local lynx issue 88 feb/mar 2013 revision 2

BALE - BINHAM - COCKTHORPE - FIELD DALLING GUNTHORPE - LANGHAM - MORSTON SAXLINGHAM - SHARRINGTON - STIFFKEY NEWS FROM OUR VILLAGES ISSUE 88 February & March 2013 Read Local Lynx on-line at: www.locallynx.co.uk Stiffkey butcher James Reynolds (b.1897) on his rounds in Langham between the wars

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A community newspaper for 10 North Norfolk villages: Bale, Binham, Cockthorpe, Field Dalling, Gunthorpe, Langham, Morston, Saxlingham, Sharrington, Stiffkey


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February & March


Read Local Lynx on-line at: www.locallynx.co.uk

Stiffkey butcher James Reynolds (b.1897) on his rounds in Langham between the wars

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- is a non-profit-making community newspaper, run for the benefit of ten villages. We warmly welcome drawings, articles and letters for publication, but must reserve the right to edit or exclude items. The items published do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or the village representatives. For information about submitting items for publication, or if you want to help in any other way, please contact your village representative, through whom all village news must be submitted. For general information please send a message to our email address:

[email protected]



CONTACT FOR ADVERTISERS For enquiries about advertising in Local Lynx,

please contact Maxine Burlingham tel: 01328-830375

email: [email protected]

Rates for advertising (pre-paid) are: One column x 62 mm (1/8 page): £72 for six issues.

Small Ads Panel on the back page: Available for individuals and businesses

providing local services. Cost: £36 for six issues.


Minister: The Rev’d J Pathmarajah Tel: 01263 712 181 Sunday Services at 2pm

For details of weekday services and preachers, please refer to the current issue of ‘The Glaven Valley Newsletter’.


Father Michael Simison 12 Hindringham Road Gt. Walsingham Norfolk Tel: 01328 821 353

Priest in Residence Father William Wells (the house behind the church)

Service Times Masses: Wednesday 9.30am Vigil Mass Saturday 6.00pm Sunday 11.00am

DEANERY NEWS Next Deanery Synod: Thursday March 14th 7.15pm for 7.30pm St. Andrew’s Holt, in the new ‘Meeting Place’ or in Church. Speaker: Philip Parker – an authority and expert on bats. Subject: Current Legislation for the Control of Bats in Churches – an illustrated talk.

WHAT’S ON FEBRUARY 2nd Sat. Langham Coffee - Parish Room 10am-12 noon 2nd Sat.- 3rd Sun. Binham Roman Project. Field Walking Survey. Hall Close Field. 4th Mon. Binham Pub Quiz Night. The Chequers 7.30pm 8th Fri. Bale Fish and Chips Village Hall 7pm 13th Wed. Langham Ladybirds Parish Room 7.30pm 15th Fri. Binham North Norfolk Astronomy Society 8pm 16th Sat. Morston FMC Quiz Village Hall 20th Wed. Langham Coffee. Parish Room 10am-12 pm 20th Wed. Field Dalling Drop-in Coffee Morning, Village Hall 10.30am - 12noon

21st Thur. Binham & Hindringham Open Circle 7.15pm 21st Thurs. Langham Mobile Library 22nd Fri. Sharrington Police Street Meeting, outside Village Hall 10-11am 22nd Fri. Gunthorpe Police Street Meeting, outside Village Institute 2-3pm 22nd Fri. Bale Police Street Meeting, outside the church 3-4pm 23rd Sat. Gunthorpe 50:50 Club Village Institute 10.30am 23rd Sat. Langham Parish Room 7pm. Soups & Puds. 28th Thurs. Gunthorpe and Bale PC Meeting. Village Insititute 7.30pm 28th Thurs. Binham Local History Group. Village Hall 7.30pm MARCH 2nd Sat. Langham Coffee in Parish Room 10am-12 pm 4th Mon. Binham Quiz Night.BinhamChequers 7.30pm 7th Thurs. Langham Quiz Night. Parish Room 7pm 8th Fri. Binham Friends of Priory AGM & Lecture 7pm 8th Fri. Bale Fish and Chips Village Hall 7pm 16th Sat. Langham Soup Lunch and Book Sale 12-2pm 18th Mon Binham Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm 20th Wed. Langham Coffee-Parish Room 10am-12 Noon 20th Wed. Field Dalling Drop-in Coffee Morning, Village Hall 10.30am - 12noon 21st Thur. Binham & Hindringham Open Circle 7.15pm 21st Thurs. Langham Mobile Library 23rd Sat. Gunthorpe 50:50 Club. Village Institute 10.30am 23rd Sat Langham Sale Parish Room 10-11.30am 25th Mon. Sharrington Police Street Meeting, outside Village Hall 10-11am 25th Mon. Gunthorpe Police Street Meeting, outside Village Institute 2-3pm 25th Mon. Bale Police Street Meeting, outside the church 3-4pm 25th Mon. - 27th Wed. Binham Flower Festival REGULARS Mondays Langham WRVS Car Service Tuesdays Binham Guild of Artists, Village Hall 10-12 Wednesdays (in term time) Binham Youth Group, Village Hall 6-8pm 4th Wednesday of each month Field Dalling Friends and Neighbours Club, 2.30pm Village Hall Thursdays Field Dalling Bowls Club. Village Hall 7.30pm Thursdays Field Dalling Pilates 10.10am

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Dear Friends and Parishioners, I have been reading again some of the books of

Elizabeth Goudge, first published in the ‘forties; and in one of them, ‘The Herb of Grace’ (the name of an ancient inn where the several members of a family find peace), there’s this description of the grandmother’s bedroom at her own neighbouring and very old house:

‘There was deep peace in it – she did not quite know why, unless it was that for so many years it was here that she had prayed most deeply and most often; so often that now when she opened her bedroom door prayer brimmed up in her automatically as it did when she crossed the threshold of the church.’

Two activities are at the heart of the Christian life: prayer and worship. Churches of course are built for them, but you can pray and worship anywhere. The grandmother in the book found that her bedroom had become her special place. In her quiet way she was one of those people for whom converse with God had become the pivot of their lives; and so she joined the stream of those who are makers under God of salvation history. The Lord is the one who saves his people and judges his enemies but in that process his means is people rather than programmes.

It begins with prayer: putting ourselves in the way of God’s grace. Thanking Him, praising Him, being honest with Him, pouring out our heart to Him, reading His word, availing ourselves of all the things that are there for the asking: some time on our own, music, the outdoors, the

Psalms, giving, service, a bedroom like that of the grandmother in the book, and the season of Lent.

Lent is that series of weeks before the feast of Easter, when we can put ourselves in the way of God’s encounter by setting aside a definite time for prayer. The remedy of feeling life is out of control is to put it back in God’s control. From such discipline practical steps will emerge to ensure things are not taken for granted, nor routines allowed to become automatic. A new purposefulness emerges, and determination to allow the Lord to set our agendas, and guide our journeys.

This Lent, there will be a group meeting at several houses in our several villages. Do let me know if you would like to come. (Tel. 01328 830246).

It’s a little late for Christmas carols, but this is one which looks forward not just to Spring but to that ultimate Summer to be enjoyed by those who have learned to worship and pray to the Lord once born at Bethlehem:

My master hath a garden, full-filled with divers flowers, Where thou may’st gather posies gay, all times and hours, Here nought is heard but paradise-bird, harp, dulcimer, and lute, with cymbal and timbrel and the gentle-sounding flute. Oh! Jesus, Lord, my heal and weal, my bliss complete, Make thou my heart thy garden-plot, true, fair, and neat, That I may hear this music clear, harp, dulcimer, and lute, With cymbal and timbrel and the gentle-sounding flute.

Yours truly, Ian Whittle

Church Services for Bale and Stiffkey Benefice for February and March 2013 HC=Holy Communion. CFS=Church Family Service. MP=Morning Prayer. BCP=Book of Common Prayer

All Communion Services are in traditional language except those marked *

Ash Wednesday (13th February): Langham, Holy Communion at 10.00am.

Maundy Thursday (28th March): The Lord’s Supper, a service of Holy Communion; Sharrington, 7.00pm. Good Friday (29th March): Stations of the Cross; Morston, 10.30am; Bale, 2.00pm.

Easter Eve (30th March): Family Service (with Egg Hunt); Binham, 4.00pm. Easter Eve: (30th March): Service of Light; Binham, 8.00pm.

Regular Weekday Services - Binham: Tuesday, 6.00pm Evening Prayers, Langham: Wednesday, 10.00am Holy Communion Stiffkey: Friday, 10.00am Morning Prayer

Parish 3rd February 10th February 17th February 24th February

Bale 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC Field Dalling At Saxlingham 11.00am CFS At Saxlingham 11.00am MP BCP

Saxlingham 9.30am HC At Field Dalling 11.00am HC At Field Dalling Gunthorpe 11.00am MP 4.30pm Silent Meditation 11.00am HC Sharrington 9.30am MP BCP 9.30am HC 9.30am MP CW 9.30am HC Binham 11.00am HC 11.00am HC 11.00am CFS 9.30am HC

Morston 9.30am HC BCP 9.30am HC BCP

Langham At Stiffkey 9.30am MP At Stiffkey 9.30am HC Stiffkey 9.30am CFS At Langham 9.30am HC At Langham

Parish 3rd March 10th March Mothering Sunday

17th March 24th March Palm Sunday

31st March Easter Day

Bale 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC 9.30am HC Field Dalling At Saxlingham 11.00am CFS At Saxlingham 11.00am MP BCP 11.00am HC Saxlingham 9.30am HC At Field Dalling 11.00am HC At Field Dalling At Field Dalling Gunthorpe 11.00am MP 4.30pm Silent Meditation 11.00am HC 11.00am HC

Sharrington 9.30am MP BCP 9.30am HC 9.30am MP CW 9.30am HC 9.30am HC Binham 11.00am HC 11.00am HC 11.00am CFS 9.30am HC 11.00 am HC Morston 9.30am HC BCP 9.30am HC BCP 9.30am HC BCP Langham At Stiffkey 9.30am MP At Stiffkey 9.30am HC 9.30am HC Stiffkey 9.30am CFS At Langham 9.30am HC At Langham 9.30am HC

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HOW TO PREVENT FUEL THEFT The Holt Safer Neighbourhood Team has reminded us that fuel thefts are an increasing problem and offer this advice.

Perimeter security • If you have a gate keep it locked when you are out. • Always make arrangements for access for your delivery driver - you could use combination padlocks or arrange deliveries when you are in. • Make sure your perimeter fence is in good condition and is not easy to climb. • Consider the use of trellis on top of any rear fencing to increase height. • Nature provides its own defence in the form of prickly plants such as berberis and pyracantha. They can deter thieves as the smallest trace of blood can lead to them being identified. They can supplement fencing for protection and look more natural than some security fencing.

Control switches Control switches that control the flow of oil should be turned off and the electricity supply isolated when the tank is not in use.

