little red riding hood

LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD SCRIPT Narrator : Once upon a time in a village by the forest, there lived a beautiful little girl with her mother. The little girl was called as Little Red Riding Hood because she always wear a red velvet given to her by her grandmother who lived on the other side of the forest. Red Riding hood lowed her granny very much. One bright morning, a hunter came to the cottage. The hunter knock on the door. Hunter : I am coming straight from your grandma’s cottage. She is not- well and wants to see you at the earliest possible. Red riding hood : Hoo, thank you uncle. I will tell my mom. Hunter : Okay, I have to leave. Bye girl. Red riding hood : Bye uncle. Narrator : Red riding hood immediately rushed to her mother who was preparing a cake. Red riding hood : Mother, the woodcutter told me that grandma has fallen sick. Mother : I’m worried. I think you should leave immediately to meet your dear grandmother. Red riding hood : I can take some cake for her ? Mother : Of course dear. I will pack some cake and a bottle of butter for her. She’s loves them. Narrator : Red riding hood cheered up. Red riding hood : Give me the basket. I’ll walk up to her house as soon as possible. Mother : Give her my love. Red riding hood : Okay mother.

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Narrator : Once upon a time in a village by the forest, there lived a beautiful little girl with her mother. The little girl was called as Little Red Riding Hood because she always wear a red velvet given to her by her grandmother who lived on the other side of the forest. Red Riding hood lowed her granny very much. One bright morning, a hunter came to the cottage.The hunter knock on the door. Hunter : I am coming straight from your grandmas cottage. She is not-well and wants to see you at the earliest possible. Red riding hood : Hoo, thank you uncle. I will tell my mom.Hunter : Okay, I have to leave. Bye girl.Red riding hood : Bye uncle.Narrator : Red riding hood immediately rushed to her mother who was preparing a cake. Red riding hood : Mother, the woodcutter told me that grandma has fallen sick.Mother : Im worried. I think you should leave immediately to meet your dear grandmother.Red riding hood : I can take some cake for her ?Mother : Of course dear. I will pack some cake and a bottle of butter for her. Shes loves them.Narrator : Red riding hood cheered up.Red riding hood : Give me the basket. Ill walk up to her house as soon as possible. Mother : Give her my love.Red riding hood : Okay mother.Mother : Remember, keep to the path through the woods and dont ever stop. You will be in danger if you wonder into the forest. Make sure you are back home before dusk. Goodbye. Red riding hood : Bye mother. I will be safe, dont worry. Ill run all the way to Grandmas without stopping.Narrator : Little red riding hood walked on towards Grandmas house. Suddenly, she saw some large daisies. Red riding hood : Ooh, how sweet. I will make a beautiful bouquet with this flowers. How happy grandma will be if I pick up fews flowers for her and make a bouquet.Narrator : In the meantime, two wicked eyes were spying on her from behind a tree. It was a wolf which was looking out for his supper.Wolf 1 : Woow, what surprised. She will make a delicious lunch. But I dare not eat her now because some woodcutter are working nearby. Let me be friend her first. Narrator : Unaware of the danger, red riding hood was busy picking flowers for her beloved grandma. When she suddenly raised her head, she saw the old sly wolf standing a few yards away. Red riding hood : Ohh no !Wolf 1 : Good morning, red riding hood. Dont be afraid, little girl, Im youre friend. Where are you going all alone in the woods ? Narrator : The friendly way in which the wolf spoke comforted Red Riding Hood. Red riding hood : Good morning, Mr Wolf. I am going to see my grandmother. She is not well. Wolf 1 : What are you taking for her ? Red riding hood : I am carrying a cake and a little pot of butter that my mother sent. Wolf 1 : Ohh, I see. Does your grandmother live far from here ? Red riding hood : No, she lives beyond that windmill you see there. Wolf 1 : Does she live by herself ?Red riding hood : Yes, but she never opens the door to strangers. Wolf 1 : Ooh, its getting late. You better hurry along dear. Goodbye.Red riding hood : Goodbye.Narrator : Little red riding hood left the place