listening practice - vb2

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  • 7/22/2019 Listening Practice - VB2


    Hanoi college of Education Nguyen Hang


    Task 1

    K: Hi Jack! Come and have ____ with me! Im really ________ today.

    J: Hi Katie! So am I. I have lots for ________ every morning but I still eat a lot

    at lunchtime. What about you? What do you usually _____ for breakfast?

    Katie: Nothing much. I always get a _________ or something on my way to school,

    so I dont feel hungry during my lessons.

    J: And then you have _____ or ______ for lunch?

    K: yes, _______ every day. I like that

    J: theyre not very ______ for you, are they? I try to eat a lot of _______. Its

    __________. And I drink a lot of _____. Its better for you than _________.

    K: I dont like salad very much, and I think _______ and __________ taste

    horrible. I prefer __________ and lemonlade.

    J: I bet you like ________ as well, dont you? I love it.

    K. I love it too, and sweets and _________. But I dont like ice cream very much.

    It makes my teeth too cold.

    Task 2: You will hear a telephone message that Sue has left for her friend Polly.

    Fill in the mission information

    Next weekend camping with Sue!Campsite near ___________ in Wales.

    Transport ______ and then ___________.

    Remember to bring _________ and ______________ for drinks.

    Meet Sue outside the mall at _____________ on Friday.