Padlocks A thief will usually come equipped with a limited range of tools to attack your tank so it’s worth spending a little more on good quality locks. Close shackle padlocks are the best as they offer most resistance to thieves. Due to their design, close shackle padlocks have very little of the metal hoop (shackle) exposed and bolt croppers cannot get a good grip.

Oil level gauges Check your oil levels regularly. This will alert you quickly to any problems you may have had. It will also assist the police investigation if you can narrow the crime times down. Always check when you have had a delivery so you have a starting point. Many tanks can be fitted with a gauge to monitor the levels which can be read inside the house.

Security lights Security lights can have a very positive effect and make any property a harder target for thieves. It’s not always necessary to floodlight the area with high power beams, as a more subtle level of lighting may be all that is needed. Low energy ‘dusk ‘til dawn’ lights positioned close to the tank should, in most cases, provide sufficient light to illuminate any suspicious activity. This type of light can be both effective and inexpensive. High powered lights can be used but care should be taken not to cause any nuisance to neighbours or road users.

Positioning your oil tank • Keep the tank in a well overlooked position - this will ensure any thieves are more likely to be seen. • If your tank is close to the house make sure you can see it from your windows - this coupled with the lighting will make it less of a target. • Alternatively enclosing your tank in a building which can be secured would be better still. • Don’t overlook the importance of ventilation if enclosing the tank - advice should be sought from your oil company. • Always remember that access is required for any deliveries. Site specific crime prevention advice is available from Norfolk Constabulary by contacting 101.

NATIONAL TRUST: LOCAL UPDATE The latest low tide Grey seal pup count on January 7th

reached a staggering 1,220 pups, compared to 932 at the same time last year. This is yet another incremental year on year increase as the total count at the end of the pupping season last year was 933 pups.

So far only two of the 1,220 seal pups have been taken to RSPCA East Winch centre due to ill health. Thanks to the help of the volunteer team, both seals are recovering well and will be released in the coming weeks. The team will keep counting throughout early January to get a final seal pup figure, however the vast majority of the pups and adults have now dispersed into the North Sea.

Also on the move is our Coastal Ranger for the past eight years Eddie Stubbings. Eddie is pursuing pastures new with his fiancée Bee Bueche. Eddie and Bee are going to be managing rugged cliffs packed with puffins and shearwaters amongst others for the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales on Skomer Island. We wish them both good fortune in the future and look forward to seeing the photos!

During December we were delighted to host a BBC Winterwatch film team on Blakeney Point, living on the Point and filming a ‘Seal Diary’ for two weeks. We are told by the film team there is some amazing footage, depicting some scenes that we just do not normally get to see, this was screened in mid-January but we hope to get a link of the footage on our website.

Despite the cold and wet weather the restoration work on the Lifeboat House, which is now shrouded in scaffolding is progressing steadily. The contractors have discovered some structural issues to the ‘look-out’ tower, which may now need to be completely removed and replaced. During January the old iron cladding will be removed and the new insulation and cladding will be fitted.

The project to replace the two large bridges at Morston saltmarshes starts in late January pending further consents. We are planning to carry out the work whilst maintaining public access to the footpath and existing bridges, however there may be times when we will have to limit access to certain areas; this will be limited and will not affect local businesses.

The team has been busy working out on the Freshes supervising the ditching work to clear the waterways and improve the flow of water between the fields; and on the Friary Hills the team will be conducting tree safety inspections and scrub management to cut out the dead wood

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and undergrowth and encourage new foliage. We had a great response to our request for volunteers to

help with the growth of the Grey seal colony, specifically many thanks to Marek, David, Jane, Elizabeth, Jack, Elaine, Sally and Malcolm for your support, it is greatly appreciated.

COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S NEWS Lovely to start 2013 with good news:

Broadband We have now signed with BT to roll out effective

broadband throughout the county, including our most rural areas and ‘not spots’, by Autumn 2015. This is being made possible with NCC’s £15m, Government’s £15m and now BT’s £11m towards fibre infrastructure. The commitment is to provide all homes and businesses with access to a minimum broadband speed of 2 megabits per second and above and 80 per cent with superfast broadband (24 Mbps per second and above) by Autumn 2015. Please do not get dizzy if I tell you that fibre to cabinet technology, delivering speeds up to 80Mbps and fibre to the premises technology, with speeds of up to 330Mbps will be deployed in certain areas! But we are all waiting to learn where and when the process will roll out and BT’s local network division is already surveying locations around the county. In the meantime take a bow everyone in this Division who responded to my requests to sign up and Say Yes to Broadband – and signed up a second time to get Government funding. You were a key factor in our reaching this stage.

MCZ (Marine Conservation Zone Reference Areas)

And take a bow the 2,399 people who signed the petition – including 399 who went on line – in support of Blakeney marsh. Our concerns as to paucity of local consultation and research were well founded and the Government has stated that Regional MCZ projects will not be going forward in their current form. Whilst I continue to seek assurance that Blakeney marsh will not be re-considered I note the Government’s specific reference to areas with long standing non-commercial traditional activities – an excellent description of Blakeney marsh. Additionally not only are the marshes a wonderful natural resource much loved by many people across Norfolk – but as such are protected, in addition to six protection orders, by local people working alongside the Natural Trust. There was simply no reason to

zone off any part of the marsh. The only outcome would have been a negative impact on traditional activities - some of which provide an income, many of which give pleasure to Norfolk residents and visitors. The news that common sense has prevailed will be a profound relief to the many supporters of Blakeney marshes.

Community Construction Funds The third piece of good news is that two of the projects I

sponsored have been given awards. Wells Maltings Trust has been awarded £79,700 and Wells Community Hospital £100,000. Both organisations have had to specify exactly how the money will be spent and all awards will be monitored by the Norfolk Community Foundation at regular intervals and at completion of the project. The money must be spent within the year on construction work – benefitting the community by improving facilities and by giving local employment.

Of the 41 awards the allocation to the Wells Division was the largest by far so I cannot complain – but of course I share the disappointment of those whose applications did not succeed. However the good news is that there will be another round of awards. This will be open to new applicants and to those which were unsuccessful in the first round because they needed more time to prepare their applications. Any applicant must check the guidelines and move swiftly. You can submit from 9 January up until Thursday 14 February 2013. For more information: http://www.norfolkfoundation.com/community-construction-fund.htm; call the grants team on 01603 623958 or e-mail [email protected]. I have hopes that there will be a further round later in the year but more news on that when details are finalised.

Norfolk Credit Union For anyone unable to access bank services, including

affordable loans, due to credit history or lack of conventional ID it is well worth contacting Norfolk’s Credit Union. The NCU is a community bank providing an alternative to high street banks; it is regulated by the Financial Service Authority and deposits are protected by the Financial Services Compensation scheme. Visit www.norfolkcu.co.uk or call 01508 533842 for more information.

Non-Emergency NHS Helpline A new non-emergency number for medical and health

care advice has been launched. The freephone number 111 replaces the NHS Direct line and is available for non-life-

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threatening advice and information. Dr Marie Strong, County Councillor Wells Division –

Glaven, Priory and Walsingham Parishes. E: [email protected] or ‘phone 07920 286 597.


You will all have read of the tragic deaths of Andrea and Keith Johnson. Their joint funeral was held at Cromer; our thoughts are with their families. As Keith said in his last Message: we are determined to continue the current freeze on council tax, if at all possible, so as not to increase the burden still further on individual council tax payers. We are focussing our efforts on three particular areas: economic growth, jobs and housing. It remains a difficult time but there are also opportunities and I am sure we in North Norfolk will continue to show determination and enterprise in the face of adversity - and this remains our aim. District Councillor for Walsingham Ward, Tom Fitzpatrick, has been elected Leader and District Councillor Peter Moore of North Walsham as Chairman.

Application for Warm and Well funding has again been successful and measures include information, advice and guidance plus the distribution of Warm Packs. If you know of someone who is vulnerable and would benefit from any of the services please refer them to the Housing Service on 01263 516315.

The proposed Marine Conservation Zone at Blakeney Freshes has been withdrawn.

Free Legal Advice is available at Merchants' Place, 16 Church Street, Cromer. To check dates or make an appointment please call 01603 496623.

Following successful prosecution of fly-tipping offences - do report any further illegal disposal to the Environmental Protection team at NNDC www.northnorfolk.org/report-it or 01263 516085.

Ash Dieback has been confirmed at Holt Country Park. Advisory notices have been provided by the Forestry Commission which state: Do not remove material from the woods. Clean boots, bicycle wheels etc. before leaving the woods and before visiting other places. This disease is harmless to humans and animals. The public will not be prevented from accessing public woodlands. Lindsay Brettle, Glaven Valley Ward

SNOW DROP WALKS Brinton Hall, Stody Road, Brinton NR24 2QH Sunday 17th February Open 1-4.p.m. Adults £4,

children free.Dogs on leads. In aid of St. John’s Ambulance. Sunday 24th February Open 1-4.p.m. Adults £4,

children free. Dogs on leads. In aid of St. Andrew’s Church, Brinton. Home made teas served in the (heated!) church. South Creake plant stall. Walking boots or wellies are advisable.

Directions: 1 mile from B1110 Holt/Guist road signed at Briningham; also from A148 Holt-Fakenham road.


PEOPLE HAPPIER You can save money - it’s cheaper to borrow than buy,

and no need to find shelf space for all those books! Save time and beat those queues with our self-service machines.

We’re open in the evenings and at weekends. With 47 libraries and 3,000 mobile stops, there’s a library near you.

Get in touch with us online – join the library, renew & request books, download e-books & e-audio books. Books in the way you want: why not read an e-book on your mobile, or listen to an e-audio book in the gym?

Express collections –where you can find big name authors and a range of recent titles quickly, when you don’t have time to browse.

Get recommendations from knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff who want to ensure that your visit to the library is a good one. Use council@yourlibrary to get all the information you need, including our free phone to call the council, police, citizen’s advice and more. See you soon!Wells Library, 01328 710467, next to the post office.


TO A PLACE NEAR YOU IN 2013! Health Trainers give you the motivation and support you

need to change your alcohol, physical activity, smoking and food habits. We will listen and help you to achieve your health goals and motivate you to succeed.

Seeing a Health Trainer is free if you live in Norfolk and we will see you 1:1 for up to six sessions, which typically last for half an hour each.

We can also help with those lifestyle-based New Year’s resolutions that you may have made. Why not contact us, it might be the best thing you do for your health in 2013.

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To see a Health Trainer or to get more information you can: call us on 01263 516310; Email us on northnorfolk. [email protected]; Write to us at NHS Health Trainer Service, NNDC, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN; Speak to your GP about the Service or visit www.norfolk. nhs.uk/health-trainer-service. We hope you have a happy, healthy 2013, Christine, John, Mary, Sally and Hannah.

