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Task 1

Have a look at this picture, and try to give comments or responses to

the teacher’s statements with your own words!

Task 2

You are going to hear a short oral text read out by the teacher. Study the questions first.

Listen to the text carefully and answer the questions while you are listening.

Listening text :

1. What is Ani’s hobby?


2. What kinds of fruit can Ani get from her garden?


3. What kind of rosebush does Ani grow?


4. Why is Ani unpahhpy today?


5. What do you think about the because of something has happened to the

rose plants?


Task 3

Give oral comments or responses to the story in the listening text you have just heard.

You can also retell the story with your own words.


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Task 4

Read the listening text and answer these questions.

1. What does the above text tell about?


2. What kind of text is it? (Description, exposition, narration, persuasion, or argumentation)


3. Which word means “berkebun” in Indonesia?


4. What does the word “them” line5) refer to?


5. Which word means “menyiram” in Indonesia?


6. Which word means “mekar” in Indonesia?


7. What does the word “they” (line 8) refer to?


8. What does the word “they” line ) refer to?


9. Which phrase in the text indicates “a constant or frequent practice in the past”?


10. What is the meaning of the above phrase in Indonesia?



Here are some examples of the phrase “used to” which indicates a constant or frequent practice in

the past (tindakan yang pernah atau sering dilakukan pada waktu lampau). It doesn’t happen at

present (sekarang sudah tidak dilakukan).

Decide the sentence pattern

1. I used to life in Tonatan. Now I live in Kepatihan.

2. I used to ride a Suzuki motorcycle. Now I ride a Honda motorcycle.

3. My son used to go to school by bicyle. Now he doesn’t ride a bicyc;le anymore.

4. Mr. Salam used to smoke cigarettes. He has stopped smoking.

5. There used to be a bus station near to SMA 2. Now the bus station is far from here.

Sentence pattern:


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Task 5

Make sentences from these jumbled words.

1. badminton – Harry – to - with – used I – play


2. to - father – work – Jakarta – my - in – used


3. school – Edi - used - the - and – to – Esti – at - same – study


4. he – when - young - Mr. - consume – to - used – alcoholic drink - Bintoro – was


5. used - here – there - headquarters – an – army – be – to


Task 6

Translate into English

1. Saya dulu pernah tinggal bersama paman saya


2. Adik perempuan saya dulu pernah / sering mendapat nilai jelek


3. Dulu pernah ada stasiun kereta api di dekat pasar Songgolangit


4. Pak Andri dulu sering pergi ke kantor naik mobil


5. Ketika saya masih kecil, saya sering mencari ikan di sungai Keong


Task 7

Make four sentences with your own words by using “used to” to indicate a constant or frequent

practice in the past and it doesn’t happen at present. Your sentences describe real situations not

your imaginations.

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………

3. …………………………………………………………………………………………

4. …………………………………………………………………………………………


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A. Focus on the words: “gardening” and “watering” taken out of the listening text.

1. Study these sentences

a. Ani likes apple b. Ani likes gardening

Ani likes banana Ani likes listening to music

Ani likes bakso Ani likes cooking

Ani likes fried chicken Ani likes watching TV

Find out the similarity and the difference of the word “Apple, banana, bakso, and fried

chicken” with the word “gardening, listening, cooking, and watching”

Form : ……………………………………………………………………………..

Function : ……………………………………………………………………………..

