lir - herald...

.. ':!Ii 504d 1194d Ol! Jtl c ! Ii' I P''''L-E---N:h T i' i I I " i I uu ",0 larger c,>mmunity than its i Cli l' 'a S II ,': -- .. ,I 'Toronto, thr'''Queen.Cit,::' I n e \- r world in morat,;, wInch 18 ,. ' Weather rR at, havel grown . anf I 'I ! I I: Good the . A er\can cit, .exocl': 9b,eago m . ' Ir l ' '.L ,. ..". L+:- 'I \ q arter p",!t,., when co bh 0' in:Y·· peOPLE ARI WEI,l' SATISFltD ' "I 'I I, I [ 1" no lIquor dlalors 10 Its _ I It is a faet- ur' I n f IChlna, I' , 'I c uncil, g!ven 0,006 majofit ;l il ' " ;1', . 'I· " ' f rproh,blt1on 10 an nformalplelle.- . 1\ from 25 to 50 l,J,.e· discol!mt Which Gives ASRura'!oe That e clie, has po police pr9tccted brothel, ,,<" f , '. I" Wayue ChaJ,tau. qUI'. Assembly I nq pO!lCelllazette.s, Sunday , r f Hairi! to Be a Fixture I no SundN papersj The law 0 I .' t __ I I J " I isl re'llly,. t&'fugh not fu I, . r; ei l " this sech l ,tio.1 ' " 6 d i ,I I I \ "\\' h" . II. The :' has . he i,s that people r d 1m" \ sMe will :ineel the Wayne Ch utaU<jua ana done IUR ngt knowlthe, Jaws. lIn the mat,te mY IN\LIR I part for the uccess of secord ofl sellini>: corrupt periodicals, th . after Au .... 14 annual a.qsem Iy and the hIgh. lat is violated Ithrough lack.o I "., of entertainments given has dOlle You haye oftcn notice , ,. ,I', ., ']' ,. :,'1"', rest to 1"afe it a sucee.. I'nd YOq,ii lifed uf' a large TO 'B UY the large amount the manage- how the would run. Well,' It I ment has expcndedfor talent T' tiE O'K INt' , other it i. almoRt cert m la.tors of law. A vile I ,stat?dPboontt tijn fO'UI in-McK esPdort 'I ' .,', ,' ii """"", ' ". ","'., '," I ,- tc WI a . vi it,ed th re was sta pe y r I ' I even. Pel/pIe are hIgh 1'1 th It m re tur ng on of the Itght an ' N I. & C ('+++++++++++j+* praIses of the quahty tal nt to ,Xist withi ten days, I III . ee' y ,. . n' , ':I: and Ihey should be for It has be n here a e seven w ys tJ , I' n"II""IO ±of thc vcry bcst obt,ainable and to la in an e ty, seven " , ,', i. I " '. ,!:.;o' I ±expensc Ha.:' bfen spared yn tI at of iOlIieerslwhose dut It is to ::::,!I :j:' "=' t ppint. I I! theenforqement of law. The first, "'c.,'''\,,,,,, I ' .1. It w"" a of disappointment of these string,· in the bow ofl . _j_1 ... __ ._ 11_ . .: ae :. that the fir8t attraetwni;, Eix- is th,C m' yor. The 8peCia.l train from Blooomfle.ld tJ: rot •• _.-'._ .• _, ....... ,.. . I se, nator carmaCk, and important function fa, mayor, Inj in,about two hunqred for the D '. T Ik i 'W Ithl',,' fI",' '! d. ..': ' I! I could not given but \'.las my ,is 0 protect day evening "Program. Yester ay" - rug as· or ,£P tog _".: ' owin!\' to over whr b bors and in their of adole- was farrilers da! and. Col. Bob Se ds' , .: ' ,, .... J!:" il . .., "'''':0'1 I, ' . I management had no contrOl, scence aga nst ali sows that are was the attractIOn WIth Ralph ,! '.,. " I •. , ' i of .the Gran',d Of, the, tqa.t that IS. herplc SPlefill, id musIC !,as, been. furms "ed . Is thS, first conSider,"lion, ,in everylhing ! Ihls, Droll.; "'1' , ILDREN t' i slJOke afternoon ani l v. or I that s fie tor meetings Wayne -I st re In some lines of businese Jrice'rmiy'lleH\e! bil tall,>' I'.f'''' I. ;j; Dr. Conley of 0"laha. sP9 ke n shl/uld the: hbretto :of the Virginia Juhil Smgers and Ih<c . 0 '. ' ""1 DRUG, BUSI- well sho t I Thursday evening.' Friday' aft r- pia' b S\lpmitted ito Male QlIa tette" The Chllu- mglpomt but should not be 11' Jh'1:! .: ., ," , , I '.' .noon a - hi a in, adv nee" ofl .its tajIqua, closes an address py NE$S. Quality regardless ofrpnce should bei the mall' factor ,'. ',S . did add\ess;on .. the Ph, Ihppmes whlfh no asin E.. W,.lth bIll D. r. Waters thisa ternoon and Ra,lr" h• and it is here Whatever y O l1 buy "ere,You ,?",y,d!,p.e <;l" aales,:" ' was largc aU.9 1 - ters alsb, .and WI h t,h,e of a rlette thiS, eve.n ng. " I It WIll be the h,ghest qualIty, and the pnce pc as f Vf . '" this seas s eneeJ, Frldayevemng The committee Iknown hImself I I, , d f h ualit can be sbld I. ' I Play , was l the . not Iwhat lay are of Mr,. H. goo sot e same q Y I ; JJJ.l: I J! . ' : I I and on Saturday evenmg Hi a - tal commen bu what re lM'ary Linette was born,lm 1 QUALITY first ,QUANTITY second .I;1Jd,C,lthird , ".: 'watha." I ' I . I 1;0 shut ud This pI n, Cavendish, Vermdnt. , ay 18;1, fY "J I' One of thb star attraetlons of in fJart, has been tri d with good cf- and died July 25, 1908. Aged FELBER'S PHARMA . ChautaUl/ua, wa.". the a.ddress of (.qv- fcst, at in,I,)e Baltimo,re j ' months and, i 2 , days. e . ,,' '. '. . ,. ernor :Ranly of Ind!anai SaturdfY elsewhere. The ayor can coln- to J. H: ingrey, I?e, r. _ Q II.' +1,.+++*+ ...... afternoon '9 n "The ,Pa.tpotlsm l:f pet such aClion, for e 9'\S power It:" 1844. Two childr n were bl> n 1. "The Drug Store of :. The Gov{'rnhr IS one of t, e re okc the Oft aqy Ilf a lIDO a i i:."f'lh I ' 'T-I big young Illen of cOl1ntry who he regards . exhibi lived yea,,/, ill Wayne ',= a a. have attracted public attention m tiv of crimjc or vice', tmd In so fr,m there1came£o I i II I ' .1 the past few years. and who 'is in olvrs no l liallility:!td proseoution' cgunty Iowa in 180:J, "d livf'(1 l1wrl' I- Deutscher i dl'stinf'rl to makf' hiS un»rt'ss 011 1'01 dllm'Ig'f'k fo,. him ,l'i1' or Ihl' city.!' u til 1889, when til ,)' movpd (0' I . '. ',.. ,I hi:.-tory if til<'. !"f'form waVl' Th 1 H(lcond,lsll:in,l; In juw bow.of S9,\iV Nebr., where 'hey spent p;w ; : "], contmues, "Hvwas hsteped to er igntYiSfhepOIiC], r,stoftheir days. I ---- .. '7·7---,· , -----.---'-wI .. '.,.Il!!" .. ,""i:,;,; more thart fifteen hnndre,] ,rcople pr secutor, the fo j)ldge IShe was a woman I trne and _ ............. .. t.he Chautall q ., u,a: grollnds 'Saturdar Al thcsc car and sh, uld initiate. th noljle Character,. A true and rl, r .' !" ' . . aftcrnoon. ',It waR howcver only lp en orcemcnF la. fouit vtted to he husband I. C0A the Ia.qt of hiS th t st ,ing in ,thebPW iSi he sherIff, her to the H avenly 1 he Rtirred his hoarl'rs to 'great - is, eally mayor of the cqunty bY-about five tv ears . In her ear y thusiasm ttlat .. pea 1,e an, sbOUld •. n.foree he if th eShe. h,e self e :: , are deeply mterested not 10 thc p m ors neglect 10 d so. SIxth. ,I nive"sahst chl'rch. he was , ' ," .. " , ,. , -but in the present and futu d,. is ne of stran absurditle, i her faith. which w 'I great co"'- FOR .' He .. his hearcrs of de P th' t only· one or t.w Governors 0 f rt to her in the vicisdtudeH of life; I , I eOnViel.iOns.a, nds.'inc",.etyof»ur»o.l'. [.Jnitf'rl'St.lIl.f'H t'''',W ' which'removed,theflr and l.:er,r,j,lr 1 TH RES' HING1, His borders o.n the class c- wijat "chjef execut ve" means. her sImp y . I al and his word pictures. ad m,ans , anywhere 'I going home tQ hat Heavpn y I climaxes was reRpo,!dcd to by gc . state,l ,he laws neglec prepared ,for God's loy d I I"' nine enthuRiasm. lIore do .n tb' Govcrnpr shall upon hi 0 es. : i '. ,i" , ',' I 'I I I,' '1 ' i,1 I" ", heavily on the d. uties lmd i respon$l. - 0 eers. et iffs and olicc comm,iS f " IAfte, r her she 1 GET OUR PRICES '\ 0:: ol.tiz n '*' hey are liy41 where the of her cliqiqe . I' _ I ' ", holdmg hIm for the c n- officers, to t e law as Gov in order p a true> PHllLEO & SON ditionx that are bad ancI impress\ 19 ernol' Folk has uone.1 I, thhi with her chur:ch; :she I.he aUdi"nqe that thq r1ar, g crs, If sevrn t ' h way tl> enfo,rce law, if. herjrelf with the' ehlCh at (' .. dar, , '" : frpc weT: .n, ot m fa' the penr 1(' thcm""i-ll'Iv0s to go Iowa, of. "",h,ic she L __........_._........ .. without but wlth.m. 1 at th' courts: s every/citizen. has th me1ll1er. " i, " .. :".:L ,. 'II' " greed and averlCe and gam were ri ht to do, singly in law an Shr \Vas a Iiber I c ntributor to- , "! sponsible most of corrpptlon m or' er J1]very court iR th ards differe t in erestl-> of the f· - N' . I public affairs tht,. :C'me ly ro CelUl',t of thC' so ereign citizen. She me to, the rescue of l r . 1=11, t, I: '0 nr:l WH,:, for the cltJ:l..en Jto 'J'1 e preludp to rmchJaetion should be t e at ,Cedar Rapids,low{l, J U '--' rea,lize and th P',blic b essOf $2000,' OLDEST BANK WAVNE COUNH i. accordi?gly: evemng 1 1 l1S- w ich jake the S t[the n k E: S Pr JOlIN r. !lRESSLER, Vice s., Ii. F'I hop Bristol: de)lvered a ser. mon ado cers <lil their and so lessF f r: the h me for Fran . TRAIlA;, h'e:"}!. S. RINGLAND, Ass't cas11i rl. Monday atterlloon gave HIS lectu e th woruni' the lea ue. $ to Co lege at Galef- ,a., I, , I ', I on \vhichwl"'lI'reatly' - :lecture the fp b rg, Ill., and tothe Io,\,a C.apital and S1.rplus $ 0 QOO joyed. afternoon r. ing I as of The UiiverS8li f t I I I 11 Hl.J'" I' I i, III) Cratts who :/Ja<il th' Chau¥.Qqua: : ' Ii, r c rch, of which she , life 10'1g DIRECTORS: Frank E. Strahan, H. . Ringland, Geor Bll art, R E, K ing h!s le.dtllre. esolved, 'that we' the citizens 10 e, ber. She also :was ,a , B 11. R F W'I ' ,I r h dd Mellor. .John T. ressc.... '. I son. I During course o. IS ,a ress Waync, Ncbr., gat eced for stud liberal contributor to'j'ards tile I "' ........... ...,...="=..... ...,..............==..... Dr. Crafb, $puke as follows: . ol' city and town I roblems ,at the ifffrent churches of )Vay?e. -1;---- -- _ "In the opening pallr s of,the Wryne appeal' to tziue and aged mother 'in Isreal 'P h sin intro, ,us to the GO. d Mfyor to, P,¥" his futpowers for allen" ,and g-oll,e'to, heavenl,y, . 0 ne made the c/:ur try ,. but ma,(le c"l'trol ofIa II shows, to protect . 1'1 the pam bUIlt the st all 'xbibitions th remains to mourn! her lOllS and has the lea<;lmg spl.n t · cri' e and ice in allurip 0 ei son, W. R,o Piqgrey of Coqn When you want ..But Iowa, 'fd" a ' num?er of ChrIst IS noW bUl.ldmg Ion the earth,. pu'rsuin" hG,I'Oic or I' mantic and and grea grand ChIldren,; D If we brmg all would tend to xcite morbid a so a brother, C ,awford Parker M = r- il Y= a,n"<1' mothers ';ho s.erVlce, youth 'to a, I J. alE,burg, II!., one, I . I I above selt, wher,e theIr c Iidreni 'le author and l also thJ yet'more cp - Ii g f a family otlfOliJr.' All orders by call or concerned, I we could I b ild a h ly exhibitions 1,hat immo, - I T e funeral seryicef were held on telephone at- city on eartp.. , , dress and dances or ?y sug ! onday. July 27, !at 10':30 .A. 1\1. tended to. How m, any. of. you would ti.e phrase, insil;e s1/,sceptable .I t elM. E. Church!, tho 50,rVlCe was In ae,ross'thf street to preach: to lust; to this';n ",ge of Rev. ar G. AndrewF' whom yqu j<new cared m for IS we ask that trusty'iofficers of p Omaha and 0 t e Universalist sal,ary thall for the' of Charaeter,' a p , pro,ved.lfor purpo e c, .h' WhO" spo ei sowls? Wok1d,You bY! the cIergy of tile city I or so, h ob the hlls done what whom you knew was more mterested shall "I\e lft'1' hjch in his in the ljavjn g pf t.ije all inj;edilly the ayor I to asE\lilt vi. Smith pf, th .... ...... lives of youl"Iloved The hi in fro bill posters ho spoke er charactN and 8peed 0 motor vehicles within Wm. neer seClj the /s b examirla1lion lin of Rlt: iljtics. Rev. Sharp of the M. E. sacred preemcts of Wayne, was E. B. Carrlgao, '. I down. He has but the twmklmg cf tu es to be and 'other"1! c ureh PI' [r. A large and .', H. S. Ringland, frelgbt I an eye tp d i<j,ewhatl" w at are s6 plaip y of nejghl>p s lind friends A molionlalso to takc COl? J. c: la¥.r I to i#p an save or to s y h mful that they s ould be forbi - present to pay t eir l"'it reo enoogh fro,/, the fund to Geo..Gnffit , I at his post I and meet death to sa e den. Said officer or committee ha _s ets to Mothf:ll" Ping-rey. off one water bond and two hght bonds. H. A. Moler, salary his trhin. does: he do? ing also t 9 ". stop a Play,.qr . T,h ',e remains W$e laid, to rest beR , know what he he saves ?,IS show m the midst that h:Yi esealled 'lI de ; that of 'h b sband in the t,?e to',,1f>e "e ry , Wm. snpphes of Burmah ChrIstIan ",lIages whe*" tendency." f' ,,' John Harrington, " I the OhrI.:$ is the lalv, MJnday evenit' gs it,Y ,COuDclI'I' {OCee4iogs. Aug. one horse of polJtrcs, SOC!rty an1 busmess, 1 f .. '. ' ", ,. '" . T'" . theBe." 'ar,e' P.OsSi.bIe rmah; 'tte B,:' P,a<1 k ,ar.d ,celebrated c, - th,e m,,;rl! h, eld M,'Ollda,y W. L. Larsen, one horse' cities .tornist,l the people. "A 1Ig!ll; Fl rrate 1J1e ,use .J. cerollt .. 1,1 I '. I. "I 11I1I '"... ,., , I II ."