EASTER CONCERT Fakenham Choral Society

Fauré Requiem, Allegri Miserere and Barber Agnus Dei (Adagio for Strings), at Fakenham Parish Church Saturday, March 16, 7.30pm. Tickets £12 from 01328 830639 or on the door Fiona Thompson

HEARING AID CLINICS (No charge donations to NDA)

Glaven Caring, Thistleton Court, Blakeney 01263 740762

27 February & 22 March TOE NAIL CLINICS 2013

(Small charge of £7) 8 February, 22 February, 8 March, 22 March

WATER 31st December 2012

After the two dry winters we have had, Bale wood has been unusually dry. It is in a tiny valley, holding small streams and ditches fed by springs of water emerging from the last little bit of the Cromer Holt ridge – a glacial moraine mostly consisting of gravels and sands, with odd seams of chalky, or blue-grey, clay. The surrounding fields have drains and ditches feeding into the watercourse, which joins the river Stiffkey in Warham. The ponds in the wood were dry even at the end of the wettest summer in most people’s memory, but sopping wet November and December have filled them up again and more, and now water is near the surface everywhere.

The ditch that runs along the edge of the trees goes under a culvert into the wood and becomes more like a stream. The water is still clear; the two houses in Bale Common have their septic tank overflow into this, but they both have good modern systems that return clean water. At the bottom of Cakes Lane the main flow of the stream is from the high watershed above Hindringham, and it comes around the west side of Bale wood, picking up water from field drains. Today you could see the silt making it yellow, which must have come off fields in the heavy rain we have been having. Some of this will be dropped by the water anywhere it is held up in pools, or where the stream is dammed by fallen trees or branches.

Another branch of this system starts above Manor Farm in Bale, where there used to be medieval fishponds and a moated house. Bale gets its name from the spring that feeds this little stream – it is a corruption of the name Bathleigh, which is a Saxon name meaning a spring in a clearing. It runs a short way as a ditch between fields and then becomes a tiny stream through permanent pasture, used for sheep, all the way to Field Dalling and then on to Binham.

The river Stiffkey itself is a chalk stream, one of several running south to north in the western part of North Norfolk. It can support trout, and even sea trout, which come upstream through the sluices at Morston Freshes. In 2009, working with the landowner, Holkham Estate, the Wild Trout Trust installed ten gravel riffle areas, using approximately 700 tonnes of gravel and creating 300 metres of trout habitat.

It is the subject of a proposed whole catchment restoration and management plan (norfolkriverstrust.org). The river suffers from dredging, straightening (begun by Nicholas Bacon in the 16th century and continued most recently in the 1970s and 80s) and excessive fine sediment loads caused by run-off from arable farming. Initial results of a PhD study into the effects of adding artificial gravels to enhance trout and sea trout spawning, suggest the value of these is severely reduced as a result of excessive siltation. Irrigation washes topsoil away with water that would

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otherwise sustain chalk stream flows. There is a pressing need to store water naturally within the floodplain.

Bale, Field Dalling and Binham all contribute to the Stiffkey and we need to take care of the catchment area. If you are in the habit of spraying a ditch next to your garden, think again and check where that water goes!

BALE SPONSORED CYCLE RIDE On the 8th September 2012, David and I took part in the

sponsored cycle ride for Bale. We visited 19 churches with our starting point of Holt and the first church we signed into was Wiveton, followed by three visits in Blakeney, followed by Morston and Langham with a break at Field Dalling for elevenses. We then carried onto Binham visiting the Priory en route to the Chequers where we had a welcoming pint (or two)!! and met other cyclists doing the same. Feeling well lubricated we then visited Hindringham and Bale, where we had a chat with Margaret and Peggy (It must have been Eileen's lunchbreak)! Then pedalled our way to Gunthorpe, where we caught up with Ben and Christopher (Williamson). Finally we made our way to Sharrington, Brinton, Brinningham, Thornage and Letheringsett. Our final part of the journey, after staggering up Holt Hill, was the 3 churches in Holt, allowing ourselves 5 minutes to get to Gresham's School Church before 5pm. Phewwww! we made it!! We covered 32 miles and raised £212. A big thank you to all those who sponsored us and to the church attendants who supplied refreshments. It was a very enjoyable day, the weather was kind to us and we met some interesting people. Ann and David Ramm

BALE VILLAGE HALL SOCIAL CLUB The Old Year’s Night party was a great success; our

resident amateur cook Alastair Macorkindale, helped by Victoria Kurrein who made the pudding, produced a delicious three course meal which you would have to go a long way to match in Norfolk. Thirty-five people came along, and the New Year was duly welcomed in style. This year the champion coin roller was Anne Peppitt, who narrowly defeated her husband Jim, and triumphantly broached the bottle of malt whisky to share it round the assembled company.

Huge thanks to Alastair and his helpers, and to Margaret Dent who did the tables, put the Christmas decorations up, and then seemed to spend most of the evening washing up, and to all and sundry for help and encouragement.

The Social Club is about to put a questionnaire through all Bale letterboxes to find out if there are people who would like to join in but at the moment find our activities and dates unsuitable. Please answer them as the Village Hall makes this tiny village lively and welcoming and we would like to keep this going.


The service on the first Sunday in Advent was taken by the Rector. The Kelling Consort was directed by the Rev'd Angela Dugdale, organist Richard Peaver. As it was Advent the church was undecorated and bare of flowers but softly lit by candles. The service started with the Matin Responsory

(Palestrina) sung by the choir. This was followed by seven readings interspersed with Advent hymns and anthems. The singing of the choir encouraged the congregation to be at their very best. This musical feast was rounded off by the choir's rendering of the inspirational " A Gaelic Blessing" by John Rutter.

CHRISTMAS At the Christmas Carol Service we were lucky to have

an ad hoc and very gifted choir of professionals and amateurs rounded up and organised by Margaret Barnes. We are so grateful to her for all her hard work and also to the Jacklins who turned out in force. Christopher was the musical director, Martin was the organist and Freya the soloist in "Once in Royal David's City". Tim Schofield sang the solo in " The Three Kings". An enviable standard has been set for the future. The church was packed and everyone sang heartily. The mulled wine and mince pies were well earned. It was good to have the familiar figure of the Rev'd Canon Peter Hartley taking the service again this year. Our grateful thanks to the Hammond family who again provided and decorated the Christmas tree. This lovely service was a fitting overture to the quieter celebration of Holy Communion on Christmas morning, where it was a pleasure to see so many regulars and visitors.

POPPY APPEAL IN BALE May I thank everyone for their tremendous contribution

to the Poppy Appeal. You raised £103.40, which is a really good amount in anyone’s books! I look forward to seeing you again this year! Best Wishes, Humphrey Boon, The Duke’s House, Hindringham.

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YOUR PARISH COUNCIL We are trying to encourage more attendance with

posters advertising the meeting and agenda, also having coffee and tea available at the Memorial Hall from 7.00 pm for the meeting start at 7.30 pm. As well as Parish Councillors it is usual to have the County Councillor, Marie Strong, and one of the District Councillors attending to make presentations and take questions. In recent meetings we had many examples of significant contributions from parishioners, making for more meaningful discussion and decision-making.

At the next meeting on 17th January we will have discussed, among other items, trees on the Large Green and the repair or replacement of the seat on the Small Green. The trees may be an item requiring more time for wider consultation and could well come up again for a decision to be taken at the following meeting on Monday 18th March.

There will be a welcome for all parishioners as they are entitled to come to the scheduled Council meetings.

David Frost,Chairman, Binham Parish Council

OXFORD’S GAIN…BINHAM’S LOSS Carolyn Wright, who has for 21 years inspired

Binham to enjoy life, universal activities and everything - on a frankly heroic scale - was given the warmest of farewells at a party thrown by the village on January 5.

She was guest of honour at a celebration in Binham Memorial Hall, decorated with symbols of the many community groups she has led (and often created) during her time as resident innovator and organiser of genius. More than 100 people from Binham and surrounding villages came to her farewell lunch party.

Carolyn has played a leading part in bringing to active life the local history society, the boules group, the open garden movement ... and even the local sloe gin makers. A lifelong horsewoman, she has remained active in judging equestrian events locally and has become a regular - though never incautious - figure on the rails at Fakenham Races.

Carolyn has been deeply involved with every part of the life and work of Binham Priory and played on stage in the 2011 Binham Priory Passion play. She also took part in local historical pageants, including the village's strikingly successful mediaeval weekend in 2007. She has been a stalwart supporter of the Royal British Legion, holding an annual Poppy Day fund-raising event at her home in Binham for many years. She has guided visitors through historic Walsingham and its shrine and, at other times, around Binham Priory. She has also been the contact for Binham news in the Lynx since its inception, encouraging and cajoling

contributors to this magazine with great flair. She was presented with a landscape painting of Binham,

by local artist Arthur Hundleby, and a cheque for £500 contributed by villagers. Carolyn is moving to Oxfordshire to live closer to her family.

LEAVING BINHAM I would like to thank everyone who organised the

wonderful Pink Party in the Village Hall on Saturday 5th January. It was quite overwhelming! Thank you for the lovely and generous gifts. I shall miss you all so much. I have so enjoyed my 21 years in this lovely village. But Oxford beckons and I am looking forward to new challenges and also to being near to my daughter and her family. A big thank you to you all.

Carolyn Wright

SPECIAL SERVICES AT BINHAM PRIORY Mothering Sunday - 10th March 11.00am

Service of Thanksgiving for all the family Easter Saturday - 30th March

4.00pm Family Service, followed by the Easter Egg Hunt in the cloisters

8.00 pm Service of Light & lighting of the Baptism Candles Easter Day - 31st March

11.00 am Holy Communion for Easter. You will be warmly welcomed at all services.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Every action, good or bad, is always

followed by an equal reaction. So today I will plant only good seeds.

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PHOTOGRAPHING THE NIGHT SKY with Nik Szymanek, internationally renowned

astro-photographer The North Norfolk Astronomy Society presents an

evening of stunning Deep Sky images of the universe with hints on the approach to deep-sky imaging. Binham Village Hall, Friday February 15th at 8pm. £4 including refreshments. John Prockter

BINHAM GUILD OF ARTISTS The group consists of anyone interested in art or craft,

beginner or otherwise. Artists with professional experience form part of the group and will gladly advise if needed.

We meet every Tuesday morning from 10 to 12 in the Village Hall. A fee of £2 per morning includes coffee and biscuits. A demonstration of painting or craftwork normally takes place on the first Tuesday of every month except in January, February and the week in which the annual exhibition takes place. Contact James Bucknill at 01328 830651.


At our February 21 meeting, Pat Willis will be giving us a hands-on introduction to rag-rug making. On March 21, Brian Bandy will be speaking on the work of the Weybourne Atmospheric Society, based on the coast at Muckleburgh, which measures pollution in the atmosphere. Partners welcome on this evening.

The Open Circle Women's Club meets at 7.15pm on the third Thursday of each month at Hindringham Village Hall. New members are always welcome - just come along on the night or ring secretary Fiona Thompson on 01328 830639.

BINHAM PLAY AREA You will all be pleased to know that the first half of the

play area has now been installed and ready to use. We have started with the toddler area first which comprises of two cradle swings, spring horse, small climbing frame with slide and a play bus. We also had enough funds to be able to install swings for the older ones (two junior swings and a nest swing) and the adventure trail.

