ll imp - evols at university of hawaii at manoa: home · 2015. 5. 30. · sawmill on the rippling...

'? ' , sal in i j .11 iti w m ll imp auQBOHipriON 0 OFHTR PFR MOM Tw HONOLULU, II. I., FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1G, 1891. Vol. XV.-- No. 13.. BRUSH. is Reserved This Space -- FOR POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 101 Fort Street, Honolulu. 191 relephoncs, No. 175. Xflt7 UNION F ' OFFER AT RED 'ALIFORNIA HAY, OATS, BRAN, OIL CAKE MEAL, LINSEED MEAL, BARLEY, ROLLED BARLEY, MIDDLING GROUND BARLEY, WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR Golden ' 1- P. O. Box 145. - . E. MclNTYR. CASTLE & COOKE, Lite, Fire & Marine Insurance Agents ! AOI.NTS FOR Hew England Mutual Life Ins. Co., OF BOSTON, yEtna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, Insurance Company, Fire A M irlne. OF SAN FUANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Assels, $5,288,000. Anglo-Neva- Assur. Corporation, (Fire & Marine), Capital, paid up, $2,000,000. Thames &. Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (Limited J, Assets, $6,124,057. New York Life Insurance Co., - Assets, $105,053,600.96. CO. BE Iii HONOLULU. General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, $105,053,600.96 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every age, on every premium table, and in every year, the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies of the New York Life Insurance Co. have been LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing similar policies. For particulars apply to V. O. KEIM.l'Jt, Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. 1 Alias Assurance Conw OF I.OMIOV. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands, Wisiiiil .ill pion it STEAM CANDY FACTORY AM) HAIvIOltV. r. nouy, Practical Confectioner, Pastrv Cook & li.tker. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74. I -- '.it NATURAL Mineral Water. For sale onlv by W. S. LUCE, Sole Agent A Importer for the Ha- waiian Islands. N OTIC 10 to ARCHITECTS! IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, THE ' DAILY BULLET1H " 1 PUBLISHED Every Afternoon Except Sundays At the OMee, Queen street, Honolulu, 11. I. ARTHUR JOHNSTONE Editor & Manager, KOK THE DAILY BULLETIN PUBLISHING COMPANY, (Limited.) miiiMiurrio Daily Bui .Klin, 1 your 00 " 0 months 3 00 K!V IIIOIUll (de- livered) 50 WK.KKI.Y Bulletin .Summary. 1 yea;' .95 00 foreign 6 00 lll T"l4'llOIIPH 'u. S. teTAddres all business communica- tions Bulletin. " t3T Address nil matter for publica-io- u "Euitok Daily Blllkvin." '. 4. KX Hl. Honolulu. II. I. Brodie & Furry, Drs. Physicians. Olilco: 81 Bere-1-!)- 1 tania street, Honolulu, 11. I. A. THURSTON, IORRIN at L'tw. Office: Over Uislum's Bank. Honolulu, 11. I. M. MONSARRAT, J. Public. Mereliaut street, Honolulu. tl ALFRED MAGOON, T . Attorney at Lav Public, No. 42 Merchant street, llono lulu. AVID DAYTON (Kewiki) IJ Will ho in his private office from 12:30 to l:ii0 i'. m Oillce : 01 King street, (up stairs). W. KfiHMIDT & SONS. H. linnorters & Commission Aler- - himr.s. Fort Direct. Honolulu. I -- VI & Co., HHACKFELD Commission Agents, Corner Fort ami Quee n streets, Hono- lulu. H. I. W. MACFARLANE & CO , G. Importers anil Commission Murebants. Queen street, Honolulu, 11. I. f'i ONSALVES & CO.. IT Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants. Heaver Block, Honolulu H T. I OHN T. WATERHOUSE. l Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise. Queen street. Honolulu II. I. & COOKE, ("AASTLE aud Commission Mer chants. Iinnoi ws and Dealers in Gen nnil Merchandise. No. 80 Kins' street Honolulu. 1VILDER&CO., VV Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. EWERS & COOKE, L Iint.orters and Dealers in Lum ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, H. I. Steam Endues, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings; Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksuiithing. Job Work ex- ecuted at short noiice. cTbrewer & CO., (iii.iiTi:i, General Mercantile AN I) Commission Agents. LIST OF OKI'ICKIW: O. Jones, Jr ... President & Manager O. Carter. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary directors: Hon. C. R. Bishop. , S. C. Allen, 11. Waterhouse. 'Jl CASTLE & COOKE, iMI'OKTr.KM, Hardware, Shipping AN'U Commission Merchants. .DEALERS IN General Merchandise ! Plantation Aerants. Life, Fire & Marine Insurance Ageutg. lj HONOLULU, H. I. 91 A. 11. RASE MANN, jjook-bnd- er, Paperrruler & Blank-)- o k Mancfa turer. No- .- Merchant street, (up stairs). -1 CHANGE of KESIUENCE! Ir. OI.IYKK Has removed from Fort street to Ro-bel- lo Lane. Palamii Okkick lloi 11 s; II A. If. ti 12 and 8 1. M. to t P . M. EAST CORNER FORT h G. Irwin & Company, (MM1TKD.) OFFER KOlt SALE Lime Ac Cement, PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, REED'S PATENT Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes. FERTILIZERS : WOOL DUST, BONE MEAL, FISH GUANO, ALSO BUCK & OHLANDT'S High Grade Chemical Cane Manure. GRASS SEEDS : COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS Aud CLOVERS. Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN BARRELS. Balflwin Loc The undersigned having been appointed sole ageuts for the Hawaiian Islands For the Celebrated Baldwin Lociotira From the works of Burham, Parry, Williams & Co., riiilii(l' liliia, I'onn., Are now prepared to give estimates and receive orders for these engines, of any size aud style. The Baldwin Locomotive Wohks are. now manufacturing a style of Loco- motive particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have recently been received at these Islands, and we will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents and managers with particulars of same. The superiority of these Locomotives over all other makes is not only known here but is acknowledged throughout the United States. Wm. G. I IIWIN & Co., L'd, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. ffl B. MR' & CO,, (I.IUITF.IM Win. G.Irwin. . .President A: Manager Claus Spreckels nt Walter M. Giffard Secretary & Treasurer Theo. O. Porter Auditoi SUGAR FACTORS AND Commission Agents. AGENTS OF THK Qceaaic Steamsliip Gomp' F, Of Nan Ki anclm n. 'ul, 'V 1 1 11 Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers a no-N- AY Y CO Tit ACTORS. ii. 31ULLEK & Co., PRACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's. Block," t'oruer store, Surgical & Musical Instruments neatly repaired at reasonable rales. ewing Machines and repairing of all kinds a specialty. All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired. Household Sewing Machines tor sale. TAI WO CHAN, I?" Manufacturer of Ladies' & Geutlemen's French Kid, Calf & Kangaroo ?KIN SIIOKS MAKE TO OKI'F.R. rrgif.'il or J.eil. AIo. MadtlleH. 3S Nuuanu St., : : : P. O. Box 203. gotton Katel, aud throughout the valley of the CUeiif nothing was talked of but approaching uuuriuge with Yamina, daughter of the Aga of Djendcl. One morning a long train of mules seen wending toward town; Kadour-ben-Cheri- atid his mother were going buy the wedding presents. The whole day was spent by them in the bazars, choosing burnous shot with silver, Smyrna rugs, amber necklaces earrings, and while lie fingered the pretty jewels, the floss silks and fine stuffs Kadour thought only of Yamina. The Orient had regained him completely, more by means of the force of habit and tho influence of the atmos- phere than by genuine heart bonds. Toward evening the train of mules laden with coufiins nil puffed out with treasures turned down the street of the faubourg, when before the door of the Arabian bureau they found their way obstructed by a greater crowd. It was party of immigrants who had just ar- rived from France; no preparations luta been made for their reception, and the unfortunate strangers were vainly en- treating aid aud seeking information. Some of them were hopelessly sitting on their baggage, exhausted by their journey and annoyed by the curiosity of the crowd; whilo to add to their misery night was coming on, increasing with its darkness the desolatenes of the unknown land. Kadour looked at the exiles me- chanically, but ho was, on a sudden, seized with a strong emotion as he rec- ognized the dress of the old peasants, the velvet bodices of their wives, aud the women's long hair, of the color of the ripe harvest. In another minute bis for. gotten dreams had become reality, for saw before him the soft features and golden hair of Katel. Yes. there she stood with old Rippert, her mother, and all the little children, far away from the sawmill on the rippling Sauerbach, which Btill flowed past the abandoned home. "Kadour!" "Katel!" He turned pale and she blushed slightly. In a few minutes tho exiles' difficulty was settled. The Kaid's house was large and the immigrants were welcome to install themselves therein until their little portion of land was accorded them. Quickly the mother gathered up the bundles aud called together her children, who had begun already to play with the little natives; pell mell they were all put in the coufflus among the silks and pre- cious stuffs, and Katel laughed merrily at finding herself mounted in stroll grand style on an Arab mule. Kadour laughed, too, but les heartily, and with a sort of suppressed delight. As night was falling round and the air growing cool he wrapped his former nurse in a beautiful striped burnous, one of the wedding presents, embroidered with pearls, and with its soft folds fall- ing round her and the fringe glistening brightly she sat motionless and smiling, looking like a blonde houri escaped from the harem. As Kadour gazed at her a thousand mad projects crossed his mind. He would break his troth with the Aga's daughter and marry Katel none but Katel for him. And some day they would be returniug together from the city, all alone in a lane of oleanders, she smiling at him on the mule's back, he holding her bridle as at present. Eager- ly, still dreaming, ho gave the signal for the departure of the train, but Katel stopped him, saying in hor soft voice: "Wait a minute. Here comes my husband." ' Katel was married. Poor Kadour! From the French of Daudetiu Buffalo Express. Consumption Cured. "Did you know," continued the agent for the vermin exterminator in Iris ap peal to the dairyman, "that the bacillus of tho tuberculosis in large numbers was in every can of milk you send out in your wagons every morning?" "No! You don't mean it?" earnestly in- quired the dairyman. "True as gospel," solemnly asserted the agent. Tho dairyman got up and went to the back door. "Mary," ho called to a buxom girl at the crocks, "Mary, put enough water in that milk to drown every one of them gol darned backsilliuses. I guess I don't want none of your pizen," lie said as ho came back, "out you can stay to supper ef you want to.- "- Washington Star. Selling; and II u .vine. Farmer I don't see how we're to get along this winter. No money in any- thing. Wife What's the matter? Farmer The market is glutted and I can't get any price at all. Hardly pay to send things to town. Townsman What under the sun be- comes of our money? Wife It all goes for provisions. Every crop has failed and prices are sky high. New York Weekly. Lost the Combination. Mrs. Locket Can't you find the pockt? Mr. Locket (who is struggling with one of his wife's dresses) Yes, Lucy, 1 have found the pocket, all right. "Then why don't you bring me my thimble?" 'T havo found tho pocket, but I have not-ye- t found tho way into it." Puck. A Natural Soiiianne. Mrs. Drown Don't you think Johnnie could niako enough noise with the drum without throwing in a tin whistle? Brown Pshaw! you women never think. Ha won't havo them an hour lie-fo- he'll put tho whistle through the head of tho drum, and then he'll break t)je whistle for spite. Epoch. A Kind Father. "Hullo, Jones. GoinrT away:" "No. I'm only cheeking my daugh- ter's t rnnks. " 'Why, is Maud going visiting'?" 'Not exactly. H'v mil young Wil-kin- s are going to clop.? this afiernoon, and I'm best man." New York Evening Sun. I tare learned a beautiful lefwon, hie Tatr'ht by the weetpense standing thorn. Those littln clouds of sunset Klury the Caiurht out of time In air. was You kd their fnuerant blossoms nodding, Purpl1"- crimson and pale roue blush, On slender stems too slight to bear them to Without the helping, bidden brush. To Its brown arms, so strong and trusty, The Uttle tendrils cleave and cling. The Tine, unheal. In dust were lying, and A fallen, bruised and flowerless thlr . And yet the brush Itself was barren, Unqulckened at the summer's kiss; It bore no scent or sign of blossom. but But now It blooms again like this. I think It must forget the sadness Of Its own broken life, and glow With love for oil the warmth nud sunshine That makes the sweet pease bud and blow It may seem but a dreary fnilure, Deadened nnd stonn tossed, dulled with strife; But It has helped to bear the blossoms That crown another, fairer life. a -- Bessie Chandler in IlurpeT's Bazar. KADOUR AND KATEL Kadour-ben-Cherif- sergeant major of the Algerian sharpshooters, was believed to be dying when he was carried into old Rippert's sawmill on tho Saucrbach. Tor five long weeks he lived as in a dream, parched with fever and racked with the pain of his wound. Sometimes he thought he was in the battle again, shouting and bounding across the flas fields aud hop gardens of WIssebourg; at other times he fancied himself once more at homo in Alders with his father, the kaid of Mati- - tnatas. At last he opened his eyes aud became he dimly conscious of being in a cool, clean room, with white curtains at tho win- dows, and outside green branches wav- ing, und light clouds passing before the sun. Near his bed sat a little sister of charity, watchful and quiet, wearing in- deed no silver cross, no rosary, no veil, but, instead, two long braids of yellow hair falling over a black velvet bodice. From time to timo some 0110 would call "Katel, Katel!" and the peasant girl would go on tiptoe out of the room, and then the invalid would hear a clear young voice which seemed to him as refreshing as the sound of the brook that ran mur- muring under the windows of the mill. Kadour was ill for a long time, but' the Rippettts took such good care of him that his wounds healed, and they con- cealed him so cleverly that the Prussians were not able to send him to die of cold in a casemate at Mayence. Soon he be- gan to talk, showing his white teeth; then be took a few steps round tho room, with one sleeve hanging empty and a great gaping hole in tho midst of the embroi- dery, and his arm still bandaged and helpless. Then he went every day into the little garden, and Katel would bring out a little rug sealed armchair for the invalid, putting it down in the warmest corner by the wall, where the grapes ripened the earliest, and Kadour, who, being a kaid's sou, had studied in the Arabian college at Algiers, would thank her in French, which sounded a little barbarous, mingled as it was with bono bezelf and maeach bonb. Without suspecting it the young Turk was falling under a spell. The easy gay- - ety of the French maiden, who lived as free as a bird, her face unveiled even in the open air, und her window unbarred, astonished while it fascinated him. It was so very different from the walled up life of his countrywomen, with their white, lemon scented veils. Katel, on her part, thought the stranger a little too dark skinned; but he had such a frank face and he hated the Prussians so! One thing displeased her terribly, and that was that over there in Algeria a man might have sev- eral wives. She could not understand that, and one day when Kadour, to tease her, said in his foreign jargon, "Kadour soon marry havo four wives four" the girl exclaimed angrily, "Four wives? Oh, the villain, the pagan 1" The Turk burst out laughing as glee- fully us a child; then, suddenly growing serious and silent, he fixed his great dark eyes upon her face. That was the beginning. Kadour, completely cured, went home to his father, and one can imagine the festivities that' were held in his honor in tho land of the Matiinatas. The reed flutes and the little drums played their sweetest airs to welcome him, and when the old kaid, seated in his doorway, saw coming down the cactus walk the be- loved son whom he hud thought dead he trembled us if with ague under his white burnous. For a whole month there was an uninterrupted series of diffas and fantasias, all tho Kaids and Agas of the neighborhood disputed for the honor of entertaining Kadour-ben-Cherif- luid every evening in the Moorish cafes he was entreated to describe the battles in winch he had fought. But alas! all these fetes and honors did not make him happy. In the midst of the souvenirs of his childhood, his horses, his greyhounds, his arms and all the splendors of his father's mansion, there was one thing wanting the art- less, merry laugh of Katel. The little perpetual prattling of tho Arab women, which had onco made his heart beat with pleasure, now fatigued and an- noyed him: he would not admire their orange flower wreaths aud wide trousers of a rose color satin, but thought only of a pair of long braids having no pearl ornaments, yet shining like golden threads under tho setting sun in a little Alsatian garden far away. And yet, if Kadour would but look about him, he could see a pai of beautiful black eyes made languid with kohl watching him from behind the grated windows of an old Aga's house not far distant. Ka- dour cared nothing for them; what he longed for was Katel s qmctf glance round the 6ielt room to see if anything were wanting for his comfort; he sighed for the blue eyes in which tho light played as brightly as in drops of clear sprint; water. Little by lilt le, however, the tender charm of Iho.-- e blue eyes, mingled with the memory of his convalescence and the soft tempered air of France, failed from Uia mind. At last Kadour had for-- New Goods received by every packet from Eastern States and Europe, Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 Telephones, No. 119.- - THE - Oor. Edinbuig & Queen Sts. CO. ROCK PRICES FLOUR. Ga'o & Salinas tsa FLO UK 91 Telephone No. 92v BRO., AND KING STREETS. o -- P. O. Box 372. -- P. O. Box 297. ICK IsM Etc., Etc. Etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. : - BARGAINS ! THADIO ! their line will lind this a specially favor- - Honolulu. Chas. Hustace, King Street, REMOVAL ! Having leased the stores in the brick building known as tho "Lincoln Block," nearly opposite the old stand, and having disposed of that portion of my stock damaged by the late fire, and being in receipt of New Goods per last steamer, and more on tho way, I am prepared to (ill all orders as before. Thanking the public , for the liberal patronage bestowed on me fur the past seven years, 1 hope by prompt attention to all orders to merit a continuance of tho same. At the new stand shall be pleased to see all my edd cus- tomers, and as many new ones as may tind it to their advantage to call. Island orders solicited and faithfully executed. 1 CHAS. HUSTACE. Telephone 240.- - LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, H. I., Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions, OI By each steamer of the O. S. S. Co. from California fresh California Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruils, Fish, Game, Vegetables, etc., etc. A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's fc J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods always on band. Also, just received a fresh line of Gorman Pales and Potted Meats and Bottled Preserved Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat Flakes. Sicilv Lemons and California Riverside Oranges, Oregon Burbauk Potatoes, BARGAINS ! - THE PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd., Beg to announce that in consequence of extensive repairs to their building, they are Removing their Slocks of Goods to the 3 1 el I 1I IN' Y -:- - LOCK. During removal, in order to save expense of handling "(oS Tir EaliFB stock: Is M at toted Rates rI O Till; tW Persons requiring anything in able opportunity. New Goods ! NewICoods ! Have lately been received and fresh invoices are on the way. PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd., and Elevation Hans for 8 CROUXD tlome Building to be ei eet.nl on the site s. K. corner of Ala-ke- a ami Halekauila streets, 1J.") ft. ob Alakea street, and 10O res-- ; peetivt-ly- , are aked for, to be handed in to the undersigned on or before Feb- -i 'icuy 1. IhmI. A prize of be au.'iriii d for the besi plan ai d a r:z- of !."0 for the second bi'st plan Mihniitteil. ' tsj-V- " For patlicul.vr al'plv to F. A. M l EKF.R, ('. M i'OOIK. W. W. HALL, 720 td Committee. I j j j Fort Street, Mutual 608 -- TElEPH0MESr Bell 475 l-- 9i i

