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Local Initiative Fund Supporting Guidance Notes

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Local Initiative FundSupporting Guidance Notes 2016/17Round 2

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These supporting guidance notes are to help you understand what the Local Initiative Fund is about and to help you complete the application

form for 2016/17. In addition to this you are provided with additional question by question guidance in

the Help with Completing your Application Form document. We strongly urge you to read both

documents before you complete your application form.

If you need further guidance or advice you can contact us on 01772

530570 or you can email us at [email protected].


Please note this funding round is for 3 districts only, Chorley, Hyndburn

and Pendle. Ideally funding needs to be spent in the 2016/17 financial

year, however, due to this being a second round opening up late in the

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year please speak to us if your project will run over by some time.

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What is the Local Initiative Fund? 1

What we can fund 1

Who can apply? 1

How much funding is available? 1

What we will not fund 2

Meeting Our Key Priority Areas for LIF 3

Priority 1: Supporting a Total Family Approach 3

Priority 2: Providing Skills and Employment Initiatives 4

Priority 3: Providing Activities and Programmes for 5Young People aged 12 – 19 (up to 25 for youngpeople with learning difficulties or disabilities)

Policy for Working with Children and/or Vulnerable Adults 8

A Standard or Enhanced DBS Check? 8

Our definition of a Vulnerable Adult 9

What will happen once we receive your application 10

General Eligibility Criteria for LIF 10

Assessment Criteria and Process 11

Timescales 12

Monitoring of Grants 12

Publicity of Grants 13

Contact Information 14

Returning your Application Form 14

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Local Initiative Fund 2016/17 Round 2 Guidance Notes

What is the Local Initiative Fund?

The Local Initiative Fund (LIF) offers an opportunity for Third Sector organisations across Lancashire to apply for funding in order to help deliver local and Lancashire County Council priorities. LIF grants are made under the general power of competence set out at Section 1 of the Localism Act 2011, which replaces the well-being power in Section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000 for local authorities in England. Section 1(1) of the Localism Act sets out that a local authority has power to do anything that individuals generally may do.

What we can fund

The LIF aims to support new project costs and one off activity costs. Perhaps your organisation has a new project or initiative that needs assistance with start-up costs or you require assistance with the cost of purchasing equipment. The LIF is based on three specific priority areas; if your project or activity will help us to meet our priorities in one of these areas, then we may be able to help. The LIF is unable to fund the core costs of an organisation or on-going project costs. Whilst the Scheme aims to support and encourage new initiatives, if an organisation can clearly evidence that a similar or the same project (to one that has previously been funded through the LIF) will benefit different people then we will take this into consideration. As an organisation you may apply to a maximum of three districts, if you work across more than one district.

Who can apply?

If you are a local Third Sector organisation in Lancashire, working with local people, then the LIF could be for you. As a group you will need to:

have a constitution, set of rules, or articles of association in place; have a group bank account (all payments are made by electronic transfer); be a 'not for profit' organisation.

In addition to the above, organisations must be able to meet our General Eligibility Criteria as detailed on page 10.

How much funding is available?

Lancashire County Council continues to face an unprecedented financial challenge. Like many parts of the public sector, Councils are under acute pressure and further austerity measures are expected for the foreseeable future. The Autumn Statement and Finance Settlement for local government mean a total £303.3m reduction in central government support for the County Council over the period 2016/17 to 2019/20. This extremely difficult financial picture is the result of continued cuts in Government funding, alongside rising costs and increase in demand in our services. Whilst we are committed to continuing our support to the Third Sector in Lancashire, at this stage, the County Council is unable to confirm whether any funding will be available for future rounds.

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The total amount of funding available in the LIF budget for 2016/17 was £154,577.85. The first round of LIF took place earlier this year and the scheme allocated £116,156.41. We are now opening up the Second Round for LIF in those districts that have over £5,000 remaining in their budget for allocation. We have £27,400.73 to allocate in this round. The remaining underspend of £11,020.71 across the other districts will be carried forward into the next financial year for 2017/18. Please note this funding round is only for projects in Chorley, Hyndburn or Pendle.

Applications should be for funding between a minimum of £1,000 and a maximum of £5,000.

