lithuanian course for foreign students


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Lithuanian Course for Foreign Students by Regina Žukienė


  • Regina ukien




    Mokomoji knyga
















    IJA IR






    Vilnius Technika 2009

    ISBN 978-9955-283-21-8


    Regina ukien





    Mokomoji knyga

    Vilnius 2009

  • UDK 808.82(05) u-12

    R. ukien. Lietuvi kalba studentams ir usienieiams: teorija ir praktika. Lithuanian Course for Foreign Students: Theory and Practice: mokomoji knyga. 3-ioji laida. Vilnius: Technika, 2009. 216 p.

    Knyga skiriama studentams usienieiams, atvykusiems pagal tarptautin ERASMUS student main program Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitet vieno semestro technikos moksl studijoms angl kalba ir pasirinkusiems paintin 2 kredit apimties lietuvi kalbos kurs.

    Leidinyje pateiktos eios temos, atskleistos per kalbjimo, leksikos, gramatikos, praktini uduoi, taip pat skaitymo ir klausymo poskyrius.

    This book is designed for foreign students who are studying according students

    exchange programme ERASMUS at Vilnius Gediminas Technical university for one

    term and who choose 2 credits to recognise the Lithuanian language.

    The educational book is divided into 6 subjects, each one deals to speaking,

    grammar, practice tests, reading and listening units.

    Leidin rekomendavo VGTU Humanitarinio instituto Studij komitetas

    Recenzavo: doc. dr. E. D. Barzdiukien, VGTU Lietuvi kalbos katedra doc. dr. L. Kitkauskien, VGTU Usienio kalb katedra VGTU leidyklos TECHNIKA 884 mokomosios metodins literatros knyga 1-oji laida, 2006 2-oji pataisyta laida, 2008

    ISBN 978-9955-28-321-8

    ukien, R., 2006 VGTU leidykla TECHNIKA, 2006


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    PRATARM .................................................................. 6 PREFACE Pirmoji tema LIETUVI KALBA ................................ 7

    LITHUANIAN LANGUAGE STUDIJUOJAME ......................................................7 WE LEARN SKAITOME ..............................................................24 WE READ KLAUSOME .............................................................27 WE LISTEN ILSIMS ...................................................................28 WE RELAX

    Antroji tema PAINTIS ................................................. 29

    ACQUAINTANCE KALBAME ...............................................................29 WE TALK STUDIJUOJAME ......................................................32 WE LEARN SKAITOME ..............................................................45 WE READ KLAUSOME .............................................................47 WE LISTEN ILSIMS ...................................................................49 WE RELAX

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    Treioji tema VIETA IR LAIKAS ................................. 50 PLACE AND TIME

    KALBAME ...............................................................50 WE TALK STUDIJUOJAME ......................................................55 WE LEARN SKAITOME ..............................................................76 WE READ KLAUSOME .............................................................79 WE LISTEN ILSIMS ...................................................................80 WE RELAX

    Ketvirtoji tema A IR MONS APLINK MANE ....... 81

    I AND PEOPLE AROUND ME KALBAME ...............................................................81 WE TALK

    WE LEARN SKAITOME ..............................................................105 WE READ KLAUSOME .............................................................109 WE LISTEN ILSIMS ...................................................................109 WE RELAX

    Penktoji tema MAISTAS IR PIRKINIAI ...................... 111

    FOOD AND SHOPPING KALBAME ...............................................................111 WE TALK STUDIJUOJAME ......................................................118 WE LEARN SKAITOME ..............................................................139 WE READ KLAUSOME .............................................................143 WE LISTEN ILSIMS ...................................................................144 WE RELAX

    STUDIJUOJAME ......................................................83

  • 5

    etoji tema SVEIKATA IR POILSIS .......................... 145

    HEALTH AND REST KALBAME ...............................................................145 WE TALK STUDIJUOJAME ......................................................150 WE LEARN SKAITOME ..............................................................160 WE READ KLAUSOME .............................................................164 WE LISTEN ILSIMS ...................................................................165 WE RELAX


    Pratim ir uduoi atsakymai Key to exercises, tasks and projects odynlis Vocabulary Gramatikos lentels Grammar tables

    LITERATRA ............................................................... 16 8

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    i mokomoji knyga skiriama studentams usienieiams,

    atvykusiems pagal SOCRATES/ERASMUS main program Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitet vieno semestro technikos moksl studijoms angl kalba ir pasirinkusiems neprivalom paintin 2 kredit apimties lietuvi kalbos kurs.

    Knygoje pateiktos eios komunikaciniams tikslams btinos temos, atskleistos per kalbjimo, leksikos, gramatikos ir kitas praktines bei krybines uduotis, taip pat ia yra ir keletas nesudting skaitymo bei klausymo poskyri. Mokymo mediaga sudaryta taip, kad j suvokus pagal bendruosius Europos kalb metmenis turt bti pasiektas pradedaniojo vartotojo A1 Lio (angl. Beakthrough) lygmuo. Orientuojamasi trump paintin, praktin ir vieiamj lietuvi kalbos kurs, todl gramatikos ir pratim pateikta tik tiek, kiek yra btina elementariausioms bendravimo reikmms.

    Knygos gale pridedami msli, pratim ir kit uduoi atsakymai, pavartot odi odynlis, btiniausios gramatikos lentels ir kompaktinis diskas (ploktel) su kalbjimo, klausymo ir skaitymo mediaga tai turt praversti ne tik pratyboms, bet ir student savarankikoms studijoms.

    Leidinys buvo rengtas, atsivelgus student usieniei pageidavimus ir praktin dstymo patirt, joje pateikta mediaga buvo ne kart naudota per pratybas.

    Tikimasi, kad is leidinys bus naudingas ir kitoms auktosioms mokykloms, dalyvaujanioms SOCRATES/ERASMUS ar kitose panaiose tarptautinse student main programose.

    Autor nuoirdiai dkoja recenzentms: dr. doc. L. D. Barzdiu-kienei ir dr. doc. L. Kitkauskienei u vertingus pasilymus ir dalyki-nes pastabas, kurias buvo dmiai atsivelgta, taip pat Lietuvi kalbos katedros reikal tvarkytojai Rtai Darbutienei, padjusiai parengti pirmj ir antrj knygos leidimo variant.

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    Trak pilis Lietuvos vidurami architektros gynybos edevras vienintel ilikusi tokio tipo pilis ant vandens

    Trakai Island Castle, the only remaining castle on water, a masterpiece of medieval Lithuanian defence architecture*

    (* paveikslai, prie kuri nra altinio nuorodos, leidinio autors)

    Pirmoji tema LIETUVI KALBA



    PAGRINDINIAI LIETUVOS ISTORIJOS FAKTAI The main Facts about Lithuanias History In ancient times the area populated by Lithuanians was overgrown with forests which were difficult to penetrate; it was far away from any significant migratory or trade routes. Thus, Lithuanians, like other Baltic tribes, had little opportunity of mixing with other peoples and could live for ages without being disturbed by anybody. This enabled them to preserve their primeval mode of life together with its rich material and spiritual culture. Separate Lithuanian

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    pockets remained thus isolated islets separate until as late as the 13th century. About 1236 Mindaugas, one of the Lithuanian dukes, united several Baltic lands and became the first King of Lithuania. That was the beginning of the Lithuanian state. Very soon after this Lithuania became an extending powerful state pushing its borders far into the east at the expense of lands inhabited by Slavic people. At the same time Lithuania had to face the threat of the German military orders in the west. The drive of the German crusaders was very intensive. During the period between 1340 and 1380, for example, the Teutonic Order undertook more than one hundred military campaigns into Lithuania. In 1387, pursuing the aim of halting the aggression of the German orders, the dukes of Lithuania decided to baptize their people. The adoption of Christianity put an end to Lithuanias economic and cultural isolation from Western and Central Europe. Grand Duke Jogailas marriage to Polish Queen Jadwyga in 1386 and his subsequent election as King of Poland and Lithuania resulted in Lithuanias economic and cultural integration with Poland. After Lublin Union in 1569 Poland and Lithuania were merged into a federal state, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Rzeczpos-polita). After the annexation of Lithuania by the Russian Empire at the end of the 18th century (1795) the polonization of Lithuanians was compouned by forced russification. Lithuanian was competely banned from the Church, state administration and even city life. The Lithuanian peasant was forced to speak Polish to his landlord and the priest, and to use Russian while speaking to an official or a gendarme. The Lithuanian language was used and preserved only by serb peasants who had no possibility of reading or writing in their own language, for it existed only in the spoken form. But this was one of the main factors which helped the Lithuanians to preserve the archaity and purity of their language. True, a comparatively large

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    number of old Slavic and Germanic words penetrated into the Lithuanian vocabulary. Until 1918 the Lithuanian language had never been the official language of the Lithuanian state. It enjoyed this status only during 22 years of Lithuanias independence between 1918 and 1940. In the summer of 1940, after the incorporation of Lithuania into the Soviet Union, the linguistic situation in Lithuania radically changed. Although there were no legal limitations on the usage of the Lithuanian language since, theoretically, the Soviet Union proclaimed equality of all ethnic groups and languages, the internationally disposed newcomers exerted a strong pressure on all the Soviet Republics to use Russian. After the reproclamation of Lithuanias independence on March 11, 1990, Lithuania was again declared the official language of the Republic of Lithuania. BENDRA INFORMACIJA General Information

    Territory 65,303 km, coastline 99 km Borders with Latvia, Belorussian, Poland and Russia Population 3,6 million Ethnic groups Lithuanian 80,6 %; Russian 8,7 %; Polish

    7 %; Belorussian 1,6 % Major religion Roman Catholics Climate: average winter temp. 4,9C; summer +17,0C State language Lithuanian Colors of State flag yellow, green, red Governmental type parliamentary democracy

    (Seimas 141 seats) Capital Vilnius Lithuania has 816 rivers larger than 10 km;

    834 lakes larger than 0,5 ha

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    Highest point Juozapin Hill (293.6 m) The largest river Nemunas (937 km The largest lake Drkiai (42.26 km) Phone: country code +370 Electricity: 220240 V, 50 Hz Lithuania is a member of the EU and NATO

    LIETUVI TARMS Lithuanian Dialects There are four major ethnic regions in Lithuania: Zemaitija (Western Lithuania), Aukstaitija (Central and Eastern Lithuania), Dzukija (south- eastern Lithuania on both sides of the Nemunas river), Suvalkija (the northern parts to the south of the Nemunas river).

