lms gap analysis 6/15/2011 department of personnel

LMS Gap Analysis 6/15/2011 Department of Personnel

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LMS Gap Analysis6/15/2011 Department of Personnel

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Use Cases

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Use Cases

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Use Cases

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Overall Comparison SumTotal Maestro to Business Requirements


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01 Employee- search for class or course


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02 Employee – Register for class


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02 Employee – Register for class

2.20 If the employee cannot attend any of the available DOP or agency class dates provide capability for employee to add name to a waiting list.

2.26 Do not allow an individual to register for more than one class on the same day.

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03 View registrations that are pending approval


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04 Cancel Class or Course


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04 Cancel Class or Course

4.1 Employees cannot cancel from a class if they were group enrolled.

4.2 All employee cancellation requests must be routed to supervisor for approval of cancellation.

4.6 Do not allow an employee to cancel a DOP-approved registration request after the cancellation deadline.

4.8 If an attempt is made to cancel a DOP registration request after the cancellation deadline, the employee must contact the Registrar or Training Administrator for processing the cancellation.

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05 Employee view profile


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07 Supervisor view training registration request


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07 Supervisor view training registration request

7.6 If a request is still pending on the day before the cancellation deadline, a reminder should be sent to the supervisor or delegate, the employee and the registrar.

7.7If a request is still pending on the day before the registration deadline, a reminder should be sent to the supervisor or delegate, the employee and the registrar.

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08 Approve direct report training request


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08 Approve direct report training request

8.5 When training registration is approved by the supervisor or the supervisor delegate, it is automatically added to the employee’s Outlook calendar.

8.9 When a supervisor or delegate approves the cancellation of a training class, remove the training from the employee’s calendar.

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09 Deny direct report training request


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09 Deny direct report training request

9.7 The reason for denial must be retained in the training profile history.

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10 Cancel other employee training request


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10 Cancel other employee training request

10.2 The supervisor or delegate should be able to cancel an employee registration (within the cancelation timeframe) of staff group-enrolled by the Registrar.

10.3 Supervisors or delegates cannot cancel training registration after the cancellation deadline date.

10.4 Supervisors or delegates can only cancel training registrations that have an approved status.

10.6 The reason for cancellation must be retained as part of the training profile history.

10.15 Provide a reminder to the Supervisor and employee that the outside vendor cancellations also require a cancellation of the registration on the vendor site.

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11 Register employee for training


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11 Register employee for training11.2 Provide the ability for the Course Administrator to group-enroll employees for their own division courses AND course or class cost is zero.

11.7 If the Supervisor, Training Administrator, Registrar, or Course Administrator registers an employee for DOP or agency training, upon completion of the process, update the employee’s calendar (schedule) with the class.

11.13 The name of the requestor (Supervisor, Registrar, Administrator, and Course Administrator) must be retained as part of the training registration record.

11.15 When a supervisor registers a direct report, the notification to the employee’s supervisor is not required.

11.20 Do not allow another individual to register an employee for more than one class on the same day.

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12 View training profile for an employee


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12 View training profile for an employee

12.7 The default view, for the process of viewing an employee’s training, will be the Completed Training and Required Training profile.

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13 Delegate authority


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13 Delegate authority

13.6 The delegation of authority is given for a specific day or date range

13.9 The Disbursement unit must have the ability to “view” delegation. Disbursements should continue to have a view-only capability of the delegation.

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15 Create and update agency course and class


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15 Create and update agency course and class

15.5 The Training Administrator will have full rights to all update capabilities for ANY DOP or agency course or class.

15.7 All Course records must have a cost associated with the training activity.

15.11 Course cannot be inactivated unless the associated class rosters have been marked as completed.

15.12 If there is a class scheduled for the future, cannot inactivate course.

15.15 If the individual, creating or modifying the course, is a “divisional” Course Administrator, the Agency required Training must be “NO”.

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15 Create and update agency course and class

15.18 When a course is added the status of the course will be pending course code.

15.19 When a course is added it must be routed to Registrar for approval and course coding.

15.26 Don’t allow modification to the Activity Type or Activity Category

15.27 Notify Registrar if a modification is made to any course information.

15.28 The notification to the Registrar regarding course modification must include what was changed or modified as well as who modified

15.31 If the modification to a class includes the date or time, update the employee’s calendar/schedule that is registered for the class.