District Funding available

Chorley £12,980.87Hyndburn £5,556.86Pendle £8,863.00

Total £27,400.73

What we will not fundWe are unable to support applications for the following:

We will not fund individuals or where the benefit is for one person only. We will not fund core costs or on-going project costs, for example your organisation's core

costs such as rent, utilities or on-going salaries. We will not fund projects for research activities.

Your application will need to show that the funding you are requesting is for a new project, initiative or activity. Where an organisation has previously been awarded funds for a project and they re-apply for the same or a similar project, this will only be considered if the organisation can clearly evidence that the benefit is for different people.

We will not fund the following organisations:o statutory bodies including Parish and Town Councils;o schools, colleges or universities;o health authorities or for activities that should be funded by the health service;o animal welfare organisations.

We will not fund religious or political activities (faith based organisations are eligible to apply). We will not fund groups whose sole purpose is to campaign, or any campaign activity. We will not fund retrospectively, meaning support for work that has already taken place prior to

the agreement of funding. We will not fund projects for the benefit of people who are not a resident of Lancashire. We will not fund any application that is unlawful or is contrary to County Council Policies and

Procedures. As an organisation, you may submit a maximum of three applications across three districts

that your organisation works in.

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If in doubt, please call us about eligibility on 01772 530570.

Meeting Our Key Priority Areas for LIF

The LIF is targeted on the following three priority areas. Your application must meet one of the priorities detailed below in order to be eligible to apply. If your application meets more than one of the priority areas please submit your application based on the one priority area that is most closely aligned to your activity or project.

Supporting a Total Family Approach; Providing Skills and Employment Initiatives; Providing Activities and Programmes for Young People aged 12 – 19 (up to 25 for people with

learning difficulties or disabilities)

Priority 1: Supporting a Total Family Approach

What is this Priority about?

The aim of the programme is to identify and work with families experiencing multiple and complex difficulties in the areas below:

1. Parents of children involved in crime or anti-social behaviour 2. Children who have not been attending school regularly3. Children who need help4. Adults out of work or at risk of financial exclusion and young people at risk of worklessness5. Families affected by domestic violence and abuse6. Parents and children with a range of health problems.

Through a Total Family approach, the overall aim is to secure:

Improved intelligence about families at risk Earlier support where issues are identified Better information sharing across organisations Less professionals involved with families Reduced families identified as 'not coping' or 'just coping' Increased confidence by local communities that agencies are supporting families effectively

Total family explores the potential for co-ordinating services around the needs of family units rather than individuals in order to secure better, long-term outcomes, achieve efficiencies and introduce new ways of working.

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What are we looking for?

Where appropriate, organisations will be expected to:

Take account of whole family circumstances in any needs assessments they undertake Explore the potential for family-based interventions when assessing the need for individual

support Utilise assertive approaches where necessary to retain the engagement of families

throughout any intervention Ensure information sharing arrangements with partners are in place to improve the timing,

sequencing and co-ordination of individual and family interventions Ensure support/interventions are outcome-based and routinely incorporate family self-

assessment opportunities where appropriate Ensure support/interventions develop the capacity of families and their community to devise

their own solutions Ensure all support/interventions are in accordance with early intervention principles.

Priority 2: Providing Skills and Employment Initiatives

What is this Priority about?

As part of Lancashire County Council's Economic Framework, skills have been identified as one of its strategic priorities. We have therefore developed a Corporate Framework for Skills. There are five key priorities that will underpin the County Council's approach to skills and raise levels of attainment within Lancashire.  These are detailed below. For the Local Initiative Scheme our focus is priority 2 Employability and priority 4 Young People not in Employment, Education and Training (NEETs). Under these two priorities we have identified the key themes. If your project or activity can help meet one or both of these priorities and can contribute to the key themes within them then we would encourage you to submit an application.

1. Workforce Planning and Training 2. Employability3. Apprenticeships4. Young People Not in Employment, Education and Training (NEETs) 5. Higher Level Skills


This priority is targeted towards actions that will help to:

Provide skills related employability programmes for Lancashire residents that lead to employment

Provide employment programmes that lead to future opportunities, whether that be skills or employment

Provide employment programmes that support underrepresented groups such as:o Black Minority Ethnic (BME) groupso Womeno People with disabilities

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o Carers o Care Leaverso People with no or low skills

Young People Not in Employment, Education and Training (NEET)

This priority is targeted towards actions that will help to:

Support programmes that assist NEET young people into sustainable employment, education or training

Reduce the number of young people who become NEET through projects based on prevention and support

Provide more intense engagement with the very hard to reach NEET groups.