    Lietuvos emlapis Map of Lithuania [20]

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    It is not very easy to classify all the Lithuanian dialects. Nevertheless it is generally recognized that the Aukstaitian and Zemaitian dialects are the main dialects of the Lithuanian language. The earlier classification of Lithuanian dialects, worked out by Jaunius and Salys, reflected the division of the country into ethnic regions rather closely. At present, however, the classification, proposed by Zinkevicius and Girdenis on the basis of the classification worked out by Baranauskas, has gained greater popularity among the linguists. The common literary Lithuanian language was formed on the basis of the western Aukstaitian dialect, known as the Suvalkian dialect. It was mainly because in the second half of the 19-th century the center of the Lithuanian cultural life moved from Zemaitija to the south-western bank of the Nemunas river. This was also the birth place of the father of the common literary Lithuanian, Jonas Jablonskis (1860-1930), who was born in Griskabudis district.

    Lietuvos tarmi emlapis Map of Lithuanian dialects [20]

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    PAGRINDINIAI LIETUVI KALBOS ISTORIJOS FAKTAI Main Facts on the History of the Lithuanian Language

    Lithuanian belongs to the Baltic branch of the Indo-European family languages. Latvian and Prussian (extinct) also belong to this branch. All these languages are very old, but the common name Baltic was given to them comparatively recently, after the Baltic Sea, on the shores of which the speakers of the Baltic languages, Lithuanians and Latvians dwell. It is known that all over the world there are about 3000 languages. Some of them are widely spread (e. g. Chinese is spoken by about 800 millions people; English by 300 millions people; Russian by 150 millions people). Usually every language is the language of one nation and is in use in one country as a state language (e. g. Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish). But sometimes one language may be used as a state language in many countries (e. g. English is a state language not only in England, but also in Canada, USA, Australia, India, New Zealand and other countries). There are also languages known as dead, but until now they are in use.E.g. Latin is a dead language, but it is used in churches and in scientific or international terminology. Some languages are similar while others are very different (e.g. very big differences are between Lithuanian and Chinese, but many similarities exist between Lithuanian and Latvian, Norvegian and Swedish). So there are many related groups of languages in the world, which can be divided in relative groups (e. g. families, branches). The main groups (families) of languages are: Indo-European, China-Tibetian, Ugro-Finnish, Turkish and so on.What languages belong to the Indo-European languages family?

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    The German linguist August Schleicher (1821-1868) created the theory which is known as a tree theory. In his opinion, Proto-Indo-European can be linked to the trunk of a big tree, which splits from two branches into different Indo-European languages, producing the present variety of languages. Branches of Indo-European Languages: Germanic branch, Baltic branch, Slavic branch, Roman branch, Italic branch,Tocharian branch,Indo-Iranian branch, Celtic branch; The Languages of Germanic Branch: English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Gothic; Some Languages of Slavic Branch: Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian; Some Languages of Roman Branch: French, Spanish, Portugese, Italian, Romanian, Catalan, Moldavian; The Languages of Baltic Branch: Latvian, Lithuanian, Prussian, Curonian, Semigallian,Selonian, Yotvingian, Galindan.

    Indoeuropiei kalb medis

    Indo-European language tree and chart of languages [14]

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    There are only two living Baltic languages today Lithuanian and Latvian. Prussian died at the end of the 17th century, other languages were assimillated by Latvian and Lithuanian earlier (1517thcentury).

    One can judge about the value and wideness of a language by viewing the dictionary of that language. Lithuanians have a Comprehensive Dictionary a dictionary of Lithuanian, which took a hundred years to complete. In the summer of 2002, the Lithuanian Language Institute published the last, the 20th volume. This is the largest ever published dictionary of the Lithuanian language, comprising aproximately 20,000 pages and about 500,000 entries, compiled on the basis of a file containing five million quotations, drawn not only from the old texts, but also from the dialects of Lithuania. Besides Lithuania itself, Lithuanian is the language of a large number of Lithuanians outside Lithuania. It is spoken by approximately 610,000 Lithuanians living abroad, mostly in the USA, Brasil, Argentina, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Uryguay, Poland, Russia. Lithuania is neither large nor very important in the world, but there are some reasons for studying it not only in Lithuania:

    Lithuanian is extremely conservative in structure: it preserved a number of archaic features which have long been lost in other Indo-European languages; Lithuanian attracts those who wish to familiarize themselves with Lithuanian culture, its rich folklore, mythology and fiction.

    LIETUVI KALBOS ABCL IR GARSAI Lithuanian Alphabet and the Sounds Like English, Lithuanian uses the Roman alphabet with some omissions (the letters q, w and x) and some additions (the letters , , , and the diacritical marks on the vowels , , , , which indicate

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    the length of these vowels and serves as a sign of certain grammatical meanings e. g. cases of Accusative or Genetive. Most of consonants are similar to those in the English table. One of the more important differences is that all Lithuanian consonants exept j exist in two variants, palatalized (or soft) before the front vowels (i, , y, e, , ) and unpalatalized (or hard) before the back vowels (a, , o, u, , ). If the consonant is palatalized before a, , o, u, , , it is indicated in spelling by the letter i, which is not pronounced at all (e. g. Vilnius [Vilnus]).

    LIETUVI KALBOS GARS KLASIFIKACIJA Clasification of Lithuanian Sounds Similar to other Indo-European languages, sounds in Lithuanian are divided into vowels and consonants. Vowels can be classified in some groups, e. g.:

    according to the position of the tongue front y, , , , e; back u, , , o, a, ;

    according to the height of the raised part of the tongue (or vertical movement of the tongue):

    a) hight u, , , i y; b) mid-open o, ; c) open or low a, e;

    according to their length: a) short a, e, i, u, o and b) long , , , , , ;

    according to the height of the raised part of the tongue (or vertical movement of the tongue):

    a) hight u, , , i y; b) mid-open o, ; c) open or low a, e;

    according to their length: a) short a, e, i, u, o and b) long , , , , , .

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    Lietuvi kalbos abcl ir garsai The Alphabet and the Sounds [39]

    When two vowels come together, they are pronounced together in a diphthong. In Lithuanian there are six diphthongs: ai, au, ei, ui , ie, uo. Two of them (ie, uo) are different and similar to vowels because the two components are pronounced separately. The ie in initial position is pronounced [jie]: iev [jiev]. Mixed diphthongs consist of a vowel (a, e, i, u) and voiced sonants (l, m, n, r). In a consonant cluster the last consonant determines the character of the preceding consonants. The modification of consonants is called assimilation:


    The pronun-ciation


    English E



    The pronun-ciation


    English E


    N n O o

    P p

    R r S s T t U u V v

    Z z

    [e.] [] []

    [p 1]

    [er1.] [s] []

    [t 1] [] [u] [u]

    [v 1]

    [z 1] [ 1]

    N n O o

    P p Q q R r

    ---- T t U u ---- ---- V v W w X x Z z

    new saw


    red sea ship talk put soon soup


    zoo pleasure

    Africates (Digrafs)

    A a

    B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I I Y y J j K k L l M m

    [] [] []

    [b1] [c 1] [ 1] [d 1]

    [] [] [1] [f]

    [g1] [ha]

    [] [i] [i] [jt] [k] [el1.]


    A a ----

    B b C c ---- D d E e ---- ---- F f G g H h I I ---- Y y J j K k L l M m

    cut car

    father bus cats

    child door bet bag

    fall garden hand

    it feel field you kid love

    much Dz dz D d Ch ch

    [dz C] [d C] [x ]

    fads age loch

  • 17

    if the last consonant is palatalized (soft), it causes the preceding consonant to be palatalized also (Vlnius [vlnus];

    if the last consonant is voiced, the preceding consonant will be voiced also (atgalV [adgalC.] back);

    if the last consonant is voiceless, it causes the preceding consonant to be voiceless also (drti [drti] to cut).

    Gars klasifikacija Clasification of the Sounds [39]

    Vowels: the short and the long

    Consonants: sonorants, voiced and voiceless

    Diphthongs: pure and the mixed

    a e i u o

    a, e, y, , o

    j l m n r v

    b d g z dz d h

    p t k s c f ch

    ai au ei ui ie uo

    al, am, an, ar el, em, en, er il, im, in, ir ul, um, un, ur

    It is important to know that in Lithuanian words, in a consonant cluster the last consonant determines the preceding consonant. If the last consonant is voiced, it causes the preceding consonant to be voiced also: igirdo [] heard; if the last consonant is voiceless, it causes the preceding consonant to be voiceless also: dirbti [drpti] to work. KIRIO IR TARTIES SVARBA Importance of the Stress and Accent Pronouncing a word, we do it by a combination of sounds called syllables. A syllable is pronounced with a single, uninterrupted sounding of the voice.

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    Syllables can be divided into long and short. Long syllables containing long vowels are diphthongs, short syllables contain short vowels. The stress in Lithuanian is free, it may fall almost on any syllable of a word. Two cases are possible: the stress can be fixed and it may change position. The manner of pronouncing a syllable is called the stress or the accent (intonation) of the syllable. There are three kinds of stressed syllables in Lithuanian, therefore there are three signs witch denote the stress. Kirio enklai The Sign of Syllables

    ` Grave stress A vowel marked with this stress is always short: js he; t you, universittas university

    ~ Circumflex Rising intonation (Lith. tviragal priegaid): studetas student; eti to go

    Acute Falling intonation (Lith. tvirtaprad prigaid): lngas window; rtas morning

    TAIKOMOSIOS STUDIJOS: TARTIES PRATIMAI Practical Studies: Exercises of Pronunciation

    I pratimas. Perskaitykite odius, tardami taisyklingai balsius Read the following words pronouncing the short vowels correctly: kav coffe ks what, who nti carry bt but ckrus sugar t you gra nice j she telefnas telephone kpija copy

  • 19

    II pratimas. Perskaitykite odius, taisyklingai tardami ilguosius balsius Read the following words pronuncing the long vowels correctly:

    a nmas house kgsnis piece thsti continue e keilias road j sksti sit down dkti put y vieverss lark y vras man o pnas mister o inti to know jppqs you pkis farm

    III pratimas. Perskaitykite odius, taisyklingai tardami dvigarsius Read the following words pronuncing dighthongs correctly: i lim happiness a lakas time aui lauikas field u ajguktas tall i mil love e pelis knife e penas milk e venas alone o oga berry u sesu sister l lkanas hungry alwwwp alwwwpkis hunger

    m km to what whom

    ami kamipas corner

    n lngas window ani anitra secondly r dr still ari varidas name l dlnas palm elp pelpnas profit n snti to grow old e studetas student l Vlnius ilp vilpkas wolf r vrti cook iri pirwkti to buy

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    IV pratimas. Perskaitykite taisyklingai tardami odius Read the following words pronouncing them correctly: tbulas reversed kd that dava conclusion td so gals power visd ever drbti to work nikad never gabti to cover lg till tgarsis an echo lg as if grpti to come back jg that vti to drive bt but degtkas match iekti to look for vibutis hotel pvyzdiui for example bkgti to run igirido heard usienitis foreign utt for that luti to break sienyje abroad PROJEKTAI Projects I projektas Darbas poromis: perskaitykite pasak, aptarkite turin ir atsakykite klausimus: a) kodl buvo kuriamos pasakos? b) kam jos buvo skirtos? c) ko jos moko? d) kokie tipikiausi pasak bruoai? e) ar kitos tautos turi panai pasak? Work in pairs: read Lithuanian national tale, discuss the content of the tale and answer the questions: a) why were the tales created? b) what were the tales intended for? c) what do the tales teach? d) what typical features do the tales have? e) are there similar tales in the folklore of other nations?

