litte red riding hood

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  • 7/27/2019 Litte Red Riding Hood


    LITTE RED RIDING HOODPlay Scr ipts for

    Chi ldren


    CHARACTERS (6 children)

    Narrator / Little Red Riding Hood / Mothe r / Wolf /Granny / WoodcutterPERSONAJES (6 nios)Narrador / Caperucita Roja / Madre / Lobo / Abuelita

    LeadorNARRATOR Once upon a time there was a girl

    called Little Red Riding Hood...NARRADOR Haba una vez una nia llamada

    Caperucita Roja...MOTHER Granny is ill in bed. Be a good girl and

    take her some food, will you?MADRE La abuelita est en cama enferma. S

    una buena nia y llvale algo de comer,de acuerdo?

    RIDING HOOD OK, mum. Ill go there with my basket. CAPERUCITA De acuerdo, mami. All ir con mi

    canasta.MOTHER Here there is a cake, some bread and

    honey.MADRE Aqu tienes un pastel, algo de pan y miel.RIDING HOOD OK, mum. I will follow the path in the

    woods.CAPERUCITA De acuerdo, mami. Seguir el sendero

    del bosque.

    MOTHER Yes. Please go straight to Granny'sand don't speak to any strangers!

    MADRE S. Por favor vete directo a la casa de laabuelita y no hables con ningn extrao!

    NARRATOR Little Red Riding Hood is looking forsome flowers for her Granny when shemeets a wolf...

    NARRADOR Caperucita est buscando flores para suabuelita cuando se encuentra con unlobo...

    WOLF Where are you going, sweet thing?LOBO Hacia dnde vas, dulzura?RIDING HOOD To visit my Granny who is very ill. She

    lives in the yellow house on the otherside of the woods.

    CAPERUCITA A visitar a mi abuelita que est enferma.Vive en la casa amarilla del otro lado delbosque.

    WOLF You don't say! Allow me to escort you.You never know what you may find inthe woods.

    LOBO No me digas! Djame acompaarte.Nunca se sabe que puedes encontrar en

    el bosque.RIDING HOOD Thanks! You are very kind, Mr. Wolf.CAPERUCITA Gracias! Es usted muy amable, Sr. Lobo.WOLF Oh, look at these pretty flowers here!

    Why not pick a few. Grannies loveflowers, you know.

    LOBO Oh Mira estas hermosas flores! Por quno recoger algunas? Sabes, a las abuelasles encantan las flores.

    RIDING HOOD Thanks, good idea! I will pick someflowers for Granny.

    CAPERUCITA Gracias, buena idea! Recoger unasflores para abuelita.

    NARRATOR But while Little Red Riding Hood waspicking a pretty bouquet, the cleverwolf ran to Granny's house andknocked at the door...

    NARRADOR Pero mientras Caperucita Roja recoga unhermoso ramo, el hbil lobo corri a lacasa de la abuela y golpe a su puerta...


    Who is it?

    ABUELITA Quin es?WOLF It is I, your"de l ic ious"... uhhm darling

    grand-daughter.LOBO Soy yo, tu "deliciosa!... uhhm querida

    nieta.GRANNY Oh come in, honey. The door is

    unlocked.ABUELITA Ah entra, querida. La puerta est sin

    llave.WOLF Hello Granny. Surprise!!!!LOBO Hola abuelita. Sorpresa!!!!GRANNY

    Ohhhh! Help!!!! Help!!!!

    ABUELITA Ohhhh! Socorro!!!! Socorro!!!!NARRATOR And the wolf gobbled Granny right up.

    Then he put on her nightcap and wentto bed. Little Red RidingHood knocked at the door...

    NARRADOR Pero el lobo se devor a la abuelita sinvueltas. Luego se puso su gorro dedormir y se meti en la cama. CaperucitaRoja golpe a la puerta...

    WOLF (There comes my dessert...) Who is it? LOBO (Ah llega mi postre...) Quin es?RIDING HOOD It is I, your little grand-daughter.CAPERUCITA Soy yo, tu nietecita.WOLF Come in, darling. The door is

    unlocked.LOBO Entra, querida. La puerta est sin llave.RIDING HOOD Hi! Ohhh, Granny, what big eyes you

    have!!CAPERUCITA Hola! Ohhh, abuelita, qu ojos tan

    grandes tienes!!WOLF The better to see you, my dear.LOBO Para verte mejor, tesoro.

  • 7/27/2019 Litte Red Riding Hood


    RIDING HOOD And Granny, what long arms youhave!!

    CAPERUCITA Y abuelita, qu brazos tan largostienes!!

    WOLF The better to hug you, my dear.LOBO Para abrazarte mejor, tesoro.RIDING HOOD But Granny, what big teeth you have!!CAPERUCITA Pero abuelita, qu dientes tan grandes

    tienes!!WOLF The better TO EAT YOU, my dear!!LOBO Para COMERTE mejor, tesoro!!NARRATOR And the wolf gobbled Little Red Riding

    Hood right up. He was so pleased thathe fell asleep and started snoringloudly. But a woodcutter passing bywas alarmed...

    NARRADOR Y el lobo se devor a Caperucita Roja sinvueltas. Estaba tan satisfecho que prontose qued dormido y empez a roncarruidosamente. Pero un leador que porall pasaba se alarm...

    WOLF (snoring) Grrrrrrr Grrrrrrr ssss...LOBO (roncando) Grrrrrrr Grrrrrrr sssss...WOODCUTTER That doesn't sound like Granny. I will

    go inside and see what is happening.LE ADOR Ese sonido no parece de la abuela.

    Entrar a ver qu est pasando.NARRATOR And so the brave woodcutter went

    inside, killed the sleeping wolf, cut itopen and out jumped Granny and LittleRed Riding Hood...

    NARRADOR Y as fue que el valiente leador entr,mat al lobo que dorma, le abri la panza

    y, de un salto, salieron la abuelita yCaperucita Roja...RIDING HOOD Thank you very much!!CAPERUCITA Muchsimas gracias!!GRANNY We are ever so grateful!!ABUELITA Le estaremos siempre agradecidas!!WOODCUTTER That wicked wolf won't trouble you

    again!!"LE ADOR Ese malvado lobo no las volver a

    molestar!!NARRATOR Little Red Riding Hood promised never

    ever to speak to another strangerand she never did. And they all livedhappily ever after.

    NARRADOR Caperucita Roja prometi no volver ahablar con extraos nunca ms y novolvi a hacerlo. Y todos ellos vivieronpara siempre felices.