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Load Shedding, Load Restoration and Generator Protection Using Solid-state and Electromechanical Underfrequency Relays GET-6449

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  • Load Shedding, Load Restoration andGenerator Protection Using Solid-state and

    Electromechanical Underfrequency Relays







    LOAD SHEDDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2LOAD RESTORATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN LOAD SHEDDING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Motor Loads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2High-speed Reclosing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    UNDERFREQUENCY PROTECTION OF GENERATORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


    INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    STATIC RELAY, TYPE S F F F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5ELECTROMECHANICAL RELAY, TYPE OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


    I N T R O D U C T I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    G e n e r a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Frequency Characteristic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rate of Change of Frequency Detect ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    LOAD SHEDDING PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Load Shedding Program Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Determination of Relay Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Relay Settingss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


    INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    STEAM TURBINE-GENERATOR OFF-FREQUENCY CAPABILITIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Turbine Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    UNDERFREQUENCY PROTECTION FOR STEAM TURBINES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Protection Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    EFFECT OF CONNECTIONS ON RELIABILITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Protective Arrangements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







    151 717










    WITH FREQUENCY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays


    Compiled and Editedby

    Warren C. NewSwitchgear Business Department

    General Electric CompanyPhiladelphia, Pa. 19142

    This publication provides a comprehensive coverage of Sections 3 and 4 contain the complete texts of two mostload shedding, load restoration and generator protection pertinent technical papers applicable to the subject. Theschemes using solid state, Type SFF, and high-speed elec- titles and authors of these papers are:

    tromechanical, Type CFF, underfrequency relays.

    Section 1 briefly covers various applications that can be

    made using underfrequency relays and include:

    Section 3

    a. load sheddingb. load restorationc. special problems in load sheddingd. underfrequency protection of generatorse. bibliography

    Section 4

    Section 2 provides relay descriptions, specifications,and tables showing the available types of relays, the fea-tures of each, the usual applications, ratings, options, timedelays, outputs, etc.

    Load Shedding - An Application Guide,by John Berdy: General Electric Company,Elect r ic Ut i l i ty Engineer ing Operat ion,Schenectady, N.Y. (1968)

    Protection of Steam Turbine GeneratorsDuring Abnormal Frequency Conditions,by J. Berdy & P.G. Brown, Electric UtilityEngineering, and L.E. Gof f , Swi tchgearEngineering, all of General Electric Company,presented at Georgia Tech Protective Relay-ing Conference in 1974.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    Section 1



    Any part of a power system will begin to deteriorate ifthere is an excess of load over available generation. Theprime movers and their associated generators begin to slowdown as they attempt to carry the excess load. Tie lines toother parts of the system, or to other power systems acrossa power pool, attempt to supply the excess load. Thiscombination of events can cause the tie lines to open fromoverload or the various parts of the systems to separatedue to power swings and resulting instability. The resultmay be one or more electrically isolated islands in whichload may exceed the available generation.

    Further, the drop in frequency may endanger generationitself. While a hydro-electric plant is relatively unaffectedby even a ten percent reduction in frequency, a thermalgenerating plant is quite sensitive to even a five percentreduction. Power output of a thermal plant depends to agreat extent on its motordriven auxiliaries such as boilerfeedwater pumps, coal pulverizing and feeding equipment,and draft fans. As system frequency decreases, the poweroutput to the auxiliaries begins to fall off rapidly which inturn further reduces the energy input to the turbine-generator. The situation thus has a cascading effect with aloss of frequency leading to a loss of power which can causethe frequency to deteriorate further and the entire plant issoon in serious trouble. An additional major concern is thepossible damage to the steam turbines due to prolongedoperation at reduced frequency during this severe overloadcondition.

    To prevent the complete collapse of the island, under-frequency relays are used to automatically drop load inaccordance with a predetermined schedule to balance theload to the available generation in the affected area. Suchaction must be taken promptly and must be of sufficientmagnitude to conserve essential load and enable the re-mainder of the system to recover from the underfrequencycondition. Also, by preventing a major shutdown, restora-tion of the entire system to normal operation is greatlyfacilitated and expedited.

    Where individual operating utility companies are inter-connected, resulting in a power pool, it is essential thatsystem planning and operating procedures. be coordinatedto provide a uniform automatic load shedding scheme. Thenumber of steps, the frequency levels and the amount ofload to be shed at each step are established by agreementbetween the power pool members.



    If a load shedding program has been successfully imple-mented, the system frequency will stabilize and then re-cover to 60 Hz. This recovery is assisted by governor actionon available spinning reserve generation, or by the addition

    of other generation to the system. The recovery of systemfrequency to normal is likely to be quite slow and may ex-tend over a period of several minutes. When 60 Hz opera-tion has been restored to an island, then interconnectingtie lines with other systems or portions of systems can besynchronized and closed in.

    As the system frequency approaches the normal 60 Hz,a frequency relay can be used to automatically begin therestoration of the load that has been shed. The amount ofload that can be restored is determined by the ability ofthe system to serve it. The criteria is that the availablegeneration must alwavs exceed the amount of load beingrestored so that the system frequency will continue to re-cover towards 60 Hz. Any serious decrease in system fre-quency at this point could lead to undesirable load shed-ding repetition, which could start a system oscillation be-tween shedding and restoration. This would be a highlyundesirable condition. The availability of generation, eitherlocally or through system interconnections, determineswhether or not the shed load can be successfully restored.Therefore, a load restoration program usually incorporatestime delay, which is related to the amount of time requiredto add generation or to close tie-lines during emergencyconditions. Also, both the time delay and the restorationfrequency set points should be staggered so that all of theload is not reconnected at the same time. Reconnectingloads on a distributed basis also minimizes power swingsacross the system and thereby minimizes the possibility ofinitiating a new disturbance.

    In general, wide frequency fluctuations and the possi-bil ity of starting a load shedding/restoration oscil lationcan be greatly minimized if the amount of load restoredper step is small and the spinning reserve generation avail-able is adequate. Reference (35) suggests a spinning reserveavailability at least three times the size of the load to berestored at any given step. There should also be adequatetime delay provided between load restoration steps toallow the system to stabilize before an additional blockof load is picked up.



    A substation which has an extreme amount of motorloads may present a problem of time coordination in the

  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    application of underfrequency relays for load shedding. Ifthe transmission sources to such a substation were tripped

    out for any reason, the motor loads would tend to maintain

    the voltage while the frequency decreased as the motors

    were slowing down. This would especially be true if the line

    capacitance kept the motors excited. This slow decay of

    voltage may last longer than the usual three to six cycle trip

    delay used with a high speed underfrequency relay, and the

    relay may trip and lock out breakers undesirably. In an un-

    attended installation, restoration of the load would not

    then be accomplished by simply reenergizing the transmis-

    sion line. One solution that has been applied is to further

    delay the operation of the underfrequency relay to about

    20 cycles. This has apparently been adequate for most ap-

    plications. Some attempts have also been made to use an

    undervoltage cutoff to help correct this problem. While this

    could be successful, care must be exercised in choosing the

    setting for the undervoltage device since a normal under-

    frequency condition on the system is usually accompanied

    by a lower than normal voltage. Too high an undervoltage

    setting would possibly block the underfrequency relay from

    doing a load shedding function when needed. Section 2 lists

    available static and electromechanical relays suitable for,

    this application.


