living things plant and animal cells cell theory (part 1)

Living Things Plant and Animal Cells Cell Theory (Part 1)

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Post on 27-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Living Things Plant and Animal Cells Cell Theory (Part 1)

Living Things

Plant and Animal Cells

Cell Theory (Part 1)

Page 3: Living Things Plant and Animal Cells Cell Theory (Part 1)

Many people of ancient societies believed that volcanoes, oceans, mountains and fire were “alive” in the same way that animals, plants and other organisms are alive.

However, science has changed the way people understand the world

Most people now recognize the difference between living organisms and non living things

{Gateways to Science: Region 4 p165}

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Characteristics Slow –Moving Turtle

Fast-Moving River

Uses energy?


Responds to environment?



Develops over time?

Has a life span?

Is made of cells?

{Gateways to Science: Region 4 p165}

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1) How is a fast moving river similar to a living organism?

2) How is a fast-moving river different from a living organism?

{Gateways to Science: Region 4 p165}

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We just talked about how growing is a characteristic of a living organism

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Scientists have data that shows that Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth is growing taller each year.

Is Mount Everest a living organism?

Why or Why not?

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Invented powerful microscopes and started looking at all he could see and found ….

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Page 10: Living Things Plant and Animal Cells Cell Theory (Part 1)

Then Robert Hooke called those little tiny things

CELLS Because they reminded

him of tiny rooms where monkeys are


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Similar to how bricks are the building blocks of a building

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Page 13: Living Things Plant and Animal Cells Cell Theory (Part 1)

Penguin Blood Cells Plant Cells

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Cheek Nerve Blood

Skin Muscle Hair

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These two gentleman looked at

many, many cells and over coffee struck

up conversation about their

cell observations

They then came up with


Matthias Schleiden Theodor Schwann

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They noticed that inside the cells of plants and animals seemed to be even smaller particles

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They noticed that each of these smaller particles have jobs inside the cell that made it function

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Just like humans have ORGANS that keep

us alive and have certain functions ..

cells have ORGANELLES

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The CELL MEMBRANE surrounds the animal cell and controls movement of materials into and out of the cell

“Im tough. Beware”

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Organelle Name

Organelle Function

Plant or Animal?

Cell Membrane Controls movements of materials in and out of the cell


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The NUCLEUS is a very important organelle in the cell. It controls all activities of the cell and contains DNA

Air traffic controllerDNA

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Organelle Name

Organelle Function

Plant or Animal?

Cell Membrane Controls movements of materials in and out of the cell


Nucleus Controls the activities of the cell


DNA The genetic material in the cell


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Plant cells have similar organelles to an animal cell but there are two additional organelles that are ONLY FOUND IN PLANT CELLS

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The CELL WALL provides support for the plant cell. It protects the cell like our police department protect us. This is only found in a plant cell.

Police department

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Organelle Name

Organelle Function

Plant or Animal?

Cell Membrane Controls movements of materials in and out of the cell


Nucleus Controls the activities of the cell


DNA The genetic material in the cell


Cell Wall Supports and protects the cell


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The CHLOROPLASTS produce food for the plant cell by a process called photosynthesis.

Green vegetables for the cell

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Organelle Name

Organelle Function

Plant or Animal?

Cell Membrane Controls movements of materials in and out of the cell


Nucleus Controls the activities of the cell


DNA The genetic material in the cell


Cell Wall Supports and protects the cell


Chloroplasts Produces food for the cell


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Page 29: Living Things Plant and Animal Cells Cell Theory (Part 1)
Page 30: Living Things Plant and Animal Cells Cell Theory (Part 1)

All plants and

animals are

composed of

cells and cell



Matthias Schleiden Theodor Schwann

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1.________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. _________________________

4. ________________________ 5. ________________________ 6. _______________________

Page 32: Living Things Plant and Animal Cells Cell Theory (Part 1)

Use construction paper to create the cell assigned to you

Only include and label the organelles we talked about in class

Write a brief description below each labeled organelle

Plant Cell

Animal Cell