live & interactive webtv for internal communications

[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888 Internal Communications Conference 2010 Live & Interactive WebTV for Internal Communications markettiers4dc CIPR Inside, October 2010

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[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888

Internal Communications Conference 2010

Live & Interactive WebTV for

Internal Communicationsmarkettiers4dc

CIPR Inside, October 2010

Page 2: Live & Interactive WebTV for Internal Communications

[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888

Internal Communications Conference 2010












Yes No












Yes No

Employer Communication• 71% think they can enhance their personal performance if

greater internal communications were available – 88% of 16-24 year olds

• 69% said better internal communication would make them feel more confident in their future

Opinion Matters surveyed 885 UK workers in

January 09 using their online panel at

Page 3: Live & Interactive WebTV for Internal Communications

[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888

Internal Communications Conference 2010

Why interactive webTV for internal communications?

• As regular consumers of media delivered over the web and on mobile devices, we now have high expectations of how we receive content

• Watch video or listen to audio when we want and where we want, and not just be provided with text to read.

Page 4: Live & Interactive WebTV for Internal Communications

[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888

Internal Communications Conference 2010

Role of video in HR communications

• Research on behalf of leading actuary to explore current methods used to communicate pension information to the UK workforce

• Study illuminated striking gaps that pension managers, internal communicators and HRs need to fill to reach the working nation.

• 2/3 of scheme-members do not read pension information they receive by email/in hard copy & more than half have misunderstood pension communications

• Biggest need identified by internal comms/HRs and Pension Managers was to respond to shorter attention spans while more than a third (36%) believe they will need to embrace new technology more to connect with younger workers

Opinion Matters survey of 2000 members of the working nation and 300 pension managers, internal comms and HR directors

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[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888

Internal Communications Conference 2010

Role of video in HR communications

• Currently less than 1% of all pension scheme members are able to receive information about their pension via interactive video webcasts yet one in five 25-34yr old never read any of the pension information they receive

• Is there an obligation for employers to communicate critical issues & information (such as pension information in a ‘pensions crisis’) in a way that best reflects dominant media consumption habits?

Opinion Matters survey of 2000 members of the working nation and 300 pension managers, internal comms and HR directors

Page 6: Live & Interactive WebTV for Internal Communications

[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888

Internal Communications Conference 2010

Interactive Internal Comms WebTV Shows

• Studio or on location

• Live or pre-recorded, available on-demand

• Employee engagement - questions before (and during) broadcast - can be submitted anonymously if preferred

• Moderated & Secure

• Accessed globally

• Popular with ‘time-poor’ staff

Page 7: Live & Interactive WebTV for Internal Communications

[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888

Internal Communications Conference 2010

Internal Clients include:

• Deutsche Post DHL

• BBC Worldwide

• M&S

• Pernod Ricard

• E2V

Page 8: Live & Interactive WebTV for Internal Communications

[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888

Internal Communications Conference 2010

Case Study: M&S • Used webTV to

communicate with 400 members of their senior remuneration and employee share scheme to provide financial education and a chance to quiz management

“Getting people to seminars is not always easy with busy diaries, and sometimes reading financial information is not easy. Our presentation allowed staff to ask their own questions so it was tailored to what they wanted to know. We have had fantastic feedback.” HR Magazine 19/10/09

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[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888

Internal Communications Conference 2010

Case Study: e2v • Dressed set – balance between branded

professional environment and not spending too much money – but more cost effective than the hundreds of thousands spent on previous conferences

• Communicate with staff in number of territories including UK, Switzerland, US, Hong Kong, Munich, Paris and Taiwan

• Subtitles for French speaking employees

• Profit warning issued to investors

• Video used as a ‘presidential address’ to the organisation designed to answer questions about the finances, future of the company and end of year results

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[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888

Internal Communications Conference 2010

Case Study: Olmeca (Pernod Ricard)

• 200 global brand managers and other stakeholders invited to 1.5hr presentation of Olmeca’s 2010 brand plans.

• Viewers given opportunity to interact with the studio by sending in questions having logged into live broadcast by accessing a password protected site

• All slides in the Olmeca show were made available to download before the live event so that they were used more as a prompt on screen to refer to the viewers printed copy.

Page 11: Live & Interactive WebTV for Internal Communications

[email protected] © 2010 markettiers4dc: [email protected]. 020 7253 8888

Internal Communications Conference 2010

Summary• Audience shift in media consumption

habits through increased online video consumption

• Companies recognising the value of employee engagement at all levels

• Corporate prudence and social responsibility leading towards reducing costs and carbon footprint

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Internal Communications Conference 2010

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