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c ~~T--'-- ! Ii' I II~S'P''''L-E---N:hT ~n --"S-Ufl~Ed~ilro~:-~~~';~~:~h~~;~~a~~~-i' i I I " i I uu ",0 larger c,>mmunity than its mo~ntail:, i

Clil' 'a S II ,': -- .. ,I t~wns: 'Toronto, thr'''Queen.Cit,::'In e \- r O~h(, world in morat,;, wInch 18 sal~


' Weather Ma~ Fa~o,rR Ch~'lta~q at, havel grown" ~hari, . anfI 'I ! I I: Good Athdction~!Do the "Re~t . A er\can cit, .exocl': 9b,eago m ni~ .

' Irl' '.L ,. ..". L+:- 'I \ q arter I,c~ntury p",!t,., when co bh

0' in:Y·· peOPLE ARI WEI,l' SATISFltD :~f~,~:t~~~h ~~:~:~;;;;~~;C~~I:~i~t' "I 'I I, I [ 1" I~allows no lIquor dlalors 10 Its ~It _

I It is afaet- ur' t~ I n f IChlna, I' , 'I c uncil, .I~a.s g!ven 0,006 majofit ;l ~il ' " ;1', . 'I· " ' f rproh,blt1on 10 an nformalplelle.- ~'''''~ .1\ from 25 to 50 l,J,.e· • discol!mt Which Gives ASRura'!oe That ~ e clie, has po police pr9tccted brothel, l~ ~ ,,<" f r~

, '. I" Wayue ChaJ,tau.qUI'. Assembly I nq pO!lCelllazette.s, n~ Sunday m~'J , r f ~A~strain, Hairi! to Be a ~~rmanent Fixture I no SundN papersj The law 0 I ~ .' t __ ~,'1

I I J "~' I c~ri~t isl re'llly,. t&'fugh not fu I , . ~ r; ~~ ~,e i

l" this sechl,tio.1 '~" ' " 6 d minan~. i ,I I I \ "\\' h" \'~ .II. The weatr~ :' ma~' has ~Irilled.n .he gr~at ~ro~e i,s that people

rd ~ 1m" \

sMe will :ineel the Wayne Ch utaU<jua ana done IUR ngt knowlthe, Jaws. lIn the mat,te mY IN\LIRI part for the uccess of t~e secord ofl sellini>: corrupt periodicals, th .