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    Egl, the Queen of the Grass Snakes The Lithuanian fairy tale

    Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman. They had twelve sons and three daughters. The youngest daughter's name was Egl, One summer evening, after a swim in the sea, the youngest daughter found a grass-snake lying curled in her shirt's sleeve. He said he would give the shirt back to her if she agreed to marry him. Egl promised to marry him. In a few days she left her parents' house with a retinue of grass-snakes. On the shore of the sea she was met by a handsome young man who was the same grass-snake that had lain curled in her shirt's sleeve. They crossed in a boat to an island nearby and from there they descended to a beautiful palace at the bottom of the sea where they celebrated their wedding. The life in the palace was rich. Egl cheered up and at last she forgot her homeland altogether. She gave birth to three sons uolas (Oak), Uosis (Ash tree) and Beras (Birch) and a daughter, Drebul (Asp), who was the youngest. Nine years passed and once her oldest son asked her where her parents were and said he would like to visit them. Egl remembered her family but Grass-snake would not let her go. He asked her first to accomplish three tasks. At first she was given a silk tow to spin. Egle span and span and she could never finish it. Then she approached an old wise woman for advice. The woman advised her to throw the tow into fire. And really when the silk burnt, Egle saw a toad which had been producing new and new silk as Egl spun the tow. Her second task was to wear off iron shoes. Egl accomplished this task when, on the advice of the old woman again, she took them to a smith who burnt them in the foundry. Her third task was to bake a pie. Since Grass-snake had given orders to hide all the vessels in the kingdom, Egl could not even bring water for the pie. On the advice

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    of the old woman she filled the holes of a sieve with leaves, brought some water from the well in it and made the pie.

    Eglei skirti geleiniai batai

    Iron shoes for Egl [12]

    She said good-bye to her husband on the sea shore and together with her children she departed for her parents' house. They agreed that when she came back she would call her husband out of the sea by saying:

    ilvine, ilvinl! If alive you are, milk white is the surf! If is dead you are, blood-red is the surf!

    Egl had a very good time at her parents' house and the time allotted for her visit by her husband slipped imperceptibly by. To keep their sister on land, Egls brothers decided to kill Grass-snake. But no matter how hard they tried, they could not get the password out of her sons. But her youngest daughter Drebul (Asp) blurted it out as soon as they threatened to flog her.

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    Eglei ali karalienei skirtas paminklas Palangoje

    The monument of Egle, the queen of the Grass-snake, in Palanga [12]

    When Egle and her children came back to the seashore and called Grass-snake, they saw blood-covered waves rolling to the shore and they heard Grass-snake's voice from the bottom of the sea informing them of the betrayal. In her pain, Egl turned her sons into strong trees - oak, ash tree and birch and her daughter into a quivering asp. She herself turned into a fir tree [16]. II projektas Darbas poromis: minkite msles. Atsakykite klausimus: koks msli tikslas? Kam jos skirtos? Kokius mogaus bruous jos ugdo? Work in pairs:discuss and guess the puzzles. Answer the questions:

    what is the purpose of the puzzles? what are the puzzles intended for? what personal features do the puzzles develop? [21]

    1. The horse like a barn, its tail like a willow, it neighs like this: y-gi-gi-gi!

    2. A white bug is cutting its way through the sky.

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    3. An iron flea is jumping on rubber shoes 4. The jar is old but its bottom is new every year. 5. Though it lies day and night it never rots. 6. It passes through fire but it does not burn, it passes through water

    but it does not sink, it passes through straw but it does not rustle. 7. It has a mouth of bone, a beard of flesh, it is born twice, dies

    once and is not afraid of the devil. 8. A beggar comes clad in rags, patches all over him, but water

    would not drench him through. 9. A wide field, with countless sheep and a horned shepherd on it. 10. A little lady with nine fur coats on. 11. Without a pain, without a complaint, it keeps moaning. 12. Five men carrying a log. 13. Upon breaking the ice you find silver, upon breaking silver you

    find gold. 14. It has flesh all around, and a tummy of stone. SKAITOME WE READ

    The land and its people

    You have just stepped into Lithuania. Small is this land, but great is its truth: to be. To survive. To testify by itself to the abudance and variety of the worlds nation, to the value of man/s life in freedom and his homeland Painful is this land: each blade of grass here sprouts from a drop of blood or a tear. Toilful is this land: in the sandy soil of a hillock it grows both grain and graves marked with crosses. Brave is this land: it went from uprising to uprising, from exile to exile, from deportation to deportation. A great number of its people were laid to rest in the permafrost of Siberia, some of their bones were flown back to their native soil, the survivors lost their health in slave labour, but returned home. Beautiful is this land: over

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    each hillock, over each forest and over each lake it looks the same and different. Its just like our folk song: though over the Nemunas river it seems to be sung in a different manner, it is nevertheless filled with the same longing and poignant emotion. Now you go wandering in a town, most probably in Vilnius, and gaze at its old architectural monuments. It is a modest town under the northern skies where sunshine does not shower as generously as one may wish but instead rain, often for weeks, keeps lashing the stonework of the old buildings. Vilnius seems to you very Lithuanian, only it is not clear whether its people have built and created it according to their character, or the town has brought up the people, its citizens,

    Vilnius Lietuvos sostin Vilnius Lihuanias capital

    Baltijos keliui skirtas paminklinis akmuo

    Monumental stone for Baltic road

    according to its own character. It is a tolerant town lying on the crossroads between the East and the West, and it is also an enduring town like the people who have built it. Without Vilnius, a Lithuanian is not quite Lithuanian. And again people! Familiar and unfamiliar, famed for the work of their skillful hands and talented minds. Their fathers and brothers, living under the threat of imprisonment and deportation, fled the country and went overseas where their bread and water were mixed with nostalgia and tender reminiscence, but lok at them: Lithuania shines in their faces, their eyes reflected the skies of their homeland. You look at them all and think: how lofty this land is and how great are the people who are holding it! It seems that you see their

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    confidence and inspiration like a stretching dense forest emerging out of Lithuanias independence. Then we see those people on the legendary Baltic Way, holding each others hands Lithuania has never seen such a flood of flight, it has never bloomed with such beautiful flowers of unity. Liberty and unity is the mother of the good. Leading us out of the world of lies, violence, suffering and darkness, the says: Those who have experienced so much suffering really deserve liberty. The land I lead you to is the only land Lithuania (J. Marcinkeviius 1993).

    Vilniaus Katedros

    boktas Vilnius Cathedral tower


    Monument of Lithuanian folk art

    Lietuvos patriotas

    The patriot of Lithuania

    Eero vaizdas A view of a lake

    Prie Trak pilies

    Near the castle of Trakai Prie kranto Near the bank

  • 27

    KLAUSOME WE LISTEN I uduotis. Paklausykite lietuvi liaudies sutartins ir aptarkite jos turin Listen to Lithuanian national glees and discuss the content of the glee:

    jau rytelia ita jau rytelia ita, Randu tvut ita, Rugius sjant ita, Aik en, tvuti, ita, Ir a padsiu, ita, Rugius passiu, ita, jau rytelia, ita, Randu matut, ita, Rugius pjaunant, ita, Aik en, matuti, ita, Ir a padsiu, ita, Rugius nupjausiu, ita

    I walk in ther morning, ita I walk in ther morning, ita, I find my father, ita, Sowing rye, ita, Come here, dear father, ita, I will help you, ita, I will sow rye, ita, I walk in the morning, ita, Reaping rye, ita, Come here, dear mother, ita, I will help you, ita, I will reap rye, ita

    Sutartins (from the word sutarti to be in concordance, in agreement) are highly unique examples of folk music. They are an ancient form of two and three voiced polyphony, based on the oldest principles of multivoiced vocal music: heterophony, parallelism, canon and free imitation. Most of the sutartin repertoire was recorded in the 19th and 20th centuries, but sources from the 16th century and later show that this style of singing was important along with monophonic songs for a considerable period of time. The topics and functions of sutartins encompass almost all known Lithuanian folk song genres - work, calendar cycle ritual, wedding, family, wartime, historic, and other songs. The melodies of sutartins are not complex., containing two to five pitches. The melodies are symmetrical, consisting of two equal-length parts. Rhythms are typically syncopated, and the distinctly articulated refrains give them a driving quality [16].

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    I uduotis. Pairkite A. Stonio film Skrydis per Lietuv arba 510 sekundi tylos ir pasakykite, kas jums labiausiai simin ir kas geriausiai apibdina Lietuv Watch the film of A. Stonis Flight over Lithuania or 510 seconds of the silence and retell: What views do you remember best ? What describes Lithuania best?

    Flight over Lithuania is a legendary film by A.Matelis and

    S.Stonys which won a honorary award as No. 4 of the Top 10 at the international exhibition EXPO 2000 in Hanover, Germany as one of the best films, demonstrated at the exhibition.

    The film features an incredibly low angels flight over the dunes of Nida, Trakai castle, the lakes of Auktaitija (Higlands), the roots of the Old Town of Vilnius and the fantastically beautiful church steeples. Its like a mystical gliding just above the treetops, meadows covered by early morning mist, as well as above the narrow streets of Vilnius.