    Many large industrial plants have adopted some form ofload shedding program. One such application is a casewhere an industrial plant is tapped on to a power companythrough a transmission circuit that utilizes high-speed auto-matic reclosing. For faults on the transmission circuit thepower company will usually trip both ends of the line, andthen initiate high-speed reclosure of at least one end of theline. Since this reclosing is not synchronized with anythingelse, it is important that the industrial load be disconnectedprior to the reclosure to prevent damage to heavy motorsand local generators, if present. The motors and/or genera-tors will likely have slowed down during the line interrup-tion and their voltages would be out of synchronism withthe power company voltage when the line is reenergized.

    This is a good application for Type SFF high-speed staticunderfrequency relays to disconnect the industrial from theutility system before high-speed reclosing is accomplished.Refer to Section 2 for the static relays available for thisapplication.


    A major concern in the operation of steam turbine-generators is the possibility of damage due to prolongedoperation at reduced frequency during a system overloadcondition. Such a condition would result from an under-shedding of load during a system disturbance. Recognizingthis possibility, many utilities have used or are consideringthe application of underfrequency relays and timers toprotect steam turbine generators from damage.

    Section 4 provides some general guidelines for providingreliable underfrequency protection for a steam turbinegenerator. It reviews the off-frequency capabilities of steamturbine generators, outlines a procedure for obtaining co-ordinated protection, and describes a number of protectivecontrol arrangements for achieving maximum dependabilityand security.







    Inertia Relay Anticipates to Facilitate Reclosure byJ.L. Logan and J.H. Miles, Electrical World, April 6,1940, p. 69.

    A New Frequency Relay for Power System Applica-tions by H.J. Carlin and J.L. Blackburn, AIEE Tran-sactions, Vol. 63, 1944, p. 553.

    Dropping of Tie Lines and Loads Using Underfre-quency Relays by A.J. McConnell, PEA Relay Com-mittee, May, 1953.

    Intentional Separation of Interconnected Systems atP r e s e l e c t e d P o i n t s D u r i n g I n s t a b i l i t y b y A . J .McConnell, PEA Relay Committee, May, 1954.

    Symposium on Plant Capability at Low Frequenciesand Load Relief, AIEE Transactions, Vol. 73, 1954.

    P. 1628-1668. Consists of the following papers:

    a. Ef fect o f Reduced Vol tage and/or FrequencyUpon Steam Plant Auxiliaries by O.D. Butler andC.J. Swenson (54-368).

    b. The Effect of Frequency Reduction on PlantCapacity and on System Operation by H.A.Bauman, G.R. Hahn and C.N. Metcalf (54-370).

    C. The Ef fect o f Frequency and Vol tage by R.Holgate (54-390).

    d.. Operation at Low Frequency in Great Britain byP.J. Squire (54-391).

    e. Load Reduction by Underfrequency Relays DuringSystem Emergencies by W.C. Gierisch (54-345).

    f. Load Shedding Program in the Pacific Northwestby J.O. Swanson and J.P. Jolliffe (54-369).



    Application and Test of Frequency Relays forLoad Shedding by L.L. Fountain and J.L.Blackburn (54-372).

    Discussion - pages 1664-1668.

    6. Automatic Load Shedding AIEE Committee Report,Transactions, Vol. 74, 1955, p. 1143.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    7. Automatic Load Shedding with Underfrequency Re-lays by C.A. Mathews, Distribution Magazine, July,1956, Vol. 18, No. 3.

    8. Relays Prevent System Shutdowns by C.W. Cogburnand G.C. Kelley, Electrical World, Nov. 4, 1957, p. 71.

    9. Load Shedding by C.P. Almon, Jr., Georgia Tech.Relaying Conference, May, 1957.

    10. Underfrequency Protection of Power Systems forSystem Relief by C.F. Dalziel and E.W. Steinbeck,AIEE Transactions, Vol. 78, 1959, p. 1227.

    11. Underfrequency Relays Speed Load Recovery byE.J. McDougall, Electric Light and Power, May 15,1960.

    12. A Select ive Load Shedding System, by G. D.Rockefeller, Westinghouse Engineer, Nov. 1963.

    13. Northeast Power Failure, Nov. 9-10, 1965 Reportto the President by the Federal Power Commission,Dec. 6, 1965 U.S. Government Printing Office, Dec.1965.

    14. The Effect of Frequency and Voltage on Power Sys-t e m L o a d IEEE Commit tee Report , 31CP66-64,Jan. 1966.

    15. What Lessons Can be Learned from the Blackout byL.M. Olmstead, W.D. Browne, J. Bleiweis, ElectricalWorld, Vol. 165, No. 4, Jan. 24, 1966.

    16. Power Pooling by L.O. Barthold and J.J.W. Brown,International Science and Technology, Feb. 1966,p. 66.

    17. The Northeast Power Failure by G.D. Friedlander,IEEE Spectrum, Feb. 1966, p. 54-73.

    18. Load Conservation by Means of Underfrequency Re-lays by Warren C. New, Georgia Tech Conference onProtective Relays, May 1966.

    19. Load Shedding EHV Relay Systems Crystallizing,Electrical World, June 6, 1966.

    20. Units React to Low Frequency by P.M. Hopkins,Electrical World, May 1969.

    21. Use System Constants to Plan Accurate Underfre-quency Load Shedding, by H.E. Lokay, V. Burtnyk,Electric Light and Power, Jan. 1969.

    22. Western Systems Nip Major Disturbances in Bud,Electrical World, July 28, 1969.


    23. Relaying Studied for System Load Relief, ElectricalWorld, Nov. 24, 1969.

    24. Survey of Underfrequency Relay Tripping of LoadUnder Emergency Condi t ions, IEEE Commit teeReport PAS Vol. 87, May 1968.

    25. An Underfrequency Relay with Frequency DecayRate Compensation, by C.J. Durkin, E.R. Eberle andP. Zarakas, IEEE PAS Vol. 88, June 1969.

    26. Application of Underfrequency Relays for AutomaticLoad Shedding, by H.E. Lokay, V. Burtnyk, IEEEPAS Vol. 78, Mar. 1968.

    27. Dual Criteria Relay Initiates Load Shedding, by R.D.Brown, Electrical World, Nov. 18, 1968.

    28. Emergency Load Shedding Restores System Fasterby C.W. Cogburn, Electrical World, Feb. 13, 1967.

    29. Use of Underfrequency Relays for Load Conserva-tion by G.T. Cavanaugh and R.V. Knudsen, Trans-mission and Distribution, Nov. 1967.