after Au.... 14 annual a.qsem Iy and the hIgh. c1~SR lat is of~r violated Ithrough lack.oI "., of entertainments given has dOlle k~owled£j~. You haye oftcn notice , ,. ,I', ., ']' ,. :,'1"',

th~ rest to 1"afe it a sucee.. I'nd "e~ w~en YOq,ii lifed uf' a large flatstt~1,1 TO 'B U Y~PIte the large amount the manage- how the l~ugs would run. Well,' It I

ment has expcndedfor talent a~.d is~.gOOd,~ealthatW[YWithtqe~iOil T'tiE O'K ~.INt' ,other expedse~ it i. almoRt cert m la.tors of I~he law. A vile pU\J]j'ca~.1 I

~~~~~~I~, thhatAssfrom.1~e fi~alll'mal ,stat?dPboontt tijn fO'UI in-McK esPdort wbhe~h' 'I ' .,', , ' ii """"", ' ". ","'., '," I,- t c 'ocla~lOn WI oo~e o~" a . vi it,ed th re was sta pe o~t y r I' I even. Pel/pIe are hIgh 1'1 th It m re tur ng on of the Itght an ' N I . & C

('+++++++++++j+* praIses of the quahty o~ th~ tal nt ce~d to ,Xist withi ten days, I III .ee' y ,. .~ave'n'

, ':I: and Ihey should be for It has be n here a e seven w ys tJ enfotc~ , I'n"II""IO ±of thc vcry bcst obt,ainable and to la in an i\meri~an e ty, seven ~ind~: " , ,', i.


" '. ,!:.;o'

I ±expensc Ha.:' bfen spared yn tI at of iOlIieerslwhose dut It is to mlbatelll~::::::::::::~~;::::t~::::::::!1::::,!I:j:'~,,!.,.I~,.~'~"I~J'~"J~'"='!~~==!!t ppint. I I! theenforqement of law. The first, "'c.,'''\,,,,,,

I ' .1. It w"" a sour~e of disappointment of these s~ven string,· in the bow ofl . _j_1 ...__._ 11_ . ~_ .:a e :.that the fir8t tW(~ attraetwni;, Eix- 5o~ereignfY is th,C m' yor. The ml?~t! 8peCia.l train from Blooomfle.ld tJ:rot••_.-'._.•_,.~......., . . . .~.,I se,nator carmaCk, and Father'Cle~rY important function fa, mayor, Inj in ,about two hunqred for the T~es-,.. D '. T Ik i 'W Ithl',,' fI",' '! d. . .':' I! I could not ~e given but ·th~t \'.las my jUdgdh~nt, ,is 0 protect ~he day evening "Program. Yester ay" - rug as· or ,£P tog _".:

' owin!\' to ~easOnB over whrb ~h~ bors and ~irJs in their a~~ of adole- was farrilers da! and. Col. Bob Se ds' , .: ' , , .... J!:" il . .., "'''':0'1

I, ' . I management had no contrOl, ~~n, scence aga nst ali sows that are was the attractIOn WIth Ralph P~r- ,! '.,. "

I •. , ' i of .the Gran',d A~,mY Of, the, R~PU~I,C' te~y; tqa.t ~each that rI~,e IS. herplc SPlefill,id musIC !,as, been. furms "ed . Is thS, first conSider,"lion, ,in everylhing a~o,1','! Ihls, Droll.; "'1' ,ILDREN t' i slJOke ,Thur~day afternoon ani

lv. or I that i~punity s ·l\a~ety. fie tor th~ meetings ~th~Wayne ba~d, -I st re In some lines of businese Jrice'rmiy'lleH\e! bil tall,>' I'.f''''

I. ;j; Dr. Conley of 0"laha. sP9ke

n shl/uld re~lnre t~at the: hbretto :of the Virginia Juhil Smgers and Ih<c . 0 '. ' ""1 DRUG, BUSI-well sho t IThursday evening.' Friday' aft r- ev~rY pia' 's~ould b S\lpmitted ito D~nbar Male QlIa tette" The Chllu- mglpomt but should not be tole~atfd 11' Jh'1:! .: ., ," , ,

I '.' .noon J~dge'Norris deli~er~d a spl~ - hi a wlt~ in, adv nee" ofl .its ~~- tajIqua, closes .W~·h an address py NE$S. Quality regardless ofrpnce should bei the mall' factor,'. ',S . did add\ess;on..the Ph,Ihppmes whlfh no ncemJ~t, asin E.. gla~~, W,.lth bIll D.r. Waters thisa ternoon and Ra,lr"h • and it is here Whatever yO l1 buy "ere,You ,?",y,d!,p.e <;l" 98~"",! ,~c":"

aales,:" ' 1~t was ¥reat~y'l enJo.Ye~ bY.~ largc aU.91

- po~,ters alsb, .and WI h t,h,e aI~ of a P~,rlette thiS, eve.n ng. " I It WIll be the h,ghest qualIty, and the pnce w~lllpc as f Vf .~~, '"this seas s eneeJ, Frldayevemng The Passl~n committee Iknown nlY~O hImself I I, , d f h ualit can be sbld anyw~!,reilI . ' I Play , illust~ated was

lthe . attr~~ti9rt de~ide, not Iwhat lay are g~Od O~~turary of Mr,. ,~%IH. Pingrl~:" • goo sot e same q Y I ; JJJ.l: I J! .

' : I Iand on Saturday evenmg Hia- en~ugh tal commen bu what re lM'ary Linette P~r~ was born,lm 1QUALITY first ,QUANTITY second .I;1Jd,C,lthird

, ".: 'watha." I ' I . I ba~ enoug~ 1;0 shut ud This pI n, Cavendish, Vermdnt. , ay ~rd, 18;1, fY"JI' One of thb star attraetlons of .t~e in fJart, has been tri d with good cf- and died July 25, 1908. Aged ,~7 FELBER'S PHARMAPAI~'. .ChautaUl/ua, wa.". the a.ddress of (.qv- fcst, at ti~e~, in,I,)e rOi~',' Baltimo,re


' y~ars2 months and, i2, days. ~~,e . ,,' '. '.. ,. I· ernor :Ranly of Ind!anai SaturdfY an~ elsewhere. The ayor can coln- wl<s'm~rried to J. H: ingrey, I?e, r. _ Q II.' ~+1,.+++*+ ...... afternoon '9

n"The ,Pa.tpotlsm l:f pet such aClion, for e 9'\S power It:" 1s~, 1844. Two childr n were bl> n 1. "The Drug Store of Uiill~Y :.

1~~;b."'C7"M"";=~~-f,=~~-+...,.9F+'i"""'-;""'""7'IT·C""~--"'-·1 Peace~ The Gov{'rnhr IS one of t, e re okc the icem;~ Oft aqy the~Lrc Ilf to~hh~lunionja lIDO an~ a daugh~qr. i i:."f'lh I ~k 'T'~~:TII:.c::.:.:~t---4+,J~+-+-f-+--*~+t--~-'-'tr''T-I big young Illen of tb~ cOl1ntry who he regards .t.~" exhibi io?~~, pro~,O'-' Irhe~ lived ni~e yea,,/, ill Venn~~lt, Wayne ',= a r'l~":fJ"a,', a.~ have attracted public attention m tiv of crimjc or vice', tmd In so dOln~1 a~d fr,m there1came£o Musca~l~w ~ I i I I I ' .1

the past few years. and who 'is in olvrs no l liallility:!td proseoution' cgunty Iowa in 180:J, " d livf'(1 l1wrl' I- Deutscher Apothek~r. i

dl'stinf'rl to makf' hiS un»rt'ss 011 1'01 dllm'Ig'f'k fo,. him ,l'i1' or Ihl' city.!' u til 1889, when til ,)' movpd (0' I . '. ',.. ,In:lji',.ma~ hi:.-tory if til<'. !"f'form waVl' Th 1 H(lcond,lsll:in,l; In juw bow.of S9,\iV ayne~ Nebr., where 'hey spent p;w ·~~~,I' ~-r-~~~~,._'::i',I. "~""!;.~:.,j,' ; '!_!~ ~~: : ~ "],contmues, "Hvwas hsteped to ~Y. er igntYiSfhepOIiC], ~hcthlrd t~ r,stoftheir days. I ---- .. '7·7---,· , -----.---'-wI..'.,.Il!!"..,""i:,;,;more thart fifteen hnndre,] ,rcople o~ pr secutor, the fo rt~ ~he j)ldge IShe was a woman I~f trne and _ ............._._.~..t.he Chautall

q., u,a: grollnds 'Saturdar Al thcsc car and sh, uld initiate. th noljle Character,. A true and rl,~", r .' !" ' .

. aftcrnoon. ',It waR howcver only lp en orcemcnF ~t la. Th~. fouit vtted ~elp-mate to he husband w~o I . C 0 Athe Ia.qt ha~f of hiS ad,~ress th t st ,ing in ,thebPW iSihe sherIff, w~ preced~d her to the H avenly ho~e 1he Rtirred his hoarl'rs to 'great - is, eally .~h mayor of the cqunty bY-about five tvears. In her ear y

