list building secrets - get real about business · naturally, everyone wants to grow the size of...

Ridiculously Simple Strategies for Building Your Email List List Building Secrets Helping service professionals around the world attract great clients and build fulfilling, sustainable and profitable businesses. Clive Maloney

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Ridiculously Simple Strategies for

Building Your Email List

List Building Secrets

Helping service professionals around the world attract great

clients and build fulfilling, sustainable and profitable businesses.

Clive Maloney

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List Building Secrets i

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1

Secret #1: Understand the Power of Your List ......................................................................... 2

Secret #2: The Fortune is in the Follow Up .............................................................................. 4

Secret #3: It’s Not All about You ............................................................................................... 7

Local Strategies for List Building ............................................................................................ 11

Grassroots Marketing................................................................................................................................... 11

Speaking Engagements ................................................................................................................................ 12

Referral Partners .......................................................................................................................................... 12

Online Strategies for List Building .......................................................................................... 14

Teleclasses, Teleseminars, Telesummits and Webinars ............................................................................... 14

Tell a Friend Page ......................................................................................................................................... 17

Get Your Swagger On .............................................................................................................. 19

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When we’re talking about list building, what we

really mean is your database of people in your

community. This community comprises of people

who are following your work and interested in what

you are doing.

Because they have this interest in what you’re

doing, they have given you permission for you to

put them on your mailing list.

People hate the idea of being on yet another mailing

list, so to get them there it typically involves

offering some kind of free goodie or ‘ethical bribe.’

Naturally, everyone wants to grow the size of their

list. The more people you have on your list, the

more relationships you can cultivate. In turn this

leads to you helping more people through what you

do and getting compensated financially.

There are online and offline strategies for building

your mailing list. They are both really important.

Many people are really excited about the

opportunities online with internet marketing.

There are lots of things you can do locally as well.

Meeting people and connecting with them in a

more personal way really makes a huge difference

in the amount of ‘know, like and trust’ you can

cultivate with them.

My sincere hope for our short time together is that I

in some way inspire, motivate and influence you to

take action and grow your list.

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Secret #1: Understand the

Power of Your List

No big secret here, you might say. Everyone knows

you need a list.

The funny thing is that of all the entrepreneurs I

speak to only a few seriously work at building their

list. They do know that having a list of people they

can regularly communicate with and share their

services with would make a real difference in their

business, yet that fail to do anything about it.

So what’s up with that?

Quite simply, other things scream louder. Building

your list is one of those important but not urgent

things so it gets put off in favour of the other

myriad demands we face every day.

Putting money in the bank

Building your list is like capital interest. The biggest

mistake people make is waiting to get started.

If I were to give you the choice of having £100 now

or a penny doubled every day for 30 days, which

would you take?

Some people would say they’d much rather the

£100 now. They can go and spend that money on

something they want and they won’t need to hang

around for 30 days getting a penny one day, two

pence the next day, four pence the next and so on.

But the smart mathematicians would know that

after 30 days they’d have way more than £100. That

penny might start out slow but it soon grows.

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Here’s what you would get…

By day 10 you would have earned £5.12.

By day 20 the amount would have gone up to


On day 30 you would receive £5,268,709.12.

I don’t know about you but I’d take over £5 million

in favour of £100 any day – even if I had to wait!

List building is the same way. The sooner you

start and the more often you make a deposit

and the longer you contribute, the bigger the

pay out at the end.

It’s no good starting your children’s college fund

when they’re 16. You start as early as possible.

Start building your list today!

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Secret #2: The Fortune is in

the Follow Up

Most people’s follow up leaves a lot to be desired. It

is often very inconsistent and sometimes doesn’t

happen at all.

There are only three ways to increase revenue in

your business.

1. Get new clients

2. Have your current clients invest more with you

3. Get your current clients to invest more often

Most people focus on attracting new clients which is

the most difficult and costly endeavour. They go out

networking, place advertisements in the press and

do all sorts things to gain the attention of those

people that don’t know them and they have no idea

will want their services.