We are now trying to raise the second half of the funds for the remaining equipment, so don't worry there will be more....Keep your eyes open for our fundraising events.

Rebecca Bunting


Every Wednesday Alex and Steve offer over 60's a two course meal for £8.50 or a three course meal for £10.75. In addition to this, you can join the loyalty club and after purchasing six over 60's meals you qualify for 20% off of the seventh meal that you buy, as well as discounts on all desserts and any special food evenings held at the Chequers. Contact Alex and Steve for full details. Tel: 01328 830297.

DID YOU KNOW The “Court Leet” from the ancient view of Frankpledge

had the duty to appoint a suitable person to be the subconstable for the Town of Binham.

In 1626 they had clearly appointed someone naughty because our subconstable was prosecuted for playing cards and “other forbidden games” – he was fined “6s 8d”.

FARMERS DIARY Diary of a Binham Farmer’s Son, aged 34

1856 Nov 18th I called at Binham to see the Gov who still continues very gloomy. 21st Dined at the vicarage then went to a regular town meeting – very glad Ems could not go. 26th Went to the Board this morning then to Walsingham. Poor Uncle Adcock dying. 27th My father dreadfully gloomy. Dec 3rd Went to the Board then to call on the mither at O.W., found dear old Uncle better. 15th I drove Ems to see her mother then shot at O.W., killed 6 hares and 4 rabbits and we dined there, dear old Uncle very ill. 19th I drove Ems to Binham and Walsingham to invite guests for Friday, a beautiful day Uncle Brooke much better. 22nd Had haircut in Wells and called on poor old father. 25th Had bad boil on leg which produced suptures which led me to send for Dr, Nevertheless Ems and I dined at Binham. 26th We gave our first dinner party consisting of Hugh Routh, Mr and Mrs Middleton, Edward, G Tattersall and all the Binhamites ….. S Leeden and Mary. 27th In bed with my bad boils. 30th We went to discuss the haunch of mutton at Binham today, the old gentleman quite cheerful – like himself.

Richard & Norah Lewis

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BINHAM PRIORY CONCERT Friday, 5 April at 7pm

ROYAL CHORAL MASTERPIECES Carissimi, Purcell, Handel, Britten

The Yorke Trust Chorus and Baroque Ensemble Tickets (reserved) £16.00 from Yorke Trust

01328 823501, www.yorketrust.org

FRIENDS OF BINHAM PRIORY The programme of events and activities for 2013 is

nearly complete but some details still have to be confirmed.

Friday 8th March - the AGM, to be followed by the Binham Lecture, which this year will be given by Air Commodore Kevin Pellatt FCMI, Master & Chief Executive of The Great Hospital, Norwich.

Sunday 16th June 3.00 pm - Garden Party, The Rectory, Langham by kind invitation of Revd. Ian Whittle.

Saturday 6th July, 5.00 pm- Picnic2Jazz, The Cloisters, Binham Priory.

Thursday 12th - Sunday 15th September - Heritage Open Days, Binham Priory.

In late October there may be another evening event at Binham Memorial Hall.

There will be at least one visit. Venues being considered: Norwich Cathedral with The Great Hospital and The Sainsbury Centre.

The Friends are also likely to host visits to Binham Priory from The Friends of Castle Acre Church and The Friends of Wymondham Abbey.

It is also hoped the “Friends” will assist in the “Priory Flower Festival” combined with the “Big Book Sale” in the Memorial Hall over the last weekend of May.

The main challenge in the coming year for the Friends will be to act as lead fund-raiser for a three year conservation programme currently being drawn-up covering many aspects of the Priory. Discharging this function will be helped by the change in charity status to full registration, finally agreed with the Charity Commission as “Friends of Binham Priory Church Building and Conservation Trust, registration no. 1048168”. We hope to launch the fund-raising programme at the March AGM. Applications will then

be made to The Heritage Lottery Fund and many other grant aid organisations.

Binham Priory is a national treasure on our doorsteps. The small church community on their own cannot hope to raise sufficient physical or financial resources to adequately sustain it as a viable site and pass it on in a sound state to future generations. The “Friends” provide a wider base for this support. We hope all present members will renew their subscription for 2013 and we can encourage new members to join from the parish and the many visitors who appreciate the historic and social importance of the site and its setting within the landscape. Single membership is only £10 per year and £15 for a couple or family. There is also a group or corporate membership.

For further details please contact the Secretary, David Frost, 01328 830362,[email protected]

BINHAM LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Thursday 28th February - Margaret Forrester. East Anglian Manuscripts. All meetings at 7.30 p.m. in the Binham Village Hall. £2 members, £4 non members.

Digging News Carenza Lewis and her H.E.F.A. team from

Cambridge University, together with teenagers from local schools, will be visiting again on 3rd and 4th July. This will be the sixth MiniDig. Our own Community Dig, in conjunction with the National Festival of Archaeology, will be the weekend of the 13th and 14th July. More details later.

The Roman Binham Project – Field Walking The next stage in the search for the site of a Roman

Villa or Romano-British farmstead will be a major field-walking survey of Hall Close field, adjacent to the Memorial Hall Playing Field where evidence of early masonry and significant finds have already been recorded. This survey will be on Saturday and Sunday 2nd and 3rd February, under the direction of Richard Hoggett, Norfolk Community Archaeologist.

All are very welcome to participate, even if you have not experienced the thrill of searching for pieces of pottery or worked flint, on a wet, muddy field in the depths of winter. If you cannot manage both days, just come for one. Please let us know if you are going to be there by contacting David Frost email: davidfrost226 @btinternet. com or tel: 01328 830362.

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CHRISTMAS AT BINHAM Festivities started early in Binham with a very successful

Christmas Market and the annual Christmas Supper, both events held in the Memorial Hall.

The Priory was looking its best with the flower decorations enhanced this year by a magnificent tree, provided and beautifully decorated by our Cockthorpe neighbours. The tree on the green was also appreciated by everyone and the lights behaved themselves this year!

It provided a good backdrop to the “Carols on the Green” held outside The Chequers; some hearty singing, aided and abetted by the Fakenham Town Band, was rewarded with seasonal food and drink and a surprise visit from Father Christmas!

Services in the Priory were very well attended, starting with the Advent Service of carols and readings with the Iceni Christmas Choir (retiring collection of £337 for the homeless). We were pleased to welcome people to our three services held on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and collections for the chosen charities (The Childrens Society and Glaven Caring) amounted to £567.

The season ended with an Epiphany Service of carols and lessons in the Priory with the Richeldis Singers. Many thanks to all the organisers of the above events and to all the local and visiting people who attended. Geoff Scott

PUB QUIZ NIGHTS Monday 4th February & Monday 4th March. Do come

and join us at The Chequers. 6.30pm for a meal or 7.30pm for drinks and the Quiz.


December : £50 - Julia Wright, Stanley Hewitt £25 - S. Jennings £10 - Andrew Cuthbert, Mrs. Johnson £5 - R. Newman, Norah Lewis, Mrs. J. Cook

If anyone would like to join the 100+ Club there are still numbers left. Please call at 8 Priory Crescent or ring June Read on 01328 830106.

CHRISTMAS MARKET 2012 Many thanks to everyone who supported our Christmas

Market. Thanks too to those who helped set up and manned various stalls. Much work and time is put into this event to make it successful and it now has a good reputation. We achieved the grand sum of £1,400 which supports Binham Priory Church. Please support us again this year.

Brenda Wilde

FLOWERS AT THE PRIORY Many thanks to Binham’s flower arrangers who provide

the Priory Church with beautiful flower displays throughout the year. We have a rota and if you would like to join us two or three times a year please contact me, you would be very welcome. We are not professional flower arrangers, all you need is a love of flowers and the ability to arrange them. This year there will be a Flower Festival May 25th – 27th with a book sale in the village hall. Please support us. Brenda Wilde

No news from Cockthorpe this time.

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THE VILLAGE CROSS HAS MOVED In Local Lynx, Field Dalling’s symbol is our village

cross, taken from a drawing by Tony Ringer. People believe that the cross (which would then have had a cross at the top) used to sit at the T-junction, where Holt Road runs into Langham Road. In about 1930 it was moved (possibly by a village work party, and with minimal fuss?) into the churchyard. Why, is unclear; perhaps its position at the T-junction created an obstacle for the larger vehicles of the twentieth century.

Shortly after its move the cross was scheduled as an Ancient Monument. In 2011 it was knocked by a contractor’s lorry and became potentially unstable; the PCC decided to move it a few feet into the old churchyard. We soon learned that this move would be quite different: it involved inspection, permission and conditions from English Heritage and the employment of a specialist stonemason - although Reg Rogers carried out the preparation and much of the work. The cross sits on a new limecrete base and has been stabilised and re-pointed, safe for the future. English Heritage has made the PCC a grant of part of the cost of its removal, and of its future care.

Margaret Smith

PILATES CLASSES Join Pilates with Amanda Marshall at the Village

Hall on Thursdays at 10:10. If you are new to Pilates or to her class, please call her first to enrol, on 07799 331 676.

FOGPC 50/50 Club Draw Results

November December Carole Wallace £20.00 John Blakeley £25.00 Be Kassapian £10.00 Hilary Bevan-Jones £20.00 Alma Street £ 5.00 Penny Brough £10.00 Sarah Worsley £ 5.00 John Carter £10.00 Tony Dufour £ 5.00 Maurice Craske £ 5.00 Jeremy Denholm £ 5.00 Barney Broom £ 5.00 Annette Ahrens £ 5.00 Sarah Worsley £ 5.00 Rob Cutterham £ 5.00 Robert Kelly £ 5.00 We still have 128 paid up members, but as always we could do more for the “Friends” with even more contributors. So as well as asking those few existing members who may not have done so to renew their subscriptions we always welcome new ones. If you are new to the village or would like to join us please do so as soon as possible – to “borrow” from another place “you have to be in it to win it”! If you would like more information on 50:50 Club membership please contact John Blakeley on 01263 861008.

The Christmas Party on 15 December was well attended and a most enjoyable event, raising a further £87.00 for the “Friends”. Very many thanks to all who contributed the food and raffle prizes and helped on the day. The Coffee mornings are planned to continue for the rest of the 50:50 Club “year” to May 2013. More information on the monthly meetings can be obtained from Joy Luscombe, Myfi Everett, or Lynn Marr. John Blakeley will continue to look after the membership subscriptions and main draw prizes.

ST MARY’S CHURCH On Nov 11th, we held the service of Remembrance

at St Mary’s. As always, it was well attended. The Rev Edwards Childs officiated, and we were fortunate to have Helena and Freya Jacklin present, who played the Last Post and a very jolly rendition of “The Dambusters

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Theme”. The wreath was laid by David Brough. The Christmas Day Service, held by Canon Michael

Wilson, was a quite beautiful occasion. Some 95 people attended of which a large group were children, all of whom were invited by Michael to participate in the Service. The Church looked very festive, especially with our new chandeliers alight, and a big thank you goes to all those who worked so hard to make the church look so attractive. Thank you also to all the readers who performed so well, including Calvert and Jackson Churchill, Hannah and Lily Good, Philippa Brough and members of the Wilson Family. We all enjoyed mulled wine, courtesy of Rob Cutterham, and mince pies afterwards – again many thanks to all who contributed to a very special day.