    Lietuvos vaizdas i filmo Skrydis per Lietuv

    Picture of Lthuania from the film Flight over Lithuania[35]

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    KALBAME WE TALK Pokalbiai Conversations I pokalbis Conversation Rta. Lab dien. Christian: Lab dien. Rta. es studet. Mno vardas Rt, o kks tvo vardas? Christian. Mno vardas Christian. tap pt es studetas. Rta. Laba malon susipanti. Christian. Mn tap pt.

    Hello! Hello! I am student, my name is

    Ruta, and what is your name?

    My name is Kristian, Im also a student.

    Im pleased to meet you.

    Me too. II pokalbis Conversation Mathijas: Lbas. Ernesta: Lbas. Mathijas. Kap gyvoji? Ernesta. i, pukiai, o t? Mathijas. Dkui, ir2gi nebloga. Ernesta. skub. Ik. Mathijas. Ik. Bvo malon pasimatti!

    Hi! Hello! How are you? Nice, thanks, and you? Thanks, Im nice too. Im in a hurry, so see you

    later. Bye, it was nice seeing


  • 30

    III pokalbis Conversation Kristina. Sveik, Mandy! Mandy. Lbas. Kristina. Kap skasi? Mandy. Nebloga, o kap tu? Kristina. i, po trupt Mandy. Puik. Ik pasimtymo. Gers diens! Kristina. Ir tu. Ik!

    Hi, Mandy! Hi! How are you? Not bad, and you? Thanks, so so... OK, see you later,

    Have a nice day! You too, bye!

    IV pokalbis Conversation Rima. Ali. Dinas. Lab dien Rima. Lab dien. Dinas ArB kalb s nga? Rima. N, ngos nr nami. Dinas. Atsipraa. Vso gro. Rima. Vso gro.

    Hello. Good afternoon. Good afternoon! Am I talking to Inga? No, Inga isnt at home. Sorry, bye. Good bye.

  • 31

    Naudingos situacins frazs Useful situational phrases

    Lbas rtas! Lab dien! Lbas vkaras! Lbas! Sveik! Kap gyvoji? Kap skasi? Gera. Pukiai. Nebloga. Nekap. Po trupt. iap su. Bloga. Vidutnikai. Nelaba gera. Atsipraa. Praa. Niko tkio! Nikis! Sudi! Vso gro! Vso! Vso lbo! Kl ks! Ik pasimtymo! Ik! Ik rytjaus! Ik malonas susitikmo! Kap malon tav matti! i, gera. O kap J2s? Dkui. i. Laba dkju. Nr kB Vskas gera! Laba malon. Puik! Labnakt! Gro savitgalio! Gers diens! Gro pilsio! Laimngo klio!

    Good Morning! Good Afternoon! Good Evening! Hello! Hi! How are you? Good. Excellent. Not bad. Not good. So so. Bad. Average. Not so well. Excuse me. Please. Never mind! Nothing! Goodbye! All good! So long! See you later! See you

    again. All good! See you

    tomorrow! Ill be glad to see you

    again! How nice to see you! Fine, thank you. And what about you? Thank you. Many thanks. No problem... Thats all right! It is nice. Perfect! Good night! Have a good weekend! Good day!. Have a good rest! Have a pleasant trip!?

  • 32

    STUDIJUOJAME WE LEARN odyno studijos Learning Vocabulary Judjimas ir mogaus veiksmai

    Moving and mans actions


    Eti, ena, Njo to go


    BOgti, bOga, bOgo to run


    irOti, iNri, irOjo to look


    Drbti, drba, drbo to work


    Vlgyti, vlgo, vlg to eat


    Skaitti, skato, skat to read


    Miegti, miga, miegjo to sleep


    Atsiprati, atsipro, atsipr to apologize


    Grti, grja, grjo to play


    KalbOti, kalNba, kalbOjo to speak


    SkubOti, skba, skubOjo to hurry


    Lukti, lukia, luk to wait

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    Vaioti, vaioja, vaivo to ride


    Susitkti, susitika, susitko to meet


    asti, adia, ad to play


    MylOti, mli, mylOjo to love


    Studijoti, studijoja, studijvo to study


    Suprsti, suprata, suprto

    to understand


    Rati, ro, r

    to write


    TylOti, tli, tylOjo

    to keep silent

    vairius mogaus veiksmus rodantys paveikslai Pictures about moving and mans actions [2]

    dkti, dkja, dkjo to thank gyvnti,gyvna, gyvno to live gyvoti gyvoja, gyvvo to exist norOti nri, norOjo to want galOti gli, galOjo can, may turOti, tri, turOjo to have inti, no, injo to know privalOti, privlo, privalOjo must pasakti, pasko, pask to say, tell prati, pro, pr to beg, to ask for pradZti, prdeda, pradZjo to start vloti, vloja, vlvo to be late sakti, sko, sk[ to say mZgti, mZgsta, mZgo to like

  • 34



    little, (few)



    much, many Kiek rodantys paveikslai

    Pictures which show the count [3]

    Gramatikos studijos Learning Grammar vardiai: asmeniniai, priklausomybs vardiai Pronouns. Personal and Possessive Pronouns Veiksmaodio bendratis, esamasis laikas ir asmenavimas The Infinitive, the Present Tense and Conjugation Daiktavardiai: gimins ir linksnio kategorijos Nouns: the Gender and Case Categories and Declensional Cases Klausim sudarymas Modaliniai odiai ir j vartojimas Modal words and their usage

    Asmeniniai vardiai: priklausomybs kilmininkas Personal and Possessive Pronouns

    Singular Plural Singular Plural A I Mes We mano My ms Our,

    ours Tu Thou,

    you Js You tavo Your,

    yours js Your,

    yours Jis He Jie They

    (masc.) jo His j Their,

    theirs Ji She Jos They

    (fem.) jos Her j Their,


  • 35

    Lietuvi kalbos veiksmaodi asmenuots The Conjugations I II III

    A -u A -(i)u A -au Tu -i Tu -i Tu -ai


    Jis, ji -a Jis, ji -i Jis, ji -o Mes -ame Mes -ime Mes -ome Js -ate Js -ite Js -ote


    Jie,jos -a Jie, jos -i Jie, jos -o Veiksmaodis bti yra netaisyklingas, taiau pirmojo ir antrojo asmens galns yra visikai taisyklingos. Jeigu norime padaryti neigiam form, prie veiksmaodio turime pridti priedl ne- arba n- .

    The verb to be is irregular, but the endings of the first and second persons are absolutely regular. If we wont to make the forms negative we can put prefix ne- or n- in front of the first and second persons.

    Veiksmaodi bti asmenavimas Conjugation of the Verb to be Negative forms ne- Singular Plural Singular Plural A A ......nes-u Mes....nes-ame Tu.......nes-i Js.....nes-ate Jis, ji....yr-a Jie, jos....yr-a Jis, Jie,

    Veiksmaodis. Lietuvi kalboje yra trys pagrindins veiksmao- dio formos, kurios paprastai pateikiamos odynuose: bendratis, esamojo laiko treias asmuo, btojo kartinio laiko treias

    Verb. There are 3 main forms of the verbs in Lithuanian language and that forms are included into dictionary simply: infinitive, the 3 rd form of the

    present tense, and the 3 rd form of the

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    asmuo. Esamasis laikas vartojamas kalbamuoju momentu vyks-taniam veiksmui reikti. Esamojo laiko treiasis asmuo yra atraminis, todl norint kalbti, reikia imokti kaityti asmen galnes. Be to, esamojo laiko 3 asmuo rodo, kuriai asmenuotei odis priklauso.

    past tense. The present tense is used to express the action then, when is talking. The 3 rd form of the present tense is proper, so we have to learn to conjugate the endings of the persons. Besides the 3 rd form of the present tense indicate what conjugation is.

    Veiksmaodi asmenuots Types of Conjugation

    I asmenuot . (III asmens galn -a) 1-st Conjugation (The ending in the 3rd person is -a) Vienaskaita Singular Daugiskaita Plural A bgu Tu bgi Jis, ji bga

    Mes bgame Js bgate Jie jos bga

    II asmenuot. (III asmens galn -i) 2nd Conjugation (The ending in the 3rd person is -i) Vienaskaita Singular Daugiskaita Plural A tyliu Tu tyli Jis, ji tyli

    Mes tylime Js tylite Jie jos tyli

    II asmenuots veiksmaodiai turti, galti, reikti ir III asme-nuots privalti yra modaliniai veiksmaodiai. Jie gali bti var-tojami sakiniuose ir posakiuose kaip pagalbiniai odiai, po kuri

    The verbs of II conjugation to have, can, to need the 3 rd conjugation must are modal verbs. They are used in the sentences and in the expres-sions as auxiliary words and

  • 37

    paprastai tinka vartoti bendrat, pvz.: Privalau + vaiuoti, eiti, kalbti; Turiu + eiti, atsiprayti; Galite + studijuoti, gyventi, laukti; Reikia + bgti, miegoti.

    then can be used as infinitive, for example: I must +(to) go, (to) walk, (to) speak; I have+(to) go,(to) apologise, You can +(to) study, (to) live; I need +(to) run, (to) sleep.

    III asmenuot (III asmens galn -o) 3rd Conjugation (The ending in the 3rd person is -o)

    Vienaskaita Singular Daugiskaita Plural A privalau Tu privalai Jis, ji privalo

    Mes privalome Js privalote Jie jos privalo

    Daiktavardis. Lietuvi kalbos daiktavardiai gramatiniu poiriu skiriasi vis pirma pagal skaii (yra du skaiiai vienaskaita ir daugiskaita), pagal gimines (vyrikosios gimins odiai turi galnes -as, -is, -ys, o moterikosios gimins -a, -. Galn -is gali turti abi gimins.) Be to, daiktavardis kaitomas linksniais, kuri yra septyni: vardininkas kas? kilmininkas ko? naudininkas kam? galininkas k? nagininkas su kuo? vietininkas kur? auksmininkas vartojamas kreipiantis.

    Nouns in Lithuanian are inflected for number, case and gender: there are two numbers Singular and Plural. Lithuanian nouns have two genders: masculine (the endings are -as, -us, -ys) and feminne(the endings are -a or -) nouns in is may be masculine or feminine. There are seven declensional cases in Lithuanian: Nominative who? what?, Genitive whose? Of what?, Dative for what?, Accusative whom? what?, Instrumen- tal with what?, Locative where? In what?, Vocative used for addressing.