    30. Texas Power and Light Looks at Load Shedding, byTed L. Hatcher, Power Engineering, March 1968.

    31. Underfrequency Protection of the Ontario HydroSystem by D.H. Berry, R.D. Brown, J.J. Redmond,W. Watson, CIGRE, 1970.

    32. Simulation of Five Load Shedding Schedules, byR.D. Durbeck, IEEE, PAS Vol. 89, 1970.

    33. Automatic Load Shedding is Part of a 34.5KV Indus-t r ia l Type Dis t r ibut ion System, by Ar thur Horr ,Transmission and Distribution, Jan. 1971.

    34. Frequency Actuated Load Shedding and Restoration,Part I, Philosophy, by R.M. Maliszewski; R.D. Dunlapand G.L. Wilson, IEEE, PAS Vol. 90, 1971.

    35. Frequency Actuated Load Shedding and Restoration,Part II, Implementation, by S.H. Horowitz, A. Politisand A.F. Gabrielle, IEEE, PAS Vol. 90, 1971.

    36. Operation of Generating Units During Serious SystemDisturbances, G.E. Ganther, A.A. Mallett, IEEE Tran-sactions, Power Apparatus and Systems, special Supple-ment, 1963.

    37. Protection of Large Steam Turbine-Generators DuringAbnormal Operating Conditions, by J. Berdy, M.L.Crenshaw, M. Temoshok; CIGRE, International Con-ference on Large Electric Systems, Paris, France;August, 1972.

  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    Section 2



    There are two basic types of underfrequency relays avail-able for application in load shedding schemes. They are thestatic relay, Type SFF, and electromechanical relay, TypeCFF. The operating characteristics and features of each ofthese relays are described in the following paragraphs.


    The static underfrequency relay employs digital count-ing techniques to measure system frequency. Basically, thisrelay consists of a highly stable, crystal-controlled oscillatorwhich continuously supplies two mHz pulses to a binarycounter. The counter, in conjunction with other logic cir-cuitry, determines system frequency by counting the num-ber of two mHz pulses which occur during a full cycle(one period) of power system voltage. For any preset fre-quency, a specific number of pulses should occur during aone-cycle period. If the number of pulses is less than thisspecific number, it would indicate that system frequency isabove the setting. Conversely, if the number of pulses isgreater than this specific number, it indicates that the sys-tem frequency is less than the setting. For security reasons,an underfrequency indication must occur for a minimumof three consecutive cycles before the relay produces anoutput. This minimum time can be extended to 80 cyclesby means of an adjustable auxiliary timer. If the systemfrequency should recover even for one cycle during thetiming period, the timing circuits will be reset and the relaywill immediately start monitoring system frequency again.The relay operating time is independent of the rate ofchange of the system frequency.

    The static underfrequency relay is an extremely accu-rate and stable device. It can be adjusted over a frequencyrange of 54.2 to 60.8 Hz in increments of 0.05 Hz, and itssetting will be accurate within L 0.005 Hz of the desiredset point. This accuracy is maintained over an ambienttemperature range of -2OoC to +60oC and is independentof voltage over the range of 50 to 115 percent of rating.All models of the SFF relay are provided with an under-voltage detector which blocks operation of the relay whenthe applied voltage falls below the set level of the detector.See Tables 2-1 and 2-2 for undervoltage detector setting orrange of setting.

    The SFF relay has a minimum operating time of threecycles, as described previously, when the output is a siliconcontrolled rectif ier (SCR). Most models provide electro-mechanical contact outputs and, in these models, the mini-mum operating time is increased to four cycles simply be-cause of the operating time of the output telephone relay.

    The adjustable auxiliary static timer can extend the operat-ing time of all models up to 80 cycles. All models of SFFrelays have a single set point for underfrequency trippingand, where applicable, a single set point for load restorationas the frequency recovers.

    In applying the underfrequency relay in a load sheddingprogram it must be recognized that a low frequency condi-tion does not begin to be corrected until a circuit breakeroperation occurs to disconnect some load. The curves inFig. 2-1 are constructed to show the system frequency vsthe time to open the breaker after the disturbance starts.These curves include:

    An allowance of six cycles for total breaker clearingtime.

    The SFF underfrequency relay minimum operatingtime of four cycles.

    Two different pickup settings of the SFF underfre-quency relay.

    Various constant rates of decay of the system fre-quency.

    Curves can be plotted for actual system conditions and theycan be read directly to determine the system frequency atwhich the load is actually removed.

    54L---l___ I / I I I 1 L I I I0 0 . 4 0 . 8 1.2 1.6 2 . 0 2 . 4

    T I M E A F T E R D I S T U R B A N C E B E G I N S - S E C O N D S

    Fig. 2- 1 Type SFF Underfrequency Relay, Frequency

    vs Time Characteristics for Total Clearing Time.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    TABLE 2-I


    I I I

    I I I

    SFF21 BI

    T I 1 - S C R I 3-80SFF21H 1 TSI I 1 c , 1 b I 4-80 dc

    SFF23C TSI 1c I 4-80SFF23H 1 TSI I 1 c , 1 b I 4-80

    MODEL Target*-I--SFF22A 2-TSISFF22C 2-TSI

    SFF22E 2-TSI

    SFF22F 2-TSI







    dc 50fixed


    ac 50-90adjustable

    ac 50-90adjustable

    Additional a/b contact,field convertible

    TABLE 2-2


    Tripo u t p u t * *




    Restoreo u t p u t , * *Note 1







    2a 4-80 2a ac 50-90adjustable

    2a 4-80 2a dc(Dualrated )


    Note 2

    2a 4-80 2a ac 50-90adjustable

    Note 2

    *Targets: TSI-series operated target seal-in.T-series operated target only.

    **Contacts:a-normally openb-normally closed.c-transfer or a normally open and a normally closed contact with a common connection.SCR-silicon controlled rectifier.

    Note 1: Restore contacts have 6-8 cycle delay in closing and 15 cycle delay on dropout. See text, Section 2.

    Note 2: Auxiliary relay provides external supervision of restore contacts, rated for dc control only.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    Type SFF21 and SFF23 are the basic relays to be ap-plied in general load shedding schemes and in the protec-tion of steam turbine generators. They are also readilyadaptable for the special problems in load shedding applica-tions discussed in Section 1, including motor loads andhigh-speed reclosing.