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15 Create and update agency course and class

15.35 Don’t allow cancel class if there are employees registered for class.

15.36 When an attempt is made to cancel a class with a roster, the message should instruct the user to process registration cancelation for employees before the class can be cancelled

15.39 When a course code is assigned, the status is changed to Pending Active.

15.40 Once approved, course status remains Pending Active until "activated”

15.42 When course code is assigned to an online class or course, the status is changed to Active and it is immediately available for viewing in the catalog.

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16 View and modify agency class roster


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16 View and modify agency class roster

16.11 Provide the capability for the Training Administrator, Registrar and Course Administrators, to add a Non- agency employee to a agency class roster. Course Administrators can only add names to rosters, if the class is within their same division.

16.16 A Course Administrator can only modify the roster if the roster is not closed.

16.20 Course Administrators (Trainers) can only close a roster in their same division for those classes under their authority.

16.21 A class roster status can be Open or Closed

16.25 Attendees must be notified electronically when the attendance status has been updated.

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16 View and modify agency class roster

16.27 Provide the ability for the Training Administrator and Course Administrator to delete participants BEFORE cancellation deadline

16.28 If an attendee is deleted from the roster, must electronically notify the attendee and their immediate Supervisor.

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17 Update employee training record


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17 Update employee training record

17.1 The Training Administrator and the Registrar must be able to modify (fix) any data on an agency YES and DOP NO training record .

17.8 When the Registrar completes the cancellation of a DOP class, the class should be removed from the employee outlook calendar/ schedule

17.9 If the Training Administrator or Registrar changes the training registration status to “did not attend,” notification must be sent to the immediate Supervisor

17.10 Updates to Outside Vendor For an outside Vendor registration, once the vendor class date is in the past, notify the Supervisor the pending request requires “update” of completion

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17 Update employee training record

17.12 When the Training Administrator, Registrar or Supervisor updates the status of the vendor registration, notify the employee

17.14 If the master index is modified, notify Disbursements indicating the record where the master index was modified. Training Note - if HR modifies the master index, they will print the newly revised vendor registration, obtain signature of authorization for the use of the modified master index and send to Disbursements (signed printout will be used as the payment authority).

17.16 Notify Supervisor when an employee completes an agency online class.

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20 Final approval of DOP registration requests


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20 Final approval of DOP registration requests

20.5 Update the employee training registration as “final approval” by Registrar or Training Administrator.

20.6 When DOP training is approved, it is automatically added to individual’s Outlook calendar.

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21 View & update wait list


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21 View & update wait list

21.4 Notify all “wait list” employees in the following conditions:When a new class is added to a course. If space in an existing class becomes available. If there is space available and the date of the class is changed.

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22 Maintain user level access


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23 Assign and approve course codes


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23 Assign and approve course codes

23.1 Provide the ability to search for courses with a “pending course code” status of.

23.2 Provide the ability to search courses with a status of pending course code by key words, in the name and course description.

23.5 Provide the ability to “route back” a course, with a comment as to why it’s being returned.

23.6 The “route back” option must notify the individual who created the course. (Used if the course code cannot be assigned).

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24 Reporting


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24 Reporting

24.6 Report displays, which include employee names, must include the ability to email all employees. (Provide e-mail address in the display or a function that will allow e-mail notification to be sent to all names on the report.)

24.8 Reports will be available through “SQL Reporting Services.” Access to the reporting will be through AD groups and requests for access will be through Desktop Support to be added to the AD group for report services.

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25 Receive update of DOP training course/class


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28 Data migration


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29 Other


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29 Other

29.7 Must provide the capability to search and select a course, as required training, from the course catalog.

29.11 Outside vendor courses, classes or conferences can be identified as a required training without a course code.

29.19 Agency required training reminderA refresher course is required when there is a frequency of more than once.

29.20 Must notify employee and the immediate supervisor 2 months before the required training “refresher” course needs to be fulfilled.

29.21 Determine when a reminder of a refresher course is needed by using the last date the course was completed compared to the frequency required.