  • 38

    Daiktavardio vardininko ir kilmininko linksni galns, prielinksnis i su kilmininku, bdo prieveiksmis -ikai

    The Nominative, Genetive preposition i (from) and Genetive adverb -ikai

    Daiktavardio linksniai Cases of theNoun

    Vardininkas:. Kas? Vyrikoji gimin Nominative (Who?) (masculine gender) Moterikoji gimin (feminine gender)

    -as, -is, -ys, -us -a, -

    Kilmininkas: Ko?Vyrikoji gimin Genetive: What? Of whom? Whose?) Moterikoji gimin (feminine gender)

    -o, -io, -io, -aus -os, -s

    Prielinksniai i, prie + Kilmininkas Prepositions from, near + Genetive

    Prieveiksmis (kaip?)(Adverb) (How?) -ikai: lietuvis, lietuv lietuvikai; anglas, angl anglikai; danas,dan danikai

    Vardininko ir kilmininko linksni vartojimo schema Scheme of using cases of Nominative and Genetive

    Yra (kas?)

    Nra (ko?)

    Ar ia yra universitetas?

    Ne, ia nra universiteto

  • 39

    Jungiamieji ir klausiamieji odiai Linking words Conjunctions and Syndetic and question words

    Modalini veiksmaodi vartojimo schema The scheme of modal verbs usage

    Jungiamieji odiai

    taip pat, irgi, ir, bet, taiau, kadangi

    alike, also, and, either, but, yet, because

    Klausiamieji odiai Kas? Kaip? Kiek? Kur? Koks? Kada? Kieno? Ar

    Who? How? Where? What? When? Whose? Of what? Is ...

    Modalinio veiksmaodio asmens forma

    bendratis Klausiamasis odis

  • 40

    Taikomosios studijos Practical Learning I pratimas. Iasmenuokite I asmenuots veiksmaodius Conjugate such verbs eiti, laukti, miegoti, vaiuoti, studijuoti: 1. A bgu ......................................................................................... 2. Tu bgi .......................................................................................... 3. Jis, ji bga .. eina .... laukia ..... miega ..... vaiuoja ..... studijuoja 4. Mes bgame .................................................................................. 5. Js bgate ...................................................................................... 6. Jie, jos bga ..eina .... laukia ..... miega ..... vaiuoja .... studijuoja II pratimas. Iasmenuokite II asmenuots veiksmaodius Conjugate such verbs norti, galti, turti, mylti, tylti: 1. A .................................................................................................. 2. Tu .................................................................................................. 3. Jis, ji .....nori ............ gali ......... turi ......... myli ......... tyli ........... 4. Mes ............................................................................................... 5. Js ................................................................................................. 6 Jie, jos ............................................................................................

    III pratimas. Iasmenuokite III asmenuots veiksmaodius Conjugate such verbs rayti, inoti, valgyti, sakyti, atsiprayti: 1. A................................................................................................... 2. Tu .................................................................................................. 3. Jis, ji ....rao ........ ino ........ valgo ........ sako ........ atsiprao ...... 4. Mes ............................................................................................... 5. Js ................................................................................................. 6. Jie, jos ...........................................................................................

  • 41

    IV pratimas. Paraykite pagal pavyzd Write according to the example:

    ia yra Jis yra Ji yra Jie yra i Jie kalba Italija italas ital Italijos italikai Rusija Ispanija Portugalija Graikija Estija Austrija ekija Japonija Lenkija Slovakija vedija Norvegija Danija Turkija Belgija Pranczija Slovnija Vengrija Kroatija Anglija

    V pratimas. raykite vardius a tu, ji, ji, mes, js, jie, jos Write pronouns a tu, ji, ji, mes, js, jie, jos: 1. Mes ...... einame i universiteto. 2. .......... esu student. 3. ...........yra i Kauno. 4. Kur ........... einate? 5. Kada ............ valgai? 6. Kaip ......... gyvenate? 7. ............ kalbame lietuvikai. 8. Rimas ir Dita yra studentai, .......... gyvena Vilniuje. 9. .......... kalbu iek tiek lenkikai.

  • 42

    VI pratimas. raykite tinkam asmens form Write suitable forms of the verb given:

    Kalbti, kalba, kalbjo 1. Mes kalbame lietuvikai. 2. Kaip jie .............. ? 3. Ar tu ............. lenkikai? 4. Ar js ................. anglikai? 5. Ar jis ............. danikai?

    Suprasti, supranta, suprato 6. Ar js ................ vokikai? 7. Jis truput .............. lietuvikai. 8. K jie ....................? 9. Mes ................ anglikai, bet ............... italikai.

    Bti, yra, buvo 10. Jie ........... studentai. 11. Jis ............ italas. 12. Ar tu ........... i Vilniaus? 13. Kur js ...............? 14. Mes .............. i Kauno. 15. Jos ............ norvegs. VII pratimas. Paraykite tinkam pateikt skliaustuose odi form Write the appropriate form of the words in parentheses: Jis (bti) ......yra......... i (Lietuva)..................Lietuvos..................... Mes (bti) .................. i (Turkija) .................................................... Jie (bti )..................... i (Lenkija) ................................................... Js (bti) .................... i (Vilnius) .................................... ............... Ar js (bti) ................ i (Varuva) ................................ .................? A (bti) ..................... i (Kaunas) ................................................... Ar tu (bti) .................. i (Vokietija) ...............................................? Aleksandras ir Tatjana ............... i (Maskva) .................................. VIII pratimas. Atsakykite klausimus Answer the questions: 1. Ar tu raai lietuvikai? Taip, a raau lietuvikai. 2. Ar Tomas ir Mantas supranta danikai? Ne, ................................. 3. Ar Vida ir Inga yra i Belgijos? Ne, ............................................. 4. Ar js kalbate austrikai? Ne, ....................................................... 5. Ar Vytas ir Irena yra i Kauno? Taip, ........................................... 6. Ar Rta ir Vaida yra i Prahos? Ne, .............................................

  • 43

    7. Ar js kalbate pranczikai? Taip, ............................................... 8. Ar tu supranti rusikai? Taip ........................................................ 9. Ar Dino kalba lietuvikai? Ne, ..................................................... 10.Ar Kristijonas ir Mandy yra i Berlyno? Taip, ............................ 11. Ar Nataly kalba italikai? Ne, .................................................... IX pratimas. Raskite sakinio pabaig Find the end of the sentences:

    X pratimas. Parinkite tinkamas odi formas Choose the suitable forms of the words:

    1. Ar galiu paklausti? 2. Kur galime ........................ ? 3. K norite ........................... ? 4. Kas gali ............................. ?

    a) bti b) atsiprayti c) eiti d) norti

    1. Mes esame 2. Mano vardas Paulius, 3. Jie yra i Nidos, 4. Jo vardas Vytas, 5. A kalbu vokikai, 6. Koks tavo vardas? 7. Ji nekalba lenkikai, 8. Ar tu esi 9. Ko tu lauki? 10. Ar tu inai, koks jos vardas? 11. Kaip gyveni? 12. Atsipraau. 13. Kaip tau sekasi? 14. Mes dabar 15. A truput

    a) pavard ernius b) i Kauno. c) Ne, neinau. d) o a i Vilniaus. e) mano vardas Sigita. f) bet nekalbu

    graikikai. g) i Prahos? h) A laukiu tavs. i) bet kalba

    lietuvikai. j) iaip sau. k) Donatas. l) gyvename

    Lietuvoje. m) Praau. n) Neblogai. o) o tavo? p) ir suprantu italikai. q) kalbu ispanikai.

  • 44

    5. Kur turi ............................. ? 6. Ko galime ........................ ? 7. Kas nori ........................... ? 8. Kur norite ........................ ? 9. Kada turime ..................... ? 10. Ar gali mane .....................?

    e) klausti f) laukti g) vaiuoti h) suprasti i) kalbti j) padti k) rayti l) susitikti m) suprasti

    Projektai Projects

    I projektas Darbas poromis: pristatykite vienas kitam savo draugus i kur jie, kas jie yra Work in pears; represent to each other your friends where are they from, who they are:

    Kas ia yra? ia yra Tomas. I kur jis yra? Jis yra i Japonijos. Kaip jis kalba? Tomas kalba japonikai ir anglikai, bet

    nekalba italikai. Ar jis supranta lietuvikai? Jis truput supranta lietuvikai.

    Pirma grup Antra grup Julien, Japonija Viktorija, Graikija Oliver, Belgija Laima, Latvija Paulius ir Dino, Italija Beata ir John, Anglija Thure Tornbo, Danija Christopher, vedija Laima ir Janis, Latvija Andrejus ir Petra, ekija Pedro, Ispanija Viktor, Vengrija Joana ir Sofia, Norvegija Vidas ir Jonas, Lietuva Nataa ir Olegas, Rusija Agnieszka ir Marekas,

    Lenkija Mathias ir Christian, Vokietija Eugenia, Turkija

  • 45

    SKAITOME WE READ I uduotis. Perskaitykite eilraio fragment ir sidmkite vietovi pavadinimus Read the fragment of poem and remember the titles of places:

    Sigitas Geda (Born 1943)

    Sigitas Geda was born in Pateriai, a small village near the southwestern Lithuanian town of Lazdijai. He studied the Lithuanian philology and literature at the University of Vilnius, from which he graduated in 1966, and has since devoted himself to writing poetry and contributing reviews and essays to literary journals. He is the author of some twenty books, including collections of poetry, essay, and literature for children. The books have enjoyed great popularity among the reading public, and Geda is widely regarded, as artistically, perhaps the most interesting and innovative Lithuanian poet [31].

    Sigitas Geda Kas kur yr

    Te, kur lakas Lakuva, Te, kur las luva, Te, kur danos Dainav, Te, kur lits Lietuv. Te, kur mns kunas, iku, stvi Kanas, Te, kur kerBpa vlnas Tri bOti Vlnius.

    What is where

    There, where is field Laukuva, There, where is pinewood iluva, There, where are songs Dainava, There, where is rain Lietuva. There, where men fight, Certainly, stands Kaunas, There, where cuts wool, Must be Vilnius.