We were all very concerned to hear of our long-serving Church Warden, Fred Morley’s, sudden illness and hospitalisation just before Christmas. He is very much loved by the entire village, and was missing his first Christmas Day Service for many a year. Thankfully he is making a good recovery, and he hopes to be home soon. We send him our love and very best wishes.

Penny Brough


No special news from the Institute for this edition, but Lynx Issue 89 will contain details of the Annual General Meeting, and the eagerly awaited results of the cake baking competition.

Tony Dufour Chair Institute Committee

POLICE STREET MEETINGS The Holt Police Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT)

will be holding the following street meetings in our area. Please come along and raise any concerns or issues with your local PCSO. If you are unable to attend the meetings and would like to discuss anything with the team please contact us on telephone number: 101, or email:[email protected]. police.uk. Friday 22nd February and Monday 25th March 2013

Outside Sharrington Village Hall – 10am to 11am Brinton Village Sign – 11am to 12pm Outside Gunthorpe Village Institute – 2pm to 3pm Outside Bale Church – 3pm to 4pm

GUNTHORPE WARD The village continues to support the essential work

of our namesake Ward in the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, and the usual Christmas “goodies” for those staff and patients in the Ward on Christmas Day were delivered to the hospital on Christmas Eve, on behalf of all in the village, and they were very well received.

Since the Hospital opened Gunthorpe Ward has had several changes of role, and on 8 October 2012 it re-opened as one of the two medical respiratory wards at the N&N (the other being Hethel) following its use as a “de-cant” ward during the Hospital’s ward refurbishment programme. Although recruiting is still taking place to complete the Ward team it is already fully operational, and has been expanded to provide 38 beds – all of which are full at this time of year. The Ward is still waiting to recruit a new Ward Sister, but both Gunthorpe and Hethel Wards now have a Senior Nurse in charge of Respiratory Medicine (effectively a Matron) called Chris Parfitt running them, and she is responsible for the nursing care provided. Chris is very happy with the support being provided by the village, and we hope that both she and other members of the Gunthorpe Ward Team and their families will be able to join us at our Summer Fete on 28 July.

We will be carrying out further fund-raising activities later in the year, but in the meantime any contributions addressed to “The Gunthorpe Ward Fund” can be given to either Carole Wallace or Diane Blakeley.

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PARISH COUNCIL NEWS This item covers the major topics of discussion at the meeting of the Gunthorpe and Bale Parish council meeting held on 29 November.

Public Rights of Way Our County Councillor reported that about £800,000 collected from public utilities and civil engineering contractors, for digging up roads for service pipes and cables etc., was being ploughed back into public rights of way. Savings were being made by the NCC no longer undertaking to cut back landowners’ hedges affecting the use of footpaths and bridlepaths, and Mr. Wright considered that a better system had been introduced generally. There then followed a discussion concerning the surface state of many of the PROWs in the Parish. Mr Wright confirmed that pedestrians should be able to walk with reasonable ease and if problems were noted then Sarah Price at County Hall should be contacted. The highway authority is responsible for the top few inches of public footpaths but otherwise the paths belonged to the adjoining landowners, who could be required to carry out remedial work. It was pointed out that there was confusion in the parish between long established unclassified unmade highways (i.e. roads used as public paths or green lanes) and bridlepaths in the Parish. [The only footpaths being across meadows between Rookery Farm, Gunthorpe and the A148]. Bridlepaths in Gunthorpe were noted to be in a rutted and generally poor state due to agricultural activities. Subsequent to the meeting the Bullfer Grove bridlepath, which had been one of the causes of concern, had been unblocked. Mr. Wright asked that his contact details be placed on the village notice notice-boards, and that he be kept informed of problems. It was also noted that the unmaintained state of the partly grass surfaced roads in the Parish was the responsibility of the highway authority, and was a different on-going problem.

Precept All Councillors present agreed that there should be no increase in the Parish Precept which will remain at £1800 for the financial year 2013/14.

East of England Ambulance Service Following on from the previous report (Lynx 87) on the briefing by members of the EEAST for Parish Councils, it was agreed that the Council should write to the

NNDC and to the North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group, whose Engagement Manager had sought stakeholder views on the future of healthcare in the area, to express their concern at the response times and resources available for emergencies in this area. Also, as Norman Lamb, M.P., Minister of State for Care Services, had sent an e-mail on 19th November asking for the views of Parish and Town Councils in North Norfolk on local ambulance services, his questionnaire was to be returned, and it was agreed to also send him a copy of the article that had appeared in the Local Lynx (Issue 87). The Council agreed that as well as the action they could take, parishioners of the two villages should be encouraged to express their concerns and views directly.

Gritting It was agreed that the Parish Council should seek to have the school bus route through Sharrington Rd Bale, and the link through Gunthorpe from the A148 to the B1354, given a higher priority on the NCC road gritting and clearance schedule. At present the road through Gunthorpe is priority 3 ie it will only be allocated resources in prolonged snow and ice conditions and then only if resources are available – the road from the A148 through Bale to Field Dalling (but not then through to Langham) is already on the gritting schedule. The initial reaction has been that nothing can be done for this winter and we will need to apply again in the summer of 2013. In the meantime the Council is investigating the provision of additional grit bins for the two villages – these would be re-filled by the NCC if they are purchased by the Parish Council. John Church, Chairman Gunthorpe & Bale Parish Council

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In 1982 Mrs E M Wilkes wrote this article about her memories of Gunthorpe School – we believe it was published in the magazine “Norfolk Fair” at that time but cannot confirm this.

Two Norfolk village schools, Gunthorpe and Swardeston, have a particular significance for me. Between them they witnessed the beginning and end of my teaching career; Gunthorpe, a short distance from the North Norfolk coast and Swardeston, a few miles south of Norwich. Now the former has been closed more than a decade and the latter, faces closure this summer (1982).

Gunthorpe was not quite my first school, but it ranked as my first headship, and it brought me what I most desired at the time, a home of my own.

A flint and brick building, closely resembling church architecture in style, the school stood aloof and solitary at the crossroads overlooking several roads, one leading down the hill into the village of Gunthorpe. Its only near neighbour was the church, apart from a gamekeeper's cottage a little further on to the right.

All around were fields, with rich ploughed earth in winter, rows and rows of furrows where the peewits circled unceasingly, breaking the silence with their eerie cries. Seven miles away, across Norfolk countryside, lay Blakeney harbour, the salt marshes and the grey North Sea. In summer, the corn swept right up to the brick wall surrounding the children's playground. But such a spot was cold and bleak in winter. Winds whistled across the fields and found their way in through all the chinks and crannies.

The school logbook bore silent witness to the hardships suffered by earlier scholars and their teachers. Entries described ink freezing in inkwells, Children unable to attend school through lack of boots, classrooms covered with blacks from smoking chimneys and so full of smoke that children had to be turned into the playground or even at times sent home.

In 1951, the year I arrived, the chimney still smoked badly when the wind was in a certain direction, the oil lamps were very inadequate and the outside toilets tended to fill up with snow, under blizzard conditions. There were about 28 pupils, with ages ranging from five to 11, when I started, but the numbers dropped to nearer twenty within a few years.

After morning school, all the desks had to be moved back by older boys and tables arranged in their place. Dinners were brought from a larger school nearby, which tended to cream off the brighter pupils and sports enthusiasts, anxious to win 'a scholarship' or play real football. This school had a headmaster and two teachers and rather specialized in catering for the exam, which later become the 11+.

I had three infant teachers during my stay. My husband once referred to the first of these as "one of Napoleon's generals". I never had time to go further into this, but can only suppose her rather weather-beaten face and stalwart figure prompted the remark. For myself, I was deeply grateful for her Napoleonic qualities in those early days. She initiated me into many little secrets of school life and was a pillar of strength to any head. As she was only a supply teacher, her place was soon filled by a young woman, who was a Londoner born, but had married a local builder. She stayed about a year or so, then left to have her first child. My third infant teacher was a local person, who had been trained under the old pupil teacher methods. A lively vivacious soul, she had a sense of humour and we got on very well together.

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The Queen's Coronation came and went and so did

the disastrous east coast floods, which rendered so many people homeless.

At the school, we went to a great deal of trouble one Christmas. The entertainment included a nativity play, a puppet show all about Jack and the Beanstalk and some country dancing, and was quite a success at the time. Next term though, we lost two pupils to our rival, the larger school, in scholarships.

During the 5 years I taught there we achieved some improvements. A colt cowl on the chimney reduced the smoking to a minimum, more modern lamps were installed, half the playground was covered in tarmac, the rose window in the infants' room was cleaned and the blackout from the from the war years removed. Not much, perhaps, but - crowning glory - before I left a local farmer's daughter attending the school, was awarded the coveted honour. No longer could they say that 'nobody at Gunthorpe ever won a scholarship!'

Gunthorpe survived for quite a number of years after that and celebrated its centenary as 'The School on the Hill', which unfortunately I was unable to attend, Then it became a one teacher school as the numbers dropped and finally it suffered the same fate as so many small church schools and was closed. The building itself was sold to a private individual and converted into a house.

This is a further extract from research by former village historian Ray Steffans. His work is gradually being scanned with the longer-term aim of bringing it together in one book to also incorporate some of the village history pictures. Any contributions of items concerning Gunthorpe or village pictures, past and present, are very much welcomed.

THANK YOU I just missed the deadline for the last edition,

nevertheless, I would like to say a BIG thank you to all ‘the team’ who provided the village with a lovely bonfire and superb firework display on the 5th. November. (The burgers were good too!!!). A Langham Resident

CHRISTMAS FAIR 1 DEC 2012 No snow, though a bit wet and dreary on this day but we

were kept warm in church (those situated in the right places!) where this event was held, the Parish Room being out of service. Together with post Fair sales we were thrilled with our Grand Total of £799!!! (£845 in 2011) for Langham Church General Fund. Quite unbelievable in view of the economic climate.

We could not have put on this Fair without things to sell, so grateful thanks are extended to all those very kind people who generously donated lots of lovely goods. Thank you also to those who helped in any way and to all who came and bought and brought. It was all deeply appreciated. Fantastic!

COMPETITION & RAFFLE RESULTS Flower Raffle Molly Lees Hamper Steve Broom No of Sweets (139) Diane Bannerman (141) Wt of Cake (2lbs 12½oz) Rosie Lambert (2lbs 12oz) Molly raised £12 selling quiz sheets for Parkinson’s U.K. Thank you to everyone for giving all your support! We could not have done it without you! Langham PCC

POSTSCRIPT We had a wonderful donation of 21 garden pots which were kindly transported to church for our Christmas Fair, a splendid gift! We sold 13 of them and 8 remained on the church bench for anyone wishing to make a late purchase. This number has dwindled to 2, so 6 are unaccounted for. Contact details for payment were not immediately obvious so if the recipients would be good enough to make a donation for pots received, please deliver, in a clearly marked envelope, to 30, Binham Road. Many thanks.

