linkage map of escherichia coli k-12, edition 8t

MICROBIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, June 1990, p. 130-197 Vol. 54, No. 2 0146-0749/90/020130-68$02.00/0 Copyright © 1990, American Society for Microbiology Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t BARBARA J. BACHMANN Department of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511-7444 INTRODUCTION .................... 130 MAP UNITS .................... 130 NOMENCLATURE .................... 130 COMMENTS ON THE MAP .................... 131 0 to 10 min ....................131 10 to 20 min ....................131 20 to 30 min ....................131 30 to 40 min ....................131 40 to 50 min ....................131 50 to 60 min ....................1 31 60 to 70 min ....................131 70 to 80 min ....................131 80 to 90 min ....................131 90 to 100 min.................... 131 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................... 166 LITERATURE CITED .................... 166 INTRODUCTION This edition of the linkage map is based on the experimen- tal literature from July 1982 through June 1988, on personal communications received during that period or received in response to questions asked during the preparation of the map, and on the literature cited in previous editions of the map. The positions of 1,403 loci are shown in Fig. 1. About 400 new genes have been added in this edition of the map, and a few loci have been removed, either because they were shown to be identical to other loci on the map or because their existence could not be confirmed. The genes included in the map are listed alphabetically in Table 1 with their map positions and functions. It must be emphasized that these reviews of the linkage data are intended to serve as guides to the literature and not as a substitute for consulting the original research papers. The present map (Fig. 1) is based on data that vary widely in precision, and some map positions are compromises based on contradictory data. Obviously, it is not possible to discuss each of these problems in detail in this review. All of the literature citations in previous editions of the map (43, 45, 46) can be found in the reprinting of map edition 7 which is included in the comprehensive two-volume review of the cellular and molecular biology of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium which was published in 1987 (44). t A limited supply of the following will be available from ASM: reprints of this article and wall charts (ca. 21 x 24 1/2") of the E. coli linkage map. Shipped together in a mailing tube. $10.50, U.S. and Canada; $12.50, foreign (surface). Prices are subject to change without notice. All orders must be accompanied by payment in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank located within the contimental United States, or charged to MasterCard, VISA, or American Express. ASM does not accept wire transfers. Charge card orders may be placed by telephone (202-737-3600) or by fax (202-737-0368). Mail orders should be addressed to: American Society for Microbiology, Publication Sales, 1325 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20005-4171. MAP UNITS The basic units of the linkage map as drawn in Fig. 1 are still minutes, as determined by time of entry of markers in interrupted conjugation experiments (46). In the 1983 map (43), the entire linkage group was linked by cotransduction data for the first time. Many small regions had been studied in fine detail by restriction mapping and sequencing, and the distances between many loci had been determined in kilo- bases of DNA. Since 1983, restriction maps of the E. coli chromosome have been produced (584, 1021), and one of these has now been completed to give a physical map of the entire genome (577, 578, 584). Unfortunately, the source of the DNA used in constructing the physical map was strain W3110 (584), which carries an inversion of around 19% of the chromo- some. However, the exact endpoints of this inversion have now been determined, and the small gaps in the original restriction map have been closed (577, 578, 587). According to this map, the chromosome comprises 4,750 kilobase pairs (kb) of DNA. In this edition of the linkage map, I have used the time-of-entry map as a framework, except for the region between the his operon and gyrA, for which the conjuga- tional and transductional data have been contradictory in the past. Cotransduction data have been converted to map units as described in previous editions of the map, assuming that bacteriophage P1 brings in effectively approximately 2 min of DNA. In converting cotransductional, restriction, and sequencing data into map units, I have assumed that 1 min corresponds to 47.5 kb. NOMENCLATURE The system of nomenclature used in this edition of the map is that of Demerec et al. (268), with modifications as discussed in previous editions. The assignment of gene symbols is coordinated by the E. coli Genetic Stock Center and the Salmonella Genetic Stock Center, in an effort to 130

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Page 1: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t

MICROBIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, June 1990, p. 130-197 Vol. 54, No. 20146-0749/90/020130-68$02.00/0Copyright © 1990, American Society for Microbiology

Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8tBARBARA J. BACHMANN

Department of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511-7444

INTRODUCTION.................... 130MAP UNITS.................... 130NOMENCLATURE.................... 130COMMENTS ON THE MAP.................... 131

0 to 10 min....................13110 to 20 min....................13120 to 30 min....................13130 to 40 min....................13140 to 50 min....................13150 to 60 min....................13160 to 70 min....................13170 to 80 min....................13180 to 90 min....................13190 to 100 min.................... 131

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.................... 166LITERATURE CITED.................... 166


This edition of the linkage map is based on the experimen-tal literature from July 1982 through June 1988, on personalcommunications received during that period or received inresponse to questions asked during the preparation of themap, and on the literature cited in previous editions of themap. The positions of 1,403 loci are shown in Fig. 1. About400 new genes have been added in this edition of the map,and a few loci have been removed, either because they wereshown to be identical to other loci on the map or becausetheir existence could not be confirmed. The genes includedin the map are listed alphabetically in Table 1 with their mappositions and functions.

It must be emphasized that these reviews of the linkagedata are intended to serve as guides to the literature and notas a substitute for consulting the original research papers.The present map (Fig. 1) is based on data that vary widely inprecision, and some map positions are compromises basedon contradictory data. Obviously, it is not possible todiscuss each of these problems in detail in this review.

All of the literature citations in previous editions of themap (43, 45, 46) can be found in the reprinting of map edition7 which is included in the comprehensive two-volume reviewof the cellular and molecular biology of Escherichia coli andSalmonella typhimurium which was published in 1987 (44).

t A limited supply of the following will be available from ASM:reprints of this article and wall charts (ca. 21 x 24 1/2") of the E. colilinkage map. Shipped together in a mailing tube. $10.50, U.S. andCanada; $12.50, foreign (surface). Prices are subject to changewithout notice. All orders must be accompanied by payment in U.S.dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank located within the contimental UnitedStates, or charged to MasterCard, VISA, or American Express. ASMdoes not accept wire transfers. Charge card orders may be placed bytelephone (202-737-3600) or by fax (202-737-0368). Mail orders shouldbe addressed to: American Society for Microbiology, PublicationSales, 1325 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20005-4171.


The basic units of the linkage map as drawn in Fig. 1 arestill minutes, as determined by time of entry of markers ininterrupted conjugation experiments (46). In the 1983 map(43), the entire linkage group was linked by cotransductiondata for the first time. Many small regions had been studiedin fine detail by restriction mapping and sequencing, and thedistances between many loci had been determined in kilo-bases of DNA.

Since 1983, restriction maps of the E. coli chromosomehave been produced (584, 1021), and one of these has nowbeen completed to give a physical map of the entire genome(577, 578, 584). Unfortunately, the source of the DNA usedin constructing the physical map was strain W3110 (584),which carries an inversion of around 19% of the chromo-some. However, the exact endpoints of this inversion havenow been determined, and the small gaps in the originalrestriction map have been closed (577, 578, 587). Accordingto this map, the chromosome comprises 4,750 kilobase pairs(kb) of DNA.

In this edition of the linkage map, I have used thetime-of-entry map as a framework, except for the regionbetween the his operon and gyrA, for which the conjuga-tional and transductional data have been contradictory in thepast. Cotransduction data have been converted to map unitsas described in previous editions of the map, assuming thatbacteriophage P1 brings in effectively approximately 2 minof DNA. In converting cotransductional, restriction, andsequencing data into map units, I have assumed that 1 mincorresponds to 47.5 kb.

NOMENCLATUREThe system of nomenclature used in this edition of the

map is that of Demerec et al. (268), with modifications asdiscussed in previous editions. The assignment of genesymbols is coordinated by the E. coli Genetic Stock Centerand the Salmonella Genetic Stock Center, in an effort to


Page 2: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


avoid the assignment of the same gene symbol to twodifferent genes or the assignment of different gene symbolsto genes that are homologous in the two organisms. Allelenumber assignments are also coordinated by the two stockcenters (959). It is important that each mutation be assigneda unique allele number so that it can be recognized in any

strain in which it is found. This applies to transposoninsertions not in known genes and to deletions as well as topoint mutations.The cumbersome and disparate nomenclatures for the

genes affecting flagellar structure and function in E. coli andS. typhimurium have been revised and brought into agree-

ment by lino et al. (504), and their proposed uniformnomenclature has been adopted in this edition of the map.

Modifications to the nomenclature for the often duplicatedand/or tandemly repeated tRNA genes have been proposedby Fournier and Ozeki (341) and adopted in this edition.A new convention has been adopted for the loci involved

in the termination of replication (267, 343, 460, 463-465, 842)and for a set of repetitive sequences responsible for dupli-cations in the chromosome (652, 944), since these loci do notfit the classical definition of a gene. These loci are beingdesignated TerA, TerB, etc., and RhsA, RhsB, etc., respec-

tively. The symbols are italicized but the first letter iscapitalized, which should serve to distinguish them from thesymbols for genes, gene products, or phenotypes.The numerous members of the family of dispersed repet-

itive extragenic palindromic sequences, called P.U.S. or

REPS (73, 378), informally, have not been included in thisreview.The designations of two genes (bglC and bglS) in the bgl

operon at 84 min have been changed to bglG and bglF,respectively. When it was discovered that the gene codingfor P-glucoside transport (bglC) is the second gene in theoperon and that the positive regulatory gene (bglS) is the firstgene, rather than the reverse as had been thought previ-ously, the designations for the genes with these two func-tions were switched, rather than switching the gene order onthe map (685, 973). In the hope of preventing confusionabout the function affected in mutants isolated before thisswitch occurred, the designations of these two genes havebeen changed.Gene symbols used formerly or proposed as alternatives

for those used in Table 1 are listed in Table 2 beside thesymbols used in Table 1 for the corresponding loci.


0 to 10 min. The locus arl has been removed from the mapat 2 min because its presence could not be verified (449; J. B.Hayes, personal communication). In the 8-min region, thenucleotide sequence of one end of the hybridization loop ofDNA (showing no homology to S. typhimurium) whichcontains the lac operon has been determined (159). Asequence similar to sequences shown to be involved insite-specific recombination was identified at or near thejunction of the loop with homologous DNA. The 6- to 8-minregion is noted for a comparatively high frequency of forma-tion of deletions and inversions.

10 to 20 min. Efforts to confirm the existence of the minAgene at 10 min have failed (253). This locus has beenremoved from the map.

20 to 30 min. The capS mutants have apparently been lost(A. Markovitz, personal communication). This locus hasbeen removed from the map at approximately 23 min. ThechlF mutant has also been lost (J. DeMoss, personal com-

munication), and this locus has been removed from the mapat approximately 27 min. Efforts to confirm the existence ofthe aroT locus at 28 min have failed, and there are no

mutants, so this marker, too, has been removed from themap.

30 to 40 min. The once mysterious region including the"terminus of replication" is now one of the most intensivelystudied regions of the map (34, 43, 79). The nature of theterminus region is now quite different from the concept heldin 1983 (267, 343, 460, 463-465, 832). The terC gene has beenremoved from the map and replaced by four Ter loci.

40 to 50 min. The aspV locus was placed at 43 min in error

(H. Ozeki, personal communication) and has now beenremoved. The symbol aspV has been reassigned to theasparaginyl tRNA1 gene at 5.1 min. There is now generalagreement on the order of the loci in the his-gyrA region,although the precise reasons for the previous contradictorydata have not been determined (736). It is still possible thatthe length and orientation of part of this region are not thesame in all of the strains used in earlier mapping studies. Inthe 1983 map (43) the length of this interval was 4.3 min.Recent cotransduction data confirm this length, which isabout 1 min less than that suggested by the physical map(584).

50 to 60 min. The strains described as carrying mutationsat the loci nirE at 50 min and nirF at 53 min have been shownto have normal nitrate reductase activity (680). These locihave been removed from the map. The existence of the pflkClocus is very doubtful (D. Fraenkel, personal communica-tion), and it has been removed from the map.

60 to 70 min. The locus kpsA should not have been placedon the map, since the kps genes do not exist in E. coli K-12.This locus has been removed from the map.

80 to 90 min. In constructing a physical and genetic map ofthe ilv-metE region, Aldea et al. (14) found the length of thisregion to be about 1.2 min, whereas the physical map ofKohara et al. (584) suggests a distance of about 1.1 min. Thelength of this region was shown as 0.9 min in the 1983 map(43). These authors devised a new formula for convertingcotransduction frequencies to map distance in order toaccount for these discrepancies. Analysis of all data avail-able gives a length of 1.3 min in my hands, as shown inFig. 1.The dnaP mutant has been shown to carry a dnaG

mutation (765), and a second mutation conferring tempera-ture sensitivity could not be found in the strain (T. Yura,personal communication). The dnaP locus has been re-

moved from the map at 85 min.90 to 100 min. There is some uncertainty about the order of

genes in the region between the malB operon and uvrA,

FIG. 1. Linear scale drawings representing the circular linkage map of E. coli K-12. The time scale of 100 min, beginning arbitrarily withzero at the thr locus, is based on the results of interrupted conjugation experiments. The genetic symbols are defined in Table 1. Parenthesesaround a gene symbol indicate that the position of that marker is not well known and may have been determined only within 5 to 10 min. Anasterisk indicates that a marker has been mapped more precisely but that its position with respect to nearby markers is not known. Arrowsabove genes and operons indicate the direction of transcription of these loci.