thusiasm ~r,OWing ttlat .. ~,hC. pea 1,e an, sbOUld•. n.foree he la,,\~ if th I~'eShe. identi~ed h,e self with~, e :: ,are deeply mterested not 10 thc p ~t m ors neglect 10 d so. SIxth. ,I nive"sahst chl'rch. he was st~9~g , ' ," .. " , ,. ,-but in the present and t~e futu d,. is ne of ,t~e stran e~t absurditle, i her faith. which w 'I great co"'- FOR .'He impr"s~es .. his hearcrs of de P th' t only· one or t.w Governors 0 f rt to her in the vicisdtudeH of life; I , IeOnViel.iOns.a,nds.'inc",.etyof»ur»o.l'. I.h~' [.Jnitf'rl'St.lIl.f'H t'''',W rli",ovcr~. ' which'removed,theflr and l.:er,r,j,lr 1 THRES'HING1,His lallgua~e borders o.n the class c- wijat "chjef execut ve" means. :~ ~} de~th. D~ath her sImp y . Ial and his word pictures. a d m,ans th~tJ l~hateV'e , anywhere 'I ~eantgoing home tQ hat Heavpn y

.1.l.l-_-'-.J1..;---.,--+_....:.-:;!-+:--+t-t-~t'-_~it.,-L Iclimaxes was reRpo,!dcd to by gc . t~ state,l ,he laws ~re neglec ~ansi<ln prepared ,for God's loy d I I"'nine enthuRiasm. H~ lIore do .n tb' Govcrnpr shall ~all upon hi 0 es. : i '. ,i" , ',' I 'I I I,' '1 ' i,1 I" ",heavily on the d.uties lmd i respon$l. - 0 eers. s~,etiffs and ~P,olicc comm,iS

f" IAfte,r her marri~1e she nc~~r 1 GET OUR PRICES '\lEJ,l;.~~;J.w..,~+~4---+,+--lt-t-~+~-"7'11,..."11 biliti.e~ 0:: th~ in?j~idu~l· ol.tiz n siJ~ers,· '*' rar'~ hey are st~t liy41 where the c~urc of her cliqiqe . I ' _ I ' " ,

holdmg hIm resrmn~ll?le for the c n- officers, to ~nforce t e law as Gov w~: in order to'~eep p a true> r('l~- PHllLEO & SONditionx that are bad ancI impress\ 19 ernol' Folk has uone.1 I, thhi with her chur:ch; :she i<l('nUfi(~clI.he aUdi"nqe that thq r1ar,

gcrs, If i~'he sevrn

t'h way tl> enfo,rce law, if. herjrelf with the' ehlCh at ('..dar, , '" :

frpc weT: .n,ot f~ m fa' the penr 1(' thcm""i-ll'Iv0s to go int~(1 .]~idS' Iowa, of. "",h,ic she contin~"d L __........_._........~..without but ~rom wlth.m. 1 at th' courts: s every/citizen. has th aC9~$if'~nt me1ll1er. " i, " ..~.~'. :".:L ,. 'II' "greed and averlCe and gam were ~- ri ht to do, singly ~r in law an Shr \Vas a Iiber I c ntributor to- , "!sponsible f~r most of corrpptlon m or' er ¥,agu~. J1]very court iR th ards ~he differe t in erestl-> of the f· - N' . Ipublic affairs ~nd.t~at tht,. :C'me ly ro al~ CelUl',t of thC' so ereign citizen. c~urch. She C~,me to, the rescue of l r ~t . 1=11, t, I: '0nr:lWH,:, for the mdIV.H.l.u.a~ cltJ:l..en Jto 'J'1 e preludp to rmchJaetion should be t e ch~rch at ,Cedar Rapids,low{l, J U '--'rea,lize his~eEPolls,'blhtles,' and ~et th awakeni~gof P',blic seiltlme~tl b \laYinganirld~~ted essOf $2000,' OLDEST BANK I~ WAVNE COUNH i.

accordi?gly: ~unday evemng 11l1S- w ich ,~ilI lofte~ jake the PUbt~ S e.g'lve~. t[the J~pa,n Ml.~iqn k E: S Pr JOlIN r. !lRESSLER, Vice p~.s., Ii. F'Ihop Bristol: de)lvered a ser.

monado cers <lil their ~ut~' and so lessF f r: the Black~e h me for gIrI~. Fran . TRAIlA;, h'e:"}!. S. RINGLAND, Ass't cas11i rl. ~'

Monday atterlloon gave HIS lectu e th woruni' the lea ue. $ O~ to LoIr\b~r Co lege at Galef- ,a., I, , I ' , Ion "Brain~'; \vhichwl"'lI'reatly' - tth~cl0i"'0£th :lecture the fp b rg, Ill., and tothe Io,\,a C.apital and S1.rplus $ 0 QOOjoyed. T~es~ay afternoon r. IO~1ing r~s~lution I as aQopted!~ o~ention of The UiiverS8lift I I I 11 Hl.J'" I' I i, III)

Cratts who :/Ja<il ,be~n h.oldin~ ~orr- th' Chau¥.Qqua: : ' Ii, r c rch, of which she ~as , life 10'1g DIRECTORS: Frank E. Strahan, H. . Ringland, Geor Bll art, R E, King conferelice~gaveh!s le.dtllre. esolved, 'that we' the citizens 10 e, ber. She also :was ,a liber~l , B 11. R F W'I ' ,I

r • h dd Mellor. .John T. ressc.... '. I son. IDuring t~e course o. IS ,a ress Waync, Ncbr., gat eced for stud liberal contributor to'j'ards tile I"'..............,...="=........,..............==.....""*'C"''''''=,..,..=''Rii=~F=jt''''''0",Dr. Crafb, $puke as follows: . ol' city and town I roblems ,at the ifffrent churches of )Vay?e. Th~s -1;---- -- T--~-- _

"In the opening pallrs of,the BI~le Wryne CHa~tauqual appeal' to ou~ tziue and aged mother 'in Isreal 'Phsin intro,du~es ,us to the el~Y. GO.d Mfyor to, P,¥" his futpowers for t,h~ ~as.~aallen" ,and g-oll,e'to, ,h~rI, heavenl,y, . 0nemade the c/:urtry,. but C~m ma,(le c"l'trol ofIaII shows, to protect ~h rF~d, . 1'1the tow~. pam bUIlt the fir~t. Cl~yyoung aga~'st all 'xbibitions th T~ere remains to mourn! her lOllSand has b~tn i· the lea<;lmg spl.n

t· ,I~ pr~sents cri' e and ice in allurip 0 ei son, W. R,o Piqgrey of Coqn When you want

~iti~s ~ve~:,,;~itIC~..But t~e,~lty ~f fg~ms,espe iaUYOf~otori~uBban4~1 a~ids, Iowa, 'fd" a' num?er ofChrIst IS noW bUl.ldmg Ion the earth,. pu'rsuin" hG,I'Oic or I' mantic carefil~s and and grea grand ChIldren,; D

If we eo~ld brmg toge~her all ~be th~t would tend to xcite morbid I,o~ a so a brother, C ,awford Parker M = r- ilY=fat~lCl's,' a,n"<1' mothers ';ho ~ut s.erVlce, de~enerate, youth 'to a, crimM·~I J. alE,burg, II!., t~ O*l~, one, surviy~ I . I I •

above selt, wher,e theIr c Iidreni 'le author andlalso thJ yet'more cp - Ii g f a family otlfOliJr.' All orders by call orconcerned, I we could I b ild a h ly ruktin~ exhibitions 1,hat ~y immo, - I T e funeral seryicef were held on telephone ~promptly at-city on eartp.. , , es~ dress and dances or ?y sug ! onday. July 27, !at 10':30 .A. 1\1. ~t tended to.

How m,any. of. you would W~k. ti.e phrase, insil;e s1/,sceptable YOU~ .It elM. E. Church!,tho~ 50,rVlCe was Inae,ross'thf street to he,~~ preach: an~ other~ to lust; ~nd to this';n ~ ",ge of Rev. ar G. AndrewF'whom yqu j<new cared m r~ for IS we ask that trusty'iofficers of hi~ p Omaha and 0 t e Universalist

sal,ary thall for the' Ivati.o~.of Charaeter,' ap, pro,ved.lfor thi~ purpo e ~hur,c,.h' WhO" spo ei ~,ppropriatel.ysowls? Wok1d,You ha~e ".p~YSlCI~· bY! the cIergy of tile city Ior so, h ob the word~, '~Sh hlls done what

whom you knew was more mterested c~'mitte~ ~hUSaPj'rOVed,1 shall "I\e eICou~d," lft'1' hjch follow~d 1===,=;b======="';"~=====±=~====f'7=~:,in his f~ t~~n in the ljavjng

pf t.ije all inj;edilly the ayor I to asE\lilt vi. Smith pf, th aJ?ti~t churc~, .... ......lives of youl"Iloved on~a? The egi~- hi in ju~ging fro bill posters a~kI ho spoke ~bout er f'nqbU~ charactN and 8peed 0 motor vehicles within th'~ Wm. Hogu~wood. ;~ray~eneer seClj ~t the bf\dg~.ah~ad /s b examirla1lion lin ~'dvande of Rlt: iljtics. Rev. Sharp of the M. E. sacred preemcts of Wayne, was pass~ E. B. Carrlgao, c9a~ '. Idown. He has but the twmklmg cf tu es to be eXhi~ite and 'other"1! c ureh oO:OI;ed,~llePI' [r. A large and ordere~publi$heQ. .', H. S. Ringland, frelgbt Ian eye tp d i<j,ewhatl" ~o; whet~r w at e~bibitions are s6 plaip y d~ne.e of nejghl>p s lind friends A molionlalso prev~iled to takc COl? J. c: H~rml" la¥.r Ito i#p an save him~1f or to s y h mful that they s ould be forbi - e~e present to pay t eir l"'it reo enoogh fro,/, the g'eder~I' fund to pa~ Geo..Gnffit , Iat his post I and meet death to sa e den. Said officer or committee ha _ s ets to Mothf:ll" Ping-rey. off one water bond and two hght bonds. H. A. Moler, salary

