living and laughing in kampong chhnang, cambodia€¦ ·  · 2017-05-31living and laughing in...

Khmer Kitchen Contact: [email protected] Blog: Young Adults in Global Mission 2016-2017 Living and Laughing in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia Khmer Language Lesson Celebration Season Mango: ស"យ (swai) *My daily mango consumption over the past few months has steadily gotten more and more out of control… The last couple months have been a bit of a whirlwind for me! Since my last newsletter I have attended International Women’s Day, 3 weddings, 2 housewarming parties, a weeklong Khmer New Year Celebration, a surprise birthday party, the Royal Plowing Ceremony holiday, a weeklong retreat with the other 8 YAGM volunteers and a week of traveling with my two roommates from the states that came to visit me here. Lesson learned from all this celebration and time off for holidays: Cambodian’s know how to live. But really, while the last few months have been the hottest months I have experienced in my life so far, they have also been some of my favorite. It has been such a joy to celebrate all these holidays alongside my coworkers, friends and host family. Through them I have learned so much about the traditions and values of Cambodia and have gotten to see some unbelievably beautiful places. Not to mention, I have really perfected my Khmer dance skills. Now when my students start to quiz me on dance moves in the middle of our English lessons, I can perform every single one they shout out at me. The only downfall to having such an eventful last couple months is that it made time seem to go by so fast. Somehow I am now in my final month and a half here and while I am starting to get excited to return home, in many ways, one year simply does not feel like enough time. But then again, would any amount of time be enough? As for now, I plan to take in as much as I possibly can in the next six weeks and take comfort in the fact that I will get to take all these stories and friendships with me when I leave. For lunch and dinner here we typically are served rice along with 1 or 2 entrees and a soup to all share. Here is one of my favorite soups, Samlor Machu Yuon. Ingredients: *can be adjusted based on ingredients available 350g fresh fish, thickly sliced (or chicken) 100g pineapple, thickly sliced 100g lotus root, vertically sliced 2 ripe tomatoes, sliced in wedges ½ small winter melon 5 garlic cloves, chopped 3-4 cups of water 5 tbsp tamarind juice 2 tbsp fish sauce 2 tsp sugar 1 tsp salt 20g combo of m’am leaves, khmer basil and saw mint Cut lotus roots into 4-cm pieces, then slice vertically and soak in water. Using a wooden chopstick stir the roots so the tougher fibers “catch” the wood and can be twisted off. Set aside. Fry fish until golden and set aside. Then, boil water and add lotus roots and winter melon. After the lotus and melon have boiled for about 5 minutes add the tomatoes and pineapple. Once the skin starts pealing off the tomatoes add the fish, tamarind juice, sugar and salt then remove from heat. Brown chopped garlic and immediately add to the soup and finish by garnishing with m’am leaves, basil and saw mint. Samlor Machu Youn looks a little different each time, but here is one example.

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Page 1: Living and Laughing in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia€¦ ·  · 2017-05-31Living and Laughing in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia Khmer Language Lesson ... Fellow LWD volunteers (Amanda


Contact:[email protected]:






Mango:ស"#យ (swai) *My daily mango consumption over the past few months has steadily gotten more and more out of









Page 2: Living and Laughing in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia€¦ ·  · 2017-05-31Living and Laughing in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia Khmer Language Lesson ... Fellow LWD volunteers (Amanda


OneoftheSLCvillages,SokSenchey,ishometoawomannamedNovTaingLengwhohaskindlywelcomedmeintoherhometimeandtimeagain,alwaysofferingmesnacks,icedcoffeeandaplacetostayshouldeverIneedit. NovwasborninKendallprovinceandmovedtoKampongChhnangshortlyafterhermarriage.Formanyyearsshelivedinaneighboringcommunewheresheworkedinacassavafactory. In2012,aftergiftingherhometohernewlymarrieddaughter,NovandherhusbandmovedtoSokSencheytostartanewlife. OverthenextfiveyearsNovandherhusband,alongwiththeirtwosons,wholaterjoinedthem,workedhardtocreatethelifetheydreamedof.StartingwithnothingbutacouplemangotreesandabedcoveredbyatarptheytookadvantageofeveryopportunityLWDprovidedandgraduallyestablishedforthemselvesahomeandplotoflandthatisfilledwiththrivingagriculture.


Today,NovalsoholdsthepositionofVillageMemberinhervillage,arolethatservestoexplain,motivateandencouragehercommunitytoimprovethecircumstancesoftheirlives.Sheworkshardtoshareherexperiencesandknowledgewithherpeersandthroughheroptimismandperseveranceshesetsanexampletoall,ofthepowerweallpossesstomakechangeintheworld. Despiteallthechallengesshehasfaced,includinglosingherhusbandinthelastyear,NovhasshownastrengthIstillcan’tfullycomprehend.IamsothankfulIhavehadtheopportunitytoknowandlearnfromthisincrediblewomanandamgratefulfortheopportunitytoshareherstorywithyou.


OneoftheLWDprojectsIhavegottentoworkwiththemostisonecalledthePostSocialLandConcessionProject.Backin2008theinitialSLCprojectwasstarted,whichsoughttoprovidepropertytolandlessfamiliesinvariousprovincesacrossCambodia.Thenin2015thesecondphasebegan,takingplaceinfourvillagesinourprovinceofSameakiMeanchey.Thepurposeofthisphasewastocontinuetoprovideagriculturalland,developcommunityinfrastructureandestablishsustainablelivelihoodsforthesefamilies. OverthecourseoftheyearIhavegottentoseemanydifferentaspectsofhowthisworkistakingplace.IhavecometounderstandexamplesofthechallengesandcomplexitiesofwhatdevelopmentworkentailsandobservedexamplesofinspiringleadershipbyboththeLWDstaffandcommunitymembers.Butmostimportantofall,Ihavehadtheopportunitytowitnessincrediblypowerfulstoriesofhopeandofresilience.ItisoneofthesestoriesIwouldliketosharewithyou.