VOL. 54, 1990

Page 3: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


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Page 4: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t



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VOL. 54, 1990

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Page 5: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


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Page 6: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t



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VOL. 54, 1990




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Page 7: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1. Genetic markers of E. coli K-12

Gene Mapsymbol ~Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affectedb Reference(s)csymbol ~~~~~~~~(min)'

(55) Aminoacyl-tRNA-protein-transferase (EC Low-affinity transport system for arginine and ornithine;

periplasmic binding protein95 Sensitivity and permeability to antibiotics and dyes63 Acetaldehyde-CoA dehydrogenase91 icl; utilization of acetate; isocitrate lyase (EC mas; utilization of acetate; malate synthase A (EC aceEl; acetate requirement; pyruvate dehydrogenase (de-

carboxylase component)3 aceE2; acetate requirement; pyruvate dehydrogenase (di-

hydrolipoyltransacetylase component)91 Isocitrate dehydrogenase kinase/phosphatase50 Acetate kinase (EC activity39 Acetate kinase (EC activity43 CoA:apo-[acyl-carrier protein] pantetheinephosphotrans-

ferase (EC; holo-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase11 lir, Mb, mbl, mtc; sensitivity to acriflavine, phenethyl

alcohol, and sodium dodecyl sulfate4 Sensitivity to acriflavine

48 Inducible DNA repair system protecting against methyl-ating and alkylating agents; O"-methylguanine-DNAmethyltransferase

36 Adenosine deaminase (EC CoA-linked acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and alcohol de-

hydrogenase71 Regulatory gene for acd and adhE11 dnaW; pisA; adenylate kinase (EC activity; pleio-

tropic effects on glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferaseactivity

95 Induced by alkylating agents92 Induced by alkylating agents58 ala-act; alanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC talA; alanine tRNA 1B; in rrnA operon72 talD; alanine tRNA 1B; in rrnD operon5 Alanine tRNA 1B in rrnH operon

52 Alanine tRNA 2 (tandemly duplicated gene)31 Aldehyde dehydrogenase, NAD-linked45 aidA; 3-methyl-adenine DNA glycosylase II, inducible

47 aidD; DNA repair system specific for alkylated DNA(93) Alanine racemase (EC N-Acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase activity43 AMP nucleosidase (EC ,B-Lactamase; penicillin resistance24 Alteration of mRNA stability27 Alcohol dehydrogenase (EC and acetaldehyde

dehydrogenase (EC activity39 L-asparaginase I, cytoplasmic0 Na+/H antiporter activity1 Diadenosine tetraphosphatase

22 pH 2.5 acid phosphatase; exopolyphosphatase (EC3.6.1.11)

59 Expression of pH 2.5 acid phosphatase11 Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (EC L-Arabinose isomerase (EC Ribulokinase (EC Regulatory gene; activator and repressor protein1 L-Ribulosephosphate 4-epimerase (EC

61 Low-affinity L-arabinose transport system; L-arabinoseproton symport

45 L-Arabinose-binding protein45 High-affinity L-arabinose transport system45 High-affinity L-arabinose transport system; membrane

protein100 dye, fexA, msp, seg, sfrA; negative regulatory gene of

genes in aerobic pathways


195CA, C, 910A, CA, B, C, 422, 739, 1029

A, B, C, 422, 1029, 1043

194, 220, 576, 615, 616B, CCC

A, C

CC, 560, 635, 703, 744,

772, 1087, W

BB, C, 232

196, 191, FA, B, C, 147

1145, T1145A, B, CB, 587B, 587C, 587587189B, C, 199, 773, 774,

1087, 1145560, 561, 1145A1104636A, B, C, 525C, 183B, C

C, 1033381101, 729117, 250

1110B, 457, 458A, B, 630A, B, C, 293, 630A, B, C, 293A, B, 630A, C, 688, 1052

B, C, 982, 983C, 983983

A, B, C, 160, 161, 286,519

Continued on following page



























Page 8: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected" Reference(s)csymbol ~~~~~~~~(min)'

argA ArginineargB~~~



























61 argB, Argl, Arg2; amino acid acetyltransferase; N-acetylglucosamine synthase (EC

90 argC; acetylglutamate kinase (EC argH, Arg2; N-acetyl-y-glutamyl-phosphate reductase

(EC argG, Argl; acetylornithine 8-aminotransferase (EC argA, Arg4; acetylornithine deacetylase (EC argD, Arg5; ornithine carbamoyltransferase (EC

(duplicate gene)69 argE, Arg6; argininosuccinate synthetase (EC argF, Arg7; argininosuccinate lyase (EC Ornithine carbamoyltransferase (EC (duplicate

gene)(89) Acetylornithine transaminase; cryptic gene; may be

duplicate of argD63 Transport of arginine, ornithine, and lysine71 Rarg; regulatory gene; repressor of arg regulon(40) Arginyl-tRNA synthetase (EC Sequence homologous to argT of S. typhimurium,

which codes for lysine-, arginine-, ornithine-bindingprotein

13 dna Y, pin; arginine tRNA 458 Arginine tRNA 2 (tandemly quadruplicated gene)51 Arginine tRNA 585 Arginine tRNA 320 3-enol-pyruvoylshikimate-5-phosphate synthase (EC Dehydroquinate synthase (EC Chorismate synthase (EC 3-Dehydroquinate dehydratase (EC Dehydroshikimate reductase (EC DAHP synthetase (tyrosine repressible)17 DAHP synthetase (phenylalanine repressible)37 DAHP synthetase (tryptophan repressible)84 Function unknown9 Shikimate kinase II (EC Unknown function; regulated by aroR3 General aromatic amino acid transport

28 aroR, trpR; transport of aromatic amino acids, alanine,and glycine

76 dap + hom; aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (EC1.2.1.11)

84 Asparagine synthetase A (EC Asparagine synthetase B (EC Regulatory gene21 Ics; asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase (EC Asparagine tRNA43 Asparagine tRNA43 Asparagine tRNA94 L-Aspartate ammonia-lyase (aspartase) (EC Aspartate aminotransferase (EC tasC; aspartate tRNA 1, triplicate gene; in rrnC operon5 Aspartate tRNA 1, triplicate gene; in rrnH operonS Aspartate tRNA 1, triplicate gene

33 Asparagine utilization, as sole nitrogen source48 Acetyl-CoA:acetoacetyl-CoA transferase (EC 2.8.3.-)

,B-subunit48 Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase (EC Positive regulatory gene48 Acetyl-CoA:acetoacetyl-CoA transferase (EC 2.8.3.-)

3-subunit?84 papA, uncA; membrane-bound ATP synthase (EC, F1 sector, a-subunit84 papD, uncB; membrane-bound ATP synthase (EC, Fo sector, subunit a

A, B, C, 142, 296, 796,965

A, B, CA, B, C, 88, 854

A, 911

A, B, C, 88, 854A, B, C, 855, 1141

AA, B, CA, B, 86, 855, 921


AA, C, 651A, 793807

B, C, 341, 359, 373, 587341587485, 587A, 291, 292

A, 740AA, C, 118A, 24, 730A, 488, 1008A, C, 254A, C, 118, 290AB, 261, 262261, 262A, C, 422, 912A, B

A, C

A, B, C, 152B, C, 864277B, C, 506B, C, 341, 587587587A, B, 423B, 340, 607, 697B, C, 587C, 587C, 477, 587191A, 588

A, 528A, 528, 529528

A, B, C, 578, 1152

A, B, C, 801, 1146, 1152

Continued on following page

VOL. 54, 1990

Page 9: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)c(min)'










,-GlucosideP-GlucosideP-Glucoside13-GlucosideP-GlucosideBiotinBiotinBiotinBiotinBiotinBiotinBiotinBiotin retention

Biotin sulfoxideBranched chainBranched chain

Branched chainBranched chainB12 uptake

B12 uptakeB12 uptakeB12 uptakeB12 uptake


84 papG, uncC; membrane-bound ATP synthase (EC3.6.1.3), F1 sector, e-subunit

84 papB, uncD; membrane-bound ATP synthase (EC3.6.1.3), F1 sector, p-subunit

84 papH, uncE; membrane-bound ATP synthase (EC3.6.1.3), Fo sector, subunit c; DCCD-binding protein

84 uncF; membrane-bound ATP synthase (EC, Fosector, subunit b

84 papC, uncG; membrane-bound ATP synthase (EC3.6.1.3), F1 sector, -y-subunit

84 papE, uncH; membrane-bound ATP synthase (EC3.6.1.3), F1 sector, b-subunit

84 uncI; membrane-bound ATP synthase (EC,subunit ?

26 Attachment site for element e1422 atthtt; attachment site for phage HK02244 Attachment site for phage HK13917 Integration site for prophages X, 82, and 43467 loxB; integration site for phages P1 and P744 Phage P2 integration site H88 Phage P2 integration site II97 Integration site for phage P46 ata; integration site for phage P22

51 Integration site for phage PA-228 Integration site for prophage 4)8057 Integration site for prophage 1866 Integration site for phage 253

84 Alanine-a-ketoisovalerate transaminase, transaminase C44 Resistance or sensitivity to azaserine70 Resistance or sensitivity to azaserine55 Regulation of ilv and leu genes; azaleucine resistance7 Choline dehydrogenase7 Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase7 High-affinity choline transport

86 Phage BF23 multiplication84 bglD; phospho-p-glucosidase A84 bigA; phospho-p-glucosidase B84 bglB, bglC; 3-glucoside transport84 bglC, bglS; positive regulatory gene85 bglE; regulatory gene for phospho-p-glucosidase A

synthesis17 7,8-Diaminopelargonic acid synthetase17 Biotin synthetase17 Block prior to pimeloyl CoA17 Dethiobiotin synthetase17 7-Keto-8-aminopelargonic acid synthetase75 bioB; block prior to pimeloyl CoA86 birB; biotin transport90 bioR, dhbB; biotin-[acetyl-CoA carboxylase] holoenzyme

synthetase; biotin operon repressor80 Biotin sulfoxide reductase, structural gene9 Transport system 1 for isoleucine, leucine, and valine8 Component of transport systems 1 and 2 for isoleucine,

leucine, and valine1 Transport system for isoleucine, leucine, and valine

62 Low-affinity transport system for isoleucine90 bfe, btuA, cer; receptor for vitamin B12, E colicins, and

phage BF2337 Vitamin B12 transport37 Vitamin B12 transport, membrane-associated protein37 Vitamin B12 transport, periplasmic protein?28 Regulatory gene affecting btuB(93) Bypass of maltose permease at malB94 Lysine decarboxylase (EC lysP?; regulatory gene for lysine decarboxylase95 Calcium transport

B, C, 1152

B, C, 1152

B, C, 722, 1152

C, 1152

B, C, 578, 1152

C, 1152

148, 537, 801, 872, 1146,1152

CCCA, B, CCAACABA, BA871C, 1155CCA21, 10582121AA, BA, B, C, 685, 973A, B, C, 128, 685A, 685, 904, 905, 973A

A, B, C, 1072A, B, C, 1072A, B, 1072A, B, 1072A, B, 1072A, CA, B, CA, B, C, 483


ABA, B, C, 40, 41, 455

B, 274, 276, 351274, 276, 351274, 351674ACC, WC

Continued on following page














Page 10: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected" Reference(s)'symbol ~~~~~~~~(min)'


CellobioseCellobioseCellobioseCellobioseColicin E2


ChemotaxisChemotaxisChemotaxisChlorateChlorateChlorateChlorateChlorateChlorateChlorateColicine I resistance



Cobalt resistanceCobalt resistance

16 Calcium transport10 Calcium transport63 Canavanine resistance1 arg + ura, cap, pyrA; carbamoylphosphate synthase

(EC, glutamine (light) subunit1 arg + ura, cap, pyrA; carbamoylphosphate synthase

(EC, ammonia (heavy) subunit16 Dicarboxylate-binding protein production67 tRNA nucleotidyl transferase (EC Deoxycytidine deaminase (EC CDP-diglyceride hydrolase4 CDP-diglyceride synthetase (CTP:phosphatidate

cytidylyltransferase) (EC Stability of CDP-diglyceride synthetase activity38 Transport of cellobiose, arbutin, and salicin38 Transport of cellobiose, arbutin, and salicin38 Negative regulatory gene38 Phospho-f3-glucosidase100 ref, refpl; tolerance to colicin E236 Cyclopropane fatty acid synthase42 Chemotactic response41 Chemotactic response; protein methylesterase activity41 cheX; chemotactic response; protein methylesterase

activity42 Chemotactic response41 Chemotactic response41 Chemotactic response18 bisA, narA; biosynthesis of molybdopterin87 narB; nitrate reductase, biosynthesis of molybdopterin17 narD; molybdenum uptake18 bisB, narE; biosynthesis of molybdopterin17 Molybdenum transport?18 Biosynthesis of molybdopterin18 Biosynthesis of molybdopterin43 feuA; production of colicin I receptor

(18) Cryptic gene of citrate transport system(16) Cryptic gene of citrate transport system27 Cardiolipin synthase activity19 Resistance or sensitivity to chloramphenicol90 panK; pantothenate kinase8 Cytosine deaminase (EC Cytosine transport

86 Mg2+ transport, system I96 Mg2+ transport, system I96 2',3'-Cyclic-nucleotide 2'-phosphodiesterase (EC Capsular polysaccharide synthesis44 Capsular polysaccharide synthesis44 Capsular polysaccharide synthesis44 Capsular polysaccharide synthesis44 Capsular polysaccharide synthesis44 Capsular polysaccharide synthesis90 Capsular polysaccharide synthesis89 F-pilus formation, surface exclusion, conjugal donor

activity40 F-pilus formation, surface exclusion, conjugal donor

activity29 Cold-resistant growth74 cap, csm; cyclic AMP receptor protein52 gsr, iex, tgs; glucose phosphotransferase system enzyme

iiiGIc98 Uptake of carbohydrates6 cxr; methylglyoxal synthesis86 Adenylate cyclase (EC

CCAA, C, 124, 856

A, C, 811

A, CA, 231A, B, C, 541, 736, WC, 11, 153, 456, 499C, 501

358595, 596, 834, J595, 596, 834, J595, 596, 834, J595, 596, 834, JA, C, 287413-415A, B, C, 1016A, B, C, 768, 1016B, C, 768, 1016

B, 768, 1016B, C, 201, 714, 768, 1016B, C, 768, 1016A, B, C, 534, 901A, B, C, 901A, B, C, 531A, B, C, 534, 803, 901531534, 1084534, 803, 1084A, B, C, 115, 408, 736,w

429429B, 817A, 10071134AAB, C, 14BC, 656

1113111311131113111311131113C, 11-13


565A, C, 370, 821, 1019B, C, 134, 136, 270, 794,

835, 945686A, BA, B, C, 6-8, 14, 59, 70,

578, 588, 930, 931

Continued on following page












VOL. 54, 1990

Page 11: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)c(min)'










(16.5) Cytochrome b56196 dagA; resistance to D-cycloserine and D-serine; transport

of D-alanine, D-serine, and glycine17 Cytochrome d terminal oxidase, polypeptide subunit I

17 Cytochrome d terminal oxidase, polypeptide subunit II19 Cytochrome d terminal oxidase, possibly heme d

component8 cnt; cyanate aminohydrolase (EC, cyanase

10 Cytochrome o terminal oxidase complex52 Sulfate permease; chromate resistance28 Positive regulator for cys regulon59 Adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate kinase (EC ATP sulfurylase (ATP:sulfate adenyltransferase)

(EC Serine acetyltransferase (EC Siroheeme synthesis59 Adenylylsulfate reductase (EC cysQ; sulfite reductase (EC, a subunit59 cysP; sulfite reductase (EC, subunit52 cysZ; O-Acetylserine sulfhydrolase A (EC

52 O-Acetylserine sulfhydrolase B (EC ATP-sulfurylase (ATP:sulfate adenylyltransferase)

(EC, subunit12 Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (EC Cysteine tRNA89 Regulatory gene for deo operon, udp and cdd15 D-Alanine carboxypeptidase, fraction A; penicillin-binding

protein 569 D-Alanine carboxypeptidase, fraction B; penicillin-binding

protein 426 dadR; D-amino acid dehydrogenase subunit2 alnA; D-amino acid dehydrogenase subunit

99 alnR; regulatory gene for dad regulon26 Regulatory gene26 msuA?; alanine racemase (EC DNA adenine methylase53 Dihydrodipicolinate synthase (EC Dihydrodipicolinate reductase (EC Tetrahydrodipicolinate succinylase4 Tetrahydrodipicolinate N-succinyltransferase

53 dapB; N-succinyl-diaminopimelate deacylase86 Diaminopimelate epimerase(46) paxA; 2'-deoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate deaminase