    Type SFF22 relays are specifically designed for applica-tion in a load shedding scheme supplemented by a load re-storation scheme when the system frequency returns tonormal or near normal. The operating time range for theunderfrequency tripping output is 4 to 80 cycles as in othermodels of the SFF relay. The operating time to close therestoration output contact as the system frequency recoversto the restoration frequency set point is six to eight cyclesand is not adjustable. Usually load restoration will be ac-complished on a relatively long time basis (minutes notseconds) and external timers, as well as additional auxiliaryequipment will be required. To minimize any possible dis-turbance to these external timers and the complete loadrestoration scheme, the load restoration output relay isprovided with a time delay dropout of about 15 cycles.Once the restore relay contacts close on overfrequency,they will not reopen as a result of a short duration loss(less than 15 cycles), or reduction of either the ac and/or



    The Type CFF underfrequency relay is a high-speed, in-duction cup type. Its basic principle of operation is theuse of two separate coil circuits which provide increasingphase displacement of fluxes as the frequency decreases,thereby causing torque to be developed in the cup unit toclose the tripping contacts. The quantity of torque pro-duced is proportional to the sine of the angle between thesetwo fluxes. As the frequency decays the angular displace-ment increases, thereby increasing the torque produced. If

    the frequency decays rapidly the torque will increaserapidly and cause the relay to close its contacts in less time.Thus the relay operating time is a function of the rate-of-change of frequency. The CFF relay setting is continuouslyadjustable over a range of 56 to 59.5 Hz. Relay modelslisted in Table 2-3 are provided with compensation for vol-tage variation and self-heating; repeatability of set pointsis held within LO.25 Hz over the normal temperature rangef rom -2OoC to + 55OC, and ac input voltage variationsfrom 50 to 1 10 percent of rating.

    The curve in Fig. 2-2 shows the operating time of theType CFF12 underfrequency relay vs a constant rate-of-the dc inputs to the relay.

    M O D E L T a r g e t *

    CFF12A I TSI

    CFF12C I Shunt

    CFF12H TSI

    CFF23C Shunt

    Table 2-3


    Tripo u t p u t * *

    1 a , 1 b

    1 a , 1 b

    1 a , 1 b










    Special calibratingresistors.

    1 a , 1 b 2 1

    1 a , 1 b 18-30

    2a,1b 6-60



    dc Includes statictimer.

    1 a , 1 b 6-60 ac Includes statictimer.

    *Targets: TSI - series operated target seal-in.Shunt - voltage operated, parallel target only.

    **Contacts: a-normally open.

    b-normally closed.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    change of system frequency. This curve gives the relay Type CFF12 is the basic relay to be applied in general

    operating time after the system frequency has reached the load shedding schemes. Type CFF15 and CFF23 relays are

    relay pickup setting. The Type CFF12 relay includes an applied where additional delay in the relay output is desir-

    added fixed time delay of six cycles to prevent incorrect able. They are particularly applicable for special problems

    relay operation when the ac input voltage is suddenly ap- in load shedding applications involving motor loads, as

    plied or removed. discussed in Section 1.






    2 0.8

    ii 0.6

    z 0.5


    0.0.1 0 .2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


    Fig. 2-2 Time-Frequency Characteristic for CFF Relay Operating TimeAfter System Frequency Reaches Relay Pickup Setting.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    Section 3


    John Berdy, General Electric CompanyElectric Utility Engineering Operation, Schenectady, N.Y.


    The maintenance of maximum service reliability hasalways been the primary concern of the electric util ityindustry. To attain this end, power systems are designedand operated so that for any predicted system condition,there will always be adequate generating and transmissioncapacities to meet load requirements in any system area.For the most part, this design and operating procedure hasbeen successful in producing a high degree of service con-tinuity, even under emergency conditions. However, regard-less of how great the planned margins are in system designand operation, there have been, and probably always willbe, some unpredictable combination of operating condi-tions, faults, forced outages, or other disturbances whichcause system split-ups and/or a deficiency in generatingcapacity for existing area loading. When this occurs on amodern power system, it generally indicates that a highlyimprobable and potentially catastrophic event has occurred.Therefore, it is essential that the generation deficiency bequickly recognized and the necessary steps taken to preventthe disturbance from cascading into a major system outage.

    The immediate problem is to attain a balance betweengeneration and load before the decaying system frequencycaused by the overload affects the performance of the re-maining generation and power plant auxiliaries. Thisbalance can be achieved by increasing generation or byautomatic load shedding on low frequency. In general, thefirst alternative, increasing generation, can not be accom-plished quickly enough to prevent a major decrease in sys-tem frequency, or in the extreme, there may not be suffi-cient available generating capacity to pick up the additionalload.

    On the other hand, the second alternative, automaticload shedding on low frequency, provides a quick andeffective means for attaining a generation-load balance andfor restoring system frequency to normal. The applicationof underfrequency relays throughout the load area, presetto drop increments of load at specific levels of low fre-quency, provides a simple and direct method for alleviatingsystem overloads and for minimizing the magnitude andduration of any service interruption. Since system overloadsare generally caused by a major disturbance of unknowncause and system collapse may be imminent, load sheddingshould be performed quickly and automatically.

    It is the intent of this Section to discuss the factors in-volved in applying underfrequency relays for load shedding,and to describe the available relay characteristics and theirapplication on electric utility and industrial systems.


    To apply underfrequency relays for load shedding, it isnecessary to have some knowledge of how the frequencywill vary when load exceeds the generating capacity of asystem, and when the system is recovering from such anoverload. Because of the numerous variables involved, itis usually difficult, if not impossible, to obtain a precisefrequency characteristic for a system of appreciable size.However, it is not essential that a precise characteristic beknown in order to apply underfrequency relays. It is onlynecessary to obtain a basic knowledge of the phenomenainvolved and the effect of the various parameters on theoverall characteristic.


    It is generally recognized that the sudden loss of generat-ing capacity on a system will be accompanied by a decreasein system frequency. The frequency will not suddenlydeviate a fixed amount from normal but rather will decayat some rate. The initial rate of frequency decay will de-pend solely on the amount of overload and on the inertiaof the system. However, as the system frequency decreases,the torque of the remaining system generation will tend toincrease, the load torque will tend to decrease and the over-all effect will be a reduction in the rate of frequency decay.Assuming no governor action, the damping effect producedby changes in generator and load torques will eventuallycause the system frequency to settle-out at some valuebelow normal. If governor action is considered, and if theremaining generators have some pick-up capability, the rateof the frequency decay will be reduced further and thefrequency will settle out at some higher value. In either casethe system would be left at some reduced frequency whichmay cause a further decrease in generating capacity beforeany remedial action could be taken.

    The variation of system frequency during such a distur-bance is not a smooth rate of decay but rather is oscillatoryin nature because of the interaction of the interconnectedgenerators. Moreover, the rate of decay and the period ofoscillation may differ appreciably across the system. Forexample, Fig. 3.1 shows the results of a computer study ofa system for a five percent loss of generation. The fre-quency variations at three different bases on the system areshown. During the initial three seconds of the disturbancethe frequency deviation was minor and is not shown. How-ever, at about three seconds, the system area separatedfrom the network, and the frequency decayed, as shown inFig. 3.1. In this instance, the system was able to recoverfrom the loss of generation and the frequency settled outat 59.5 Hz.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    6 0

    5 9 . 9 -

    59.8 -


    7 59.7 -




    59.5 -






    13 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 .0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0


    Fig. 3-l Time-frequency Characteristic of a System Aftera Five Percent Loss in Generation.