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Page 1: ll imp - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · sawmill on the rippling Sauerbach, which Btill flowed past the abandoned home. "Kadour!" "Katel!" He turned

'? ',

sal in ij .11 iti w mll imp


Vol. XV.-- No. 13..


is ReservedThis Space-- FOR


101 Fort Street, Honolulu.


relephoncs, No. 175. Xflt7





FLOUR Golden'

1 -

P. O. Box 145. -

. E. MclNTYR.


Lite, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents !


Hew England Mutual Life Ins. Co.,


yEtna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford,

Insurance Company,Fire A M irlne.




INSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assels, $5,288,000.

Anglo-Neva- Assur. Corporation,

(Fire & Marine),

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000.

Thames &. Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,

(Limited J,

Assets, $6,124,057.

New York Life Insurance Co., -

Assets, $105,053,600.96.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, $105,053,600.96

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every age, on every premiumtable, and in every year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof the New York Life Insurance Co.

have been LARGER than those OF

ANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

For particulars apply to

V. O. KEIM.l'Jt,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.


Alias Assurance ConwOF I.OMIOV.


Agents for the Hawaiian Islands,

Wisiiiil.illpion it


AM) HAIvIOltV.r. nouy,

Practical Confectioner, Pastrv Cook &


71 Hotel St. Telephone 74.I -- '.it

NATURAL Mineral Water. Forsale onlv by

W. S. LUCE,Sole Agent A Importer for the Ha-

waiian Islands.



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,




Every Afternoon Except Sundays

At the OMee, Queen street, Honolulu,11. I.

ARTHUR JOHNSTONE Editor & Manager,




miiiMiurrioDaily Bui .Klin, 1 your 00

" 0 months 3 00K!V IIIOIUll (de-

livered) 50

WK.KKI.Y Bulletin .Summary. 1

yea;' .95 00

foreign 6 00

lll T"l4'llOIIPH 'u. S.

teTAddres all business communica-tions Bulletin. "

t3T Address nil matter for publica-io- u

"Euitok Daily Blllkvin."'. 4. KX Hl. Honolulu. II. I.

Brodie & Furry,Drs. Physicians. Olilco: 81 Bere-1-!)- 1

tania street, Honolulu, 11. I.

A. THURSTON,IORRIN at L'tw. Office: OverUislum's Bank. Honolulu, 11. I.

M. MONSARRAT,J.Public. Mereliaut street, Honolulu. tl

ALFRED MAGOON,T . Attorney at LavPublic, No. 42 Merchant street, llonolulu.

AVID DAYTON (Kewiki)IJ Will ho in his private office from12:30 to l:ii0 i'. m Oillce : 01 Kingstreet, (up stairs).

W. KfiHMIDT & SONS.H. linnorters & Commission Aler- -

himr.s. Fort Direct. Honolulu. I -- VI

& Co.,HHACKFELD Commission Agents,Corner Fort ami Quee n streets, Hono-

lulu. H. I.

W. MACFARLANE & CO ,G. Importers anil CommissionMurebants. Queen street, Honolulu,11. I.

f'i ONSALVES & CO..IT Wholesale Grocers and WineMerchants. Heaver Block, HonoluluH T.

I OHN T. WATERHOUSE.l Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise. Queen street. HonoluluII. I.

& COOKE,("AASTLE aud Commission Merchants. Iinnoi ws and Dealers in Gennnil Merchandise. No. 80 Kins' streetHonolulu.

1VILDER&CO.,VV Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu.

EWERS & COOKE,L Iint.orters and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu.


Steam Endues, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings;Machinery of every description made toorder. Particular attention paid toShip's Blacksuiithing. Job Work ex-

ecuted at short noiice.

cTbrewer & CO.,(iii.iiTi:i,

General MercantileAN I)

Commission Agents.LIST OF OKI'ICKIW:

O. Jones, Jr . . . President & ManagerO. Carter. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

directors:Hon. C. R. Bishop. , S. C. Allen,

11. Waterhouse.'Jl


Hardware, ShippingAN'U

Commission Merchants..DEALERS IN

General Merchandise !

Plantation Aerants.Life, Fire & Marine

Insurance Ageutg.

lj HONOLULU, H. I. 91


jjook-bnd- er, Paperrruler & Blank-)- o

k Mancfa turer.

No- .- Merchant street, (up stairs).-1



Has removed from Fort street to Ro-bel- lo

Lane. Palamii

Okkick lloi 11 s; II A. If. ti 12 and 8

1. M. to t P . M.


h G. Irwin & Company,






Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.






High Grade Chemical Cane Manure.




Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


Balflwin Loc

The undersigned having been appointedsole ageuts for the Hawaiian


For the Celebrated

Baldwin LociotiraFrom the works of

Burham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

riiilii(l' liliia, I'onn.,

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize aud style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Wohksare. now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents and managers with particularsof same.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Wm. G. I IIWIN & Co., L'd,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

ffl B. MR' & CO,,


Win. G.Irwin. . .President A: ManagerClaus Spreckels nt

Walter M. GiffardSecretary & Treasurer

Theo. O. Porter Auditoi


Commission Agents.AGENTS OF THK

Qceaaic Steamsliip Gomp' F,

Of Nan Ki anclm n. 'ul,

'V 1 1 11


Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Retail Butchers

a no-N- AY



Bethel Street, "Damon's. Block,"t'oruer store,

Surgical & Musical Instruments neatlyrepaired at reasonable rales. ewingMachines and repairing of all kinds aspecialty. All kinds of Safes & Scalesrepaired. Household Sewing Machinestor sale.