(EC 3.5.4.-) activity43 mec; DNA cytosine methylase(29) Dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase80 Uptake of C4-dicarboxylic acids16 Uptake of C4-dicarboxylic acids2 D-Alanine:D-alanine ligase

61 Frequency of ISI-mediated deletion100 tpp, TP; thymidine phosphorylase (EC drm, thyR; phosphopentomutase (EC dra, thyR; deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase (EC pup; purine-nucleoside phosphorylase (EC nucR; regulatory gene for deo operon82 dnaS, dut; flavoprotein affecting synthesis of DNA and

pantothenate metabolism(70) D-Galactose dehydrogenase production92 Diglyceride kinase94 Level of diglyceride kinase82 2-Oxo-3-deoxygalactonate 6-phosphate aldolase

(EC Galactonate dehydratase (EC 2-Oxo-3-deoxygalactonate kinase (EC Regulatory gene

762A, B

C, 400, 401A, B, 400-402371

424, 1063, 106438, 39A, B, 945, 1012A, B, 825A, 640A, 493, 640

A, B, 269A, C, 522, 679, 680A, 493, 641A, 493, 641A, 493, 641B, C, 120, 134, 945,

1012945, 1012640


341, 587A, B, 63, 1130A, B, C, 141, 832, 1048

B, C

A, B, C, 1173A, B, CA, C11731173A, B, C, 32, 139A, 833, 909A, C, 125A, CA, C, 908A, 833, 909907B

A, B, 90BAAA, B, C, 914BA, B, C, 1127, 1128A, B, C, 1127A, B, C, 243, 1126A, B, C, 617A, B, 1007, 11291030, 1031

BB, C, 646C



Continued on following page













Page 12: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)'symbol (min)a

dgoT D-Galactonate







Energy-coupling factor

Energy-coupling factor


82 Galactonate transport35 Function of enzyme IIA/IIB of phosphotransferase

system35 Regulatory gene35 Control of cell division35 Regulatory gene

92 Locus induced by UV and mitomycin C; subject to recAand lexA regulation

(47) D-Lactate dehydrogenase (EC Dimethyl sulfoxide reductase83 DNA biosynthesis; initiation92 groP, grpA; DNA biosynthesis; chain elongation99 dnaD; DNA biosynthesis; initiation and chain elongation4 See polC

67 dnaP, parB; DNA biosynthesis; primase

40 DNA biosynthesis0 groPAB, groPC; DNA biosynthesis0 groPAB, groPC, groPF, grpF; DNA biosynthesis

29 dnaK; DNA biosynthesis83 DNA biosynthesis; DNA polymerase III holoenzyme,

3-subunit5 mutD, DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, e subunit,

mutator activity99 DNA biosynthesis; primasomal protein i11 dnaZ; DNA biosynthesis; DNA polymerase III

holoenzyme, T and y subunits; DNA elongation factorIII

(14) Transport of dipeptides5 DNA and RNA biosynthesis

51 D-Serine deaminase51 Regulatory gene for dsdA82 dnaS, sof; deoxyuridinetriphosphatase (EC Sensitivity to sodium dodecyl sulfate and toluidine blue

plus light67 Phospho-13-D-galactosidase, a subunit; cryptic gene67 Possible homolog of lacY; in ebg operon67 Phospho-13-D-galactosidase, subunit; cryptic gene67 Regulatory gene65 Pleiotropic effects on active transport coupling to

metabolic energy; may be metC88 eup, ssd; generalized resistance to aminoglycoside

antibiotics; coupling of metabolic energy to activetransport

41 kdgA, kga; 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate 6-phosphate aldolase(EC

41 Phosphogluconate dehydratase (EC DNA-specific endonuclease I60 Enolase (EC 2,3-Dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate dehydrogenase14 2,3-Dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate synthetase14 Isochorismate synthetase13 Enterochelin synthetase, component D14 Enterochelin synthetase, component E14 Enterochelin synthetase, component F14 Enterochelin synthetase, component G2 Cell envelope and cell separation

71 mon, rodY; cell shape and sensitivity to antibiotics81 Anomalous cell division; chain formation28 Osmotically remedial envelope defect(4) Osmotically remedial envelope defect90 Osmotically remedial envelope defect58 Osmotically remedial envelope defect(15) Osmotically remedial envelope defect13 Envelope protein; thermoregulation of porin synthesis

BC, 757

80, 8180, 8180, 81C, 598

C, 170, 93295A, B, C, 434, 578, 815A, B, C, 783A, B, 784, 927

A, B, C, 157, 677, 765,784, 808, 927, 1018,1086, 1182

AB, 66, 814, 1196B, 64, 951BC, 27, 434, 815, 894

B, C, 225, 278, 298, 690,707, 806, 971

B, 709, 784B, C, 335, 583, 631, 761,

927, 1207

A, B626A, B, C, 119, 724A, C, 119, 723, 830A, B, C, 672, 673, 10311151

A, B, 430, 1050, 1051, J430, 1051, J430, JB, 430, 1051, JB

B, C, 863


ABA, B, C, 1169A, B, C, 333, 770, 850A, B, C, 333, 770, 850A, B, C, 333, 770, 850A, B, C, 205, 334A, B, C, 333, 770, 850A, B, C, 205, 333, 845A, B, C, 333, 770, 850A, B, C, 71, 535, 1060A, B, 1147A, 556AAAAA675

Continued on following page












VOL. 54, 1990

Page 13: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)'


envZ Envelope

Fatty acid biosynthesisFatty acid biosynthesis

Fatty acid biosynthesis

Fatty acid biosynthesisFatty acid biosynthesis

Fatty acid degradationFatty acid degradation

Fatty acid degradationFatty acid degradationFatty acid degradation

Fatty acid degradation







Ferric hydroxamate up-take

Ferric hydroxamate up-take

Ferric hydroxamate up-take

Ferric hydroxamate up-take

75 ompB, perA, tpo; production of outer membraneproteins; regulatory gene

17 Site for efficient packaging of phage Ti65 Uptake of enterochelin; resistance or sensitivity to

colicins59 Uptake of enterochelin; resistance or sensitivity to

colicins22 Expression of a group of exported proteins68 Negative regulatory gene for exu regulon, exuT, uxaCA,

and uxaB68 Transport of hexuronates26 Cryptic chromosomal element able to be excised; see lit,

mcrA, pin and sfiC22 3-Hydroxydecanoyl thioester dehydrase (EC fabC; P-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] synthase I (EC Malonyl-CoA-[acyl carrier protein] transacylase (EC Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (EC cvc, vtrB, j-ketoacyl-[acyl carrier protein] synthase II

(EC oldA; thiolase I (EC oldB; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC,

3-hydroxyacyl-CoA epimerase (EC, A3-CJS-A2-trans-enoyl-CoA (EC and enoyl-CoA-hydratase (crotonase) (EC

40 oldD; acyl-CoA synthetase (EC Electron transport flavoprotein of p-oxidation

51 ttr; transport of long-chain fatty acids and sensitivity tophage T2

26 dec, oleR, thdB; negative regulatory gene for fad regulon69 Utilization of trans-unsaturated fatty acids63 alc, fda; fructose-bisphosphate aldolase (EC fdp; fructose-bisphosphatase (EC Cell division; septation93 Formate dehydrogenase (formate hydrogen-lyase linked),

selenopolypeptide59 ant?; formate dehydrogenase-2-activity93 Citrate-dependent iron transport, outer membrane

receptor8 Citrate-dependent iron transport, periplasmic protein8 Citrate-dependent iron transport, membrane-bound

protein39 Ferrous iron transport system13 cbr, cbt, feuB; receptor for ferric enterobactin

(enterochelin) and colicins B and D13 Ferric enterobactin (enterochelin) uptake; periplasmic

component13 Ferric enterobactin (enterochelin) uptake; cytoplasmic

membrane component13 Ferric enterobactin (enterochelin) uptake13 Ferric enterobactin (enterochelin) uptake13 Ferric enterobactin (enterochelin) uptake13 Enterochelin esterase86 FexA phenotype affected10 4.5S RNA58 Formate hydrogen-lyase activity, possibly electron

transport system4 tonA, Ti, TSrec; outer membrane receptor for

ferichrome, colicin M, and phages Ti, T5, and )804 Hydroxamate-dependent iron uptake, cytoplasmic

membrane component4 Hydroxamate-dependent iron uptake, cytoplasmic

membrane component4 Hydroxamate-dependent iron uptake, cytoplasmic

membrane component

C, 179, 213, 363, 364,748, 749, 933, 1191

BA, B, 302


CB, C, 489, 710

B, C, 102, 489, 710, 711137, 138, 553, 684, 861,

862, 887, 1139A, 228A, B, C

A, C

B, 1147B, C, 1123

A, C, 1032, 1202A, 1032, 1201, 1202

A, BA, CB, 98, 99, 755

B, C, 2, 279, F275AA, 578, 985B97, 840, 1188, 1189,

1220, 1221962, 1204B, C, 882, 1218

B, C, 882, 1218882

438A, B, C, 205, 334, 676,

829, 853, 1185129, 829, 852, 853, 1185

829, 852

829829829A, B, C, 205, 334, 845C144, 486962

129, 222, 223, 321

C, 129, 321, 591, 883

129, 154, 221, 321

129, 154, 221, 321

Continued on following page






















Page 14: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)csymbol Ferchdrxmtu- 1utrmmraercporofricrooorlcai(min)a

IhuE Ferric hydroxamate up- 16 Outer membrane receptor for ferric-rhodotorulic acid 436, 968take

Ferric hydroxamate up-take









99 Ferric hydroxamate transport

74 Filamentation in presence of cyclic AMP in mutant98 fimD, pilA; type 1 fimbrin (pilin), structural gene

98 pil; regulatory gene for expression of himA98 pil; biosynthesis of type 1 fimbriae98 pil; biosynthesis of type 1 fimbriae98 Regulatory gene for expression offimA98 Fimbrial morphology98 Fimbrial morphology98 Minor fimbrial subunit, adhesin86 Morphogenesis of phage Fl(73) Morphogenesis of phage Fl4 Affects transcription72 Site-specific DNA inversion18 Ferric iron uptake, outer membrane protein24 flaU; flagellar synthesis24 flbA; flagellar synthesis24 flaW; flagellar synthesis, basal-body protein24 flaV; flagellar synthesis, basal-body rod modification24 flaK; flagellar synthesis, hook protein24 flaX; flagellar synthesis, basal-body rod protein24 flaL; flagellar synthesis, basal-body rod protein24 flaY; flagellar synthesis, basal-body L-ring protein24 flaM; flagellar synthesis, basal-body P-ring protein24 flaZ; flagellar synthesis24 flaS; flagellar synthesis, hook-associated protein24 flaT; flagellar synthesis, hook-associated protein41 flaH; flagellar synthesis41 flaG; flagellar synthesis42 flal; flagellar synthesis; regulatory gene42 flbB; flagellar synthesis; regulatory gene; flagellum-

specific a factor43 flaD; flagellar synthesis; regulation of late gene

expression43 flaF, hag; flagellin; flagellar synthesis, filament structural

protein43 flbC; flagellar synthesis, hook-associated protein 243 flaN; flagellar synthesis43 flaBI; flagellar synthesis, basal-body M-ring protein43 flaBII; flagellar synthesis, motor switching and energizing43 flaBIII; flagellar synthesis43 flaC; flagellar synthesis43 flaO; flagellar-synthesis43 flaE; flagellar synthesis, hook length control43 flaAI; flagellar synthesis43 flaAII; flagellar synthesis, motor switching and energizing43 motD; flagellar synthesis, motor switching and energizing43 flbD; flagellar synthesis43 flaR; flagellar synthesis43 flaQ; flagellar synthesis43 flaP; flagellar synthesis44 Metastable gene affecting surface properties, piliation,

and colonial morphology30 nirA, nirR; regulatory gene for nitrite and nitrate

reductases, hydrogenase, and fumarate reductase1 tmrA; dihydrofolate reductase (EC; trimethoprim

resistance50 Dihydrofolate:folylpolyglutamate synthetase94 Fumarate reductase (EC, flavoprotein subunit94 Fumarate reductase (EC, iron-sulfur protein



1125A, B, C, 3, 304, 346,

347, 572, 575A, B, C, 304, 573, 575A, B, C, 575A, B, C, 575304, 573574574574665665B, 1, 210, G581436B, C, 586B, CB, CBBB, CBB, C, 536B, 536B, CB, CBAA, CA, 68B, C, 68

A, B, C, 544, 586

A, B, C, 612


A, B, CA, B, C, 69A, B, C, 69A, B, C, 69A, B, C, 69A, B, 69A, B, 69A, B, C, 69, 604, 696A, B, C, 202, 604696696A, B, C, 696A, B, 696A, B, 6%B

A, B, C, 994, 995

A, B, C, 101

111, 323, 807A, B, C, 538C, 538

Continued on following page










VOL. 54, 1990

Page 15: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected" Reference(s)'







Fusidic acidFusidic acid







94 Fumarate reductase (EC, membrane anchorpolypeptide

94 Fumarate reductase (EC, membrane anchorpolypeptide

27 Regulation of electron transport and fermentation-associated genes; may be ana

47 ptsF; fructose phosphotransferase enzyme II47 Fructose phosphotransferase enzyme III47 fpr; phosphohistidinoprotein-hexose phosphotransferase,

fructose-specific47 fpk; fructose-i-phosphate kinase (EC

2 fruC; regulatory gene; possibly repressor offru operon2 divA; cell division

76 Cell division69 Cell division2 pbp, sep; peptidoglycan synthetase; septum formation;

penicillin-binding protein 32 Cell division

76 Cell division76 Cell division76 Cell division76 Cell division2 sfiB, suIB; cell division

60 fucC; L-fuculose-1-phosphate aldolase

60 L-Fucose isomerase60 L-Fuculose kinase (EC L-1,2-Propanediol oxidoreductase60 Fucose permease60 Positive regulatory protein36 Regulatory gene?93 Regulatory gene?36 Fumarase16 Ferric iron uptake; negative regulatory gene, repressor

protein73 far; protein chain elongation factor EF-G15 Pleiotropic effects on RNA synthesis, ribosomes, and

ribosomal protein S658 Regulatory gene for gabPDT58 Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (EC,

NADP-dependent, activity58 Transport of y-aminobutyrate58 Aminobutyrate aminotransferase (EC activity82 Regulatory gene for gadS82 Glutamate decarboxylase (EC galD; UDP-galactose 4-epimerase17 galA; galactokinase (EC Pgal; galactose permease61 Rgal; regulatory gene; repressor of galETK operon17 galB; galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (EC Glucose-i-phosphate uridylyltransferase (EC gad; glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC Glucarate utilization4 Glucarate utilization

45 Galactitol-specific enzyme II of phosphotransferasesystem

45 Regulatory gene45 Galactitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase63 Glycine cleavage pathway27 Glutamate dehydrogenase