    4 5 8.5 t

    LI 58 .0


    LOAD EQUAL Td 67%. OF




    .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

    T I M E I N S E C O N D S

    Fig. 3-2 Time-frequency Characteristic of a System Aftera 15 Percent Loss in Generation.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    Figure 3.2 illustrates the case of a 15 percent loss ofgeneration. In this instance, the frequency dropped quiterapidly until load was shed at about two seconds. Theamount of load shed was equal to 67 percent of the lostgeneration. This was sufficient to stop a further decreasein frequency but not enough to restore the frequency tonormal.

    In both of the above illustrations, it is readily apparentthat the frequency deviations and the rate of change of fre-quency at some buses was appreciably greater than atothers. In Fig. 3-1, bus A had an initial rate of decay of1.0 Hz/sec and later (at 4.3 sec) had a rate of decay ofabout 1.5 Hz/sec. The other buses had an average rate ofdecay of about 0.5 Hz/sec. In Fig. 3-2, bus E had an initialrate of decay of about 3.5 Hz/sec while the other buses hadan average decay of less than 1.0 Hz/sec. In both instances,the rate of change of frequency at buses A and E wouldindicate a more serious loss of generation than had actuallyoccurred.

    The above examples, while for a specific system, illus-trate typically the frequency variations which can occur ona system during a sudden loss in generation. In general, it isnot possible to analytically determine the frequency oscilla-tions that can occur on a system of appreciable size duringsuch a disturbance. The nature of these oscillations canonly be determined from detailed computer studies of thesystem. However, it is possible to determine, and predictwith reasonable accuracy, the average rate of frequency de-cay that can occur for different magnitudes of generationdeficiencies. In the following paragraphs, the system fre-quency decay characteristic will be discussed, first assumingconstant load and generation torques, and then showing theeffect of load and generation torque variations with fre-quency. Speed-governor action will not be considered inthis discussion since it is difficult to generalize as to theoverall effect it will produce. Whether or not governoraction will increase power output depends on such factorsas initial generator loading, control sensitivity, boiler timeconstants, etc., all of which may differ appreciably betweensystems and even within a system.


    Constant Load and Generator Torques

    The basic relationship which defines the variation of fre-quency with time is derived from the equation for themotion of a rotating machine. This relationship, derived inAppendix 1, page 28, is:

    df Tafo


    -=dt m

    df/dt = rate of change of frequency in Hz/sec.

    f, = base frequency, 60A Hz

    Ta = net accelerating torque in per unit of existingsystem generation. This torque is the differencebetween generator torque and load torque

    (TG -TL).

    H = system inertia constant. This is equal to thesum of all the generator inertia constants inper unit on the total generation base.

    When there is a sudden loss of generation on the systemwithout a compensating decrease in load, the net torque Tawill be negative, or decelerating. If it is assumed that theremaining generator torques (TG) and the load torques(TL) remain constant during the disturbance, the variationof frequency with time will be a straight line. The fre-quency variation for different magnitudes of overload andfor a system inertia constant of 5, is shown in Fig. 3-3. Per-cent overload is defined as

    % overload = Load - Remaining Generation X 100Remaining Generation

    6 0

    5 8

    5 7

    N 56Iz

    z5 5


    0 5 4wRIL

    5 3

    5 2


    5 c


    I I I I I II 2 3 4 5 6


    Fig. 3-3 Time-frequency Characteristic of a System forvarious Degrees of Overload, Generator and LoadTorques Constant.


  • 7

    Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    It should be noted that the percent overload does notequal the amount of generation lost. The percent genera-tion lost on the original generation base will be somewhatlower than the overload percentages. For example, the 10percent overload corresponds to a 9.1 percent loss in gener-ation on the original generation base while the 100 percentoverload corresponds to a 50 percent loss in generation.

    The effect of varying the system inertia constants isshown, Fig. 34, for two magnitudes of overload. The higherthe system inertia constant, the lower the rate of change offrequency and vice versa.

    6 0

    5 8

    5 7

    5 2


    5 0 .




    I 2 3 4 5 6 7T I M E I N S E C O N D S

    Fig. 3-4 Time-frequency Characteristic of a System, Effectof Varying System inertia, Generator and LoadTorques Constant

    The system recovery characteristic can also be obtainedfrom the same equation. For example, if an increment ofload equal to the overload is shed, the torque Ta will bezero and therefore the rate of change of frequency will bezero. The frequency would remain at the value it had reach-ed at the time the load had been shed. This is shown by thesolid lines in Fig. 3-5 for an initial overload of 10 percent.If the amount of load shed is greater than the overload,Ta will be greater than zero and will be positive (accelerat-ing) and the frequency will increase in a, straight line. Thisis shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 3-5.


    S Y S T E M I N E R T I AH- 5

    0 2 3 4 5 6T I M E I N S E C O N D S

    Fig. 3-5 Time-frequency Characteristic of a System, Effectof Shedding Different Amounts of Load.

    If the amount of load shed is less than the overload, thefrequency will continue to decay but at a slower rate asshown by the dash-dot lines in Fig. 3-5. The new rate-of-change of frequency will be proportional to the new valueof torque Ta.

    If the load is shed in steps, the frequency characteristicwill be as shown in Fig. 3-6. In this instance, the initialoverload was 20 percent and 5 percent load was shed onthe first step, 10 percent on the second and 10 percent onthe third. The percentages of load shed are with respect tothe remaining generation base.

    It should be noted that in all cases when load is shed,there is an abrupt change in the rate of change of frequency.This is typical of what actually occurs on a system.


    S Y S T E M I N E R T I A


    L O A D S H E D

    _ _ 5 % L O A D A T 5 9 H Z

    1 0 % L O A D A T 5 8 . 7 H Z1 0 % L O A D A T 5 8 . 4 H Z

    t--~t- t--


    5 6

    Fig. 3-6 Time-frequency Characteristic of a System, Effectof Shedding Load in Steps.

  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    The above approach provides a simple and approximateprocedure for determining the frequency characteristic fora system for a sudden loss in generation. The results arepessimistic in that they show a greater decay in frequencyand a poorer recovery characteristic than actually occur ona system. In an actual case, both generator and load torqueswill vary with frequency and will tend to dampen the rateof change of frequency. The effect of these factors are dis-cussed in the following paragraphs.

    Effect of Variations in Generator and Load Torques

    In the basic equation for rate of change of frequency, itwas noted the accelerating torque Ta is equal to the differ-ence between generator and load torques (TG - TL). Bothof these torques will vary as some function of frequency.

    Appendix II, page 29, shows how the generator and loadtorques will be affected by frequency. It is shown that gen-

    erator torques will vary inversely with the first power of fre-

    quency. For small changes in frequency (_+10%), generatortorques will increase in direct proportion to a decrease infrequency. That is, a one percent decrease in frequencyproduces a one percent increase in generator torque andvice versa.

    On the other hand, load torques will vary directly assome power of frequency. It is not possible to generalizeas to how the kilowatt loading will vary with frequency onall systems. However, studies would indicate that in mostinstances the kilowatt loading will vary somewhere betweenthe first and second power of frequency. For purposes ofthis discussion it was assumed that kilowatt loading variedas the 1.5 power of frequency (PL = kf1.5).