Yes, you do need to make some noise to drum up

interest. The mistake they’re making is appealing to

the tiny 3% of their ideal clients that everyone is

dog fighting for.

Here’s how it breaks down for most niche markets:

3% of your ideal clients are aware they have a

problem and are actively looking for a

solution. You just have to be in the right place

at the right time to pick up the order.

Ideal Client Behaviour






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7% of your ideal clients are aware about open

to your services but are not actively shopping

right now.

30% of your ideal clients are aware that they

need a solution to their problem and will be

prepared to pursue it sometime in the future.

30% of your ideal clients are unconscious that

they have a problem or that someone like you

exists that can help them with something

they’re suffering with.

30% of your perfect, ideal clients are simply a

NO. These people have the problem you solve,

but for whatever reason, they are not ready to

invest. There could be all kinds of excuses, but

for some reason they’d rather stay with the

pain they’re living with.

Building your list, nurturing your subscribers and

educating them about the problems they are

experiencing and how you can solve them enables

you to access a whopping 67% of your ideal clients!

Everyone else who is not actively building

and nurturing their list are all fighting tooth

and claw over the 3% of people who are

actively shopping.

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When you follow up consistently you will be top of

mind so you’ll be the person they’ll hire over your


You will also have the opportunity to educate your

subscribers about the problem they might not even

know they’re suffering with and how you are the


Imagine how much money extra you could be

putting in your pocket just by staying in touch.

The easiest way to follow up, build relationships,

trust and likeability is to build your email list of

ideal potential clients who have opted in and given

you permission to send information to them via


That’s why your list is one of the greatest

financial assets in your business.

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Secret #3: It’s Not All about


Are you one of those people who worry about

emailing people in your network in case they think

you’re pestering them? Do you worry that they

might see you as pushy or hard selling them?

Relax. It’s all in the mix!

If all you’re going to do is send out emails saying

‘buy my stuff’ then you’re bound to tick some

people off. If instead you focus on building a

relationship and providing value then it’s a whole

new story.

If you want to build a list of loyal subscribers who

open your emails, engage with you and above all

take action when you ask them to do so, you’re

going to want to keep sales messages to around 20-

30% of your content.

The remainder of your content should be focusing

on giving value and strengthening your

relationships with your readers.

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Here are some ideas about what you might email:

Have a ‘get to know you’ sequence of

emails where you provide information about

yourself and your values and invite your

readers to introduce themselves too.

Have a newsletter. These should be regular,

conversational and not too long. Follow the

same rule of having 20-30% content as sales,

the rest is about giving value.

Share a case study or success story.

People on your list want to know that the

problems they have can be fixed. Show them

how other people you have worked with have

overcome their obstacles and achieved success.

Recommend a resource. Read any good

articles lately? How do you think your

customers would feel if you sent them a

relevant article about their situation and you

said, “I saw this and thought of you?”

Writing a blog gives you a constant stream

of great content that can be shared with your

subscribers. A blog can set you up as an expert

and authority in your field. It can also give

your readers a better sense of who you are.

Send out some tips. This is a great way of

demonstrating your expertise. If you’re giving

these hot tips away for free, just think what

value they might get if they hired you!

Promote other people’s stuff. I’m not

kidding! You can promote other peoples’

programmes and earn affiliate money as

passive income to your business.

I’m just scratching the surface here. If you really

thought about it, I bet you could find something to

say to people on your list every day if you wanted to.

Aim to have one little nugget of value each and

every time you contact them.

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Getting your message out

If you’re like me and passionately believe in what

you do then you have an important message that

needs to get out into the world. The more people

you connect with and the better you nurture those

relationships, the more people you can serve.

Growing your list gives you a vehicle to do that in.

Focus on helping people. Just be sure that you

do invite people to work with you so you turn that

relationship into a commercial one.

You deserve to be compensated for what you

do. If you don’t get paid and can’t keep up with

your bills, how can you continue to help people and

make a difference in the world?