Priority 3: Providing Activities and Programmes for Young People aged 12 – 19 (up to 25 for young people with learning difficulties or disabilities)

What is this Priority about?

The purpose of Lancashire's Young People's Service is to improve outcomes for young people in their personal, social and educational development and support them in having a voice, influence and a place in society in a period of their transition from childhood dependence to adult independence.

Overarching Strategies for Young People in Lancashire

It is essential that our funding is linked to long-term service planning to meet our priorities and the areas of greatest need. The aims and priorities of this funding are developed from, and support a number of, the priorities within the following documents:

- Lancashire County Council Corporate Strategy http://www.lancashire.gov.uk/corporate/web

- Lancashire Children and Young People's Plan http://www.lancashirechildrenstrust.org.uk/cypplan/

- Young People's vision (within the Children and Young People's Plan)- Lancashire Youth Strategy


Lancashire County Council Corporate Strategy

In recommending applications for grants, regard must be had to the County Council’s corporate objectives. The new draft Corporate Strategy for the County Council has been developed and is currently going through the County Council's approval process. The draft Corporate Strategy sets out the future direction for the County Council, covering a timeframe to 2021 and beyond. It will form a framework which sets out:

our vision, values, high level priorities, and overall approach our evidence base

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thematic strategies, such as our financial strategy our risk, quality and performance framework service delivery plans annual budgets

Lancashire's Children and Young People's Plan 2014-17

This funding is directed towards supporting the following priorities from the Children and Young People's Plan:

We will promote and enable access to positive activities for all children and young people We will ensure that children and young people can develop the skills, experiences and

aspirations to be successful in the future workforce.

Lancashire Youth Strategy

A Lancashire Youth Partnership has been established to support the development and delivery of a 'Lancashire Youth Strategy' which will provide a co-ordinated Youth Offer in Lancashire.


The Lancashire Youth Partnership wants young people in Lancashire to realise their potential and value through access to:

places to go and things to do that are fun, challenging and safe information, advice and guidance on choices about healthy life style, education,

volunteering, enterprise and employment opportunities people who believe in them, can earn their trust and respect and can support and inspire


What are we looking for?

In order to meet the above priorities we are seeking projects/activities that specifically target young people facing key transitions in their lives, who are disadvantaged, have additional needs, are vulnerable or at risk of social exclusion including;

Providing organised, structured activities that lead to personal and social development and recognise young people's achievements.

Sporting activities and other physical activities, which leads to personal development and improved healthy lifestyle choices.

Positive activities targeted at disadvantaged or vulnerable young people to encourage personal, social or spiritual development.

Ensuring disadvantaged or vulnerable young people have access to good quality weekend activities/holiday activities.

Innovative programmes offering opportunities not readily available to disadvantaged or vulnerable young people, including residential.

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Safe, enjoyable meeting places in areas with no other provision, within safe travelling distance.

Publicising your activities on the Lancashire Go4it website. Activities for young people who have limited access to youth provision in rural locations.

Can you evidence local needs?

Each area of Lancashire has its own characteristics and specific areas of need and when considering providing activities for young people between the ages of 12 – 19 (up to 25 for young people with learning difficulties or disabilities), please also consider how these meet the needs in your specific area as identified within the Children and Young People's Plan.

Can you evidence outcomes?

Each programme should lead to a demonstrable positive outcome for the young people involved.

Your project should be able to demonstrate how you have enhanced the range of activities available to young people and supported the Lancashire Youth Offer.

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Policy for Working with Children and/or Vulnerable Adults

Lancashire County Council operates a 10% spot check procedure which may require you to provide further evidence at a later date such as proof of staff/volunteer Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and clearance. If your application does involve working with children and/or in Regulated activity with adults you will need to ensure you have met all the requirements detailed below.

If an application is for funding to support working directly with children and/or vulnerable adults, then an organisation must be able to provide the following:

a copy of its policy on working with children and/or in Regulated Activity with Adults, and confirmation of an appropriate (Standard or Enhanced) DBS checks with appropriate

Barred list checks, in accordance with DBS guidance, and for all persons involved with the project.


The following exceptions to this policy will apply:

If the application is for parents or guardians to undertake activities with their own children, there is no requirement for this.