    Voltage will also affect the system kilowatt loading. It isusually assumed that a one percent change in voltage willproduce a corresponding one percent change in load power.However, since it is difficult to evaluate the effect of volt-age variation on load during a system overload (some volt-ages may be above normal, some normal while others maybe slightly depressed), this factor will not be considered inthis discussion.

    The overall effect of changes in generator and load tor-ques on the variation of frequency with time is derived inAppendix II and is shown in Fig. 3-7 for various magnitudesof overload and for a system inertia of 5. These curves in-dicate that as the frequency decreases, the increasing gener-ator torque and the decreasing load torque tends to dampenthe rate of decay and will cause the frequency to settle-outat a constant value below normal. The final frequency foreach overload is indicated at the end of each curve. It isinteresting to note that the initial rate of change of fre-quency will be the same as for the case where generationand load torques are assumed constant.

    The recovery characteristic is also affected by thechanges in generator and load torques and will vary expo-




    5 7





    1 -





    11\1.:-d++2 3 4 5 6 7

    T I M E I N S E C O N D S

    Fig. 3-7 Time-frequency Characteristics of a System forVarious Degrees of Overload. Generator & LoadTorques Vary as a Function of Frequency.

    nentially, as did the decay characteristic. For example,for an initial overload of 10 percent, Fig. 3-8 shows therecovery characteristics and the final frequencies when var-ious amounts of load are shed at 58.8 Hz. Of particularinterest is the curve which shows that the frequency willrecover to normal (60 Hz) when the amount of load shedequals the overload. This is in contrast to the simplifiedapproach of the preceding section, where the frequencyremained at the level where the load was shed (Fig. 3-5).This is due to the fact that as the frequency decreases,the generator torque increases faster than the total loadtorque decreases and therefore the overload at 58.8 Hz

    (or at any other frequency below 60 Hz) will be less thanit was at 60 Hz. Even if the generator and load damping wasonly a fraction of that assumed, the frequency would even-tually reach normal (60 Hz) if the load shed equals theoverload. With smaller damping, it would take a longer timeto reach normal.

    If the load shed is less than the overload, the final fre-quency will be less than 60 Hz, as indicated in Fig. 3-8. If aseven percent load is shed, the frequency will for all prac-tical purposes remain at 58.8 Hz. If less than seven percentload is shed, the frequency will continue to decay but at aslower rate.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays


    5 8



    5 -




    7 %- 58,8l HZ


    5 6

    Fig. 3-8 Time-frequency Characteristic of a System, Gener-ator and Load Torque Vary with Frequency.

    If the load is shed in steps, the frequency characteristic tion) is probably the maximum overload condition thatwould be as shown in Fig. 3-9. In this case the initial over- would be experienced on a utility system. On the otherload is 20 percent and load is shed in two ten percent steps. hand, it is quite possible to experience 100 percent or high-The frequency characteristic with any number of load shed- er overloads on an industrial or a small municipal systemding steps can be obtained by using the procedures outlined which is operating in parallel with a utility, and which isin Appendix I I. Again, the amount of overload and the load receiving a large portion of its required power from theshed are in percent on the remaining generation base. uti l i ty.

    It will be noted that in Figs. 3-3 and 3-7, that there is Whatever the system size, it is possible to obtain a rea-an appreciable difference in the rate of change in frequency sonably accurate frequency characteristic using the proce-between 10 percent and 100 percent overload. In general, dure outlined and thereby establish an effective load shed-the 50 percent overload condition (33.3% loss in genera- ding program.


    IO % AT 58.9 HZ

    10 % A T 58.65HZ


    Fig. 3-9 Time-frequency Characteristic of a System. Gener-ator and Load Torque Vary with Frequency.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays


    It has often been suggested that a relay operating solelyon rate-of-change-of-frequency would be desirable for loadshedding. Offhand, it would appear that such a relay wouldnot provide any practical advantages and might even tendto shed more load than necessary. For example, in the pre-ceding discussion on system frequency characteristics, itwas noted that the frequency decay was oscillatory innature. Moreover, it was pointed out that the rate-of-change-of-frequency during the frequency oscillations could bequite high and could indicate a more serious loss of genera-tion than had actually occurred. For instance, it was notedthat bus E in Fig. 3-2 had an initial rate-of-change-of-frequency of 3.5 Hz/sec. This rate of decay would indicatealmost a 33 percent loss in generation instead of the actual

    15 percent loss. A rate-of-change-of-frequency relay, set toquickly trip substantial load on high rates of decay, wouldhave tripped more load than necessary in this instance at

    that bus.

    Considering the oscillatory nature of the frequency de-cay and the momentary high rates of decay that mightoccur, it is readily apparent that considerable time delaywould have to be used with a rate-of-change-of-frequencyrelay in order to obtain a reasonably accurate indicationof the true rate of decay. The time delay required wouldprobably eliminate any benefits which could be derivedfrom this characteristic, especially during severe overloadconditions.


    Ideally, a load shedding program should quickly recog-nize a generation deficiency, determine accurately the de-gree of overload, and then precisely shed only the amountof load required to restore system frequency to normal.While it may be possible to closely realize this ideal on a

    small system for predicted events, it will be difficult, if notimpossible, to achieve on a system of appreciable size.

    Considering the oscillatory nature of the frequency de-cay, it should be apparent that it will be difficult to estab-lish a load shedding program which will precisely dropequal increments of load at the same instant all over thesystem. These frequency oscillations will tend to introducea certain degree of randomness in underfrequency relayoperation and, hence, in the amount of load shed. More-over, because of these oscillations, it may be inevitable thatmore load will be shed than necessary at some system loca-tions.

    In general, it will not be possible to accurately predictthe degree of randomness or the amount of oversheddingthat will occur under all system conditions. Computerstudies of the system can provide a good indication of thefrequency oscillations which will occur at various load

    buses for some emergency conditions, but this data will notnecessarily be pertinent during an actual disturbance.

    In spite of these unpredictable parameters, it is possibleto establish an effective load shedding program. For themost part, these programs are developed from the type offrequency decay curves shown in Fig. 3.7, although thesimplified approach shown in Fig. 3.3 may provide suffi-cient accuracy. The following paragraphs discuss the factorswhich must be considered in developing a load sheddingprogram and describe the procedure involved in achievingrelay settings.


    Before a load shedding program can be developed, it isnecessary to determine the maximum overload level theprogram is to protect, the maximum load to be shed, thefrequency level at which load shedding will be initiated andthe maximum permissible decay in frequency.

    Maximum System Overload

    Load shedding programs are usually designed to protectfor some maximum overload condition. In many instances,it is difficult, if not impossible, to determine what thismaximum overload will be. For example, on large inter-connected systems, it may be difficult to define where andhow an area is going to separate from the system and there-

    fore what the generation-load balance will be. In somecases, system stability studies will indicate the likely pointsof separation and the probable overload can be estimatedfor the separated area.

