living · 2018-09-30 · dowsing charts the dowsing charts included...


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This ebook will give you a good understanding of how to use your pendulum in a way that will enhance

your life. Remember, it’s only a tool of divination. By itself, it is simply a pendulum, but combined with the

power of your Higher Self and Spirit, it’s a powerful tool of divination capable of providing healing, clarity,

focus and a connection to the higher realms.

The following pages will help you create a “relationship” with your pendulum. The gemstones that make

up your pendulum were harvested in India, each is carefully hand-made to the highest standards, and

weighted perfectly for responsiveness. As a Reiki Master, I charge each one with healing Reiki energy.

Your pendulum will greatly enhance your work as each one possesses its own unique energy, no two are

the same. Crystals are living things with the capability of healing, balancing and harmonizing the human

mind, body and soul.

It’s important to know that because Mother Earth created these beautiful gemstones, we can never really

“own” them, rather, we become their “guardian.” As you continue on with your daily life and work with

your pendulum, you will come to realize its individual and powerful energy and it will speak to you in its

own unique way. It will become less of an object of divination and more of a spiritual companion that helps

you tap in to your intuitive, mental, emotional and spiritual lives. Thank you for giving your new pendulum

a home. Take good care of it and it will serve you faithfully for years! Enjoy it with my blessings.

Lori Meyer Reiki Master – Spiritual Advisor


I have been using a pendulum for many years and I’ve had many different kinds. I wanted a pendulum

that would bring the energy of several different gemstones together in my dowsing work and I

immediately thought of the chakras. The result is the pendulum you now have. I carry mine with me

everywhere. The energy of this pendulum is so special and with the infusion of Reiki energy, it’s a

powerful tool in your spiritual arsenal. I hope you’ll enjoy it for many years.

Your pendulum is hand-made of 100% genuine gemstones. Each one is unique and no two are the



Never underestimate the power of crystals! Your pendulum is a powerful tool of communication

capable of communicating with the higher realms, giving you answers to your most burning questions,

helping you with decisions, balancing your body’s energies and even aiding you in finding a lost object.

The pendulum should be used only for the highest good of all. Because its work is to help in your

connection to spirit and the divine, it should never be used negatively in any way….it simply will not

work for anything other than good!

Questions such as “Where did he leave the will?” or “Will he break up with me?” will not be answered

through your pendulum. Imagine if we could have every single answer to all of our questions

answered through the pendulum – we would miss out of valuable lessons, experiences and life-

changing decisions that we must make on our own.

It’s important to know that Spirit is only concerned with loving, positive, higher vibrational energies and

will work with your pendulum for those purposes. If you’re looking for lottery numbers, I wish you lots

of luck. I’ve tried many times with no success. Truth be told, money just isn’t a concern in the world of

spirit, but your well being, success, happiness and help to others is!


The dowsing charts included within this ebook can be printed out for your personal use. If you

don’t have a color printer you can save them to an external drive like an SD card or memory

stick and have Staples print them in color for you (I highly recommend a good card stock for

your charts). The cost is approximately .80 cents to print each chart on card stock.

Dowsing charts, which have been used for centuries, will help broaden your connection to Spirit by

giving you many more options when seeking answers and guidance. The charts, when used together

with your pendulum, create a powerful gateway to the Divine and must be used with respect and


At the end of this ebook are 8 beautiful charts that will help you harness the power of your pendulum.

I hope you enjoy them as they accompany you on your journey to communication with Spirit!


It’s important to “cleanse” your pendulum once you get it. Because it has absorbed the energy of

those who created it it’s important to clear the crystals of any residual energy left by others who

handled it. It should only be used by you as it will absorb your unique energy and work through your

energetic field.

Why Do I Need To Cleanse My Pendulum?

Because your pendulum is made of genuine gemstones, which are living things, it can absorb negative

energy from the environment or other people. It’s always a good idea to cleanse your pendulum

frequently, especially after healing or using it for an extended period. Leaving it outside in the

moonlight is a very effective way to cleanse it as moonlight.