2. Study these sentences

a. Gardening is Ani’s hobby

Cooking is Ani’s hobby

Listening to music is her hobby

Watering the plants is her regular activity

b. Ani is gardening

Ani is cooking

Ani is listening to music

Ani is watering the plants

Compare the word “gardening, cooking, listening, and watering” in (a) with the word

“Ani” in (b)

Form : ……………………………………………………………………………

Function : ……………………………………………………………………………

Find out the similarities and the differences of the word “gardening, cooking, listening,

and watering” in the sentences a and b

Form : ……………………………………………………………………………

Meaning : ……………………………………………………………………………

Position : ……………………………………………………………………………

Function : ……………………………………………………………………………

The word “gardening, cooking, listening and watering” in (a) is called …………………

The word “gardening, cooking, listening, and watering” in (b) is called . …………………


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B. Here are the versions of the – ing form as “gerund”

1. Study these sentences and decide the sentence pattern

a. Watering her plants is her regular activity

b. Collecting key-holders is Anto’s hobby

c. Talking care of her garden makes Ani busy

d. Listening to music is enjoyable

e. Reading is important

f. Reading can increase your knowledge

g. Exercising regularly makes my body healthy

Sentence pattern:

2. Study these sentences and decide the sentence pattern

a. Ani’s regular activity is watering her plants

b. Anto’s hobby is collecting key-holders

c. My mother’s activity in the morning is cooking

d. One of the water-sports is swimming

e. Hartono’s new hobbies are fishing and hiling

Sentence pattern:

3. Study these sentences and decide the sentence pattern

a. Ani likes gardening

b. She prefers watering her pants in the afternoon

c. I don’t ike collecting key-holders

d. Mrs. Anwar doesn’t like reading newspaper

e. Some people love traveling

f. Yudi and Anwar dislike reading novels

g. Mareta enjoys watching KDI

h. Girls hate playing football

i. My aount prefers singing to dancing

j. Tety has finished writing an essay

k. You can continue doing the next exercise

l. Please stop talking, everybody ! It is tine to pray together


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m. Keep sitting! Don’t move from here

n. We will go on discussing after the break

o. Would you mind closing the door, please?

p. I am used to drinking much water

Sentence pattern:

4. Study these sentences and decide the phrase pattern of the – ing form

a. This room is not for sleeping

b. France didn’t succeed in defeating Italy in the world Cup 2006

c. Mr. Sahri feels tired because of working overtime

d. Can you explain the process of making gado-gado?

e. I want to tell you about traveling by air

f. My friend is good at speaking English

g. The English teacher will ask us to make some sentences by using the gerund

h. Little Joni left for school without this morning

Phrase pattern:

5. Study these sentences and decide the phrase pattern of the –ing form

a. The television set is in the dining room

b. Our living room is full of photographs and paintings

c. Did you see many people at the parking area?

d. There is a fishing pond near to our school

e. The swimming pool is located on Jl. Pramuka

f. I will buy a swimming suit at that shop

g. Who borrowed my drawing pen yesterday?

h. A driver has to posses a driving license

Phrase pattern:


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6. Study these sentences and decide the phrase pattern of the –ing form

a. Tuti’s smiling makes me happy

b. The baby’s crying can be heard from here

c. I often hear your coming

d. His speaking is not to clear

Phrase pattern:

7. Study these sentences and decide the phrase pattern of the – ing form

a. One cause of the forest destruction is the illegal logging

b. Hand writing is usually required to make a letter of application

c. Farmers send their rice to the rice milling nearby

d. The team teaching from SMA 2 Madiun has presented the implementation of KBK at

the workshop in Ponorogo

e. Our school has never held a contest of news reading

Phrase pattern:


There are ……………………………….versions of gerund. They are ………………….

Task 8

Underline the - ing forms in the following sentences and decide the patterns/ function

1. Mrs. Arnold will go to the shopping center with me

2. Watching TV for a long time is not good for own eyes

3. Risna is used to getting up early

4. This knife is nor for cutting meat

5. The reading text tells about the danger of smoking

6. A boy is running with his dog

7. There will be a contest of poetry reading

8. Seeing is believing

9. I don’t like going to bed late

10. Some people like listening to radio better than watching TV

11. Do you need a writing book?

12. I have been waiting for two hours


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13. Traveling by train is more comfortable