  • 46

    II uduotis. Perskaitykite tekst ir atsakykite klausimus Read the text and and answer the questions:

    Lietuv Lietuv ma als pri Bltijos jZros. Lietuvoj gyvna

    lietviai, rsai ir2 lnkai. Ji kalba lietvikai mka rsikai ir2 trupt lnkikai. Lietuvs sstin yr Vlnius. Lietuvs ir Vlniaus simBbolis yr Gedimno pils. Vlnius gras ir snas mistas. pa gras j senmiestis. Kit didel Lietuvs mistai yr Kanas, Klapda, iaulia, Panevs. Lietuvs kaimns yr Ltvija, Lnkija, Baltarsija, Rsija.

    Gedimino pilis Vilniaus ir Lietuvos simbolis

    The castle of Gediminas is the symbol of Vilnius and Lithuania

    Klausimai Questions: 1. Kas yra Lietuva? 2. Kas jos sostin? 3. Kas yra Vilniaus ir

    Lietuvos simbolis? 4. Kas ia gyvena? 5. Kokie yra miestai

    Lietuvoje? 6. Kas yra Lietuvos


  • 47

    III uduotis. Perskaitykite, palyginkite ir paanalizuokite posaki reikmes Read, compare and analyse the meaning of proverbs [19, 22]:

    KLAUSOME WE LISTEN I uduotis. Paklausykite ir uraykite informacij Listen and put down the information:

    Vardas Tautyb I kur atvyko Kur gyvena

    . .


    . .


    1. Mkytis niekad nevl. 2. Gyven ir mkaisi. 3. KB mki, t ant pei neiti nerekia.

    4. Dag insi, gret pasnsi.

    5. Ger pradi ps drbo.

    6. NesZjs nepjusi 7. Germ rkliui nerekia botgo.

    8. Taupk don rytjui, o ne drb.

    9. Drbas ne mek mk nepab2gs.

    It is never too late to learn. Live and learn. Knowledge is no burden. Too much knowledge makes the head bald. A good beginning makes a good ending. If you do not sow, you will not reap A good horse does not need a whip. Save your bread for tomorrow, not your work. Work is not a bear it will not run away to the forest.

  • 48

    II uduotis. Paklausykite lietuvi liaudies sutartins, paanalizuokite jos turin Listen and analyse the meaning of the folk song:

    Riiau rot

    Riiau rot dobilio riiau rot dobilio riedja dobilio, riedja dobilio. Tavo dvoran dobilio, tavo dvoran dobilio, Ir patykau dobilio, ir patykau dobilio, Tatul dobilio, tatul dobilio, Pasveikinau dobilio, pasveikinau dobilio, Laba diena dobilio, laba diena dobilio, Tatuli dobilio, tatuli dobilio.

    I rolled

    I rolled the wheel And it came rolling Into the fathers manor And I met him And I greeted him Good day Dear father.

    Klgrinda apeig folkloro grup The ritual folk group [16]

    Klgrinda was established in 1990, under the leadership of Inija and Jonas Trinknas.the group performs ancient music, songs and dances, which date back to the early Middle Ages [16]

  • 49

    IlSIMS WE RELAX I uduotis. Perskaitykite apie roko grup FOJE ir imokite padainuoti Read the underwritten text about rock groupFOJEand learn to sing:

    Andrius Mamontovas

    FOJE - one of the most successful and best known Lithuanian rock bands. It was formed in

    one of the Vilnius schools by Andrius Mamontovas, Arnoldas Lukoius and Darius Taraseviius in 1983 under the name of Sunki MuzikaHard music, few months later,in

    1984 the band changed its name into FOJE. During its existance, the band survived a lot of lineup changes, and produced more than 10

    albums [1] Spalvoti sapnai (m. ir . Andriaus Mamontovo) A, kaip ir tu, savo lidesio skon jauiu. A, kaip ir tu, savo baim turiu. A, kaip ir tu, kartais troktu pavirsti paukiu. A, kaip ir tu, umirau, kas esu. Apkabink mane: a labai arti. Pasakyk ir vl, kad manim tiki. Nebra nakties, nebra dienos. Tiktai tu ir a ia ir visados. A, kaip ir tu, savo nerim vl auginu. A, kaip ir tu, pasiklyds esu. A, kaip ir tu, pasiilgau spalvot sapn. A, kaip ir tu, minioje itirpstu.

    Coloured Dreems I feel the taste of my sorrow, like you. I have my fear, like you. I wish to become a bird sometimes, like you. I forgot who I am, like you. Give me a hug: I am so near. Tell me again, that you believe me. There is no night, there is no day. Only you and me and forever. I grow my concern, like you. I have lost, like you. I missed the coloured dreams like you. I melt in the crowd, like you

  • 50



    Pokalbiai Conversations

    I pokalbis Conversation Andrius. Lbas, Vda. Kap gyven? Vida. i, gera, o t? Andrius. nebloga. Vaioju Nd, gl nri vkti kart? Vida. Tap! O kad? Andrius. gali vaioti rytj, o t? Vida. N, rytj negali, bt gali port. Andrius. Puik! Vaiojame port. Vida. Ik pasimtymo! Andrius. Ik!

    Hi, Vida. How are you? Nice, thanks, and you? Im OK. Im going to Nida, maybe you want to go too?

    Yes! When? I can go tomorrow, and you?

    No, I cannot go tomor-row, but I can go on the day after tomorrow.

    Great! Were going on the day after tomorrow!

    See you later! See you!

    II pokalbis Conversation Taksistas. Atsipraa, gl ks nrite vaioti Kan? Keleivis. Tap, nriu. Kek lako truka kelin? Taksistas. Api vland. Keleivis. Puik, o kek kainoja? Taksistas. Dimt er. Keleivis. Gera, vaioju.

    Excuse me, maybe some-one wants to go to Kaunas?

    Yes, I want. How long will the trip take?

    About an hour. Great, and how much will it cost?

    Ten euros. Ok, Im going.

  • 51

    Taksistas. Prom padAti lagamn ir sAsti. Keleivis. i, tuojauB.

    Please, put your suitcase and take your seat.

    Thank you, just a minute.

    III pokalbis Conversation Edita. Lbas, kek lako tu es Lietuvoj? Markas. i nesenia, atvaiava tik vkar, o t? Edita. Ir taip pt nesenia atvaiava vakar. Ar ilga planoji ia bDti? Markas. Neilga, tik savit, o t? Edita. taip pt. Gers diens! Markas. Ik!

    Hi, how long do you stay in Lithuania?

    Im here not long, I came only yesterday, and you?

    I also came here not long ago I came on the day before yesterday. Are you planning to stay here for a long time?

    No, only for a week, and you? Me too.

    Im too. Have a nice day! See you later!

    IV pokalbis Conversation Emilis. Sveik, kur skub? Gitte. Lbas. ek tek vloju bDgu lietvi kalbs pskait. Emilis. iadien tu lietvi kalbs paskait? Gitte. Tap, o kad tu studijoji lietvi kalHb? Emilis. lietvi kalbs pskaitas a ein kiekven pirmdien, o karBtais ir antrdien. Gitte. Puik! Ik pasimtymo! Emilis. Ik!

    Hi! Where are you hurrying?

    Hi! Im a bit late I run to my Lithuanian class.

    Do you have the Lithuanian classes today?

    Yes, when do you have your Lithuanian?

    To Lithuanian class I go every Monday and sometimes on Tuesday.

    Great! See you later! Bye!

  • 52

    VI pokalbis Conversation Operator. Ali! Mrtono taks. Klientas. Lbas vkaras. ArB glite dabarB atsiNsti taks automobl? Operator. KurB? Klientas. Pri Bi restorno. Operator. Tap, bet tik p pss valands, ar glite lukti? Klientas. Tap, gali. Lukiu kiem pri jmo. Operator. Puik! Ik greto! Klientas. Ik!

    Hello! Martono taxi. Good evening. Could you send the taxi now?

    Where? To Boi restaurant. Yes, but only in half an hour, could you wait?

    Yes, I can. Im waiting outside at the entrance.

    Great! See you later! See you!

    V pokalbis Conversation Toma. Sveik! Kap gyvoji? Indr. i, gera, o kap t? Toma. Mn irBgi vskas gera. iadien turi trupt lasvo lako. Indr. Gl glime kurB nrs nueti? Toma. Puik, glime eti muzij. Indr. Gera! Ename dabarB!

    Hi! How are you? Thanks, Im fine, and you?

    Im ok, too. Today I have some free time.

    Maybe we can go somewhere?

    Great, we can go to the museum.

    Nice! Lets go now!

  • 53

    Naudingos situacins frazs Useful situational phrases

    I. Stotyj At the Station Atsipraa, kurB yr bliet

    kas? KurB gali rsti

    informcijos bir? Atsipraa, kad

    artimiusias traukins ar autobsas Kan?

    Kad js atvksta? Kek lako truka kelin

    ik Kano? Kek kainoja blietas ? ArB studetams yr

    nolaida? Prom d studeto

    blietus Klapd. ArB rekia mokAti u

    bag? KurB a gali padAti

    bag? Kap nueti prm,

    (atr...pekt) pern? KurB ijmas mist?

    ArB tas klias cetr?

    Excuse me, where is the booking-office?

    Where could I find the information office?

    Excuse me, when does the nearest train or bus go to Kaunas?

    When is it arriving? How long is the trip to Kaunas?

    How much does the ticket cost?

    Do you have discounts for students?

    Two student tickets to Klaipda, please....

    Do we have to pay for our luggage?

    Where can I check my luggage?

    How to get to (first, second...) platform?

    Where is the exit to the city?

    Is this the way to the city center?

  • 54

    II. Kirpkloje At the Hairdressers Lbas rtas. Atsipraa, ar glite man

    apkirBpti? ArB gali paprati apkirBpti

    man trumpa? Mn rekia ek tek

    patrumZpinti plukus. Nriu vetins ukosenos,

    kB glite patarBti? Gl glite mn padarti

    maki? Nriu paprati padarti

    mn manikiHr. Praa sutvarkti mno

    nags. Kk si[lote nag\ lk?

    Atsipraa, arB glite

    nudati plukus? Prom ipluti glv. Nriu nudati plukus


    Good morning. Excuse me, can I have a haircut?

    May I ask you to cut my hair short?

    I need to shorten my hair a little.

    I want a festive hairstyle, what could you offer?

    Maybe you could make me a make-up?

    I would like to ask you to make me a manicure.