his trhin. ~hat does: he do? Y9~ ing a~thorit,!'. also t9". stop a Play,.qr . T,h',e remains W$e laid, to rest beR, know what he do~s;, he saves ?,IS show m the midst that h:Yi esealled 'lIde ; that of 'h b sband in the

trai~, .l'h~ h~ye',m t,?e ,mountai*~ ~anCe cpndemna~oniffound to',,1f>e '~llI"nwood "e ry , Wm. Piepe~stock, snpphesof Burmah ChrIstIan ",lIages whe*" oflullw~ojesome tendency." f' ,,' John Harrington, "~±=:db::~:jt:;:::;±I:t~4:::=:4:;:::::::;::~Ithe la~,.of OhrI.:$ is ac~Ual,IY the lalv, MJnday ~nd 'T~~daY evenit'gs it,Y ,COuDclI'I' {OCee4iogs. Aug. Brun~, one horse.,~ of polJtrcs, SOC!rty an1 busmess, 1f . . ' . ' ", ,. '" . T'" .theBe." 'ar,e' P.OsSi.bIe i,~,.1 B~,rmah; 'tte A~I.n B,:' P,a<1k

,ar.d ~h: ,celebrated c, - J.'~.,'t. th,e ~OU,OCil m,,;rl! h,eld M,'Ollda,y W. L. Larsen, one horse'c~n have~l)~!~.\:ian cities he~e, .tornist,l e~.t'l~tain~dl' the people. "A 1Ig!ll;~Fl ~ rrate 1J1e ,use .J. A~F]"iCkSOn, cerollt :alk~,···d\"';!~ .. 1,1 I '. I. "I 11I1I '"... ,., ,





..Itai ft~' Q, l().cmt pieee~ eou~, FU~t. ~a1u.

,.,IaC h.", • 5·.cnt pi...., "jU~l!"'IHAl.F; ..a1~a "

TOBACCO• ; . 1

with valuable' tags, 1\"::' ",.", 1


'.' your tags from/ J

,HORSE ~HOE J. T. " ' STAN04aO,~AVY~,. \TINSLEY'S 16-01., Natural Leaf I

!SPEAR '~D ' ,GRANGER llWISTIMI.~Wortmln; ; PIok ,1IIg:'~" '''i:~';;~' "/......IPrIda; i .10111 T. ,Clld,"',IIItdltl'1II........ ' ! IvJ ,Old Han••., W. H.lnnsr,,"I ,I 0Id$~, ",~"lIt I, 'l'tt"....

!Tags tom ~ aboveb1"ands are good for the foilowlng:.,nd many....... useful presen41 as shown Iby catalog;

., ,- 'GoldckBu~-5oTks ~tJl carvin~~t--Jbd1~:gS'

,~;:ts::(~::;g;'ags f~~~~~~ere~~~8~~'Gentleman's Wateh-200,Tags Pocket Knife-40 Tags,iFrench Briar Pipe-50 Tags Playing CfU"ds-30 Tag!l 'I Leather Pocketbook-SO tags 6O-yd. Ij'ishing Reel-6q Tags" J

IMany mercha~tshave supplied themselves With presents with ~hichto redeem tags. If ,you cannot have your tags redeemed at holDe, write


privilege and favoritism; hIS h~pe s




I I I L--ca NewJ I Ph1orm ll!08 r Hydraulic weir.- IFor gooa twine go to VogeC rs. O. E. Grav ~ arrived h!e • I ,r 1-,

~Il h'~' I I :tfta1anfObsatwelC 's Hardware. Fri ayfrom AtkinsJn, Nebr. r. i. "",<>, ,II 1 I "C""" '" "II'1IYArIPiw,,~t- Jl,c ,s. L. f' I Fr'd f :'t ~AdaUghtetwasbornYeSUrdayt an Mrll(Graves wi\~igo to hou XAS LAND~Ju ge welch held se'l"lOn 0 rs. I ay or a VISI n ke;p' Loon as the ~an 're '

• orfollt IFrid witH re~ v ear Columbus Neb. r. and Mrs. Robert Wrig t.., ~ng I'SSlY seeul Ifour 8" ') . I I ~l It,· 1a slde~ce.R) 'kS' rings c~al at Anchor Grain Gaso]; s es at cost at V get's Cows for sale. EnqUlre of Fran r n"" I""'" \'~ I " I lJ d J Northrop' I , r. Ul'mble will Ip.ave Saturd~y I ,',I , hid'y?,,~~hO ,e 1Q9. J ~ I ar;, II ~h h . ppl'es' bJlts an fo I«rkaviUe, Mo., 0 be present lat· I A WISE OWL WATCHES EVERYTmNG I ', .J.Otl,n ~hdn of. ~rce,]"as 1 Wayne WH~ rj! c wellsr Geo. b It ~:';;f,Sgk~uv~et'sl Hardwar . th~ meeting of the ational A1lsoj>i- So does tNe man either renter 1"r land owner, who ' • I . p' "VISit r an ay. I " al"wl . < I I L.i . l I ati/tgofIOs~opaths, wherethh~h I', .I G r pan- w and I am I unition I Telepfi erald office ~ ~or See W. I • lfobmson ~)'f Crrroll for an iver¥I"yof Dr. till's bir I I HAS IN MIND I .1 ~ " !

Co ntv Superl~tendent Perdue of Harr u I wof lfoskins , in MISS Hester, ~~Ne~1 turn;d I •t ~ht 300Q Doctors JlI be prese\,t. these panJfY tim s. , J... I , ")' "''' 'I

Ma~konlcbuntyl~asintowIiFridaY. wn 'e ay , nghtfromaVI1sltwlth,relatlvesl , terthismeeting r.Gamble~'ll i I IYOU,MR,~ENTER, I I, .:',I II:' ~I'-I ~"" r . I )' ) I '. £8h8. 011,.. , to L k Okebo i Iowa fo a '" . -, ,

e new collar m, a'tastymce as- Rock I pr ng coal at Anchqr Gram . Efln' So . I . ,6] t e 'f''th' Why sha Id yei> cantmue to paly tribute to some exactmg land-lord. when the a,*ount you~ort 'ent ~t Welch's Jewelry store. o'"Ph? Fl. ,I MISS In a ace ~\ recoverl,n C?Jt e 0 ~ 109 WI IS annually ay ~i for the simpl~ us~ of his ground would mote than m~t the I'mount of

B ~1l olMr. a~d Mrs. Glerl Wright Gilbe~ re ch of Winsip was n cely fro thE ?p.e:atlOt\, sh.e unde - "!ater, ~rs. Pat ~n. . ~ your pay ents ue each year on a tract you might purchase of us, and at the exPiration ofWe ~~s ~y, Ju y'29, a daughter. er~ oJe i un ay. ent for ~ppe;,dICltlsso etlme ag . a:es~ reports

df o~ SUlnx ~ ty a reasona Iy sh rt time you wo..ud OWN TH~LAND and have a UfE OFEAllE, PROS.

, ,,'1 &11 D t' t Offi F' h I I d Sell h f Mrs. Efebe of Carrb11 return r atlve to the 0 dltron of 11 tie PERITY nd INREPENDENCJ;: before you? , 'I .. . .."'\D ~,. . E.. -s. en ~ , ce, IS fin ers pay c or ay from Stanton and is visit!n DPllY B~rnette wbo was taken tb re I; , LA 1\n\ LO ')

1ve 'f' stNatl~n lllank, ayhr·. oUltr·l. '.' h rson,d:has eebe. I Tuesday~fternoo tPbe~peratedon I ~OU, MR. n,Lur, RD, , • I I . I ,j'lt

~lSl I~g "flth I' brothe Vlptor own FEay h r sistet M~s' W J' Mettler' t c me out of the operation as weI as from TW to UR per ce t. taking the chance thaI when you want tq user "I'!Dle some~en~r··1 . 'I '1.1 .Best hi a~d hard iI for maha.l~twe~k. .. I culd b~' expectkd and there re ~ALLS REE BANKERmaysa:>:t.oyo,;,t!;Jatyoucan't have it? We sal/'.~WHY do

~rs. enme . Fenton 0 BrI?gr- hresh~ t y get s Hardwa e., M 'E~ tiE k ~d childre hppes ofl recovery but she is by Ino thIS, whe~ you n by a safe anr. JudICIOUS mvestment'place the same m\,nl'Y In land that Ipor "C nm., is Nisiting at t e Culler H. PI. um ev of Wakefie d was 0 E:~r80:esvi~i:d~h: last o£ t ~ ~eans o)1t of danger yet. Had I~he is profit blaring tnd is bound tOidOUble in value. an~ is, safer tJ;,an ANY ~Ai:l!K,~ .EARTH., ..,,,,,qo ~. I) . ! . n liOw/t uesd y. cekwit/lMrs Bert Brown, 1'1 0 erati?\\.b~en delayed.afew h~r:urs I .. , 100,000 ACRES ~ I~ :":