Manufacturer of Ladies' & Geutlemen's

French Kid, Calf & Kangaroo


rrgif.'il or J.eil. AIo. MadtlleH.

3S Nuuanu St., : : : P. O. Box 203.

gotton Katel, aud throughout the valleyof the CUeiif nothing was talked of but

approaching uuuriuge with Yamina,daughter of the Aga of Djendcl.

One morning a long train of mulesseen wending toward town; Kadour-ben-Cheri-

atid his mother were goingbuy the wedding presents. The

whole day was spent by them in thebazars, choosing burnous shot withsilver, Smyrna rugs, amber necklaces

earrings, and while lie fingered thepretty jewels, the floss silks and fine

stuffs Kadour thought only of Yamina.The Orient had regained him completely,

more by means of the force of

habit and tho influence of the atmos-

phere than by genuine heart bonds.Toward evening the train of mules

laden with coufiins nil puffed out withtreasures turned down the street of thefaubourg, when before the door of theArabian bureau they found their wayobstructed by a greater crowd. It was

party of immigrants who had just ar-

rived from France; no preparations lutabeen made for their reception, and theunfortunate strangers were vainly en-

treating aid aud seeking information.Some of them were hopelessly sitting on

their baggage, exhausted by their journeyand annoyed by the curiosity of thecrowd; whilo to add to their miserynight was coming on, increasing with itsdarkness the desolatenes of the unknownland. Kadour looked at the exiles me-

chanically, but ho was, on a sudden,seized with a strong emotion as he rec-

ognized the dress of the old peasants, thevelvet bodices of their wives, aud thewomen's long hair, of the color of theripe harvest. In another minute bis for.gotten dreams had become reality, for

saw before him the soft features andgolden hair of Katel. Yes. there shestood with old Rippert, her mother, andall the little children, far away from thesawmill on the rippling Sauerbach, whichBtill flowed past the abandoned home.

"Kadour!""Katel!"He turned pale and she blushed

slightly.In a few minutes tho exiles' difficulty

was settled. The Kaid's house was largeand the immigrants were welcome toinstall themselves therein until theirlittle portion of land was accorded them.Quickly the mother gathered up thebundles aud called together her children,who had begun already to play with thelittle natives; pell mell they were all putin the coufflus among the silks and pre-

cious stuffs, and Katel laughed merrilyat finding herself mounted in stroll grandstyle on an Arab mule. Kadour laughed,too, but les heartily, and with a sort of

suppressed delight.As night was falling round and the

air growing cool he wrapped his formernurse in a beautiful striped burnous, oneof the wedding presents, embroideredwith pearls, and with its soft folds fall-

ing round her and the fringe glisteningbrightly she sat motionless and smiling,looking like a blonde houri escaped fromthe harem.

As Kadour gazed at her a thousandmad projects crossed his mind. He

would break his troth with the Aga'sdaughter and marry Katel none butKatel for him. And some day theywould be returniug together from thecity, all alone in a lane of oleanders, she

smiling at him on the mule's back, heholding her bridle as at present. Eager-

ly, still dreaming, ho gave the signal forthe departure of the train, but Katelstopped him, saying in hor soft voice:

"Wait a minute. Here comes myhusband." '

Katel was married. Poor Kadour!From the French of Daudetiu BuffaloExpress.

Consumption Cured."Did you know," continued the agent

for the vermin exterminator in Iris appeal to the dairyman, "that the bacillusof tho tuberculosis in large numbers wasin every can of milk you send out inyour wagons every morning?"

"No! You don't mean it?" earnestly in-

quired the dairyman."True as gospel," solemnly asserted

the agent.Tho dairyman got up and went to the

back door."Mary," ho called to a buxom girl at

the crocks, "Mary, put enough water inthat milk to drown every one of themgol darned backsilliuses. I guess I don'twant none of your pizen," lie said as ho

came back, "out you can stay to supperef you want to.- "- Washington Star.

Selling; and II u .vine.Farmer I don't see how we're to get

along this winter. No money in any-

thing.Wife What's the matter?Farmer The market is glutted and I

can't get any price at all. Hardly payto send things to town.

Townsman What under the sun be-

comes of our money?Wife It all goes for provisions. Every

crop has failed and prices are sky high.New York Weekly.

Lost the Combination.Mrs. Locket Can't you find the

pockt?Mr. Locket (who is struggling with

one of his wife's dresses) Yes, Lucy, 1

have found the pocket, all right."Then why don't you bring me my

thimble?"'T havo found tho pocket, but I have

not-ye- t found tho way into it." Puck.

A Natural Soiiianne.Mrs. Drown Don't you think Johnnie

could niako enough noise with the drumwithout throwing in a tin whistle?

Brown Pshaw! you women never

think. Ha won't havo them an hour lie-fo-

he'll put tho whistle through thehead of tho drum, and then he'll breakt)je whistle for spite. Epoch.

A Kind Father."Hullo, Jones. GoinrT away:""No. I'm only cheeking my daugh-

ter's t rnnks. "

'Why, is Maud going visiting'?"'Not exactly. H'v mil young Wil-kin- s

are going to clop.? this afiernoon,and I'm best man." New York EveningSun.

I tare learned a beautiful lefwon, hieTatr'ht by the weetpense standing thorn.

Those littln clouds of sunset Klury theCaiurht out of time In air.

wasYou kd their fnuerant blossoms nodding,

Purpl1"- crimson and pale roue blush,

On slender stems too slight to bear them toWithout the helping, bidden brush.

To Its brown arms, so strong and trusty,The Uttle tendrils cleave and cling.

The Tine, unheal. In dust were lying, andA fallen, bruised and flowerless thlr .

And yet the brush Itself was barren,Unqulckened at the summer's kiss;

It bore no scent or sign of blossom. butBut now It blooms again like this.

I think It must forget the sadnessOf Its own broken life, and glow

With love for oil the warmth nud sunshineThat makes the sweet pease bud and blow

It may seem but a dreary fnilure,Deadened nnd stonn tossed, dulled with

strife;But It has helped to bear the blossoms

That crown another, fairer life. a--Bessie Chandler in IlurpeT's Bazar.


Kadour-ben-Cherif- sergeant major of

the Algerian sharpshooters, was believedto be dying when he was carried into oldRippert's sawmill on tho Saucrbach. Torfive long weeks he lived as in a dream,parched with fever and racked with thepain of his wound. Sometimes he thoughthe was in the battle again, shouting andbounding across the flas fields aud hopgardens of WIssebourg; at other timeshe fancied himself once more at homo inAlders with his father, the kaid of Mati- -

tnatas.At last he opened his eyes aud became he

dimly conscious of being in a cool, cleanroom, with white curtains at tho win-

dows, and outside green branches wav-

ing, und light clouds passing before thesun. Near his bed sat a little sister ofcharity, watchful and quiet, wearing in-

deed no silver cross, no rosary, no veil,but, instead, two long braids of yellowhair falling over a black velvet bodice.From time to timo some 0110 would call"Katel, Katel!" and the peasant girlwould go on tiptoe out of the room, andthen the invalid would hear a clear youngvoice which seemed to him as refreshingas the sound of the brook that ran mur-

muring under the windows of the mill.Kadour was ill for a long time, but'

the Rippettts took such good care of himthat his wounds healed, and they con-

cealed him so cleverly that the Prussianswere not able to send him to die of coldin a casemate at Mayence. Soon he be-

gan to talk, showing his white teeth; thenbe took a few steps round tho room, withone sleeve hanging empty and a greatgaping hole in tho midst of the embroi-

dery, and his arm still bandaged andhelpless. Then he went every day intothe little garden, and Katel would bringout a little rug sealed armchair for theinvalid, putting it down in the warmestcorner by the wall, where the grapesripened the earliest, and Kadour, who,being a kaid's sou, had studied in theArabian college at Algiers, would thankher in French, which sounded a littlebarbarous, mingled as it was with bonobezelf and maeach bonb.

Without suspecting it the young Turkwas falling under a spell. The easy gay--

ety of the French maiden, who lived asfree as a bird, her face unveiled even inthe open air, und her window unbarred,astonished while it fascinated him. Itwas so very different from the walledup life of his countrywomen, with theirwhite, lemon scented veils.

Katel, on her part, thought thestranger a little too dark skinned; buthe had such a frank face and he hatedthe Prussians so! One thing displeasedher terribly, and that was that overthere in Algeria a man might have sev-

eral wives. She could not understandthat, and one day when Kadour, to teaseher, said in his foreign jargon, "Kadoursoon marry havo four wives four"the girl exclaimed angrily, "Four wives?Oh, the villain, the pagan 1"

The Turk burst out laughing as glee-

fully us a child; then, suddenly growingserious and silent, he fixed his greatdark eyes upon her face. That was thebeginning.

Kadour, completely cured, went hometo his father, and one can imagine thefestivities that' were held in his honorin tho land of the Matiinatas. The reedflutes and the little drums played theirsweetest airs to welcome him, and whenthe old kaid, seated in his doorway, sawcoming down the cactus walk the be-

loved son whom he hud thought dead hetrembled us if with ague under hiswhite burnous. For a whole monththere was an uninterrupted series of diffasand fantasias, all tho Kaids and Agas of

the neighborhood disputed for the honorof entertaining Kadour-ben-Cherif- luidevery evening in the Moorish cafes hewas entreated to describe the battles inwinch he had fought.

But alas! all these fetes and honorsdid not make him happy. In the midstof the souvenirs of his childhood, hishorses, his greyhounds, his arms andall the splendors of his father's mansion,there was one thing wanting the art-less, merry laugh of Katel. The littleperpetual prattling of tho Arab women,which had onco made his heart beatwith pleasure, now fatigued and an-

noyed him: he would not admire theirorange flower wreaths aud wide trousersof a rose color satin, but thought onlyof a pair of long braids having no pearlornaments, yet shining like goldenthreads under tho setting sun in a littleAlsatian garden far away. And yet, ifKadour would but look about him,he could see a pai of beautiful blackeyes made languid with kohl watchinghim from behind the grated windows of

an old Aga's house not far distant. Ka-

dour cared nothing for them; what helonged for was Katel s qmctf glanceround the 6ielt room to see if anythingwere wanting for his comfort; he sighedfor the blue eyes in which tho lightplayed as brightly as in drops of clearsprint; water.

Little by lilt le, however, the tendercharm of Iho.-- e blue eyes, mingled withthe memory of his convalescence andthe soft tempered air of France, failedfrom Uia mind. At last Kadour had for--

New Goods received by every packet from Eastern States and Europe,Fresh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attendedto and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orderssolicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1

Telephones, No. 119.- -


Oor. Edinbuig & Queen Sts.



Ga'o & Salinas tsa FLO UK91

Telephone No. 92v



-- P. O. Box 372.

-- P. O. Box 297.


Etc., Etc. Etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.



their line will lind this a specially favor- -


Chas. Hustace, King Street,REMOVAL !

Having leased the stores in the brick building known as tho"Lincoln Block," nearly opposite the old stand, and having disposedof that portion of my stock damaged by the late fire, and beingin receipt of New Goods per last steamer, and more on tho way, Iam prepared to (ill all orders as before. Thanking the public , forthe liberal patronage bestowed on me fur the past seven years, 1

hope by prompt attention to all orders to merit a continuance of thosame. At the new stand shall be pleased to see all my edd cus-

tomers, and as many new ones as may tind it to their advantage tocall. Island orders solicited and faithfully executed.


Telephone 240.- -

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,

Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions,

OIBy each steamer of the O. S. S. Co. from California fresh California RollButter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruils, Fish, Game, Vegetables,etc., etc. A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's fc J. T. Morton's Canned& Bottled Goods always on band. Also, just received a fresh line of GormanPales and Potted Meats and Bottled Preserved Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s MalteseBrand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream OatFlakes and Cream Wheat Flakes. Sicilv Lemons and California RiversideOranges, Oregon Burbauk Potatoes,



Beg to announce that in consequence of extensive repairs to their building, theyare Removing their Slocks of Goods to the

3 1 el I 1I IN' Y -:- - LOCK.During removal, in order to save expense of handling "(oS

Tir EaliFB stock: Is M at toted Rates

rI O Till;tW Persons requiring anything in

able opportunity.