14. Grandpa knows nothing about the technique of operating a computer

15. I hate making trouble

16. Mrs. Anwar was working in the kitchen when I telephoned

17. Yuna loves eating bakso with chili sauce

18. One way to cut down trees in the forest is a block logging

19. Some girls prefer cooking to sewing

20. Where did you get this traveling bag?

21. We will stop studying before ten o’clock

22. Hasan is very good at drawing

23. Sinta will be washing her clothes this afternoon

24. Talking about someone’s faults is not good

25. One of Tedy’s daily activities is feeding birds

26. Marina feels very disappointed because of losing in the game

27. Boby’s dancing is very beautiful

28. Andriana doesn’t like me. She always tries to avoid meeting me

29. Tono and Tini are taking a walk at the town square

30. Mrs. Wardoyo was very grateful for your coming


Make sentences from these jumbled words

1. writing – Sonia – letters – love – likes


2. for - me – thanks – helping


3. popular – device – nowadays – hand phone – a – is – talking


4. language – a – important – foreign – learning – is


5. have – machine – mother – sewing – doesn’t – a – my


6. of – is – of – early – gathering – way – food – people – a – the – life


7. great – prize – the – is – winning – success – a – first


8. sport – a – diving – sky – dangerous – is


9. you – collecting – when – stamps – begin – did?


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10. playing – hobby – Rina’s – badminton - is


11. computer – process – simple – the – is – a - not – producing – of


12. decide – thinking – don’t – something – without


13. peanut – prefer – some – corn – to – planting – farmers


14. want – singing – in – don’t – to – I - contest – join – the


15. most – that – people – important – some – life – thing – the – is - say – eating – in


16. awake – me - your – made – stay– snoring


17. do – meeting – you – to – the – technical – attend – want?


18. in – speaking – communication – skills – or – listening – are – the – and


19. taking – to – I – school – mind - you – don’t


20. bicycle – repairing – needs – your


Task 10

Make ten sentences with your words by using “gerund” in different” in differents versions


1. …………………………………………………………………………………………

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………

3. …………………………………………………………………………………………

4. …………………………………………………………………………………………

5. …………………………………………………………………………………………

6. …………………………………………………………………………………………

7. …………………………………………………………………………………………

8. …………………………………………………………………………………………

9. …………………………………………………………………………………………

10. …………………………………………………………………………………………


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Task 11

Rearrage these jumbled sentences into a paragraph entiles “Slanky and Fied Rice”

- Sometimes Sanky buys fried rice at ice eating stall which is not far from his house.

- It is the food that the likes best

- Slanky loves eating friend rice

- She cooks it on a cooking stove in her kitchen

- Being hungry makes him stay awake all night

- Slanky is a fat boy

- He always depends on having fried rice to be able to sleep well

- Before he goes to bed, he eats his favorite meal first

- His mother often has to make some fried rice for him

- They call him “Gendut” but his real name is Slamey Basuki

- He cannot sleep without having fried rice.

- People say that Slanky is the fattest boy at my village

Slanky and Fried Rice

Slanky is a fat boy ……………………………………………………………………......









Task 12

Write an essay about a narrative story with your own words. Your essay consists of two paragraph

(150 – 200 words). It can be a fiction or true story. There are two examples of narrative stories

that you can study in this unit. They are “Ani’s Garden (Task 2) and “Slanky and Fried Rice”

(Task 11). This task is intended to develop your potency in writing, so try to be creative. This task

belongs to a portofolio assignment.


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Standard kompetensi

Mendengarkan : 2. Memahami teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk analytical

exposition dalam kontek kehidupan sehari – hari

Berbicara : 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog yang

berbentuk analytical exposional pendek dan monolog yang berbentuk

analytical expositip dalam kehdoupan sehari-hari.

Kompetensi Dasar :

2.2. Merespon makna dalan teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat,

lancar dan berteirma daam kontek kehidupan seharihari dalam teks berbentuk analytical


4.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monoog dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa secara

akurat, lancer, dan berterima dalam kontek kehidupan seharihari dalam teks berbentuk

analytical exposition.