C, 538

C, 538


A, B, C, 367, W367, WA, B, C, 281, 367, 589,w

A, B, C, 115, 367, 736,w

367, 590A, B, C, 78, 535, 913,

1059, 1206B, 377, 954BB, C, 78, 775

284C, 78, 913, 914, 1206377, 954377377B, C, 78, 535, 1059,

1205, 1206A, B, 182, 190, 1013,

1217A, B, 190, 1217A, B, 190, 1217A, B, 190, 1013, 1217182, 190, 1013, 1217190, 1014, 1217421, 737, 738420, 42142051, 52, 266, 437, 969, K

A, B, C, 1215B

A, B, CB, C

B, CA, B, CAAA, B, C, 634A, 260BA, CA, 219, 634

A, BA, B

CCB, C, 655, 736

B, C, 655, 736B, C, 655, 736858, 1040B, C, 73, 726, 1135,


Continued on following page


















Page 16: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene MapMnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)'symbol (i)







Glycerol phosphate

Glycerol phosphate

Glycerol phosphate

Glycerol phosphateGlycerol phosphateGlycerol phosphateGlycerol phosphateGlycerol phosphateGlycerol phosphateGlycerol phosphateGlycerol phosphateGlutamate




76 y-Glutamyltranspeptidase (EC Glucose-inhibited division; chromosome replication?84 Glucose-inhibited division; chromosome replication?65 Utilization of glycolate, malate synthase G (EC Glycogen synthase (EC 1,4-a-Glucan branching enzyme (EC Glucose-i-phosphate adenylyltransferase (EC Glucokinase (EC L-glutamine:D-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (EC Glutamine synthetase (EC

4 Uridylyltransferase70 See rpoN88 glnT, ntrC; negative regulatory gene for glnA18 Periplasmic glutamine-binding protein88 glnR, ntrB; negative regulatory gene for glnA

18 Glutamine high-affinity transport system; membranecomponent

18 Glutamine high-affinity transport system24 Level of glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase16 Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (EC Levels of glutamine tRNA 1 and glutamine synthetase15 supB; glutamine tRNA 1 (tandemly duplicated gene)15 supE, Su2, sulI; glutamine tRNA 2 (tandemly duplicated

gene)49 sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (anaerobic),

large subunit49 sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (anaerobic),

membrane anchor subunit49 sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (anaerobic),

small subunit75 glyD; sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (aerobic)75 Gene of glp regulon89 Facilitated diffusion of glycerol75 Gene of glp regulon89 Glycerol kinase (EC Glycerol-3-phosphate diesterase75 Regulatory gene49 sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate permease16 glut; citrate synthase (EC

70 aspB; glutamate synthase, large subunit70 aspB; glutamate synthase, small subunit81 Glutamyl-tRNA synthetase; possible regulatory subunit70 Regulatory gene?(21) Requirement(43) Level of glutamyl-tRNA synthetase activity92 Regulatory gene for glutamate permease82 gltC; glutamate permease90 tgtB; glutamate tRNA 2; in rrnB operon85 tgtC; glutamate tRNA 2; in rrnC operon90 tgtE; glutamate tRNA 2; in rrnE operon56 Glutamate tRNA 2; in rrnG operon52 Catalytic subunit for glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (EC Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC gly-act; glycine-tRNA synthetase (EC supA36, sumA, suplSB; glycine tRNA 262 suA36, sufD, sumB, supT; glycine tRNA 195 suA58, suA78; glycine tRNA 3 (duplicate gene, tandemly

triplicated)42 suA58, suA78; glycine tRNA 3 (duplicate gene)44 Gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, (EC


1068, 1069152, 578, 1152578, 801, 1152AA, B, C, 602A, B, C, 50A, B, C, 49AA, B, C, 1152

A, B, C, 212, 224, 742,902, 915

B, CB, CC, 682, 742804, 805C, 682, 742, 805, 902,

915, 1122C, 805


A, 864, 916, 1199BB, C, 341, 587, 864B, C, 341, 587, 864

A, B, C, 208, 301

208, 301

208, 301

A, 980, 981981A981A, 215, 844C, 619A, 979, 981A, B, C, 301, 303A, C, 110, 492, 795,

1174, 1184A, B, C, 178, 360, 824178, 360, 824A178AAAAB, C, 587, 858, 885B, 587B, 587C, 587A, 131, 961, D

A, C, 859, 860, 1039A, 132, 566A, B, C, 587A, 587A, B, 341, 587

A, C, 587, 1117A, C, 788

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VOL. 54, 1990

Page 17: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Map bsymbol ~Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected" Reference(s)csymbol ~~~~~~~~(min)a

76 Regulatory gene for edd; transport and phosphorylationof gluconate

95 gntM, usgA; second system for transport and possiblyphosphorylation of gluconate

75 gntM, usgA; high-affinity transport of gluconate97 Glukokinase, thermosensitive77 Glutathione oxidoreductase (EC Guanosine pentaphosphatase activity0 Replication of certain lambdoid phage0 Replication of certain lambdoid phage

81 sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] (EC1.1.1.94)

6 gpp, gxu; guanine-hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltrans-ferase (EC

71 Initiation of phage lambda DNA replication; host DNAsynthesis

57 Phage lambda replication; host DNA synthesis19 Glutaredoxin58 Glutathione synthetase (EC Guanosine kinase54 guab; GMP synthetase (EC guaa; IMP dehydrogenase (EC GMP reductase (EC

54 Regulatory gene74 Utilization of methyl-p-D-glucuronide; possibly crp(18) Utilization of methyl-p-D-glucuronide(68) Utilization of methyl-13-D-glucuronide48 nalA; DNA gyrase (EC, subunit A; resistance

or sensitivity to nalidixic acid83 acrB, cou, himB, na1C, pcbA; DNA gyrase (EC, subunit B; resistance or sensitivity tocoumermycin

27 Glutamyl-tRNA dehydrogenase8 ncf; 5-aminolevulinate dehydratase (EC activity

86 popE; porphobilinogen deaminase (EC Uroporphyrinogen III synthase (EC hemC; uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (EC popB, sec; coproporphyrinogen III oxidase (EC Protoporphyrinogen oxidase activity11 hemG, popA; ferrochelatase (EC cop; binding of DNA sequences in oriC region to outer

membrane; possibly structural gene for DNA-bindingprotein

62 Suppressor of ColEl mutation in primer RNA69 Lysogeny and level of phage lambda clI protein95 hflA; high frequency of lysogenization by phage lambda95 hflA; high frequency of lysogenization by phage lambda37 hid; integration host factor (IHF), a subunit; site-specific

recombination20 hip; integration host factor (IHF), , subunit; site-specific

recombination34 Frequency of persistence following inhibition of murein

synthesis44 N-(5'-phospho-L-ribosylformimino)-5-amino-1-(5'-phos-

phoribosyl)-4-imidazolecarboxamide isomerase (EC5.3.1.16)

44 Imidazoleglycerolphosphate dehydratase (EC histidinol phosphate phosphatase (EC

44 Histidinol phosphate aminotransferase (EC L-Histidinol:NAD' oxidoreductase (EC See hisI44 Cyclase44 ATP phosphoribosyltransferase (EC Amido transferase44 hisE; phosphoribosyl-AMP cyclohydrolase (EC,

phosphoribosyl-ATP pyrophosphatase (EC

A, B


A, B, 515515C, 308, 407B, 14, 84812812A, B

A, B, 523, 810, 881, 906


B473, 594, 934B, 404, 431BA, B, 1097A, B, 1089, 1090, 1094A, F, 751, 91210%AAAA, B, C, 497, 732, 733,

1208B, C, 4, 5, 732, 733,


A, 42A, B, 642B, 539, 965, 966, 1091B, 539, 540, 965, 966AACAA, C

564626161C, 727, 728

C, 332, 567

759, 760


A, 193, 410

A, 409, 410A, C, 192AAA, B, CAA, 192

Continued on following page


























Page 18: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene MapsyGmnbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)"hsymbo Hisidne0isidie-iningprtenohghaffniyistdi(min)'

hisJ Histidine 50 Histidine-binding protein of high-affinity histidine C


Host specificityHost specificityHost specificity













transport systemHistidine transportHistidine permeasehisT; histidine tRNAHistidinyl-tRNA synthetase (EC, leuK; pseudouridylate synthase I

4 skp; histonelike protein HLP-I (BH1); DNA-bindingnucleoid-associated protein

6 Histonelike protein HLP-II (HU, BH2, HD, NS); DNA-binding protein

3 Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase99 hs, hsm, hsp, rm; host modification; DNA methylase M99 hs, hsp, hsr, rm; host restriction; endonuclease R99 hss; specificity determinant for hsdM and hsdR11 Heat shock protein C 62.5

See rpoH10 Histonelike protein HU-1 (HU-P, NS1)58 Hydrogenase 1 activity59 Hydrogenase activity77 Formate hydrogenlyase activity and fumarate-dependent

H2 uptake; possibly nickel metabolism77 Formate hydrogen-lyase activity and fumarate-dependent

H2 uptake59 Hydrogenase activity65 hup?; hydrogenase L, possibly same as hydrogenase 3;

hydrogen uptake59 Alkaline phosphatase isozyme conversion26 Isocitrate dehydrogenase, NADP+ specific (EC Regulatory gene for aceBA operon100 avr, flrA?; negative regulatory gene of thr and ilv operons0 Isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase (EC

87 tilA; isoleucine tRNA 1; in rrnA operon72 tilD; isoleucine tRNA 1; in rrnD operon5 Isoleucine tRNA 1; in rrnH operon

67 Isoleucine tRNA 285 ile; threonine deaminase (EC Acetohydroxy acid synthase I (EC, valine-

sensitive, large subunit85 ilvA; ketol-acid reductoisomerase (EC ilvB; dihydroxyacid dehydratase (EC ilvC, ilvJ; branched-chain amino-acid aminotransferase

(EC Acetohydroxy acid synthase (valine insensitive) activity85 Acetohydroxy acid synthase II (EC, valine-

insensitive, large subunit2 Acetohydroxy acid synthase III (EC, valine-

sensitive, small subunit2 Acetohydroxy acid synthase III (EC, valine-

sensitive, large subunit2 Acetohydroxy acid synthase IV (EC, valine-

insensitive85 Acetohydroxy acid synthase II (EC, valine-

insensitive, small subunit83 Acetohydroxy acid synthase II (EC, valine-

sensitive, small subunit100 Positive regulatory gene of thr and ilv operons7 Regulation of ileS and modification of isoleucine tRNA 2

and valine tRNA 285 Positive regulatory locus for ilvC20 Protein chain initiation factor 169 ssyG; protein chain initiation factor 2

592C, 592B, 485, 587B, C, 345B, C, 29-31, 708, 807,984

1, 210, 469, 621, G


AA, C, 660A, C, 660A, C, 391, 660, 76765

551, 552, 1053557, 629, 962629, 962, 11611187


188629, 1047

B, 512, 780B, CA, C532, 533, 1164A, B, 549, 741, 899,

1102, 1192, 1196B, 587B, 587C, 587766A, B, C, 14, 285, 623A, B, C, 349, 350, 448,

543, 993, 1167A, B, C, 14, 70, 1165A, B, C, 14, 285, 623A, B, C, 14, 168, 285,

606, 623, 664, 1166AA, B, C, 14, 285, 623,

670A, B, C, 1037

A, B, C, 447, 1037


623, 664, 670, 1166

349, 1167


B, C, 14, 1165960C, 510, 776, 865, 866,

868, 999-1001

Continued on following page


















VOL. 54, 1990

Page 19: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene MapMnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affectedbsymbol (mina a

infC 38 fit?; protein chain initiation factor 3



KetodeoxygluconateKetodeoxygluconateKetodeoxygluconatePotassium dependence

Potassium dependencePotassium dependencePotassium dependence

K+ effluxK+ effluxKasugamycin





Leucine, isoleucine, andvaline













Susceptibility to mutagenesis by nitrosoguanidineRadiation sensitivity, particularly y rays; recombination

ability decreasedCatalase activityBiosynthesis of catalase hydroperoxidase HPII (III)nur; biosynthesis of catalase hydroperoxidase HPII (III)and exonuclease III; regulatory gene

Catalase-peroxidase hydroperoxidase HPI (I), structuralgene

Ketose-bis-phosphate aldolase, temperature-sensitiveenzyme, active on D-tagatose-1,6-diphosphate

2-Amino-3-ketobutyrate CoA ligase (EC (glycineacetyltransferase)

Ketodeoxygluconokinase (EC gene for kdgK, kdgT, and eda2-Keto-3-deoxy-p-gluconate transport systemkac; high-affinity potassium transport system; probably

K+-stimulated ATPasekac; high-affinity potassium transport systemkac; high-affinity potassium transport systemkac; high-affinity potassium transport system; regulatorygene

3-Deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid 8-phosphate synthaseCTP:CMP-3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate

cytidylyltransferasetrkB; NEM-activable K+/H' antiportertrkC; NEM-activable K+/H+ antiporterS-Adenosylmethionine-6-N',N'-adenosyl (rRNA)

dimethyltransferaseSecond step (high-level) resistance to kasugamycinKasugamycin resistance; affects ribosomal protein S2Kasugamycin resistancea, lacAc; galactoside acetyltransferase (EC; regulatory gene; repressor protein of lac operony; galactoside permease (M protein)z; ,B-D-galactosidase (EC; phage lambda receptor protein; maltose high-

affinity uptake systemD-Lactate dehydrogenase (EC membrane protein; function unknownLeader peptidase (signal peptidase I)a-Isopropylmalate synthase (EC,-Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (EC isomerase subunita-Isopropylmalate isomerase subunitflr; regulation of leu and ilv operonsSee hisTLevel of leucyl-tRNA synthetaseLeucyl-tRNA synthetase (EC tRNA 1 (duplicate gene)Leucine tRNA 2Leucine tRNA 1 (duplicate gene, tandemly triplicated)Leucine tRNA 3Su-6, supP; leucine tRNA 5Level of leucyl-tRNA synthetaseLeucine tRNA 4Resistance to levallorphanexrA, spr, tsl, umuA; regulatory gene for SOS operondnaL, pdeC; DNA ligaseHigh-level resistance to lincomycinRequirementPhage T4 late-gene expression; locus of element e14High-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport

system; membrane component


B, C, 158, 249, 306, 717,878, 1170, 1190


B661, 662662, 950, 955

663, 1112


28, 892

AAA, B, 698A, B

A, BA, BA, B

1180, 1181382, 383, 848

A, 5454A, C, 101, 1138

A, Bo C, 415BCA, B, 453A, B, C, 478A, B, CA, B, C, 547A, B, C

A, 653700, 701C, 700, 1183A, C, 368A, CA, CA, C532

BA, B, C, 444B, 485, 587B, 587, 1150B, 289, 341, 587B, C, 587, 864B, C, 587, 1092, 1210B587BA, B, CA, B, 513AA, CB, 553, 554, LC, 791

Continued on following page













Page 20: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol ~Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)csymbol ~~~~~~~~(min)a