New Goods ! NewICoods !

Have lately been received and fresh invoices are on the way.


and Elevation Hans for 8CROUXD tlome Building to beei eet.nl on the site s. K. corner of Ala-ke- a

ami Halekauila streets, 1J.") ft. obAlakea street, and 10O res-- ;peetivt-ly- , are aked for, to be handedin to the undersigned on or before Feb- -i

'icuy 1. IhmI.A prize of be au.'iriii d for

the besi plan ai d a r:z- of !."0 for thesecond bi'st plan Mihniitteil.


" For patlicul.vr al'plv toF. A. M l EKF.R,('. M i'OOIK.W. W. HALL,

720 td Committee.





Fort Street,Mutual 608 -- TElEPH0MESr Bell 475

l-- 9i


Page 2: ll imp - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · sawmill on the rippling Sauerbach, which Btill flowed past the abandoned home. "Kadour!" "Katel!" He turned

Auction Sife by Jamas F. Korgan.BY AUTHORITY. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK.Sale ol Government Land atOmiopio, Kula, MUui.

legud that the electric, lighting sys-

tem was conducted by the late (Jov-einiiie- nt

in the most expensive and ich si ti:e a. met m y.

Issues Every Desirable Fonrs of Policy !

It has paid its members mnce its organization TWO HUNDRED AND NINI'TY MILLIONS OF DOLtARS.Its New Distribution 1'olicy is the most liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company.

" teiy For full particulars) apply to

IS. 1010,


Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

n n


rPTTTA IT TT l --4 7TTin








Kerosene Oil" ALOHA."ENGLISH,


Groceries, Feed Sniffs, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery & Glassware.

.ivi.' s:?i i a ; i i,FERTILIZERS:-Ohlendor- t's Dissolved Peruvian Guano, Ohlendorl's Special Cane Manure.LONDON PURPLrlt-KfiVet- uul destroyer of Potato, Cotton & i anker Worms, Kte.SCRUB F. X T E R M I N AT O R : Destroys all Noxious Weeds & Senilis.BAjGS:-!Su- ar, Jtiee, Paddy, Coal. TWINE, HEMP CANVAS, NAVY OAKUM.FILTER PRESS CLOTHS & BAGS: KiubrachiK tb; latest improvements iu material mid texture.

Galvanized Wtitcr Pipe, Corrugated Iron, Fence Wire, Pipe Fittings, Etc., Etc.





Engineers & Iron Founders,Office & Works, : Esplanade, Honolulu.

MA.:uvc!rr untune opSugar Macliiii'iry, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Eng'-"- "

Steam Iioilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers, Molaswc w'" "-- gar CarB,Cane Cars, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace ritnngs,

Wrought. & Cast Iron Work for House Builders,Water Wheels A Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Diffusion Machinery in all its Branches.

Sf v vC

incompetent manner ; and if the factsi:nd details of that system alreadyexposed by the presentare anywhere near the truth, thisallegation is already more than esta-- 'blislied. In due time these facts anddetails, proving such otlicial incom- -

pelenee, will doubtless be laid beforethe public.

At present there is no question as

to the policy now followed beingwholly and practically in the publicinterest, as originally intended by theLegislature making the appropria-- !

lion for our electric lighting system.The question narrows itself, there-

fore, to this proposition : Are a few

individuals, with whom the late Min-

ister of Interior made unauthorizedcontracts, for impossible incandes-

cent lighting under the present capa-

bilities of the electric light plant, tosuffer, or are the houses of thesegentlemen to be lighted at the ex-

pense of the public service, for which

the original appropriation was made?There is no doubt us to the con-

clusion which a majority of our citi-

zens will reach in the matter. At thesame time there is no doubt theparties of the second part, m theseunwise and wholly unauthorized con-

tracts, made by the late Minister of

the Interior, are doomed to sufferfor a time at least, the evil results of

the policy followed by incompetentotllcials.

As we understand it, the presentshortage is one of original waterpower rather than of dynamo capa

city. The waste of material andgeneral extravagance in the construc-

tion of the plant itself is likely one

ol the reasons of iiisulUcicnt motorpower at present. The power of theplant is now dependent on the rainsupply of the upper Nuuaiiu Valley.It is well known that this supplydiminishes as the summer advances.It is not, therefore, hard to realizethat, at some time during the presentseason, the incandescent system musteither lie practically abandoned oradditional power secured to enablethe electric light plant to furnish bothcircuits.

IJoltoinry Wanted

ON" the hull, spars, s ills, ringing andhomeward freight of the llrhish

bnnpie "William Le Laeheiir'' of Ibing-kiui- g.

whereof W. C. Auld is master, thesum of Two Thousand Hundred1) illars in U. S. Gold Coin, for icpiirsand outfits, to cnidi e the said vessel toproceed to sea. Tenders for the advanceof he above sum will hi received at theolliee oi Messrs Wing o t han it Co.,Hunolulii, until 12 o'clock noon. January17. ism. W. U. At 1,1).i;i it Master.


TWO Large Finiii-he- d

3 1 Booms, about 10 iniu-wii- .k

i utes' from the PostCilice. Apply at this olliee. 13 (it.

nto.wvotsjt Villi MA Li. !

MtOM the. S' nth Sens bv the schooner1 "Hose Spin ks," at f l:l ii cord.plv on board. A.lv'lSt Muster.

Australian Mail Service !


The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company,will be due at Honolulu for Syd-

ney and Auckland on or about

January 11), 181)1.

fjBT For freight and passage, hav-ing superior accommodation, apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co , L'd,12 td Agents.

For San FranciscoThe New & Fast Sailing Vessel


Will sail for the above port on or about

Saturday, Jan. 17th.ff3S" Having lirst-cla- ss passenger

For particulars apply to

H. HACKFELD 4 CO.,10 ;!t Agents.

The Al Steamship

ILTJtf- -

v.rs i i c."Of the Occidental & Oriental S. S.

Co., will sail for the above portson or about

February 2 1 st,war i freight nod passage,

ipply to

At 12 o'clock noon, on MONDAY,January 10, at the front entrance of

Aliioluni Hale will be sold at public.

auction a piece ot (ioViTnment landsituate at the upper end of Omuopio

in Ivula, Mam, containing an area ot

ll'.ll 8-- acres, a little more or less.Upset price .fltlOO.

C. N. Sl'ENCER,Minister of the Interior.

740 4t

Sale of Iase of GovernmentLand in Waiakoa, Kula,


On MONDAY, February 9, 1891,at the front entrance of Aliiolani

Hale, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold

at public auction the leases of two

tracts of Government lauds situate atW.ii..koa, Maui, viz. :

-t 1800 acres, a little' more orless, mauka of the Government homestead lots, extending to the top of

Il.ileakala. Upset price, if 100 perannum, payable s( in ad-

vance.2d 2710 acres, a little more or

lo.-- makai of the Government home- -

stead lot and extending to the sea-- !

shore. Upset juice, if 100 per annum,payable semi-annuall- y in advance.

C. N. Sl'ENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Department, Jan. !", 1891,5 4t

Sale of Government Lot inPulehuiki and Kumeha-meik- i,

Kula, Maui.

On MONDAY, February 9, 1801, atthe front entrance of Aliiolani Hale,at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold atpublic auction, 4 lots of Governmentl.mds situate at Pulehuiki and Kame-hameik- i,

Kula, Maui, viz.:Lot A, in Pulehuiki, 11 acres.

Upset price, $30.Lot B, in Kamehaineiki, 41 0

acres. Upset price if.SO.

Lot C, in Kamehaineiki, 35

acres. Upset price, $70.Lot D, in Pulehuiki and Kanieha-meik- i,

33 0 acres. Upset price,f)0.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Department, Jan. 5, 1801.5 4t

hulu jijul'lrtint'irUrrd to nrttlicr Hict nut 'urrv,But rstahhthrrf for the bent:fit of all.

FKTDAY, JAN. 10, lsyl.

The announcement is made in thismorning's Advertiser, in a local item,that there are "numerous com-

plaints" made, by patrons of theelectric house-lightin- g system-- thatthe streets of Honolulu are beinglighted at the expense of the incan-

descent system. There is no doubtthat this is true, from all that can

be learned of the policy pursued by

the Government in establishing andcontinuing the present remarkableimprovement in the Honolulu streetlighting system.

It is to be understood thatthe parties complaining of insulli-eie- nt

lighting power, for theincandescent system, have groundsfor so doing; and just hereturns the entire question. Contractswere made .by the late minister in

charge of the electric lighting system,with the citizens complaining, to fur-

nish them with lights of a certainpower, to be supplied in addition tothe arc light, or street system. Theparties of the second part in thesecontracts, however, were not inform-

ed that the party or parties of thelirst part were wholly incompetentas ollieials; that in making such con-

tracts the lirst parties were attempt-

ing to meet the results of their own

extravagance at the expense of thearc light, or street system ; and thatin all probability the lirst parties to

the contract would, of necessity, fail

in carrying out the conditions agreedupon under the contract.

The late Minister of Interior at-

tempted to fulfill the contracts made,there is no doubt of this ; he failedthrough his own ollieial incompe-

tency." He failed in the cud, as now

evident,' by withdrawing lightingpower from the arc light system andapplying it to the incandescent sys-

tem, thereby leaving the citf in par-

tial darkness, with a dim, uncertainelliciency in the lamps of the arclight system kept burning. Variousand .many complaints were made,but they were useless ; the policyfollowed was a ministerial, or rathera personal fad of the late minister in

charge of the electric lighting sys-

tem.The present Government is follow-

ing the plan and policy of street


An Minn Orilnnf U(Vtif 0MbUUUOniDUlUUlOO ft

On SATURDAY, J; n. mil,AT ti Ill l tHIi oov

I will sell at Public Auction, in bunt ofmy Salesrooms, IJiieen street,

1 Span of Bccteto fionns,A Good Driving Team.

yr Tlie Horses can b' een at thePantheon Stables.

Alio, 1 Fina Hawaiian Saddls

I i:Uit :.ii.JAS. F. MO KG AN,

11 at Auctioneer.

Y. ffl. C. A. HALL.

Tuesday Evciing. Jan. 20:h.

F. M. ENGLISH, B. A., will read

a paper on

"FALSTAFF,"With reading from Henry IV. (Parts I

and 11).

A l nilm-loi- i, : i 50 C.Viits.11 5t

NCTKF.P. MP.DKIKOs A C').. MerchantA Tailors, lintel Street, have receiv-

ed per "S S. Australia" and late arrivalsa full line of Gentlemen's Milting, la lit

A' Oil CIS.

'PIIE Hawaiian Treasury having issuedJ eeriilieates f..r silver coin deposit-

ed under the Act of 1HIMI repayable inthe same currency only, the undersignedgive notice llnit in future, they w ill re-

ceive Treasury (.'erlilleales pMVab'e Insilver, whether of the old or new issue, a.s

silver onlv.Jiisno:1 & o.,t'LAUS SPIiKCKELS & CO.

Honolulu, tan. 15, 181. 12 It


T the annual meeting of the Hawai-ian Hardware Co., held at Hono-

lulu this loth day of .lauicry, theollicers were elected, all of whom

accepted olliee for the ensiii g year:President & Manager. .10. K. HendryV . . . . .Hon. .Iiilin KnaSec'y it Treasurer... II M von HoltAuditor Hon. Cecil brownThe above olllcers coii-.ilut- the Hoard

of Directors,II. M. VOX HOLT,

12 lt-- :i It Secretary.


H" A VI.Mi been appointed Assigneein tlie estate of J. llaole, of Wai-.iik- u,

Mam. all persons having claimsiigMiiist this estate, are reiiicsled to pre-sent, suae immediately, ninl all personsindebted to the otii i! are n qui sted tomake their payments forthwith.