NOVEMBER FLOODS Many of you, I am sure, will remember Kelvin Boots’

very successful and interesting talk on “Sea Monsters” which he gave to help raise money for the refurbishment of Langham Parish Room in July last year, at Binham Memorial Hall, raising the wonderful sum of £474. Unfortunately Kelvin and his family (our daughter Jannice and their two boys Sebastian and Patrick), who live in a 300 year old cottage in Kennford, 5 miles from Exeter in Devon, were flooded on November 23rd . One minute they were watching Strictly Come Dancing and the next minute the nearby river burst its banks and the water came rushing in their doors, windows, the walls and even up through the

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floor. They are all safe and well but as you can imagine are very upset.

They moved in with friends in their village but have now moved into temporary rented accommodation for six months while their home is made habitable again. Ray and I went to visit them and to give our support and to give them love and best wishes from Langham via a card which many of you signed at the Christmas Fair in Langham Church in December. Diane and Ray Bannerman


The collection of £102.54 was all donated to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

Children’s Society The Holy Communion Service on Christmas Day was

well attended with over 60 people present. The collection was divided between Langham Church and the Children’s Society with the latter receiving £153.66 which included proceeds from the collection box in the Bluebell.

LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH As promised in the last Lynx, we shall be back with our

sales for 2013 in the Parish Room: Saturday March 23rd Early Sale 10am – 11.30 am Saturday May 18th Plants etc. 10am – 12 noon Saturday July 27th Grand Sale 10am – 1pm Saturday October 19th Autumn Sale 10am – 12 noon Please make a note of the dates, we would love to see

you. You are all donating and purchasing but please may I ask you not to leave goods on our doorstep when we are not at home. We returned from shopping to find some very wet items, all ruined, which makes us sad. Thank you for your co-operation. Maureen 830731

LANGHAM LADYBIRDS The November meeting held in Langham Church proved

to be superb, with Rosie on the floor showing us the traditional way to make baskets and Louise creating wonderful holly wreaths. The afternoon tea at the Rectory made a perfect end to the meeting. Thank you Ian for your hospitality.

I missed the Christmas Lunch but I am given to understand that a great time was had by all. Well done everybody. Next meeting: February. 13th 7.30pm ‘Mardle’ in the Parish Room. Maureen 830731

MOBILE LIBRARY This will now visit on a four weekly basis, on Thursdays:

February 21st March 21st April 18th The van will call, each of these, days for 20 minutes at: St. Mary’s - 10.00am. Old Post Office - 10.25am. Swan’s Close - 10.50am The Cornfield - 11.15am. Enquiries : Wells Library Tel: 01328 710467

WELCOME We would like to extend a warm welcome to Mr. and

Mrs. Kevin Armstrong and Ali Horsley and hope that they will be very happy living in Langham.

WRVS LANGHAM CAR SERVICE Schedule to April 7th 2013

Weekly driving duties beginning on a Monday Jan. 28th Tel: 830 821* Mar. 4th Tel: 830 624 Feb. 4th Tel: 830 731 Mar. 11th Tel: 830 696 * Feb. 11th Tel: 830 847 Mar. 18th Tel: 830 348 Feb. 18th Tel: 830 056 Mar. 25th Tel: 830 606* Feb. 25th. Tel: 830 605 Apr. 1st. Tel: 830 677 Rate: 25p per mile *These drivers do not go to Norwich

If the driver for the week is unable to do the trip, contact the next person on the list. If your appointment is cancelled, please also cancel your car service booking.

Please give three days notice wherever possible, except in an emergency. It would be very helpful if a car booking is made as soon as an appointment is arranged or journey planned so that drivers can arrange their schedule. When booking please advise of any walking aids to be transported. Please bring change.

In the infrequent event that no driver is available – contact the Holt Caring Society Tel: 01263 711243 giving as much notice as possible.

This roster is also sited in the Bluebell and on the church porch and village notice boards with dates beyond the above schedule, after March 9th. Ann Sherriff Tel: 830 605

PARISH ROOM NEWS At the traditional evening of Carols and Mince Pies on

7th December the village was able to celebrate, at last, the completion of the new floor in the main hall, encouraged by mulled wine and a range of delicious snacks.

Though the evening has always been a purely social event, a generous £300 was added to the Refurbishment

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Fund by those attending. This is always a happy occasion, with good chat among

friends and joyful singing, punctuated by cameo performances by talented villagers.

Our thanks must go, as ever, to Pauline Bartlett for her playing of the piano (newly tuned) and to Maureen and Peter Dennis who set out and decorated the Parish Room and managed the refreshments – with the cooking and washing up assistance of members of the Committee.

We now look forward to completing Phase 2 of the refurbishment project, hopefully during the course of this year, which will add considerably to the appearance and functionality of the building.

The key to the future of the Parish Room will be its continued use for a wide range of village activities. By the time you read this, the Leisure Services of NNDC will have started their series of keep-fit activities on Monday mornings – see page 4 of the last issue of the Lynx – and we hope that these will be well supported.

Coffee mornings have been resumed and will continue to be held in the Parish Room on the first Saturday and third Wednesday of each month 10am–12 noon.

The Parish Room has also become much more popular for private parties. Why not consider hiring it for your own celebrations? Contact Bookings Manager, Jan Hope (01328 830847), for more information.. Bob Brandt

FESTIVITIES IN LANGHAM What a wonderful December and Christmas we had!

The church Christmas Fair heralded the last month of the year, followed the next day by a very relaxing, free trip to Norwich, courtesy of Friends of Langham, for their members. This was very much appreciated by all who went, so a big Thank You to the Friends of Langham. Less than a week later we had the very enjoyable ‘Carols and mince pies’ evening in the Parish Room. The following day we had both the School Fair and the charity coffee morning at Jutta and Roger Davis’ house. Midway through the month the Ladybirds celebrated with a superb lunch prepared by Jan, Sue Barbara and Sheila which was so enjoyable – sincere and grateful thanks to them. Three days later we had the CADSingers Concert and a rousing Christmas sing-along in church and our grateful thanks go to them for the proceeds of £65 each for the church and Parish Room.

A large congregation gathered on Christmas Day in Langham church to celebrate God’s gift of Jesus Christ with a Holy Communion service and we had the pleasure of having Matthew Rice to play the organ accompanied by two trumpeters!

Throughout this time Langham was illuminated firstly with the decorated tree opposite the Bluebell and then joined by the floodlights on the church. We must thank Friends of Langham and helpers, for the tree lights plus Mr. and Mrs. Hughes for the power supply. The church was brightly lit over the twelve days of Christmas thanks to a generous donation from an anonymous parishioner. A big thank you to them all, on behalf of all the village, for their kindness.

All in all, a happy festive season! Who can say that nothing happens in Langham!!! Happy New Year!

SOUP LUNCH & BOOK SALE With Coffee and Cakes!

Langham Parish Room, Sat. 16th March 12 noon – 2.00pm

As everyone seemed to enjoy the last one, we thought we would do it again! There will also be a raffle and maybe a couple of stalls. Net proceeds will be for Langham Church General Fund. Admission is free and food will be individually priced. Everyone is very welcome and we look forward to seeing you.

QUIZ NIGHT Thursday March 7th, Parish Room 7.00pm Bring your own beverage and glass, free coffee and

nibbles will be provided. Teams of four, £8 per team. Please call John Hughes 01328 830595 to book your table.

Friends of Langham

PHILIP WEST EVENING Slide show and Talk on Wells-Next-The-Sea

Thursday April 11th at 7.30pm Parish Room Entry £2 to include coffee and light refreshments. Everyone welcome. Friends of Langham

ALADDIN PANTOMIME 2013 On Wednesday 2nd January a full bus with Langham

parents and children, organised by the Friends of Langham, went to see the yearly pantomime.

This year we chose Aladdin at the Theatre Royal in Norwich. It was a highly professional production with funny lines, good songs and special effects which were amazing – magic carpets really can fly! All the traditional characters were there too and more. The theatre setting itself added to the atmosphere. We all enjoyed a funny and magical performance. It was also nice to see that all Langham children continue to respond to this yearly event. Next year?Same time? Same place? Marcel Schoenmakers F.O.L

THANK YOU FROM EL SALVADOR So many thanks to those who came to our coffee and

Gluehwein morning at Crafers Barn on 8th December, and for your generosity. We raised over £320 for the school we help to sponsor in the slums of the country’s capital, San Salvador. It is hard to explain how much money this is to them and how grateful they are. Roger and Jutta Davis

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DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 2013 Sat 16th Feb. FMC Quiz in Village Hall. [Contact: 01263-740431]. Sat 20th Apr. PCC Talk & Lunch at Morston Hall. (See separate article below). 4-6th May. FMC Book Sale. [For book collection contact 07813 369145]. Sat 8th June. 6.15 on quay. Crab Supper & Harbour Trip. Sat 22nd June. [NOT 29th]. FMC AGM in Village Hall. Fri 16th Aug: Practice Oyster and Gypsy Day. Sat 17th Aug. Norfolk Oyster and Gypsy World Championship. Sat 24th August. Morston Regatta and Morston Fun Day. Sat 14th Sep. NNDC Sponsored Bike Ride Sat 19th Oct [NOT 5th Oct]. Shovell Dinner 2013 at the Anchor. [Shovell biographer Dr Simon Harris on Admiral Narborough of Cockthorpe].

ANNUAL FMC QUIZ 2013 Village Hall, Sat 16th February

7.00pm for 7.30 prompt start at £12 a head, the following 8-strong teams (captains in brackets) are expected : Binham Barleybirds (David/Maureen Frost), Cockthorpe & Morston Mussels (Carole Bean/Maurice

Matthews), Langham Bombers (Maureen Sturgeon/Sheila Glaister), Morston Coastguards (Neil Thompson), Morston Macaroons (Jill Tibbetts), Morston Minifers (Jim/Letitia Bessell), Morston Missing the Point (Jane Temple), Morston Mouse-Hunts (Susy Harrison), Morston Pishmires (Mary Athill), Norfolk Nattlers (David Carnwath). 9 rounds (each of 9 questions) on: (1) Countryside, (2) Sports & Games, (3) General I, (4) History/Local History & Geography, (5) Food & Drink, (6) General II, (7) TV & Films, (8) Identification of pictures of people, creatures, flags etc., (9) Music. Each team has one Joker which may be played in advance to double the relevant team’s score for the round selected.

There will be a super 3-course supper served at your table at 8.30pm. Raffle and prize-giving due at 10.30pm.

All proceeds go to Friends of Morston Church (Regd Charity No. 1099831). Please do not arrive without a booking. [Tel: 01263-740431, Joc Wingfield]

PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS The monthly Parish Council Meetings for January to

April inclusive will all be held at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall on the last Wednesday of each month e.g. 30th January, 27th Feb, 27th Mar and 24th April. Members of the Parish are more than welcome to attend.