Stage 1 : Building Knowledge of the Field (BKOF)


Complete he text when you are listening to the text!

We are writing to ………..(1) ………… about ads on TV. There are so ………… (2)

………… especially during ……….(3) ……… We think they ………….(4) …………. For a

number of reasons. …………(4) …………., ads are …………(5) ……… They go on ……….(6)

………….. and there are so many. Sometime there seems to ……..(7) …………than ………..

(8) …………

Second, ………….(9) …………. Are bad influence on people. They try to ………(10)

…………. People to buy …………(11) …….. like beer, soft drink, ………(12) ………. And they

make people want things they ………….(13) ………… and ………..(14) ………………..

Finally, the people ……..(15) ……….have to much say in what programmers people

watch. That is because they want to ……….(16) ………….. on popular programmers that a lot of

people watch. Some programmers which are not so popular get stop because they …………….

(17) …….. eventhuogh those programmers may be someone’s favorite.

For those reasons, we think your station ……(18) ……. They interrupt programmers,

are ……. (19) ……. on people, and sometimes put a stop to people’s favorite shows. We are sick

of ads, and now we mostly watch ………. (20) …………. to ( A, B, C )


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Re read the text completely sentence by sentence.


Answer the following questions based on the text orally!

1. What are people worried about?

2. How many opinions are there they worry about?

3. What is the first opinion?

4. What is the second opinion?

5. What do the parents do because of the effects on TV?

ACTIVITY 4 : Study the generic structure of analytical exposition.

The generic structure of analytical exposition can be :

THEIS : Introduces topic and indicate write’s opinion.

ARGUMENT : Restates main arguments outlined in Preview.

REITERATION : Restates writer’s position.

Teks jenid eksposisi analitis ( analytical exposition ) dibuat untuk membujuk / mempengaruhi

pembaca bahwa ada masalah yang tentunya mendapat perhatian.

Struktur teks :

1. Thesis : Pernyataan pendapat

2. Arguments : Argumentasi terdiri atas “points” yang dikemukakan dan elaborasi

pengembangan / pendukung masing-masing point)

3. Reiteration : Penguat pernyataan yang telah disbeut diatas.

Now, let’s analize of the text which is the Thesis, Argument, and reiteration of the text (Teacher

guide the students to analize the generic structure of the text)


Try to write one the following ideas!

Late students should be punished

Smoking in the school area should be prohibited.

In your group make the draft of the text above. First you must make a draft about everything you

want to tell. Pay attention to the generic structure, vocabulary and structure of the text.


Stage 2. Modelling of trhe Text (MOT)

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Genre : Analytical Exposition

Basic competence

Understand the nuance of meaning and rhetorical steps in steps in written text in the form

analytical exposition

Express the nuance of meaning with appropriate rhetorical steps in writing text in the form

of analytical exposition.

Achievement Indicator

Students can identify the ideational meaning in the text

Students can produce an analytical exposition text

Stage 1 Building Knowledge of field

Activities 1 observe the picture and answer the questions

1. What is Jim Doing ?

2. Is it a good habit ?

3. What do you think about him ?

4. Do you agree with his habit? Why/ Why not?

Stage 2 Modeling

Activity 2. Read the text to answer the following question

Cigarette smokers are said to have a good chance of getting various fatal disease. But I

think that other people’s tobacco smoke seems to increase the chances of non smokers getting a

wide range of cancers. First, although passive smokers in is richer in many toxic chemicals. There

is for example, three times as much as henzo-apyrene, six times as much toluene and amore that

50 times as much as dimenthylnitrosamine. Of caourse these substance will harm our body in the

long run.

Secondly the recent research reported that the risk of getting cancers as not normally

associated with smoking also rose also rose among passive smokers. The risk of leukemia rose 6 –

8 times and the risk of cervical cancers increase 3 – 4 times.

Thirdly, past studies have found that by product of cigarettes smokes such as coniine and

thiocyanate, turn up in the blood, urine and saliva of non-smoking adults, children and fetuses that

have been exposed to smokers. These substances are the min causes of various cancers.