K. L. AUi- - IflJACH.Asignc at the olliee of L. 1!. Keir,

Honolulu. TlaltOI.


anil Mrs. . Jtnsa iinil the '

Mil.Ladd t..le- this method of . ,iivss-in- g

their gratitude In tin; Honolulu Fire)epaitnient. the. Fire Police, tie ii

friends and all others who so kindly as-

sisted in saving their hoii-e- . furnitureand per.-ou- al effects dm ing die lire enSaturday la I. ho far. they Inve notmissed any hing of any special value,and the ihitn ice done to the fiimitinv

slight, e. what it. under-went. 10 ;tt

Keply to a i hullenge

JOHN KIDWKLL has moleMK.a foolish exhibition of himself bypublishing a challenge for a rille match,after such match had been privdelyagreed on between ns. I am preparednow, as 1 was w hen we met, to shoot atany time mutually convenient, under tl.erules, etc. As to returning the vase, thatis another matter, as I selected it fromthe citizens1 match prizes under my rightof lirst choice from having made thehighest score. The challenger's scorewas eipialeil by more than one belowme, but none ol lie in had the cluck toclaim lirst choice,11 at J. W. McDOXALI).

Appointment of Adminis-trator.

NOTICE is hereby given that thehas this da be n ap-

pointed by the Supreme Court tempor-ary administrator of the estate of Cli n icsW. Hart, deceased. All persons indebt-ed to said estate are requested to aiakepayments to the undersigned.

DAVID DAYTON.Temporary Administrator of the Estate

of t has. W. Hurt.January 12, 1SU1. 10 4t


BY a small family in the country aRespectable .Middle-ane- d Woman

to do cooking and general housework;good wages will be paid to the rightperson. Apply to "V," this olliee.

9 Hi


mm A DeliverySECOND-HAN- D

VVauon,top covered preferred.

must be in good order Address "s, 'Hli.l.El'lN Olliee 7 lit


Dri!IN5 my temporary absence fromMr. K. E Aneihach

will attend to mv business affairs at No.47 Queen street." E. it. KKItK.

Honolulu. Jan. 14. Kd. 11 lw

T. li. WAfjKliK,

C,'oii -- l r . l.cl I tuilI'i.ltriek. Stone and Wooden HuiUling csli-- ;mates given. Cemeiaiy Work and Job-- ;hing attended to. tl hing street, llono- -lulu. liell 'lVlephone 107.

Notice is hereby given thai from;and after this dale nil (lr.ift.-- i on tin'

Treasury for the payment of salariesof employees, of the (jovcniment mustbe signed by tin' head of the Depart-c- r

Bureau under which theyerve. CJODFKEY BROWN.

Minister of Finance.Honolulu, II. I., Jan. 1, 1SU1.

2 lm

Jno. II. Brown, E.i., has this daybeen appointed Electoral Registrarfor the Kingdom under the Act en-

titled "An Act to amend and consoli-

date the Election Laws of the King-

dom." Approved November 14, A.

D., 1S!U. C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Olliee, .bin. 10, 181)1.

1 1 lit


All dcliniiient tax payers are here-

by notified that suits will be com-

menced for the collection of delin-

quent taxes on the 10th of January,1891, according to Section .r8 of Chap-

ter 37 of the Session Laws of 1S86

and of Section 58a, Chapter (!) of theSession Laws of 1.SSN.

C. A. BROWN,Assessor 1st Division, Island of Oahu.

Approved :

GoDI'liliV Bit OWN,

Minister of Finance.; iw


The above reward will be paid for

information which will lead to thearrest and conviction of the party or

parties who shot and killed ChongIt Sing, at Waimea, Kauai, on Dec.

12, 1890. C. L. HOI'KINS,Marshal.

Honolulu, Dec. 10, 1890. 7IS7 lm

Irrigation Notice.

Honoh-lu- , H. I., Aug. 9, 1890.

Holders of Water Privileges orthose paying Water Kates, are herebynotified that the hours for usingwater for irrigating purposes are from

6 to 8 o'clock a. M., and 4 to 0 o'clock


Supt. Mono. Water Works.Approved :

C. N. Sl'ENCEK,Minister of the Interior.

S27 t.f

Water Notice.

In accordance with Sec. 1, of Chap-

ter XXVII of the Laws of 188C.

All persons holding water privi-

leges or those paying water rates, arehereby notitied that the water ratesfor the term ending June 30, 1801,

will be due and payable at the ollieeof the Honolulu Water Works on thefirst day of January, 1801.

All such rates remaining unpaidfor fifteen days after they are due,will be subject to an additional 10

per cent.Parties paying rates will please

present their last receipt.Hates are ja,vable at the olliee of

the Honolulu Water Works, in the.

Kapuaiwa Building.C1IAS. B. WILSON,

Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Honolulu, Dec. 20, 1800. 741 tf

Sale of Government Lands inN. Kona, Hawaii.

On MONDAY, February 9, 1891,

at the front entrance of AliiolaniHale, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold

at public auction, the lease of the fo-

llowing Government lands: Kaulana,Mabaiula, Kukio, Maniniowali andAwakee, in the District of NorthKona, Hawaii, containing an area of

218 acres more or less. Terms leasefor ten years.

Upset price, Sfjl) per annum, pay-

able semi-annual- in advance.C. X. Sl'ENCEK,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Department, Jan. 5, 1801.

C 4t

Sale of Lease of GovernmentLands in North Kohala,


On TUESDAY, January 27, 1891,at 12 o'clock noon, at the front en-

trance of Aliiolani Hale, will be sold

at public auction, the leases of thefollowing Government Lands in NorthKohala, Hawaii :

Opihipnu Containing an area of470 44-1- 00 acres.

Upset price, .$330 per annum, pay-

able semi-annual- in advance.Htikiaa Containing an area of

241 acres.Upset price, if 101) per annum, pay-

able semi-annuall- y in advance.C. N. SPENCKK,

Minister of the luterior.Interior Olliee, Dec. 27, 1890.

746 it


Cutt 18 & line Knives.AMERICAN


KnUre,ynowto this trade.

: Manager,suthiuntendent.


- .','



'I UK large estate known as1 Kdiiiku Kanch, Kau,

Hawaii, with all Its belong-ings. The Kanch contains

14.(100 acres There is on the Rancha large and valuable forest of Koa midUlna. For further particulars, apply to

IvAlllKC,"16 ti Kau, Hawaii.

Nnl. A;eniM lluwtiiiuii iMlnixU tin- - the


ffST" Keimirs of all kii ds of Machinery done at reasonable rates andat short notice. p.na t(

Shortly expected aline line of

Auction Sales bj Liiwis J. Ltvey.

YV7 HE HE AS the inoituiige hereinafterM lneiiiioie'd has lieeii heretofore

dulj foreclosed by advertisement otmoilgagecs noiiee of foreclosure, now,IheMoi e, by order of Samuel M. Damon,agc.it for ilermanii Koekeriuann, liis-lio- p

of Ultra, mortgagee of a certain indenture of mortgage from Sin Chu tohim, dated the tltJi day of June, A 1).

!,s7, and recorded in the Registry ofDeeds, in onoliilu, in Honk 10, pages2:!U and 2M, I am directed to sell atPublic Auction


At my snlesroo'i,s, Queen street, in Ho-

nolulu, the properly include.) iu saidmortgage as follows :

All ilrat certain pb.ee of bold situateon the imoika siile of "otel tre be-

tween Smith and N'liuaiui ts, in s;,idlloiinbdu. and former, y K.ii-ui- a ilinISiift'imi all preinis s, ;,tei in d eil ols:.ine .rem:sis to A. Lull. mi. dan d lst

5, li'.l. described by u etc.-a- n I

biiiiuds as lollows, vb;: '"uiimieneinu aitin? s'liiin corner '! tiii- - b I "msi reel lm 10-1- 2 feel, n 'itb-,c-- t. rlyailing Miid sireet from lie' ". I'.-- i mn. r

ol tlie Kiillliimili aw l I. i 1'V

runs atiiiig lor No. -- - li ing be dryg io lot i if the s:i :l (jei.c.;c ' I I,

now p.. Id to he' 1. nai s. ;:v'. i --

erly IKC4 feet, ihei ee le r - we lei lyKi1 le t I! ere or e s il.i e s iy

aleiig Kahi :c.vai '' let- -,

thenee soli m leel i.o.e orles. along i.oiel sireet to. eoiiiiiienee-inen- .,

or h" soever "therwise the pre-mises expressed and intended to be con-

veyed by said iW'rtgage may lie houndedand described.

'- Teruis cash and deeds at the ex-

pense of purchaser. Kor further parti-cul- a

s apply to

LEWIS J. LEVEY,Auctioneer.

Or. to A. S. IIahtwei.L, Attorneyfor Mortgagee 3 til

Assig nee's Sale !

Hy order of W. C. Parke, ssignee ofthe Bankrupt Estate of E. K. Jiyan, 1

will sell at Public Auction


At Hip I tout, Shoo near the Kish Market.the whole of tin: property of -- aid Kank-rup- t,

consisting of :

Float Sta e, Forfe Hud Cart,

A'oid lieiidiug Machine. Riocks,Knees, Carpenter's lleni h.W h de Hoals, Grind Stone, Bolts,Nails, Pools, ,


And a general assortment of

Shipbuilder's Material !

ts:h1!4 evsii.

LEWIS. J. LEVEY,13 4t Auctioneer.

N OW is the time to get insured. Xoexcuse for lieing uninsured.

The Fireman's Kuiid of mui F'raueiseoand the Liverpool & London & (llobe ofEngland, offer protection against lossand damaged by tire snrjiassed by none,and upon terms ns favorable as hy anyresponsible company represented inHonolulu. Can point with pride to theirtwenty-liv- e years' record in this com-

munity for eipiiiable and prompt ad-

justment and settlement ot every losssuffered hy any of theii insured. Applyat once to

JOHN M. DOWSE IT,!) 3t Underwriter at Hishop & Co.'s.


I )0T '. I, Savings Hank Pass liook No.X S.'tiit. Kinder will phase returnsame to Ucnerai l'osl Olliee, Honolulu,

j 8 31

-. p.

vJA i i.K

III'Olt'l I0K.--.,i

Shipping & Commission Merchants,



'nilders and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,

I'i.a iM'i"A'ri' im'I.i i;h.

Carpenters', i'.la. ksmiths', Maidimists' i I'UimberH' Tools,

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS!Kitchen Utensils. I'aiuis, Cdh, Varnishes, Lamp (roods and

t l llOI'l! I !I tI-4l- l liliiM.

.'iliilfe's oltdiii Pumps, Westou's Ceutrifugdls,

Vilcoi & Cibbs, & Remington Sewing Machinos,

Dr. Jayne & Sons Family Medicinbs.

Tlie Enterprise Hack Co.

..,7T . 1 I AS beenlT anil has re- -y' moved to Carriage Stand

Xo. 13. opposite the I'olien Station.Telephone orders will receive promptattention and tlm public guarantiedsiitisfarlion. W'ng uietirs furnished at afew minutes' notice.

Bell Tel. Hit; Mutual Tel (i:!0.WALLACK jackox,

743 lui Maua;er.lighting, as originally instituted, forthe benefit of the public. Itis&l-jlO-

H. MCKFELD A CO.,Agents.

Page 3: ll imp - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · sawmill on the rippling Sauerbach, which Btill flowed past the abandoned home. "Kadour!" "Katel!" He turned


What has become of the Airtigo?

A l.AliOK furnished room is to let.

Tub "line body of men" (F. P.) willmeet at 7 :li() Ibis evening.

Tenders f"r building extension toPearl City water works will close at,


MmHouse and Decorative Painter.

I'liper Hanging a Specialty.

130 Fort Ht.

dec-24- J (Opposite


llve Wiiiupu lylnir OiitMlde of theHume that Mliclit Sae Them.

A Bulletin reporter strolling outhe water front in quest of fugitiveitems met Mr. Henry Waterhouse,who after a little general conversa-tion struck a very serious topic sub-stantially as follows:

"Why is it that native women arenot urged to take advantage of theKapiolani Maternity Home'!' I haveheard of three native women upSchool stieet way dying in child-birth sickness within a few day9.Their lives might have been saved ifthey had been tuken in time to theHome."

The reporter made a remark aboutthe Home being tolerably well infunds now, as shown by the reportof the lloola and Hooulu LahuiSociety in Thursday's Bulletin.

"Yes, but something should bedone to get the women to go into theHome. The society should have acommittee to go round among thenatives for this purpose.

"I was telephoned to the otherevening to send a doctor to a nativewoman, who had given birth to achild a week before.

" 'Oh, yes,' I said, 'you want adoctor when the woman is dying,and then her death will be blamedon the kauka haole!' That is justthe way with many of them, andnumbers of lives would be saved ifmedical attendance was had in time.