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Refine, Refine, Refine

What we’ve looked at so far is the foundation to list

building. I will now share with you some simple, yet

powerful, strategies for building your list.

Before I do that, a word of warning…

If you want to get a really responsive list of people

who open and read your emails, share what you do

with others, pay you money for your services and

come back to you time and again, you need to

commit to lifelong learning.

There are lots of things you can do to market and

promote your business. List building is certainly

right at the top. But the key to a successful business

is not doing everything. It’s doing some things

really, really well.

It won’t take you a lifetime to learn how to make

good money through business but it will take you

time to perfect it.

Whenever you reach out to people on your list, look

at the response you get and ask yourself, “Why am

I getting what I’m getting?”

Did fewer people open your email than normal?

What has changed? Have you not been in touch for

a while? Was your subject line not very compelling?

Building a profitable email list is something

that you will hone and fine-tune over time.

Develop a heightened sense of curiosity about

what’s going on in your list and you won’t go far


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Local Strategies for List


Grassroots Marketing

A simple and often missed strategy is to utilise your

current community of friends and fans. Write out a

list of people you already know that would be happy

to hear from you and find out what you’re up to.

If you really think about it you should be able to

come up with hundreds of people including

neighbours, friends, family members, and people

from church, groups and associations you’re with.

The list is endless. Start with a list of at least 100


Once you have your list reach out to them with an

email or letter and tell them what you’re up to.

Explain that you’re building your list and want to

get connected to people in your target audience.

At the end of your message ask them to take action

and be specific about what it is. Direct them to the

place you want to direct them. It might be to your

website so they can download your free gift. You

might decide to give out 10 complementary

consultations and invite people to come and spend

time with you.

Do remember that

the fortune is in the

follow up. Send your

mailings out in

manageable chunks

and make sure you

follow up with

everyone, preferably

by phone.

Don’t underestimate people you already

know. If you have a good relationship with them

they will want to help you. All you need to do is tell

them how and make it easy for them by being

specific about what you need.

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Speaking Engagements

If you’re not too shy about standing up and

speaking then participating at speaking

engagements is an excellent option.

The chances are that there are a number of

speaking engagements going on locally where you

live. Good places to find events are and Check out groups that meet up

often and then go ahead and contact the organiser.

Explain who you are and that you have a 30 minute

or so interactive talk or workshop called

___________. This seems like it would be a

perfect fit for their audience. Would they be open to

you coming and speaking?

Don’t discount this option if you’re new to speaking.

There are plenty of ways of starting up small such

as speaking at your local networking group or on a

teleclass or webinar with a few invited friends.

At the end of your talk, or preferably just before you

sum up, invite people to join your mailing list and

receive your free goodie. Have a clipboard you can

pass round or provide a web link so you can collect

names and email addresses and get them signed up.

Referral Partners

Another local strategy is to look for referral

partners in your area that have access to a similar

audience but serve them in a different way.

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Identify people who have their own mailing list who

are the exact group of people you want to reach and

then create an event together.

For example, I had a client offering coaching to

people who were facing retirement and wondering

what next to do with their lives. His speciality was

helping people find a purpose and plan for during

and after retirement.

He could form a relationship with an independent

financial advisor in his area. All he need do is

explain that he’s helping the same community of

people as the advisor and that he’s put together a

thirty minute talk.

The event could be hosted in the IFA’s office and if

he would work with him and promote this event to

people on his list, he would gladly give the financial

advisor a percentage of profits for anyone who signs

up to his services afterwards.

The event would be hosted by the IFA and the

retirement coach would be a guest speaker.

This strategy works really well for two reasons:

1. Both partners combine their list to get as

many people to the event as possible. The IFA

adds anyone from the coach’s list that comes

along to his own mailing list. The retirement

coach also gets to add people from the IFA’s

list by offering people who do attend a free gift

or incentive to get them on their mailing list.

2. There is money on the table. While you

may be able to get a handshake agreement on

working together, money provides additional

incentive to really go out there and fill places.