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In short, the effects of exposure to the cigarette smoking of others are greater than has

been previously suspected. That is why passive smokers have more chance of constructing

cancers than people with no such expose.

1. What is a passive smoker?

2. Mention the toxic chemical in cigarette smoke?

3. The researcher points out that the smoke …. (Paragraph 1 line 4)

The underlined phrase means ….

4. What turn up in the blood, urine and saliva of non-smokers?

5. Why do passive smokers have more chance of contracting cancers?

Activity 3. Read the text more carefully and then answer the following question

1. What is the text about?

2. Find out three results of research that cigarette smoke is more dangerous for

passive smokers than active ones!

3. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

4. What is the right title for the above text?

Activity 4 Read the text again and identify the generic structure of text

Thesis Position





Point ………………………………………………………………………………………



Elaboration ………………………………………………………………………………………



Argument 2

Point ………………………………………………………………………………………



Elaboration ………………………………………………………………………………………




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Argument 3

Point ………………………………………………………………………………………



Elaboration ………………………………………………………………………………………



Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………



Stage 3 Joint Construction

Activity 5 Make groups of four and discuss the following problem

1. What is juvenile delinquency?

2. What factors cause it ?

3. What do you think about this problem?

Activity 6 Write down the result of your discussion

Stage 4 Independent Construction

Activity 7 Choose one of the products (Food, house, book) from a newspaper or magazine.

Make in interesting brochure about it.


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1. Listen to the text read out by the teacher and answer these questions briefly

a. What is the topic of the story?

b. Is Mr. Jefry a home gardener?

c. What flowers can you find at Mr. Jefry’s garden?

d. What kinds of fruits does Mr. Jefry grow at his garden?

e. What are three activities that Mr. Jefry does to take care of this garden?

f. Why does Mr. Jefry use pesticides?

g. Do you think that Mr. Jefry is a hardworking person?

2. Make sentences from these jumbled words

a. teach – SMA Pulung – used – at – Mr. Sulaiman – to

b. daily – corn – to – meal – for – I – eat – used – my

c. London – used – with – in – Mrs. Ramli – me – live – to

d. Be – locomotive – Ponorogo – there – to – in – steam – a – used

e. Happy – to – husband – her – she – with – used – former – be

3. Make sentences from these jumbled words

a. much – car – concentration – driving – a needs

b. good – think – all – exercise – I

4. Make sentences from these jumbled words

a. Triana’s – stamps hobby collecting is

b. The duty – teaching – a guiding – of – is – teacher – and

c. One – plants – activities – watering – daily – of – is my

d. Your – only – goats – not – job is feeding

5. Make sentences from these jumbled words

a. loves – sweets – eating – fried potatoes – little Susi – and

b. having – in – don’t – early – I morning – breakfast – like – the

c. keroncong – you – enjoy – do – songs – listening to?

d. to - staying – home – aunt – neighbors – chatting – my prefers – with

6. Make sentences from these jumbled words

a. Afraid – down – is – free – Andi – falting – not – of – from

b. river – bathing – buffaloes – is – and – this – cows – for

c. singing – good – Mirna – campursari – at – is – songs – very

d. ceremony – at – the – will – seventhirty – begin – opening


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7. Make sentences from these jumbled words

a. point – hundred – water – centigrade – is – boiling – degrees – the of – one

b. has – bought – stove – mother – a – my – cooking

c. door – has – house – the – a – left – our – rolling – on

d. ceremony – at – the – will – seven thirty – begin – opening

8. Make sentences from these jumbled words

a. come – made – here – waving – dog – your – Tom’s

b. didn’t – her – hear – shouting – I

c. want – Inul’s – to – do – swaying – you – see?

d. reading – very – his – loud – is

9. Make sentences from these jumbled words ( the underlined work in the initial position)

a. familiar – hydroponics – Indonesia – Not – farmers – farming – with – in – are

b. Unto bike – popular – nowdays – cycling – very – in – is Ponorogo

c. Often – in – Jakarta – student – happens – quarelling

d. One – mountain – dangerous – of – sports – is – climbing

10. Rearrange these jumbled sentences into a paragraph. This paragraph tell about Kiki

- The res colour of this fruit makes Kiki want to take it

- Eating “Javanese strawberry” or widoro fruits is her hobby.