"I tell you this is a serious mat-ter, if the mothers of the race are tobe allowed to die off in that way."


The sclir Ko-- e Sparks is alongside theOld Custom House wharf dischargingher deck load of wood.

Tim bktne Geo C Perkins is throughdischarging her cargo of lumber. Sheis now moored in the stream.

The steamer Iwaluni sails for Lulia-iii- u

and Hanmkua morningat 10 o'clock. All Lah.iiua freights goby her.

The stmr C K Bishop sailed for herusual pol ls this morning at 9 o'clock.

The. st mi ,1 unnniiis which sailedfor Koolau yesterday morning arrivedagain last night wiib 900 bans sugar.Her sugar li is been shipped on board thebark Albert, and at 11 o'clock this morn-ing she got up steam again and proceed-ed tor lieru-u.i- l destination.

The stair Kuala brought 1G barrels ofmolasses for J 11 Bruiis from Kauai.

Keporis were received by the stmr Ka-a- la

this morning U) the effect that theweal her at Kauai, especially at Hanaleiand VVaiinea, is rattier rough for schoon-ers, but not so for steamers.

Mary H Foster's sugar was shipped oilboard the bark Albert.

Tut schr Olga. Kodin, sailedfor Sau Frmcisco yesterday, She took5835 bags sugar from C Brewer & Co,2000 b igs sugar from rustle & t ooke,0148 bags sugar fioui F A Scliaeler & ( o,and 40 buclis bananas from J Lewis.Domestic value 803,110.94.

The bark Albert, l ap t Winding, willsail for Sau Francisco with acargo of sugar.

The barkeutine S G Wilder took In thebalance of sugar that came by the Iwa-la- ni

TlK) bktne Corypheue is still discharg-ing her cargo 6t coal lit Fort stieetwharf.

The steamer Kiuati is due from Mauiand Hawaii morning.

The bktne S G Wilder will sail for SanFrancisco the early part of next week

The it M s S Mariposa, i.'apt Hayw ard,is due .Monday, .11111 19, from San Fran-cisco en rout, for the Colonies.

Messrs 11 Hackfeld & Co are the Ho-

nolulu agents for the S S Gaelic, whichwill be duo at this port on or about Feb21, en rouie fjr Yokohama and

imsm Mural Mineral

Honolulu.Club Stubles). 1890



IJoltle, DoxtMl, or Cun

Dru" !Stoi'o

: Honolulu. II, I

New Goods !


4 AW

Try Some Hi

HOLLISTER & CO.,10 Fort Street,

New Goods !



wm. . riwoiiisrr?"Famous Grand Active & Gulden Anvil

Wrought Steel Cooking RangesOF ALL HIK1',

2 :ei3r:sn1

--x. ires..

FRIDAY, JAN. 1G, 18U1.

oahu railwayTlahdcos


Tu Tulifi Illicit October S. IMUO.

'A'U I1!- -:

A. Mi A.M. P.M. P.M.

Leave Honolulu.. . .0:1.". 8:45 1:45 4:30fArrive Konouliuli. . . 7 :2C 9 :4J 2 :49 5 :35fLeave Hnnnul:uli...7 :H0 10:51 3:51 5:45fArrive Honolulu. ...8:35 11:55 4:55

Sundays excepted,

t Saturdays only.

TiilcM. fctin aiil Moon.BY C. J. LYONS.

2' 2b STSiPlir' 3 - iWAV.h hI '


ii. in. 'n. in. i). in. a. inbull. 4 IKI 4 Till III 110: II Oil. n 4o' s :i7 7 1:1

Moil. S 0(1 ) 20 III 411: (1 40 ft :I7: 8 'JO

'p. tilTites. S 511 tl 00 II vlll. 00 40 ii :is

Weil. ii :ui; ii lo i j ri.; I w II 40 ft 30 10 '2.'i

Thins. 7 so! 7 4o i to II 40i s ait 11 21ti.tiiJii.ni n.iii. ii. in 4ll!

Fri. ii ;to o ooi t mi .' so (I B JOi ....but. to oil; lo oo :) '2o; ;i oo Ii 40; ft 411 0 '20

Moon First Quiii'ler Kith, 71i. 4iini. p. tn.Tim timu slitiiiil for tlm port is Khun at l'2li.

Om: (iMitc. (lniilnitflitl ol' liicctivvivli time or111. 2111. Msec, p. in. of Jfouoliilu oliscryiilorytime. II in Kivcti by the sti'tiiii whistle ol' theHonolulu I'liiuiiiK 'Mill, u tew doom uliovotho Custom House. Tim siiine whistle issounded correctly ntHonolulu ineHii noon,Observatory meriiliim, or lull, aim. '2iisec. ofGreenwii'li time.


Stmr J Cummins from KoolauStmrC K j) from circuit of Oulm

Ju n 1

Stmr Kuala from Kiiimi


Stmr W G Hull for Muni and Hawaii at10 a m

Stmr Likellke for Paauhau and Laupa- -hoehoe at 4 p m

Stmr C U Bishop for Waianae, Waialuaand Kooluu at 9am

Schr Mot Wahine for KauaiSchr ary K Foster for KauaiStmr J A Cummins for WaimaiialoSclir Mary for Kauai


Stinr Iwaliiiti for Lahaina and Hatna-ku- a

ill 10 a inSchr Luka for KohalaAm bk Albert, Winding, for San Fran-



J A Cummins-9!- ,0 bags sugar.Kuala 45 bogs rice. 2!Mi(J bugs paddy

nnil Hi bbls molasses.Mary K Foster 80 bags sugar and 500

hags rice.C K p 200 bgs ri'-e- , 05 bgs paddy.

5:1 bii'.:s knlo. 15 calves and 00 plgsundries.


For vlolo';ni per sliur Mokolii. Jan 151) Dayton, Dr Swift anil 20 deck.For San Francisco, tier scbr

Olga, Jan 15- -G 11 Tweedie and W U

GrahamFrom Konlait per stmr C It isbop.

Jan 15 ills G.slaile and 4 children.For Maui and ilnwnii per VV G

Hail, Ian l(i Mrs ltoy and 3 childre ,

Miss Einina Kawevvehi, Mrs 0 Apauu,Wong (jilting, a kiii. vi r VVa 1 and assist-ants, Mi 3 ' ! L Hopkins, Mrs Kaimi Laa.Malcolm Brown and 40 deck.


Bk Woollalirn for Honolulu "1

ii i.s.i. t ii i..i..DMtlU .JOUII Olllllll 1IU HonoluluScbr Exporter for Honolulu 3


Bk Andrew Welch for Honolulupcni rial vcsici 101 iioiioiiuu j

Bk Isle of Kiin for Honolulu i

Bk Jean Pierre for HonoluluHaw bk Manna Ala for Honolulu JK M S S Mariposa, Hayward, from San

Francisco en route for the ColoniesS S China from San Francisco en route

for Hongkong and YokohamaAra bg Jolin D Spreckels from San Fran-

ciscoAm bktne Mary Wiukelmann from Sun

FniuciscoAm bktne Skagit from Pnget SoundGer bk H Hackfeld from LiverpoolAm bk Souoina from Sydney, N S WAm schr Golden Shower from Sydney,

NSWAm bk Aldeu Besse from Nanaimo for

KabuluiSe.hr Zampa from Puget SoundAm schr Kobert Sudden from Sydney,

for KahuluiAm schr Win Kenton from Sydney for

KahuluiAm scbr Anna from Sau Francisco for

KiihuluiAm scbr Dora Uluhni from San Fran-

cisco for II i loBk Fifeshire, Jno Reid. from Liverpool

sailed . ept 28, due Feb 8, 189111 B M r lagship Warspite from British

ColumbiaBr bk Charlotte, Bohndorf, from Liver-

pool, sailed Sept 2, due Jan 1,

1891.Gr bk Santiago from New York, sailed

Sept 20, due Feb 20-2- 8

Am bk Hesper from Newcastle, N S V

Norbk Yivax from Xew York, sailedOct 15, due Mar 15-3- 1. 1891

S S Farallon, S Bonitield. from SanFrancisco and San Diego

Bk C O Whitmore, Ward, from New-castle, due Jan 15, 1891

Ship J C Porter, from Departure Bay.Am t)k F S Thompson, for Kahului

from Xnmiimo, due Jan 1st.Am sclir Vine, Burns, from San Fran-



Bktne SG Wilder, Grillitbs, from SanFrancisco

Am bk V Case, lialman, from San' Francisco

Am bk C D Bryant, Jacobsen, from SanFrancisco

U S S Mohican, Shepard, from a cruiseAm bk Cevlou, Calhoun, from Departure

BayAm bktne Goo C Perkins, Dieb, from

i ort TowiiseiiilII B M S Nymphe, Turner. f;om a cruiseAm bark Kli clra, Anderson, Iroin San

FianclscoAni Inn k Coiyphciic, D.ivitl, from Xana-

imoAm bg Win G Irwin, McCullocb, from

fcau Fraucisco


is itc sm s

5 a2 5




j M , ,' -

P3OSCj- -i I'.vtliii. u.Yott

t'Olt HAI.K BY



7 tf


Watch Club!

If you are thinking of joining a Club,do not delay, but join uow and securea place.

Mouduy afternoon, January lath, thefollowing drew their Watches:

Cluii 1 Member Xo. 41.Cli b 2 Member Xo. i5.Cl.L'n 8 .Member Xo. 81.Cli b 4 Member Xo. 14.Ci.t'it 5 Member Xo. 411.

Cli ii (i Member Xo. 81.

We Have a Few More Places Open !

835" Parties living outside of Hono-lulu desiring to join one of tho Clubscan make their payments by mail.

Uaf These watches are cased in Solid14 Karat Gold, with line full JeweledWaltham Movements, ami are war-ranted to be accurate time pieces.

10 It II. F. WICIIMAN, Prop.

AsMerg Pianos !

Three of the above

Celebrated Pianos,Ex "Bilker" from London,

Still on hand, and I am instructed to sellsame at considerable reduction

to close consignments.

LEWIS J LEVEY,9 3t Aictioiii ei.

THE ARLINGTON,Hotel Ml., i Jlono tilu.

J. II. FISHER, Piop.

Board and Lodging, per week, (ac-cording to location of rooms,..

$10 00 to $12 00Transient, per day 2 00Table Board, per week 7 00Single Meals. 50

laiT Visitors will find this one of themost eoinlortable and convenient housesin the city, the rooms ln ing large, lightand airy. Hot and cold water baths.


I am prepared e orders for

Spanish Saddles & Trees,



& For further particulars apply to

A. A. TODD,Formerly of Kona. Hawaii.

P. O. Box 315. (737 lm) Bell Tel. 21.

CHOICEN. Z. Potatoes

Just received a choice lot of

New Zealand PotatoesIn crates, ex S. S. "Monowal."


LEWIS J. LEVEY,9 3t Cor. Fort & Queen streets.

Thoroughbred Poultry

1)ARTIF,S in want of Flue Poultry,of any kind, or Ktrgs for

hutching, w ill tlnd it to their interest towrite or call w hen in San Francisco utthe "Alameda Poultry Yards,'' Ala-meda, Oil., cor. Eucinal avenue andHigh street, terminus narrow gaugerailroad.

STAPLES & SIMON'DS,9 tf-- 2 tf Proprietors,


MR. II. LOSE has at his request with-drawn from 111.- linn of

11. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.Honolulu, Jan. 0, ism. n ;tt


I.L persons itelebled to the ClubMablcK previous lo December 31,

lsiiu, will please call and settle on orIn fore .lanu irv l "i, ivil.

TltKl 1. I I! STABLES,Per S. F. (iraliani, Manager.

Honolulu, Jan. , 1SUL 7 tit

Ma. Alexander Young is expectedhome from Great Iiiitain by the S. S.Mariposa on Monday.

Thihty-fiv- e dogs caught withouttags met with happy despatch at thePolice Station this morning.

Mr. Morgan will sell a span ofbuckskin horses and one Hawaiiansaddle horse at noon -

Mh. Henry Smith, Supreme CourtClerk, has been at his post two daysafter an absence of several days fromillness.

Adjoi'hnki) niei ting of Pacific Su-

gar M ill stockholders, at ollice of F.A. Scbaefcr & Co., 11 o'clock to-morrow.