Leucine, isoleucine, andvaline

Leucine, isoleucine, andvaline

Leucine, isoleucine, andvaline

Leucine, isoleucine, andvaline

Leucine, isoleucine, andvaline

Leucine, isoleucine, andvaline

Long form

Lipopolysaccharide core

Lipopolysaccharide core










Membrane-derived oli-gosaccharides

76 High-affinity branched-chain amino acid transportsystem; membrane component

76 High-affinity branched-chain amino acid transportsystem; periplasmic binding protein for leucine,isoleucine, and valine

76 High-affinity branched-chain amino acid transportsystem; leucine-specific periplasmic binding protein

76 High-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport

76 High-affinity branched-chain amino acid transport

20 Iss, 1stR; high-affinity branched-chain amino acidtransport system; regulatory gene; repressor protein

10 capR, deg, dir, muc; DBA-binding, ATP-dependentprotease La

6 tfrA; lipopolysaccharide core synthesis; resistance tophages T4, T7, and P1; deficiency in conjugation

(65) pon; lipopolysaccharide core synthesis3 dhl; lipoamide dehydrogenase (NADH) (EC

36 mipA; murein lipoprotein structural gene4 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine acetyltransferase4 pgsB; lipid A disaccharide synthase3 Level of leucine tRNA1 Prolipoprotein signal peptidase (SPaseII)

61 Diaminopinielate decarboxylase (EC apk; aspartokinase III61 Positive regulatory gene62 Lysyl tRNA synthetase, constitutive17 sup, supG, supL; lysine tRNA (duplicated gene)94 Lysyl tRNA synthetase, inducible52 supN; lysine tRNA (duplicated gene)60 Lysine excretion58 Tolerance to 1-lactams; autolysis defective?(27) Erythromycin growth dependence

1 Maintenance of F-like plasmids2 Maintenance of F-like plasmids

92 malB; periplasmic maltose-binding protein; substraterecognition for transport and chemotaxis

92 malB; maltose transport; cytoplasmic membrane protein92 malB; active transport of maltose and maltodextrins36 Production of oligosaccharide, probably glucose polymer92 malB; maltose permeation

92 molA; periplasmic protein; function not known75 malA; maltodextrin phosphorylase (EC malA; amylomaltase (EC a-Amylase75 malA; positive regulatory gene for mal regulon36 pmi; mannose-6-phosphate isomerase (EC mni; D-mannose isomerase regulation; utilization of D-

lyxose40 gptB, mpt, ptsL, ptsM, ptsX; mannose

phosphotransferase system, protein II-A (III)40 pel, ptsP, ptsM; mannose phosphotransferase system;

Pel protein II-P; penetration of phage lambda40 gptB, mpt, ptsM, ptsX; mannose phosphotransferase

sy m, enzyme IIB (II M)34 Mult5J: antibiotic resistance; tetracycline efflux system25 rgiA; restriction of DNA at 5-methyl cytosine residues;

locus of e1498 rglB; restriction of DNA at 5-methylcytosine residues70 Malat.-dehydrogenase (EC Membrane-localized component of glucosyl transferase


B, C, 790

B, C, 613, 1098

B, C, 613, 790, 791,1098


790, 791

B, 25, P

A, B, C, 366

A, B, Q

AA, B, C, 422, 1029, 1044B, C, 415210, 229, 230210, 229, 230, 1103CB, 505, 549, 741, 899,

1102, 1192, 1195,11%, 1212

A, C, 1054, 1056A, B, C, 175, 1761055, 1056186, 310B, 341, 587, 880, 1211186, 1137A, 587, 1121, DA442, 1004AA, BBA, B, C, 75, 76, 294,

816A, B, 353B, 251, 344300A, B, C, 75, 76, 379,

816380A, B, CA348A, B, C, 209A, C, 737, 738B

313, 315, 831, 1175

313, 315, 831, 1175

831, 1175

369887, 888, 890, L

887, 888, 890, 924, 925A, 718, 1067, 1144112

Continued on following page


















VOL. 54, 1990

Page 21: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t



Membrane-derived oli-gosaccharides











Methyl-galactosideMethyl-galactosideMethyl-galactosideMagnesium transport


ManganeseMorphogenesis of

phagesMorphogenesis of

























TABLE 1-Continued

Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)"

Phosphoglycerol transferase I activity

mel-7; a-galactosidase (EC; thiomethylgalactoside permease II

Regulatory geneConversion of 1,4-dihydroxy-2-naphthoate to demethyl-menaquinone

1,4-Dihydroxy-2-naphthoate synthaseConversion of chorismate to o-succinylbenzoateMenaquinone biosynthesiso-Succinylbenzoate-CoA synthaseMurein DD-endopeptidasemet3; homoserine transsuccinylase (EC, met,; cystathionine y-synthase (EC

Cystathionine y-lyase (EC uptake of D- and L-methioninemetB,2; tetrahydropteroyltriglutamate methyltransferase(EC

met-2, met2; 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase(EC

Methionyl-tRNA synthetaseB12-dependent homocysteine-N5-methyltetrahydrofolate

transmethylaseRegulatory gene; repressor of metF

Methionine adenosyltransferase (EC; aspartokinase II (EC, homoserinedehydrogenase II (EC

Regulatory gene for metE and metHMethionine tRNAm (duplicated gene)Methionine tRNAf2 (tandemly duplicated gene)Methionine tRNAf, (tandemly duplicated gene)mglP; methyl-galactoside transport and galactose taxis,

cytoplasmic membrane proteinmglP; galactose-binding protein; receptor for galactose

taxismglP; methyl-galactoside transport and galactose taxisRegulatory locus for methyl-galactoside transportR-MG; regulatory geneMg2+ transport, system II

trpX; 2-methylthio-N6-isopentyladenosinehypermodification

stc; regulatory antisense RNA affecting ompF expressionFormation of minute cells containing no DNA; complex

locus; position of division septumInitiation of chromosome replicationRecovery in rich medium following UV irradiationResistance or sensitivity to manganesegroE, groEL, hdh, tabB; head assembly of phages T4and lambda

groE, groES, hdh, tabB; head assembly of phages T4 andlambda

flaJ; flagellar paralysisflaJ; flagellar paralysisD-Alanine carboxypeptidaseD-Alanine requirement; cell wall peptidoglycan

biosynthesisUDP-N-acetylglucosaminyl-3-enolpyruvate reductase

activityD-Alanine requirement; cell wall peptidylglycan

biosynthesisCell wall peptidylglycan biosynthesisponA; peptidoglycan synthetase; cell wall synthesis;

penicillin-binding protein 1A

325, 521

A, 433, 648, 1003, 1162A, 433, 12031162A, B

B, C, 996, 997B, C, 996, 997C, 996, 997996503A, C, 734, NA, C, 288, 405, 406, 569,

647, 946A, 82, 735A, BA, 14, 15, 822

A, C, 405, 569, 946, 947,1111

A, B, 245A, B, 822, N

A, B, C, 405, 569, 647,946, 1020

A, B, 127, 705A, C, 288, 405, 406, 569,

946, 12141124B, C, 341, 587, 864B, 510, 511, 587B, 587, 769A, B, C, 115, 440, 736,

975, WA, B, C, 440, 736, 975,

982, WA, B, C, 440, 736, WB, CAB357

20, 743, 747, 756A, C, 259

659990AA, B, C

A, B, C

A, B, 258, 1016A, B, 1016, 1038AA



AB, C, 140

Continued on following page





















Page 22: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene MapMnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affectedb Reference(s)csymbol (min)a

mrcBi Murein 75 ponB; peptidoglycan synthetase; cell wall synthesis; B, C, 140, 562, 917






Nalidixic acidNalidixic acidNalidixic acid

Nitrate reductase

Nitrate reductaseNitrate reductase

Nitrate reductaseNitrate reductaseNitrate reductaseNitrate reductaseNitrate reductase


Nitrofurazone sensitivityNitrofurazone sensitivityNitrate reductase

Nitrate reductaseNew membrane proteinNonmucoid

penicillin-binding protein lBs15 pbpA; cell shape; penicillin-binding protein 2

15 rodA; cell shape; sensitivity to radiation and drugs

71 Cell shape; sensitivity to antibiotics99 Restriction of methylated adenine81 Mannitol-specific enzyme II of phosphotransferase

system81 Regulatory locus81 Mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC Resistance to 5-methyltryptophan83 Mutability of UV-irradiated phage X2 L-Alanine-adding enzyme2 meso-Diaminopimelate-adding enzyme2 mra; D-alanyl:D-alanine-adding enzyme2 Murein or envelope biosynthesis

99 Peptidoglycan synthesis, late stage5 See dnaQ

61 mutR, prv; methyl-directed mismatch repair95 mut-25; methyl-directed mismatch repair82 G * C -. T * A transversions59 Methyl-directed mismatch repair2 A. T - C * G transversions; a nucleoside triphosphate

64 G * C-T A transversions7 Resistance or sensitivity to methyl viologen17 nicA; quinolinate synthetase, A protein56 nicB; quinolinate synthetase, B protein3 Quinolinate phosphoribosyl transferase

16 N-Acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase (EC3.5.1.25)

16 glmD; glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase16 ptsN; N-acetylglucosamine-specific enzyme II of

phosphotransferase system48 See gyrA58 Resistance or sensitivity to nalidixic acid89 Penetration of nalidixic acid through outer membrane70 N-Acetylneuraminate lyase (aldolase) (EC Sialic acid transport27 chIC, narC; nitrate reductase (EC, a subunit

27 chIC; nitrate reductase (EC, P subunit27 chlI; cytochrome bNR, nitrate reductase (EC, y

subunit27 Nitrate reductase (EC, 8 subunit27 Regulatory gene27 narR; regulatory gene27 narR; regulatory gene33 Cryptic gene(s) encoding a second nitrate reductase22 Respiratory NADH dehydrogenase74 Resistance to neamine73 amk; resistance to neomycin, kanamycin, and other

aminoglycoside antibiotics80 Sensitivity to nitrofurantoin13 Sensitivity to nitrofurantoin47 Endonuclease IV(21) Nitrofuran reductase I activity(11) Nitrofuran reductase I activity74 nirD; NADH-nitrate oxidoreductase (EC

aproprotein, structural gene26 NADH-nitrate reductase (EC activity13 Outer membrane porin protein; locus of qsr prophage45 Capsule formation49 dnaF; ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase (EC subunit Bi

B, C, 35, 36, 78, 1048,1049

A, B, C, 35, 36, 78,1048, 1049

1147454A, B, C, 628

A, BA, B, CA, BAA, B, CA, BA, BC


A, B, 398, 399A165A, BA, B, 9, 91800753AAA, C, 422, 912A, 864

A, 864, 916C, 864, 916

A48411431143A, B, C, 299, 427, 643,

644, 725, 920, 1024A, B, C, 299, 1024A, B, C, 427, 920, 1024

10241046518, 10461046114B, CA, BA, B

967967233, WBB522, 526, 679, 680

BB, 462AA, B, C, 173, 802, 1118

Continued on following page











VOL. 54, 1990

Page 23: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected" Reference(s)'symbol ~~~~~~~~(min)a

Outer membrane protein

Outer membrane protein

Outer membrane protein

Outer membrane protein

Origin of replication

Origin of replication





49 ftsB; ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase (EC Bi

36 "Endonuclease III"; a DNA glycosylase and phosphoricmonoester lyase

52 Transport of nucleosides, except guanosine64 Transport of nucleosides69 Transcription termination; L factor

10 groNB; transcription termination; L factor9 Uridine thiolation factor A activity

43 Thiazole biosynthesis; 4-thiouridine modification oftRNA; near-UV sensitivity and resistance

22 con, toiG, tut; outer membrane protein 3a (II*;G;d),structural gene

48 meoA, par; outer membrane protein lb (Ib;c), structuralgene

21 cmlB, coa, cry, tolF; outer membrane protein la (Ia;b;F), structural gene

75 ompB; positive regulatory gene for ompC and ompF

13 Outer membrane protein 3b (a), a protease28 Oligopeptide transport; periplasmic binding protein28 Oligopeptide transport28 Oligopeptide transport28 Oligopeptide transport28 Oligopeptide transport(19) Rate of degradation of aberrant subunit proteins of RNA

polymerase63 Level of exopolysaccharide production4 Deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate triphosphohydrolase

activity; phage T7 DNA metabolism84 poh?; origin of replication of chromosome

30 Origin function of rac prophage27 bglY, cur, fimG, topX; DNA supercoiling; expression of

genes subject to osmotic regulation42 Trehalose phosphate synthase (EC production42 Trehalose phosphate synthase (EC production74 p-Aminobenzoate synthetase, CoIl40 p-Aminobenzoate synthetase, Coll31 Phenylacetate degradation3 Ketopantoate hydroxymethyltransferase (EC Pantothenate synthetase (EC Aspartate 1-decarboxylase (EC

71 Pantothenate permease89 Putrescine aminotransferase activity

See mrdASee ftsI

75 Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (EC Plasmid copy number

82 Cell division; chromosome segregation1 Requirement

50 Placement of 5, 5', and 6' carbons into pyridine ring ofpyridoxine

See serC36 Pyridoxinephosphate oxidase56 Requirement6 pepH; peptidase D, a dipeptidase

21 Aminopeptidase N

89 6-Phosphofructokinase I (EC Level of 6-phosphofructokinase II; suppressor of pJlkA20 Pyruvate formate-lyase91 Glucosephosphate isomerase (EC Phosphoglycerate kinase (EC

A, B, C, 173, 593, 1082

53, 234, 1163

B, CB, 800, 1171B, C, 407, 510, 511, 608,

776, 868, 949B, C, 509, 1071B940

A, B, C, 207, 403

B, C, 745, 746

B, C, 239, 506, 507, 697,1085

B, C, 213, 364, 748, 749,785, 1191

387, 411, 412, 933A, B, C, 22, 46822, 46822, 46822, 46822988

1219C, 72

B, C, 152, 542, 578, 712,819, 820, 987, 1057,1073, 1152

C232, 461, 1027

374374A, 555A, B, 384216A, B, CA, B, CA, B, C1133989B, C, 149

C666BA, B, CA, B, 30, 31

A, B, 415A, BA, B, 145, 571B, C, 55-57, 145, 336,719-721

A, B, 240, 456A, B, C, 241B, 839A, NA, B

Continued on following page

















Page 24: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)'











Pi transport

Phospholipid synthesisPhospholipid synthesisPhospholipid synthesisPyridine nucleotide cyclePyridine nucleotide cycle







blu; 6'-phosphogluconolactonase (EC (EC phosphatase, membranebound

Phosphatidylglycerophosphate phosphatase, membranebound

Phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthetase (EC lpxBChorismate mutase-P-prephenate dehydrogenasePhenylalanine-specific transport systemRegulatory gene for pheAphe-act; phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC, a


37 pheS; phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC,subunit

94 Phenylalanyl-tRNA (duplicate gene)64 Phenylalanyl-tRNA (duplicate gene)92 psiD; carbon-phosphorus lyase9 Alkaline phosphatase (EC phoRc, phoT; positive regulatory gene for pho regulon

