local& youth(work) policy& in flanders& · flanders? (3 regions,3...

Local . Youth(work) Policy In Flanders

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Page 1: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Local  .  Youth(work)  

Policy  In  Flanders  


Page 2: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

 Vereniging  Vlaamse  Jeugddiensten  ‘Federa&on  of  local  youth  services’  

Official  members:  98%  of  308  municipali8es  Target  groups:  

 Municipal  Youth  Officers  

Young  people/Youth  councils  Eldermen  of  youth  (poliFcians)  

But  first  things  first  

Page 3: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Flanders?  (3  regions,  3  communi4es,                                          Complicated!)

-­‐  Belgium:  30.528km²  (Sweden:450.295)  

-­‐  11.200.000  hab  (Sweden:  9.800.000)  -­‐  FL:  57%  -­‐  FR:  42%  -­‐  GE:  1%  

 -­‐  Federal  government  -­‐  Flemish  government  -­‐  Wallonian  

government  -­‐  Brussels  

Youth,  culture,  sport,  fishing,  tourism,  work,…  (EXCLUSIVE!)  

Page 4: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Flanders:  308  Municipali4es

Page 5: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

                                                                                                     Origins  of  local  youth  policy     • Very  long  and  strong  tradi8on  of  youth  work  in  Flanders    •  Quan8ty  and  diversity  is  +/-­‐  unique  in  Europe        

•  Concept:  ac8vi8es  organized  by  youth  for  youth  

Page 6: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

The  defini4on  of  youth  work  in  Flanders   Youthwork:  Sociocultural  ac8vi8es  based  on  non-­‐commercial  goals,  for  or  by  young  people  (voluntary  and  3  –  30yr),  with  educa8onal/pedagocic  support.      Huge  variety!    •  Small  local  youth  mouvements  •  Youth  clubs  (and  big  youth  centers  with  staff)  •  Playground  organisa8ons  •  Summer  camp  organisa8ons  

•  Youthwork  focussed  on  vulnerable  children  •  Self  organisa8ons  (f.e.  of  etnic  minori8es,…)  •  ….  

Page 7: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

  Youth  work  in  flanders  (2007)   Number  

Youth  movements   2.057  Poli8cal  youth  movements   496  Movements  of  young  people   459  Youth  clubs   409  Amateur  arts   399  Students’  associa8ons   267  Playground  organiza8ons   188  Centres  for  music  ac8vi8es   116  Youth  associa8ons  which  organize  par8es,  concerts,  fes8vals   111  Thema8c  youth  movements   97  Youth  associa8ons  for  disabled  young  people   96  Ini8a8ves  for  socially  deprived  children  and  young  people   93  Immigrant  self  organiza8ons   85  Workshops  for  children  and  young  people   75  Others   198  TOTAAL   5.146  

308  municipali8es  in  Flanders  

Page 8: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

How  is  local  youthwork  supported?


MunicipaliFes  (n=308)   NaFonal  Youth  Work  OrganisaFons  (n=62)  

Local  youth  work  work  (youth  mouvements,  youth  centers,  playgardens,  ….  (most  of  them  are  NGO-­‐structured  or  Municipal.  




Page 9: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

About    ‘na4onal  youth  work  organisa4ons’ • Because  VVJ  is  and  is  not  like  KEKS  a.o.  • Na8onal  youth  work  organisa8ons  (educ.  support)  

→   Na8onal  organisa8on  for  youth  clubs  and  centers  →   Na8onal  youth  mouvements  →   Na8onal  organisa8ons  for  the  rights  of  vulnerable  children  

→   and  so  on…  

Page 10: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Local  youth  (work)  policy

Page 11: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Origins  of  local  youth  policy  in  Flanders:  

Youth  work  policy  Mobility  


Health  care  

Social  welfare  



Primarily  focused  on  suppor8ng  youth  work  

Page 12: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)


   “We  go  for  beper,  more  and  integral  local  youth  policy”      support  local  and  urban  youth  units  in  preparing  and  carrying  out  the  youth  policy      

Page 13: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Basic  principles

     1.  Categorical  approach  

Page 14: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)


Federal  state  of  Belgium  Flemish  community  

Provincial  government  

Local  government   Policy  Policy  areas   Categories  

Information Justice Health care Employment Finance…


- education - training …


- education - training …


- arts - sports - tourism - media - organisat. …


- mobility - traffic - environ- mental …

Youth policy

Elderly people

Migrant people

Disabled people

Socially Disadv. P.