The bark Albert will sail for SanFraucisco afternoon. Thepostollice mail for that port will closeat 1 o'clock p.m.

Mr. Levey will sell the Biill'imiHall premises, Hotel street, underforeclosure of mortgage, at his sales-rooms noon.

Mr. L. J. Levey will sell at a'uetion,Wednesday the 21st inst. ut 10 a.m.,the whole of the property of E. Ii.Kyan, bankrupt boat builder.

The new time table and fares ofWhite's express, connecting for Waia-lua with the Oahu Kailway, appear inthe advertising columns

The foundations of the large exten-sion to the Brewer block on Fortstreet are rising fast under the direc-tion of Mr. Thus. B. Walker, builder.

Two thousand five hundred dollarsbottomry is wanted on the Britishbark William Lc Lacheur of Hong-kong, tenders for which will be re-

ceived ut the ollice of Wing Wo Chan&. Co. until 12 noon of Jan. 17.

Our shipping reporter yesterdaypoetically announced that the barkAlbert would spread her white wingson Saturday. This afternoon Capt.Winding is spreading white tabiclinen in his. palatial cabin in otherwords, giving a luau to a number ofbis large circle of friends.

The cargo of ironwood from theMarshall Islands by the schooner KosoSparks has been sold to Chinamen.A Chinese drayman was starting oil'with a load of the wood this forenoonbefore a permit had been given bythe Customs nnd was stopped by anollicer of that bureau until the littleformality should be observed.

The Honolulu Arion announces itsmoonlight picnic in this issue. Theevent will come oil' on the 21th inst.,in celebration of Emperor William'sbin Inlay on the 27lh. This differentday is on account of the 24th fallingon Saturday, therefore being more fa-

vorable for popular patronage. Forfurther particulars see advertisement.


Jeweled corset hooks catch on.Fat girls are not required to dance.Knlhusiaslic devotees of tight

skirts di.scard their underskirts.Large gold lockets aie being worn

again from a strip of velvet aroundthe neck.

A great furore for bands of bluebearskin as a decoration for light anddainty dresses prevails among theParisian women.

Strings of mock gems are now em-

ployed as epaulets, necklets andwaist bands, the stones being usuallyin simulated uncut state.

Gauntlet gloves are very muchworn with tight sleeves that now pre-vail. An elegant and new varietycalled the Royalty is made of Suedeand has the gauntlet embroidered inpretty design.

Black silk gowns are economicalas well as stylish made with a yokeand sleeves of some colored cloth,such as heliotrope or bottle green, orof a soft plaid combining white andheliotrope or green.


The Government tug Eleu was allready, after her thorough overhaul-ing, to get up steam and move toher berth this morning, but as theplace was not ready for the vesselthe start was postponed. Capt. Riceexpects to have the tug berthed andready for duty Sunday morning.Carpenters are finishing up the jobby replacing the light upper works.During the lying-u- p of the tug toget her new boiler and receive ex-

tensive repairs to her hull, the tow-ing of the port has been done by 'thesteamers of the Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., sometimes at con-siderable inconvenience to their ar-




Messrs. Calway and Swanstonhave been awarded the contract forerecting the new iron market on theEsplanade, their tender being thelowest as the following list of bidsshows :

lii dward & Howell, $,7J1I.'

Fred Harrison, .Y.HK)

Thos. B. Walker, 5s2'iCalway A Swanston, flj-l- .


Friday, Jan. 1G.Three fines of 83, otic of 8G, and

a forfeiture of ?(J bail for drunken-ness were recorded.

In the case of the native woman.Kaailaiki, charged with attemptedarson, the Court found that the evi-- ':

deuce did not warrant commitment' for trial, and discharged defendant.


JmConsuming One-llii- rl Loss Fuel, cither wooil or coal, than

any other Stove in existance.gjff" No Brick Work About It ! g&-- Just a Clean Cut Stove 1

Whose Baking Qualities are UnsurpassednVimig-ulni- Orutes!


Hawaiian Hardware Co.,


SPECIAL meeting of the HonoluluFire Police will be held

(Friday) EVKXIXG, at 7:30o'clock, at the hall of Mechanic EngineCo. No. 2. Per order,

11. ARM IT AGE,12 2t Secretary.


'PHE adjourned annual meeting of theI stockholders of the 1'acitlc Sugar

Mill will be held at. the ollice of F. A.Schaefer it Co., ou SATURDAY, thenth January, 1 ! 1 , at 11 o'clock a. h.

H. KEN.) ICS,12 2t Sucrelary.

Grand Moonlight ltte !


Remond Grove

On SATURDAY, Jan, 24, '91.

In honor of the German Emperor WIL-LIAM IPs Birthday, which falls onthe 27th.

TRAINS w ill leave the Oahu RailwayDepot at 0 and 7 o'clock 1: m.; return-ing will leave Remond Grove at 10 and12 p. M.


Which includes fare, refreshments, etc.,may be obtained from members of theClub, jlubash's jewelry store. Elite leeCream' Parlors, Liidwigsen A C rim's IceCream Parlors, or at. the Depot. 13 td

rioMCKit mm: i


All Aboird for Waialua andWay Stations !

'PRAIXS leaving Honolulu RailwayI Station atl:4." i. M. on MON-

DAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYSwill carry Passengers, Mail and SmallPackages for Waialua.

Transfer will be made at Pearl City toWhite's Pioneer Express, which willcommence to run Monday morning, Dec.2'.Hh.

Single tickets from Honolulu toWaialua can be bounhtat Honolulu Kail-wa- y

Station for 83; round trip tickets $r.The Pioneer Express will leave Waia-

lua in time lo connect with the passen-ger train leaving Pearl Citv for Hono-lulu at 4:15 i m., on TL'KSDAYS,THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, arriv-ing at Honolulu Station at 4:5.r i. .M.

This new line will start from Waialuaou Tuesday, Dec. 30. 18'JO.

15. F. DILLINGHAM,13 lm General-Manag- er O. L. & R. Co.

'PAKES pleasure in informing the1 public that he will resume prac-

tise at No. 5 School street, resilience ofthe late Capt. A. W. Pierce, on January12th, Itj'Jl. Bell Telephone No. 14!l.

H 1 til


'PRE annual meeting of the stock- -1 holders In the Hawaiian Fruit A

Taro Co. will take place at the ollice ofthe Company at Wailukit, Maui, on Feb-ruary 7tli. at 10 o'clock A. m.

W. II. DANIF.I.S.Secretary II. F it T. Co.

Wailuku, Maui, Jan". 10, ln'.U. a td

ANN UA I, MEETING.rI,HL' annual meeting of Hie stock-- 1

holders of the Mutual TelephoneCo. will be In M ou MONDAY, Jan. 2ti,lsH, at 10 o'clock A. M, at the Com-pany's building. Eveiy Mm'UioldtT isrc(tiesicil tn intend, as a proposition toconsolidate w ith the lii'll T h phoiie Co.will be laid before them for considera-tion. C. O. REKGF.K.710 td Secretary.

a ?.

s ii"- - - Will

5 s- g'

1 "a v5"s

oppo. Spreckcis' Bank, Honolulu, II. I.



: Alakea, near Queen St.

Blinds, Screens,ILte., lite.


Jaauni'y Tenn---lf- i lore McCuily, J.Fkiday, January 16.

The King vs. Cheng flip Iling,Ah Cheong and three others. Thedefendants were charged with violat-ing the statute which makes it an of-

fense to have illegal possession ofthe implements of a bunking game,in this instance the game ofpakapio, on appeal from a convic-

tion in the Police Court. The twonamed above were found guilty bythe jury. On being arraigned forsentence, after hearing Mr. Ashford,counsel for the defendants, and Mr.Creighton, for the Crown, Mr. Jus-tice McCully said :

I have expressed myself from timeto time on the subject of the prose-cution of Chinamen for gaming. Itis well known that there is no othergambling practised in the countrythan that by Chinamen. The fewinstances cited by the Deputy Attor-

ney-General of prosecutionsbrought against foreigners for thisoffense are loo rare exceptions toqualify the general observations.

There is no betting on the horseraces at Kapiolani Park nnd ou othersporting events. There is no gam-bling going on in. hotel rooms andsaloons and hired rooms by foreign-ers. That must lie the fact becausethere are no prosecutions. It is saidthere are none with the rarest excep-tions, on account of the dillionltiesin making proofs. And it is saidthat there are great dillieulties con-

nected with the detection and prose-cution of Chinese games also. Hutif there are they are overcome notseldom.

The scales of justice are repre-sented under the likeness of ourChief Justice Lee, overlooking thecourt room, us being evenly balanced,and it strikes me as an enormous in-

justice to the most industrious classof people in this community thatthey should be raided and houndedand tied together by their queues asthese men were, for their gainingwhile others are let alone.

I shall impose the penalty whichupon reflection since last evening 1

had determined, the same that wasin my mind before hearing counsel.I had supposed until I just now look-ed at the record of the Police Court,that their penally had been a fine ofone hundred dollars each, which Ithought was large. I am astonishedto find that it was live hundred dol-

lars. It is shocking to my sense ofjustice from anything that has beenshown in this trial.

I sentence them each to a line oftwenty-liv- e dollars with costs.

The King vs. Ah Sung alias SamHoy. Burglary. Ashford for de-

fendant. Continued for the term.Attorney-Genera- l Peterson moved,

and a nolle prosequi was granted ineach of the four following cases ofappeal from Police Court:

1. The King vs. Young John Ying.Assault and battery.

2. The King vs. JCarcisse Perry.Assault and battery. Ashford forprosecution ; Davidson for defendant.

3. The King vs. Iwainuraand twoothers. Gaming. Kaulukou for de-

fendants.4. The King vs. See Au alius Ah

Yan. Whiting for defendant.The King vs. Akaua. Unlawful

possession of opium. Appeal fromPolice Court. Continued. Neumannfor defendant.

The King vs. Ah Hung alias ChockHeen. Larceny fourth decree. Ap-

peal from Police Court. Appealwithdrawn. Davidson for defendant..The King vs. Ii. Gerke. Assault

and battery. Appeal from PoliceCourt. Appeal dismissed with leavefor if defendant comesin on Monday next; Whiting for de-

fendant.The Court adjourned for the day

immediately after noon recess.the Court will hear di- -

vorce cases.The foreign jurors are excused till


('AIT. W.U.KKR Ins hired the piledriver of lint public Works bureau tolisli up an unchoi near the Old Cus-tom House wharf.

Fort Street,



Oflice & Works, : :

Doors, Sash,


fe-j'-V j! .Vir&pfc- tf!is EfeyM

Mouldings, Turned & Sawed Work.Having secured the services of Mit. C. P.. RIPLEY, Architect and

Building (superintendent, I am now prepared to i';M iiisli designs fur everydescription ol building and will contract or suei 'intend the construction ofllu- - same.

JtT Ph ase call and examine designs before placing your orders else-

where. Prompt uttcutiou to all orders. dec 0

Page 4: ll imp - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · sawmill on the rippling Sauerbach, which Btill flowed past the abandoned home. "Kadour!" "Katel!" He turned

HI 11

Wife's Khamsin Cos OlilOfi WORKSJ. N. S. WILLIAMS,R. MORE, : :


Engineers &Office & Works,

This Space is Reserved

MAMTACTUltHKN OPSugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Eiigb- -

Steam BoilorH, Juice Tanks, Coolers, Molassc? 'row gar Cars,Cane Curs, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace finings,

Wrought & Cast Iron Work for House Builders,Water Wheels & Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Diffusion Machinery in all its Branches.


-- FOK



This Space is


liinyr Htreol

Cole Aenti Ilawiiiluii iMlandx tor the


g0T Rejaiirs of all kinds of Macbineiy done nt reasonable rated andat short notice. ggg ,


Toys, lolls, Musical Boxes, Dressing Sets,FULL LINE OF


THJi -




IVotti Fort.




ve forms offered by this

notx,!" l1?- - King- - itrii.

ft tiSJli"fSr,.CNl:PVi

tSlJt if'viii J! tS.Ti.lOU t



Iron Founders,Esplanade, Honolulu.

or jv -


Steam Job PilinOFFICJ

This of lice having added a large varietyof the latest styles of

Elegant Type !