after bidding goodbye to the wolf. Wolf 1 : Hahahahaha ! What a lucky day ! Ill gobble up the grandmother first then wait for the grandchild. Narrator : The wolf took a short cut and reached the cottage before Little Red Riding Hood. The wolf knocked the door. Grandmother : Who is that ?Narrator : Wolf softened his voice and said Wolf 1 : Its me grandma, Red Riding Hood. Grandmother : Ohh my dear, lift the latch and the door will open. I am too weak and cannot get up. Narrator : The wolf lifted the latch, the door sprang open and without saying a word he went straight to grandmas bedroom.Grandmother : Ohh my goodness ! Help ! Help ! Help, somebody help me.Narrator : But there was no one around who could come to her reseue. Wolf 1 : Hahahahahaha ! No one is here to help you. Narrator : The wolf leaped to her bed. The wicked wolf gobbled her up in one big bite. Wolf 1 : Red Riding Hood will be here any moment. Before that, I will wear her grandmas dress and cap then lie in the bed.When the little girl comes, I will eat her up too. Narrator : The wolf wore grandmas dress, cap and spectacles and covered himself with a quilt and lay down in the bed. A little later Red Riding Hood came there and gently tapped the door.Red riding hood : Grandma, can I come in ?Narrator : Trying to imitate Grandmas quavering little voice the wolf replied.Wolf 1 : Open the latch and come in. I am too weak and cannot get up. Red riding hood : Why have you kept the doors open grandma ? Narrator : The wolf kept quiet. Red riding hood kept the basket on the table. Since she did not receive the answer. She went to the bed and drew back the cover. There lay the wolf with the cap pulled over his face, wearing grandmas spectacles and looking strange. Red riding hood : What happened to you ? You looks strange today. Ohh grandmother, what big ears you have ?Wolf 1 : Uhh , all the better to hear you with my darling. Red riding hood : Grandmother, what big eyes you have ?Wolf 1 : All the better to see you with, my child.Red riding hood : But grandmother, what large hands you have !Wolf 1 : All the better to hug you with my dear.Red riding hood : What a deep voice you have ?Wolf 1 : All the better to greet you my sweet.Red riding hood : Ohh but grandmother, what a terrible big mouth you have ?Wolf 1 : All the better to eat you up with my darling ! Hahahahaha.Narrator : And hardly had the wolf said this, when he leaped and with one bound pounced on Little Red Riding Hood. Wolf 1 : I will devour you.Red riding hood : No, you cannot. Help somebody help me, somebody pleae help me.Narrator : Little red riding hood dodged the Wolf and shouted for help.Wolf 1 : No one is here to help you. Even your grandma shouted for help, but now she is in my stomach sleeping peacefully.Narrator : The wolf pounced on her and gulped her too in one bite. After a hearty meal, the wolf again slipped into grandmas bed for an afternoon nap. In the meantime, the hunter was passing by the cottage and heard the strange snoring of the wolf. Hunter : Whats that strange noise ?Narrator : The hunter peeped inside. He saw the wolf sleeping on the grandmas bed. Hunter : Where is the old woman ? Narrator : The hunter looked around and became suspicious when he saw the wolfs bulging tummy. Hunter : Somethings fishy ! All these days youve been troubling others. I was just looking for you, you sly wolf. This time you cannot escape from me. Narrator : He slowly entered into the cottage and took out his hunting knife. Hunter : Let me gently cut open his stomach. I hope can save the granny from harm. Narrator : He cut open the stomach and saw the red hood. Hunter : Oh my god, little riding hood. This wolf has swallowed her too ! Narrator : First Red riding hood jumped out of the wolfs tummy and next came out her grandma. They both were troubled by the deep darkness inside. Hunter : Are you okay my child. Red riding hood : Yeahh, but it was dark inside. Thank you kind hunter, thank you for saving me and my grandma. Grandmother : You arrived just in time. Thanks for your help. Hunter : Dont mention it, I have been looking out for this wolf for long time. Its safe to go home now. The big bad wolf is dead and gone, and there is no danger on the path. Narrator : Still scared, the little girl hugged her grandmother. Red riding hood : Ohh, what a dreadful fright ! Ahh, I forgot something.Grandmother : What is it ?Narrator : The happy girl took out the bouquet, cake