    Obviously, it will be less difficult to determine the possi-ble overloads on industrial or small municipal systemswhich receive a major portion of their required power froma utility over one or two tie-lines.

    Maximum Load to be Shed

    The amount of load shed should be sufficient to restoresystem frequency to normal or close to normal (above59 Hz). To accomplish this, it would mean the load that isshed should nearly equal the amount of overload, as can beseen in the system recovery characteristics of Fig. 3-8.

    It is not essential that the frequency be restored exactlyto 60 Hz. If the frequency is restored above 59 Hz, the re-maining system generation may pick-up the remaining over-load through speed-governor action and restore the fre-quency to normal. If the generation does not have pick-upcapability, operation above 59 Hz will not be detrimentaland the system operator will have ample time to dropadditional load or add generation.

    Because of the possibility of damage to steam-turbines,it is not recommended that less load be shed and therebypermit system frequency to settle-out at some level below


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    59 Hz. A conservative estimate of the time-frequency In both of the above cases, the frequency level for ini-limitation for steam-turbines is shown below. tiating load shedding could be at 59.0 Hz.

    FREQUENCYAT MINIMUM TIME On large interconnected systems, frequency deviationsof more than 0.2-0.3 Hz usually indicate a severe distur-bance and therefore load shedding could be initiated at ahigher level, say 59.3 Hz.


    59.4 continuous58.8 90 minutes

    58.2 10 minutes57.6 1 minute

    *These times are cumulative, that is, % min-ute of full load operation at 57.6 Hz todayleaves only % minute left at that frequencyfor the remainder of the life of the unit.

    If it is not possible to determine the maximum overload,the amount of load to be shed will have to be assumed. Inthis respect, it is better to be pessimistic and shed moreload than necessary rather than too little, recognizing thefact that the disturbance which caused the overload may bepotentially catastrophic. A recent survey, would indicatethat of the utilities who use underfrequency load shedding,30 percent shed 10-25 percent load; 56 percent shed 25-50percent load; 12 percent shed 50-75 percent load. Whileshedding more than 50 percent of the load may seem ex-treme, there is no valid reason to stop the load sheddingprocess until frequency is restored, even if it means shed-ding most of the load.

    Load shedding programs are usually designed to shedload in steps, to minimize the possibility of shedding toomuch load during less severe overload conditions. Moreover,the load shed at each step is usually distributed at a suffi-ciently large number of points around the system or inter-connected systems to minimize spurious power swings,which may cause tripping of major transmission lines and/or tie-lines.

    The factors which affect the selection of the number ofload shedding steps, and the amount of load shed per stepwill be considered later in relay settings.

    Initiation of Load Shedding - Frequency Level

    The frequency level at which load shedding is initiateddepends on several factors. For one, the level should bebelow any frequency drop from which the system couldrecover or below any frequency at which the system couldcontinue to operate. For example, in the system shown inFig. 3-1, where there was five percent loss in generation,the frequency stabil ized around 59.5 Hz. If the speedgovernors did not restore the frequency to normal, thesystem could continue to operate at this frequency with-out any detrimental effects for some period of time.

    On isolated systems, systems without interconnections,it may be reasonable to operate at some reduced frequencyduring emergency conditions.

    Another factor which must be considered is the fre-quency deviations which occur during system swings. Forexample, consider the system shown in Fig. 3-10. When thelocal generation swings with respect to the large system,there can be a large frequency variation on the high voltagebus. If the electrical center of this system is somewhere inthe line, the bus frequency will vary around the generatorfrequency. In the more common case, the electrical centerwill be somewhere in the transformer, and the bus fre-quency will vary around 60 Hz. If the generator swings arelarge, the frequency deviations can be appreciable. Forinstance, Fig. 3-l 1 shows the frequency variation on the


    G E N E R A T I O N S Y S T E M

    T O LOAD?*

    Fig. 3- 10 Small System Connected to a Large Utility






    L(8) I/


    - S W I N G ~

    6 .6I N S E C O N D S

    Fig. 3- 11 Frequency Variations During Swings.


  • bus after a three-phase fault is cleared from the bus. Curve

    A shows the variation in bus frequency for the case whenthe local generation lost synchronism with respect to thesystem. The frequency drops to 57.7 and remains below60 Hz for almost 0.2 second. Curve B shows the frequencydeviation for the case where the generation does not lose

    synchronism. Even in this instance, the frequency dippedto 59 Hz for a short period of time. While these cases maybe extreme, they indicate the frequency deviations that

    could occur on a load bus which may be close to generatorbus. In both these instances, underfrequency relay opera-tion can be prevented through the use of a lower frequencysetting and/or some time delay.

    Permissible Frequency Reduction

    The load shedding programs must be coordinated withequipment operating limitations during low frequency oper-ation. These limitations are usually associated with opera-tion of power plant auxiliaries.

    According to tests, the performance of power plant auxi-liaries begins to fall off and power plant output begins todecrease at frequencies below 59 Hz and reach a limitingcondition between 53-55 Hz. To provide some margin, themaximum frequency decay is usually limited to 56 Hz,although in most instances it will be limited to 57 Hz. Itshould be noted that if the decay is to be limited to 56 Hzor some higher frequency, load shedding must occur atsome higher level. Because of relay and breaker operatingtimes, the frequency will continue to drop below the relaysetting before the load is actually shed.


    The determination of relay settings for a load sheddingprogram is essentially a trial and error procedure. The pur-pose of this procedure is to determine the best combinationof number and size of load shedding steps and correspond-ing relay settings which will shed the required load withinthe frequency limits specified for a maximum overload con-dition, and yet which will shed a minimum amount of loadfor less severe conditions. In general, this is not a complicat-ed procedure and requires only a few trials to arrive atoptimum settings.

    Number and Size of Load Shedding Steps

    The initial step in the procedure is the selection of thenumber of load shedding steps and the load to be shed perstep.

    The number of load shedding steps selected is usuallyrelated to the maximum load to be shed. The larger thetotal load to be shed, the larger the number of load shed-ding steps used. In general, the number of load sheddingsteps should be limited to three to five steps. Experiencehas shown that relay coordination is easier to achieve and

    the minimum amount of load will be shed when the num-ber of load shedding steps fall in this range.

    The load shed per step is not particularly critical. Theamount of load shed on the initial step is usually related tothe size of the largest generator or the pick-up capacity ofthe interconnecting tie-lines. A number commonly usedfor this first step is ten percent of system load. The amountof load shed in each succeeding step is usually determinedby arbitrarily allocating some portion of the remainingload to be shed to each step.

    It should be apparent that the selection of the numberand size of load shedding steps is more or less arbitrary.In some instances, it will be possible to obtain coordinatedload shedding within the specified frequency range with theinitial selection. In others, it will be necessary to adjustboth the number and size of steps in order to shed all ofthe load within the prescribed limits.