Moonlight provides an energetic cleansing, not a physical one. In essence, it re-tunes the crystal’s

energy. Negative energy can change a crystal’s vibrational frequency. For example, like playing a

piano, after some time it needs to be re-tuned to work optimally. The same goes for the crystals. After

you have worked with them you want to help them get their energy and vibrational frequency back to

its original perfect state.

Another very effective way to cleanse your pendulum is to sage it. I use bundled white sage which is

very effective in ridding anything of old, stagnant energy and will work perfectly to clear your pendulum

of any residual energy left on it. You can buy a sage bundle at any metaphysical shop, health food

store or even Amazon. Simply light the end of the sage bundle until it flames, then blow out the flame

and, holding your pendulum by the chain, pass it over the smoke several times, allowing it to be

enveloped with healing, clearing smoke.

Can I Leave My Pendulum In The Sunlight To Cleanse It?

I don’t recommend sunlight to cleanse your pendulum because sunlight can eventually fade the

natural color of the crystals.

How Often Do I Need to Cleanse It?

This is where your intuition comes in to play. If you work with it often, then put it out at every Full

Moon. On the flip side of that, if you have crystals that typically are not worked with then once or twice

a year should be sufficient. If you’re still not sure, ask your pendulum if it needs to be cleansed.

Usually it will answer yes (in my experience!).

What Do I Do Once It’s Cleansed?

You don’t need to do anything special with it once you’ve cleansed it. Put it back in its pouch until

ready to use. You don’t need to reprogram it as you’ve already establish the answer pattern with it.


Once you receive your pendulum you will need to attune it to your energy and your Higher Self. This

ensures that the answers that come through your pendulum come from your Higher self and not your

subconscious mind or emotional body. We want answers to come from your Higher Self because it

comes from love and sees in truth and purity and is always for your highest good.

Do the following:

1. Relax your body, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

2. Call on Archangel Michael or another Divine being, such as an Ascended Master, the angels and

your spirit guides, and ask them to be present. Recite the following:

“I ask that this pendulum provide answers from my Higher Self and spirit at all times, unless I

request otherwise. I also ask that all information be in truth and accuracy and 100% aligned

with my highest good and the highest good of all.”

3. Now hold your pendulum out by the end of the chain, between your thumb and forefinger. Just

relax your hand and ask the pendulum.

“Show me a yes”

Allow the pendulum to swing. It may take time to respond, just be patient. Sometimes you’ll notice the

chain begin to jerk a little, this is the energy beginning to move. The pendulum may swing from left to

right, forward and backward, clockwise or counter-clockwise. Once your pendulum responds to one of

the above, that is “Yes” to your pendulum. Make a note of it and say “Thank You” out loud.

Next ask the pendulum,

“Show me a no”.

Observe what the pendulum does in response. It will move in a different way compared to when you

asked for a ‘yes’. When you write down what it does, again say “Thank you”.

Now ask the pendulum,

“Show me a ‘maybe’/’undecided”

Observe what the pendulum does in response. Once you have your ‘maybe’, say “Thank you”. Now

your pendulum is programmed and ready to use!

Again, be sure to write down the answers!


When seeking an answer (Yes or No) from your pendulum you can avoid influencing the

outcome (when you really want it to be a yes or no) by reciting to yourself “What will the

answer be?” By doing this you are taking your conscious mind out of it and allowing your

Higher Self to answer


This is the fun part! I found that I have 5 guides that guide me in my mediumship work. I used my

pendulum and a number and alphabet chart to get their names. It’s really cool and you may be

surprised how many spirit guides you may actually have!

First begin with a number chart to ask how many guides are with you, then the letter to chart to ask

their names.

1. Hold your pendulum over the bottom center half circle on the chart.

2. Say to your guides, "I am going to ask you to spell your names using the pendulum and the chart. If

your name is too long or complicated for me to understand, please abbreviate or give me a nickname

with less than twelve letters."

3. Say to your guides, "Please spell the name of my Master Guide, showing me one letter at a time,

give me the first letter of your name please.”

After the pendulum points to each letter, write down what you’re getting, it’s easy to forget sometimes.

Then, after each letter, stop the pendulum and ask them to confirm the letter you just received, "Was

the letter ___?" If you get a no response, repeat that step for that letter. Each time a letter is

confirmed, write the letter down.