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Online Strategies for List


Teleclasses, Teleseminars,

Telesummits and Webinars

Similar to local speaking engagements, teleclasses,

teleseminars, telesummits and webinars are a way

for you to give value to your ideal clients, position

yourself as an expert and build sufficient reciprocity

to get them to sign up to your mailing list.

In case you’re wondering, let me give you a quick

rundown of what they are.


This is simply you with a special telephone line

where people dial in at a pre-arranged time to listen

to what you say. You could get people just to listen

in, or you could pause and open up the line for

questions, which could be managed by you or an


These are simple and versatile – you can pre-record

them and just get people to call in. You could

provide additional materials like worksheets that

people fill in along the way. You can record and

transcribe the call and turn it into an information

product… there are endless possibilities.


This is a little more involved than a teleclass. It’s

like having a live seminar, but is conducted on the

phone or over the Internet. It usually involves a

series of calls or sessions over the same day, or

multiple days, almost like a conference with

different sessions. It could just be delivered by

yourself or you could include guest speakers.

It’s best to use this if you want to go in-depth on a

particular topic and give your listeners additional

teaching. This is most definitely something you

would charge for, whereas teleclasses are often a

free introduction to you and what you do.

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This is similar to a teleseminar except that you

typically have several speakers. It could run over

several days or weeks with your listeners tuning in

at certain times.

Again, you can record and transcribe the call. Even

though this is a bit more advanced and more work

to organise, it’s a great way to build your credibility

in your marketplace because you’re amongst other

experts. It has the additional advantage that you

build your mailing list faster, as each of your

speakers will be promoting it to their own



These are typically PowerPoint-style presentations,

with you and/or guest speakers narrating the

content. You can combine this with any of the above


A webinar provides the advantage of you being able

to explain your content visually to your audience.

You can use these like teleclasses (i.e. free

introductions), or you can compile several and run

an online course where people tune in for the next

module each week.

Getting their contact details

If you host your own online events then you will

gain your prospects’ email addresses and contact

details when they sign up.

If however, you are a guest speaker on any of these

events then you will want to build your free goodie

in to your talk.

Avoid giving details of your free goodie right at the

end. Stop before your last important teaching point

and tell them before you continue that you just

want to share with them how they can get some free

resources that will help them ____________.

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This way your audience will stay on the call with

you while you explain your free offer and will more

likely sign up. If they don’t stay, they won’t get the

full webinar they wanted to hear.


Blogging is great a thing to do and can be a lot fun. I

write my own blog and share a lot of cool tips and

strategies that help my community and

demonstrate my expertise. But the thing is that

blogging takes a lot of time. It’s a slow burn activity

and you might not want to write regularly.

Here’s something you can do that’s a lot

quicker and easier.

Go to the big blogs that attract lots of readers and

who serve the same target market as you. Comment

on the articles posted there.

You might say “I love this article. I totally agree

with what you’re saying here and this is what

happens to my clients all the time.” Then what you

do is give an additional tip and say, “here’s what I

do to help my clients,” or “here’s a tool that I often


When you post this comment on someone else’s

blog where you’re being helpful and providing

additional value, you position yourself as another

expert. Just be sure that when you sign it you enter

your website and name.

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What you’re not doing here is selling to anyone or

telling them to go to your website. You don’t tell

them to go and download your free stuff. That’s

rude. You just give your little piece of advice, your

name and your website link.

If you’ve chosen a popular blog then thousands of

people will see your comment. When they see

you’re comment many will think, “That’s

interesting. He sounds like an expert. I’ll just

quickly go and check him out” and they’ll click on

your link.

When they do arrive at your website what do they

see? On the right hand side above the fold, where

their eyes are drawn to naturally, they will see your

free offer and join your mailing list.

Tell a Friend Page

When someone signs up on your website for your

free stuff, send them to a ‘tell a friend page’ on

your website.

