list of jews persecuted from leova, 1941 - jewishgen · russia, moskva original file no#:...

List of Jews Persecuted from Leova, 1941 Introduction by Joel Waters Background: “The Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes on Soviet Territory” was created by the Soviet Union at the end of World War II to document German crimes during the occupation. This commission compiled testimonial information gathered from neighbors, eyewitnesses, and survivors. Regional commissions contributed their reports to a centralized commission in Moscow. This document is the Commissions report of Jewish Holocaust victims from Leova, Bessarabia. Because of the testimonial nature of this document it should not be considered a comprehensive nor definitive list of Jewish victims from Leova. The birth year information in particular has been noted to be highly inaccurate. Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Janet Furba for her assistance in translating this document.

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  • List of Jews Persecuted from Leova, 1941

    Introduction by Joel Waters

    Background: “The Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes on Soviet Territory” was created by the Soviet Union at the end of World War II to document German crimes during the occupation. This commission compiled testimonial information gathered from neighbors, eyewitnesses, and survivors. Regional commissions contributed their reports to a centralized commission in Moscow. This document is the Commissions report of Jewish Holocaust victims from Leova, Bessarabia. Because of the testimonial nature of this document it should not be considered a comprehensive nor definitive list of Jewish victims from Leova. The birth year information in particular has been noted to be highly inaccurate. Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Janet Furba for her assistance in translating this document.

  • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Name Lists Catalog Search -- Search Results

    Item No#: 5731730

    Title: List of Jews persecuted from Leova, 1941

    Original title: Список граждан еврейского населения, проживавших в городе Леово в 1940-1941 годах, угнанных в 1941 году в неизвестном направлении и до настоящего времени на прежднее место жительства еще не вернувшихся

    Type of material: Deportee list List of persecuted persons


    Earliest Date: 1944

    Latest Date: 1945

    Group identity: Jewish

    Beginning of Event:

    End of Event:

    Number of names on list: 360


    Language: Russian

    Record Group: M.33 - Records of the Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory


    File No#: JM/21165

    No# of pages/frames: 15


    Original file No#: 7021-96-91

    Provenance: ChGK

    Authentic creation date:

    Provenance -place: Moskva

    Microfilm code: JM/21165

    ITS File No:

    Permanent residence:

    Prewar place:

    Origin of transport:

    Status of Listed People :

    Destination of transport:

    Connected item:

    Place of preparation:


    This record came from Yad Vashem's Shoah-Related Lists Database. Many of the list records in the Yad Vashem database have scanned images. Click here to view.