Repeat these steps for each of your guides (you should already know how many you have by using

the number chart). You may have tertiary guides, healing guides, doctor guides, etc. You can

certainly ask each one to spell out what roll they play in your life as well, use your imagination when

wanting information. They are eager to communicate with you!

It’s exciting to discover just how many “friends” you have watching over you from the spirit world!

4. If a name is too difficult to pronounce, take some of the letters given and create a nickname, then

ask the guide if this nickname is suitable or ask the guide to point out letters for a nickname that

humans would be able to pronounce.

5. After you have the names, say to your guides, "I would like your gender. Please show me by

pointing to either M for male or F for female.

You can ask each guide if they lived a life on earth (most guides have lived a physical life and may

have even lived a life with you and decided to be your spirit guide while you incarnated in this life). Go

ahead and ask if you and your guide shared a previous life together. You would be surprised at the


Repeat this process to learn more about your angels as well. You would be amazed at how many

guardian angels you have watching over you, as well as their names.


You can use your pendulum to work directly with your spirit guides when seeking guidance

and advice. Use one of your charts to ask them a direct “Yes or No” question and they will

give you an answer every time!


The chakras are the energy vortexes within our spiritual body. Their job is to absorb the energy from

within our aura and distribute that energy to the body’s major organs. When one or more chakras is

out of balance then the organ corresponding to that chakra will not function properly resulting in illness

and sickness within that area.

Your pendulum is a powerful tool for helping you balance your chakras. If you wish to know which

chakras need to be harmonized, simply hold your pendulum over each one and ask “Does this chakra

need to be balanced.” Your pendulum will then provide you with the answer. Remember, you’re

working with your Higher Self when using your pendulum. The answers and guidance you receive

from it don’t come directly from the pendulum itself, it is a tool of divination that works closely with spirit

to provide you with answers.


The chakras are energy vortexes within your spiritual body that absorb the energy from your

aura and distribute that energy to your meridians which are little “rivers and streams” that feed

the energy to your physical body. When your chakras are balanced and harmonized (make

sure to use your chakra chart to balance them!) your body is balanced and harmonized as well.

Your body is only as healthy as your chakras!

Here’s what to do:

Lie down and relax your body. Place the pendulum over the chakra center you would like to balance,

about 1 inch above your body. The 3rd eye chakra for instance would be over the center of the

forehead, the sacral chakra would be at the center of the body just below the navel. Wait for the

pendulum to begin moving on its own to show you the size and direction this wheel of energy is


Start at the root or crown and one by one, make your way through each chakra simply gathering

information at first.

Ideally the direction and size of each chakra should be the same but there almost always is one or two

that are a bit out of alignment depending on our emotional body (what we’re currently experiencing in

our everyday life).

An erratic swing of the pendulum will show you chakra that is off balance. If no movement is detected,

there is a block in the energy field and it will need to be addressed through a meditation for energizing

and balancing the chakras.

Once you've checked all the chakras, go back and invite each one to come into harmony by

envisioning each chakra’s respective color. For example, the heart chakra resonates to the color


Imagine a bright ball of green light descending down from above and entering your heart

center. See this ball of light as a cleansing healing sphere of divine energy. Imagine any

darkness in this chakra being broken up and absorbed by the green healing light. As you

inhale, the light becomes brighter and stronger and you feel this energy center cleansed,

strengthened and balanced.

Now, dowse this energy center again and see what happens with your pendulum. If it still behaves

erratically, repeat the meditation until the chakra is balanced.

You are not making anything happen, you are simply asking the wisdom of spirit and divine healing

light to correct the imbalance.

If working on another person you can repeat this process to align, balance, harmonize and strengthen

their chakra vortexes. It’s amazing how incredible you feel after you’ve balanced your chakras.

Following are dowsing charts that you can print and use in your everyday life. They will help you

greatly when looking for answers using your pendulum. (I have included 2 chakra charts at the end of

this ebook to help you with balancing your chakras.)

Remember, always use your pendulum and charts only for good, and for the highest good of all. They

are sacred instruments that connect you to Spirit and the Higher Realms. They help you to be of

service to others and simply won’t work if used for any purpose other than good.

When using the following charts, take several deep, refreshing breaths and center yourself.