Youth councils Courts Juveniles Y.Employment pr. Pedriatic hospital

Primary sch. Counselling centres for students

Y.I.S. day-care Youth-care

Sportclub museum library youthwork y council

Cycle-roads. And infrastruct. Playgrounds City Parks

Page 15: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Basic  principles

 2.  Integrated  youth  policy  with                        youth  work  policy  at  the  core  

Page 16: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

                                                                     Basic  principles  3.  Youth  policy:  integral  and  inclusive  as  well  

4.  Complementary  youth  policy:  municipal  autonomy  with  (some  liple)  impulses  from  the  Flemish  government  

5.  Ambivalent  youth  service:  policy  planner  and  organiser/field  worker  =  FLEXIBLE  


Page 17: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

                                                                     Basic  principles  6.  Children’s  rights  as  star8ng  point  7.  VVJ  as  promotor  of  local  youth  policy,  every  local  youth  service  can  ask  support  from  VVJ  

Page 18: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Local  youth  policy  un4ll  2015:

•  Flemish  government  supports  local  youth  policy  → Budget  from  the  Flemish  government:  about  21  million  EUR  •  Distributed  among  308  municipali8es  according  to  certain  indicators  (popula8on  under  30…)  

→ 3  policy  priori8es  •  Support  for  local  youth  work  policy  •  Par8cipa8on  of  socially  disadvantaged  children  and  young  people  in  youth  work  ini8a8ves  

•  Youth  culture  

This  stops  31/12/2015  

Page 19: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

From  01/01/2016

•  Flemish  government  will  ‘measure’  youth  and  youth  work.  • Municipali8es  are  ‘supported’  (f.e.  by  VVJ)  but  will  have  100%  autonomy.  (some  other  fields  stay  linked,  like  ‘child  care’)  • Good  prac8ces  are  from  great  value    (ex:  Child  Friendly  Ci8es)  

Page 20: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

We  are…

   A  combinaFon  of:  •  member  organiza8on  (15  VTE)  •  a  service  plavorm  for  youth  policy  

 A  few  figures:  •  Nr.  of  municipali8es  in  Flanders:  308  •  Nr.  of  members  of  VVJ:  300  (actualy  322  –  districts  +  provinces)  •       Nr.  of  staff  in  youth  services  820  (617  FTE)  

Page 21: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)


1  or  more  Youth  officer  In  youth  office  

1  or  more  Youth  officer  In  another  office  

1  or  more  combinaFonofficer  


No  staff  

Type  youth  service   2004   2007   2010  Aantal   %   Aantal   %   Aantal   %  

One  or  more  youth  civil  servants  for  youth  

193   62,87   212   69,06   228   69,94  

One  of  more  youth  civil  servants  for  youth  in  other  policies  

21   6,84   12   3,91   19   5,83  

One  of  more  combinaFon  civil  servants  

78   25,41   67   21,82   74   22,70  

Intermuncipal  civil  servant   12   3,91   4   1,30   2   0,61  

No  civil  servant  for  youth   3   0,98   12   3,91   3   0,92  

Respons   307       307       326  types  in  307  gemeenten  

Youth  services  in  Flanders (remember:  ambivalent)  

Page 22: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)


   “We  go  for  beper,  more  and  integral  local  youth  policy”      support  local  and  urban  youth  units  in  preparing  and  carrying  out  the  youth  policy      

Page 23: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

                                           Our  public:  the  triangle


Youth  council  ADVICE  

Youth  service  INFORMATION  


City  council  DECISION  

Youth  policy  

Page 24: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)


•  Helpdesk  for  all  3  target  groups    (in  agreement  with  VVSG,  by  the  way)  

•  Lots  of  communica8on  (digital,  printed  magazine,  books,  …)  

•  Lots  of  educa8on  →   educaFonal  days  in  march  (+200  part)  →   expert-­‐traject  for  youth  officers  →   youth  work  training  (CO2)  →   On  demand  

•  Core  business  is  ‘exchange’  (‘warm’  connecFon)  →   7x3  meeFngs/yr  (prov  +  CSO  +  Bxl)  →   internaFonal  (Erasmus+)  →   themaFcal  →   For  youth/youth  councils  (4x  with  +/-­‐  400  part)  →   …  

•  Child  friendly  ciFes  •  Beïng  in  Flanders  (lobbying?)  

Page 25: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Outro:  Local  Youth  Council

•  In:  → Delegates  from  local  youth  work  ini8a8ves  → Other  interested  young  people  

•  Out:  → Members  of  the  city  council  or  any  other  elected  mandate  

•  Apending:  → Civil  servant  (support)  → Alderman  for  youth  

Page 26: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Main  tasks

•  Advice  to  city  council  → Obligated:  general  policy  plan  and  youth  policy  → Own  ini8a8ve:  anything  concerning  children  and  young  people  

•  Youth  policy  •  Ac8vi8es  •  Representa8on      

Page 27: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Reality bites?

•  Not  every  youth  council  is  very  ac8ve  or  involved  → Every  2  or  3  years  different  youth  council  → Agenda:  owen  not  very  sexy,  boring  → Lack  of  knowledge  

•  Poli8cians  are  ‘afraid’  of  youth  councils  → Pain  in  the…  -­‐>  ignorance  → But,  strong  youth  councils  can  be  a  strong  support  for  the  local  policy  (honesty)  


Page 28: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)


Page 29: Local& Youth(work) Policy& In Flanders& · Flanders? (3 regions,3 communi4es,*****Complicated!)? Belgium:30.528km² (Sweden:450.295)? 11.200.000 hab’ (Sweden:9.800.000)

Contact  us!

VVJ  Ossenmarkt  3,  2000  Antwerp    +32  3  821  06  06    [email protected]