To Its Job Printing Room

Is belter prepared than ever to executeall orders iu that line, comprising:

Books, Pamphlets,Bill Heads,

Business Cards,Law Blanks,

Letter Heads,Circulars, Invitations,

Plantation Blanks,Banking Forms,

Weddins: Cards,Calling Cards,

Posters, Handbills, Dodgers,

Programmes, Etc., Etc.,


fitaf" Address '

"Daily Bulletin Office,"



.1 taken, itvar 4it-- - !t.


Contriwtoiis & I So i I1

Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings:estimates given. Jobbina promptly at-tended to. 70 King street. Iiell tele-phone No. 2. P. 0.10x 423. ap-5--

GORCS LUCAS,Contractor & Buiider.

Honolulu steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of wood-work finish Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kind's of Sawing andPlaning, Morticing and Tenanting.Of Orders promptly attended to and

work guaranteed. Orders from theother Islands solicited.


Contractor rg & Bui.'dar.

Estimates Given on ''rick, Iron, Sto'& Wooden Buildings. Jobbiug

Attended to. .,


Brick, Lime, Cement, Planter of Parjs,Marble Dust, Wire Lath,

California North Beach & Santa.

Cru? Sand,

Quarry Tiles (1x6- - red, white and blueiMinton, Plastic and Eucaustie Tiles invarious patterns, all kinds of PrtilnacraWare, B

ftS" Office Southeast corner Ala-k- ea

and Queen streets.

Mutual --ia TELEPHONES tf," Bell 351mh

in o n cis.A V Person or persons found shoot-- X

big ou the lands of Kukuhiaeuand Koula. will he prosecuted to thefull extent of the law""lm M its C, P. WARD.


Leghorn Cocke-- )rels b'rsa.e. guaranpe(

thorouglilned. Address "Ha-waiian Ostrich Farm,"

Park; Mutual Tele-60- 6phone 325, U


Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. M.,

touching at Lauiaimi, Jiaaiaea wayand Makena tho same day; Maliu-kon-

Kawaihue and Laupahoehoe thefollowing day, arriving at Hilo atmidnight.


Friday ; Jan. tHh

Tuesday " 20thFriday " 30t.hTuesday Fob. 10thFriday " 20thTuesday Mar. 3d

Friday " 13thTuesday " 24th


Wednesday Jan. 7lliFriday " lfilhWednesday " 28thSaturday Feb. 7thWednesday " 18thSaturday " 2KthWednesday Mar. 11thSaturday." " 21stWednesday April 1st

0F No Freight will be receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.

STrvlR. ' CLAUDINE."DAVIES, Commandor,

Will leave Honolulu every Tposdayat 5 o'clock l'. M., touching at Kahu-lu- i,

Huelo, liana, Hainoa and Kipa-luil-

Returning will arrive at Hono-

lulu every Sunday morning.7" No Freight will bo received

alter 4 v. M. on day of sailing.Consignees must lie at the landings

to receive their freight, as we will nothold ourselves responsible after suchfreight lias been landed. While theCompany will use due diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to as-

sume any rcspnn.-ibilit- y in case of theloss of same, and will not be responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inthe care of Pursers.

W. C. WILDER, President.S. li. ROSE, Secretary.

CA1T. J. A. KING, Tort Supt.


The hereditary Wood poison ofscrofula develops in the delicate tissuesof the brain, mental we fcnes-e- s andinfirmities, idiocy and insaniiy. It

the .'lands of the th out, impairsthe sense of smell and lasts or brtaksinto coiiMiinimr nice s on he ii ck. Itdestroys the luegs, r til's them withtubcrculmm re'. ions. li. e:it ewav:he coaling of ill's stomach, Ullages!the liver, loirs the kiihit rs, ere testconstipation and imb. pes piles. . Nothuman agency can so rpeutiy, P'T-- j

manently and economically cloanss theblood of s'Tof'ilnns on, Hear the!complexion and si,in. scalp an i Inod,;as KCllI4'i"K 5Ci , thegreat blood puril'ur.

Renter's Hsslisg Soap

TJn it always if von fIsu for a fair.clear skin, a soft, n spiile skin. Uiv- sia untur d tint, hup H ft' slnies"., removes blotches, p.crtiaU : iipiioua.

HOLLISTER & CO.,1 Distributing Agents. lm


TO. 4 Adams Lane. 1 Lanre1 1 Front Koom, furnished.Apply at premises. 7tfH tf


i i SUITE of Three NicelyJj3&i Furnished Kooms, twoSaSwfe bedrooms and parlor, onI'uuehbowl street uear Palace Walk;siiitahlc for two single gentlemenApply toWit tf H. F. IIEBKARD.


corne firstIIRST a few (ieniiinejk, Plymouth Rock Oocke-r- e

Is for sale. Ring upKapahulu Farm," Mutual Tel. 352.

4 (it


1UAVE in myOne Bay

Horse,, brandedupon the right hi)).Owner may have same

by proving ownership anil paying ex-

penses incurred. G P. WILDER,2 iiw Kahului, Maui.


IREsn Baled Rice Straw, suitable, forI lieddinK or packintr, in b des of 127

to bit) lbs each; lots of 5 'bales or less,SI each, over 5 bales, 73 cents each.Apply to



OWING to the advanced prices Inand labor, we the undersigned

from and after this date shall charge onall general merchandise, carted fromany steamer arriving from San Fran-cisco the rate of Fifty (50) Cents per tonas per bill of lading; all carting fromsailing vessels nt the rate of Forty (40)tVnts per ton as per bill of lading:

Sk:m:i: llustaee, Robertson & Hitch-cock. E. Peck & Co.. M. . Colbiirn,City Dray age Co. (W. F. .Sharratt),M. M. Sanders, .las. McGuire.

Honolulu, Jan. 1, 1S!)L 1 2m


MR. AXTOX VOGEL is no longer inmy employ. L. B. KEKR.

Honolulu, Dee. 81, im. , 74'J lm I

For San Francisco.

Leave Due atSydney Honolulu

Zealandia Dee, 24 Jan 10

Aiutnlm M, urnin.

roit san fii:axi:is:.The New and Fine At Sleel Steamship

" Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company w ill

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

Jan. 10. 1891.And will leave for the above port with

mails and passengers on oraboul Hmt o!ate.

ST Per freight or pas.-ag- e, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Vm G. IUWIN & CO.. L'd,Adi ins.

For Sydney and Auckland

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamshi

Mariposa,Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due lit Honolulu from ianFrancisco on or about

Jan. 17, 1831.And will have prompt dispatch with

mails and passengers forthe above ports.

Iff" For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, imply to

Wm Q. IRWIN & CO.. LM,A jiciils

For Hongkong Direct.

The Al NteatiiNhip

S-'i- r

8. S. 4,A!GO,"BRUHN, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu for the aboveport on or. about

December 31, 1890.gjur For particulars regarding

freight and apply to

Wm. G IRWIN & Co.. L'd,744 td Agents.

Ml i. si

74 IH St-l- i I 74 Ki'igSt.

Importers of

Rattan ai d R t d Furniture.

Pianos and Furnitu?Moved WPli Care.

Matting and Caipets Laid,


f'iae Upholstering & Beddin;:

A Specialty,

ClIAIKS'K) leiON I".8



DRAYMEN.All orders foreartage promptly attended

w to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & ShippingOf good lu transit to the other Islands.

Also Bl iuk & White Sar.d

In quantities to suit at lowest prices.

IbBT Office: Next door to Jas. F.Morgan's auction room.

Mutual Bell 414oete-lSUO-- lv

liEADTIUS!7011 every ."0 Hawaiian or other

Paeitle Islands .stamps received, Iwi'l post four i nglih illustrated papersper week for a mouth, or will send oneof the latest English, French, (iermanor spanjsh novels. Stamps of othercountries sent in exchange for those ofHawaii. All manner of articles sent inexchange for used postage stamps andpostcards under special arrangements

,11'UL'ST. ASI1TON,Importer, Wilhiugtou, Nr. Manches-

ter, England. 735 lni

The Equitable Life Ass

Are Receiving Xew Involew of



at their -

Steal Printing dice


Where they are fully prepared to do allkinds of work in the latest styles, at

the shortest notice and at thumost Reasonable Hutu.

Fine Job Work in Colors a Specialty !


Executed in the Most AttractiveManner.



-- Printed, and Blocked when desired.

Read the following partial list of spec-

ialties and get the, Bi llktis's prices be-

fore placing your orders. By so doingi.you will save both time and money.,

Letter Heads,Note Heads,

JSi'd Heads,Memorandums,

liiljs of Lading,



Shipping Contractu,Check Bool,,

Legal lllanks,Calendar!,

Wedding Cards,Visiting Cards,

Business Cards,P'uncral Cards,

Admission Cards,Fraternal Cards,

1 ime Cards,Milk Tickets,

Meal Tickets,Theatre Tickets,

Scholarship Certificates,Corporation Certificates,

Marriage Certificates,Receipts of all kinds,

Plantation Orders,Promissory Notes,

Pa niphlets,Catalogues,


Labels of every variety,Petitions in any language,

Envelopes & Letter Circulars,Sporting Scores & Records,

Perpetual Wasliiug Jjsts,General Rook Work,

Eic, Etc., Etc., Etc.,

fogff Xo Jot) is allowed to leave the of-

fice until it gives satisfaction.



71 queen street, llonulalu. U 1.

Society of the United States,Are now soiling their Bonds, and upon "ws. The additional fea-ture of Insurance goes with every lioifl

The following are a few of the tnoriginal and progressive Company:

Jewelry, Silverware,JIANl'l'ACTl'UKl) 11V


Han Franc.iw.o. : i Onlil'orulu.

Christmas Novelties:Diamonds, Watches,

Silverware, (silver Jewelry,Silver Mounted Canes,

Silver Mounted Umbrellas,Onyx Mantel . locks,

Gold Pens & Pencils,

llne i' liood-- ,Reliable Goods at Reasonable

I'llIOJilS J

Catalogue sint to any address freeon reciuest.

B'rMiiil orders promptly and care-fully executed.

"Diamonds and Precious Stonesmounted in the latest styles.


New Model Lunch lti

Open All XlRlit !

Gkntlk.mes :

Having titled up the upper floor ofour promises as rifRt-elas- s lunchroom, we are prepared to furnishmeals of the best the market affords;cooked to suit your taste. After thenext steamer, December 12th, wewill have constantly on hand FrozenOysters, Oanfe, Etc., Etc., in theirseason.

fJST" Entrance by step, mauka ofmain enl.anee.

Hoping that you will give us acall we are respectfully yours.

7;i2 lm

mmA. imThe Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at ll Boa-

The Finest Brands pf

Always on J land.II. .1 M.TK. IrmiietrTHOS. LINDSAyT


Jeweler &; AVtil liiimli-i-


King Strt-tv- , Hoimiulu, li. I.

ffe" Partieuiar attention p id to allkinds of repairs. jan-19--

02 UU.M an u fac t n rl ng J w r I ' e rs.

NO. a HTIIKKT.Constantly on hand a large assortment

of every description of Jewelry. WatchesGold 'ind Silver I luted Ware, i&c.

OfiH lv

W. 11. SALTER,

Watchmaker & Jeweler.

King street, : Honolulu, II I.,(Next Goo. Lincoln's). '

liajr Fine watch repairing a specialty.7113 tf

MIT ICE.From and after this .date wewill uot be responsible for anyfreight after same has beenlanded. Parties to whom

freight is consigned must be atthe landing to receive theirfreight.

WILDEK'S S. S. Co.Honolulu, Sept. 5, lbUO. 600 ti


The Company isequitable, its payments prompt and certain, and itspopularity unbounded.

From the New York Sun, April 4th, 1890.)

The Largest Business Ever Transacted by a Lite Assur-ance Company.

The new business of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of NewYork for the first quarter of the present year is reported to exceed FiftyMillion Dollaks. This is at the rate of two hundred millions of assur-ance for the year, and is unprecedented in the annals of life assurance.

ItaTlnforniation cheerfully furnished to any who will write to or callupon the undersigned at his ollice.

ALEX. J. CART WRIGHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance Society

of the U. S. Jan-1-9- C

JOHN" Dimoml Hloc-li,- " Aom.

is-iC- .

Granite, iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RU3BEK HOSE.House Keeping Goods,

PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER 'AND993 Sheet Iron Work.