live music

Live Music Photography (and other on stage events too)

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Post on 15-Jul-2015



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Live Music Photography

(and other on stage events too)


• Ear plugs. The cheap foam ones are very good• Fast lenses and cameras with big sensors and

low noise are great• But DX sensors are useful for extending the

range of long lenses (200mm equals 300mm) • But you can shoot with pretty much anything

Get Lots of Bad Photos

• Get lots of bad photos you’ll get more good photos• Along with sports this is the type of photography with

the highest proportion of out of focus, blurred and just bad photographs

• If the faces are mostly in shadow or moving too fast shoot whenever you can get a technically good photo-you can pick the best expressions later

• Check the shots on the monitor quickly but not often• Shot lots when something good is happening

One of My Bad Photos

Lighting is Very Important

• The amount varies from plenty to not nearly enough.

• Generally the bigger the venue the more the light• Heavily filtered light (all one deep colour) is

generally too low to get a good photo• Compose with the highlights and bright midtones• Remember separation• The shadows are usually too dark to count on

getting much detail

And the Speed of the Band

• Some bands move fast almost all the time,

• And some hardly at all.

• Fast bands need high shutter speeds

• With little depth of field it is hard to follow focus

• Take lots of pictures…oh, I already said that

When the Lights are Low

• If the light is low wait for them to stop or slow

• Focus shoot, focus shoot,repeat• There is no depth of field

Who do we photograph

• Mostly the lead singers • Try shots from near the centre- you’ll be

low, so the angles will be tough• From the side you’ll get more flattering

angles on singers, but they’ll mostly be in profile

• Photograph rappers from the palm side of the microphone hand

Some Hints• Earplugs• All things being equal photograph from the

guitar body side (stage right)• If it’s crowded work your way along the side

(saying “Excuse me please”)and then in towards the stage right along the speakers

• Balance getting the shot with being a jerk• If you’re getting paid be a jerk if you really

have to• Gauge the atmosphere. With some bands

you can do whatever you want

More Hints

• Try a few different positions

• If they do something good be ready for them to do it again

Tight Head Shots

• Look for good expression, face not blocked by the microphone, no bad shadow on face the from microphone

• If the face is mostly blocked shoot whenever it’s clear

Wait for the Singer to Back off the Microphone

Photograph rappers from the palm side of the microphone hand

Lots of noise, bad colour but a good photo

Direct Flash Worked in the 70’s

Playing Instruments• Guitarist on knees. Shoot from their head

level or a little lower• Guitarist writhing on stage-hard to get a good

shot but try and get close and above• Drummers-facial expression and drumsticks

hitting or coming down• Keyboards-really the hands and head need to

be close to the keyboard but that doesn’t happened much

• Bass-photograph pretty much every recognizable expression

Two Heads are Better Than One

• Two band members interacting

• You probably can’t get them both in focus

• Focus on the one facing you

• If they are both equally facing focus in the most dynamic one

The Whole Band

• Hard to get let alone make good

• Position yourself to get the drummer in the shot

• Usually near the centre standing up

• A wide lens will give a more dynamic shot but make the drummer small

The Whole Band(easier if there’s no keyboards)


• Flash usually not allowed in big venues• Use the least amount of light possible

• Flash bounced from ceiling generally doesn’t look good(kills the stage lighting)

• Direct flash is better• You can sometimes get a great shot with

flash and a long exposure• Bouncing off a side wall can work

Bounced Flash

Back light face in darkness• Lens wide open• Shutter speed not too slow-1/30 or faster-

unless the light is too low• Adjust ISO if necessary• Just enough flash to light face• White balance for face (warm lights are better

than blue faces but you can adjust this if you shoot RAW)

• Also could filter flash to tungsten light balance

Fill Flash