John Burdell, Chairman

REMEMBRANCE DAY The well-attended Service commemorating Morston’s

war dead was conducted by the Rector, the Rev Ian Whittle. Two wreaths were laid as usual: one by Stephen Bean (on behalf of the bereaved families) and one (on behalf of the inhabitants of Morston) by John Burdell, Chairman of the Parish Council. The collection amounted to £205 - which went to the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Fund.

NNCT SPONSORED BIKE RIDE 2012 The annual bicycle ride to as many churches as possible,

took place in 2012 - as usual - on the second Saturday in September. It was again spearheaded by Billy and Olive Hewett, Rob and Max Metcalfe and Anne Rolfe, all riding for Morston church, raised the magnificent sum of £1180.00 for the North Norfolk Churches Trust. Of that sum £663.75 will be allocated to Morston, which includes a Gift Aid addition of £73.75. Geoff Wortley, the Diocese Bike Ride Coordinator has announced that over £100,000 was raised. The PCC would like to thank all those who rode, sponsored and supported this endeavour and to ask you all to put in your 2013 diary the date for this year's ride for you to ride in or sponsor a rider: Saturday September 14th. Forms from Ned Hamond (01263-740188/144 from 1st August - but make a note now!). And does anyone know what the ‘Morston’ record number of churches "clocked up" by one rider on this Bike Ride is?

CAROL SERVICE All Saints Church was gloriously candlelit by over 150

candles and beautifully decorated. The Service of carols and readings was attended by some 150, who stayed for mulled wine and mince-pies afterwards. The Collection of £461-29 was shared between Cromer and Wells Cottage Hospitals.

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CAROL SINGERS On Christmas Eve the carol singers led by Jane Temple

and Ned Hamond raised £244-01 for church funds. Individual solo versions of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas”, with great support from Roberta Hamond’s siblings from New Jersey and Boston, Mass., was a particular success.

BOXING DAY FOOTBALL Peter and Jill Tibbetts organised a most successful

football match with team strengths ranging up to 12-13 a side. Robert Todd refereed the exciting match which resulted in a 6-3 win by the Reds. The match was followed by delicious hot dogs and punch – a traditional wassail - and much more. Wassail is from the Old Norse Ves Heill! = ‘Be of good health’ and can mean the drinking bout or the drink!

TALK & LUNCH AT MORSTON HALL Saturday 20th April

In aid of All Saints Church, Morston, Matthew Rice and his wife Emma, nee Bridgewater, founder of Emma Bridgewater, the pottery company, will together give a Talk entitled “The Merry Hell of Working Together”. A one-gallon Special Emma Bridgewater Teapot painted with a one-off Morston landscape decoration by Matthew will be auctioned; and there will be a Raffle with superb prizes.

Tickets £45 a head from Sara Wingfield 01263-740431.

FROM THE GARDEN As we get into February there is light at the end of the

tunnel. The days are slowly starting to lengthen (approx 2

minutes a day) and Spring breaks through with a carpet of snowdrops and aconites. This is when our work in the garden really starts. There is no doubt that preparation is the key to success and the more work one does now, the easier it is to maintain the borders once the growing season starts in earnest.

If you have not over wintered broad beans, onions or garlic then plant them now (in the prepared beds!) to harvest in June, while potato lovers can set the tubers to “chit” as early as February. Egg boxes are ideal for this, so start collecting now! Pop one seed potato in each hollow, and store in a frost free light dry place.

I wonder if you have planted the berries off your mistletoe? I do this each year by pushing the seed under the bark on the apple tree or securing it with tape. AT LAST! We have our own mistletoe--- yet to flower I must add ---- - perhaps next year? Green Pinkie

MORSTON QUIZ by Samphire (Answers on Page –27)

1. In which sport does the scoring begin at 15? 2. What is the prompting device used by TV presenters called? 3. What do the initials DKNY mean? 4. What colour are French postboxes? 5. Which actor succeeded Timothy Dalton as James Bond? 6. What colour is the background of the Olympic flag? 7. How many ounces in a pound? 8. The letter “s” is on which row of the three rows of letters on a keyboard? 9. What name is given to a flight of swallows in the air? 10.Which fruit contains the most calories?

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MAINTAINING THE FABRIC At this time of year we are always grateful to Reg

Rogers for carrying out his vital maintenance work inside and outside St. Margaret’s: clearing debris and dirt from the tower roof and bell-chamber, also the spiral stairs, likewise from the gutters of the nave roof and the fall-pipes. What with the autumnal high winds and torrents of rain there has also been a lot of material to remove from the gulleys and grates around the church.

PROBLEM TREE The NNDC Trees Officer has ruled against the

coppicing of the elm tree standing near to the north-west buttress of the tower St. Margaret’s, so we shall have to be content with trimming its canopy at intervals.


The faculty in respect of the proposed repairs to the nave windows (badly bowed!) has been received from the Diocesan Registrar so the way is now clear to embark on the work, using the firm of MC Lead Glaziers Ltd of Horsford, who recently repaired the large window at the east end of the church.

CHURCH NEWS Sunday 16th December 2012 was the date of the Carol

Concert, or should I say Carol Lantern Concert, as requested by Will Summers of Well Cottage. On the day the tree was in place, the church beautiful with flowers and candles and late afternoon saw Perry up the ladder lighting the chandelier candles and placing lanterns along the pathway. It was a chilly evening, but nonetheless, a goodly number assembled at the village hall, all with lanterns, to process along to the church, to be met along Bale Road by our Rector the Rev. Ian Whittle along with more of the eventual congregation. The service was lovely and each carol was accompanied by a member, or members of the congregation to place the various figures in the crib. We had some lovely readings, thank you to those who participated, including Alison Summers who sang In The Bleak Midwinter, and it ended with mulled wine and mince pies.

On Christmas Day Holy Communion was taken by the Ven. Michael Handley and although there were less attending than the Carol Service it was a fitting start to the day, especially with the gospel being read up by the crib with the congregation in attendance. We then fairly quickly dispersed to attend ovens and/or a quick walk.

30th December saw Sharrington All Saints host the group Communion service, it being the 5th Sunday of the month; this was taken by the Bishop of Lynn, Rt. Rev. Jonathan Meyrick with our Rector in attendance. It was a wonderful service with a full church and some glorious singing and culminated with wine and canapés. It was good to see so many people from other parishes and enjoy their company.

Finally, this is by way of an appeal. All Saints needs an organist as a matter of urgency. If

any of you have such skills, or indeed know of anyone, relative, or friends, who would be prepared to give up part of their Sunday mornings please could you contact either Pippa Long 01263 860613 or Ann Garwood 01263 860700. It does not need to be just one person, two could share the four services each month.

CROSS OF ST AUGUSTINE Anne Sloman has been awarded the Cross of St.

Augustine for her outstanding contribution to the life of the Church of England.

The prestigious award – which ranks second highest within the Anglican Church – was made by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, at Lambeth Palace in London just before Christmas.

Anne, who is a member of Sharrington PCC and the leading light behind the Sharrington Lectures, attended the reception with her husband Martyn who also serves as PCC treasurer.

In making the award, Dr Williams praised Anne’s work

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for the Archbishops’ Council, where he said her insights into Whitehall and the media gained from her years as Chief Political Advisor for the BBC proved invaluable. He also thanked her for her ongoing work as chair of the Church Buildings Council and her success in securing another £30 million per year for church buildings from the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

The Cross of St Augustine was founded in 1965 by Archbishop Michael Ramsey and is a circular medallion bearing a replica of the 8th century Cross of Canterbury, with an engraving of the chair of St Augustine at Canterbury on the reverse. It a ribbon of Canterbury blue.

GARDENERS GROUP On 7th December 2012 the Sharrington Gardeners Group

welcomed David Tipling (resident photographer at the Holt Photographic Gallery) to the village hall to talk about birds: birds we should see in our gardens and those we could attract with the right food. He showed us some beautiful photographs of common garden birds – blackbirds, thrushes, blue tits, long-tailed tits, great tits, sparrows, woodpeckers, etc and explained the importance of keeping feeders clean. He had nest boxes to show us and a lovely range of cards

and it was a real pleasure to hear from someone so knowledgeable and patient. It is rather marvellous to sit quietly in a window or in the garden and just wait for these wonderful little creatures to swoop in, and if you persist long enough surely a robin will oblige by sitting on a finger to enjoy a few dried mealie worms. Ann Abrams devised a good quiz and we were fortified by wine and canapes for the assembled audience. A thoroughly enjoyable evening with many thanks to Chris and Ann Abrams and to David himself. I hope we may have the pleasure of his company again in the future.

Our last Gardeners Group meeting of the year involved mulled wine, mince pies and sausage rolls with a demonstration by Mary Lee of flower arranging with a Christmas theme which was a delight. The evening was rounded off with a raffle which included the completed arrangements. Thank you, Mary, for stepping in at the last minute and giving all of us some good ideas for the festive period.

VILLAGE HALL 50/50 CLUB The village hall survives through the generosity of the

village especially membership of the above club. Our numbers are unfortunately dwindling so much that we will have to cut the draw prizes unless we get some more members.

So, please help save our only village amenity. Available to hire at very reasonable rates. A pound a month – not even the price of a drink, although you could get a small bar of chocolate!

Contact Ann Abrams 01263 861404, Ann Garwood 01263 860700 or Bobbie Coe 01263 860097 if you want more information. Make it your New Year’s resolution to support the village!


I am seeking a replacement to take over from me as the Sharrington Village representative for the Local Lynx. No specific qualifications are needed just an interest in village affairs access to a computer and the internet plus about three hours of time once every 8 weeks. Please contact me if you have any questions or interest in this; in person, by telephone 01263 861667 or on [email protected]. Thank you. John Clarke

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A VISIT TO THE HOLY LAND A remarkable 8 days’ experience – wonderful in

more ways than one. I tend now to read the Bible with a new light on the

page – Jesus and his contemporaries and their surroundings come to life.

The heat and dust which we were experiencing, the streets, the streets and the endless square white houses all help to make the Gospel real and imminent. You can see the Lord in those streets – with his friends – and the crowds – and the hostile Pharisees.

We made a visit one day to the desert some way from Jerusalem – I experienced in a distant view – its huge barren hillsides – so this was the setting of our Lord’s temptations – of John the Baptist’s youth.

And then Galilee! We walked down the hillside on a dirt track to the Lake which is big – quite vast, in a way I never imagined – and across the lake the Golan Heights of present day fame.

We visited two beaches and learned that the second, spacious and pebbly, is the best place for launching boats and was probably the base for Jesus’ fishermen friends and His experiences with them.

Oh! And we saw a local sycamore tree – massive and low, very solid branches – easy to imagine Zaccheus climbing up into it.

And on our last day we went to the Temple Mount which I found incredibly impressive – it is a vast and empty now, presumably since the Temple was destroyed in AD 70. Seeing that vastness it was easy to imagine the courage required to challenge the Temple authorities as Jesus did.