The need for DBS and checks to be undertaken in respect of applications for the purchase of equipment for working with children and/or vulnerable adults shall be considered on an individual basis, and having regard to the nature of the equipment and its link and use by children and/or vulnerable adults. The Assessment Panel and/or the Cabinet Working Group considering the application may wish to recommend a condition of grant that the organisation applying for resources implements a Child Protection Policy and/or has DBS checks undertaken for relevant persons where this has not already been undertaken.

Within the framework provided by the above policy, all applications will be considered on an individual basis and in all cases the Leader of the County Council will take the final decision (in the light of Lancashire County Council policy and legal requirements).

A standard or enhanced DBS check?

Please see the explanations below for determining whether you will require a standard or enhanced DBS check.

Standard check

Standard checks are primarily for posts in certain professions, such as members of the legal and accountancy professions.

Enhanced check

Enhanced checks are for posts involving a degree of contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. In general, the type of work will involve regularly caring for, supervising, training or being in sole charge of such people. Examples include a Teacher, Scout or Guide Leader. To be eligible

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for an Enhanced check an employee or volunteer must be working in either the current Regulated activity definitions or in the pre September 2012 definition. Guidance on eligibility is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/dbs-check-eligible-positions-guidance

Our definition of a vulnerable adult

Who is a vulnerable adult?

The new definition of regulated activity relating to adults no longer labels adults as ‘vulnerable’. Instead, the definition identifies the activities which, if any adult requires them, lead to that adult being considered vulnerable at that particular time. This means that the focus is on the activities required by the adult and not on the setting in which the activity is received, nor on the personal characteristics or circumstances of the adult receiving the activities. There is also no longer a requirement for a person to do the activities a certain number of times before they are engaging in regulated activity.

Here are six categories of people who will fall within the new definition of regulated activity (and so will anyone who provides day to day management or supervision of those people). A broad outline of these categories is set out below. For more information please see the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.

Providing health care Providing personal care Providing social work Assistance with cash, bills and/or shopping Assistance in the conduct of a person’s own affairs Conveying

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What will happen once we receive your application?

Once submitted, applications will be assessed against the criteria to ensure the applicant is eligible. Eligible applications will be scored by the relevant priority area and qualifying applications presented before an Assessment Panel which will consider applications and make recommendations for funding. These recommendations for funding will be considered by the Cabinet Working Group for the Third Sector. Following this, a report will be submitted to the Leader of the County Council for a final decision.

General Eligibility Criteria for LIF

Your activity or project will directly benefit, and have clear, positive outcomes for the people of the district to which your project relates to.

Your activity will directly contribute to one of the three priorities of the Local Initiative Fund as defined in these supporting guidance notes. If your application relates to more than one of our three priorities you must pick the one that is most applicable.

Your application is for funding of between £1,000 (minimum sum available) and £5,000 (maximum sum available) for your chosen district.

Your application for funding must directly support any one of the district areas of Lancashire (where funding is available); you are not permitted to submit a single application to cover multi districts. However, as an organisation you may submit a separate application, or more than one application, if your activity or project brings benefit to people in more than one district. Each application must clearly indicate the benefit that the activity or project will bring to the people of that area and be able to clearly evidence the need in that particular district. You may only apply to a maximum of three districts.

If your application for funding is working directly with children and/or vulnerable adults, you MUST supply child/vulnerable adult protection policies in accordance with DBS guidance, for all the individuals involved (both staff and volunteers). The only exception to this is where parents accompany their own children; please refer to our policy for working with children and vulnerable adults.

The activity will help to build cohesive communities and promote equality and social inclusion.

Your organisation is committed to the principles of sustainability (defined as ways of improving the quality of life for people today while protecting the environment for our children).

As detailed under the 'Who can apply' section your organisation must also:

o have a constitution, set of rules or articles of association in placeo have a group bank account o be a 'not for profit' organisation

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Assessment Criteria and Process

The following criteria and process will be used to assess all applications:

- Your organisation must be eligible to apply

- Each application will be for a particular district, if your organisation works in more than one district, you can apply to a maximum of three districts

- Each application must meet one of the Key Priority Areas for LIF

- Each application must be in compliance with the Prevent Duty requirements (were an organisation does not support or provide a platform for extremists or their views). https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/prevent-duty-guidance

- Each completed application must be returned by the deadline date

- Each application will be assessed on the detail provided in the application form for the funding requested

- Each application will need to meet the LIF criteria and any set bench mark for grant approval before any funding can be allocated

- Each application awarded a grant will need to undergo a series of financial checks before the award is confirmed

- Each successful organisation will complete the grant award paperwork accepting the conditions of the award, the monitoring and reporting requirements before grant funding can be released.