    Please, fix my nails. Which nail polish would you offer?

    Excuse me, could you dye my hair?

    Please, wash the hear. I want to dye my hear in hanks.

  • 55

    STUDIJUOJAME WE LEARN odyno studijos Learning Vocabulary I. vairios vietos (miestas, senamiestis) ir su tuo susij dalykai Various places (town, old town) and other things


    viesofras Traffic lights


    Snkrya Cross road


    Vebutis Hotel


    Mokykl School


    Restornas Restaurant


    Klbas Club


    Lignin Hospital


    Muzijus Museum


    TurBgus Market

    Viet ir daikt vaizdai

  • 56

    The pctures of places and things [3]


    Gtv Street


    Tltas Bridge


    Prkas Park


    Universittas University [15]

    ministrija kiskas parduotv poliklnika vistin ptas stots sotl ambasad kavn stadinas kno tetras

    ministry kiosk shop clinic chemists post-office station stop Embassy coffee-bar stadium cinema theatre

    kirpykl knygnas taisykl valykl skalbykl art gret tol viduj visurB bendrbutis kakurB nikur

    hairdressers shop, bookshop repair office cleaners office laundry near beside, by far inside everywhere hostel somewhere nowhere

  • 57


    Bania Church


    Tetras Theatre


    Senmiestis Old town


    Pils Castle


    p River


    Aikt Square

    vairias Lietuvos vietas rodantys paveikslai Pictures indicating various places of Lithuania

  • 58

    II. Judjimas, daikt (asmen) padtis, veiksmai, elgesys Motion, location of things (persons), actions, behaviour


    Lukti, lukia, luk

    to wait


    Skmbinti gitar to play the guitar


    Dainoti, dainoja,

    dainvo to sing


    Vikioti, vikioja,

    vikiojo to go for a walk


    Skrsti, skreda,

    skrdo to fly


    Plakti, plakia,

    plak to swim


    irAti, iB[ri, irAjo

    to look


    Galvti, galvja,

    galvjo to think


    SirBgti, serBga, sirBgo

    to be ill

  • 59


    Skmbinti,skmbina, skmbino (telefon)

    to call



    sapnvo to dream


    kti, ka,

    ko to dance



    kreta, krto to fall



    snudia,snud to drowse


    Lpti, lpa, lpo to climb


    SdDti, sDdi,

    sdDjo to sit


    StovDti, stvi,

    stovDjo to stand


    PadDti, pdeda,

    padDjo to help


    TylDti, tli, tylDjo

    to be silent



    svikino to greet



    piia, pi to draw



    bendruja, bendrvo to communicate


    Rdyti, rdo,

    rd to show


    Keliuti, keliuja, kelivo

    to travel


    Svajti, svajja, svajjo to dream

    Veiksmus ir elges vaizduojantys paveikslai Pictures of action and behaviour [2]

  • 60

    III. Kryptis Direction kar, kair7n, kairj To the left

    Te There

    din, dein;n, deinj To the right

    Netol, art Nearby

    Tisiai, pirmn. Forward, ahead

    Tol Far

    Atstumas Way [3]

    IV. Para Day time

    1) Rtas Morning

    2) Vidrdienis Midday

    3) Dien Day

  • 61

    4) Pavakar; Eventide

    5) Vkaras Evening

    6) Vidrnaktis Midnight

    7) Nakts Night

    Paros met rodantys vaizdai The pictures indicating day time

  • 62

    V. Laiko vardijimas References of time iadien today visad forever dabarI now niekad never rytj tomorrow danai; often kasdin daily karItais sometimes

    port the day after tomorrow

    uvakar the day before yesterday

    vkar yesterday senia the other day gretai fast, soon kad nrs some day tuj instant nesenia not long ago

    VI. Savaits dienos Days of the week Pirmdienis Antrdienis darbo Treidienis savait Ketvirtdienis Penktdienis

    Monday Tuesday Wednesday workdays Thursday Friday

    etdienis s savaitgalis Sekmdienis

    Saturday weekend Sunday

    VII. Met laikai Seasons





    Pavsaris Spring

    Vsara Summer

    Rudu Autumn

    iem Winter

    Met laikus vaizduojantys paveikslai The pictures of seasons [2]

  • 63

    VIII. Bdo vardijimas Naming the state of surrounding

    krta hot vies bright

    il;ta warm tams dark

    lta Cold [2]

    gra nice sniga snow

    Lja Rain [2]

    IX. Mnesi pavadinimai Names of months sasis January vasris February kvas March baladis April gegu7 May birlis June lepa July rugpjQtis August rugsRjis September splis October lpkritis November grodis December

    Prielinksniai, rodantys viet

    Prepositions stating the place or position

    vents vaizdai prie Vilniaus Arkikatedros

    Festival events at Vilnius Cathedral

    at (on, upon) per (during) (between, behind, beyond, over) (into) (from ) virI (over , above)

    b (without) perI (during, through, across) tarIp (inside, among, between) s (with )

    p (offen, after) pri (by, beside ) pr (through) ali (close to, next to) nu (from... to, down, off)

  • 64

    X. vents Holidays Lietuvos nacionalins vents National holidays of Lithuania

    Naujeji Mtai

    New Years Day

    Naujj Met eglut prie

    Arkikatedros New Years tree on the Cathedral


    Sasio trliktoji Lisvs

    gynAj dien

    January 13 Defenders of Freedom Day

    Naujeji Mtai

    New Years Day

    Sasio trliktoji Lisvs

    gynDj dien

    January 13 Freedom, Defenders Day

    Vasrio eiliktoji Lietuvs valstbs atkrmo dien

    February 16 Lithuanias Statehood day

    Velkos Easter

    Kvo vienoliktoji Nepriklausombs atkrmo dien

    Marth 11 Lithuanias Indipendance Statehood day

    Mtinos dien

    Mothers Day

    Birlio keturiliktoji Gdulo ir viltis


    June 14 Mourning and Hope


    Birlio dvdeimt penktji - Jonins

    June 25 Johns Day

    Lepos etji Midaugo

    karnvimo dien

    July 6 Crowning day of Mindaugas

    RugpjXio dvdeimt treiji Jodojo

    kspino dien

    August 23 Black Ribbon


    Lpkriio pirmji VisB ventBj dien All Souls Day

    Lpkriio antrji - V[lins

    November 2 The Day of the


    Grodio dvdeimt penktji Kal[dos

    December 25 Christmas

  • 65

    Gramatikos studijos Learning Grammar Vietos pasakymas: prielinksni ir linksni vartojimas Definition of the place usage of prepositions and cases: Prie ko? ...... prie Vilniaus, prie universiteto, prie bendrabuio I ko?I kur? i Vilniaus, i universiteto, i bendrabuio kur? Vilni, universitet, bendrabut, kavin, auditorij Pas k? pas draug, pas Tom Kur? Vilniuje, universitete, bendrabutyje, auditorijoje....

    Daiktavardio vardininko, galininko ir vietininko linksni galns, prielinksnis su galininku, bdo prieveiksmis -ikai The Nominative, Accusative, Locative, prepositions , pas (to) and Accusative, adverb ikai

    Daiktavardio linksniai Cases of Noun Vardininkas: (Kas?) vyrkoji gimin Nominative:. (Who?) masculine gender moterikoji gimin (feminine gender)

    -as, -is, -ys, -us -a, -

    Galininkas: (K?) vyrkoji gimin Accusative: (What?) masculine gender moterikoji gimin (feminine gender)

    -, -, - -, -

    Vietininkas:Kur? vyrikoji gimin Locative (Where?) masculine gender moterikoji gimin (feminine gender)

    -e, yje, -uje -oje, -je

    auksmininkas: vyrkoji gimin Vocative:. masculine gender moterikoji gimin (feminine gender)

    -e, -i, -y, -au -a, -e

    Prielinksnis , nurodant viet Preposition (indicating the place) Prielinksnis pas, nurodant asmen Prepositions (to somebody)

    + galininkas (Acc.) pas + galininkas (Acc.)

  • 66

    Skaitvardiai iki deimt Numerals from one to ten

    1 vienas 6 ei 2 du 7 septyni 3 trys 8 atuoni 4 keturi 9 devyni 5 penki 10 deimt

    vardi linksniavimas: vienaskaita Conjugating of pronouns: Singular

    Nom. a tu jis ji

    Gen. mano mans

    tavo tavs

    jo jos savo savs

    Dat. man tau jam jai sau

    Acc. mane tave j j save

    In. manimi tavimi juo ja savimi

    Loc. manyje tavyje jame joje savyje

  • 67

    Taikomosios studijos Practical Learning

    I pratimas. Analogikai pagal pateikt pavyzd padarykite daiktavardi galininko ir vietininko linksnius Make accusative and locative of noun according to the example: ia yra Vaiuoju Pas Kur esu? Alytus Alyt Tomas Tom Alytuje Kaunas .................. Vytautas .................. ................... Nida .................. Egl .................. ................... Kernav .................. Edita .................. ................... Senamiestis .................. Saulius .................. .................. Vilnius .................. Arvydas .................. ................... Panevys .................. Egidijus .................. ................... Klaipda .................. Rimas .................. ................... Palanga .................. Daiva .................. ................... Varuva .................. Dovil .................. ................... Rokikis .................. Robertas .................. .................. Berlynas .................. Monika .................. ................... Lisabona .................. Paola .................. ................... Roma .................. Leonardas .................. ................... II pratimas. Pagal veiksmaodio esamojo laiko galnes raykite asmeninius vardius a, tu jis ji, mes, js, jie, jos Write pronouns according to the endings of the present tense verb:

    1. .....A..... noriu vaiuoti Varuv. 2. iandien ..........vluoji. 3. .......... turime skubti traukin. 4. .......... nieko ia nepastate. 5. Ar .......... jau pastate vienas kit? 6. K .......... studijuoja? 7. Ar .......... mane pasti? 8. .......... dabar studijuoju Vilniaus Gedimino technikos

    universitete. 9. .......... dirba Vokietijoje. 10. .......... atsipraome, kad vluojame.

  • 68

    11. Ar ............. galiu eiti? 12. iandien .......... neturime laiko. 13. .......... dabar gyvenu Vilniuje. 14. Ar .......... yra i Italijos? 15. .......... nemoku kalbti lietuvikai. 16. Ar .......... supranti, k .......... sakau. 17. .......... neinau, kur .......... dabar yra, bet .......... turbt inai. 18. .......... klausia, ar .......... supranti? 19. Ne, .......... neinome, kur .......... yra. 20. .......... gyvenu Vilniuje, o kur gyveni .......... ?