Now, recite your prayer for protection:

“I encircle myself with the White Light of Love and Divine Protection. I ask that this pendulum

provide answers from my Higher Self and Spirit at all times, unless I request otherwise. I also

ask that all information be in truth and accuracy and 100% aligned with my highest good and

the highest good of all.”

Hold your pendulum steady at the bottom center of the chart. Ask your questions and record each

answer. Be patient as your pendulum begins to “read” the energy of you and spirit. You will see the

chain “jerk” a little as your pendulum begins to move.

As you continue your work with your pendulum you’ll find that you will build a relationship with this

amazing tool. Enjoy every moment as you reach out through it to connect to your Higher Self, your

guides, angels, spirit and the Divine.

Enjoy your journey with your pendulum!

Many blessings,


Please visit our other spiritual offerings on Amazon:

Lava Buddha Bracelet

Tibetan Buddha Bracelet

Quartz Crystal Pendulum Set

The Chakra System of Animals Please Note: The information contained below is not meant as a substitute for seeking

professional help if you have an animal who is sick, injured or you think may be unwell. Always

seek help and advice from a qualified veterinary surgeon in the first instance.


Animals, in common with all other living beings, have a chakra system. This system is a complex

network of spinning, energy vortices (often called ‘petals’ in Eastern traditions) which run

throughout the entire body. Universal energy (Prana, Chi, Ki) flows in and out of the chakras,

along the meridian system, into the aura and then finally into the physical body. The energy

flows two ways; inward and out. Therefore, every thought, act and emotion affects the chakras

and is mirrored in the aura. Likewise, external stimuli, both positive and negative, have an effect

on the chakras and leave their mark in the aura (including physical injuries). This is the same for

animals and humans alike.

For those unfamiliar with the chakra system, if you imagine the subtle energy body (made up of

chakras, linked to meridians and contained in the aura) as being like a car engine, and the

physical body is the actual vehicle which the engine drives, it is not difficult to see that when the

car starts to perform less effectively or even breaks down, that it’s the engine which needs

repairing or re-tuning and not the car bodywork. It’s the same with the subtle energy body. When

we re-charge/realign the chakras - get them spinning in harmony and at the correct rate – you get

the physical body running smoothly once again.

Animal Chakras

Animals have 8 Major chakras, 21 Minor chakras and 6 Bud chakras. Alongside the seven Major

chakras that animals share with humans (Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral

and Root), there is another Major chakra which is unique to animals. It is called the Brachial or

Key chakra. This chakra was discovered by the world’s foremost, internationally renowned,

animal healer, Margrit Coates (click here to visit Margrit’s web site, The Animal Healer).

Animals have: 8 Major Chakras, 21 Minor Chakras, 6 Bud Chakras

The Brachial chakra is located on either side of the body, in the area of the shoulders. It is the

main energy centre in all animals and links directly to all other chakras. It is the centre which

relates to animal-human interaction and any healing should always begin at this chakra. Animals

which have a strong, healthy link with their human companions usually have a vibrant Brachial

chakra, as it is the centre where the animal-human bond is formed and carried.

The Bud chakras are found one on each foot (pad, paw, hoof, etc) and one on the skin at the

base opening of each ear (see right). They are especially receptive to subtle energy vibrations;

for example changes in the weather like a thunderstorm, or

even impending, major earth events like an earthquake or

hurricane. The Bud chakras located in the feet are often

used to source areas of energy in the ground which are

beneficial to the animal. When they find these areas they

may paw the ground before either laying or rolling on the

spot (not to be confused with a dog finding something

‘smelly’ to roll in!). Standing on such an area can also help

ground an animal.

The 21 Minor chakras in animals are sensory centers and

can be found, in among other places, on the nose, tail and

ears. Whilst the Bud and Minor chakras are smaller

energy centers than the Major ones, they are every bit as

important and assist in the function of the Major chakras.