C lis IBuell of Genessee hnOls, IS AN'll To Rent-A go d six . r " .' Inger d,s hkely ,the chIld would ot ~~ ", H.. "J' t th 0 f M' and Mrs ~E." ° E~ IF. A. l3errYI has been sU"l~rl g 1ave redovered I Is a good deal f land. but we AVE IT, (or did before our last excursion,), an can satisfy

V~SI 10 a e ome 0 r. . room u e, I" ra 'fs. ~'th a pad atj.ack of, infiatIjato y . I,. '. !'· THE MOST E CTING MA ON EARTH, if he really wants GOOD la' el' OQD 10-Zle ler :. a f Dr. n w II !f

ave tur~ay for r eumatlsm the past week. I Pa~n wIll dfePnaltsmh ex~tpl~ 2kQ I?- cation anll at RICES and TEiMS Ihal cannot bel EQUALLED by.any land HmPfY on I'' r~ nd Mrs. Orrm Ga 00,.0 a visit I Ith his folks at DOWtIowa. Local passenker traffic hasl b n "tes If 9~e 0 ·Ir . oo.p s 10 am earth.' - [ ~, " .'. I'" ~l: '\Hili. 'visit~d over Sun ay ,Wlth Mr~ rah iclt was on t e sick h avy the past Week. Chauta qu 's I ablets I,'s, taken: Pam anyw reo ! 'OUR LAND ' 1 I I~"IIM I iek. I list I t eek b t Is nOw im oving "d . { f th 1 I em~mliler. Pam always msans I I ~' ,[ ,.. l:~f

IllS Mamie Bressler 0 . WIsner 'M' WI h t S' ,. a e a gO, pIC' up or f rallroa

S. ongesti'on. blood pressure-no~~ing Lies only from ,he half to ten miles from the Railroa~. in Randall, Hale and ~ishc; Saturday for a isit Moith I~. ISSh lorenc j ~ :-v.~nf .0 douJt

[Improyed crop prospects nil a tlse. H~adache is blood pre re; tid, In the SO tH PLAINS of TEXAS, and isnfarly all level, :VERY 51: NG


~I friendJ.· I I~lty,~ ~m<jrnn.'l ':''''. re~s:. flling ~ff infhe de~and,. a~ d oothac~e is hlood pressureo the andproducesa eavycropsoftORN,OATS,WHEA.T,ALFALFA,F~UI. an VEG- ")11/ • t'l' I J.M;. Dhetr IS enJoymg a VISit c rn to drop fo rcentsluprlC Sl ce ~ensitiv~nerve. Dr.Shoop's ead. ETABLES as Ylandineith~Nebraskaorlowa. 'I "'1,,1,r~ ur Joh son and M,ss Pa me 'f h" te ~ R A S d J. t' ..' I _ "'"'r'! la at Winsid fori a d nce. rom I 81.S r, rs. • . eeney, tIlr ai · cheTaplets-:alsoF,alled Pmk 'am I HRIFTY, P OSPEROUS AMERICAN FARME'RS

~o , ,P y . I of Des omes, I wa. Mr.a'1d Mrs.IClydeReynold, w 0 abletal qUickly and safelY,~oax ,I.' ., ,."",,,r;:r.. ,,I.1 'r, ""'.~a u~ ay ev:e ,mg. Rolle rElliot rf Lincoln arrived h ve be n visit ng here wit re a- the blob pressu 'e, ajVay fro ain to be fou~d on. ery ha'ld, aud all havmg !3UMP~R,C~9~S.GOOD S~HO LS. rGOOD

l~i·i~l!wlthh·sbr?ther, .R.Davls Ifriends~l I ~ ullert n, Fridb. , ~en g instant relikf. 2() ~Iets FULVf\J!.UE fthela'1l welo erattheveryattl'acfi~eli!ricesot fiplt\l'~'~' ,to,$;3Q.9I)"~h i",~ter plr of last we k. j W: Jl furni you goo millet M ahd Mrs I C A Grdt~e a d Ifor 25 Sold br Felber's :~ar- per acr~ccor ing to IOdation, surroundings and !mIlrovements. Here ",ill I f d an

'. ,~wan~'l) and motrer

, Mrs. and~~ wheat ed.-;-Fishe & Sel- s nr~f~Monda~llafter~oonf~La 'ix Imaey. ,[ I 'I abunda 40fttepURE~rWA~ER,atfrom1O!\1f¥.H~tin4ep,t!t,Ili;IJi~~J,wI\"'· ,qw.-, "S alljl9n l!f H rtington: JSited over Iyrs. 'I I I eeks isit at their old, h'1",e at r Six c rs of frui~ and afcar I . of ning st~~h:" a cold an~ pure a can be found ~n~ p'1~cT on ~~rtli, '"."W' ~,"l,,, .'1 _ r

S ",lilY w,~ aY"ll frle ds. M' H tz'of Laur w~ a anche ter, MaSsachusett"l Ibeer wlnt into ~he diteh 0 the "ILIA C lMATE IS D tIGHTFUL. Oll':a. MARKETS TlIBVStoliclI I ~'ll be out 0 town and II h e of Mr. d Mrs. Rev. t R. Von Branchi1ch' of 'Omahall;road near Thurston" ~~es- We run a spec al sleeping cal' f,om oma

fto Cayn"n City and return T ALL,

m otr<1e w 11 be elosed f 10 August lil. aid his week. artfo~d, South Dakota, is isit ng !day, aftjlrnoon caurd by spr and ha~ a spe6al rate 6n the FIRST and THIRD l'''fsday of each mo~th. :,1tWl1Ug slOth. D .G~een. r'Mi l~nche,Wachob.ofPennsYI- isdau¥hter,Garola at the or al,ofthermlsasa r~sultof ~XPElOn I J 'Wi Ii " ." 'Ij"', • ', M~" and rs. Harv,: M'\"on of, r~ni a gues lat.the hom of Fred nd alsf with Iter. Karpen~t~in. fr~m 1~e, heat. bThe tram as aI -I' I . II~TCH r:ESE,~4,T;ji:~ ',: "_""'1 iil'l ""111

, eaU6w ~ofe are vIs,fng

at the, hil~ I I The Ifair groQnds case i. be ng Ifast fr Ight from, maha and '. a AId w!!te US" few days 10 adv'/-I'ce of th time you can arrange to go.' /!.. N:r~ COM-h m~of h's "1'rents,M and Mrs' l 'J rr1 Mansfi d and dau hter of eardiranadjo~rnedsessio of heldouble header. The first ~me MrSSI~~~ar'lalways~ddedto:thepr;cepfl"Jld,butb.lJ:;buYingdirect FR01\i1 Tfu,SCOM-

[WI Mlll n , . ~cre ayne visit s Mon- istrict court tod'ay. Judge Gr es p:",sed Ilover the lIefecti:--e, s o~ all I PANY 1 !WHO OWN ALL qF THE \..AND THE'! OFFER FOR S4. r'ou can

, Fink C alletn

of ?ld w~r f Pen~er comink; over to ~~y he rl~ht h~t the sfcopd .engme Iel~hel save frt $2.00 to $5.00 per acre· " 'I ""':'i"jll.i~iI r of dy e ounty lican- ~ I d'f'Wk. se. ' l' ralls al hough It. staid. on th, , WE SOLICIT I'ORRESPONDENCE I .. m eI e st ide 0 he Icounty Ed ~hoop an WI e Q a e , d ,j I the sev: n ('ars lJilmedlately hmdl ,., Ir~; ~nf'I~wnt ~a . , t I eld, pded he Chantay ua Sat- . Wh'~'F~she~ht:~tl Ifhl~ \ t'~1 f:t

the enJines were lsent crashin intojITI::XA ~ND CO., , 331 Chamber of comm~l~'II_ a, Nebr. "II r I l rda I t e IS er \. er ee .' ' J' 0 the ditlh lmd the track torn fO~ . . , ./ . ",II M ~, W. E Job s~n a I ?~bY re- I I i be out f town fro August r. Sellers who IWill Icontl~, e ;he a distahce of 30<1 feet. The fiOUX . B-e eren~e,. by permISSion, h ,I;,~ rn~~ to ) aha, h,s 'I'~rm~g after 1st t I, 8th. F' E. Gambl , Osteo- ~usiness. I: 'City tr"in from f'1ioux City Nor A. ,Cashle! U. S. Bank, Oma a, Nebr. ':1 I ",a VI~I~ at t Je hom of er parents, t 'I I r I Markets todayJ.Sprillg w~eat ~4 k h I te h I G. L. WoIod, CashIer S~cunty Bank, Ponca, Nebr., , ",,'I r'rl d r.W.. Ga ble.[ pa "j I I' kf fil' 'f ~interwhcat82 bats,1I c~'\n 61' folkw overanfour'tat e on~ W.McOr/de.Presidentlst.Nat.Bank,Elgin,Nebr. Pres. lsI. Nat. Banlt,Cad;l:oA, ity.T5 ....

, . I T j is ~he t wee or mg 1 'I • I _. result pi havmg f wal a ~rson I :. ';.:::nm I ' I 1~".~m:

)1,).. Ifl'-c t I'~ rsday eV"1'~g.oll. ~ou, nt to I e Il candidate for arley 39~, rye 98• fla?, $1. l' ogs tor connections with the elaye I ----:- " 'I , '

ai~ltr~,t'I\os~tboo! 1ffi'c' I / ., ~ 5.75. . I I, j Itrain~t-omthes+th. No o~ w lfinterstd,cutoutan~maII\h!scoupon. . II ,', 1'1' "I "''1'"''l~ m I or yl ~:IP er w II b hbrr- I·It· . . G L. Lambers~n has m ed is in 'ured b the freight train wreck T l:. d Co Nebr' ' 1908 I