On this page you say that you’re so excited that they

signed up and joined your community. Tell them

that you’ve sent the link so they can pick up their

free goodie. You know they’re going to really like it

and it will make a massive difference for their

problem or situation.

Then what you do is ask if they’d be willing to share

these free resources with three of your friends who

are also in the same situation as you. At this point

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you describe your niche and target market so

they’re really clear about who would consume your

free goodie.

“If so,” you say, “would you be willing to put their

name and email address in the little box below? I

promise to not add them to any mailing list. I’ll just

send them a quick note telling them that I have

these free resources and that you thought they

might be interested. Here’s the link to get them.

As a thank you, I will send you my free


Here you have an extra freebie, report or resource

that goes nicely with the one they just signed up for.

Why does this strategy work so well?

You’ve just given them something they want so

people feel indebted to you. Also, people hang out

with people that are like them. They will know

plenty of other people in the same target market

and demographic as them.

Providing you’ve done a good job on your free

goodie then they will want to share it with their

friends and gain the recognition for doing so.

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Get Your Swagger On

Here we come to a close for List Building Secrets,

but we have just started to scratch the surface on

this highly profitable subject.

According to a recent study1 small businesses spent

an average marketing budget of £3,029 in 2013.

They know the importance of attracting attention

and getting people to their websites. But the

biggest problem is not gaining attention; it’s

converting that attention into paying clients and


If you can’t convert people you might as well

flush 97% of your marketing budget down

the toilet.

Remember that breakdown I gave you earlier?

Only 3% of your ideal, perfect clients are actively

looking for your services right now.


If you could convert more people into paying

customers through building a highly responsive

email list, you would devastate the competition.

Capitalising on that 67% of your ideal clients that

could be converted in time is your way to make real

money, and lots of money, since few other people

are really concentrating on them.

If 67% of your ideal clients were to buy from you

within a year from now you will increase your sales

by 2,330%. Even if my figures are only 90% right,

you still stand to make over a 2,000% increase.

There just isn’t enough time here to teach

you all my list building secrets and I’d love

to share them with you.

You see, when you run a small business you’ve got

to get out the gate quickly. If you’re just starting out

you need to start making your deposits straight

away. If you’ve been going for a while then you can’t

hang around. The economy is beginning to recover

and small businesses are on the rise. The quickest,

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most agile and the ones with the biggest lists are

going to get ahead. That could spell bad news for


Introducing List Building Swagger

Get instant access to my online course…

Grow a List of 10,000+ Subscribers and

Get Them to Buy Your Stuff!

In this training you will learn how to:

Build your email list at faster than light


Put together a really cool ethical bribe to get

people on your mailing list and agree for

you to continue to market to them.

Setup your opt-in form on your website

or Facebook so you can get people on your


Build an electronic newsletter or ezine

that your list actually looks forward to

receiving and reading.

Gain massive trust with your email list and

position yourself as an authority in your


Avoid the pitfalls and common mistakes

that most serious list builders take years to


Drive masses of traffic to your website and

convert them into happy paying clients.

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Get BIG results from a tiny budget.

…and much, much more!

Join us on the course today and get INSTANT

ACCESS to this very special course.

I’ve spent years building my list and made just

about every possible mistake. I spent thousands of

pounds on training, read dozens of books and have

spoken to industry experts with hundreds of

thousands of people on their list.

I did this so you don’t have to. I’ve cut out the

fluff and worked out exactly how you can go about

building your list of raving fans to 10,000 people or


List Building Swagger is one of the many courses

and training videos available to you when you

subscribe to my Virtual Academy for just £14.97

per month.

You can complete the course at your own pace and

come back to it as often as you like.

Even if you only got one paying customer as

a result of this programme, what’s that

worth to you?

Ten pounds? One hundred pounds? One thousand


What if you got a steady stream of clients? Would

that be worth £14.97?

If you’re still not sure I invite you to sign up

and try it for 10 days completely free of

charge. It’s on me!

Join List Building Swagger


I look forward to seeing you