    The procedure for determining underfrequency relaysettings is similar in many respects to the methods used incoordinating any group of protective relays. Selectivityis achieved through the adjustment of pick-up settings andthrough time coordination. Before considering the pro-cedure for obtaining a selective load shedding program, it isnecessary to comment briefly on a few factors which affecttime coordination.

    There is a minimum time delay required for each loadshedding step. This time delay is necessary to prevent un-necessary shedding of load during the frequency oscillationswhich can occur on the load bus. For example, in Fig. 3-2,the frequency on bus F drops below 57.75 Hz after suffi-cient load has been shed to start recovery of system fre-quency. If there was a load shedding step at 57.8 Hz, thisload might be shed unnecessarily. In this instance, a timedelay of 0.3 second would prevent such operation. Whileit is not possible to generalize on the amount of time delayto use on all systems, it appears that a 0.3 to 0.4 secondtime delay will be sufficient in most instances.

    Some types of load will require additional time delay inorder to prevent unnecessary shedding of load. For example,a load which is tapped on a transmission circuit can exper-ience a gradual decay in voltage and frequency when thetransmission line is tripped because of a fault, or for anyother reason. The decay may be caused by the characteris-tic of the line or by the slowing down of motors associatedwith load. This decay will be sustained long enough tocause operation of high-speed underfrequency relays. Atime delay of 0.35 to 0.5 second will usually be sufficientto ride over this condition. If there are only a few loads ofthis type, it is not necessary to consider this additionaltime delay in the general load shedding program. Theseloads would be taken care of on an individual basis.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays


    The method of obtaining selectivity can best be describ-ed by giving an example of the procedures involved. Forexample, assume that a load shedding program using staticunderfrequency relays (Type SFF), is to protect for a50 percent overload condition. The load is to be shed infour steps and the size of each step will be as follows:

    1st step - 10%2nd step - 10%3rd step - 15%4th step - 15%

    Load shedding will be initiated at 59.3 Hz and the maxi-mum permissible frequency drop is 57 Hz. For purposes ofthis discussion a system inertia constant of 5 will be assum-ed, and the straight line type of decay, shown in Fig. 3-3,will be used. This simplified approach will give pessimisticresults but provides a quick insight as to how the programwill perform. If the results are marginal, the more accuraterepresentation of the frequency decay can be used.

    The minimum time delay required to ride through fre-quency oscillations will be assumed to be 0.3 second andbreaker time will be assumed to be 0.1 second.

    1st Load Shedding Step (10%):

    Pick-up setting: 59.3 HzRelay time delay: 0.3 secondBreaker time: 0.1 second

    2nd Load Shedding Step (10%):

    The second step must be set so that it will notoperate for an overload which only requires sheddingby the first step. In other words, for a ten percentoverload, the pick-up setting of the second stepshould be such that the first step of load is shedbefore the frequency reaches the Step 2 setting.Curve A in Fig. 3-12 shows a ten percent overloadcondition. The first step relay RI picks up at 1.15seconds and load is shed at 59.05 Hz and 1.55seconds. The Step 2 relay can be set at 59.0 or slight-ly lower. In this case, a setting of 58.9 Hz is chosen toprovide additional margin. The time setting of thisstep is also 0.3 second.

    3rd Load Shedding Stee (15%):

    The third step must be set so that it will not oper-ate for an overload which only requires shedding bythe two preceding steps. The Step 3 setting can beobtained graphically as before. Curve B in Fig. 3-12shows a 20 percent overload conditions. The first stepwill shed load at TI. The slope of the curve changes

    at this point. Step 2 will pick-up at 58.9 Hz and shedload at T2 (58.63 Hz). A relay setting of 58.5 Hz ischosen for Step 3 in this instance and the time settingis again 0.3 second.

    4th Load Shedding Step:

    As before, this step must be set so that it will notoperate for an overload which can be alleviated bythe preceding three steps. In this case, the setting isdetermined by assuming a 35 percent overload. CurveC in Fig. 3-12 shows the points where the precedingthree steps will shed load. Step 3 will shed load at58.0 Hz and therefore a setting of 57.9 Hz is chosenfor Step 4. Relay time is again set at 0.3 second.

    After the settings have been determined, the program ischecked for performance under maximum overload condi-tions (50% overload). Figure 3-13 shows the overall perfor-mance under this condition. In this case, the last step ofload shedding will take place at 57.35 Hz, well above thepermissible minimum of 57 Hz. If load and generationdamping are taken into account, all of the required loadwill be shed at some higher frequency and the system fre-quency will recover to 60 Hz.

    This procedure for obtaining settings is fairly simple andstraightforward when static underfrequency relays are used.Since these relays have a definite time characteristic, whichis independent of the rate-of-change frequency, it is asimple matter to predict when and how the relay willoperate.

    6 0


    5 9



    z 5 6 .



    f 56

    5 7 .

    5 7

    ,5 -




    0 s I I.5 2 2 5



    ;,,,, I I I I


    Fig. 3-12 Time-frequency Characteristics used to Deter-mine Settings for SFF Static Under FrequencyRelays.


  • Load Shedding and Underfrequency Relays

    6 0


    5 7




    L O A D S H E D D I N G __~ !__ .~

    5 9 3HZ

    58.9 HZ

    58.5HZ ~

    5 7 . 9 H Z

    i i




    / b.5 LO 1.5 2 . 0 25

    T I M E I N S E C O N D S

    Fig. 3- 13 Load Shedding Program Protecting for 50 Per-

    cent Overload - using SFF Static Underfre-quency Relay.

    Conversely, the procedure is considerably more difficultwhen using electromechanical type relays, since the operat-ing time of these units is affected by the rate-of-change offrequency. When several load shedding steps are involved,the rate-of-change of frequency will be changing as eachstep is shed and it is difficult, if not impossible, to predictthe exact operating time of the relays in each step. Forinstance, Fig. 3-14 shows a set of curves used to determineelectromechanical relay settings for the same example.Since relay operating times were slow at low rates of changeof frequency (see Section 2) the pick-up settings of eachstep had to be set above the tripping level of the precedingstep, and coordination was achieved on a time basis. Forexample, in Curve A, Step 1 trips at 58.7 Hz and Step 2relay is set at 59.0 Hz. In this case, the total operating timeof Step 2 relay was about 0.9 second so that it was possibleto use a 0.5 second coordinating margin. It was necessaryto use the above procedure in each step in order to keepthe frequency above 57 Hz, under the maximum overloadcondition. Figure 3-15 shows the performance of the load

    shedding program for the maximum overload condition.It is of interest to note that Steps 2, 3 and 4 will see variousrates of change frequency before tripping occurs. Since itis impossible to predict how the operating time of therelays will be affected by these changes, one alternative isto assume an average rate-of-change and select an operating








    ; 58.0



    , 57.5

    57.0 Rl,2,3,4 - R E L A Y SETTlNbS FOR EACH STEP --~-



    I I I.5 10 1.5 2.0 2.5


    Fig. 3- 14 Time-frequency Characteristics used to Deter-mine Settings for CFF Underfrequency Relays.