Her father and mother do not know what Kiki often does after school

- Usually kiki does her habit while her parents are sleeping in the afternoon.

- She is interested in picking up the “Javanese strawberry” on the tree because the ripe fruit

has an interesting colour

- Kiki is a little girls in my neighborhood

- Almost every day she climbs up widoro tree to get its fruits

- She likes climbing up a tree.


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* Listening the text (read out key the teacher three times)

Mr. Jefry is a policeman. He has a small area of land at the backyard. He grows various

kinds of plants such as rosebushes, jasmines, orchids, sunflower, grapes, strawberries and

pineapples. Watering plants is his daily work during the dry season. Mr. Jefry does not expect

something wrong happens to his garden. Controlling post is also very important. Sometimes he

uses pesticides to prevent plant pest. And giving fertilizer regularly to his plants is something

that he never forgets.

Kunci Jawaban :

1. a. Mr. Jefry’s garden (Mr. Jefry’s activities atau alternatif lain)

b. Yes, he is

c. Rose, jasmine, orchid, sunflower

d. Grape, strawberry, pineapple

e. Watering plants, controlling pets, giving fertilizer

f. To prevent plant pest

g. Yes, he is very busy, he has two jobs : a policeman and gardener ( alternative lain yang

cocok dengan text)

2. a. Mr. Sulaiman used to teach at SMA Pulung

b. I used to eat corn for my daily meal

c. Mrs. Ramli used to live in London in Ponorogo

d. There used to be a steam locomotive in Ponorogo

e. She used to be happy with her farmer husband

3. a. Driving a car needs much concentration

b. I think jogging is a good exercise and guiding

c. Cleaning floor and washing clothes are not a child’s work (washing clothes and

cleaning floor)

d. Traveling by bus

4. a. Triana’s hobby is collecting stamps

b. The duty of a teacher is teaching and guiding

c. One of my daily activities is watering plants

d. Your job is not only feeding goats


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5. a. Little Susi loves eating sweets and sweets and fried potatoes (friend potatoes and sweet)

b. I don’t like having breakfast early in the morning

c. Do you enjoy listening to Kroncong songs?

d. My aunt prefers staying home to chatting withj neighbours (chatting with neighbours to

Staying home)

6. a. Andi is not a faid of falling down from a tree

b. This river is for bathing buffaloes and cows (cows and buffaloes)

c. Mirna is very good at singing campursari songs

d. The children entered the room without making noise

7. a. The boiling point of water is one hundred degrees Centigrade

b. My mother has bought a cooking stove

c. The house has a rolling door on the left

d. The opening ceremony will begin at seven thirty

8. a. Your waving made Tom’s dog come here

b. I didn’t hear her shouting

c. Do you want to see Inul’s swaying?

d. His reading is very loud

9. a. Farmer in Indonesia are not familiar with hydroponies farming

b. Now days cycling unto bike is very popular in Ponorogo ( Unto like cycling)

c. Student quarrelling often happens in Jakarta

d. Mountain climbing is one dangerous sports (Climbing mountain)

10. Kiki is a little girls in my neighborhood. She likes climbing up a tree. Almost

every day she climbs up a widoro tree to get its fruit. Eating “Javanese strawberry” or

widoro fruit is her hobby. She is interested in picking up the “Javanese strawberry” on the

tree because the ripe fruits has an interesting colour. The red colour of this fruits makes

Kiki want to take it. Usually Kiki does her habit while her parents are sleeping in the

afternoon. Her father and mother do not know what Kiki often does after school.


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