and butter, laid it on the table.Red riding hood : Look grandma, what delicious presents I have brought for you. Grandmother : Ohh, how nice of you.Hunter : Okay, now I must leave. Grandmother : No, no. Lets have the cake and butter together. Narrator : All of them relished the delicious cake and butter. The hunter peeped out of the window. Hunter : Soon itll be dark outside. My dear little child ! I think you must leave now. Narrator : At the same time in little red riding hoods cottage.Mother : What happened ? She should have been back by now. I hope shes safe. Let me go and look for her. Narrator : Little red riding hoods mother went in search of her daughter. She reached the cottage and when she found Little Red Riding Hood safe and sound she felt happy. All her fears disappeared. Red riding hood : Mother !Narrator : Little red riding hood narrated what happened and how the hunter saved them. Mother : We are very grateful to you. Thank you, kind sir.Narrator : After thanking the hunter again, little red riding hood and her mother set off towards the wood to their cottage. Mother : Didnt I tell you not to talk to strangers and wander through the woods. Red riding hood : I am sorry mother and now I promise that I will never talk to strangers and wander alone in the woods.Grandmother : Im sure from now she will listen to you.Mother : Okay mother, take care of yourself. We have to reach home before it gets dark. Come dear, lets start.Grandmother : Goodbye dear.Red riding hood : Goodbye grandma.Narrator : Months rolled by. One day.Mother : Red riding hood, take this cake and visit your grandmother. Its been a long time since youve met her. She has sent a word through the hunter that she wants to see you. Red riding hood : Okay mom. As usual pack her some cake and butter.Mother : Yes dear, I will definitely do that.Narrator : This time red riding hood, was on her guard and went straight to her grandmas house. Red riding hood : This time I am not going to pick the flowers. I am going straight to my grandmas house. Narrator : On the way same as before Red riding hood met a wolf. Wolf 2 : Good morning, my child.Red riding hood : Good morning.Wolf 2 : Where are you going ? Narrator : This time Red riding hood did not answer. She kept walking ahead without turning back. She reached her grandmas place. Red riding hood : Open the door grandma, I am red riding hood. Grandmother : Welcome my dear. Red riding hood : Grandma you know, I met a wolf. It wished me good morning. But I didnt answer his questions.Grandmother : You did the right thing. Red riding hood : I am sure it would have eaten me up if I had stayed and chatted. Grandmother : I am sure that wolf will definitely come here. Well, we will shut the door and stay inside. He cannot come in. Narrator : Soon the wolf knocked on the door. But they did not speak or open the door. Wolf 2 : I dont think they will open the door. Narrator : The wolf went round the cottage thrice. Wolf 2 : I cant find any other way to get into the house. HmmmNarrator : The wolf thought for some time. Wolf 2 : I have idea ! I will climb up on the roof and wait for red riding hood to leave. In the dark, I will pounce on her and have a feast. Hahahahahaha.Narrator : Saying so, the wolf climbed up on the roof. Grandmother : Where is the wolf ?Red riding hood : Grandma, I hear some noise on the roof. Grandmother : Ahh, I know what the wolf is up to. He is hiding on the roof. We have to think of something. Red riding hood : What are we going to do ? Grandmother : Darling, take the pail, fill the water in the trough and lets keep the sausage which I prepared yesterday. Red riding hood : Okay grandma.Narrator : There was a big stone trough before the house. Red riding hood carried the water and poured into it until the great trough was quite full. Red riding hood : Now, let me place these sausages next to it. Narrator : Red riding hood kept the sausages and went inside and again locked the door. The smell of the sausages reached the wolf. Wolf 2 : Hmm.. What a nice smell !Narrator : The wolf sniffed and peeped down and at last stretched out his neck so far that he could no longer keep grip and slipped down from the roof straight into the trough and was drowned. Wolf 2 : Ohh, no !Grandmother : Our plan has worked. The wolf is dead. Red riding hood : Yes grandma, now I can go home without fear. Grandmother : Goodbye dear and take care. Red riding hood : Goodbye grandma.