6 ompE; outer membrane pore protein e (E,Ic,NmpAB),structural gene

100 Positive regulatory gene for pho regulon

9 nmpB, phoRI, Ripho; positive and negative regulatorygene for pho regulon

84 See pstS84 See pstA, pstB, and phoU84 phoT; high-affinity phosphate-specific transport system,

regulatory gene16 Deoxyribodipyrimidine photolyase (EC Adsorption of (X17498 See fim26 Inversion of adjacent DNA; locus of element e14

77 Low-affinity Pi transport86 Detergent-resistant phospholipase A

86 Lysophospholipase L211 See adk92 Glycerolphosphate acyltransferase activity24 Glycerolphosphate auxotrophy in plsB background39 nam; nicotinamide deamidase (EC Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase (EC Polynucleotide phosphorylase (EC

35 Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (EC, a

subunit35 Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (EC, ,B

subunit63 Regulation of proline oxidase production70 Growth of phage P187 resA; DNA polymerase I (EC DNA polymerase II (EC dnaE; DNA biosynthesis; DNA polymerase III a subunit4 Synthesis of 8-aminolevulinate(1) Level of 5-aminolevulinate dehydratase (EC

activity95 Regulatory gene for poxB19 Pyruvate oxidase (EC, structural gene89 glu, asp; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (EC Phosphoenolpyruvate synthase27 asuA?, sueB, uar, ups?; protein release factor 1

62 supK; protein release factor 2



A, B, C, 386

A, B, C, 488C

C, 395A, B, C, 306, 320, 727,

728, 867, 1035, 1036,1190

A, B, C, 306, 320, 727,728, 867, 1035, 1190

357, 587, 976166, 587, 11791148, UA, B, C, 184, 1011A, B, C, 691, 693, 695,

1006, 1157C, 450, 810, 827, 1106

C, 17, 671, 694, 695,1105, 1156, 1159

A, B, C, 692, 695, 1006,1157

C, 16, 18, 779, 1065

A, B, 495, 957, 958B

312, 563, 861, 862, 1139,L

A, 308, 309A, 14, 263, 264, 471,

472, 57914, 472, 579, 580

A, B, C, 646620A, BC

A, C, 227, 318, 470, 873,897, 898, 1078

B, 197, 198

197, 198


A, B, CAA, B, C, 998, 1103, 1168AA, B


C, 185, 396, 397A, B, C, 354, 943A174, 941, 942564

Continued on following page

















VOL. 54, 1990

Page 25: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected'sybo 73secY;proteinexport;membraneproten(min)a

priA 73 sec Y; protein export; membrane protein









proW Proline

prp PropionateprrprspsdpsiFpssApssRpstA




ptapthptrptsG Phosphotransferase

systemptsH Phosphotransferase

systemptsl Phosphotransferase

systempurA PurinepurB PurinepurC Purine

purD Purine

purE Purine

purF Purine

purG PurinepurH Purine

purI PurinepurK Purine

85 Protein export71 Protein export2 Protein export

71 prm-1; methylation of SOS ribosomal subunit protein Lii51 prm-2; methylation of SOS ribosomal subunit protein L36 prol; y-glutamyl phosphate reductase (EC pro2; -y-glutamyl kinase (EC pro3, pro2; pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (EC proV; proline tRNA 147 proW; proline tRNA 286 proU; proline tRNA 393 Low-affinity transport system for glycine betaine and

proline; proline permease II5 Prolyl-tRNA synthetase (EC

83 Proline transport57 osrA; high-affinity transport system for glycine betaine

and proline57 High-affinity transport system for glycine betaine and

proline; glycine betaine-binding protein57 High-affinity transport system for glycine betaine and

proline97 Propionate metabolism31 y-Aminobutyraldehyde (pyrroline) dehydrogenase activity26 Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase (EC Phosphatidylserine decarboxylase9 Induced by phosphate starvation

56 Phosphatidylserine synthetase (EC Regulatory gene84 phoR2b, phoT, R2pho; high-affinity phosphate-specific

transport system84 phoT; high-affinity phosphate-specific transport system,

cytoplasmic membrane protein?84 phoW; high-affinity phosphate-specific transport system,

cytoplasmic membrane component84 nmpA, phoR2a, phoS, R2pho; high-affinity phosphate-

specific transport system; periplasmic phosphate-binding protein

50 Phosphotransacetylase (EC activity26 Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase61 Protease III25 car, CR, gpt, gptA, tgl, umg; glucosephosphotransferase

enzyme II52 ctr, Hpr; phosphohistidinoprotein-hexose

phosphotransferase (EC ctr; phosphotransferase system enzyme I

95 adek; Ad4; adenylosuccinate synthetase (EC adeh; adenylosuccinate lyase (EC ade,; phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide

synthetase (EC adtha; phosphoribosylglycineamide synthetase (EC ade3, adef, Pur2; phosphoribosylaminoimidazole

carboxylase (EC, catalytic subunit50 adeu,b, purC; amidophosphoribosyl transferase (EC purM

90 ade,, purJ; phosphoribosylaminoimidazolecarboxamideformyltransferase (EC

See purL12 purE2; phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase (EC, C02-fixing subunit


10, 181, 311, 516, 517,1002, 1009

31131160BBA, C, 272, 450, 687, 797A, C, 272, 450, 687, 797A, C, 262, 273

341, 587, 599587587C, 392, 393, 716

CB, C319, 392, 394, 418, 716,

I319, 341, 394, I


C989C, 480-482A, B184, 1158, UB, C1026A, B, C, 16, 18, 922,

1066A, B, C, 16, 18, 638,

922, 1066A, B, C, 16, 18, 922,

1066A, B, C, 16, 18, 146,

520, 639, 683, 754,922, 1065, 1066

B, CAC, 61, 200, 295, 2%, 330A, B, 123, 314

A, B, 134-136, 270, 271,835, 945

A, B, 134-136, 270, 271,835, 945

AA, LA, 833


A, C, 548, 1095

A, C, 689, 807


548, 1095

Continued on following page







Page 26: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol ~Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)csymbol ~~~~~~(min)a

purL Purine




Proline utilizationProline utilization



Radiation sensitivityRibose










55 purl; phosphoribosylformylglycineamide synthetase (EC6.3.5.3); homologous to purG of S. typhimurium

purG; phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase (EC6.3.3.1) homologous to purI of S. typhimurium

54 ade,; 5'-phosphoribosyglycinamide transformylase (EC2.1.2.2)

84 High-affinity adenine transport36 Regulatory gene for pur regulon20 Effect of suppressors on relB mutations23 poaA; proline dehydrogenase (EC Proline utilization; major proline permease37 Pyruvate kinase F1 See car

97 Aspartate carbamoyltransferase (EC catalyticsubunit

24 Dihydroorotase (EC Dihydroorotate oxidase (EC Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase (EC Orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase (EC CTP synthetase (EC UMP kinase

97 Aspartate carbamoyltransferase (EC regulatorysubunit

81 Regulatory gene35 kim; cryptic lambdoid phage29 gts; unspecified membrane defect74 Unspecified membrane defect; tolerance to glycine,

penicillin sensitivity61 Unspecified membrane defect; tolerance to glycine,

penicillin sensitivity37 Unspecified membrane defect13 Cryptic lambdoid phage30 Defective prophage rac; see recE and oriJ100 Sensitivity to y and UV radiation and methyl

methanesulfonate82 Sensitivity to radiation56 RNA metabolism26 Growth of phage lambda(10) Sensitivity to UV and X-rays84 rbsP, rbsT; D-ribose high-affinity transport system;

membrane-associated protein84 rbsP; D-ribose periplasmic binding protein84 rbsP, rbsT; D-ribose high-affinity transport system;

membrane-associated protein84 rbsP; D-ribose high-affinity transport system; membrane-

associated protein84 Ribokinase (EC Regulatory gene43 Positive regulatory gene for capsule synthesis48 Positive regulatory gene for capsule synthesis48 Negative regulatory gene for capsule synthesis16 Dependence of growth upon recA gene product64 Dependence of growth and viability upon recA function58 lexB, recH, rnmB, tif, umuB, zab; general recombination,

DNA repair and induction of phage lambda61 rorA; recombination and DNA repair; exonuclease V

(EC Recombination and DNA repair; exonuclease V

(EC Recombination and DNA repair; exonuclease V

(EC, a subunit30 rac; locus of rac prophage; recombination and DNA

repair; exonuclease VIII83 uvrF; recombination and DNA repair62 Recombination and DNA repair57 radB; recombination and DNA repair

A, C, 479

A, B, C, 479, 1022, 1023


156, E568, 919, SC

A, C, 752, 778C, 752, 777, 778365

A, B, C, 474, 578, 637,789, 838, 921, 1119

A, 48, 530, 1178A, 530, 618A, C, 876, 877A, 282, 530, 1120B, C, 1169AC, 474, 838, 921

809122, 316AA


A23, 109, 462, 545A, C, 1176, 1177280

A, 322A419A85, 502, 667

502, 66785, 502, 667


A, B, C, 475, 502, 667667390, 1107133, 390133, 390C

204A, B, C

A, B, C, 296, 329, 965

A, B, C, 296, 331, 333,965

19, 94, 328

A, B, C, 342, 1177

A, B, C, 4, 27, 100, 894668, 669658, 851, 926, 963, 964

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VOL. 54, 1990

Page 27: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene MapMnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)csymbol (i)















Ribosomal modificationRibosomal modificationRibosomal modificationRibosomal modificationRibosomal modificationRibosomal modificationRibosomal modification

56 Conjugational recombination and DNA repair86 Conjugational recombination and DNA repair60 RC; regulation of RNA synthesis; stringent factor;

ATP:GTP 3'-pyrophosphotransferase35 Regulation of RNA synthesis35 Locus in relB operon; function unknown35 Locus in relB operon; function unknown60 Control of synthesis of guanosine-

5'-diphosphate-3'-diphosphate85 dasC?, mmrA?; Rep helicase, a single-stranded DNA

dependent ATPase90 Resistance to UV and -y-radiation81 con, IpsA, phx; cluster of genes coding for enzymes

involved in lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis81 UDP-D-galactose:(glucosyl)lipopolysaccharide-1,6-

D-galactosyltransferase81 Lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis; proximal hexose81 ADP-L-Glycero-D-mannoheptose-6-epimerase81 Lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis; glucosyltransferase


87 sfrB; lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis; positiveregulation of production of glucosyltransferase;expression of tra operon of F factor; antiterminator

81 UDP-D-galactose:(glucosyl)lipopolysaccharide-a-1,3-D-galactosyltransferase

81 UDP-D-glucose:(galactosyl)lipopolysaccharideglucosyltransferase

81 Lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis;glucosyltransferase II

81 Lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis; phosphorylation ofcore heptose

45 TDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase45 TDP-glucose oxidoreductase45 TDP-rhamnose synthetase(85) Synthesis of enterobacterial common antigen and 0

antigen(85) Synthesis of enterobacterial common antigen88 L-Rhamnose isomerase (EC Rhamnulokinase (EC Rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase (EC rhaC; positive regulatory gene88 rhaC; positive regulatory gene85 nitA, psu, rnsC, SuA, sun, tsu; transcription termination

factor rho; polarity suppressor81 Repetitive sequence responsible for duplications within

chromosome77 Repetitive sequence responsible for duplications within

chromosome16 Repetitive sequence responsible for duplications within

chromosome12 Repetitive sequence responsible for duplications within

chromosome28 GTP cyclohydrolase II66 Block before 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine40 Riboflavin synthase71 Transcription and translation; rifampin and kasugamycin

dependence85 Transcription and translation; rifampin dependence38 Maturation of 50S ribosomal subunit(26) Maturation of 50S ribosomal subunit(88) Maturation of 50S ribosomal subunit72 Modification of ribosomal proteins1 res; ribosomal modification

(1) ramB; modification of 30S ribosomal subunit protein S414 stsB; ribosomal modification

58514, 508, 781, 782A, B

B, C, 7474, 37274, 372B

A, B, C, 14, 70, 92, 93,285, 376




C, 211226

226, 900





AAAB, 731

B, 731A, 1101A, 1101A, 110111011101A, B, C, 14, 70, 143,

167, 650, 713, 857652, 944

652, 944



C, 58, 1088C, 58, 108858, 1088, RC

236A, 415AAB, 730AAA, B

Continued on following page





















Page 28: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol ~Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)csymbol ~~~~~~~~(min)'

rimI Ribosomal modification 99

Ribosomal modification

Ribosomal modification



Ribosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, large

Ribosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRibosomal protein, largeRNA polymerase

RNA polymerase

RNA polymeraseRNA polymeraseRNA polymerase

RNA polymeraseRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, small




Modification of 30S ribosomal subunit protein S18;acetylation of N-terminal alanine

Modification of 30S ribosomal subunit protein S5;acetylation of N-terminal alanine

Modification of 30S ribosomal subunit protein L7;acetylation of N-terminal serine

Affects thermolability of 50S ribosomal subunitA minor lipoproteinA minor lipoproteinrns, rnsA; RNase IRNase IIRNase IIIRNase DRNase E activitydasF, herA, sdrA, sin; RNase H (EC

83 RNase P, protein component70 RNase P, RNA subunit, Ml RNA15 See mrdB63 Ribose phosphate isomerase (EC, constitutive90 50S ribosomal subunit protein Li73 50S ribosomal subunit protein L273 50S ribosomal subunit protein L3

73 eryA; 50S ribosomal subunit protein L473 50S ribosomal subunit protein L573 50S ribosomal subunit protein L696 50S ribosomal subunit protein L990 50S ribosomal subunit protein L10

90 reMC; 50S ribosomal subunit protein Lll90 50S ribosomal subunit protein L7/L1270 50S ribosomal subunit protein L1373 50S ribosomal subunit protein L1473 50S ribosomal subunit protein L1573 50S ribosomal subunit protein L1673 50S ribosomal subunit protein L1773 50S ribosomal subunit protein L1857 50S ribosomal subunit protein L1938 pdzA; 50S ribosomal subunit protein L2069 50S ribosomal subunit protein L2173 50S ribosomal subunit protein L2273 50S ribosomal subunit protein L2373 50S ribosomal subunit protein L2448 50S ribosomal subunit protein L2569 50S ribosomal subunit protein L2782 50S ribosomal subunit protein L2873 50S ribosomal subunit protein L2973 50S ribosomal subunit protein L3089 50S ribosomal subunit protein L3124 50S ribosomal subunit protein L3282 50S ribosomal subunit protein L3383 rimA, ssaF; 50S ribosomal subunit protein L3438 50S ribosomal subunit protein A73 50S ribosomal subunit protein X73 RNA polymerase (EC, a subunit

90 groN, nitl, rif, ron, stl, stv, tabD; RNA polymerase (EC2.7.7.6), P subunit

90 tabD; RNA polymerase (EC, subunit67 alt; RNA polymerase (EC, ar7' subunit76 fam, hin, htpR; RNA polymerase (EC, -32

subunit; regulatory gene for proteins induced at hightemperatures

70 glnF, ntrA; RNA polymerase (EC, r6o subunit21 ssyF; 30S ribosomal subunit protein Si4 30S ribosomal subunit protein S2