i ded 6 leavi game at Z n leum, t best dip nd dlsm-: , .. , J t y I "I exas rl'" I j "........................... ...... • ' ...+1 ........1......... ,

I J.l D b I eel ?n t market a Fisher & mdy here fro,,\, Atkmse,~ b. Alb rt Jones was arres q las 331 Chrmber 01 Commlt'rce, Omj'ha, Nebr. I I 'I " "'1I'li 11.0 I or nf e~ger. f ~II . . I j is a memberJ of, fhe~, of week n the cha~l!'e Of excee '~g th ~m interested i~ your land proposition and would thank you to mllill me 80me of

' o~~lar~ ~\d~ a 1m

,;:, 0 n INaffzig Was 'calle to Car- ra es & Lambe :on rvhollt~c <lily speedllimit with ~n automob' f. th your lite ture relative to same. ' :1 I " ", a~ con 1ty:, l~~ r Ul ngf.' orne 011 riday i consultati n over a 1¥Jught the Grat~.e ~ E 01"t e~1 complaining wittess being L rene L . N me I Add~88 It) , 1'1 :Ill

I,~: t,N 9~fOI/'lavenu '. h:":.h h~ I ~ Mckn.· v,ator. I [, I.: Brow whose f\1U e ~am was' are " a r ...n.........rrrr...'l;.......~" ..".r'.

II CUPY, on It.$ compl tro. Nor ",'~ hi. 'd b . IDr. Crawford w~o ~ts a n[o~IC in rso ba ly by thea to that the eare '. ~ ~Ik l

r J;l'O~ C eap J s ranee an argams ~ f" h ~' •o ews. 'I .'8,1 Be W FA' h 'mer tht Herald for ~tu nts, "r t e, up a d smashe al wagOingu "" I" ... , " ., ...~,mllll!llI

I wrd,.·q.&!inV!ltationst,are out for A.t "et~ I ~ . .' Tn, el nnett Electric, Medi al co.IIJg ofl Thur,day, Whil. thoe auto I asse~ 1;:~~:':~:;:-~-~'-~'~'-~--~-l"~~~;;~;;~;;j;~~'~'~"~~~~~;~~~~~~;:.~h~ "arri~ e ~1'Ralp Clt,rk and ,.' . i'J '. . iCll\!'O, is now InlwaHne add Iw uldl them I 'near the parldY ho I" it was st?pped.ii',i,\MaN 'amuelson,. aU'ihte.r of anobl,e cooler pleased to have an~pne'i*er 'sted.I case ~as heard b~f6fe. Judge unt<! arge crowd on the I '. ,,' .....1""'+"'.'1

;, ,~. ,pd.l\1 S. Al1gus~ flrmu11son on an~d preslden lal cam' call on him. I II I" I Mon4ay, afterno$'llt was jU~ at'first thou~ht she up" .''t~lst·1t. " 'I J. der ul head~ay. . . Judge.Norriswrntito F~lIs! i~Y':1 trial~ndtheJur"rsonthe. we~ had beenkill , butwhen shewa8 arvest cnl ", '.pro~d( 160 acre~ fo r mllds, Chc ester IS .'Idmg.a eb.. thlsmor/lm!\', w"ere.~e.' ehv-I Eilisl Girton, Jihn Mass,,' WI' picked up an~taken into a'store, I . 'j

I 0, t. we~t ( f Carroll at, $5~.50 per dd . ane.y and corn c Ib on hIS e s his lecture on ,thJ,Phlh*PI/l s t.o,1 Heister, ,L. C. G,ldersleeve." "!Val!:'! physicians fOuIJd that she had not I' ,I I . I. ,_." _.',. . ,"" j ..I, cl'e' This is a ba~1l"ain.·, I fkr Ight II southe"",t of town. Chautauqua. He also h"1' ~ date'l we~r ~nd Joljn Hufford,., TIl. b""n seriously I injured though, she I "_-, : . U''. ) W. L.' Rohinson, A~.ent; '~ted- a and wif ~o w0r.k r a.lecture befo,re Iia Ch~U.; qual spee IiJllit.for~.he h.orselleBfl car~i was 'considerably bruised about the I I "',"i':)!!"1'il;1l'!

~;' ',I J'" I G~rroJl" Ne\>. ,J! aj'j"rrh, gh wages.- II Sulh- t Broken Bow, N~b~' ..' I ~. ages. is ~ey?nd ten mdes an . ouq he~, shoulde~sand arms. The: car ,.: :....., ,,_" 'rg R..Wilbu~ has fied as a' ~.' ~ I Gibert French ,of Wms\~e, lef the Ity'imltsan~adozen ne w¥operated;byMrs. Repine,;and • '!'I I', " ,JlilIa 'for countiattorn~y ,on the If. Na zi rand ch Idren re- oday for Coloradq f r a visl~ with we ,ca)led to ;testify 'in !je. . it is said no Wllrning was give,q by Th 'I H .. ~, 'pt' •d.J.nil.',o.'orahc tiCket.' and IRiC.".a.rd. t~'1e Frid y o.m. a. visit With. is b.rother... Fr.ed., e. to.Ok i Jon.~. w.hifh. str

q.n.glY. cont ~d ii blowing th~h~rn as theyapprolWhed ' , e annua. arv~~ ~COlCC~~O~SI'" fas filed a sa cand1date. fOl! t e~ t~~ ICU Iow~. . is brother:s S.heplhrd dog, thai ?otJ: sid,s and ther,: wasso~j ~m - th~ crossing. II.fortunately the ma· i 'I~'.""i, I "" .• ',,,.

,t e.'sam.. place on, the T~pUbhcan. f S le--f-'11 head oft 0 or three lar~nce Llvermlfh .use has beej 109 feat\lres abol>t It. !"eJcF ch!new"'1 goi~ very rapi~ly pr ,the of Dixon r nuntv ,. . i~' he Iti k~t.' . 11 I I ste, rs,65 good" ows with eepmg for the,,? mce ~he, lef· the part of the prose~utlOn pwe~e ac~ident '!'oalr' haye been .oj ,'1'0re .,: .... .Yo


,:, , """,:If, ,..,11", ..~..., :, ~',,'.",'.'.j'~.,", .•,..•...,;.. ~'::, ..,.,..,.'Ilt~!'ve t is now unaer fJIl head! c ide --, . E. Grav ,Way\,e, ere. ~ i; ~a mote for a ~urpose of et,bh . - seriolls C"n~uenle~. , I '. f .

Way'tn I"rep'p'rts from 'thel'courttr1 r:1". 'Therearetwor a onsw~ys unt 'mgtapr~ce~ent,thanfor a ot. MissDor~'1berg risa com,p.p~ltor held at Dixon on turdav

11' e 'dhC ura~ing for, a g~od sma1:1 ! ~ rJe Bush of near c!rOll, was ewspaper me.n d.0 q t bu.y a~ omo,., rea on. It IS ~hlIc ~rst case I f t~.~t in the Heral4 offic and eXP~9t,s to . I ,,' .'. '" 1.' ".""""""'1"",... ";,,,,1.g aiIi'cr.ll. '[The warm w~atljer 0t 'i

l t' n" MJnda ..Mrs. . usn; who il<)8. One is th ,~, most -of, then! naV r~ ever trle 10 Wayn~~~?unrr be able t? r,turn ,0 work .in t ,fe')' A t l 15th t D' P ,'to .S.'.P.lis.t.wee

lhas ripened 'gIr.ainver ('\".~. ee~q it" iCk•. , is:no. recover- ave.agasOline.~n i.~e.W.hi~h fford~~. Th~. Jury retutrned a V~tlCttljf days. I I I " , ugus i ,a, IX n, I

'r'pidly nd'he corn croplhas als .ngi'J'1 "~ ,. alltheextraeXcl ~ent hiS ste gou tyahdthe ourtassess~ ate, ThiSiSlth~firstacCidentthat'has , Prenll'e.r'atr·o,',n'.S ',a·t~'·I.·"".'.',.Q·'·.'n'de~-'r'"''''-" I, ade' .. ch eadway. i' I ! i AI i If' et that ish r & Seil~rs demands. You m y have one gue. of ve doll~rs a, d costs a'3' 'unt g.o.ccured auto. obile.s. have 9.een.

I '~"· .. .. i ~...,' ,0 ~ , ' . t th th . aso'-II I to bout thlrtYI dollars. IG lis /d used in Way e an it should sc,ve'i T. ro, ~,h: n oversight I ,wrltm~ ~'1~'e :.the. be t br ds of flou.r 10 a eo er re ~1b I th t <Iefendent will appeal the aBe the purpbse f m ing the drivers

' 'I ,jl/~ u t :st~:ge:h;~\~~~:'t~~'p~~r ~co,nty 'Jilldft the right ;~~~d~~~~,~~n~tJI~o~:~ f ;o~e'\;1 to e d1strict court. ~!I i of atu0"l0bi es ca eful as the ma- w'ay fO/f thoe Il,est· P.t,.. Ct'll.i~;.11 eve',r"...."..',,",,'.'.'""''Il.'*I'I', 0.n6ni n·h~·address'made'w~.- I' ""}R . ht '1' tom'or' Wayne,al.·2 o'C\oqtfSaturda ~ul l:J~athofIMr•• Mc~o.• ' I chinesc~n stop ed very quickly F"' . ,.. r .' "\1' rl WI" ve • . 'II d "11 I l' , J if not unde highs ed. ,

.E'S ~~ Ii te noon b~ Deputy St/l e "'o~ e hetec, Wi 'consin for 25. Some one! a ,er ~I e I artha A~l'nda McLe, d ~d, held 'r~ the 'cou~t\r I You'