Unsurprisingly, most animals’ senses or instincts are far more finely tuned and sensitive than

humans’ (although some animals are more developed than others, like dolphins). As a result,

animal chakras are usually far brighter and larger in comparison to ours. Their strong sixth sense

emanates from the primary sensory centre; one of the 21 Minor chakras. This is located at the

bridge of the nose, below the Third Eye or Brow chakra. Animals are constantly absorbing and

computing sensory information; far more so than humans owing to their reliance on instinct for

survival. Aside from using the Bud chakras in their feet as mentioned above, they may also be

seen rubbing a part of their body against a tree, rolling on the ground or even rubbing up against

their fellow animal or human companions to stimulate a chakra. An animal who has suffered

from physical, mental or emotional trauma, however, may not always be able to repair the

resulting energetic imbalance and this is where we find signs of disease (dis-ease) present.

Each chakra corresponds to an aspect of the self; thought, emotion, senses, instinct and so on.

Whilst governing the same physical areas, animal chakras have, however, developed or evolved

slightly differently from humans’. This can be further defined with differences between domestic

and wild animals. For example, you tend to find a more developed Heart chakra in wild animals

(strong herd hierarchy) plus a more pronounced Root Chakra (stronger sense of survival). With a

wild horse you will see a stronger flight response (Solar Plexus chakra) than in a Thoroughbred,

which is a man-made breed. Then we have neutering or castration of domestic animals; which

strongly affects the Sacral (or Spleen) chakra.

Above: Photo showing position of Bud Chakra on a cat’s paw

Brief Overview of Animal Chakras:

Chakra Location Function/ Purpose Signs of Imbalance Body Areas Governed


Brachial (primary ‘Major’ chakra – healing should start at this chakra)

between shoulders (on a horse, just below where shoulder meets neck)

links all other Major chakras, centre for animal-human bonding, place to start healing

reluctance to be touched (other than for obvious medical reasons: arthritis,

inflamed skin, etc), reluctance/refusal to ‘connect’

chest, neck, forelimbs, head

Black Tourmaline (if animal is reluctant to connect), Herkimer Diamond, piece of programmed Clear Quartz (click on link for programming info)


on top of head, between the ears (at the ‘poll’ on a horse)

connects to spirit depression, withdrawn

brain, pituitary gland, skin, spine, central and autonomic nervous system, cranio-sacral system

Clear Quartz, Azestulite, Tanzanite, Diamond

Third Eye (Brow)

centre of forehead, just above the eyes

acceptance of self headaches, bad eyes, distant/distracted

head in general, pineal gland, natural body rhythms, higher mental self

Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite Amethyst, Charoite


on physical throat (on long-necked animals, over vocal chords)


uncommunicative or excessively noisy, doesn’t listen to commands (training requests)

throat, mouth, teeth, jaws (albeit often caused from Root-based fear, animals which chew excessively can often benefit from having energy balanced here)

Blue Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Topaz


breast/front of chest to behind forelegs (above brisket to breast on a horse)

herd hierarchy (relationships)

sad (recent emotional grief/

separation/loss?), overly possessive, unwilling to interact with other animals, jealous, nervous around other animals for no known reason

heart, lungs, immune system, thymus gland

Rose Quartz, Emerald, Pink Tourmaline, Jade

Solar Plexus

middle of the back personal power/sense of self (often depleted in domesticated animals)

dejected, withdrawn, aggressive, dominating, no enthusiasm

digestive tract, stomach, liver

Citrine, Tiger Eye, Amber, Topaz

The Chakra System of Animals - Copyright article and images provided courtesy of Patinkas © 2009-2012

Sacral (Spleen)

lower lumber area, between tail and middle of back (rump or middle of croup on a horse)

sexuality, emotion (emotional loss of animal partner, home, offspring, etc, can often be

stored here). Good place to work on when animal in shock whilst waiting for, or en route to vet

over emotional: excessive whining for no obvious reason (exclude medical reasons

first ), boundary issues: i.e. for a dog/horse: difficulty establishing difference between work (training) time and play (off lead/ lead


kidneys, adrenal glands, reproductive system, lymphatic system

Carnelian, Coral, Orange Calcite

Root where tail meets body (hindquarters)

survival, grounding,(this chakra can be especially developed in animals lower down the prey system or food chain, i.e. animals preyed upon by others)

excessively fearful/strong flight reaction, greedy, sluggish, underweight, restless

intestines, gut, hips, hind legs, muscular skeletal system as a whole

Hematite, Garnet, Red Jasper, Unakite