B, C, 1209

B, 524, 1209


B10761076AB, CA, B, 699, 787, 1160C, 1216B, C, 893C, 225, 550, 690, 771,

806, 813, 1108435B, C, 758, 895, 896, 952

AA, B, C, 283, 491, 889A, B, 1222A, B, 1222A, B, C, 1222A, B, 181A, B, 181B, 974A, B, C, 203, 283, 491,

889A, B, C, 283, 491, 889A, B, C, 283, 491, 889C, 514A, B, 181A, B, 181, 516A, B, 1222A, B, C, 77, 181, 730A, B, 181B, 164320BA, B, 1222B, 1222A, B, 181, 235BBB, C, 1031A, B, 1222A, B, 181C

524B, C, 1031C, 823, 01149181, 1149A, B, C, 77, 181, 730,

928, 929A, B, C, 283, 491, 889

A, B, C, 283, 889B, C, 157, 677, 1086C, 416, 417, 614, 792,

1098, 1116, 1213

B, C, 70, 177, 467, 494B, C, 291, 841, 1001A, B, C

Continued on following page









VOL. 54, 1990

Page 29: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapbsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affectedb Reference(s)c

(min)aRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, small

Ribosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallRibosomal protein, smallrRNA SSrRNA 5SrRNA 5SrRNA 5SrRNA SSrRNA 5SrRNA 5SrRNA, 23SrRNA, 23SrRNA, 23SrRNA, 23SrRNA, 23SrRNA, 23SrRNA, 23SrRNArRNArRNArRNArRNArRNArRNArRNA, 16SrRNA, 16SrRNA, 16SrRNA, 16SrRNA, 16SrRNA, 16SrRNA, 16S

73 30S ribosomal subunit protein S373 ramA, sud2; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S473 eps, spcA, spc; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S595 30S ribosomal subunit protein S673 K12; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S773 30S ribosomal subunit protein S870 30S ribosomal subunit protein S973 30S ribosomal subunit protein S1073 30S ribosomal subunit protein S1173 strA; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S1273 30S ribosomal subunit protein S1373 30S ribosomal subunit protein S1469 secC; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S15

57 30S ribosomal subunit protein S1673 neaA; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S1796 30S ribosomal subunit protein S1873 30S ribosomal subunit protein S190 supS20; 30S ribosomal subunit protein S20

67 30S ribosomal subunit protein S2187 5S rRNA gene of rrnA operon90 5S rRNA gene of rrnB operon85 5S rRNA gene of rrnC operon72 5S rRNA gene of rrnD operon90 5S rRNA gene of rrnE operon56 5S rRNA gene of rrnG operon5 5S rRNA gene of rrnH operon

87 23S rRNA gene of rrnA operon90 23S rRNA gene of rrnB operon85 23S rRNA gene of rrnC operon72 23S rRNA gene of rrnD operon90 23S rRNA gene of rrnE operon56 23S rRNA gene of rrnG operon5 23S rRNA gene of rrnH operon

87 cqsA; rRNA operon90 cqsE, rrnBI; rRNA operon85 cqsb, rrnB, rrnB2; rRNA operon72 cqsD; rRNA operon90 rrnDl; rRNA operon56 rRNA operon5 rRNA operon

87 16S rRNA gene of rrnA operon90 16S rRNA gene of rrnB operon85 16S rRNA gene of rrnC operon72 16S rRNA gene of rrnD operon90 16S rRNA gene of rrnE operon56 16S rRNA gene of rrnG operon5 16S rRNA gene of rrnH operon

90 ts-9; uncharacterized growth defect41 Filament formation and sensitivity to UV radiation41 Filament formation and sensitivity to UV radiation34 Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (EC,

NAD dependent97 Regulation of serine and branched-chain amino acid

metabolism44 xonA; exonuclease I; suppression of recB recC mutations9 Suppression of recB recC mutations89 Periplasmic sulfate-binding protein9 Sensitivity to microcin B1716 Succinate dehydrogenase (EC, flavoprotein

subunit16 Succinate dehydrogenase (EC, iron sulfur

protein16 cybA; succinate dehydrogenase (EC,

cytochrome b556

A, B, 1222A, B, C, 77, 181A, B, 181A, B, 974A, B, CA, B, 181237, 514A, B, CA, B, C, 77, 181A, B, CA, B, C, 77, 181A, B, 181B, C, 318, 324, 873, 898,

903, 1077, 1078, HB, 164A, B, 1222A, B, 974A, B, 1222A, B, 681, 1196B, C, 157, 677B, CB, CB, CCB, CCCA, B, CB, CBB, CB, CB, CCA, B, C, 578A, B, C, 89, 446A, B, C, 446, 578B, CB, C, 645B, C, 446CBB, C, 89, 121BBBB, CCA, B, C, 1079A, 37, 87, 101087C, 702


A, 846, 847, 879657456622A, C, 247, 1174, 1184

A, C, 247, 1174, 1184

A, C, 763, 764

Continued on following page








Page 30: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affectedb Reference(s)'symbol _ . .. . _ . . . . . ._.(min)a





ShikimateSlow growth






Single-strand binding





16 Succinate dehydrogenase (EC, hydrophobicsubunit

2 azi, pea; secretion of envelope proteins81 Protein export9 Protein export4 Septum formation

81 fdhA; selenium metabolism; biosynthesis or incorporationof selenocystein

81 fdhA; selenium metabolism; biosynthesis or incorporationof selenocystein

82 fdhC; selenium metabolism; selenocysteine tRNA40 Sensitivity to microcin E49263 D-3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (EC Phosphoserine phosphatase (EC pdxC; 3-phosphoserine aminotransferase (EC Level of seryl-tRNA synthetase

20 Seryl-tRNA synthetase (EC divE; serine tRNA 143 supD, supH, Su-1, suI; serine tRNA 2(58) Serine tRNA 320 Serine tRNA 5 (duplicate gene)23 Serine tRNA 5 (duplicate gene)26 Cell division inhibition; locus of element e1443 Shikimate and dehydroshikimate permease74 Low growth rate; tolerance to amidinopenicillin and

nalidixic acid88 Superoxide dismutase, manganese36 Superoxide dismutase, iron64 Arginine decarboxylase (EC Agmatinase (EC Ornithine decarboxylase (EC S-Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (EC Spermidine synthase (putrescine aminopropyltransferase)

(EC "Spot 42" RNA82 Guanosine 3',5'-bis(diphosphate) 3'-pyrophosphatase39 Protease IV, a signal peptide peptidase58 gutA, sbl; D-glucitol-specific enzyme II of

phosphotransferase system58 gutB; D-glucitol (sorbitol)-specific enzyme III of

phosphotransferase system58 gutD, sbl; glucitol (sorbitol)-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

(EC Regulatory gene10 Degradation of stable RNA9 Suppression of secA mutation50 Suppression of secA mutation41 Suppression of secA mutation94 Suppression of secA mutation92 exrB, lexC; single-strand DNA-binding protein70 Stringent starvation protein63 Stable 6S RNA54 Suppressor of secY mutation10 Suppressor of secY mutation3 Suppressor of sec Y mutation7 strB; low-level streptomycin resistance

77 Control of ribosomal ambiguity84 Altered RNase activity16 lys + met; succinate requirement; a-ketoglutarate

dehydrogenase (decarboxylase component)16 lys + met; succinate requirement; a-ketoglutarate

dehydrogenase (dihydrolipoyltranssuccinasecomponent)

16 Succinyl-CoA synthetase (EC, P subunit16 Succinyl-CoA synthetase (EC, a subunit77 Induction of heat shock genes

A, C, 1174, 1184

C, 71, 972, 0600, 601361B632


587, 632, 633884A, 1100A, C, 362, 799A, B, 291BA, 445B, 587, 1081A, C, 587, 1041, 1093B, 587587, 960587246, 684, LAB

172, 1080, 1109171, 172, 415, 798A, 127A, 127A, B, 127B, 1074, 10751074, 1075

C, 869A, B498, 1070A, B, C, 1193, 1194

1193, 1194

A, B, C, 1193, 1194

B, CA361, 823361361361B, C355, 356, 986487, 627100010011001AAAA, C, 151, 247, 248,

1174, 1184A, C, 151, 1028, 1029

150, 151, 1028, 1029150, 1511099

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VOL. 54, 1990

Page 31: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affectedb Reference(s)c(min)a















Thiophene degradationThiophene degradationThiophene degradationThiaminThiaminThiaminThiaminThiaminThiaminThreonin



22 sfiA, suf; suppressor of lon2 See ftsZ

16 SUB; suppressor of ochre (UAA) and amber (UAG)mutations; see ginU

27 suc, Su4; suppressor of ochre (UAA) and amber (UAG)mutations; see tyrT

43 sul, Su-l; suppressor of ochre (UAG) mutations; seeserU

15 su,,, Su-2; suppressor of ochre (UAG) mutations; seeglnV

27 su,,,, Su-3; suppressor of amber (UAG) mutations; seetyrT

17 su-5; suppressor of ochre (UAA) and amber (UAG)mutations; see lysT

43 Suppressor; see serU62 Suppressor of opal (UGA) mutations; see prfB17 sup; suppressor of ochre (UAA) and amber (UAG)

mutations; see lysT90 Suppressor of ochre (UAA) and amber (UAG) mutations,

see tyrU52 Suppressor of ochre (UAA) and amber (UAG) mutations;

see IysV27 Suppressor of ochre (UAA) and amber (UAG) mutations;

see tyrT97 Su-6; suppressor of amber (UAG) mutations; see leuX13 Suppressor86 Development of phage T4(72) 3-Methyladenine DNA glycosylase I, constitutive42 Methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein IV42 cheM; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein II68 Threonine dehydratase (EC Threonine dehydrogenase (EC Transduction, transformation and rates of mutation27 Thymidine kinase (EC DNA replication fork inhibition

36 DNA replication fork inhibition

34 DNA replication fork inhibition27 DNA replication fork inhibition10 Thioesterase II9 tRNA-guanine transglycosylase

11 Utilization of furans and thiopenes; may be tln95 Utilization of furans and thiopenes100 Utilization of furans and thiopenes90 Thiamin thiazole requirement90 Thiaminphosphate pyrophosphorylase (EC Thiamin pyrimidine requirement45 Phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase activity25 Thiamin kinase10 Thiamin monophosphate kinase0 HS, thrD; aspartokinase 1-homoserine dehydrogenase I

(EC Homoserine kinase (EC Threonine synthase (EC

38 Threonyl-tRNA synthetase (EC

90 Threonine tRNA 390 Threonine tRNA 472 Threonine tRNA 1; at distal end of rrnD operon6 Threonine tRNA 2

61 Thymidylate synthetase (EC Transketolase (EC tlnI; resistance or sensitivity to thiolutin25 Deoxythymidine kinase84 ind, tnaR; tryptophanase (EC

A, B, 206, 750

ABB, C, 199, 953, 1042C, 597, 1016, 1017B, C, 597, 1016, 1017252, 388, 389891, 892BA, B267, 343, 460, 463-465,

842, M267, 343, 460, 463-465,

842, M343, 460, M343, 460, M786C

2, F2, F2, FAAAC



A, B, C, 244, 678

A, C, 948A, C, 836B, C, 717, 867, 878,

1034, 1170, 1190A, B, C, 587B, C, 587C, 214, 587214, 242, 587A, C, 83, 296, 965AC

96, 257A, B, C, 1045

Continued on following page

















Page 32: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol

Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)csymbol ~~~~~~~~(min)'











tRNA methyltransferasetRNA methyltransferasetRNA methyltransferasetRNA methyltransferasetRNA methyltransferasetRNA methyltransferase







92 Transposition of Tn9 and other transposons;development of phage Mu

67 Compensation for loss of DNA topoisomerase I17 cim, excC, lky, tol-2; tolerance to group A colicins and

single-stranded filamentous DNA phage17 tol-3; tolerance to colicins E2, E3, A, and K

66 colEJ-i, mtcB, reft, tol-8; specific tolerance to colicin El,expression of outer membrane proteins

(23) Tolerance to colicins E2 and E3; ampicillin resistance(23) Tolerance to colicins E2 and E3; ampicillin resistance(0) Tolerance to colicins Ia and lb0 Resistance to colicins L, A, and S4; partial resistance to

colicins E and K72 cmt; high-level tolerance to colicin M17 fii, tolP?; tolerance to group A colicins and single-

stranded filamentous DNA phage17 Tolerance to group A colicins and single-stranded

filamentous DNA phage77 Tolerance to colicins E2, E3, D, Ia, and Tb; generation of

chemical proton gradient4 See fluA28 exbA, Tirec; uptake of chelated iron and cyanobalimin;

sensitivity to phages Ti and 480 and colicins28 supX; DNA topoisomerase I, w protein28 Trimethylamine N-oxide reductase89 Triosephosphate isomerase (EC A protaminelike protein26 Trehalase, periplasmic31 Methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein III72 Transport of potassium73 See kefB1 See keJfB

84 Transport of potassium29 Transport of potassium90 tRNA (uracil-5)-methyltransferase (EC tRNA (guanine-7)-methyltransferase (EC

(56) 5-Methylaminoethyl-2-thiouridine in tRNA(57) tRNA (guanine-7)-methyltransferase (EC asuE?; 5-methylaminoethyl-2-thiouridine biosynthesis84 5-methylaminoethyl-2-thiouridine biosynthesis59 glnU; level of several tRNAs28 tryp-2; tryptophan synthase (EC, A protein28 tryp-1; tryptophan synthase (EC, B protein28 tryp-3; N-(5-phosphoribosyl)anthranilate isomerase

indole-3-glycerolphosphate synthetase28 tryE; glutamine amidotransferase-phosphoribosyl

anthranilate transferase28 anth, tryp-4, tryD; anthranilate synthase (EC Low-affinity tryptophan-specific permease100 Rtry; regulation of trp operon and aroH; trp aporepressor74 Tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (EC su7, su8, su9, supU, supV; tryptophan tRNA gene at

distal end of rrnC operon86 fip, tsnC; thioredoxin

21 Thioredoxin reductase4 Protein chain elongation factor, EF-Ts

99 cheD; methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein I

9 nupA, T6rec; nucleoside uptake; receptor for phage T6and colicin K

74 Protein chain elongation factor; EF-Tu (duplicate gene)90 Protein chain elongation factor; EF-Tu (duplicate gene)36 DNA-binding protein; inhibition of replication at Ter sites

(27) Tyramine oxidase (EC


886A, 337, 1061, 1062, V

A, 337, 624, 625, 1061,1062, V

A, C, 425, 426, 826


C, 432, 7301061, 1062, V

1062, V


A, B, C, 874, 875

C, 704, 825, 1115, 1154837A, B, 456, 849C

B, 116, 730B, C, 113, 441A, 432, 730

A, B, CAA, B, C, 654AA, B, 428B, 162-164307307C

A, B, CA, CA, B, C

A, C

A, B, CC

A, B, CA, B, CA, B, C, 587

B, 14, 649, 650, 713,935, 936, 938, 1153

431, 937, 939B, CB, C, 126, 169A, B, 130

A, B, CA, B, C, 1079C, 464, 466, 842, MB

Continued on following page
















VOL. 54, 1990

Page 33: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected" Reference(s)'(min)'

tyrA Tyrosine





























57 Chorismate mutase T (EC (EC

92 Tyrosine aminotransferase (EC, tyrosinerepressible

42 Tyrosine-specific transport system29 Regulation of aroF, aroG, and tyrA and aromatic amino

acid transport systems36 Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (EC suI111, Su-3, sue, Su4, supF, supE, tyrV; tyrosine tRNA