I·.. q., ..1"... n ent .. BIshop.. '.. ReP'~" '~~'tlng be of cOlleg. leaveatthe!Ifral~Office~r, It "1e TUSda)levemrJgat.thehom~Of1er. ' ~Go ,',. ,...' . 1'" .' ,., ill" ,.' ,,"',.', ,.."""

' re th . e ade a very mte,es~1g 1£'$ S ~ . know,. .MIsS He I'a Strpm I da ghtljr, Mrr· Mary Sp~ars, of So j;; III : 'I 'lk·r·I' I' I :'. I ,1;I' i " J "Ie Tuc er and Mi ., " Ra dolph,1'I '. t pa alysis, ag~9 78 years 8:i~mo hs who Tseah~ t::'i tic Taft man and are ',inll,'rited to,' be th~."re'l" .'

A ~ i\veli g ",an whOse bjlsir ss dep r for La e Okeboji Wmslde had a b rid Y an 25 days. ~ t' I W J Wea herhol who is just aA . ,r ,I,.,,," I t~ke~ j~rjJ ~mOllg the farm.ers :",b I '.his or in fl~ extende mprning. A barn:. b.e

lo, . O. rs. Mc.Leo was born N ,ve "nth~siast~over Bryan, were out Rem~'mber til,'e' ~rteI•.. ~re' ~I week hut.: s.ays .he can't· flo ! g F '., Rehmus and cont.;\nmg consl rable 3r ,1829 10 utler coun.t.' ~o.. th tJ' M te g t t oftl1

ny , ~i ~ss with,them at this Iti.lne ,. 1 In ~'I hay was destroyed. In t~e xcitf'- S~has, visitel1 with her /lu .r ~n e %~ r~e :ason\~~ W Je, pfy l' ,"Why says he,. 'ta.rm;rs . E}J'l. FU~rc;'! expec~, 0 ment of gettillg the 'fire equ meft he~~'oftenin. thepasttwen~Y. e rs i:r:edhmtha hecouldtake'hi~ I I .5

lare s sy no"f they ask the III s- I a on ay or " tu hwa

, o~ to the scene, Alfred Bohland w s alld a httle over. a y~ar a 0 e h' f thO g"' el'the hollow August 1~th 1 ,I ' I···" b tak at ake er orne on a b 'h' t bad' hi t aklhr hAl cOlceo 0 1o, r "in.go ,n, ~ ~ay f~om .the towrl, to . ,.,,1 , r'ln over y ,a, 0'!C car an ,y ],e ~ m '1 e om'1'_ I, y h'l'irrah fo~ Bry lor 'walk home. Ithe frlp r [:able. II' I' "~ te""!. " , I . shaken uP.; ,I, I I· hI ,hly r~spec!"d ,and lov~ b all The man frPm th west was game ,.)1: Mss 'inJfred~unter left M~n- ',,'IMl Lulu ssw~rt 0 Cleme t, . Fred Phille\>went to Waus 'Bert w b knew rer,. her ~eat. is through a~d th ough and walked

, day. 1m.or. ing 011 hf'r jour.p.el tb .~he IIlqrt II D.a~o '. Mood . for ~.' Brown to Bloomfi~ld, Victor ent\Jr m )lrne~ by t~em and, the !rela '~' es back to toWn rat er thaI. cheer f4r _. , _II ~'hiJil'l'\ islar4s where' "shb J'as elrl:e VIS!t th her SIster, ,s. to Randolph :an4 Chas. B be Ito h~e thes~m'J,athY of all. mhe ~n. the peerle ,. one. positIon las teachkr In h.e dl' e.1~r.g r. I Cfirroll, Tuesday t<;> work up eleJ~. e I w';f heldJ,rom th~ hO~ lf~ But the~is an bId saying that It'I' pu IiC'. tools ~f Eanillla.~,'tUi .a :- lJc p kage C nkey's tions for the spe~ial train tjhe a ~2:3'1 the f ,ner~1 beIng c d1~' I. a lonp; rdad th t has no turningI '''11 'te ' f.lher:,fr ehds we e: t the.. nd 25c, Po Itry B branch Tuesday e~ening t~at b¢Rev, Osbolne. I A son, 11 Wi c- and 80 it ,Ijroved or this jol<er. AII . de~... 010.•." Id. h~r. o,odbye ,a.n wish . ad to. Ii' ber 9 Ph rmacy. bfought large delfgatlOns d ,~n Ito L ~ OftOklarom~, came lIIta~ nd few daYJlII;ter t ey were out again

~ I' h d'" ,. ant ~rip; I " I'n Co' I the Chautauqua for the ( yenirg t fu er!",I, also Mr. a~ rs. but this me onte was in the.1"'1" ~:I~ d Mr~.:Eliner J.~ dberg, WL.Rbbinonof Crroll, h eptertainJ11ent. I I Frest,m~ofIj:merson'l e'l buggy,J" W.. on the ground.

1M ".:1•. p.... :r undber

g.IanEl :rJ;,;., L~ndJ tac d' team, f ur year old Card of Thanks.-We desir ,to tx- II Run ffin by an A~ o. I Upon bj'ih info med that he coul di b~rg.;I.ef "SundaYlf(;r'portl;a~iJ, Orei ~d ne' car iage an harness for pre8&ourthaUkstofrien?saj' clti- iast'Thur ay, eveninJ lise either h ow f r Taft or. wa~k.I· p;b~" ",. ,ere thelY ,expect tin mak~ leo zens of W~ne, ~o.r their ~ dnpss r nbkrger nd Grace Hoti ~. era W. J., r look ng at ~he big. hlll.s

.. 1 t~elr. f ,hire '.brme. the fa~'l Cr wfo darker 0 Gales urg, and attentIOn durmg t~e I kn!'ss r town an quite badly i~jUr by that he vi- uld ha e to chmb With hiS111' ..h.'~.Vb.'.I.I'.. e~!ie.d.h..e4e'.for .;na.~y Y.a .. ' I ash rethis eektoa tend lmdde~thofourMother.Si r,~nd ~n tom bleat the crollsi g 10 po- superab'1 anee of aviordupois.','1n.r'h~Y,friend9 "1'ho .is, ral f h,is sister, "I!rs. Grandmother in herlastmo .n~. =tea~liIle~&!lonesstore~dlbjulIYthrewhl~!~at ighin thellir.andII il/!e"i~<!l mthel~~ew" ~"'I J ' , Mr. alldMf8. W.H.. I grry, Iluredl Th girls wel-ei 'cr41ng chee:ro II/Stily or the Repubhcan



J' 'avi~~as recelvedj fr~tp ~ ,M IPea I };Iverngo?ou I.'"d C.Parker'l!'d J;telatIv . I arldwatehinllitokeepout<l~tlle~ay nommeei

I ¢ousln.. M. Taylor of Br dll'rIior,. 10 nce IHen an leav th,s e mng 'The thirteen-~ear-old si tfr j of of itedl Ben~hoof'll machi'1~lwh<*tap Every y t ught Monle hadI I Utah.•. ·.fi~e o.t,'~ ock,y pr visi~ MiasLi eri?gl1 use's Mrs. Wollert of Council Blu ~,~ho a~t<1 apbroac~ed from tre 10~P~site just clo adea for several sections


ii '~ountaInh?nSk;n,fr?\llaho Mr.8ls at,Alh ce, Ne r.. ":en vlsitin~ .h.ere w ta~en dl~eetioran#.wasuponth¢rjJ ""Ifore ofland,yhenhecame back to town,, ,. ,ayl?r~~ot I.n the IUmtah range <If ° SALE A good mne rOOm SIck With apPendiCItis '!'ues ~ ~nd t~e~ were aw re of it. th[el~"ine h; seemf1'soha py.--Hoskms Head.

i I /IJlo,;,ntaIJls 10 nort~ern: Utah 111ft a~d tw nty adr of ound the case has become so bad t at an s~ruck Miss owser In s"c~"w"!y as light. I' I


. The sk1nl,• el ht feet t c rpor tion of Wayn. In- imlY'ediated operation is eel:d to throW her 'from them~hine land i '-r:----11 l'le~g,th and proPOrtiona .in widt . oflG. F Moles. 'necessary., Dr. JonJ!S of ° arh;" spe escl.ped I with a bllEj/yl inj~red . otIce., It 1S well pres'jVejl rn~ ,will be fix. Naffzi r took the -year- lleen called ~o assist Dr. k~ee. IMiss Doren"erl"~wr'ver Mr. Jope w~~ans. State Pi,\\,o

I. i [UP tr,ocfuPY. Place.. '* .D.. a.,?S :uJi:~ter f Mr. a </- 'Mrs 'Harry and t~e,0ileratibn will I ktlyl be "fas no~ so ~ortunaf.e "" ,""~ in ~ner. i~, iI! W y f one hi~ r:fl!u/ar II~:::::::::::::;:::~::::;~~;,;;;;;;;II. II I, bewf·· " I I II "1 tte to iouJt C' y'e ~rtlay fade fomght. ~me way caugbt be een I the trlP. thqse 109 tumng done I" .,'I Snowllake floIuri $1.35 per sack. in!/'o !"'. ope ~lied ", for , Superlative flour $1.50 i~Ck. uar~s ofte front h""ls Iand please selJd wo1at once to F. H. ~ d

" We'f~ Bros. 'I diCiti.S' W , , rlli: fif or twefW fee~ be- Jones. Phone" 7. i .. ~',,jll't~l~rlllj~li~\ln 'I,:,· 'I"~';'" ",."" ' I' I" I I . ':",.' ,. (. , .. \; II' I' I', ' I I I I •lfj~~~~ ',' "-::,,';:',\H':I;;~'_'I c,)r-

, ''I


Salle Catzilogues~and----



• ~E~ALD