the majority of our trailer. Example of shot types we will be using is an over the shoulder shot to capture the transgender character. Another shot will be a long shot of the affair storyline. One Camera movement we will be using is static as they are still shots of each scene with no movement. There will also be high angle shots incorporated in order to portray the little importance of some characters.


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the house is extremely close to the other two locations we are using (15 minutes walking distance).

Potential Hazards/Risks

Location specific -Why?How will this be resolved?

One potential risk for this location is that there are roads surrounding the house so we will have to be highky aware of potential incoming traffic and crossing the road. Another potential hazard is that there might be lots of wires in the area due to all the equiptment we will be using so will will have to ensure to keep the area tidy so nobody trips over them. Lizzie also has a few cats so we will also have to check to see if any other members of the group have any allergies, if so depending on how severe the allergies are we may have to potentially change our location.

2. The Leg of Mutton and Cauliflower

The reason we have chosen to film in this location is because stereotypically in every soap there is a local pub where many storylines take place in, so therefore we are keeping the stereotypical setting in place in order to keep the brand identity of soap in our trailer.

The main camera movement that will be used in this location is a panning shot of the interior. We will be using this to set the scene of our trailer. The camera shot we will be using is a long shot in order to get the entire interior in the trailer.


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Potential Hazards/Risks

Location specific -Why?How will this be resolved?

One potential risk for this location is that there are roads surrounding the house so we will have to be highly aware of potential incoming traffic and crossing the road. Another potential hazard is that there will most probably be members of the public in our shots so we will have to ensure we have their permission to be in our footage. Another thing we will have to arrange is permission from the management of this pub to film in.

3. Ashtead Common

The reason we have chosen to use this location is because our storyline includes someone being murdered so we thought this was a suitable location to film where the body was dumped.

Potential Hazards/Risks

Location specific -Why?How will this be resolved?

When walking to the common from school we will have to cross several roads so this is one potential risk we will have to be aware of. Another risk is that members of our group might have allergies to the surroundings as well as the common, such as hayfever so we will aslo have to be careful of this. Another hazard we will have to take into consideration is members of the oublic in the common and will have to inform them of us filming incase they do not wish to appear in our trailer.

The camera movement at this location will be static because we are filming a still shot of the dead body here. We will be using a mid shot camera shot as we will be filming the body being covered up with a blanket to hide the identity of whose been killed.