1 (tandemly duplicated gene)90 supM; tyrosine tRNA 292 4-Hydroxybenzoate 3-octaprenyl 4-hydroxybenzoate87 2-Octaprenylphenol 2-octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenol92 Chorismate lyase87 3-Octaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate -- 2-octaprenylphenol87 2-Octaprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone -- 2-

octaprenyl-3-methyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone15 2-Octaprenyl-3-methyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone


48 2-Octaprenyl-3-methyl-5-hydroxy-6-methoxy-1,4-benzo-uinone -. ubiquinone 8

63 2-Octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenol -- 2-octaprenyl-6-methoxy-1,4-benzoquinone

50 Sequence homologous to ubiX of S. typhimurium, whichcodes for polyprenyl p-hydroxybenzoate carboxylase

45 Uridine kinase (EC Uridine phosphorylase (EC sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate transport system76 sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate transport system; periplasmic

binding protein76 sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate transport system76 sn-Glycerol-3-phosphate transport system, membrane

protein82 Positive activator of uhpt transcription82 Regulatory gene82 Regulatory gene

82 Regulation of hexose phosphate transport; possibly outermembrane receptor for glucose 6-phosphate

82 Transport of hexose phosphates, transport protein

36 gurA; P-D-glucuronidase (EC Regulatory gene26 uvm, induction of mutations by UV; error-prone repair

26 uvm; inducible mutagenesis; error-prone repair

See atp56 Uracil-DNA-glycosylase54 uraP; uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (EC Efficiency of nonsense suppressors11 UDP-glucose hydrolase (F'-nucleotidase)21 Precise excision of insertion elements92 dar; repair of UV damage to DNA; excision nuclease18 dar-1,6; DNA repair; excision nuclease42 dar-4,5; repair of UV damage to DNA; excision nuclease

86 dar-2, dda, mutU, pdeB, recL, uvrE, uvrSO2; DNA-dependent ATPase I and DNA helicase II

68 Altronate hydrolase (EC Altronate oxidoreductase (EC Uronate isomerase (EC Mannonate hydrolase (EC Mannonate oxidoreductase (EC

A, 488

B, 340, 605, 1200

C, 558, 559, 1186A, B, C, 217, 218

A, B, C, 67A, B, C, 587

A, B, C, 587A, CAAAA


A, B, C, 375



A, CA, 14, 15A, 828, 977, 978C, 828, 977, 978

828, 977, 978828, 977, 978

352, 543, 993, 1172352, 1172A, B, C, 352, 543, 993,

1172A, B, C

A, B, C, 352, 543, 993,1172

A, B, C, 107, 527A, B, C, 105, 107, 108B, 137, 259, 305, 570,

706, 843, 1005C, 259, 305, 570, 706,

843, 1005

B, 1142A, B, 476B, 941A, B, C, 155476A, B, C, 496A, B, C, 26, 47, 1072A, C, 338, 339, 956, 991,

992, 1140A, B, C, 14, 33, 297,

326, 327, 459, 603,1083, 1198

A, B, CA, B, 103, 104, 490, 711A, B, C, 102, 710, 711A, B, C, 106, 347A, B, C, 106, 347

Continued on following page


Page 34: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 1-Continued

Gene Mapsymbol Mnemonic position Alternate gene symbols; phenotypic trait affected' Reference(s)csymbol ~~~~~~~~(min)a

uxuR 98 Regulatory gene for uxuBA operon B, CvalS Valine 97 val-act; valyl-tRNA synthetase (EC A, B, C, 443, 451, 452,

1015valT Valine 17 Valine tRNA 1 B, C, 587, 1211valU 52 Valine tRNA 1 (tandemly triplicated gene) 587, DvalV 37 Valine tRNA 2B 587valW 37 Valine tRNA 2A 587weeA 67 Cell elongation 265xapA 52 pndA; xanthosine phosphorylase C, 582xapR 52 pndR; regulatory gene C, 582xthA 38 Exonuclease III A, B, CxseA 54 Exonuclease VII, large subunit B, 187, 1131xseB 10 Exonuclease VII, small subunit 1131, 1132xylA Xylose 80 D-Xylose isomerase (EC A, C, 132, 610, 923, 970xylB Xylose 80 Xylulokinase (EC A, C, 132, 923xylE Xylose 91 Xylose-proton symport 255, 256, 344, 609xylF Xylose 80 xylT; xylose binding protein transport system 256, 610, 923xylR Xylose 80 Regulatory gene A, C, 923zwf Zwischenferment 41 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC A

a Numbers refer to the time scale shown in Fig. 1. Parentheses indicate approximate map locations.bAbbreviations: CoA, coenzyme A; DCCD, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide; NEM, N-ethylmaleimide.c Numbers refer to Literature Cited. Letters refer to: (A) literature cited in Table 2 of reference 46; (B) literature cited in Table 1 of reference 45; (C) literature

cited in Table 1 of reference 43; and personal communications from (D) Y. Brun, (E) K. Burton, (F) D. Clark, (G) J. Coleman, (H) S. Ferro-Novick, J. Sands,and J. Beckwith, (I) J. Gowrishankar, (J) B. G. Hall, (K) K. Hantke, (L) C. W. Hill, (M) P. Kuempel, (N) I. G. Old, (0) D. B. Oliver, (P) D. Oxender, (Q) R.Plapp, (R) P. Rabinovich, (S) J. M. Smith, (T) M. Volkert, (U) B. Wanner, (V) R. Webster, and (W) B. Weiss

TABLE 2. Alternate gene symbolsAlternate symbol Symbol in Table 1 Alternate symbol Symbol in Table 1

acrB..........................gyrB bisA... chlAade....... pur bisB... chlEadtha....... purD bisD... narGadthb....... purG blu... pgl, pgm, malPaidA....... alkA brnP... ilvHaidD....... alkB cap... car, crpala-act....... alaS capR... lonald........fba car... ptsGalnA....... dadB cat... ptsGalnR....... dadQ cbr... fepalt....... rpoD cbt... fepamk....... nek cer... btuBampA....... ampC cheC... flaAanth....... trpE cheD... tsrapk....... lysC cheM... tararg + ura....... car cheX... cheRaroR....... aroT chIC... narG, narHasp....... ppc chlG... narGaspB....... gltB chlI... narIasuC....... hisT cim... tolAasuD....... lysS cmlB... ompFata....... attP22 cmt... tolMatt82, att434....... att'y coa... ompFazi....... secA colEI-i... tolCbfe....... btuB con... ompA, rfabglY....... osmZ cop... hetbioR....... birA Cou... gyrBbirB (bir)....... bioP cqsA... rrnA

Continued on following page

VOL. 54, 1990 163

Page 35: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 2-ContinuedAlternate symbol Symbol in Table 1 Alternate symbol Symbol in Table 1

mtcA.... acrA

mtcB.... toiC

muc....I on

mutD.... dnaQmutR.... mutH

mutU.... uvrD

nalA.... gyrA

nalC,D.... gyrB

nam.... pncA

ncf.... hemB

neaA.... rpsQ

nic.... nad

nirA.... fnr

nirR.... fnr

nitA.... rho

nitB.... rpoB

nmpA.... pst, phoS,T

nmpB.... phoR

ntrA.... rpoN

ntrB.... glnL

ntrC.... gInG

nucR.... deoR

nupA.... tsx

nusE.... rpsJ

old.... fad

ole.... fadR

ompB.... envZ, ompR

ompE.... phoE

osrA.... proU

par.... ompC

paxA.... dcd

pbpA.... mrdA

pbpB.... ftsIpbpF.... mrcB

pcbA.... gyrB

pdeB.... uvrD

pdeC.... ligpdxC.... serC

pdxF.... serC

pdzA.... rplT

pea.... secA

pel.... manY

perA.... envZ

pfv.... dacA


phe-act.... pheS

phoS.... pstS

phoT.... pstA,B,phoU

phoW.... pstC

phs.... rpoA

phx.... rfa

pil.... fim

plsA.... adk

PMG.... mglpmi.... manA

pndA.... xapA

pndR.... xapR

poaA.... putA

poh.... oriC

polC.... dnaE

pon.... lpcB, mrc

popA.... hemH

popB.... hemF

popE.... hemC

prd.... fuc

prv.... mutH

psiB.... ugpA,BpsiC.... ugpA,B

psiD.... phnD

psuA............... rhoptsF............... fruAptsL ............... manXptsM............... manX, Y,ZptsN............... nagEptsP............... manYptsX............... manX, Y,Zpup ............... deoDpyrA............... carrad............... uvrDradB............... recNramA............... rpsDramB............... rimGRC............... relrecL............... uvrDref............... tolCrefI............... cetrelC............... rplKres ............... rimFresA............... polArglA............... mcrArglB............... mcrBrif................rpoBrimA............... rpmHrm............... hsdrnsA............... rnarnsC............... rhorodA............... mrdBrodY............... envBron............... rpoBrorA ............... recBrpx............... rpsrpy............... rplrpz............... rpmsbcA............... racsbl............... srlsdrA............... rnhsec............... hemFsecC............... rpsOsecY............... prIAAeg ...............arcAep ..................................................ftsl

sez............... rpoAsfiA ............... sulAsfiB ...............ftsZsfrA............... arcAsfrB............... rfaHsin............... rnhskp............... hlpAsof............... dutsom................ rbspcA............... rpsEspr............... lexAssd............... ecfBssyF............... rpsAssyG............... infBstc............... micFstl............... rpoBstrA............... rpsLstsB............... rimHstv............... rpoBSu,su................... supsu ............... lysTsud2..-......................--......-..................rpsDsueB............... prfAsufD............... glyUsulB ............... ftsZsumA............... glyTsumB............... glyU

Continued on following page


Page 36: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t


TABLE 2-ContinuedAlternate symbol Symbol in Table 1 _Altematesymbol Symbol in Table 1

cqsB...... rrnC

cqsD...... rrnDCR...... ptsG

cru...... nupC

cry...... ompR, ompF

csm...... crp

ctr...... ptsH, ptsl

cur...... osmZ

cxr...... cxm

cybA...... sdhC

dagA...... cycA

dap + hom...... asd

dar...... uvr

dasC...... rep?

dasF...... rnh

dda...... uvrD

deg...... londhbB...... bioR

dhl...... lpddir......ion

divA...... ftsA

divE...... serT

dnaF...... nrdA

dnaL...... ligdnaS...... dut

dnaW...... adk

dnaY...... argU

dra...... deoC

drm...... deoB

dye...... arcA

eps...... rpsE

eryA...... rplDeryB...... rplVeup...... ecfB

exbA...... tonB

excC...... tolA

exrA...... lexA

exrB...... ssbfabC...... fabB

fam...... rpoH

far...... fusA

fda...... fibafdhA...... selA, selBfdhB...... selDfdhC...... selCfdp...... fbpfeuA...... cir

feuB...... fep

fexA...... arcA

fii......toQ toiR

fipA...... trxA

fit...... infC

fla...... flg,flh, fliflaJ...... motA, motB

flaF...... fliC

flb...... flg,flh, fliflrA...... ileR?

fpk...... fruK

fpr...... fruF

frdB...... fnr

ftsB...... nrdB

gad...... gap

glmD...... nagB

glnF...... rpoN

gltC...... gitSo

glu...... ppcglut...... gItA

gly-act...... glySglyD...... gpt

gpp....... gptgpt........ptsGgptB....... manX,ZgroE....... mopgroN....... rpoBgroP....... dnaB, dnaJ, dnaKgrpA....... dnaBgrpC....... dnaJ, dnaKgrpF....... dnaKgts....... qmeAgurA....... uidAgut....... srlgxu....... gptH .......fliChag* . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ........fliChdh....... mopherA....... rnhhid....... himAhimB....... gyrBhin....... rpoHhip....... himDHpr....... ptsHhrbA....... brnQhrbB,C,D....... livG,H,J,Khs....... hsdHs....... thrAhsm....... hsdMhsp....... hsdhsr....... hsdRhss....... hsdShtpR....... rpoHicl....... aceAile....... ilvAind....... tnaAins....... glyV, glyWK12....... rpsGkac....... kdpkdgA....... edakga....... edakim....... qinkmt....... ompBIcs....... asnSIdh....... dldleuK....... hisTleuX....... leuSo, leuSplexB....... recAlexC....... ssblir....... acrAIky....... tolBlop....... ligAloxB....... attPl ,P7Ips........rfaIss....... livRIstR....... livRIys + met....... sucA, sucBIysP....... cadRmas....... aceBMb....... acrAmbl....... acrAmec....... dcmmeoA....... ompCmlpA....... Ippmni....... manCmolA....... malMmon....... envBmotD....... fliNmpt....... manX,Zmra....... murFmsp....... arcA

(.'fn7zn.u,p7 nn t-llnwinP na-eeI

165VOL. 54, 1990

Page 37: Linkage Map of Escherichia coli K-12, Edition 8t

TABLE 2-Continued

Alternate symbol Symbol in Table 1 Alternate symbol Symbol in Table 1

sun .............. rho tpp... deoAsUPs20..*-------..--- * - *-...............rpsT tre... TersupK.............. prfB trkB... kefBTlrec.............. tonB trkC... kefCTi, T5rec ..h....uA trpP... aroTT6rec.............. tsx try... trptabB.............. mop tryp... trptabD .............. rpoB, rpoC ts-9... rtstalA .............. alaT tsl... lexAtalD.............. alaU tsnC... trxAtasC.............. aspT tsu... rhotfrA.............. IpcA tss... asnStgl.............. ptsG ttr... fadLtgs.............. crr? tut... ompAtgtB .............. gltT uar... prfAtgtC...............gltU umg....ptsGtgtE.............. gltV umuA... lexAthdB.............. fadR umuB... recAthyR.............. deoB, deoC unc... atptif.............. recA uraP... upptmr.............. fol usgA... gntTtolF.............. ompF uvm... umutolG.............. ompA uvrF... recFtolP.............. tolQ val-act... valStonA ......fhuA vtr... fabFTP.............. deoA xonA... sbcBtpo.............. envZ zab... recA

although the relative positions of some genes have beendetermined precisely.


This work was supported by National Science Foundation grantBSR-8807021. This support is gratefully acknowledged.

I thank all of the investigators, too numerous to list, whocontributed to this review by sending reprints or manuscripts, byanswering my questions, and by helping to resolve conflicts in thenomenclature. I am particularly grateful to those whose names are

listed in the footnote to Table 1 for sending unpublished data whichhelped to make the map more accurate and complete. Thanks are

due to Judi Ratte for typing the manuscript and to Sharon Schmiedelfor making the map drawing.


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