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The dates below are provided to give applicants an approximate indication of the timescales involved and may be subject to internal changes.

Date Activity

6 December 2016 Bidding for LIF Round 2 2016/17 to begin

6 January 2017 Deadline for applications to be submitted

6 – 20 January 2017 Internal assessment of applications

Week Commencing 23 January 2017 Assessment Panel for LIF

Week Commencing 30 January 2017

Cabinet Working Group for the Third Sector to consider the recommendations of the Assessment Panel

Early February 2017 Report to be presented to Leader of the County Council to consider recommendations

Mid February 2017 Decision letters to be sent out to organisations

End of February – Mid March 2017

Grant Funding Agreements to be issued to successful organisations and payments authorised once documents returned.

Monitoring of Grants

We need to make sure that any grants that we give out have been spent in accordance with the guidance and for the activity outlined in the original application. We will request information from you about what the money has been spent on and how the activities/services that you said you would provide have gone.

You will need to keep all receipts and documentation relating to the project for at least seven years after receipt of the grant and allow authorised representatives of Lancashire County Council to inspect them at any time.

Once the project is complete you will be required to complete a Monitoring and Evaluation Report. You will also need to provide us with the following evidence:

copies of original receipts/invoices to the full amount of the grant; and a copy of the group's bank statement showing the invoices have been paid a copy of Petty cash sheet showing cash transactions details of the number of people benefiting from the grant;

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In addition we may request:

photographs of the project; copies of any press or promotional materials produced; and copies of child protection/vulnerable adult policies and associated paperwork.

We may also ask for additional evidence and may come to visit you. All requirements will be set out in the offer letter and grant funding agreement. When your project is due for monitoring we will inform the County Councillors in whose district your project is based and we will also invite comments from them. Once the monitoring criteria have been satisfied the project file will be closed and you will receive a letter thanking you for the project delivered by your organisation.

Please note if you have secured funding from us in the past, and you are successful in securing new funding, we will ensure that all outstanding project information and monitoring details have been satisfactorily completed prior to releasing new funding.

Publicity of Grants

From time to time Lancashire County Council will want to publicise the types of projects it has funded from the Central Gateway Grants Scheme. As a condition of the grant, Lancashire County Council reserves the right to publicise your project in the local media.

If you, the applicant, intend to publicise the grant yourself you must consult with Lancashire County Council prior to making any public statement relating to the service that Lancashire County Council is helping to fund. You must obtain permission from the County Council prior to using our logo on any publication or website.

Any public statement must acknowledge that the service is delivered in partnership with and funded by Lancashire County Council and should include Lancashire County Council’s logo. The Lancashire County Council logo and a standard template are available electronically and can be obtained from us.

Requests for permission to use the Lancashire County Council logo should be sent to:

[email protected]

The accounts of voluntary organisations receiving funding from Lancashire County Council should clearly indicate the level of financial support provided and organisations are asked to acknowledge such support in annual reports and other similar publications.

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Contact Information

Misbah MahmoodProgramme ManagerTelephone – 01772 530818Email – [email protected]

Main Office

Tel: 01772 533756Email: [email protected]

Returning your application form

All LIF applications should be returned electronically to the email address below . However, we must receive a hard copy of the signed Funding Agreement and Declaration Form which is at the back of the Application Form on pages 14 and 15. This should be returned by the deadline date to the address below.

If for any reason your organisation cannot complete and return an electronic application, please get in touch with us via email or on one of the phone numbers above.

Postal Address:Grants TeamMisbah MahmoodSenior Democratic Services OfficerLegal and Democratic ServicesLancashire County Council2nd Floor CCPCounty HallPrestonPR1 8XJ

Email Address:[email protected]

IMPORTANT - We will always acknowledge receipt of your application, if you have not heard from us within 48 hours of submitting your application form please get in touch to ensure we have received your application. We cannot be held responsible if we have not received your application either via email or post.