    III pratimas. Iraykite trkstamas veiksmaodi formas Write the missing forms of the verb: A mgstu, raau, sakau studijuoju praau pradedu Tu ............ ........... ............. ................ ........... ............. Jis, ji ............ ........... ............. ................ ........... ............. Mes ............ ........... ............. ................ ........... ............. Js ............ ........... ............. ................ ........... ............. Jie, jos mgsta, rao, sako studijuoja prao pradeda IV pratimas. Paraykite pagal pavyzd Write according to the example given: Kas? Kur? Pas k? Ji eina kavin

    kavin Rta pas Rt

    Mes ......... muziejus ............

    Rytis ...............

  • 69

    Jis ......... poliklinika ........... gydytojas .............. Tu ......... patas ........... Andrius .............. Kas ......... universitetas ........... dstytojas .............. Js ......... biblioteka ........... Agn .............. A ......... parkas ........... draugas .............. Jie ......... senamiestis ........... profesorius .............. Jos ......... restoranas ........... draug .............. V pratimas. Paraykite tinkam prielinksn (, pas, i, prie) Write suitable preposition: 1) universitet 9) i Kauno 2) .... auditorijos 10) .... Dovil 3) .... parduotuv 11)..... Nid Einame 4) .... Andri Vaiuojame 12) .... Klaipdos 5) .... park 13) .... mam 6) .... tilto 14) .... jros 7) .... darb 15) .... muziej 8) .... paskaitos 16) .... ups VI pratimas. raykite tinkam linksn Write the suitable case form: 1. Luka yra italas (Italija). 2. Jis yra i (Italija) ................ 3. Luka dabar gyvena (Vilnius) ................ prie (parkas) ................ . 4. Jis studijuoja Vilniaus Gedimino technikos (universitetas) .......... . 5. Lukos draugas Tomas yra ........... (Vokietija). 6. Jis yra i (Berlynas) ................ . 7. Tomas dabar gyvena (senamiestis) ................ prie (up) ............. . 8. Tomas (Lietuva) ................ atvyko pas (draugas) ................ . 9. Tomas ir Luka danai susitinka prie (tiltas) ................ ir eina (kavin) ................ .

  • 70

    VII pratimas. Paraykite pateikt odi reikiamas linksni formas Write the required case forms of the words given: Kas? kur?) Kur? Kas? I kur? Kur?)

    Kaunas Seulas Talinas Helsinkis Rokikis Panevys Vilnius Neringa Klaipda Palanga Ryga Ukmerg Kernav Drezdenas

    Kaun ............................................. ......................................................................................................................................................


    Roma Minskas Takentas Stokholmas Tokijus Izraelis Paryius Tbilisis Praha Kopenhaga Estija Ispanija Lietuva Italija

    I Romos ..................................................................................................................................................................................................


    VIII pratimas. Raskite sakini pabaig Find the end of the sentences:

    1. Evelina yra 2. Ji yra i 3. A irgi 4. Mano vardas 5. Evelina dabar 6. A taip pat 7. Mes gyvename 8. Evelina studijuoja 9. Bendrabutis yra

    a) Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitete.

    b) Simona. c) student. d) gyvena Lietuvoje. e) esu student. f) bendrabutyje. g) gyvenu Vilniuje. h) Lenkijos. i) Antakalnyje, netoli universiteto.

  • 71

    IX pratimas. Paraykite auksmininko linksn Write the Vocative case: 1. (Algis) ..Algi,... ar ia yra Student gatv? 2. Atsipraau, (Andrius) .................. ar tu dabar eini universitet? 3. (Paulius) ................... gal einame kavin? 4. Labas rytas (dstytojas)....................! 5. Kaip gyveni, (Egl) ............... ? 6. ................. (Padavjas), praau atneti kavos! 7. ................... (Dovil), einame kavin! 8. (Profesorius) ......................., ar galiu paklausti? 9. Viso gero, (docentas) ...................... . X pratimas. Paraykite tinkam laiko form Write the suitable tense form:

    1. Jie ivaiuoja (pirmadienis) .... pirmadien............................. 2. Susitinkame (etadienis) ....................................................... 3. A danai atostogauju (vasara) .............................................. 4. Palang vaiuojame (savaitgalis) ......................................... 5. kavin jie eina (penktadienis) ............................................... 6. teatr mes einame (treiadienis) .......................................... 7. paskaitas einu (rytas) ........................................................... 8. Nemgstu vaiuoti (naktis) ....................................................

    XI pratimas. raykite trkstamas formas Write the missing forms: Jis yra Jis eina 1) universitete universitet 2) ................................................... park 3) muziejuje ............................................... 4) ................................................... kavin 5) senamiestyje ............................................... 6) ................................................... stot 7) ambasadoje ...............................................

  • 72

    8) ................................................... aikt 9) Lietuvoje ............................................... 10) ................................................. muziej 11) kavinje ............................................... 12) ................................................. paskait 13) pate ...............................................

    Projektai Projects I projektas Darbas poromis: uraykite interviu Work in pairs; write the interwiev:

    1. Koks tavo vardas? .................................................................. 2. Kur tu gyveni? ........................................................................ 3. Kaip tu kalbi? ......................................................................... 4. Ar tu dirbi? ............................................................................. 5.Ar tu studijuoji Lietuvoje? ...................................................... 6. K tu veiki po paskait? ......................................................... 7. Kas yra tavo draugas? ............................................................ 8. Kaip tavo draugas kalba? ....................................................... 9. K jis mgsta, o ko nemgsta? ............................................... 10. Kur jis planuoja vaiuoti? ....................................................

    II projektas Darbas poromis: nurodykite, kurie i skelbim gali sudaryti poras Work in pairs; indicate which advertisments can make pairs:

    1. SOCRATES/ERASMUS programos studentas i Danijos ieko kambario senamiestyje. Tel. 86867543

    4. Inuomoju kambar Saultekio aljoje netoli universiteto. Tel.: 25 66 89 45

  • 73

    III projektas Darbas grupmis: paruokite teminius dialogus Work in groups; prepare the topical dialogs on these subjects:

    Kirpykloje: kirpja ir klientas; Gatvje: I praeivis ir II praeivis; Stotyje: kasinink ir keleivis.

    IV projektas Darbas poromis: apibdinkite, kokie met laikai vaizduojami paveiksluose, kas iems met laikams bdinga Work in pairss; describe what seasons are represented in the pictures and what features they have:

    1) 3)

    2) 4)

    Met laikai Seasons of the year [2]

    5. Student architekt eima ieko buto ramioje vietoje. Tel. 86854432

    2. Inuomoju but Lazdynuose prie miko eimai. Tel.: 2558765

    6. Vilniaus centre, netoli Rotus, inuomoju but usienieiui. Tel. 2448795

    3. Du studentai ieko nebrangaus kambario Antakalnyje. Tel.: 82459053

  • 74

    V projektas Susiskirstykite poromis ir pagal paveikslus atsakykite klausimus Work in pairs; look at the pictures and answer the questions:

    Kur yra VGTU centriniai rmai? Kaip ten nueiti ar nuvaiuoti? Kokia stotel? Kokia gatv? Kokie ten yra fakultetai? Kokiame fakultete tu studijuoji? Kur tas fakultetas yra? Kaip ten nueiti ar nuvaiuoti?

    VGTU centrini rm emlapis

    The map of the central building of VGTU [32]

  • 75

    1 Aplinkos ininerijos, Fundamentini moksl, Statybos, Verslo vadybos, Humanitarnis institutas; Tarptautini studij centras; 2 Mechanikos; 3 Architektros; 4 Aviacijos institutas; 5 Transporto innerijos; 6 Elektronikos.

    VGTU fakultet emlapis The map of VGTU Faculties [32]

  • 76

    SKAITOME WE READ I uduotis. Perskaitykite tekst ir ir patvirtinkite arba paneikite teiginius Read the text and confirm or deny the statements:

    VGTU studetai

    VGTU ta Vlniaus Gedimno tchnikos universittas. i studijoja Mychal Krygier irB Christian Kaiser. Ji yr studetai usieniiai. Mychal atvko Lnkijos, o Christian Vokietjos. Ji gera kalHba nglikai, nebloga mka rsikai irB trupt suprata lietvikai. Ka lietviai studetai klusia, ks yr i vaiknai, ji no, kd Mychal yr lnkas, o Christian vkietis. Mychal gyvna ps tt Vlniaus senmiestyje vitrigilos gtvje, o Christian studet bendrbutyje Pltins gtvje.

    Teiginys Teisingas Neteisingas 1. VGTU technikos universitetas +


    2. ia gyvena Mychal ir Christian

    ....................... ......................

    3. Jie yra studentai ........................ ...................... 4. Christian gerai kalba lietuvikai

    ........................ ......................

    5. Mychal moka lenkikai .......................... ...................... 6. Jie supranta anglikai .......................... ...................... 7. Christian yra italas ........................ ...................... 8. Mychal turi tet Vokietijoje .......................... ...................... 9. Christian gyvena bendrabutyje

    ......................... ......................

    II uduotis. Perskaitykite eilraius ir palyginkite, kaip ir kokie juose vaizduojami met laikai, kokie perteikiami mogaus igyvenimai Read the poems and compare which seasons and how they are represented and what human feelings are experienced:

  • 77

    Maironis Pavsaris

    Pavsario sul pravto meilia1

    Ir jokiasi, rd vilija; Iklo dag aukta vieversia, irna, sparnliais plasnja. Iao. Iao. Vjlis laukH Buioja, gaivna krtn; Pabro paskldo ieda ant laukH Vaink eilH pirmutn. Taip gedra ir liksma! Tek viia viltis! Vien mil norDtum dainoti, ApimHti pasul, priglast prie irdis, Su mile saldia pabuioti! ---------------------------------- 1. Taisyklingai tarti meliai

    SPRING The bright sun of springtide rose up and from high It smiles melting hearts with delight. The larks have already ascended the sky And merrily chant in their flight. The earth has awakened! Away in the fields The breeze roams caressing your breast. Bright flowers have flooded the meadows and fields And twine into garlands with zest. With spring comes a hope lighting up every face. The heart yearns for love and its bliss. It tempts me to