But there is another aspect to all this – my generation, ours indeed – has been horrified by the sufferings of the Jews – the unspeakable horrors of Nazi brutality – the Holocaust, Auschwitz and the other death camps – and this awareness impelled the international community to make it possible for the Jews to achieve at last their own homeland in the 20th century – ‘A land

without people for people without a land’ – the trouble is that that was impossible to find – Palestine had a lot of people in it – Arab and Bedouin, living in villages, mostly I believe, as farmers. Their homes and villages have in many cases been razed, the occupants driven out, turned into refugees with no right of return. The Arabs’ reaction has been to rebuild – we visited one house, the family home for generations, which had been destroyed and rebuilt 5 times, and the owner was it seems waiting a further destruction – all because the land is not approved for Arab occupation according to Jewish government regulations.

There have been Arab uprisings in response to all this – the ‘intifadas’, Jews are encroaching in Settlements built in the West Bank originally designed for Arab occupation. These settlements are for Jews and are built with high, huge 12 foot plus walls around them to protect them as protection against terrorists. These settlements interfere crucially with Arab freedom of movement and divide families, and make life in every way difficult for the Arab peoples.

It was part of our spiritual experience to see the reaction of Christian Arabs to Jewish aggression. I listened with huge admiration and awe to 2 speakers – the first an Arab Christian pastor of a church in a poor town near Nazareth who spoke of seeking only to help those who suffer, young people in need of work, for instance, and of opposing injustice without hatred. The second speaker was a leader of the Holy Land Trust, based in Bethlehem, and dedicated to non-violence as a catalyst to end conflicts – to bring healing, especially between Arabs and Israelis, and to spreading understanding. Not a religious organisation but with a profoundly Christian ethic. This speaker told us of his own family and how its recent generations had been greatly influenced and guided by his grandmother who in the face of every injustice and suffering insisted that their reaction as Christians must be not hate but understanding.

I have so much more to learn but it was a God-given experience. Helen Leach

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RESCUE WOODEN BOATS Our aim is to conserve aspects of our maritime

heritage by restoring back to use on the water a selected number of wooden working boats and lifeboats, all of local historical interest, and engage schools and the public with them and their stories. We will also capture on film and conserve the crafts involved in restoring these boats.

Once back on the water the idea is that they earn their winter maintenance keep by being used afloat, giving trips or being hired out.

We are telling their stories by filming the people who crewed them and creating an oral history of an age which has now changed completely. Of course these fishermen were also the lifeboat men so the boats are linked by the men and the stories. Many of these men are in their late 80s, so they and their wooden fishing boats, regarded as family members, are rapidly disappearing.

Our latest news... We are delighted to have been awarded a Heritage

Lottery Grant for 67% of our project costs to restore Dunkirk veteran and locally serving lifeboat Lucy Lavers and tell her story. We have now started work on her at the Stiffkey Boatyard, and are filming her progress. Once restored she will give trips afloat from Wells.

We are starting to plan Lucy Lavers return visit to Dunkirk in 2015 for the 75th anniversary, calling in on the way for schools and the public to see her.

We are very pleased to have just been given crab boat Pegasus by the Thain family. She started life in West Runton owned by Geoff Fox and has been earning her living in Scotland. She will come home to us in March 2013 and be giving trips afloat in the summer of 2013, alongside whelker Harvester generously donated to us recently by Graeme Peart. These boats join Bessie, Black Beauty and Star which all need restoration.

We are now planning the Visitor Centre at the Old Military Camp in Stiffkey, which we will rent from the Harrisons, who are generously restoring it. Here we will have films, photographs, fishing and lifeboat gear and more on display. There will be activities for school groups, and we hope talks and master classes for the general public in due course.

We still need funding for.... The matched funds for Lucy Lavers, for equipping

and running the Visitor Centre, for restoring Whelker Bessie and Black Beauty, and for filming the oral histories of the fishing and lifeboat community. Your support is very welcome and we invite people to join as “Friends” of Rescue Wooden Boats and become involved in what we are doing. We are looking for more volunteer help and

support.... Including: Sharing your family stories of fishing, lifeboat

crewing, your photographs and memorabilia Helping at the Visitor Centre, when school and

other groups come to visit. (Training provided) Delivering and topping up our leaflets and

newsletters in your area Planning aspects of the charity’s work with us:

for example, schools involvement, a children’s panel to advise us, the voyage back to Dunkirk for veteran lifeboat Lucy Lavers in 2015, design and display at the Visitor Centre, and more...

Website work Fundraising! Grant applications!

If you feel you could help us in any way do get in touch.

If your organisation would like us to give a talk about what we are doing do get in touch.

Local firms who might be interested in supporting us in return for publicity, do make contact. Contact: Wendy Pritchard, 14 Norton Street, Burnham Norton, King’s Lynn, PE31 8DR; 07920 760238, [email protected]; www.rescuewoodenboats. com. Wendy Pritchard

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CHURCH NOTES Christmas at Stiffkey was celebrated with all the

usual flair. The illuminated crib on the church knoll was a reminder to all of the Christian message. Thanks to Eva, Steven and Beverley for this traditional highlight.

Christingle on Sunday 23rd was well supported and approximately 20 children came up for their candlelit oranges. What fun for them and their parents as our Rector Ian explained the significance of the love of God.

A large crowd sung carols lustily on Christmas Eve at the Red Lion. Grateful thanks to the management for hosting this now traditional Stiffkey event.

Christmas morning dawned fine and Holy Communion was celebrated at 9.30am. After that we all relaxed with our families for (probably) too much to eat and drink not to mention a sea of presents and wrapping paper. The flowers at the altar so beautifully arranged by Heather Harrison were stunning.

And so 2012 is behind us. 2013 with all its uncertainties lies ahead. Christians are suffering persecution in many parts of the world. It behoves us all to stay together in prayer and unity. Welcome to the family who have moved into the Adnitt’s house –so nice to have them amongst us. And so to Lent. Is it to be chocolate, drink or something deeper to ponder about?

Keith McDougall

NATURE NOTES Wetter and wetter – is their no let up? Septic tanks

are overflowing (Stiffkey is still in the dark ages without a sewage system). A rural scandal.

They say that the Pink footed Goose population has chopped by 100,000. My theory is the volcanic dust from 2010 has poisoned their breeding grounds in Iceland. We will see what the experts say.

The river Stiffkey is receiving a lot of attention these

days as a valuable chalk stream with excellent ‘biodiversity’. The Norfolk Rivers Trust is planning improvements. Fair enough as long as we do not have any unnecessary disturbance to the peace and tranquillity currently such a precious quality of the river valley. Pightle

CRICKET ANNUAL DINNER & AGM The Stiffkey Red Lion generously hosted the annual

dinner of Stiffkey Cricket Club for 2012, this year with an excellent curry offered rather than the usual seasonal fare. Trophies were awarded; player of the year was Steve Wiles, whose aggressive batting was a highlight of a season much affected by bad weather. He has also showed a happy knack taking wickets just when needed. The Clubman of the year went to newcomer Davy Jackson, who in addition to elegant batting and effective energetic fielding offered many hours of work with groundsman Jamie Lawrence to help provide a much improved playing area.

In the business part of the meeting, John ‘the Fish’ Griffin, continues as club chairman, Siemon Scamell-Katz as Captain, Mark Hunter becomes Vice Captain, and Davy Jackson Treasurer. Sponsorship, raffles and auctions helped to raise £380 for club funds.

Steve Bashforth

STIFFKEY LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Mike Welland will be giving a talk on the early

history of Postcards at Stiffkey Village Hall on Thursday 21st February at 7.30pm. His talk will feature the work of Albert Mahomet who was based locally and whose photographs offer such a good visual record of Wells, Stiffkey and North Norfolk of the late 19th and early 20th Century.

Non-members are welcome to attend. Steve Bashforth

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SCHOOL NEWS Two snowmen standing in a field, one says to the

other: “Can you smell carrots?” – The pick of the children’s jokes from this year’s Langham Village School Christmas show, delivered as always with confidence and panache.

The show, held in Blakeney Village Hall on 4 and 6 December, was the perfect opening to a busy festive season, giving every child the chance to shine. Class 1 (aged 4 – 6) performed a delightful nativity and a charming dance to ‘Hernando’s Hideaway’ featuring the unusual sight of sheep with castanets. Class 2 (aged 6 – 8) gave us the ‘Nutcracker’ with very accomplished narration and dancing. Class 3 (aged 8 – 11) adapted Mary Poppins to become a Christmas adventure, bringing it up to date with a spirited rendition of the famous ‘Langham (Gangnam) Style’. With performances from the school choir, Spanish Club, recorder, saxophone and flute, and even a Tommy Cooper tribute from head teacher Mr Green and Blue Wilson, it was a true variety show demonstrating everyone’s skills to the full.

Hot on the heels of the show came the school Christmas fair on 8 December. There were games, raffle, bakery and Christmas crafts handmade by the children, bacon sarnies and soup for sustenance, and a visit from Father Christmas - something for all the family. The event raised a fantastic £1200 which subsidises trips and equipment for the children throughout the year.

The term was rounded off by the school carol service in Langham Village Church on Tuesday 18 December, always a lovely family event, and the children’s parties on Thursday 20th. All of these events involve a huge amount of hard work and preparation from the children themselves, the school staff and the many volunteers Langham school is so lucky to have. Thanks and well done to everyone who helped.

Out and about As part of Class 3’s continuing Beach Project,

exploring the ecology of our local environment, the children in years 4, 5 and 6 were delighted to have a trip on Jason Bean’s boat to see the seal pups on Blakeney Point just before Christmas. Many thanks to Jason, who very kindly provided the trip free of charge, and gave the children a fantastic adventure.

A team from Langham Village School had the opportunity of a lifetime when they played football on the Norwich City pitch at Carrow Road before a Premier League match. Norwich City provided the

referee and the children had an action-packed match against Brisley, with Blue Wilson and Oliver Corrie scoring for Langham. There are some cracking photos on the school website at www.langhamvillageschool. com if you would like to get into the spirit of the event.

New team and new opportunities Mrs Osborne, one of the teachers in class 2, and

teaching assistant Annette McEwan, moved on from Langham at the end of the term, leaving the staff, children and parents with many fond memories and taking with them everyone’s thanks and best wishes. The new year sees senior teacher Vee Hopkins joined by new teacher Brigitta Hunt three days a week, and Helen Ward and Mel Burbridge as teaching assistants. In addition, Jo Green has joined Class 1 as teaching assistant. Welcome to all the new team members.

The school has a vacancy for a Mid Day Supervisory Assistant, for an hour every day looking after the children while they eat lunch and play afterwards. If you would like to join the team please contact the school office.

As always, you can keep up with all the school activities and achievements at www.langhamvillageschool.com, it’s well worth a visit. In the meantime from all at Langham Village School we wish you the very best for 2013 and thanks for your continuing support.

Anne-Marie Coe


1: Lawn tennis. 2: An autocue. 3: Donna Karan, New York. 4: Yellow. 5: Pierce Brosnan. 6: White. 7: 16. 8. The middle one. 9: A flight. 10: Avocado.

Page 28: Local Lynx issue 88 Feb/Mar 2013 revision 2



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